CP40/814: Hilary term 1465

Court of Common Pleas: the National Archives, Cp40 1399-1500. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 2010.

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Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 080

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: William Norton, John Markwyk, Richard Bovauntre and William Norys, executors of Richard Nordon, state that on 28 October 1451, in London, Henry Bodrugan made two bonds with Richard Nordon, now deceased, one in £10 payable at the church of St Dunstan in Fleet Street on 28 April 1453, and a second in another £10 payable in the same church at the feast of St Mary Magdalene (22 July) 1453. HB paid 40s of this to RN during his lifetime, but has not paid the remaining £18, either to RN or his executors, to their damage of £10. They show the bonds in court, and the testamentary letters of RN, by which they are executors and have administration.

Pleading: HB granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of executors.

Pleading: [continued at Michaelmas 1465, rot 302] HB states that this bonds are not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at octave of Hilary.

Postea text: 2 further licences to imparl, to quindene of Michaelmas 1465.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/817, rot 302.

Type Place Date
Bond St Dunstan in the West < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 28/10/1451
(due) 28/04/1453
Bond St Dunstan in the West < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 28/10/1451
(due) 22/07/1453
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Bodrugan (m) Esquire (lately of) Bodrugan Barton < Cornwall < England Defendant
John Markwyk (m) Clerk Executor, Plaintiff
Philip Gay (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Bovauntre (m) Clerk Executor, Plaintiff
Richard Nordon (m) dec. Citizen Tailor London < England Testator
Robert Vaus (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Norton (m) Esquire Executor, Plaintiff
William Norys (m) Executor, Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 080d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Trespass (against statute)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Breach of Statute; Maintenance

Pleading: John Ryver, citing the terms of the statute against the maintenance of suits, states that on 28 April 1464, at Westminster, William Lusshburn unlawfully maintained and sustained the suit of John Colyngborne, alias Hans Roklyn, shoemaker of Kingston upon Thames, in a case brought against him by JR before the justices of the Bench concerning a debt of 100s which JC owed to JR. This was in contempt of the king, against the form of the statute and to his damage of £10.

Pleading: WL granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of JR.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 38] WL states that he did not maintain and sustain the suit of JC as claimed. Parties on country, jury here at Easter five weeks.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/815, rot 38.

Type Place Date
Maintenance Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 28/04/1464
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Hans Roklyn alias John Colyngborne (m) Shoemaker Kingston upon Thames < Surrey < England Other
John Ryver (m) Citizen Skinner London < England Plaintiff
Robert Vaus (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Lusshburn (m) Saddler London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 080d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Abduction

Pleading: William Phelipp states that on 29 July 1464, in London, Thomas Clarell senior forcibly abducted his apprentice, Thomas Clarell junior, against the peace and to his damage of £20.

Pleading: TC senior granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of WP.

Type Place Date
Abduction St Vedast Foster Lane < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 29/07/1464
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Horbury (m) Attorney of defendant
Robert Vaus (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Clarell jnr (m) Apprentice Other
Thomas Clarell snr (m) Clerk Leeds < Yorkshire < England Defendant
William Phelipp (m) Citizen Goldsmith London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 102d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Damages awarded: 13s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Derby states that on 7 June 1463, in London, John Aleyn acknowledged by a bill of memorandum sealed with his seal that he owed to JD 60s, payable without delay. However, JA has not paid this, to his damage of 10m. He shows the bill in court [recited in full, in English].

Pleading: JA granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 272d] JA admits the action, that the bill was of his making, and that he owes the debt as claimed. JD seeks judgment, and the debt with damages. Order that JD recover the debt of 60s, and damages of 13s 4d. JA amerced.

Case notes: Continued, with second full enrolment of English bill, on CP 40/815, rot 272d.

Type Place Date
Bond St Mary le Bow < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 07/06/1463
(due) 07/06/1463
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Aleyn (m) Gentleman Earlham < Norfolk < England alias (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Derby (m) Draper London < England Plaintiff
John Salter (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Peter Staynford (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 107

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 20m
Damages awarded: 60s
Costs: 40s
Case type: Assault; Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: William Cordell and Thomas Ayleward state that on 4 April 1460, in London, Richard Langeford made a bond with them in £60, payable at Christmas then next, but has not paid, to their damage of 20m. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: RL granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter. Pledges named for defendant.

Pleading: [continued at Trinity 1465, rot 117d] RL states that he ought not be bound to this debt, as at the time of the making of this bond WC and TA and their associates made such threats against him in London, threatening to imprison and attack him if he did not make the bond, that he made this bond out of fear and under duress.

Pleading: WC and TA deny this, saying that at the time of the making of the bond RL was free and made the bond freely and not under duress. Enquiry by country, jury here at quindene of Michaelmas. Same pledges named for defendant.

Postea text: Further licence to imparl, to octave of Trinity 1465.

Postea text: [on CP 40/816, rot 117d] Sheriff did not send writ, to morrow of All Souls. On that day, plaintiffs come by attorney, RL did not come, in default. Jury did not come, in respite to quindene of Martinmas, nisi prius they come before Robert Danby, CJCP, at St Martin le Grand on 23 November 1465. On that day, plaintiffs came by attorney, RD sent record that on that day, before RD and Thomas Danby, justices, plaintiffs came by attorney, jury said that RL made the bond freely and not under duress. Damages assigned at 60s, costs at 40s. Order that plaintiffs recover debt and damages, RL amerced.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/816, rot 117d.

Type Place Date
St Giles without Cripplegate < Cripplegate Ward < London < England (initial) 04/04/1460
Bond St Giles without Cripplegate < Cripplegate Ward < London < England (initial) 04/04/1460
(due) 25/12/1460 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Clement Porkeley (m) Yeoman Tottenham < Middlesex < England Surety for defendant
John Salter (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Langeford (m) Maltman (lately of) Edmonton < Middlesex < England Defendant
Robert Danby (m) Chief Justice Common Pleas [court] Justice
Thomas Ayleward (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Bagworth (m) Ironmonger London < England Surety for defendant
Thomas Danby (m) Justice
Thomas Holbach (m) Gentleman London < England Surety for defendant
William Cordell (m) Plaintiff
William Smyth (m) Butcher Selby < Yorkshire < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 109

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Taking of goods

Pleading: Alice Somerey states that on 6 April 1461, in London, John Byvy forcibly took and carried away her goods and chattels worth £10, namely a bed called a standing bed, one 'celarium' (salt cellar?), two curtains, 8 yards of dyed cloth, two yards of 'stained' cloth, 2 bankers of tapestry work, 2 small stools, one chair, one small stool called a buffet ('bofet'), 2 pewter pots, one basin with a latten laver, one candlestick, one kettle, and a chest containing one pair of linen sheets, one table cloth, one towel ('manutergio') with various workings in it, two plain towels, one goblet called a mazer with copper binding, a linen cloth bag with various charters, documents and other things inside, and a purse of red velvet decorated with gold. This was against the peace, and to her damage of £10.

Pleading: JB granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter. Pledges named for defendant.

Postea text: Two further licences to imparl, to octave of Michaelmas 1465.

Postea text: JB came, AP did not prosecute her writ. She and pledges amerced, JB sent without day.

Type Place Date
Taking of Goods St Dionis Backchurch < Lime Street Ward < London < England (initial) 06/04/1461
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Alice Somerey (f) Plaintiff
John Byvy (m) Holy Water Clerk London < England Defendant
John Quyk (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Selby (m) Salter London < England Surety for defendant
Richard Tabbe (m) Stationer London < England Surety for defendant
Thomas Botiller (m) Clerk London < England Surety for defendant
Thomas Hundell (m) Tailor London < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 110d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: 100m
Case type: Taking of goods

Pleading: John Pechard and Agnes Pereman, executors of Henry Lancastre, state that on 2 May 1464, at Westminster, William Jerden forcibly took and carried off goods of HL worth 20m, namely two mazers, one silk girdle decorated with silver, one dagger called a baselard decorated with silver, 6 silver spoons, six brass vessels, ten brass plates, three latten bowls, three latten lavers, two dozen complete pewter vases called 'pewtervessels', 4 covers called 'cover lids', four salt cellars, four pairs of blankets, 10 pairs of linen sheets, 2 feather beds, 6 table cloths of diaperwork, 6 towels of diaperwork, and 40m of coined money, all in their custody as executors of HL. This has delayed their execution of the will, was against the peace, and to their damage of 100m.

Pleading: WJ granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter

Pleading: [continued at Michaelmas 1465, rot 313] WJ denies force and arms and acting against the peace. Parties on country. Concerning the rest, he states that the executors ought not maintain their action, since in 2 March 1464, at [place and county omitted], JP released and quitclaimed to WJ, by name of William Cherdyn of Westminster, all personal actions and suits outstanding between them, and WJ is not guilty of taking these goods after that date as claimed.

Pleading: The executors state that WJ did take the goods and money after the making of the release, as they claimed. Enquiry by country, jury here at octave of Hilary.

Postea text: 4 further licences to imparl, to Easter three weeks 1466.

Case notes: Despite posteas, seemingly continued on CP 40/817 rot 313.

Type Place Date
Taking of Goods Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 02/05/1464
Release (from Debt/obligation) England (initial) 02/03/1464
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Agnes Pereman (f) Executor, Plaintiff
Henry Lancastre (m) dec. Citizen Skinner (lately of) London < England alias (lately of) Westminster < Middlesex < England Testator
John Lawys (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Pychard alias John Pechard (m) Citizen Skinner London < England Executor, Plaintiff
John Smale (m) Attorney of defendant
William Jerden (m) Tailor (lately of) Westminster < Middlesex < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 114

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Rutland
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: []
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Shelley and John Dun state that on 24 June 1463, in [omitted], Margaret, now wife of John Brok, when she was a single woman named Margaret Cole, made a bond with them in £5, payable at Christmas then next. However, she has not paid this, either before or after her marriage to JB, to their damage of [omitted]. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: John Brede and Margaret defend force and injury [no further pleading].

Case notes: This pleading is extremely confused and incomplete.

