721 Wogan v Nicholas

The Court of Chivalry 1634-1640.

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Thomas Wogan, gent v William Griffith Nicholas

May 1639


Wogan complained that Griffith Nicholas abused a jury of freeholders sworn for setting the bounds of land of the Bishop of St Davids in Manorowen, Pembrokeshire, in September 1638. When Wogan desired him to forbear, Nicholas gave him the lie and called him 'Fellowe, with many other undervalewinge speeches.' Process was granted on 20 May 1639, but nothing further survives.

Initial proceedings

6/124, Petition to Maltravers

'In September last, there being jury of freeholders sworne for settinge for the bounds of certeyne lands of the Bishop of St Davids within the parish of Manernawan within the county of Pembroke, one William Griffith Nicholas then and there much abused the jury, whome your petitioner in a very friendly manner desired to forbear, telling him that he had nothing to do therewith; to which in a very furious manner he very often times replyed, Thou lyest, terminge your petitioner, Fellowe, with many other undervalewinge speeches.'

Petitioned that Nicholas be brought to answer.

Maltravers granted process on 20 May 1639.


The pedigrees of the families of Wogan of Boulston and Wogan of Wiston are given in M. P. Siddons (ed.), Visitations by the Heralds in Wales (Publications of the Harleian Society, new series, 14, 1996).


  • Initial proceedings
    • Petition to Maltravers: 6/124 (20 May 1639)

People mentioned in the case

  • Howard, Henry, baron Maltravers
  • Maynwaring, Roger, bishop of St Davids
  • Nicholas, William Griffith
  • Wogan, Thomas, gent

Places mentioned in the case

  • Pembrokeshire
    • St Davids
    • Manorowen

Topics of the case

  • giving the lie