CP40/951: Hilary term 1500

Court of Common Pleas: the National Archives, Cp40 1399-1500. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 2010.

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Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 065

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Essex
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Housebreaking; Trespass (chattels)

Pleading: Robert Y. is in mercy for many defaults. Edward T., William M. and William H. claim that on 20/09/1497 Robert Y. used force and arms to break there close and houses at Hockley, Essex., where he allowed his horses, oxen, cows, pigs, and sheep to trample and consume their grass and young trees (germina bosci, literally 'sprouts of wood') to the value of 20m. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: RY defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.163, photo 334 - Easter 1500] RY says that he is innocent and puts himself upon the country, and the plaintiffs, RS, ET, WM, and WH, puts themselves likewise. Order to the sheriff of Essex to make a jury come in Trinity term 1500.

Case notes: Further information drawm from CP40/952 rot.163, photo 334

Type Place Date
Destruction of Chattels
Hockley < Essex < England (initial) 20/09/1497
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Edward Tyrell (m) Esquire Plaintiff
Richard Pateshale (m) Attorney of defendant
Robert Sayer (m) Plaintiff
Robert Yngo (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
Thomas Glantham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Howard (m) Clerk Plaintiff
William Marowe (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 069

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Essex
Writ type: Debt (account)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 10s
Case type: Reckoning of account

Pleading: Robert C., George W., John Tredwey and Thomas L., executors of the will of John B., claim that John Tydder owes them £7 10s. RC, GW, John Tredwey, and TL say that on 20/03/1496 John Tydder and the late JB together held an acounting concerning diverse sums of JB's money received by John Tydder prior to that time, at which accounting at was determined that John Tydder was £7 10s in arrears to JB. RC, GW, John Tredwey, and TL say that John Tydder never paid this money to JB during his lifetime, nor has John Tydder paid it to them as JB's executors. Damages are claimed at 100s. RC, GW, John Tredwey, and TL present letters testamentary to the court showing them to be executors of JB's will.

Pleading: John Tydder says that he does not owe RC, GW, John Tredwey, and TL the aforesaid £7 10s nor any other monies and offers his law, to be made in Easter term 1500. Pledges of law are named. It is decided that John Tydder's attorney, Edward C., is to have his master to this court to make his law in the term aforesaid.

Postea text: postea 1 - Executors RC, GW, John Tredwey, and Tlcome, but defendant John Tydder does not come and so is in default. Therefore it is decided that RC, GW, John Tredwey, and TL are to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with their assent, at 10s.

Type Place Date
Accounting Chelmsford < Essex < England (initial) 20/03/1496
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Edward Chaseman (m) Attorney of defendant, Surety for defendant
George Whityng (m) Executor, Plaintiff
John Berdefeld (m) Margaretting < Essex < England Testator
John Sen (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
John Tredwey (m) Executor, Plaintiff
John Tydder (m) Innkeeper (lately of) London < England Defendant
Richard Fen (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Richard Pateshale (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Robert Cornewaleys (m) Executor, Plaintiff
Thomas Lyghtfote (m) Executor, Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 075

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Bedfordshire
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Arbitration; Bond

Pleading: Richard L. claims that Ralph T. owes him £40 per a bond. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: RT defends and seeks to hear the bond and its conditions read. The condition on the bond is that if RT should hold to and obey the arbitration, ordination, and judgement of arbiters Richard G. and John A., as chosen by RT and RL, both upon the right, title and possession of a certain croft in Stopsley (Bedfordshire) called 'Brachecroft' and 38 acres of land in the parish of Luton (Bedfordshire) as upon all actions, trespasses, debts, and quarrels between them prior to the bond's making, provided that arbitration be made prior to the feast of All Saints 1480, then the bond should be null and void. Upon hearing this RT says that the action against him ought not continue because the aforesaid arbiters, after the making of the aforesaid bond but before All Saints 1480, namely on 13/06/1480, ordained and adjudicated that RT and Elizabeth [no surname given], prior to the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross 1480, ought to make sufficient and secure demise to RL of the aforesaid croft and tenement, to hold for the term of Elizabeth's life, with the same RL paying RT and Elizabeth for the same tenement during the term of three years then next following the arbitration 40s at the feasts of Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions, with the first payment of these three years being due at Michaelmas 1480, and then annually during Elizabeth's lifetime after the end of the aforesaid three years 13s 4d at the feasts of Michaelmas and Easter. And, RT says that himself and Elizabeth, prior to the Exaltation of the Cross 1480, namely on 01/09/1481 (see note below), made sufficient and secure demise of the aforesaid croft and tenement to RL for the term of Elizabeth's life according to the form and effect of the arbiters' decision. [There are three marginal notes to the left of this pleading. A.) ‘Recorded by the court that the defendant did not say in his pleading that the arbiters made any arbitration in writing.' B.) ‘Recorded by the court that the defendant in that plea the arbiters arbitrated that RT and Elizabeth ought to make sufficient and secure demise to RL; where the condition of Elizabeth is not named (word unclear) and also that the aforesaid Elizabeth does not have any other surname in that plea nor (word unclear) the wife of anyone. C.) Recorded by the court that the defendant says in his plea that himself and Elizabeth on 01/09/1481 made demise to RL, and not before.]

Pleading: RL says that RT and Elizabeth, after the giving of the arbiters decision and before the Exaltation of the Cross 1480, did not make sufficient and secure demise to him of the aforesaid tenement is accordance with the arbiters' decision and seeks inquiry upon the country, and RT seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Bedfordshire to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - The sheriff of Bedfordshire does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Trinity term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond Luton < Bedfordshire < England (initial) 12/06/1480
(due) 24/06/1480 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Arbitration Stopsley < Bedfordshire < England (initial) 13/06/1480
Location of Property Stopsley < Bedfordshire < England
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Elizabeth [un-named] (f) Other
John Acworth (m) Arbitrator
John Stepneth (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Ralph Tykhyll (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
Richard Godfrey (m) Arbitrator
Richard Long (m) Stopsley < Bedfordshire < England Plaintiff
Simon Fitz (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 105

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Damages awarded: 33s 4d
Costs: 26s 8d
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: Alexander P. claims that Nicholas S. owes him £18 on a bond. Damages are claimed at 10m. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: NS says that the force of the bond ought not hold because at the time of it's making AP threatened his life and limbs unless he should make the aforesaid bond.

Pleading: AP says that NS made the bond of his own free will and seeks inquiry upon the country, and NS seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 4 posteas - all say that the sheriff of London did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Hilary term 1501.

Postea text: postea 5 - The jury is placed in respite as far as Easter term 1501 unless the case is first heard at the assize of St Martin le Grand before chief justice Thomas Wode on 16/02/1501.

Postea text: postea 6 - to this day (Easter term 1501) comes plaintiff AP, and chief justice TW sends record of the case as heard before chief justice TW himself and associate justice Peter H. at the assize of St Mrtin le Grand on 16/02/1501. To that assize came plaintiff AP, but defendant NS did not come and so to jury was taken against him by default. The jury said that NS made the aforesaid bond of his own free will, just as AP claimed. Therefore, the jury awarded AP damages of 33s 4d and costs of 26s 8d. Therefore AP is to recover the aforesaid debt plus 60s in costs and damages.

Type Place Date
Imprisonment St Magnus the Martyr < Bridge Ward < London < England (initial) 21/01/1491
Bond St Magnus the Martyr < Bridge Ward < London < England (initial) 21/01/1491
(due) 23/04/1491 < St George
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Alexander Perpoynt (m) Citizen Stockfishmonger London < England Plaintiff
Nicholas Smyth (m) Merchant (lately of) Wisbech < Cambridgeshire < England Defendant
Peter Hunsdon (m) Justice Common Pleas [court] Justice
Thomas Aylobe (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Wode (m) Chief Justice Common Pleas [court] Justice
William Denne (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 106d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert B. claims that John J. owes him £13 6s 8d per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JJ says that he is not able to deny the debt nor the validity of the bond. Therefore RB is to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with RB's assent, at 6s 8d. JJ is in mercy.

Postea text: Therefore RB is to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with RB's assent, at 6s 8d. JJ is in mercy.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 13/03/1498
(due) 13/07/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John John (m) Citizen Brewer (lately of) London < England Defendant
Robert Bolman (m) Gentleman London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 107d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £100
Damages awarded: 100m
Costs: 40s
Case type: Abduction; Contract (general)

Pleading: Henry, earl of Essex claims that Edward C., John C. and Richard S. took and abducted Dorothy B., the underage heir of John B., who was in earl HB's custody. Earl of Essex Henry B. claims that a certain John B. was lately seised of 100 acres of land with appurtenances in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, in his demesne and as of fee, and that this (land) was held of William S. for homage, fealty, and scutage of the lord king of 40s cum acciderit 2s et ad plus plus etc. et ad minus minus etc., and for an annual rent of 20s to be paid at the feasts of Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions, of which services WS was seised by the hands of JB as by the hands of his true tenant etc. Earl HB also says that JB died in homage to WS, and that a custody of a certain Dorothy B., being JB's daughter and underage heir, belonged to WS, who on 10/02/1498 at Bedwell, Hertfordshire, granted to earl HB custody of the aforesaid 100 acres as well as custody and marriage of DB during the period of DB's minority. Earl HB says that by force of this grant he was fully and peacefully possessed of the aforesaid land and heir (DB) from the said 10/02/1498 until 16/04/1498 when Edward C., John C. and Richard S. took and abducted DB at London, contrary to the will of earl HB and contrary to the peace of the lord king. Damages are claimed at £100 [A marginal note by this pleading reads [Recorded by the court that in narration of the plea it was not mentioned which day or year the abduction of the aforesaid heir was made.]

Pleading: EC, JC, and RS say that they are innocent and put themselves upon the country, and earl HB puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the quindene of Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Easter term in five weeks 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - the jury is placed in respite as far as the octave of Trinity term 1500 unless the case is first heard before chief justice Thomas B. at the assize at St Martin le Grand on 30/05/1500.

Postea text: postea 3 - to this day (the octave of Trinity term 1500) comes earl HB, and chief justice TB sends record of the case as heard at the assize at St Martin le Grand on 30/05/1500 before chief justice TB himself and associate justice John K. To that assize came all parties, as well as a jury of the country which said on oath that EC, JC, and RS were guilty as charged. And beyond this the jury said that DB, after the aforesaid trespass was restored to earl HB before reaching the age of 14, and award earl HB damages of 100m and costs of 40s. Therefore earl HB is to recover 103m in costs and damages. EC, JC, and RS are to be arrested.

Case notes: On CP40/953 rot. 343 (Trinity 1500) a memorandum is enrolled, stating that the defendants in this case have presented to the court a certain bill in which they claim that the jurors gave false oath in the trial etc.

Type Place Date
Contract (not Service/employment) Bedwell < Hertfordshire < England (initial) 10/02/1498
Abduction St Botolph without Aldersgate < Aldersgate Ward < London < England (initial) 10/02/1498
Location of Property Hoddesdon < Hertfordshire < England
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Dorothy Barnet (f) Other
Edward Culpepir (m) Esquire (lately of) Aylesford < Kent < England Defendant
Henry Bourchier (m) Earl Essex [earldom] Plaintiff
John Barnet (m) dec. Hoddesdon < Hertfordshire < England Other
John Clerk (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Jenour (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Knyght (m) Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
John Patynden (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Sheldon (m) Gentleman (lately of) Baldock < Hertfordshire < England Defendant
Thomas Bryan (m) Chief Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
William Say (m) Knight Other

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 108

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (account)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 20s
Case type: Reckoning of account

Pleading: William B., Thomas B., and Margaret P. who was the wife of Robert P., together executors of the will of RP, claim that Thomas W. owes them £21 6s 1½d as determined by a reckoning of account between TW and the now late RP. They say that this reckoning was held between TW and RP at London on 04/08/1494 concerning diverse sums of RP's money received by TW prior to the day of the accounting. WB, TB, and MP say that this accounting found TW to be £21 6s 1½d in arrears to the law RP, which money, though often requested, has never been paid. Damages are claimed at 100s. Letters testamentary are presented to the court, showing WB, TB, and MP to be the executors of the late RP.

Pleading: TW says that he does not owe the aforesaid executors of RP the said £21 6s 1½d or any other monies and offers his law, to be made in Easter term 1500. Pledges of law are named. It is decided that TW's attorney, Henry F., is to have his master to this court to make his law in the aforesaid term.

Postea text: postea 1 - plaintiffs WB, TB, and MP come but defendant TW does not come and so is in default. Therefore the decision is that WB, TB, and MP are to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with their assent, at 20s.

Type Place Date
Accounting St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 04/08/1494
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Fermour (m) Attorney of defendant
John Doo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Margaret Pylly (f) Widow King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Executor, Plaintiff
Richard Roo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Robert Pylly (m) dec. Burgess Merchant King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Testator
Thomas Burwell (m) Executor, Plaintiff
Thomas Walys (m) Merchant King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Defendant
William Burwell (m) Executor, Plaintiff
William Denne (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 109d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Norfolk
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: Eleanor T. claims that William Y. owes her £21 6s 8d per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: WY says that the force of the bond ought not hold because at the time of it's making ET and her associates, at Twickenham, Middlesex, threatened WY's life and limbs unless he should make the aforesaid bond.

Pleading: ET says that WY made the bond of his own free will and seeks inquiry upon the country, and WY seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Middlesex to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond East Raynham (Raynham St Mary) < Norfolk < England (initial) 03/03/1494
(due) 24/06/1496 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Imprisonment Twickenham < Middlesex < England (initial) 03/03/1494
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Eleanor Townesende alias Eleanor Touneshend (f) Widow Plaintiff
William Denne (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William York (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 113

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond; Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: Humphrey R. claims that Richard G. owes him £40 on a bond. Damages are claimed at £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: RG defends and seeks to hear the condition of the bond read. The condition is, in these words, 'The condicion of this obligacion is this that yf the abovenamed Richard do make or cause to be made a lawful sure and sufficient estate of certeyn landys and tenement medowes lesowes and pastures with the moyte of pasture called halffay hay lieng in Longdon in the countie of Stafford before the fest of penticost next comyng after the date above written and also do suffre and performe all such actes for performance of the same byfore the said fest as shall be avised and thought resonable by the avyce of the counsell of the seid Humfrey and also to delyvere or cause to be delyvered to the foreseid Humfrey or to Alice his wyff or to ther attornei or assigne bifore the seid fest of Penticoste all evydences deds and muniments which be in his kepyng or in the kepyng of ony person to his use only concernyng the seid land and tenement with other premisses wiche lands and tenement with premisses the seid Humfrey and Alice his wyff late purchesed and bought of the seid Richard Galfeld as by a dede thereoff made beryng date the xiith day of February the xiiith yere of kyng Henry the viith more pleynly it mey appere then this present obligacion to be voide or els to stand in his full strenkith and vertue'. And upon hearing this RG seeks licence to imparl to the quindene of Easter 1500.

