Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.
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October 1693
2. Monday, Mrs Offley & Mrs Aston dined with us; about 2 came Coker, Welshman &c. with a warrant about goods Coker had lost also Mr Denteith to complaine of Yates for money owing him. past 5 (to Coffee House; then interl.) to Angells; then to the Pearnes; called on Charles Griffith; then to Jackson's, there was 2 Mainwarings Barclay Adams, Cradock; Wright, Johnson, Kinaston &c. parted neare 10.
3. Tuesday, Mainwaring went about 8 to Knotsford & Peover; Lord Dunganon, Murray & another Lord dined with me; at diner came G.Mainwaring & Baskervile; they went about 4. Yates came to me about money owing to.Denis?. after supper came G.Mainwaring & Johnson, stayd till 10; Jordan & Huson came about the building at Bechin.
4. Wednesday, Crosse & Hatchet came about a lease; Davyes about Brombrower; one Walworth & 2 more to complaine of the man at the Black Lyon; one Warrington, his wife, Robinson & another came about taking Shotwick; Brian Bolland & his sonne came to see me past 3. past 4 I went to the Coffee House; there were (G. interl)Mainwaring & others; he & I went to the Bishop; then to the Deane; then to the Penthouse to meete Captain Blake about a soldyer that had robd a house he was comitted to the Northgate; then we went to the Ship; viz; Streete, Lloyd , Edwards, Blake, Griffith. Murray, G.Mainwaring &c. Baroby, Baskervile &c. we parted about 10. Coles & Morgan came to the Penthouse to me.
5. Thursday, Streete, Jolly & I went to G.Mainwarings cellar, had a glasse of Sack; the wagon came with our goods from London; Coles, G.Mainwaring & Streete & sister Kate dined with us; I sent Adams to Captaine Blake about the condemed prisoners; Mercer & Fernehagh came to see me; all went before 4.
6. Friday, I & daughter Mainwaring went to Peele about 11; dined there; retorned at 6. Mainwaring & his brother came at 8.
7. Satorday. I was at the Penthouse past 11 retorned past 1. Streete, Edwards, Lloyd, Jones, Williamson, Barrow, Morgan, William Mainwaring, Baroby dined with us; G.Mainwaring came after diner, also Ned: Morgan; & Nat: Llee.
8. Sonday, I went to church; Lord Macclesfield, Fairfax & Streete dined with me; they parted about 3. past 6 G.Mainwaring, Streete, Deane & Johns on came to me; parted past 8.
9. Monday, I went to Lord Macclesfield, then to Cotton, then to Sir William Williams; then to the Penthouse, then (past 12) to the Court (shewed Partington the order of Councell interl.) came thence past 2 to the Penthouse, saw 2 Bull Baytes; the Aldermen of Butchers & Bakers enterteyned with wine; then I went to wayte on the Judges in the Hall; then in theire lodgings; I & Street went to the Sheriffe, supt, went past 8 to the Ship; there was 2 Mainwarings, Streete, Sir William Williams, Fernhagh, Deane, Kinaston, Bellot, Lee &c. Williams left us at 10. we parted at 11 10. Tuesday, dined at home; went about 5 to the Penthouse; then with the Aldermen &c. to the Judges; then with Streete to the White Bull; thither came Lord Maxfield, 2 Mainwarings, Minshall, Edwards, Treasurer & severall Cittisens.
11. Wednesday, the fast day, I was not at church, the Judges supt with me. &c. Lord Warington came after supper. went thence at 9 to the Ship with 2 Mainwarings, Minshall, Edwards &c. parted about 1112. Thursday, dined at home, no company; went at night to Johnstons (the wedding day) came home at 1, was at the Penthouse at 6 about election of a Mayor [fo. 164v] 13. Friday, the election day of a Mayor, Sheriffs &c. I went to the Penthouse at 11, to the Common Hall past 12; Poll for a Mayor; the majority fell on me. Cheife Sheriffe, &c. came to my house about 5, supt &c. went to G.Mainwaring; before 8 there was a Ball; &c. left them before 11.
14. Satorday went to the Penthouse 11, then to the Court in the Castle; then back to the Penthouse, walked in the market, then to the Castle, took leave of the Judges; then Homerton, Captaine Blague, another Captaine there, his frind, Streete, Minshall dined with me. they parted past 4 15 Sonday, went to church; severall Aldermen, Leavebookers, Treasurers & others dined with me, parted past 3.
16. Monday, dined at home; past 4 went to the funerall of Alderman Skelhorne sonne; then to church, after sermon came home, the 2 Sheriffs, Street, Recorder & others with me, they stayd (some of them) till about 9.
17. Tuesday, I had severall complaintes from Colston & others; went to the Penthouse past 11, stayd till past 1. dined at Mr Johnsons; came home past 4 went the Ship past 6, there was Recorder, 2 Mainwarings, Streete, Johnson, Treasurer, Parker &c. parted at 10.
18. Wednesday, about 10 one Lambe served me with a Mandamus; Sir Jo[hn] Mainwaring & Houseman being present; I went to the Recorder about it (with G.Mainwaring & Minshall) then home. Minshall dined with me; after diner came G.Mainwaring, Streete, Edwards &c. also Gray & others about businesse; stayd till neare 5. in the morning (before 11) Mainwaring, his wife & daughter went towards Peover; about 6 Minshall & Wright came to me; then Roger Mainwaring; then G.Mainwaring; past 7 I went to G.Mainwarings with Minshall, stayd till 10; Huson & Gregory came from the Audit; went home that night.
