Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 741-803

Pages 244-268

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1987.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 741-803

SURREY. Inquisition. Reigate. 8 Jan. 1403.
He held by the courtesy of England after the death of Elizabeth his wife 2 tenements called Woodplace and Boxers in Coulsdon, of the abbot of Chertsey, service unknown, annual values 40s. and 26s.8d.
He also held in his demesne as of fee:
Chipstead, the manor in Chipstead, Merstham and Nutfield, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 10 marks.
Chipstead and Woodmansterne, 1 tenement called Eyehurst, of the manor of Woodmansterne, service unknown, annual value 53s.4d.
Coulsdon and Waddington, 1 tenement called Kenley, of the abbot of Chertsey, service unknown, annual value 33s.4d.
Merstham, part of a grove containing about 1/2 a., of the prior of Canterbury, annual value nil because large timber.
He died on 1 Nov. Joan his daughter and heir is aged 26 years and more.
Writ, melius sciri, as to the heirs of Elizabeth his wife. 17 Feb. 1404.
SURREY. Inquisition. Leatherhead. 12 March.
Joan wife of John Norton esquire, daughter of Hugh Quecche and Elizabeth, is her heir and aged 28 years and more.
Writ 11 Dec. 1402.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Steyning. 29 Dec.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Steyning, a tenement called ‘Gervayses’ and 3 virgates, of the honour of the castle of Bramber by knight service, in the king’s hands owing to the minority of Thomas Mowbray, annual value 26s.8d.; 3 virgates once of Thomas Testard, of the same honour by knight service, annual value nil; certain lands and tenements once of Ralph atte Berne, of the same honour by knight service, annual value 6s.8d.; 1 a. formerly of Robert Bokyngham, of the same honour by a rent of 18d. at Michaelmas payable at the manor of King’s Barn, annual value beyond that nil; and 1 tenement and 5 virgates called Nash formerly of William atte Watere, of the abbot of Fécamp of his manor of Steyning by knight service. The manor is in the king’s hands during the war, and from this holding Juliana widow of William atte Watere has 13 marks for life, annual value beyond this nil.
Wyckham, certain lands formerly of Agnes Pikard, jointly with Richard Bokyngham of the honour of Bramber by knight service, annual value 2s.
Chailey, lands, of William Heron, knight, lord Say, of his manor of Streat, service unknown, annual value 20s.
Bolney, a tenement called ‘Bolkes’, of whom held and by what service is unknown; annual value 13s.4d.
Hickstead, 3 1/2 a. meadow, of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England of his manor of Saddlescombe, service unknown, annual value 3s.4d.
Ovingdean, 53s.4d. assize rents, of whom held and by what service is unknown.
In fee tail he held a tenement and 120 a. called Pickwell in Cuckfield of the manor of Hurstpierpoint by knight service, annual value 40s.
Date of death and heir, aged 25 years and more, as above.
C 137/35, no. 25
E 149/82, no. 3
Writ 3 July 1403.
DEVON. Inquisition. Buckfastleigh. 25 Sept.
Owing to the idiocy of Clarice daughter and heir of Walter Bouker half a messuage and half a ferling in Dean Prior were in the hands of Richard II and of the king. With the other halves they are held of the prior of Plympton of his manor of Dean Prior by a rent of 3s.10d., annual value of the halves 12d.
She died on 8 April without heirs of her body. William Tolchet is her nephew and heir, being the son of Margaret her sister, and aged 40 years and more.
C 137/35, no. 26
Writ 2 Jan. 1403.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 29 Jan.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Seaton Delaval, Callerton and North Dissington, two parts of the manors, and two parts of a quarter of the manor of Hartley, and a quarter of the same manor in service [sic], of the king in chief by homage, fealty, suit of the county court every six weeks. and by 1 1/6 knight’s fees and other services, annual value of the two parts £22 and no more these days because of destruction by the Scots; and also the reversion of the remaining third part of the first three manors and of a quarter of Hartley, which Joan widow of Henry de la Vale, knight, holds in dower.
Holywell, two parts of a messuage and 12 a., of the barony of Bywell by suit of court thrice annually and other services, annual value 16d.; and the reversion of the third part which Joan holds in dower.
Seaton, fealty, suit of court, mill and 26s.8d. rent from the lands of Stephen le Scrop, knight, William de Vescy and William de Halywell in Holywell, of the same barony, annual value 28s.
Joan widow of Henry de la Vale also holds for life the manors of Dukesfield and Branton, a rent of 8 marks from the manor of Branton, and half the manor of Biddlestone by a fine of 1372 [CP 25(1) 181/13, no. 154], with remainder after her death to William de Whitchestre, son and heir of Alice, annual value £15 and no more because of destruction by the Scots. They are held of others than the king, but of whom is unknown.
She died on 26 Dec. last. William Whitchestre her son and heir is aged 30 years and more.
Writ 2 Jan. 1403.
NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE. Inquisition. 26 April.
She held in her demesne as of fee two parts of 16s. rent from a tenement of the prior of Tynemouth in Newcastle. Richard Goldesburgh, knight, and Joan his wife held the third part in right of the dower of Joan, with reversion to Alice. It is a quitrent held of no one.
Date of death and heir as above.
C 137/35, no. 27
Writ 1 Aug. 1403.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Luton. 20 Aug.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief a third part of the manor of Luton with the hundred of Flitt and the leet there, the third part of the manor as a third part of half a knight’s fee, the hundred and leet by a rent of 60s. payable by the sheriff at Midsummer, annual value £43.
He also held in Luton 1 horse-mill and 1 garden of Hugh de Stoppusley by a rent of 2s., annual value 13s.4d.; 1 cottage of John Roulond and William Asshe by a rent of 14d. and 2 boon works in the autumn, annual value 3s.4d.; and 2 a. and 1 rood of meadow of John Waleys by a rent of 3s., annual value 3s.4d.
He died on 21 July last. John Cressy, senior, is next heir, being the son of Maud, daughter of Joan, daughter of Hugh, father of Henry his father, and aged 24 years and more.
Writ to assign dower to Petronilla his widow. 17 Sept. 1403.
Exchequer writ, ordering the escheator to make a full extent of the third part of the manor and of the hundred, as in the above, and to have it before the barons of the exchequer on the quindene of Martinmas next, with the above inquisition, now in the escheator’s bag of particulars in the keeping of the king’s remembrancer. 26 Oct. 1403.
[Cf. View of account of the escheator, E 368/176, mm.265–6].
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Luton. 12 Nov. 1403.
He held a third part of the manor of Luton, annual value £28, comprising assize rents at Easter and Michaelmas £12 16s.8d., demesne land and mill at the four terms £13 13s.4d. and perquisites of court 30s.
The hundred of Flitt with the leets and profits of the hundred is worth £15 yearly, comprising rent of the hundred called ‘Wauheselver’ at Martinmas 14s.5d., rent called ‘Deseneselver’ at Easter 43s.4d., ‘Shirefshot’ at Candlemas and Midsummer £6 8d., and perquisites of court £6 1s.7d.
Writ, melius sciri, as to his status in the mill, garden, etc. mentioned in the above inquisition [no. 747]. 12 March 1404.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Luton. 4 April.
The horse-mill, cottage etc., are all held in his demesne as of fee.
Writ 1 Aug. 1403.
He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service the manor of Quatt, annual value £9.
Long before he died he enfeoffed Roger Hay and Hugh Carpenter, clerks, Richard Crateford, chaplain, now deceased, and Richard Leghton in fee simple in the manor of Chelmarsh and other holdings in Chelmarsh and the hamlets of Lye Hall, Bromlow, Meadow Town, and Medlicott. Crateford and Leghton released them to Hay and Carpenter who still hold.
Date of death and heir as above [no. 747].
Writ 1 Aug. 1403.
He held in Magor in the March in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown, 1 messuage, 1 dovecot, 6 1/2 a. arable, 6 a. pasture and 5 marks rent from various tenants, annual value nil because burnt and wasted by Owen de Glyndourdy and other traitors in his company, but they were worth £4 yearly.
He died on 21 July. Edmund Rodeberegh, his next heir, is aged 38 years and more.
Writ, plenius certiorari, as to how Edmund Redebergh is heir. 12 Oct. 1403.
Edmund Rodebergh is the heir and full age, but how he is heir is completely unknown.