Type Place Date
Bond England (initial) 24/06/1463
(due) 25/12/1463 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Brede alias John Brok (m) Yeoman (lately of) Southampton < Hampshire < England Defendant
John Dugge alias John Dun (m) Merchant Southampton < Hampshire < England Plaintiff
John Horn (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Shelley alias John Shorte (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff
Margaret Cole alias Margaret Brok (f) Widow Southampton < Hampshire < England Defendant
Philip Squyry (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 116d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (other); Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Contract (general); Sale of goods

Pleading: Walter Stokker and his wife Agnes, widow and executor of William Gregory, state that on 31 March 1458, at Westminster, Richard Frogenale bought from WG 24 brown marten skins, one belly-fur of marten, 3½ timbers ?and 40 skins of lettice, 60 ermine skins, 14 beaver skins, ?20 timbers and 8 belly-furs of 'puryd' (powdered?) miniver, 14 skins of budge and 5 skins of 'correo', all for £10 9d, payable on request, and on the same day retained WG to fur one red velvet gown, one gown of blue woollen cloth, one gown of 'blewe', one gown of woollen cloth, a gown of murrey lined with black lamb fur, a gown of sanguine cloth, and a gown of russet lined with budge, taking for his labour 15s 11d. WG duly furred these gowns, and was thus owed the said 15s 11d, along with the £10 9d. Of this total of £10 16s 8d the plaintiffs acknowledge payment of £3, but Frogenale has not paid the remaining £7 16s 8d, either to WG or to Agnes as his executor, either before or after her marriage to WS, to their damage of 100s. They show in court the testamentary letters of WG, by which Agnes is executor and has administration.

Pleading: Richard Frogenale granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Postea text: Re-enrolled at Easter 1465, rot 113, with further licence to imparl to octave of Trinity 1465.

Case notes: Re-enrolled with further licence to imparl CP 40/815, rot 113.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 31/03/1458
Contract (not Service/employment) Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 31/03/1458
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Agnes Gregory alias Agnes Stokker (f) Executor, Plaintiff
John Elryngton (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Frogenale (m) Knight (lately of) Teynham < Kent < England Defendant
Robert Fekenham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Walter Stokker (m) Plaintiff
William Gregory (m) dec. Citizen Skinner (lately of) London < St John Walbrook < England Testator

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 118d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: James Garnoun states that on 2 February 1447, in London, Richard Dokyll made a bond with him in £16, payable at Easter then next, but has not paid, to his damage of 10m. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: RD granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Pleading: [continued at Michaelmas 1465, rot 111] RD states that he ought not owe this debt, as at the time of the making of the bond he was imprisoned by JG and his associates at Southwark, and kept there until he made this bond under duress.

Pleading: JG denies this, stating that at the time of the making of the bond RD was not imprisoned, and made the bond freely and not under duress. Enquiry by country, sheriff of Surrey to have jury here at octave of Hilary.

Postea text: 2 further licences to imparl, to octave of Michaelmas 1465.

Postea text: [on CP 40/817, rot 111] Sheriff did not send writ, sicut prius to quindene of Easter 1466.

Postea text: Process continued, jury in respite to quindene of Trinity 1466. On this day, JG came by attorney, RD in person. Jury said that the bond was made under duress and coercion by imprisonment, as RD claimed. Order that JG take nothing, amerced for false claim. RD sent without day.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/817, rot 111

Type Place Date
Imprisonment Southwark < Surrey < England (initial) 02/02/1447
Bond St Nicholas Cole Abbey < Queenhithe Ward < London < England (initial) 02/02/1447
(due) 09/04/1447 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
James Garnoun (m) Gentleman Southwark < Surrey < England Plaintiff
Richard Dokyll (m) Yeoman (lately of) Croydon < Surrey < England Defendant
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 121

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 20m
Damages awarded: 6s 8d
Costs: 4m 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert Drope states that on 26 August 1462, in London, John Pope made a bond with him in £25 10s, payable at the feast of St Bartholomew the Apostle 1464. Then, on 1 May 1464, also in London, he made another bond, this one in £9 12s 8d, payable on 8 June then next. However, JP has not paid either debt, to his damage of 20m. He shows the bonds in court.

Pleading: JP states that these bonds are not of his making. Parties on country, sheriff of London to have jury here at the octave of the Purification. Bonds to remain in safe-keeping of John Fogge. Pledges named for defendant.

Postea text: Process continued, jury in respite to quindene of St John the Baptist 1465, nisi prius they come before Robert Danby, CJCP, at St Martin le Grand on 5 July 1465. On this day, RD came by attorney, justice sent record that on that day, before RD and Thomas Danby, RD came by attorney, JP did not come, in default. Jury said that the bonds were of the making of JP, as RD claimed. Damages assigned at 6s 8d, costs at 40s. Order that RD recover debt and damages, and a further 4m costs assigned by the court, to a total of £5. JP to be taken.

Case notes: See also case on rot 122.

Type Place Date
Bond St Michael Cornhill < Cornhill Ward < London < England (initial) 01/05/1464
(due) 08/06/1464
Bond St Michael Cornhill < Cornhill Ward < London < England (initial) 26/08/1462
(due) 24/08/1464 < St Bartholomew
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Henry Barker (m) Mercer Westminster < Middlesex < England Surety for defendant
John Fogge (m) Knight King's Clerk Common Pleas [court] Official
John Offelowes (m) Dyer Coventry < Warwickshire < England Surety for defendant
John Pope (m) Dyer (lately of) Coventry < Warwickshire < England Defendant
John Stafford (m) Wire-drawer Coventry < Warwickshire < England Surety for defendant
John Wodelond (m) Yeoman Coventry < Warwickshire < England Surety for defendant
Robert Danby (m) Chief Justice Common Pleas [court] Justice
Robert Drope (m) Citizen Draper London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Danby (m) Justice
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 122

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Damages awarded: 6s 8d
Costs: 80s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert Drope states that on 26 August 1462, in London, John Pope made a bond with him in £25 10s, payable at the feast of St Bartholomew the Apostle then next (1463). However, JP has not paid, to his damage of £10. He shows the bonds in court.

Pleading: JP states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at the octave of the Purification. Pledges named for defendant. Bonds to remain in safe-keeping of John Fogge.

Postea text: Process continued, jury in respite to quindene of St John the Baptist 1465, nisi prius they come before Robert Danby, CJCP, at St Martin le Grand on 5 July 1465. On this day, Drope came by attorney, justice sent record that on that day, before Robert Danby and Thomas Danby, Drope came by attorney, JP did not come, in default. Jury said that the bond was of the making of JP, as Drope claimed. Damages assigned at 6s 8d, costs at 40s. Order that Drope recover debt and damages, and a further 40s costs assigned by the court, to a total of £4 6s 8d. JP to be taken.

Case notes: See also case on rot 121.

Type Place Date
Bond St Michael Cornhill < Cornhill Ward < London < England (initial) 26/08/1462
(due) 24/08/1463 < St Bartholomew
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Henry Barker (m) Mercer Westminster < Middlesex < England Surety for defendant
John Fogge (m) Knight King's Clerk Common Pleas [court] Official
John Offellowes (m) Dyer Coventry < Warwickshire < England Surety for defendant
John Pope (m) Dyer (lately of) Coventry < Warwickshire < England Defendant
John Stafford (m) Wire-drawer Coventry < Warwickshire < England Surety for defendant
John Wodelond (m) Yeoman Coventry < Warwickshire < England Surety for defendant
Robert Danby (m) Chief Justice Common Pleas [court] Justice
Robert Drope (m) Citizen Draper London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Danby (m) Justice
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 125

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Wodehous and William Bracebrigge state that on 14 November 1460, in London, Thomas Holand made a bond with them in £17, payable at the quindene of Michaelmas 1463, but has not paid, to their damage of 100s. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: TH granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of plaintiffs.

Postea text: 5 further licences to imparl, to quindene of Trinity 1466.

Type Place Date
Bond St Peter Cornhill < Cornhill Ward < London < England (initial) 14/11/1460
(due) 13/10/1463
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Wodehous (m) Esquire Calais < Calais < England Plaintiff
Richard Levermore (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Holand (m) Gentleman Cowick < Devon < England Defendant
William Bracebrigge (m) Merchant London < England Plaintiff
William Leycroft (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 125

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Essex
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £100
Case type: Breach of Statute; Maintenance

Pleading: William Hyot, citing the statute made at Westminster against the maintenance of suits, states that on 3 July 1464, at Netteswell, John Thornekyn unlawfully maintained and sustained the suit of one William Atkynson, against whom WH had brought a case in Common Pleas that WA render to him two documents which he unjustly detained. This was in contempt of the king, against the form of the statute and to his damage of £100.

Pleading: William Thornekyn (sic) granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of WH.

Case notes: For related suits, see CP 40/810, rot 30, CP 40/812, rot 325 and CP 40/816, rot 337.

Type Place Date
Breach of Statute
Netteswell < Essex < England (initial) 03/07/1464
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Quyk (m) Attorney of defendant
John Thornekyn (m) Chaplain London < England Defendant
Richard Pernell (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Atkynson (m) Clerk Coberley < Gloucestershire < England Other
William Hyot (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 125d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Lincoln
Writ type: Detinue
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Detention of goods; Safe keeping

Pleading: Robert Drope states that on 6 August 1462, in Lincoln, he delivered to Robert Gegge, now deceased, goods and chattels worth £13 6s 8d for safe-keeping, namely one chest, one marten fur, one fur of grey 'poleyn', one fur of grey 'poleyn ruskyn', a tablecloth of diaperwork, 18 ells in length, another of 8 ells, another of 6½ ells, a towel of the same work, 16 ells in length, another of 4 ells, and another of 6½ ells, 2½ dozen napkins of the same work, two silver salts, one covered and the other uncovered. Afterwards, on 6 January 1463, at Lincoln, the goods came into the hands and possession of Agnes as administrator of RG, appointed by John, bishop of Lincoln, ordinary of that place, but neither RG or AG have returned these goods to RD, to his damage of £20.

Pleading: AG, presenting the goods in court, prepared to deliver them as the court orders, states that these goods were delivered to RG on 6 August 1462 for safe-keeping by both RD and a certain John Carberton of Lincoln under certain conditions, to be returned to both or either of them under those conditions. However, whether these conditions have been fulfilled on the part of Carberton she is unaware, and asks that Carberton be forewarned. This is granted. Order to the sheriff to warn Carberton to be here at Easter three weeks, to show any reason why the goods should not be returned to RD.

Postea text: On this day, parties came by attorneys, Carberton did not come. Sheriff sent that he had warned Carberton to be here on this day by Robert Clerk, Thomas Banastre, Robert Papilwyk and John Grene. Order that RD recover the goods against Carberton, and should have them from AG.

