Sessions, 1615: 13 and 16 January

Pages 176-216

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 2, 1614-15. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1936.

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Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery, 13 and 16 January,12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].


Recognizances of:—

31 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Francis Almond of St. Sepulchre's, tailor, John Williams of St. Andrew's, Holborn, shoemaker, and Roland Flecher of St. Sepulchre's, yeoman, for Nicholas White of Campden, co. Gloucester, collarmaker, suspected to have stolen £3. 6s. 8d. out of the house of Richard Covindon in Cambridgeshire, of the money of one Oliver Harson of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate, stranger; and of the said Oliver and Reginald Ward his servant to give evidence against the said Nicholas.
Sess. Roll 537/1, 110.
G.D.R. 2/40.

4 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Riley of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, blacksmith, for Margaret his wife and Jane Hamlyn his servant, to give evidence against Edward Hollaway of St. James', Clerkenwell, labourer, for stealing a flaxen sheet from a hedge near St. Giles' aforesaid; and of Thomas Lawrence of St. James' aforesaid, plasterer, and Thomas Jones of the same, yeoman, for the said Edward to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/2, 112.
G.D.R. 2/40.

8 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Walter Tripp of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, brewer, John Heward, blacksmith, and Robert Ladkins, gentleman, both of the same, and Robert Ivat of Crutched Friars, barber-surgeon, for Richard Freede of the same, currier, for cozening John Hilliard and Hugh Edwardes of £5. 5s. at cards at a fair at Ingatestone in Essex, one John Bird being in his company.
Respited to the next by the Court, because ill.
Sess. Roll 537/3, 5.
Sess. Reg. 2/126, 145, 152.

5 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
George Symons of St. Sepulchre's, baker, and John Broughton of the same, yeoman, for Lawrence Fendry of the same, victualler, for victualling without licence.
Committed for default of sureties, and handed in bail to Humphrey Ball and George Holdesworth of the same, yeomen.
Sess. Roll 537/14.
Sess. Reg. 2/133, 152, 163.

3 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Townesend and Henry Rolfe of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, fletchers, for Richard Mathewes of Norton Folgate, victualler, for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 537/6.
Sess. Reg. 2/152.

19 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Hayman of St. Sepulchre's, tailor, and Christopher Davis of the same, haberdasher, for Henry Grigson of St. Andrew's, Holborn, tailor, to be of good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 537/7.
Sess. Reg. 2/152.

15 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Morly of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, yeoman, and Michael Pierson of "Willington" [?Willingale], co. Essex, yeoman, for Alice, wife of Stephen Bond of St. Giles' aforesaid, yeoman, for a breach of His Majesty's peace upon Ann Chamberlyn.
Sess. Roll 537/8.
Sess. Reg. 2/154.

2 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
James Burche of Bow Lane, tailor, Thomas Andrell of Poplar, cordwainer, and James Hewitson of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate, for the said Burche, for stealing the cloak of Enoch Cock of St. Matthew's, tailor; and of the said Enoch to give evidence.
Sess. Roll 537/9, 11.
G.D.R. 2/39d.

26 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Elliott of Whitechapel, buttonmaker, and George Jackson of the same, bricklayer, for Avice, wife of the said Henry, for stealing the cloak of Robert Russell of Shoe Lane, clothworker; and of the said Robert to give evidence against the said Avice.
Sess. Roll 537/10, 148.
G.D.R. 2/39d.

22 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Pestle [Pessolle] and George Walker of Limehouse, blacksmiths, and William Dassett of the same, mariner, for the said Pestle for buying old iron of a suspicious person that brought it to his house; and of John Shattocke of the liberty of the upper ground in the Bankside in the parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark, co. Surrey, smith, to give evidence against the said Pestle.
Both respited to the next.
Sess. Roll 537/12, 16.
Sess. Reg. 2/129, 146.

4 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Roland Lovett of Ratcliffe, silkweaver, Robert Laurence, gardener, and Clinton Calverley, vintner, both of the same, for the said Roland and Mary his wife to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/14.
Sess. Reg. 2/152, 154.

29 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Moulton of Westminster, bricklayer, and Ralph Tuggie [Tuggy] of the same, yeoman, for Thomas Tuggie for stealing a pickaxe from the Earl of Lincoln.
Sess. Roll 537/15.
G.D.R. 2/39.

5 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Christopher Johnson of Whitechapel, labourer, George Eeles, locksmith, and William Johnson, tailor, both of the same, for the said Christopher to appear.
Detained in gaol for lack of good sureties for good behaviour, and to pay 5s. as appears by warrant. Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/17.
Sess. Roll 538/234.
Sess. Reg. 2/148.
G.D.R. 2/44.

24 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Bartholomew Lawrence of Holborn, vintner, George Hyett of St. Clement's, dyer, and Alexander Glover of Whitechapel, vintner, for the said Bartholomew to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/18.
Sess. Reg. 2/148.

19 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Jackett of Whitechapel, porter, and Thomas Wells of the same, blacksmith, for Richard Smith of the same, labourer, to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/19.
Sess. Reg. 2/148.

5 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George Clarke and Richard Barnett of Whitechapel, bakers, and Henry Blackman of the same, buttonmaker, for the said George to appear; and of the said Richard and Thomas Hodges of the same, joiner, for Richard Baffyn of the same, baker, to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/20, 21.
Sess. Reg. 2/148.

17 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Lewis [Lewes] and Daniel Lancaster of Whitechapel, victuallers, and Ralph Ficknees of the same, baker, for the said Thomas, and Margaret his wife, to keep the peace towards Daniel Roberts.
Sess. Roll 537/23.
Sess. Reg. 2/148.

31 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Stevenson [Steevenson] of St. Sepulchre's, Newgate, silkweaver, Francis Dixon of the same, shoemaker, and John Brainsford of Coleman Street, —, for the said Stevenson for his misdemeanours.
Sess. Roll 537/24.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

1 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Tucker of Ratcliffe, brewer, Thomas Read of Whitecross Street, tailor, and Thomas Griffin of St. Mary Matfellon otherwise Whitechapel, feltmaker, for the said John for begetting with child Joan, wife of Richard Furbisher [Turbisher] of Limehouse, sailor, in the absence of her husband in the East Indies.
Sess. Roll 537/25.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

22 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Ickles of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, victualler, for harbouring rogues.
Sess. Roll 537/27.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

9 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Christopher Sikes of Westminster, labourer, and William Petite of the same, bricklayer, for the said Christopher for cozening John Bennett of Westminster of a quart pot.
Sess. Roll 537/28.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

8 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Gibbs of Westminster, butcher, John Manlie of St. Clement Danes, butcher, and Roger Kirbie of the same, cordwainer, for the said William for hurting and wounding Roger Bowles.
Sess. Roll 537/29.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

6 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Anthony Barfield of Cow Cross, cook, and George Lancaster of St. Michael-le-Querne, shoemaker, for Millicent Burton of Cow Cross, spinster; and of Richard Sandford of Clerkenwell, shoemaker, and John Foyle of the same, tailor, for Grace Jones of the same, spinster, both to appear.
The said Millicent delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/30, 31.
G.D.R. 2/40, 41.

8 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Richard Turner of Old Street, baker, Edward Rolfe, cordwainer, and Peter Wryght, labourer, both of the same, for the said Richard to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/32.
G.D.R. 2/40.

12 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Phillips of Clerkenwell, barber, Henry Terrey of Charterhouse Lane, tailor, and John Dowle of St. Bartholomew's-the-Great, tailor, for the said John Phillips to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/53.
G.D.R. 2/40.

12 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Milles of Stepney, tailor, Lewis Thomas, clothworker, and John Robertson, salter, both of the same, for the said John Milles to appear; and of William Hughes of St. Martin's-le-Grand, yeoman, to give evidence against the said John Milles.
Sess. Roll 537/34, 35.
G.D.R. 2/40.

27 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Anthony Marchant of Whitechapel, silkweaver, to give evidence against Katherine Crofts.
The said Katherine delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/36.
G.D.R. 2/37.

8 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Jenkyn of Cow Cross, saddler, and Richard Gregory of St. John Street, tailor, for Elizabeth Goodale of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards Magdalen Wallen of Cow Cross, spinster; and of William Lea, shoemaker, and William Patinson, hosier, both of the same, for the said Magdalen to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 537/37.
Sess. Roll 539/23.
Sess. Reg. 2/151, 183.