C 137/35, no. 28
E 149/81, no. 1
Writ 15 May 1403.
HEREFORD. Inquisition. Hereford. 22 Sept.
John Couley and Richard Ruydyng, chaplains, by their charter by licence of Richard II [CPR 1388–92, p.128] granted 1 manor of 6 1/2 virgates in Aylton with the advowson of the chapel to Robert Broye and Christina his wife for their lives, with successive remainders to John Warde, Isabel his wife and the heirs of the body of Isabel, and Thomas Walleweyn son of Richard Walleweyn, his heirs and assigns. So she held it in fee tail of the king by the serjeanty of following at her own costs in his army in Herefordshire whenever he comes there, and outside the county at the king’s costs of 12d. a day, and by 24s. rent; annual value 66s.8d.
She died on 9 May. Isabel wife of John Warde, her daughter and heir, is aged 40 years and more.
C 137/36, no. 29
E 149/81, no. 9
Writ 24 Jan. 1403.
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Blythburgh. 19 April.
He held the manor of Uggeshall with the advowson to himself and the heirs male of his body by the grant of William Joce of Helmingham and William del Hill, formerly parson of Sotterley, with remainder failing such heirs to Walter de Soterle and the heirs male of his body. It is held of Thomas Earl Marshal, who is in the king’s ward, of Framlingham castle by the service of 4 knight’s fees; annual value 20 marks.
He died on 6 July 1402 without male or other heirs. It should remain to Walter Soterle, who is aged 40 years and more.
C 137/36, no. 30
E 149/81, no. 13
Writ 12 Feb. 1403.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Chipping Warden. 12 March.
No lands came into the hands of Richard II by the death of John de Felton, knight, father of John de Felton, or on account of the minority of the latter, nor are any so held. John de Felton the father long before his death, by his charter shown to the jurors, enfeoffed William Hatleseye, Richard Elyngham, John Goodeman and Richard Mersk, chaplains, in the manor of Hinton by Woodford. They granted it by charter to William de Hylton, lord of Hilton, Thomas Heryngton, John Stotesbury, John Faukener of Byfield and Peter Mersk, parson of Kildale, their heirs and assigns. It is held of the earl of Stafford by knight service, amount unknown, annual value 100s.
John de Felton the son died on 31 Jan. John son and heir of Walter Faucomberge, knight, and Joan late his wife, sister of John de Felton the father, is heir and aged 30 years and more.
Writ 12 Feb. 1403.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 26 March.
John de Felton, junior, held two parts of the manor of Edlingham to himself and the heirs of his body by a fine of 1315–16 [CP 25(1) 285/30, no. 125), by which William de Felton recognised the right of Robert de Felton, and Robert granted the manor to William for life with remainder to William son of William and the heirs of his body. There is a castle, annual value nil. In the two parts are 132 a. by the short hundred, 80 a. meadow and two parts of a watermill. They are worth 40s. yearly and no more because of destruction by the Scots. The manor is held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, of his barony of Beanley by the rent of one unmewed sparrowhawk, or 6d. at Midsummer.
He also held two parts of Lemmington Hall, 1 shieling called Rughley, 2 parts of 7 husbandlands and 8 cottages, 1 tenement in Newton, certain lands and tenements in Lemmington, and two parts of 7s.6d. rent in Bolton, annual value 40d., but of whom they are held is unknown.
He held in his demesne in fee tail:
Black Heddon, two parts of the manor, of Ralph de Nevyl, earl of Westmorland, of his barony of Bywell by knight service, annual value £4.
South Dotland, two parts of the manor, of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, of the barony of Prudhoe by knight service, annual value 2s. and no more because of destruction by the Scots.
Steel in Redesdale, two parts of a place so-called, of the manor of Otterburn by the service of 1 grain of pepper at Christmas; and two parts of certain lands and tenements in Thirston of the barony of Mitford by a rent of 18d., annual value 13s.4d.
Nafferton and Nafferton Hall, two parts of lands there, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £4.
He died on 31 Jan. Elizabeth daughter of John Felton and wife of Edmund Hastynges, knight, is the heir of John the son by virtue of the grant to William de Felton, father of John, knight, and his heirs, she being the daughter of John, knight, son of William, to whom the grant in fee tail was made.
Writ, melius sciri, as it was not stated of whom certain lands are held and how Elizabeth is heir. 9 April 1403.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 25 April.
The shieling called Rughley is held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, of his barony of Vescy in socage; two parts of 7 husbandlands and 8 cottages, 1 tenement in Newton and the lands in Lemmington of the same Henry Percy in socage as hamlets of Edlingham; the two parts of Lemmington Hall of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England in socage; two parts of 7s.6d. rent in Bolton of the hospital of St. Thomas of Bolton in socage; and the place called Steel in Redesdale of Henry Percy the son in right of Gilbert Umfravyle, who is in the king’s ward, of the manor of Otterburn by the service of 1 grain of pepper.
Elizabeth, daughter of John de Felton, knight, is the sister and heir of John the son, and heir of John de Felton, and holds by right of the gift of William de Felton to William the father of John de Felton, knight. She is aged 23 years and more.
C 137/36, no. 31
E 152/384, nos.1, 2
Writ 20 June 1403.
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Otley. 28 June.
William Bardolf, knight, lord of Wormegay, by his charter of 1380–81 granted to John Clay, clerk, the manor of King’s Hall in Clopton with the advowson of Debach for life, with reversion to himself and his heirs, and the tenants attorned. William Bardolf died. John Clay assigned to Agnes widow of William Bardolf half the manor in dower, as it is of such tenure that widows should have half in dower by custom from time out of mind. So John Clay held half the manor with the advowson of Debach, and the reversion of the other half. After his death they belong to Thomas Bardolf, knight, son of William Bardolf. The half with the reversion is worth 66s.8d. annually, the advowson nothing. The whole manor and the advowson are held of the king in chief as a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Thomas Bardolf is aged 30 years and more. John Clay died on 22 April last. Thomas his brother and next heir was aged 40 years and more when John died.
C 137/36, no. 32
E 152/388, no. 2
Writ 27 March 1403.
DORSET. Inquisition. Dorchester. 23 April.
He held:
Langton Matravers in Purbeck, the manor, of John Fauntleroy and Joan his wife by a fine of 1398 [CP 25(1) 51/52, no. 124] by which they granted it to John Filoll for life, with remainder to William Filoll and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies, to hold of John and Joan Fauntleroy and the heirs of Joan, by the rent of a rose, with reversion failing such heirs to William and Joan Filoll to John and Joan and the heirs of Joan Fauntleroy; annual value £10.
Stockley in Bere Regis, 2 virgates, jointly with Alice his wife, who survives, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his right heirs, of Robert Turbervylle, knight, by the service of a pair of spurs, price 6d.; annual value 26s.8d.
Southcombe, Winterborne Muston, Winterborne Zelston, Mapperton and Morden, £24 rent from the manors, which are held by William Filoll and Joan his wife and the heirs of their bodies in fee tail.
He died on 12 March last. William his son and heir is aged 23 years and more.
C 137/36, no. 33
Writ 16 July 1403.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Brackley. 4 Aug.
He held a third part of the manor of Aynho in the dower of Eleanor his wife from her former husband John Darundell. It is held of the heirs of Humphrey de Bohun, earl of Essex, by knight service, annual value £10.
He died on 6 July last. Reynold his son and heir was 21 on 11 Nov. last.
The exchequer copy [E 149/81, no. 10], originally dated 27 Sept., has the date and other details changed to agree with the above. Only the names of the jurors remain different.
Writ 16 July 1403.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. Hitchin. 25 Sept.
He held nothing in the county.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 16 July 1403.
CALAIS. Inquisition. 7 Aug.
He held in hs demesne as of fee of the king in chief a house in the parish of St. Nicholas on a corner beside the road to the castle, by the service of providing two watchmen for the defence of the town, annual value 4 marks.
Date of death and heir, aged 21, as above.
Writ 16 July 1403.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Salisbury. 4 Aug.
He held the manor of Langley Burrell of the duchy of Lancaster in his demesne as of fee of the manor of Trowbridge by knight service, annual value £20.
In right of Eleanor his wife who survives him he held:
Sherrington and Codford, the manors, and half the manors of Elston and Stapleford, of the king in chief by knight service.
