Sessions, 1614: 3 and 5 December

Pages 128-175

County of Middlesex. Calendar To the Sessions Records: New Series, Volume 2, 1614-15. Originally published by Clerk of the Peace, London, 1936.

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Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery, 3 and 5 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].


Recognizances of:—

21 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Deereing and John Lawe of Enfield, yeomen, for Easter, wife of John Lucke of the same, for beating, wounding and dangerously hurting Elizabeth Howard of the same, widow.
Sess. Roll 536/1.
Sess. Reg. 2/140.

15 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Cyprian Clarke and Thomas Williams of Moor Lane in St. Giles'without-Cripplegate, silkweavers, for David Clarke of Wells, co. Somerset, labourer, taken very suspiciously about the house of Mr. Crosse at Hackney in the night-time.
Sess. Roll 536/2.
G.D.R. 2/36.

26 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Burdor of St. Saviour's in the Borough of Southwark, soap-boiler, and Samuel Wood and Robert Newall of St. Andrew's, Holborn, shoemakers, for the said Richard to appear, being charged for suspicion of robbing the Lady Berkley.
Sess. Roll 536/3.
G.D.R. 2/36.

1 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Elizabeth Deven of Hounslow, widow, for victualling without licence.
Sess. Roll 536/4.
Sess. Reg. 2/140.

22 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Kirk of All Hallows, tailor, and Francis Forman of Seacoal Lane, St. Sepulchre's, tailor, for Thomas Parram of Clerkenwell, yeoman, to be of good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 536/5.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

23 November 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Coates of Highworth, co. Berks [sic], carpenter, to give evidence against John Grey [Graye] of Stepney, yeoman; and of George Moore and Edward Browne of the same, yeomen, for the said John for cozening John Coates.
The said John Grey delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 536/6, 7.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.
G.D.R. 2/37.

23 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Grove of St. Clement Danes, tailor, William Grove, gentleman, and Edward Huchines, tailor, both of the same, for the said Richard, being suspected to have taken money divers times out of a box standing in the shop of Robert Maston [Mason] of the same, tailor; and of the said Robert to give evidence against the said Richard.
The said Richard commited because indicted of felony.
Sess. Roll 536/9, 99.
Sess. Reg. 2/207.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

1 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Essex Harcott [Harcoute] of Witney, co. Oxon, gentleman, and William Essex of Beck—, co. Berks, —, for the said Essex Harcott for assaulting and wounding William Stubbines of St. Giles'without-Cripplegate, yeoman, in the body, with his sword, in the Fields in the night season; and of John Man of St. Giles'-in-theFields, gentleman, Elizabeth Man, widow, and Henry Man, gentleman, both of the same, for the said John and Henry to answer the complaint of the said William Stubbines and others who were assaulted in the Fields by the said Essex, the said John and Henry being in the company of the said Essex; and of the said William, Tobias Marcam, and Moses Marcam of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, gardeners, John Turner of Clerkenwell, gardener, and Thomas Austyn of St. Sepulchre's, pewterer, all to give evidence against the said Essex, for assaulting them; and of Thomas Burton of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, gardener, for the said John Turner to answer the said Essex; and of Thomas North, gentleman, and Edward Toller, hackneyman, both of the same, for Samuel Wooley of the same, surgeon, for being an assistant unto the said Essex in wounding the said William Stubbines; and of John Blake of the same, chandler, and the said Thomas North for the said John Man.
Sess. Roll 536/11, 12, 13, 90, 102, 102a.
Sess. Roll 537/88.
Sess. Reg. 2/140, 153.

16 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Jacksone of St. Clement Danes, gentleman, and John Powe of the same, joiner, for Agnes Bell of the same, spinster, to answer John Coates of the same, casemaker, and Mary his wife, and sundry others of the inhabitants there; and of the said John Coates to appear and bring forth George Evans his apprentice, to answer the said William Jacksone; and of the said John and Mary his wife to keep the peace towards Richard Gylman of the same, bricklayer, and Mary his wife; and of the said Richard and his wife to keep the peace towards the said John and Mary Coates.
The said Richard and Mary Gylman bound over for violently abusing the said Mary Coates, being great with child, and the child dead at the delivery.
Sess. Roll 536/14, 104, 112, 113.
Sess. Reg. 2/130, 139, 146.

10 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Joan Wood of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, widow, for keeping a disorderly house.
Sess. Roll 536/15.
Sess. Reg. 2/139.

2 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Ladkins of Golding Lane, yeoman, for refusing to obey a warrant [from Sir Lewis Lewkenor] and using very contemptuous speeches unto the constable and behaving himself very [disrespectfully] before the Justice, and likewise for imprisoning the King's subjects in his house without lawful authority.
Sess. Roll 536/16.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

25 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Roger Bedhowse of Westminster, yeoman, and John Burnam of Holborn, haberdasher, for the said Roger to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/17.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

6 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Pearce of St. Mary-le-Strand, tippler, for keeping a victualling-house near Somerset House without licence.
Sess Roll 536/18.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

8 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Ralph Colgrave [Cotgrave] of Marylebone, yeoman, and James — of the same, yeoman, for the said Ralph, charged to be a harbourer of rogues.
Sess. Roll 536/19.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

8 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Popleman of Westminster, esquire, and James Ratray of the same, gentleman, for Jane Dramonde of Westminster, spinster, to answer the Earl of Argyll.
Sess. Roll 536/20.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

10 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Dixon of Kentish Town, yeoman, Thomas Chester of St. Bride's, cutler, and Edward Hinson of St. Dunstan's-in-the-West, cutler, all taken shooting in a piece at birds.
The said Robert bound over to give evidence against the said Thomas and Edward.
Sess. Roll 536/21, 22, 23.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

12 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Margaret Bowmer of Chancery Lane, spinster, to give evidence against Christopher Ball for cutting a purse from her girdle; and of Thomas Binne of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, porter, and Thomas Upton of Chancery Lane, porter, to give evidence likewise.
The said Christopher delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 536/24, 25.
G.D.R. 2/33.

30 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John White and George Gray of Ratcliffe, tailors, for Joan [Jane] Younge of the same, widow, to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/26.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

22 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Ableston [Abbston] of Mile End, baker, Thomas Walker, vintner, and John Hopper, grocer, both of the same, for the said John Ableston, accused to suffer a prisoner to escape that hurt Richard Euans in an affray.
Sess. Roll 536/27.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

10 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Arthur Crocksall of Ipswich, co. Suffolk, mariner, John Prestwood and Robert Johnson of St. Katherine's-next-the-Tower of London, cutlers, for the said Arthur to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/28.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

8 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Ray of St. Katherine Cree Church, upholsterer, Humphrey James of the same, cordwainer, and Henry Tey of Whitechapel, butcher, for the said Robert to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/29.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

25 October 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
James Newport of Ratcliffe, cook, and Arthur Arthington of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate, barber-surgeon, for the said James, accused of harbouring lewd and suspicious people, "suspected to have robbed a shippe."
Sess. Roll 536/30.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

7 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George peate, Thomas Gray and Robert Daffeild of Whitechapel, tailors, for the said George to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/31.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

5 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Elizabeth Peeke of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, spinster, to give evidence against Richard Pinchbacke of the same, butcher; and of Henry Sparkes, victualler, and William Durrante, cordwainer, both of the same, for the said Richard to appear.
Diana Bearde seeks the peace against the said Richard, and is handed over in bail to Richard Dynes of the same, brewer, and John Coxe of Cow Cross, yeoman.
[Recognizance No. 536/32 taken before Sir James Bacon, Knight].
Sess. Roll 536/32, 178.
Sess. Reg. 2/127, 146.

24 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Lyles of Whitecross Street, silkweaver, to give evidence against John Brookes [Brooke] of the same, tailor; and of Richard Woolmer of St. Katherine's, victualler, and George Brooke of the same, feltmaker, for the said John to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/33, 166.
G.D.R. 2/36.

30 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Case of Golding Lane, cordwainer, to give evidence against Helen Edwards.
The said Helen delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 536/34.
G.D.R. 2/33.

19 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Sarah Springhall of Shoe Lane, widow, to give evidence against Valentine Hayton for stealing certain goods from the said Sarah her mistress.
Sess. Roll 536/35.

11 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Ruth Harwell of Canning Street, London, spinster, to give evidence against John Stanford of Orford, co. Suffolk, yeoman; and of William Peache of Bedlam in the Liberty of London, weaver, and George Trevis of Moor Lane, weaver, for the said John to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/37, 158.
G.D.R. 2/36.

12 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Martin of Tower Hill, carpenter, and George Cranfeild of Goswell Street, blacksmith, for Ann Pierce of Charterhouse Lane, spinster, to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/38.
G.D.R. 2/36.

25 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Ellet of Clerkenwell, button-maker, Thomas Cale of the same, cooper, Henry Hill of French Alley, goldsmith, and Richard — of Bishopsgate Street, tailor, for Avice Ellet [Ellit] of Clerkenwell [Field Lane], spinster, to appear; and of Christopher Crouche of Stepney, and Jane his wife, to give evidence against the said Avice.
Sess. Roll 533/108, 198.
Sess. Roll 536/39.
G.D.R. 2/28, 36.

30 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Anthony Scott of St. Saviour's, Southwark, co. Surrey, tailor, Richard Browne of Chick Lane, tailor, and Roger Swettenham of Cow Cross, girdler, for the said Anthony to appear; and of Edward Althorne of the Inner Temple, gentleman, to give evidence against the said Anthony.
Sess. Roll 536/40, 143.
G.D.R. 2/36.

25 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Dam [Dame] of St. Andrew's, Holborn, cutler, John Palfrey of the same, cordwainer, and Robert Holland of St. Bride's, cutler, for the said John Dam, complained on by Mr. Robinson, the high constable, and the petty constables and headboroughs of St. Andrew's parish, to be a very troublesome fellow, a raiser of turbulent suits amongst his neighbours, and a great disquieter of those inhabitants that live near him.
The said John bound in a writ of supersedeas dated 28 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614], to appear in the quindenes of Easter next coming.
Sess. Roll 536/41, 42.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

1 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Nicholas Collet and William Walden of Saffron Hill, bricklayers, for William Collyer of the same, yeoman, for departing forth of the service of Roger Kymber [Kember] of Walton-on-Thames, basketmaker, without leave, he being his apprentice.
Handed over further in bail to Thomas Dolwyn of St. Andrew's, Holborn, bricklayer, and Robert Shelston of St. Botolph's-withoutAldersgate, saddler.
Sess. Roll 536/43.
Sess. Roll 537/99.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.
G.D.R. 2/40d.

13 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Morgan of Cow Cross, shoemaker, and Nicholas Brayne of Redcross Street, shoemaker, for Ann Hall of Cow Cross, spinster, presented by the officers for a common whore.
Delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 536/44.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.
G.D.R. 2/33.

