Sessions, 1615: 20 and 21 April

Pages 257-296

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 2, 1614-15. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1936.

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General Sessions held at Westminster on 20 April, and Sessions of Gaol Delivery at the Old Bailey on 21 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].


Recognizances of:—

17 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Philip Bruerton of Clerkenwell, vintner, and John Sherley of the same, gentleman, for William Swan and William Woodcock of the same, vintners, for assaulting and beating Richard Barnes; and of Christopher Henley of the same, chandler, and the said John, for the said Philip for the like.
Came and brought writs of certiorari.
Sess. Roll 539/2, 3.
Sess. Reg. 2/184.

3 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615]
James Dickenson of Chick Lane, tailor, Henry Tompson of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, tailor, and Joseph Chessam of Golding Lane, barber-surgeon, for the said James and Helen his wife, charged to have allured and enticed one Margery Hinckley [Hynckley] to have embezzled certain goods from William Cole her master.
Sess. Roll 539/4.
Sess. Reg. 2/184.

19 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Philip Buffine [Buffen] of Hampstead, yeoman, William Dennye of Beech Lane, yeoman, and Robert Hales of the same, baker, for the said Philip, committed by Sir William Waad until he should find sureties to appear at the Sessions, and to answer for the hurting of the wife of John Jeames [James].
Sess. Roll 539/5.
Sess. Reg. 2/184.

30 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Thomas Carpenter of Aldersgate Street, yeoman, for Thomas Freeman of Chancery Lane, tailor, bound over for begetting a bastard child on Joan Bradley in the house of Roger Holman in Chancery Lane, to appear at the next Sessions after the said Joan Bradley shall be delivered of the child she now goes with, whereof he is said to be the reputed father; and of Francis Man of Chancery Lane, tailor, for Roger Holman of the same, tailor, to appear likewise after the said Joan shall be delivered of the child whereof he is said to be the reputed father.
Both to stand to the order of the Justices.
The said Joan to be delivered after whipping in the open market.
Sess. Roll 539/6, 99.
Sess. Reg. 2/178, 184, 195.
G.D.R. 2/50d.

5 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Francis Hatche of Whitecross Street, tailor, and Robert Harryson of the same, beadle, for Dionise Pebworth and Frances Carr of the same, spinsters, to keep the peace towards Ann Abbott; and of Thomas Millet [Myllet] of Whitecross Street, pewterer, and William Turner of the same, butcher, for Jane Daniell of the same, spinster [widow], to keep the peace towards the said Frances; and of the said Thomas and John Brantly of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, merchanttailor, for the said Jane for refusing to let John Spilman, headborough of Golding Lane, make search in her house, according to his warrant to that effect.
Sess. Roll 539/7, 8, 56.
Sess. Reg. 2/180, 183, 184.

13 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Gennyngs [Jennings] of Golding Lane, yeoman, Tobias Cottrell, wiredrawer, and Ralph Copson, silkweaver, both of the same, for the said John to keep the peace towards Joan his wife.
Sess. Roll 539/9.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

15 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Richard Jones of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman, Thomas Scott of Smithfield Bar, cutler, and Richard Hickmot of Fetter Lane, blacksmith, for the said Jones to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/10.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

27 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Edward Parsons of New Fish Street, fishmonger, Nicholas Whittwell of Wood Street, haberdasher, and Roger Norris of St. Mary-leMinories [sic], grocer, for the said Edward for begetting Joan Astlin [Astlyn] with child; and of William Pennyngton of Whitecross Street, gentleman, Martin Spragan of the same, tailor, and Robert Pennyngton of Edmonton, yeoman, for the said William for suffering the said Joan to be brought to bed of a bastard child in his house.
Sess. Roll 539/12, 103.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

26 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Charles Willyams of Long Lane, yeoman, Robert Pryce of Holborn, tailor, and Thomas Hayton of Cow Cross, barber-surgeon, for Joan Willyams of Long Lane, spinster, who was committed from the February Sessions till she found sureties to be of good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 539/13.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

1 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Richard Ellis of St. John Street, joiner, John Hooper of St. Giles'in-the-Fields, joiner, and Peter Daughton of Old Street, joiner, for the said Richard and Helen Ellis his wife [of the same, spinster], to keep the peace towards Elizabeth, wife of William Harman of St. John Street, cutler; and of Edward Holloway of the same, labourer, and Michael Grow of French Alley, silkweaver, for the said William and Elizabeth to keep the peace towards the said Richard.
Sess. Roll 539/14, 15, 105.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

3 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Alexander Maxwell of Clerkenwell, yeoman, Nicholas Evans of Old Street, sawyer, and Archibald Walker of Cow Cross, yeoman, for the said Alexander to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/16.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

11 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Richard Jones of Clerkenwell, tailor, Thomas Thorpe, gardener, and Alexander Leviston, yeoman, both of the same, for the said Richard to keep the peace towards Dorothy Moore; and of the said Dorothy to keep the peace towards the said Richard.
Sess. Roll 539/17.
Sess. Reg. 2/183, 186.

18 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Robert Young of Golding Lane, victualler, Thomas Arnold, blacksmith, and James Fulgem, tailor, both of the same, for the said Robert for keeping a common tippling-house without licence.
Sess. Roll 539/18.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

10 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Thomas Hodgkins of St. Paul's Churchyard, cutler, and George Middleton of Field Lane, clothworker, for Margaret Lee of the same, spinster, to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/19.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

31 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Adlam of Golding Lane, labourer, George Grove, weaver, and Carter Johnson, blacksmith, both of the same, for the said John to keep the peace towards William Freeman.
Sess. Roll. 539/20.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

29 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Tobias Champnes [Champneys] of Shoreditch, yeoman, Robert Stanford, weaver, and John Stanford, yeoman, both of the same, for the said Tobias to keep the peace towards Margaret his wife.
Sess. Roll 539/22.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

17 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Hooper of Golding Lane, tailor, and Thomas Pewsey of the same, chandler, for Agnes Pewsey of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards John Wheeler.
Sess. Roll 539/24.
Sess. Reg. 2/182.

16 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Ireland of Dolgelly, co. Merioneth, Ralph Hollston of St. Botolph's, Aldersgate, innholder, William Hudson of Long Lane, tailor, and Henry Terryll of Charterhouse Lane, tailor, for the said Richard, who was before convented by a warrant from the Lord Chief Justice of England, in which warrant it was said that he had beaten and hurt certain officers that had arrested him and so rescued himself from them, and no particular party was nominated in the said warrant.
Sess. Roll 539/25.
Sess. Reg. 2/182.

3 September, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Woodruffe of Gray's Inn, gentleman, and Anthony Tomkins of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, butcher, for Richard Widdowes alias Miller of the same, butcher, to appear at the next Sessions after Elizabeth Gibbon shall be delivered of the child she now goes with, whereof he is the reputed father, and there to answer for his incontinency; and to abide the order of the Bench touching the securing of the parish from the child, wherein it was born, and providing for the child.
Sess. Roll 539/26.
Sess. Reg. 2/140, 179.

10 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Atkins and Henry Ashton of Uxbridge, sawyers, for Ann, wife of the said William, to keep the peace towards Thomas Charesley of the same.
Sess. Roll 539/27.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

15 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Farrowe of Shoreditch, weaver, William Bridgwater, clothworker, and Thomas Buckett, painter-stainer, both of the same, for the said John for abusing Mr. Bissett, the headborough of Stepney.
Sess. Roll 539/28.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

18 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Slade of Uxbridge, yeoman, and Robert Tyndoll of the same, butcher, for Agnes, wife of the said John, to keep the peace towards Agnes Jones of the same.
Sess. Roll 539/29.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

28 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Arthur Bittany of Whitechapel, pavior, and Edward Lewes of the Precincts of St. Katherine's-next-the-Tower of London, pavior, for Joan Bittany [Byttanye] of Whitechapel, spinster, to keep the peace towards Elizabeth Bittany, Elizabeth Godsman and Priscilla Johnson of Whitechapel.
Brought a supersedeas.
Sess. Roll 539/30.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

3 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Christopher Morgan and John Tilly of Limehouse, blacksmiths, for Thomas Grimsditch [Grymsditch] of Poplar, blacksmith, to keep the peace towards Hugh Evans of Whitechapel.
Brought a supersedeas.
Sess. Roll 539/31.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

12 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Berry of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate, filecutter, and Elias Kemish of the same, gunsmith, for Thomas Paynter of the same, gunsmith [goldsmith], to keep the peace towards Nicholas Goodale.
Brought a supersedeas.
Sess. Roll 539/32.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