Boyton, Corton, Winterbourne Stoke and Coate, the manors with the advowson of Boyton, of the earl of Salisbury by knight service, amount unknown.
Hill Deverill, the manor, of the earl of March by knight service.
Great Somerford, the manor and advowson, of the heir of Lord Tiptoft by knight service.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 16 July 1403.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Horsham. 19 Sept.
He held 19s.4 1/4d. rent in Hartfield of the bishop of Winchester of his manor of Withyham called Monken Court by a rent of 12d.; and 4s. fee farm from a tenement called Plawhatch in East Grinstead.
In right of Eleanor his wife, as dower of John de Arundell, knight, her former husband he held:
Old Shoreham, a third part of the manor, of Lord Moubray of the honour of Bramber by knight service, amount and annual value unknown.
Cudlow and Chancton, a third part of the manors, of the earl of Arundel, service and annual value unknown.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 16 July 1403.
SOMERSET. Inquisition. Yeovil. 31 July.
He held in right of Eleanor his wife the manors of Cucklington and Stoke Trister with the advowsons, and the office of chief forester of Selwood, of the king in chief by knight service; annual values Cucklington £10, Stoke Trister £10, office of chief forester 10s.
Also in right of the inheritance of Eleanor he held the manor of Hendford and 57s. rent in Yeovil of the heir of the earl of March, who is in the king’s ward, of the honour of Gloucester by knight service, annual value of the manor £20.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 16 July 1403.
DORSET. Inquisition. Sturminster Marshall. 26 July.
He held by the right of inheritance of his wife Eleanor, who survives him:
Morden, the manor, of the king in chief by a rent of 8s. payable by the sheriff, annual value 10 marks.
Witchampton, the manor, of the heir of the earl of March, in the king’s ward, by knight service, annual value £10.
Lytchett Matravers, the manor, of the heir of the same earl by knight service, annual value 10 marks.
Philipston, the manor, of the abbess of Wilton by a rent of 25 quarters of salt, annual value £4.
Langton Matravers, the manor, of the heir of the earl of Salisbury, in the king’s ward, by petty serjeanty, annual value 10 marks.
Wimborne St. Giles, the manor, of the heir of the earl of March by knight service, annual value 53s.4d.
Worth Matravers, the manor, of the earl of Hereford by knight service, annual value £10.
Frome Whitfield, the manor, of the same earl by knight service, annual value 20 marks.
Loders, the manor, of the abbot of Forde by knight service, annual value 100s.
Wootton Fitzpaine in Marshwood, the manor, of the heir of Henry Lourty by knight service, annual value £10.
Eggardon, Woolcombe and West Moors, 2 carucates, 40 a. meadow, 100 a. pasture and 10 a. wood, of the abbot of Forde by knight service, annual value 5 marks.
Winterborne St. Martin, 1/2 toft, 60 a. arable and 20 a. pasture, of Roger Saymour, kinsman and heir of Bello Campo [sic], by knight service, annual value 10s.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 16 July 1403.
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition. Tetbury. 3 Sept.
He held:
Stonehouse, the manor, in right of his wife Eleanor who survives, of the bishop of Winchester, service unknown, annual value £30.
Minchinhampton, 1 toft, 1 dovecote, 1 carucate, 12 a. meadow and 100s. rent, of Hugh Waterton, knight, and Katherine his wife of their manor of Minchinhampton by the service of 43s.3 1/2d., suit of court every three weeks and other customs, annual value nil beyond the rent.
Shurdington, 1 messuage, 1 virgate and 100s. rent, of Thomas Lord Furnivall and Ankaret his wife by a rent of 6d., annual value £4.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 16 July 1403.
KENT. Inquisition. Rochester. 16 Aug.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Aldington by Maidstone, the manor, of the king of the castle of Rochester by a rent of 14s. for the guard of the castle payable on St. Andrew’s day, annual value 60s.
Hever, a tenement so-called, in gavelkind of the archbishop of Canterbury of his manor of Bexley, the abbot of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury, of his manor of Plumstead, Elizabeth lady le Despenser and John Chaloner, service unknown, annual value 12d.
Hulberry, the manor, with the advowson of Lullingstone, of the prior of Leeds of his manor of Leeds by suit of court there at Michaelmas, annual value 40s.
East Shelve and Boardfield, the manor, part of the king of the castle of Dover by the service of 3s.4d. every 24 weeks for the guard of the castle, annual value 40s.; the rest of the abbot of Faversham, John Champeyne and others in gavelkind, for various unknown services, annual value £8.
Westwell, a tenement so-called in Westwell, of Thomas Swynbourn, knight, in gavelkind of his manor of Boughton Aluph, and of others whose names and the services are unknown, annual value 40s.
Westerham, a tenement called ‘La Serne’, in gavelkind of the abbot of Westminster of this manor, service unknown; from it the prior and convent of Tonbridge take 2s., and the heirs of Roger Leukenore 14s.; annual value beyond these rents 20s.
Austin, the manor, in gavelkind of the archbishop of Canterbury, lord la Zouche, William son of Nicholas Oryel, knight, of his castle of Eynsford, Alan Seintjoust of his castle of Lullingstone, and others whose names and the services are unknown, annual value 66s.8d.
Chiddingstone, the manor, in gavelkind of the archbishop of Canterbury, John de Frenyngham, John Chaloner, Philip Sencler, knight, and Margaret his wife in right of Margaret, as of their manor of Penshurst, and of others whose names and the services are unknown, annual value 100s.
Bowzell, the manor, in gavelkind of the archbishop of Canterbury, John de Frenyngham, George Modell, Reynold de Pekham, and others whose names and the services are unknown, annual value 40s.
Sherenden, the manor, in gavelkind of Hugh de Bures of his manor of Halstead by a rent of 2s.6d. and 4 ploughshares yearly at various terms, annual value 100s.
Brookland, the manor, in gavelkind of the abbot of Westminster of his manor of Stangrove, service unknown, annual value 53s.4d.
Newage, Boardfield, Cooling, Cliffe, Stoke, Hoo, Bromley, Frindisbury, Wouldham, High Halstow, Newhythe and Hadlow, 1 messuage, 40 a., 20 a. meadow, 40 a. marsh and 100s. rent, of Lord Grey of Codnor, Reynold Braybrok, knight, and others whose names and the services are unknown, annual value £10.
Elmley, pasture in the isle, in gavelkind of Stephen le Scrop, knight, of his manor of Northwood Sheppey, service unknown. For this pasture and the manor of Sherenden 40 marks is owed yearly to the master and brothers of Magdalen College, Cobham, annual value nil beyond this rent.
Date of death and heir as above.
KENT. Inquisition. Canterbury. 13 Sept. 1403.
He held in fee tail the manor of West Cliffe by Dover by a grant of Edward III dated at Reading, 7 Feb. 1347 [CPR 1345–8, p.250].
On 28 April 1403 John Ungerham, chaplain, as attorney of Reynold son of Reynold, as ordered by Reynold’s writ, gave seisin of the manor to Thomas Guynes, attorney of Reynold Curteys and Margaret his wife, daughter of Reynold son of Reynold, in accordance with a charter of Reynold to them. This was done by virtue of a letter of attorney of Reynold Curteys and Margaret given to Thomas Guynes for receiving seisin, both letters to be publicly shown and read on the Saturday of the grant. But they were not then and there publicly shown and read; and John Saghere, then farmer of the manor, and Richard Litelbery, Robert atte Wode, John Norman and Eustace Lyon, tenants of the manor, were present at the time of the seisin, and they, after livery of seisin, were asked by the attorneys to place themselves from that time in all respects towards Reynold Curteys and Margaret as formerly they had been to Reynold son of Reynold, this in the name of the lord without any other attornment by the delivery of any money or other things, or any payment of rent or farm from that day to this.
They do not know whether this manner of seisin is full seisin, and seek the judgment of the king’s council.
The manor is held of the king in chief as one knight’s fee. There are the site with ruinous barn and other damaged buildings, annual value nil; 120 a. at 6d., 40s. [sic]; 305 a. pasture at 2 1/2d., £4 [sic]; £8 rent from various tenants at the four terms; and perquisites of court and view of frankpledge, worth nothing beyond the costs of the bailiff.
He also held other lands and tenements of the manor of Postling in right of Eleanor his wife in dower of her former husband, John Arundel, knight, with remainder to John, son and heir of John, son of John Arundel and Eleanor.