Type Place Date
Safe Keeping Lincoln < Lincolnshire < England (initial) 06/08/1462
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Agnes Gegge (f) Widow Lincoln < Lincolnshire < England Administrator, Defendant
John Carberton (m) Lincoln < Lincolnshire < England Other
John Chedworth (m) Bishop Lincoln [diocese] Official
John Grene (m) Official
Robert Clerk (m) Official
Robert Drope (m) Citizen Draper London < England Plaintiff
Robert Gegge (m) dec. Intestator
Robert Papilwyk (m) Official
Thomas Banastre (m) Official
Thomas Folkyngham (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 129d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Bartholomew Sciatis states that on 16 June 1462, in London, William Brandon made a bond with him in £10 15s, payable at the feast of the Purification then next. However, WB has not paid this sum, to his damage of 10m. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: WB states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at quindene of Easter. WB then presents in court the king's letters close, dated 22 January 1465, directed to the justices [recited in full], citing the privileges of members of parliament and their servants and their immunity from arrest by the courts during sittings of parliament. It states that WB was one of the burgesses for Southwark during the present parliament, and despite this immunity he was nevertheless arrested to answer BS on this charge. It therefore orders the court to have regard for this, cease process against WB and release him from arrest. Having heard this, WB was released from arrest, along with his pledges. WB then appoints [omitted] as his attorney against BS on this plea. The bond is to remain in the custody of John Fogge.

Case notes: Defendant cites immunity from arrest as Southwark MP.

Type Place Date
Writ Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 22/01/1465
Bond St Mary Woolnoth < Langbourn Ward < London < England (initial) 16/06/1462
(due) 02/02/1463 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Bartholomew Sciatis (m) Plaintiff
John Fogge (m) Knight King's Clerk Common Pleas [court] Official
William Brandon (m) Esquire Southwark < Surrey < England Defendant
William Brent (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 131

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Damages awarded: 6s 8d
Costs: 33s 4d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Francis Savage and James Aberbys state that on 28 October 1463, in London, Robert Clement made a bond with them in £20, payable at Michaelmas then next, but has not paid, to their damage of 10m. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: RC states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at octave of the Purification. Bond to remain in custody of John Fogge.

Postea text: 2 posteas, sheriff did not send writ, to Easter five weeks 1465.

Postea text: Process continued, jury in respite to morrow of All Souls 1465, nisi prius they come before Robert Danby, CJCP, at St Martin le Grand on 25 October 1465. On this day, plaintiffs came by attorney, chief justice sent record that on that day, before RD and Thomas Danby, plaintiffs came, RC did not come, in default. Jury say that the bond is of RC's making, as plaintiffs claimed. Damages assigned at 6s 8d, costs at 20s. Order that plaintiffs recover debt, and damages, and a further 13s 4d costs assigned by the court, to a total of 40s. RC to be taken.

Type Place Date
Bond St Nicholas Shambles < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 28/10/1463
(due) 29/09/1464 < Michaelmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Francis Savage (m) Merchant Dinant < Foreign < Belgium Plaintiff
James Aberbys (m) Merchant Dinant < Foreign < Belgium Plaintiff
John Fogge (m) Knight King's Clerk Common Pleas [court] Official
Robert Clement (m) Citizen Hosteler London < England Defendant
Robert Danby (m) Chief Justice Common Pleas [court] Justice
Thomas Danby (m) Justice
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 139d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Damages awarded: 26s 8d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Everley states that on 21 September 1462, in London, Thomas Burgh made a bond with him in £45 13s 4d, payable at Easter then next, but has not paid, to his damage of £10. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: TB granted licence to imparl, to quindene of Easter, with assent of RE.

Postea text: 11 further licences to imparl, to octave of Hilary 1468.

Postea text: Parties come by attorneys, RE seeks response to his writ. Attorney of TB states that he has not been informed of any response by his master. Order that RE recover the debt, and damages of 26s 8d adjudged by the court. TB amerced.

Case notes: Burgh - interesting character, Master of the Horse to Edward IV. Although described as 'formerly of Gainsborough', he was certainly resident there at this time.

Type Place Date
Bond St Edmund the King and Martyr < Langbourn Ward < London < England (initial) 21/09/1462
(due) 10/04/1463 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Seynton (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Everley (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Adams (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Burgh (m) Esquire, Knight (lately of) Lincolnshire < England alias (lately of) Gainsborough < Lincolnshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 142

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: Thomas Hill and John Botiller, executors of Thomas Swepston, and Richard Joynour and his wife Mary, widow and executor of TS, state that on 22 December 1459, in London, Thomas Plane bought from Thomas Swepston, now deceased, 24lb of pepper, 3lb of saffron, 18lb of cinnamon, 6lb of cloves, 6lb of mace, 6lb of ginger, 18lb of currants and 1lb of sugar, all for £6 12s 11½d, payable on request. However, TP did not pay this during TS's life, and has not paid his executors, to their damage of £10.

Pleading: TP granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of plaintiffs. TP places Thomas Hever in his place.

Pleading: [continued at Trinity 1465, rot 347] TP states that he does not detain this sum from the plaintiffs as they have claimed. Order that he wager his law at Michaelmas three weeks. Pledges for law named. Atorney to have TP here on that day.

Postea text: Further licence to imparl, to octave of Trinity.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/816, rot 347.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods St Mary le Bow < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 22/12/1459
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Andrew More (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
John Botiller (m) Citizen Girdler London < England Executor, Plaintiff
Marion Swepston alias Marion Joynour alias Mary Swepston alias Mary Joynour (f) Executor, Plaintiff
Richard Joynour (m) Grocer Plaintiff
Robert Corff (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Gore (m) Surety of law (compurgator)
Thomas Hever (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Hill (m) Citizen Grocer London < England Executor, Plaintiff
Thomas Plane (m) Citizen Grocer London < England Defendant
Thomas Swepston (m) dec. Citizen Grocer (lately of) London < England Testator

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 142d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: William Manory states that on 9 May 1460, in London, Simon Forster made three bonds with him, each in 100s, payable at Christmas 1460, Christmas 1461 and Christmas 1462. However, SF has not paid these debts, to his damage of £10. He shows the bonds in court.

Pleading: SF granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of WM. Pledges named for defendant.

Postea text: 7 further licences to imparl, to quindene of Easter 1467.

Type Place Date
Bond St Peter Paul's Wharf < Queenhithe Ward < London < England (initial) 09/05/1460
(due) 25/12/1462 < Christmas
Bond St Peter Paul's Wharf < Queenhithe Ward < London < England (initial) 09/05/1460
(due) 25/12/1460 < Christmas
Bond St Peter Paul's Wharf < Queenhithe Ward < London < England (initial) 09/05/1460
(due) 25/12/1461 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Alexander Fayreford (m) Gentleman Chobham < Surrey < England Surety for defendant
Henry FitzJohn (m) Gentleman Chertsey < Surrey < England Surety for defendant
Robert Gode (m) Yeoman Old Windsor < Berkshire < England Surety for defendant
Simon Forster (m) Husbandman Chobham < Surrey < England Defendant
William Lyghtwode (m) Draper London < England Surety for defendant
William Manory (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 145

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 20m
Case type: Bond; Imprisonment

Pleading: John Sonday states that on 6 December 1459, in London, Richard Goldewyn made a bond with him in £15, payable at Pentecost then next, but has not paid, to his damage of 20m. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: RG states that he ought not owe this debt, as at the time of the making of the bond he was imprisoned by JS and his associates in London and detained there until he made the bond under duress.

Pleading: JS denies this, stating that at the time of the making of the bond RG was free and not imprisoned, and made the bond willingly and not under any duress. Parties on country, sheriff of London to have a jury here at quindene of Easter.

Type Place Date
Imprisonment St Mary Woolnoth < Langbourn Ward < London < England (initial) 06/12/1459
Bond St Mary Woolnoth < Langbourn Ward < London < England (initial) 06/12/1459
(due) 01/06/1460 < Pentecost
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Sonday (m) Citizen Shearman London < England Plaintiff
Peter Benet (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Goldewyn (m) Glover (lately of) Dartford < Kent < England Defendant
Thomas Hever (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 146d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Lee and Stephen Burgeys state that on 17 August 1464, in London, Robert Clement made a bond with them in £4, payable at Christmas then next, but has not paid, to their damage of 10m. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: RC states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at the octave of the Purification. Bond in custody of John Fogge.

Postea text: 2 posteas, sheriff did not send writ, to octave of Trinity 1465.

Type Place Date
Bond St Stephen Walbrook < Walbrook Ward < London < England (initial) 17/08/1464
(due) 25/12/1464 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Fogge (m) Knight King's Clerk Common Pleas [court] Official
John Quyk (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Lee (m) Alderman, Citizen Grocer London < England Plaintiff
Robert Clement (m) Citizen Hosteler London < England Defendant
Stephen Burgeys (m) Citizen Grocer London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 151d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond); Detinue
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond; Detention of goods; Safe keeping

Pleading: John Benet states that on 21 November 1460, in London, Ralph Goldyng, now deceased, made a bond with him in £7 10s, payable at the feast of the Purification then next. Also, on 16 January 1449, in London, he delivered to RG various goods and chattels worth 8m, namely a mazer decorated with silver and gilt, a dozen silver and gilt spoons, a feather bed and a bolster, all for safe-keeping, to be returned on request. However, RG did not return these goods, or pay the £7 10s debt, and nor has his widow and executor Elizabeth, to his damage of £10. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: EG granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of JB.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 157] Concerning the bond of £7 10s, EG seeks judgment on the writ, stating that while he was still alive, at Bedford, Ralph G appointed her and a certain John Stodeley as his executors, and that after RG's death she and JS together administered various goods of RG. JS is still alive, and since JS is not named in the writ she seeks judgment. Concerning the goods she states that the matters contained in the writ are not sufficient in law to require her to respond, and seeks judgment and that the action be precluded.

Pleading: Concerning the £7 10s debt, JB, protesting that RG did not appoint JS as an executor, states that JS did not administer any of the goods formerly of RG after his death as his executor. Enquiry by country. Concerning the goods, JB states that since the matters contained in his plea are sufficient in law, and since EG did not deny them or respond, he seeks judgment and delivery of the goods with damages. Justices wish to be advised before rendering their judgment, day given at quindene of Trinity. Concerning the debt of £7 10s, sheriff of Bedfordshire to have jury here at same term.

Postea text: [Marginal note: It was recorded by justice Nedeham that the plea [regarding the goods] is discontinued.]

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/815, rot 157.

Type Place Date
Safe Keeping St Michael Wood Street < Cripplegate Ward < London < England (initial) 16/01/1449
Bond St Michael Wood Street < Cripplegate Ward < London < England (initial) 21/11/1460
(due) 02/02/1461 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Elizabeth Goldyng (f) Widow Bedford < Bedfordshire < England Defendant, Executor
John Benet (m) Citizen Saddler London < England Plaintiff
John Nedeham (m) Justice Common Pleas [court] Justice
John Stodeley (m) Executor
Peter Benet (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Ralph Goldyng (m) dec. Baker (lately of) Bedford < Bedfordshire < England Testator
Thomas Adams (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 154

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Norfolk
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Margery, former wife and executor of John Gedney, states that on 29 May 1457, at King's Lynn, Robert Geyton made a bond with JG, now deceased, in 10m, payable at Easter 1462. However, RG has not paid this sum, either to JG during his lifetime or to Margery as his executor, to her damage of £10. She shows the bond in court.