8 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Mooney of Aldersgate Street, yeoman, John Tompson and Thomas Wilson of Long Lane, tailors, for the said Mooney, charged to live incontinently with Elizabeth, wife of John Smyth.
Sess. Roll 537/38.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

9 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Fawlknor of Whitechapel, embroiderer, John Clifford of Leadenhall Street, embroiderer, and John James of Stepney, embroiderer, for the said Thomas, complained of by the officers and inhabitants to be a very disordered fellow, and a disturber of his neighbours.
Sess. Roll 537/39.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

9 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Hamond of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, tailor, and William Willmot of "Little Brittaigne ", tailor, for Humphrey King of St. Giles' aforesaid, tailor, for making a tumult in the night, by disordering of himself in breaking certain glass windows, and abusing the officers that endeavoured to keep the peace; and of the said Humphrey and George Hales of St. Bartholomew's-the-Great, tailor, for Thomas Gashe of Fleet Bridge, surgeon, for making a tumult in Clerkenwell, breaking glass windows, and committing other outrages; and of Eustace Bissaker of the City of Coventry, gentleman, Achilles Dent of the Middle Temple, gentleman, and John Johnson of High Holborn, gentleman, for the said Eustace to answer Dorothy Brough for taking divers goods from her violently forth of her house, breaking her glass windows, and making a tumult in the night.
Sess. Roll 537/40, 41, 42.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

12 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Gilbert Cox of Whitecross Street, leatherdresser, Robert Day of the same, glover, Philip Burton of St. Nicholas Shambles, glover, and Thomas Payne of Old Street, glover, for William Badger of the same, glover, who was committed to Newgate by the Justices till he gave security for his behaviour; and of Robert Wattson of Cow Cross, brewer, John Browne of Stepney, clothworker, and Robert Heighe of the same, tanner, for Margaret Amstrudder of Cow Cross, spinster, committed for want of sureties for her good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 537/43, 44.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

30 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Osborne of St. Andrew's, Holborn, gentleman, and Warner Smyth of the same, yeoman, for Philippa Wenslow [Winslowe] of the same, widow, complained of by the officers and inhabitants "to be a turbulent wrangling woman and a rayser of brawles, and one that by her disorderly living doth disquiet all her neighbours."
Sess. Reg. 537/45.
Sess. Reg. 2/146, 151.

8 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Bartholomew Hopkins of Shoreditch, yeoman, William Markyn, tailor, and Richard Hollyman, baker, both of the same, for the said Bartholomew, committed by Sir Ferdinand Heyburne till he could find sureties for his good behaviour, in regard that he was suspected to be an idle fellow and one that could give no good account of his means of living.
Sess. Roll 537/46.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

8 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Robert Phillips of Shoreditch, yeoman, and Richard Hollyman of the same, bitmaker, for John Bradley of the same, brasier, for wounding John Cheston.
Sess. Roll 537/47.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

9 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Edward Mace of Ratcliffe, mariner, Henry Rolfe of Grub Street, yeoman, and Robert Brett of Shoreditch, tailor, for the said Edward to answer John Austyn and Margaret Smyth concerning a cozenage.
Sess. Roll 537/48.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

24 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Matthew Swallow of Old Street, collier, and George Cordale of Whitecross Street, glover, for Alice Nicholls of Old Street, spinster, for abusing and beating John Sherley and Thomas Fowler, constable and headborough of Clerkenwell, in the execution of a warrant; and of William Bennet of Cow Cross, coachmaker, and John Bolson of Clerkenwell, bodymaker, for Thomas Sheppard of Cow Cross, yeoman, for the like.
The said Thomas came and was discharged at the request of the said Sherley because he will bring his action against him at the Common Law.
Sess. Roll 537/49, 155.
Sess. Reg. 2/153.

18 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George Pattersone [Patterson] of St. Clement Danes, tailor, and Christopher Martyn of Westminster, gentleman, and Patrick Benatyne of St. Dunstan's in Fleet Street, fencer, all to appear, being taken in search by the constables of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields in a bawdy-house.
Sess. Roll 537/50, 52.
Sess. Reg. 2/153.

10 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Edward Bryan of High Holborn, yeoman, to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/51.
Sess. Reg. 2/153.

28 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Ambrose Asten of St. Andrew's, Holborn, tailor, to answer about a trunk taken out of the lodging of Mr. Dyer and left in his house.
Sess. Roll 537/56.
Sess. Reg. 2/148.

8 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Painter of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, carpenter, and Robert Jeffery of the same, weaver, for Ann Palfrey of the same, spinster, to bring forth Ann Mosely, the suspected mother of a bastard child.
Sess. Roll 537/57.
Sess. Reg. 2/128, 145.

3 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Baker of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, tailor, Thomas Waad, tailor, and Richard Bean, yeoman, both of the same, for the said John and Alice his wife to keep the peace towards William Price of the same, carpenter; and of Archibald Carr, saddler, and Thomas Hinlie, yeoman, both of the same, for the said William for breaking the doors of the said John.
Sess. Roll 537/62, 65.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

13 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Traherne of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, Arthur Swaffer, farrier, and Morgan Jones, baker, both of the same, for the said Thomas for beating the wife and children of Thomas Cole of Marylebone, and for other misdemeanours.
Sess. Roll 537/63.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

23 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Edward Udall and Christopher Flinte of St. Mary-le-Strand, victuallers, for victualling without licence.
Respited to the next.
Sess. Roll 537/64, 67.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

22 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Browne of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, and Richard Wheler of the same, innholder, for the said John to answer the complaint of John Warburton about a horse whereof he was cozened.
Discharged because it is testified by Mr. Michell, Mr. Forsett's man, that the parties are agreed.
Sess. Roll 537/66.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

21 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Piggen of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, chandler, and William Price of the same, carpenter, for the said Thomas for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 537/68.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

9 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Emar Johnson of Hampstead, miller, and George Wilson and John Edwards of Westminster, watermen, for the said Emar, charged by Thomas Maddox his late master to have embezzled a quarter of wheat from him and to have cozened him thereof.
Sess. Roll 537/69.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

14 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Anthony Smith of Stratford Bow, ropemaker, John Baines of the same, yeoman, and John Munings of Whitechapel, collarmaker, for the said Anthony to appear; and of William Punyard of Stratford Bow, victualler, to give evidence against the said Anthony and Gwelthian his wife for suspicion of felony.
Sess. Roll 537/74, 76.
Sess. Reg. 2/149, 154.

18 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Hasset of Maldon. co. Essex, yeoman, John Blunt of St. Clement's, Eastcheap, grocer, and George Coller of St. Edmund's in Lombard Street, yeoman, for the said Thomas for a breach of His Majesty's peace, and for wounding Richard Skegges; and of John Barnes of Stratford Bow, yeoman, to give evidence against the said Thomas.
Sess. Roll 537/75, 77.
Sess. Reg. 2/149.

27 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Joyne [Geyne] of Tottenham, glazier, John Snerry and Philip Fullilove of the same, for the said John Joyne for abusing Sir Ferdinand Heyborne, Knight, in reproachful and disgraceful words; and of Edmond Jenny of Tottenham, gentleman, and Robert Barlowe of the same, yeoman, for the said John Joyne to keep the peace towards Dorothy, wife of Thomas Holmes of the same, gardener, for beating her "in her own howse in a very hainous mannor."
Came and brought a writ of supersedeas, witnessed at Westminster by E. Coke on 12 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Sess. Roll 537/78, 102, 103.
Sess. Reg. 2/148, 150.

13 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Richard Nelham of Ickenham, yeoman, and John — of — in the parish of Ruislip, yeoman, for William Kyrton of the same, yeoman, to answer touching the carrying away of certain wood being the goods of John Winchester of "Tylehowse" in Ruislip aforesaid.
Sess. Roll 537/79.
Sess. Reg. 2/153.

10 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Walker of Greenhill in the parish of Harrow-on-the-Hill, —, for Thomas Harres of the same, husbandman, to answer touching the escape of John Redman, a prisoner delivered to his charge, the said Harres being constable.
Sess. Roll 537/80.
Sess. Reg. 2/153.

29 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Hugh Byrd [Burd] of Pinner, yeoman, to give evidence against Henry Edlynn of the same, yeoman, charged upon suspicion of felony, for snatching up money at play; and of William C— and William — of Ruislip, yeomen, for the said Henry to appear.
The said Hugh paid 3s. 4d. to the use of the poor for his drunkenness, having wrongfully charged the said Henry with felony before Mr. Hawtrey.
Sess. Roll 537/81, 82.
Sess. Reg. 2/131, 154, 155.
G.D.R. 2/40d.

16 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Hugh Smyth of St. Clement Danes, tailor, for Jane [Ann], wife of Nicholas Backhowse of the same, butcher, for detaining apparel and wages from Thomas Bowgan her late servant.
Sess. Roll 537/83.
Sess. Reg. 2/154.

10 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Hugh Jones of High Holborn, yeoman, John Dayes of Lincoln's Inn, gentleman, and Adam Swayne of Staple Inn, gentleman, for the said Hugh to appear.
Detained in gaol. Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/84.
Sess. Roll 538/234.
Sess. Reg. 2/153.
G.D.R. 2/44.

