Pages 546-548
Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.
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July, 1651
[17 July, 1651.]
4 July 1649. What goods the former Act shall extend to.
Be it Enacted and Declared by this present Parliament, and by the authority thereof, That the words Goods and Personal Estate mentioned in an Act, Entituled, An Act for sale of the Goods and Personal Estates of the late King, Queen and Prince, shall be construed, deemed and taken to extend onely unto all Jewels, Plate, Furs, Hangings, Statues, Medals, Pictures, Wardrobe-stuff, and all other Houshold-stuff and Utensils whatsoever, and to all Libraries (the Library of James's Houses, with all Medals, Rings, Globes and Mathematical Instruments in the said Library onely excepted.) And the Trustees in the said recited Act named, are hereby required to forbear to expose to sale any other Goods or personal Estate belonging to the said King, Queen or Prince, other then by this Act as is aforesaid appointed and declared.
Penalty for concealing any Crown Goods.; Advantage for discovery.
And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any person or persons have knowingly in his or their custody, or have fraudulently conveyed away any of the Goods belonging to the late King, Queen or Prince, not formerly made known to the said Trustees, and shall not before the first day of October, One thousand six hundred fifty one, make known the same to the said Trustees, or to some of them, that then every such person or persons shall forfeit double the value of the said goods by him or her so concealed, being convicted upon the Oath of two or more credible Witnesses; which Oath the said Trustees, or any four or more of them, are hereby impowered to administer; the which value of the said goods and forfeitures, shall be levied upon the offender or offenders, by way of distress and sale of their goods, rendring the overplus thereof to the offender: And if no sufficient distress can be found, then the party or parties so offending, shall be imprisoned in some Common Gaol, by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the said Trustees, or any four or more of them, until the said party or parties so offending, shall pay the said forfeiture, or until the Parliament shall otherwise appoint. And if any discovery be made of any of the aforesaid goods so concealed by any Creditor or Creditors, qualified according to the intent and meaning of the said recited Act, then he or they shall have one full moyety thereof towards satisfaction of his or their said debts, after they shall be stated and allowed by the said Trustees, or any four or more of them; And the Treasurers in the recited Act named, by Warrant from the said Trustees or any four or more of them, (who are hereby required and authorized to give the same) shall pay unto such respective discoverers as aforesaid, upon the recovery of the said goods or value thereof, the sum to them respectively due as aforesaid; the which Warrant, with the parties Acquittance or Acquittances, shall be a sufficient discharge to the said Treasurers for paying the same: And the residue of all such sums and forfeitures, shall be disposed to and for the uses in the said recited Act mentioned and declared.
Trustees to redeem any goods mortgaged, if they see cause.; What advantage Creditors shall have for discovery.
And it is hereby further Enacted and Declared, That the said Trustees, or any four or more of them, are hereby impowered, if they shall see cause, and finde it of benefit or advantage to the Commonwealth, to redeem any of the aforesaid goods Mortgaged or Ingaged by the said late King, Queen or Prince, or by any other, to cause so much money to be issued forth by the said Treasurers for redeeming the same; And if any of the Creditors by the said recited Act to be relieved, shall discover and make known unto the said Trustees, or any four or more of them, where such goods are ingaged, and shall lay down as much money as shall be approved of by the said Trustees, or any four or more of them, to be just for redeeming and clearing the same; then the said Creditors shall have his or their said money so disbursed, allowed and repaid them, and one fifth part of the clear profits by way of reward for their discovery besides such disbursments, and also one moyety of their Debts to be allowed and paid by the Trustees and Treasurers as aforesaid: And the said Trustees and Contractors in all such cases, are hereby authorized and appointed to make a full and absolute Bargain and Sale upon Redemption of the aforesaid Goods, to such as shall redeem or buy the same, Provided always, That no person or persons that hath knowingly in his or their possession, or in the possession of any other for his or their use, or have fraudulently conveyed away any of the said Goods, shall have any benefit or advantage of being a Discoverer or Discoverers, or any benefit or advantage of any discovery in and by this Act appointed, Any thing to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.
10000 1. pounds worth more of Goods reserved.
And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That ten thousand pounds worth of the said Goods, over and above the ten thousand pounds worth by the said recited Act reserved for the use of the Commonwealth, shall and may, by order and direction of the Council of State, be further reserved and appointed for the publique service of the Commonwealth. Provided always, That all other the said Goods, shall according to this and the said recited Act, be disposed to the Creditors of the said late King, Queen or Prince, as is directed, limited and appointed.
259181. 1s. 4d to be paid to the Treasurers.
And be it also further Enacted, That in lieu of the ten thousand pounds worth of the said Goods by this Act reserved for the use of the Commonwealth; and also in satisfaction for fifteen thousand nine hundred eighteen pounds one shilling and four pence, advanced by way of Loan out of the said Goods for the use of the Navy, and yet unpaid, the sum of twenty five thousand nine hundred eighteen pounds one shilling and four pence, shall be paid to the Treasurers in the said recited Act named (and by them issued out to the said Creditors, as is in this Act appointed) out of the first moneys arising by way of Discovery to be made of any con cealed, real or personal Estate, belonging to the said late King, Queen or Prince, not being in charge in the Exchequer, nor formerly granted by authority of Parliament to any other person or persons; and all persons whom it may concern, as well Officers in the Exchequer as others. are hereby required and authorized to give assistance to the Discoverers for all Discoveries as shall be made as aforesaid.
Personal Estate of the late Kings children included in this Act.
And be it further Enacted, and it is hereby Enacted and Declared, That the Goods or personal Estate of or belonging to any Childe or Children of the late King and Queen, be, and are hereby Declared and Adjudged, to be within the intent and meaning of this and the said recited Act, to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been particularly named therein.