Pleading: RG granted licence to imparl to Easter one month, with assent of MG.

Postea text: 2 further licences to imparl, to [?quindene] of Michaelmas 1465.

Type Place Date
Bond King's Lynn < Norfolk < England (initial) 29/05/1457
(due) 18/04/1462 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Edmund Perys (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Gedney (m) dec. Burgess Merchant (lately of) King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Testator
Margery Gedney (f) Executor, Plaintiff
Robert Geyton (m) Citizen Grocer London < England Defendant
Thomas Spyrk (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 154d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £40
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Cooke and Robert Hilpe, administrators of the goods and chattels of William Sturgeon, were summoned to answer Robert Chirche on a plea that they, with Rose, widow of WS, and Robert Sturgeon, their fellow administrators, render him 100m, which they unjustly detain. RC states that on 4 October 1457, in London, WS, who has died intestate, made a bond with him in 100m, payable at Martinmas then next. However, WS did not pay during his lifetime, and nor have his administrators, appointed after his death by John Fox, doctor of law, commissary general of the dean and chapter of St Paul's, ordinary of that place, in the parish of St Faith's in Farringdon Within ward. This is to his damage of £40. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: JC and RH granted licence to imparl to Easter one month, with assent of RC. Pledges named for defendants [each defendant also acting as one pledge for the other].

Type Place Date
Bond St Mary Magdalen, Milk Street < Cripplegate Ward < London < England (initial) 04/10/1457
(due) 11/11/1457 < Martinmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Cooke (m) Husbandman Beaumont < Essex < England Administrator, Defendant, Surety for defendant
John Fox (m) Drlaw Commissary General Official
Peter Byrch (m) Skinner London < England Surety for defendant
Robert Chirche (m) Haberdasher London < England Plaintiff
Robert Hilpe (m) Husbandman Weeley < Essex < England Administrator, Defendant, Surety for defendant
Robert Spaldyng (m) Fishmonger London < England Surety for defendant
Robert Sturgeon (m) Carpenter Kirby-le-Soken < Essex < England Administrator
Rose Sturgeon (f) Widow (lately of) Kirby-le-Soken < Essex < England Administrator
William Medowe (m) Yeoman Colchester < Essex < England Surety for defendant
William Say (m) Dean St Paul's Cathedral, London [cathedral] London < England Official
William Sturgeon (m) dec. Carpenter (lately of) Kirby-le-Soken < Essex < England Intestator

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 157

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (account); Debt (other)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Debt; Real action / rents / damage to real estate; Reckoning of account

Pleading: Clement Goldeham states that on 10 October 1447, in London, he demised to John Hervy 1½ acres of meadow with appurtenances in Elm, Cambridgeshire, to hold for one year, and then from year to year as long as CG pleased, at an annual rent of 5s, payable at Michaelmas and Easter in equal portions. By virtue of this demise, JH held this meadow from the said 10 October 1447 for 14 years, for which he owes rent of 70s. Also, on the same day, JH accounted with CG concerning various sums of money of CG received by JH before that date, and was found to be in arrears by 30s. However, JH has not paid CG any of this total of 100s, to his damage of 10m.

Pleading: JH states that, concerning the 70s debt, he does not owe this money as CG did not demise the meadow to him as claimed. Parties on country. And concerning the other 30s, he states that he does not owe this 30s or any money as claimed. Parties on country, jury here at quindene of Easter. Pledges named for defendant.

Postea text: 2 posteas, sheriff did not send writ, to quindene of Michaelmas 1465.

Type Place Date
Rental Agreement All Hallows the Less < Dowgate Ward < London < England (initial) 10/10/1447
Accounting All Hallows the Less < Dowgate Ward < London < England (initial) 10/10/1447
Location of Property Elm < Cambridgeshire < England
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Halogh (m) Gentleman 'Welle' < Cambridgeshire < England Surety for defendant
Clement Goldeham (m) Dyer London < England Plaintiff
John Hervy (m) Husbandman (lately of) Elm < Cambridgeshire < England Defendant
Richard Middelton (m) Husbandman Elm < Cambridgeshire < England Surety for defendant
Richard Page (m) Yeoman Yaxham < Norfolk < England Surety for defendant
Robert Vaus (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Danyell (m) Gentleman Walsoken < Norfolk < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 158

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 20m
Damages awarded: 100s
Case type: Bond; Sale of goods

Pleading: William Hille states that on 9 April 1462, at Westminster, John Wynter made a bond with him in £26 13s 4d, for merchandise bought from him in the Westminster Staple, payable at Easter then next. He acknowledges satisfaction of £3 13s 4d of this sum, but JW has not paid the remaining £23, to his damage of 20m. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: JW states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at quindene of Easter. Bond in custody of John Fogge.

Postea text: Process continued, jury in respite to octave of St John the Baptist 1465. On this day, parties came, jury say that the bond is of JW's making, as WH claimed. Damages and costs assigned at 100s. Order that WH recover debt and damages. JW to be taken.

Postea text: Record and process summoned before the king on writ of error dated 29 January 1466, directed to Robert Danby, CJCP.

Postea text: [on detached schedule] Bond returned to WH, JF quit.

Case notes: For the relevant statute staple certificate, see C 241/246/38.

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 09/04/1462
(due) 18/04/1462 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Fogge (m) Knight King's Clerk Common Pleas Official
John Wynter (m) Chapman (lately of) Ipswich < Suffolk < England Defendant
Robert Buxton (m) Attorney of defendant
Robert Danby (m) Chief Justice Common Pleas [court] Official
Thomas Yonge (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Hille (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 241

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £100
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Henning Groter, Herman Sworte, Folmer Noppensteth, Reginald Hegge and Dierik Saltwedyr, merchants of the Hanse of Germany, state that on 10 March 39 Henry VI [presumably error for 1 Edward IV, i.e. 1461], in the parish of St Peter in Cheap ward, London [sic; presumably error for St Peter Westcheap, Farringdon Within ward], Robert Sutton made a bond with them in £91 4s, payable at Pentecost then next, but has not paid, to their damage of £100. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: RS states that the plaintiffs ought not maintain their action, since after the making of the bond, HS, by the name of Herman Swert, alias Herman Swort of the Hanse, at Boston, by a release which RS presents in court, dated 27 May 1463, released and quitclaimed to RS all real and personal actions outstanding between them.

Pleading: Plaintiffs granted licence to imparl to Easter three weeks.

Postea text: 2 further licences to imparl, to quindene of Michaelmas 1465.

Case notes: See also similar cases on rot 416.

Type Place Date
Bond St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 10/03/1461
(due) 24/05/1461 < Pentecost
Release (from Debt/obligation) Boston < Lincolnshire < England (initial) 27/05/1463
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Dierik Saltwedyr (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Folmer Noppensteth (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Henning Groter (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Herman Sworte (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Reginald Hegge (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Robert Etton (m) Attorney of defendant
Robert Sutton (m) Merchant (lately of) Boston < Lincolnshire < England Defendant
William Hert (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 241d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Pepir states that on 14 February 1459, at Westminster, Alexander Fairford made a bond with him in 46s 8d, payable at Pentecost then next, but has not paid, to his damage of 40s. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: AF granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 303] AF states that JP ought not have his action, as after the making of the bond, by a release which he shows in court, dated in the parish of St Olave in Southwark on 1 July 1460, JP released him from all debts and actions outstanding between them before that date.

Pleading: JP states that this release is not of his making. Enquiry by country, sheriff of Surrey to have jury of St Olave's, Southwark here at octave of Trinity. Release in custody of John Fogge.

Postea text: [on CP 40/815, rot 303] Sheriff of Surrey did not send writ, sicut prius to quindene of Michaelmas.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/815, rot 303.

Type Place Date
Release (from Debt/obligation) St Olave, Southwark < Surrey < England (initial) 01/07/1460
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 14/02/1459
(due) 13/05/1459 < Pentecost
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Alexander Fairford (m) Esquire (lately of) Southwark < Surrey < England Defendant
John Faryngdon (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Fogge (m) Knight Official
John Peper alias John Pepir (m) Citizen Grocer London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Hever (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 242d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Assault

Pleading: John Perkyn states that on 19 December 1463, Thomas Cary and John Pester, with many other malefactors and breakers of the king's peace, arrayed for war, forcibly lay in wait to kill him in the parish of St Sepulchre in London, and made such threats against his life and body that he dare not go about his business, namely [omitted], for a long time, namely [omitted], such that it remained undone. This was against the king's peace and to his damage of £10.

Pleading: TC and John Pesterdeny this trespass as claimed. Parties on country, jury here at [omitted].

Type Place Date
Assault St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 19/12/1463
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Glyn (m) Attorney of defendant
John Perkyn (m) Chaplain Plaintiff
John Pester (m) Chapman Tregony < Cornwall < England Defendant
Peter Staynford (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Cary (m) Yeoman Trewithnow < Cornwall < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 250

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (other)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Debt; Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: Thomas Lacy states that on 22 November 1457, in London, he demised to Richard Coton, now deceased, the manor of Boyleston with appurtenances in Derbyshire, to hold at his will at an annual rent of £10, payable at Michaelmas. By virtue of this, RC held this manor from 22 November 1457 for 2½ years, for which he owed £25. However, RC did not pay this £25, and nor has Margaret, his widow and executor, to his damage of £20.

Pleading: Margaret C granted licence to imparl to Easter three weeks. Pledges named for defendant.

Pleading: [continued at Michaelmas 1466, rot 147] MC says that in Coventry on 1 April 1461, RC died intestate, after which John Clove, bachelor of decretals and commissary general of the bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, sequestered into the bishop's hands all the goods and chattels which were RC's on the date of his death, and then, by his letters patent, granted administration to MC at Coventry. RC should therefore have named MC as administrator of RC, and not as his executor. She seeks judgment on the writ.

Pleading: TL states that his writ should stand, as RC, lying at the point of death in Coventry, made his will and named MC as his executor, and did not die intestate. He seeks judgment, and his debt and damages.

Pleading: MC repeats that RC died intestate. Parties on country, sheriff of Coventry to have jury here at octave of Hilary.

Postea text: 6 further licences to imparl, to octave of Michaelmas 1466.

Postea text: [Endorsement on CP 40/815, rot 314, notes that it was recorded by the justices that the case had no day beyond Michaelmas 1466.]

