Market Privileges 1391-1395

Borough Market Privileges: the Hinterland of Medieval London, C.1400. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 2006.

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Market Privileges 1391-1395

Date of the granting of the privilege.
The principal place(s) concerned.
Description of the substance of the privilege. Bibliographic details are given in square brackets at the end of each entry. The abbreviations used may be found in the Editorial note.
03/06/1391 Abingdon (Wiltshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Robert Alisaundre of Abingdon for non-appearance to answer John Walcote, citizen of London, for a debt of £4. [CPR 1388-92, 415]
02/05/1391 Andover (Hampshire) Inspeximus and confirmation to the men of Andover of a charter dated 15/2/12 Henry III (Charter Roll, 12 Henry III, no. 9) and a charter dated 24/11/29 Edward III (Charter Roll 29 Edward III, no. 6), granting them among other things exemption from toll etc. [CPR 1388-92, 408]
20/02/1391 Barton-upon-Humber (Lincolnshire)
Licence for Robert Page of Barton to buy and ship to London 1,000 quarters of malt and 200 quarters of beans and peas for gain. [CPR 1388-92, 385]
20/10/1391 Bishop's Lynn (Norfolk)
Wiggenhall (Norfolk)
Pardon of outlawry to John Clerk of Wiggenhall for non-appearance to answer William de Sylesden, "brasyer" of Bishop's Lynn, for a debt of £10. [CPR 1388-92, 452]
02/11/1391 Chester (Cheshire) Grant to the mayor, sheriffs and good men of Chester of murage for 3 years. [CPR 1388-92, 502]
04/07/1391 Clipston (Nottinghamshire) Order to all royal officials and others throughout England to allow all men and tenants of the manor and town of Clipston, which is of the ancient demesne of the crown, to be quit of payment of toll, pontage, picage, pavage, carriage, murage, stallage and passage on their goods and merchandise, as the men of the ancient demesne of the crown have been throughout the realm since time out of mind. [CCR 1389-92, 365]
28/05/1391 Colchester (Essex) Order to the collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in the port of Colchester to allow any merchants who want to sell victuals in the said town to do so without payment of customs or subsidies, in consideration of the daily increasing dearness of corn and other victuals. [CCR 1389-92, 265]
16/11/1391 Doncaster (Yorkshire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Doncaster of pavage for 3 years. [CPR 1388-92, 504]
01/12/1391 East Ham (Essex)
Gloucester (Gloucestershire)
Pardon of outlawry to Thomas Sherman of Gloucester for non-appearance to answer John Bertlot of East Ham for a debt of 40s. [CPR 1391-96, 25]
23/03/1391 Exeter (Devon) Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Exeter to take no custom or subsidy until further order on any corn imported by that port, as the king has ordered because of the threatened dearness of corn in the realm that no custom or subsidy ought to be paid thereupon. [CCR 1389-92, 255]
15/04/1391 Gloucester (Gloucestershire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Gloucester of pavage for 7 years. [CPR 1388-92, 388]
08/07/1391 Gloucester (Gloucestershire)
Pardon of outlawry to Mark Sylvestre of Gloucester for non-appearance to answer Robert Bekerton, citizen and mercer of London, for a debt of £7. 9s. 10d. [CPR 1388-92, 451]
29/11/1391 Great Dunmow (Essex)
Pardon of outlawry to John Screveyne of Great Dunmow for non-appearance to answer John Trentemars, citizen and goldsmith of London, for a debt of 50s. [CPR 1391-96, 25]
17/11/1391 Great Yarmouth (Norfolk) Order to the customers and collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in Great Yarmouth to allow certain merchants of the Hanse of Almain to take a certain quantity of grain called "beere" over to their own parts without second payment of customs or subsidies, as they recently loaded it in Almain and brought it to Great Yarmouth for the relief of the inhabitants, paying customs and subsidies due, but by long keeping it is of so small price and value and so rotten that it may not be sold in the said port or its neighbourhood without great loss. [CCR 1389-92, 403]
08/05/1391 Grimsby (Lincolnshire)
Saltfleet (Lincolnshire)
Licence for John Partenay to buy in Lincolnshire 200 quarters of malt, wheat and beans, and ship them at Grimsby and Saltfleet to London. [CPR 1388-92, 406]
22/06/1391 Hereford (Herefordshire)
Pardon of outlawry to John Cachepol, alias Cacchepoll, of Hereford for non-appearance to answer John Vine, citizen and draper of London, for a debt of 40s. or to render that sum to John Manyngton and Thomas Rolf, skinners, executors of John de Biernes, citizen and skinner of London. [CPR 1388-92, 450]
09/06/1391 Holme (Bedfordshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Robert Halstede of Holme for non-appearance to answer John Shalyngford, citizen and draper of London, for a debt of £20. [CPR 1388-92, 416]
18/04/1391 Ilchester (Somerset)
Staines (Middlesex)
Pardon of outlawry to Walter Blaunkepayn of Ilchester for non-appearance to answer John Garland of Staines for a debt of 40s. [CPR 1388-92, 285]
08/05/1391 Ketteringham (Norfolk)
Erith (Kent)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of Roger Mompynge of Ketteringham at suit of John Halle and John Cristyn of Erith for debt. [CCR 1389-92, 341]
10/05/1391 King's Lynn (Norfolk)
Berwick-upon-Tweed (Northumberland)
Writ of supersedeas omnino in respect of any process against John Drew by reason of the king's writ of 13 September 12 Richard II, ordering the collectors in King's Lynne to allow all victuallers of England without payment of customs or subsidies to load victuals there and to take them to Berwick upon Tweed. [CCR 1389-92, 340-1]
16/02/1391 King's Lynn (Norfolk)
Great Yarmouth (Norfolk)
Order to the customers and collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in King's Lynn and Great Yarmouth to allow any merchants who want to bring any victuals, stockfish and sturgeons excepted, to the said ports, to sell the same without payment of customs and subsidies, as the king wants to combat the ever increasing dearness of corn and other victuals in England. [CCR 1389-92, 237]
10/01/1391 Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire) Grant to the mayor, bailiffs and good men of Kingston upon Hull of murage for 5 years, in aid of the repair of the walls and fortifications of the town and quay. [CPR 1388-92, 362]
12/05/1391 Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire) Order to the customers and collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in Kingston upon Hull to allow any merchants who want to sell victuals in the said town to do so without payment of customs or subsidies. [CCR 1389-92, 257]
01/05/1391 Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire)
Barton-upon-Humber (Lincolnshire)
Grimsby (Lincolnshire)
Berwick-upon-Tweed (Northumberland)
Writ of supersedeas omnino in respect of any process against John Colthorp and William Ponde by reason of divers writs of 13 September 12 Richard II ordering the collectors in Kingston upon Hull, Barton upon Humber and Grimsby of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound to allow all victuallers of England without payment of customs or subsidies to load victuals there and to take them to Berwick upon Tweed. [CCR 1389-92, 330]
01/02/1391 Kirton in Lindsey (Lincolnshire) Exemption of all tenants of the queen's manor of Kirton in Lindsey, part of her dower, ancient demesne of the crown, from toll and other customs for their goods. [CPR 1388-92, 370]
13/10/1391 London Order to the customers and collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in London to allow certain merchants of the Hanse of Almain to take 300 quarters of rye to Dordrecht without payment of customs or subsidies, as they loaded it in Prussia and brought it to London as a result of a royal proclamation allowing anybody to sell victuals without payment of customs or subsidies, but when they got to London they were prohibited from selling it by another proclamation of the mayor forbidding the bakers of London to buy corn of any man until the corn bought for the common weal of the city had been sold, and the merchants have asked licence to take the rye to Dordrecht, as by long keeping it is of so small price and value and so rotten that it will be lost if it is not sold quickly. [CCR 1389-92, 388]
13/02/1391 London
Writ of supersedeas omnino to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer in respect of any process of John Philippes of Pistoja, dwelling in London, by reason of the licence granted him by the king to buy and purvey 1,000 tuns of wheat in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Berkshire and Somerset, load it in ships and take it to Genoa or Pisa. [CCR 1389-92, 322]
15/11/1391 London
Pardon of outlawry to John Neville, knight of Leicestershire, for non-appearance to answer Ralph Lobenham, citizen and draper of London, or John Welberham, cook of London, for debts of £12. and 100s. respectively. [CPR 1388-92, 454]
14/06/1391 London Order to the collectors of the custom on wool, hides and woolfells in the port of London to allow certain merchants of Ireland without second payment of customs and subsidies to sell 17 lasts 77 1/2 dakers and 2 hides for which they paid customs and subsidies at Limerick and which they brought to the staple of Westminster. [CCR 1389-92, 270-1]
24/05/1391 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies and the keepers of the passage in London to allow Lawrence John, a Lombard, to load in a ship in that port and after payment of customs and duties to take over to John Beltoft, knight, in Lombardy, 6 bows and 100 arrows. [CCR 1389-92, 265]
24/05/1391 London Order to the collectors of customs in the port of London to allow Lewis Daport, merchant of Lucca, to take a chamber of cloth of gold and silk out of the realm without payment of custom, as the king gave licence to Bartholomew Lumbard, merchant of Lucca to bring to England and show the king 2 crowns of gold with precious stones and other jewels and to the said Lewis to bring the said chamber for sale to the king or others if possible, paying custom if they should sell the same or part of the same in England, but not if they are unable to sell them. [CCR 1389-92, 263]
29/03/1391 London
Licence for Thomas Hauke of London and John Clerk, brewer of London, to buy in Lincolnshire and ship to London for the support of the king's lieges 400 quarters of malt and 100 quarters of beans and peas. [CPR 1388-92, 386]
12/09/1391 London Order to the customers and collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in London to allow Raymund Guillim of Puy, judge of the court of sovereignity of Aquitaine, to load in that port and without payment of customs or subsidies to take over to Gascony for his own use 20 tuns of wheat, 10 tuns of oats, 1 cloth of green and 1 of "sanguyn". [CCR 1389-92, 386]
11/05/1391 London
Writ of supersedeas omnino and order to the sheriff of Middlesex to set free Richard Duffeld esquire, if taken at suit of William Cressewyke of London, Dru Barantyn and John Luton, both citizens and goldsmiths of London, John Redhode, chaplain, and Lawrence Kelshulle, executors of Nicholas Twyforde, knight, late citizen and goldsmith of London, for detinue of £40. [CCR 1389-92, 356-7]
