Pages 341-369
Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: E, 1314-1337. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.
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Lacer, Lacier, Richard (le), 2, 4, 7,
188, 200, 226, 227, 228, 245, 246,
250, 263, 279, 281, 292, 298, 302
-, - - M. P. for the City, 282
Lacy, John de, 158
Lambel, Jordan, 70
Lambhurst, John de, 4
Lambhuthe, Lamhuthe, Richard de,
-, - Simon de, 3
-, - Thomas de, 3
Lambourne, Lamburne, Robert de,
127, 238
-, - - Cristina, widow of, 238
Lambyn, Edmund, 31, 112, 115, 121,
126, 135, 169, 173, 187, 215, 224
-, - - Alderman of Bridge Ward,
125; compelled to attend on the
King, 179n.
-, - Henry, 94, 199
-, - John, 9, 12, 16, 17, 37, 41, 49,
59, 70, 93, 107, 224
-, - Peter, 3
-, - William, 94, 127, 199, 200
Lamme, William atte, 129
Lampreys, liable to custom like other fish, 131-2
Lancaster, [Henry, first] Earl of, 60
-, - Henry, [third] Earl of, 229
-, - Thomas, Earl of, 97n.
-, - - forbidden to gather his adherents at Doncaster, 154
-, - - the manor of the New
Temple granted to, 229
Langar, Henry, 83, 235
Langbourne Ward, 143; Roger de Frowik, Alderman of, 124, 186; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187
Langecoumbe, Lanecoumbe, John de, rector of "Laumazheys" (Lammas, co. Norf. ?), 100
Langeford, William de, 259, 270
Langele, Langeleye, Langgele, Geoffrey de, 135, 204
-, - John de, 60
-, - Jordan de, 62, 81
"Langele Marroys" (Langley Marish, co. Bucks), 154
Langetone, Sir Robert de, Clerk of the Wardrobe of Queen Isabella, 219
Lansehulle. See Lausehell.
"La Plente de Lenne," ship called, 86
Larblaster, Richard, 142
Larmourer. See Armourer.
"Lastage," 140n.
Latoner, Anselm le, 131
-, - Richard le, 1, 177
-, - - Margaret, wife of, daughter
of Richard le Sporiere, 177
-, - William le, 94
-, - - sworn a keeper of the
Conduit, 204
Latthere, Robert le, 95
Laubel, Jordan, 135
Lauen, Alan, 129
Laufare, Reginald de, 195
-, - - Ralph, valet of, 195
"Laumazheys" (Lammas, co. Norf.?), John de Langecoumbe or Lanecoumbe, Rector of, 100
Launce, William, 69, 128
Laurence, Laurenz, Amicia, wife of
John de Honylane, 100, 158
-, - John, 47, 62, 100, 174
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, wife of
John, son of John Dode, 47, 48, 62,
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 100
-, - - Matilda, widow of, wife of
Simon de Burgh, 47, 48
-, - - Osbert, son of, 99
Lausehell, Lansehulle, William de, 170, 171
Leadenhall, the, court of justice at, 119n.
Leather, brokers of, admitted, 97, 302
Leche, John le (not de), 3
-, - John, 298
-, - Stephen le, 297
Ledebery, Ledburi, Robert de, 115, 201
"Ledes" (Leeds, co. Kent), the Castle of, 147n., 152, 153-4; the City contingent sent to, not to become a precedent, 153, 154, 155
Ledred, Richard de, 95, 304
-, - Thomas de, 95
-, - William de, 56
Lefhogge, Lefhog, Geoffrey, 290
-, - John, le Chaundeler, 43
Lefstan, Walter, 4
Leg, Thomas, 272
Leghe, James de la, 4
Leire, Leyre, Thomas de, 192, 221, 225, 231, 234, 235, 237, 238, 241, 242, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 256, 258, 279
Leire, Leyre, William de, 7, 8, 9, 12,
17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 31, 33,
39, 42, 46, 55, 59, 62, 67, 68, 77,
80, 81, 94, 98, 100, 106, 110
-, - - elected M. P. for the City,
17, 30, 33, 40, 104; Alderman of
Castle Baynard Ward, 32
Lek, Alan de, Serjeant-herbergeour of the King's household, 206
Lemyngtone, Robert de, 136
Lenesham, John de, 129
-, See also Leuesham.
Lenfaunt, William, 238
Lenham, William de, 96
Lenne, Lynne, John de, 267
-, - Ralph de, 157, 158, 286, 293
-, - Richard de, 158, 159
-, - Robert de, 80, 110, 117, 129,
233, 242
-, - Roger de, 116, 129, 204, 242
"Lentone," charter of Edward I. to the Weavers, dated from, 260
Leo the Jew, 12, 21
Lescrop, Le Scrope, (Sir) Geoffrey, 5,
189, 218, 237
-, - - City gift to, 273
-, - (Sir) Henry, 40
-, - - City gift to, 273
Lesnes, Lesues, Gilbert de, 76, 81, 129, 186, 198, 205
Lespicer, Roger, 81, 129
-, See also Spicer, Espicer.
Lestre, Robert de, 4
Lettone, William de, 244
Leuesham, John de, 145, 151 See also Lenesham.
Leukenore, John de, 2
Levechild, William, 22
Levynge, John, de Caustone, 256
-, - - Johanna, wife of, daughter
of John de Asshford, 256
Lewes, John de, 2
Leycestre, Leicestre, John de, 68, 142, 162
Leylond, John de, 280
Leyton, Leytone, William de, 86, 127
Libellond, Henry de, 157
Lidel, Thomas de Wake, lord of, gives timber for repair of Guildhall Chapel, 215
Lime, the price of, fixed, 241
Lime Street Ward, 143; Robert Sely, Alderman of, 124; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187
Lincoln, Parliament at, 54, 58, 71, 79; cloth of, 54; a deputation to attend the King and Council at, 222, 223; Bishop of, Henry de Burghersh, 268
Lincoln, "Nichole," "Nicole," &c,
Hugh de, 178
-, - - John, son of, 178
-, - John de, 7, 8, 10, 12, 33, 41, 55,
68, 77, 80, 83, 84, 91, 93, 97, 100
-, - Richard de, 266, 271, 275, 286,
291, 302, 303
-, - - Elizabeth, wife of, 271
-, - Robert de, 127, 163, 233
-, - Thomas de, 81, 289
-, - - City gift to, 273
-, - William de, 104
Lindeseye, Lyndeseie, &c., John (de),
81, 94, 109, 129, 135, 142, 171, 175
-, - William de, 227
Linen-Armourers. See Tailors.
Litelgrom, John, 4
Litle, John, called le, 86, 228
Litlyngtone, Thomas de, 188
Littleglenne, Alice, of co. Leices., 279
Livery Companies. See Misteries.
Lockeman, Geoffrey, 4
"Lodelawe" (Ludlow, co. Salop), 150
Lodelawe, Lodelow, Stephen de, 96
-, - Sir Thomas de, 34
-, - - Dame Johanna, late wife
of, 34
Loke, John atte, 233
Lombard, "Chimellus," 94
-, - William, 43
Lombardestret, Lumbardstret, 256
-, - "Jhosep" de, 96
Lomhethe, Richard de, 137
Londenstone, Ralph de, 84
-, - - Alditha, daughter of, wife(?)
of Andrew de Rothewelle, 84
London, standard weights of, 203
-, - tallage not to be levied on the
goods of citizens of, in the vill of
Henleye, 10
-, - Bishop of, Gilbert Segrave, 50
-, - Sheriffs of, are jointly and severally Sheriff of Middlesex, 167
London, John de, 4, 229
London Bridge, pontage not to be demanded by the City for goods passing over or under, 63; retailers of
ale upon, 131; the manner of guarding the gate on, 143; profits of Stocks
Market to be given to, 186, 200;
bequest to, 257
-, - John atte Halle, renter of, 52
London Bridge, Wardens of:
-, Atte Vigne (or Vyvyen), Roger,
144, 149, 180, 184, 189, 205,
-, Gille, Alan, 299
-, Gisors, Anketin de, 41, 52, 83,
London Bridge, Wardens of:
-, Gloucestre, Henry de, 41, 52, 83
-, Neel, Walter, 299
-, Piphurst, Robert de, 146
-, Prentiz, Thomas, 52
-, Sterre, John, 144, 146, 149, 180,
184, 189, 205, 208
-, Swote, Robert, 296
-, Wymondham, John de, 41, 52
-, - - their accounts, 52, 144;
auditors of their. accounts appointed, 41, 83, 144, 205; to repair
and maintain Botolph Wharf, 149,
208; acquittance to, 208, 296; to
collect rents of the Stocks Market,
London Wall, an elm tree in, to be cut down, 39; a turret on, granted to Sir John de Elyngham, 39; a hermitage near the King's garden on, 49
Longe, Lung, &c., Andrew le, 158, 161
-, - - Margaret, wife of, 158
-, - Estmar le, 233
-, - John le, 5, 60, 91, 93, 97, 118,
120, 222, 258, 265
-, - - Agnes, relict of, wife of
Stephen le Brewere, 97
-, - - Alderman of the Hanse of
Almaine in England, 119, 120
-, - - the Easterling, 84
-, - Laurence le, 129, 268
-, - - Richard, son of, 268
-, - Nicholas le, 113
-, - Richard le, 118, 223
-, - Robert le, 96
-, - William le, 43, 56, 95
Lorbatour, Alexander, 144
Lorimers, their agreement with the Saddlers, 219, 220
Lorymer, Edmund le, 113
-, - John le, 62
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 62
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 62
-, - - Margery, relict of, wife of
Robert de Baldok, 62
Lothaire. See Brabant, Duke of.
Lothebyri, William de, 85
Loughteburgh, William de, 184
Louth, "says" of, 54
Louthe, John de, 3
-, - Randolf de, 146
Lovayne (Louvain), merchants of, to be quit of murage, &c., 256; charter of Edward I. to, 256
Love, William, his bequest to the work of the Conduit, 228
Lovekyn, John, 254, 286, 299
-, - Richard, 234
-, - Roger, 101, 114
Lovel, Nicholas, 15
-, - Peter, 4
Lovet, Robert, 220
-, - - Thomas, son of, 220
Lubyk (Lubeck), town of, 86
Luca, Luka (Lucca), merchants of, to
be quit of murage, &c., 272
-, - Burnet de, 93
Lucas, Adam, 254, 293, 298
-, - John, 93
-, - Margery, late wife of Richard de
Caam, 176, 177
-, - - Walter, son of, 177
-, - Philip, 28, 77, 94, 137, 199
-, - Stephen, 251-2, 255
-, - Walter, 95
Luco, John de, called "Janyn," 80
Luda, John de, 144, 302
Ludekyn, Adam, 16, 17, 60, 62, 94
Ludgate, the manner of guarding, 142
-, - John le Barber, Warden of, 197
Lukes, Nicholas William de, 120
Lungeneie, Nicholas Bursy de, 227
Lussher, Richard, 117, 118
-, - Walter, 261
Lutegaresale, John de, 8
Lutone, Richard de, 268
-, - William de, 74
Lyghtfot, William, 255
-, - - Nicholas, son of, 255
-, - - Sabine, wife of, 255
Lymburg. See Brabant, Duke of.
Lymestret, John de, 96
Lymyntone, Limintone, Robert de, 80, 129
Lyndewode, Walter de, 222
Lynford, John de, 4
Lynham, Nicholas de, 2
Lyntone, Roger de, 45, 129
Mabely, William, 161
Macchinge, Thomas de, 234
Mace, "Perotus" de, 110
Maceoun, Michael le, 55
Maciot, Nicholas, 94
Macoun, Richard, 96
Madefrey, Matfrei, Hugh, 69, 81, 100,
137, 232
-, - Nicholas, 284
Maderman, Thomas le, 42
Madour, Roger, 233
Maidenstone, John, 95
Maii, John, 278
Maistre, Richard, 277
Maldone, Walter de, 3
Malines or Mechlin, unlawful seizure of goods by burgesses of, 101, 102
Malines or Mechlin, merchants of, to be quit of murage, &c., 240, 241
Mallinge, John de, 4, 96, 268
Mamfel, John, 233
Manchestre, Thomas de, 163
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 163
Manhale, William de, 89, 157, 159, 161, 177, 269
Manion, Manioun, Manjon, Ferand,
175, 186, 191, 302
-, - - Margaret, wife of, 302
Manne, Nadde de, 287
Mantel, James, 258
Manworth, Richard de, 297
Marberer, Marbrer, Adam le, 56, 81,
-, - Walter le, 224, 253-4
-, - - Johanna, relict of, 253
Marchaunt, John, 4
-, - William, 289
Marche, Gilbert de la, 24
-, - - Thomas, son of, 24
-, - John ate (or de la), 142, 167,
177, 243
-, - - John, son of, 177
-, - Philip de la, 96
-, - Ralph de la, 4, 289
-, - Robert de la, 95
-, - William de la, 3. See also
Marchyntone, John de, 126
Marcy, John, son of Nicholas le Barbier, 9
Mare, Cecilia de la, 108
-, - William de la, 52
Mareny, William de, 245
Marescalli, Aldebrand, 272
Mareschal, Marchal, Edmund le, 110
-, - Henry de Guldeford, called le, 31
-, - John le, 5, 95, 117, 126, 128
-, - Robert le, 4, 235
-, - Simon le, 304
-, - Walter le, 90, 268
-, - William le, de London, 296
-, - - Mary, wife of, 296
Mareys, Mareis, John, 259, 263
Markets, for the sale of corn, 56, 57
Marleberwe, John de, 3
Marmyoun, William, 95
Marny, William de, 172
Mars, Simon, 223
Marshall, Sir William le, parson of St. Mary Wolnoth, 101
Marshalsea Court, proceedings in, 49, 206-7. See also King's Household and King's Marshalsea.
