Sessions, 1615: 24 and 25 May

Pages 297-306

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 2, 1614-15. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1936.

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Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery, 24 and 25 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].

SESSIONS ROLL [Broken file].

Recognizances of:—

26 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Edward Sworth [Swarfe] of St. James', Clerkenwell, fencer, Robert Branckley of St. Bride's, fencer, and Thomas Cotton of St. Giles —, —, for the said Edward, for an assault and battery upon Thomas Symons.
Not guilty of beating and wounding, but guilty of assault, fined 6s. 8d. and respited for sureties for good behaviour. Came and committed because indicted.
Sess. Roll 540a/1.
G.D.R. 2/52, 52d.

13 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard T— of Thames Street, —, to give evidence against — — for felony.
Sess. Roll 540a/2.

14 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
— — of St. George's, Southwark, co. Surrey, —, to give evidence against — — for felony.
Sess. Roll 540a/3.

8 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
William Tasker of St. Sepulchre's, smith, and William Sorrell of the same, shoemaker, for Elizabeth Goteley [Goatlye] of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards — —.
Sess. Roll 540a/4.
Sess. Reg. 2/197.

3 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
William Tredwaie [Tredwaye] of Muswell Hill in the parish of Hornsey, tailor, to give evidence against William Martinson for stealing three ewes and four lambs from him.
The said Martinson guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Sess. Roll 540a/5.
G.D.R. 2/51d.

18 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
William Swinnerton of [Islington, innholder], to give evidence against — Lee for suspicion of felony.
Sess Roll 540a/6.

6 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Jones of Clerkenwell, wheelmaker, Abraham Holland of Shoe Lane, shoemaker, and John Scott of Seacoal Lane, —, for the said John Jones to keep the peace towards "Dyna" Gibbs [Gybbs], for assaulting and wounding her.
Sess. Roll 540a/7.
Sess. Reg. 2/198.
P.R.B. 1/49.

26 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
— — of Norton Folgate, widow, to appear.
Sess. Roll 540a/8.

26 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
William Floid of Westminster, cutler, to give evidence against William Matson of —, co. Westmoreland, petty-chapman, for felony.
Sess. Roll 540a/10.
G.D.R. 2/52d.


p. 195 Came and discharged:—

William Swynnerton of Islington, innkeeper, for being constable of Islington and refusing to carry Henry Lakins [Leakins] of the same, innkeeper, before a Justice for assaulting and hurting the Lady Waineman, who is in danger of death; and the said Henry to be of good behaviour (and p.201).

p.196. Thomas Cooke of Enfield, yeoman, taken before the his non-payment of money owed to the hospitals for maimed soldiers. Robert Curtys of the same, yeoman, for the like.

Thomas Bartholomewe of Litdeton, yeoman, taken before the Justices of the King's Bench in full Court at Westminster, to answer. Made default, therefore certified in the Exchequer Court in Trinity Term, 13 James I [A.D. 1615], by virtue of a warrant of the Lord Treasurer of England.

Lewis Hughes of Westminster, gentleman, for the peace.

Came and discharged:—

John Blaxlie of Ratcliffe, tailor, Ralph Brenton, gentleman, Robert Kinge, glover, Prudence Archer, widow, Helen Prosser, spinster, Humphrey Yelverton, carpenter, and Richard Reynoldes, glover, all of the same, all for the peace.
John Dillanowe, Richard Smythe and John Burwood of St. Katherine's, yeomen, vagrant persons. The said Burwood to be sent by pass to "Chempton" [Chelmondiston], co. Suffolk, and the constable of St. Katherine's to see it done.

Emmanuel James of the same, victualler, for harbouring the said Burwood.

p.197. John Cozens of East Smithfield, yeoman, a vagrant person.
Susan, wife of Roger Wardall of East Smithfield, cordwainer, to answer.

Margaret Fingerman of the same, spinster, for the like.

Elizabeth Jobson of Norton Folgate, widow, for the peace.

John Phillipps of the Liberty of the Tower of London, yeoman, for the like.

Robert Bodwell of Cow Lane, grocer, for being in a lewd house in the night.

Robert Greene of East Smithfield, cutler, for begetting one Rebecca with child. He is to marry her by Midsummer next and then to be discharged.

Came and discharged:—

William Amerye of Stepney, yeoman, and Joan his wife, for good behaviour.

Thomas Popkins of Rosemary Lane, tailor, for the peace.

John Chapman of Tottenham, butcher, for the peace.

Anthony Browne of Edmonton, yeoman, for the peace.

John Greenehill of Harrow, yeoman, for tippling without licence.

John Allen of St. Sepulchre's, goldsmith, for living incontinently with Jane Flood his servant.