31 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Silvanus Burket of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, victualler, constable of the same, Richard Barker, innholder, and Christopher Handy, tailor, both of the same, for the said Silvanus for suffering John Purle of St. Saviour's, Southwark, innholder, to escape from him, being committed to Newgate for sundry great misdemeanours; and of John Clove of St. Saviour's, Southwark, cook, John Sweat of the same, carpenter, and Edward Lightfoot of St. Lawrence Jewry, tallowchandler, for the said John Clove for conveying away the said John Purle from the said Silvanus; and of Bartholomew Emery of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, joiner, and Mary his wife, Edward Ashburne of the same, yeoman, and Mary, wife of John Curr of the same, gentleman, to give evidence against the said John Purle for assaulting and beating the said Mary Curr and Mary Emery in such manner that the said Mary Curr is in danger of death; and of John Pollard of St. Saviour's, Southwark, ironmonger, and John Gilden [Gyldin] of the same, innholder, for the said John Purle to appear.
The said John Purle handed over further in bail to Thomas Ellwoode of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, draper, and Ralph Marshe of St. Michael's, Cornhill, clothworker, and came and brought a writ of supersedeas, issued at Westminster on 11 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15], in which he was handed over in bail to the said John Gilden and Richard Gardner of Southwark aforesaid, saddler. Endorsed by Matthew Carew.
Certified in the King's Bench by writ of certiorari in the Octave of the Purification, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Sess. Roll 537/86, 87, 92, 100, 101.
Sess. Reg. 2/131, 153.
G.D.R. 2/40.
P.R.B. 1/42.

12 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Henry Westcoot [Westcote] of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, yeoman, Henry Blake, victualler, and James Flecher, yeoman, both of the same, for the said Henry Westcoot to answer the general complaint of his neighbours.
Sess. Roll 537/89.
Sess. Reg. 2/153.

21 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Baker of St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, gentleman, to give evidence against Christopher Row, suspected to have stolen a grey mare from Matthew Hood of Lamberhurst, co.Kent, gentleman.
The said Christopher delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/93.
G.D.R. 2/37.

7 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Christopher Coale of Uxbridge, yeoman, to give evidence against Thomas Hone of the same, yeoman, for assaulting and beating him and taking away a hat and a band from his person; and of William Freeman of Aylesbury, co. Buckingham, waggoner, and Francis Denisone of High Holborn, yeoman, for the said Thomas to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/96, 98.
G.D.R. 2/40d.

27 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George Gale and William Hurlebutt of Norton Folgate, butchers, for Roger Mercy of the same, butcher, for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 537/104.
Sess. Reg. 2/126, 152.

5 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Holland of St. Sepulchre's, joiner, and William Bennet of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, cordwainer, for John Smith of St. Sepulchre's, victualler, for keeping a common victualling-house without licence.
Sess. Roll 537/105.
Sess. Reg. 2/152.

4 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Francis Tarry of St. Sepulchre's, aquavite-stiller, for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 537/106.
Sess. Reg. 2/152.

16 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Christopher Medcalfe of Norton Folgate, butcher, and John Williams of the same, tailor, for John Halfepenny of the same, butcher, charged to have abused Margaret Hellyn [Healen] in very uncivil manner and for suspicion of rape upon her.
Handed over further in bail to John Phillipps of the same, carman.
Sess. Roll 537/107.
Sess. Reg. 2/131, 152.

24 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Charles Mercy [Marcy] of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, gentleman, and Richard Moreton of London, ironmonger, for John Shanke of St. Giles' aforesaid, gentleman, to answer Henry Udall [Uvedall] of Drury Lane, linen-draper, for buying four network bands and a pair of cuffs at the Playhouse at an under-rate, being part of the goods which were stolen from the said Henry; and of William Flod [Flud] of St. Mary-le-Strand [Westminster], gentleman, and Edward Udall of Drury Lane, victualler, for the said Henry to give evidence against the said John; and of Henry Udall of the Strand, gentleman, and the said William and Edward for Richard Caulton of the same, yeoman, and for the said William and Edward; and of William Boulton of St. Mary-le-Strand, merchant-adventurer, and Robert Greene of the same, saddler, for the said Henry, all to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/108, 109, 111, 174, 175, 176, 177.
Sess. Reg. 2/152.
G.D.R. 2/40.

12 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
David Wager of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, cordwainer, James Wharton, victualler, Peter Dawton, joiner, and John Ingram, blacksmith, all of the same, and John Hall, of "Muggle" [Monkwell] Street, London, tailor, for Katherine, wife of the said David, charged, together with two men in her company not yet apprehended, to have stolen divers goods out of the house of John Bell, a vintner in Southwark.
Handed over further in bail to William Hooper of St. Giles' aforesaid, yeoman, and William Elder of St. Sepulchre's, yeoman. Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/113.
G.D.R. 2/39d, 43d, 50.

11 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Robert Whitacres of Whitechapel, gentleman [draper], Edward Wheler of London, linen-draper, and Daniel Lancaster of Rosemary Lane, victualler, for the said Robert, and for Dusabel, wife of Harmon Hamon of Wapping, mariner, to keep the peace towards Thomas Corbett of St. Katherine's, tailor; and of John Grundie of Great Yarmouth, gentleman, and Edward Hemans of East Smithfield, gunner, for the said Thomas to keep the peace towards the said Robert.
The said Robert and Dusabel came and were allowed a writ of supersedeas, witnessed by E. Coke at Westminster on 28 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614]. Pledged of a fine 28 March, A.D. 1615.
Sess. Roll 537/114, 115, 116.
Sess. Reg. 2/148.
P.R.B. 1/42.

19 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Edward Jobbins of Wapping, shipwright, to give evidence against Mary, wife of John Richardson [Richeson] for burglary; and of William Horley of Wood Street, vintner, to give evidence against the said John.
The said Mary delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/121, 168.
G.D.R. 2/37.

14 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Francis Fleete of the Middle Temple, gentleman, and Thomas Bull of Mark Lane, gentleman, for William Heath of the City of Rochester, co. Kent, gentleman, to appear at the next Sessions; and of Ralph Exton of Duck Lane, gentleman, and Thomas Barker of Whitefriars, merchant-tailor, for Hercules Hollyland of St. Bartholomew's-theGreat, gentleman, to appear likewise.
Sess. Roll 537/129, 130.
Sess. Reg. 2/154.

13 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Tindall Pearte [Pert] of Friern Barnet, esquire, and Philip Fielde of Grass Street, ironmonger, for Thomas Androwes of St. John Street, gentleman, charged to have begotten a bastard child on the body of Elizabeth Preston, spinster.
Order for the said Thomas to discharge the parish of Stepney, and for Nicholas Ridgdall of John Street, to pay the said Elizabeth £5 out of the £7 10s. which he had with her; 20s. to be paid in hand, which is done, and the rest by 20s. every quarter till the £5 be paid.
Sess. Roll 537/131.
Sess. Reg. 2/148.

7 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Edward Cowper of Islington, gentleman, to give evidence against Alice Pratt, widow.
The said Alice delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/132.
G.D.R. 2/37.

6 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Ralph Treswell of Hosier Lane, St. Sepulchre's, gentleman, to give evidence against Andrew Caldecott [Caldycott], of Ketton, co. Rutland, gentleman, for robbery; and of Francis Stone of Turnball Street, gentleman [of Shoe Lane, haberdasher], and Richard Tunstall of Shoe Lane, yeoman, for the said Andrew to appear.
The said Andrew respited to the next.
Sess. Roll 537/133, 134.
Sess. Reg. 2/150, 162.
G.D.R. 2/39, 43d.

16 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Thomas Pickerill of St. Katherine's-next-the-Tower of London, and William Cowse of the same, brewer, for the said Thomas to keep the peace, for beating Richard Corbett of Hackney, gardener; and of Robert Richmond of St. Katherine's aforesaid, victualler, for the said William to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 537/135, 137.
Sess. Reg. 2/154.

17 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Lewys [Lewes] of Whitechapel, carpenter, and John Holland and Matthew Page of the same, silkweavers, for the said John Lewys to keep the peace towards Henry Willson.
Sess. Roll 537/136.
Sess. Reg. 2/131, 154.

18 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Hampton of St. Olave's, co. Surrey, feltmaker, and John Greene and Thomas Parker of St. Katherine's-next-the-Tower of London, feltmakers, for the said Thomas Hampton to appear; and of the said Hampton for John Prichard of St. Olave's aforesaid, feltmaker, for being disordered and misdemeaning himself in the house of Richard Clifton of East Smithfield, vintner; and of John Batchelor of the same, cooper, and the said John Greene for the said Richard to appear; and of the said Batchelor and Clifton for Richard Evans of the same, vintner, for assaulting divers men in his master's house.
Sess. Roll 537/13, 139, 142, 143.
Sess. Reg. 2/150.

2 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Emerye [Emmerie] of Spitalfields, victualler, John Bailey of All Hallows-the-Less, clothworker, and John Evans of the same, merchant-tailor, for the said William for being a common harbourer of lewd and suspicious people in his house; and of Robert Cutts of St. Olave's, co. Surrey, yeoman, to give evidence against the said William for keeping a disordered and dissolute house.
Sess. Roll 537/140, 151.
Sess. Reg. 2/150.

10 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Tobias Reinolds [Reynoldes] of East Smithfield, cooper, and Walter Thomas [Davies] of Charterhouse Lane [St. Sepulchre's], yeoman, for David Thomas [Davies], servant of the said Tobias Reinolds, to bring forth his sister Katherine whom he took and conveyed from her master, Mr. Warde, being to give evidence against a prisoner for conspiracy of her master's death; and of Robert Griffin of Charterhouse Lane, yeoman, and William Pryce of the same, barbersurgeon, for Edward Thomas alias Davies of the same, yeoman, charged by Richard Warde to have conspired to take away his life.
The said Walter respited to the next for the same as for the said David, and handed in bail to the said William, and Thomas Thorowgate [Thornegate] of the same, tailor.
Sess. Roll 537/141, 159.
Sess. Reg. 2/150, 151, 162, 163, 178.

