Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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September 1693
September 1. Friday, G.Mainwaring went early to London; at 12 I went to the walkes. Lewes enterteyned us with oysters at the Hornes; Ceasar, Benson, his son, Cheare, Lewes, Neston dined with us; parted past 5. Bidolph stayd at home, supt.
2. Satorday, I went not to the walke, Mainwaring & Morgan went at 11; Lewes dined with us; after diner we considered of my son's debt, &c. Kenrick made us a visit at 5. a messenger brought me an order of Councell at 6. I went to the Castle at 7; there was Cheare, Ceasar, Benson &c. I & Bidolph came home 1/2 houer past 9.
3. Sonday, I was twice at church. went to Thomass past 5. there was Mainwaring, Bidolph, Morgan, Ceasar, Benson, the Minister, &c. went thence past 6. to the Castle at 7; there was Cheare, Ceasar, another (I know not her name) & our own company; Bidolph & I came home 1/2 houer past 9.
4. Monday, I was not at the walkes; dined at Skinners; left the place past 2; daughters lighted at Bull in Tunbridge, stayd not; lay at Bull in Bush; Benson & his family (& Mr Lenes interl) with us. supt together.
([5] Tuesday we interl) came to London before 3. I lighted at the ship on Graces Streete; there was 2 Mainwarings, 2 Whitleys, Benson, Hall, Pilkington, Sanders, Lumley, Williams & Baskervile; Jones came after diner; severall of us went thence to Ship & Castle in Cornehill Streete; there was Minshall & others; took leave of G.Mainwaring; went (with Bidolph) to my lodgings in Norfolk Streete; there were 2 Mrs Woods &c.
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September 6. Wednesday, Wood came to visit us at 11; stayd an houer; Minshall dined with us (after Taylor came about clothes interl.); I went to the Temple past 5. saw Hall & Humfreys; also Levet; called on Rogers, he was abRood; cald on Wood at Somerset House; he was gone to the Crosse Keys; there I found him, Maxwell, Mainwaring & Rob[ert]; Harris came past 8; we parted at 9; brought Wood & Mason to Somerset House; then Mainwaring & I came home.
7. Thursday, Dod the hatter was with me & yong Fowler; past 10 I went to Dones, spoke with him about the Distringersyas?; he promised to send a Certificate to stop proceedings, I went to Humfeys about it; past 12 Pigeon came to me; promised to bring the Certificate to Hall & endeavor to get a SuperSedens?; came agen after diner; without it; Humfreys came to visit us past 4. also Jack Whitley's wife & Priscilla & brother Peter; they went before 6. I went (with daughters) to Somerset House; left them there & went to Crosse Keys; there was Wood, Maxwell, Gore, Crispe, Harris, Mainwaring, Lee, Row &c. parted past 9. left Wood & Maxwell at Somerset House.
8. Friday, daughters went (about 9) to buy tings in the Citty; Griffith the cook's wife came about money Roger owes him; I & Mainwaring went about 12 to Secrtary Trenchard's lodgings at Whitehall; he was abRood; then to Colings office; stayd awhile with him; then home (about one) to diner; past 5 I went to Humfreys; then to Rainbow to look for Hall; we found him at home; stayd not long ; went to Lady Woods, saw her& daughters; then to Crosse Keys; there was Wood. Coling, Maxwell, Harris &c. parted past 9. brought Wood & Maxwell home.
9. Satorday, Biddolph came about 10; brought his son with him; Tuttle came to see us; then Rogers; Biddolph & his son retorned after diner; in the evening I went to the 3 Tunns in Wood Streete; there was Mainwaring, Lee, Baroby, Jones & Morgan; parted at 9.
10. Sonday, was not at church; Lee & his cosen dined with us; went past 2. past 5 Wood & his lady came to see us; brought them back past 6. then to Crosse Keys; there was Mainwaring, Wood, Maxwell, Harris, Cooper &c. we parted past 9.
11. Monday, Jennings came to Sir John Mainwaring; Brent to me about money Colonel Scrivener owed him; threatens to sue; Brooks came to see me & Pet[er] about the copper farme; Mainwaring dined abRood; the cook came after diner about his bill; went at night to the Devill Taverne; there was Mainwaring, Cheare, 3 more; Mainwaring & I went Lord Keepers?; he was abRood; then to the club.
12. Tuesday, dined at home; about 4 went (with Mainwaring) to Lord Keeper's; then to Lord Canterburys; waited on them both; Jacks cosen Fairefax at Lambeth; then to the club, then home past 9.
13. Wednesday, fast day; Alderman Lewes, his son, daughter, my son & children came past 10. went past 11. I dined at 4. went with Mainwaring (past 6) into the city to the Kings Head in Kings Sreete; there was Baroby & Baskervile; retorned past 9.
