St. Pancras Soper Lane 145/26

Pages 756-757

Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.

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This was a shop on the E. side of Soper Lane, between 25 (with which it was later united) to the S., 27 to the N., and 18, or the lane known sometimes as Popkirtle Lane, to the E. 26 measured 6 ft. 2 in. N.-S. by 12 ft. 9 in. E.-W. (1.88 m. by 3.89 m.) in the early 14th century. (fn. 1) It was one of a group of properties (25-30) from which quit-rents were owed to Lawrence of St. Michael, son of William son of Benedict.

Thirteenth and early fourteenth century

The earliest known interest in 26 was that of Reginald of Cornhill (fl. late 12C or early 13C), whose charter to Cothe Swete, daughter of Ralph, concerning this shop, was noted in 1325, though its import is not known. (fn. 2) In 1243-4 John the clerk son of Richard son of Robert granted to William de Bredestrete, buckle-maker (bukiller), and Maud, the grantor's niece, in free marriage, land and houses in Wood Street, late of the grantor's brother William Frere, and a shop and solar (solio) which Maud held in Soper Lane, between 25 and 27. The shop was charged with 5s. rent to Lawrence son of William son of Benedict and his heirs, at 4 terms. In 1287 John Cros and his wife Mariota de Bradestrate, probably the daughter of William and Maud, leased 26, a shop in Soper Lane, to Walter de Witeford for 12 years, at 15s. rent payable for the first 6 years only, and services to the chief lords. De Witeford was to be favoured by 6s. 8d. if John and Mariota wanted to demise the shop in fee or for a term of years within the 12 years. He was to supply laths, tiles, and nails for roofing the shop, and the wages of the roofer; John and Mariota were to pay the other costs of maintenance. The shop was said to lie between 25 to the S., 27 to the N., and Kyrunelane to the E. This clearly cannot be identified with the other Kiron or Kyroun Lanes known, and seems to be an alternative name (or error) for Popkirtle Lane, which ran behind the Soper Lane shops (cf. 20, 22, 23). (fn. 3)

In 1292-3 Mariota la Bokelere, widow of John Cros, granted 26 and other properties to William de Aldenham, gold-beater, for £5. 6s. 8d. paid and 1d. p.a., with services to the chief lords. This grant was apparently only of her life-interest. In 1295 William de Aldenham, goldbetere, and his wife Mary leased 26 to Adam de Hallingebury, citizen, for 10 years from 1294 at 7s. rent and £10. 10s. as a gersum. The grantors were to repair. The reference in 1298 to 26 as the shop of Mariota widow of William de Waldenham seems to be the result of confusion. Willam de Aldenham, goldbeater, and his wife Margery held 26 in 1304. Before 1311 William leased the shop to Richer de Refham for 8 years at £1 rent. In 1311 John son of the late Robert de Prestone, girdler, and of Mariota la Bokelere, granted 26 to William de Aldenham to hold for his (William's) life after Mariota's death. If William died before his 8-year lease to de Refham had expired, de Refham should still continue to hold the property, paying £1 rent to Mariota's heirs. On the expiry of the lease the property was to revert to Mariota's heirs. In 1324 William granted his life-interest in 26 to Sir Roger de Waltham, canon of St. Paul's, charged only with the 5s. rent, now due to Walter Waldeshef. It was described as a shop in Soper Lane with the stone wall in the E. part of the shop, towards Gropecontelane (sic, but probably Popkirtle Lane is meant), with the boarded wall (clausura de tabulis ligneis) to the N. towards the shop of Robert de Keleseie (27), and with half of the beam lying between 26 and Richer de Refham's shop (25) and dividing the two, to the S. William's shop measured 4 1/4 ells (12 ft. 9 in.; 3.89 m.) from Soper Lane to Gropekontelane, with the stone wall, and 2 ells 2 in. (6 ft. 2 in.; 1.88 m.) N.-S. between 25 and 27. Later in 1324 John de Preston, girdler, son and heir of Mariota la Boqelere quitclaimed in 26, with the same description, to Roger de Waltham. John was bound to Roger in £30 to warrant the property in all disputes. Roger also acquired 25 in 1324, and the two properties descended together thereafter; for their further history, see under 25. (fn. 4)


  • 1. R 52(103).
  • 2. GL, MS 25121/3037.
  • 3. GL, MS 25121/572, 1626; LBA, pp. 168-9 (f. 79); Ekwall, Street-Names, 127-9.
  • 4. LBB, p. 212 (f. 92v); HR 27(59), 32(75); HR 52(103-4) (= GL, MSS 25121/1644, 1630, 1635); GL, MSS 25121/9, 1631, 1634.