12 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Weston of East Smithfield, scrivener, John Fawkes, clothworker, and Edmund Swetes, victualler, both of the same, for the said Thomas to appear at the complaint of John Purchas [Purcas].
Sess. Roll 537/144.
Sess. Reg. 2/150, 162.

20 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Nicholas Sothernwood of St. Catherine's, Coleman Street, leatherseller, Michael Sothernwood of Billiter Lane, merchant [tailor], and Edward Dubber of St. Olave's [of Barnes], co. Surrey, gentleman, for the said Nicholas to keep the peace towards Mr. Collis [Collys] the headborough of Chancery Lane, and for breaking his leg.
Came and brought a writ of certiorari. Afterwards brought a writ of supersedeas out of the King's Court to plead and it was allowed in Court.
Sess. Roll 537/145.
Sess. Reg. 2/149, 162.

7 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Jackson of St. Mary Overies, co. Surrey, porter, to give evidence against Luke Pearcivall [Percivall] for robbing his house in Southwark.
The said Luke respited for the gaol of Surrey.
Sess. Roll 537/146.
G.D.R. 2/37d.

5 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Robinson of Christ Church, London, butcher, to give evidence against John Tipping for stealing his sheep.
The said John Tipping delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/150.
G.D.R. 2/37.

3 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Piggen of Thames Street, plasterer, Richard Lowe of Smithfield Bar, St. Sepulchre's, scrivener, and Samuel Purser of Chick Lane, St. Andrew's, Holborn, tailor, for the said William for suspicion of a murder, but the party to prosecute is thought to be at Court.
Taken before John Bingley, esquire, at his house in St. Stephen's, Westminster, and respited to the next.
Sess. Roll 537/153.
G.D.R. 2/39d, 43d.

2 July, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Hewyt [Hewett] of Clerkenwell, yeoman, Christopher Salkell of Gray's Inn, gentleman, and Christopher Walton of Rotherby, co. Leicester, gentleman, for the said John to appear at the next Sessions after Elizabeth Tyler shall be delivered of the child she now goes with, and there to answer his incontinency committed with her, and to abide the Justices' order touching the providing for the child (whereof he is the reputed father), and securing the parish.
Sess. Roll 537/154.
Sess. Reg. 2/153.

7 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Thomas Webstare [Webster] and Henry Capcoult of Holborn, tailors, for the said Thomas for making an affray and tumult in the night.
The said Thomas came and discharged by certificate of Roger Pearman shown to the Court by Azariel Shelborne.
Sess. Roll 537/156.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

6 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Thomas Cox of Golding Lane [Shoreditch], fustian-weaver, Matthew Vawter of St. Sepulchre's, leatherseller, and Thomas Michell of Tower Hill, weaver, for the said Thomas Cox for assaulting and hurting Mary, wife of Richard Puller; and of the said Thomas Cox and Joel Vaws of Shoreditch, porter, for Richard Claridge of the same, tailor, for the like.
Sess. Roll 537/157, 160.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

5 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Edward Pryce of Charterhouse Lane, painter, and William Walles of Old Street, yeoman, for Susan Fisher and Elizabeth Parker of Charterhouse Lane, spinsters; the said Susan is complained of by the officers to be a notorious bawd, and the said Elizabeth to be a common whore.
Sess. Roll 537/158.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

18 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Peter Burges of Shoreditch, bricklayer, George Pryce, —, and Jesper Slaney, silkweaver, both of the same, for the said Peter to keep the peace towards Mary his wife, for violently abusing her and putting out one of her eyes.
Sess. Roll 537/161.
Sess. Reg. 2/151.

9 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Latham alias Coxe of Cow Cross, butcher, John Homes, shoemaker, and James Baxter, yeoman, both of the same, for the said John Latham for abusing Francis Zachary [Zacharie], constable of the same, in the execution of his office.
Sess. Roll 537/162.
Sess. Reg. 2/132, 151.

9 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Sherley of Clerkenwell, gentleman, and John Flamsteed of St. Bartholomew's-the-Less, yeoman, for Margaret Marshall of Cow Cross, spinster, committed from the last Sessions as a common whore until she could find sureties for her good behaviour.
Handed over further in bail to John Prieste of Holborn, plasterer, Robert Ladkins of Golding Lane, baker, and Nicholas Lingard of Clerkenwell, shoemaker.
Sess. Roll 537/163.
Sess. Roll 538/114.
Sess. Reg. 2/141, 151, 162, 169.

2 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Lee of St. Sepulchre's, vintner, to give evidence against William Wheatley for felony.
Came in London.
Sess. Roll 537/164.

12 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Stedman of Whitecross Street, butcher, for Ann his wife to give evidence against Frances Baker for felony.
The said Frances delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/170.
G.D.R. 2/37.

8 January, 17 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Benjamin Croker of Whitecross Street, yeoman, John Howard of Turnagain Lane, yeoman, and Henry Hill of Bell Alley, goldsmith, for the said Benjamin to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/173.
G.D.R. 2/40.

30 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Abraham Ripley of Fleet Street, stationer, and Thomas Arnold of Golding Lane, labourer, for Elizabeth Turner of the same, spinster, to appear.
Sess. Roll 537/178.
G.D.R. 2/40.

21 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
David Wager of Old Street, cordwainer, Thomas Hall of "Mugwell" [Monkwell] Street, tailor, and Thomas Brewer of St. Botolph's, Aldersgate, shoemaker, for the said David to answer the accusation of Edward Whyte, for suspicion of felony.
Came and discharged because indicted in London.
Sess. Roll 537/179.
G.D.R. 2/40, 43.

20 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Elizabeth Bayly [Baylye] of Hounslow, widow and innholder, Henry Bull, baker, and Thomas Bennet, husbandman, both of the same, for the said Elizabeth to keep the peace towards Ann Plumer of the same until the next Sessions, and then to appear; and of Sampson Crabbe of the same, yeoman, to keep the peace.
Taken before Sir Francis Carew alias Darcy, Knight, of Isleworth.
Sess. Roll 537/179a.
Sess. Reg. 2/154.

Indictments of:—

1 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Mary Moseley alias Owen of Cow Cross, spinster, for stealing a piece of cambric containing eighteen yards worth £3 from Nicholas Bridges [Brydges] of Cornhill, linen-draper, at Cow Cross.
Not guilty. Respited without bail, and afterwards came to the sessions of Gaol Delivery held on 1 April, and—. At large.
Prosecutor:— John Hickman.
Sess. Roll 537/169, 180.
G.D.R. 2/37d, 42.

12 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Teague Rooke [Orurke] of St. John Street, yeoman [of Westminster, gentleman], for assaulting Edward Taylor, a headborough, at the same, and striking him with a sword worth 2s., wounding him on the left side of the head so that he languished and is still languishing.
Acknowledged. Fined 6s. 8d.
Prosecutors:—Robert Hill, John —, Roger Smith.
Sureties:—Richard Rowland of St. John Street, gentleman, and Nicholas Streinsham of Westminster, gentleman.
Whereas the cure of the said Edward Taylor was committed to the care of Richard Mapes and Richard Cowper, surgeons, they certify that they do not find by their knowledge and skill that the said Edward is in any danger of death by reason of the wound in his head, which he has now received. Witnessed by them on 33 January, A.D. 1614–[15].
Sess. Roll 537/181.
Sess. Reg. 2/131, 155.
G.D.R. 2/42.
P.R.B. 1/41d.

11 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
William Morgan of St. Margaret's, Westminster, yeoman, for stealing a shirt worth 10d. from John More at the same.
Petty larceny. Acknowledged. To be whipped.
Prosecutors:—Daniel Leschecooe of Westminster, yeoman, and Alice Hughes of the same, spinster.
Sess. Roll 537/73, 182.
G.D.R. 2/39.

26 August, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Phillipps and Robert Jones of Stepney, yeomen, for breaking into the house of Roger Fookes, gentleman, at the same, about one o'clock at night, and stealing a cloak with two silk and gold laces about it worth 50s., a hat with a bugle band worth 10s., a dagger worth 2s., a pair of boots worth 4s. and a girdle worth 12d., belonging to Henry Wilson of Westminster, tailor, in the same house.
The said John at large. Not guilty.
The said Robert not guilty.
Sess. Roll 537/165, 183.
G.D.R. 2/39, 42.
P.R.B. 1/41d.

7 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Browne of Goswell Street, yeoman, for stealing £5 in money from Stephen Urlin [Urlins] of the same, yeoman, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 20d., no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded; and as for the rest, not guilty.
Sess. Roll 537/167, 184.
G.D.R. 2/39.