31/01/1391 London Order to the sheriffs of London to make proclamation that all merchants who want to bring victuals to the city of London, stockfish and sturgeons excepted, may sell them until further order without payment of customs or subsidies, as the king wants to encourage the victuallers due to the increasing dearness of victuals in the realm. [CCR 1389-92, 348]
20/01/1391 London
Licence for William Polle, citizen of London, to buy in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire and ship in any ports there 300 quarters of wheat to bring to London. [CPR 1388-92, 374]
10/08/1391 London Order to the keepers of the passage in the port of London to allow the purchasers of a crayer of London called "la Katerine" to pass to Portugal, which ship William Scanteloun, seaman, has sold for £30. to merchants of Portugal, in order to be able to pay his debts. [CCR 1389-92, 387]
31/08/1391 London Order to the customers and collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in London to allow certain merchants of the Hanse of Almain to take 300 quarters of wheat to Bordeaux or Bayonne without payment of customs or subsidies, as they loaded it in Prussia and brought it to London as a result of a royal proclamation allowing anybody to sell victuals without payment of customs or subsidies, but when they got to London they were prohibited from selling it by another proclamation of the mayor, forbidding the bakers of London to buy corn of any man until the corn bought for the common weal of the city had been sold, and the merchants have asked licence to take the wheat to Bordeaux or Bayonne, therewith to buy and purvey wine to bring again to London, as due to the long delay the wheat is of so small price and value and so rotten that it will be lost if it is not sold quickly. [CCR 1389-92, 390-1]
04/12/1391 London
Recognisance of John Trigge, citizen and fishmonger of London, and John Drayton, knight of Oxfordshire, to Hugh le Despense, knight, for 400 marks to be levied in default of payment of their lands and chattels in the city of London. Cancelled on payment. [CCR 1389-92, 525]
13/12/1391 London Recognisance of John Merssh of London to John Wodecok, citizen and mercer of London, for £400. to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in the city of London. [CCR 1389-92, 535]
18/11/1391 London
Recognisance of Thomas Swynbourne, knight, to Robert Asshecombe, citizen and embroiderer of London, for £70. 14s. 10 3/4d. to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in Essex. [CCR 1389-92, 480]
12/10/1391 London Order to the collectors of the petty customs and of subsidies in London to allow John Trayle, knight, mayor of Bordeaux, to load in ships and without payment of customs or subsidies to take over to Bordeaux, a tun with six short cloths without grain, a bed with a little celure and tapet of single worsted, 2 pieces of linen web, 24 ells of napery of Paris thread, a coverlet and tapet of embroidered worsted, 3 pieces of double worsted, 1 mantle of grey work, 1 furring of "cristigray", 3 dozen vessels of pewter, 2 pairs of iron "rakkes" for the kitchen, 2 brazen pots and 1 piece of scarlet containing 9 ells, all bought and purveyed for his household. [CCR 1389-92, 393]
12/01/1391 London
Beverley (Yorkshire)
Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire)
Licence for Richard Auguyllon of Beverley to buy in the county of York and ship in Kingston upon Hull and Beverley to London 600 quarters of wheat, on condition that he does not take them anywhere else. [CPR 1388-92, 375]
19/10/1391 London
Boston (Lincolnshire)
Campsall (Yorkshire)
Aldborough (Norfolk)
Pardon of outlawry to John Wayte, parson of Campsall, alias of Aldborough, for non-appearance to answer Roger Broun of Boston, or Walter Godard, citizen and brewer of London, for debts of £34. and £33. 2s. respectively. [CPR 1388-92, 452]
20/04/1391 London
Fincham (Norfolk)
Pardon of outlawry to John, son of John Kedyton, citizen and grocer of London, for non-appearance to answer Gregory atte Lathe of Fincham and Agnes his wife, for a debt of 40 marks. [CPR 1388-92, 396]
20/01/1391 London
Grimsby (Lincolnshire)
Licence for William Reynwell of London and Robert de Burton of Grimsby (Lincolns.), merchants, to buy in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire and ship in Grimsby to London 200 quarters of wheat, 100 quarters of beans and 100 quarters of malt. [CPR 1388-92, 385]
03/11/1391 London
Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Thomas Coteler, attorney of Reginald Aleyn, merchant of London, for non-appearance to answer Walter Frost and William Pound, customers of wool at Kingston upon Hull for a debt of £60. [CPR 1388-92, 453]
06/12/1391 London
Knightsbridge (Middlesex)
Stratford le Bow (Middlesex)
Order to the mayor and bailiffs of London to enforce an order of 35 Edward III that no animals be slaughtered any closer to London than Knightsbridge or Stratford atte Bow. [CCR 1389-92, 409-10]
09/11/1391 London
Melton Mowbray (Leicestershire)
Pardon of outlawry to Robert Orgar, merchant of London, son of John Orgar of Melton Mowbray, for non-appearance to answer John Bradefeld, citizen and mercer of London, for a debt of £28. [CPR 1388-92, 453]
05/02/1391 London
Oakham (Rutland)
Recognisance of Henry Gisors of London to William Flore, merchant of Oakham, for £18. to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in the city of London. [CCR 1389-92, 320]
12/01/1391 London
Sandwich (Kent)
Order to the collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound and the searcher in London to deliver to Stephan de Sancto Johanne, merchant, 10lb. of saffron which were among other merchandise in a ship and unloaded at Sandwich and carried to London by land, having paid the customs and subsidies at Sandwich. [CCR 1389-92, 234-5]
20/11/1391 London
Sandwich (Kent)
Order to the collectors of subsidies in London to allow certain merchants, who bought and purveyed in foreign parts 12 tuns 3 pipes of wine and brought them to Sandwich, where they paid customs and subsidies, and reloaded it in a boat and brought it to London, to sell it there without second payment of customs or subsidies. [CCR 1389-92, 401-2]
31/01/1391 London
Southampton (Hampshire)
Newcastle upon Tyne (Northumberland)
Boston (Lincolnshire)
Order to the customers and collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in London, Southampton, Newcastle upon Tyne and Boston to allow any merchants who want to bring any victuals, stockfish and sturgeons excepted, to the said ports, to sell the same without payment of customs and subsidies, as the king wants to combat the ever increasing dearness of corn and other victuals in England. [CCR 1389-92, 237]
05/12/1391 Luffield (Northamptonshire) Exemplification at the request of the prior and convent of Luffield of (among others) quo warranto proceedings concerning a fair which the prior of Luffield claims to have at Luffield on the eve, day and morrow of the Exaltation of the Cross; and the prior produces a charter of Henry II granting the said fair. [CPR 1388-92, 504]
18/07/1391 New Hetham (Suffolk)
Hadleigh (Suffolk)
Order to the sheriffs of Essex and Suffolk to deliver to Robert Olyver and Sampson Hardynge in part of the debt due to them 15 tuns and 4 quarters of woad appraised at £132., belonging to Thomas Fulmarde at New Hetham and Hadleigh (Suffolk). [CCR 1389-92, 374]
04/02/1391 Osney (Oxfordshire)
Oxford (Oxfordshire)
Woodstock (Oxfordshire)
Writ of supersedeas to the abbot of Osney, Roger Cheyney, Thomas Houkyn of Oxford, John Harpour of Woodstock, Henry Pepir and William Tue until Michaelmas next in respect of levying any custom of men carrying wheat, barley, malt, rye, oats, beans, peas, fresh fish and other victuals along the high road from Oxford to Woodstock, although by letters patent of 6 November last the king granted them for 7 years certain customs [pavage] to be taken of certain corn and victuals, in aid of the repair of the said road, which the king is suspending due to the daily increasing dearness of corn and victuals. [CCR 1389-92, 332]
04/02/1391 Oxford (Oxfordshire) Order to the chancellor of Oxford university to make proclamation that any merchants who want to bring wheat, barley, malt, rye, oats, beans, peas, fresh fish and other victuals to the town and suburbs of Oxford, may sell the same without payment of customs and subsidies, as the king wants to combat the ever increasing dearness of corn and other victuals in England. [CCR 1389-92, 239]
16/11/1391 Penrith (Cumberland) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Penrith of murage for 6 years. [CPR 1388-92, 499]
01/07/1391 Richmond (Lincolnshire) Order to all royal officials and others throughout England to allow Queen Anne's men and tenants of the honour of Richmond to be quit of toll, stallage, chimenage, pontage, pavage, picage, murage and passage on their property and merchandise, as they and their ancestors used to be, as it is shown the king that they are being distrained to pay the same in divers parts of the realm. [CCR 1389-92, 377]
08/05/1391 Salisbury (Wiltshire)
Recognisance of John Preston, merchant of Salisbury to Thomas Sibsay, tailor and citizen, and Walter Newenton, citizen and grocer, both of London, for £100. to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in Wiltshire. [CCR 1389-92, 346]
02/01/1391 Sandwich (Kent) Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies and keepers of the passage in Sandwich to allow the captain of Guines castle and and the treasurer of Calais to load in ships in that port and without payment of customs or subsidies to take over to Guines and Calais 35 tuns of wine, 60 quarters of wheat, 60 quarters of malt and 60 bacon pigs for the furnishing of the same and other castles in the march of Calais. [CCR 1389-92, 234]
13/11/1391 Sandwich (Kent) Order to the mayor and bailiffs of Sandwich to make proclamation that no merchant shall load or unload in that port any merchandise, unless by command, witness or oversight of the collectors of the petty custom and of 3s. on every tun opf wine and of 12d. in the pound and of the king's controller there. [CCR 1389-92, 400]
28/01/1391 Sandwich (Kent) Order to the customers and collectors of subsidies in Sandwich, to allow the treasurer of Calais without payment of customs or subsidies from time to time to load in ships and take to Calais any victuals bought and purveyed for the furnishing of that town. [CCR 1389-92, 233]
27/01/1391 Sandwich (Kent) Order to the collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound and 3s. on every tun of wine and of the petty custom in Sandwich to allow Lewis Daport, merchant of Lucca, to bring to London without payment of custom or subsidy a chamber of cloth of gold and of silk, to be shown to the king and sold if possible to the king or others, paying custom if it is sold, and to take it out of the realm again if he cannot sell it. [CCR 1389-92, 248]
12/05/1391 Sandwich (Kent)
Dover (Kent)
Order to the customers, collectors of subsidies and the petty custom and keepers of the passage in Sandwich and Dover to allow the warden of Guines castle to load in ships and take over to the castle all victuals bought and purveyed for its furnishing, without payment of custom or subsidy. [CCR 1389-92, 252]
20/11/1391 Scarborough (Yorkshire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Scarborough, whereof the quay is so broken, as to be a danger to merchants alien and denizen wishing to land and anchor there with their vessels, of quayage for 4 years. [CPR 1388-92, 502]