14. Thursday, I went to Mosiers (past 10) there was Alderman Lewes & son; retorned at one to the Devill Taverne, dined there with Cheare, Mainwaring, Llee, Benson, 2 Pilkingtons, Middleton, Lewes, Morgan &c. past 4 Mainwaring & I went to Attorney General; then to the company at the Taverne; I left them past 6. went to the Gretian Coffee House; there was Lord Rivers, Neale &c. left them at 8. went home.
15. Friday, dined at home; Mr Hancock with us; after diner came Minshall & Lee & Biddolph; about 5 I went to visit Lady Wood; then to sonne Thomas & his wife , then to Tovey's; then to Crosse Keys (there was Wood, Biddolph, Maxwell &c. then home 1/2 houer past 8.
16. Satorday, about 12 I went to Mosier; there were Alderman Lewes & his sonne; parted past 1; bought a book in Pauls church yard; came home; Kate Morgan, Priscilla Morgan dined with us; Kate Morgan went past 3, also Morgan Whitley; about 6 Mainwaring & I went to the Kings Armes neare Guildhall; there was Common Serjeant; stayd till past 9 (the man of the house with us) then home by 10.
17. Sonday, daughters went to church; Biddolph dined with us; Wood came neare 5 to see us; then Lord Brandon & Thomson; parted past 6. Wood & I went to Cellar in Scotland yard; there was Mainwaring, Bidolph, brother, 2 Lees &c. Mainwaring & I went to Secretary Trenchard, stayd with him till 9. then to the Cellar agen & home past 10.
18. Monday, Pargiter, Cornen & another came to me about the copper oare; then Corbet about Roger's debt to the coach maker; then cosen Brereton; past 12 I called on Wood. we dined with Serjeant Trenchard, Mainwaring with us; after diner came in 2 gentlemen more; we parted at 5; Wood & I walked through the Parke; soe to the Divell Taverne; called on Rogers; dranke a pinte of wine; parted past 7. came home.
19 Tuesday, Sir John Foster's partner came to me ; Lewes, Morgan, his brother &c were with me in the morning; Wood, Maxwell (Biddolph interl.), Crispe dined with me; parted about 4. I went at 6 to Mosier's; he was abRood; Alderman Lewes, his son & Morgan were there; then I went to the Sunne; there was Biddolph, Pargeter, Conen, Parker & another; then came Lewes, Morgan, Payne, Mainwaring &c. at parting we went behind the bar to see Mrs Middleton; there was her husband, Cooke &c. we parted past 11.
20. Wednesday, I went to Boscawen & Handley, he was abRood; then to Coling; then home, Kent there; brother & Biddolph dined with us ; about 3 Mainwaring went his journey ; Parker brought the money for copper oare; Cumberbach and Gammell came to see me; I went past 5 to Lady Wood; then to Hamilton & Lownds at the Treasury to Trenchard; then to Coling; with him to Crosse Keys; about 8 Wood & I went to Brandon (he was in bed); then home [fo. 164r] September 21. Thursday, past 10 we left London, came to Dunstable about 6 22. Friday, we left Dunstable past 7. came to Northampton about 5.
23. Satorday, we left Northampton past 7. called at the Swan on the hill, stayd not, came to Coventry before 6; after supper Hopkins came; stayd an houer.
24. Sonday, I left Coventry past 9. came to the Harpe before 5.
25. Monday, left the Harpe about 7. called at Newport for 1/2 houer; came to Whitchurch about 6.
26. Tuesday, we left Whitchurch before 10. called at Hampton Posts, stayd not; came to Peele before 5.
27. Wednesday, Mainwaring came from Chester at 12. Alderman Mainwaring, Cratchley & Deane with him; at the end of diner came Pemberton & Hall (a Londoner) went about 5.
28 Thursday, Roger came to me about taking the house & land at Motherwell; after diner we went to Chester; at night I went to the Ship; there were Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring, Streete, Sir William Williams, Griffith Williams, Kinaston, Johnson, Deane &c. parted 11. Mainwaring paid the reckoning.
29. Friday, Sir William Williams & Streete dined with us; in the evening I went to Lawrence Gouthers; there was Streete. 2 Mainwarings, Edwards, Lloyd, Griffith &c. parted past 9. 2 Mainwarings, Streete & I went to take leave of W[illiams] but stayd not; went home with me, had a bottle of wine, parted at 11.
30. Satorday, I was at Penthouse; Lee, G.Mainwaring, Williamson, 2 Halls & one of their wifes dined with us; in the evening I went to Jacksons, stayd not; then to the Ship; there was 2 Mainwarings, Governor, his 2 Cosens, Lord Dunganon, Yates &c. parted about 10 October 1. Sonday, I went to church in the morning; G.Mainwaring & a Bowerman's man dined with us; Potter came in the evening; stayd 1/2 houer; G.Mainwaring. came after supper, parted before 10.