Date of death and heir as above.
SURREY. Inquisition. Reigate. 20 Sept. 1403.
He held:
Oxted, the manor, of the king in chief of the honour of Boulogne by knight service, annual value £20.
Starborough otherwise Prinkham, the manor with three messuages in Billeshurst, Haxted and Stonehurst, in fee tail of the abbot of Battle of his manor of Limpsfield by a rent of 63s.4d. and suit of court every three weeks. William atte Forde by a rent of 40d., John Haderesham by a rent of 2s., the heir of Ralph atte Helle by a rent of 12d., John Olyver by a rent of 10s., the abbot of Hyde by a rent of 28s.8d. and 1 lb. cumin at his manor of Felcourt, and of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by a rent of 2d; annual value of this manor and messuages £20.
Southwark, a house, in fee tail of the prior of Southwark, service unknown, annual value 20s.
He held in right of Eleanor his wife in dower from John de Arundell, knight, her former husband, a third part of each of the following manors:
Buckland, of lord le Despenser by knight service …
West Betchworth, of the same lord by knight service, annual value 13s.4d.
Walton on the Hill, of the earl of Stafford by a rent …
Bletchingley, … annual value £7.
Colley, of the earl of Arundel by knight service, annual value 13s.1d.
Date of death and heir as above.
C 137/36, no. 34
E 149/81, no. 10
E 152/391, no. 3
Writ. 5 Jan. 1403.
WORCESTER. Inquisition. Worcester. 18 Jan.
He held in his demesne in fee tail by a fine of Richard II [CP 25(1) 260/25, no. 47] the manors of Martley and Great Kyre by the grant of Thomas Belue and Hugh Manne to John de Herle, knight, and Elizabeth his wife, with successive remainders failing male heirs to Roger Mortemer, Maud his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and the right heirs of Elizabeth Herle. John and Elizabeth died without heirs, and Maud died. Roger therefore held them; Martley of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £20, comprising £18 in rents payable at the four feasts, and 1 carucate and 10 a. of demesne, annual value 40s.; Great Kyre of the barony of Burford, service unknown, annual value 20s.
He died on 13 Dec. last. John son and heir of Roger and Maud is aged 11 years and more.
C 137/36, no. 35
E 149/82, no. 5
Writ 4 May 1403.
LEICESTER. Inquisition. Leicester. 17 Sept.
Jointly with Margaret his wife, who survives him, he held 6 messuages, 2 carucates and 32 a. meadow in Snarestone and 15 a. meadow in Barrow on Soar by the grant of Hugh parson of Stretton on Fosse and William de Strethay to them and the heirs of the body of Roger, with remainder failing such heirs to John, son of Saer de Rochefort, knight, junior, and his heirs male. Snarestone is held of the heirs of John Charnels by the rent of a rose, annual value 40s.; Barrow on Soar of Thomas de Erdyngton, also by rent of a rose, annual value 18s.
He died without heirs of his body on 13 June 1400, and Margaret has taken the profits since his death.
John son of Saer, son of Joan, sister of Roger, and Elizabeth wife of John Russell, knight, daughter of Elizabeth, the other sister of Roger, are next heirs, John aged 40 years and more and Elizabeth 50 years and more.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Nuneaton. 15 Sept. 1403.
Jointly with Margaret his wife he held the manor and advowson of Stretton on Fosse, 5 messuages and 2 carucates in Warton, 20 a. arable, 6 a. meadow and 14s. rent in Erdington, 1 messuage, 2 a. arable and 2 a. meadow in Sutton Coldfield, 6s. rent in Witton, and 5s. rent in Aston by the grant of Hugh parson of Stretton on Fosse and William de Stretehay, as in last.
Stretton on Fosse manor and advowson are held of the earl of Warwick by a rent of 1d., annual value 60s.; Warton of the same by rent of a rose, annual value 20s.; Erdington of Lord Burnell by rent of 1d., annual value 22s.; Sutton Coldfield of the earl of Warwick by rent of 1d., annual value 20d.; the rent in Witton of Philip de Pirye by rent of a rose; and that in Aston of the heir of John de Buttourt by rent of 1d.
Margaret has held them and taken the profits since his death.
Date of death and heirs as above.
Writ 4 May 1403.
STAFFORD. Inquisition. Wolverhampton. 13 Sept.
He held of the king in chief in grand serjeanty 1 messuage, 8 a., 14 a. meadow, 4 a. pasture, 4 a. wood, 3s.4d. rent and the office of keeper of the enclosure of Ashwood in Kingswinford, by the service of finding a man to keep the enclosure, by the gift of John de Sutton, formerly lord of Dudley, to him and his heirs by Margaret his wife, with reversion failing such heirs to John de Sutton and his heirs.
He died without such heirs. John de Sutton is dead, and John de Sutton, knight, son of John de Sutton, knight, his son, is heir and aged 24 years and more. Thomas Yonge has held since his death and taken the profits, annual value 3s.2d.
He held jointly with Margaret his wife, by the grant by their indented charter shown to the jurors of Hugh, sometime parson of Stretton on Fosse, and William de Strethay to them and the heirs of Roger, with remainder failing such heirs to John son of Saer de Rochefort, knight, junior, and the heirs of his body:
Rushall, 1 carucate and 10 a. meadow, of John Grubber by a rent of 1d., annual value 18s.
Bescot, the manor; Bloxwich, 1 messuage, 2 carucates, 20 a. meadow, 4 a. wood and 20 a. pasture; Goscote, 20s. rent from various free tenants payable at Michaelmas and Lady Day; Shelfield, 1 messuage, 1 carucate, 20 a. meadow, 3 a. wood, 20 a. pasture and 10s. rent from free tenants; all of the earl of Warwick as of his manor of Walsall by a rent of 2d., annual value 10 marks.
Aldridge, the manor, of the heir of Robert de Stapilton by a rent of 3s.4d. at Michaelmas, annual value 60s.
Great Barr, 1 messuage, 1 carucate, 10 a. meadow and 22 a. wood, of the same heir by a rent of 11s., annual value 10s.
Perry Barr and Hamstead, 1 messuage, 1/2 carucate, 10 a. meadow, 4 a. wood, 10 a. pasture and 20s. rent from free tenants, of the heir of Philip de Pirie by a rent of 1d., annual value 40s.
West Bromwich, 2 messuages, 20 a., 3 a. meadow, 2 a. pasture and 10s. rent, of the heir of Eleanor de Alrewas by a rent of 5s., annual value 20s.; and 1 messuage, 12 a. arable and 2 a. meadow, of the heir of John Devros, by a rent of 12d., annual value 6s.8d.
Essington, 1 messuage, 2 carucates, 10 a. meadow, 10 a., pasture and 10 a. wood, of John de Sutton of the barony of Dudley by rent of a rose, annual value 40s.
White Sich, 1 messuage and 1 carucate, of the dean of Wolverhampton by rent of a rose, annual value 20s.
Fisherwick, the manor, of the bishop of Chester by knight service, annual value 60s.
Wednesbury, 6 messuages, 1 watermill, 3 carucates, 10 a. meadow and 10s. rent, of John de Harnevill, by a rent of 1d., annual value 60s.
Seisdon, Upper Penn, Trysull and Wombourne, 1 messuage and 20s. rent from various tenants, of John de Sutton of the barony of Dudley by a white rose, annual value 20s.6d.
Huntington, 1 cottage, of the heir of Henry de Pilatenhale by a rose, annual value 12d.
Tipton, 9s. rent from free tenants, of Lord Burnell by a rose, annual value 9s.
Perry Barr, 1 virgate, of the heir of Richard de Barre by 1 grain of cumin (?), annual value 9s.
Handsworth, 10 a., of the heir of John Buttort, by rent of 1d., annual value 40d.
Bentley, 1 carucate, of the heir of John Bentilegh by a rose, annual value 20s.
Cannock and Wyrley, 3 messuages and 10 a., of Nicholas de Ruggeley by rent of a rose, annual value 10s.
Darlaston, 1 messuage and 3 a., of John de Derlaston by a rose, annual value 2s.
Date of death and heirs as above. Margaret has held and taken the profits since his death.
C 137/36, no. 36
E 152/390, no. 5
Writ 12 March 1403.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Hart. 20 May.