Marshalsea Prison, 240
Marsham, Robert de, 83
Martelane, 108
Martin, Martyn, John, 2, 94
Maryns, Thomas de, 6, 216, 229, 232,
261, 300, 304
-, - - elected Chamberlain, 291
Marz, Simon, 268
Mascarelli, Bauduchin, 262, 263
"Mascles," meshes of a net, 237
Masschebury, Maisshebure, Adam de,
-, - Henry de, 201
-, - William de, 277. See also
Massingham, Messyngham, Thomas
de, 289
-, - William de, 3, 94
"Mastles." See "Mascles."
Matham, Simon de, 70
-, - - Johanna, widow of, wife
of Stephen de Abyndone, 70
"Maucovenant," James, 146
Maundeville, John de, 3
Mayor, election of, no one to take part in, unless specially summoned, 53; deputies of the, 71, 220, 223, 225, 241; the, deposed, 179n. ; of the Staples to be elected, 211, 214; as King's escheator, 224
Mayoralty, the, in the King's hand, 155, 178-9; restored, 214
-, Abyndone, Stephen (Steven) de,
18, 19, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60,
62, 67, 68, 70, 71
-, Aubrey, Aubry, Andrew, 188
-, Betoyne, Betoigne, &c., Richard
de, 214n., 215, 217, 220, 221,
222, 223, 225, 252, 274, 276
-, Blound, Blount, John le, 26
-, Chigewell, Chiggewelle, &c. Hamo
de, 9, 25, 31, 82, 84, 91, 109,
110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115,
116, 119, 121, 125, 126, 129n.,
131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136,
141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147,
148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 157,
161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167,
169, 170, 173, 174, 175, 177,
178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184,
185, 186, 187, 189, 191, 192,
193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198,
199, 201, 204, 205, 206, 208,
209, 210, 211, 216, 223, 224,
225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230,
-, Conduit, Reginald de, 5, 6, 200,
212, 228, 250, 262, 268, 281, 290,
291, 292, 293, 298, 300, 302, 303
-, Farndone, Farendone, Nicholas
de, 10, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 31, 32, 33, 37, 90, 136, 137,
178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 274
-, Gisors, Gysors, &c., John de, 9,
12, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 36n., 39,
41, 42, 46, 49
-, Grantham, John de, 140, 192,
202, 231, 234, 235, 236, 237,
239, 241, 274
-, Prestone, John de, 192, 269, 274,
275, 280, 282, 283, 284, 286,
287, 288
-, Pulteneye, Polteneye, &c., John de,
69, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257,
258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 265,
268, 269, 272, 273, 274, 281,
284, 286, 288, 289, 290, 296,
302, 304
-, Refham, Richer de, 12
-, Romayn, Thomas, 27
-, Swanlond, Swanlund, Simon de,
77, 92, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247,
248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253,
274, 279
-, Waleys, Henry le, 179
-, Wengrave, Wenegrave, &c., John
de, 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, 56, 62, 70,
74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 83, 84,
85, 86, 90, 92, 97, 98, 100, 101,
102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109,
Mazerer, Mazeliner, Alexander le, 79
-, - John le, 9, 42, 78, 108, 112, 201
-, - - Walter, son of, 108, 201
-, - - William, son of, 78
-, - Robert le, 166
-, - Walter le, 232
Measures, according to the King's
Standard, 74, 76
-, - examiners of, for corn, appointed, 74, 75
Meat, surveyors of, 109; bad, seized and condemned, 110, 111, 126, 133; belonging to foreign butchers seized for being exposed for sale contrary to the custom, 137
Medelane, Geoffrey de, 272, 275
-, - - William, son of, 272, 275
-, - William de, 29, 30, 79
-, - - Juliana, daughter of, 29, 30
-, - - Theophania, widow of,
wife of John de Yieveneye, 29,
30, 79
-, - - Thomas, son of, 29, 30,
"Meilorg" (Maylor, co. Flint?), 211
Meldebourne, John de, 96
-, - Richard de, 50, 83
-, - Thomas de, 50
Meleward, Moleward, Walter le, 22, 128. See also Mulleward, Milleward.
Meltone, Richard de, 157, 158, 161
"Mendep," cloth called, 54
Mercers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 232
Merchant Strangers. See Foreigners.
Merdele, Philip de, 27, 50
Merefeld, Walter de, 46
Mereworth, Merworth, Merword, Simon de, 94, 264, 295
Merk, Richard de, 169
Merkyngfeld, John de, goldsmith, 40
-, - John de, King's Justice, 40
Merlawe, Henry de, 91
-, - - Agnes, widow of, wife of
William de Dorkyngge, 91
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 91, 92
-, - - Walter, son of, 91
-, - - William, son of, 91
Merre, Geoffrey, 286
-, - William, a tallager for the county
of Oxford, 10
Merssh, John of the, 3
-, - Nicholas atte, 213, 295
-, See also Marche.
Mersshlond, Robert de, 3
Merstone, William de, 181
Merton, Prior of, 68
Mery, Roger, 3
Meryot, Miriet, Walter, 209, 234
Messingburi, Adam de, 95. See also Masschebury.
Metage of corn. See Corn.
Metere, Andrew le, 167.
Mew, John, 42
Mey, Ricche, 287
Michel, John, 157, 158
-, - - Juliana, wife of, 157
-, - William, 5, 283, 284
-, - - Katherine, wife of, widow
of William Prodhome, 283, 284
Middelburgh, John de, 85
Middeltone, John de, 270
-, - - Richard, son of, 270
Middlesex, county of, annexed to the City, 167; the Sheriffs of London are Sheriff of, 167
Migham, Nicholas de, 95
Mignot, Mynot, Michael, 122, 232,
261, 275, 299
-, - - elected M. P. for the City,
Milkstrete, Melkstrete, tenements in, 12, 21
Miller, William, de Lambeherst, 10, 11
Millers to be punished for committing assaults in the City by night, 116
Milleward, Robert le, 277. See also Meleward, Mulleward.
"Minever," a fur called, 225
Mirourer, Merourer, Geoffrey le, 269
-, - Richard le, 289
Missi, Elen, 287
Misteries, the government of the,
claimed by the City, 143
-, - names of those sworn to govern
the several, 232-4
Mitere, Richard le, 90, 197
Mockynge, Hugh de, 200, 230, 232,
253, 299
-, - John de, 5, 43, 46, 94, 196, 205,
232, 265, 293, 298
-, - - senior, 62
Moday, John, 175
Mogwelle, John de, Rector of St. Olave in Silvernestret, 101
Mohant, "Mohaut," Edmund, 113-4, 157, 159, 161
Molere, Alice la, 14
Moles, Peter, merchant of "Meilorg," 211
Monami, Monamy, William, 201, 277
Mondene, Moundene, Mundene, Adam
de, 81, 92
-, - Robert de, 190
-, - Simon de, 97
-, - William de, 3
Monketone, William de, Sheriff of Cornwall and Warden of the Stannary, 203
Monqoi, Moncoi, Henry, 134, 172,
254, 275, 293
-, - - elected M. P. for the City,
134, 282
Montacute, William de, 5
Montagu, Mountagu, John, 234
-, - William de, 205, 224, 268
-, - - Steward of the King's
Household, 98
Montclar, Frisot de, 144
Montefiore, Paul de, 300
Moor, the, lease of, 7, 28, 118
Moraunt, Jordan, appointed to survey measures in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, 76
Mordone, Gilbert de, 24, 28, 29, 69,
130, 137, 178, 181, 224, 278
-, - - Leticia, wife of, widow of
Thomas le Wodere, 24
-, - Peter de, 278
-, - Robert de, 275
-, - Walter de, 7, 94, 128, 130, 208,
231, 238, 288, 293, 294, 298
-, - William de, 292, 293
More, Benedict atte, 72
-, - Cecilia ate, 19
-, - Gilbert atte, 136, 290
-, - Henry atte, 81, 232
-, - John atte, 215, 216
More, "Alesia," relict of John atte,
wife of Peter Staci, 215
-, - - John, son of, 215
-, - - Stephen, son of, 215
-, - Reginald atte, 2
Morice, John, 297
Morle, Morlee, Richard de, 3
-, - Sir Robert de, City gift to, 273
Morri, Geoffrey, 92
-, - - Adam, son of, 92
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 92
-, - - Roger, son of, 92
-, - - Thomas, son of, 92
-, - - William, son of, 92
Mortimers, the, uncle and nephew, 150, 159, 161, 213
Mortone, John de, 279
-, - William de, 39, 127
Mosdene, John de, 245
Motun, Motoun, Robert, 117, 172, 224
-, - - Alice, daughter of, wife of
John de Watford, 117
-, - - Richard, son of, 224
-, - - - Katherine, wife of,
widow of Richard Swote, 224
Mounde, Walter, de Suthewerk, 231,
-, - - Walter, son of, 302
Mouner, Walter le, 94
Mucheldevere, Sir John de, 259
Mulgar, Hugh, 101
-, - - John de Assheby, son of,
Mulleward, Walter le, 241. See also Meleward, Milleward.
Multone, Robert de, 111
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 111, 112
-, - - "Bonajoia," daughter of,
wife of Ralph Beleverge, 111, 112
Murage, grant of, to the City, 63-5, 66-7; not to be demanded in future in the City, as being bad for trade, 104; collectors of, appointed by the Commonalty, 146; burgesses of New Sarum to be quit of, 228-9; receivers of money arising out of, 237; Knights Hospitallers to be quit of, 239; burgesses of Malynes the same, 240-1; of Exeter the same, 248; of Shrewsbury the same, 249; of Canterbury the same, 255; of Lovayne the same, 256; grant of, to William Haunsard, 257; merchants of Hereford to be quit of, 263; the Peruchi of Florence the same, 265; merchants of Coventrie the same, 267-8; of Spain the same, 269; of Luca the same, 272; let to ferm, 273, 274; merchants of Ipswich to be quit of, 280-1; of Rochester the same, 283; certain merchants to be quit of, 287; merchants of Bristol the same, 303
Muriel, Walter, 269
Musard, John, 7
Musle, Thomas de, 39
Myles, John, de Smethefeud, 279
Mymmes, Hawisia de, 72
-, - John de, 79
-, - - Warden of Cripplegate,
-, - Roger de, 79, 162
Myne, John de la, 24
Mynot. See Mignot.
Nagrave (?), William, 96
Napery of England, 52
Nasard, Nazard, Henry, 78, 90, 94,
112, 115, 142
-, - - Alderman of Broad Street
Ward, 139, 172
Nasinge, Nasyng, John de, 79, 227,
-, - William de, 227, 282, 289
Nasshe, John atte, 233
Naylere, Nailere, Robert le, 92
-, - Stephen le, 43
"Nedelere," 289
Neel, Nel, John, 94, 162
-, - - Matilda de Kydemenstre,
wife of, 162
-, - Walter, 56, 93, 130, 216, 233,
246, 275
-, - - a Warden of London
Bridge, 299
Neele, Nele (Nesle), merchants of, privileges enjoyed by, 214; rent due from, in arrear, 274
Nettlestede, Roger de, 133, 233
Neubery, John de, 233, 246, 271
-, - - junior, 233
Neucomen, Newcomyn, Robert, 129, 166
Neuport, William de, 201
Neutone, Reginald de, 4
Neve, John le, 264
-, - - de Candelwykstrete, 210
-, - William le, de Lenne, 279, 280
Nevile, John de, 184
Neville, Ralph de, Steward of the
King's Household, 268
-, - Thomas de, 174
-, - - Isabella, widow of, 174
"New Articles" confirmed by the King, 104, 105
Newcastle, troops to be sent to, 5, 179
Newcastle, Neucastell, Nicholas de,
128, 271
-, - - Isabella, wife of, widow of
Richard de Histone, 271
-, - Peter de, 18, 67, 127, 233, 302
-, - William atte, 95
Newcastle "super Are," or under Lyme , Stephen de, parson of St. Laurence de Candelwikstrete, 70, 244
"New Custom," the, 285, 287-8
Newecoke, William, 146
Newgate, the manner of guarding, 142
-, - William de Wynchestre, Warden
of, 197
Newgate Prison, a chamber and sewer of, to be repaired, 66; gaol delivery, 244, 252, 283; precept to bring up a prisoner from, contrary to the franchise, 281
Newman, Neweman, Edmund, 3
-, - John, 118, 162
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 162
-, - - Cristina, wife of, 162n.
-, - - Cristina, daughter of, 162
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 162
-, - - Thomas, son of, 162
New Sarum, burgesses of, to be quit of murage, &c., 228-9; writ for election of two citizens to attend a Parliament at, 229, 230; charter of Edward III. dated from, 249
New Temple, the, 97; the Tron for wool proposed to be removed to, 211; manor of, granted to Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, 229
Nicholas, Sir, Rector of St. Benedict
de Garscherche, 101
-, - Abbot of Pippewell, co. Northampton, 262
"Nichole." See Lincoln.
Nicol, Simon, 296
Noille, William, 82
Noke, Robert atte, 258
-, - William atte, 233, 258
Nonnes, Nunnes, Nunnys, John (de), 94, 128, 190, 204
Nore, John ate, 10
-, - - Roger de Stoke, son of, 10
Noreys, John, de Erbuthe, 237
Norfolk, cloth of, 54
Norhamptone, Henry de, 78, 137, 145,
159, 176, 256, 269, 272
-, - Richard de, 96, 97
-, - Robert de, 118, 233, 235
-, - - William, son of, 235
Normant, Thomas le, 7
-, - - Richard, son of, 7
Normantone, Benedict de, 184
Nortfolk, "Charles" de, 96
Northampton, cloth of, 65
-, - Parliament at, 227, 230
-, - an Iter held at, 244
Northawe, John atte, 83
Northburgh, Roger de, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, 268
Northerne, Thomas le, 89
Northfolk, Andrew de, 201
Northhalle, John de, 288. See also
Clerk, John le.