Postea text: Further licence to imparl to the octave of Trinity 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 16/02/1498
(due) 14/04/1498 < Easter
Property Transfer England (initial) 12/02/1498
Location of Property Longdon < Staffordshire < England
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Alice Ruggeley (f) London < England Other
Hugh Hikman (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Humphrey Ruggeley (m) Tailor London < England Plaintiff
John Payn (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Galfeld (m) Yeoman (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 114

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Henry Vavesour claims that John B. owes him £7 on a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: JB defends and asks to hear the bond's endorsement read. The condition on the bond is that if JB should pay or make paid to HV £7 in payments of £3 10s on 02/07/1490 and £3 10s the feast of St James 1490 (25/07/1490) then the bond should be null and void. Upon hearing this JB says that the action against him ought not continue because he paid these monies to HV in accordance with the form and effect of the bond, namely at Oxford, Oxfordshire.

Pleading: HV, protesting that JB did not pay him the £3 10s due on 02/02/1490, says that JB did not pay him the £3 10s due in the feast of St James 1490.

Pleading: JB says that he did pay HV the £3 10 due in the feast of St James 1490 and puts himself upon the country, and HV puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Oxfordshire to make a jury come in the morrow of Ascension 1500.

Postea text: 6 posteas - sheriff of Oxfordshire did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Michaelmas term 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 03/06/1490
(due) 02/07/1490
Payment Oxford < Oxfordshire < England 02/07/1490
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Vavesour (m) Citizen Brazier London < England Plaintiff
John Blakbourn (m) Vintner (lately of) Oxfod < Oxfordshire < England Defendant
John Jenour (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Veele (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 115

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Kent
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £20
Damages awarded: 3s 4d
Costs: 20s
Case type: Housebreaking; Real action / rents / damage to real estate; Taking of goods; Trespass (chattels)

Pleading: Henry F. and John H. claim that on 24/03/1497 John F. used force and arms to break their close at Beckenham, Kent, to seize and carry off their goods and chattels to the value of 20m, and allowed his livestock to trample and consume their grass to the value of 100s. HF and JH say that the goods and chattels taken were, namely: 2 benches; 6 stools; 2 millstones; 2 andirons; 2 feather beds; and 4 mattresses. The livestock which trampled and consumed the grass was, namely, horses, oxen, cows, and sheep. HF and JH say that this livestock was in their close on diverse days over a period of four months next following the aforesaid 24/03/1497. Damages are claimed at £20.

Pleading: JF says that he is innocent and puts himself upon the country, and the plaintiffs, HF and JH put themselves likewise. Order to the sheriff of Kent to make a jury come at the octave of the Purification 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the jury between the arties is placed in respite as far as Easter term in five weeks 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - to this day comes defendant JF and plaintiffs HF and JH. A jury comes and says on oath that JF is innocent of seizing and carrying off the aforesaid chattels. The jury also says that a certain Stephen F. was seised in his demesne and as of fee of one messuage called 'Kenthous' and 300 acres of land with appurtenances at Beckenham, in which the supposed trespass took place. So seised in his lifetime prior to the time of the supposed trespass, the same SF and the aforesaid JF being together in a certain house of the aforesaid messuage together said that that same SF wished (vellet) the profits of the same tenement and lands during his lifetime, and that after the death of SF, JF and his heirs should have the same messuage and lands with appurtenances in perpetuity. Later SF and JF withdrew from that same house into a certain field which was part of the aforesaid 300 acres of land and then SF said again that he wished to have the value of the profits from the messuage and lands with appurtenances during his life, and for JH to have the messuage and lands after his death. Upon this SF then gave drink, to whichever of William T., Robert W., William B., and others who had peen present until this point, and requested them to testify to his words. And the jury say on oath that if it is the will of the law that nothing be transferred by the words of SF nor anything be enfeoffed, then the jury say that SF later died so seised in his demesne and as of fee, after whose death the same messuage and lands descended to a certain Elizabeth (F.) now the wife of plaintiff HF, as one of the daughters and heirs of the late SF, and to plaintiff JH as grandson of the late SF, namely as the son of Katherine (F.) another of SF's daughters. At the time of SF’s death, JH in his own right and HF by right of his wife EF entered the aforesaid messuage and lands, and continued in possession of them for around the space of one month then next following. Thereafter, at the time of the aforesaid supposed trespass, defendant JF made entry into the same property and continued in possession of it for the 27 weeks then next following. Thereafter, plaintiffs JH and HF re-entered the property. And the jury say that defendant JF, for the 27 weeks he was in possession, allowed his cattle to trample and consume grass upon the messuage and lands just as JH and HF alleged. The jury assesses JH and HF’s damages at 3s 4d and their costs at 20s. Therefore, the decision is that JH and HF are to recover from JF costs and damages of 23s 4d. JF is to be arrested. JH and HF are in mercy for false claim against JF concerning the seizing and carrying off of the aforesaid goods and chattels, concerning which JF is quit.

Postea text: postea 3 - 10/07/1501 HF and JH come before the court and acknowledge satisfaction of the aforesaid damages. Therefore, JF is quit.

Case notes: The jury recounts a verbal transmission of property which the justices decide is invalid.

Type Place Date
Destruction of Chattels
Taking of Goods
Beckenham < Kent < England (initial) 24/03/1497
Property Transfer Beckenham < Kent < England
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Elizabeth Fabyan (f) Other
George Congherst (m) Attorney of defendant
Henry Fyncham (m) Plaintiff
John Fabyan (m) Yeoman (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Henley (m) Plaintiff
John Jenour (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Katherine Fabyan (f) Other
Robert Wyncheham (m) Other
Stephen Fabyan (m) dec. Other
William Bradford (m) Other
William Thornton (m) Other

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 117

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Margaret P. widow of Robert P., Thomas B., and William B., executors of the will of RP, claim that Henry R. owes them 8m on a certain bill which was made between HR and the late RP at London on 01/05/1489, by which HR acknowledged himself to owe the late RP 8m which were to be paid to RP in payments of 4m at Michaelmas 1489 and 4m at Easter 1490. Damages are claimed at 100s. MP, TB, and WB present this bill to the court, as well as letters testamentary showing them to be the executors of RP.

Pleading: HR says that the bill is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and the plaintiffs, MP, TB, and WB, put themselves likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come at the feast of the Purification 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 01/05/1489
(due) 29/09/1489 < Michaelmas
(due) 11/04/1490 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Fermour (m) Attorney of defendant
Henry Russell (m) Gentleman (lately of) West Rudham < Norfolk < England Defendant
Margaret Pylly (f) Widow (lately of) King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Executor, Plaintiff
Robert Pylly (m) dec. Burgess Merchant King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Testator
Thomas Burwell (m) Executor, Plaintiff
William Burwell (m) Executor, Plaintiff
William Denne (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 117d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (account)
Damages claimed: 60s
Damages awarded: 13s 4d
Case type: Reckoning of account

Pleading: Margaret P. widow of Robert P., William B., and Thomas B., executors of the will of RP, claim that John E. owes them 105s as determined by a reckoning of account held between JE and the now late RP in London on 04/08/1494 concerning various sums of RP's money received by JE prior to that time, by which accounting JE was found to be 105s in arrears to the late RP. MP, WB, and TB say that JE never paid this money to RP during his lifetime, and has not paid it to them as RP's executors. Damages are claimed at 60s. MP, WB, and TB present letters testamentary to the court, showing them to be the executors of RP.

Pleading: JE says that he does not owe executors MP, WB, and TB the aforesaid 105s nor any other monies and offers his law, to be made in Easter term 1500. Pledges of law are named. It is decided that JE's attorney, William G., is to have his master to this court to make his law in the term aforesaid.

Postea text: postea 1 - executors MP, WB, and TB come, but defendant JE does not come to make his law. Therefore, it is decided that MP, WB, and TB are to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with the executor's assent, at 13s 4d. JE is in mercy.

Type Place Date
Accounting St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 04/08/1494
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Elsy (m) Mariner (lately of) Snitterley < Norfolk < England alias (lately of) Blakeney < Norfolk < England Defendant
John Hert (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Margaret Pylly (f) Widow (lately of) King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Executor, Plaintiff
Richard Smert (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Robert Pylly (m) dec. Burgess Merchant King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Testator
Thomas Burwell (m) Executor, Plaintiff
William Burwell (m) Executor, Plaintiff
William Denne (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Gresham (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 120

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Damages awarded: 6s 8d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert H. claims that John L. owes him 40s per a bond. Damages are claimed at 40s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JL defends and seeks to hear the bond's condition read. The condition is that 'if the within obliged Henry and John (L.) should pay JL' 30s in the feast of St James 1499 (25/07/1499) then the bond should be null and void. Upon hearing this condition read JL seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - to this day comes plaintiff RH, but defendant JL does not come and so is in default. Therefore, it is decided that RH is to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with the assent of RH, at 6s 8d. JL is in mercy.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 20/11/1498
(due) 25/07/1499 < St James
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry [un-named] (m) Debtor
Hugh Hikman (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Colyns (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Lee (m) Merchant (lately of) Bristol < Somerset < England Defendant
Robert Hall (m) Citizen Haberdasher (lately of) London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 122

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Housebreaking; Taking of goods

Pleading: William W. claims that at London on 26/06/1499 John G. and his wife Joan G. used force and arms to break WW's close and take his goods and chattels to the value of 100s. The goods taken were, namely: 4 doors; 10 locks; 10 keys; 20 'bolts of iron'; 10 staples of iron; 10 pieces of bound iron (pecias de fero vinctas) called gemews; 10 fixed tabled (mensas fixas); 10 tripods; 20 beams (asseres); 1000 roof tiles; 2 lead gutters; and one lead stand/weight in the furnace (unum splumbum stantem in furnace). Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: John G. and his wife Joan G. say that they are innocent and put themselves upon the country, and WW puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Taking of Goods
London < England (initial) 26/06/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Joan Grene (f) London < England Defendant
John Grene (m) Barber (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Snede (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Copcot (m) Attorney of defendant
William Wymbusshe (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 123

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Anne W., widow and executor of the will of Edward W., claims that Thomas E. owes her £4 on a certain bill, by which TE granted himself to owe the late EW the aforesaid £4. damages are claimed at 100s. AW resents the aforesaid bill to the court, as well as letters testamentary showing her to the executor of EW.

Pleading: TE says that the bill is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and AW puts herself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Middlesex to make a jury come in the octave of the purification of St Mary 1500 ( late in Hilary term 1500).

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 08/03/1498
(due) 24/08/1498 < St Bartholomew
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Anne Wode (f) Widow London < England Executor, Plaintiff
Edward Wode (m) dec. Citizen Grocer London < England Testator
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Samuell (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Elderton (m) Fishmonger (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 126

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John H, claims that John W. owes him £10 on a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JW defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 21/07/1492
(due) 02/02/1493 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Hardy (m) Clerk Windsor < Berkshire < England Plaintiff
John Wedon (m) Yeoman (lately of) 'Skotys' < Buckinghamshire < England Defendant
Leonard Broke (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 126

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Anne W., widow and executor of the will of Edward W., claims that William G. owes her 40s on a bond which was made between WG and the late EW. Damages are claimed at 40s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: WG says that the bond is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and AW puts herself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Middlesex to make a jury come in the morrow of the purification of St Mary 1500 (Late in Hilary term 1500).

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 08/07/1497
(due) 15/04/1498 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Anne Wode (f) Widow London < England Executor, Plaintiff
Edward Wode (m) dec. Citizen Grocer London < England Testator
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Samuell (m) Defendant
William Grey (m) Citizen Fuller (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 127d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 7s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert H. claims that Roger O. owes him £10 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: RO says that the bond is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and RH puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the octave of the purification of St Mary 1400 (late in Hilary term 1500).

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Easter term 1500. The bond is give to chief clerk John H. for safe keeping.

Postea text: postea 2 - both parties come, and upon this RO says that he is not able to deny the action against him, nor that the bond is of his making. Therefore, the decision is that RH is to recover the aforesaid £10 debt plus damages assessed by the court, with RH's assent, at 7s. RO is in mercy. Upon this RH acknowledges that he has been satisfied concerning £6 of the aforesaid debt, and so RO is quit concerning these £6.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 06/09/1491
(due) 29/09/1491 < Michaelmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Heron (m) Chief Clerk Common Pleas [court] Clerk
John Parpount (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Robert Hawekyns (m) Hatter-merchant London < England Plaintiff
Roger Owsley (m) Yeoman (lately of) London < England Defendant
William Wolf (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 129

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Housebreaking

Pleading: Abbot Augustin L. claims that on 20/06/1498 Miles A. used force and arms to break his close and houses at London. Damages are claimed at £20.

Pleading: MA says that he is innocent and puts himself upon the country, and abbot AL puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the octave of purification of St Mary 1500 (late in Hilary term 1500).

Type Place Date
House-breaking St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 20/06/1498
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Augustine London (m) Abbot Warden Abbey [abbey] Warden < Bedfordshire < England Plaintiff
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of defendant
Miles Ades (m) Goldsmith (lately of) London < England Defendant
Simon Fitz (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 129d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 6s 8d
Costs: 33s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard C., executor of the will of Thomas D. claims that Alice H. owes him £17 6s 8d on two bonds which were made between AH and the late TD. RC says that on 27/07/1496, at London, AH obliged herself to TD in a £12 6s 8d bond which was due in Christmas 1496 (25/12/1496). And also, RC says that on 26/10/1496, at London, AH obliged herself to TD in a £5 bond due in Easter 1497 (26/03/1497). RC says that neither of these bonds has been paid and claims damages of 100s. RC presents these bonds to the court, as well as letters testamentary showing himself to be executor of the will of TD.

Pleading: AH says that the bonds are not of her making and puts herself upon the country, and RC puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the octave of the purification of St Mary 1500 (late in Hilary term 1500).

Postea text: postea 1 - continuance between the parties as far as Easter term in five weeks 1500, unless the case is first heard at the assize of St Martin le Grand before chief justice Thomas Bryan on 23/05/1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - to this day (Easter in five weeks) comes plaintiff RC, and chief justice TB sends record of the case as heard at the assize of St Martin le Grand on 23/05/1500 before chief justice Tb himself and associate justice John K. To this assize came plaintiff RC, defendant AH, and a jury of the country. This jury said on oath that the bonds are of AH's making. The jury assess RC's damages at 6s 8d and his costs at 33s 4d. Therefore, it is decided that RC is to recover the aforesaid debt plus costs and damages of 40s.