9 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Benjamin Eelye [Eeley] of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, for assaulting Mary Davies at the same and stealing her purse worth 2s. and a gold ring worth 10s., a silver thimble worth 2s., and 3s. in money, being in the said purse.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Prosecutors:—Margaret, wife of Edward Ewers of Bucknall, co. Oxford, esquire, and Thomas Hampton of the same, yeoman, to give evidence against the said Benjamin and John — for cutting the said Margaret's purse. Mistress Ewers is sick and her evidence of no great validity.
Mary Dabbes of St. Clement Danes, spinster, to give evidence against the said Benjamin for cutting her purse in St. Clement's Church in the time of Divine Service.
Sess. Roll 537/91, 94, 185.
G.D.R. 2/39.

9 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Sarah Wolridge [Bingley] and Katherine Bingley [Dowley] of Cow Cross, spinsters, for stealing thirteen pairs of breeches worth 45s., three cloaks worth 30s. and two covers of "coach-bedds" worth 30s. from David Price [Pryce] of Clerkenwell, clothworker, at Cow Cross; and of Humphrey Ball of the same, broker, for receiving and helping them after the said felony.
The said Sarah and Katherine guilty to the value of 11½d., no goods, to be whipped. Delivered by proclamation.
The said Humphrey made default [deleted].
Sess. Roll 537/166, 186.
G.D.R. 2/38d, 41.

4 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Tems of Charterhouse Lane, yeoman, and John Cumings [Cominges] of Golding Lane, yeoman, for stealing £46 in money from Sir Edmund Varney, Knight, at the same.
Not guilty.
For the said Thomas:—Lawrence Gennyngs of Tower Street, hosier, Isaac Willyams of Seacoal Lane, goldsmith, Thomas Fanner of St. Bartholomew's-the-Great, vintner, and William Turnor of Long Lane, silkweaver.
For the said John:—Robert Ladkins of Golding Lane, baker, and Ralph Gough of St. Bartholomew's-the-Great, tailor.
Sess. Roll 537/171, 172, 187.
G.D.R. 2/38d, 40d.

7 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Tomlinson of Hackney, yeoman, for breaking into the house of Nicholas Hallaley of the same, gentleman, at the same, about two o'clock in the afternoon, no person being in the said house, and stealing four pewter dishes worth 6s., belonging to the said Nicholas.
Not guilty.
Prosecutors:—Helen, wife of the said Nicholas, Edward Webbe and William Marshall of the same, yeomen.
Sess. Roll 537/60, 188.
G.D.R. 2/38d.

17 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Peirson and Henry Gray of Wapping, yeomen, Frances Sturton of the same, spinster, and John Curtus for breaking into the house of Gregory Philpott [Filpot] of the same, vintner, at the same, about three o'clock at night, and stealing four pewter pottle-pots worth 16s., two pewter gallon-pots worth 16s. and 10 lb. of tobacco (fn. 1) worth £5, belonging to the said Gregory; and of Francis Cotterell [Cottrell] of Rosemary Lane, blacksmith, for receiving and helping them at the same after the said felony.
The said Peirson, Gray and Sturton not guilty.
The said Cotterell discharged because the principals not guilty.
Prosecutors:—Ann, wife of William Caverley of Southwark, gilder; Stephen Marshe of Rosemary Lane, smith, to give evidence against the said Cotterell touching an iron that was found in their custody, and he affirmed that they used it as an instrument for breaking open a cellar belonging to the said Gregory.
For the said Cotterell:—Richard Lee of Whitechapel, cook, and John Hodgsons of the same, yeoman.
For the said Ann:—Edward Clackston of Hendon, clerk, and Henry Patterson of the City of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant,
Sess. Roll 537/117, 119, 120, 124, 125, 189.
Sess. Reg. 2/154.
G.D.R. 2/38d, 39d, 40d.

1 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Smythe of Waltham, co. Hertford, joiner, for stealing a bay colt worth 26s. 8d., belonging to Richard Hipcase [Hapcase, Hipkins] of Enfield, yeoman, at the same.
Not guilty.
Prosecutors:—John Hipcase [Hipkins] of Enfield, yeoman, John Lowe, Thomas Martin.
Surety:—John Warcopp [Warcuppe] of Edmonton.
The said Richard and John Hipkins and Thomas Norton of Enfield, yeoman, to give evidence against the said John Warcupp for felony.
The said John Warcuppe indicted for stealing the said brown-bay colt of the said Richard Hipkins, and forasmuch as it appeared upon his arraignment and trial that the colt had been bought by one William Keysar of Enfield from one John Smithe, who had no authority to sell the same, and so the colt was very unjustly and fraudulently "eloyned" from the said Hipkins, the true owner thereof, it is therefore ordered by the Court that the said Keysar shall restore and deliver the said colt to the said Hipkins, or else show good cause why he should not restore the same.
Sess. Roll 537/128, 190.
Sess. Reg. 2/196.
G.D.R. 2/38d, 39, 39d, 51d, 53.

30 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Gager of the Strand, yeoman, for stealing four yards of say of yellow colour from William Waverley [Waverlie] of the same, upholsterer, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 537/72, 191.
G.D.R. 2/38d.

11 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Agnes Graye of St. Mary-le-Strand otherwise Savoy, spinster, for stealing ten table-napkins worth 3s. 4d. and two pillow-beers worth 12d. from Francis Gilforde [Gylford] of the same, innholder, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 537/95, 192.
G.D.R. 2/38d.

3 June, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Francis Wrighte of Westminster, yeoman, for stealing a doublet worth 10s., a pair of breeches worth 10s., a cloak worth 35s., a jewel worth 10s., three silver spoons worth 20s., a pair of stockings worth 3s., and £7 in money, belonging to George Pierson, at the same.
Not guilty.
The said George made default.
Sess. Roll 537/193.
G.D.R. 2/38d.

20 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Nicholas Abell of Mile End, yeoman, and Dorothy his wife, for breaking into the house of George Bovill [Bovile], gentleman, at the same, about two o'clock at night, and stealing two brass kettles worth 20s., a brass pot worth 10s., four brass skelletts worth 8s., a colander worth 2s., twenty-four dishes worth 46s., four brass candlesticks worth 20s., two pewter candlesticks worth 20s. and a porringer worth 4d., belonging to the said George; and of the said Nicholas and Dorothy, and James Abell of Mile End [Whitechapel], butcher, for stealing three wether sheep worth 30s., belonging to a man unknown, at the same.
The said Dorothy not guilty.
The said Nicholas at large. At the Sessions held on 2 August, 13 James I [A.D. 1615] came and put himself, and was found not guilty.
Prosecutors:—Martin Beckett, John Fuller. Both defaulted.
The said James bound over in bail to Richard Grenehowe of St. Mary Madgalen's in Whitechapel, silkweaver, and Richard — of the same, butcher, to answer for certain stolen sheep found in his father's house, which he said were his.
Sess. Roll. 537/55, 194, 195.
Sess. Reg. 2/148.
G.D.R. 2/38d.
P.R.B. 1/41d.

31 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Palmer of Hillingdon, yeoman, and Alexander Twine of the same, shoemaker, for stealing four hens worth 4s. and two capons worth 2s., belonging to Matthew Deane of "Collam" in the same, at the same.
Both guilty to the value of 11½d., no goods, to be whipped. Now prisoners in the gaol of Newgate.
Sess. Roll 537/58, 196.
G.D.R. 2/38d.

12 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Bunnell of St. John Street [Puddle Wharf], feltmaker, for an assault and battery on John Wilson, being the headborough of the same, in the execution of his office at the same; and of the said John Bunnell, being a common informer, for taking 12d. from Ralph Knevett, being a common tippler at the same, under colour of his office, promising the said Ralph that he would obtain for him a licence to sell ale and beer, out of the Crown Office.
Puts himself on the jury, discharged and respited for sureties for good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 537/197, 198.
G.D.R. 2/38d.

18 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Helen Convers of Ratcliffe, spinster, for stealing a petticoat worth 25s. and a waistcoat worth 10s. from John Poultney of Newington, co. Surrey, yeoman; and of Richard Awsten of Ratcliffe, yeoman, and Helen his wife, for receiving and helping her at the same, after the said felony [deleted].
Not guilty.
Prosecutors:—Helen Poultney, John Honnywell, John Bryant.
Surety for Helen Awsten:—Leonard Fenne of Ratcliffe, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 537/138, 149, 199.
Sess. Reg. 2/150.
G.D.R. 2/38d.

16 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Simon Clarke and John Burche of Hendon, yeomen, for stealing a black cow worth £40, belonging to Thomas Marshe, at the same.
The said Simon acknowledges, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
The said John not guilty.
Sess. Roll 537/61, 200.
G.D.R. 2/38.

23 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Chambers of Golding Lane, yeoman, for stealing sixteen quarters of mutton worth 20s., belonging to a man unknown, at the same.
Not guilty.
Prosecutors:—Francis Zacharye, William Smithe.
Sess. Roll 537/201.
G.D.R. 2/88.

27 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Barnes of Hendon, yeoman, for stealing a livery coat of blue colour worth 6s. 8d., three pairs of sheets worth 30s., a cloak of mingled colour worth 16s., another cloak worth 6s., a holland apron worth 13d., a rapier worth 2s., two cipres hat-bands worth 8s., a coif worth 4s., a falling-band worth 6s., two pairs of woollen stockings worth 6s. and a pair of new shoes worth 2s., belonging to Richard More of Totteridge, co. Hertford, yeoman, at Hendon.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutor:—Nicholas Tyler.
Sess. Roll 537/54, 202.
G.D.R. 2/38.