08/11/1391 Scarborough (Yorkshire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Scarborough of pavage for 3 years. [CPR 1388-92, 498]
06/12/1391 Southampton (Hampshire) Grant to the mayor, bailiffs and good men of Southampton of the following customs for pavage for 1 year: from every cart bound with iron loaded with things for sale except wool, hides and woolfells entering or leaving the town 2d. from every such cart not loaded entering or leaving the town 1d. [CPR 1391-96, 2]
18/04/1391 Southampton (Hampshire) Order to the keepers of the passage and collectors of the petty custom and the subsidy of 12d. in the pound to allow 1 piece of cloth of mixed colour containing 20 ells or less, 1 piece of cloth of Guildford containing 40 ells or less, 1 whole cloth of sanguine colour, 1 piece of red cloth containing 15 ells, 1 dozen of cloth of russet, 5 pieces of green worsted and 5 pieces of red worsted bought and purveyed in England by Cosmatus, cardinal of Bologna, and Master James Dardani, the pope's collector, for their own use to pass in that port without payment of customs etc. [CCR 1389-92, 263]
04/03/1391 Southampton (Hampshire) Order to the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton to arrest 3 ships loaded with herring of Skania which have touched at Southampton and unloaded there. [CCR 1389-92, 253]
09/10/1391 Southampton (Hampshire) Order to the customers and collectors of subsidies and the mayor and bailiffs in Southampton to allow James de Andrea of Venice to come into the said port with a ship and the wool and cloth wherewith a fourth part of it is loaded, to load it there with wool, cloth, tin, woolfells and other merchandise to be bought and purveyed there and to pass therewith to Lombardy or other parts of the king's friendship, paying no customs or subsidies on the aforesaid fourth part, provided that the same is not exposed for sale or exchanged. [CCR 1389-92, 388-9]
24/10/1391 Southampton (Hampshire) Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies on wool hides and woolfells in Southampton to allow William Folkshulle, merchant, to sell 3 lasts of hides and kips without second payment of customs and subsidies, which hides he bought in Ireland and paid customs and subsidies at Waterford and then brought to Southampton. [CCR 1389-92, 408]
06/11/1391 Southampton (Hampshire)
Plymouth (Devon)
Order to the collectors of the subsidy of 3s. on every tun of wine and of 12d. in the pound to allow John Consam to sell 63 tuns 1 pipe of wine and 3 pipes of fruit bought and purveyed in foreign parts, and for which he paid customs and subsidies at Plymouth, without second payment of custom or subsidy. [CCR 1389-92, 423]
01/02/1391 Southampton (Hampshire)
Sandwich (Kent)
Order to the mayor, bailiffs and customers in Southampton and Sandwich not to compel the merchants of the Hanse to pay 2s. over and above the ancient custom on every last of herring, pitch and tar and ashes, 2d. on every hundred of "boghstaves" and of board called "waynscot", 4d. on every hundred of board called "rigolt", contrary to the charters and liberties granted to them by former kings. [CCR 1389-92, 250]
06/12/1391 Stamford Bridge (Yorkshire) Grant to Henry de Percy, earl of Northumberland of pontage for 3 years for repair of Stamford Bridge. [CPR 1391-96, 8]
12/06/1391 Stony Stratford (Buckinghamshire)
Fenny Stratford (Buckinghamshire)
Grant to John Lughton and John Haywode, hermit, of pavage for 4 years, in aid of repairing the highway between Fenny Stratford and Stony Stratford. [CPR 1388-92, 432]
21/04/1391 Swaffham Prior (Cambridgeshire)
Quy (Cambridgeshire)
Recognisance of John Payn of Swaffham Prior to Richard Skylman of Quy for £40. to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in Cambridgeshire [CCR 1389-92, 331]
11/11/1391 Thaxted (Essex)
Sheering (Essex)
Recognisance of John Kent of Thaxted and Thomas Eton of Sheering to Maud de Vere, countess of Oxford, for 300 marks to be levied in default of payment of their lands and chattels in Essex. [CCR 1389-92, 480]
06/05/1391 Wartling (Sussex)
Dallington (Sussex)
Bucksteep (Sussex)
Inspeximus and confirmation in favour of Isabella, widow of Thomas de Hoo, knight, and their heirs, of a charter dated 4/11/11 Edward III (Charter Roll 11 Edw. III, no. 8) granting to Thomas de Hoo and his heirs a weekly market at Wartling and a yearly fair there and at Dallington and Bucksteep. [CPR 1388-92, 403]
17/04/1391 Wells (Somerset)
Pardon of outlawry to Thomas Smert of Wells for non-appearance to answer John Forest, citizen and hostler of London, for a debt of £10. [CPR 1388-92, 285]
19/04/1391 West Dereham (Norfolk)
Shelton (Norfolk)
Thrigby (Norfolk)
Plumstead (Suffolk)
Exning (Suffolk)
Pardon of outlawry to Geoffrey Muryel of West Dereham for non-appearance when sued with Roger Bool of Shelton, William Whytyng of Thrigby, and John Mendham of Plumstead to answer Geoffrey Michel of Exning for a debt of £10. [CPR 1388-92, 284-5]
13/11/1391 Whitby (Yorkshire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Whitby of pontage for 5 years. [CPR 1388-92, 500]
02/06/1391 Winchester (Hampshire)
Order to the mayor and constable of the staple of Winchester to cease to demand of the Genoese merchants dwelling in London new and unwonted customs and imposts, as they have done recently. [CCR 1389-92, 266]
18/10/1391 Wokingham (Berkshire)
Winchester (Hampshire)
Pardon of outlawry to John Yenden of Wokingham for non-appearance to answer Mark le Fayre, citizen and merchant of Winchester, for a debt of £6. [CPR 1388-92, 452]
23/06/1391 Wormingford (Essex)
Recognisance of John Rokell of Wormingford to Nicholas Exton, citizen of London, and Henry Cokham, clerk, for £200. to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattles in Essex. [CCR 1389-92, 481]
25/04/1391 Yeovil (Somerset)
Wells (Somerset)
Pardon of outlawry to Robert Bays, vicar of Yeovil, canon of the cathedral church of St Andrew, Wells, for non-appearance to answer Geoffrey de Kent, citizen and tailor of London, and Richard Huntelegh for debts of 43s. 4d. and £10. respectively. [CPR 1388-92, 396]
07/11/1391 York (Yorkshire) Grant to the mayor, bailiffs and citizens of York of murage for 5 years. [CPR 1388-92, 497]
06/05/1392 Chichester (Sussex)
Dover (Kent)
Portsmouth (Hampshire)
Order to the collectors of the petty custom and the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in Chichester and all ports and places on the coast between there, Portsmouth and Dover to take no custom or subsidy on eels or other fresh fish brought there from over sea for the relief of the inhabitants since the Purification last and henceforward until further order, as the king wants to encourage victuallers to bring them from over sea where they are abundant to the said city and coast, where they are dear. [CCR 1389-92, 474]
22/02/1392 Chichester (Sussex)
Lewes (Sussex)
Order to the collectors of customs and the subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells in Chichester to allow all merchants who will ship wool etc, in the port of Lewes and take the same over to foreign parts to load it there, first paying the customs and subsidies due, as the king is aware of the extra expense incurred by having to bring wool etc. from Lewes to Chichester first. [CCR 1389-92, 450]
12/02/1392 Colchester (Essex)
Pardon ofo outlawry to John Pod, dyer of Colchester, for non-appearance to answer William Venour, citizen of London, for a debt of £40. [CPR 1391-96, 26]
08/02/1392 Colchester (Essex)
Pardon of outlawry to Simon Deyere of Colchester for non-appearance to answer William Venour of London for a debt of £40. [CPR 1391-96, 26]
16/12/1392 Cookham (Berkshire)
Bray (Berkshire)
Maidenhead (Berkshire)
Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Cookham and Bray of pontage for 5 years, in aid of the repair of the bridge of Maidenhead. [CPR 1391-96, 204]
02/07/1392 Cove (Hampshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Robert Stevenys of Cove for non-appearance to answer Thomas Corton, citizen and fishmonger of London, for a debt of £10. [CPR 1391-96, 252]
12/10/1392 Donington (Lincolnshire)
Bridgend (Lincolnshire)
Grant to the prior of St Saviour's, Bridgend, of pontage for 3 years in aid of repairing the causey leading from St Saviour's to Donington in Holand and the bridges thereof. [CPR 1391-96, 185]
20/02/1392 Elmsett (Suffolk)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of Richard Jubbe, parson of Elmsett, at suit of Richard de Burton, citizen and tailor of London, for detinue of 40s. Mainpernors: Thomas Brauncepath, William Sutton and Richard Helmesley of Yorkshire, John Hagham of Lincolnshire. [CCR 1389-92, 546]
12/02/1392 Grafham (Huntingdonshire)
Sutton (Cambridgeshire)
Pardon ofo outlawry to John Bate of Graffham for non-appearance to answer Benedict Walsh of Sutton in the Isle of Ely for a debt of £20. [CPR 1391-96, 26]
09/12/1392 Harrow (Middlesex)
Recognisance of John Risburgh, vicar of Harrow, to William Pecche of Middlesex, John Billynge of London, John Mascall, William Hascelby, John Bosgate, William Kighlay, Robert Wanlynge, barber of London, and Stephen de Grove of London for £100. to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in Middlesex. [CCR 1392-96, 116]
08/07/1392 Hartlepool (Durham) Grant to the mayor, bailiffs and good men of Hartlepool of murage for 7 years. [CPR 1391-96, 118]
23/03/1392 King's Lynn (Norfolk) Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies and of the petty custom in the port of King's Lynn to allow John Rede of London to load in a ship in that port and after payment of customs and subsidies due to take over sea 40 dozen caps by him bought and purveyed within the realm. [CCR 1389-92, 454]
26/01/1392 Lanteglos (Cornwall)
Pardon of outlawry to Nicholas Slake, parson of Lanteglos, for non-appearance to answer Drew Barantyne, goldsmith of London, for a debt of 8 marks. [CPR 1391-96, 25]
20/07/1392 London Order to the customers and collectors of the subsidy in London to allow the keeper of Gurnsey and Jersey to load in ships in that port and without payment of customs or subsidies to take over 6 fothers 614 lb of lead bought and purveyed for repair of Cornet castle and Beauregarde tower in Gurnsey. [CCR 1392-96, 13]
17/07/1392 London
Writ of supersedeas omnino in favour of William de Hylton, esquire, of Lancashire, and Joan his wife at suit of John Oxoundoun, citizen and draper of London, for debt. [CCR 1392-96, 82]
26/04/1392 London Order to the collectors of the petty custom and the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in London to take no custom or subsidy on eels or other fresh fish brought to London after the Purification last and henceforward until further order, as the king wants to encourage victuallers to bring them from over sea where they are abundant to London where they are dear. [CCR 1389-92, 457]
05/02/1392 London
Recognisance of Thomas Swynbourne, knight, to John Maudeleyn and Robert Lyndesey, citizens of London, for 100 marks to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in Kent. [CCR 1389-92, 556]
07/11/1392 London Order to the mayor and sheriffs of London to arrest Lionel de Vivaldis, merchant of Genoa, who caused divers jewels and other merchandise to be brought to London and exposed for sale secretly without payment of customs or subsidies. [CCR 1392-96, 23]