-, - Thomas de, 290
Northwych, Walter de, 82
-, - - Felicia, widow of, wife of
Roger Swetinge, 82
Nortone, Gregory de, 5, 50, 69, 77, 92,
161, 192, 200, 212, 213, 216, 219,
223, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 234,
235, 236, 237, 238, 241, 242, 246,
247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253,
254, 256, 258, 259, 264, 268, 270,
272, 274, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284,
290, 292, 298, 300, 302
-, - - elected Common Serjeant
and Pleader, 20
-, - - elected M. P. for the City,
-, - - increase of fee of, as Recorder, 242-3
-, - John de, 234
Norwich, Bishop of, 271
-, - cloth of, 54
-, - merchants of, to help select a
Mayor of the Staples, 211
Norwich, Norwiz, Sir Walter de, 39,
60, 105, 111; Warden of the King's
Treasury, 168; City gifts to, 194
-, - William de, deputy Sheriff of
Middlesex, 167
Notary, Philip the, 216
Notfeld, Thomas de, 86
Notingham, Notyngham, Geoffrey de,
3, 96, 129
-, - Henry de, 3
-, - John de, 96, 157, 161
-, - Ralph de, 233
-, - Roger de, 128, 186
Nottingham, Edward III. at, 222; charter of Edward III. dated from, 249; Parliament at, 299; a great Council at, 301
Nute, William, de Stokflete, 237
Oath taken by the soldiers furnished by the City for the war with Scotland, 5
Odyerne, John, 279
"Official," William, Serjeant of Cheap Ward, 136
Offord, John de, Dean of Arches, 304
"Of the castel," William, 296
"Of ye Rook," Robert, 96
-, See also "Othe Roke."
Okele, John de, 56
Okenore, John de, 96
Olneie, Sir John de, Knt., 197, 198
Ongar. See Aungre.
Ordinances made by those present at
the Guildhall to bind those who
disobey the summons to attend, 147
-, - made by two representatives of
each Ward to bind the whole
Commonalty, 174
Orfevre, Thomas le, de Newenham, 15, 16
Orgor, Thomas, 184
Orletone, John de, 168n., 169, 207,
226, 232
-, - - Alice, wife of, widow of
Geoffrey de Brandone, 207
Ormesby, Gilbert de, visitor of the
Order of Sempringham, 164
-, - Robert de, 177
-, - W[illiam] de, 10, 11
-, - - appointed to survey corn
measures in Norfolk and Suffolk, 74,
Orphan, abduction of an, proceedings relative to, 266-7
Orphans, custody of, 10, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 43, 47, 48, 51, 52, 57, 61, 62, 67, 68, 69, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 99, 100, 105, 106, 121, 135, 136, 145, 146, 162, 178, 180, 181, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 192, 199, 200, 204, 208, 209, 210, 212, 215, 216, 223, 224, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 235, 238, 239, 242, 246, 255, 260, 264, 266, 267, 268, 269, 272, 275
Osard, Richard, 93
Osbern, John, 4
-, - Thomas, elected broker of wines,
-, - William, 158, 161
Osbert, Abbot of Dureford (co. Sussex), 31
Osekyn, Robert, 81, 82, 88, 89, 170
-, - - Johanna, wife of, daughter
of William le Callere, 82n., 88
-, - - John, son of, 82, 88, 170
-, - - Robert, son of, 81, 88, 89
-, - - Roger, son of, 81, 88
-, - - Simon, son of, 88
Otemonger, Dyonesius le, 222
Oteswich, William de, 27
"Othe Roke," Nicholas de Aka, called,
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 10
"Othe Roke," Nicholas, son of Nicholas de Aka, called, 10
-, - - Richard, brother of, 10
-, See also "Of ye Rook."
Otteford (co. Kent), writ dated from, 256
Ounde, Nicholas de, 157
Oundele, Alexander de, 3
-, - William de, 4
Outfangthef, the right of the City to, 275-6
Outlawry, not put in execution without the King's consent, 156
Overee, Overhee, Walter, 89, 222, 242
-, - - John, son of, 242
-, - - Roesia, daughter of, 242
Overtone, Thomas de, 3
Owyas, William, 278
Oxford, charters of the city of, 249; the guild-merchant of the city of, 249; burgesses of, to be allowed their former liberties, 252, 253; to pay tronage on wools, wines, &c., 253
Oxford, Oxenford, Oxon', &c., Hugh
de, 74
-, - - Matilda, late wife of, 74
-, - John de, 5, 7, 94, 130, 149, 164,
172, 182, 185, 186, 189, 193, 201,
225, 232, 242, 243, 246, 250, 261,
263, 276, 281, 288, 289, 298
-, - - wool merchant, elected to
consult with a Parliament at Nottingham, 300
-, - Laurence de, 120
-, - Nicholas, 95
-, - Richard de, 157
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 157
-, - Walter de, 114, 157, 181, 183
Paas, John, 88
Pabenham, Simon de, 55-6
Padenham, Geoffrey de, a tallager for the county of Oxford, 10
Page, John, 127
Painters, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 234
Pake, John, 127
Palmer, Palmere, Paumer, Gilbert
le, 4
-, - Grace le, 224
-, - Henry le, 93, 110, 130, 181,
184, 223, 233, 261, 262, 299, 302
-, - James le, 94, 129, 142
-, - John le, 181, 182
-, - Nicholas, 95
-, - Roger le, 32, 56, 81, 83, 84, 91,
99, 112, 113, 115, 122, 129, 133,
135, 142, 145, 146, 148, 149, 162,
165, 169, 170, 172, 182, 185, 186,
187, 199, 201, 208, 211
Palmer, Roger le, Alderman of Castlebaynard Ward, 11, 125; elected
M. P. for the City, 54; compelled
to attend on the King, 179n.
-, - - senior, 61
-, - - junior, 93
-, - Thomas le, 235
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, wife
of Richard Baldewyne, 235, 236
-, - - Alice, daughter of, wife of
Roger de Redebourne, 235, 236
-, - - Katherine, daughter of,
235, 236
Palyntone, Henry de, 201, 202
-, - John de, 201
-, - Thomas de, 201
Pampesworth, John de, 119, 120
Pamy, Robert, 128
Panyfader, Roger, de Houndesdiche, 156
Pappeword, Pappeworth, Walter (de),
94, 127, 149
-, - - Alderman of Candlewick
Street Ward, 205
"Pares," or peers, 33
Paris, plaster of, 76
Paris, Parys, Pariz, Geoffrey de, 22
-, - - Johanna, widow of, 22
-, - John de, 26, 27, 81, 94, 97, 110,
129, 132, 177
-, - Roger de, 7, 9, 12, 16, 19, 20,
24, 25, 27, 33, 42, 46, 59, 62, 70,
77, 80, 94, 100, 112
-, - Simon de, 7, 8, 12, 24, 27, 31,
33, 41, 77, 81, 94, 106, 115, 137
-, - - the elder, 145
-, - - junior, 137
-, - - Alderman of Cheap Ward,
11, 125
-, - William de, 128
Parish Clerks, community of. See Chaplains.
Parker, John le, de Otteford, 10, 11
-, - - Thomas, son of, 10, 11
Parliament, at York, 6, 20, 30, 33, 87, 99, 104, 105, 167, 176, 217, 225, 227, 271, 282, 303 writ for the adjournment of, 17; the City members of, elected by good men summoned from each ward, 33; their expenses paid, 33; at Westminster, 39, 130, 134, 145, 183, 205, 206, 271, 295; petition to, for change in legal procedure, 51; at Lincoln, 54, 58, 71, 79; at Ripon, 174, 175; held by Prince Edward, afterwards King Edward III., in January, 1327, during his father's lifetime, 215; proclamation against attending, with an armed retinue, 227; at Northampton, 227, 230; at New Sarum, 229, 230; of 1328, 230n.; at Winchester, 243; at Nottingham, 299; wool merchants summoned to attend, 299, 300
Parnnslond, Robert de, 157
Parson, Robert, 60
Partenhale, William de, 144
Pasforde, William de, the King's valet, 203
"Passage," 140n.
Passaquila, John, 36. See also Pisaquila.
Passefeld, William de, 268
Passemer, William, 125, 184
Pasteler, Peter le, 138
Patemer, Henry de, 281
Paul's Walk. See Scriveners.
"Pavage," 140n.; burgesses of New Sarum to be quit of, 228, 229
Pavements, market for corn on the, 56, 57
Pavethorne, Hugh de, 3
Paviours. See Streets.
Pavy, Robert, 56, 110, 118, 119, 120
Payn, Thomas, Serjeant of Walbrook
Ward, 120
-, - William, 227
Paynel, Laurence, 4
"Paynesfeld," a field near Edmonton called, 80
Peautrer, Roger le, 259
Peche, Pecche, John, 130, 234, 245
-, - Nicholas, 245
Pecok, John, 58, 157, 158
-, - - senior, the King's Alnager,
53, 54, 55
-, - Walter, 100, 114
Peleter, Daniel le, 158, 161
Pelham, John de, 68, 115, 233, 268
-, - Peter de, 277
-, - Richard de, 191, 261
-, - - Katherine, wife of, 191
Pellipers. See Skinners.
Peltry, surveyors of, on Cornhill,
sworn, 110
-, - William del Abbeye admitted
broker of, 302
Pembroke, Aymer de Valence, Earl of, 50, 98; sent by the King to confer with the City, 151; conveys the manor of the New Temple to Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, 229
Pencriche (Penerich ?), Peter de, 159, 162
Penedok, Andrew de, 227
Penerich (Penerich?), William de, 4
Penne, Ralph atte, de Aldenham, 83
Peny, Robert, 288
-, - - John, son of, 288
Pepperers of Soper's Lane, ordinances of the, 67
Percy, George de, 245
Perendone, Perndon, Thomas de, 136,
-, - - John, son of, 178
Perer, John, 137
Pereres, John de, 224
Perim, Reyner, 265
Perle, Thomas, 262
Perler, John (le), 4, 268
-, - Stephen le, 4
Perndon. See Perendone.
Peronele, Henry, 158, 161
Pershore, William de, 4
Persone, Robert, 17, 78, 204
Pertenale, William de, 162
Peruchi, merchants of the Florentine Company of, to be quit of murage, &c., 265
Pesehale, Richard de, 6
Pesok, John, 115
-, - - Robert, son of, 115
-, - - William, son of, 115
Pestel, Richard, 4
Pestour, Stephen le, 158
-, - - Henry, son of, 158
-, - William le, 139
Peter, son of William, 171
Peterborough, Thomas de, 241
Petertone, Petirtone, Adam de, 277-
-, - John de, 280
Petewardyn, John, 120, 222
Petri, Elias, 93
Peverel, John, 2
Peyntour, Adam le, 28
-, - John le, 267
"Peytou" (Poitou), 86
Pheliper, Feliper (Fripperer), Godwin
le, 137, 145, 176
-, - - John Albon, son of, 137,
145, 176
Phelipeslane, 106
Philippi, Bono, 168
Picard, Pycard, John, 110
-, - Peter le, 42
-, - Robert, 290
Picheford, Sir Geoffrey de, 31
-, - - Richard, son of, 31
"Pickage," 248n.
Picot, Pycot, Pikot, Nicholas, 12, 25,
26, 48, 81, 235
-, - - John, son of, 81
-, - Ralph, 129, 208
Piebakere, Peter, 128
Pifre, Richard, 230
Pigeon, William, 91
Piggeflesshe, "Reynus" (or Reyner), 129, 130
Pigs, not to be allowed at large in the streets, 116
Pikeman, Adam, 5, 6, 133, 137, 199,
232, 254, 258, 274
-, - John, 94, 128
-, - Richard, 22
-, - - Amicia, wife of, widow of
Ralph de Bery, 21, 22
-, - Thomas, 224, 231
-, - William, 192
Pikenham, Pykenham, John de, 69, 81, 166
Pikerel, Pykerel, William, 1, 187, 199, 212, 232, 255, 284, 303
Pikewell, William de, 4
Pilard, William, 156, 157, 161, 162
Pile, Henry, de Bolyngham, 120
-, - - John, son of, 120
Pillory, on Cornhill, 96
Pinder, Roger le, 4
Pinkeneie, Henry, 83
"Pione," murage payable on, 64
Pipe, the, in the Exchequer, 194
Pipehurst, Pyphurst, Robert de, 45,
52, 76, 87, 94, 137, 144, 186
-, - - Juliana, wife of, 186
-, - - elected a Warden of London Bridge, 146
Pipere, Reginald le, 93
Pippewell, co. Northampton, Abbot and Convent of, 262
Pisaquila, John, de "Janua," 73, 178.
-, See also Passaquila.
Place, Henry de, 270
-, - - Walter, son of, 270
Plastrer, Adam le, 76
-, - William, 303
Pleas of the Crown, not to be determined at Fairs by the City Wardens, 230
Pleas of Land, not to be determined at Fairs by the City Wardens, 230
Pledges, to be sold by the Chamberlain, 68
Plomer, William le, 270
Plomptone, William de, 156
Plomstede, James de, 95
Podifat, Robert, 128, 137
Poinfer, Robert, 95
Poitou, church of St. Hillary at, 6.
-, See also "Peytou."
Pokerige, John de, 3
Pole, John atte, 232
-, - Ralph de la, 42
-, - Richard de la, 250, 258; the
King's Butler, elected Alderman of
Bishopsgate. Ward, 243; elected
M.P. for the City, 282
Pole, Roger ate, de Edelmeton, 80
-, - - John, son of, 80
-, - William de la, 258
Polham, Simon de, 302
Pollokeshull, John de, 3
Ponde, John atte, 61
-, - - Isabella, wife of, widow of
William atte Vigne, 61
Ponge, Nicholas, 127, 137, 142, 261, 285
"Pontage," 140n.