3 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Owen Brickett, John Williamson and Geoffrey Harrison of Westminster, yeomen, for the said Owen to keep the peace towards David Williams.
Sess. Roll 539/33.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

11 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Egleston of Westminster, yeoman, to appear, charged by William Williams, constable, to be a common harbourer of rogues.
Sess. Roll 539/34.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

22 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Vincent and Tobias Anderson of St. Sepulchre's, gentlemen, and William Cottingham of Shoe Lane, yeoman, for the said Vincent to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/35.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

2 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Lancelot Shaw of Westminster, weaver, and Alexander Court of the same, brewer, for Katherine, wife of Robert Dunne [Dun] of the same, yeoman, to keep the peace towards Grace Perriman.
Sess. Roll 539/36.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

10 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Cloathe Oliver [Olliver] of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, gentleman, William Lambden, baker, and Richard Reading, tailor, both of the same, for the said Oliver to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/37.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

28 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Thomas Brookes of Kensington, butcher, William Edlett, blacksmith, and John Thornton, yeoman, both of the same, for the said Thomas to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/38.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

2 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
George Greene and Roger Usherwood of Westminster, yeomen, for Elizabeth, wife of John Jennings of the same, yeoman, and for Jane, wife of David Frisell [Fryzell] of the same, yeoman, to keep the peace; and of John Ratcliffe and Arthur Parker of the same, yeomen, for Alice, wife of the said John Ratcliffe, to keep the peace towards the said Elizabeth.
Sess. Roll 539/39, 40, 83.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

28 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Swanstone of St. Leonard's, Foster Lane, "tyre-maker," and Ralph Keyes of Westminster, carpenter, for Christopher Swanstone of the same, yeoman, charged by Elizabeth Tirrell of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, to have begotten a bastard child upon her, called Thomas Swanstone, which is kept at the charges of the said parish.
The said Christopher committed until he shall discharge the said parish and bring forth the said Elizabeth.
Sess. Roll 539/41.
Sess. Reg. 2/182, 185.

7 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Roger Dale of the Inner Temple, gentleman, to keep the peace towards William Fercleife, one of the constables of St. Margaret's, Westminster.
Sess. Roll 539/42.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

14 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Yennas of St. Sepulchre's, pewterer, and Joseph Bowden of St. Martin's, embroiderer, for John Boyse of St. Sepulchre's aforesaid, carpenter, to appear, being committed to the Gatehouse by the Lord Chamberlain for his misdemeanours at Whitehall "at the Maske," and bailed upon the Lord Chamberlain's command.
Sess. Roll 539/43.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

3 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Fisher of Westminster, yeoman, and Richard Mosly of the same, cook, for Susan, wife of the said William, to keep the peace towards Jane, wife of Thomas Ferne of the same, cordwainer.
Sess. Roll 539/44.
Sess. Reg. 2/184.

29 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Fludd and Edward Lawson of London, gentlemen, for Thomas Throckmorton of Westminster, gentleman, charged by Dorothy Halfepenny of the same, spinster, to have begotten a bastard child upon her body.
Sess. Roll 539/45.
Sess. Reg. 2/184.

11 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Freelove of Willesden, victualler, for entertaining a loose, vagrant fellow and his wife into his house, and for other misdemeanours.
Sess. Roll 539/46.
Sess. Reg. 2/184.

10 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Richard Edwards and John Hutchens of Whitechapel, glovers, for William Symonds of the same, glover, to keep the peace towards John Vincent.
Sess. Roll 539/47.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.

22 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Powell of Isleworth, baker, to answer his default in not doing his endeavour to take George Larrance [Laurence] of the same, yeoman, (the said George having fled, for begetting a child out of wedlock on the body of Margaret Abram), when he was in the house of the said John; and of Arnold Larchin of Isleworth, fisherman, for Stephen Coosen [Couson] of the same, waterman, for begetting a base child on the body of the said Margaret.
The said George came and was committed because indicted.
Sess. Roll 539/48, 118.
Sess. Reg. 2/181, 200.

15 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Thomas Hughes of London, yeoman, Thomas Sharps of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, merchant-tailor, and Christopher Thoytes of the same, gentleman, for the said Hughes for his misdemeanours in "frighting of" Joan Wood of St. Clement Danes, widow, and for his unlawful copulation and use of the body of Joan Graunt of the same, widow; and of Thomas Maltis of the same, tailor, for James Wood of the same, tailor, for partaking with the said Hughes in his misbehaviour and drunkenness; and of the said Sharpe and Henry Graunt of Abchurch Lane, draper, for the said Joan Wood for keeping a bawdyhouse and "prostreatinge her bodye to the unlawfull use of" the said Hughes.
Sess. Roll 539/49, 50, 63.
Sess. Reg. 2/136, 180, 181.

6 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Edward Hynd of Hackney, gentleman, for Helen Mathew [Mathewes] of the same, to answer the complaint of Jane, wife of Joseph Prickett of the same, labourer; and of the said Joseph and Roger Woolsone of the same, silkweaver, for the said Jane to answer the complaint of the said Helen.
Sess. Roll 539/51, 64.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

3 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Berry of St. John Street, tailor, for John Chapman of Cow Cross, tailor, for cheating.
Sess. Roll 539/52.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

5 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Alexander Lea of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, labourer, and Rice Evans of the same, silkweaver, for the said Alexander and Katherine his wife to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/53.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

15 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Harwood of the Precincts of St. Katherine's-next-the-Tower of London, silkweaver, and John Davys of Whitechapel, labourer, for Magdalen, wife of Evan Boxe of the same, silkthrowster, to keep the peace towards Robert Davis.
Sess. Roll 539/54.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

19 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Thomas Fryer of St. James', Clerkenwell, cook, and Thomas Jones of the same, yeoman, for Margaret, wife of Thomas Davis of the same, victualler, to keep the peace towards Magdalen Bowyn.
Sess. Roll 539/55.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

5 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Cranwayes of Great Dunmow, co. Essex, gentleman, and John Jackson, citizen and stationer of London, for Abel Wither of Danbury, co. Essex, gentleman, for uttering a counterfeit 12d.
Sess. Roll 539/57.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

16 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Francis Cornell of East Smithfield, brewer, and George Watson of the same, mason, for Henry Cooper of the same, yeoman, now prisoner in Newgate, to keep the peace towards Godly Cooper.
Sess. Roll 539/58.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

14 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Drewe of St. Katherine's, feltmaker, to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/59.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

28 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615]
Hugh Rowe of St. Clement Danes, gentleman, for Katherine Wamesloe [Wamslowe] of the same, widow, to answer the complaint of Margery, wife of George Bloudworth [Bludworthe] of London, baker, for living incontinently with the said George her husband; and of John Gates of Hammersmith, yeoman, for the said Margery to keep the peace towards the said Hugh; and of the said John to keep the peace towards the said Katherine.
Sess. Roll 539/60, 62, 66.
Sess. Reg. 2/180, 181, 186.

29 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
William Warner [Warren] of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman, for Jane his wife [of High Holborn, spinster], to answer the accusation of Margaret Barnes of the same, widow, and Katherine Banister her servant.
Sess. Roll 539/61.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.
G.D.R. 2/49.

31 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Johnsone of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, chandler, and Robert Jefferyes of the same, linenweaver, for Frances, wife of Thomas Hollingesworth of the same, drayman, to keep the peace towards Elizabeth Westcott of the same.
Sess. Roll 539/65.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

8 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Chapman of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate [Finsbury], farrier, and Edward Horne of Finsbury, pavior, for Joan Burgyn [Burgen, Burgin] of the same, spinster, to be of good behaviour, "for hir incontinencie with another womans husband."
Sess. Roll 539/67.
Sess. Reg. 2/180, 195.

16 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Christopher Metcalfe [Medcalfe] of Norton Folgate, butcher, and William Steventon of the same, victualler, to be of good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 539/68, 69.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

8 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Widgington of Hayes, yeoman, and William May of Uxbridge, butcher, for Nicholas Parkins of "Hunington" [Honiton], co. Devon, petty-chapman, to keep the peace towards Thomas Thorne of Uxbridge.
Sess. Roll 539/70.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

27 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Lancelot Allison [Allisonn] of Ratcliffe, victualler, Walter Nunne, victualler, and Thomas Finneye, vintner, both of the same, for the said Lancelot to keep the peace towards Brian Ashton of Ratcliffe Highway, victualler [cutler]; and of the said Brian for divers misdemeanours and to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/71.
Sess. Reg. 2/186, 199, 200.

