St. Pancras Soper Lane 145/25

Pages 754-755

Historical Gazetteer of London Before the Great Fire Cheapside; Parishes of All Hallows Honey Lane, St Martin Pomary, St Mary Le Bow, St Mary Colechurch and St Pancras Soper Lane. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 1987.

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This property, a shop on the E. side of Soper Lane, lay between 24 to the S., 26 (with which it was later united) to the N., and 18 (or Popkirtle Lane) to the E. From a combination of 14th and 17th century measurements it appears to have been originally some 12 ft. 9 in. (3.89 m.) E.-W. by 5 1/2 to 6 ft. (1.68 m. to 1.83 m.) N.-S. (fn. 1) It was the southernmost of a group of properties from which quit-rents were due in the 13th century, to Lawrence of St. Michael, son of William son of Benedict (see below).

In 1858 the site of 25-6 lay within that of no. 88 Queen Street.

Thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries: 25

In 1243-4 this property was a shop belonging to Arnald of Oxford. In 1287 it was described as land formerly of Muriel daughter of Ernard of Oxford. Margery Piche held it in 1292-3, and in 1298 Isabel, widow of Roger le Lorimer, quitclaimed in it to her as Margery, widow of John Pece, late citizen and mercer (mercenarius). About 1295 it was referred to as the shop of John Pece. In 1304 Walter Squysh, potter (ollarius), and his wife Margery, probably John Pece's widow, granted 25 to (Sir) Richer de Refham, citizen and mercer. In 1324 de Refham granted it to Sir Roger de Waltham, canon of St. Paul's, who had already acquired 26. Richer's wife Joan released all claim of dower. (fn. 2)

Fourteenth to sixteenth century: 25 and 26

In 1325 Roger de Waltham sought and acquired licence to alienate 3 shops in Soper Lane (5A-B and 25-6) to the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, to find a chaplain for the souls of Roger, his ancestors and benefactors, and Anthony Beek (d. 1311), bishop of Durham. In the deed granting the properties 25-6 were described as one shop, one moiety of which had belonged to Richer de Refham and the other to William de Aldenham and John de Preston, with solar and houses over. William de Elsyng held it as one shop, at £4 (6 marks) rent, from which 10s. was due to Walter de Waldeshef, for the chantry of Philip the tailor (cissor) in the church of St. Michael Paternoster. In the later 14th and 15th centuries some tenants of the properties are known, but it is not clear which held 5A, 5B, or 25-6, and all are described under 5 (q.v.). 5A and 5B were probably demolished during the 15th century, but 25-6 survived, though it may have been falling into disrepair. (fn. 3)

Quit-rent from 25 and 26

Both 25 and 26 were each charged with quit-rents of 5s. p.a., first recorded as being due to Lawrence of St. Michael, son of William son of Benedict. That from 26 was referred to in 1243-4. In 1258-9 Lawrence granted his rents to Philip le Taillour, who by his will proved in 1292 left £3. 6s. 10d. (5 marks 2d.) rent in Soper Lane he had by the grant of Lawrence of St. Michael, to maintain 2 chaplains in the church of St. Michael Paternoster. In 1324 the 5s. rent from 26 was said to be due to Walter Waldeshef, but in 1325 it was made clear that he was tenant of the chief tenement (in another parish) sometime of Philip Gisors (? le Taylur), assigned to collect and pay the rent to a chaplain celebrating for Philip's soul in the church of St. Michael Paternoster. St. Paul's continued to pay 10s. for 25-6, as well as 12s. for 5 (q.v.) in the 14th and 15th centuries. (fn. 4) In 1433 the master of the college of St. Michael in the Riole (Whittington College), to which Philip Taillour's endowment had been transferred, complained that the dean of St. Paul's and others had disseised him of £1. 13s. 2d. rent in Soper Lane in St. Pancras parish. 15s. 2d. (sic) of this was due from two shops sometime of Roger Waltham, now payable by the dean and chapter. Other rents were due from 27-29. The defendants denied the disseisin but the assize found for the plaintiff. The rent is not listed in the Chantry Certificate of 1548, and may not have been paid for some time before then. (fn. 5)

Sixteenth century: 25-6

In 1518 the dean of St. Paul's and the cantarist of de Waltham's chantry leased 25-6, a messuage in Soper Lane, to James Willson for 50 years at 16s. rent for the first 40 years and 13s. 4d. for the remaining 10 years. In 1546-7 the tenant of Waltham's chantry lands in Soper Lane was John Aylmer. He may be the John Elmer, stranger, resident in the parish, probably in Soper Lane, in 1541. This property was not specifically identified in the Chantry Certificate of 1548. The rent was paid to the Crown, at first 16s. and then 13s. 4d. It was not sold until 1563, when Elizabeth granted it, with other properties, to Thomas Reve and Ralph Sherman, at 30 years purchase. 25-6 was said to lie between 24 to the S., 27 to the N., and 18 to the E.; the rent due was 13s. 4d., but the lease had not long to run. In 1588 the dean and chapter made a lease to John Leeke, citizen and mercer, of several former chantry properties, including one in Soper Lane sometime held by John Aylmer, for 40 years at a total of £17 rent (£1 for 25-6). Leeke was said to be ready to prove that there were divers messuages seized by the king as chantry endowments, to which he was never entitled. It seems unlikely that Leeke was able to recover 25-6 for St. Paul's from the Crown's grantees. (fn. 6) The later 16th- and early 17th-century history of 25-6 is not known. By 1645, and probably in fact by 1616, it was held by the owners of 22, and is described with that property. In 1669 25-6 measured 11 ft. 6 in. N.-S., by 12 ft. E.-W. (3.51 m. by 3.66 m.). (fn. 7)


  • 1. HR 52(103); Bodl, MS Ch. Lond. 370; M & O v, f. 7.
  • 2. GL, MS 25121/572; LBA, 168-9 (f. 79); GL, MS 25121/1634; HR 27(59); LBB, 212 (f. 92v); HR 32(75) (= GL, MS 25121/1633); HR 53(1) (GL, MS 25121/14); GL, MS 25121/1647.
  • 3. PRO, C143/184/12; Cal Pat R 1324-7, p. 162, GL, MS 25121/3036-7; see 5.
  • 4. GL, MS 25121/572; PA, no. 250; HR 21(66), 52(103); GL, MSS 25121/1635, 3037, 3045; GL, MSS 25161/1-10 (Waltham's chantry a/cs).
  • 5. PA, nos. 249-50; Chant C, nos. 96, 110.
  • 6. GL, MS 25526, f. 19; Chant C, no. 110; PRO, E179/144/120; PRO, SC6/E 6/293, 295; PRO, LR2/244, f. 13v; PRO, E318/47/2484; Cal Pat R 1560-3, pp. 499-500; GL, MS 25630/3, ff. 243-244v.
  • 7. See 22; Bodl, MS Ch. Lond. 370.