1 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Norris [Norrys] and John Jorden of Old Street, labourers, for Elizabeth Diche of the same, spinster, for assaulting and beating Elizabeth Johnson; and of the said Norris and Jorden and John Bradley of the same, labourer, for the said John Norris to keep the peace towards John Turner.
Sess. Roll 536/45, 53.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

9 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Ryce Jones of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, glover, and Edward Bryce of the same, labourer, for Dorothy Taylor of the same, spinster, for abusing the officers in the execution of their office.
Sess. Roll 536/46.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

9 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Jeffery of Clerkenwell, shoemaker, and John Lawndrick of the same, petty-chapman, for Frances Cave of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards Mary Costen.
Sess. Roll 536/47.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

7 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Rowland Fletcher of Clerkenwell, cook, and John Coale of Turnagain Lane, cordwainer, for Peter Franck of the "Spittle fields," yeoman, committed from Hicks Hall for want of sureties for his good behaviour.
Sess. Roll 536/48.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

22 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Bliss of Whitecross Street, weaver, and William Harris of Norton Folgate, vintner, for Christopher Mason of the same, yeoman, taken by the officers in a notorious bawdy-house, and being brought before the Justice he could give no good account of his means of living.
Sess. Roll 536/49.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

19 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Whittingham of Shoreditch, horner, and John Rolfe of the same, yeoman, for Joyce Haley of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards Jane Pryce.
Sess. Roll 536/50.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

2 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Bennet of Cow Cross, coachmaker, and Richard Hart of St. John Street, gunmaker, for Ann Hall of Cow Cross, spinster, to keep the peace towards Mary Ness.
Sess Roll 536/51.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

31 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Edward Mace of St. Saviour's, Southwark, co. Surrey, yeoman, John Bell of Shoreditch, silkweaver, and John Ellis of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, bowyer, for the said Edward for hurting and wounding John Partridge.
Sess. Roll 536/52.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

18 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
James Storey, Robert Burt, and William Roberts of Field Lane, butchers, for the said James, for abusing the officers as they were (by virtue of the Justices' warrant) looking to those that did put unwholesome meat to sale; and of Randall Stanford, William Vannor and Nicholas Burt of Field Lane aforesaid, butchers, for the said Randall for the like; and of Nicholas Symons of the same, butcher, and Robert Paget of Chick Lane, victualler, for the said Nicholas Symons for putting to sale rotten and unwholesome mutton, contrary to the Justices' order.
Sess. Roll 536/54, 55, 56.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

13 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Norris and William Marchant of Old Street, yeomen, for Katherine Morris of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards Agnes Dynes.
Sess. Roll 536/57.

9 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Tripland of Norton Folgate, blacksmith, Henry Bramage, nailer, and Edmund Johnson, blacksmith, both of the same, for the said Richard and Joan his wife to keep the peace towards Alice Brakes.
Sess. Roll 536/58.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

26 August, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Hunt of St. Andrew's, Holborn, merchant-tailor, and James Goodman of Stepney, vintner, for Thomas Nuse of the same, yeoman, charged to be the true reputed father of the child wherewith Ann Tabott [Talbott] now goeth.
Respited to the next.
Sess. Roll 536/59.
Sess. Reg. 2/113, 124.

17 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Ellaker of London, mercer, charged with a breach of His Majesty's peace.
Sess. Roll 536/60.
Sess. Reg. 2/127.

26 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Ball, citizen and girdler of London, and John Javins of All Hallows-the-Less, currier, for Nicholas Rookesby of St. Giles'-withoutCripplegate, shoemaker, bound over upon the complaint of the Company of Cordwainers of London, for exercising the trade of a shoemaker, contrary to the Statute.
Sess. Roll 536/61.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

2 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Crosse and Richard Bellye of Chick Lane, butchers, for Margaret, wife of the said John, to keep the peace towards Emma, wife of John Smith of the same, butcher; and of Ralph Stamford and John Griffin of the same, butchers, for the said Emma to keep the peace towards the said Margaret.
Sess. Roll 536/62, 200.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

24 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Fletcher of St. Katherine's next-the-Tower of London, gentleman, for Leonard Prestwood [Priestwood] of the City of York, merchant, bound over upon the complaint of Mr. Moggeridge, dwelling in Gray's Inn Lane, and for abusing Mr. Pantinge the constable there.
Sess. Roll 536/63.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

10 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Nicholas Goodale of East Smithfield, bricklayer, Lawrence Smyth of the same, carpenter, and Mark Renolds of Wapping, carpenter, for the said Nicholas to keep the peace towards Thomas Pater of the same.
Sess. Roll 536/64.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

12 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Edmund Davie [Davies] of St. Katherine's, bricklayer [feltmaker], Thomas Price and Daniel Rudstone of the same, feltmakers, for the said Edmund to keep the peace towards Henry Patteson of Newcastleupon-Tyne, merchant-tailor.
Sess. Roll 536/65.
Sess. Reg. 2/125.

12 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Abraham Burnett of St. Katherine's, seaman, Thomas Wood, gentleman, and Thomas Wright, chandler, both of the same, for the said Abraham to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/66.
Sess. Reg. 2/125.

23 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Williams of Whitechapel, labourer, Francis Cotterell, blacksmith, and John Hodchon, glover, both of the same, for the said John Williams to keep the peace towards Lucy Monday; and of the said Williams and Cotterell for Henry Ellett of the same, labourer, to answer Elizabeth Dunn, the said Lucy, and Joseph Quinten.
Sess. Roll 536/67, 74, 75.
Sess. Reg. 2/125.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

14 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Gibson of Shadwell, fisherman, to keep the peace towards Thomas Warner of Wapping, tailor.
Sess. Roll 536/68.
Sess. Reg. 2/125.

21 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Peirce Jennings of Stepney, nailer [of Whitechapel, waterman], James Foster [Forster] of Whitechapel, tailor, Richard Seale, embroiderer, Evan Maschall, smith, both of the same, David Lyne of Stepney, brazier, and John Shepperd of Shoreditch, hackneyman, for the said Peirce to answer Walter Truth of Southwark, tailor, for stealing eleven yards of kersey, an old doublet, a carpet of green cloth and a pair of sheets; and of William Harrison of Stepney, gardener, George Moore of the same, sailor, and John Fisher of East Smithfield, for the said Peirce and Mary his wife, to answer Sir Thomas Gardener of Southwark, Knight; and of the said Walter Truth, Andrew Kilber of East Smithfield, gardener, Giles Pearson, labourer, and Robert Pearson, gardener, both of the same, all to give evidence against the said Peirce.
Sess. Roll 534/69.
Sess. Roll 535/36.
Sess. Roll 536/69, 72, 208.
Sess. Reg. 2/110.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

18 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Williamson of St. Andrew's, Holborn, shoemaker, and Edward Foucher of Clerkenwell, victualler, for Edward Blann, apprentice to Robert Jacues [Jacus] of Holborn, tailor, and John Poore, apprentice to William Pearce of the same, haberdasher, for cutting a purse; and of Bridget Cramper of Waltham Abbey, co. Essex, spinster, to give evidence against the said John Poore for stealing a purse and 10s. in money in it from her.
The said John Poore delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 535/3, 111.
Sess. Roll 536/73.
G.D.R. 2/29d, 35d.

19 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Barbar [Barbor] and Lawrence Smyth of East Smithfield, and Thomas King of Whitechapel, all carpenters, for the said Thomas Barbar to answer William Canon of Ratcliffe, tailor, for taking away certain of his goods; and of the said William to give evidence against the said Barbar.
Sess. Roll 536/76, 77.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

10 August, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Susan, wife of Thomas Pole, gentleman, John Gooch of St. Andrew's, Holborn, clerk, and John Browne of St. Andrew's, Walbrook, grocer, for the said Susan.
Respited to the next sessions by warrant from Sir Henry Mountague, Knight.
Sess. Roll 536/82.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

19 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Perkyns of Whitechapel, brewer's clerk, and John Albury of St. Botolph's-without-Aldgate, gunmaker, for Thomas Smith of the same, brewer, for murdering Philip Legatt.
Sess. Roll 536/83.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

25 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Arthur Woolgard [Wolgare] of Havant, co. Southampton, merchant, Samuel Armitage, citizen and girdler of London, and Richard Willcox, citizen and haberdasher of London, for the said Arthur to answer touching his uttering of counterfeit coin, being foreign coin.
Thomas Woodford, citizen and grocer of London, to answer, likewise.
Sess. Roll 536/86.
Sess. Reg. 2/140, 141, 146.

5 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Stanny of Hounslow, carpenter, for Richard Stanbury [Stanborowe] of the same, yeoman, to answer John Watson.
Sess. Roll 536/87.
Sess. Reg. 2/140.

27 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Rice Savage of Wootton in Isleworth, yeoman, for Peter Cannon of Hounslow, yeoman, to answer for such matters as have been formerly complained on him before Mr. [Christopher] Merick.
Sess. Roll 536/88.
Sess. Reg. 2/140.

— September, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Peter — of Hanwell, yeoman, and John — of New Brentford, tanner, for John Thornton of the same, yeoman, to answer William Crowch of the same, for striking him.
Sess. Roll 536/89.
Sess. Reg. 2/140.

1 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Ralph Walton of the Savoy, yeoman, to give evidence against William Slingsbie [Slyngesbye] of Horsleydown, porter, for a cloakbag which was stolen out of the White Hart in the Strand, wherein was a silver bowl and divers other things.
Sess. Roll 536/92.
Sess. Reg. 2/155.

3 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Gryffyn of St. Andrew's, Holborn, gentleman, to give evidence against Isabel Salem of St. Clement Danes, widow, accused by him to have stolen divers parcels of goods out of his house in Holborn; and of Giles Brownrigg, tailor, and John Caninge, saddler, both of the same, for the said Isabel to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/93, 101.
G.D.R. 2/35.

17 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Shaw of the Savoy, confectioner, Henry Wheatly, tailor, and Anthony Bambrigge, haberdasher, both of the same; and of William Hooker of St. Peter's, London, goldsmith, all to give such evidence as they can concerning the wounding of Henry Arnott [Arnett] and Michael Annand of London, jewellers; and of Edward Hawkins of London, goldsmith, Arthur Colebye, merchant, and Samuel Artoyes, jeweller, both of the same, to give evidence agains Thomas Price of Greenwich, co. Kent, gentleman, and John Hurd [Hurde] of Westminster, gentleman, for wounding the said Arnott and Annand; and of Edward Dendy of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, gentleman, and William Clarke of Streatham, co. Surrey, gentleman, for the said John Hurd, bound in £200, to appear; and of William Price of Lincoln's Inn, gentleman, and Gerard Pytham of St. Margaret's, New Fish Street, gentleman, for the said Thomas Price, also bound in £200, to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/96, 97, 127, 128, 129, 132.
Sess. Reg, 2/130, 146.
G.D.R. 2/36.

22 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Patrick Dromgould of High Holborn, innholder, and Ralph Bristow [Bristoe] of the same, yeoman, to give evidence against Richard Gwyne [Gwynn] of the same, gentleman, John Coxe of St. Michael's, mercer, and John Lamynge of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, all for entering into a chamber in the house of the said Patrick Gould [sic] and there assaulting Bennet Paynter and John Billington, and drawing swords on them, they being peaceably in the chamber, and wounding the said Ralph.
Henry Revell, one of the Knight Marshal's men, committed for arresting the said Ralph in the face of the Court as he came to give evidence.
The said Gwynn and Coxe certified in the King's Bench by a writ of the King in the Octaves of St. Hilary, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15].
Sess. Roll 536/100, 103.
Sess. Reg. 2/139, 141.
G.D.R. 2/35.
P.R.B. 1/41.