20/12/1392 London Recognisance of Stephen Brunne, citizen of London, to Henry Bamme and William Sysell, citizens of London, for 50 marks to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in London. [CCR 1392-96, 106]
12/12/1392 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in London to allow the Carmelite friars of Calais to load in a ship in that port and without payment of customs or subsidies to take to Calais, 6 salt fish, 20 stockfish, 2 casks of red herring, 1 barrel of white herring by them bought and purveyed for the consumption of their household. [CCR 1392-96, 33]
26/01/1392 London Order to the collectors of subsidies in the port of London to allow the captain of Calais to load in that port and without payment of customs or subsidies take over to Calais 4 tuns and 2 pipes of red wine, 3 tuns of stockfish, 2 tuns of salt fish, 3 tuns 11 casks of red herring, 1 pipe of oil, 1 pipe of "verjous", 1 pipe of vinegar and 1 pipe of flour, bought for the furnishing of the said town. [CCR 1389-92, 444]
11/02/1392 London Order to the customers and collectors of subsidies in the port of London to allow Thomas Swynburne, captain of Guines castle, to load in a ship and without payment of customs or subsidies to take over to the castle, 2 barrels of oil, 2 lasts of white herring, 2 lasts of red herring, 250 salt fish, 400 stockfish, 2 butts of salmon, 2 barrels of sturgeon, 1 tun of spices and wax, 1 barrel of pewter vessels, 12 leathern pots, 8 tuns of wine and 2 butts of Malmsey, bought and purveyed by him for victualling the said castle. [CCR 1389-92, 440]
01/05/1392 London
Boston (Lincolnshire)
Pardon of outlawry to John Hoo of London for non-appearance when sued with James Newerente, his attorney, to answer John Belle of Boston for a debt of £50. [CPR 1391-96, 27]
06/05/1392 London
Boston (Lincolnshire)
Pardon of outlawry to James Newerente for non-appearance when sued with John Hoo of London to answer John Cok of Boston for a debt of £60. [CPR 1391-96, 27]
20/09/1392 London
Croughton (Northamptonshire)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of Richard Codlyngton, parson of Croughton, at suit of Roger Luton, citizen of London, for debt. [CCR 1392-96, 89]
22/02/1392 London
Knightsbridge (Middlesex)
Stratford le Bow (Middlesex)
Writ of supersedeas in respect of an order to the mayor and bailiffs of London of 6/12/1391 to enforce an order of 35 Edward III that no animals be slaughtered any closer to Landon than Knightsbridge or Stratford atte Bow. [CCR 1389-92, 521]
16/03/1392 London
Stoke d'Abernon (Surrey)
Writs of supersedeas in favour of Elizabeth Croyser of Stoke D'Abernon, widow of William Croyser, knight, at suit of Roger Wangforde, citizen and draper of London, and Thomas Provendre, citizen and mercer of London, for debts. Mainpernors: William Croyser and John Weston, both of Surrey, Thomas Colrede of Hampshire and Robert Prees, clerk of Hertfordshire. [CCR 1389-92, 546]
28/05/1392 London
Stratford le Bow (Middlesex)
Knightsbridge (Middlesex)
Writ of supersedeas in respect of an order to the mayor and bailiffs of London of 6/12/1391 to enforce an order of 35 Edward III that no animals be slaughtered any closer to London than Knightsbridge or Stratford le Bow. [CCR 1389-92, 567]
20/11/1392 Newcastle upon Tyne (Northumberland) Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in Newcastle upon Tyne to make proclamation that no merchant may load or unload any goods, unless at the quay of the port or other open and not privy places of the town, as the king has learnt that various merchants have been secretly unloading goods in various places on the coast to deprive him of customs etc. [CCR 1392-96, 102]
08/12/1392 Northampton (Northamptonshire)
King's Lynn (Norfolk)
Order to the king's alnager in Norfolk to dearrest and deliver to Thomas Sprigy and Walter Guy of Northampton who recently caused certain cloths of the value of about 20 marks to be made and purveyed at Northampton and had them alnaged by the alnager in Northamptonshire and they were arrested by the alnager in Norfolk at King's Lynn, who proposes to levy he said custom a second time. [CCR 1392-96, 32]
12/02/1392 Oundle (Northamptonshire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Oundle of pontage for 3 years for the repair of Ashton Bridge near that town. [CPR 1391-96, 23]
21/03/1392 Partney (Lincolnshire) Dower assigned to Ismania, widow of John de Burgherssh, knight, includes 1/18 of the profit of a market on Saturdays at Partney and 1/18 of the profit of the toll and fair there every year on the eve and day of St Mary Magdalene, the Assumption and the Nativity of the Virgin. [CCR 1389-92, 453]
12/03/1392 Sall (Norfolk)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of Thomas Boleyn and William Rycalde, both of Sall, at suit of Alice, widow of William de Stratton, citizen and grocer of London, deceased intestate, and his administrator, for debt. [CCR 1389-92, 489]
18/07/1392 Sandwich (Kent) Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in Sandwich to allow John Newerke, burgess of Calais, to load in ships timber, plank and lath by him bought within the realm to build new houses in Calais and without payment of customs and subsidies to take it over. [CCR 1392-96, 15]
20/06/1392 Shrewsbury (Shropshire) Grant to the bailiffs and burgesses of Shrewsbury of murage for 4 years from Midsummer next, in consideration of that town being near to Wales and in need of better fortification. [CPR 1391-96, 74]
16/03/1392 Southampton (Hampshire) Order to the collectors of the petty custom in Southampton to allow Hugelin Gerard, merchant of "Boloigne Grace", to load in a ship in that port and after payment of customs etc, due to take abroad 2 dozen caps of scarlet, 4 pairs of hose and 9 hoods by him bought and purveyed within the realm. [CCR 1389-92, 452]
07/11/1392 Southampton (Hampshire) Order to the mayor and bailiffs of Southampton to desist from demanding new and unwonted customs and imposts of merchants of Italy, which they have recently been doing unlawfully. [CCR 1392-96, 29]
23/03/1392 Tamworth (Warwickshire)
Walsall (Staffordshire)
Commission concerning a dispute between the towns of Tamworth and Walsall on account of the levying of toll and other profits of a market, which the bailiffs and commonalty of Tamworth have been wont to hold there every Saturday; to take security from all persons between whom this dissension has arisen that they will do no bodily harm to the other side; and to direct the bailiffs of Tamworth and good men of Walsall to submit evidence for the matter to the king for his judgement. [CPR 1391-96, 40]
30/05/1392 Thaxted (Essex)
Colne (Essex)
Bentley (Essex)
Order to the sheriff of Essex to deliver to John Kent of Thaxted wood to the value of 100 marks sold to him before 2 May last by Maud de Vere, countess of Oxford, and to allow him to carry it from the parks of Colne and Bentley and to make his advantage thereof. [CCR 1389-92, 464]
13/02/1392 Thaxted (Essex)
Pardon of outlawry to John Yerdelee of Thaxted for non-appearance to answer John Sibille, citizen of London, for a debt of 60s. [CPR 1391-96, 26]
29/07/1392 Wansford (Northamptonshire [?])
Huntingdonshire [?]
Grant to the good men of Wansford of pontage for 3 years. [CPR 1391-96, 133]
20/02/1392 Windsor (Berkshire)
Caxton (Cambridgeshire)
Warmington (Northamptonshire)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of John Wodewarde, vicar of Caxton, at suit of the warden and college of the king's free chapel of Windsor for debt. Mainpernors: John Clampyn of Huntingdonshire, Nicholas Bernard of Caxton, John Moigne and William Burgh of Warmington. [CCR 1389-92, 541]
15/06/1392 York (Yorkshire) Order to all royal officials and others throughout England to allow the dean, chapter and canons of St Peter, York, to use and enjoy all liberties granted them by charters of former kings and now confirmed by the king, including for themselves and all their men in city and borough, market and fair, passage of bridges and seaports and in all places throughout the king's lands quittance of toll, passage and other demands. [CCR 1389-92, 469]
08/03/1393 Amersham (Buckinghamshire)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of Thomas Wodefeld of Amersham at suit of Agnes, widow of John Scorpheyn, citizen and armourer of London, Matthew Rede, Richard Coupere and Robert Ladde, executors of John Scorpheyn, "fourbour", late citizen and armourer, for render of 10 1/2 marks. [CCR 1392-96, 128]
26/06/1393 Aylesbury (Buckinghamshire)
Pardon of outlawry to John Seman of Aylesbury for non-appearance to answer John Harewell of London for a debt of 6 marks. [CPR 1391-96, 396]
06/09/1393 Barton-upon-Humber (Lincolnshire)
Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire)
Order to the keeper of Barton ferry of John de Bello Monte, knight, to allow the mayor, bailiffs and commonalty of Kingston upon Hull to have free passage over the river Humber as they ought to have, as the said keeper has recently been hindering the said mayor bailiffs etc. from having. [toll] [CCR 1392-96, 166-7]
10/07/1393 Berry Pomeroy (Devon)
Pardon of outlawry to Thomas Pomeray of Berry Pomeroy for non-appearance to answer Robert Thorley, the king's receiver in Cornwall, and Henry Vanner, citizen and vintner of London, for debts of 6 marks and £20. respectively. [CPR 1391-96, 396]
18/02/1393 Boston (Lincolnshire) Order to the mayor and constables of Boston to cease levying new and unwonted customs other than those levied at that staple before, as the merchants of Boston have complained that such customs are being levied unlawfully in that staple. [CCR 1392-96, 120]
04/11/1393 Botesdale (Suffolk)
Rickinghall Superior (Suffolk)
Pardon of outlawry to Alexander Fitz Johan of Rickinghall Superior for non-appearance to answer Peter Catelen of Botesdale for a debt of 40s. [CPR 1391-96, 398]
06/02/1393 Bridport (Dorset) Grant to the bailiffs of Bridport of the following tolls for 3 years, in aid of the completion of the harbour they have begun there: from every saleable thing of the burden of 1 horse brought by water or taken out of the port 1/2d. [CPR 1391-96, 212]
10/07/1393 Chiltern (Buckinghamshire)
Beaconsfield (Oxfordshire)
Recognisance of John de Gildoun of Beaconsfield, late bailiff of 3 hundreds of Chiltern, to Robert de Faryngton, clerk, William Colyer and Walter Gregory, both of Beaconsfield, for 100 marks to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in Buckinghamshire. [CCR 1392-96, 223]
18/06/1393 Colchester (Essex)
Lavenham (Essex)
Pardon of outlawry to William Dodd, burgess of the Hythe of Colchester, for non-appearance to answer Roger Torfot, citizen and grocer of London, and Robert Cook of Lavenham, for debts of £19. 6s. 8d. and 8 marks 6s. 8d. [CPR 1391-96, 258]
06/02/1393 Cottenham (Cambridgeshire)
Attleborough (Norfolk)
Pardon of outlawry to Roger Haldeyn, son and heir of John Haldeyn of Cottenham, for non-appearance to answer John Stephen of Attleborough for a debt of £40. [CPR 1391-96, 254]
17/02/1393 Croydon (Surrey)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of Thomas Haselmere of Croydon at suit of John Blakeneye, citizen and fishmonger of London, for debt. [CCR 1392-96, 120]
1393 Deddington (Oxfordshire) The earliest reference to a fair at Deddington is a grant of 1393 to the canons of Windsor of 2 annual fairs, each lasting 3 days, beginning on 15 July and Martinmas (11 Nov.); the privilege was later cancelled or renounced. [VCH Oxon XI, 105]