Type Place Date
Bond St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 26/10/1496
(due) 26/03/1497 < Easter
Bond St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 27/07/1496
(due) 25/12/1496 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Alice Horton (f) Widow (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Knyght (m) Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
John Snede (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Carewe (m) Gentleman Executor, Plaintiff
Thomas Bryan (m) Chief Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
Thomas Defford (m) dec. Citizen Fishmonger, Stockfishmonger London < England Testator
William Husse (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 132

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Surrey
Writ type: Debt (account)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Reckoning of account

Pleading: Thomas W. claims that Gabriel R. owes him £15 2s 10d as determined by a reckoning of account between them before auditors Thomas A. and Thomas M. concerning diverse sums of TW's money received by GR prior to that time. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: GR says that he did not account with TW before the aforesaid auditors etc. and puts himself upon the country, and TW puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Surrey to make a jury come in the quindene of Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of Surrey does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded to the morrow of Ascension 1500.

Type Place Date
Accounting Water Lambeth < Surrey < England (initial) 08/05/1494
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Gabriel Reve (m) Shearman (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Brode (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Samuell (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Alyn (m) Auditor
Thomas Mell (m) Auditor
Thomas Wyseman (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 132d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Mark W. and his wife Clemence W., herself executor of the will of William W., claim that James F. owes them £33 6s 8d by way of a bond which was made between JF and the late WW. MW and CW say that this bond was not paid to the late WW during his lifetime, nor to CW as WW's executor while she was a single woman, nor has it been paid to MW and CW since their marriage. Damages are claimed at £10. MW and CW present the bond to the court as well as letters testamentary which show 'CW and also a certain master Robert G. and Thomas O., the same deceased, to be the executors of the will of the late WW'.

Pleading: JF says that the force of the bond should not hold because after the making of the aforesaid bond, and during the lifetime of executor RG, at London on 10/01/1489, the same RG as executor of WW issued him a release from all personal actions, suits, quarrels, claims, debts by reason or occasion of executry of the aforesaid will.

Pleading: WM and CM say that at the time of the making of the aforesaid acquittance the late RG was not of sound mind or sound memory and are prepared to verify this.

Pleading: JF says that at the time the acquaintance's making the late RG was of sound mind and sound memory and puts himself upon the country, and the plaintiffs JM and CM put themselves likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Release (from Debt/obligation) St Michael Cornhill < Cornhill Ward < London < England
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 18/11/1469
(due) 24/12/1470 (vigil) < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Clemence Walker (f) Executor, Plaintiff
James Fynche (m) Citizen Barber, Shearman (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Parpount (m) Attorney of defendant
Mark Walker (m) Plaintiff
Owen Holond (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Robert Gretham (m) dec. Parson, Rector London < St Dionis Backchurch < England Executor
Thomas Overey (m) dec. Shearman Executor
William Wantyngfeld alias William Waldyngfeld (m) dec. Citizen Draper London < England Testator

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 135d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Damages awarded: 33s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Edward B. claims that Richard C. owes him £19. EB says that on 03/10/1498 RC granted himself, by way of a certain bill, to owe EB £19 to be paid at the feasts of All Saints 1498 and Christmas 1498 in equal portions. EB presents this bill to the court and claims damages of 10m.

Pleading: RC says that the force of the bill should not hold because at the time of its making EB was threatening his life and limbs unless he should make and seal the aforesaid bill.

Pleading: EB says that RC made the bill of his own free will and seeks inquiry upon the country, and RC seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come on the morrow of the Purification 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as the quindene of Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - the jury between the parties is placed in respite as far as Easter term in five weeks 1500 unless the case if first heard at the assize of St Martin le Grand before chief justice Thomas B. on 23/05/1500.

Postea text: postea 3 - to this day (Easter five weeks 1500) comes plaintiff EB, and chief justice TB sends record of the case as heard at the assize of St Martin le Grand before chief justice TB himself and associate justice John K. on 23/05/1500. To this assize came plaintiff EB and defendant RC, as well as a jury of the country. And upon this RC says that he is not able to deny the action against him, not that the bill is of his making. Therefore, the decision is that EB is to recover the aforesaid debt from RC, as well as damages assessed by the court, with EB's assent, at 33s 4d. RC is in mercy.

Type Place Date
Bond St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 03/10/1498
(due) 01/11/1498 < All Saints
(due) 25/12/1498 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Edward Brown (m) Goldsmith Lincoln < Lincolnshire < England Plaintiff
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Gresham (m) Attorney of defendant
John Knyght (m) Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
Richard Copynger (m) Innkeeper (lately of) Little Walsingham < Norfolk < England Defendant
Thomas Bryan (m) Chief Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 137

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Kent
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: George H. claims that 'Robert Bruer lately of London draper alias Robert Bruer of London draper and servant with Richard Croke of London draper' owes him £14 on a certain bill by which RB granted himself to owe GH the same said sum. Damages are claimed at 100s. GH presents this bill to the court.

Pleading: RB says that the bill is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and GH puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Kent to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond West Greenwich < Kent < England (initial) 18/07/1490
(due) 18/01/1491
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Congherst (m) Attorney of defendant
George Hopkynson (m) Merchant Calais < England Plaintiff
John Mayne (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Croke (m) Draper London < England Other
Robert Bruer (m) Draper, Servant (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 137d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John S. claims that John D. owes him £4 8s on a certain bill made at London on 11/07/1491 and due at the feast of St Bartholomew 1491 (24/08/1491). Damages are claimed at 40s. JS presents this bill to the court.

Pleading: JD says that he ought not be held to the aforesaid bill. JD says that he is a man of little learning, and on the day and in the place of the aforesaid bill's making he was led to believe that the bill contained certain conditions. The conditions JD understood the bill to contain were, namely, that if he paid should JS 20s at the feast of St Bartholomew 1491 (24/08/1491), 20s at Christmas 1491, 20s in Easter 1492 (22/04/1492), 20s at Trinity 1492 (17/06/1492), and 8s at the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1492 then the bill should be null and void. JD says that if the bill does not contain those conditions then it is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and JS puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come at the octave of the Purification 1500.

Postea text: 6 posteas - all say that the sheriff of London did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Trinity term 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 11/07/1491
(due) 24/08/1491 < St Bartholomew
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Dyer (m) Clothman (lately of) Axbridge < Somerset < England Defendant
John Perpount (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Skipwith (m) Draper London < England Plaintiff
William Velve (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 141d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 8s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John P. claims that William H. owes him £4 on a certain bill by which WH granted himself to owe JP the same said sum. Damages are claimed at 100s. JP presents this bill to the court.

Pleading: WH says that the bill is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and JP puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come at the octave of the Purification 1500.

Postea text: 2 posteas - both say that the sheriff of London did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Easter tem 1500.

Postea text: postea 3 - the jury is placed in respite as far as Trinity term 1500.

Postea text: postea 4 - to this day comes plaintiff JP and defendant WH, who says that he is not able to deny the action against him, nor the validity of the bill. Therefore, it is decided that JP is to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with JP's assent, at 8s. WH is in mercy.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 26/09/1497
(due) 20/12/1497
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Pellam (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Sprotte (m) Attorney of defendant
William Hopper (m) Husbandman (lately of) Radwinter < Essex < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 142d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 5m
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: Henry H. claims that William S. owes him 40s arising from the sale of 150 boards called 'ship boards' which WS bought but did not pay for. Damages are claimed at 5m.

Pleading: WS says that he does not owe HH the aforesaid 40s nor any other monies and puts himself upon the country, and HH puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the purification of St Mary 1500 (late in Hilary term 1500).

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Magnus the Martyr < Bridge Ward < London < England (initial) 20/05/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Hill (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Aylove (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Burgh (m) Attorney of defendant
William Smyth (m) Salter (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 144d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: 20m
Case type: Housebreaking; Taking of goods

Pleading: John F. claims that at London on 30/09/1496 Christopher R., together with William B., Robert H., Lawrence B., John L., Robert S., Thomas L., and Edward D., used force and arms to break his closes and houses in the parish of St Clament Danes, Middlesex, and to seize and carry off his goods and chattels o the value of £10. The goods and chattels taken were, namely: 52,000 teasel, 6 quarters of apples, 4 quarters of pears called 'wardens', and 10 quarters of filberts. Damages are claimed at 20m.

Pleading: CR says that he is innocent and puts himself upon the country, and JF puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Middlesex to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Taking of Goods
St Clement Danes < Middlesex < England (initial) 30/09/1496
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Ratherey (m) Shearman London < England Defendant
Edward Dolson (m) Fletcher St Clement Danes < Middlesex < England Accessory
John Fortescu (m) Knight Plaintiff
John Laweson (m) Shearman London < England Accessory
Lawrence Baker (m) Shearman London < England Accessory
Richard Brynkeley (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Copcote (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Robert Hoggeson (m) Fuller London < England Accessory
Robert Sadeler (m) Saddler London < England Accessory
Thomas Leinman (m) Smith London < England Accessory
William Baker (m) Shearman London < England Accessory

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 149

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Assault

Pleading: John F. claims that in the parish of St Giles without Cripplegate, Middlesex, on 13/06/1499 John T., William C. and Matthew C, together with John D. and John B., assaulted him with force and arms. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: Concerning the use of force and arms, JT, WC, and MC say that they are innocent and put themselves upon the country, and JF puts himself likewise. Concerning the remainder of the supposed trespass, JT, WC, and MC say that on the day and in the place aforesaid it was JF who assaulted them, and that they simply defended themselves etc.

Pleading: JF reiterates his claim that JT, WC, and MC assaulted him with force and arms. Concerning this, JF seeks inquiry upon the country, and the defendants, JT, WC, and MC, seek likewise. Order to the sheriff of Middlesex to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of Middlesex does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Trinity term 1500.

Type Place Date
Assault St Giles without Cripplegate < Middlesex < England (initial) 13/06/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Barbour (m) Cooper (lately of) London < England Accessory
John Dykes (m) Cordwainer (lately of) London < England Accessory
John Farleton (m) Plaintiff
John Tanner (m) Yeoman (lately of) London < England Defendant
Matthew Charleton (m) Yeoman (lately of) London < England Defendant
Robert Elryngton (m) Attorney of defendant
William Carewe (m) Yeoman (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 152d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (other)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: Ralph B. claims that Richard P., master of the hospital of St Katherine by the Tower, owes him £10 arrears on a 4m annual rent. RB says that a certain William W., former master of St Katherine by the Tower, on 13/03/1485, by way of a certain writing which RB presents to the court, gave and granted to him a life annuity of 4m to be paid in equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, namely 40s from the receipts, revenues, and returns of the master of the said hospital's manor of Quarley, Wiltshire, and 13s 4d from the profits of the court and other casual profits of the manors of Queenbury, Hertfordshire, Rainham, Kent, and also of Chisenbury and Quarley, Wiltshire. Later, the former master of St Katherine's WW resigned and the present master RP was elected. And £10 13s 4d of the aforesaid annual rent later fell into arrears, for the four years elapsed prior to the day of the making of RB's original writ on the 08/09/1496. Of which £10 13s 4d has acknowledged himself, in this court, to have been paid 13s 4d. This leaves the aforesaid unpaid residue of £10 arrears of rent. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: Master RP says that the aforesaid writing is not of the making of the former master WW and puts himself upon the country, and RB puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 2 posteas - both say that the sheriff of London did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Michaelmas term 1500.

Type Place Date
Rental Agreement St Katherine by the Tower, chapter house < Middlesex < England (initial) 13/03/1485
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Esyngwold (m) Attorney of defendant
Ralph Byllyngton (m) London < England Plaintiff
Richard Payne (m) Clerk Master of Hospital St Katherine By the Tower [hospital] London < England Defendant
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Wrixham (m) Master of House St Katherine By the Tower [hospital] London < England Other

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 154d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond); Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: 5m
Case type: Bond; Loan

Pleading: John P. claims that Thomas H. owes him 40s. JP says that at London on 30/04/1495, by way of a certain bill, TH obliged himself to JP in 31s 8d, to be paid to JP in payments of 15s 10s at the octave of Michaelmas 1495, and the other 15s 10d at the octave of 'Cold Fair Day' next following [presumably the opening day of one of the famous Cold Fairs, either Bergen-op-Zoom or Troyes]. JP also says that, on the same day, he loaned TH another 8s 4d, payable on request. However, none of these monies have been paid, and he seeks damages of 5m.

Pleading: Concerning the 8s 4d loan, TH says that he does not owe JP this or any other money and puts himself upon the country, and JP puts himself likewise. Concerning the aforesaid 31s 8d bill, TH says that this bill is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and JP puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come at the octave of the Purification 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 30/04/1495
(due) 01/10/1495 < Michaelmas
Loan St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 30/04/1495
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Pellam (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Hopper (m) Yeoman (lately of) Chrishall < Essex < England Defendant
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Sprot (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 155

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond); Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment; Loan

Pleading: Thomas M. claims that John G. owes him 40s. TM claims that JG owes him 22s 6d on a certain bill which was made in London on 08/11/1496 and due at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1497. TM also says that in London on the same 08/11/1496 he loaned JG 17s 6d which was to be repaid on request. TM says that he has not been paid there monies and claims damages of 100s.

Pleading: Concerning the supposed 17s 6d loan, JG says that he does not owe TM this or any other money and puts himself upon the country, and TM puts himself likewise. Concerning the aforesaid 22s 6d bill, JG says that at the time of the bill's making TM and others of TM's coven were threatening him with assault and imprisonment unless he should make the aforesaid bill, and so he should not be held to it.

Pleading: TM says that JG made the aforesaid bill of his own free will and seeks inquiry upon the country, and JG seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come at the octave of the Purification 1500.

Postea text: 21 posteas - all say that the sheriff of London did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Hilary term 1505

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 08/11/1496
(due) 24/06/1497 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Loan St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 08/11/1496
Imprisonment St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 08/11/1496
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Gawesell (m) Gentleman West Dereham < Norfolk < England Defendant
Thomas Myrfyn (m) Citizen Skinner London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Denne (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 157d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 33s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard S. claims that William H. owes him 51s 6d on two unpaid bills. RS says that at London on 18/11/1496, by a certain bill, WH obliged himself to RS himself in 33s 4d to be paid in payments of 16s 4d at Easter 1497 (26/03/1497) and 16s 4d at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1497. RS also says that on 07/01/1497, by a certain bill, WH obliged himself to RS himself in 18s 2d to be paid at Easter 1497 (26/03/1497). RS presents these bills to the court. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: WH says that he is not able to deny that the 18s 2d bill is of his making, and acknowledges that he owes RS 18s 2d. And upon this, RS seeks judgement on the 18s 2d bill. Therefore it is decided that RS is to recover the aforesaid 18s 2d specified in one of the bills. However, WH says that the first bill, for 33s 4d, is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and RS puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Trinity term 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - continuance between the parties as far as the quindene of Easter term 1501 unless the case should first be heard before chief justice Thomas W. at the assize of St Martin le Grand on 16/02/1501.

