CP40/954: Michaelmas term 1500

Court of Common Pleas: the National Archives, Cp40 1399-1500. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 2010.

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Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 026d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Edward K. claims that Robert C. owes him £40 per a bond. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: RC defends and seeks to hear the bond's endorsement read. The condition on the bond is such that if RC should pay ER £40 by the manner and form following, namely, £10 at the feast of the Purification next following, £10 at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist then next, and £10 at the feast of the Purification next following, then the bond should be null and void. Having heard this, RC is granted licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 13/02/1498
(due) 24/06/1498 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Andrew Pawe (m) Attorney of defendant
Edward Knyvet (m) Esquire Plaintiff
Robert Clere (m) Knight (lately of) London < England alias (lately of) Ormesby < Norfolk < England Defendant
Robert Rokewod (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 050

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s.
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: John M. claims that Nicholas D. owes him £22 10s per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: ND says that he ought not be held to the aforesaid bond because at the time of its making JM and his associates, at Bixley, Norfolk, were threatening to seize, assault, and imprison him unless he should make the same said bond.

Pleading: JM says that ND made the bond of his own free will and seeks inquiry upon the country, and ND seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk to make a jury come in Hilary term 1501. And upon this ND puts attorneys Henry F. and John J., together and separately, in his place against JM in this case.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of Norfolk does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Easter term 1501.

Case notes: photo 109

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 06/10/1497
(due) 01/11/1497 < All Saints
Imprisonment Bixley < Norfolk < England (initial) 06/10/1497
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Farman (m) Attorney of defendant
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Jenour (m) Attorney of defendant
John Mynes (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff
Nicholas Derby (m) Esquire (lately of) Bixley < Norfolk < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 108d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Peter S. claims that Matthew B. owes him 117s. PS says that at London on 19 July 1499, by way of a certain bill, MB granted himself to be held to PS in 117s, to be paid to PS at Christmas 1499. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bill shown in court.

Pleading: MB defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 19/07/1499
(due) 25/12/1499 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Pyerpount (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Matthew Bysshopeden (m) Clothmaker (lately of) Warbelton < Sussex < England Defendant
Peter Starkey (m) Citizen Draper London < England Plaintiff
Philip Corff (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 115

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Surrey
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard I. claims that Thomas K. owes him £12 7s (7s added as an interlineation) on four bonds, all of which were made on 08/09/1485 at Southwark, Surrey, namely: one bond in 4m due at Michaelmas 1491, another in 4m due at Michaelmas 1492, another in 4m due at Michaelmas 1493, and another in £4 due at Michaelmas 1494. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bonds shown in court.

Pleading: TK says that he is not able to deny the action against him, nor that the bonds are of his making, nor that he owes RI the aforesaid £12 7s. Order that RI recover the debt plus damages assessed by the court, with RI's assent, at 13s 4d. TK is not amerced because he came when first summoned. And RI, in this court, freely remits to TK 26s 8d of the aforesaid debt. Therefore TK is quit concerning this 26s 8d. And upon this TK is to be committed to the Fleet prison, where he is to remain etc.

Case notes: photo 243; This case was written up as seeking £12 on four bonds which total to £12. However, at some later stage 'and 7s' has been added as an interlineation over each instance of the total, original £12 value of the case being recited. There is no mention of how the additional 7s debt was incurred.

Type Place Date
Bond Southwark < Surrey < England (initial) 08/09/1485
(due) 29/09/1491 < Michaelmas
Bond Southwark < Surrey < England (initial) 08/09/1485
(due) 29/09/1494 < Michaelmas
Bond Southwark < Surrey < England (initial) 08/09/1485
(due) 29/09/1492 < Michaelmas
Bond Southwark < Surrey < England (initial) 08/09/1485
(due) 29/09/1493 < Michaelmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Richard Illyngworth (m) Plaintiff
Robert Henryson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Kyble alias Thomas Keble (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 115d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Kent
Writ type: Detinue
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Detention of goods; Safe keeping

Pleading: Roger [surname erased] claims that at London on 01/06/1491 he delivered goods and chattels to the value of £8, namely 2 butts of malmsey wine, to Thomas C. for safe keeping, and that TC now refuses to return these two butts of wine. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: TC defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: defendant's occupation and place of residence, and the plaintiff's first/last names have been erased, presumably cancelling the enrolment.

Type Place Date
Safe Keeping St Bride Fleet Street < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 01/06/1491
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Robert Henryson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Roger [erased] (m) Skinner London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Clement (m) Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 125

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s.
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Thomas M. claims that Roger L. owes him £11 2d as the unpaid residue of a £40 bond. TM acknowledges that he has been satisfied concerning £28 19s 10d of the original £40 bond, leaving the aforesaid unpaid residue of £11 2d. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: RL says that he ought not be held to the aforesaid bond because it is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and TM puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 262

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 20/12/1497
(due) 01/03/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Chamber (m) Attorney of defendant
Roger Lewkenore alias Roger Leukenore (m) Knight (lately of) Ttotton < Sussex < England Defendant
Thomas Lane (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Masset (m) Citizen Draper London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 126d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Kent
Writ type: Disseisin
Case type: Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: Henry K., Thomas B., Richard H., and Hugh A. seek from Gerard D. and his wife Marion D. 4 messuages, 128 acres of land, 11 acres of wood, and 4s rents with appurtenances in Plumstead, Erith, and Wickham (presumably East Wickham), all in Kent, as their right and inheritance. And, HK, TB, RH, and RA say that the defendants, GD and MD, do not have entry into this property and rent unless after the disseisin which Robert B. unjustly and without judgement, made against the plaintiffs, since the first voyage of Henry III into Gascony etc. HK, TB, RH, and RA say that they were seised of this property and rents in their demesne and as of fee in the time of the peace of the present king (Henry VII), taking the profits thereof etc.