-, - not to be demanded by the City
for goods passing over or under
London Bridge, 63
Pont de Sorgue, a Papal Bull dated at, 6
Ponte, Robert de, 233
Pontefract, Friar Richard de, 245
-, - William de, 4, 23. See also
"Pontfreint" (Pontefract), writ dated from, 225
Pope, John, 298
-, - Robert, 227
-, - William, 286
Porkele, William de, 234
Porter, Thomas le, 96, 273
Portesmuth, Portecemouthe, John de,
117, 118
-, - Robert de, 277
Portsmouth, the fleet at, 192
Portsoken Ward, Prior of Holy Trinity,
Alderman of, 124
-, - to provide men to clean out the
City ditches, 147; assessment of,
Potone, William de, 3
Potrel, John, 121
Potters, frauds committed by, 67
Potyn, John, 81, 94, 98, 122, 128,
208, 226, 227, 232
-, - Thomas, 289
Poultry, &c., ordinance regulating price of, 43, 44
Poultry, the, on Cornhill, a keeper of, sworn, 113
"Poumandemer," murage payable on, 65
Poumfreit, John de, 95. See also
-, - Robert de, 114, 134
-, - William de, 127, 183, 285
Pountoyse, writ dated from, 17
Pourte, Geoffrey, 29
-, - Richard, 28, 29
Powell, John, weigher at the Tron, discharged, 20
Power, Roger, 247
Poyntel, Pointel, John, 8, 20, 32, 88,
89, 94, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103,
106, 107, 112, 113, 115, 121, 126,
132, 134, 142, 146, 148, 169, 178,
185, 186-7, 204, 221, 236, 242, 269,
-, - - Alderman of Bishopsgate
Ward, 125; discharged on account
of old age, 243
-, - Roger, 39, 118
-, - Thomas, 109, 110, 175, 242
Prat, John, 115
-, - William, 115
Preaching Friars, order for arrest of, found wandering, 38; a meeting held at their house to elect a Mayor of the Staples, 211
Precedent, a, not to be made of City forces serving outside the City, 99, 153, 154, 155
Prentiz, Prentice, Thomas, 8, 61, 83,
93, 96, 99, 100, 107, 113, 128, 172,
174, 197, 205, 233
-, - - Warden of London Bridge,
41, 52; elected M.P. for the City,
-, - William, 276
"Preparation," the day of, 276
Presents, list of, sent by the City to various magnates, 194, 195
Pressa the washerwoman, 270
Prest, John, 167
Prestone, Henry de, 37, 130, 191, 242,
247, 261
-, - John de, 5, 7, 27, 31-2, 37,
60, 69, 78, 83, 85, 91, 93, 108, 109,
110, 112, 116, 119, 125, 126, 131,
133, 148, 164, 165, 169, 170, 172,
177, 185-6, 192, 200, 217, 227, 228,
231, 232, 241, 242, 248, 249, 251,
252, 253, 254, 263, 269, 274, 275,
277, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 286,
287, 288, 298
-, - - elected Alderman of Dowgate Ward, 146
-, - Reginald de, 4
-, - Richard de, 242, 261, 273
-, - Robert de, 4
-, - Stephen de, 37, 62, 78, 85, 93, 191
-, - William de, 37, 208, 294, 295
Prestwold, John de, 4
Prichet, John, 118, 241
Priour, John, senior, 32, 77, 78, 83,
85, 92, 108, 112, 130, 137, 170, 185,
186, 191, 221, 223, 231, 234, 236,
241, 242, 249, 251, 252, 254, 256,
259, 268, 269, 274, 286
-, - - Idonea, wife of, widow of
William de Conduit, 76, 77, 185n.
Priour, John, junior, 128, 130, 233, 270
-, - Roger, 159, 161
-, - William, elected weigher at the
Tron, 181
Prisage, not to be demanded of ecclesiastics, 63; proclamation against, 79
Privy Seal, the King's, lost, 36
Proclamation, for keeping the King's peace, 2, 25, 238; against forestalling, 43, 44; against vintners and taverners charging more than threepence a gallon for wine, 44; offering a reward for the head of Mortimer, 213; against attending Parliament with an armed retinue, 227
Prodhome, Prodomme, Henry, 91,
283, 284
-, - William, 32, 43, 81, 102, 129,
232, 283, 284 See also Brodhome.
-, - - Katherine, widow of, wife
of William Michel, 283, 284
Pui, le (le Puy en Velay), Confraternity of, gift to, for a chantry in the Guildhall Chapel, 1
Pulteneye, Polteneye, John de, 2, 5, 69, 128, 190, 204, 223, 231, 237, 239, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 265, 268, 269, 272, 273, 274, 281, 284, 286, 288, 289, 290, 292, 296, 302, 304
Punte, Geoffrey, 289
Purser, Payn le, 223
Pursers, complaint against, for false work, 223
Purtreour, Robert le, 232
Purveyance, not to be demanded of ecclesiastics, 63
Purveyors, the King's. See King's Household.
Pyk, Pyke, Alexander, 60, 94, 242
-, - Nicholas, 231, 250, 280, 283,
286, 298
Pykerel, Peter, 108
Pykeringge, Thomas de, 95
Pykeworth, William de, 86
Pymme, Richard, 86
Pynel, John, 131
Pynnefowel, Pynfoul, Richard, 46, 176
Pynnore, Richard, 261
Pynnot, John, 258
"Quarantine" in legal proceedings, 219
Queen Eleanor, her tailor, 92
Queen Philippa, City gifts to, 187, 217; "Queen's Gold" alleged to be due to, 296
Queenhithe, the, granted to the City by Richard, Earl of Cornwall, 50; charges on the ferm of, 50, 51, 75; writ for delivery of custody of, to Robert de Hemenhale, declined, 103; cornmeters at, elected, 167; bailiffs of, 167, 196
Queenhithe Ward, 81, 143, 277; Hamo de Chigwelle, Alderman of, 124; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187
Queen's Gold, illegal demand for, 296; its exaction forbidden, 300
Quercy (Caturcum), 244
Radioun, Walter, 156
Ragoun, Salamon, 199, 200
Rahgtone, Robert de, 130
Ralph the baker, 79
-, - the beadle, 98
-, - the clerk, 45
Ram, Thomas le, 167. See also Ramme.
Ramage, Robert, 158, 161
Rameseye, Nicholas de, 266
-, - Roger de, 100
-, - - Matilda, wife of, daughter
of Walter de Kyngestone, 100
-, - William de, master of the "new
work" of St. Paul's, not to be put
on juries, 264
-, - William, senior, 266
-, - - Nicholas, kinsman of, 266
-, - William, junior, 266, 267
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, wife of
Robert, son of William Huberd,
-, - - Cristiana, wife of, 266
Ramme, "Raume," William atte, 94, 109, 110. See also Ram.
Ravenesdale (co. Derby), writ dated from, 183
Recorder, the, his yearly fee increased, 242-3; to receive annually a gown like that worn by Aldermen, 243
-, Hertpol, Geoffrey de, 11, 12
-, Norton, Gregory de, 5, 219, 242,
247, 270, 292, 300
-, Swalclyve, Robert de, 12, 147,
Redbourne, Redebourne, Roger de, 235, 236
Redbourne, Redebourne, Alice, wife
of Roger de, daughter of Thomas le
Palmere, 235, 236
-, - - Agnes, sister of, wife of
Richard Baldewyne, 235, 236
-, - - Katherine, sister of, 235, 236
-, - William de, 2
Rede, John le, 204
-, - - Walter, son of, 204
-, - - - Peter, brother of, 204
Redere, William le, 258
Redereslane, 107
Redingge, &c., Richard de, 83
-, - Thomas de, 95
-, - William de, 97
Red-work (ruffum opus), murage payable on, 64
Ree, Hanekyn ate, 178
Refby, William de, 95
Refham, Richer de, 12, 76, 78, 112
-, - - elected M.P for the City,
30, 33
Reigate, Reygate, Adam de, 167
-, - Alexander de, 15
-, - Nicholas de, 241, 260, 289
Renaud, John, 302
Reneward, Benedict, 203
Renham, Reynham, John "in the
Hale" de, 276
-, - Richard de, 93, 216, 233
-, - Robert de, 171
See also Reveham.
Replevin, not allowed to a felon unless free of the City, 36n.
"Retherhethe" (Rotherhithe), (Sir) William Horn, Rector of, 216, 217n.
Reveham (Reneham?), John de, 200
-, - William de, 201
Reyham, Roger de, 245
Reyner, William, 233
Reynerii, Pietro, 168
Reynham. See Renham.
Reynolds, Walter, Bishop of Worcester, a cope presented by the City to,
-, - - Archbishop of Canterbury,
98, 202
Richard I., charter of, to the burgesses of Colchester, 140n.
Richard, King of the Romans, his charter to the city of Exeter, 248
Richmond, John of Brittany, Earl of, 16, 76, 230
"Ricoungay," "Rieongay," "Reconai," Simon, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160
Riklinghous, Henry de, 86
Ringwode, John de, 95
Riole, la, 91, 117. See also Ryole.
Ripon, Parliament at, 174, 175
Rislep, Geoffrey de, 95
Riveres, William de, 87
Roberd, William, 233
Robert, Sir, parson of Iselyngham (Isleham, co. Camb.), 150, 168, 207
Robert, Simon, 127
Roche, Rothe, Richard atte, 128
-, - Simon atte, 4
-, - William atte, 80, 83, 94, 101,
114, 128, 129, 130, 193
Roche-Orival, charter dated from, 85
Rochester, charter of Henry III. to, 283
Rofot, Richard, 290
Rogate, Richard de, 95
-, - Thomas de, 95
Roger the Clerk, 98
Rogeri, Albertin, 198
Rokehall, William de, 281
-, - - Margaret, wife of, 281
Rokele, John de la, 233, 273
Rokesle, Rokesleye, Adam de, 71
-, - - the King's Chamberlain,
-, - Isabella de, 225
-, - Roger de, 85, 270
-, - - Margery, wife of, 270
-, - Stephen de, 78
Rokyngham, Richard de, 175
Rollond, John, 3
Romeneye, John de, 60, 62
Romeseye, John de, 234, 302
Romeyne, Romayn, John de, 93
-, - Thomas de, 27, 210
Ronewelle, Thomas de, 264
"Roo," Stephen, called le, 165
Roodynge, Nicholas de, 90
Ropere, Reginald le, 105
-, - Robert le, 294, 299
-, - Thomas le, 80, 128, 133
Ros, Roos, John de, 257
-, - William de, de Hamelak, 268
"Rosekyn," murage payable on, 64
Rothe. See Roche.
Rotheresgate, 136
Rothewelle, Andrew de, 84
-, - - Alditha, wife (?) of, dau.
of Ralph de Londenstone, 84
-, - - Thomas, son of, 84
-, - Stephen de, 158
Rothinge, Rothynge, Adam de, 117,
-, - - Katherine, wife of, 117
-, - Geoffrey de, 170
-, - Richard de, 7, 114, 137, 145,
159, 173, 176, 177, 221, 222, 224,
232, 246, 250, 261, 276, 281, 288
-, - - M.P. for the City, 282
Rouberi, Routhberi, Alan de, 93, 127
Rous, Henry le, 279
-, - Richard le, 279, 280
-, - William le, 251
Routhberi. See Rouberi.
Royston, co. Herts, 281
Ruddoke, John, 294
Rumberwe, John de, 5
Rumford, writ dated from, 152
Russel, Elyas, 48
-, - Henry, 228
-, - John, 289
-, - Pentecoste, 3, 29
-, - Walter, 3
Ruthyn, Richard, 209
Ry, John de, 292
Rye, Godfrey atte, 262
Ryole, Henry ate, 145
Rys, Thomas, 76, 116, 122, 130, 137, 186
Sabrichesworth, William de, 204, 241
Saddlers, Mistery of, their agreement
with the Misteries of Fusters and
Lorimers, 219, 220
-, - - names of those sworn to
govern the, 232
Sadeler, Philip le, 120
St. Alban, Adam de, 81, 94, 109, 110,
128, 224, 232, 258, 285
-, - Katherine de, 239
-, - - John, son of, 239
-, - - Nicholas, son of, 239
-, - - - Richard de Gloucestre, father of, 239
-, - William de, 129, 159, 161, 208
St. Alban de Wodestrate, parish of, 144
St. Alphege within Crepelgate, parish of, 97, 106
St. Andrew upon Cornhulle, Henry, Rector of, 101
St. Andrew Huberd, the right of presentation to the church of, 50
St. Antonin, parish of, 144, 178, 238, 295
St. Antonine, Henry de, 72, 73
St. Augustine, Canterbury, Abbot and Convent of, their wharf on the Thames, 243
St. Bartholomew, parish of, 82
St. Bartholomew de Smethefelde, Prior and Convent of, 163, 193
St. Benedict Fink, St. Benet Fynk, 82, 144, 269
St. Benedict de Garscherche, Sir Nicholas, parson of, 101
St. Benedict Shorhog, parish of, 112, 184, 265, 271
St. Benedict de Wodewharf, parish of, 32
St. Botolph, Billyngesgate, parish of, 107
St. Botolph without Bishopsgate,
parish of, 251
-, - Sir Henry de Colne, Rector of,
St. Botolph (Boston, co. Linc.), the City's attorneys at the Fair of, 230, 286, 291, 303
St. Botolph Lane, 125, 192, 295
St. Botolph Wharf, to be repaired by Wardens of London Bridge, 149, 208; payment for repair of, 271; let to ferm, 282, 292
St. Bride, Fleet Street, church of, 60
-, - parish of, 97, 177
St. Christopher de Bradestrete, parish of, 78
St. Clement's Lane, 295
St. Dionis Backchurch. parish of, 42, 136
St. Dunstan, parish of, 62, 242
-, - Ward of, 143
St. Dunstan West, parish of, 125, 184
St. Edmund, Fulk de, 61, 74
-, - - James, son of, 61, 74
-, - - - Agnes, dau. of, 74
-, - - - John, son of, 74
-, - John de, 272
St. Edmund the King and Martyr, parish of, 136
St. Ethelburga within Bisshopesgate, parish of, 24
St. Faith, John, parson of the church of, 76
St. George de Estchep, Sir Silvester,
Rector of, 125
-, - parish of, 192
St. Giles, Hospital of, 199
St. Helen, nuns of, 251
St. Ives, Robert de, 159
St. James de Garlekhethe, parish of, 29, 79, 105, 246
St. John, Robert de, 289
St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of, the City not to distrain for murage on the, 239
"St. John Perth" (Perth), 86
St. John de Walebroke, parish of, 117
St. Katherine, Hospital of, 68, 197
St. Laurence de Candelwikstrete,
parish of, 15
-, - Stephen de Newcastle "super
Are" (or under-Lyme), parson of,
70, 244
St. Laurence, Jewry, parish of, 98, 122, 173, 209, 227
St. Laurence Lane, in the Jewry, 289
St. Magnus, John de, 167
St. Magnus, church of, 39
-, - parish of, 224, 228, 252, 255
St. Margaret, Bridge Street, parish of, 199, 228, 253
St. Margaret Patyns, parish of, 197
St. Martin, William de, 101, 114
St. Martin [sic] de Garlekhuthe, parish of, 246
St. Martin le Grand, writs in error from the Husting returned before Justices at, 55; curfew rung at, 136, 142; inquest at, touching evidence in a case of trespass against Richard le Chaucer and Mary his wife, 218; all inquisitions touching citizens to be held at, and not elsewhere, 244
St. Martin Orgar de Candelwykstrete, parish of, 204
St. Martin de Oteswich, parish of, 269
St. Martin Pomer, parish of, 228
St. Martin in the Vintry, parish of, 117, 246
St. Mary de Aldermannebury, parish of, 282
St. Mary Aldermary, chantry of John de Export in church of, 87, 88
St. Mary without Alegate, Abbess of, 106
St. Mary "de Aroubus," See St. Mary le Bow.