11 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John More [Moore] of Hayes, yeoman, for stealing five hogs worth 53s. 4d., belonging to Richard Harrison of Hurst, co. Berks, esquire, at Hayes.
Acknowledges, seeks the book, reads, to be branded. Now prisoner in the gaol of Newgate. Delivered by proclamation.
Prosecutor:—Robert Farath of Hurst aforesaid, husbandman.
Sess. Roll 537/59, 203.
G.D.R. 2/38, 50.

27 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Stephen Kitchen [deleted] alias Thomas Kitchen of St. Martin'sin-the-Fields, yeoman, for stealing a nag of sorrell colour worth £10., belonging to Henry Lea [Lee] of the Strand, apothecary, at St. Martin's aforesaid.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Prosecutor:—John Loftus.
Sess. Roll 537/71, 204.
G.D.R. 2/38.

23 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Eresfielde of Hadley, yeoman, for stealing "a fustian dublett of white millen" worth 30s., a pair of kersey breeches "color deroye" worth 20s. and a white frieze jerkin worth 10s., belonging to Alexander Sheppard; also four and a half yards of new cloth "color white russett" worth 14s., belonging to Elizabeth Davies; and an embroidered girdle worth 5s., a dagger worth 5s., and a falling-band of cambric worth 12d., belonging to John Kerke, all at Hadley aforesaid.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Sess. Roll 537/205.
G.D.R. 2/38.

1 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Mary Maddoxe [Madocke] of Ratcliffe, spinster, for stealing a hat worth —s., a petticoat worth 5s., a waistcoat worth 2s., a green apron worth 2s., 4 lb. of tobacco worth 6s., a falling-band worth 3s. 4d., a table-cloth worth 3s. 4d., a coif worth 6d. and two handkerchiefs worth 12d., belonging to Walter Nunne [Nun] of Whitechapel, yeoman, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 536/147.
Sess. Roll 537/206.
G.D.R. 2/33d, 38.

4 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
John Trewe of Limehouse, labourer [blacksmith], for stealing two pieces of iron worth 11d. and two pieces of steel worth 2d. from Lewis Tyte [Tayte] of the same, blacksmith, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Witness:—William Symons, servant to the said Lewis.
Sureties:—Thomas Randall of Limehouse, baker, and Thomas Browne of Greenwich, co. Kent, armourer.
Sess. Roll 537/147, 152, 207.
G.D.R. 2/38, 39d.

26 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Hewes [Hughes] of Wapping, —, for stealing a silkwrought kirtle worth 20s. and a black safeguard worth 10s. ["one saye safegard and a kirtle of wrought grogeron or stitched tafety"] from William Lowe of the same, cook, at the same.
Not guilty. Respited for good behaviour at the petition of Anne Lowe.
Sess. Roll 537/118, 208.
G.D.R. 2/37d, 38.

27 September, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Peter Plesington [Pleasington] of the Strand, yeoman, for breaking into the house of Sir Thomas Parry, Knight, at the same, between eleven and twelve o'clock at night, and stealing a cloak worth 40s., a sword worth 5s. and a pewter pot worth 4s., belonging to the said Sir Thomas.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
The said Peter accused Richard Greene of breaking into the house.
Prosecutors:—Ellis Davies and Richard Rusley [Ruslye] of St. Mary-le-Strand, yeomen, and William Butterfeild.
Sess. Roll 536/134.
Sess. Roll 537/209.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.
G.D.R. 2/38.

30 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Marshall of St. John Street, yeoman [of St. Katherine's, cooper], for stealing two pairs of wooden instruments called beer slings worth 10s. and a filling kettle of wood worth 7s., belonging to Francis Smallman at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11 1/2d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutors:—William Marvin [Marven] of St. John Street, alebrewer, Thomas Williamson of East Smithfield, blacksmith, and Robert Williamson his apprentice.
Sureties:—William Marshall of East Smithfield, carpenter, and Christopher Marshall of Shoreditch, "sayer."
The said William Marvin also bound over to give evidence against the said Thomas and Robert Williamson for the like; and the said Thomas and Robert Williamson handed in bail to Christopher Lee of East Smithfield, butcher, and Ranald Thompson of the same, gunstock-maker, to answer.
Sess. Roll 537/122, 123, 126, 127, 210.
Sess. Reg. 2/150.
G.D.R. 2/38, 39, 39d.

12 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Ann Capell of Stepney, spinster, for injuring Abigail Scowler, a female child aged two years, by holding up the clothes of the said Abigail and putting her so near to a fire, wilfully and of malice aforethought, that her back, buttocks and thighs were burnt, so that as a result of the burning the said Abigail was ill until 3 January then next following when she died, at the same.
Not guilty.
Prosecutors:—Thomas Scowler, Anne Scowler, George Dunne, a surgeon.
Sess. Roll 537/211.
G.D.R. 2/38.

3 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Christopher Hill of Clerkenwell, yeoman, and Elizabeth Davies and Helen Nutter of the same, spinsters, for breaking into the house of Margery Banes, widow, in St. John Street at the same, between eleven and twelve o'clock at night, and stealing a cloak of mingled colour worth 20s., a felt hat worth 8s. and a pair of shoes worth 18d., belonging to Owen Banes of St. John Street, gentleman; a ruff-band worth 8s., belonging to Christopher Morley; and a smock worth 5s., and three-score pieces of pewter worth £5., belonging to the said Margery; and of John Westcott [Mostcott] of St. Martin's-in-theFields, chandler, for receiving and helping them at the same after the said felony.
The said Christopher Hill guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
The said Elizabeth guilty, respited to prison after judgment because she says she is pregnant but not tried.
The said Helen not guilty. Delivered by proclamation.
The said John at large.
Robert Hudson indicted likewise and is at large.
Prosecutor:—Robert Jurden.
Sureties for the said John:—Thomas Hall of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, victualler, and Jerome Feild of the same, blacksmith.
Sess. Roll 537/26, 70, 212.
G.D.R. 2/38, 39d, 50.
P.R.B. 1/41d.

Coroner's Inquest.

16 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Inquisition taken at St. Clement Danes before Robert Bright, coroner, on view of the body of a male child born of the body of Katherine Davis of the same, spinster, lying dead, by the oaths of Henry Pynfold, William—, Gregory Herbert, William Dawson, William Underhill, Thomas Harris, Thomas Woodfeild, Richard Shawe, Henry—,—Parker, Nicholas West, Brian Norris, Thomas Saunders and John Hickman, who say that the child died in being brought to birth, and in no other way. In witness whereof, etc.
By the visitation of God.
The said Katherine delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 537/213.
G.D.R. 2/37.

29 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Jury writ, issued by Sir Thomas Lake, Knight, for the Sessions to be held on 13 January then next coming [A.D. 1614–15].
Endorsed that the execution appears in a certain panel annexed to the same. Peter Proby and Martin Lumley, sheriffs.
Sess. Roll 537/214.

9 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Writ, witnessed at Westminster by E. Coke, for Peter Mass— of St. James', Clerkenwell, yeoman, and Barbara his wife to appear on the morrow of Holy Trinity next coming.
Sess. Roll 537/214a.


John Atkinson of Islington, gentleman. Sworn.
John Waterworth of the same, gentleman. Late.
Richard Maye of the same, gentleman. Late.
Francis Marshe of the same, gentleman. because of the Jury of Annoyances. Late,
Thomas Hutchinson of the same. Sworn.
James Burche of the same. Sworn.
William Groome of the same. Sworn.
John Symper of the same. Sworn.
John Wilde of the same. Sworn.
Richard Buttermore of the same.
Stephen Boone of the same. Sworn.
Benjamin Peirson of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Garrett of the same. Ill.
William Lester of the same. Sworn.
Ralph Barker of the same. Sworn.
Edward Coltman of the same.
Robert Frenchborne of the same. Sworn.
William Pryor of the same. Late.
John Leete of the same. because of the Jury of Annoyances.
William Neale of the same. Sworn.
Henry Lakyns of the same. Sworn.
William Shelton of the same. Sworn.
Robert Evans of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Freeberry of St. John Street.
Thomas Sta—of the same.

Sess. Roll 537/215.

Names of Coroners:—
Robert Bright, gentleman.
Henry Harriott, gentleman.

Names of Bailiffs:—
Walter James, gentleman, bailiff of the liberty of the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster.
William Howell, bailiff of the liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster at the Strand.
John Mayle, bailiff of the liberty of the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul.
Robert Dixon, gentleman, bailiff of the liberty of Thomas, Lord Wentworth.
Michael Brookes, gentleman, bailiff of the liberty of the Master, Brothers and Sisters of the Hospital Church of St. Katherine-theVirgin-next-the-Tower of London.
Matthew Hundesley, gentleman, bailiff of the liberty of John, Lord Bishop of London.
Charles Chewte, esquire, bailiff of the liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster at Enfield.
William Heycock, bailiff of the liberty of Dudley, Lord North.
William Fletcher, bailiff of the liberty of Sir William Harbert, Knight, of his manor at Hendon.
Isaac Bringhurst, James Raves, Thomas Walsall, Charles Hill, John Lamyng, Geoffrey Kerry, William Falkenor, Henry Bathe, William Hunt and John Tisoe, bailiffs of the hundred of Osulstone.
William Sare, bailiff of the hundred of Edmonton.
Roger Unsworth, bailiff of the hundred of Gore.
Francis Page, bailiff of the hundred of Elthorne.
Ambrose Board, bailiff of the hundred of Spelthorne and Isleworth.
Sess. Roll 537/216.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Osulstone:—
Paul Smythe of Whitechapel, gentleman.
William Lamb of Islington, gentleman.
John Robinson of Holborn, gentleman.
Matthew Head of Westminster, gentleman.