Pleading: GD and MD defend and call to warrant John D., who is present in this court and freely warrants them. And upon this HK, TB, RH and HA seek the aforesaid property and rents from JD, who is held by his warrant.

Pleading: JD, held by his warrant, says that the aforesaid RB did not disseise the aforesaid HK, TB, RH and HA and puts himself upon the country etc.

Pleading: HK, TB, RH and HA seek licence to imparl, which they are granted. Later in this same term, HK, TB, RH and HA return to the court; but JD, who is held by his warrant, does not return to the court. Thus JD, in contempt of the court, makes default.

Postea text: Therefore, the decision is that HK, TB, RH and HA are to recover their seisin against GD and MD. And, GD and Mdare to have lands of the same value from (the lands of) JD. JD is in mercy.

Postea text: postea 1 - HK, TB, RH and HA seek a writ of the lord king to have seisin of the aforesaid property and rents, directed to the sheriff of Kent. This writ is to be returnable in the octave of St John the Baptist 1501 (Trinity term 1501).

Postea text: postea 2 - The sheriff returns that the writ was enforced on 13/06/1501, when HK, TB, RH and HA were made seised of the aforesaid property and rents. Furthermore, the sheriff of Kent also returns that on the same day GD and MD were made seised of 9 other messuages, 30 acres of land, and 10 acres of woods with appurtenances in Faversham ('Fenersham'), Kent, from the lands of JD, equal to the value of the aforesaid property and rents etc.

Type Place Date
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Gerard Danyell (m) Fishmonger London < England Defendant
Henry Kebell (m) Merchant (lately of) London < England Plaintiff
Henry Smyth (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Hugh Aston (m) Chaplain Plaintiff
John Drakes (m) Other
John Smyth (m) Attorney of defendant
Marion Danyell (f) London < England Defendant
Richard Harsale (m) Plaintiff
Robert Bacheler (m) Other
Thomas Bonde (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 139d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Berkshire
Writ type: Debt (account)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Reckoning of account

Pleading: John D. claims that at Newbury, Berkshire, on 01/07/1499 he and Robert S. together held a reckoning of account between them concerning diverse sums of JD's money received by RS prior to that day, by which accounting RS was found to be 40s in arrears to JD. Damages are claimed at 40s.

Pleading: RS says that he does not owe JD the aforesaid 40s nor any other monies and offers his law, to be made in Hilary term 1501. Pledges of law are named. And, it is decided that RS's attorney, Thomas V., is to have his master to this court to make his law in the term aforesaid.

Type Place Date
Accounting Newbury < Berkshire < England (initial) 01/07/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Dreyton (m) Citizen Salter London < England Plaintiff
John More (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Richard Gore (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Robert Sewell (m) Gentleman (lately of) Newbury < Berkshire < England Defendant
Thomas Vyncent (m) Attorney of defendant, Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 185

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John W. and William L. claim that Christopher H. owes them 50m per a bond. Damages are claimed at £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: CH defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 384

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 22/05/1498
(due) 01/11/1499 < All Saints
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Hawe (m) Citizen Mercer (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of defendant
John Walle (m) Clerk, Master Plaintiff
William Langdale (m) Esquire Plaintiff
William Palmer (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 186d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (other); Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Real action / rents / damage to real estate; Sale of goods

Pleading: Robert B. claims that Edward B. owes him 4m. Robert B. claims that at London on 10/09/1496 he demised to Edward B. the rectory of Beckenham, Kent, with all its fruits, oblations, tenths, and other dues of the same rectory, to be had and occupied by the same EB from the feast of the annunciation of St Mary then next following (25/03/1497) until the same feast then next following (25/03/1498), namely, for one whole year, at an annual rent of £18, payable to RB at the feasts of the nativity of St John the Baptist (24/06/1497), Michaelmas (29/09/1497), Christmas (25/12/1497), and Easter (15/04/1498) in equal portions. RB says that by force of this demise EB had and occupied the aforesaid rectory from the same 10/09/1496, for one entire year then next following. RB says that of the £4 10s payment of the aforesaid £18 annual rent which was due at Christmas 1497, EB did not pay 40s, which same 40s is in arrears and a parcel of the aforesaid 4m debt. RB also says that at London on the same aforesaid 10/09/1496 EB bought from him 2 cartloads of hay for 13s 4d, which hay has not been paid for. Together the 40s arrears of rents and 13s 4d from the sale of hay add up to the said 4m debt. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: EB defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Postea text: postea 1 - further licence to imparl, forwarding the case as far as Easter term 1501.

Type Place Date
Rental Agreement St Magnus the Martyr < Bridge Ward < London < England (initial) 10/09/1496
(due) 24/06/1497 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
(due) 29/09/1497 < Michaelmas
(due) 25/12/1497 < Christmas
(due) 15/04/1498 < Easter
Sale of Goods St Magnus the Martyr < Bridge Ward < London < England
Location of Property Beckenham < Kent < England
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Edward Brograve (m) Gentleman (lately of) Beckenham < Kent < England Defendant
George Congeherst (m) Attorney of defendant
Robert Bekyngham (m) Citizen Grocer London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Polsted (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 187

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert F. claims that Richard R. owes him £20 on two bonds, of £10 each, which were both made at London on 12/01/1498. One of these bonds was due on 11/07/1499. the other of these bonds was due on 11/01/1500. Damages are claiemd at £10. Bonds shown in court.