Postea text: [on CP 40/821 rot 147] Jury in respite to Easter one month. TL came, MC did not come, in default. Jury in respite to quindene of Trinity, for default of jury, which did not come. Sheriff to take.

Case notes: Further enrolment on CP 40/815, rot 314, with endorsement. Continued on CP 40/821, rot 147.

Type Place Date
Rental Agreement St Martin Ludgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 22/11/1457
Location of Property Boyleston < Derbyshire < England
Letters Patent Coventry < Warwickshire < England (initial) 01/04/1461
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Holyngworth (m) Yeoman Coventry < Warwickshire < England Surety for defendant
John Harryes (m) Yeoman Whittlesford < Cambridgeshire < England Surety for defendant
Margaret Coton (f) Widow Coventry < Warwickshire < England Defendant, Executor
Richard Coton (m) dec. Esquire (lately of) Coventry < Warwickshire < England Testator
Thomas Lacy (m) Gentleman Plaintiff
William Burgun (m) Yeoman 'Calston' < Cambridgeshire < England Surety for defendant
William Chapman (m) Yeoman 'Gamondlesley' < Cambridgeshire < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 255

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Wodehous and William Bracebrigge state that on 14 November 1460, in London, John Gibbes made a bond with them in £17, payable at the quindene of Michaelmas 1463. However, he has not paid, to their damage of 10m. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: JG granted licence to imparl to the quindene of Easter, with assent of JW and WB.

Postea text: 6 further licences to imparl, to quindene of Michaelmas 1466.

Type Place Date
Bond St Peter Cornhill < Cornhill Ward < London < England (initial) 14/11/1460
(due) 13/10/1463
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Gibbes (m) Esquire Exeter < Devon < England Defendant
John Wodehous (m) Esquire Calais < England Plaintiff
Philip Gay (m) Attorney of defendant
William Bracebrigge (m) Merchant London < England Plaintiff
William Leycroft (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 255d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Wysbeche states that on 28 October 1462, in London, Thomas Arblastre made a bond with him in 41s, payable at Easter then next, but has not paid, to his damage of 40s. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: TA granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 327] TA states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at [omitted].

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/815, rot 327.

Type Place Date
Bond St Mildred Bread Street < Bread Street Ward < London < England (initial) 28/10/1462
(due) 10/04/1463 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Edward Wysetowe (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Wysbeche (m) Citizen Tailor London < England Plaintiff
Robert Fekenham (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Arblastre (m) Gentleman (lately of) Longdon < Staffordshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 255d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Kent
Writ type: Debt (other)
Damages claimed: -
Case type: Debt

Pleading: [Abbot Lesnes summoned to answer Dean and Chapter of St Paul's regarding arrears of an annual rent of 10m recovered by their predecessors in Trinity term 1402, and £10 of arrears. Abbot granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter].

Type Place Date
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Colman (m) Abbot Lesnes Abbey [abbey] Lesnes < Kent < England Defendant
William Say (m) Dean St Paul's Cathedral, London [cathedral] London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 306

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Detinue
Damages claimed: £40
Case type: Detention of goods; Safe keeping; Sale of goods

Pleading: John Alardson states that on 14 March 1460, at Ratcliff, he bought from Thomas Eston 65 quarters of malt for £28. He paid this sum, and left the malt in TE's custody for safe-keeping, to be delivered on his request. However, TE has not delivered the malt, to his damage of £40.

Pleading: TE states that he does not detain these 65 quarters of malt or any part of them, as claimed by JA. Makes his law immediately. Order that JA take nothing, amerced for false claim. TE sent without day.

Type Place Date
Safe Keeping
Sale of Goods
Ratcliff < Middlesex < England (initial) 14/03/1460
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Alardson (m) Plaintiff
Robert Corffe (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Eston (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 313d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Anne, duchess of Buckingham, widow and executor of Humphrey, duke of Buckingham, and Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, brother and executor of duke Humphrey, state that on 23 November 1458, in London, William Sturmy made two bonds with duke Humphrey, one in £27 8s 11½d, payable at Christmas then next, and another in £15 17s 9d, payable at the Nativity of St John the Baptist then next following. Of this total of £43 6s 8½d they acknowledge satisfaction of £3 6s 8½d, but WS has not paid the remaining £40, either to duke Humphrey or his executors, to their damage of £20. They show the bonds in court, and the testamentary letters of duke Humphrey, by which the executors have administration.

Pleading: WS granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Postea text: Further licence to imparl, to octave of Trinity 1465.

Type Place Date
Bond St Dunstan in the East < Tower Ward < London < England (initial) 23/11/1458
(due) 25/12/1458 < Christmas
Bond St Dunstan in the East < Tower Ward < London < England (initial) 23/11/1458
(due) 24/06/1459 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Anne Stafford (f) Duchess Buckingham [dukedom] Executor, Plaintiff
Humphrey Stafford (m) dec. Duke Buckingham [dukedom] Testator
John Hampton (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Bourgchier (m) Archbishop Canterbury [archdiocese] Executor, Plaintiff
Thomas Gurney (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Sturmy (m) Gentleman (lately of) Knowle < Wiltshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 346d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Thomas, abbot of St Mary Graces by the Tower of London, states that on 30 September 1459, in London [parish and ward omitted], Peter Godard made a bond with him in £10, payable at Michaelmas then next, but has not paid, to his damage of 10m. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: PG granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of abbot Thomas.

Type Place Date
Bond London < England (initial) 30/09/1459
(due) 29/09/1459 < Michaelmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Quyk (m) Attorney of defendant
Peter Godard (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
Peter Staynford (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Bene (m) Abbot St Mary Graces [abbey] London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 363

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 20m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Sherde, administrator of the goods and chattels formerly of Roger Werburgh, kinsman and executor of John Standelf, states that on 14 November 1417, in London, John Collee, now deceased, made a bond with John Standelf in £20, payable at Pentecost then next. However, neither John Collee nor his executors, John Bythum (the defendant) and Alice Collee, have paid this £20, not to JS himself, or to RW, executor of JS, or to RS the plaintiff, to whom administration of the goods formerly of RW was granted by Roger Radclyff, dean of St Mary le Bow, in the jurisdiction of the church of Christchurch, Canterbury, to his damage of 20m. He shows the bond in court, together with the testamentary letters of JS, by which RW was executor and had administration, and the letters of administration of RR, by which he has administration of the goods of RW.

Pleading: JB states that he ought not owe this debt, as he was never executor of the will of JC, and never administered any goods previously of JC.

Pleading: RS states that JB administered various goods formerly of JC as the time of his death, namely in the parish of St Michael, Wood Street, London. Enquiry by country, jury here at quindene of Easter.

Case notes: For same case against Alice Collee see CP 40/816, rot 306.

Type Place Date
Bond St Michael Wood Street < Cripplegate Ward < London < England (initial) 14/11/1417
(due) 15/05/1418 < Pentecost
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Alice Collee (f) Widow Upper Woolhampton < Berkshire < England Executor
John Bythum (m) Gentleman (lately of) Ufton Robert < Berkshire < England Defendant, Executor
John Collee (m) dec. Citizen Goldsmith London < England Testator
John Colyns (m) Attorney of defendant
John Standelf (m) dec. Citizen Goldsmith (lately of) London < England Testator
Richard Levermore (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Sherde (m) Citizen London < England Administrator, Plaintiff
Roger Radclyff (m) Drlaw Dean St Mary Le Bow [church] Official
Roger Wareburgh alias Roger Werburgh (m) dec. (lately of) London < St Vedast Foster Lane < England Intestator

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 404d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (other)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Debt; Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: Sybil and Marcia Plofeld state that their father, Edmund Plofeld, had been seised of a messuage, 100 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow and 10 acres of wood with appurtenances in Ploughfield in 'Preston Fee' (Preston on Wye?) in his demesne as of fee, and thus seised, at Michaelmas 1451, in London, demised that tenement to Richard Duppa, to hold for 20 years at an annual rent to him and his heirs of 4m, payable equally at Lady Day and Michaelmas. By virtue of this demise RD was in possession, and afterwards EP died seised, and the property passed to Sybil and Marcia as daughters and heirs. RD continued to occupy the property, and still does so, but has not paid the 20m due for the five years between the death of their father and the date of their original writ, namely 14 March 1464. This is still in arrears, to their damage of £10.

Pleading: RD granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of plaintiffs.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 156] RD states that the plaintiffs ought not have their action, since a certain Thomas Pembrigge was seised of the aforesaid tenement with appurtenances in his demesne as of fee long before the said Edmund had anything in the property. He died, leaving his son and heir, John Pembrigge, to whom the property descended, and he entered and had possession. Thus seised, he demised the property to a certain Thomas Duppa, to hold at will, and he was thus seised, and then enfeoffed the said Edmund, who was thus seised in his demesne as of fee. Edmund then demised the property of the said RD as claimed. Afterwards, JP, seeing this enfeoffment as being to his disinheritance, entered the property upon the possession of EP and RD, and expelled them, and was then seised in his demesne as of fee.

Pleading: The plaintiffs, not acknowledging anything alleged by RD, state that RD was and still is in possession of this property by virtue of the said demise as they claim, and that JP did not enter the property upon the possession of EP, and claimed by RD.

Pleading: RD says that JP entered the property upon the possession of EP as he claimed. Parties on country, sheriff of Herefordshire to have jury here at quindene of Trinity.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/815, rot 156.

Type Place Date
Location of Property Ploughfield < Herefordshire < England
Rental Agreement St Dunstan in the West < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 29/09/1451
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Edmund Plofeld (m) dec. Other
John Pembrigge (m) Other
Marcia Plofeld (f) Plaintiff
Peter Benet (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Richard Duppa (m) Yeoman (lately of) Ploughfield < Herefordshire < England Defendant
Sybil Plofeld (f) Plaintiff
Thomas Duppa (m) Other
Thomas Pembrigge (m) dec. Other
Thomas Yonge (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 405

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Welby, Elizabeth, formerly wife of John Hagh, John Hardbene and William Asby state that on 18 September 1459, in London, William Haltoft made a bond with them in £31, payable at the feast of the Purification 1464. However, he has not paid, to their damage of £20. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: WH granted licence to imparl to Easter three weeks, with assent of plaintiffs.

Postea text: 3 further licences to imparl, to octave of Hilary 1466.