24/10/1393 Devizes (Wiltshire)
Bristol (Gloucestershire)
Pardon of outlawry to John Melward alias Mulward of Devizes for non-appearance to answer Robert Parys, citizen and ferrour of London, and John Rokel of Bristol for debts of £4. 6s. 8d. and 40s. respectively. [CPR 1391-96, 397]
16/05/1393 Droitwich (Worcestershire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Droitwich of pavage for 7 years. [CPR 1391-96, 264]
29/04/1393 Elham (Kent)
Westminster (Middlesex)
Pardon of outlawry to Richard Sherman of Elham for non-appearance to answer the dean and college of the free chapel of St Stephen, Westminster, for a debt of 20 marks. [CPR 1391-96, 255]
15/05/1393 Great Yarmouth (Norfolk) Grant to the burgesses and commonalty of Great Yarmouth, in aid of the building of a harbour at "Horsferie" in their liberty, that they may for 5 years levy from every last of fresh herrings for sale in the harbour and liberty 12d. from the sellers, provided that those who bring the same to the said harbour or liberty consent. [toll; quayage] [CPR 1391-96, 271]
18/12/1393 Great Yarmouth (Norfolk)
York (Yorkshire)
Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire)
Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of Great Yarmouth to dearrest and deliver to Thomas Chestre, merchant of York, on payment of a fine of 40s., 40 1/2 cloths of divers colours and 2 woollen beds which he sent to Kingston upon Hull to be customed and cocketed as usual by Thomas Marshall his deputy; as in the meantime one of the customers was absent and the other died Thomas Marshall craftily tried to make use of a favourable wind and sent them off to Seeland uncustomed, and when Chestre found out and searched for his goods he found them arrested at Kirkelerode in the said collectors' district. [CCR 1392-96, 182]
01/02/1393 Hereford (Herefordshire) Grant to the mayor and citizens of Hereford of murage for 10 years from 10 November next. [CPR 1391-96, 204]
15/11/1393 Hereford (Herefordshire)
Pardon of outlawry to John Forster of Hereford for non-apperance to answer John Reynald, citizen and hatter of London, for a debt of 40s. [CPR 1391-96, 398]
27/10/1393 Hereford (Herefordshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Reginald Coteler of Hereford for non-appearance to answer John Reynald, citizen and hatter of London, for a debt of 50s. [CPR 1391-96, 397]
06/02/1393 Highworth (Wiltshire)
Bristol (Gloucestershire)
Pardon of outlawry to Thomas Foulere of Highworth for non-appearance to answer John Vyel, merchant of Bristol, for a debt of £29. [CPR 1391-96, 254]
13/06/1393 King's Lynn (Norfolk) Order to the collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound and of 3s. on every tun of wine in the port of King's Lynne to allow the mayor of Bordeaux without payment of custom or subsidy to load in a ship in that port and take to Bordeaux 60 quarters of wheat bought and purveyed for the consumption of his household. [CCR 1392-96, 72]
10/10/1393 King's Lynn (Norfolk) Order to the mayor, bailiffs and collectors of subsidies in King's Lynn to allow the mayor of Bordeaux to load in a ship in that port and take over to Bordeaux without payment of customs or subsidies 100 quarters of wheat and 100 quarters of oats bought and purveyed for the consumption of his household. [CCR 1392-96, 169]
29/04/1393 King's Lynn (Norfolk) Pardon of outlawry to Thomas Sparham, merchant of King's Lynn, for non-appearance to answer Jera Thomas, merchant of Florence, for a debt of 240 marks. [CPR 1391-96, 255]
05/05/1393 Lavenham (Suffolk)
Pardon of outlawry to John Elys of Lavenham for non-appearance to answer Roger Torfot, citizen and grocer of London, for a debt of 47s. [CPR 1391-96, 256]
16/05/1393 Lavenham (Suffolk)
Recognisance of John Carpenter the elder, draper of Lavenham, John Carpenter the younger, draper of Lavenham, and Thomas Corby, fuller of Lavenham, to Richard Grace, citizen of London, and Thomas, his son, for £20. to be levied in default of payment of their lands and chattels in Suffolk. Defeasance thereof on condition that they pay 10 marks on each of 3 days named. [CCR 1392-96, 154]
15/05/1393 London
Recognisance of William Wenlok, John de Styuecle and John Stanton, brewer of London, to Robert Sherwynd and Nicholas Walsingham, mercers of London, for £400. to be levied in default of payment of their lands and chattels in Huntingdonshire. [CCR 1392-96, 144]
18/02/1393 London
Writ of supersedeas in favour of William de Fulthorp, knight, of Yorkshire, at suit of Thomas Duke, citizen and skinner of London, for debt. [CCR 1392-96, 118]
15/03/1393 London
Writ of supersedeas in favour of Walter Menhire of Cornwall at suit of Michael Cornewaille, citizen and draper of London, for debt. Mainpernors: Stephen Wyket, brewer of London, Joh Heryot, smith of London, Ralph Trewales and Thomas Poos, both of London. [CCR 1392-96, 132]
30/11/1393 London Order to the collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in London to allow the captain of the castle and town of Brest to load in that port and take over without payment of customs etc. 6 quarters of pease, 4 cades and 3 barrels of herring, 10lb. pepper, 10lb. ginger, 1 bale of almonds, 100 stockfish, and 20 bows for the furnishing and victualling of the castle and town. [CCR 1392-96, 174]
17/06/1393 London Recognisance of Stephen Spelleman, citizen and mercer, and John Warner, citizen and icemonger, both of London, to Massia, widow of William Neuport, late citizen and fishmonger of London, for 100 marks to be levied in default of payment of their lands and chattels in London. [CCR 1392-96, 150]
25/06/1393 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of London to allow Bernard Maryone, merchant of Venice to load in ships in that port and after payment of customs and subsidies to take abroad 50 dozen red caps wherein there is no grain. [CCR 1392-96, 155]
28/10/1393 London Order to the collectors of subsidies and keepers of the passage in London to allow the constable of Bordeaux without payment of customs or subsidies to load in that port and take over to Bordeaux 2 coffers with torches, taperts and spices, 2 barrels with candles and 1 hogshead with stockfish for consumption of his household there. [CCR 1392-96, 171]
29/06/1393 London Order to the collectors of the petty custom and of the subsidies of 12d in the pound and of 3s on every tun of wine to allow the mayor of the staple of Calais without payment of customs etc. to load in a ship in that port and take over to Calais 6 cloths of scarlet and 6 red woollen cloths for his raiment and raiment for his fellows of the staple against the king's coming there, and 4 tuns of wine for his consumption there. [CCR 1392-96, 158]
11/07/1393 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies and keepers of the passage in London to allow Nicholas Soverans after payment of customs and subsidies to take over to his own parts a galley of Venice loaded in that port with wool and divers goods and merchandise of his and of other merchants. [CCR 1392-96, 162]
10/10/1393 London Order to the collectors of the petty custom and of subsidies in London to allow the mayor of Bordeaux to load in a ship in that port and take over to Bordeaux without payment of customs or subsidies 5 dozen cloths of colour and 6 dozen rayed cloths for his livery. [CCR 1392-96, 169]
15/07/1393 London Order to the collectors of the petty custom in the port of London to allow certain merchants of Almain to load in that port and after payment of customs etc. to take over to Prussia, Flanders or Skania 100 dozen caps without grain. [CCR 1392-96, 162-3]
28/02/1393 London
Recognisances of William de Fulthorp, knight, to John Wykes, esquire, John Wodecok, mercer of London, and John White, mercer of London, for 2 x £20. to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in Yorkshire. Both cancelled on payment. [CCR 1392-96, 123]
22/04/1393 London Order to the customers and collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound in the port of London to allow Hugh Damery, servant of the duke of Brittany, to load in a ship in that port and without payment of custom or subsidy to take over to Brittany for the duke's use 1 cloth 15 ells of scarlet, 9 cloths of divers colours, 1 cloth of canvas appointed for 1 sarpler, 15 ells of blanket, 15 ells of black, 16 saddles, 10 clothsacks, 2 pairs of coffers, 3 butts of Malmsey, 2 bows and 3 dozen arrows for the wood, 2 pairs of "trappis", 9 pairs of bottles, 132lb. sugar, 50 "greylynges", 50 "lengys", 3 barrels of white herring, 4 cades of red herring, 120 stockfish, 12 brass pots with covers, 12 "chaufours" of brass, 6 platters of latten, 2 caldrons, 14 "bayles", 2 spoons for Candlemas, 1 bed of blue and green with eight tapets and curtains, and an alabaster image of St Michael. [CCR 1392-96, 56]
15/08/1393 London Grant to John Bosham, Adam Pollard, and John de Kent of pavage for 3 years for the repair of the street from the Bar of the New Temple, London, to Charing Cross and the lanes leading by the church of St Martin in the Fields, and the Mews as far as "Colmanhegg". [CPR 1391-96, 320]
28/01/1393 London Order to the mayor and sheriffs of London to release Lionel de Vivaldis, merchant of Genoa, recently arrested for having sold various jewels and other goods and merchandise, brought from abroad to London without payment of customs or subsidies, as Lionel has paid a fine for 50 marks. [CCR 1392-96, 36-7]
20/02/1393 London Order to the collectors of customs and of the subsidy on wool, hides and woolfells in London to allow certain merchants of Italy to load 208 sacks 63 cloves of wool, 18 bales of cloth, 4 barrels 11 pieces of block tin, 9 bales of lambs fells, and 1 barrel with basins and candlesticks of pewter in a ship in that port and after payment of customs and subsidies to take them to Italy. [CCR 1392-96, 44-5]
10/03/1393 London Order to the collectors of customs and keepers of the passage in the port of London to allow John Broun, haberdasher of London, to load in a ship in that port and after payment of customs etc. due to take to Calais for the sport of the king's hired soldiers there 3,100 arrow heads and 40 dozen bowstrings. [CCR 1392-96, 53-4]
08/06/1393 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of London to allow William Bone, merchant of Venice, to load in ships in that port and after payment of customs and subsidies due to take to foreign parts, 20 dozen red caps without grain, 10 dozen blue caps, 10 dozen russet caps, 5 dozen black caps and 5 dozen green caps. [CCR 1392-96, 61]
10/06/1393 London Order to the collectors of customs and keepers of the passage in the port of London to allow Roger Batte of London to load in a ship and after payment of customs and subsidies to take to Prussia 30 dozen of red hats in which was no mixture of grain. [CCR 1392-96, 63]
12/05/1393 London Order to the collectors of the subsidy of 12d. in the pound and of 3s. on every tun of wine in the port of London to allow the mayor of Bordeaux without payment of custom or subsidy to load in a ship in that port and take to Bordeaux 43 tuns of wheat and 60 quarters of oats bought and purveyed for the consumption of his household. [CCR 1392-96, 64]
30/11/1393 London