1 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Geoffrey Kerry [Kerrey] and John Tysowe of High Holborn, yeomen, for entering into the house of John Eckles in Holborn, and, under colour of searching for a cut-purse there by virtue of a warrant from Sir Lewis Lewkenor, for arresting a gentleman in his chamber for action of debt.
Both handed over further to John Canninge of St. Clement Danes, saddler, Leonard Richardson of St. John Street, carver, William Hunte of Clerkenwell, yeoman, and William Fawkenor of St. Sepulchre's, yeoman, and discharged without fee.
Sess. Roll 536/105.
Sess. Reg. 2/139, 146, 162.

17 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Crosse, John Warner, and Christopher Jacksone of Lincoln's Inn, gentlemen, for the said Henry to answer Robert Speere of London, tailor, and John Arnolde of the same, tobacco-man.
Sess. Roll 536/106.
Sess. Reg. 2/139.

5 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Harwood of the Savoy in the Liberty of Westminster, tailor, and John Etterye of the same, farrier, for the said Harwood for his unlawful detention of a black cloth cloak lined with velvet from Richard Caverley, esquire, one of the Gentlemen of His Majesty's Privy Chamber.
The matter in question is referred to the Common Law to have the double value.
Sess. Roll 536/107.
Sess. Reg. 2/139.

26 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Batten of St. Andrew's, Holborn [St. Giles'-in-the-Fields], tailor, Roger Allisone, instrument-maker, and James Raves, yeoman, both of the same, for the said William to answer Susan Michell [Mitchell] who charges him to have begotten a child upon her body; and of Richard Jefferyes of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, joiner, and John Price of Old Street, ale-brewer, for Thomas Robinson of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, yeoman, to answer touching a child begotten on the body of the said Susan; and of the said William for Jane Jeninges of St. Giles'-in the-Fields, spinster, and Michael Raves of High Holborn, yeoman, to give evidence against the said Thomas.
Agnes Goddard, a sworn midwife, said that the said Susan at the time of her delivery did charge the said William to be the reputed father of her child, and Isabel Askewe, Elizabeth Wiggs, Lettice Hunniball and Elizabeth Prince were brought as witnesses touching the same. It is referred to the ordering of Sir Lewis Lewkenor, Knight, and Mr. [Richard] Brownlowe.
Sess. Roll 536/108.
Sess. Roll 537/85, 97.
Sess. Reg. 2/131, 139, 140, 153.

22 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George Ward of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, locksmith [blacksmith], and Edward Rogers of the same, saddler, for the said George to answer James Stafford of Westminster, tapster.
Sess. Roll 536/109.
Sess. Reg. 2/139.

29 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Whitewand [Wetwand] of Sheer Lane, St. Clement Danes, yeoman, James Lamb of the same, scrivener, and James Herroke of Westminster, gentleman, for the said Henry for abusing Sir Stephen Thornex [Thornixe], Knight, in a very base manner, and likewise for detaining one of his livery cloaks from him.
Brought a writ of supersedeas dated 28 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614], witnessed by E. Coke at Westminster.
Sess. Roll 536/110, 111.
Sess. Reg. 2/139.

19 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Hackley and Thomas Ayre of St. Clement Danes, cutlers, for Ann Boyden of the same, spinster, for the unlawful detention of two gowns which do belong unto Mistress Elizabeth and Mistress Frances Bronckerd, and for misdemeaning herself otherwise towards them in a very uncivil manner.
Sess. Roll 536/114.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

— 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Tunner of Northwood, yeoman, and — of the same, for Margaret Tunner of the same, spinster [wife of the said William], to keep the peace towards Anne Whyte of the same.
Sess. Roll 536/119.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

— 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard — and George — of Norcott, for Ambrose Ewer of the same, wheelwright, to keep the peace towards Hugh Warden, gentleman.
Sess. Roll 536/121.

20 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Mordocke of Old Brentford, waterman, and David Harris of New Brentford, Poulterer, for Jane, wife of Isaac Hore of Old Brentford, innholder, to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/125.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

22 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Chilcott of Lyons Inn, gentleman, for Robert Herneman of the same, gentleman; and of the said Robert for Nicholas Dynnham of St. Gurran, co. Cornwall, gentleman, both to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/130, 131.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

29 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
James Gates of the Minories, glover, and John Carvill of Shoe Lane, embroiderer, for John Danvers of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, yeoman, charged to have cozened Thomas Smith of a hat.
Sess. Roll 536/135.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

8 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Baker of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, tailor, William Price, carpenter, Richard Wadd, tailor, and Henry Howsyer, bricklayer, all of the same, for the said John for begetting Martha Moise [Moyse] with child, about two years ago.
It appeared on examination that whereas security was given by Mr. Taylor in Milford Lane to the parish of Windsor whither the said Martha was conveyed by him and where she was brought to bed, and that she did not call the said John Baker in question for half a year after she was delivered, although she well knew where he dwelt, and oftentimes passed by his house, nor ever since till of late that he is married; and also that it could not be proved upon oath that the said Baker was the reputed father; therefore it is ordered by the court that the said Baker shall be discharged from the bastard for that he was wrongfully accused by her, and that if the said Martha will further complain she must repair to the two next Justices of the place where the child was born, who may call for the security given and relieve her in all that is just according to the law.
If the said John appear he is to be bound over for the county of Berkshire. Handed in bail to Richard Morrice of Shoreditch, silkweaver, and Lawrence Cooke of Christ Church, bricklayer, to repair to the two next Justices of Old Windsor.
Sess. Roll 536/136.
Sess. Roll 537/90.
Sess. Reg. 2/130, 141, 150.

4 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Francis Dennyson of Holborn, yeoman, and Anthony Hawkes of the same, innholder, for the said Francis for cozening Mr. Harrison, the Cursitor, of a horse.
Sess. Roll 536/137.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.

8 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Roland Bell and Michael Walford of Westminster, yeomen, for the said Roland for beating and hurting Katherine Lagan.
Sess. Roll 536/138.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

10 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Nicholas Maunder of Chancery Lane, tailor, to give evidence against Thomas Jackson for stealing a cloak.
Sess. Roll 536/139.

9 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George Robson of Ipswich, co. Suffolk, sailor, and Edward Mallett and Thomas Bearte of Wapping, sailors, for the said George for assaulting one Ratsee upon the highway.
Sess. Roll 536/140.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.

23 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Shadock, Christopher Morgan and Thomas Grimsditch of Limehouse, blacksmiths, for the said John "for striking William Pestle his wife."
Handed over further in bail to Humphrey Miller of the same, smith.
Sess. Roll 536/141.
Sess. Reg. 2/129, 146.

12 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Anthony Willant of Clerkenwell, victualler, for Mary Shere of the same, spinster, to appear and give evidence against George Scaddoway [Skeddawaye].
The said George respited for sureties.
Sess. Roll 536/146.
G.D.R. 2/30.

9 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Archer of Pope's Head Alley, stationer, to give evidence against Samuel Marche [Marshe] of Chick Lane, tailor, for receiving two English Psalters stolen forth of the house of the said Archer in Pope's Head Alley; and of Robert Richardson of Smithfield, shoemaker, and John Davis of the same, chandler, for the said Samuel to appear.
The said Samuel indicted in London, and delivered by proclamation. Respited to Bridewell.
Sess. Roll 536/148, 159.
Sess. Reg. 2/139.
G.D.R. 2/33, 36, 37d.

10 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
James Waffe of Thames Street, goldsmith, for Thomas Mackbryars of Westminster, yeoman, to indict Dorothy Gennynges [Jeninges] of Golding Lane [Bishopsgate Street], spinster, Clement Adcock, yeoman, Francis Hide, yeoman, and Christiana his wife, and Margaret Busbye, spinster, all of the same, and for Hugh Waffe of the same, yeoman, to give evidence against them; the cause being upon a suspicion that Mackbryars had, that some of the aforesaid persons had taken certain money forth of his pocket feloniously; and of William Clarke of Golding Lane, tailor, and Stephen Howson of the same, silkweaver, for the said Clement and Margaret; and of John Howard, blacksmith, and John Barnes, cook, both of the same, for the said Francis and Christiana; and of William Ducket of Bishopsgate Street, gentleman, and the said John Howard, for the said Dorothy, all to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/154, 160, 161, 162, 163.
G.D.R. 2/36.

10 September, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Roger Smith of Askham, co. Notts, gentleman, Isaac Hawkins of Danbury, co. Essex, gentleman, Robert Higham of Sutton in the Isle of Ely, gentleman, and Anthony Weston of Long Melford, co. Suffolk, gentleman, for the said Roger and Isaac to appear.
Delivered into the court at the last Sessions.
Sess. Roll 536/155, 156, 164, 165.
G.D.R. 2/32d, 35d.

7 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Roger Hopper of Gray's Inn Lane, yeoman, Thomas Hopper of the same, joiner, and George Costen of Clerkenwell, victualler, for the said Roger for abusing Thomas Fowler, headborough of Clerkenwell, in his watch.
Sess. Roll 536/168.
Sess. Reg. 2/140.

21 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Edward Savage of Cow Cross, carpenter, and William Jones of the same, butcher, for Solomon Marche [Marshe] of the same, yeoman, for dangerously wounding Josias Baynard.
Brian Tyttle brought in by warrant for wounding the said Josias.
The said Solomon committed to the gaol of Newgate, and delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 536/169.
Sess. Reg. 2/129, 139.
G.D.R. 2/33.

19 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Riccard of Clerkenwell, chandler, and Edward Holloway of the same, labourer, for Katherine Profitt [Proffett] of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards Eleanor, wife of Richard Ellis of St John Street, joiner, who seeks the peace against the said Katherine, and therefore is committed, for want of sureties, by Holdesworthe; and of the said Robert, and William Parrat of Clerkenwell, yeoman, for Thomas Flenders of the same, yeoman, to keep the peace towards the said Richard Ellis; and of the said Edward and Thomas Lawrence of the same, plasterer, for Ann Riccard of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards the said Eleanor; and of John Seele of Duck Lane, carpenter, and James Blankester of French Alley in Golding Lane, needlemaker, for the said Richard and Eleanor Ellis to keep the peace.
Sess. Roll 536/170, 171, 172.
Sess. Roll 539/21.
Sess. Reg. 2/128, 129, 146.

4 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Powell of St. Lawrence Lane, haberdasher, and Richard Raynch of the Old Bailey, haberdasher, for Oliver Baynham [Baynam] of the Spitalfields in Stepney, yeoman, committed from Hicks Hall for want of sureties for good behaviour; and of the said Oliver to give evidence against Mary Cranwell, daughter of Ambrose Fisher of Field Lane, Clerkenwell, labourer, and Ann, wife of the said Ambrose; and of Benjamin Fisher of Clerkenwell, yeoman, and Henry Hall of Field Lane, shoemaker, for the said Ambrose and Ann Fisher to appear.
The said Mary delivered by proclamation.
The said Oliver handed in bail to William Davies of St. Dunstan's, London, mercer, and John Arthure of the same, girdler, to appear, and to keep the peace towards the said Ambrose and Ann Fisher.
Sess. Roll 536/173, 193, 196.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.
G.D.R. 2/33, 35d, 36d, 39.