Pleading: RR defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 387

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 12/01/1498
(due) 11/01/1500
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 12/01/1498
(due) 11/07/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Heron (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Ryce (m) Citizen Draper (lately of) London < England Defendant
Robert Fenrother (m) Citizen Goldsmith London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Burgh (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 187

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert F. claims that Richard R. owes him £20 on a bond. Damages are claimed at £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: RR defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 388

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 12/01/1498
(due) 11/01/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Heron (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Ryce (m) Citizen Draper (lately of) London < England Defendant
Robert Fenrother (m) Citizen Goldsmith London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Burgh (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 188

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Loan

Pleading: Edward W. claims that Robert W. owes him £4 on a loan. Damages are claimed at 40s.

Pleading: RW defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 390

Type Place Date
Loan St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 19/11/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Edward Wystowe (m) Citizen Grocer (lately of) London < England Plaintiff
John Purse (m) Attorney of defendant
Owen Holand (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Robert Wystowe (m) Gentleman Westminster < Middlesex < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 188

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John K. claims that John P. owes him 10m per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JP defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501. And upon this JP puts attorney Richard P. in his place against JK in this case.

Postea text: postea 1 - further licence to imparl, forwarding the case as far as Easter term 1501.

Postea text: postea 2 -' VACAT'...not able to deny the action of the aforesaid JK, nor that the bond is of his making, nor that he owes JK the aforesaid 10m. Therefore the decision is that JK is to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with JK' s assent, at 6s 8d. And upon this JK freely remits to JP 70s and also the damages. Therefore JP is quit concerning 70s and also the damages.

Case notes: photo 389

Type Place Date
Bond St Dunstan in the West < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 15/05/1498
(due) 20/09/1498 < Michaelmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Knapp (m) Citizen Brewer London < England Plaintiff
John Patteshale (m) Gentleman (lately of) Ford < Herefordshire < England Defendant
Richard Patteshale (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 188d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert D. claims that John S. owes him £12 8s per a bond. Damages are claimed at £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JS says that the bond is not of his making and puts himself upon the court, and RD puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Hilary term 1501. Pledges are named for the defendant.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 27/04/1497
(due) 02/05/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Clement Barber (m) Yeoman London < England Surety for defendant
David Johnson (m) Yeoman London < England Surety for defendant
John Sympson (m) Citizen Dyer (lately of) London < England Defendant
Robert Drayton (m) Citizen Draper London < England Plaintiff
Robert Oldbury (m) Haberdasher London < England Surety for defendant
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Shypton (m) Dyer London < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 189

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard M. claims that John Z. owes him £24 2s 10d on two bonds. RM says that with JZ at London on 03/08/1498 he made a £19 10s bond, which was to be paid in the purification of St Mary 1499 (02/02/1499). RM also says that with JZ at London on 05/02/1500 he made a £4 12s 10d bond, which was to be paid in Easter 1500 (19/04/1500). Damages are claimed at £20. Bonds shown in court.

Pleading: JZ defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 392

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 05/02/1500
(due) 19/04/1500 < Easter
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 03/08/1498
(due) 02/02/1499 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Martyn (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Zouche (m) Knight, Lordsec Zouche and Saint Maur [barony] (lately of) London < England Defendant
Richard Mylard (m) Citizen Saddler London < England Plaintiff
William Wolf (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 191

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (other)
Case type: Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: John B. claims that John W. owes him 10m arrears of rent. JB says that at London on 24/09/1497 he demised to JW one messuage with appurtenances, located in Exeter, Devon, for a term of twenty years then next following that same day. During this period JW was to pay JB and annual rent of 4m at the feasts of Christmas, Easter, the nativity of St John the Baptist, and Michaelmas in equal portions. JB says that by force of this demise JW entered and was possessed of this messuage for the two and one-half years next following the aforesaid 24/09/1497, but did not pay the rent. JB says that JW thus owes him the aforesaid 10m arrears of rent. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: JW defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 395

Type Place Date
Location of Property Exeter < Devon < England
Rental Agreement Bread Street Ward < London < England (initial) 24/09/1497
(due) < Michaelmas
(due) < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
(due) < Easter
(due) < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Bonysant (m) Plaintiff
John Croull (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Wylueyn (m) Baker (lately of) Exeter < Devon < England Defendant
William Legh (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 211

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 5m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Thomas Sandwey, alias John Sandwey, claims that on 11/05/1487, at London, John P. obliged himself to Thomas Sandwey, as well as William R. and Thomas C. who are now deceased, in £40, to be paid to the same Thomas Sandwey, WR and TC in the feast of St Peter ad vincula then next following (01/08/1487). Thomas Sandwey says that, although often requested, JP has not paid this money, and claims damages of 5m. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JP defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 437

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 11/05/1487
(due) 01/08/1487 < St Peter ad Vincula
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Percevale alias John Percevall (m) Yeoman (lately of) Herne < Kent < England Defendant
Owen Hollond (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Consent snr (m) dec. Yeoman Chislet < Kent < England Creditor
John Sandwey alias Thomas Sandwey (m) Gentleman Reculver < Kent < England Plaintiff
William Halk (m) Attorney of defendant
William Ruchefeld (m) dec. Yeoman Reculver < Kent < England Creditor

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 211

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard H. claims that Walter B. owes him £20 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: WB defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501. Pledges are named for the defendant.