1 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Charde of Ratcliffe, cordwainer, and Robert Maire of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate, glover, for Joan, wife of John Sallas of Ratcliffe, mariner, charged for abusing and turning out of doors Elizabeth Saunders, her apprentice.
Sess. Roll 539/72.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

12 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Morris of St. Olave's, co. Surrey, feltmaker, Thomas Morris of St. Andrew's, tailor, and Robert Prichard of St. Katherine's-nextthe-Tower of London, feltmaker, for the said John to appear; and of John Drewut and Richard Gruson of the same, feltmakers, for Stephen Vallient of the same, feltmaker, to appear.
Sess. Roll 539/73, 74.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

5 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
William Ticknall and Henry Ticknall of Hillingdon, brickmakers, for Thomas Ticknall of the same, brickmaker, to keep the peace towards Michael Webb, one of the constables of Uxbridge.
Sess. Roll 539/75.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

15 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Colesill of Iver, co. Buckingham, husbandman, to keep the peace towards Henry Welche and Robert Banckes.
Sess. Roll 539/76.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

3 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Banburye [Banberye] of Hammersmith, dyer, Bartholomew Eateman of the same, yeoman, and John May of St. Sepulchre's, scrivener, for the said John Banburye to keep the peace towards James Hawkins [Hawkyns].
To be continued by the oath of the said James, who seeks the peace against the said John Banburye, and is sworn in Court.
The said John Banburye handed over further in bail to Robert Reynoldes of Shoe Lane, cutler, and Griffin Powell of Saffron Hill, blacksmith.
Sess. Roll 539/77.
Sess. Reg. 2/182, 186, 195.

10 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Todd of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, joiner, John Brookes and Hugh Clement of the same, yeomen, for the said Robert to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/80.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

25 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Thomas Roberts of Hampstead, victualler, Nicholas Carter of the same, gentleman, and Robert Borrowghes of St. Clement Danes, yeomen, for the said Thomas to keep the peace towards Bridget Adams.
Handed over further in bail to William Daye of Clerkenwell, porter, and Oliver Easton of St. Sepulchre's, vintner, for keeping a disordered house and abusing the said Bridget.
Sess. Roll 539/81.
Sess. Reg. 2/185, 203, 215.

3 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
William Keith of Westminster, yeoman, and Ralph Carter of the same, spurrier, for Grace, wife of George Rippeth of the same, yeoman, to keep the peace towards Edward Smith.
Sess. Roll 539/82.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

5 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Francis Mills of Westminster, yeoman, to appear to give evidence against John Ramsie [Ramsey] and to answer, being charged to be a harbourer of rogues; and of Edward Hodgkins of Westminster, yeoman, to give evidence against the said John for stealing a doublet and a pair of breeches.
The said Francis handed over in bail to Jerome Sparkes of St. Clement Danes, tailor, not to entertain vagabonds hereafter.
The said John respited without bail. Guilty of petty larceny to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 539/84.
Sess. Roll 540/7.
Sess. Reg. 2/185, 195.
G.D.R. 2/47d, 52.

1 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Francis Chambers, citizen and grocer of London, and Thomas Taylor, citizen and leatherseller of London, for John Spinke, servant to Thomas Potts of the City of York, gentleman, to keep the peace towards William Scotte of Westminster, yeoman.
The said John indicted for committing a bloodshed upon the body of the said William; and the said William indicted for the like upon the said John.
Sess. Roll 539/85.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.
P.R.B. 1/45d.

1 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Ewin Martin of London, scrivener, for John Kempsall of St. Clement Danes without Temple Bar, tailor, to keep the peace towards John Dunne of Westminster, tailor.
Sess. Roll 539/86.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

20 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Ouldham [Oldham] of Westminster, blacksmith, and Richard Knowlis of the same, gentleman, for Cornelius Hughes of the same, "mettleman", to keep the peace towards Susan, wife of Walter Kempe of the same, cutler.
Sess. Roll 539/87.
Sess. Reg. 2/185, 198.

19 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Robert Marrom of Westminster, cordwainer, and Jenkin Morris of the same, cutler, for Thomas Fab [Fabb] of the same, tailor, to keep the peace towards William Millarde [Milliarde] of the same, chandler; and of Robert Harryson, cook, and Thomas Welbelove, cordwainer, both of the same, for the said William to keep the peace towards the said Thomas Fab.
The parties are agreed.
Sess. Roll 539/88, 89.
Sess. Reg. 2/185.

26 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Corsey of Clerkenwell, gentleman, Edward Rist of the same, weaver, and John Cox of Cow Cross, victualler, for the said John Corsey and Margaret his wife to keep the peace towards Geoffrey Brettingham of Cow Cross, yeoman; and of the said Geoffrey to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 539/90.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.

14 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Owen Walter of Gray's Inn Lane, tailor, Richard Benson of the same, shoemaker, and John Tarbott of "Troleston", co. Stafford, yeoman, for Jane Ose [Hose] of Gray's Inn Lane, widow, charged to have cheated and cozened her tapster Thomas Wielde [Weyld] of the same, victualler, of certain beer and ale; and of Rowland Weaver of High Holborn, gentleman, and Ralph Brydgehouse of St. Bartholomew's-the-Great, coachmaker, for the said Thomas to keep the peace towards the said Jane.
Sess. Roll 539/91.
Sess. Roll 540a/9.
Sess. Reg. 2/184, 197.

11 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Wilkes, Richard Hardick and William Harris of St. John Street, nailers, for the said Wilkes for making an affray and tumult in St. John Street and beating the officers; and of the said Wilkes and Harris for John Carter and Christopher Capell of the same, nailers, for the like.
Sess. Roll 539/92, 93.
Sess. Reg. 2/184.

12 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Anthony Coales of St. Bartholomew's-the-Great, bitmaker, and Richard Coale of Charterhouse Lane, tobacco-pipemaker, for Walter Baker of the same, yeoman; and of John Stanley of Goswell Street, porter, and William Jenkyns of the same, silkweaver, for Walter Stanley of High Holborn, "thrydmaker"; and of George Preist of Smithfield Bar, butcher, and William Haslam of Cow Lane, farrier, for John Smyth of the same, butcher; all to answer for making a tumult and riot in the house of Edward Sherle.
Sess. Roll 539/94, 95, 96.
Sess. Reg. 2/184.

13 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Robert Davys of Clerkenwell, victualler, William Cabyge of Cow Cross, broker, and John Slye of the same, shoemaker, for the said Robert for victualling without licence and for "his common and ordinary harbouring of whores and theeves and ydle vagrants."
Sess. Roll 539/97.
Sess. Reg. 2/184.

7 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Exton of Clerkenwell, yeoman, John Smythes, baker, and Richard Fletcher, embroiderer, for Katherine Exton of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards Alice Hopkins.
Sess. Roll 539/98.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

18 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Corsey of St. John Street, gentleman, John Baker, victualler, and Thomas Maye, tailor, both of the same, for the said John Corsey and Margaret his wife to keep the peace towards John Thornehill [Thornell] of Clerkenwell, spinster; and of Luke Parker of the same, yeoman, and William Boothe of Golding Lane, goldsmith, for Elizabeth Parker of the same, spinster, and the said Joan, both to keep the peace towards the said Margaret.
Sess. Roll 539/100, 101.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

19 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Richard Scott of Stratford Bow, vintner, John Barnes and Thomas Whitehead of the same, yeomen, for the said Richard to keep the peace towards Richard George.
Sess. Roll 539/104.
Sess. Reg. 2/183.

13 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Francis Jaques of Whitecross Street, victualler, and Patrick Chambers of Foster Lane, chandler, for the said Francis for suffering divers persons to play at tables all night in his house, and suffering tumults and disorders there, to the disquiet of the neighbours and trouble of the officers.
The said Patrick to answer.
Sess. Roll 539/106.
Sess. Reg. 2/182, 183.

11 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Robert Lane of North Wheatley, co. Nottingham, yeoman, and Joseph Tee and Hugh Bingham of the same, yeomen, for the said Robert to appear either at the next Assizes for Nottinghamshire and bring a certificate thereof, or else at the next General Sessions for Middlesex, and there to answer for his misbehaviour; he was convented by virtue of a warrant from the Lord Chief Justice.
Came and discharged if certificate of appearance before Lord Cooke at the Assizes at Nottingham.
Sess. Roll 539/107.
Sess. Reg. 2/182.

16 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Lonely of Edmonton, yeoman, and William Housse of the same, labourer, for Robert Sawyer of the same, labourer, for that he and one Moses Arnoll (both very poor men) were suspected to live by ill means, and came not to their own houses in a long time, but by night and by stealth, yet nobody prosecutes any matter against them.
Sess. Roll 539/108.
Sess. Reg. 2/180.