Recognisance of John de Styuecle of Huntingdonshire, John Stanton, brewer of London and Robert Somery of Cambridgeshire to William Venour, citizen of London, for £66. 13s. 8d. to be levied in default of payment of their lands and chattels in the said counties. [CCR 1392-96, 236]
18/03/1393 London Order to the collectors of customs and keepers of the passage in the port of London to allow Robert Arnold to load in a ship in that port and after payment of customs and subsidies to take to foreign parts 832 night caps. [CCR 1392-96, 52]
16/11/1393 London
Exeter (Devon)
Pardon of outlawry to John Berye of Exeter for non-apperance to answer Richard Broun, citizen and baker of London, for a debt of £13. 6s. 8d. [CPR 1391-96, 398]
06/11/1393 London
Kingston upon Hull (Yorkshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Reginald Aleyn, merchant of London for non-appearance to answer Walter Frost and William Pound, customers of wool in Kingston upon Hull, for a debt of £60. [CPR 1391-96, 398]
21/10/1393 London
Luton (Bedfordshire)
Memorandum of a mainprise in chancery to have Henry Albright of Luton in chancery from day to day in order to content Avice Tongge, sometime wife of William Tongge, citizen and vintner of London, of £9. to her due by a recognisance of statute staple, and of her damages and costs, or else to give him up to the king's prison again, if it is adjudged in chancery that he ought to pay the same. [CCR 1392-96, 243]
16/12/1393 London
Northampton (Northamptonshire)
Writ of supersedeas and order to set free Richard Raulyn of Northampton, if taken at suit of William Strawestone, citizen and woolmonger of London, for debt. Mainpernors: John Coke of Lilbourne, John Bocher of Desborough, Hugh Martyn of Arthingworth, John Roger of Rushton. [CCR 1392-96, 243]
06/07/1393 London
Plymouth (Devon)
Order to the king's searcher in Plymouth to dearrest 29 pairs of hose and allow Martin de Chare, merchant, to take them to Gascony without second payment of customs and subsidies, as he recently loaded them among other wares in the port of London and paid customs and subsidies. [CCR 1392-96, 160]
27/02/1393 London
Westminster (Middlesex)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of Reynold Deuyas of Westminster at suit of John Blakeney, citizen and fishmonger of London, for debt. Mainpernors: John Walden, Reynold Wenna, Robert Kentebury, Henry Galeys of Middlesex [CCR 1392-96, 114]
12/02/1393 Mousehole (Cornwall) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Mousehole of quayage for 5 years; on information that many ships have been wrecked because there is no port in the bay on which Mousehole is situated, and that the bailiffs have begun a wharf which they cannot finish without aid. [CPR 1391-96, 247]
13/05/1393 Northampton (Northamptonshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Nowell Godehouse, mercer of Northampton, for non-appearance to answer Amice, late the wife of William Tonge, citizen and vintner of London, for a debt of £16. [CPR 1391-96, 256]
29/10/1393 Radcot (Oxfordshire) Grant to John Symond and John Fisher of Radcot of pontage for 2 years for the repair of Radcot bridge. [CPR 1391-96, 329]
08/05/1393 Sandwich (Kent) Writ of supersedeas to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer in respect of their demand on the executors of the late collector of customs and subsidies in Sandwich for the full customs etc. on 1,200 quarters of wheat for which John More of Sandwich, deceased, was granted an export licence, although he only shipped and paid customs etc. for 100 quarters, 10 tuns and 1 pipe thereof. [CCR 1392-96, 139-40]
18/05/1393 Sandwich (Kent) Writ of supersedeas to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer in respect of their demand on the executors of the late collector of customs and subsidies in Sandwich for the full customs etc. on 100 quarters of wheat, 80 quarters of malt, 80 quarters of flour, 50 barrels of ale, 20 carcases of beef, 60 of mutton and 40 of pork for which John Welles of Sandwich and John Crey were granted an export licence to Calais, although they only shipped and paid customs etc. for 34 quarters of wheat flour thereof. [CCR 1392-96, 143]
28/11/1393 Sawbridgeworth (Hertfordshire)
Pardon of outlawry to John Keteryngham of Sawbridgeworth for non-appearance to pay his debt of £15. and 13s. 4d. damages to John Loneye, citizen and mercer of London. [CPR 1391-96, 322]
12/06/1393 Selby (Yorkshire) Grant to the good men of Selby of pavage for 5 years. [CPR 1391-96, 280]
27/11/1393 Southampton (Hampshire) Order to the mayor and bailiffs and customers in Southampton to allow the merchants of Almain to be quit of any customs and imposts over and above the ancient customs due in accordance with their charters, as the said mayor, bailiffs and customers are now compelling them to pay an additional 2s. on every last of herring, pitch, bitumen and ashes, 4d. on every hundred of "boghstaves" and of boards called "waynscot" and "rygolt" and so on all merchandise brought there. [CCR 1392-96, 238-9]
26/02/1393 Southampton (Hampshire)
Revocation of protection granted 11/2/1393 until Midsummer to John Wryngeton of Southampton, because obtained to prevent Richard Crouland, citizen and merchant of London, from recovering a debt of 85 marks which he demanded of him. [CPR 1391-96, 226]
11/06/1393 Southampton (Hampshire)
Pardon and release from prison of Jerome de Kaveill, merchant of Genoa, and of the forfeiture of his goods under these circumstances: Having brought some bales of ginger to Southampton, he claimed to have bought them abroad more cheaply than he did, so that he paid less custom than was due. He then sent some bales to Flanders and sold some to Geoffrey Broke, Robert Cely, Thomas Hoo and Edmund Fraunceys, merchants of London, leaving 6 bales unsold in London, for which concealment of the true value he was imprisoned and his goods arrested. [CPR 1391-96, 282]
28/06/1393 Stony Stratford (Buckinghamshire)
Pardon of outlawry to John Goderich alias Goderyche of Stony Stratford, equire, alias John Goderich, son of John Goderych, late the king's cook, for non-appearance to answer John Crek, tailor of London, Richard Ouchale, citizen and mercer of London, and Christiana, late the wife of John Rede, citizen and brewer of London, for debts of £20., 43s. and 40s. respectively. [CPR 1391-96, 395]
06/02/1393 Thrapston (Northamptonshire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Thrapston of pontage for 3 years. [CPR 1391-96, 198]
13/01/1393 Ware (Hertfordshire)
Huntingdon (Huntingdonshire)
Order to John Lopham, serjeant at arms, to deliver to John Draper of Huntingdon 5 dozen of woollen cloth, which he caused his son, Thomas Draper, to take for sale to Ware, and although Thomas had done this many times before, the said serjeant arrested him on the accusation of having stolen the cloth. [CCR 1392-96, 36]
14/08/1393 York (Yorkshire) Grant to the mayor, bailiffs and citizens of York of quayage for 8 years for repair of the new quay between the house of the Friars Minor of that city and the Ouse bridge, which they intend to strengthen with stone and lime. [CPR 1391-96, 308]
06/09/1393 York (Yorkshire)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of Thomas Chester, merchant of York, at suit of Richard Gylle, citizen and merchant of London, for debt. Mainpernors: William Waghen, Henry Wolleman, Robert de Gare the younger, John Vaus of Yorkshire. [CCR 1392-96, 229]
10/02/1394 Barnstaple (Devon) Mandate to all royal officials notifying them that according to custom the burgesses of Barnstaple, as ancient demesne of the crown, are exempt from payment of toll throughout the realm. [CPR 1391-96, 370]
14/05/1394 London
Battle (Kent)
Dunge Marsh (Kent)
Walmer (Kent)
Order to the abbot of Battle to deliver to the owners' attorneys 1 trendle of wax found at Dunge Marsh with other goods and merchandise of merchants of the Hanse which are in his keeping, and which are part of the goods from a ship which recently split of the coast of Seeland. Like writ to Robert Markele skinner of London concerning a vat of "wyldeware", namely "cristygrey, fyn grey, pople, bys, ermyn, letuse" found at Walmer. Like writ dated 1/6/1394 to John Godard, John Stile, John Martham and John Berham concerning 1 vat of "wyldeware", namely "cristygrey, fyne grey, letuse, ermyn" found by William Cosyn at the "Dounes". [CCR 1392-96, 218]
08/01/1394 Bennington (Lincolnshire)
Foston (Lincolnshire)
Order to all royal officials and others throughout England to allow the men and tenants of Thomas, duke of Gloucester, of the honour of Richmond of Bennington and Foston to be quit of payment of toll, stallage, chiminage, pontage, pavage, picage, murage and passage on their goods and wares as the men of that honour ought to be and as their ancestors used to be since time out of mind, but that they are in many parts of the realm being distrained for such payments. [CCR 1392-96, 187]
10/02/1394 Bramfield (Suffolk)
Hoxne (Suffolk)
Pardon of outlawry to John Collop, wheelwright of Bramfield, for non-appearance to answer William de Broomholme of Hoxne for a debt of 40s. [CPR 1391-96, 401]
18/05/1394 Burton upon Trent (Staffordshire) Grant to the abbot of Burton on Trent of pontage for 3 years. [CPR 1391-96, 409]
20/10/1394 Chichester (Sussex)
King's Walden (Hertfordshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Hugh Martyn of King's Walden for non-appearance to answer William Combe, citizen of Chichester, for a debt of £12. [CPR 1391-96, 542]
13/10/1394 Coventry (Warwickshire)
Pardon of outlawry to John de Scarburgh, chaplain, executor of John Ampcotes, vicar of Holy Trinity, Coventry, for non-appearance to render £11. 10s. 8d. to Richard de Burton, citizen and tailor of London. [CPR 1391-96, 541]
01/06/1394 Doncaster (Yorkshire)
Westminster (Middlesex)
Appointment of William Bleburgh to arrest ships and other vessels sufficient for the carriage of free stones from a place called "Le Mar" by Doncaster to the palace of Westminster by water for the king's works there, and mariners to man them, paying for every "ton tight" 4s.; with power to bring the stones over land to any port, quay, wharf, bridge or other place, without fee, toll, custom, or other subsidy. [CPR 1391-96, 419]
23/07/1394 Dover (Kent) Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies and the keepers of the passage in Dover to allow the vicomte de Meloun to pass without payment of customs etc. to pass in that port with his men, servants, goods and harness, taking 6 dozen bows, 12 sheaves of broad arrows, 8 woollen cloths of scarlet and other colours, 4 horses, 4 dozen horns, and 4 dozen bottles. [CCR 1392-96, 298]
08/03/1394 Eamont (Cumberland)
Lowther (Westmorland)
Grant to the good men of Lowther and Eamont of pontage for 2 years. [CPR 1391-96, 382]
02/03/1394 East Dereham (Norfolk)
Westacre (Norfolk)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of John Frere of East Dereham at suit of the prior of Westacre for debt. Mainpernors: Nicholas Charwode, John Ryppeley of Norfolk, Thomas Chipstede of London, John Ikelyngham of Cambridgeshire. [CCR 1392-96, 269]
23/05/1394 Frindsbury (Kent)
Pardon of outlawry to Margery, widow and executrix of John Hardrys of Frindsbury, for non-appearance to render £10. to Richard Wyght, citizen and merchant of London. [CPR 1391-96, 403]
23/10/1394 Great Holland (Suffolk)
Lavenham (Essex)
Pardon of outlawry to John Pollard, parson of Lavenham, for non-appearance to answer John Smale of Great Holland for a debt of £21. [CPR 1391-96, 542]