She held the manor of Hart with Hartlepool of the king in chief by homage and fealty, jointly enfeoffed with Roger her late husband, to them and the heirs of Roger. The manor comprises 204 a. arable in demesne, 24 a. foreshore and 33 a. meadow in demesne with orchards, which are all let this year to various tenants at will paying together £10 at Whitsun and Martinmas; and several pasture let this year for 13s.4d. payable at the same terms.
The annual value of the vill of Hartlepool is £10. She also held the port there which includes the waters of Tees to the south of the town and northwards along the coast to Blackhall. It is customary to take from ships mooring within these bounds, with boats laden or unladen 8d., and without boats 4d. She took 6s. weekly from the market at Hartlepool on Tuesdays and Fridays, and from each shop in the market place for stallage 1/4d., and for each packhorse stand 1/2d. She had a fair twice yearly at St. Lawrence and the Invention of the Holy Cross, taking from each shop and from each packhorse stand 1/2d. which usually amounted to £10 yearly for 12 years past; but now it is worth nothing because destroyed by Ralph Lumley and his tenants and servants, Robert Browne, William de Stable, John Denton, William Ward and others, during her lifetime, and by Marmaduke Lumley, his tenants and servants, because they did not wish to allow customs or tolls to be collected within these bounds, but prevented and still prevent it by force of arms, and are buying and selling there without paying customs or tolls.
There are various free tenants of the manors: Ralph de Nevyll, earl of Westmorland, holds free of the manor the vill of Elwick by homage and fealty and no other service; John de Lumley, under age in the king’s ward, holds free of the same manor the vill of Stranton by homage, fealty, and 1 pair of gilt spurs or 12d., 1 lb. pepper and 1d. at Martinmas; Ralph Baron Greystoke, knight, holds similarly the vill of Brierton by homage, fealty and 15d. rent at Martinmas; William Fulthorp, knight, holds 4 husbandlands in Morleston by homage, fealty and 12d. rent, and 3 husbandlands in Throston by homage, fealty and 1d. at Martinmas; Gerard Heron holds 1 carucate in North Hart by homage, fealty and no other service; Richard de Nelston holds the vill of Nelson by homage, fealty and no more; Ralph Bulmer holds the vill of Thorpe Bulmer by homage, fealty, wardship and marriage; William Gower of Eldon holds 1 messuage and 4 bovates in Eldon by homage, fealty and a rent of 2d.; and Alan Lombard holds 6 burgages in the vill of Hartlepool by fealty and a pair of gilt spurs at Martinmas.
In the manor of Hart are 25 husbandlands which are leased this year to various tenants at 10s., and for the customary works of each 18d. at Martinmas; also 35 cottages worth 12d. each, 1 windmill leased this year for 40s., and 1 pasture leased for 6s.8d.
She died on 28 Feb. John Clifford, under age in the king’s ward, is the next heir of Roger, being the son of Thomas, knight, son of Roger, and aged 13 years and more.
Writ 12 March 1403.
YORK. Inquisition. Skipton. 28 May.
She held a third part of the manor of Skipton in dower for life after the death of Roger her husband, of the king in chief by knight service as part of Skipton manor, annual value £28.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 12 March 1403.
LONDON. Inquisition 31 May.
She held 1 tenement in the parish of St. Dunstan in the West in the suburbs of London jointly with Roger, to them and the heirs of Roger. It is held of the king in free burgage and a rent of 1d. payable at the exchequer at Michaelmas by the sheriffs, annual value 10 marks.
Date of death and heir, aged 14 years and more, as above.
Writ 12 March 1403.
CUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Penrith. 5 June.
She held for life:
Skelton, a third part of one third of the manor, in dower, of the king in chief by a cornage rent of 8 1/2d. and 1/3 of 1/2d. payable at the exchequer at Carlisle on 15 Aug., annual value 60s.
Carlisle, 1 burgage, by grant of the reversion to Roger and herself and the heirs of Roger by Richard de Cardieux and Joan his wife, both now deceased, to hold after their deaths. It is held of the king in free burgage by a rent of 4d. at Michaelmas, annual value 6s.8d.
Date of death and heir, aged 13 years and more, as above.
WESTMORLAND. Inquisition. Appleby. 17 May 1403.
She held jointly with Roger her husband to them and his heirs the castle and manor of Brougham, which are usually worth 100s. yearly, but now nothing because all lying totally waste after destruction by the Scots. All the profits this year do not suffice for the repair and custody of the castle.
She also held in dower of Roger, all with the above castle and manor being held of the king of the crown by knight service:
Winton, the manor, annual value £20.
Mallerstang, 1 byre in the manor of Kirkby Stephen called Southwaite, annual value 20s.
Brough, 10 byres in the manor at ‘Knolhowe’, Skirrygill, Calva, Oldpark Gill, Swinestone, Mouthlock, Thorny Gale, Borren, Seavy Rigg and Strice Gill, annual value 100s.
Oldpark Gill, the park, annual value 40s., and Heggerscale, 1 byre so called, annual value 70s.9d., both in the manor of Brough.
King’s Meaburn, the manor, annual value 10 marks.
Whinfell, forest, moor and pasture outside the close of the forest to the south, annual value 10s.; a third part of the forest to the north, tenements and 40 a. there called Blaunchelande, Whinhowe and Barrockbank, and 5 messuages with arable and meadow called Woodside in the forest, annual value 5 marks.
Temple Sowerby, 1 messuage and 16 a. arable and meadow, and in Clifton 1 messuage and 16 a. arable and meadow, annual value 12s.; and also in Clifton a third part of 22 quarters 6 bushels of oats from the manor in the spring, annual value 7s.
Rents from the following free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas with services and fees:
William de Fulthorp and his heirs, 17s.8d. for the manor of Kaber, held by homage, fealty and that rent, annual value £4.
Thomas de Blenkansopp and his heirs, 6s. for the manor of Hillbeck, similarly held, and extending at 100s.
William Stirkland and his heirs, 7s.5d. for half the manor of Waitby, similarly held, extending at 60s.
Ralph Baron Greystoke, 25s.6d. for rents and services from the manors of Dufton, Bolton, Brampton and Yanwath, similarly held, extending at £20.
John son of William de Lancastre and his heirs, 21s.8d. for the manor of Milburn, similarly held, extending at 100s.
Robert de Sandford and his heirs, 3s.4d. for the manor of Sandford, similarly held, extending at 40s.
The abbot of Shap and Gilbert Curwen, 10s.10d. for the manor of Shap, similarly held, extending at £10.
John Derwentwater and his heirs, 13s.6d. for the manor of Ormside, similarly held, extending at 100s.
Robert Thornburgh and Isabel his wife, 17s.8d. for the manors of Warcop and Waitby, similarly held in right of Isabel, extending at £10.
William Whapelote and Helen his wife, in her right, and Adam Bacon, 13s.8d. for the manor of Hilton, similarly held, extending at 20s.
William Whapelode, 2s. for lands and tenements in Appleby called ‘Ribillandes’, similarly held, extending at 20s.
Thomas son of William de Warthecopp and Margaret his wife, 6s.10d. for the manor of Colby, similarly held, extending at 60s.
William Fulthorp and his heirs, 6s.8d. for pasture between Mousegill and Belah, similarly held, extending at £4.
John son of William de Lancastre, £4 for rents and services in the manor of Milburn, similarly held, extending at £4.
William de Wherton, 6s. for the manor of Wharton, similarly held, extending at 100s.
William de Styrkland, 6d. for lands and tenements in Soulby, similarly held, extending at 10s.
Richard de Rystewald and William de Qwerton, 5s. for lands and tenements in Tebay, similarly held, extending at 20s.
Robert de Leton, 6d. for lands and tenements in Rookby, similarly held, extending at 2s.
William Judde, 1d. for lands and tenements in Clibburn, similarly held, extending at 6s.8d.
A third part of the profits of the sheriffdom of Westmorland, extending at 6s.8d.
Brougham, the advowson, extending at 5 marks.
Date of death and heir, aged 13 years and more, as above.
C 137/36, no. 37
E 149/81, no. 5
E 152/380, no. 3; 383, no. 2; 384, no. 3
Writ 17 Nov. 1402.
LONDON. Inquisition. 12 May 1403.
She held nothing in London.
Writ 17 Nov. 1402.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Lincoln. 29 Jan. 1403.
She held a third part of the manor of Greetwell in dower of the honour of Tickhill by a rent of 3s.4d., annual value 5 marks.