St. Mary without Bishopsgate, the new Hospital of, 106, 163, 205, 251
St. Mary de Bothehawe, parish of, 51, 78, 102
St. Mary le Bow or "de Arcubus,"
church of, 106
-, - - Dean of, 62, 87
-, - parish of, 108, 134, 163, 249, 252
St. Mary de Colcherch, parish of, 164
St. Mary de Farncherche, parish of, 169
St. Mary at Hill, church of, 36
-, - parish of, 21, 174
St. Mary Magdalen de Eldeflsshstrete, parish of, 280
St. Mary Magdalen de Melkstrete, parish of, 101, 171
St. Mary Pre, co. Leicester, convent of, 296
St. Mary de Stanyngelane, parish of, 190
St. Mary Wolnoth, Sir William le
Marshall, parson of, 101
-, - parish of, 256
St. Mary Woolchurch, parish of, 258
St. Matthew de Fridaystrete, parish of, 175
St. Michael's churchyard, wall of, 183
St. Michael de Bassieshagh, Ranulf de Waltham, Rector of, 75
St. Michael near Candelwikstrete, parish of, 69
St. Michael atte Corne (or "le Quern"), parish of, 23, 166
St. Michael, Cornhill, church of, 114
St. Michael de Paternostercherche, parish of, 78, 91, 117
St. Michael, Queenhithe, parish of, 29, 30, 79
St. Michael de Wodestrate, par. of, 83
St. Mildred de Bredstret, parish of, 83
St. Mildred in the Poultry, parish of, 164, 285
St. Neot, John de, 134
St. Nicholas Coldabbey, parish of, 102
St. Nicholas Hacon, parish of, 175, 186.
St. Nicholas Olaf, parish of, 190
St. Nicholas Shambles, parish of, 135, 171, 257
St. Olave in Silvernestret, John de Mogwelle, Rector of, 101
St. Olave, Suthwerk, church of, wharf
belonging to, 243
-, - parish of, 38
St. Olave towards the Tower, parish of, 108
St. Omer, charters to burgesses of, 150
St. Osith, cloth of, 54
St. Pancras, parish of, 82, 198, 224, 288
St. Paul's, Dean and Chapter of, 31, 83, 199; chantry of Henry de Guldeford in, 31; proclamation for arrest of vagabond Friars Preachers made in, 38; scriveners frequenting, 38; John de Dytton, Canon of, 176; corn not to be sold before Prime sounded at, 197; chests of goods belonging to the King's Wardrobe found in the Treasury of, 225; William de Rameseye, master of the "new work" of, not to be put on juries, &c., 264
St. Peter de Bradestrate, parish of, 112
St. Peter on Cornhill, church of, 114,
-, - parish of, 117, 235, 236, 269
St. Saviour, Prior and Convent of, 83
St. Saviour, John de, 278
St. Sepulchre, parish of, 175, 243
-, - - Peter of the, 157
-, - - Roger of the, 157
St. Stephen de Colemanstrete, parish of, 164, 286
St. Stephen on Walbrok, parish of, 130
St. Thomas de Acon, church of, 142, 193
St. Thomas the Apostle, church of, chantries in, 259
St. Vedast in Westchepe, parish of, 255
Sakkere, Adam le, 101, 138
Saleman, John, 46, 94, 119, 126, 127,
135, 137, 192, 196, 232
-, - Robert, 270
Salesburi, Salesbire, Sarum, &c., Adam
de, 94, 116, 128, 130, 178, 186, 188,
189, 201, 231, 236, 267
-, - John de, 118, 119, 158
-, - William de, 267
Salisbury, Bishop of, his hostel in Fleet Street, 290
"Salopesbyre." See Shrewsbury.
Salopia, Salop', John de, 4, 110. See also Shrouesbury, Shrewsbury.
Saltwode, near Hythe, co. Kent, writ, &c., dated from, 210, 211
Sampson, Henry, 3
Sanctuary, the citizens pardoned for neglecting to watch those taking, 149
Sandale, Sendale, "Cendal," Sir John
de, 27-8, 41, 60
-, - - Bishop of Winchester, 106
-, - William de, 106
Sandone, William, 133
Sandwich, Sandwyz, Sandwye, Michael de, 110
-, - Nicholas de, 245
-, - Ralph de, Warden of the City,
-, - Walter de, 96
-, - William de, 167
Saumford, Saunford, Edmund de, 297
-, - William de, 186, 197
Saumon, Hugh, 95
Saundre, John, 4
Sautre (Saltrey or Sawtre, co. Hunt.), Abbey of, 102
Sauvage, Roger, 129, 234, 289
Savery, Adam, 115
Saxton', John de, 82
Say, Geoffrey de, the King's Admiral,
-, - Henry de, King's Chamberlain,
-, - William de, 22, 23
-, - - Geoffrey, son of, 22, 23
Saylebien, Robert, 159, 162
"Scawagers," a Court of, 267
Schyngel, Nicholas, 126
Scot, Geoffrey, 232
-, - Gilbert, 259, 263
-, - - Wymarca, wife of, 259, 263
-, - John, 3, 285
-, - Richard, 114
-, - Robert, de Erhuthe, 237
-, - William, 115
"Scot" and "Lot," 285n.
Scotland, war with, 2-5, 31, 37, 79, 91, 93, 99, 103, 105, 133-4, 163, 168, 169, 173, 281, 292, 296, 302
Scriveners, frequenting "Paul's Walk," 38n.
Scrope. See Lescrop.
Sealer, Seeler, Crispin le, 302
-, - Richard le, 228
Seccheford, Secheford, Sechford, &c.,
Andrew de, 4, 166, 233
-, - Henry de, 7, 32, 69, 76, 77, 92,
94, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115,
122, 126, 133, 142, 146, 148, 149,
165, 166, 169, 170, 178, 180, 182,
183, 185, 186, 187, 192, 193, 198,
200, 201, 204, 209, 211, 212, 217,
221, 223-4, 225, 228, 230, 235, 236,
238, 239, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247,
248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256,
258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 266, 267,
268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275,
279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 290-1, 292,
-, - - Alderman of Aldersgate
Ward, 125, 231
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
206, 295
-, - - Chamberlain, 231, 270-1,
Segod, John, 115
-, - - John, son of, 115
Segrave, Gilbert, Bishop of London,
-, - William de, 276
Seistede, John de, 128
Seld, the Great, 199
Sellynge, John (de), 171, 172
-, - - Robert, son of, 171
Sely, Seli, "Saly," Laurence, 257
-, - - Agnes, wife of, daughter
of Roger Hosebond, 257
-, - Robert, 32, 81, 91, 109, 113,
115, 121, 125, 126, 145, 146, 148,
149, 169, 170, 172, 173, 193, 199
-, - - Johanna, wife of, 193
-, - - Alderman of Lime Street
Ward, 124
Seman, Nicholas. 114, 233
-, - Simon, 241
Sempryngham, Sempringham, Order of, 164
Sencler, Thomas, 222
Sene, Ambrose de, 288
-, - Bartholomew de, 288
-, - "Fachicio" de, 288
Sequestration, charge of breaking a, 138, 182
Servat, Servad, William, 17, 20, 24,
39, 68, 70, 80, 112, 244
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
Settere, William le, 50
Sevecampe, Peter de, 277
Sewell, Sewal, Sewel, John, 188
-, - Thomas de, 260, 295, 297
Seyntes, William, 170
Shail, Schail, Scheil, Schial, Laurence,
101, 114
-, - - Richard, 133
-, - - Thomas, 151
Shaldeford, Thomas de, 4
Shambles, surveyors of meat at the, 109
Shardelowe, John de, 195
"Sharlet," cloth of, 194
Sharp, Sharpe, Scharp, Druet, 183
-, - Drugo, 279
-, - John, 483
Shawe, Henry de, 289
Shene, Thomas de, 201, 277
Shepdene, William, 96
Shepertone, Richard de, 56
Shepstone, Richard de, 102
-, - - Alice, wife of, 103
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 103
-, - - Eustace, son of, 103
-, Abyndone, Simon de, 91, 108,
109, 110, 112, 113, 116, 119,
125, 126, 131, 133, 164, 177
-, - Stephen de, 41, 42, 46
-, Adrien, John, 195
-, Aubrey, Andrew, 265
-, Balauncer, Ralph le, 108
-, Bodele, William de, 19, 60
-, Brykelesworth, William de, 288
-, Burdeyn, Robert, 40
-, Caustone, John de, 197, 199, 201,
205, 206
-, - William de, 108
-, Chauntecler, Roger, 221, 276
-, Chiggewelle, Hamo de, 39, 40,
41, 46
-, Clerk, John le, otherwise de
Northhalle, 288, 303
-, Combemartyn, Henry de, 140,
-, Conduit, Reginald de, 134, 139,
-, Costantyn, Richard, 32, 148, 157,
164, 166, 169, 170, 173
-, Cotoun, John, 224
-, Curteys, William, 303
-, Dallyng, Dallynge, John de, 88,
97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106,
-, Darci, Henry, 224
-, Ely, Roger de, 112, 175, 194
-, Engleys, Walter le, 195
-, Fourneys, Furneys, William de,
77, 83, 85, 92, 98
-, Fraunceys, Simon, 140, 218, 241
-, Fulsham, Benedict de, 149, 197,
199, 205
-, Gartone, Hugh de, 40
-, Gisors, &c., Henry de, 245, 246,
-, Godchep, Hamo, 19, 60
-, Grantham ("Graham"), John de,
112, 175, 194
-, Hakeneye, Hakeneie, Richard de,
32, 148, 157, 164, 166, 169,
170, 173
-, Horsham, Richard de, 25
-, Hosebond, Husebond, John, 280,
283, 286
-, Hynxtone, John de, 292
-, Lacer, Richard le, 245, 246, 279
-, Lambyn, John, 16
-, Ludekyn, Adam, 16
-, Mockyng, John de, 265
-, Mordone, Gilbert de, 224
-, Northhalle, John de. See Clerk,
John le.
-, Oxford, Oxon', &c., John de, 182,
185, 186, 189
-, Palmere, Roger le, senior, 61
-, Poyntel, John, 8, 88, 97, 98, 101,
102, 103, 106, 107
-, Prestone, John de, 91, 108, 109,
110, 112, 116, 119, 125, 126,
131, 133, 164, 177
-, Prior, Priour, John, 78, 83, 85, 92
-, Pyk, Pyke, Nicholas, 280, 283, 286
-, Rothynge, Richard de, 221, 222,
-, St. Edmund, James, son of Fulk
de, 61, 74
-, Salesberi, Sarum, Adam de, 186,
188, 189
-, Turk, Walter, 292
Sheriffs, the, complaints of extortion made against, 13; persons nominated as, to be admitted, whether present or absent, by the Barons of the Exchequer, 25; an inquiry to be held into the conduct of, 40, 41; no one to take part in election of, unless specially summoned, 53; to make preparations for an Iter at the Tower, 138; of London act as Sheriff of Middlesex, 167; refuse to attend the King out of the City, 167-8; escape of a prisoner from custody of, 222
Sheriffs' Court, documents drawn up outside the City not to be accepted as evidence in the, 133
Sherman, "Cherman," Gilbert le, 277
-, - John (le), 95, 96
-, - William le, 4
Shernhale, Stephen de, 247
-, - - Ralph, son of, 247
Shether, Robert le, 294
Shirbourne, John de, 286
-, - - elected Common Clerk, 290
-, - William de, 268
Shire, Shyre, Gregory atte, 7, 196
Shobenhauge, Adam de, a tallager for the county of Oxford, 10
Shoes, seized for being falsely made, 118
Shordich, Shordiche, Sordwyche,
Richard de, 1, 81, 93, 129, 175, 188
-, - Robert de, 5, 232
-, - William de, 229
Shorne, Benedict de, 128, 200, 258
-, - - charged with selling fish
outside the Stocks Market, 180, 184,
185, 189, 190, 191; loses the freedom, 185, 191; recovers the freedom,
185, 191
-, - - Alice, wife of, 258
-, - Henry ate (de), 127, 184
Shouk, Gilbert, 196
Showelle, John de, 3
Shrewsbury, 150, 161; burgesses of, to be quit of murage, 249; charters to, 249
Shrouesbury, Schrouesbury, Geoffrey
de, 159, 161
-, - John de, 3
See also Salopia.
Silk, raw, a broker of, appointed, 177
Silvester, Sir, Rector of the church of St. George de Estchep, 125
Silvis, Adam, 151
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 151
Simeon, John, surrenders his freedom, 14. See also Symeon.
Simian, John, 128
Simond, William, 126
Simonetti, Ascelin de Luca, 288
Sistre, Master Bernard, Canon of the Church of St. Hillary at Poitou, 6
Skeneadieus, Robert, 96
Skinners, charter of Edward III. to
the, 226
-, - names of those sworn to govern
the Mistery of, 233
Skynnere, Henry le, 110
Slogh, Walter atte, 290
Sloghtre, John de, 130
Small Beam or Balance. See Balance.