Case notes: photo 436

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 28/07/1486
(due) 21/12/1486 < St Thomas the Apostle
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christian Burwell (m) Yeoman London < England Surety for defendant
Geoffrey Congherst (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Hamshere (m) Yeoman London < England Surety for defendant
Richard Hertwell (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff
Robert Lee (m) Yeoman Claxton < Norfolk < England Surety for defendant
Walter Butte (m) Gentleman (lately of) Ampthill < Bedfordshire < England Defendant
William Fraunces (m) Wax-chandler London < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 211d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s.
Case type: Bond

Pleading: James A. claims that John B. owes him 5m. JA claims that at London on 28/06/1499, by way of a certain bill, JB granted himself to owe JA £5 6s 8d, to be paid to JA in payments of: 20s at Michaelmas 1499 (29/09/1499), 20s at Christmas 1499 (25/12/1499), 20s at Easter 1500 (19/04/1500), 20s at the nativity of St John the Baptist 1500 (24/06/1500), and 26s 8d in at Michaelmas 1500. JA acknowledges that he has been satisfied concerning 40s of the original £5 6s 8d debt, leaving the aforesaid unpaid residue of 5m. Damages are claimed at 40s. The bill is presented to the court.

Pleading: JB says that the bill is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and JA puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Hilary term 1501. The bill is given to chief clerk John H. for safe keeping.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 28/06/1499
(due) 29/09/1499 < Michaelmas
(due) 25/12/1499 < Christmas
(due) 19/04/1500 < Easter
(due) 24/06/1500 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
(due) 29/09/1500 < Michaelmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
James Albury (m) Haberdasher (lately of) London < England Plaintiff
John Bongay (m) Hatmaker (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Heyron (m) Chief Clerk Common Pleas [court] Clerk
John Samuell (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 213d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Idonia R. claims that Edmund N. owes him 66s 8d per a bond. Damages are claimed at 40s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: EN defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501. John R., Simon V., Thomas C., and Christopher I. are named as pledges for the defendant; and if it should happen that IN, in the aforesaid plea, should be in any way convicted in the aforesaid 66s 8d then each of the same pledges thereby concedes that he himself is to be liable concerning the same debt, damages and costs, and liable to be imprisoned in the Fleet if the same debt, damages, and costs should not be paid etc.

Postea text: postea 1 - further licence to imparl, forwarding the case as far as Easter term 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 02/02/1500
(due) 24/06/1500 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Iden (m) Yeoman London < England Surety for defendant
Edmund Northorp (m) Citizen Salter (lately of) London < England Defendant
George Congherst (m) Attorney of defendant
Humphrey Taylard (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Idonia Rathebon (f) Widow Plaintiff
John Robynson (m) Fishmonger London < England Surety for defendant
Simon Vavasour (m) Brazier London < England Surety for defendant
Thomas Cowpar (m) Fuller London < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 213d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: John b. claims that at London on 28/07/1497 John H. bought from him 8 bales of woad for £15 17s 9d. JP says that JH has never paid for this woad and claims damages of 100s.

Pleading: JH defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 28/07/1497
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Geoffrey Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Harmer (m) Coverlet-weaver (lately of) Bury St Edmunds < Suffolk < England Defendant
John Passemer (m) Citizen Skinner London < England Plaintiff
William Tasselk (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 216d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond; Contract (general)

Pleading: Thomas H. claims that John B. owes him £20 as the unpaid residue of a £40 bond which was made at Westminster on 3 January 1498 and due at the feast of the Conversion of St Paul 1498. TH acknowledges that JB has satisfied him of £20 of the original £40 debt, but has not paid the remaining £20, to his damage of 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JB defends and seeks to hear the bond and the endorsement. The condition on the bond is such that if the within-obliged John Worlyche, who has been committed to the Fleet by the order of the Chief Justice of Common Pleas, is a faithful prisoner and does not leave that place or the custody of TH, or his lieutenant or deputy, until such a time as he is legally exonerated or delivered, and if he maintains good conduct between himself and his servants and TH and his servants (or his lieutenant or deputy and their servants), and if he should also pay TH, his lieutenant or deputy, all sums due for his food, drink and room, and other expenses as due each week for the whole time he should be imprisoned within the Feet, as agreed between TH or his lieutenant or deputy on the one part and JW on the other part, then the bond shall have no effect. Having heard this, JB is granted licence to imparl to the octave of Hilary 1501. Pledges named for defendant.

Postea text: Further licence to imparl, to quindene of Easter.

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 03/01/1498
(due) 25/01/1498
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Henry Salesbury (m) Yeoman London < England Defendant
Humphrey Taylard (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Bray (m) Citizen Stationer (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Kynge (m) Husbandman Hayes < Middlesex < England Defendant
John Robynson (m) Fishmonger London < England Surety for defendant
John Worlyche (m) Other
Thomas Haselwode (m) Esquire Warden Fleet Prison [priory] Plaintiff
William Gybson (m) Blacksmith London < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 217