20 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Luke Chambers of Edmonton, victualler, and Henry Brand of the same, yeoman, for John Robinson of the same, picture-maker, to keep the peace towards Elizabeth, wife of James Chambers of the same, sawyer.
Sess. Roll 539/109.
Sess. Reg. 2/179.

8 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Byrd of Pinner, yeoman, and Edward Bennett of the same, husbandman, for William Garrald of the same, turner, to keep the peace towards John Clark of the same.
Sess. Roll 539/110.
Sess. Reg. 2/182.

14 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
William Castletonn of Ruislip, yeoman, and John Nicholas of the same, blacksmith, for William Townes of the same, labourer, to keep the peace towards Roger Lewes of Hayes, and for abusing him.
The said William Townes indicted for breaking into the house of Peter Lewes and stealing the goods of Richard Godson, and found guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Sess. Roll 539/111.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.
G.D.R. 2/51.

23 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Porter of Ruislip, glover, and William Etheringtonn of the same, tailor, for John Watsonn of the same, labourer, to keep the peace towards William Key of the same.
Sess. Roll 539/112.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.

29 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Joan Harrison of Shepperton, widow, for George Westbrooke and William Westbrooke of the same, yeomen, to keep the peace, at the suit of Bernard Passwater.
Sess. Roll 539/113.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.

3 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
George Bonham of Chancery Lane in the parish of St. Dunstan'sin-the-West, gentleman, and John Stone of the same, cordwainer, for Roger Barbor of the same, cordwainer, to seek out and bring forth — — his apprentice, who through his ill usage (as is alleged) is gone from him.
Sess. Roll 539/114.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.

24 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
"Abdiah" Catlin [Catlyn] of Edmonton, gentleman, Thomas Standishe of the same, yeoman, and Francis Ball of Winchmore Hill in the said parish, smith, for the said Catlin to keep the peace towards Edward Armestrong alias Clarkson of Edmonton aforesaid, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 539/115.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.

7 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Creamer and John Kichen of Edmonton, yeomen, for Anthony Browne of the same, yeoman; and of the said Creamer and John Cooke of the same, yeoman, for Richard Bradley of the same, gentleman, both to keep the peace towards Henry Brande of the same, yeoman.
The cause referred to Sir John Brett and Sir Ferdinand Heyborne, Knights.
Sess. Roll 539/116, 117.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.

4 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Mason, Roger Partridge and Anthony Ashton of Heston, yeomen, for the said Richard to keep the peace towards Thomas Coale [Cole] of the same, yeoman; and of the said Thomas to answer for abusing and striking the said Richard in his own house.
Sess. Roll 539/119, 120.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.

18 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Walter Lymall of Lambeth, co. Surrey, waterman, Roger Dyar of Westminster, waterman, and James Dennham of Lambeth aforesaid, waterman, for the said Walter to keep the peace towards Thomas Williams of Westminster aforesaid.
Sess. Roll 539/121.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.

24 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Allen and Matthew Hill of Westminster, watermen, for John Baseley of the same, waterman, to keep the peace towards Robert Morris of the same, waterman.
Sess. Roll 539/122.
Sess. Reg. 2/181.

11 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Francis Griffin of St. Katherine's-next-the-Tower of London, feltmaker, to give evidence against Thomas Hobson [Hobsen] for burglary and for stealing his goods.
The said Thomas respited without bail. Not guilty of burglary, guilty of felony, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Sess. Roll 540/1.
G.D.R. 2/47d, 52.

30 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Robert Willyams of Whitechapel, tailor, Thomas Clarke of Coleman Street, clothworker, and Griffin Thomas of the same, drayman, for the said Robert, suspected to have been privy to the stealing of a pair of breeches.
Sess. Roll 540/2.
G.D.R. 2/49d.

12 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Warner of Cow Cross, glover, and Henry Prynce of Clerkenwell, feltmaker, for Arthur Harrison of the same, yeoman, who was convented before the Justice by a servant of Mr. Rooke, which said Mr. Rooke had lost a piece of plate, and hearing that the said Harrison had sold plate did suspect that it might be the same which he had lost, and therefore he desired Harrison might be bound to the Sessions that he might there allege against him if he had matter wherewithal.
Sess. Roll 540/3.
G.D.R. 2/49d.

31 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Oliver of Clerkenwell, victualler, and William Bricton of the Strand, gentleman, for Ann Lane of Clerkenwell, spinster, suspected to have stolen a gold ring from Francis Downes.
Sess. Roll 540/5.
G.D.R. 2/49d.

12 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Maurice Hayward of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, servant to John Laitham, esquire, one of the Masters of the Requests, to give evidence against James Boylyn [Boylin] of the same, yeoman; and of Maurice FitzGirat, Richard Devoreux and Walter Burke, gentlemen, and—More, yeoman, all of the same, for the said James, charged with stealing a cloak from the said Hayward.
Sess. Roll 540/6, 10.
G.D.R. 2/49d.

11 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Hugh Smith of St. John Street, porter, for Elizabeth his wife and for Elizabeth Ball his servant, both to give evidence against Elizabeth Greene for stealing a silver coral.
The said Elizabeth delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 540/8, 60.
G.D.R. 2/47d.

2 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Geoffrey Browne of Whitechapel, tailor, John Levit, citizen and merchant-tailor of London, and George Miles of the same, grocer, for the said Geoffrey for suspicion of felony; and of Thomas Clinckyeard of Fenchurch Street, —, to give evidence against the said Geoffrey for taking away a silk grograin kirtle worth £4 out of his shop.
Sess. Roll 540/11, 20.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.
G.D.R. 2/49d.

1 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Arneway [Arnewaie] of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate, vintner, and William Arneway of St. Martin's-le-Vintry, vintner, to give evidence against Robert Poole for stealing plate out of the house of the said Richard, and also against Margaret Hunter, Mary Spencer and George East.
The said Robert and Margaret indicted in London.
Sess. Roll 540/14, 60.
G.D.R. 2/47d.

5 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Francis Fleetewood of Missenden, co. Buckingham, gentleman, to give evidence against Henry Harding [Hardinge] of Hampstead, yeoman, for stealing a gelding, which was taken with him; and of Francis Combes of the same, gentleman, and William Rincksall of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, innholder, for the said Henry to appear.
Sess. Roll 540/22, 25.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.
G.D.R. 2/49d.

31 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Gilding of St. Saviour's, Southwark, innholder, and Thomas Stone of the same, gentleman, for the said John; and of William Watkins of St. Thomas' in the Borough of Southwark, glazier, and the said John for the said William, both for suspicion of stealing a gelding belonging to Thomas Wilson; and of Francis Reade of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, to give evidence against the said Gilding and Watkins.
Sess. Roll 540/23, 26, 27.
G.D.R. 2/49d.

18 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Margaret Newsam of St. Saviour's, Southwark, co. Surrey, widow, to give evidence against Ann Puller alias Caver for stealing £18 in money from her.
The said Ann respited for sureties to appear at the next Assizes for the county of Surrey, and the said Margaret to give evidence there.
Sess. Roll 540/28.
G.D.R. 2/48, 49d, 54.

4 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Edward Bachellor of Philip Lane, spearmaker, to prosecute John Hammerton alias Wilcockes for suspicion of felony.
The said John delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 540/38.
G.D.R. 2/47d.

8 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Webbe of Southwark, co. Surrey, glover, and Robert Frithe of the same, victualler, for Nicholas Webbe of "Maxefield" [Macclesfield], co. Chester, buttonmaker; and of John Porte of St. Saviour's, Southwark, yeoman, and Edward Mathew of the same, weaver, for John Marshall of Macclesfield aforesaid, buttonmaker, both for suspicion of felony.
Sess. Roll 540/39, 39a.
G.D.R. 2/49d.

7 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Thomas Freeman of St. Clement Danes, cutler, Tobias Archer of St. Mildred's-in-the-Poultry, plasterer, and Barnaby Wilcockes of the same, carpenter, for the said Thomas to answer the complaint of John Pratten of St. Clement Danes, cutler, on suspicion of felony.
Came and brought a writ of supersedeas and it was allowed in Court.
Sess. Roll 540/40.
Sess. Reg. 2/181, 195.

Indictments of:—

30 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Pinchbancke [Pinchbacke] of Whitecross Street, butcher, for an assault and battery on Diana Beard at the same.
Sess. Roll 539/123.
Sess. Reg. 2/178.