Case notes: See also second case on this rotulet, and two more on rot 405d.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 18/06/1459
(due) 02/02/1464 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Halgh (m) Attorney of defendant
Elizabeth Hagh (f) Plaintiff
John Hagh (m) dec. Other
John Hardbene (m) Plaintiff
Richard Welby (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Asby (m) Plaintiff
William Haltoft jnr (m) Gentleman Moulton < Lincolnshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 405

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 20m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Welby, Elizabeth, formerly wife of John Hagh, John Hardbene and William Asby state that on 18 September 1459, in London, William Haltoft made a bond with them in £18 7d, payable at the feast of the Purification 1462. However, he has not paid, to their damage of 20m. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: WH granted licence to imparl to Easter three weeks, with assent of plaintiffs.

Postea text: 3 further licences to imparl, to octave of Hilary 1466.

Case notes: See also previous case on this rotulet, and two cases on rot 405d.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 18/09/1459
(due) 02/02/1462 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Halgh (m) Attorney of defendant
Elizabeth Hagh (f) Plaintiff
John Hagh (m) dec. Other
John Hardbene (m) Plaintiff
Richard Welby (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Asby (m) Plaintiff
William Haltoft jnr (m) Gentleman Moulton < Lincolnshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 405d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 20m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Welby, Elizabeth, formerly wife of John Hagh, John Hardbene and William Asby state that on 18 September 1459, in London, William Haltoft made a bond with them in £25 15s 6d, payable at the feast of the Purification 1461. However, he has not paid, to their damage of 20m. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: WH granted licence to imparl to Easter three weeks, with assent of plaintiffs.

Postea text: 3 further licences to imparl, to octave of Hilary 1466.

Case notes: see also further case on this rotulet, and two cases on rot 405.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 18/09/1459
(due) 02/02/1461 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Halgh (m) Attorney of defendant
Elizabeth Hagh (f) Plaintiff
John Hagh (m) dec. Other
John Hardbene (m) Plaintiff
Richard Welby (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Asby (m) Plaintiff
William Haltoft jnr (m) Gentleman Moulton < Lincolnshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 405d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 20m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Welby, Elizabeth, formerly wife of John Hagh, John Hardbene and William Asby state that on 18 September 1459, in London, William Haltoft made a bond with them in £25 15s 6d, payable at the feast of the Purification 1463. However, he has not paid, to their damage of 20m. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: WH granted licence to imparl to Easter three weeks, with assent of plaintiffs.

Postea text: 3 further licences to imparl, to octave of Hilary 1466.

Type Place Date
Bond St Sepulchre without Newgate < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 18/09/1459
(due) 02/02/1463 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Christopher Halgh (m) Attorney of defendant
Elizabeth Hagh (f) Plaintiff
John Hagh (m) dec. Other
John Hardbene (m) Plaintiff
Richard Welby (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Asby (m) Plaintiff
William Haltoft jnr (m) Gentleman Moulton < Lincolnshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 416

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £100
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Henning Groter, Herman Sworte, Folmer Noppensteth, Reginald Hegge and Dierik Saltwedyr, merchants of the Hanse of Germany, state that on 10 March 39 Henry VI [presumably error for 1 Edward IV, i.e. 1461], in the parish of St Peter in Cheap ward, London [presumably error for St Peter Westcheap, Farringdon Within ward], Richard Bradforth made a bond with them in £91 4s, payable at Pentecost then next, but has not paid, to their damage of £100. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: RB granted licence to imparl to Easter three weeks.

Postea text: 2 further licences to imparl, to octave of Michaelmas 1465.

Case notes: Details of bond confused. See also similar case on this rotulet and rot 241.

Type Place Date
Bond St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 10/03/1461
(due) 24/05/1461 < Pentecost
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Dierik Saltwedyr (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Folmer Noppensteth (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Henning Groter (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Herman Sworte (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Reginald Hegge (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Richard Bradforth (m) Draper (lately of) Boston < Lincolnshire < England Defendant
Robert Etton (m) Attorney of defendant
William Hert (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 416

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £100
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Henning Groter, Herman Sworte, Folmer Noppensteth, Reginald Hegge and Dierik Saltwedyr, merchants of the Hanse of Germany, state that on 10 March 39 Henry VI [presumably error for 1 Edward IV, i.e. 1461], in the parish of St Peter in Cheap ward, London [presumably error for St Peter Westcheap, Farringdon Within ward], John Sybsay made a bond with them in £91 4s, payable at Pentecost then next, but has not paid, to their damage of £100. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: RB granted licence to imparl to Easter three weeks.

Postea text: 2 further licences to imparl, to octave of Michaelmas 1465.

Case notes: Details of bond confused. See also similar case on this rotulet and rot 241.

Type Place Date
Bond St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 10/03/1461
(due) 24/05/1461 < Pentecost
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Dierik Saltwedyr (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Folmer Noppensteth (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Hennyng Groter (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Herman Sworte (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
John Sybsay (m) Draper (lately of) Boston < Lincolnshire < England Defendant
Reginald Hegge (m) Merchant Germany < Foreign < Germany Plaintiff
Robert Etton (m) Attorney of defendant
William Hert (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 420

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Essex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Damages awarded: 6s
Costs: 16s 8d
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Dounham states that on 25 January 1448, at Barking, John Strode made a bond with him and a certain John Lewgore and William Strode, now both deceased, in 5m, payable on Palm Sunday then next. However, JS has not paid, either to the three of them or to JD after the deaths of JL and WS, to his damage of 10m. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: JS states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at quindene of Easter. Bond to remain in custody of John Fog. JD places John Elryngton or Robert Plomer in his place against JS.

Postea text: Sheriff did not send writ, to Easter five weeks. On that date, parties came jury said that the bond is of the making of JS as claimed by JD. Damages assigned to JD at 6s, costs at 6s 8d. Order that JD recover debt and damages, and a further 10s damages assigned by justices, to a total of 22s 8d. JS amerced.

Case notes: See also rot 421.

Type Place Date
Bond Barking < Essex < England (initial) 25/01/1448
(due) 17/03/1448 < Palm Sunday
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Dounham (m) Gentleman London < England Plaintiff
John Elryngton (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Fog (m) King's Clerk Official
John Huntyngdon (m) Attorney of defendant
John Lewgore (m) dec. Citizen Tailor London < England Creditor
John Strode (m) Chandler (lately of) Ingatestone < Essex < England Defendant
Robert Plomer (m) Attorney of defendant
William Strode (m) dec. Fuller Colchester < Essex < England Creditor

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 421

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Essex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Dounham states that on 25 January 1448, at Barking, Richard Strode made a bond with him and a certain John Lewgore and William Strode, now both deceased, in 5m, payable on Palm Sunday then next. However, JS has not paid, either to the three of them or to JD after the deaths of JL and WS, to his damage of 10m. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: RS states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at quindene of Easter. Bond to remain in custody of John Fog. JD places John Elryngton or Robert Plomer in his place against JS.

Case notes: See also rot 420.

Type Place Date
Bond Barking < Essex < England (initial) 25/01/1448
(due) 17/03/1448 < Palm Sunday
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Dounham (m) Gentleman London < England Plaintiff
John Elryngton (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Fog (m) King's Clerk Official
John Huntyngdon (m) Attorney of defendant
John Lewgore (m) dec. Citizen Tailor London < England Creditor
Richard Strode (m) Baker (lately of) Ingatestone < Essex < England Defendant
Robert Plomer (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Strode (m) dec. Fuller Colchester < Essex < England Creditor

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 446

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Nicholas Baleygh states that on 7 May 1464, at Westminster, Andrew Wygge made a bond with him in 40s, payable at the feast of St John the Baptist next. However, he has not paid, to his damage of 40s. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: AW granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter. Pledges named for defendant.

Postea text: NB came in person, AW did not come. Order that NB recover debt and damages of 20s. AW amerced.

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 07/05/1464
(due) 24/06/1464 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Andrew Wygge (m) Butcher London < England Defendant
John Stokys (m) Butcher London < England Surety for defendant
Nicholas Baleygh (m) Plaintiff
Robert Clyveley (m) Glover London < England Surety for defendant
Thomas Semay (m) Salter London < England Surety for defendant
William Stanys (m) Tailor London < England Surety for defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 449

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 4m
Damages awarded: 20s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Heynes states that on 17 June 1463, at Westminster, Thomas Ruyton made a bond with him in £6 8s, payable at Michaelmas then next, but has not paid, to his damage of 4m. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: TR granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of JH.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 339d] TR states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at octave of Trinity. Bond in custody of John Fogge.

Postea text: [on CP 40/815, rot 339d] Process continued, jury in respite to quindene of Michaelmas 1465. On this day, parties came by attorneys, TR, releasing the verification given earlier, states that he cannot deny the action, and that he made the bond as claimed. Order that JH recover debt, and damages of 20s. TR amerced.

Postea text: On 19 June 1467 JH came into court and acknowledged satisfaction of the debt and damages. TR quit and sent without day.

Case notes: See also similar case on this rotulet. Continued on CP 40/815, rot 339d.

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 17/06/1463
(due) 29/09/1463 < Michaelmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Fogge (m) Knight King's Clerk Common Pleas [court] Official
John Heynes (m) Draper London < England Plaintiff
John Small (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Smyth (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Radley (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Ruyton (m) Mercer (lately of) Coventry < Warwickshire < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 449

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 4m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Heynes states that on 17 June 1463, at Westminster, John Wode made a bond with him in £6 8s, payable at Michaelmas then next, but has not paid, to his damage of 4m. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: JW granted licence to imparl, with assent of JW (sic, recte JH).

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 411d] JW states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at octave of Trinity. Bond in custody of John Fogge.

Case notes: See also similar case on this rotulet. Continued on CP 40/815, rot 411d.

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 17/06/1463
(due) 29/09/1463 < Michaelmas
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Fogge (m) Knight King's Clerk Common Pleas [court] Official
John Heynes (m) Draper London < England Plaintiff
John Small (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Wode (m) Barber (lately of) Coventry < Warwickshire < England Defendant
Richard Radley (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 450d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (loan)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Loan

Pleading: Robert Botiller states that on 4 February 1461, in the parish of St Peter in Cheap ward, London (presumably St Peter Westcheap, Farringdon Within ward), Margaret Botiller borrowed £30 from him, payable on request. However, she has not re-paid this, to his damage of 100s.

Pleading: MB granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 134] MP states that she does not owe this £30 or any money as claimed. Makes her law immediately. Order that RB take nothing, amerced for false claim. MP sent without day.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/815, rot 134.

Type Place Date
Loan St Peter Westcheap < Cheap Ward < London < England (initial) 04/02/1461
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Margaret Pykeryng (f) Widow (lately of) London < England Defendant
Robert Botiller (m) Citizen Goldsmith London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Adams (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 461

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Leicestershire
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 26s 8d
Costs: 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert Grene and Richard Chambre state that on 19 November 1463, at Leicester, Thomas Colyns made a bond with them in £4 16s 10½d, payable at the feast of St Agnes then next. However, he has not paid, to their damage of 100s. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: TC granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 315d] TC, not acknowledging that the bond was of his making, states that he ought not be held to the bond as at the time of his making he was under the age of 21.