Postea text: postea 3 - to this day (the quindene of Easter 1501) comes plaintiff RS, and chief justice TW sends record of the case as hears at the assize of St Martin le Grand before chief justice TW himself and associate justice Peter H. on 16/02/1501. To that assize came plaintiff RS, defendant WH, and a jury of the country. And upon this defendant WH abandons his verification and says that he is not able to deny that the 33s 4d bill is of his making, and acknowledges that he owes RS that same 33s 4d. Upon this RS remits to WH 23s 4d of the aforesaid 33s 4d. Therefore WH is quit concerning that same 23s 4d of the aforesaid 33s 4d. Therefore the decision is that RS is to recover for WH 10s of the aforesaid 33s 4d plus damages for unjustly detaining both the said 10s and the 18s 2d debt on the other bill early admitted to by WH, which damages are set by this court, with RS's assent, at 33s 4d. WH is in mercy.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 18/11/1496
(due) 26/03/1497 < Easter
(due) 24/06/1497 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 07/01/1497
(due) 26/03/1497 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
George Congherst (m) Attorney of defendant
John Pierpoynt (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Peter Hunsdon (m) Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
Richard Shore (m) Citizen Draper London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Wode (m) Chief Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
William Haynys alias William Haynes (m) Yeoman (lately of) Stepney < Middlesex < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 159d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Loan

Pleading: Robert B. claims that Nicholas S. owes him 5m on a loan. Damages are claimed at 40s.

Pleading: NS says that he does not owe RB the aforesaid 5m nor any other monies and puts himself upon the country. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Loan St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 20/01/1494
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Nicholas Serlby (m) Gentleman (lately of) Serlby Hall < Nottinghamshire < England Defendant
Owen Holand (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Robert Broune (m) Plaintiff
Robert Henryson (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 160

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Kent
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Damages awarded: 3s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Henry P. claims that Richard W. owes him 108s 4d as the unpaid reside of a £7 bond. HP says that on 28/08/1492 at Goudherst, Kent, by way of a certain bill, RW granted himself to owe HP £7, to be paid in payments of £3 in the purification of St Mary 1493 (02/02/1493) and £4 in the feast of Philip and James 1493 (01/05/1493). HP acknowledges that he has been satisfied concerning 31s 8d of the original £7 debt, leaving the aforesaid unpaid residue of 108s 4d. Damages are claimed at 40s. The bill is shown to the court.

Pleading: RW says that he is not able to deny that he owes HP this money, and acknowledges that the bill is of his making.

Postea text: Therefore, it is decided that HP is to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with HP's assent, at 3s 4d.

Type Place Date
Bond Goudherst < Kent < England (initial) 28/08/1492
(due) 02/02/1493 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
(due) 01/05/1493 < SS Philip & James
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Pattunden (m) Clothier Goudhurst < Kent < England Plaintiff
John Chamber (m) Attorney of defendant
John Courthop (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Warde (m) Clerk Rector London < St Peter le Poor < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 303

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (account)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Reckoning of account

Pleading: Plaintiff Philip J. the brother of Joan G. and plaintiff John C, together executors of the will of JG, claim that William Denham owes them £20 6s 5d as determined by a reckoning of the account between William Denham and the late JG, which was held during JG's lifetime at London, on 20/06/1491, before auditors William Doggerige and John R., concerning diverse sums of JG's money received by William Deniam prior to the day of the accounting. Executors PJ and JC say that William Denham did not pay this money to the late JG during her lifetime, nor has he paid it to them as her executor. Damages are claimed at 100s. JP and JC present letters testamentary to the court showing them to be executors of JG.

Pleading: William Denham says that the action ought not continue against him because after the aforesaid accounting, namely on 20/09/1491 at Bungay, Suffolk, he paid the now late JG the aforesaid £20 6s 5d arrears of account. PJ says that he is prepared to verify this and seeks judgement etc.

Pleading: Executors PJ and JC say that William Denham never paid the late JG the aforesaid £20 6s 5d arrears of account nor any other monies and seek inquiry upon the country, and William Denham seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Suffolk to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of Suffolk does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as the morrow of Ascension 1500.

Postea text: [Further information drawn from CP40/953 rot. 236, photo 483 - Trinity 1500] Order to the sheriff of Suffolk to make a jury come in the morrow of All Souls 1500.

Postea text: Continuance between the parties as far as Hilary term 1500.

Postea text: To this day come plaintiffs PJ and JC, but defendant WD does not come. Therefore, the jury is to be taken against WD per default. The jury is respited as far as Easter term in three weeks 1500, unless the case is first heard before the king's justices at the Suffolk assize of Henhowe on 05/03/1501. And, let it be known that a writ is thence to be delivered by this justice (Et sciendum quod brev' inde per justice' hic deliberator...) to Nicholas W., deputy sheriff of Suffolk, in the manner of the law of exifent (in forma juris exegend) etc.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/953 rot. 236, photo 483

Type Place Date
Payment Bungay < Suffolk < England 20/09/1491
Accounting St Nicholas Shambles < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 20/06/1491
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Henry Farman (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Joan Goodwyn (f) dec. Widow Testator
John Chittoke (m) Executor, Plaintiff
John Rutter (m) Auditor
Nicholas Wrenne (m) Attorney of defendant
Nicholas Wrenne (m) Deputy Sheriff Suffolk [county] Official
Philip Josselyn (m) Clerk Executor, Plaintiff
William Denham (m) Dyer Bungay < Suffolk < England Defendant
William Doggerige (m) Auditor

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 305

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: Henry Vavesur and Clement Broun state that on 16 June 1487, in London, Henry Weston made three bonds with them, the first in £5 payable at the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1488, the second in £5 payable at All Saints 1488, and the third in £5 16s payable at the feast of the Purification 1489. However he has not paid, to their damage of 100s. They show the bonds in court.

Pleading: HW says that he ought not be held to the aforesaid bonds because at the time of their making, in London, HV and CB were threatening his life and limbs unless he should make the aforesaid bonds.

Pleading: HV and CB say that HW made the bonds of his own free will. Parties on country, jury here at the octave of the Purification 1500.

Postea text: 8 posteas - sheriff of London did not send writ, to the octave of Michaelmas 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 16/06/1487
(due) 01/11/1488 < All Saints
Imprisonment St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 16/06/1487
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 16/06/1487
(due) 24/06/1488 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 16/06/1487
(due) 02/02/1489 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Clement Broun (m) Clerk Plaintiff
Henry Vavesur (m) Citizen Brazier London < England Plaintiff
Henry Weston (m) Vintner Oxford < Oxfordshire < England Defendant
John Jenour (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Veell (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 307d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 6s 8d
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: Eustace K. claims that Thomas T. owes him £7 as the unpaid reside of £10 sale of goods. EK says that on 13/09/1489 TT bought from him: 6 pieces of medley Cypres (cloth); 107¾ ells of Holland (cloth); 22 ells of canvas; 37 ells of Brabant (cloth); 2 pieces of buckram; one piece and 9 yards of camlet; 6 yards of silk Dornick (cloth); and 4 yards of sarsanet for £10, which was to be paid when requested. EK acknowledges that he was late satisfied concerning £3 of the original £10 debt, leaving the aforesaid unpaid residue of £70. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: TT defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot. 213, photo 434. - Easter 1500] TT says that he does not owe EK the aforesaid £7 nor any other monies and offers his law, to be made in Easter term in five weeks 1500. pledges of law are named. It is decided that TT's attorney, William T., is to have his master to this court to make his law in the term aforesaid.

Postea text: postea 1 - TT makes essoin and so the case is forwarded as far as Trinity term 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - TT comes and says that he is not able to deny that he owes EK the aforesaid £7. Therefore, the decision is that EK is to recover the said debt plus damages assessed by the court, with EK's assent, at 6s 8d. TT is in mercy.

Postea text: postea 3 - 12/07/1500, EK acknowledges that he has been satisfied concerning the aforesaid debt and damages. Therefore, TT is quit concerning the aforesaid debt and damages.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot. 213, photo 434.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 13/09/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Eustace Knyll (m) Mercer London < England Plaintiff
John Doo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
John Marys (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Roo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Thomas Tofte alias Thomas Toft (m) Mercer (lately of) Lincoln < Lincolnshire < England Defendant
William Temple (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 308

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Loan

Pleading: Humphrey L. claims that John B. owes him £7 on a loan. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: JB says that he does not owe HL the aforesaid £7 nor any other monies and puts himself upon the country, and HL puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 4 posteas - all say that the sheriff of London did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Easter term 1501.

Type Place Date
Loan St Lawrence Jewry < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 20/03/1497
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Humphrey Lowe (m) Plaintiff
John Babyngton (m) Knight (lately of) Chilwell < Nottinghamshire < England Defendant
William Tassell (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Temple (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 309

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Norfolk
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Nicholas G., Robert H., Robert P., John J., Edward B., James H., and John Tooke, executors of the will of the late bishop of Norwich James G., claim that John Tompson, executor of the will of William T., owes them £24 on a bond by which the late WT had obliged himself to the late bishop JG. Damages are claimed at £10. The plaintiffs present this bond to the court, as well as letters testamentary showing them to be executors of the late bishop JG.

Pleading: John Tompson defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.290, - Easter 1500] John Tompson says that he has made full administration of the goods and chattels which were of WT at the time of his death, and that neither on the day of the making of the plaintiffs' writ nor afterwards has he had any goods of the late WT to administer.

Pleading: Plaintiffs NG, RH, RP, JJ, EB, JH, and John Tooke say that on the day of the making of their original writ, namely 12/09/1499, John Tompson had unadministered goods and chattels of the late WT sufficient to satisfy the aforesaid debt, namely in Norwich. Concerning this, the plaintiffs seek inquiry upon the country, and John Tompson seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Norfolk to make a jury come on the morrow of Ascension 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of Norfolk does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Trinity term 1500.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.290, photo 594.

Type Place Date
Bond Norwich < Norfolk < England (initial) 21/10/1496
(due) 26/03/1497 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Edward Brigett (m) Bachelor of Law, Clerk Executor, Plaintiff
George Emerson (m) Attorney of defendant
James Goldwell (m) dec. Bishop Norwich [diocese] Testator
James Hobard (m) Gentleman King's Attorney Executor, Plaintiff
John Jollys (m) Clerk Rector Massingham < Norfolk < England Executor, Plaintiff
John Thomson alias John Tompson (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant, Executor
John Tooke (m) Gentleman Executor, Plaintiff
Leonard Spencer (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Nicholas Goldwell (m) Clerk Archdeacon Suffolk [archdeaconry] Executor, Plaintiff
Robert Honywode (m) Clerk Archdeacon Norwich [archdeaconry] Executor, Plaintiff
Robert Poxwell (m) Bachelor of Law, Clerk Executor, Plaintiff
William Thomson alias William Tompson (m) dec. Clerk Parson Great Cressingham < Norfolk < England Testator

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 314

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: £10
Damages awarded: 20s
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: Thomas B. claims that John E. owes him £42 18s 2d as the unpaid residue of a £98 11s 6d debt arising from the sale of livestock to JE. TB says that at London on 04/06/1499 JE bought from him 45 oxen and 100 sheep for £98 11s 6d, of which TB acknowledges that he was later satisfied for £55 13s 4d, leaving the aforesaid unpaid residue of £42 18s 2d. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: JE appears by his attorney, Thomas R., who says nothing at the bar concerning the aforesaid action, by which JE remains undefended. Therefore, order that TB recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with his assent, at 20s. JE amerced.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 04/06/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Edwards (m) Husbandman (lately of) Hendon < Middlesex < England Defendant
John Knyght (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Bryan jnr (m) Knight Plaintiff
Thomas Robartz (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 322

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Roger B. claims that Thomas S. owes him £20 on a bond. Damages are claimed at £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: TS says that the bond is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and RB puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 2 posteas - both say that the sheriff London did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Michaelmas term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 10/10/1497
(due) 29/09/1498 < Michaelmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Roger Bowser (m) Citizen Mercer Plaintiff
Thomas Sawyer (m) Citizen Smith (lately of) Worcester < Worcestershire < England Defendant
William Bodon (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 322

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: Thomas B. and Thomas P., executors of the will of John W., claim that Hugh C. owes them 40s arising from the sale of cloth, which HC bought from the late JW but never paid for. TB and TP say that at London on 31/10/1482 HC bought from the now late JW 3¼ yards of woollen cloth called black puke, 3 yards of woollen cloth called tawny cloth, and 2 yards of woollen cloth called black medley for the aforesaid 40s. TB and TP say that though often requested HC did not pay this money to the late JW during his lifetime, nor has he paid it to them as JW's executors. Damages are claimed at 40s. TB and TP present letters testamentary to the court showing them to be executors of the late JW.

Pleading: HC defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.123, photo 252 - Easter 1500] HC says that he does not owe the aforesaid executors the said 40s or any other monies and offers his law, to be made in Easter term in five weeks, 1500. Pledges of law are named. It is decided that HC's attorney, William L., is to have his master to this court to make his law in the term aforesaid etc.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.123, photo 252

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 31/10/1482
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Hugh Coo (m) Gentleman (lately of) Saham Toney < Norfolk < England Defendant
John Doo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
John Wraye alias John Wraa alias John Awrey alias John Wrethe (m) dec. Citizen Tailor London < England Testator
Richard Roo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Thomas Brocton (m) Citizen Tailor London < England Executor, Plaintiff
Thomas Patonson (m) Citizen Tailor London < England Executor, Plaintiff
William Legge (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 322d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: Roger B claims that Gracianus de la Place owes him 40s as the unpaid residue of a £12 sale of goods. RB claims that in London on 10 April 1496 Gracianus bought from him 3 butts of wine called malmsey for £12, payable on request. RB acknowledges that he has been satisfied of £10 of the original £12 debt, leaving the aforesaid unpaid residue of 40s. Damages are claimed at 40s.

Pleading: Gracianus says that he does not owe RB the aforesaid 40s nor any other monies. Parties on country, jury here at quindene of Easter.