14 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John West of Poplar in the parish of Stepney, yeoman, Richard Cugley and Thomas Warde of the same, yeomen, for forcibly entering one messuage or tenement called Poplar Farmhouse in the possession of John Betts, being the free tenement of Thomas Garratt, esquire, and expelling and disseizing the said Garrett therefrom, and expelling and ejecting the said Betts therefrom, being the farmer there for a term of four years then to come, and keeping them so disseized and ejected from the above date until 22 April then next following.
Acknowledged. Pledged for a fine on 10 November, A.D. 1615.
Prosecutors:—John Hughes, Elizabeth Bettes.
Sess. Roll 539/124.
P.R.B. 1/48.

6 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Burch [Birch] of Paul's Wharf, tailor, and Alexander Wadley [Wardle, Wardlee] of St. Clement Danes [The Savoy], yeoman, for hurting and wounding Christopher Scutt of Holborn, tailor, at the same.
Put themselves, bound over to plead, and respited to the next General Sessions.
Prosecutors:—William Williams [deleted], William Pether.
Sureties:—William Mabbes of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, and John Coxe of the Savoy [Drury Lane], coachmaker.
Sess. Roll 539/78, 79, 125.
Sess. Reg. 2/185, 195.

26 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Alice Nicholls of Golding Lane, spinster [wife of Thomas Nicholls of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman], and Ann Dowell alias Plesington [Pleasington] of the same, widow [of Cow Cross, Goswell Street, spinster], for stealing two cloaks worth 10s., a gown worth 8s. and five petticoats worth 5s., belonging to Jane Good of the same, widow, at the same.
Both at large. The said Ann committed afterwards and respited for bail.
For the said Alice:—Henry Nicholls of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, shoemaker, and Thomas Williams of the same, tailor.
For the said Ann:—William Trewman [Trueman] of Goswell Street, victualler, Richard Smyth of Shoreditch, yeoman, Edward Sherley of Clerkenwell, gentleman, and Thomas Becke of Goswell Street, yeoman,
For the said Jane:—Anthony Higgins of Golding Lane, printer.
Sess. Roll 540/9, 33, 36, 41.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.
G.D.R. 2/48, 48d, 49d, 52.
P.R.B. 1/45d.

28 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Thomas Wright [Wrighte] of King Street, Westminster, yeoman, and William Watson alias Watkyns alias Summers of the same, yeoman, for assaulting William Browne in the highway at the same, and robbing him of a sword worth 10s. and a hat worth 6s.
The said Thomas at large.
The said William not guilty.
Prosecutors:—Robert Morris, Robert Browne.
Sess. Roll 540/42.
G.D.R. 2/52.
P.R.B. 1/45.

8 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
John Roswell of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, for stealing a gilt salt worth £17, belonging to Isaac Duckett at the same.
Acknowledged, to be hanged in London for another felony.
Sess. Roll 540/44.
G.D.R. 2/49.

14 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Ralph Haseldyne [Haselden, Haseldine] of Shoreditch, yeoman, for stealing a woman's gown worth 12s., a ruff-band worth —s, an apron worth 6s. and a felt hat worth 12d., belonging to Rose Green of the same, widow, at the same.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutor:—Christopher Godman of the same, collier.
Surety for the said Rose and Christopher:—William Bridgwater of the same, weaver.
Sess. Roll 540/30, 45, 60.
G.D.R. 2/49.

20 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Robert Dewer of Rosemary Lane, yeoman, for stealing a "counterpoynte" worth £20, belonging to John Murrey, esquire, at the same; and of Emma Elliott of the same, widow, for receiving and helping him at the same after the said felony.
The said Robert not guilty. Respited to Mr. Spiller. Delivered by proclamation.
The said Emma discharged, no true bill.
Prosecutors:—Henry Porter, Alice Brandon.
Order for William Hewitt, constable of Rosemary Lane, to deliver to Mr. Murrey the said stolen counterpoint.
Sess. Roll 540/46.
G.D.R. 2/49, 49d, 50.

17 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Elizabeth Prymmett [Primitt, Prymet] of Clerkenwell, spinster, for stealing a petticoat worth 12s., an apron worth 7s., a hat worth 16s., a pair of bodies worth 4s. 6d., a band and a neckcloth worth 8s., a waistcoat worth 12d., a pair of stockings worth 4s., a shadow worth 2s. 6d., two tiffany coifs worth 2s. 6d., a black coif worth 16d., a cross-cloth worth 12d., two "cales" worth 3s., and 2s. 8d. in money, belonging to William Storye at the same.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Prosecutor:—Elizabeth Storye [Storey] of Houndsditch, spinster. Surety for the said Elizabeth:—John Nutting of Moorfields, victualler.
Sess. Roll 540/29, 47.
G.D.R. 2/49.

28 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Joan, wife of William Hunte of Hampstead, yeoman, for exercising witchcrafts, enchantments, charms and sorceries upon John Nutting, an infant aged three years, by reason of which the said infant was mortally ill from the above date until 10 April then next following, when he died at the same; and the jurors say that the said Joan murdered the said John Nutting with malice aforethought by witchcraft.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Prosecutors:—Susan Nuttinge, William Bagley, Mary Kinge.
Sess. Roll 540/48.
G.D.R. 2/48d.

11 April, 12 James I [A.D. 1615].
Robert Vann of Whitechapel, butcher, for breaking into the house of Walter Vaughan of the same, butcher, at the same, about the hour of ten o'clock at night, and stealing twelve pieces of pewter worth 26s. [13s.], belonging to the said Walter.
Not guilty of burglary, guilty of felony, seeks the book, does not have it because had it before, therefore to be hanged.
Prosecutor:—Jane Shadbold [Shotbolt] to affirm what she informed against him.
Sureties:—Thomas Widdowes of Whitechapel, butcher, and John Alexander of the same, barber.
Sess. Roll 540/19, 21, 49.
Sess. Reg. 2/186.
G.D.R. 2/48d, 49d.

30 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Williams [Wyllyams] of St. Katherine's, tailor, for stealing four yards of kersey worth 25s., four yards of say worth 10s. and a pair of breeches worth 8s., belonging to Thomas Mapasse [Mawpas] of the same, tailor, at the same.
Not guilty.
Prosecutor:—Margery Mapasse.
Surety for the said Thomas:—John Foote of the same, shoemaker.
Sess. Roll 540/31, 50, 60.
G.D.R. 2/48d.

15 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Peirce Jennings of St. Katherine's-next-the-Tower of London, yeoman, for breaking into the house of Thomas Hayward of the same, brewer's clerk, at the same, about nine o'clock at night, and stealing a cloak worth 10s., a hat worth 8s. and a pair of sheets worth 8s., belonging to the said Thomas.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Sess. Roll 540/15, 51.
G.D.R. 2/48d.

12 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Harris of Rosemary Lane, yeoman, for stealing two heifers "great with calfe" worth £6. 6s., belonging to Robert Lee of Chigwell, co. Essex, yeoman, at Rosemary Lane.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged.
Prosecutor:—Thomas Lewes of Whitechapel, carman.
Sess. Roll 540/12, 52.
G.D.R. 2/48d.

15 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
George Prentice of New Brentford, yeoman, and Francis Robins of the same, —, for stealing a carpet worth 10s., belonging to George Thorpe, gentleman, at the same.
Both guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—Roger Cobbett of "Carleton" in the parish of Sunbury.
Sess. Roll 540/17, 53.
G.D.R. 2/48d.

6 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Evan Boxsall [Boxall] of Whitechapel, labourer, for stealing 2 lb. of silk worth 40s. ["diverse parcels of silke to the value of three score pounds"], belonging to Paul Cooke of Crutched Friars, silkthrowster, at Whitechapel.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutors:—Edward Taunson, Grace Cooke.
Sess. Roll 540/13, 54.
G.D.R. 2/48d.

1 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Jane Wastall [Westall] of Westminster, spinster, for stealing 44s. in money from John Watts of the same, yeoman, at the same.
Not guilty.
Sess. Roll 540/24, 55.
G.D.R. 2/48d.

—,13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Hyde of Islington, yeoman, for stealing a wether sheep worth —s, belonging to Robert Howcott, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 540/56, 60.
G.D.R. 2/48d.

12 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Richard Bond of Hornsey, yeoman, for stealing two ewe lambs worth 10s., belonging to Thomas Noswell of the same, yeoman, at the same.
Acknowledges, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Sess. Roll 540/32, 57.
G.D.R. 2/49.

18 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Mary Browne of —, spinster, for stealing linen and other goods belonging to Thomas Skidmore [Skydmore].
Guilty, no goods, pleads pregnancy and is reported by the oath of matrons not to be pregnant, therefore to be hanged.
Prosecutor:—Simon Curtys [Curtes] of Chiswick, fisherman.
Sess. Roll 540/16, 58.
G.D.R. 2/48d.