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Thomas S. and Robert R. claim that William S. owes them £40 per a bond which was made at London on 15/10/1498 and due in the feast of All Saints then next following (01/11/1498). Damages are claimed at £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: WS defends and seeks to hear the bond's endorsement read. The condition on the bond, in English, 'is such that if the within bound WS well and truly hold, perform and keep fully all and singular conventions, conditions, and payments which on his part been to be holden, performed, kept, and fulfilled, contained and specified in a pair of indentures of the demise and lease of a tenement with its appurtenances set and being in the parish of St John the Evangelist within the city of London which the said WS late dwelled in, between the said WS on the one part and the within written TS and RR on the other part, there of made, as in the same indentures bearing (the) date within written more plainly doth appear that then this present obligation, to be void and had for naught and else it to stand in all its strength and virtue. Hearing this, WS says that the plaintiffs ought not have their action against him because after the making of the said bond, namely at London on the day aforesaid (15/10/1498), TS and RR made the indenture with WS (to which he bond relates), one part of which indenture WS presents to the court. By this indenture: TS and RR demised at farm to WS all of that tenement with appurtenances situated and lying in the parish of St John the Evangelist within London which the same WS lately inhabited, to be had and held by WS from Michaelmas then last preceding before the said 15/10/1498 (that is to say, Michaelmas 1498) for the seven years then next following. For this period, WS was to pay TS and RR an annual rent of 113s 4d at the feasts of Christmas, the annunciation of St Mary, the nativity of St John the Baptist, and Michaelmas, in equal portions. And if it should happen that the aforesaid rent or any parcel of it should fall into arrears after any payment date by a space of four weeks then TS and RR ought to have good licence to re-enter the property and make use of it without any interruption or impediment from WS or anyone of any other name. And also, that the same WS, during the aforesaid term, ought not break, sell, remove, or transport the aforesaid tenement or any parcel nor anything pertaining to the tenement, nor do any damage etc. without the assent and licence of TS and RR nor keep to himself anything from the said from the tenement from that time forward etc. And also, the same WS ought to clean the privy within the house called the ‘draught' and also the outside privy called the ‘little draught' which the same WS recently made and erected whenever it should be necessary. And TS and RR ought to repair, maintain, and sustain the tenement with appurtenances to be wind-tight, water-tight, etc. during the same term… [FURTHER DETAILS GIVEN] And WS says that, at London, he paid to TS and RR £4 5s of the aforesaid annual rent, namely, for Christmas 1498, the annunciation of St Mary 1499, the nativity of St John the Baptist 1499, and also 28s 4d of the same annual rent, namely Michaelmas 1449 within the space of four weeks after whichever feast day according to the form of the indenture. And also, WS says that from (the payment due in) the feast of Christmas 1499, namely on 10/01/1500, he offered TS and RR 28s 4d rent which TS and RR refused to receive. WS says that he has always, since the said 10/01/1500, been prepared to pay this 28d 4d to TS and RR if they would have it. WS presents this 28s 4d to the court. And the same WS says that he did not damage the property, cleaned the privies of the house, etc.; faithfully holding to all of the conventions, conditions, and payments specified in the indenture etc.

Pleading: TS and RR say that WS did not fulfil the conditions of the indenture. Specifically, they say that WS did not offer them the 28s 4d of rents from Christmas 1499 in the manner alleged at the bar, nor within the space of four weeks after the said feast. Thus WS did not hold to the form and effect of the indenture.

Pleading: WS says that he offered TS and RR the 28s 4d due in Christmas 1499 on 10/01/1500 in accordance with the form and effect of the indenture. Concerning this, WS puts himself upon the country, and the plaintiffs, TS and RR, put themselves likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the quindene of Martinmas 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London did not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Hilary term 1501.

Postea text: postea 2 - continuance between the parties as far as the octave of the Purification 1501, unless the case should first be heard at the assize at St Martin le Grand before chief justice Thomas W. on 06/02/1501.

Postea text: postea 3 - to this day (the octave of Hilary term 1500) comes WS, and chief justice TW sends record of the case as heard at the assize if St Martin le Grand before chief justice TW himself and associate justice Peter H. on 06/02/1501. To that assize came the plaintiffs, TS and RR, and defendant WS. A Jury also came. However, TS and RR decided not to prosecute their writ against WS. Therefore, it is decided that TS and RR are to have nothing by their writ, and are in mercy for false claim. WS is without day.

Case notes: photos 448-9

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 15/10/1498
(due) 01/11/1498 < All Saints
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 15/10/1498
(due) < Michaelmas
(due) < Blessed Virgin Mary, Annunciation of
(due) < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
(due) < Christmas
Location of Property St John the Evangelist < London < England
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of defendant
Peter Hunsdon (m) Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
Robert Reyne (m) Lordeccles Chaplain Plaintiff
Thomas Smyth (m) Lordeccles Chaplain Plaintiff
Thomas Wode (m) Chief Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
William Stowe (m) Citizen Draper, Linen-draper (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 220d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Kent
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond; Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: Robert F. claims that on 24 December 1497, at Maidstone, Kent, by way of a certain bond, RB obliged himself to RF in £20 [sic, presumably error for 100m], payable at the feast of the Purification 1498 [(interlined) of which RF has been satisfied of £46 13s 4d]. However he has not paid this, to his damage of £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: RB seeks to hear the bond and the endorsement, and these are read in court. The condition on the bond [recited in full, in English] is such that if, before the feast of the Purification then next, RB should make and deliver or cause to be made and delivered to RF, his heirs, assigns, etc, a good, sure and sufficient estate in law in all the messuage with appurtenances and 80 acres of arable land, wood, and pasture which RB has in Ranscombe in the parish of Cuxton, discharged of all dues except the rent to the chief lord of the fee, and deliver all deeds and other documents concerning this property, and does all to ensure the secure possession of this property by RF, then the bond shall be void. Otherwise it remains in force. Having heard this, RB is granted licence to imparl to the octave of Hilary 1501.

Case notes: Photos: 0425-6

Type Place Date
Bond Maidstone < Kent < England (initial) 24/12/1497
(due) 02/02/1498 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Location of Property Ranscombe < Kent < England
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Seth (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Robert Broun (m) Yeoman Cuxton < Kent < England Defendant
Robert Fenrother (m) Citizen Goldsmith London < England Plaintiff
William Halk (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 221