22 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Miles Rowry of Westminster, glover, and John Lord of the same, yeoman, for William Larkin of the same, yeoman, convented before Francis Michell, esquire, by the officers as a vagrant, and said to be a common breakhouse.
Discharged because is in gaol.
Sess. Roll 536/174.

9 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Mynsterley [Minsterly] of Clerkenwell, carpenter, William Ryley, blacksmith, and John Parker, cook, both of the same, for the said John Mynsterley to keep the peace towards John Crow.
Sess. Roll 536/176.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

9 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Mosse of Golding Lane, silkweaver, and Thomas Coulston of the same, victualler, for Helen Fisher of the same, spinster, to keep the peace towards Elizabeth Hand.
Sess. Roll 536/177.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.

15 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Neale of Limehouse, ropemaker, John Eaton of the same, ropemaker, and Thomas Lame of Ratcliffe, mealman, for the said William for his misdemeanours, and suspicion of purloining his master's goods.
Sess. Roll 536/181.
Sess. Reg. 2/127.

29 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Margaret Price of Ratcliffe Highway, widow, Thomas Goulding of East Smithfield, tanner, and Edward Wheeler of Ratcliffe Highway, yeoman, for the said Margaret for victualling without licence, and breaking the King's peace.
Sess. Roll 536/182.
Sess. Reg. 2/127.

25 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Pettman [Pyttman] of Limehouse, sailor, Thomas Barber of the same, cook, and Thomas Pollard of Ratcliffe, ropemaker, for the said William for a breach of the peace upon Peter Tailor of Limehouse.
Sess. Roll 536/183.
Sess. Reg. 2/127.

30 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Mounford of Wapping Wall, blacksmith, William Cowper of Gracious Street, ironmonger, and William Burges of St. Botolph's, Billingsgate, salter, for the said Mounford to keep the peace towards Alice Magett.
Sess. Roll 536/184.
Sess. Reg. 2/127.

30 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Baylye [Baylie] of St. Andrew's, Holborn, stationer, Robert Boulton of St. Sepulchre's-without-Newgate, stationer, and John Smith of St. Andrew's-by-the-Wardrobe, stationer, for the said Thomas for sending a child into the parish of Stepney to be baptized; and of Bennet Love of St. James', Garlick Hill, in the Vintry Ward, cooper, and Samson Beere of St. Sepulchre's, cooper, for the said Thomas, charged to be the reputed father of the child wherewith Alice Watkyn [Wattkins] then went and is now delivered; and of Robert Willson of Gray's Inn Lane, stationer, and the said Bennet for Ann Baylie of High Holborn, spinster, to keep the peace towards the said Alice.
The said Thomas handed over further in bail to the said Boulton to discharge the parish of St. Andrew's aforesaid and to bring a certificate thereof. Bound to discharge the churchwardens of the said parish, by the declaration of John Watson, one of the overseers for the poor.
Sess. Roll 534/131.
Sess. Roll 536/185, 188.
Sess. Reg. 2/110, 127, 145.

26 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Cole of St. Sepulchre's, cook, to give evidence against Helen Sparkes.
The said Helen delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 536/186.
G.D.R. 2/33.

4 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Wattes of St. Olave's, Southwark, co. Surrey, feltmaker, and Richard Hart of St. James', Clerkenwell, blacksmith, for Lawrence Downinge of the Precincts of St. Katherine's-next-the-Tower of London, silkweaver, for stealing a purse and £6 in it out of the pocket of William Pryce [Price].
Sess. Roll 536/187.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

6 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Carr of Ford, co. Northumberland, esquire, and Robert Branling of Newcastle, gentleman, both to keep the peace towards John Merryman.
Sess. Roll 536/190.
Sess. Reg. 2/127.

27 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Anthony Creede of St. Olave's, Southwark, co. Surrey, feltmaker, and Henry Prynce of St. Sepulchre's, feltmaker, for Joan, wife of John Parkes of Cow Cross in the same, yeoman, for keeping a notorious bawdy-house.
Sess. Roll 536/191.
Sess. Reg. 2/127.
P.R.B. 1/36.

27 September, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Geoffrey Brettingham of St. Sepulcher's, chandler, and John Baker of St. Bartholomew's-the-Great, shoemaker, for Margaret Foster of Cow Cross in St. Sepulchre's, widow, for keeping a bawdyhouse.
Sess. Roll 536/192.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.
P.R.B. 1/36d.

3 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Edmund Champnes [Champneys] of Stepney, joiner, to give evidence against Henry Stables [Staples] of Ratcliffe, farrier, alias "Sivill Harry," for stealing certain linen, an iron pot and a bed blanket to the value of £6; and against Jane Parker of St. Mary Matfellon, spinster, for the like; and of Richard Bancks of Ratcliffe, fustianweaver, and John Andrewes of East Smithfield, labourer, for the said Henry to appear.
The said Henry and Jane respited without bail to the next Sessions, and handed over in bail to Thomas Jones of Whitechapel, cook, and Alexander Fulsis of St. Bride's, weaver.
Sess. Roll 534/68.
Sess. Roll. 536/202, 203, 203a.
Sess. Reg. 2/112, 127, 145.
G.D.R. 2/33, 40.

1 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Nicholas Bridges of Cornhill within the City of London, linendraper, to give evidence against Jane White for direct felony, for stealing four pieces of cambric worth £3 or thereabouts.
The said Jane delivered by proclamation. Found not pregnant.
Sess. Roll 536/204, 233.
G.D.R. 2/33.

20 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Lard of Westminster, yeoman, to give evidence against Ferdinand Lilfond of Stepney, yeoman, for breaking open a "hawkes mewe" and stealing out of it a goshawk belonging to Sir Peter Saltington, Knight; and of William Hayward of Bishopsgate, carpenter, and John Browne of Stepney, dyer, for the said Ferdinand to appear.
Thomas Lane of Ratcliffe, yeoman, and Thomas Temmes of the same, gentleman, to answer for the escape of the said Ferdinand, committed to them by warrant from Sir Lewis Lewkenor.
Sess. Roll 536/71, 207.
Sess. Reg. 2/124, 125.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

29 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Turner of Ratcliffe, ship's-carpenter, to give evidence against Thomas Smyth of East Smithfield, tailor, and Frances his wife for stealing a violet-coloured cloth cloak worth 35s.
Sess. Roll 536/210.

30 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Roger Smyth of Stepney, mariner, to give evidence against John Hatton for stealing a russet-coloured cloth cloak.
The said John respited to the next and delivered by proclamation.
Sess. Roll 536/211.
G.D.R. 2/33d, 37.

18 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Elizabeth Turner of the Liberty of the Tower of London, widow, to give evidence against William Mannington of Stepney, yeoman, for breaking open her shop and stealing goods to the value of £7 or £8; and of Robert Highho of Stepney, tailor, and John Browne of the same, dyer, for the said William to appear.
Sess. Roll 536/70, 212.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

8 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Frances Darbeshire of Whitechapel, widow, Robert Cleare, shoemaker, and Andrew Blinckhern, tailor, both of the same, for the said Frances to answer Richard Wattes of the same, tailor, for felony, which he affirms; and of the said Richard to give evidence against the said Frances.
Sess. Roll 536/78, 213.
G.D.R. 2/35d.

22 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Drye of Whitechapel, mariner, suspected to have had the use of the body of Agnes Slemaker, late his servant, who is now with child, to discharge the parish of Whitechapel from the keeping or education of the said child and from the charge for the said Agnes.
Sess. Roll 536/214.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

12 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Frize of East Smithfield, victualler, for Katherine Forster [Foster] of the same, widow, his servant, to answer for a gold ring which she confesses she had of a boy called Ezekiel Cooper, which ring is claimed by Owen Hore; and in the meantime to procure the restitution of the said ring by John Dennis, to whom, as she says, she did deliver it.
Sess. Roll 536/215.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

11 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Edward Harrison of London, tailor, and John Harrison of St. George's, Southwark, labourer, for the said Edward to abandon and forswear from henceforth "the company of John White widowe untill such tyme as they bee lawfully married according to the rules of the Church of England."
Sess. Roll 536/216.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

5 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Anthony Gale of East Smithfield, labourer, and Edward Pound of St. Katherine's, smith, for the said Anthony henceforth to abandon and forsake his habitation in the house of William Hart in East Smithfield so long as the said William doth inhabit it.
Sess. Roll 536/217.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

1 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Elson and Anthony Ash of Canterbury, butchers, for Matthew Allford of London, yeoman, now prisoner in Newgate, to be of good behaviour from henceforth.
Sess. Roll 536/218.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

4 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Dorothy Godsoll [Godsall] of Whitechapel, spinster, Robert Dickens, porter, and Richard Burr, oatmealmaker, both of the same, for the said Dorothy to keep the peace towards Elizabeth Jones the same.
Sess. Roll 536/219.
Sess. Reg. 2/126.

4 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Brock of Whitechapel, blacksmith, John Sharpe, gunmaker, and Robert Arion, shoemaker, both of the same, for the said Richard to keep the peace towards [blank] Gunter of the same, cooper.
The said Richard brought a writ of super sedeas, issued at Westminster on 25 July, 12 James I [A.D. 1614], and is handed over in bail to Richard W— of St. S—, tailor, Walter Jones of the same, tailor, John Parkins of St. Giles', Cripplegate, carpenter, and Thomas — of Barking, co. Essex, blacksmith. Endorsed:—Matthew Carew.
Sess. Roll 536/220, 221.
Sess. Reg. 2/125.

1 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Rowland Carter of Whitechapel, barber, William Cannon of Ratcliffe, tailor, and Matthew Cole of Whitechapel, musician, for the said Rowland to keep the peace towards Robert Smyth of the same, painter.
Sess. Roll 536/223.
Sess. Reg. 2/125.

Indictments of:—

— September, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Elizabeth, wife of John Garrett of Uxbridge, yeoman, for assaulting Richard Moore at the same, striking him with a pitchfork.
The said John and Elizabeth also indicted for tippling without licence.
Sess. Roll 536/224.
P.R.B. 1/41.

20 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Burradge [Burredge, Burrowes] of Islington, victualler, and Margaret his wife, for assaulting William Swynnarton [Swinnerton] of the same, innholder, constable of the same, in the execution of his office; and of the said William and Richard Beamont [Beamond] and Peter Fearne [Ferneley, Frenley] of the same, yeomen [both deleted], for an unlawful assembly at the same [deleted] and for an assault and battery on the said Henry Burradge.
Prosecutors:—Elizabeth Fawsett [deleted], Henry Adams, servant to John Bird of Chick Lane, pinmaker, and George Bradshawe of Islington, barber.
Sureties:—Thomas Lakins of Islington, innholder, and Thomas Fawcett of the same, yeoman, for the said Beamont, Swinnerton and Fearne to keep the peace towards the said Margaret; William Gascoigne of Clerkenwell, gentleman, for the said Margaret; John Davye, pinmaker, and Amos Davye, tailor, for the said Adams.
All matters of difference between the said Margaret and William Swinnerton are referred to Mr. Trapps and Mr. Garrett of Islington.
The said William Gascoigne and John Cawsey of Clerkenwell, barber-surgeon, bound over for the said George Bradshawe to answer the peace sought against him by the said William Swinnerton.
The said Swinnerton bound over to give evidence also against the said Adams, and brought a writ of super sedeas, dated 7 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614], wherein he was bound over to Richard Swinarton of St. Sepulchre's, clerk, and Thomas Ballard of St. Bride's, tallow-chandler.
Sess. Roll 536/194, 195, 197, 198, 199, 225, 226.
Sess. Roll 537/53.
Sess. Reg. 2/126, 141, 145, 147.
G.D.R. 2/35d.
P.R.B. 1/41.