Postea text: 2 posteas, sheriff of London did not send the writ, to Michaelmas three weeks 1500.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 10/04/1496
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Gracianus de la Place (m) Vintner (lately of) Worcester < Worcestershire < England Defendant
John Straunge (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Roger Bourghchier (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff
William Bodon (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 325

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Hardy claims that John Hayno owes him £10 on a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: John Hayno defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 21/07/1492
(due) 02/02/1493 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Hardy (m) Clerk Windsor < Buckinghamshire < England Plaintiff
John Hayno (m) Yeoman (lately of) Chesham < Buckinghamshire < England Defendant
Leonard Broke (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 325

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond; Contract (general)

Pleading: John H. claims that Christopher R. owes him £10 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: CR defends and seeks to hear the bond and its endorsements read. The condition on the bond is that if CR should pay JH an annual pension (annalem pensionem) of 5m, assigned by the bishop of Lincoln, for the remainder of JH's own life, namely in equal portions at the annual terms of Christmas (25 December), the annunciation of St Mary (25 March), the nativity of St John the Baptist (24 June), and Michaelmas (29 September), then the bond shall remain be null and void. Upon hearing this CR seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 21/07/1492
(due) 02/02/1493 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Rudde (m) Clerk (lately of) Chesham < Buckinghamshire < England Defendant
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Hardy (m) Clerk Windsor < Buckinghamshire < England Plaintiff
Leonard Broke (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 325d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John H. claims that Henry F. owes him £10 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: HF defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 21/07/1492
(due) 02/02/1493 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Henry Fox (m) Smith (lately of) Chesham < Buckinghamshire < England Defendant
John Hardy (m) Clerk Windsor < Buckinghamshire < England Plaintiff
Leonard Broke (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 325d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John H. claims that John G. owes him £10 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JG defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 21/07/1492
(due) 02/02/1493 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Grynder (m) Husbandman (lately of) Chesham < Buckinghamshire < England Defendant
John Hardy (m) Clerk Windsor < Buckinghamshire < England Plaintiff
Leonard Broke (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 326

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Contract (general); Sale of goods

Pleading: John C. claims that Robert C. owes him 40s arising from a sale of cloth for 20s, and agreement to make certain garments for 13s 4d, and a loan of 6s 8d. JC says that in London on 01/05/1499 RC bought from him 11½ yards of woollen cloth called kendal, 5 ells of green cloth called frieze, 5½ yards of woollen cloth called tawny medley, 3 yards of woollen cloth called black kersey for 20s, to be paid on request. And also, JC says that at London on the same day (01/05/1499) RC retained him to make five masculine gowns called 'men's gowns', 8 tunics called 'jackets', and 3 pair of hose, taking for his labour 13s 4d of the aforesaid 40s. Hence, on the pretext of being so retained, JC made the same aforesaid gowns, jackets, and hose, by which work he earned he aforesaid 13s 4d. And lastly, JC says that in London on the same day (01/05/1499) RC borrowed 6s 8d from him, which money was also to be repaid on request. JC says that though he has often requested payment of this 40s JC has not paid him, and claims damages of 40s.

Pleading: RC says that he does not owe JC the aforesaid 40s nor any other monies and puts himself upon the country, and JC puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the morrow of the Purification 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Contract (not Service/employment) St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 01/05/1499
Loan St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 01/05/1499
Sale of Goods St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 01/05/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Copeland (m) Plaintiff
John Morgon (m) Attorney of defendant
Robert Cotes (m) Yeoman (lately of) Walthamstow < Essex < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 326d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Peter B. and Nicholas N. claim that Thomas P., son and heir of John P. owes them £20 on a bond which was made between PB and NN on the one part, and JP on the other part. PB and NN say that although they have often requested this money it was not paid by the now late JP, not has it been paid by his son and heir TP. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: TP defends and asks that the bond and its endorsement be read in court. The endorsement states that the condition of this bond is such that if the within-obliged John [Penfoun] and John [un-named] deliver to PB and NN, or either of them, four pieces of un-coined white tin weighing 1000lb, at Lostwithiel, at the next coining held there after the date of the bond, of good metal and saleable to the king, then the bond shall be null and void. After hearing this, TP is granted licence to imparl to the quindene of Easter.

Type Place Date
Bond St Dunstan in the West < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 30/11/1488
(due) 24/06/1489 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John [un-named] (m) Other
John Battyshyll (m) Attorney of defendant
John Penfoun (m) dec. Other
Nicholas Nyves (m) Plaintiff
Nicholas Opy (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Peter Bevyll (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Penfoun (m) Gentleman (lately of) Penfound < Cornwall < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 331

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard D claims that John Sympson owes him £30 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 10m. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: John Sympson says that he is not able to deny debt nor the validity of the bond. Therefore, order that RD is to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with RD's assent, at 13s 4d.

Postea text: postea 1 - 12/02/1500 RD acknowledges before the court that he has been satisfied concerning the £14 of the aforesaid debt. Therefore, John Sympson is quit concerning £14 of the aforesaid debt.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 14/03/1499
(due) 24/06/1499 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Samewell (m) Attorney of defendant
John Sympson (m) Citizen Dyer (lately of) London < England Defendant
Richard Drylond (m) Gentleman London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 331d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond); Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond; Sale of goods

Pleading: Thomas Garthe amerced for many defaults. William B. claims that TG owes him £18 3s 4d. WB says that at London on 11/02/1497 TG made a bond by which he obliged himself WB in £7 10s 2d, to be paid in Michaelmas 1497 (29/09/1497). WB also says that at London on 11/02/1497 TG made another bond by which he obliged himself to WB in £7, to be paid in Christmas 1497 (25/12/1497). WB also says that in London on 08/04/1498, by way of a certain bill, TG bought from him 4 yards of woollen cloth called dark tawny medley for 28s which TG obliged himself by that same bill, written by his own hand, to pay to WB in the next term after Easter (1498) then next following (i.e. Trinity term). WB also says that at London on 08/04/1498 TG bought from him 3¼ yards of green woollen cloth, 3½ yards of tawny woollen cloth, and 3 3/8 yards (tres virgas et unum quarterum et dimidium) of violet woollen cloth for 45s 2d, which was to be paid on request. Damages are claimed at 10m. WB presents the aforesaid bonds and bill to the court.

Pleading: TG defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 2 posteas - both say that the sheriff of London did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as the octave of Michaelmas term 1500.

Postea text: postea 3 - prior to the above day (the octave of Michaelmas term 1500) the case was adjourned as far as the morrow of All Souls 1500 by a writ of the lord king of adjournment, to which day (morrow of All Souls 1500) comes the aforesaid parties, but the sheriff of London does not send the writ, and sot he case is forwarded as far as Hilary term 1501.

Postea text: postea 4 - The sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Easter term 1501.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods
St Martin Ludgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 08/04/1498
(due) 10/06/1498 < Trinity
Bond St Martin Ludgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 11/02/1497
(due) 29/09/1497 < Michaelmas
Sale of Goods St Martin Ludgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 08/04/1498
Bond St Martin Ludgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 11/02/1497
(due) 25/12/1497 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Muscote (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Orenge (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Garthe (m) Esquire Rivers Hall < Essex < England Defendant
William Buk (m) Citizen Tailor London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 333d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Coventry
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Clerk claims that Thomas L., executor of the will of Elizabeth R., herself executor of the will of George R., who was himself executor of the will of Richard R., owes him £7. RC says that at Coventry (Warwickshire) on 21/11/1486, by way of a certain bill, the late RR granted himself to owe RC the aforesaid £7, to be paid in the feast of Corpus Christi 1487 (14/06/1487). RC says that though he has often requested this money RR did not pay in during his lifetime, nor did GR pay it as RR's executor, nor did ER pay it as GR's executor, nor has TL paid it as ER's executor. Damages are claimed at 100s. The bill is presented to the court.

Pleading: TL defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.321d, photo 603 - Easter 1500] TL says that GR was never an executor of the will of RR, nor did GR administer any of the goods or chattels which were of the late RR at the time of his death.

Pleading: RC says that GR, as executor of RR, administered diverse goods and chattels which were of RR at the time of his death, namely at Coventry. Concerning this, RC seeks inquiry upon the country, and TL seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Coventry to make a jury come on the morrow of Ascension 1500.

Postea text: 2 posteas - both say that the sheriff of Coventry did not send he writ, forwarding the case as far as the quindene of Michaelmas term 1500.

Postea text: postea 3 - before the quindene of Michaelmas term 1500 the case was adjourned by writ of the lord king of common adjournment as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: Related to CP 40/951, rot 335d: Further information drawn from CP 40/952, rot 321d, photo 603.

Type Place Date
Bond Coventry < Warwickshire < England (initial) 21/11/1486
(due) 14/06/1478 < Corpus Christi
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Elizabeth Ruyton (f) dec. Executor, Testator
George Ruyton (m) dec. Executor, Testator
John Boteler (m) Attorney of defendant
John Smyth (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Clerk (m) Goldsmith London < England Plaintiff
Richard Ruyton (m) dec. Testator
Thomas Lemyng (m) Tailor Coventry < Warwickshire < England Defendant, Executor

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 334

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: John M. claims that Thomas S. owes him £8 10s arising from the sale of 34 quarters of malt which TS bought but did not pay for. Damages are claimed at 40s.

Pleading: TS says that he does not owe JM the aforesaid £8 10s nor any other monies and puts himself upon the country, and JM puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 12/01/1497
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Aylove (m) Attorney of defendant
John Mylys (m) Plaintiff
Robert Rokewode (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Sparowe (m) Brewer (lately of) Southwark < Surrey < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 335

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Shropshire
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Bond

Pleading: William S. claims that Richard G. owes him £174 10s 4d on two bonds, made in Shrewsbury on 13 June 1497. One bond, in £40 was due at Christmas 1497, and the other was in £134 10s 4d, due at Pentecost 1498. Damages claimed at £20. WS presents the bonds to the court.

Pleading: RG says that the bonds are not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and WS puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Shropshire to make a jury come in Easter term 1500. The bonds are given to chief clerk John H. for safe keeping.

Postea text: 2 posteas - both say that the sheriff of Shropshire did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as the octave of Michaelmas term 1500.

Postea text: postea 3 - before the day aforesaid (the octave of Michaelmas term 1500) the case was adjourned to the morrow of All Souls 1400 by writ of the lord king of adjournment. To which day (the morrow of All souls 1500) came the aforesaid parties but the sheriff of Shropshire did not send the writ, and so the case is forwarded as far as Hilary term 1501.

Postea text: 3 posteas - all say that the sheriff of Shropshire did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Michaelmas term 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond Shrewsbury < Shropshire < England (initial) 13/06/1497
(due) 03/06/1498 < Pentecost
Bond Shrewsbury < Shropshire < England (initial) 13/06/1497
(due) 25/12/1497 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Humphrey Blyke (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Heron (m) Chief Clerk Common Pleas [court] Clerk
Richard Guttyns (m) Merchant Calais < England alias (lately of) London < England Defendant
William Sugdon (m) Draper Shrewsbury < Shropshire < England Plaintiff
William Wolff (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 335d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Coventry
Writ type: Account; Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond; Reckoning of account

Pleading: Richard C. claims that Thomas L., executor of the will of Elizabeth R., herself executor of the will of George R., owes him £8 13s 4d. RC says that at Coventry (Warwickshire) on 27/03/1490, by way of a certain bill, the late GR granted himself to owe RC 26s 8d, to be paid to RC within the six days after it should happen that GR be married to his first wife. And if it should happen that that GR should die before he should be married, then GR ought to pay RC or the bearer of the same bill (solveret eidem RC aut quicumque billam illam deferenti) the same 26s 8d within six days after the death of the same GR. And, RC says that at Coventry on 23/07/1492 GR married the aforesaid ER as his first wife, by which action GR came to owe him the aforesaid 26s 8d. And also, RC says that at Coventry on 10/12/1490, by way of another certain bill, GR granted himself to owe RC £6 15s, to be paid to RC twenty days after Christmas 1490. And also, RC says that at Coventry on the same 10/12/1490 RC and the late GR held an accounting, before auditors Thomas S. and Thomas F., concerning diverse sums of RC's money received by GR prior to that time, which same accounting found GR to be 11s 8d in arrears to RC. RC says that although he has often requested these monies GR did not pay them during his lifetime, nor did GR's widow ER pay them as GR's widow, nor has TL paid them as ER's executor. RC claims damages of 100s.

Pleading: TL defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.330, photo 687 - Easter 1500] Concerning the aforesaid 26s 8d bill, TL says that the force of the bill ought not hold because at the time of its making the late GR was imprisoned by RC and others of RC's coven at Coventry, and seeks judgement etc. Concerning the £6 15s bill, TL says that the force of that bill ought not hold because the bill is not of the late GR's making and seeks inquiry upon the country, and RC seeks likewise. Concerning the supposed 11s 8d debt of account, TL says that the late GR never had any such accounting before the aforesaid auditors and puts himself upon the country, and RC puts himself likewise.

Pleading: Concerning the 26s 8d bond, RC says that GR made the bill of his own free will and seeks inquiry upon the country, and TL seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Coventry to make a jury come in the morrow the Ascension of the Lord 1500 (late in Easter term 1500).

Postea text: 3 posteas - all say that the sheriff of Coventry did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Hilary term 1501.

Case notes: related to CP40/951 rot.333d; Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.330, photo 687.

Type Place Date
Marriage Agreement
Coventry < Warwickshire < England (initial) 27/03/1490
(due) 29/07/1492
Accounting Coventry < Warwickshire < England (initial) 10/12/1490
Imprisonment Coventry < Warwickshire < England (initial) 10/12/1490
Bond Coventry < Warwickshire < England (initial) 10/12/1490
(due) 04/01/1491
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Elizabeth Ruyton (f) dec. Warwick < Coventry < England Executor, Testator
George Ruyton (m) dec. Mercer Coventry < Warwickshire < England Testator
John Boteler (m) Attorney of defendant
John Smyth (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Clerk (m) Citizen Goldsmith London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Fyssher (m) Auditor
Thomas Lemyng (m) Tailor Coventry < Warwickshire < England Defendant, Executor
Thomas Sheparde (m) Auditor

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 338d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John T. and Alice A. claim that Joan P., executor of the will of Richard P., owes them £15 on a bond which was made between JT and AA on the one part, and the late RP on he other part. Damages are claimed at £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JP defends and seeks to hear the bond read. The condition on the bond is that is JP and John Randolf should pay JT and AA £10 at the feast of the nativity of St John the Baptist 1499 (24/06/1499) the bond should be null and void. Hearing this, JP seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 10/04/1495
(due) 24/06/1499 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Alice Auncell (f) Plaintiff
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Joan Peper (f) Widow (lately of) Norwich < Norfolk < England Defendant, Executor
John Randolf (m) Debtor
John Tompson (m) Gentleman Plaintiff
Richard Peper (m) dec. Merchant Norwich < Norfolk < England Testator
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 339d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Damages awarded: 13s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard D. claims that John S. owes him £30 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 10m. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JS says that he is not able to deny the debt, nor the validity of the bond.

Postea text: postea 1 - 14/02/1500 RD acknowledges before the court that he has been satisfied concerning £14 of the aforesaid debt. TS in in mercy. Therefore, JS is quit concerning £14 of that same debt etc.

Postea text: Therefore, it is decided that RD is to recover the aforesaid debt from JS plus damages assessed by the court, with RD's assent, at 13s 4d.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 14/03/1499
(due) 01/11/1499 < All Saints
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Samuell (m) Attorney of defendant
John Sympson (m) Citizen Dyer (lately of) London < England Defendant
Richard Drylond (m) Gentleman London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 339d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John T. and Alice A. claim that John R. owes them £15 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 10m. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JR defends and seeks to hear the bond read. The condition on the bond is that if JR and Richard P. should pay JT and AA £10 at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist 1498 then the bond should be null and void. Hearing this, JR seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 10/04/1495
(due) 24/06/1498 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Alice Auncell (f) Plaintiff
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Randolf (m) Draper (lately of) Norwich < Norfolk < England Defendant
John Tompson (m) Gentleman Plaintiff
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 343

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 13s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Nicholas N. (by his attorney, Thomas T.) claims that John K. owes him £11 on two bonds of £5 10s each. NN says that both of these bonds were made at London on 14/02/1497. One of these bonds was due at Pentecost 1497 and the other at the feast of St Barnabas 1497 (11/06/1497). Damages are claimed at 100s. Bonds shown in court.