William White of Clerkenwell, labourer [victualler], upon complaint of Deagoe Desea, the Spanish Ambassador's steward, for abusing the Ambassador of Spain. Respited without bail and afterwards, on 31 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615], discharged by order of the Lord the King at the humble petition of the Ambassador of Spain. Witnessed by Henry Spiller, esquire (and G.D.R. 2/53).

John Taylor and Stephen Baylie, servants to Thomas Hanings of the Strand, baker, for good behaviour.

Christopher Jurden of St. Bartholomew's-the-Less, gentleman, for wounding one Griffen.

p.198. Thomas Davies of Whitecross Street, labourer, and Helen his wife, for making an affray in the house of John Smale.

Edward Dell of Shoreditch, butcher, and Ann his wife.

Dorothy Hayward of the same, spinster, for the peace.

Thomas Porte of Hoxton, victualler, and Helen his wife.

Roger Swinglehurste of Cow Cross, yeoman, for rescuring John Fortescue from Thomas Heade.

Henry Rayman of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, yeoman.

Joan Boswell, Mary Moore and Sarah Shawe of Charterhouse Lane, spinsters, for the peace.

Ann Abbott of Whitecross Street, spinster, for tippling without licence.

Came and discharged if paid:—

John Awsten of Clerkenwell, carpenter, for wounding John Normansey.

John Wybrowe of the same, bricklayer, for the like.

William Redman of Ratcliffe, appeared upon the information exhibited against him by Bartholomew Benson, under the Statute of 31 Elizabeth, for the erection of cottages (and p.210).

Came and discharged:—

George Watson of Islington, yeoman, for the peace.

William Williams of Thames Street, yeoman, for assaulting Griffen Powell.

Elizabeth Davies alias Butcher of Westminster, widow, for receiving stolen goods, charged by Sir Edward Hobbye.

Richard Godson of Kingston, co. Surrey, yeoman, for hurting the wife of John Eccles.

Francis Berry of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, for the peace.

Maurice Jones of the same, yeoman, for hurting Ellis Davies.

Thomas Price of Westminster, yeoman, for abusing his wife most vilely, being above thirty years old, and giving her no maintenance.

John Milles of Seacoal Lane, glazier, for offering to sell a ring of copper instead of gold.

p.199. William Wreman of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman.
Francis Norton of Brentford, tailor.

George Bodge of Whitechapel, yeoman, for good behaviour.

John Symons of Ratcliffe, clothworker, handed in bail to John Leader of St. Andrew's, Holborn, grocer, John Jones of Chancery Lane, cordwainer, and Elizabeth Leaper of Shadwell, widow, to discharge the parish of Stepney of the child that Susan, his now wife, goes withal, and to keep the peace towards the said Susan.

Came and discharged:—

Joan, wife of Richard Spycer of Whitecross Street, yeoman, for the peace.

Mary Appleby of London, widow, for divers misdemeanours.

Walter Bridgwood of Ratcliffe, tailor, for receiving inmates.

Elizabeth Soldier of Whitecross Street, spinster.

John Rawlins of Southwark, co. Surrey, cutler [of Stepney, yeoman], and Robert Rawlins of the same, dicemaker [of Stepney, yeoman], for selling saddlers' ware contrary to the Statute (and P.R.B. 1/49).

Prudence Archer of Shadwell, spinster, for her lewd life.

James Allen of Shoreditch, tailor, for the like.

Robert Kinge of Ratcliffe, yeoman, for tippling without licence.

To the next Sessions of the Peace:—

William Newman of Greenford, yeoman, committed for default of good sureties, handed in bail to Thomas Sheppard and Roger Hudnott of the same, yeomen, for giving false report to the Court about a taxation towards the House of Correction (and p. 203).

Came and discharged:—

Susan, wife of Humphrey Yelverton of Ratcliffe [Shadwell], sawyer, for the peace; and the said Humphrey for tippling without licence.

Came upon indictment and fined:—

John Cawkins of Wapping, shipwright, for good behaviour.

pp.199–200. To the next Sessions of the Peace:—

John Apsden of the Liberty of the Tower of London, blacksmith, and Ann his wife, handed in bail to Charles Catrowe of the same, porter, and Thomas Bullocke of Southwark, yeoman, to keep the peace towards Margaret Hall of St. Peter-ad-Vincula within the Tower of London, widow; and the said Margaret handed in bail to Humphrey Cale and Walter Cane of the same, blacksmiths, to keep the peace towards the said John and Ann Apsden; and the said Walter also to keep the peace. At the next came and were discharged (and p. 203).

p. 200. The Sheriff fined £10 because no bailiff attended this Court to do those things which pertain to his office.