17 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
George Estcoate [Estcoombe, Estcote] of Goswell Street, yeoman, William Pierse of the same, yeoman, Francis Dixon of Golding Lane, yeoman, and John Fisher [Fishe] of Goswell Street, yeoman, for stealing a cloak, a kirtle, a gown and other goods, to the value of £8, belonging to Thomas Kent of Beech Lane, victualler, at Goswell Street.
The said George and Francis not guilty.
The said William and John at large.
Sureties for the said Francis:—William Hooper of Golding Lane, yeoman, and William Newman of the same, cook.
Thomas Southen of Goswell Street, yeoman, handed over in bail to Guy Perkins of Long Lane, tailor, and Francis Welche of Thames Street, tailor, for receiving goods that were stolen from the said Kent.
Sess. Roll 540/4, 18, 34, 35, 59.
G.D.R. 2/48d, 49d.
P.R.B. 1/45.


20 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
At the General Sessions Bartholomew Benson gave information against Lawrence Penne [Penn] of Whitechapel, yeoman, for not going to church for the space of eleven months last past, and therefore the said Lawrence should forfeit £220, to wit £10 for each month.
Sess. Roll 539/126.

20 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
At the said Sessions Bartholomew Benson gave information against John Hamon of Stepney, for using the trade of a carpenter for the space of eleven months, not having been apprenticed to the same, and therefore the said John should forfeit £22, to wit 40s. for each month; and against George Giles of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, carpenter, John Dudley of the same, carpenter, John Russell of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, carpenter, William Foster of St. Peter-adVincula-within-the-Tower of London, carpenter, Richard Amys of Ratcliffe, bricklayer, Roger Sawyer of Eash Smithfield, bricklayer, Richard Thompson of Rosemary Lane, glazier, and John Rufford of Ratcliffe, carpenter, all for the like.
Sess. Roll 539/127.

8 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Writ of supersedeas, witnessed at Westminster, concerning Christopher and Juliana—.
Sess. Roll 539/1.

31 March, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
Jury writ, issued by Sir Thomas Lake, Knight, for the General Sessions to be held at Westminster on Thursday after the Close of Easter next coming [A.D. 1615].
Endorsed that the execution appears in a certain panel annexed to the same. Peter Proby and Martin Lumley, sheriffs.
Sess. Roll 539/128.


John— of Chancery Lane.
Roger Holman of the same. Sworn.
Michael Edwardes of the same.
Jervase Staynrodd of the same. Sworn.
Richard Edwardes of the same. Sworn.
William Goshawke of the same. Sworn.
Richard Greene of the same.
Geoffrey Cooke of the same. Sworn.
Francis Mann of the same. Sworn.
William Herringe of the same. Sworn.
John Tompkyns of the same. Late.
Nicholas Carter of Shire Lane. Sworn.
Thomas Nettleton of the same.
Roger Barbor of Chancery Lane. Sworn.
Solomon Evans of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Sherlocke of the same.
Hugh Stamford of the same. Sworn.
William Smythe of the same. Sworn.
Robert Peeters of the same.
Geoffrey Miller of the same. Sworn.
George French of the same.
Thomas Browne of the same. Sworn.
Robert Butcher of the same. Sworn.
William Bright of the same. Sworn.
William Gomersall of the same. Sworn.
William White of Shire Lane. Sworn.
Abraham Dun of the same. Sworn.
Elmer Hopwood of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Edey of the same.
John Godfrey of the same. Sworn.
William Greene of the same. Sworn.
Edward Harrys of the same. Sworn.
Francis Parkes of the same.

Sess Roll 539/134.


Robert Mostyn of Islington, gentleman. by the Court. Discharged.
Anthony Ashe of the same, gentleman. Sworn.
William Vincent of Harlesden.
William Barbor of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields.
Thomas Leared of Holborn.
John Lowe of St. John Street. Sworn.
John Markham of the same. Sworn.
John Mitchell of the same.
John Pitt of the same. Sworn.
Henry Medcalfe of Old Street. Sworn.
Edward Twiford of Willesden.
Edward Pollett [Pawlett] of the same. Sworn.
William Marshe the elder of the same.
John Pollett of the same.
John Francklyn of the same. Sworn.
William Marshe the younger of the same. Sworn.
Robert Twiford of the same. Sworn.
John Gates of Ealing.
Thomas Harding of Fulham.
Robert Fish of the same.
William Arnold of Kensington. Sworn.
Jerome Littleboy of Finchley.
Robert Marshe of the same.
Stephen Houghton of the same, gentleman.
John Rolfe of the same. Sworn.
George Smythe of Islington. Sworn.
William Vincent of Acton.

Sess. Roll 540/43.

Names of Coroners:—
Robert Bright, gentleman.
Henry Harryott, gentleman.

Names of Bailiffs:—
Charles Chute, esquire, bailiff of the liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster at Enfield.
Robert Bright, gentleman, bailiff of the liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster at the Strand.
Walter James, gentleman, bailiff of the liberty of the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster.
John Mayle the younger, gentleman, bailiff of the liberty of the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London.
Robert Dixon, gentleman, bailiff of the liberty of Thomas, Lord Wentworth.
Michael Brooke, gentleman, bailiff of the liberty of the Master, Brothers and Sisters of the Hospital Church of St. Katherine-theVirgin-next-the-Tower of London.
Matthew Hundsley, bailiff of the liberty of John, Lord Bishop of London.
William Hiccocke, bailiff of the libery of Dudley, [Lord North].
William Fletcher, bailiff of the liberty of [Sir William Harbert, Knight,] of his manor at Hendon.
Isaac Bringhurst, James Raves, Thomas Walsall, Charles Hyll, John Lamyng, Tobias Machyn, Geoffrey Kerry, William Hunt, Henry Bathe and William Fawconer, bailiffs of the hundred of Osulstone.
William Sare, bailiff of the hundred of Edmonton.
Richard Osborne, bailiff of the hundred of Elthorne.
Ambrose Bord, bailiff of the hundred of Spelthorne and Isleworth.
Roger Unsworth, bailiff of the hundred of Gore.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Osulstone:—

John Robinson, gentleman.
William Lambe, gentleman.
Paul Smythe, gentleman.
Thomas Morris, gentleman. Sworn.

Names of the sub-constables of the same hundred:—

High Holborn. David Jackman.
Henry Capcott. Sworn.
Chancery Lane. Nicholas Maunder.
Chick Lane and Saffron Hill Nicholas Sheppard.
St. Giles'-in-the-Fields. Robert Playsted. Sworn.
Thomas Burton.
Robert Dickers.
St. Clement Danes. George Etheridge.
Alexander Collyns.
Thomas Johnson.
John Collyer.
James Bradford.
Bonaventure Lawgham. Sworn.
Thomas Leake.
St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. Samuel Clarke.
John Sturte. Sworn.
John Brumsted.
William Wright. Sworn.
Westminster. Thomas Cosfeild.
Henry Sarritt. Sworn.
William Robinson.
Amos Nicholas.
John Davis.
John Waver. Sworn.
Henry Wonson. Sworn.
Francis Cooke. Sworn.
Silvester Hunt.
George Heath.
Henry Lambert.
Richard Browne.
Richard Morris. Sworn.
John Norton.
John Farrier. Sworn.
James Horton. Sworn.
Nicholas Francke.
Kentish Town. John Wetherley.
Edward Poeton.
Hampstead. Thomas Johnson.
Finchley. Nicholas Rolfe.
Richard Marshe.
Friern Barnet. Thomas Cownsell.
Hornsey. Richard Hall.
James Cutt.
Holloway. William Playner.
Thomas Collyns.
Islington. William Swynnerton. Sworn.
Henry Smythe.
Edward Davys. Sworn.
Robert Peirson.
Clerkenwell. Maurice Stride.
Richard Hill.
John Towson. Sworn.
John Sherley.
Richard Barnes.
St. John Street. Thomas Barnett.
Josua [sic] Guest.
Hackney. John Aulden. Sworn.
John Allen.
Stoke Newington. Edward Gaskyn.
Kingsland. Hugh Wilson.
Poplar. William Hiett. Sworn.
Ratcliffe. Arnold Mabancke. Sworn.
Thomas Lane. 20s.
Stepney and Mile End. Thomas Melton.
Bethnal Green. Nicholas Veare. Sworn.
Wapping. Thomas Heard.
East Smithfield. John Barram.
William Armes. Sworn.
St. Katherine's. William Wood.
Thomas Billmore.
Whitechapel. William Warde.
Limehouse. John More. Sworn.
Stratford Bow. Charles Skory.
Bromley. Thomas Foxe.
John Brewer.
Old Ford. Henry West.
Hoxton and Shoreditch. Alban Cooke. 20s.
Holywell Street. Hugh Yeomans.
Norton Folgate. John Robyns.
Golding Lane. George Morgan.
Cow Cross. Francis Zacharye. Sworn.
Richard Braymon.
Charterhouse Lane. Thomas Foster.
Whitecross Street. Richard Norton. Late.
Old Street. John French.
Grub Street Joseph Armet.
Willesden. John Francklyn.
William Feild.
Acton. Thomas Child. 20s.
Ealing. Nicholas Awsyter.
Old Brentford. William Reade. Sworn.
Marylebone. Thomas Inggill.
Chiswick. William Arnold. Sick.
John Ludbie.
Hammersmith. Edward Holden.
Fulham. Robert Symondes. Sworn.
Chelsea. Richard Vaughan. 20s.
Kensington. William Edlett.
Daniel Arthur.
Knightsbridge. Giles Broomham.