12 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Britten of St. Clement Danes, gentleman, for an assault and battery on Peter Marmeere, in his own house at the same.
Sess. Roll 536/227.
P.R.B. 1/41.

1 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Wade of St. Andrew's, Holborn, yeoman, Dorothy Chappell and Grace Finche, spinsters, Ambrose Burch and George Kenney, yeomen, Susan Greene, Barbara Piersey and Joan Smyth, spinsters, Ambrose Willis, yeoman, and Mary Elliott, spinster, all of the same, Ann Lanne of St. James', Clerkenwell, spinster, and Mary Grower of the same, widow, Jane, wife of John Wright of St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, yeoman, and Ann Rogers of St. Sepulchre's, widow, Ann Rogers, spinster, and Mary Pearche, spinster, both of the same; all for not coming to church for the space of two months since the above date.
Proclamation made.
Sess. Roll 536/228.

21 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George Gommesall [Gomersall] of St. Margaret's, Westminster, yeoman [of London, gentleman], [deleted], and Robert Horsey of the same, yeoman, for stealing a silver cup worth 50s. from Edward Thicknes of the same, innholder, at the same.
Process. The said Robert at large.
Prosecutor:—Daniel Neale [Neile] of Westminster, yeoman.
Sureties for the said George:—John Gomersall and Robert Gomersall, citizens and painter-stainers of London.
Sess. Roll 536/84, 85, 229.
G.D.R. 2/34, 36.
P.R.B. 1/41.

29 September, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Margaret Holmes of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, widow, for stealing a cambric shirt worth 30s., 5 lb. of yarn worth 4s. 2d., a steel stick worth 4d. and a diaper table-napkin worth 12d., belonging to William Loader at the same.
At large.
Prosecutor:—Elizabeth Loader.
Sess. Roll 536/230.
G.D.R. 2/34d.
P.R.B. 1/41.

20 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Katherine James alias Benson of Whitecross Street, [Westminster], spinster, for stealing a woman's gown worth 40s., a petticoat worth 20s., a hat with a cipres band worth 13s. 4d., an apron worth 12d., a ruff-band with a gorget worth 2s. and a stomacher worth 16s. from Edward Tayler of the same, brewer, at the same.
Postponed to be tried until the next because ill at this, and the parties are held for the next. The said Katherine in gaol by the name of Katherine Benson.
At the Sessions of Gaol Delivery held on 16 January, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15], the said Katherine puts herself, and is found not guilty.
Prosecutor:—Sisley Taylor.
Sureties:—Simon Powell of Westminster, gentleman, Edward King of Charterhouse Lane, cordwainer, and Thomas James of Westminster, cook.
Sess. Roll 536/149, 157, 231.
G.D.R. 2/35, 36, 38.

17 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Larkyn, Peter Longe and George Strynger alias Boldface of Drury Lane, yeomen, for breaking into the house of Walter Burton of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, bricklayer, about two o'clock at night, at Drury Lane, and stealing fourteen pieces of pewter worth 40s., four chamber-pots worth 6s., a pottle pot worth 2s., a "thurndell (fn. 1) pott" worth 20s., two cloaks worth 40s., a child's mantle worth 8s., a table-cloth worth 3s., a silver cup worth 30s., a desk worth 2s., 1½ oz. of silk worth 3s., a wrought cushion worth 10s., two coifs with cross-cloths worth —, two falling bands with lace worth 2s., a scarf worth —, two loom-work neck-cloths worth 16d., a silver thimble worth 20d., a pair of pearl —worth 8s., a pair of shoes worth 2s. 6d., two pairs of cuffs worth 12d. and a stomacher worth 2s. 6d., belonging to the said Walter.
Because the evidence not complete at this, therefore postponed to be tried till the next and the parties are held for the next, and in the meantime respited to prison without bail.
The said William and George convicted in London, therefore to be hanged there. The said William is in prison at Newgate. The said George delivered by proclamation.
Prosecutors:—Richard Kevitt [Kevett] of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, tailor, John Sp— [deleted], and Edith, wife of Edward Weaver of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, saddler.
Nicholas Downinge and Thomas Shepheard of St. Sepulchre's, musicians, William Morgan of St. Giles'-without-Cripplegate, bricklayer, and George Tompsone of the same, carpenter, bound over for the said Edith and Edward for having stolen goods found in their house.
Sess. Roll 536/8, 10, 98, 232.
Sess. Reg. 2/128.
G.D.R. 2/33, 35d, 41.

6 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Foote and Ralph Burte of Whitechapel, yeomen, for stealing two steers called runts worth £5 from Robert Tracye at the same.
The said Thomas guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
The said Ralph not guilty.
Prosecutor:—Francis Hill.
Sess. Roll 536/235.
G.D.R. 2/35.

28 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
James Williams of Cow Cross, yeoman, for stealing an ox-hide worth 2s. from John Elliott [Ellis] of Smithfield Bar, butcher, at Cow Cross.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—Thomas Woortley [Wartley] of Smithfield Bar, butcher.
Sess. Roll 536/145, 236.
G.D.R. 2/35.

4 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Hooke of Hampton Wick, husbandman, for stealing three sacks worth 12d. and two bushels of wheat worth 5s. from George Cole of the same, gentleman, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 10d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 536/237.
G.D.R. 2/35.

23 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Alice Joyce of Shadwell [Ratcliffe], widow, for stealing a cloak worth 10s. from Thomas Thorneton of Deptford, co. Kent, sailor, at Shadwell.
Guilty to the value of 10½d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutors:—James Barker of Deptford, blacksmith, Peter Wrighte, gentleman, and Thomasine Moore of Rosemary Lane, spinster.
Sess. Roll 536/179, 180, 238.
G.D.R. 2/35.

8 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Alban Buljambe [Fulgen] and Peter Longe of Turnmill Street, yeomen, for stealing six dozen girdles worth 50s. and a dozen girdles with hangers worth 20s. from Anthony Brache of Bishopsgate, girdler, at Turnmill Street.
The said Alban not guilty.
The said Peter guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 536/151, 239.
G.D.R. 2/35.

20 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Agnes Thompson of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, spinster, for stealing a ruff-band worth 10s., three coifs worth 6s., five cross-cloths worth 5s., two handkerchiefs worth 2s., and 44s. in money from Constance Pickman [Pritcher], her mistress, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—John Cartwright of the same, carpenter.
Sess. Roll 536/150, 240.
G.D.R. 2/35.

10 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Katherine Russell of East Smithfield, spinster, for stealing a pair of bodies worth 6s., a pair of stockings worth 4s., a pair of Spanish leather shoes worth 2s., a handkerchief worth 12d., a tiffany coif worth 8d., a petticoat worth 16s., a caul worth 2s., a double ruffband worth 4s., a waistcoat worth 2s., a white apron worth 2s. 6d., a pair of gloves worth 2s., a silk girdle worth 12d., a pair of knives worth 12d., a hat worth 10s., and 2s. in money from Philip Bingham of the same, turner, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 536/201, 241.
G.D.R. 2/35.

8 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Davis of Brentford, yeoman, for stealing a cloak worth 20s., a doublet worth 6s., a pair of breeches worth 5s., a jerkin worth 2s., a hat with a band worth 5s., a pair of stockings worth 2s., a pair of cuffs worth 4d., a knife and sheath worth 6d., and 2s. in money belonging to Michael Gallones [Galbones] at the same, taking them in the night-time, when he was asleep.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutor:—Geoffrey Pulford of St. Andrew's in the City of London, tailor.
Sess. Roll 536/124, 242.
G.D.R. 2/35.

25 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Howell of Tottenham, yeoman, for stealing nine geese worth 5s. from a man unknown, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 10½d., no goods, to be whipped.
Sess. Roll 536/243.
G.D.R. 2/35.

12 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George Downinge [Dunning] of Whitechapel, yeoman, for breaking into the house of Edmund Bulbye of the same, chandler, at the same, about two o'clock at night, and stealing a ferkin of butter worth 21s. 4d., two cheeses worth 6s., a pair of breeches worth 3s., a doublet worth 3s., a pair of stockings worth 18d., and 9s. in money belonging to the said Edmund, out of his shop.
Not guilty of burglary, guilty of felony, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutor:—Mary Luckson of Ratcliffe, widow.
Sess. Roll 536/206, 209, 244.
G.D.R. 2/35.

14 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Corye of Charterhouse Lane, yeoman, for stealing a silver beaker worth 35s. from John Hill at the same.
Not guilty.
Sess. Roll 536/245.
G.D.R. 2/35.

1 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Bowen of Islington, yeoman, for stealing three brown kine each worth 60s. from Thomas Blunt at the same.
Died in gaol at the time of the Sessions.
Prosecutor:—Thomas Kittins.
Sess. Roll 536/246.
G.D.R. 2/35.

25 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Newe of Hayes, labourer, for assaulting Richard Powis [Powys, Pose] at the same, and striking him over the right side of the head with a hand-bill worth 2d., so that he sustained a mortal bruise and died instantly.
Guilty of defending himself, and not otherwise. Respited because ill in bail to Robert Spurlinge and William Newe, both of the same, yeomen, to appear and to prosecute his pardon for killing the said Richard in defending himself.
Prosecutors:—Henry Higgs, Roger Butterfeild, Thomas W—, George Wealam, William Wiggens.
Sess. Roll 536/247.
G.D.R. 2/35, 36d, 39, 43d.

17 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Elizabeth Bedhouse of St. Margaret's, Westminster, spinster, for stealing a green rug worth 10s., four "greene sea curtens" worth 10s., nine shirts worth £18, two smocks worth 10s., three fallingbands worth 50s., a laced ruff-band worth 20s. and two wrought waistcoats worth 20s. from Millicent Bray of the same, spinster, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutors:—John Bray, John Burnham, Dorothy Burnham [deleted].
Sess. Roll 536/133, 248.
G.D.R. 2/35.

3 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard Leach [Leeche] alias Balley of Kentish Town, yeoman, for stealing six bullocks worth £20 from Henry Carewe at the same.
Acknowledges, seeks the book, reads, to be branded. Respited for Bedford.
Prosecutor:—Thomas Wells.
Sess. Roll 536/249.
G.D.R. 2/34d, 37d.