To the next Sessions of the Peace:—

Josias Baynard of St. John Street, shoemaker, handed in bail to Thomas Anderton of Newington Butts, co. Surrey, yeoman, and Thomas Berdmore of Clerkenwell, yeoman, for wounding Matthew Jones. At the next came and was discharged (and p. 203).

Dorothy, wife of Thomas Nicholas of Houndsditch, cooper, for saying "she wold not saye there was a traytor amongst them on the benche."

Came and discharged:—

Stephen Higgens of St. Mary-le-Savoy, gentleman, bound over at his own desire, for that "Mr. Deane of Westminster" had sent his warrant for him returnable before himself and the Burgesses, which warrant appears. He is ordered to bring in tomorrow morning a warrant from the Lords of the Council, which he says he has, to warrant the new buildings he proceeds withal, which he has performed, and therefore is discharged.

Roger Gunter of Islington, for a cloak of Thomas Woodwarde.

John Salmon of the Inner Temple, gentleman, for the peace.

Robert Paltocke of Hampton, gentleman.

p. 201. John Hall of Hounslow, yeoman.

William Loveden and Thomas Loveden of Hounslow, yeomen.

Ann, wife of William Lemon of St. Clement Danes, tailor, for the peace.

Margaret Bolton of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, spinster, for the peace.

Sybil Stowe of the same, spinster.

Peter Shepparde of Islington, joiner, upon complaint of Richard Varley.

Philip Martyn of the Liberty of the Tower of London, vintner, for a rescue.

George Spilworthe discharged because no true bill.

Committed for suspicion of murder:—

Henry Bowman [Boweman] of Tottenham, yeoman, and Lucretia his wife, and Margaret Bowforthe [Bomforth] his servant, all to put in very good sureties for their good behaviour. The said Henry and Lucretia handed in bail to Abraham Okeham and Edward Simson of the same, yeomen, to appear at the next Sessions of Gaol Delivery; the said Margaret delivered. The said Henry and Lucretia bound over for the death of their maid servant. The said Margaret's appearance not certified by recognizance, yet it was the pleasure of the Court that she should be bound to her good behaviour, being an actor with her master in hurting the said maid (and G.D.R. 2/53, 55d,56).

Came and discharged:—

Almott Stinche of Cliffords Inn, gentleman, for good behaviour.

John Smythe of the same, gentleman, for the like.

Licensed tipplers:—

John Greenehill of Harrow, yeoman. Sureties:—John Francklyn and Robert Hexam of the same, yeomen.

William Morgan of Tottenham High Cross. Sureties:—Evan Phillipps amd John Williams of Lambeth, yeomen.

Beatrice Browne of the Savoy, yeoman [sic]. Sureties:—Thomas Hill of Whitecross Street, yeoman, and John Williams of St. Martin's, yeoman.

Simon Price of New Brentford, victualler. Sureties:—William Price of Charterhouse Lane, yeoman, and Roger Baker of the same, victualler.


f. 50. Delivered by proclamation:—

William Nicholls, William Jackson, Barbara Palmer, John Lorde, Edward Phillipps, Joan Best alias Page, Edward Littleton, William Mathon, Walter Bennett, Richard Steward, Mark Greene, Mary Roberts, Robert Brett.

f. 50d. Timothy Ditche indicted in London.

Helen Kightley respited to Bridewell to be sent to the county of Gloucester.

Henry Addyson respited for the county of Cornwall, for suspicion of a murder there.

John Poore respited without bail. Respited to Bridewell (and f.54).

Edward Hinckes and James Capell alias Blinckes respited without bail for suspicion of burglary.

Richard Basford alias Berisford respited to the gaol of Worcestershire.

John Morgan respited for Bridewell by warrant of Justice Croke. William Owen indicted in London.

Stephen Heyward for abusing the Ambassador of Spain, respited without bail and afterwards, on 31 May, 13 James I [A.D. 1615], discharged by order of the Lord the King at the humble petition of the Ambassador of Spain. Witnessed by Sir Lewis Lewkenor, Knight, and Henry Spiller, esquire.

Charles Hamond delivered to Mr. Justice Crooke without fee.

John Mason respited for the order of Lord Hobart. Respited without bail for counterfeiting the Great Seal of England and delivered by proclamation (and f. 54).

Robert Robinson respited without bail.

John Hopper respited without bail, for abusing the Ambassador of Spain.