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: William H. claims that prior of Hurley, John Hampton, owes him £17. WH claims that at London on 24/09/1497 prior John Hampton's predecessor, former prior John Hylston, bought from him: 4 pounds of salt called bay salt; 21 sacks; 61 fish called fish called stockfish ('viginti et unum saccos sexaginta et undecem pisces vocatur stokfysshes'); 80 fish called saltfish; 3017 pounds of iron; 25¾ weight (pondera) of cheese; 43 bunches of garlic; 8 bunches of onions; 41 cades of red herring; 23 barrels and 3 firkins of white herring; 15 cades of sprat; 3 barrels of green fish; 22 gallons of oil called lamp oil; 201quarters of hopps; 28 pounds of flax; 4 gallons of rape oil (mete oyle); 118 pounds of wax (ceri); 4 barrels; and 4 baskets for a total of £85. WH, saying that that these items were for the use, benefit, and work of the monastery, church and convent at Hurley, acknowledges that former prior John Hylston later satisfied him concerning £71 of this same £85, leaving an outstanding debt of £14 when the same John Hylston ceased to be prior and the present prior John Hampton was elected. And also, at London on 08/10/1498 the present prior John Hampton bought from him 218 pounds of iron; 12 bushels of salt (modios salis) called bay salt; one barrel of white herring; one cade of red herring; 25 fish called saltfish; 25 fish called stockfish; 6 bunches of garlic; 2 sacks, and one weight (pondus) of cheese called wey of cheese for £3. WH says that although often requested this £17 has not been paid, and claims damages of £10.

Pleading: Prior John Hampton says, concerning the £14 debt arising from WH's sale of goods to former prior John Hylston, that the those goods did not come to the use, benefit, or work of the aforesaid monastery, church, or convent and puts himself upon the country, and WH puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Berkshire to make a jury come in the quindene of Martinmas term 1500. And concerning the supposed £3 debt arising from WH's sale of goods to the present prior John Hampton, the prior says that he does not owe WH the aforesaid £3 nor any other monies and puts himself upon the country, and WH puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the quindene of Martinmas term 1500 (late in Michaelmas term 1500).

Postea text: postea 1 - neither the sheriff of Berkshire nor the sheriff of London returned a writ, therefore the case is forwarded a far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photoss 475-7

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Michael Queenhithe < Queenhithe Ward < London < England (initial) 24/09/1497
Sale of Goods St Michael Queenhithe < Queenhithe Ward < London < England (initial) 28/10/1498
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Hampton (m) Prior Hurley [priory] Hurley < Berkshire < England Defendant
John Hylston (m) Prior Hurley [priory] Hurley < Berkshire < England Other
Thomas Vyncent (m) Attorney of defendant
William Hawkyns alias William Haukyns (m) Citizen Salter (lately of) London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 221d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: John Pasemer claims that John Parmenter owes him £15 17s 9d arising from the sale of 8 bales of woad which John Parmenter bought but did not pay for. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: John Parmenter defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 28/07/1497
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Parmenter (m) Dyer (lately of) Bury St Edmunds < Suffolk < England Defendant
John Pasemer (m) Citizen Skinner London < England Plaintiff
William Tassell (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 222d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (account)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Reckoning of account

Pleading: William B. claims that John H., executor of the will of Thomas D., owes him 10m. WB says that at London on 20/01/1485 was held a reckoning of the account between WB and TD concerning diverse sums of WB's money which had been received by TD, before auditors Thomas G. and John R., by which it was determined that TD was 10m in arrears of WB. WB says that, although often requested, TD did not pay this money during his lifetime, nor has JH, as TD's executor, paid it since the death of TD. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: JH defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Postea text: postea 1 - further licence to imparl, forwarding the case as far as Easter term 1501.

Case notes: photo 430

Type Place Date
Accounting St Martin Ludgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 20/01/1485
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Huntlowe (m) Clerk (lately of) Chilham < Kent < England Defendant, Executor
John Reve (m) Auditor
John Seth (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Sharp (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Duppa (m) dec. Clerk Chilham < Kent < England Testator
Thomas Gressyngton (m) Auditor
William Berell (m) Citizen Grocer London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 224d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Hertfordshire
Writ type: Debt (other)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Contract (service/employment)

Pleading: William W. claims that Ralph H. owes him 40s. WW says that on 30/09/1497 at St Albans, Hertfordshire, RH gave and granted to WW, for his good counsel to RH himself, present and future etc., a 20s lifetime annuity of annual rent, from the feast of Michaelmas then next following, to be paid at the feasts of the Annunciation of St Mary (25 March) and Michaelmas (29 September) in equal portions. WW says that on the pretext of this grant he was possessed of the aforesaid annuity or annual rent, and so counselled and gave counsel to the aforesaid Richard (clearly a scribal error for Ralph!) 'in a certain action of debt against the same Ralph (brought) by John H. of the vill of St Albans, fishmonger, in the hundred court of the Dacorum, Hertfordshire, prosecutor'. And the aforesaid 40s debt is for the two years ending at 'the feast of Michaelmas last preceding', for which years the 20s annuity is in arrears. Damages are claimed at 40s.

Pleading: RH says that he does not owe WW the aforesaid 40s nor any other monies and offers his law, to be made in Hilary term 1501. Pledges of law are named. And it is decided that RH's attorney, William R., is to have his master to this court to make his law in the term aforesaid.

Postea text: postea 1 - to which day come... [postea ends here, incomplete]

Case notes: photo 433

Type Place Date
Service/employment Contract St Albans < Hertfordshire < England (initial) 30/09/1497
(due) < Michaelmas
(due) < Blessed Virgin Mary, Annunciation of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Doo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
John Hille (m) Fishmonger St Albans < Hertfordshire < England Other
Ralph Hewet (m) Upholder (lately of) London < England Defendant
Richard Roo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
William Rukwode (m) Attorney of defendant
William Wystowe (m) Gentleman Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 225d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Assault

Pleading: Robert M., one of the attorneys of the common bench with the liberties and privileges of the same court etc. claims that John R., John M., Richard B., and Henry B. on 14/11/1500, at London, assaulted, wounded, and maltreated him with force and arms. RM claims damages of £10.