19. Thursday, I dined at G.Mainwarings (a wedding diner & much company) came home about 5. Gregory & Griffith came from Peele; Morgan Whitley was with me about 11; Wilson & his son came in the evening (to G.Mainwarings) about taking of Brombrow.
20. Friday, Mrs Kinsey complained of Collectors for the Scavengers (Buckley & another) they were also with me, referd to the Penthouse tomorrow; also the Irish man's businesse that is comitted to the Northgate, about Mr Bennets Guiney; G.Mainwaring & Cratchley were with me about the spinsters names for 10s a peice; also a hatter to get a man made free; I dined at Mrs James (with the wedding people) came home past 4 , went to yong Roger Madox. about 6; there was G.Mainwaring, Minshall, 2 Treasurers), Holland, Baroby &c. went thence past 8 to Jackson's. Streete came there to us; came home before 11.
21. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse about 12; returned neare 2; G.Mainwaring, Street, Edwards, Lloyd, Williamson dined with me; also Minshall of Bechin; they parted at 4. Done sealed his Bond; I sealed his lease; Basnet came, stayd but awhile.(Cadwalader brought venison interl.) 22. Sonday, was not at church; dined at G.Mainwarings with Johnson, Jackson, Gerard, Ratcliffe, cosen Whitley of Aston; after diner he went home with me; stayd till past 3.
23. Monday, I went to the Penthouse past 11. then to the Court, retorned to the Penthouse past 1, dined (with the wedding company, Dr Angell, sisters &c.) at Mr Andersons; went thence at 4. came to Peele at 6. found Mainwaring & daughter (& Morgan interl) there from Peover; Huson came that night but I did not see him.
24. Tuesday, Crew & Arderne dined with us at Peele; also Captain Blake & a Lieutenant; we came thence neare 4 to Chester about 6 Mainwaring, I & Morgan alighted at the Ship; there was G.Mainwaring, Johnson & Murray; then came Anderson & Parry; Johnson went about 7. we all parted past 8; I went to G.Mainwarings; found Mainwaring, his wife, Charlotte & sister Sidney to take leave of cosen Mainwaring of Coringham; went home about 10.
25 Wednesday, Captain Blake & another man came for a warrant to search for seamen that were deserted, Deane Fog came to speake of the money owing him & Adams about Kings Almes men; no company at diner; past 2 came old Jackson & 3 others about a Rent charge from the Citty due to Shorklitch.then Dr Jackson & Wright, then Angell, they went past 4. Palin & another came with him; & Chamberlaine to pay rent. Jelico & Turner came at night to buy toll wheate; past 6 came Deane; then Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring & Johnson. parted past 10.
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October 26. Thursday, Morgan came about 10, then went to Flint; severall Aldermen (Justices of Peace), the Sheriffe, Treasurers , Coroners & Leavebookers (but one of each of the last) dined with me ; then came Coker & Wilson, they all went about 4. past 5 came the Aldermen & Stewards of the Taylors about a warrant; in the morning Streete. Lloyd , R.Gerard came for to get a Gowne for Taylor.
27. Friday, I went to Penthouse past 11. then to an assembly in the Hall past 12. retorned past 2; the Sherriffes, G.Mainwaring, Arderne & Morgan dined with us; about 3 I went to the funerall of cosen Ravenscroft then to church; retorned about 5. Ralph Dutton & Griffith came to me about lincensing the ale houses; then Wilson about taking Brombrow (Coker & Huson with him) then cosen Whitley, about 8 came Johnson, they both went before 9.
28. Satorday, I went to the Penthouse neare 12. retorned past 1, G.Mainwaring, his wife, Johnson, his wife & all the wedding guests dined with me; also cosen Whitley, L.Lloyd &c. in the evening came Brigadier Steward & his nephew; all parted about 5. about 7 I went to the Constable Richardson's house; there were 2 Mainwarings, Lloyd, Edwards, Borrows, a stranger with him, Johnson, Cratchley &c. parted about 9. came home.
29. Sonday, was not at church; daughters were in the afternoone; at night came Bellamy but did not stay; G.Mainwaring supt with me; then came Johnson, James Mainwaring, Streete, Kinaston, &c. parted at 10.
30. Monday, the Aldermen & Stewards of the Taylors came about theire company; then those of the Dyers about theire company; then 3 contreymen about Mr Broughtons will, then Burrows & another to justify the Glasiors speaking ill of me; Bellamy & Murray dined with me; Arthur Bolland came with the glasier to desire me to passe by what he had said against me; all went 1/2 past 2. past 4 I went to the Penthouse; there was Ince, G.Mainwaring, Streete, Recorder, Edwards & Johnson (some of the Comitte about building a new Common Hall) it being cold & having no fyer we removed to the Ship; Allen came to us; we agreed of a sub comitte to assist & supervise the worke, to agree for brick stone &c. they were then named; viz: Ince, Allen, Hand, Cooper & Johnson; Kinaston & Parry came to us; we parted about 10.
31. Tuesday, Adams brought me 1 li. 10s 0d rent for Alderman Ince's escheate land; Mercer came with one Wilkinson (who was bound over for reviling words spoke against me) he desired I would remit it & stop proceedings &c which I consented to; dined without company; about 2 came G.Mainwaring & Jackson; I went with them to the Alderman's, parted past 3; called at Jackson's in the Bars; stayd not; came to Peele before 6. Broster came that night from Dyssart.