Names of the sub-constables of the same hundred:—

The Duchy in the Strand. George Beste.
Hugh Smythe.
George Nichols.
William Waverley.
St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. Samuel Clarke.
John Sturte.
John Brumpsted.
William Wright.
King Street. John Norton.
William Layfeild.
John Mathewes.
Abner Walker.
The Woolstaple. William Robinson.
The New Palace. Richard Wilmott.
The Bowling Alley. William Fairecliffe.
The Sanctuary. Richard Davis.
Tothill Street. Adrian Hanford.
George Heath.
Henry Lambert.
John Bennett.
Augustine Coles.
Longditch. Richard Knowles.
Thieving Lane. William Cawfeild.
Hamulus Hollinshead.
St. Giles'-in-the-Fields. Thomas Burton.
Robert Dickers.
Robert Playsted.
Chancery Lane. Nicholas Maunder.
High Holborn. John Limborowe.
William Pantinge.
Field Lane and Saffron Hill. Henry Browne.
Kentish Town. John Wetherley.
Edward Payton.
Hampstead. Thomas Johnson.
Finchley. Nicholas Rolfe.
Richard Marshe.
Friern Barnet. Henry Cownsell.
Hornsey. Richard Hall.
James Cutt.
Holloway. William Playner.
Islington. William Swinnerton.
Henry Smyth.
Edward Davis.
Robert Pearson.
Clerkenwell. Maurice Stride.
John Sherley.
Robert Hill.
Richard Barnes.
John Towson.
Hackney. John Allen.
John Oulden.
Stoke Newington. Hugh Wilson.
Edward Gaskyn.
Hoxton and Shoreditch. Alban Cooke.
Holywell Street. Hugh Yeomans.
Norton Folgate. John Robins.
Stepney. John Fuller.
Ratcliffe. Thomas Lane.
East Smithfield. Roger Mason.
John Batcheler.
Wapping. Roland Quatmore.
St. Katherine's. William Wood.
Thomas Billmore.
Whitechapel. William Ward.
Old Ford. Henry West.
Stratford Bow. Charles Skory.
Bromley. Thomas Fox.
John Bruer.
Poplar. Robert Purser.
Limehouse. Ralph Bradshawe.
Golding Lane. George Morgan.
Whitecross Street. Richard Morton.
Old Street. John French.
Grub Street. Joseph Armett.
Willesden. John Franckland.
William Feild.
Paddington. Christopher Southerdine.
Marylebone. John Hurst.
Acton. Thomas Child.
Henry Freeman.
Ealing. Nicholas Assiter.
Old Brentford. William Read.
Chiswick. William Arnold.
John Ludbie.
Fulham. Edward Holden.
Robert Simons.
Chelsea. Richard Vaughan.
Kensington. William Edlett.
Daniel Arcott.
Knightsbridge. Giles Brumham.
St. John Street. Thomas Bennett.
Joseph Gest.

Sess. Roll 537/217, 218, 219.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Edmonton:—

Edmonton. Robert Hellam, gentleman.
Enfield. Henry Hunsdon, gentleman.
Mimms. Roger Hoddesdon, gentleman.

Names of the sub-constables of the same hundred:—

Edmonton. Thomas Harr.
Robert Feast.
William Peasie.
Thomas Sparkes.
Tottenham. Richard Meeres. Late.
John Andrewes.
Samuel Mason.
Henry Wheatelie.
Enfield. Stephen Barnes.
Robert Baldwyn.
Christopher Woodham.
Richard Mussedge.
Edward Spencer. Ill.
Mimms. Richard Taylor.
Thomas Nowell.
Edward Fisher. Late.
Hadley. Robert Tibballs.

Sess. Roll 537/520.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Gore:—

Hendon. Richard Niccolls, gentleman.
Henry Smyth, gentleman.

Names of the sub-constables of the same hundred:—

"Gladwen Street". Richard Marshe.
Little Stanmore. Thomas Ewer.
Edgware. William Francklyn.
Kingsbury. Matthew Hamond.
Great Stanmore. John Peeters.
The Weald. John Weedon.
Pinner. John Bord.
Alperton. William Wright.
Sudbury. Anthony Dryhurst.
Roxeth. John Ashwey.
Harrow Hill. Thomas Harris.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Spelthorne and Isleworth:—

Staines. Andrew Durdant, gentleman.
Bedfont. John Page, gentleman.
Heston. Roger Partridge, gentleman.
Twickenham. Robert Bartlett, gentleman.

Names of the sub-constables of the same hundred:—

Staines. Thomas Knowles.
Edward Aylett.
Littleton. William Gander.
Stanwell. Henry Fuller.
Laleham. Henry Gray.
Shepperton. Reginald Reeve.
Henry Collyns.
Ashford. William Kynge.
Bedfont. Kichell Koomes.
Hampton. Henry Pack.
Hanworth. John Sparkes.
Teddington. David Nicholls.
Sunbury. Richard Howard.
Feltham. Robert Butler.
Heston. William Cole.
Twickenham. Nicholas Savadge.
Isleworth. William Stundon alias Stunnam.
John Boyce.

Names of the Chief Constables of the hundred of Elthorne:—
John Francklyn.
John Weeden.

Names of the sub-constables of the same hundred:—

Uxbridge. Michael Webb.
Hillingdon. Ralph Younge.
Harefield. Richard Woode.
Ruislip. William Casselden.
Ickenham. Robert Crosier.
West [Drayton]. William Osborne.
Harmondsworth. Roger Barnes.
Harlington. Robert Runwell.
Cranford. William FitzHerbert.
Hayes. Robert Spurling.
Northwood. John Awsiter.
Cowley. Thomas Crutchley.
Northall. Thomas Day.
Greenford. George Lampe.
Hanwell. William Brittridge.
West Brentford. Edward Sharpe.

Sess. Roll 537/221, 222.


p. 147. Came and discharged:—

Matthew Teague, servant to William Sames of Eaton, co. Bedford, gentleman, taken by the watch in a lewd house.

Edward Bourne and Lawrence Vaghan, servants to Robert Bowser of Benningbrough, co. York, esquire, taken likewise.

Elizabeth, wife of John Parker of Clerkenwell, victualler, for assaulting the wife of Hugh Clapham.

Peter Thorney of St. Andrew's, Holborn, surgeon, for abusing Mr. [John] Robinson, high constable, saying that a warrant which he made was an idle warrant.

Humphrey Corbett of St. Margaret's, London, merchant, for refusing to pay 20s. imposed on him for the poor of Stoke Newington.

William Lowde of Gray's Inn Lane, victualler, for selling fifty pots of beer for 2d. a quart, and for abusing Mr. Pursett and others of the Jury.

Elizabeth, wife of Humphrey Hyde of Whitecross Street, gentleman, for harbouring lewd people in her house, presented by the Jury of Annoyances.

George Moodye of High Holborn, tailor, charged to have begotten Mary Reynoldes with child, born at the same. Respited to the next, and then ordered to give security to discharge the parish of St. Andrew's, Holborn, from the said child. At the Sessions held on 28 March, Agnes Neale of Smithfield, widow, Joan Eedes of Gray's Inn Lane, Susan Walton, Katherine Blackforde and Helen Duke of the same, midwives, being sworn in Court, say that the said Mary Reynoldes at the time of her labour before her delivery did charge the said Moodye to be the father of the child. It it therefore thought meet that the said Moodye shall put in sureties to discharge the said parish of High Holborn from keeping the child. He refuses to take the child, therefore is committed "to the bayle dock." The said Mary is to be whipped and sent away by pass. Edward Hutchenson, being sworn, says that one Mr. Monforde did confess to him that he had begotten the said Mary with child and that he gave her money divers times (and pp. 148, 162, 173, 187).

p.150. Nicholas Ridgale of St. John Street is appointed to be Scavenger.

Came and committed:—

Bartholomew Nicholson for delivering 20 lb. of stolen silk to Helen Longe of St. Katherine's, to sell the same for him.

Stephen Burton of London, draper, to prosecute the said Helen and Margery Longe for the cause abovesaid, and to give evidence against the said Bartholomew (and p.162).

p.152. Came and discharged:—

John Kirke of Shoreditch committed to the gaol of Newgate, and afterwards discharged because it appears by the certificate of Henry Crowder, clerk of St. Martin's, Ludgate, that the said Kirke has married Elizabeth Hill, whom he was charged to have begotten with child. Delivered by proclamation (and G.D.R. 2/37).