Smalwode, John de, 156, 157
Smart, John, 256
Smythe, Thomas the, de Stebenhethe, 126
Snetesham, Henry de, 302
-, - Thomas de, 302
-, - William de, 4
Snow, Snowe, Adam, 80, 93, 128
Socage, the book of, 132
Sole, Roger atte, 271
-, - - Cristiana, wife of, 271
-, - - called "de Haverynge,"
Somer', John, 189, 199, 212, 242
Somerfeld, William de, tailor to the Queen Mother, 92
Somersete, Edmund de, 95
-, - John de, 104
-, - Philip de, 2
-, - Ralph de, 4
Somersham, Someresham, John de, 94, 209, 254, 261
Somery, Margery de, widow of Walter de Frowyk, 83
Sonynghulle, Laurence de, 297
Sopereslane, tenements in, 198
Soret, Stephen, de Montpellier, 120
Sorweles, William, 46
Southcote, Suthcote, Roger de, 56, 81, 103, 120, 129
Southwark. See Suthwerk.
Soygne, Robert, de Writle, 23
-, - - Agnes, wife of, daughter
of Robert Cook, 23
Spaigne. See Spayne.
Spain, merchants of, to be quit of murage, &c., 269
Spaldinge, Spaldyngge, Joce de, 121
-, - - Johanna, wife of, 121
-, - Nicholas de, 3
Spaldyng, writ dated from, 38, 39
"Spayne," Cambin Fantini called,
285, 286
-, - - Boniface, son of, 285
-, - - Cristiana, daughter of, 285
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 285
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, wife
of Robert Freshfish called "de Stoktone," 285, 286
-, - - John, son of, 285
-, - - Margery, daughter of, 285
-, - - Sabine, daughter of, 285
Spayne, Ispannia, Giles de, 245
-, - James de, 243
-, - Thomas de, 85, 128, 191, 271
Spence, William atte, 282
Spenser, Alan le, de Reynham, 237
-, - Hugh le, 247
Sperlyng, Gilbert, 50
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 50
-, - William, de West Hamme, 110,
Spicer, Bartholomew le, 128. See also Lespicer, Espicer.
Sporiere, Richard le, 177
-, - - Margaret, daughter of, wife
of Richard le Latoner, 177
"Sporoneslane," 79
Spray, Spraye, John, 129, 177, 229, 233, 266, 267
Springfeld, Spryngfeld, Sewal de, 98,
122, 173
-, - - Alice, wife of, 98, 122, 173
Sprot, Sprott, John, 263, 280
-, - Nicholas, 270
-, - Richard, 223, 268
-, - - John, son of, 223
-, - Thomas, 115
-, - Walter, 92
-, - William, 129, 286
-, - - Margaret, wife of, 286
-, - - Richard, son of, 286
Squiller, John le, 4
-, - Thomas, 3
Squirel, Martin, 94
Stace, Geoffrey, 218, 226, 237; convicted of trespass, 219
-, - - Laurence, man of, 218,
226, 237
-, - Thomas, 218, 226, 237
Staci, Peter, 215
-, - - "Alesia," wife of, relict of
John atte More, 215
-, - Umfrey, 129
Stafford, John de, 3, 96
"Stallage," 140n.
Stamford, Stanford, Staunford, 273
-, - cloth of, 54, 65
Staneford, John de, 139
-, - William de, 127, 192
Stanenord, William de, 228
Stanes, Agnes de, wife of Alan de
Brauncestre, 198
-, - - Gilbert, son of, 198
-, - - - the wife of, 198
-, - William de, 97, 163, 261, 265
Stanhard, Margaret, 247
-, - - Richard, son of, 247
Stanho, Richard de, Dean of Arches, 82
Stannary, Roger de Blakecolvesle
(Blakecolnesle ?), Comptroller of the,
-, - William de Monketone, Warden
of the, 203
Stannawe, Bartholomew de, 178
Stansted, John de, 91
Stanyngcherche, parish of, 217
"Stapeledehall," 251
Stapelford, Simon de, 3
Staple of wool, to be established at certain fixed places, 18, 105; ordinances
regulating the, 210; complaint
against Flemings and others for
attempting to subvert the, 210; a
citizen engaged in the trade of wool,
leather, &c., to be elected Mayor of
the, 211; writs to the Mayor and
Sheriffs for the due observance of
ordinance touching the, 212
-, See also Wool Staple.
Stapleton, Walter, Bishop of Exeter and King's Treasurer, 173, 203
Staundone, Peter de, 109, 127, 193
-, - Richard de, 221
Staunford, Andrew de, 78
-, - Katherine de, 259
Stauntone, Stantone, (Sir) Hervey de,
10, 23, 31, 40, 149, 157
-, - Thomas de, 245
Stayntone, John de, 85, 189
Stebenhethe, Stebenhuthe, John de,
56, 107, 128, 201, 202
-, - - Margery, wife of, daughter
of Simon and Alice Godard, 202n.
-, - Walter de, 128, 131, 159, 169,
197, 270
-, - William, 286
Stedman, Peter, 96
Stele, Nicholas, 95
Stephen, called "le Roo," 165
Sterre, Ster, Henry, 182, 216, 232,
-, - John (le), 4, 116, 126, 128, 129n.,
137, 172, 192, 199
-, - - a Warden of London
Bridge, 144, 146, 149, 180, 184,
189, 205, 208
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
-, - Richard (ate), 169, 261
-, - Roger, 94, 178
-, - William, 15
Stille, William, 3
Stirling. See "Strivelyn."
Stistede, John de, 134
Stocks Market, the, bad meat seized at, 110; flesh and fish not to be sold outside, 179, 180, 184, 185, 189, 190, 191, 200; founded by Henry le Waleys or Galeys, 179, 180, 186, 189, 200; profits of, to be given to London Bridge, 186, 200, 298-9; Edward I. permits establishment of, 200; Edward II. confirms ordinances of, 200
Stodleye, Johanna de, 250
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 250
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 250
-, - - - John de Asshford,
father of. 250
Stokbrigge, John de, 96
Stoke, Roger de son of John ate Nore, 10
Stokes, (Sir) Ralph de, 40, 48
Stoktone, John de, 244
-, - Robert Freshfish, called de, 285,
Stoktone, Johanna, wife of Robert Freshfish, called de, daughter of Cambin Fantini, called "Spayne," 285, 286
Stokwell, Richard de, 234
Stondone, Stoundone, Peter de, 178, 205
-, - Richard de, 227, 258
Stone, John atte, 297
Stonore, Sir John de, City gift to, 273
Stonwharf, le, 278
Stoples, Stouples, Stephen atte, 96, 200
-, - - charged with embezzlement of money collected for the
army in Scotland, 133-4
Stoppesle, Stoppeslegh, John de, 129,
-, - - Johanna, widow of, wife
of Philip Dikeman, 264
-, - Peter de, 234
Stori, Robert, 95
Storteford, Ralph de, 22, 38, 69
Stotfold, John de, 164
Stowe, Henry de, 108, 128
-, - Robert de, 158, 159, 161, 162
-, - William de, Clerk of the Exchequer, City gifts to, 195
Stoyl, Nicholas, 95
Stralsund. See Strellessund.
"Strandage," a toll, 248
Strangers. See Foreigners.
Stratford, Stretford, Adam de, 4
-, - Gilbert de, 146
-, - John (de), Bishop of Winchester,
215; Archbishop of Canterbury, 5,
-, - Robert de, 69, 175, 186, 233
Stratton, Nicholas de, 5
Streets, election of paviours for repair
of the, 55, 56
-, - to be cleansed and freed of
vagrant pigs, 116
Strellessund (Stralsund), town of, 86
"Strivelyn" (Stirling), 302
Strode, John de, 127, 207, 295
-, - William de, 302
Sturmy, "Spurny," John. de Dromundby, co. York, 85, 86
Stykeneie, Richard de, 188
Subberi, Geoffrey de, 171
Suffolk, cloth of, 54
Suffolk, Southfolk, Benedict de, 262
-, - Elias, Elyas de, 7, 18, 31, 41, 42,
45, 46, 49, 62, 80, 83, 84, 91, 94,
100, 106, 110, 115, 121, 122, 126,
137, 146, 148, 169, 170, 182, 193
-, - - Alderman of Cripplegate
Ward, 97, 125
Surreie, John de, 197
Surrey, John de Warren, Earl of, 268
Sussalt, Herman Swart de, 119, 120
Suthreie, Robert de, 120
Suthwerk, John de. "bribour," 156, 158
Suthwerk, unwholesome wine carried to the Bishop of Winchester's house in, to avoid scrutiny, 14; bailiwick of, assigned by Edward III. to his mother, Queen Isabella, 219; Geoffrey Graspays sworn bailiff of, 231; the ferm of, 274, 282
Suthwerk Barre, 157, 158
Sutton, Suttone, Alan, Aleyn de, 209,
-, - Robert de, 144
Swafham, Swofham, Geoffrey de, 95
-, - Margaret de, 199n.
-, - - John, son of, 199
Swalclive, Swalclyve, Swalclif, &c.,
-, Robert de, 9, 31, 91, 112, 139, 142,
145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 162, 165,
170, 171, 177, 178, 182, 183, 185,
186, 187, 198, 201, 204, 208, 211,
217, 276, 277
-, - - elected and sworn Recorder, 12
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
-, - - Alderman of Bridge Ward,
Swan, John, 96, 226
-, - - Walter, son of, 226
Swaneshuthe, John de, 3
Swanlond, Swanlonde, John de, 190
-, - Richard de, 251, 280
-, - Simon de, 77, 92, 94, 116, 117,
190, 223, 231, 232, 241, 242, 243,
244, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251,
252, 253, 254, 271, 274, 279
-, - Thomas de, 286, 291, 303
Swart, Herman, de Sussalt, 119, 120
Swaynford, William de, 4
Swete, Robert, 5
Swetinge, Swetyngge, &c., Roger, 82
-, - - Felicia, wife of, widow of
Walter de Northwych, 82
-, - Thomas, 184, 200
Swift, Richard, 157
Swote, John, 230
-, - - Cristina, late wife of, 230
-, - Richard, 93, 127, 224, 230, 231
-, - - Johanna, dau. of, 230, 231
-, - - - Amy, dau. of, 231
-, - - - Richard, son of, 231
-, - - - Robert, son of, 231
-, - - John, son of, 224
-, - - Katherine, widow of, wife
of Richard, son of Robert Motoun,
-, - Robert, 94, 126, 128, 224, 274,
293, 299
Swote, Robert, a Warden of London Bridge, 296
Swynnerton, Roger de, 300
-, - - Constable of the Tower, 176
Symeon, Simon, 197
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 197
-, See also Simeon.
Syward, John, 261
Tableter, John le, 208, 226
-, - Walter le, 261
Tackele, John de, 261
Tadelowe, John de, 4
Tailleboys, Richard, 96
Tailor, Taillour, Adam le, 184
-, - Hugh le, 174, 280
-, - Laurence le, 278
-, - Ralph le, 5
-, - Richard le, 46, 156
-, - - Johanna, wife of, 156
Tailors and Linen-Armourers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 234
Tallage, not to be levied on the goods of citizens of London in the vill of Henleye, 10; pledges taken for arrears of, to be redeemed, 27; of 2,000 marks granted to Edward II. by the City, 198
Talp, Stephen, 130, 294
Tapicers, ordinances of the, 252
Tasse, Warin, 258
Tatlingburi, John de, 3
Tauntone, Gilbert de, 103, 186, 187
-, - - Thomas, son of, 186, 187
-, - Robert de, 110
Taverner, Falk le, 101, 114
-, - John le, de "Bredstretende,"
-, - Philip le, de Garscherche, 192
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 192
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 192
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 192
-, - - Margery Drynkewater, late
wife of, 192
-, - - William, son of, 192
-, - Ralph le, de Billinggesgate, 62
-, - Reginald le, 177
-, - Richard le, 173
-, - Simon le, near "le Stockes,"
-, - William le, 94, 129, 233
Taverners, to be punished for committing assaults in the City by night,
116; to keep open their doors, 261
-, - Mistery of, 141
Tavy, John, 234
Tawyer, Martin le, 67
-, - - William, son of, 67
Taxation, the manner of making a, 24, 122-4
Taxes, assessors and collectors of, 24, 296
Teasels used in making cloth not to be exported, 210, 211
Teler, Sir John de Waltham, called le, Vicar of Windsor, 75
Templars, Knights, quit of murage, &c., 239; charter of Henry III. to the, 255; charter of Edward III. to the, 255; their property given to the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, 255
Temple, the. See New Temple.
Tenements, writ to enforce the repair of, parts of which are occupied by various tenants, 26
Thames, the, manner of guarding. 143
-, - licence to build a wharf on, 243
Thedmar, John, 62
-, - - Amy, wife of, 62
Tholosan, Michael, 285
-, - - Juliana, widow of, wife of
Walter Bret, 285
-, - - Robert, son of, 285
Thomastone, Alexander de, 242
Thomelyn, Geoffrey, de Westmulne
(Westmill), co. Herts, 243
-, - - Richard, son of, 243
Thorneye, William de, 299
Thorp, Thorpe, Elias de, 4, 60, 96,
97, 128, 159, 161, 175, 176, 190,
233, 242, 261
-, - Henry de, 96
-, - John de, 157, 158
-, - - appointed to survey corn
measures in Norfolk and Suffolk, 74,
-, - Reginald de, 233, 290, 299
-, - Richard de, 127
-, - Simon de, 51, 159, 161, 238
-, - William de, 4
Thunderle, Adam de, 116, 117
-, - Reginald de, 14, 15
-, - - Margery, wife of, 15
Thurgod, John, 97, 200
Thurstayn, Thomas, 3
Tichemers, Hugh de, 56
Tierne, Sir John de, 181
Tiffeld, John de, 6, 193, 242, 259, 263, 282
Tilere, Walter le, 95
Tilleberi, Tillebery, David de, 24. 232
Tilneye, John de, 3
Timber stored in the Guildhall garden, 304
Tin, weights for weighing, in Cornwall to be corrected, 203
Tondeby. See Toudeby.
