September 1649: An Act concerning Oathes to Majors and other Officers.

Pages 241-242

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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September, 1649

[5 September, 1649.]

Majors and chief Officers to take this

For the better preventing the great and many Mischiefs that daily happen, by reason of sundry Unlawful Oathes formerly imposed upon Majors, Justices of the Peace, and other Officers within the City of London, and other Cities and places within this Commonwealth, the Parliament now assembled, do Enact and Ordain, and be it by Authority of Parliament Enacted and Ordained, That from and after the Tenth day of September, One thousand six hundred forty nine, this ensuing Oath be given and administred to the Major of London, and to all Majors and chief Officers in any City, Borough or Town Corporate within England, Wales, and Town of Berwick, to be given and administred by such person or persons, and at such place and time as former Oathes were used to be given to the said Majors and Chief Officers as abovesaid, (viz.)


You shall swear, That you shall be true and faithful to the Commonwealth of England, as it is now established without King or House of Lords: You shall well and truly execute the Office of Major within the City of and Liberties thereof, according to the best of your skill, knowledge and power. So help you God.

The like to Sheriffs, Justices, &c.

The like Oath (mutatis mutandis) to be administred and given to all Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, Aldermen, Recorders, Stewards, Common-Council-men, Coroners, Clerks of the Market, Barons of the Cinque-Ports, Borsholders, Constables, Tythingmen, Sergeants of the Mace, Town-Clerks, Marshals, Water-Bayliffs, or other publique Officers within any City or Town Corporate aforesaid, or other Liberty, Franchise or place within England, Wales, and Town of Berwick: And be it further Enacted, That all or any person or persons that have formerly had power and authority to administer any Oath to the said Majors, Justices of Peace, Bayliffs, Aldermen, Recorders, Stewards, Common-Councilmen, Barons of the Cinque-Ports, Constables and Tythingmen, and other persons and Officers abovesaid, shall from the said Tenth of September, minister and give the said Oath and Oathes as abovesaid, to the said Officers and persons abovesaid, and no other Oath.

Oath for making true accompt, as formerly.

Provided, That all such Officers as abovesaid, as have taken any Oath for making true Accompt of any Fines, Rents, or other sums of Money by them received or to be received, shall take the same Oath in order and relation to make their Accompts, as formerly was used and accustomed.

Deponent may lay his right hand on the Bible, or hold it up.

And be it further Enacted and Ordained, That all person or persons that shall take any Oath from any person or persons that is authorized to give and minister the same, shall and may, at the time of taking such Oath or Oathes, lay his Right hand upon the Bible, or otherwise hold up his Right hand during the time such Oath is ministred to him or them.