20 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Peirson alias Somersett of Edmonton, yeoman, John Griffen, George Latham, Thomas Griffen alias Roberts alias "Welch Tom", yeoman, and John Mathew, yeoman, all of the same, for breaking into the house of Gilbert Stevens of Enfield Chase, gentleman, at Edmonton, at one o'clock at night, alarming John Drewe his servant and Elizabeth Eamstid in the same house, and stealing three pairs of sheets worth 35s., twenty napkins worth 14s., four tablecloths worth 10s., a towel worth 12d., a pair of breeches worth 20s., a pair of freize drawers worth 10s. and a birding-piece worth 15s., belonging to the said Gilbert; also a shirt worth 4s. belonging to John Askew, and a hat worth 2s., three falling-bands worth 3s., a ruff-band worth 4s., a green apron worth 2s. and three cross-cloths worth 3s. belonging to Bartholomew Eamstid, being servants of the said Gilbert; and of Margaret, wife of Robert Davies of Turnmill Street, yeoman, for receiving and helping the said Peirson and the rest after the said felony at the same.
All not guilty.
The said Margaret discharged because the principals not guilty.
The said George delivered by proclamation.
Prosecutors:—Francis Blower, —. The said Gilbert to give evidence also against Charles Leye [Lea].
Sess. Roll 536/94, 142, 250.
Sess. Reg. 2/127, 140.
G.D.R. 2/34d, 37.

21 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Jackson [Jaxon] alias Yorkeshire, Thomas Peirson alias Somersett and William Jones alias Herne of Turnmill Street, yeomen, for breaking into the house of George Lytchfeilde [Lichfeild] of the same, chandler, at the same, at two o'clock at night, and stealing two Bibles worth 20s., twenty cheeses worth 60s., four ferkins of butter worth 65s., a cloak worth 7s., a horseman's coat worth 7s., a silver spoon worth 8s., and a child's mantle worth 8s., belonging to the said George.
The said John not guilty of burglary, guilty of felony, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
The said Thomas and William not guilty. Respited to the next without bail. The said John and William delivered by proclamation. The said Thomas respited to Mr. Recorder.
Sess. Roll 536/144, 251.
G.D.R. 2/34d, 37, 41d, 44, 48.

10 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Berry of Whetstone, yeoman, for stealing a black cow worth 60s. and a black calf worth 20s. from George Hollowaye of "Cheston" [Cheshunt], co. Hertford, yeoman, at Whetstone.
Acknowledges, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Sess. Roll 536/36, 252.
G.D.R. 2/34d.

29 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Richard [Roger] Werrett of St. John Street, yeoman, for stealing two hogs worth 40s. from John Nettingham, at the same.
Guilty of one hog, not guilty of the other, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutor:—William Bryer.
Sess. Roll 536/253.
G.D.R. 2/34d.

8 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Chamberlayne of Ealing, yeoman, for stealing a cwe sheep worth 3s. 4d. from John Lewes of the same, husbandman, at the same; also four wether sheep each worth 13s. 4d. from Robert Taylor at the same, and three wether sheep each worth 20s. from John Needes of Isleworth, butcher, at the same.
Not guilty on two charges, guilty of theft from Robert Taylor, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutor:—Francis Grennawaye.
Sess. Roll 536/122, 254, 255, 256.
G.D.R. 2/34d.

2 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Adam Tyler of St. Mary-le-Savoy, yeoman, for breaking into the house, called the Savoy, being in the said parish, of George, Lord Carewe, Baron of Clopton, between ten and eleven o'clock at night, and stealing a copper lantern worth 40s., belonging to the said Lord Carewe.
Not guilty of burglary, guilty of felony, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Prosecutor:—William Carelesse [Carlis], servant to the said Lord Carewe.
Sess. Roll 536/95, 257.
G.D.R. 2/34d.

3 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Roger Brookes of St. Mary-le-Savoy, yeoman, William Bulliker, yeoman, and Helen Collyer alias Denman, spinster, both of the same, for stealing a coverlet worth 13s. 4d., three pairs of sheets worth 13s. 4d., five curtains worth 6s. 8d. and four pieces of pewter worth 2s., belonging to Edward Bishoppe, out of the house of Margaret Bishoppe in Kent.
The said Roger and William guilty, no goods, seek the book, read, to be branded.
The said Helen guilty, no goods, to be hanged. Found not pregnant.
Prosecutors:—Margaret Bishoppe of "Rawishe" [? Ryarsh], co. Kent, John Payne of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, and John Graves of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, coachmaker.
Sess. Roll 536/91, 233, 258.
G.D.R. 2/34d.

21 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Edmondes of Enfield, yeoman, for stealing two wether sheep worth 12s. and five ewe sheep worth 25s. from William Walker of Cheshunt, co. Hertford, labourer, at Enfield.
Guilty, no goods, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
Sess. Roll 536/116, 259.
G.D.R. 2/34d.

2 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George Heymonde, William Crosse, Edward Norman and William Bard— of Hampstead, yeomen, for breaking into the house of Humphrey Sumpster of the same, yeoman, at the same, between the hours of eleven and twelve at night, and stealing two pairs of sheets worth 16s., three table-cloths worth 6s., ten shirts worth 20s. six smocks worth 12s., a pillow-beer worth 2s., two towels worth 3s., a safeguard worth 6s., a woman's hat faced with velvet worth 6s. 8d., a pewter basin worth 3s. 4d., two pewter dishes worth 3s., two pewter fruit dishes worth 6d., two pewter candlesticks worth 3s., two pewter salt-cellars worth 2s., a pewter quart pot worth 20d., two pewter beakers worth 12d., a pewter wine pot worth 6d. and a pair of "boates" worth 5s., belonging to the said Humphrey.
The said George guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
The rest deleted. The said Edward delivered by proclamation.
Prosecutors:—The said Humphrey, "very sicke", Philip Biffen, John Gwynnell and Thomas Penley of Hampstead, yeomen, Philip Bradley, William Woodstocke.
Sess. Roll 536/260.
Sess. Reg. 2/125.
G.D.R. 2/34d, 41.

23 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Christopher Hawkes [Haucks] of Enfield, tailor, for stealing a cock worth 5d. and a hen worth 4d. from William Daniell of the same, butcher, at the same.
Guilty, no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutors:—Mary, wife of the said William.
Jonas Lawe of the same, carpenter, to give evidence for the theft of certain geese.
Sureties:—Humphrey Boyse, tailor, and Robert Lewis, victualler, both of the same.
Sess. Roll 536/115, 117, 118, 261.
Sess. Reg. 2/130.
G.D.R. 2/34d.

11 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Robert Allen of Pinner, yeoman, for breaking into the house of William Trippes of the same, labourer, at the same, at ten o'clock in the morning, no person being in the said house, and stealing a pair of sheets worth 10s., two pairs of breeches worth 10s., a jerkin worth 2s., a pair of stockings worth 12d., a hat worth 2s., a sack worth 8d., a bottle worth 4d., a band worth 4d., a girdle worth 4d., and £4 in money, belonging to the said William.
Not guilty of house-breaking, but guilty of felony, no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged.
Sess. Roll 536/80, 262.
G.D.R. 2/34.

1 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Harwarde of St. Giles'-in-the-Fields, gentleman, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Younge of the same, fishmonger, and Thomas Mason of the same, yeoman, for making twenty pieces of counterfeit money of silver, copper and other metals, in the similitude of good and lawful money, called "Zeland dollers."
All guilty. Have judgment to forfeit all their lands during their life and their chattels for ever, and respited to prison without bail during the will of the Lord the King.
Prosecutors:—Thomas Burton, Robert Playsted, Robert Jeffrey.
Sess. Roll 536/265.
G.D.R. 2/34.

3 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Thomas Garforth of St. Bride's in the suburbs of the City of London, cutler, Stephen Randoll [Randall] of the same, labourer, Henry Brookes of St. James', Clerkenwell, labourer, and George Sawderie [Sadrie] of the same, labourer, for cutting up a lead conduit pipe in St. Leonard's, Shoreditch, worth 5s., belonging to the Mayor and Corporation and Citizens of the City of London.
All guilty, fined £10, and have judgement to be set in the stocks openly three days together near unto Bunhill, being the place where the offence was done, with papers on their heads, and afterwards to be severally whipped from the gaol of Newgate to Bridewell, there to be kept at hard labour. The said Thomas and George delivered by proclamation.
Prosecutors:—John Harman, John Lymbricke.
Sess. Roll 536/266, 267, 268.
G.D.R. 2/34, 50.

28 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Haddon [Huddon] and Francis Ashmore of Islington, yeomen, for stealing two carcases of mutton worth 6s. from a man unknown, at the same.
Both guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—Henry Smyth.
Sess. Roll 536/269.
G.D.R. 2/34.

30 September, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Henry Deane of Islington, yeoman, for stealing a brown bay gelding worth £12 from William Swinerton [Swinnarton] of the same, innholder, at the same.
Not guilty.
An examination by Sir Stephen Soame.
Sess. Roll 536/270.
G.D.R. 2/34.

15 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
George Copcoult [Capcoult] and Edward Owen of Paddington, yeomen, for stealing four geese worth 10s. from Elizabeth Greene of Willesden, spinster, at the same; also seven geese worth 10s. from Richard Lucas of Paddington, yeoman, at the same.
Both guilty to the value of 6d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—Margaret Greene.
Surety for the said Elizabeth:—Thomas Ellis of Willesden, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 536/152, 153, 271, 271a.
G.D.R. 2/34.

18 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Anthony Giplinge [Kyplynge] of St. Clement Danes, yeoman, for stealing a cloak worth 5s. from a man unknown, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11d., no goods, to be whipped.
Prosecutor:—John Hickes of the same, tailor.
Sess. Roll 536/126, 272.
G.D.R. 2/34.

4 March, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Jane, wife of Roland Somersall of High Holborn, yeoman, for stealing a wrought night-cap edged with gold lace worth 10s. from Francis Greene, gentleman, at the same.
Guilty to the value of 11½d., no goods, to be whipped.
The said Roland delivered by proclamation.
Whereas upon the trial of the said Jane it appeared upon evidence given at the Bar that the said Jane had, besides the said felony, very maliciously and lewdly accused Mr. Greene to have had carnal copulation with her and to have begotten her with child, and had also, by the practice and combination of the said Roland Somersall her husband, gotten divers sums of money from the said Greene to avoid the unjust clamours of the said Somersall and his wife, the said Jane confessing upon her examination that she never had had any child in her life, and it was also proved in Court that it was a common practice of the said Jane to accuse persons of ability in such sort to the end to draw money from them; for which offence and wicked practice it is therefore ordered by the Court that the said Jane shall be openly whipped at a cart's tail till her body be bloody, at Waltham Abbey, where she first endeavoured to charge the said Mr. Greene, and from thence be brought back to the Gaol of Newgate there to remain in prison until the said Roland finds sureties both for himself and his wife to be of good behaviour hereafter, and not to claim anything hereafter from the said Mr. Greene.
Prosecutors:—Richard Lowe of Whitechapel, glover, and Joan his wife.
Sess. Roll 536/273.
Sess. Reg. 2/129.
G.R.D. 2/33d, 34, 36d, 37, 37d.

