722 Wolverston v Barwell

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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James Wolverston of Clifton Campville, co. Stafford, gent v Thomas Barwell of the same, yeoman

June 1639

Figure 722:

Clifton Campville, Staffordshire, showing the church and manor house. Both James Wolverston and Thomas Barwell lived in the village (From Stebbing Shaw, The History and Antiquities of Staffordshire , 2 vols. (1798-1801))


Wolverston complained that during the last six months, Barwell called him a knave without any provocation. Process was granted and Wolverston entered bond on 19 June 1639; but no further proceedings survive.

Initial proceedings

6/130, Petition to Maltravers

'The petitioner is a gentleman of blood and armes; and that within six months last one Thomas Barwell of Clifton Camvile in the countie of Stafford, yeoman, did much revile and abuse the petitioner with many opprobrious words, and saide that the petitioner was a knave, thereby provoking the petitioner to duell, without any cause given him by the petitioner.'

Petitioned that Barwell be brought to answer.

Maltravers granted process, no date.

6/132, Plaintiff's bond

19 June 1639

Bound to appear 'in the court in the painted Chamber within the Pallace of Westminster'.

Signed by Robert Sankey of Cannock, co. Stafford, gent, on behalf of Wolverston.

Sealed and delivered in the presence of Humphrey Terrick.


James Wolverston was the third son of Humphrey Wolverston of Stotfold, co. Stafford, and Mary, daughter of Ralph Egerton of Betley, co. Stafford.

G. J. Armytage and W. H. Rylands (eds.), Staffordshire Pedigrees based on the Visitation of that County made by William Dugdale, 1663-4 (Publications of the Harleian Society, 63, 1912), p. 253.


  • Initial proceedings
    • Petition to Maltravers: 6/130 (no date)
    • Plaintiff's bond: 6/132 (19 Jun 1639)

People mentioned in the case

  • Barwell, Thomas, yeoman
  • Egerton, Mary
  • Egerton, Ralph
  • Howard, Henry, baron Maltravers
  • Sankey, Robert, gent
  • Terrick, Humphrey
  • Wolverston, Humphrey (also Wolfreston)
  • Wolverston, James, gent (also Wolfreston)
  • Wolverston, Mary (also Wolfreston)

Places mentioned in the case

  • Middlesex
    • Westminster
  • Staffordshire
    • Betley
    • Cannock
    • Clifton Campville
    • Stotfold

Topics of the case

  • provocative of a duel