Tonge, Roger de, 3
Toppesfelde, Topesfeld, Toppfeld, &c.,
-, William de, 81, 91, 97, 110, 177,
243, 268, 290
Torkeseye, Robert de, 40
Tornegold, John, 200, 261, 277
Toryntone, Desiderata de, 290
Totenham, John de, 269
-, - - sworn City Carpenter, 201
-, - Simon de, 109, 110
Toucestre, John de, 245
Toudeby (Tondeby ?), Gilbert de, 195
Tournament, a, in Chepe, 273
Tourstrete, la, 242
Touuetone, William de, 147
Tovy, William, 18, 19, 127
Tower, the, a fine exacted for demolishing a wall near, 52; the King's
pardon for the same, 102; its postern to be guarded by the Ward of
St. Dunstan, 143; Edward II. at, 206
-, - Roger de Swynnerton, Constable
of, 176
Tower Ward, 262 Simon de Abyndone, Alderman of, elected and sworn Alderman of Billingsgate Ward, but afterwards returns, 11; the same, Alderman of, 108, 124; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 146; assessment of, 187
Trades and Handicrafts:
-, ancermaker, aunseremakere, maker
of "ancers" or "auncers," i.e.,
small balances known as "auncels," 20
-, apothecary, 24, 25, 36, 171, 184,
232, 265, 291
-, armourer, armurer, 3, 49, 78, 162,
170, 236, 247, 276
-, baker, 19, 56, 57, 83, 84, 90, 116,
126, 139, 175
-, barber, barbier, 41, 110, 136, 175
-, batour (beater of cloth), 270, 286
-, beader (maker of prayer and other
beads), 233
-, blader (cornmonger), 144, 151,
175, 193, 272
-, "bocher" (butcher), 137, 183, 200,
204, 233, 258, 270, 279
-, bourser, burser, purser (pouch or
purse maker), 69, 184, 215, 223,
-, brewer, brewere, bruer, 56, 77,
126, 158, 241, 247, 270, 281
-, bureller, buriller, burler (maker
of, or dealer in, "borel,"
coarse kind of cloth), 19, 37, 90,
210, 238, 260, 264, 291, 296, 297
-, buscher, bucher (woodmonger),
89, 132
-, capper, 87, 233
-, carpenter, 21, 62, 81, 88, 170,
177, 197, 201, 205, 273
-, ceynturer (girdler), 90, 189
-, chaucer (shoemaker or cordwainer), 27, 94, 129, 173
-, chaundeler, 43, 90, 134, 221
-, cheesemonger, chesemongere, 72,
226, 234
-, See also "formager."
-, coffrer (maker of coffers, or chests),
-, corder (rope-maker), 10, 27, 29,
54, 125, 132, 146, 233
-, cordwainer, 57, 90, 144, 167, 175,
186, 233, 241, 250, 302
-, cotiller (cutler), 68, 132, 233
-, coupere, 80
-, coureour (currier), 229, 247
-, draper, 14, 19, 54, 107, 108, 116,
190, 204, 209, 220, 232, 244,
-, "drynker" (trynker ? one who
fishes witha "trink"), 115, 237n.
-, dyegher (dyer), 79, 277
See also "teynturer."
-, feliper, pheliper (fripperer, a dealer
in second-hand clothes, &c.), 78,
137, 176, 256, 271
-, felmongere (dealer in undressed
skins), 238, 275
-, fener (haymonger), 89, 221
-, feroun. See "ismongere."
-, fishmonger, 25, 27, 42, 46, 52,
68, 96, 107, 108, 115, 116, 131,
143, 180, 184, 185, 189, 190,
199, 200, 208, 224, 232, 246,
250, 253, 258, 277, 281, 283,
284, 285, 293
-, flouremongere, 270
-, formager, furmager (cheesemonger), 22, 207
-, fourbour, forbour (furbisher), 1,
82, 228, 259, 263
-, fullere, 277
-, fuster, fuister (a maker of saddlebows), 234
-, gaunter (glover), 22
-, girdeler, 79, 82, 108, 112, 157,
209, 227, 232, 260, 282, 289
See also "ceynturer."
-, goldbeater, 45, 162, 173
-, goldsmith, 4, 10, 26, 29, 40, 76, 81,
87, 130, 188, 201, 223, 232, 234,
235, 242, 268, 290, 291, 303
-, grosser (grocer), 232
-, haberdassher, 139, 233, 256
-, hattere, 265, 267
-, hosier, 162, 177, 233, 249, 255,
-, hosteller, 221
-, ismongere (ironmonger), 111, 113,
208, 215, 220, 232, 251, 294
-, joignour, 19
-, keu (cook), 280
-, laner. See woolmonger.
-, linen-armourer, 234
See also "taillour."
-, lorymer, lorimer (maker of metalwork of harness), 1, 188, 220
-, lymbrennere (lime-burner), 241
-, mason, 55, 273
-, mercer, 42, 54, 85, 108, 112, 114,
134, 150, 168, 172, 199, 207,
209, 224, 227, 232, 242, 252,
-, nedelere (needle-maker), 289
-, oystermonger, oistermonger, 156,
157, 161
-, paternostrer (maker of rosaries,
or paternosters), 69
-, paviour, 55, 56
-, peleter, pelter, pelleter (skinner),
27, 68, 100, 127, 181, 183, 188,
204, 221, 235, 238, 239, 289
-, pepperer, 67, 76n., 116, 178, 182,
-, pessoner (fishmonger), 91, 158,
201, 294
-, peyntour, 7, 234, 267
-, pheliper. See feliper.
-, plomer (feathermonger ?), 204,
-, potier (potter), 67, 83, 130
-, purser. See "bourser."
-, sadelere (saddler), 117, 144, 187,
188, 199, 219, 232, 242, 255,
272, 284, 291
-, settere (an arrow-maker ?), 50
-, shearman, sherman (shearer of
cloth), 116, 128, 130
-, skinner, 17, 18, 51, 67, 69, 112,
233, 257, 259, 263, 288, 289,
-, spicer, 19, 94, 120, 127, 130, 196,
209, 272
-, stokfisshmongere, 24, 27, 28, 29,
68, 69, 75, 181, 205, 252, 255,
275, 301
-, surgeon, 10
-, taillour, taillur, 43, 51, 68, 85,
92, 101, 114, 130, 157, 188,
197, 234 256, 276, 289
-, tanner, 118, 162, 251, 260, 264
-, tapicer (tapestry or carpet maker),
197, 252
-, taverner, 30, 33, 44, 57, 72, 82,
116, 128, 141, 235, 261
-, teynturer (dyer), 117
-, tillere (tiler), 277
-, vintner, 14, 38, 44, 82, 85, 122,
141, 143, 173, 182, 188, 190,
191, 204, 224, 232, 233, 242
-, violour (a maker of the musical
instrument known as a "viol"),
-, waxchandler, 204
-, weaver, 291, 296, 297, 298
-, weder (woadmonger ?), 208
-, woodmonger, 32
See also "buscher."
-, woolmonger, 20, 77, 127, 172,
174, 216, 233, 250, 256, 299
Trappe, John, 233
Trelbynge, Nicholas, 96
Trenchaunt, Simon, 176
Trente, William (de), 25, 27, 33, 37,
49, 59, 82
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
-, - - King's Chamberlain, 165n.
Trentemars, John, 175
Treyere, Treire, Robert le, 61, 62, 128, 174, 294
Trigge. See Trugge.
Triple, John de, 16, 105, 127, 198,
283, 284, 299
-, - - charter of exemption granted
to, 16
Trippe, Hugh, surrenders his freedom, 14
Trolle, John, 243
"Tromekeresnet," 237n.
Trompour, Trompeor, William, 145, 151, 241
Tron, the, assay made of, 20; for weighing cheese, butter, and tallow, as well as wool, delivered to William Diri, 44; William Diry elected and sworn Warden of, 170; William Priour elected weigher at, 181; proposed removal of, to the New Temple, 211
Tronage, by the cocket, 253
Trugge, Trigge, &c., Adam, 210
-, - - "Eleyne," widow of, wife
of Robert de Dodeford, 210
-, - - William, son of, 209, 210
-, - Richard, 81, 92, 129
-, - William, 115, 201, 282
Trussel, Sir William, Knt., 229
-, - - renounces allegiance to
King Edward II., 222
"Trynkes," 115, 237n.
Tun, the, on Cornhill, 120; a chaplain committed to, for wandering, 130; a girl committed to, for wandering after curfew rung, 136; repair of, 273
Tunstall, Nicholas de, 170
Turgis, Turgiz, John, 26
-, - Morice, 127, 209, 284
-, - Peter, 40
-, - Simon, 133, 147, 261
Turham, Simon de, 232
Turk, Tourke, &c., Godwyn, 46, 242
-, - John, 232, 293, 299
-, - Paulin, 208, 293, 294, 295
-, - - Cristina, daughter of, 208,
-, - - Elena, daughter of, 208,
294, 295
-, - - John, son of, 208, 294,
-, - - Peter, son of, 208, 294n.
-, - Richard, 294
-, - Robert, 11
-, - Walter, 5, 228, 232, 246, 262,
275, 284, 292, 298
-, - - Idonia, wife of, widow of
Robert de Dorkynge, 246
Turkild, John, 201
Turnour, Tournour, Philip le, 8, 225
-, - - Alice, wife of, 8
-, - Richard, 95
Turpin, Robert, 95
Tuttebury, Henry de, 5
-, - Robert de, 4
Twedemouthe, writ dated from, 284
Tybourne, 276
Tyeis, Tyeys, Tyes, Henry, 160
Tythinglomb, William, 285
Uggele, Richard de, 137, 157, 159, 161, 162
Undle, Reginald de, 68
Unro, Herbert, de Lenne, 278
-, - - John, son of, 278
Uptone, Nicholas de, 302
-, - Ralph de, 7, 163, 209, 239, 250,
260, 261, 284, 292, 298, 302
-, - Richard de, 247
-, - - William, son of, 247
-, - Stephen de, 249, 254
-, - - Roysia, daughter of, wife
of John le Yonge, 249
-, - Thomas de, 114
Ussher, Hussher, Henry le, 96
-, - Richard (le), 43, 72, 129, 177
Vagrants, proclamation against, 70
Valeye, Valeie, Robert de la, 114,
157, 158, 159
-, - - Sarah, wife of, 157
Vanne, John, 16, 76, 144
-, - - Idonea, daughter of, 76
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 75
-, - - Jakelyne, relict of, 76
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 76
-, - - John, son of, 75
-, - - Matthew, son of, 76
-, - - Nicholas, son of, 75
-, - - Peter, son of, 75
-, - - Thomas, son of, 76
-, - - exempted by charter from
City charges, 16
Vaus, Galeraus (Galerans ?) de, 275
Vavacour, Friar Richard, 245
Venture, Francis, 287
Venys, Geoffrey de, 241
Verdigris, murage payable on, 64
Verdoun, Walter de, 4
Verge, the, of the Court, 206n.
Vernon, Hamo de, 43
-, - - Matilda, wife of, daughter
of William de Kent, 43
Vicaries, Hugh, 270
Victuals, ordinance for regulating price of, 43; to be sold at a reasonable price, 219
Vigne, Viegne, Vyne, John atte, 131,
176, 216
-, - Ralph, 226
-, - - William, son of, 226
-, - Richard atte, 81, 128
-, - Roger atte, 56, 93
-, - - a Warden of London
Bridge, 149, 180, 184, 189, 205, 208
-, - Walter atte, de Hatfeld, 279
-, - William atte, 19, 61
-, - - Isabella, widow of, wife of
John atte Ponde, 61
-, - - John, senior, son of, 19
-, - - John, junior, son of, 19
-, - - Margery, daughter of, 61
-, - - Thomas, son of, 61
-, - - William, son of, 61
"Vimian" (Vivian ?), John, 128
Vincent, John, bailiff of Billingsgate,
-, - - murage of the City let to
ferm to, 273, 274
Vintners, the Mistery of, 141, 143
-, - - names of those sworn to
govern, 232-3
Vintry Ward, 80, 143; John de Gisorz, Alderman of, 124; removed from same, 138, 139; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187; Anketyn de Gisorsz, Alderman of, 246
Virli, Virly, John, 15
-, - Martin de, the Norman, 12, 21
Vivian, Vyvyen, &c., John, 78, 85,
94, 116, 117, 130, 139, 142
-, - - elected Alderman of Dowgate Ward, loco Stephen de Abyndone, removed, 138, 139
-, - - a Warden of London
Bridge, 144
-, See also "Vimian."
Vyne. See Vigne.
"Wadmell," 53n.
Wainford, Walter de, 4
Waivery, in the Court of Husting, 239, 240
Wake, Thomas de, lord of Lidel, gives timber for repair of Guildhall Chapel, 215
Walbrook Ward, 142, 161; Thomas Payn, Serjeant of, 120; John Cotun, Alderman of, 125; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187
Walcote, Ralph de, elected M.P. for the City, 58
Waldegrave, John de, 244
-, - Richard de, "chevaler," 244
Waldeshef, Waldechef, &c., John de,
103, 139, 161; given the freedom of
the City for services in the Parliament at York, 20; deprived of the
same for opposing a tax to assist
the King in his war with Scotland,
32; elected M.P. for the City, 104
-, - Walter, 74, 181
-, - - the King's Butler, 52, 55
-, - - King's Chamberlain, 165n.