Pleading: RG and RC state that at the time of the making of the bond TC was of full age and over 21, and not underage as he has claimed. Enquiry by country, jury here at octave of Trinity.

Postea text: [on CP 40/815, rot 315d] Process continued, jury in respite to octave of Michaelmas 1465, nisi prius they come before the justices of assize at Leicester on 20 July 1465. On this day, RC came in person, RG by RC as his attorney, justices send record that on that day, before Robert Danby and John Nedeham, justices, plaintiffs came (RC in person, RG by RC), TC did not come, in default. Jury said that at the time of the making of the bond TC was of full age, as RG and RC claimed. Damages assigned at 26s 8d, costs at 40s. Order that RG and RC recover debt, and damages, TC amerced.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/815, rot 315d. See also similar cases on CP 40/814, rot 461 and rot 461d.

Type Place Date
Bond Leicester < Leicestershire < England (initial) 19/11/1463
(due) 21/01/1464 < St Agnes
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Nedeham (m) Justice
John Smale (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Chambre (m) Leicester < Leicestershire < England Attorney of plaintiff, Plaintiff
Robert Danby (m) Justice
Robert Grene (m) Bedder Leicester < Leicestershire < England Plaintiff
Thomas Colyns (m) Merchant London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 461

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Leicestershire
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert Grene and Richard Chambre state that on 19 November 1463, at Leicester, Thomas Plume made a bond with them in £4 16s 10½d, payable at the feast of St Agnes then next. However, he has not paid, to their damage of 100s. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: TP granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Case notes: See also similar cases on rot 461 and rot 461d.

Type Place Date
Bond Leicester < Leicestershire < England (initial) 19/11/1463
(due) 21/01/1464 < St Agnes
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Richard Chambre (m) Leicester < Leicestershire < England Attorney of plaintiff, Plaintiff
Robert Grene (m) Bedder Leicester < Leicestershire < England Plaintiff
Thomas Plume (m) Haberdasher London < England Defendant
William Flegge (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 461d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Leicestershire
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Damages awarded: 20s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Robert Grene and Richard Chambre state that on 19 November 1463, at Leicester, Henry Foleyete made a bond with them in £4 16s 10½d, payable at the feast of St Agnes then next. However, he has not paid, to their damage of 100s. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: HF granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Postea text: Parties come by attorneys. Attorney of HF says that he is not informed of any response to be made to the plaintiffs, so they seek judgment and the debt with damages. Order that RG and RC recover their debt, and damages of 20s. HF amerced.

Case notes: See also two cases on rot 461.

Type Place Date
Bond Leicester < Leicestershire < England (initial) 19/11/1463
(due) 21/01/1464 < St Agnes
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Foleyete (m) Grocer London < England Defendant
James Gresham (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Chambre (m) Leicester < Leicestershire < England Attorney of plaintiff, Plaintiff
Robert Grene (m) Bedder Leicester < Leicestershire < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 462

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (loan); Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 10m
Case type: Loan; Sale of goods

Pleading: John Gryme states that on 10 November 1455, in London, John Aleyn bought from him 2lb of ginger, 1lb of spice called anise ('annes'), 1lb of powder called licorice powder, 2lb of currants, 1oz of saffron, 2lb of almonds, 1lb of rice, 1lb of seed called 'oynet seed' (onion seed), 4 yards of russet coloured woollen cloth, 1lb of pepper and one quarter of saffron for 20s, payable on request, and also borrowed a further £3, also payable on request. However, he has not paid this total of £4, to his damage of 10m.

Pleading: JA granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Pleading: [continued at Trinity 1465, rot 112] JA states that he always was and still is prepared to pay 15d of the 20s owed for the goods; he pays this in court, and is quit. Concerning the rest of the total debt, he states that he paid JG this in London before the date of JG's original writ, and hence he does not owe JG this or any money as claimed. Parties on country, jury here on the morrow of All Souls.

Postea text: Further licence to imparl to octave of Trinity 1465.

Postea text: [on CP 40/816, rot 112] 12 posteas, sheriff did not send writ, to quindene of Easter 1469.

Case notes: Continued on CP 40/816, rot 112.

Type Place Date
Loan St Mary Magdalen, Milk Street < Cripplegate Ward < London < England (initial) 10/11/1455
Sale of Goods St Mary Magdalen, Milk Street < Cripplegate Ward < London < England (initial) 10/11/1455
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Aleyn (m) Drlaw, Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
John Gryme (m) Grocer London < England Plaintiff
John Salter (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Peter Staynford (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 463d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: John Burgate and Walter Nuthale state that on 9 June 1458, in London, Richard Nanseglos made a bond with them in 6m, payable on 22 June then next. However, he has not paid, to their damage of 100s. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: RN granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Postea text: 9 further licences to imparl, to octave of Trinity 1467.

Type Place Date
Bond St Bride Fleet Street < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 09/06/1458
(due) 22/06/1458
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Burgate (m) Citizen Tawyer London < England Plaintiff
Richard Nanseglos (m) Gentleman London < England Defendant
Robert Corff (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Walter Nuthale (m) Citizen Spurrier London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 463d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 20m
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Agnes, widow and executor of John Fray, states that on 9 November 1458, at Westminster, Robert Cosyn made a bond with her and her late husband in £20, payable at Christmas then next. However he has not paid, either before or after her husband's death, to her damage of 20m. She shows the bond in court, and the testamentary letters of JF, by which she is executor and has administration.

Pleading: RC granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Postea text: 2 further licences to imparl, to octave of Michaelmas 1465.

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 09/11/1458
(due) 25/12/1458 < Christmas
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Agnes Fray (f) Executor, Plaintiff
John Fray (m) dec. Knight Testator
Robert Cosyn (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Defendant
William Hert (m) Attorney of defendant
William Petham (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 466

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Disseisin
Damages claimed: -
Case type: Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: The assize came to recognise whether Walter Brewys and his wife Margaret had unjustly disseised John Catesby, Robert Grene, John Grene, Thomas Wyndesore and John Bloufeld of their free tenement in Northolt. The plaintiffs state that they have been disseised of one messuage and 40 acres of land with appurtenances, etc.

Pleading: WB and MB reply as tenants of the land, and state that the assize ought not be taken, since concerning a messuage and 16 acres of land called 'Rundell', parcel of the property concerned, they say that before the plaintiffs had anything in that property, in the court of Henry V at Westminster in the octave of Michaelmas 1414, before Richard Norton and his fellow justices of the Bench, a fine was levied between Henry Rundell, plaintiff, and John Style and his wife Joan, deforcers, concerning this messuage and 16 acres, by which JS and Joan recognised this property to be the right of HR, by demise and quitclaim from JS and Joan and the heirs of Joan, and they warranted this to him. By virtue of this HR was seised in his demesne as of fee, and it was this estate that WB and Margaret had on the day of the plaintiffs' original writ and before. The plaintiffs, claiming the property by virtue of a deed of demise made to them for the term of their lives by JS and Joan made before that fine even though no part of this property should have passed to them by virtue of that demise, entered the property and a certain David Doun removed them. WB and MB then re-entered the property, possessed by DD, as seemed right, and they seek judgment. Concerning the remainder of the land, they say that before the plaintiffs had anything in the property, a certain John Catton was seised in his demesne as of fee, and thus seised he enfeoffed George Sellot and John Gybbys, by virtue of which GS and John Gybbys were seised, and it was this estate which WB and JB had on the date of the original writ and before. The plaintiffs, claiming this property by virtue of a deed of demise made to them for the term of their lives by John Catton before the enfeoffment to GC and John Gybbys, even though none of this property passed to them by virtue of this demise, entered the property and a certain David Doun expelled and removed them. WB and MB then re-entered upon DD's possession, as seemed right. They seek judgment.

Pleading: The plaintiffs, concerning both parts of the defendants' plea, and not acknowledging anything said by the defendants, state that long before the defendants had anything in this property a certain Thomas Bentley was seised of the messuage and 40 acres of land, in his demesne as of fee, and died without heirs of his body. The property then descended to a certain William Bentley, as son of William, brother of the said Thomas Bentley deceased, and thus the younger WB entered and was seised in his demesne as of fee. Thus seised, he enfeoffed the property to the plaintiffs and their heirs in perpetuity, by virtue of which the plaintiffs were seised until disseised by the defendants as stated. They seek judgment, and that the assize be taken.

Pleading: WB and MB repeat that concerning the messuage and 16 acres, HR had possession by virtue of the said fine from John Style and Joan as noted, and that they then had this seisin. Before the date of the original writ, having the estate of the said HR, WB demised the property to a certain Idone, widow of HR, to hold at will, by virtue of which she had possession, and she then enfeoffed TB, to him and his heirs in perpetuity, by virtue of which TB was seised in his demesne as of fee. He then died, by virtue of which William B entered upon the possession of WB and MB and was seised, and thus seised he enfeoffed the plaintiffs and their heirs in perpetuity, who were thus seised, and a certain John Ryght then expelled and removed them, and thus WB and MB re-entered upon the possession of JR. They seek judgment. Concerning the title of the plaintiffs to the remainder, they say that before the plaintiffs had anything in the property, John Catton was seised in his demesne as of fee, and thus seised he enfeoffed George Sellot and John Gybbys in perpetuity, by virtue of which they were seised in their demesne as of fee, this being the estate the defendants had on the day of the original writ and before. Having this estate in his demesne as of fee, Walter B demised the property to Idone, to hold at his will, by virtue of which Idone was in possession, and then enfeoffed B and his heirs in perpetuity, by virtue of which TB was seised in his demesne as of fee. Walter B, seeing this as to the disinheritance of him and his wife, re-entered the property, and was seised in his demesne as of fee. Thomas Bentley then died, and William Bentley entered upon the possession of WB and MB, and was seised in his demesne as of fee, and then enfeoffed the plaintiffs and their heirs in perpetuity, by virtue of which they were seised in their demesne as of fee, and a certain John Ryght then expelled and removed them, and they then re-entered upon the possession of JR, as seemed right. They seek judgment.

Pleading: The plaintiffs upon both replies, not acknowledging anything said by the defendants, state that long before the defendants had anything in the whole of the property, Thomas Bentley was seised I his demesne as of fee, and died without heir of his body, and the property descended to William B (as said). William B was then seised, and enfeoffed the plaintiffs, by virtue of which they were seised in their demesne as of fee until Walter B and MB unjustly disseised them, by virtue of which Walter B and MB, claiming seisin, after the death of Thomas Bentley, demised the property to Idone at will, as they have claimed, by virtue of which Idone was in possession. These are the same demises mentioned by the defendants, and after these demises the plaintiffs entered the property and were seised in their demesne as of fee until Walter B and MB disseised them. They seek the assize.

