House of Lords Journal Volume 2: 5 May 1604

Pages 291-292

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 2, 1578-1614. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1767-1830.

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DIE Sabbati, videlicet, 5 die Maii:

Archiepus. Ebor.
Epus. London.
Epus. Dunelme.
p. Epus. Winton.
p. Epus. Roffen.
p. Epus. Lincolne.
Epus. Coven. et Lichf.
p. Epus. Wigorn.
Epus. Bathon. et Wellen.
p. Epus. Meneven.
Epus. Assaphen.
p. Epus. Cestren.
p. Epus. Cicestren.
p. Epus. Carlioll.
Epus. Glocestren.
Epus. Exon.
p. Epus. Sarum.
p. Epus. Bangor.
p. Epus. Elien.
p. Epus. Peterburgh.
Epus. Landaven.
p. Epus. Hereford.
p. Epus. Norwicen.
p. Epus. Bristoll.
p. Epus. Oxon.
p. Ds. Ellesmere, Cancellar. Angliæ.
p. Comes Dorsett, Thesaurar. Angliæ.
Marchio Winton.
Comes Oxon. Magnus Camerar. Angliæ.
p. Comes Notingham, Admirall. et Senescall.
p. Comes Suffolke, Camerar. Hospitii.
p. Comes Northumbriæ.
p. Comes Salopp.
Comes Derbie.
Comes Kanciæ.
p. Comes Wigorn.
Comes Rutland.
Comes Cumbriæ.
Comes Sussex.
Comes Huntingdon.
Comes Bathon.
p. Comes Southampton.
p. Comes Bedforde.
p. Comes Pembroke.
p. Comes Hertford.
Comes Lincolne.
Comes Devon.
p. Comes Northampton.
p. Vicecomes Mountagu.
Vicecomes Bindon.
p. Ds. Cecyll.
Ds. Audeley.
p. Ds. Zouche.
Ds. Lawarr.
Ds. Barkeley.
p. Ds. Morley.
p. Ds. Stafford.
p. Ds. Scroope.
p. Ds. Dudley.
Ds. Lumley.
p. Ds. Stourton.
p. Ds. Herbert.
p. Ds. Darcie de Menell.
p. Ds. Montegle.
Ds. Sandes.
p. Ds. Windsor.
p. Ds. Mordaunt.
Ds. Crumwell.
p. Ds. Evre.
p. Ds. Wharton.
Ds. Riche.
p. Ds. Willughby de Parham.
p. Ds. Sheffeild.
Ds. Darcie de Chiche.
p. Ds. Howard de Effingham.
p. Ds. Northe.
p. Ds. Chandois.
p. Ds. Hunsdon.
p. Ds. St. John.
Ds. Burghley.
Ds. Compton.
p. Ds. Norreys.
Ds. Sydney.
p. Ds. Knollys.
p. Ds. Wotton.
Ds. Russell.
p. Ds. Graye.
p. Ds. Petre.
Ds. Harrington.
Ds. Danvers.
p. Ds. Gerarde.
p. Ds. Spencer.
p. Ds. Saye.

Process in the Court of Exchequer.

HODIE 2a vice lecta est Billa, An Act concerning Process and Pleadings in the Court of Exchequer.

And was referred to Committees: videlicet,

L. Treasurer.
E. of Northumb'l'd.
E. of Shrewsbury.
E. of Worcester.
L. Viscount Mountagu.
L. Bp. of Winchester.
L. Bp. of Worcester.
L. Bp. of Chester.
L. Bp. of Elie.
L. Bp. of Hereford.
L. Bp. of Norwich.
L. Zouche.
L. Morley.
L. Montegle.
L. Windsor.
L. Evre.
L. Sheffeild.
L. St. John.
L. Wotton.
L. Petre.
L. Spencer.
Lord Chief Justice of England,
Lord Chief Baron,
Mr. Baron Clarke,
Mr. Baron Savile,
Mr. Justice Yelverton,
Mr. Serjeant Crooke,
Mr. Attorney General,
To attend the Lords.

Appointed to meet upon Tuesday next, the 8th of this Instant, by Two of the Clock in the Afternoon, at the Outward Chamber, near the Parliament Presence. The Bill delivered to my Lord Treasurer.

Howard's Restitution.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for Restitution in Blood of William Howard, youngest Son of Thomas, late Duke of Norfolke, and of the Children of the Lady Margarett Sackvile, Daughter of the said Duke.

Sir John Ramsey's Naturalization.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Naturalizing of Sir John Ramzey, Knight; appointed to be ingrossed.

Sir W. Leveson's Bill.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Security, Indemnity, and Discharge, of Sir Walter Leveson, of Hampton, in the County of Stafford, Knight, of and from the Debts of Sir Walter Leveson, late of Linshall, in the County of Salopp, Knight.

Stealing Deer or Conies.

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, An Act against unlawful Hunting and Stealing of Deer or Conies.

And was referred to Committees: videlicet,

L. Admiral.
E. of Shrewsbury.
E. of Southampton.
L. Bp. of Winchester.
L. Bp. of Worcester.
L. Bp. of Chichester.
L. Cecyll.
L. Morley.
L. Mordant.
L. Effingham.
L. Compton.
L. Norreys.
L. Sydney.
L. Graye.
L. Petre.
L. Gerard.
L. Saie.
Mr. Baron Savile,
Mr. Serjeant Crooke,
To attend.

Appointed to meet upon Thursday next, the 10th of this Instant, by Seven in the Morning, at the Outward Chamber, near the Parliament Presence. The Bill delivered to my Lord Admiral.

Excess in Apparel. Refused.

HODIE 3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for Apparel, restraining the excessive Wearing of Cloth of Gold, Cloth of Silver, and Gold and Silver Lace, and Embroideries.

Copley's Naturalization.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Naturalizing of Thomas Copley and William Copley.

L. Mountague's Leave to be absent.

The Lord Chancellor signified to the House, That the King's Majesty hath given Leave to the Lord Viscount Mountague to be absent for some Time from the Parliament, being not well in Health.


Report was this Day made by the Lord Treasurer, of so much as passed in the Conference between the Committees of both Houses upon Thursday last, the Third of this Instant, about the Matter of Purveyors, and of the Motion propounded from those of the Lower House, concerning Authority to be given to some few Committees of each House, to consider of some farther Order to be taken for Reformation of the Abuses complained of: Whereupon the Lords undermentioned were selected for this Conference: videlicet,

L. Treasurer.
L. Admiral.
E. of Worcester.
E. of Southampton.
L. Bp. of Winchester.
L. Bp. of Elie.
L. Cecill.
L. St. John.
L. Knollys.
L. Wotton.
L. Petre.
L. Spencer.

The said Committees being so appointed and selected, the Lords sent a Message to the Lower House, signifying That they have made such a select Committee, to the Number of Twelve: And the Meeting was appointed to be upon Tuesday next, the 8th of this Instant, by Seven in the Morning, at the Outward Chamber, near the Parliament Presence.


Dominus Cancellarius continuavit præsens Parliamentum usque in diem Lunæ, videlicet, 7m diem Maii.