06/07/1394 Great Yarmouth (Norfolk) Pardon of outlawry to John Baxtere of Zuidwalde [? in Holland?] for non-appearance to answer Simon Brampton of Great Yarmouth for a debt of £9. [CPR 1391-96, 540]
16/02/1394 Great Yarmouth (Norfolk)
Berwick-upon-Tweed (Northumberland)
Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in Great Yarmouth to dearrest and deliver to the merchants of Berwick upon Tweed a ship of Holland and the wool and other merchandise with which it was loaded, as they loaded the said ship at Berwick paying customs etc. due, and it was driven by the weather to Great Yarmouth where it is detained on the accusation of non-payment of customs and subsidies. [CCR 1392-96, 206]
11/07/1394 Great Yarmouth (Norfolk)
Newcastle upon Tyne (Northumberland)
Order to the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth to dearrest and deliver to John de Mitford a ship of Newcastle and the sea coal with which it was loaded, which ship with its cargo of coal was recently sent from Newcastle to Great Yarmouth and without cause arrested by the said bailiffs. [CCR 1392-96, 305-6]
26/05/1394 Groby (Leicestershire)
Pardon of outlawry to Joan de Ferrariis of Groby for non-appearance to answer William Kent, citizen and skinner of London, for a debt of £25. [CPR 1391-96, 403]
16/05/1394 Hereford (Herefordshire) Inspeximus and confirmation of 2 agreements between the bishop and the citizens of Hereford dated 11/4/1262, the citizens conceeding to the bishops, deans, chapter and canons of Hereford and all their men (among other liberties) quittance from toll and other impositions. [CPR 1391-96, 422-25]
09/05/1394 King's Lynn (Norfolk)
Bishop's Lynn (Norfolk)
Order to the escheator in Norfolk and Suffolk to give Mary, widow of John de Roos, knight, livery of various estates etc., including parcel of the toll of the river and port within Bishop's Lynn, and a share of the market there every Tuesday, with certain profits of the "tolbothe" in King's Lynn. [CCR 1392-96, 212]
13/05/1394 King's Lynn (Norfolk)
Boston (Lincolnshire)
Writ of supersedeas to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer in respect of their demand on John Toupe and John Wace to answer for the customs, subsidies etc. due on 500 quarters of malt, which they were granted licence on 16/5/1393 to buy and purvey in the realm, load in ships in that port and take to Bergen in Norway. [CCR 1392-96, 287]
18/05/1394 Lasborough (Gloucestershire)
Pardon of outlawry to Walter Broun of Lasborough, esquire, for non-appearance to answer William Litilcok, Walter Ludeneye, citizen and draper of London, and Robert Excestre, prior of Holy Trinity, London, for debts of £40., 200 marks, and 100s. respectively. [CPR 1391-96, 403]
10/07/1394 London Pardon of outlawry to Richard Gille, citizen of London, for non-appearance to answer John Everard, citizen and mercer of London, for a debt of £20. [CPR 1391-96, 541]
29/04/1394 London Writ of supersedeas in favour of Thomas Makewilliam, late grocer of London, at suit of Thomas Hoo, citizen of London, for debt. Mainpernors: John Morker, Alan Bramesgrove, grocer, John Fayrhere, grocer, all of London, and John Makewilliam of Essex. [CCR 1392-96, 282]
13/10/1394 London Order to the customers in the port of London to allow John Batte to load in ships and after payment of customs etc. to take to Prussia 40 dozen caps not of grain or half grain. [CCR 1392-96, 315]
14/02/1394 London Order to the customers and collectors of the petty custom and subsidies and keepers of the passage in London to allow the treasurer of Calais from time to time to load in ships in the said port and to take to Calais for its furnishing any victuals by him bought or purveyed for that purpose, without paying customs etc. [CCR 1392-96, 191]
05/07/1394 London Writ of supersedeas omnino in favour of Walter Sybile, citizen of London, at suit of John Douve, citizen and grocer of London, for debt. Mainpernors: William Pryest citizen and mercer of London, William Hoghton, citizen and draper of London, William Badele of Middlesex and Thomas Neketon of Landwade (Cambridgeshire) [CCR 1392-96, 290]
12/04/1394 London
Order to the sheriffs of London, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire, Northamptonshire, Hertfordshire, and Bedfordshire to make proclamation that malt sold in the said counties and brought to London for the consumption of the households of the king and of other lords and gentlemen and for the sustenance of the people of the city shall before the sale be well scoured and cleaned of dust and other filth, so that buyers may have for the quarter 8 bushels of clean malt as they ought and that mayors, bailiffs and keepers of places where it is sold shall have power to inspect such malt at suit of any complainant. [CCR 1392-96, 282]
24/02/1394 London Writ of supersedeas in favour of William Shorthose, esquire, at suit of John Garnes, citizen and tailor of London, for debt. Mainpernors: John Wylymot, William Smetheson of Newsham, both of Yorkshire, William de Slyngesby and Thomas Peyntour, both of Northumberland. [CCR 1392-96, 270]
18/02/1394 London Writ of supersedeas in favour of John Ikelyngham, citizen and fellmonger of London, at suit of John Brykhull, citizen and draper of London, for debt. Mainpernors: Thomas Wykes the younger of Cambridgeshire, Nicholas Charwode of Norfolk, Henry Euysham and William Frere of Northamptonshire [CCR 1392-96, 270]
04/08/1394 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of London to allow Richard Lacy to load in a ship in that port and after payment of customs etc. to take to Venice 50 dozen hats of divers colours. [CCR 1392-96, 309]
05/04/1394 London Writ of supersedeas in favour of John Scrope, son of Henry Scrope, at suit of William Euot, citizen and draper of London, for debt. Mainpernors: William de Mitforde and John Asplioun of Northumberland, Thomas Wydeville of Northamptonshire and Richard Hoton of Yorkshire. [CCR 1392-96, 276]
29/10/1394 London Acquittance by John Walcote, citizen and merchant of London, to John Sely, citizen and skinner of London, of £170. due to Roger Draper of Deddington and John Olney, citizen and woolmonger of London, by a recognisance. [CCR 1392-96, 378-9]
01/07/1394 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in London to allow the mayor of the staple of Calais to load in ships in that port asnd without payment of customs or subsidies to take over to Calais 2 pipes of wine and 4 dozen pewter vessels in a barrel for his and his household's use there. [CCR 1392-96, 296]
30/05/1394 London Order to the collectors of customs and keepers of the passage in London and Southampton to allow Angelus Seba, merchant of Genoa, in one of those ports to load 200 dozen hats in a ship and after payment of customs etc. to take them to Genoa. [CCR 1392-96, 214]
01/06/1394 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in London to allow Saier Parkesgate, servant of the earl of Rutland, without payment of custom or subsidy to take over sea for the earl 12 "brodebowes", 6 sheaves of "brodearwes" 1 sheaf of "merkarwes", 2 sheaves of bolts, and 3 dozen "flyghtes". [CCR 1392-96, 211]
23/02/1394 London Order to the collectors of the petty custom and of subsidies in London to allow the captain of Guines castle to load in ships in that port and without payment of customs or subsidies to take over to the castle 2 lasts of white herring, 400 salt fish, 800 stockfish, 2 pipes of salmon, 2 barrels of sturgeon, 1 barrel of oil, 2 fardels of cloth, 1 tun of wax and spices and 4 tuns of wine bought by him to furnish the same. [CCR 1392-96, 200]
10/03/1394 London Order to the customers, collectors of subsidies and the petty custom and keepers of the passage in London to allow woollen cloth bought or purveyed for the use of the captain of Calais and his household to be loaded in ships and taken over to Calais without payment of customs or subsidies. [CCR 1392-96, 195-6]
07/08/1394 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in London to allow the captain of Brest castle without payment of customs etc. to take over to Brest 108 bows, 32 saddles, 1 gros of bowstrings, 8 sheaves of arrows and 400 hoops for tuns to furnish the same. [CCR 1392-96, 309]
23/10/1394 London
Hadleigh (Suffolk)
Southampton (Hampshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Walter Norhampton, citizen and grocer of London, for non-appearance when sued with John Kempston of Hadleigh to answer William Mapell of Southampton, Gilbert Maufeld, citizen of London, and William Clyfton, clerk, for a debt of £80. [CPR 1391-96, 542]
18/05/1394 London
Newcastle upon Tyne (Northumberland)
Pardon of outlawry to Thomas de Clyveland alias Clifeland, burgess and tailor of Newcastle upon Tyne, alias Thomas Taillour, burgess of Newcastle upon Tyne, for non-appearance to answer William Kyng, citizen and draper of London, for a debt of £30., William Brykhull, citizen and draper of London, for a debt of £16. and David Hulgreve and Ellen his wife for a debt of £40. [CPR 1391-96, 403]
18/05/1394 London
Sutton (Surrey)
Recognisance of William Eustace salter and Richard Broun, baker, both of London, to John Baker of Sutton for 20 marks to be levied in default of payment of their lands and chattels in London. [CCR 1392-96, 295]
12/02/1394 London
Winchester (Hampshire)
Pardon of outlawry to William Wysbeche, draper, alias citizen and merchant of London, for non-appearance to answer John Blake of Winchester for a debt of 40s. and to render £13. 16s. to the executors of Henry Jurdan, citizen of Winchester. [CPR 1391-96, 401]
17/11/1394 Netley (Hampshire)
Southampton (Hampshire)
Pardon to the abbot and convent of Netley of any forfeiture incurred under the following circumstances: certain merchants of France recently came to their abbey and bought of them wool, whereof the custom due to the king amounted to £20., packed it, and removed it from the place where it was stored to a place within the abbey, whence to take it more securely to Southampton, to be customed there as usual, but one of the collectors of custom in that port came to the abbey and arrested the wool as forfeit, although the merchants were going to take them to the said port to be customed and nowhere else. [CPR 1391-96, 512]
08/03/1394 Newcastle upon Tyne (Northumberland) Revocation of letters patent granting certain customs to the mayor, bailiffs and commonalty of Newcastle upon Tyne for 7 years for the repair of the bridge of that town. [pontage] [CPR 1391-96, 386]
10/03/1394 Newcastle upon Tyne (Northumberland) Grant to the mayor, bailiffs and whole commonalty of Newcastle upon Tyne of pontage for 4 years. [CPR 1391-96, 387]
18/02/1394 Newport Pagnell (Buckinghamshire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Newport Pagnell of pontage for 3 years. [CPR 1391-96, 372]
24/02/1394 Oxford (Oxfordshire)
Dartmouth (Devon)
Bristol (Gloucestershire)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of John Foulbroke of Bristol at suit of John Haweley of Dartmouth against him and John Holme of Oxford for render of £207. 6s. 8d. [CCR 1392-96, 267]
02/07/1394 Richmond (Yorkshire) Order to all royal officials and others throughout England to allow the men and tenants of the honour of Richmond to be quit of toll, stallage, chiminage, pontage, pavage, picage, murage and passage on their property and wares, as they should be and all their ancestors used to be throughout the realm, though they are in many parts of the realm distrained to pay the said charges. [CCR 1392-96, 299]