Waledene, Waldene, Sampson de, 171
-, - Thomas de, 4, 232
-, - Warin de, 132
Walewayn, Waleweyn, John, 168
-, - the King's Escheator, 60
Waleys, Galeys, Augustine le, 106
-, - Henry le, 171; his gift to the
Confraternity of the Pui for a chantry
in the Guildhall Chapel, 1; founds
the Stocks Market, 179, 186, 189,
-, - Martin, 282
Walkefare, Robert de, 160
Walpol, Walter de, 235
Walram, Walrham, Walter, 37
-, - William, 37, 94, 97, 178
Walsham, John de, 178
Walsshe, John le, 96, 120
-, - Thomas le, 95
Waltham, Wautham, Hugh de, 5, 6,
12, 21, 25, 26, 48, 73, 75, 81, 96,
103, 105, 136, 177, 194, 196, 198,
235, 236, 252, 258, 267, 269, 270,
-, - - Juliana, wife of, 235, 236
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
-, - - Common Clerk of the City,
a yearly sum of 50s. out of the ferm of
the Small Balance to be paid to, 236
-, - John de, 3, 96, 280
-, - Sir John de, called "le Teler,"
Vicar of Windsor, 75
-, - Ranulf de, Rector of St. Michael
de Bassieshagh, 75
-, - Richard de, elected Clerk of the
Chamber, 6
-, - Roger de, 127, 233
-, - - Keeper of the King's Wardrobe, 224
-, - Walter de, 128
-, - William de, 87, 97, 151, 223,
233, 268, 290
-, - - the Cripplegate granted to,
for a dwelling-house, 70; fails to
show title to the same and is ousted,
Walyngford, Richard de, 91, 134
Wandlesworth, Ralph de, 246
-, - - John, son of, 246
Wantenge, John de, 270
Waps, John, 95
Wardeboys, Robert, 1
"Wardehoke," a, in case of fire, 39
Warderope, Thomas, 3
Wardrobe, the King's, 224
-, - the Queen's, 219
Wards, good men summoned from the, to elect members of Parliament, 33; assessment of the, 124, 125, 187; to take their share in cleansing the City's ditches, 146-7; two representatives from each of the, to make ordinances for the whole Commonalty, 174
Ware, Gilbert de, 4
-, - Henry de, 1, 289, 294
-, - - appointed a keeper of the
Conduit, 205, 220; his account,
-, - John de, 246, 284, 299
-, - Peter de, 181
-, - Richard de, 156, 158
-, - Robert de, 139
-, - Thomas de, 133
-, - William de, 201, 281
Warefeld, John de, 94, 174, 192, 233
Warewyk, Elyas de, 60
-, - John de, 157, 158
Warf, Alan ate, 137
Wariner, John le, de Wyndcaultone (Wincanton, co. Somerset), 216
Warle, Warlee, John de, 94, 107, 224
-, - John Ingelard, called de, 192
-, - - Alice, wife of, and relict
of Philip de Graschurch, 192, 193,
Warner, John le, 4
-, - Robert le, 4
-, - Thomas, 4
Warren, John de, Earl of Surrey, 268
Waryn, John, 115, 225
-, - - Alice, wife of, 225
Wastel, Thomas, 80, 89
-, - William, 4
Watergate, Alan atte, 228
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 228
Watershep, William, 3
Watevile, Robert de, 160
Watford, Watteford, John de, 117
-, - - Alice, wife of, daughter of
Robert Motun, 117
-, - Ralph de, 83, 84
-, - - Johanna, widow of, 83
-, - Simon de, 95
Watlingestrete, 259, 263
Watre, Watere, Alan atte, 258
-, - John atte, 69
-, - - Isabella, wife of, relict of
Geoffrey de Beckles, 69
-, - Reginald atte (de la), 137
-, - Roger atte, 26, 80, 93, 99, 193
-, - - the King's Serjeant, 152,
Wattone, Adam de, 162
-, - Andrew de, 161
Wauncy, John, 257
Wautone, Sir John de, Knt., 190
-, - - Elena, wife of, widow of
Sir Bartholomew de Enefeld, 190
Way, Waye, Robert de, 129
-, - Tideman ate, de Grippeswold,
119, 120
Wayte, Adam le, 3
-, - Simon "la," 287
-, - Walter le, 289
Weavers of London, charters of Henry II., Edward I., and Edward III. to the, 260; their claim to have jurisdiction over the Burellers, 291, 296-8
Wedenhale, Adam de, 245
-, - Robert de, 245
Wedone, Roger de, 272
-, - - Isabella, wife of, 272
Weights for weighing tin in Cornwall made good according to the City's standard, 203-4
Welde, John de (del), 4, 96
-, - Thomas ate, 173
Welhous, John de, 4
Welle, Geoffrey ate, 15
Welleford, Weleford, John de, 27
-, - Richard de, 26, 27, 177, 232,
239, 254, 260, 270, 284, 301
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 26, 301
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 26, 301
-, - - Henry, son of, 27
-, - - John, son of, 26, 301
-, - - Thomas, son of, 27
-, - Robert de, 27, 128
Wells, Robert de Haselshawe, Provost of, 176; escapes from the custody of the Sheriff, 222
Welton, Henry de, 233
Wenelesword, Simon de, 96
Wengrave, Wenegrave, Wangrave,
-, John de, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 19, 20,
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 33, 37, 39,
41, 42, 46, 49, 55, 56, 57, 62, 67,
68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81,
83, 84, 85, 86, 90, 92, 97, 98, 100,
101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109,
110, 133
-, - - elected M.P. for the City,
33; appointed to act as Coroner,
55; Alderman of Cheap Ward, 112
-, - Robert de, bailiff of Queenhithe,
Wenlok, Roger de, 213
Went, Robert de, 3
Westbourne, co. Middlesex, 15
Westchepe, 31, 85, 134, 209, 259
-, - surveyors of meat at, 109
Westhalle, Walter de, 218, 226, 237,
-, - - Agnes, late wife of, 218,
226, 237
-, - - - judgment of waivery
against, 239
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 218n.
Westminster, Westminstre, John de,
Marshal of the King's House, 207
-, - Richard de, 95
-, - Thomas de, 175
Westmulne (Westmill), co. Herts, 243
Westone, John de, 280
-, - - senior, 55
Wharvager, John le, 167
Whatefeld, John de, 16, 84
Whatele, Watelee, Whetele, Nigel de,
81, 129, 142, 177
-, - Roger de, 95
Whigh, Robert de, 128
White, Whyte, John le, de Lubyk, 60
-, - - de Cauntebrigge, 289
-, - Richard le, 234
White Chapele, William ate, 157, 158, 161, 162
Whittone, Nicholas de, 188
Whityng, John, 15
Whytawyere, Geoffrey le, 280
Whytheved, John, 4
Whytsand, John de, 302
Wigetone, Gilbert de, 160
Wight, Wyght, Whight, Alan de, 268
-, - John de, 57, 261
-, - - Isabella, wife of, relict of
Henry de Coventre, 57
-, - Nicholas de, 256
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 256
-, - Robert de, 38, 110, 234
-, - Thomas de, 38, 57, 83, 138, 171,
Wihtham, William de, 95
Willehale, Wylehale, Wirhale, &c.,
John de, 4
-, - Richard de, 16, 26, 80, 84, 109,
117, 241
-, - - Juliana, wife of, 80
William, 171
-, - Peter, son of, 171
William, Nicholas, de Lukes, 120
Wills, probate of, in the Husting, 55
Wilyngtone, John de, 160
Wincanton. See Wyndcaultone.
Winchester, the Statute of, to be
observed, 25, 135, 136, 163
-, - writ for the election of two citizens to attend a Parliament at, 243
-, - Bishop of, wine taken to his
hostel in Southwark, to avoid being
seized as unwholesome, 14
-, - - John de Sandale, 106
-, - - Sir John de Stratford, gives
lead for repair of the Guildhall
Chapel, 215
-, - fair at, Wardens and Attorneys appointed by the City for, 239,
260, 284
Winchester, Wyncestre, Wynton',
-, John de, 3, 8, 11, 81, 127, 136, 144,
205, 260
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 260
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, 136
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 136
-, - - Cristina, daughter of, 136
-, - - Johanna, second wife of,
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 136
-, - - Salomon, son of, 136
-, - John de, senior, 129
-, - - junior, 118
-, - Stephen de, 127, 184
Winchester, Wyncestre, Wynton',
-, Thomas de, 37, 94, 127, 171, 172,
295, 303
-, - - junior, 286
-, - Walter de, 144
-, - - Sabine, wife of, daughter
of Thomas de Derby, 144
-, - William de, 126, 127
-, - - Warden of Newgate, 197
Windsor, Sir John de Waltham, called "le Teler," Vicar of, 75 See also Wyndesore.
Wine, of strangers, unlawfully sold by a hosteler, 14; unwholesome, carried to Southwark to avoid scrutiny, 14; the price of, regulated, 44, 72, 73, 261; unlawfully taken from Gascon merchants, to be restored, 45, 46; scrutineers of, sworn, 109, 110; the price of, regulated, and objected to by taverners, 141; a broker of, elected, 173; Assize of, 219; fines discharged by payment of casks of, 234; the burgesses of Oxford to pay tronage on, 253
Wine-drawers, election of, 110
Wircestre, Wilecestre, &c., Hugh de, 19, 51, 69, 97, 112, 117, 161, 178
Wirdrawiere, Wyrdrawere, Roger le,
-, - William le, 136
-, - - Emma, daughter of, 136
Witefeld, John de, 96
Witham, Richard de, 134
Withernam, 178
-, - the right of the citizens to take,
33, 42
Wode, John atte, 253
Wodebere, Elyas de, 234, 280
Wodecote, co. Surrey, 302
Wodeford, John de, 278
-, - Richard de, 107
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 107
Wodeham, Matthew de, 101
Wodehere, Elias de, 261
Wodehous, (Sir) Robert de, 109, 124, 177
-, - - appointed assessor of a
twelfth, 106
Wodekok, Robert, 93
Wodere, Thomas le, 24
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 24
-, - - Leticia, widow of, wife of
Gilbert de Mordone, 24
Wodestoke, Edmund de, Earl of Kent, alleged rebellion of, 245
Wodestrate, 162
Wolcherche, John, chaplain of, 266
Wolcherchehaghe, church of, 200
Wolcherchehawe, William de, 26
Wolf, William, 128
Wollewharf, le, 262
Wolmer, Edmund, 34
Wolvyn, Wolvyne, Henry, de Lesnes,
-, - John, 234
Wool, brokers of, appointed, 77
-, - not to be exported, 298, 303
Woolmerchants, the weigher at the Tron elected by, 20; appointment of woolbrokers by, 77; summoned to consult with Parliament, 299, 300
Woolmongers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233
Wool Staple, to be fixed by the Mayor,
&c., 18; to be established at certain
places, 105
-, See also Staple.
Worcester, Bishop of, Sir Walter Reynolds, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, 201-2
Worsted, "says" of, 54
Worstede, Wursted, Robert de, 93, 128, 209, 213
Woxebrigge, Woxbrugge, Augustine
de, 109, 124
-, - - appointed assessor of a
twelfth, 106
-, - Walter de, 245
Writele, Writlee, &c., John de, 163,
211, 226, 229, 232, 258
-, - William de, 22
Wroth, John, 261, 299
Wrotham, Wroteham, John de, 83,
127, 174, 228, 233, 293, 299
-, - - Alice, wife of, 83
-, - Richard de, 19
-, - William de, 90, 126
Wuselade, Richard de, 245
Wy, John de, 95
-, - Walter de, 5
Wychard, John, 237
-, - Thomas, de Erhuthe, 237
Wycombe, John de, 2-3
Wydeslade, Wodeslade, William de, 119
Wydeville, John de, 34, 35
Wygan, Adam de, 94
Wygemor, William de, 4
Wygenhale, John de, 3
Wygod, Henry, 245
-, - John, 289
Wyhtham, John de, 95
Wyke, Edmund de, 234
-, - Robert de, 291
Wykham, Thomas de, 92
Wylemyn, John, 271
Wylot, John, 285
Wylughby, Richard de, 252
Wymond, Henry, 6, 216, 228, 233, 242, 293
Wymond, Henry, a wool merchant, elected to consult with a Parliament at Nottingham, 300
Wymondeswolde, Wymundeswold,
John de, 89, 127, 134
-, - William de, 278
Wymondham, Wymundesham, &c.,
John de, 93, 127, 196, 251, 255
-, - - John, son of, 255
-, - - a Warden of London
Bridge, 41, 52
-, - - elected a collector of the
murage, 146
-, - Peter de, 232
Wynchecoumbe, Geoffrey de, 289
Wynchelse, John de, 3, 277
-, - Richard de, 96
-, - William de, 89, 120, 127, 134
Wyndcaultone (Wincanton, co. Somerset), 216
Wyndesore, Wyndlesore, Edmund de,
to be allowed to repair certain
places for which murage had been
granted, 66-7
-, - John de, 9, 20, 24
-, - Roger de, 142
Wynehelme, Robert de, 209
Wyngham, William de, 95
Wynterton, co Norfolk, 119
Wynterton, Geoffrey de, 234, 294
Wyrlingworth, Nicholas de, 268
Wyse, Wolfrid, 220
Wyslingham, Richard de, 268
Wysman, John, 280
Wytintone, Richard de, 95
Wyttele, Robert de, 213
Wytton', William de, 68
Yakesle, Yakeslee, John de, the King's tentmaker, 269
Yarmouth, Great, 32, 86. See also Gernemuthe.
Ydeshale, John de, 268
Yeddynge. See Zeddynge.
Yepeswyche, Nicholas de, 158, 161
-, - - Margery, wife of, 158
-, See also Ipswich.
Yetingge, Yetyngge, Richard de, 128, 158
Yeveneye, Yieveneye, John de, 29,
30, 79
-, - - Theophania, wife of, widow
of William de Medelane, 29, 30,
Yonge, John le, 171, 238, 249, 264
-, - - Henry, son of, 264
-, - - John, son of, 238
-, - - Matilda, widow of, 238
-, - - Roysia, wife of, daughter
of Stephen de Uptone, 249
-, - Robert le, 90, 210
-, See also Jonge.
York, Parliament at, 6, 20, 30, 33,
87, 99, 104, 105, 106, 109, 167,
176, 217, 225, 227, 271, 282
-, - - money paid to officials attending a, 217
York, Roger de, 294
-, - William de, 77
Youn, Younge, John (le), 127, 192,
-, - Robert, 94, 126
Yreis, Robert le, 201
Zeddynge (Yeddynge?), William de,
-, - - Stephen, son of, 247
"Zylynghous," a tenement in or near Bread Street called. 193