15 September, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Valentine Brookes of St. Clement Danes, —, William Larkins and William Addison alias Halfe — of the same, yeomen, William — of Whitechapel, yeoman, Unice, wife of William Balme of St. Olave's, Southwark, sailor, and William Dickson [Dixson] of Whitechapel, miller, and Katherine his wife, for breaking into the house of Thomas, Earl of Arundel, at St. Clement Danes, at one o'clock at night, and alarming John Powell of the same, gentleman, in the said house, and stealing three gold rings worth 40s., a loop of sapphires with a pearl worth 15s., a pair of gold bracelets called "aglettes" worth 10s., two handkerchiefs edged with gold lace worth 5s., and £64 in money, belonging to Joan Woodward, widow, in the said house; also two gold rings worth £9, a carnation silk and silver purse worth 12d., and £144 in money, belonging to Margaret Smyth, in the said house.
The said William and Katherine Dickson not guilty, the rest deleted.
The said Valentine respited for Henry Spiller.
Prosecutors:—Susan Burbecke, William Dixons, Daniel Lancaster of Whitechapel, Roger Vaghan.
For the said William and Katherine Dickson:— John Rigges of Whitechapel, bricklayer, and the said Daniel.
For the said Unice:—Thomas Billingford of the White Lion in St. George's, Southwark, gentleman, John Crane of Newington, co. Surrey, clothworker, and Richard White of St. Sepulchre's, yeoman.
Sess. Roll 535/52, 111.
Sess. Roll 536/205, 222, 274, 275.
Sess. Reg. 2/125, 127.
G.D.R. 2/31d, 33d, 34, 35d.

10 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
William Greene of Willesden, yeoman, for breaking into the house of William Marsh at the same, between eleven and twelve o'clock at night, and stealing a hat worth 20d., a jerkin worth 3s. 4d., a doublet worth 6s. 8d. and a pair of breeches worth 3s. 4d., belonging to the said William Marsh; also a mingled coloured cloak worth 13s. 4d. and a pair of white stockings worth 2s. 8d., belonging to Robert Garrett, in the said house.
Not guilty of first charge nor of burglary, but guilty of the cloak in second charge, no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged.
Sess. Roll 536/276, 277.
G.D.R. 2/34.

29 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Carter and Nathaniel Carter of Harrow Weald, labourers, for stealing a sheet worth 3s. 4d., a sieve and twenty puddings in the same worth 5s., two household loaves worth 12d., an earthen pot and 30 lb. of butter worth 10s., a pair of stockings worth 2s. 8d., and a frying-pan worth 2s., belonging to Thomas Weedon, at the same.
The said John acknowledges, seeks the book, reads, to be branded.
The said Nathaniel not guilty.
Prosecutor:—John Weedon.
Sess. Roll 536/278.
G.D.R. 2/33d.

23 October, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
John Moore [More] of Old Brentford, yeoman, for stealing a taffeta petticoat worth £10, the skirts of a gown worth 50s., two yards of silk "chamlett" worth 20s., a jerkin worth 30s., five yards of broadcloth worth 60s., a riding coat worth 20s., a waistcoat and whalebone bodies worth 13s., three waistcoat "cloathes" worth 16s., a pair of curtains worth 14s., eight yards of cotton worth 7s. and a parcel of baize worth 4s., belonging to John Wills [Willis] of Farringdon, co. Berks, tailor, out of his house, in the night-time.
Guilty of the curtains to the value of 14s., no goods, seeks the book, does not read, to be hanged; not guilty of the rest of the goods.
Order for William Read, constable of Brentford, to return to the said Willis such parcels of his goods as are now in the custody of the said Read.
Sess. Roll 536/123, 279.
G.D.R. 2/33d, 36d.

— November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Andrew Cole of High Holborn, —, for stealing a grey mare worth £5 from Thomas Hickes of Cromhall, co. Gloucester, clothier.
Guilty, no goods, to be hanged.
Sess. Roll 536/81, 280.
G.D.R. 2/33d.

4 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614.]
Writs of supersedeas, witnessed by E. Coke at Westminster, for Eleanor B— and Thomas — to come before the Justices and find sufficient sureties to keep the peace towards Ralph Brantley, who goes in bodily fear of them.
Sess. Roll 536/79, 223a.


Ann Higginson. Sworn.
Letice Hedley.
Ellen Boyle. Sworn.
Elizabeth Davis. Sworn.
Elizabeth Jones. Sworn.
Ann Werg. Sworn.
Katherine Fawne.
Joan Harpoole. Sworn.
Mary Kempe. Sworn.
Elizabeth Silvester. Sworn.
Ellen Hawkins. Sworn.
Elizabeth Westcott. Sworn.
Martha Awstyn. Sworn.
Isabel Prefoott. Sworn.
Grace Whitmore.
Ellen Ashurst.
Elizabeth Saywell.
Katherine Tompson.

They present that Sarah Harris and Elizabeth Lowen, with others, indicted in London, are not pregnant.
Sess. Roll 536/233.


Christopher Fysher of St. Clement Danes, gentleman. Sworn.
Giles Brownrigg of the same, gentleman. Sworn.
Geoffrey Prescott of the same, gentleman. Sworn.
John Muscott of the same.
Thomas Lee of the same.
John Cutler of the same.
William Motteram of the Strand. Sworn.
Richard Halsey of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Brett of Westminster.
Richard Burnebey of the same.
Robert Baker of the same. Sworn.
William Mennell of the same.
Thomas Maddox of the same. Sworn.
Christopher Bennell of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Bonde of the same.
Roger Hasenopp [Harsnippe] of the same. Sworn.
Edward Thicknes of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Stedman of the same. Sworn.
Geoffrey Pasmore of the same. Sworn.
Thomas Dunnyng of the same.
William Fludd of the same.
Thomas Sparkes of the same.
William Hayward of the same.
Henry Burnett of the same.

Sess. Roll 536/234.

Names of Jurors to enquire concerning certain misprisions and treasons and insurrections and other things.

Silas Tito of Chick Lane. Sworn.
Thomas Fawconer of Cow Cross. Sworn.
William Stanley of Clerkenwell. Sworn.
Roger Mynas of the same. Sworn.
Robert Leverett of Cow Cross. Sworn.
William Dennysh of Field Lane. Sworn.
Robert Johnes of the same. Sworn.
John Blackman of the same. Sworn.
Samuel Purser of the same. Sworn.
Edward Taylor of Clerkenwell. Sworn.
Edward Savage of Cow Cross. Sworn.
Michael Boulton of Turnmill Street. Sworn.
Nicholas Daye of Clerkenwell. Sworn.
Evan Johnes of the same. Sworn.
William Parsons of the same. Sworn.
Roger Harford of Turnmill Street. Sworn.
William Ivery of Cow Cross. Sworn.
Robert Pytter of Clerkenwell. Sworn.
Robert Striker of St. John Street. Sworn.

Sess. Roll 536/263.

5 December, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Writ, witnessed at Hicks Hall by Sir William Waad and Sir Thomas Fowler, Knights, and Nicholas Collyn and Edmund Doubleday, esquires, directed to the Justices, to summon twenty-four lawful men of the body of the county to Hicks Hall at 10 a.m. on the same day to try certain treasons, etc.
Sess. Roll 536/264.

—, 12 James I [A.D. 1614].
Jury writ, issued by Sir Thomas Lake, Knight, at Westminster, for the Sessions to be held on 3 December next coming [A.D. 1614].
Sess. Roll 536/281.


p.124. John Garnance of Downham Market, co. Norfolk, gentleman, appeared at Hicks Hall for being taken in the night in a suspicious house by the watchmen, and is in prison on the information of Edward Warren.

Came and discharged:—

Ann Barnes of Cow Cross, widow, for good behaviour.

Francis Sheppard of Ludlow, co. Salop, grocer, for the like.

Elizabeth Oliffe of Cow Cross, widow, for the like.

Robert Holland of Drury Lane, merchant-tailor, for the like.

Abel Russell of Golding Lane, yeoman, for the like.

William Greene of Southwark, co. Surrey, joiner, taken in the house of William Marrett at Cow Cross.

Stephen Sadd of March in the Isle of Ely, co. Cambridge, yeoman, for good behaviour.

p.125. James Bradford of the Strand, upholsterer, for his misdemeanours in words before the Justices.

Edward Carter of Hollowell Street, baker [of Hyde Park, yeoman], for "havinge a greyhound dogge that was taken a-huntinge at midnighte in Hyde Parke" (and p.128).

Michael Shorditche of Ickenham, gentleman, for speaking divers unfit and mutinous speeches touching a rate made by the Justices for the making of a House of Correction, namely, that the County would withstand the rate, etc.

Came in London:—

Thomas Gresham of St. Sepulchre's, merchant-tailor, to give evidence against Matthew Cawsey. The said Matthew delivered by proclamation (and G.D.R. 2/33).

p. 126. Came and discharged:—

Robert Gardiner of Whitechapel, mariner, and Joan his wife.

p.127. Joan, wife of Robert Robinson of Road Lane, baker, and Joan Lovejoye of the same, spinster, for giving false evidence in court.

p.128. Amos Neale of Whitecross Street, bodymaker, for the peace.

p.129. Discharged if paid:—

John Colbreth of Westminster, shoemaker. Delivered by proclamation (and G.D.R. 2/33).

p.130. Came and discharged:—

Ambrose Gower of Norcott, labourer, for the peace.

p.131. Stephen Hare, son of John Hare of St. Katherine's, mariner, for wounding Agnes, wife of Thomas Lea, who is in danger of her life, with the rib-bone of an ox, and for throwing a ball of wild-fire at her. To abide the order of Mr. Sanderson touching satisfaction made to the woman, and handed over in bail to William Feilder of the same, tailor. Afterwards came and discharged because Mr. Sanderson has ended the matter (and pp. 155, 163).

Respited to the next:—

Thomas Hardinge of Kensington, yeoman, for good behaviour.

Richard Kynman of Wapping, brewer, to discharge the parish of Stepney from keeping a bastard child begotten upon the body of Agnes Cooke, he confessing it.

Robert Goffe of Aylesford, co. Kent, mariner, for the peace.

John Johnson of St. Katherine's, gardener, and Joan his wife, for the peace.

Thomas Siklemore of Wapping, yeoman, and Wentlea his wife.

p.132. Francis Varneham of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, tailor, for receiving certain goods stolen out of the house of Sir Simeon Steward, Knight.

Alice Littleburye of St. Clement Danes, spinster, for entering forcibly into the house of Katherine Tompson in Milford Lane.

Came and discharged:—

Thomas Campion of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, bricklayer, for the peace.

Walter Kirbye of the same, grocer, for abusing Samuel Clarke, constable.

Peter Lewes of the same, cordwainer.

George Wilkins of Cow Cross, gentleman, for abusing Mr. [John] Sherley, constable of Clerkenwell. Discharged at the request of the said Mr. Sherley.

John Evans of Chick Lane, yeoman, for good behaviour.

William Roberts and Robert Ball of Field Lane, butchers, for the peace.

John Eckham of Shoreditch, yeoman, for being a vagrant.

Thomas Marcrofte of St. John Street, butcher, and Ann his wife, for keeping a bawdy-house.

Julian Hall of Cow Cross, spinster, for threatening to fire the house of Francis Seelye.

