Pages 436-437
Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.
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May 1644
[23 May, 1644.]
Ordinance for appointing the Committee of both Kingdoms.
Whereas, by the Covenant and Treaty ratified and established between the Two Kingdoms, both Nations are engaged in One common Cause, against the Enemies of the Religion and Liberties, and, by the late Entrance of the Scottish Forces into this Kingdom, in Pursuance hereof, are firmly united in a joint Posture of Arms, for their own necessary Defence; and for the maintaining the Ends expressed in the Covenant; and forasmuch as nothing can be more advantageous, nor conduceable to the Purpose aforesaid, than that the Conduct of the Affairs of both Kingdoms in Prosecution of the Ends before-mentioned be managed by the joint Advice and Direction of both Nations, or their Committees authorized in that behalf, that so not only the Counsels, Resolutions and Forces of both Kingdoms may be to the utmost improved to the common Good, and a right Intelligence and firm Unity held and preserved between and within themselves, but also that a good Correspondency may be set on Foot and maintained Abroad, with other States, in a joint Way; to countermine the wicked Confederacies and Designs of the Popish and Antichristian Faction in all Parts, against the true Protestant Reformed Religion, and the Welfare of His Majesty's Three Kingdoms; and whereas the Convention of the Estates of Scotland have appointed Committees residing in Scotland, and in the Scottish Army, and have sent some of the said Committees as Commissioners for the Purposes aforesaid, to repair unto and reside near the Two Houses, whereof some are already in the City: In Consideration hereof, the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament do Nominate, Ordain, and Appoint, Algernon Earl of Northumberland, Robert Earl of Essex Lord General, Robert Earl of Warwicke Lord Admiral, Edward Earl of Manchester, William Viscount Say & Seale, Phillip Lord Wharton, John Lord Robertes, William Pierpointe, Sir Henry Vane Senior, Sir Phillip Stapilton, Sir Wm. Waller, Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Sir Wm. Armyn, Sir Arthur Hasilrigg, Sir Henry Vane Junior, John Crewe, Robert Wallop, Oliver St. John, Solicitor General, Oliver Cromwell, Samuell Browne, John Glyn Recorder. or any Three of them, whereof a Member of each House to be present, to treat with the Committees and Commissioners appointed by our Brethren of Scotland, in such Things as shall by them be propounded from and in the Name of the Kingdom of Scotland, for the Ends aforesaid; and from Time to Time to advise and consult with them concerning the same; and do further give full Power unto the Members of both Houses abovenamed, and unto John Earl of Loudoun, John Lord Maitland, Sir Archibald Johnston of Warieston, and Mr. Robert Barclay, or any Seven of them, whereof a Member of each House to be present, as a Committee, to order and direct whatsoever doth or may concern the managing of the War, keeping good Intelligence between the Forces of the Three Kingdoms, and whatsoever may concern the Peace of His Majesty's Dominions, and all other Things in Pursuance of the Ends expressed in the said Covenant and Treaty; and the Committee of both Houses are to observe such Orders as they shall from Time to Time receive from both Houses.