She died on 9 Nov. last. The third part should descend to Edmund earl of Stafford as heir of Ralph, being the son of Hugh earl of Stafford, son of Ralph, son of Margaret, sister of Ralph, father of Ralph, father of Ralph Basset, and aged 25 years and more.
Writ 17 Nov. 1402.
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Wiveton. 2 Dec.
She held a third part of the manor of Sheringham in dower for life of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £13 6s.8d.
She died on 20 [sic] Nov. It should descend to Edmund earl of Stafford as above.
Writ 16 Nov. 1402.
STAFFORD. Inquisition. Walsall. 18 Dec.
Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett held in his demesne as of fee the manors of Pattingham and Drayton Bassett, and gave them to Ralph de Olneye and Robert de Birlyngham, chaplains. By a fine of 1340 [CP 25(1) 210/14, no. 56] they were conveyed to Ralph and his heirs male, with successive remainders to Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett, and the heirs of his body, Ralph de Stafford, knight, for life, Richard de Stafford, knight, for life, Ralph son of Ralph de Stafford and his heirs male, Richard son of Richard de Stafford and his heirs male, and Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, and his heirs.
The Staffords died without heirs male. Ralph, son of Ralph, son of Ralph Basset, married Joan and died without heirs. The manors were then taken into the king’s hands. Pattingham was allotted to Joan in dower. Drayton Bassett remains in the king’s hands because Richard de Bello Campo, son of Thomas, son of the earl of Warwick, is a minor who will be 21 on 25 Jan. next. Pattingham is held of the barony of Dudley, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.
Joan died on 9 Nov.
Writ 17 Nov. 1402.
SURREY. Inquisition. Southwark. 28 Jan. 1403.
Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett held in his demesne as of fee 2 messuages and 8 shops in Southwark and enfeoffed Thomas Aston, knight, John Leyr, clerk, and John Chercheman, citizen of London, on condition that they should alienate and appropriate with the king’s licence and that of the lords of the other fees to the master of Bethlehem outside Bishopsgate, but this condition was broken, no alienation was made, and they have kept and taken the profits from the death of Ralph. Joan was dowered with a third part, held of the abbot of Bermondsey, service unknown, worth 46s.8d. annually.
She died on 9 Nov., and the third part should descend to Edmund earl of Stafford as next heir, as above.
Writ 13 Nov. 1402.
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition. Nottingham. 20 Nov.
She held for life by the grant of Walter Skyrlowe, bishop of Durham, Richard Scrope, late bishop of Chester, Richard Scrope and Thomas de Aston, knights, and John de Leyre, John Broun and John Outhorpe, clerks, the manor of Ratcliffe on Soar with reversion to Walter Skyrlowe and the others. It is held of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £20.
She also held in dower a third part of the manor of Colston Bassett by assignment of the same feoffees, with reversion to them. It is held of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £10.
She died on 9 Nov. last. Heirs unknown.
Writ 13 Nov. 1402.
LEICESTER. Inquisition. Loughborough. 20 Nov.
She held for life by the grant of Walter Skyrlawe, bishop of Durham, and the other feoffees, as in the last, with reversion to them:
Barrow on Soar, a quarter of the manor, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £10.
Ragdale and Willowes, a third part of the manor, and Ratcliffe on the Wreak, a third part of the manor, of the heirs of Ralph Basset of Weldon by knight service, annual value £7 6s.8d.
Long Whatton, a third part of 12 virgates, of Henry Lord Beaumont by knight service, annual value 40s.
She died on 9 Nov. and had no heirs.
Writ 16 Nov. 1402.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Stony Stratford. 23 Nov.
Ralph Basset held the manor of Olney and granted it with others to William Herle, knight, and Thomas Radeclyve, parson of Olney. By a fine of 1339 [CP 25(1) 287/40, no. 255] between Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett, Ralph son of Ralph, son of the first Ralph, and Joan his wife, daughter of Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, and Simon Pakeman as guardian of the young Ralph, on the one side, and William Herle and Thomas de Radeclyve on the other, the manors of Walsall in Staffordshire, Olney in Buckinghamshire and Long Buckby in Northamptonshire were settled on Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett for life, with successive remainders to Ralph his grandson and Joan daughter of the earl of Warwick, wife of Ralph, and the heirs of their bodies, the heirs male of Ralph Basset the grandfather, Ralph Stafford for life, Richard de Stafford for life, Ralph son of Ralph Stafford and his heirs male, Richard son of Richard de Stafford and his heirs male, Thomas de Bello Campo, son of the earl of Warwick, and his heirs male, and the heirs of the earl.
Accordingly Ralph Basset of Drayton Bassett held Olney for life and so died. Ralph his son died in the lifetime of his father. Then, therefore, Ralph the grandson and Joan daughter of Thomas de Bello Campo held it. Meanwhile Ralph de Stafford and Richard de Stafford and both their sons died without heirs. Joan also died without heirs male of her body. Then Ralph the grandson married Joan, the subject of this inquisition. He died without heirs of his body and the manor was accordingly taken into the king’s hands. In the chancery of Richard II it was assigned to Joan in dower, the other lands descending to Thomas son of Thomas de Bello Campo in accordance with the fine.
Henry Grey of Wilton took possession of one quarter of Olney, title unknown. Owing to the minority of his son Richard two parts of the quarter are in the king’s hands. Joan having died, the third part descends to Thomas son of Thomas de Bello Campo under the fine. He was 21 years of age on 25 Jan.
The manor is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value of three quarters £45, of a third part of a quarter £4 10s.4d. [sic].
She also held a third part of the manor of Sherington in dower from Henry Grey, with reversion to Richard Grey. It is held of the king in chief as a twentieth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 40s.
She died on 9 Nov.
Writ 20 Feb. 1403.
DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 5 March.
She held in dower a third part of the manor of Tawstock and a third part of the advowson, of the inheritance of Fulk Fitzwaryn, son and heir of Fulk Fitzwaryn, knight, under age in the king’s ward, whereby the other two parts are in the king’s hands. The third part is worth annually £26 6s.8d. The whole manor with the advowson is held of the king in chief as an eighteenth part of a barony as parcel of the barony of Barnstaple. Ralph Basset died without heirs of his body, holding in fee tail with reversion to Fulk by a fine of 1370 [CP 25(1) 44/60, no. 381] between Thomas Daudeley and James Daudeley of Heighley, knight, the reversion which Ralph Basset held for life being given successively to Thomas Daudeley and the heirs of his body, Roland brother of Thomas and his heirs, and James brother of the same and his heirs, and the right heirs of Thomas, and so to Fulk, as son of Fulk, son of Margaret, sister of Thomas. Thomas, Roland and James, like Ralph, died without heirs, and so it descended to Fulk.
She died on 18 [sic] Nov. 1402.
C 137/37, no. 38
E 149/80, no. 1
E 152/390, no. 2
Writ 15 June 1403.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Aylesbury. 27 June.
She held in dower with reversion to Thomas Bardolf, son and heir of William, of whom and by what service is unknown.
Wendover, 10 a., annual value 12d.
Wendover, Aston Clinton, Bledlow and Hulcott, 36s.11d. rent.
Wendover and Bledlow, 2 sparrowhawks rent, annual value nil.
Birchmore and Eaton Bray in Bedfordshire, 7 hides.
Wendover, 1 fee and a tenth part of a fee, annual value nil.
She died on 12 June. Thomas Bardolf, knight, the son and heir, is aged 30 years and more.
Writ 15 June 1403.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Caythorpe. 30 June.
She held in dower of the king in chief, service unknown, a third part of the manor of Ruskington of the inheritance of Thomas Bardolf, knight, son and heir of William, annual value £6 13s.4d.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 15 June 1403.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. Hertford. 28 June.
William Bardolph held the manor of Crowbury in his demesne as of fee and granted it by charter to John Cleye, clerk, John Grene, clerk, Robert Alisaundre, Nicholas Horseth and their heirs and assigns, and the tenants attorned to them. William died and Agnes recovered one third by writ of dower, and the tenants attorned to her. The reversion is to John Cleye and the other feoffees. The third is worth 30s.4d. annually and is held of Edward de Benstede, knight, service unknown.