Walter Preiste of St. Clement Danes, barber-surgeon (and p.134).

Richard Hanwood of Chick Lane, butcher.

John Perkins of Cock Lane, collier, for selling defective measures of charcoal.

p.133. Thomas Robinson of St. John Street, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, for keeping a bawdy-house.

George Symons of Clerkenwell, baker, for tippling without licence.

Helen, wife of Nicholas Hankinson of Norton Folgate, yeoman, suspected to be a bawd.

John Norton of Cow Cross, porter, for the peace.

William Collins of "Tanner", co. Berks, yeoman, taken with others by the Watch in a noted bawdy-house in Whitecross Street, a quean in the room.

Edward Pettey and Barnard Pettey of Sherborne, co. Southampton, gentlemen, for the like.

Edmund Webb of the Savoy, gentleman, for the like.

Robert Davies of Cow Cross, victualler, for hurting and wounding Michael Shelton.

Thomas Flenders of St. John Street, yeoman, for tippling without licence.

Francis Terrey of St. Sepulchre's, victualler, for refusing to suffer the constable to search his house for disordered persons.

Robert Kinge of Shadwell, glover, for tippling without licence.

p.134. John White of Whitechapel, thread-dyer, for begetting a maid with child.

Came and discharged:—

Hugh Mountgomerye of Shadwell, sailor, for taking away a boat belonging to a ship called "Bonaventure."

Handed in bail to Robert Mondaye of Chelsea, waterman, and Richard Colson of the same, yeoman:—

William Burton of Wandsworth, baker, for wounding Jerome Burroughe [Barroughe] (and p.163).

William Hunte of Westminster, smith, committed till he find sureties for to serve his [master] Mr. Oldham, by the space of fourteen days according to his promise and agreement.

Ralph Leeke of the same, smith, for abusing the Court with misreporting unto it the matter of contract of the abovesaid Hunte (and p.163).

Came and discharged:—

Thomas Middleton of Temple Bar, St. Clement Danes, butcher, for the dangerous hurting of William Howell, a bailiff, afterwards discharged by the Court with the assent of the said Howell (and p.135).

Robert Whittacres of Rosemary Lane, yeoman, brought in by warrant, handed in bail to Thomas Curbusher of Whitechapel, glazier, and Thomas Farrar of Rosemary Lane, yeoman. Came and fined 2s. (and p. 163).

John Baker of Shoreditch, chandler, handed in bail to John Grace and George Potter of the same, yeomen, to keep the peace towards William Williams [Guilliams] of Aldgate, yeoman; John Northopp [Norcoppe], servant to William Spatchurste of St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, chandler, handed in bail to the said William and Christopher Lovelace of Norton Folgate, yeoman, for the like; John Ferne [Farne] of Shoreditch, victualler, handed in bail to the said John Grace and Uriah Lacey of the same, tailor, for the like; Richard Thompson of the same, baker, handed in bail to the said Lacey and Nathaniel Griffen of the same, for the like; Charles Mason of the same, silkweaver, handed over in bail to John Hole, bricklayer, and Geoffrey Stacey, both of the same, for the like; Robert Haley of the same, blacksmith, for the like. All, together with Henry Leaver and Francis Glover of the same, yeomen, indicted for a riot and pledged for fines in June and August, A.D. 1615 (and pp.135, 164 and P.R.B. 1/49).

p.135. James Smythe of Drury Lane, currier, to answer.

Roger Holman of Chancery Lane, tailor, to answer upon complaint of Thomas Freeman. The said Freeman is to bring another security touching the bastard child brought before Sir Lewis Lewkenor, and is discharged out of his master's service for divers misdemeanours, and he is to deliver up the Indenture.

Discharged if paid:—

Roger Morgan of the Savoy, gentleman, to answer.

Came and discharged:—

Thomas Browne of Chancery Lane, yeoman, for the peace.

Ralph Haylie of Little Stanmore, collier, to answer.

Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Jones of East Smithfield, yeoman.

Griffeth Pewe of St. Antholin's, London, clothmaker.

Richard Wollyn of Ratcliffe, nailer.

Edward Hosier of the same, vintner.

John Moxey [Mexey] of St. George's, Southwark, yeoman, for stealing a mortar out of the office of [blank] Hickes, and John Carelesse [Careles] of Clerkenwell, yeoman, for the like. Respited without bail (and G.D.R. 2/37d).

Respited till Saturday 4 March next at Enfield schoolhouse, where he is to appear before Sir John Brett and Sir Ferdinand Heyburne, and to abide their order:—

George Hetherington of Latton, co. Essex, yeoman, to appear at the next sessions after Margaret Langshawe shall be delivered of the child wherewith she now goeth, he being by her charged to be the reputed father. Afterwards discharged at Enfield by order of Sir Thomas Fowler and Sir John Brett, Knights.

p.136. Committed:—

Abraham Wetherall of East Smithfield, butcher, and Richard Gildinge of the same, porter, for suspicion of the murder of John Ellys. Both found guilty of defending themselves. Handed over in bail to Thomas Collyer of the Tower of London, yeoman, Reginald Thompson of East Smithfield, gunstock-maker, and Thomas Wetherall of the same, butcher. Pleaded their pardon at the Sessions held in the Trinity Term (and G.D.R. 2/42d, 46).

Came and discharged:—

Samuel Hayles for felony, the recognizance at the Justice Hall.

Guilty, and has judgment to be whipped at a cart's tail from Hicks Hall up St. John Street, and so through Clerkenwell into Charterhouse, and so back again to Hicks Hall, and then to be committed until she shall find good sureties for her good behaviour, and to pay 5s. to Mr. Pridmore:—

Alice, wife of Nicholas Blaney, for cozening William Pridmore of 40s.

Guilty and has judgment as above, and to pay 10s. to the said Mr. Pridmore:—

Joan, wife of Charles Williams of Long Lane, yeoman, for the like. Agnes Neegose, a sworn midwife, deposes in Court that according to her skill she cannot find the said Joan to be with child (and p. 133).

Came and discharged:—

Arthur Tuttey of East Smithfield, tailor, upon complaint of Richard Taylor his servant.

Ambrose Clarke, committed for robbing Edward Husbands of Enfield, gentleman, his master, at Enfield. The said Edward to give evidence against the said Ambrose.

p. 137. Licensed tipplers:—

Richard Smythe of Goswell Street, victualler. Sureties:— Roland Farnell of Thames Street, merchant, and William Witheson of Charterhouse Lane.

William Taylor of Westminster, victualler. Sureties:—John Watson of High Holborn, yeoman, and Edward Warren of Cow Cross, yeoman.

John Taylor of Whitechapel, victualler. Sureties:—Edward Lovelocke, chandler, and Thomas Hawkes, yeoman, both of the same.

Ellis Pryce of Whitechapel, victualler. Sureties:—Thomas Jones of London, yeoman, and Thomas Widowes of the same, butcher.

John Goborne of Norton Folgate, victualler. Sureties, David Layton of Old Street, button-maker, and John Parsons of Golding Lane, tailor.

Thomas Emerson of St. Martin's-in-the-Fields. Sureties:— Henry Mitchell of St. Clement Danes, and James Clarke of the same, tailor.

Hugh Pope of Chancery Lane, victualler. Sureties:—William Marshe of Westminster, gentleman, and Henry Wolley of St. Sepulchre's.

George Barfoote of Knightsbridge, victualler. Sureties:— Richard Browne of St. Sepulchre's, yeoman, and George Tangate of Knightsbridge.

Edward Wrighte of the Savoy, victualler. Sureties:—John Lea, tailor, and Robert Holland, yeoman, both of the same.

p.138. John Bonner of East Smithfield, victualler. Sureties:— Robert Sheffield of Norton Folgate, yeoman, and Edward Warren of Cow Cross, yeoman.

Jane Damporte of Rosemary Lane, widow. Sureties:—Richard Coxe of the same, chandler, and Thomas Lowe of Whitechapel, glover.

p.142. James Swaldall of Wapping, victualler. Sureties:—Mark Pecke of the same, yeoman, and Anthony Craven of East Smithfield, yeoman.

p.138. Indenture of apprenticeship between John Wannerton, son of John Wannerton of Kinver in the county of Stafford, gentleman, and Roger Holman of Chancery Lane, tailor, dated 10 February, 12 James I [A.D. 1614–15], witnessed by George Longe and Thomas Wade.

p.142. Indenture of apprenticeship between Henry Darlinge, son of Richard Darlinge of Ickleford, co. Hertford, yeoman, and the said Roger Holman, dated 1 November, 12 James I [A.D. 1614], witnessed by Thomas Wade and Richard Darlinge.

pp.139, 140. Came and discharged:—

Agnes Symballs of Field Lane, widow, for keeping a bawdy-house. William Pierce for wounding one John, servant to Mr. Zouche.

John Foster of Cheapside, goldsmith, brought to the Court for abusing the Yeomen of the Guard, in face of the Court calling them lewd terms, as follows:—

Edward Burde and Barnaby Greene, sworn in court, say that the Yeomen of the Guard may very well be called the King's oxen or butchers. Thomas Childe and John Monke, sworn in court, say the Yeomen were the King's oxen, slaughtermen and butcherly slaves. Therefore the said John Foster is committed to appear at the next and handed in bail to Edward Hopkins of Cheapside, goldsmith, and Arthur Colebye of Thames Street, merchant (and p.146).

John Shattocke of Southwark, co. Surrey, smith, to give evidence against William Heathe and Edward Dalton for stealing 3,000 nails of the goods of the East India Company (and p. 146).

p.141. Committed:—

Thomas Dallwyn of Cow Cross for not serving his master Roger Kymber, being his apprentice, and having three years to serve.

Came and discharged upon condition she leaves her house the next quarter:—

Katherine Johnson of Cow Cross, for a common whore.

To leave likewise within six weeks:—

Mary Geste [Gueste] of the same, spinster, brought in by Mr. Beamond, the constable of Cow Cross, for a common whore. Both charged with keeping bawdy-houses at Cow Cross in St. John Street (and p.142 and P.R.B. 1/36d, 46).


f.33. Delivered by proclamation:—

Thomas Johnson, Valentine Hinton, Nicholas Garforth.

Abraham Nutting to be sent to Bridewell.

Respited without bail till the next:—

Thomas Denham alias Denys (and f. 37d).

John Hardell. Respited for Cornwall (and f.37d).


John Duffeild alias Scatterfeild to remain till he may be sent away into Holland where his estate lyeth.

f.33d. Respited to prison for good sureties:—

John Gardener.

Walter Wyer, delivered by proclamation (and f.37).

Thomas Douttey.

Respited to prison without bail:—

William Pearse for wounding the servant of John Crouche.

Vagrants, to be sent into their countries by pass:—

Matthew Hunter, William Burche, John Bradman, Sarah Bingley, Robert Ballard, Hugh Emerye, Nicholas Scott, Winifred Fludde.

f.35. Guilty, no goods, to be hanged:—

John Heydon and Sarah Harrys, for the murder of Charles Harryson by poisoning.


f.41. Thomas Kester of Norcott, yeoman, for trespass. Fined 40s. and paid it to the use of the Surveyor of Highways in Norcott.


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