Pleading: JR, JM, RB, and HB defend and seek licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 435

Type Place Date
Assault St Faith under St Paul's < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 14/11/1500
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Henry Barbour (m) Defendant
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of defendant
John Molens (m) Defendant
John Rede (m) Defendant
Richard Bowyer (m) Defendant
Robert Mareys (m) Attorney Common Pleas [court] Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 234d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Kent
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Housebreaking; Taking of goods

Pleading: William Brograve is in mercy for many defaults. William Botery and William Bromwell claim that on 10/03/1499 William Brograve used force and arms to break their close at Beckenham, Kent, where he felled and carried off their trees and underwood to the value of 100s. The trees and underwood taken were, namely, 60 oak trees, 20 ash trees, and twenty cartloads of underwood. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: William Brograve defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 452

Type Place Date
Taking of Goods
Beckenham < Kent < England (initial) 10/03/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Congherst (m) Attorney of defendant
John Jenour (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Botery (m) Plaintiff
William Brograve (m) Draper (lately of) London < England Defendant
William Bromwell (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 236d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Margaret M. and Robert M., executors of the will of John M., claim that John P. owes them £15 on two bonds which were made between JP and the late JM. MM and RM says that on 18/02/1497 at London JP obliged himself to the late JM in £5, due on 24/04/1497. And, on 20/02/1497 JP obliged himself to the late JM in £10, due on 24/04/1498. Damages are claimed at 100s. MM and RM present the bonds to the court, as well as letters testamentary showing to be executors of JM.

Pleading: JP defends and seeks to hear the bonds' endorsements. The condition on the £5 bond is such that If the within obliges JP and John W. should pay JM 40s by 24 April 1497 then the present (£5) bond should be null and void; or else remain permanently null and void etc. The condition on the £10 bond is such that if the within obliged JP and JM should pay JM £8 in payments of 40s on 24 April 1498, 40s on 24 April 1499, and 40s on each 24th of April thereafter until the said £8 should be fully paid, then the present (£15) bond should be null and void. Upon hearing this, JP seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501. JP puts attorney William T. in his place against MM and RM in this case.

Case notes: photo 454

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 18/02/1497
(due) 24/04/1497
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 20/02/1497
(due) 24/04/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Mathewe (m) dec. Alderman London < England Testator
John Pecok (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Wodeman (m) Debtor
Margaret Mathewe (f) Executor, Plaintiff
Robert Mathewe (m) Executor, Plaintiff
William Tassell (m) Attorney of defendant
William Wolf (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 245

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (against statute)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Breach of Statute; Contract (service/employment)

Pleading: John S. claims that Peter K. breached the statute of labourers in contempt of the king and to his damage etc. JS says that at London on 01/09/1498 he retained PK to work for him as a fruiterer for the one year then next following. However, PK left his service prematurely and in breach of the statute in the feast of the Pentecost 1499 (19/05/1499). Damages are claimed at 40s.

Pleading: PK says that when he left JS's service in the feast of the Pentecost 1499 it was with JS's own licence.

Pleading: JS says that he never granted PK licence to leave his service in the feast aforesaid and seeks inquiry upon the country, and PK seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Hilary term 1501. Pledges are named for the defendant.

Case notes: photo 505

Type Place Date
Breach of Statute London < England (initial) 19/05/1499
Service/employment Contract St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 01/09/1498
(due) 01/09/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Sherenden (m) Plaintiff
Peter Ketyng (m) Fruiterer (lately of) London < England Defendant
Philip Conner (m) Fruiterer London < England Surety for defendant
Philip Corff (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Logan (m) Gardener St Clement Danes < Middlesex < St Clement Eastcheap < England Surety for defendant
William Istic (m) Fustian-dyer London < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 247

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (other)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: John B. claims that John D. owes him £7 6s 8d arrears of rent. JB claims that at London at Michaelmas 1495 he demised to JD one mill called 'Crekap'yt myll' , 20 shops called shambles ('shamells'), and 8 acres of meadow with appurtenances in Exeter and Duryard, Devon, to be had and occupied by JD at the will of JB for an annual rent of £7 6s 8d, payable at the feasts of Christmas, Easter, the nativity of St John the Baptist, and Michaelmas in equal portions. JB says that by force of this demise JD had and occupied the said mill, shops and meadow from the aforesaid Michaelmas 1495 for one whole year then next following, but did not pay the said £7 6s 8d rent. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: JD defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo: 513; related to CP 40/954, rot 247d.

Type Place Date
Location of Property Exeter and Duryard < Devon < England
Rental Agreement Bread Street Ward < London < England (initial) 29/09/1495
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Battyshill (m) Attorney of defendant
John Bonysant (m) Plaintiff
John Croull (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Downe (m) Husbandman (lately of) Exeter < Devon < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 247d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (other)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: John B. claims that Simon C. owes him 10m. JB says that on Michaelmas 1495 (29/09/1495) at London he demised to SC one mill called 'Crekaperyt myll' , 20 shops called shambles ('shamells'), and 8 acres of meadow with appurtenances in Exeter and Duryard, Devon, to be had and occupied by SC at the will of JB for an annual rent of 10m, payable at the feasts of Christmas, Easter, the nativity of St John the Baptist, and Michaelmas in equal portions. JB says that by force of this demise SC had and occupied the said mill, shops, and meadow from the aforesaid Michaelmas 1495 for one whole year then next following, but did not pay the said 10m rent. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: SC defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 476; related to CP40/954 rot.247.