He also held the manor of Bardolphs in Watton at Stone with the advowson of the free chapel of St. Mary there, and by his charter by licence of Edward III granted it to Robert Bardolf, knight, for life with reversion to himself and his heirs. William and Robert died. It was taken into the king’s hands. The chancery assigned a third part to Agnes in dower with reversion to Thomas Bardolf, knight, the son, and also in dower the next presentation to the chapel. The third part is worth 66s.8d. yearly, the presentation nil. The whole is held of the king in chief as a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 15 June 1403.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Lewes. 7 July.
William Bardolf, knight, held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Birling and £12 assize rent in Berwick. By his charter dated at Birling on 12 June 1377 he granted them by royal licence [CPR 1374–7, p.404] to Nicholas de Carreu, Robert Bardolf, Adam Wigmore and Robert son of William Alesaundre for the life of Agnes, with reversion to himself and his heirs. All the tenants attorned to them. William Bardolf and Adam Wigmore died. The others by charter dated 20 March 1389 granted them to Agnes for life, and again all the tenants attorned to her. They are held of the king in chief of the crown as one knight’s fee, annual value £16 8s.10d.
He also held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Barcombe with its appurtenances in Barcombe, Fletching and Lewes, and granted it by his charter to John Cleye and John Grene, clerks, William Walcote and Nicholas Horseth. After his death Agnes recovered a third part in dower. John Cleye and the others granted the manor with reversion of the third part to John Wigenhalle, his heirs and assigns. He by his charter conveyed it to John le Leek, clerk, Albin de Enderby, Ellis de Middelton, Ralph Adderle, John Grene, clerk, Nicholas Horseth, John Antrouse, Richard Gegge, Thomas Somerheld, and John Garnoun, and Agnes attorned to them. The third part is held of the earl of Arundel, service unknown, annual value £4 8d.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 15 June 1403.
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Shouldham. 4 July.
She held in dower the manors of Wormegay, Stow Bardolph, Fareswell in Fincham, Cantley and Strumpshaw, of the inheritance of Thomas Bardolf, knight, son and heir of William Bardolf, knight, and with reversion to him, by assignment in the chancery of Richard II.
William Bardolf held the manor of North Runcton in his demesne as of fee, and by his charter dated 12 June 1377 granted it with royal licence [CPR 1374–7, p.404] to Nicholas de Careu, Robert Bardolf, Adam Wygmore and Robert son of William Alisaundre, for the life of Agnes, with reversion to himself and his heirs. William Bardolf and Adam Wygmore died. The others by their charter dated 20 March 1389 granted it to Agnes for life, and the tenants attorned to her.
William also held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Caister in Fleggburgh by Yarmouth and enfeoffed William Bardolf, knight, his son, and his heirs. William the father died and the son assigned a third part to Agnes in dower for life with reversion to himself.
She also held the following knight’s fees, assigned in dower in the chancery of Richard II, with reversion to Thomas Bardolf, knight, her son and heir, extending at the amounts shown:
Watlington, Tottenhill, Setchey, Shouldham Thorpe and Langham, 1 fee held by Lawrence Trussebute and others, 60s.
Wreningham, Ashwellthorpe, Neyland, Hapton and Fundenhall, 1 fee held by Edmund de Thorp, knight, 60s.
Foston and Shouldham Thorpe, 1/4 fee held by John de Fyncham and others, 10s.
Watlington, 1/4 fee held by Lawrence Trussebute and others, 10s.
Thorpland, East Winch, Gayton, and Wallington, 1 fee held by William Hunte and others, 60s.
Stradsett, Watlington, Basil, Ryston, Fordham, Roxham, Saham Toney and Syderstone, 2 fees held by the heirs of Elizabeth Stratesete, 100s.
Fincham, West Dreham, Roxham and Fordham, 1 fee held by John de Fyncham and others, 30s.
Barton Bendish, Eastmoor, Bacton, Beachamwell and Mattishall Burgh, 1 fee held by Thomas Lovell, £4.
Yaxham, Shipdham, Mattishall, Reymerston, Letton and Bradenham, 1/4 fee held by Thomas de Estoft, 100s.
East Lexham, Litcham, Kempstone, Great Dunham, Swaffham, Great Setchey and Little Setchey in South Lynn, 1 fee held by Osbert de Mundeforth and others, 150s.
Great Ellingham, 2 fees held by the heirs of Robert Mortimer, 100s.
East Tuddenham and North Tuddenham, 1 fee held by Robert Kokefeld, knight, and others, 60s.
Grimston, Wootton and Hillington, 1/4 fee held by the heirs of John Norman, 20s.
Morley, Wicklewood, Wymondham, Deopham, Hackford and Crownthorpe, 1/2 fee held by John atte Crosse and others, 100s.
Terrington, 1/2 fee and 1/4 fee held by John Howard, knight, and others, 10s.; 1/4 fee held by John Howard, 20s.; 1/8 fee held by Robert Braunche, 13s.4d.; and 1/8 fee held by John Marschall, 13s.4d.
Tilney, 1/8 fee held by Philip de Tylney, 20s.
Tilney, Clenchwarton, and Wiggenhall St. Mary the Virgin, 3/4 fee and 1/2 of 1/4 fee held by Edmund Noon, knight, and others, 100s.
Narborough, 2 fees held by William de Narburgh and others, £6 13s.4d.
Hempton, Waterden, Barsham, Whissonsett, Pudding Norton, Toftrees and Stanfield, 1 fee held by the prior of Hempton and others, 60s.
Larling, Rushford, Shadwell and Foulden, 3/4 fee held by Edmund Gonvill, 40s.
Caston, Rockland, Toftrees, Thompson, Briston, Beckerton, Roudham, Shipdam and Buckenham, 1 fee held by Katherine lady of Caston, 40s.
Holkham, 1/4 fee held by Richard Smyth, 3s.4d.
Cockthorpe and Field Dalling, 1/4 fee held by Vincent de Ball’, 13s.4d.
Blakeney, Glandford, Wiveton, Irmingland and Langham, 1 fee held by Thomas Estlee, knight, 30s.
Hindringham, Roughton and Felbrigg, 3/4 fee held by Edward de Shelston, knight, 20s.
Hindringham, 1/4 fee held by William Wylleby and others, 20s.
North Burlingham, South Burlingham, Beighton, Buckenham, Moulton, Freethorpe and Tunstall, 1 fee held by Stephen Raghwyse and others, 30s.
Raveningham, 1 fee held by the prior of St. Olave, 40s.
Hindringham, 1/4 fee held by Rose Nowers and others, 13s.4d.
Wiggenhall St. Germans and Islington, 1 fee held by Edmund de Raynham, 66s.8d.
She also held for life in dower all the rents, services and other fees of William Bardolf and all the suits of court owed by his manors, the honour of Wormegay or the other manors which she held for life, and also the advowsons of: Wormegay priory, extending at 6s.8d.; Westbrigg, 3s.4d.; Whinbergh, 5s.; Garvestone, 6s.; Cantley, 10s.; North Runcton, the first presentation, 6s.8d.
The manors of Wormegay, Stow Bardolph, Fareswell in Fincham, and North Runcton, with the fees and advowsons of Wormegay, Westbrigg, Whinbergh, Garvestone and North Runcton, are held of the king in chief by the service of one third of the barony of Wormegay. The manors of Cantley, Strumpshaw, and Caister in Fleggburgh, with the advowson of Cantley, are held of the king in chief as one fee of the barony of Gurnay. Annual values: Wormegay manor £10; Stow Bardolph £13; Fareswell £6 13s.4d.; Strumpshaw 60s.; Cantley £10; North Runcton £8; Caister 100s.
Date of death and heir as above.
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Otley. 28 June 1403.
William Bardolf, knight, lord of Wormegay, by his charter [licence CPR 1381–5, p.376] granted the manor of King’s Hall in Clopton to John Cleye, clerk, for life with reversion to himself and his heirs, and Cleye assigned half the manor in dower to Agnes. The tenure is such that widows should have half in dower by custom time out of mind. The reversion belongs to Thomas Bardolf, knight, son and heir of William Bardolf, because John Cleye died in the lifetime of Agnes. The half is held of the king in chief as an eighth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 66s.8d.
Date of death and heir as above.
C 137/37, no. 39
E 149/81, no. 3
E 152/388, no. 1
Writ 15 June 1402.
DEVON. Inquisition. Ipplepen. 30 June.
