May 1643: An Ordinance and Declaration Authorizing Colonell Walter Long to take and collect such Moneys as have been formerly by him and others Assessed, and are yet unpaid in severall Hundreds of Essex, by vertue of a Commission from his Excellency the Earle of Essex.

Pages 161-162

Acts and Ordinances of the Interregnum, 1642-1660. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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May 1643

[24 May, 1643.]

It is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That whereas his Excellency the Earle of Essex, Lord Generall of the Army raised for the Defence of the King and Parliament, directed a Commission, with Instruc tions thereunto annexed; unto the Right Honorable, the Lord Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants, and some other Gentlemen of the Counties of Essex, Hertford, and Bedford; And to Colonell Walter Long a Member of the House of Commons, who in particular was commanded by the said Lord Generall to put the said Commission in execution, with any two or more of the Commissioners, according to the said Instructions therewith given, for the disarming of the Popish and ill-affected parties in the said severall Counties; As also for the raising and taking of Horse, Money, and Plate, of such as had not contributed to the propositions of Parliament, or not proportionable to their Estates; And whereas the said Colonell Walter Long with other of the said Commissioners, have in part executed the said Commission in some Hundreds within the said County of Essex, and not elsewhere, and hath raised in Money and Plate, to the value of Three thousand pounds or thereabouts, besides divers sums of Money which do yet remaine in the hands of sundry persons in the said Hundreds, who have promised to pay the same to the said Colonell Walter Long; and whereas an Ordinance of Parliament hath since been made, for the rating and Taxing of such persons mentioned in the said Commission, not exceeding the Twentieth part of their Estates, or the fifth part of their yeerely Revenue, which is to bee Assessed and gathered by certain persons named and appointed by the said Ordinance; And for that there may not be any losse or damage to the Parliament, or distraction in the said County, by raising and collecting of Moneys by the said severall wayes

Power to Col. Walter Long to receive Moneys yet unpaid in Hundreds where Commission hath been put in execution.; Tickets to be given to such as desire them.;Where Commission hath not been executed, to be put in execution.

It is therefore ordained and declared, That the said Colonell Walter Long, shall take and receive such Monies as are behind and unpayed, in such Hundreds where the said Commission hath been put in execution; That so hee may give an exact accompt for the whole; and likewise manifest his just and fair proceedings therein, having promised to leave a Booke in every Hundred of what Monies he hath received in the said Hundred, for his and their better satisfaction and discharge, which both Houses of Parliament doe well approve of; the said Colonell Walter Long, and other the said Commissioners not having direction in their said Instructions to give Tickets unto any, as is appointed in the aforesaid Ordinance, which notwithstanding hee shall doe to such as shall desire them; And for the residue of the said County of Essex, and other the Counties aforenamed, where the said Commission hath not as yet been executed there, the persons nominated in the said Ordinance are to execute the same according to the Instructions therein given them.

Col. W. Long to use, for his Regiment, all moneys yet unpaid by Hundreds where Commission hath been executed.

And for those monies which are behinde and unpayed in those Hundreds where the said Commission hath been put in execution, the said Colonell Walter Long is appointed to take and receive the same for compleating and paying his Regiment; and to be accomptable for that, and for the residue if any shall be remaining: And if any the said severall summes of Money directed by this Ordinance, to be payed to the said Colonell Walter Long, shall be taken and received by any other person by vertue of the late recited Ordinance, or by any other way, It shall be forthwith restored to the said Colonel Walter Long, to be imployed to the Purposes aforesaid.

Persons paying their Moneys to Col W. Long not to be taxed again.

And Lastly, it is Ordained and Declared, That all such persons who have payed or shall pay their Monies unto the said Colonell Walter Long, by vertue of this said Commission, shall not be Rated and Taxed again, by vertue of the aforesaid Ordinance, if they have payed according to the Propositions therein mentioned.