Pleading: John K., by his attorney John C., comes and defends the force and tort when etc. And the same attorney (JC) says that he is not fully informed to respond to plaintiff NN concerning the aforesaid plea, or anything alleged (in) this court, in exclusion of the aforesaid action. And so, (JK) has insufficiently responded to NN. Upon this NN seeks judgement and damages etc. Therefore, order that NN recover the aforesaid debt, plus damages assessed by the court, with NN's assent, at 13s 4d. JK amerced.

Type Place Date
Bond St Dunstan in the West < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 14/02/1497
(due) 14/05/1497 < Pentecost
Bond St Dunstan in the East < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 14/02/1497
(due) 11/06/1497 < St Barnabas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Croull (m) Attorney of defendant
John Kent (m) Innkeeper (lately of) Basingstoke < Hampshire < England Defendant
Nicholas Nynes (m) Gentleman Plaintiff
Thomas Troute (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 344d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Loan

Pleading: Robert F. claims that Richard C. owes him 5m on a loan. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: RC defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.148d. - Easter 1500] RC says that he foes not owe RF the aforesaid 5m or any other monies and puts himself upon the country, and RF puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Trinity term 1500.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.148d.

Type Place Date
Loan St Botolph Billingsgate < Billingsgate Ward < London < England (initial) 20/05/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Resshebroke (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Copley (m) Gentleman (lately of) Southwark < Surrey < England Defendant
Robert Flegge (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 353d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Essex
Writ type: Debt (bond); Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment; Loan

Pleading: John S. claims that John F. owes him £6 6s. JS says that at Stratford Langthorne, Essex, on 24/02/1497, by way of a certain bill which JS presents to the court, JF granted himself to owe JS £4 13s, to be paid in payments of 13s 4d on 20/04/1497, 26s 8d at the feast of St Peter at Vincula 1497 (01/08/1497), 26s 8d at All Saints 1497 (01/11/1497), and 26s 8d at the feast of the Purification 1497. And also, JS says that at Stratford Langthorne on 24/02/1497 he loaned JF 32s 8d, which was to be repaid on request. JS claims damages of 100s.

Pleading: JF defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.145, photo 297 - Easter 1500] Concerning the 32s 8d loan, JF says that he does not owe JS these or many other monies and puts himself upon the country, and JS puts himself likewise. Concerning the £4 13s 4d bill, JF says that he ought not be held to this bill because at the time of its making, at Stratford Langthorn, JS was threatening his taking, assault, and imprisonment unless he should make the same said bill.

Pleading: JS says that JF made the bond of his own free will and seeks inquiry upon the country, and JF seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Essex to make a jury come in Trinity term 1500.

Postea text: 4 posteas - all say that the sheriff of Essex did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as trinity term 1501.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.145, photo 297

Type Place Date
Imprisonment Stratford Langthorne < Essex < England (initial) 24/02/1497
Loan Stratford Langthorne < Essex < England (initial) 24/02/1497
Bond Stratford Langthorne < Essex < England (initial) 24/02/1497
(due) 20/04/1497
(due) 01/08/1497 < St Peter ad Vincula
(due) 01/11/1497 < All Saints
(due) 02/02/1498 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Froste (m) Yeoman (lately of) Dagenham < Essex < England Defendant
John Pierpoynt (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Skypwith (m) Draper London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Glantham (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 353d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Essex
Writ type: Debt (bond); Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment; Sale of goods

Pleading: John S. claims that Walter L. owes him 40s. JS says that at Harwich, Essex, on 17/06/1499 Walter L., by way of a certain bill, granted himself to owe JS 45s for 3 hogsheads of red wine, to be paid to JS in payments of 23s at Christmas 1499 and 22s at the feast of the Purification 1500. And also, JS says that at Harwich on the same 17/06/1499 WL bought from him one cartload of 'billet' wood for 3s, to be paid on request. JS claims damages of 100s. JS presents the bill to the court.

Pleading: WL defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.158, photo 324 - Easter 1500] Concerning the 3s arising from the sale of a cartload of billet, WL says that he does not owe JS the said 3s or any other monies and puts himself upon the country, and JS puts himself likewise. Concerning the 45s owed on a bill, WL says that he ought not be held to the bill because at the time of its making JS and others of JS's association, at Harwich, were threatening to seize, assault, and imprison him unless he should make the same said bond.

Pleading: JS says that WL made the bill of his own free will and seeks inquiry upon the country, and WL seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Essex to make a jury come in Trinity term 1500.

Postea text: 4 posteas - all say that the sheriff of Essex did not send the writ, forwarding the case as far as Trinity term 1501.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.158, photo 324

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods Harwich < Essex < England (initial) 17/06/1499
Imprisonment Harwich < Essex < England (initial) 17/06/1499
Sale of Goods
Harwich < Essex < England (initial) 17/06/1499
(due) 25/12/1499 < Christmas
(due) 02/05/1500 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Heron (m) Attorney of defendant
John Pierpoynt (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Skypwith (m) Draper London < England Plaintiff
Walter Lawrance alias Walter Laurence (m) Yeoman Ferrour (lately of) Laindon < Essex < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 354

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Hertfordshire
Writ type: Detinue
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Detention of goods; Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: Edward S. claims that prior of St Bartholomew West Smithfield William G., on 08/071497, seized 100 of his sheep at Welwyn, Hertfordshire, in a place called 'Oldfield' contrary to his surety and pledge etc. Damages are claimed at 10m.

Pleading: Prior WG well avows the seizure of the aforesaid beasts in the place aforesaid and says that ES is, and at the time of the supposed taking was, seised, in Welwyn (Hertfordshire), of one toft, of one dove-cote (columbari), of one field containing 18 acres of land called 'Oldfield', of one field containing 12 acres of land called 'Rollesfeld', of a certain grove called 'Rollesgrove', and of a certain pasture containing 16 acres of land, in his demesne and as of fee, including the place where the supposed seizure took place. And, prior WG says that just as ES was so seised, the aforesaid tenement with appurtenances was held of prior WG himself, as by the hands of his true tenant, as of prior WG's manor of Tewin (Hertfordshire) for fealty and rents of 10s due annually at the feasts of the annunciation of St Mary (25 March) and Michaelmas (29 September), in equal portions, as in right of the monastery of St Bartholomew West Smithfield, of which same manor prior WG was made seised in his demesne and as of fee in right of the aforesaid monastery, of which services prior WG was seised by the hands of ES, as by the hands of his true tenant, namely of the aforesaid fealty as of fee and right, and of the aforesaid rent in his demesne and as of fee in right of the said monastery. And these same rents, prior WG says, had not been paid for four entire years prior to the taking of the aforesaid sheep, and so were in arrears. Thus, prior GW well avows the taking of the aforesaid beasts in the said place, as a parcel of those lands held of him in right of the aforesaid monastery in the manner aforesaid and upon (super) the aforesaid ES as upon prior WG's true tenant, within his fee etc.

Pleading: ES says that he is held, and at the time of the seizure of beasts aforesaid was held, of the aforesaid tenement with appurtenances from the aforesaid prior as of prior WG's manor in right of the monastery of West Smithfield, and that he also holds 20 acres of land in Welwyn in addition to the aforesaid toft, dove-cote, fields, grove and pasture, for fealty and the aforesaid annual rent of 10s. Concerning which annual rent of 10s, ES says that he was in no ways in arrears at the time bishop WG seized his beasts. ES seeks judgement concerning what prior WG has avowed.

Pleading: Prior WG says that ES is held of him, and at the time of the seizure of ES's beasts was held of him, just as he avowed. Concerning this, prior WG puts himself on the country, and ES puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Hertfordshire to make a jury come in the octave of the Purification 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of Hertfordshire does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as the quindene of Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - the jury is placed in respite as far as Easter term in five weeks 1500.

Postea text: postea 3 - to this day come both plaintiff ES and defendant prior WG., as well as a jury of the country. The jury says on oath that the day of the taking of the aforesaid beasts ES was held of the aforesaid tenement with appurtenances, just as avowed by prior WG. Therefore prior WG is to have he aforesaid beasts, beyond replevin. ES has nothing per his writ and is in mercy for false claim. Prior WG is without day.

Type Place Date
Detention of Goods Welwyn < Hertfordshire < England (initial) 08/07/1498
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Edward Shefall (m) Plaintiff
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of defendant
John Landy (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Guy (m) Prior St Bartholomew's, Smithfield [priory] London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 355

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Essex
Writ type: Account
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Contract (service/employment); Reckoning of account

Pleading: John, abbot of St Mary Graces, London, claims that John C. has not rendered reasonable accounting concerning the time which JC acted as abbot John's receiver. Abbot John says that at Brentwood, Essex, on 20/08/1493 he set forth JC as his receiver of monies, on which same day JC received, on behalf of abbot JC, £14 8s 8d by the hands of the abbot of Walden and 6s 8d by the hands of abbot Walter S. of the abbey of St John, Colchester. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: JS says that he was never abbot John's receiver of monies from the aforesaid abbots of Walden and Colchester etc. and puts himself upon the country, and abbot John puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of Essex to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - continuance between the parties as far as Trinity term 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - to this day comes abbot John, but defendant JC does not some. Therefore a jury is to be taken against JC per default. Upon this the jury comes and says that JC did act as abbot John's receiver, just as abbot John claimed. It is decided that JC is to render account concerning the time and monies aforesaid. JC is in mercy.

Type Place Date
Service/employment Contract Essex < England (initial) 20/08/1493
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Clerk (m) Yeoman (lately of) Takeley < Essex < England Defendant
John Langton (m) Abbot St Mary Graces [abbey] London < St Botolph without Aldgate < Aldgate Ward < England Plaintiff
John Sabrisford (m) Abbot Walden [abbey] Walden < Essex < England Other
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Walter Stansted (m) Abbot Colchester [abbey] Colchester < Essex < England Other
William Sewall (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 355

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Kent
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Trespass (chattels)

Pleading: Robert Wymarke claims that on 01/07/1489 Richard Wymarke used force and arms to break his close and houses at Woodnesborough, Kent, where Richard Wymarke, with his feet, trampled and destroyed Robert Wymarke's 'fog' (Latham - 'late hay') and grass to the value of £20. Damages are claimed at £20.

Pleading: Richard Wymarke defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 15 posteas - all further licences to imparl, forwarding the case as far as Michaelmas term 1503.

Type Place Date
Destruction of Chattels
Woodnesborough < Kent < England (initial) 01/07/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Courthope (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Wymarke (m) Grocer London < England Defendant
Robert Wymarke (m) Plaintiff
William Halke (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 358

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Assault

Pleading: Christopher N. and his wife Amlane N. claim that while AN was a single woman, on 20/03/1499, Simon B. assaulted here with force and arms at London. Damages are claimed at £10.

Pleading: SB defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as the octave of the purification of St Mary 1500 (late in Hilary term 1500). Pledges are named for the defendant.

Postea text: postea 1 - to this day come CN and his wife AN, but defendant SB does not come and so is in default. CN and AN seek judgement upon SB's default, concerning the aforesaid trespass and damages etc. And because it is necessary that the justices be informed CN and AN have sustained, they order the sheriff of London to hold inquiry by goods an honest men concerning the damages of CN and AN, and to report to this court in Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Assault St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 20/03/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Amlane Nicolas (f) Plaintiff
Christopher Nicolas (m) Plaintiff
John Jamys (m) Yeoman Westminster < Middlesex < England Surety for defendant
Richard Sheffeld (m) Yeoman Westminster < Middlesex < England Surety for defendant
Simon Bisshoptre (m) Pewterer (lately of) London < England Defendant
William Coke (m) Yeoman Westminster < Middlesex < England Surety for defendant
William Hervy (m) Brewer London < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 359d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Surrey
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: Stephen J. claims that John S. owes him £10 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: JS defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.146, photo 299 - Easter 1500] JS says that the force of the bond ought not hold because at the time of the bond's making SJ and others of SJ's coven had threatened to take, assault, and imprison him unless he should make the same said bond.

Pleading: SJ says that JS made the bond of his own free will and seeks inquiry upon the country, and JS seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of Surrey to make a jury come in morrow of the Ascension of the Lord 1500 (late in Easter term 1500).

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of Surrey did not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Trinity term 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - JS comes and says that he is not able to deny the debt, or that he made the bond of his own free will. Therefore, the decision is that SJ is to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with SJ's assent, at 20s. JS is in mercy.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.146, photo 299

Type Place Date
Imprisonment Southwark < Surrey < England (initial) 08/08/1496
Bond Southwark < Surrey < England (initial) 08/08/1496
(due) 01/08/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Spryng (m) Citizen Fuller (lately of) London < England Defendant
Richard Copcote (m) Attorney of defendant
Stephen Jenyns (m) Citizen Tailor London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 379

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Staffordshire
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 13s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Thomas G. and his wife Isabel G., also called Isabel R. widow and executor of the will of John R., claim that William C. (Sen.) owes them £6. TG and IG say that at Lichfield, Staffordshire, on 07/06/1498, WC (Sen.) made two bonds of 60s each obliging himself to IG, then a single woman, and a certain now deceased John W., co-executor of the will of JR. One of these bond was due in the nativity of St John the Baptist 1499 (24/06/1499). The other of these bonds was due in Michaelmas 1499 (29/09/1499). TG and IG present these bonds to the court. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: WC (Sen.) comes by his attorney, JS. And, it is decided that, because attorney JS has nothing to say at the bar in response to the action of TG and IG, WC (Sen.) is undefended.

Postea text: Therefore the decision is that TG and IG are to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with TG and IG's assent, at 13s 4d. WC (Sen.) is in mercy. And because TG and IG are (also) to recover this debt and damages aforesaid versus William C. (Jr.), who was similarly obliged to IG and the late JW by way of the same aforesaid bonds, TG and IG's action against whom is recorded in this term on rotulet 411 (dorse), TG and IG are to have one execution against both WC (Sen.) and WC (Jr.) concerning the aforesaid debt and damages.

Case notes: Related to CP40/951 rot.411d.