Type Place Date
Location of Property Exeter and Duryard < Devon < England
Rental Agreement Bread Street Ward < London < England (initial) 29/09/1495
(due) < Michaelmas
(due) < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
(due) < Easter
(due) < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Bonysant (m) Plaintiff
John Croull (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Simon Carewe (m) Skinner (lately of) Exeter < Devon < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 247d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Thomas A. claims that Richard G. owes him £16 as the unpaid residue of a £20 bond which was made at London on 28/11/1498 and due in the feast of Christmas 1499 (25/12/1499). TA acknowledges that he has been paid £4 of the original £20 debt, leaving the aforesaid unpaid residue of £16. Damages are claimed at 10m. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: RG defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: photo 477

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 28/11/1498
(due) 25/12/1499 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Martyn (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Gowele (m) Citizen Mercer (lately of) London < England Defendant
Thomas Amisham (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 252

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Assault

Pleading: John S. claims that on 10/06/1500 at Westminster, Middlesex, John C. and John B. assaulted, wounded, and maltreated him, and placed him under such great threats against him that he did not dare openly walk the streets of go about his business, namely to collection rents, for fear of death and assault, from the aforesaid 10/06/1500 for the two months then next following. Damages are claimed at £20.

Pleading: JC and JB defend and seek licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1500.

Case notes: photo 524

Type Place Date
Assault Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 10/06/1500
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Betson (m) Skinner (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Cordell (m) Currier (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Sedley (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Glantham (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 257d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Detinue
Damages claimed: 5m
Case type: Detention of goods; Safe keeping

Pleading: Roger Hilton claims that at London on 01/06/1491 he delivered to Thomas C. two butts of malmsey ('malvesey') wine worth £8 for safe keeping and for him to deliver to a certain John R. of Bishop's Lynn. However, TC never delivered the wine to JR, but detained it. JR later died, and Hilton has often requested the return of this wine, but TC will not return them, to his damage of 5m.

Pleading: TC granted licence to imparl to octave of Hilary.

Case notes: photo 495

Type Place Date
Safe Keeping St Bride Fleet Street < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 01/06/1491
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Rede (m) King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Other
Robert Henryson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Roger Hilton (m) Citizen Skinner London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Clerk (m) Chapman (lately of) Cambridge < Cambridgeshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 272d

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: London
Writ type: Detinue
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Detention of goods; Safe keeping

Pleading: Henry L. claims that at London on 20/08/1499 he delivered to John B. one bale of madder, worth 4m, for safe keeping. HL says that JB now refuses to return this madder and claims damages of 40s.

Pleading: JB says that he is not detaining the aforesaid madder from HL and puts himself upon the country, and HL puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury comee in Hilary term 1500.

Case notes: photo 522

Type Place Date
Safe Keeping St Magnus the Martyr < Bridge Ward < London < England (initial) 20/08/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Congherst (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Henry Lamison (m) Plaintiff
John Brykynden (m) Clothmaker (lately of) Cranbrook < Kent < England Defendant
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 284

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Essex
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Housebreaking

Pleading: Robert Y. is in mercy for many defaults. Edward T., William M., William Howard, and Robert Sayer claim that on 20/09/1497 RY used force and arms to break their close and houses at Hadleigh, Essex, where he allowed his beasts, namely horses, oxen, cows, pigs, and sheep, to trample and consume their grass and young copsewood (germani bosci cedui) to the value of 20m. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: RY defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Type Place Date
Taking of Goods
Hadleigh < Essex < England (initial) 20/09/1497
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Edward Tyrell (m) Esquire Plaintiff
Robert Sayer (m) Plaintiff
Robert Yugo (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
Thomas Glantham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Ingram (m) Attorney of defendant
William Howard (m) Clerk Plaintiff
William Marowe (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/954, rot. 286

Term: Michaelmas 1500
County: Essex
Writ type: Debt (account)
Damages claimed: 40s.
Case type: Reckoning of account

Pleading: Richard F., executor of the will of Thomas Corbet, and Thomas Caterall, and his wife Eleanor, co-executor of Thomas Corbet, claim that Hercules Ferara owes them 69s. The plaintiffs state that on 22 March 1495 at Barking, Essex, the late Thomas Corbet held a reckoning of account with HF concerning various sums of Corbet's money received by HF before that time, by which it was determined that HF was in arrears to Corbet by 69s. HF did not pay this money to Corbet in his lifetime, or to Corbet's executors RF and Eleanor while Eleanor was a single woman, and nor has he paid it to since Eleanorr's marriage to Thomas Caterall. Damages claimed at 40s.

Pleading: HF says that he does not detain this 69s or any money as claimed. Parties on country. HF states that he is a native of Ferrara in Italy, and requests a jury of which half are natives and half from the parts of Italy. This is granted; order to the sheriff to have such a jury here at the octave of Hilary.

Postea text: Sheriff did not send writ, to quindene of Easter 1501.

Postea text: Parties come, sheriff says that he executed the order to summon native jurors, but they have not come, but he was unable to summon Italian jurors, as there were no such people in his bailiwick. Thus the plaintiffs seek writ summoning natives in place of the missing aliens, and this is granted. Order to sheriff to have this moiety here at the octave of Trinity, and the original native jurors in respite to same term, as they did not come.

Postea text: Sheriff did not send writ, to quindene of St John the Baptist 1501.

Case notes: photos 595-6

Type Place Date
Accounting Barking < Essex < England (initial) 22/03/1495
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Eleanor Caterall (f) Executor, Plaintiff
Hercules de Ferara alias Hercules Ferara (m) Clerk Friar Franciscan Friars (lately of) London < England Defendant
Richard Forster (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Executor, Plaintiff
Robert Rokewode (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Caterall (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Corbet (m) dec. Draper London < England Testator
Thomas Glantham (m) Attorney of plaintiff