Sess. Roll 539/129, 130, 131.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Edmonton:—

Edmonton. Robert Hellam, gentleman. Sworn.
Enfield. Henry Hunsdon, gentleman. Sworn.
Hadley and Mimms. Roger Hodsdon, gentleman.

Names of the sub-constables of the same hundred:—

Edmonton. Robert Feast. Sworn.
William Peasie.
Thomas Hoare. Sworn.
Tottenham. John Goodfellowe, gentleman.
William Palmer, gentleman.
John Jenney, gentleman.
Vincent Hunt.
Enfield. Christopher Woodham.
Francis Baldwyn.
Stephen Barnes. Sworn.
Richard Mussedge.
Edward Spencer.
Hadley and Mimms. Richard Taylor. Sworn.
Thomas Newell.
Robert Tibbolls.
Richard Fisher.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Gore:—
Richard Niccolls, gentleman.
Henry Smyth, gentleman.

Names of the sub-constables for the same hundred:—

Little Stanmore. Thomas Ewer.
Philip Peeters.
Edgware. William Francklyn.
Kingsbury. Matthew Hamond.
Hendon. Richard Marsh.
Richard Moores.
Wembley. Robert Cannon.
Sudbury. Christopher Barnabye. Sworn.
Roxeth. Richard Kidney. Sworn.
Pinner. Richard Basse. Sworn.
The Weald. Thomas Page. Sworn.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Elthorne:—
John Francklyn, gentleman.
John Weedon, gentleman.

Names of the sub-constables of the same hundred:—

New Brentford. John Emerson. Sworn.
John Downes.
Harlington. Nicholas Osborne.
Robert Runwell [deleted].
Harmondsworth. Roger Barnes.
Daniel Weekes.
Drayton. William Osborne. Sworn.
Cowley. Thomas Crouchley.
Uxbridge. Edward Butterfielde.
Michael Webb [deleted].
Thomas Ball [deleted].
William Winche. Sworn.
Harefield. William Weeden.
Richard Wood.
Ruislip. William Castelldon.
Robert Snapes.
Northall. Thomas Daye.
Greenford and Perivale. George Lampe.
Hanworth. Constant Hart. Sworn.
Hayes. John Edenbras.
Thomas Jackson. Sworn.
Cranford. William Harbor.
Hillingdon. Robert Raynor.
Ralph Young [deleted].
William Pope [deleted].
John Attlee. Sworn.
Southall and "Norwood" George Smythe.
Samuel Bondfoye. Sworn.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Spelthorne and Isleworth:—

Staines. Andrew Durdant, gentleman.
Bedfont. John Page.
Heston. Roger Partridge.
Twickenham. Richard Bartlett.

Names of the sub-constables of the same hundred:—

Staines. James Aylett.
Laleham. Henry Graye.
Edward Wilkinson.
Littleton. William Gander.
Shepperton. Henry Collyns.
Sunbury. John Seagood.
Richard Heyward.
Hampton. Henry Packe.
Twickenham. Thomas Alley.
Isleworth. Michael Feasye.
Heston. John Redworth. Sworn.
Lawrence Awstyn.
Stanwell. Henry Fuller.
Bedfont. John Combes. Sworn.
Ashford. William Kynge.
Feltham. William Blanch. Sworn.

Sess. Roll 539/132, 133.

21 April, 13 James I [A.D. 1615].
General Sessions held on Thursday after the Close of Easter. [Portion of cover].
Sess. Roll 539/135.

A.D. 1615. Gaol Delivery Roll.
—Wilcockes detained in gaol for suspicion of robbery.
——detained in gaol for divers transcriptions.
[Other illegible names].
Sess. Roll 540/60.


p.177. Robert Harlowe of Grub Street, esquire, treasurer for the maimed soldiers within the hundreds of Osulstone, Edmonton and Gore for this year to come.

Valentine Cutts of St. John Street, yeoman, treasurer for the hospitals, Marshalsea and King's Bench within the said hundreds.

Christopher Tillyard of Harmondsworth, gentleman, treasurer for the maimed soldiers within the hundreds of Elthorne, Spelthorne and Isle worth, for this year to come.

Matthew Nicholas of Hillingdon, yeoman, treasurer for the hospitals, Marshalsea and King's Bench within the said hundreds.

Order by the Court for the prices of strong beer and ale to be 8s. the barrel, and small beer and ale to be 4s. the barrel, for one whole year next to come.

The Assize of Bread to be as it is in London.

John Knight of East Smithfield, yeoman, and Margaret his wife for harbouring rogues and victualling without licence.

p.180. Came and discharged:—

Robert Potter, servant to Thomas Ansell of St. Botolph's-withoutAldgate, carpenter, for abusing Mr. Megges, one of the Commissioners for Annoyances.

Simon Barnes, servant to Christopher Ryston of St. Catherine's, Coleman Street, carpenter, for the like.

Edward Jones of Whitechapel, baker, to keep the peace.

Bridget, wife of John Barton of St. Sepulchre's, broker.

p.181. John Marshe of Westminster, carpenter, handed in bail to William Carter, yeoman, and William Oldham, blacksmith, both of the same, to keep the peace towards Maurice Davies (and p.195).

John Newitt committed for that he, being one of the inhabitants of Bethnal Green, did with the rest of the tenants at the last Court Leet make choice of Mr. Seabrighte to be constable of that place, being a gentleman that is thought unfit, and for that the said John Newitt is here in Court and thought fit to be appointed constable, he is sworn in Court.

p.182. Michael Veasey, constable of Isleworth, to appear at Hicks Hall on Tuesday next and bring in John Boyce, his fellow-constable.

Gerard Lowe, one of the constables of Hampton, to appear likewise and to bring in the money for the House of Correction, and to bring in Henry Packe, the other constable.

James Aylett, constable of Staines, to appear likewise and bring in Thomas Knowles, his partner.

William Reade, constable of Ealing and Old Brentford, committed for that he refused to gather the money for the House of Correction, there to remain till he shall bring in a true account, and afterwards was bound over to appear likewise. Came and paid £8 4s. in Court towards the said House of Correction (and p.196).

Robert Symons, constable of Fulham, to appear likewise.

Thomas Daye, constable of Northall, for not collecting the money for the House of Correction, and afterwards bound over to appear and to warn Mr. Chalkhill and George Bryan.

George Lampe, constable of Greenford, to appear likewise.

John Francklyn, chief constable, enjoined to come and to bring Sharpe the constable with him.

Matthew Hammond, constable of Hendon, enjoined to appear likewise.

The constable of Kingsbury.

The constable of Edgware.

The constable of Great Stanmore.

The constable of Little Stanmore.

Thomas Foxe, constable of Bromley, enjoined to appear likewise.

The constable of Hoxton and Shoreditch.

Thomas Lane, constable of Ratcliffe.

Robert Plaisted and Robert Dickers, constables of St. Giles'-in-theFields, enjoined to appear likewise.

William Osborne, constable of West Drayton.

p.183. Came and discharged:—

Edward Terrey of Foster Lane, weaver.

Richard Whitwell of Wood Street, haberdasher.

p.184. Anthony Hanson, servant to Andrew Blase of Smithfield Bar, butcher, to answer.

p.186. John Teague of Old Ford, constable, sworn in Court.

p.187. Whereas Richard Wawen, the son of Charles Wawen, being an impotent child and vagrant by reason that the said Charles is departed from East Smithfield, where he had his last abode, by the space of one year and more, to some place unknown, and the mother of the said child is deceased, leaving the child in the custody of Joan Maye, a poor widow dwelling within the liberties of East Smithfield aforesaid, who is in no way able to keep the said child without the relief of the parish where it was last settled by the space of two years, and is to be provided for by the law: it is therefore ordered that the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the parish of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate shall forthwith take care for the provision and education of the said child, and shall also pay to the said Joan in respect of the charges she has been put to for keeping the said child, the sum of 20s.