Type Place Date
Bond Lichfield < Staffordshire < England (initial) 07/06/1498
(due) 29/09/1499 < Michaelmas
Bond Lichfield < Staffordshire < England (initial) 07/06/1498
(due) 24/06/1499 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Isabel Russhe alias Isabel Grey (f) Executor, Plaintiff
John Courtman jnr (m) Citizen Brewer (lately of) London < England Debtor
John Russhe (m) dec. Testator
John Swafeld (m) Attorney of defendant
John Wellys (m) dec. Executor
Thomas Grey (m) Esquire Plaintiff
Thomas Sprotte (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Courtman snr (m) Citizen Brewer (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 385d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Norfolk
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 4m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Andrew C. claims that at Thetford, Norfolk, on 03/02/1493, by way of a certain bill, RH obliged himself to AC in £4, to be paid in payments of, namely: 6s 8d in Easter 1493 (07/04/1493); 6s 8d in the nativity of St John the Baptist 1493 (24/06/1493); 6s 8d in Christmas 1493 (25/12/1493); 6s 8d in the nativity of St John the Baptist 1494 (24/06/1494); and a further 6s 8d at each feast of Christmas, Easter, and the nativity of St John the Baptist thereafter until the bill should be paid in full. Damages are claimed at 4m.

Pleading: RH defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 6 posteas - all are further licences to imparl, as far as Trinity term 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond Thetford < Norfolk < England (initial) 03/02/1493
(due) 07/04/1493 < Easter
(due) 24/06/1493 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
(due) 25/12/1493 < Christmas
(due) 24/06/1494 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Andrew Carter (m) Mercer Thetford < Norfolk < England Plaintiff
Leonard Spencer (m) Attorney of defendant
Robert Hone (m) Clerk, Lordeccles Parson Tuddenham < Suffolk < England alias (lately of) London < England Defendant
William Denne (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 391

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (account); Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: 60s
Case type: Loan; Reckoning of account

Pleading: John P. claims that Thomas I. owes him £3 3s 4d. JP says that at London, on 01/01/1499, TI borrowed 23s 4d from him, to be repaid on request. JP says that on the same day and in the same place he and TI held a reckoning of the account between them, concerning diverse sums of JP's money received by TI prior to that same day, by which accounting TI was found to be 40s in arrears to JP. JP claims damages of 60s.

Pleading: TI defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.105d, photo 201 - Easter 1500] TI says that he does not owe JP the aforesaid £3 3s 4d or any other monies and offers his law, to be made in Trinity term 1500. Pledges of law are named. It is ordered that TI's attorney, William L., is to have his master to this court to make his law in the term aforesaid.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.105d, photo 201.

Type Place Date
Loan St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 01/01/1499
Accounting St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 01/01/1499
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Doo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
John Palmer (m) Plaintiff
Richard Roo (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Thomas Ideley (m) Gentleman (lately of) Buckenham < Norfolk < England Defendant
William Legge (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 391d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 5m
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: John H. claims that John C. owes him £4 10s 11d as the unpaid residue of an £11 7s 11d debt arising from the sale of cloth. JH says that at London, on 10/09/1497, JC bought from him 226 ells and one yard of Brussels cloth (Bresselcloth), 7 pieces of buckram, 2 reams of paper, one-half piece of boutel, 105¾ ells of Normandy canvas, and one chest (cistam) for £11 7s 11d, to be paid on request. JH acknowledges that JC later satisfied him concerning £6 17s of the original £11 7s 11d debt, leaving the aforesaid unpaid residue of £4 10s 11d. Damages are claimed at 5m.

Pleading: JC defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/953 rot.242 - Trinity 1500] JC says that he does not owe JH the aforesaid £4 10s 11d nor any other monies and puts himself upon the country, and JH puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the quindene of Michaelmas term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - further licence to imparl, forwarding the case as far as Trinity term 1500.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/953 rot.242

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 10/09/1497
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Ferman alias Henry Farman (m) Attorney of defendant
John Crome (m) Mercer (lately of) Norwich < Norfolk < England Defendant
John Henege (m) Plaintiff
William Clerkson (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 411

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Norwich
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Nicholas G., Robert H., Robert P., John J., Edward B., James H., and John T., executors of the will of the late bishop of Norwich James G., claim that Paul de Giglio owes them £46 13s 4d on a bond which was made between Paul de Giglio and the late bishop JG. Damages are claimed at £10. Plaintiffs NG, RH, RP, JJ, EB, JH, and JT present the bond to the court, as well as letters testamentary showing them to be executors of the will of bishop JG.

Pleading: Paul de Giglio defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond Norwich < Norfolk < England (initial) 24/02/1496
(due) 03/04/1496 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Edward Bryget (m) Bachelor of Law, Clerk, Master Executor, Plaintiff
James Goldwell (m) dec. Bishop Norwich [diocese] Testator
James Hobard (m) Gentleman King's Attorney Executor, Plaintiff
John Jollys (m) Clerk, Lordeccles Rector Massingham < Norfolk < England Executor, Plaintiff
John Tooke (m) Gentleman Executor, Plaintiff
Leonard Spencer (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Nicholas Goldwell (m) Clerk, Master Archdeacon Suffolk [archdeaconry] Executor, Plaintiff
Paul De Giglio (m) Merchant Lucca < Foreign < England alias (lately of) London < England Defendant
Robert Honywode (m) Clerk, Master Archdeacon Norwich [archdeaconry] Executor, Plaintiff
Robert Poxwell (m) Bachelor of Law, Clerk, Master Executor, Plaintiff
Thomas Soper (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 411d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Staffordshire
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 13s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Thomas G. and his wife Isabel G., also called Isabel R. widow and executor of the will of John R., claim that William C. (Jr.) owes them £6. TG and IG say that at Lichfield, Staffordshire, on 07/06/1498, WC (Jr.) made two bonds of 60s each obliging himself to IG, then a single woman, and a certain now deceased John W., co-executor of the will of JR. One of these bond was due in the nativity of St John the Baptist 1499 (24/06/1499). The other of these bonds was due in Michaelmas 1499 (29/09/1499). TG and IG present these bonds to the court. Damages are claimed at 100s.

Pleading: WC (Jr.) comes by his attorney, JS. And, it is decided that, because attorney JS has nothing to say at the bar in response to the action of TG and IG, WC (Jr.) is undefended.

Postea text: Therefore the decision is that TG and IG are to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with TG and IG's assent, at 13s 4d. WC (Jr.) is in mercy. And because TG and IG are (also) to recover this debt and damages aforesaid versus William C. (Sen.), who was similarly obliged to IG and the late JW by way of the same aforesaid bonds, TG and IG's action against whom is recorded in this term on rotulet 411 (dorse), TG and IG are to have one execution against both WC (Sen.) and WC (Jr.) concerning the aforesaid debt and damages.

Case notes: Related to CP40/951 rot.379

Type Place Date
Bond Lichfield < Staffordshire < England (initial) 07/06/1498
(due) 29/09/1499 < Michaelmas
Bond Lichfield < Staffordshire < England (initial) 07/06/1498
(due) 24/06/1499 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Isabel Grey (f) Executor, Plaintiff
John Risshe (m) dec. Testator
John Wellys (m) dec. Executor
Thomas Grey (m) Esquire Plaintiff
William Courtman snr (m) Citizen Brewer London < England Defendant
William Courtman jnr (m) Citizen Brewer (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 419

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: Roger B. claims that Geoffrey H. owe him £12 per a bond. Damages are claimed at 10m.

Pleading: GH says that he ought not be held to the bond because at the time of its making he was imprisoned by RB and others of his coven at London.

Pleading: RB says that GH was a free man at the time of the bond's making and seeks inquiry upon the country, and GH seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - continuance between the parties as far as Trinity term 1500, unless the case is heard before chief justice Thomas B. at the assize of St Martin le Grand on 02/06/1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 06/08/1498
(due) 31/07/1499
Imprisonment St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 06/08/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Geoffrey Hawte (m) Citizen Skinner London < England Defendant
Roger Bourghchier (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 419d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Widow Anne W., executor of the will of Edward W., claims that William H. owes her £7 8s 4d on a bond which was made between WH and the late EW. Damages are claimed at 40s. Bond shown in court, as well as letters testamentary showing AW the be executor of EW.

Pleading: WH defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 17/04/1490
(due) 25/12/1490 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Anne Woode (f) Widow London < England Executor, Plaintiff
Edward Wode (m) dec. Citizen Grocer London < England Testator
George Congherst (m) Attorney of defendant
George Emerson (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Huntyngfeld (m) Fuller London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 421

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: William W. claims that Richard B., William H., and William Y., executors of he will of John K., owe him £10 on a bond which was made between WW and a certain JW, now deceased, on the one part, and the late JK on the other part. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: RB, WH, and WY defend and seek licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 3 posteas - both are further licences to imparl, forwarding the case as far as Hilary term 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 06/10/1490
(due) 02/02/1491 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Curthop (m) Attorney of defendant
John Caron alias John Kerelond (m) dec. Vicar Frindsbury < Kent < England Testator
John Welshe (m) dec. Creditor
Philip Corff (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Burnet (m) Innkeeper (lately of) Rochester < Kent < England Defendant, Executor
William Hawekyn (m) Weaver (lately of) Strood < Kent < England Defendant, Executor
William Welshe (m) Clerk Plaintiff
William Yonge (m) Husbandman (lately of) Frindsbury < Kent < England Defendant, Executor

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 421d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 12s
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: GD and SS say that TW made the bond of his own free will and seek inquiry upon the country, and TW seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the morrow of the Ascension of the Lord 1500 (late in Easter temr 1500).

Pleading: Gerard D. and Stephen S. claim that Thomas W. owes them £7 8s as the unpaid reside of a £7 10s bond which was made at London in the parish of St Sepulchre, Farringdon ward without. GD and SC acknowledge that they have been satisfied concerning 2s of the original £7 10s debt, leaving the aforesaid unpaid residue of £7 8s. Damages are claimed at 100s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: TW defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.124, photo 254 - Easter 1500] TW says that he ought not be held to the aforesaid bond because at the time of its making GD and SS were threatening his life and limbs at London in the parish of St Magnus, Bridge ward, unless he should make the same said bond.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Trinity term 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - the jury between the parties is placed in respite as far as the quindene of Michaelmas term 1500.

Postea text: postea 3 - prior to the day aforesaid (the quinden of Michaelmas 1500) the case was adjourned, by writ of the lord king of common adjournment, as far as the morrow of All Souls 1500 (late in Michaelmas term 1500). To which day come plaintiffs GD and SS, as well as defendant TW. Upon this TW says that he is not able to deny that he owes GD and SS the aforesaid debt or that he made the bond of his own free will. Therefore it is decided that GD and SS are to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with the assent of GD and SS, at 12s. TW is in mercy.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.124, photo 254

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 28/11/1493
(due) 29/09/1495 < Michaelmas
Imprisonment St Magnus the Martyr < Bridge Ward < London < England (initial) 28/11/1493
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Gerard Danyell (m) Citizen Fishmonger London < England Plaintiff
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Resshebroke (m) Attorney of defendant
Stephen Saunderson (m) Citizen Fishmonger London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Waltrotte (m) Fishmonger (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 423

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Surrey
Writ type: Trespass (against statute)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Breach of Statute

Pleading: Thomas H., citing the statute of 5 Richard II which states that - no one shall make entry into lands or tenements except where entry is given by the law, and in such case entry is not to be made forcibly or with many people, but only in a peaceable manner (Statutes of the Realm vol.2, p.20) - says that on 01/04/1498 Roger T. made entry into TH's 6 messuages and 6 gardens at Southwark, Surrey, without legal right and in contempt of the king. Damages are claimed at £20.

Pleading: RT defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 5 posteas - all further licences to imparl, forwarding the case as far as Trinity term 1501.

Type Place Date
Breach of Statute Southwark < Surrey < England (initial) 01/04/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Humphrey Taillard (m) Attorney of defendant
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Roger Thorney (m) Mercer (lately of) London < England Defendant
Thomas Holgrave (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 423d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: Henry F. claims that William W. owes him 111s 4d arising from the sale of cloth which WW bought but did not pay for. The cloth bought was, namely, one piece of violet cloth called say, one piece of black say, 2 pieces of cloth called 'cardolen', one piece of cloth called 'collombett', and 2 pieces of buckram. Damages are claimed at 40s.

Pleading: WW says that he does not owe HF the aforesaid 111s 4d nor any other monies and offers his law, to be made in Easter term 1500s. Pledges of law are named. It is decided that WW's attorney, Charles H., is to have his master to this court to make his law in Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 26/07/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Charles Hoppyng (m) Attorney of defendant, Surety for defendant
Henry FytzHerbert (m) Plaintiff
John Butte (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Richard Cope (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
William Bolt (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Ware (m) Chapman (lately of) Ottery St Mary < Devon < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 424

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Trespass (against statute)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Breach of Statute

Pleading: William W., Thomas M., Richard F., and William F., citing the statute against maintaining and sustaining the cases of others, say that William Huse at Westminster on 20/10/1499 maintained and sustained a case, brought by bill, which is before the lord king at Westminster between William Hutton and Katherine G. and the same WW, TM, RF, and WF. In that case, William Hutton and KG claim that WW, TM, RF, and WF have breached the statute of 5 Richard II which states that - no one shall make entry into lands or tenements except where entry is given by the law, and in such case entry is not to be made forcibly or with many people, but only in a peaceable manner (Statutes of the Realm vol.2, p.20) – because, it is claimed, WW, TM, RF, and WF entered William Hutton's and KG's 100 acres of pasture and 60 acres of wood at Haringey, Middlesex, without legal right and in contempt of the king. WW, TM, RF, and WF claim that, as a result of William Huse's alleged maintenance, they are worse off to the value of £20.

Pleading: William Huse says that he is a man learned in the law of the land of England, and is of St Clements's Inn, and that prior to the time of the supposed maintenance, namely in the parish of St Clement Danes, Middlesex, on 12/10/1499, he was retained by William Hutton and KG as legal counsel and (so advised) that a certain Thomas F. ought similarly be retained as counsel to William Hutton and KG. Therefore, at the time of the supposed trespass, at Westminster, William Huse gave to this same TF 6s 8d of William Hutton's and KG's money, and requested that TF be their counsel in the aforesaid case. William Huse says that this action is what has led to the accusation of maintenance against him.

Pleading: WW, TM, RF, and WF say that prior to the supposed maintenance William Huse was a monger called a courser (horse trader), learned in the art or mystery of being a monger. They say that William Huse is not, nor was he at the time of the maintenance, a man learned of the law.

Pleading: William Huse says that he is, and was at the time aforesaid, learned in the law of the land of England. Concerning this William Huse puts himself upon the country, and the plaintiffs, WW, TM, RF, and WF, put themselves likewise. Order to the sheriff of Middelsex to make a jury come in Easter term 1500. And upon this defendant William Huse puts (attorney) George E. in his place against the plaintiffs in this suit.

Type Place Date
Breach of Statute Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 20/10/1499
Breach of Statute Haringey < Middlesex < England
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of defendant
Katherine Grenehurst (f) Widow Other
Richard Freswith (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Kyrton (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Munmouth (m) Plaintiff
William Frankeleyn (m) Plaintiff
William Huse (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
William Hutton (m) Other
William Wodmanton (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 427d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John W. claims that William C. owes him £40 per a bond. Damages are claimed at £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: WC defends and seeks to hear the bond's endorsement read. The condition on the bond is that if the within obliged WC, Matilda (presumably WC's wife) and their heirs should hold to and fulfil all and singular traditions and agreements (tradiciones et convenciones) between the aforesaid parties and JW as contained in a certain indenture, made and sealed, given on 17/11/1489, then the bond shall remain null and void. Upon hearing this WC seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Postea text: 2 posteas - boh further licences to imparl as far as Michaelmas term 1500.