05/11/1394 Scarborough (Yorkshire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Scarborough of pavage for 2 years. [CPR 1391-96, 511]
04/03/1394 Southampton (Hampshire)
Writ of supersedeas to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer in respect of their demand on Geoffrey Broke, Robert Cely, Thomas Hoo and Edmund Fraunceys, merchants of London, and Angelus Ceba, merchant of Genoa, to account for the surplus mentioned hereafter, as Jerome de Kaneill, merchant of Genoa, recently brought to Southampton from overseas divers bales of ginger and made oath before the collectors of customs there, that they were bought overseas at a less price than they were bought there, so that he paid less custom than he ought and afterwards he sent some of the bales to Flanders, sold some of them to the said merchants of London and 6 of them remained in England unsold, and because he had not paid the full custom he was imprisoned and the bales and £157. of money arrested of which money parcel was in the hands of the said merchants for the bales bought by them, and it was ordered that answer should be made for any surplus above the said £157. that was in the merchants' hands. [CCR 1392-96, 268-9]
10/07/1394 Towcester (Northamptonshire)
Isle of Wight (Hampshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Thomas Carswell, archer of Towchester, for non-appearance to answer Thomas Wolverton of the Isle of Wight, chaplain, for a debt of 12 marks. [CPR 1391-96, 541]
10/11/1394 Tunstall (Norfolk) Pardon of outlawry to Robert Bryghyene of Tunstall for non-appearance to answer Robert Marrete of Tunstall for a debt of 100s. [CPR 1391-96, 543]
02/03/1394 Weasenham (Norfolk)
East Dereham (Norfolk)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of John Frere of East Dereham at suit of Thomas Saundres, vicar of Weasenham for debt. [CCR 1392-96, 269]
20/10/1394 Westminster (Middlesex)
Pardon of outlawry to Joan, late wife of John Lucas, citizen and saddler of London, for non-appearance to render £14. to the abbot of Westminster. [CPR 1391-96, 542]
14/02/1394 Wicken (Northamptonshire)
Bernake (Northamptonshire)
Recognisance of Thomas Preston of Bernake to Henry Wybbe of Wicken for £50. to be levied in default of payment of his lands and chattels in Northamptonshire. Defeasance on condition that Henry and Alice his wife and her heirs shall for life of Thomas enjoy of his grant 40s of rent in Wicken. [CCR 1392-96, 247]
21/08/1394 Worcester (Worcestershire) Grant to the bailiffs, citizens and good men of Worcester of murage for 6 years. [CPR 1391-96, 501]
20/02/1395 Northumberland Writ of supersedeas until the next parliament in respect of the levying of custom etc. on straight cloths there sold not exceeding the value of 5d. the yard. [CCR 1302-96, 330]
12/06/1395 Barnwell (Cambridgeshire) Order to the sheriff of Cambridgeshire to go in person to Barnwell fair to prevent unlawful assemblies; which fair on St Ethelreda's day and for 7 days before and 7 days after the king recently granted to the prior and convent of Barnwell, but now great numbers from the university of Cambridge and the commonalty are proposing to come and prevent its holding. [CCR 1392-96, 426-7]
26/01/1395 Bridgwater (Somerset)
Pardon of outlawry to Richard Hawne of Bridgwater for non-appearance to answer Nicholas Walsyngham and John Bele, citizens and mercers of London, for a debt of £10. [CPR 1391-96, 544]
08/02/1395 Brockhall (Northamptonshire)
Coventry (Warwickshire)
Pardon of outlawry to Warin Lucy, alias Lucien, of Brockhole, knight, for non-appearance to answer Richard Luffe of Coventry and John Olneye for a debt of 20 marks, 3s. 2d., or William Framelyngham, citizen and skinner of London, and Robert Hunden, citizen and tailor of London, jointly, for 2 debts of £21. 16s. 1d. and £20. [CPR 1391-96, 545]
11/07/1395 Chester (Cheshire) Grant to the prior and convent of Friars Preachers of Chester that they may for ever grind at the king's mills in Chester quit of toll and also be forever "hoprefre" in those mills. [CPR 1391-96, 601]
28/04/1395 East Haddon (Northamptonshire)
Pardon of outlawry to William de Shelton of East Haddon for non-appearance to answer William Rysfyn, minor canon of St Paul's London for a debt of 40 marks. [CPR 1391-96, 546]
30/06/1395 Great Yarmouth (Norfolk) Grant to the bailiffs and burgesses of Great Yarmouth of certain customs on things coming to their town for sale, for 3 years, in aid of enclosing the said town. [murage] [CPR 1391-96, 603]
07/02/1395 Halse (Somerset)
Pardon of outlawry to William Smok', chapman of Halse, for non-appearance to render 60s. to John More and Nicholas Walsyngham, citizens and mercers of London, John Holond and Richard Ryngestede, administrators of the goods and chattels of Walter Olyver, who died intestate. [CPR 1391-96, 545]
11/02/1395 Henley-in-Arden (Warwickshire)
Great Yarmouth (Norfolk)
Pardon of outlawry to John Norton, burgess and merchant of Great Yarmouth, for non-appearance to answer William Fyfhide, draper of Henley in Arden, for a debt of £40. [CPR 1391-96, 545]
08/02/1395 Hitcham (Suffolk)
Thetford (Norfolk)
Pardon of outlawry to John Wryght of Hitcham for non-appearance to answer John de Sutton, carpenter of Thetford, for a debt of £20. [CPR 1391-96, 545]
07/02/1395 Lewes (Sussex)
Pardon of outlawry to William Gardyner, clerk of Lewes, for non-appearance to answer Stephen Maplesdenne, citizen and goldsmith of London, for a debt of £20. [CPR 1391-96, 545]
24/03/1395 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in the port of London to allow Andrew Preston, vintner of London, to load in ships in that port and after payment of customs etc. to take to Bordeaux 4 bows, 4 dozen arrows and 6 horns. [CCR 1392-96, 343]
02/12/1395 London Order to the customers and collectors of subsidies and the petty custom and the keepers of the passage in London to allow the captain of Guines castle to load in ships in that port and take over to the castle from time to time all victuals bought or purveyed by him or his deputy for the furnishing of the said castle, without payment of customs or subsidies. [CCR 1392-96, 440]
24/02/1395 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in London to allow Robert Wolmersty to load in a ship in that port and after payment of customs and subsidies to take to Prussia 300 dozen hats. [CCR 1392-96, 330]
17/02/1395 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies and of the petty custom in London to allow the captain of Hammes castle to load in ships and without payment of customs etc. to take over to the castle all victuals now or hereafter bought for the furnishing of the said castle. [CCR 1392-96, 330]
08/05/1395 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in London to allow the captain of Calais to load in ships and take over to Calais without payment of customs etc. 4 tuns of wine, 1 of salt and fish, and 1 pipe of wax and spices bought and purveyed for vitualling the same. [CCR 1392-96, 348]
20/02/1395 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in London, without taking customs etc., to allow 3 cloths of ray and other cloths of divers colours, bought and purveyed for rayment of the mayor and aldermen of Calais and their servants, to be loaded in ships in that port and taken over to Calais. [CCR 1392-96, 331]
17/02/1395 London Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in London to allow Philip la Vache, knight, to take herrings, salt fish and stockfish to the value of £20. 4s. 5d. to Calais without payment of custom etc. for the sustenance of the king's lieges there. [CCR 1392-96, 332]
09/02/1395 London
Great Colne (Essex)
Pardon of outlawry to Thomas Smyth of Great Colne for non-appearance to answer John Hanslape of London or Richard Storm, citizen of London, for debts of 40s. and 26 marks 15d. respectively. [CPR 1391-96, 545]
02/12/1395 London
Sandwich (Kent)
Order to the collectors of subsidies, customers and keepers of the passage in London and Sandwich to allow the treasurer of Calais to load in ships and take to Calais from time to time all textiles and other things needful for his household there and all victuals bought for the furnishing of Calais, without payment of customs or subsidies. [CCR 1392-96, 447-8]
06/06/1395 London
Southampton (Hampshire)
Order to the collectors of customs and subsidies in the ports of London and Southampton to allow Nero Victory, merchant of Florence, to load in a ship in one of these ports and after payment of customs etc. to take to foreign parts 50 dozen caps of divers colours. [CCR 1392-96, 345]
05/03/1395 Maldon (Essex)
Thaxted (Essex)
Writ of supersedeas in favour of William Bultell of Thaxted at suit of John Welles of Maldon for debt. Mainpernors: Bartholomew Unmfrey "coteller", Robert Serle, goldsmith, Richard Ewen, "shether", all of London. [CCR 1392-96, 409]
02/04/1395 Melbourn (Cambridgeshire)
Barnet (Hertfordshire)
Writ of supersedeas and order to set free Richard Pouns of Barnet the younger, if taken at suit of Roger Demptynge of Melbourne for debt. Mainpernors: Thomas Longe, John Walter of Hertfordshire, John and William Herdewyke of Essex. [CCR 1392-96, 414]
26/02/1395 Newcastle upon Tyne (Northumberland) Grant to the mayor, bailiffs and commonalty of Newcastle upon Tyne of pontage for 3 years. [CPR 1391-96, 552]
04/02/1395 Newcastle upon Tyne (Northumberland)
Norwich (Norfolk)
Pardon of outlawry to Stephen de Wreshill, burgess of Newcastle upon Tyne, for non-appearance to answer Robert de Bernham, burgess of Norwich, for a debt of £24. [CPR 1391-96, 544]
31/12/1395 Scarborough (Yorkshire) Grant to the bailiffs and good men of Scarborough of quayage for 10 years, for repair of the quay of the harbour, which with the town for certain reasons is in the king's hand. [CPR 1391-96, 657]
25/01/1395 South Runcton (Norfolk)
Manningtree (Essex)
Pardon of outlawry to Robert Hardekyn of Manningtree, citizen and fishmonger of London, for non-appearance to pay Edmund, parson of South Runcton, 20 marks and 40s. damages, as he has paid. [CPR 1391-96, 531-2]
06/05/1395 Southampton (Hampshire)
Chichester (Sussex)
Pardon of outlawry to Hugh Richardson of Southampton for non-appearance to answer John Bozard for a debt of £6., or Richard Belechaumber of Chichester for a debt of 20 marks, or to pay John Frenche, citizen and goldsmith of London, 40s. recovered against him or 13s. 4d. damages adjudged. [CPR 1391-96, 564]
25/02/1395 Staines (Middlesex) Grant to Clement atte Merke, Alexander Tresor, Thomas Palmere and William Taverner of Staines of pontage for 1 year for repairing the bridge there. [CPR 1391-96, 553]
21/05/1395 Uxbridge (Middlesex)
Pardon of outlawry to John Rede of Uxbridge for non-appearance to pay William Seel, citizen and baker of London, 9 marks, recovered against him and 4 marks damages. [CPR 1391-96, 547]
29/01/1395 Wingham (Kent)
Pardon of outlawry to William Wyndesore, clerk, provost of Wingham, for non-appearance to answer John Barry, citizen and skinner of London, for a debt of £19. 6s. 10d. [CPR 1391-96, 543]
29/01/1395 Wingham (Kent)
Pardon of outlawry to Adam Combe, servant of William Wyndesore, clerk, provost of Wingham, for non-appearance to answer John Barry, citizen and skinner of London, for a debt of £19. 6s. 10d. [CPR 1391-96, 544]