John Bramston of St. John Street, Clerkenwell, yeoman, handed in bail to Richard Barnes of the same, yeoman, for stealing twenty 22s. pieces from the person of Thomas Keeper; and Elizabeth his wife is to appear and give evidence against the said John; John Howe of Chancery Lane, tailor, and Justinian Baker of the same, gentleman, mutual sureties, to appear for the aforesaid cause; Thomas Keeper of Isleworth, gentleman, handed in bail to Francis Poulton of Twickenham, esquire, for suspicion of rape on Hester, wife of the said John Bramston (and G.D.R. 2/39d).

p.154. Came and discharged:—

Thomas Freeburye of St. John Street, innholder, brought in by warrant upon complaint of Thomas Starlinge.

Richard Johnson and Richard Buckley of South Mimms, gentlemen, for Mary, wife of the said Richard Johnson, to appear at the next Sessions after the Close of Easter, and to keep the peace towards Robert Howe the younger of the same, yeoman; and the said Robert bound over for a common disturber of his neighbours (and pp. 178,179).

Thomas Elam, headborough of Wapping, brought in by warrant for letting Ann Stacye escape, referred to Sir Robert Johnson to examine.

p.155. Order that, forasmuch as great abuse is committed within the parts adjacent to the City of London by poulterers, butchers and other persons that keep open shambles and sell their wares and commodities upon the Sabbath day, to the great dishonour of Almighty God and the slander of religion and government, the high constables shall order the petty constables to take care from henceforth that no butcher or poulterer or other person whatsoever (other than innkeepers, cooks or victuallers) shall sell or utter any manner of flesh victuals or other commodity, only for necessary food upon the Sabbath day; and that any person offending therein shall be brought before the Justices.

Order that, "whereas greate disorders & tumults doe often arise & happen within the streetes & lanes neere adioyninge to ye Cittye of London by playinge at the footeball," the high constables and petty constables shall "from tyme to tyme represse & restrayne all manner of footeballplaye" in the said streets and lanes, and shall bring before the Justices all such persons as shall in any way resist the execution of the order.

p.156. Order that, whereas by an ancient custom divers constables have been appointed in a parish, all of whom have had their particular precincts assigned and hold themselves excused from performing their duties without their precincts, the high constables do now command all the petty constables that they look to the execution of their ordinances anywhere within the parish, without making question of limits or precincts.

Licensed tipplers:—

Leonard Braford of Westminster, victualler. Sureties:—William Waterton, gentleman, and Thomas Cofeld, yeoman, both of the same.

Edward Udall of St. Mary-le-Strand, victualler. Sureties:—Richard Davies, gentleman, and Roger Morgan, yeoman, both of the same.

Edward Beeche of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, victualler. Sureties:—Robert Usewright of the same, yeoman, and Edward Alderman of St. Sepulchre's, yeoman.

Leonard Warren of Whitecross Street, victualler. Sureties:—Edward Warren of Cow Cross, yeoman, and Bartholomew Benson of Whitechapel, yeoman.

William Coxe of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, victualler. Sureties:—John Leered, cordwainer, and Richard Leered, locksmith, both of the same.

Francis Tarrye of St. John Street, victualler. Sureties:—Guttrey Mathew of the same, tailor, and Edward Dorsett of All Hallows, tailor.

Richard Harryson of High Holborn, victualler. Sureties:—Henry Gates, joiner, and William Roberts, tailor, both of the same.

John Hodges of Gray's Inn Lane, victualler. Sureties:—Ralph Knevett of St. John Street, gentleman, and Francis Stone of Clerkenwell, yeoman.

Thomas Brookes of Kensington, victualler. Sureties:—George Shelston of London, cutler, and Joseph Holden of Hammersmith, yeoman.

Robert Stuntley of Wapping, victualler. Sureties:—John Morgan and William Fookes of the same, yeomen.

p.157. Thomas Knowles of Chiswell Street, victualler. Sureties:—Thomas Wafer of the same, fletcher, and Augustine Tenente of Lombard Street, yeoman.

Henry Brewer of Westminster, victualler. Sureties:—John Stedman and Thomas Heathe of the same, yeoman.

pp.157–161. Orders concerning the erection of a House of Correction and the providing of money for the same:—

First it is ordered that the capital messuage, stable, curtilage and other the premises now in the occupation or tenure of Henry Norwood or George Sherley, esquires, or one of them, and also the tenement, great orchard or garden now or late in the tenure or occupation of James Thurleby situate lying and being within the parish of Clerkenwell in the county of Middlesex with all and singular paths, passages, ways, liberties and commodities thereunto belonging or appertaining shall be forthwith purchased and bought in the names of Sir Thomas Lake, Knight, Custos Rotulorum of the said County of Middlesex, Sir Henry Mountague, Knight, one of His Majesty's Sergeants-atLaw, Sir Francis Darcy, Sir Lewis Lewkenor, Sir William Bowyer, Sir Thomas Fowler, Sir Baptist Hickes, Sir John Bennett, Sir George Coppin, Clerk of the Crown, Sir William Smythe, Sir John Brett and Sir Ferdinand Heyborne, Knights, Richard Brownlowe, Edward Forsett, Richard Sutton, Henry Spyller, Ralph Hawtrey, Thomas Sanderson, Henry Farmor, Edmund Dobledaye, John Sucklinge and Francis Mitchell, esquires, and their heirs, to the use of this county, and the said Sir Thomas Lake [and the others aforesaid] or some of them shall thereupon erect or cause to be erected or otherwise make fit and convenient one House of Correction and employment in labour for rogues, vagabonds, sturdy beggars or idle and wandering persons, and so to use and continue the same for ever hereafter.

pp. 158–9. Order for the rate of £2,000 taxed upon the county or the buying and building of the House of Correction.

[List of the hundreds and parishes with assessments of each set out.]

p.160. Warrants to be made by the Justices to the high constables for levying the several sums.

Order for the constables to tax every inhabitant according to his property and possessions, if the inhabitants refuse to pay the rate assessed upon them.

Sir Baptist Hickes, Knight, elected Treasurer.

Order to levy by distress and sale of goods of those persons who refuse to pay their assessment, and an order to bring before the next Justice of the Peace those persons that have no distress.

p.161. Order to provide for the indemnity of the constables and other officers that undertake the collection.


f.37. Delivered by proclamation:—

Dorothy Dutton, Robert Pavye, William Beste, Sidney Caldecott, Stephen Madhope, Edward Roberts, John Ramsey, Richard Owen, Thomas Burden, John Hooper, John Streetes.

f.37d. Nathaniel Lard alias Laward, respited for good behaviour at the request of Sir Jerome Bowes, Knight.

Christopher Aston [Asten] of St. Andrew's, Holborn, tailor, respited to appear at the next (and f.43d).

Henry Hawes respited for suspicion of a felony done in Lincoln's Inn Fields.

Lawrence Sibell respited for Bridewell.

Filkin Durham respited for good behaviour.

John Parrys and William Surby respited to prison without bail.

Hugh Leadbetter and Thomas Leadbetter respited for the further order of the Lord Chief Justice of England.

Richard Leeche alias Balley respited for Bedford.

f.38d. George Brookes of Shoreditch [Hackney], bricklayer, for robbing Walter Allyley [Hallaley] of divers rings. At large (and f.39d. and P.R.B. 1/41d).

f.40.d. Came and discharged:—

Thomas Walters of London, haberdasher.

Forasmuch as Blanche Platte, daughter of John Platte, a child of the age of [blank] was lately left impotent at the house of [blank] in the parish of St. Sepulchre's, and was born at Charterhouse Lane in the same parish, where by law it ought to be provided for, it is ordered that the said child be carried to Hicks Hall, and the overseers for the poor of the said parish are to attend the Justices there that order may be taken for the charitable provision for the said child.


f.41d. John Clarke of High Holborn, gentleman, and William Woodfalle of the same, tailor, for refusing to come to church.

For victualling without licence:—

Alexander Barnes of Whitechapel, yeoman, Stephen Driffen and John Hancock of the same, yeomen, Ralph Brenton of Ratcliffe, yeoman, Thomas Wharton and John Rogers of the same, yeomen.

f.42. Thomas Stevenson of London, innholder, for not repairing a bridge lying over the common sewer leading from Kentish Town to the parish church of St. Pancras-in-the-Fields. Pledged for a fine on 24 September, A.D. 1615, but not fined because amended immediately.

George Hixe of Friern Barnet, yeoman, for an assault on the body of Hugh Swinfeild.

Robert Smithe of the same, yeoman, for not coming to church, and [Thomas] Jollett of Edmonton, yeoman, and Lewis Cole of Heston, yeoman, for the like.

John Lewin of Harrow Weald, butcher, for being an inmate.

Richard Heyborne and John East of Harlington, yeomen, for laying dung in the streets. Pledged for a fine, but not fined because the annoyance is small, and at the request of Sir John Bennett, Knight.

The inhabitants of Harlington for not having a pair of stocks.

William Page of Alperton, yeoman, "for turninge the higheway out of his place and likewise the watercourse." Pledged for a fine on 4 September, A.D. 1615.


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