Order by the Court for the county to pay yearly into the King's Majesty's Counting-house for a composition for discharging the wood and the carriages for wood of the county, the sum of £40, so as the sums assessed upon such persons as refuse may be accepted for payment by His Majesty's Officers of the Green Cloth in part of the said £40, and may be purchased by them by like order as other persons are dealt withal that refuse to perform their service upon other compositions within the county.

pp.187–8. 10 September, 9 James I [A.D. 1611.]

Indenture of apprenticeship between William Chamberlayne, son of John Chamberlayne of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, silkweaver, and John Reynoldes of the same blacksmith, for the term of eight years from the feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle last past.

p.188. Licensed tipplers:—

John Wells of St. Martin's, victualler. Sureties:—John Hopson of the Savoy, yeoman, and Robert Feedon of St. Giles', yeoman.

Owen Jones of East Smithfield, victualler. Sureties:—John Salter of the same, brewer, and Humphrey Jones of St. Sepulchre's.

Robert Nym of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, victualler. Sureties:— William Keyes of Clerkenwell, yeoman, and John Pratten of St. Clement Danes, yeoman.

Christopher Crouche of Whitechapel, victualler. Sureties:— George Bowman and William Etheredge of East Smithfield, yeomen.

Richard Newton of St. Clement Danes, victualler. Sureties:— Edward Robinson and William Smythe of the Strand, yeomen.

Richard Kelsey of the Duchy, victualler. Sureties:—George Hindmarsh of St. Sepulchre's, and William Hobbye of Foster Lane, yeoman.

p.189. Badgers, Kidders and drovers licensed at the Sessions.

K. William Russell of Hayes.
K. John Taylor of the same.
K. John Bushe of Hillingdon.
John Joyce of Hendon.
Richard Sutton of the same.
Henry Sharnebrooke of Finchley.
Philip Warley of the same.
Henry White of the same.
John Fielde of the same.
D. Robert Marshe of Hendon.
D. Robert Gates of the same.
Thomas Taylor of Great Stanmore.
K. Edmond Bradshawe of the same.
[blank] Willson of the same.
K. Thomas Ewar of Enfield.
K. John Cooke of the same.
John Portwoode of the same.
Robert Rashe of the same.
Robert Stacey of the same.
John Cooke of South Mimms.
K. Francis Sheppard of Kingsbury.
Matthew Newman of the same.
Henry Tanner of Harrow Weald.
Richard Edlyn of the same.
K. James Brankyn of Knightsbridge.
Richard Trenche of Greenford.
Edward Rogers of Teddington.
D. John Knowles of Islington.
D. John Goldsmythe of the same.
D. Thomas Robinson of the same.
D. Valentine Cutts of St. John Street.
D. Walter Locke of St. Clement Danes.
John Stronge of Little Stanmore.
Samuel Bonfoye of Northwood.
Thomas Bryce of Hanwell.
K. Henry Bradshawe of Harrow.
Thomas Smythe of Bromley.
John Purchas of East Smithfield.
John Crumpe of Laleham.
George Beckford of Staines.
James Hosier of the same.
K. Robert Beaumorris of Twickenham.
Simon Johnson of Stanwell.
K. Henry Biddle of Tottenham.
K. Thomas Sample of Old Brentford.
K. Richard Lea of Sunbury.
K. Henry Robinson of Limehouse.
Richard Stakyn of the same.


f.47d. Delivered by proclamation:—

Grace Cooper, John Cooper.

Edward Weaver respited to the Sessions for the King's Household.

Robert Hodson, William Thompson and Triamor Yonion [Enion] respited without bail. The said Triamor delivered by proclamation (and f.52).

f.48. Glidereth Awdrie and William Wooner to be sent to Bridewell to be whipped.

John Sutton of Turnmill Street, yeoman, respited till he make satisfaction to John Egerton of £25 which he got from him by cozenage at decoy, at cards, and to be sent to Bridewell. The said Sutton at large. Edward Trappes, Hugh Browne, William Bartlett and Roger Williams of Whetstone, yeomen, all charged for the said cozenage (and f.51d. and P.R.B. 1/49).

Thomas Peirse to be sent to Frome Selwood in Somersetshire.

Robert Dennys to be sent by pass to Tiverton in Somersetshire.

William Rogers and John Rogers respited to Sir Francis Darcye.

Daniel Warde to be whipped from Newgate to Islington to the house of Mr. Dorrington.

f.49. Cordell Savill of Clerkenwell, gentleman, sworn in Court, says that he did deliver the writ of restitution to William Smarte and Thomas Dynes, who have refused to obey the same, therefore let an attachment be made against them.


f.45d. Thomas Gittinges, Edward Price, Richard Draper and George Darbye of Westminster, yeomen, for committing a bloodshed upon the body of David Dawkins. Pledged for a fine on 29 March, A.D. 1617.

Christopher Mumbye of Westminster, yeoman, for committing a bloodshed upon the body of Owen Whitmore.

Sir Anthony Denton of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, Knight, and Thomas Graves of the same, yeoman, for refusing to watch and ward. Pledged for a fine on 17 July, A.D. 1615, but did not pay anything because he is keeper of the King's Council Chamber.

ff.45d–46. For not coming to church:— Olivia, Lady Hennage, of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, widow, John Garnett of the same, gentleman, and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Abbington of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman, Robert Vaughan, yeoman, Judith Hipon, widow, William Vavaser, esquire, and John Waldren, gentleman, all of the same, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Watson of Chancery Lane, yeoman, Jane Watson, widow, Edward Forscue, gentleman, and Elizabeth Tayler, widow, all of the same.

f.46. For keeping suspected bawdy-houses:—

William Bennett and John Hall of St. Sepulchre's, yeomen.

For keeping disordered houses:—

Thomas Peirson and Richard Wale of St. James', Clerkenwell, yeomen.

f.46d. Walter Leonard of Westminster, yeoman, for committing a bloodshed upon the body of Thomas Williams.

ff.46d–47d.For not coming to church:—

Sir Christopher Roper of Ealing, Knight, Ann Davison of St. Andrew's, Holborn, widow, John Damme, cutler, and Helen his wife, William Champney, yeoman, Ferdinand Emerson, cutler, and Joan his wife, Ann Hutchinson, widow, Thomasine Hide, spinster, Isabel, wife of George Moodye, tailor, William Mathewes, cutler, and Helen his wife, Susan, wife of Edwin Saule, gentleman, John Smyth and John Almer, yeomen, William Woodfall, yeoman, and Jane his wife, John Blake, yeoman, and Magdalen his wife, Richard Carey, esquire, George Tyndall, yeoman, Dennis Brittanie, gentleman, William Cooke, gentleman, and Bridget his wife, Joan, wife of William Hodgskines, gentleman, Mary, wife of William Cobbe, esquire, William Beswicke, Ann Dowse, widow, Thomas Wilford, esquire, John Clarke, yeoman, Susan, wife of Thomas Strange, gentleman, Mary Scroggs and Mary Sentcleare, spinsters, John Coe, yeoman, and Helen his wife, Margaret, wife of Anthony Gibson, gentleman, Thomas Knight, scrivener, and Joan his wife, and Richard Knight, John Hughen, Drugo Lovett and Richard Lovett, yeomen, all of the same.

Anthony Sames of St. Andrew's, Holborn, yeoman, for committing a bloodshed upon the body of Thomas Elsonne.

f.48. For refusing to watch:—

Thomas Tredwaye of St. Andrew's, Holborn, gentleman, Robert Foster and Richard Chapman, tailors, Thomas Wormelayton, plasterer, and John Joanes, yeoman, all of the same.

For keeping suspected houses of bawdery:—

James Jackson, Roger Gunter, William Dyer, Henry Pettingale and Richard Akers of St. Andrew's, Holborn, yeomen.

ff.48–48d. For not coming to church:—
Mary, wife of Thomas Bateman of St. Andrew's, Holborn, yeoman, Joan, wife of Richard Gresham, yeoman, Margaret, wife of Thurstan Feild, yeoman, and Thomas Howell, yeoman, all of the same, Ann Glascock of Heston, spinster, Ann, wife of Robert Cole, yeoman, Agnes Cole, spinster, and Jane, wife of Thomas Cole, yeoman, all of the same.

f.48d. William Heydon of Enfield, yeoman, for trespass.
The Lord Bishop of London for not repairing Stickleton bridge in the parish of Greenford.