John White and Thomas Perks respited without bail, and delivered by proclamation, for procuring two horse-stealers, viz., Thomas Yate and William Yate of "Holloway" [Hollywood] co. Worcester, yeomen, to be bailed by Sir Henry Mountague, Knight, upon a false information. The said Thomas and William Yate at large. The said Thomas Perks of "Rashewood", co. Worcester, yeoman, committed. Whereas the said William and Thomas Yate are indicted for stealing a gray nag and a bay mare from Richard Smithe [Smythe] of Cliffe, co. Kent, yeoman, at the prosecution and pursuit of the said Smithe, and the said nag and mare are now come to the hands and possession of Roger Sharpe of Knightsbridge, innkeeper; it is therefore ordered that the said Roger shall deliver the said nag and mare unto the said Smithe (and ff. 51d, 52d, 53, 54, 56 and P.R.B. 1/48d).

f. 51. Guilty, no goods, to be hanged:—

John Wilcoxe for robbing Robert Pinchbecke in the highway at Islington.

Edward Smythe for a gelding of Henry Crockford.

John Palmer and Jonas Siddicke for burglary in the parish church of Hornsey, and for burglary in the house of Margaret Awdley.

Hugh Peirs and John Deaveny alias "Gallopinge Jacke" for burglary in the house of John Daccombe.

Guilty to the value of 10½d., no goods, to be whipped:—

George Eastcourte for a cloak of Richard Beverley.

Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged:—

William James for a silver dish of the King's Majesty.

Not guilty:—

Susan Fisher of Golding Lane, spinster, for picking the pocket of Richard Thomas and stealing 13s. Came and committed because indicted (and f. 52d).

John Christopher for burglary in the house of the said Margaret Awdley.

At large:—

William Graye of Old Street, yeoman, for five wether sheep of John Good, esquire (and P.R.B. ¼8d).

Acknowledges the indictment, to be hanged:—

William Marwicke for a mare of John Blackman.

f. 51d. Discharged by the jury from this and respited because less than twenty-one years old:—

Elizeus Dockerell for burglary in the house of Philip Breerton.

At large:—

William Batchellor, Richard Reason and John Poslyn of Clerkenwell, yeomen, for the like (and P.R.B. 1/48d).

Not guilty of burglary, guilty of petty larceny to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped:—

Thomas Smyth for burglary in the house of William Dyer.

Not guilty:—

Simon Thrasher alias "Tuquoque" of Clerkenwell, yeoman, for an accessory after and receiving goods stolen from the said Dyer. Came and committed because indicted (and f. 52d).

Benedict Knighte for a silver beaker of John Johnson.

John Woodhouse for divers goods of Robert Tripland.

Thomas Parrum and Faith Johnson for divers goods in a dwellinghouse of William Scofeild.

Guilty, no goods, to be hanged:—

Charity Chude for the like.

Guilty of petty larceny to the value of 10½d., no goods, to be whipped:—

The said Thomas Parrum and Faith Johnson for an iron pot of Thomas Seelye. Mary Mann of Clerkenwell, spinster, not guilty of being an accessory afterwards to them, and of receiving goods stolen from the said Seelye (and f. 52, 52d).


Christopher Morgan of Limehouse, smith, for a common barrator. To be set in the stocks at Limehouse in the place where the stocks do now stand, for two several days together by the space of six hours upon each day, and afterwards to be brought back to the gaol, there to remain until he shall pay £5 for a fine to the King's Majesty, and put in good sureties for his good behaviour hereafter (and f. 53 and Sess. Reg. 2/200).

Not guilty:—

Henry Ballarde for burglary and divers goods of the Lady Hennage.

Guilty, no goods, to be hanged:—

Jeremiah Feninge for four pieces of pewter of Robert Fetherston.

f. 52. Not guilty:—

Thomas Hammer for the like.

Guilty of petty larceny to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped:—

Sybil Adams for the like.

Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded:—

John Hewitt for seven falling-bands of Ralph Edlyn.

Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged:—

George Man for a cloak of George Downes.

George Pilworthe of East Smithfield, brewer, for two barrels of beer.

Agnes Hollan of Whitechapel, spinster, charged by Sybil Harryson for stealing 5d. in money out of her purse.

Thomas Nicholas alias Peirson of Rosemary Lane, sailor, charged by Gregory Brandon for felony.

f. 52d. John Eskins of Ratcliffe, labourer, charged by William Palmer for suspicion of felony.

Richard Parker of Southwark, yeoman, for suspicion of felony.

George Gascon of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, yeoman.

Thomas Doughton of Shoreditch, weaver, charged to have stolen three green say aprons of Nathaniel Griffen.

Katherine Vaughan of Cow Cross, spinster.

William Watkins of Paul's Wharf, waterman. Came and committed because indicted.

George Hanley of [blank], co. Stafford, yeoman, for assaulting Robert James in the highway.

f. 53. Thomas Berkesley of "Westable" [Whitstable], co. Kent, yeoman, for the like.

William Wade of Little Bowden, co. Northampton, yeoman, for the like.