February 1645: An Ordinance Concerning the Dutchy Seale of Lancaster, Together with the Oath of the Sheriffe of Lancaster.

Pages 612-614

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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February, 1644/5

[10 February, 1644/5.]

Wm. Lord Grey of; Wark an William Lenthall, Speaker, to put in use Dutchy Seal of Lancaster; Indemnity.; Patent for John Bradshaw as Sheriff.

The Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, Do Order and Ordain, and be it Ordered and Ordained. That William Lord Grey of Wark, and William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the House of Commons, shall have power, and are hereby authorized to put in use the Dutchy Seale, for the constituting and making of Sheriffs and Justices of Peace within the County of Lancaster, and to issue out all Writs and Processe, and to doe and performe all Acts and things necessary for the benefit of the said County, in as ample manner as any Chancellor of the Dutchy heretofore hath done, or ought to do, and this Ordinance to continue and be in force, untill both Houses take further Order: And whatsoever the said William Lord Grey of Wark, William Lenthall, shall do in persuance hereof, they shall be saved harmlesse by both Houses of Parliament: And it is further Ordered and Ordained, That the Officers belonging to the Dutchy Court, do prepare a Patent for to make John Bradshaw of Bradshaw Esquire Sheriffe of the said County, who is to take the Oath of Sheriff hereunto annexed.

The Oath of the Sheriff of Lancaster.

Oath of Sheriff of Lancaster.

Yee shall Swear, That well and truly ye shall serve the King in the Office of the Sheriff of Lancaster, and do the Kings profits in all things that belongeth you to do by way of your Office; As much as you can or may; ye shall not respite the Kings Debts, for any gift or favour, where you may raise them without great grievance of the Debtors: Yee shall truly and rightfully treat the people of your Sheriffwick, and do right as well to poore, as to Rich, in all that belongeth to your Office; Yee shall do no wrong unto any man for any gift or promise of goods, nor favour nor hate: Yee shall disturb no mans Right; Yee shall truly Accompt before the Auditor of the Dutchy of Lancaster, of all them of whom yee shall any thing receive of the Kings debts: Yee shall nothing take whereby the King may lose, or whereby that Right may be disturbed, letted, or the Kings Debts delayed: Yee shall truly returne, and truly serve all the Kings Writs, as far-forth asit shall be in your cunning: Yee shall have none to bee your under-Sheriff, or any of your Sheriffs Clerkes of the last yeare passed: Yee shall take no Bayliff into your Service, but such as you will answer for: Yee shall make each of your Bayliffs to make such Oath as yee make your selfe, in that that belongeth to their Occupation: Yee shall receive no Writ by you or any of yours unsealed: Yee shall make the Bayliffs of the true and sufficient men in the same County: Yee shall be dwelling in your proper person within your Bayliwick, for the time yee shall be in the same Office: Yee shall not let your Sheriffwick, or any Bayliwick thereof to farme to any man: Yee shall truly set and returne reasonable and due issues of them that be in your Bayliwick, after their Estate and Honour, and make your pannell your selfe; And over this, in eschewing and restraint of the Manslaughters, Robberies, and other manifold grievous Offences that may be done daily, and increase in number and multiply, so that the Kings true Subjects may not safely ride or go to such things as they have to do, to their intollerable hurt and hindrings: Yee shall truly and effectually with all diligence possibly to you, execute the Statutes touching the same: All which premises yee shall duly and truly do and keep, as God help you, and by the Contents of this Book: And also do make a true and faithfull Accompt of all such profits and casulties as cometh and groweth of the said Office; or that yee shall be charged with in the time of your occupying the said Office of Sheriffwick, as God you help, and by the Contents of this Book. Also yee shall utterly testifie and declare in your Conscience, that the said Kings Highnesse is the onely Supream Governour of this Realm, and of all other His Highnesses Dominions and Countries, aswell in all Spiritual and Ecclesiasticall things or causes, as Temporall; and that no Forraign Prince, Person, Prelate, State, or Potentate, hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction, Power, Superiority, Preheminency or Authority, Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall within this Realm; and therefore yee shall truly renounce and forsake all Forraign Jurisdictions, Power, Superiorities, and Authorities, and shall promise, that from henceforth yee shall beare Faith and true Alleagiance to the said Kings Highnesse, His Heirs and Lawfull Successors; and to your power, shall Assist and defend, all Jurisdictions, Priviledges, Preheminences, granted or belonging to the said Kings Highnesse, His Heirs and Successors, or United or annexed to the Imperiall Crown of this Realm; So help you God, and by the holy Contents of this Book.