Postea text: postea 3 - prior to Michaelmas term 1500 the case was adjourned as far as the morrow of All Souls 1500 by writ of the lord king of common adjournment, at which day WC seeks further licence to imparl as far as Hilary term 1501.

Postea text: postea 4 - further licence to imparl, forwarding the case as far as Easter term 1501.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 21/11/1489
(due) 25/12/1489 < Christmas
Bond England (initial) 17/11/1489
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Wylford (m) Clerk Vicar Shaldbourne < Wiltshire < England Plaintiff
Matilda Changton (f) Debtor
Thomas Bonham (m) Attorney of defendant
William Changton (m) Gentleman Shaldbourne < Wiltshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 428d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: Gloucestershire
Writ type: Detinue
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Detention of goods; Safe keeping

Pleading: Stephen A. claims that at Gloucester on 12/07/1498 he delivered to John P., for safe keeping, one bond showing a certain Thomas M. to be held and obliged to SA himself in £20 which were to be paid to SA on a certain day within written. SA says that, though he has often requested the return of this bond, JP refuses to return it. Damages are claiming at 100s.

Pleading: JP defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Safe Keeping Gloucester < Gloucestershire < England (initial) 12/07/1498
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Emerson (m) Attorney of defendant
John Passemere (m) Citizen Skinner (lately of) London < England Defendant
Stephen Abell (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Meresyn (m) Other
William Clerk (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 442

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: John W. and his wife Alice W., herself executor of the will of John T., claim that Thomas, abbot of St Alban's owes them 40s arising from the sale of fish which abbot TR bought from the late JT at London (St Sepulchre parish, Farringdon ward within), on 08/07/1493 but never paid for. This money was to be paid on request. The fish bought by abbot TR was, namely, 60 fish called salt fish and 60 fish called stockfish. JW and AW say that abbot TR did not pay this money to the late JT during his lifetime, nor did he pay it to AW while she was a woman alone, nor has he paid it to JW and AW since their marriage. Damages are claimed at 40s. Letters testamentary are presented to the court, showing AW to be the executor of JT.

Pleading: Abbot TR defends and seeks licence to imparl as far Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 08/07/1493
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Alice Wode (f) Executor, Plaintiff
John Seth (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Stepneth (m) Attorney of defendant
John Thornton (m) dec. Fishmonger London < England Testator
John Wode (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Ramryge (m) Abbot St Albans [abbey] St Albans < Herefordshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 442

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 5m
Damages awarded: 3s 4d
Costs: 30s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John D. claims that Thomas W. owes him 100s. Per a bond. Damages are claimed at 5m

Pleading: TD defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.382d, rot.735 - Easter 1500] TW says that the bond is not of his making and puts himself upon the country, and JD puts himself likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in the morrow of Ascension 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the jury between the parties is placed in respite as far as the quindene of Michaelmas term 1500 unless the case should first be heard before justice William D. at the assize of St Martin le Grand on 15/07/1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - before the quindene of Michaelmas term 1500 the case was adjourned by writ of the lord king of common adjournment as far as the morrow of All Souls 1500, to which day comes plaintiff JD, and justice WD sends record of the case as heard at the assize of St Martin le Grand on 15/07/1500 before justice WD himself and associate justice John N. To that assize came plaintiff JD, but defendant TW did not come, and so a jury was taken against him per default. A jury come and said on oath that the bond was of TW's making, just as JD claimed. The jury assessed JD's damages at 3s 4d, and his costs at 30s. Therefore the decision is that JD is to recover the aforesaid debt plus 33s 4d costs and damages. TW is in mercy.

Postea text: postea 3 - on 09/02/1501 is recorded a writ of error given in the name of the king, given on 13/01/1501.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot.382d, rot.735

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 05/10/1498
(due) 24/08/1499 < St Bartholomew
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
George Congherst (m) Attorney of defendant
John Agmondesham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Devyk (m) Citizen Draper London < England Plaintiff
John Norwode (m) Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
Thomas Wode (m) Merchant Calais < England alias London < England Defendant
William Danners (m) Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 442d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 60s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Thomas P. claims that Geirge F. owes him £4 10s 2d per a bond. Damages are claimed at 60s. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: GF defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 13/11/1493
(due) 30/03/1494 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Congherst (m) Attorney of defendant
George Foster (m) Esquire (lately of) Oxford < Oxfordshire < England Defendant
Thomas Pays (m) Citizen Skinner London < England Plaintiff
William Hussey (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 443

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond); Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Bond; Loan

Pleading: Margery B., widow and executor of Richard B., claims that John D. owes her 40s. MB says that on 18/11/1491 at London in St Sepulchre parish, Farringdon ward within, by way of a certain bill obligatory, JD granted himself to be held to the late RB in 23s 4d, to be paid to RB in Christmas 1491 (25/12/1491). MB also says that on the same day and in the same place RB loaned JD 16s 8d, to be paid to RB on request. Damages are claimed at 40s. The bill is presented to the court.

Pleading: JD defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Type Place Date
Loan St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 18/11/1491
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 18/11/1491
(due) 25/12/1491 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
George Congherst (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Doweshed (m) Clerk (lately of) Hackney < Middlesex < England Defendant
Margery Body (f) Widow Hackney < Middlesex < England Executor, Plaintiff
Richard Body (m) dec. Hackney < Middlesex < England Testator
William Bene (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 443

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 4m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard B. claims that Robert M. owes him £7 6s. RB says that at London in St Sepulchre parish, Farringdon Ward within [on CP40/952 rot.382 it reads 'Farringdon Without'], on 02/08/1494, by way of a certain bill obligatory, RM granted himself to be held to RB in the aforesaid £7 6s. This money was to be paid to RM in the feast of All Saints 1494 (01/11/1494). [The re-entry on CP40/952 rot.382 stipulates multiple payments, namely: 10s in the feast of All Saints 1494 (01/11/1494), 10s in the purification of St Mary 1495 (02/02/1495), 10s in the Pentecost 1495 (07/06/1494), 10s in the feast of St Peter ad Vincula 1495 (01/08/1495), and 10s in All Saints 1495 (01/11/1495), followed by further payments of 10s at each of the same feasts year on year, until the final payment, which will be only 6d.] Damages are claimed at 4m [The re-entry on CP40/952 rot.382 gives damages as 100s]. Bill shown in court.

Pleading: RM defends and seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Pleading: [Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot. 803, photo 803 - Easter 1500] RM says that after the making of the aforesaid bill, namely on 18/12/1498, at London in the parish and ward aforesaid, RB gave him an acquittance by which RB acknowledged himself to have received from RM 16s in full satisfaction of the aforesaid £7 6s.

Pleading: RB says that the acquittance is not of his making and seeks inquiry upon the country, and RM seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Trinity term 1500. The acquittance is given to clerk John H. for safe keeping.

Postea text: postea 1 - the sheriff of London does not send the writ and so the case is forwarded as far as Michaelmas term 1500.

Case notes: Further information drawn from CP40/952 rot. 803, photo 803

Type Place Date
Release (from Debt/obligation) St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 18/12/1498
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 02/08/1494
(due) < St Peter ad Vincula
(due) < Pentecost
(due) < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
(due) < All Saints
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
George Congherst (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Heron (m) Clerk Common Pleas [court] Clerk
Richard Browne (m) Citizen Barber, Shearman London < England Plaintiff
Robert Mareys (m) Gentleman Notary, Procurator Court of Arches [court] (lately of) London < England Defendant
William Tassell (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 461

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £40
Case type: Housebreaking; Trespass (chattels)

Pleading: William B. claims that on 04/10/1493 Isabel Long used force and arms to break his house and closes at London, and to dig in his soil so that he was without profits from that soil from the day of the trespass until the day of the making of his original writ, namely 13/05/1499. Damages are claimed at £40.

Pleading: Concerning the use of force and arms IL says that she is innocent and puts herself upon the country, and William Barnard puts himself likewise. Concerning the remainder of the supposed trespass Isabel Long says that the aforesaid close and houses, as well as the place the trespass is supposed to have been made, are, and were at that time, one messuage and one acre of land with appurtenances in London (St Sepulchre parish, Farringdon ward without). Isabel Long says that prior to the time of the supposed trespass Henry Cheneley, Stephen Clampard, Thomas Depden, Henry Cuttyng, and Richard Warde were seised of this property in their demesne and as of fee, and so seised prior to the time of the supposed trespass, they enfeoffed Thomas Dey, Thomas Waldyf, William Husey, and Thomas Broughton, and their heirs, in perpetuity. IL says that as a result of this enfeoffment Thomas Dey, Thomas Waldyf, William Husey, and Thomas Broughton were seised of this property in their demesne and as of fee. Isabel Long says that it is through these same men, Thomas Dey, Thomas Waldyf, William Husey, and Thomas Broughton, that she has, and has had, estate in the aforesaid property since before the aforesaid supposed trespass. Further, Isabel Long says that plaintiff William Barnard claims the same property on the pretext that the aforesaid Henry Cheneley, Stephen Clampard, Thomas Depden, Henry Cuttyng, and Richard Warde demised the property to him by way of a certain charter for the term of his life, prior to the time that the same men enfeoffed Thomas Dey, Thomas Waldyf, William Husey, and Thomas Broughton. But, Isabel Long says that nothing of the aforesaid messuage and land was at any time transferred into the possession of William Barnard by that charter, and that William Barnard never made entry into the property prior to the time etc. (of the supposed trespass) and that Isabel Long herself then later re-entered the property at the time of the supposed trespass, as she had good licence to do.

Pleading: William Barnard says that long before Henry Cheneley, Stephen Clampard, Thomas Depden, Henry Cuttyng, and Richard Warde, or Thomas Dey, Thomas Waldyf, William Husey, and Thomas Broughton, or any of them, had anything in the aforesaid property he was seised of it in his demesne and as of fee, until such time as the Isabel Long unjustly and without right disseised him. Thereafter, Isabel Long, only seised of the property by disseisin, enfeoffed Henry Cheneley, Stephen Clampard, Thomas Depden, Henry Cuttyng, and Richard Warde, who so seised then enfeoffed Thomas Dey, Thomas Waldyf, William Husey, and Thomas Broughton. The same Thomas Dey, Thomas Waldyf, William Husey, and Thomas Broughton then enfeoffed Isabel Long to have the property in her demesne as of fee in perpetuity. William Barnard says that this is how Isabel Long came into possession of the aforesaid property, and that after Isabel Long became so possessed, but prior to the time of Isabel Long's trespass, he re-entered the property and was so again seised of it in his demesne and as of fee. Thus, William Barnard says that he was seised of the property when, on the day of the trespass, Isabel Long used force and arms to break his close and houses there, and to dig in his soil etc.

Pleading: Isabel Long, as before, says that the property belonged to Henry Cheneley, Stephen Clampard, Thomas Depden, Henry Cuttyng, and Richard Warde, who then enfeoffed Thomas Dey, Thomas Waldyf, William Husey, and Thomas Broughton, through whom she has estate. Isabel Long denies that she disseised William Barnard etc.

Pleading: William Barnard, as before, says that Isabel Long unjustly and without right disseised him of the aforesaid property etc. and seeks inquiry upon the country, and Isabel Long seeks likewise. Order to the sheriff of London to make a jury come in Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - the case is placed in respite as far as the morrow of St John the Baptist (late in Trinity term) 1500 unless the case is first heard before chief justice Thomas Bryan at the assize of St Martin le Grand on 01/06/1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - to this day (the morrow of Sst Johnt he Baptist 1500) come William Barnard and Isabel Long, and chief justice Thomas Bryan sends record of the case as heard at the assize of St Martin le Grand on 01/06/1500 before chief justice Thomas Bryan himself and associate justice John Knyght. To that assize came both plaintiff William Barnard and defendant Isabel Long. Some of the jurors come, and some do not. Those jurors who appeared were, namely, John Wright, Thomas Stodard, John Holgrave, William Danyell, William Smyth, Richard Donne, Thomas Cowper, John Bramston, Thomas Awbrey, John Mynes, and Thomas Chicheley. Therefore the jury has been placed in respite as far as Michaelmas term 1500. Order to the sheriff of have etc.

Type Place Date
Destruction of Chattels
St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 04/10/1493
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Henry Cheneley (m) Other
Henry Cuttyng (m) Other
Isabel Long (m) Widow (lately of) London < England Debtor
John Bramston (m) Juror
John Holgrave (m) Juror
John Knyght (m) Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
John Morgan (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Mynes (m) Juror
John Wright (m) Juror
Richard Donne (m) Juror
Richard Warde (m) Other
Robert Hantmount (m) Attorney of defendant
Stephen Clampard (m) Other
Thomas Awbrey (m) Juror
Thomas Broughton (m) Other
Thomas Bryan (m) Knight Chief Justice St Martin Le Grand, Assize [court] Justice
Thomas Chicheley (m) Juror
Thomas Cowper (m) Juror
Thomas Depden (m) Other
Thomas Dey (m) Other
Thomas Stodard (m) Juror
Thomas Waldyf (m) Other
William Barnard (m) Plaintiff
William Danyell (m) Juror
William Husey (m) Other
William Smyth (m) Juror

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/951, rot. 464d

Term: Hilary 1500
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Damages awarded: 20s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: William B. and Reginald P. claim that Roger B. owes them £30 on a bond. Damages are claimed at £10. Bond shown in court.

Pleading: RB defends and seeks to hear the bond's endorsement read. The bonds endorsement [recited in full, in English] says that if the within written RB, Richard D., and Thomas B., or any of them, should pay WB and RP £20 in the feast of All Saints 1499 at the font in the cathedral church of St Paul's, London, between the hours of nine and eleven of the clock before noon of the same feast, then the bond should be null and void. Upon hearing this RB seeks licence to imparl as far as Easter term 1500.

Postea text: postea 1 - further licence to imparl as far as Trinity term 1500.

Postea text: postea 2 - to this day come the plaintiffs, WB and RP, but defendant RB does not come and so is in default. Therefore, the decision is that WB and RP are to recover the aforesaid debt plus damages assessed by the court, with WB and RP's assent, at 20s. [There is a marginal note to the left of this postea which is unclear, but may be legible from the original. It looks to read, something like, 'Recorded by the court that the aforesaid not...... not confirm that plea. Mercy.'

Type Place Date
Bond St Dunstan in the West < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 09/02/1499
(due) 01/11/1499 < All Saints
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Jenour (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Reginald Pegge (m) Plaintiff
Richard Dryland (m) Debtor
Roger Basterd (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
Thomas Bell (m) Debtor
William Broun (m) Plaintiff