Pleading: Walter B and MB ask that the assize be taken on the whole title of the plaintiffs claimed in the last plea. Plaintiffs similarly. Assize to be taken.

Postea text: Assize remained to Friday after Easter three weeks, for default of the jurors. Sheriff to distrain the jurors. On that day came . . . [no further record].

Type Place Date
Location of Property Northolt < Middlesex < England
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
David Doun (m) Other
George Sellot (m) Twickenham < Middlesex < England Other
Henry Rundell (m) dec. Other
Idone Rundell (f) Other
Joan Style (f) Northolt < Middlesex < England Other
John Bloufeld (m) Plaintiff
John Catesby (m) Sergeant At Law Plaintiff
John Catton (m) Northolt < Middlesex < England Other
John Grene (m) Esquire Plaintiff
John Gybbys (m) Other
John Ryght (m) Other
John Style (m) Northolt < Middlesex < England Other
John Wydeslade jnr (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Margaret Brewys (f) London < England Defendant
Richard Norton (m) dec. Chief Justice Common Pleas [court] Justice
Robert Grene (m) Esquire Plaintiff
Thomas Bentley (m) dec. Other
Thomas Wyndesore (m) Plaintiff
Walter Brewys (m) Ironmonger London < England Defendant
William Bentley (m) dec. Other
William Bentley (m) Other
William Halywell (m) Attorney of defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 467

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Norfolk
Writ type: Debt (account)
Damages claimed: £20
Case type: Reckoning of account

Pleading: John Blaunche, grocer of London, states that on 22 September 1464, before Walter Herryson and Richard Baron, auditors, John Blaunche, dyer of King's Lynn accounted with JB grocer concerning various sums of money of JB grocer received by JB dyer on his account before that date. On this account JB dyer was found to be in arrears to JB grocer in £25 17s, but he has not paid, to his damage of £20.

Pleading: JB dyer granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of JB grocer.

Postea text: 2 further licences to imparl, to octave of Michaelmas 1465.

Type Place Date
Accounting England (initial) 22/09/1464
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Henry Russell (m) Attorney of defendant
John Blaunche (m) Citizen Grocer London < England Plaintiff
John Blaunche (m) Burgess Dyer King's Lynn < Norfolk < England Defendant
Peter Staynford (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 477

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Trespass (force and arms)
Damages claimed: £40
Case type: Taking of goods

Pleading: John Salter states that on 20 April 1461, in London, William Bedston, together with John Shayle, forcibly took and carried off a certain chest of his in his possession, containing a certain document recording that WB was bound to a certain Roger Barry, formerly prior of Wenlock, in £22, as well as other goods and chattels worth 20m, namely one gold necklace, one silver wedge ('wegge'), and a silver clasp ('harnesiamentum') for a woman's girdle. This was against the peace, and to his damage of £40.

Pleading: WB granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Postea text: Further licence to imparl, to octave of Trinity 1465.

Type Place Date
Taking of Goods St Dunstan in the West < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 20/04/1461
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Colyns (m) Attorney of defendant
John Salter (m) Plaintiff
John Shayle (m) Yeoman (lately of) Evesham < Worcestershire < England Accessory
Roger Barry (m) dec. Prior Wenlock Priory [priory] (lately of) Wenlock < Shropshire < England Creditor
William Bedston (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 477d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 40s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Waryn states that on 26 June 1445, in London, Thomas Hewet made a bond with him in 43s 6d, payable at the Nativity of St John the Baptist then next, but has not paid, to his damage of 40s.

Pleading: TH granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Postea text: 2 further licences to imparl, to octave of Michaelmas 1465.

Case notes: No record of the bond having been produced.

Type Place Date
Bond St Audoen < Farringdon Ward Within < London < England (initial) 26/06/1445
(due) 24/06/1446 < St John the Baptist, Nativity of
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Peter Staynford (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Waryn (m) Plaintiff
Thomas Hewet (m) Gentleman (lately of) London < England Defendant
Thomas Torald (m) Attorney of plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 477d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Kent
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: 100s
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Thomas Banys, prior of Folkestone, amerced for many defaults. John Schukburgh and John Horne state that on 11 July 1460, at Westminster, Thomas Banys made a bond with them in 10m, payable at the feast of the Assumption then next. However, he has not paid, to their damage of 100s. They show the bond in court.

Pleading: Prior TB granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Pleading: [continued at Easter 1465, rot 264d] Prior TB states that this bond is not of his making. Parties on country, jury here at quindene of Trinity. Bond to remain in custody of John Fogge.

Case notes: Marginal county heading of Kent may be an error, as bond was sealed at Westminster. Continued on CP 40/815, rot 264d, where marginalised as both Middlesex and Kent.

Type Place Date
Bond Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 11/07/1460
(due) 15/08/1460 < Blessed Virgin Mary, Assumption of
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
John Fogge (m) Knight Official
John Horne (m) Gentleman London < England Plaintiff
John Schukburgh (m) Citizen Draper London < England Plaintiff
John Smale (m) Attorney of plaintiff
John Wydeslade jnr (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Banys (m) Prior Folkestone Priory [priory] Folkestone < Kent < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 485d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: [...]
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: John Alardson states that on 10 May 1456, in London, Thomas Waghan bought from him 3 casks of 'double beer', 15½ casks of 'threehalfpenny beer', and 8½ casks of 'single beer' for 60s 4d, payable on request, but has not paid, to his damage of [lost] marks.

Pleading: TW granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Case notes: Damages claim lost due to damage to ms.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods All Hallows Barking < Tower Ward < London < England (initial) 10/05/1456
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
John Alardson (m) Beer-brewer Plaintiff
Richard Levermore (m) Attorney of defendant
Robert Corff (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Thomas Waghan (m) Esquire (lately of) London < England Defendant

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 485d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: Middlesex
Writ type: Debt (sale of goods)
Damages claimed: 6m
Case type: Sale of goods

Pleading: William Hill states that on 1 March 1463, at Westminster, Alan Colet bought from him 80 ells of Holland cloth for 8m, payable on request, but has not paid, to his damage of 6m.

Pleading: AC granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter.

Type Place Date
Sale of Goods Westminster < Middlesex < England (initial) 01/03/1463
Individual Status Occupation Place Role
Alan Colet (m) Chapman (lately of) Salisbury < Wiltshire < England Defendant
John Hampton (m) Attorney of defendant
Thomas Yong (m) Attorney of plaintiff
William Hill (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 487

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (other)
Damages claimed: £40
Case type: Debt; Real action / rents / damage to real estate

Pleading: Henry Burton, prior of Southwark, amerced for many defaults. Robert Aubrey states that on 28 November 1431, in London, Henry Werkeworth, former prior of Southwark and predecessor of the defendant, together with the convent of that house, by an indenture of which he shows here in court the part sealed by the prior and convent, dated in the chapter house of the said priory, granted to RA for the term of his life a certain annual rent of 20m, payable to RA at the church of St Dunstan in the West in London equally at Pentecost, St Peter ad Vincula, All Saints and the Purification each year, together with one gown each Christmas worth 10s or 10s, at the choice of the said prior, for the term of RA's life. For this, the prior was to receive letters of acquittance from RA for each payment, dated at St Dunstan's. They granted that should the prior or his successors fail to pay this annuity or the said gown or 10s for a period of 3 weeks after any of the said feasts, then they should pay RA a penalty of 10m at St Dunstan's, together with the arrears. Also, if the prior and convent or their successors, or any in their name, allege that any deed or acquittance for any payment of this annual rent or the gown or 10m, or any parcel thereof, or the penalty for non-payment, which is not dated at St Dunstan's, then the prior and convent should pay RA 10m for each such payment alleged. The prior and convent also grant that any acquittance relating to any payments of the annuity, robe or penalties bearing date other than at St Dunstan's should be vacant and have no effect. If RA should die in the 10 years immediately following the date of the agreement, then the prior and convent agree to pay to the executors or assigns or RA the annual rent of 20m for three years after his death, in equal portions at the feasts of the Purification and Pentecost. By virtue of this grant, RA was seised of this annual rent and the robe, by the hand of the former prior and of the present prior, until the feast of St Peter ad Vincula last before the date of the original writ, namely 1 October 1464, after the death of the former prior and his own election as prior, when the present prior did not pay the 5m due at that feast, even though RA was present at St Dunstan's on that date, ready to offer him letters of acquittance dated as necessary in acquittance of the said 5m due on that date. The present prior still refuses to pay, to his damage of £40.

Pleading: The present prior is granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of RA.

Postea text: [Undated marginal note states that it is recorded by the justices that the case is discontinued.]

Type Place Date
Annuity St Dunstan in the West < Farringdon Ward Without < London < England (initial) 28/11/1431
(due) < St Peter ad Vincula
(due) < Pentecost
(due) < Blessed Virgin Mary, Purification of
(due) < All Saints
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Henry Burton (m) Prior Southwark Priory [priory] Southwark < Surrey < England Defendant
Henry Werkeworth (m) Prior Southwark Priory [priory] (lately of) Southwark < Surrey < England Other
John Small (m) Attorney of plaintiff
Robert Aubrey (m) Plaintiff

Court of Common Pleas, CP 40/814, rot. 487d

Term: Hilary 1465
County: London
Writ type: Debt (bond)
Damages claimed: £10
Case type: Bond

Pleading: Richard Everlay states that on 20 September 1462, in London, Benedict Burgh made a bond with him in £45 13s 4d, payable at Easter then next, but has not paid, to his damage of £10. He shows the bond in court.

Pleading: BB granted licence to imparl to quindene of Easter, with assent of RE.

Postea text: 10 further licences to imparl, to octave of Michaelmas 1467.

Postea text: Parties come by attorneys, RE seeks that BB respond to his writ. Attorney of BB states that he is not informed of any response. Order that RE recover debt, and damages of 13s 4d. BB amerced. RE remits £20 of the debt, of which BB is thus quit.

Type Place Date
Bond St Edmund the King and Martyr < Langbourn Ward < London < England (initial) 20/09/1462
(due) 10/04/1463 < Easter
Individual Status Occupation Institution Place Role
Benedict Burgh (m) Clerk Parson Sible Hedingham [church] Sible Hedingham < Essex < England Defendant
John Seynton (m) Attorney of defendant
Richard Everlay (m) Citizen Mercer London < England Plaintiff
Thomas Adams (m) Attorney of plaintiff