He held the manor of Ipplepen jointly with his wife. By a fine of 1394 [CP 25(1) 45/68, no. 151, licence CPR 1391–6, p.333] he and Eleanor his wife granted the manor to Henry Ingepenne and Richard Parkere, and they regranted it to them in tail male, with successive remainders to Amery his son and Joan his son’s wife in tail male, the heirs of Amery and Eleanor, and the right heirs of Amery. It is held of the king in chief by the service of a third part of a knight’s fee, annual value £30.
He died on 13 June holding jointly with Eleanor. Amery the son died without male heirs. Ida, wife of Thomas West, daughter of Amery, aged 10 years and more on 6 May, and Gerard Braybrook, son of Eleanor, his other daughter, aged 10 years and more, are his heirs.
Writ 15 June 1402.
DERBY. Inquisition. Repton. 3 Oct.
He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Catton on Trent and granted it to Henry Ingepenne, William Tuderley and Philip Shipiere. Afterwards by a fine of 1402 [CP 25(1) 290/59, no. 50] shown to the jurors they regranted it to him and Eleanor his wife for their lives with remainder to Thomas Pevere, Geoffrey Ippelpenne, Henry Durneford, clerk, Edmund Daunvers and the heirs of Edmund. They did not hold it in his lifetime, but after his death Eleanor entered and holds it of the king in chief of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown, annual value 10 marks.
He died on 14 June, heirs as above.
Writ 26 Nov. 1402.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Ludgershall. 4 Dec.
He held in his demesne as of fee the manors of Netheravon and Haxton. He granted them to Henry Ingepenne and others, and they regranted them by the fine of 1402 [above, no. 796]. He did not hold them during his life, but Eleanor entered after his death. They are held of the king in chief of the duchy of Lancaster, annual value £16.
He died on 14 June, heirs as above.
BERKSHIRE. Inquisition ex officio. Grandpont. 3 July 1402.
He held the manor of Basildon in his demesne as of fee by the service of one knight’s fee, annual value £24.
He died on 14 June last. Gerard son of Eleanor, his daughter, and Ida his other daughter are his next heirs, Gerard unmarried and 10 years of age, Ida married to Thomas son of Thomas West, knight, and aged 11 years.
Writ, stating that William Hilton, late escheator, was removed before he held an inquisition. 17 Jan. 1403.
BERKSHIRE. Inquisition, in the presence of John Hull and Hugh Hals, justices of assize, in virtue of letters of privy seal. Grandpont. 19 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Basildon, the manor, which Amery his father gave to William de Mulsho, William de Haule, William de Forde, John de Evesham and John Froylle. They granted it to Amery the father for life with successive remainders to the son, Ida his wife and the heirs of their bodies, and to the right heirs of the father. Amery the father held it, and after his death Amery the son and Ida held it. They had issue Eleanor, who had issue Gerard Braybrook, who still lives. Ida died and Amery married Eleanor and had issue Ida, who is now married to Thomas son of Thomas West, knight. Amery the son died and the manor descended to Gerard de Braybrook and Ida, his other daughter. It is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £24.
Woodhay and Ilsley, the manors, which he granted to Robert Shotesbrok, his heirs and assigns. By a fine of 1402 [CP 25(1) 290/59, no. 38] shown to the jurors, Shotesbrok regranted it to Amery and Eleanor for their lives with remainder to John Chitterne, clerk, Thomas Pevere, Edmund Daunvers, Richard Parker of Malmesbury, Henry Ingepenne and the heirs of Edmund, so he died holding jointly with Eleanor.
St. Helen’s by Abingdon and Eaton by Cumnor, the manors, with 1 messuage, 1 carucate and £7 annual rent in Chilton and Sutton. These he granted to Henry Ingepenne, William Tuderle and Philip Shipiere, and by a fine of 5 May 1402 [CP 25(1) 290/59, no. 50] they regranted the manor of St. Helen’s and the lands etc. with the reversion of the manor of Eaton, which Margaret widow of John Evesham held for life with reversion to them, to Amery and Eleanor his wife for their lives, with remainder to Thomas Pevere, Geoffrey Ippelpenne, Henry Durneford, clerk, and Edmund Daunvers and the heirs of Edmund. Amery and Eleanor never held them during his lifetime, but after his death Eleanor entered St. Helen’s and the lands and has taken the profits.
Basildon, annual value £20, Woodhay 10 marks, and Ilsley £40, are held of the inheritance of the earl of Hereford, St. Helen’s 7s., Eaton nil, and the messuage etc. in Chilton and Sutton £7, of the abbot of Abingdon, except Sutton which is held of the earl of Devon, all services unknown.
Amery died on 14 June last. Ida his daughter and heir was aged 10 on 6 May last. Gerard Braybrok, his grandson and other heir, is aged 10 years and more.
Writs 15 June and 26 Nov. 1402.
GLOUCESTER. Inquisition. Cirencester. 18 Dec.
He held in his demesne as of fee the manors of South Cerney and Cerney Wick. He conveyed them to Henry Ingepenne and others and they regranted them by a fine of 1402 [as above, no. 796]. Amery and Eleanor were not seised of them, but after Amery’s death Eleanor entered and now holds them and takes the profits. They are held of the earl of Hereford, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.
Date of death, 14 June, and heirs as above.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Oxford. 19 Feb. 1403.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Bloxham and Alkerton, the manors, the hundred of Bloxham, and a third part of the manor of Adderbury, except 1 a. in Bloxham, and granted them to Robert Shotesbroke, who regranted them to Amery and Eleanor for their lives [as above, no. 799]. So he died holding jointly with Eleanor who survives him.
Bloxham, the 1 a. excepted above, of the king in chief, service unknown.
Pudlicote and Chilson, the manors. He granted them to Henry Ingepenne and others and they regranted to Amery and Eleanor by a fine of 1402 [as above, no. 796]. Eleanor entered after his death.
Annual values: Bloxham manor and hundred 20 marks, the 1 a. there 2d., Alkerton 30s. and the third part of Adderbury 10 marks, all held of the king in chief service unknown; Pudlicote and Chilson £10, held of the king as of the duchy of Lancaster.
Date of death and heirs as above.
Writ 15 June 1402.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Stony Stratford. 15 Feb.
He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Grendon Underwood and its appurtenances, and 1 messuage, 2 carucates, 20 a. meadow, 40 a. pasture in Grendon and Edgcott, with knight’s fees and the advowson of Grendon. He granted them to Henry Ingepenne and Roger Lansant, their heirs and assigns. They regranted them to Amery and Eleanor his wife for their lives, and afterwards by their charter shown to the jurors, in order to enhance his status therein, gave and granted them to him, the heirs of his body and his right heirs. So he was seised of them in fee tail jointly with Eleanor who survives him.
The annual value is 20 marks. The manor of Grendon with a messuage and close in Edgcott are held of the prince [of Wales] of the earldom of Cornwall, the other lands of the earl of Stafford, services unknown.
Date of death and heirs as above.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Shefford. 13 Feb. 1403.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Harlington, the manor. Amery his father held it and granted it to William de Mulsho, William de Haule, William de Forde, John de Evsham and John Froyll. They granted it to Amery the father for life with remainders, and so it descended to Gerard de Braybrooke and Ida [as above, no. 799].
Cotton End, the manor, and he granted it to Thomas Daunteseye, Henry Ingepenne and Philip Shypyer. By a fine of 1400 [CP 25(1) 6/73, no. 8] they granted it to Amery and Eleanor for life, with remainder to his heirs male, the heirs of their son Amery, and his right heirs. Ida is his daughter and heir.
Houghton Conquest, Millbrook, Ampthill and Grange by Millbrook, the manors, with 6 messuages, 3 carucates, 80 a. meadow, 20 a. wood and 100s. rent in Priestley and Steppingley, and granted them to Robert Shotisbrooke, and he by a fine conveyed them to Amery and Eleanor [as above, no. 799]. So he died jointly enfeoffed with Eleanor.
Annual values: Harlington £20, Cotton End £15, Millbrook, Ampthill and Grange 40 marks, Houghton Conquest and the other lands £10. Harlington, Cotton End, Millbrook, Ampthill and Grange are held of the king in chief by knight service; Houghton Conquest of Lord Latymer, service unknown; Priestley and Steppingley of Lord Mowbray.
Date of death and heirs as above.
C 137/37, no. 40
E 149/79, no. 6
E 152/386, no. 1