Index: A - K

Pages 305-341

Calendar of Letter-Books of the City of London: E, 1314-1337. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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Abbeye, William del, 67, 302

Abel, John, 106, 108, 109, 124
-, - - Margery, wife of, 108

Abot, John, 110

Abraham, Matilda, grandmother of Juliana and Margery, daughters of Elias le Chaundeler, 210

Abyndone, Nicholas de, 297
-, - - elected Serjeant of the Chamber, 291
-, - Roger de, 235
-, - Simon de, 7, 8, 19, 70, 91, 100, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 115, 116, 119, 121, 125, 126, 130, 131, 132, 133, 137, 148, 164, 165, 169, 177, 190, 204, 209, 212
-, - - Eva, widow of, wife of John de Caustone, 212
-, - - John, son of, 204, 209, 212
-, - - Stephen, son of, 190, 212
-, - - elected Alderman of Billingsgate Ward, but returns to Tower Ward, 11; elected M.P. for the City, 54, 58; Alderman of Tower Ward, 108, 124
-, - Stephen de, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 33, 41, 42, 46, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 67, 68, 70, 71, 84, 116, 121, 216, 248, 251, 252, 254
-, - - Johanna, wife of, widow of Simon de Matham, 70
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 17, 243; Alderman of Dowgate Ward, 116, 125; removed, 138, 139; King's Butler and City Coroner, 165
-, - Warin Cullul de Goseberdkirk, called de, 190
-, - William de, 156, 157, 158
-, - - Alice, wife of, 156, 158

Accatour, Roger, 86

Aclom, Robert de, 4

Acon', Simon de, 90
-, - - Cristiana, wife of, 90

Acton Burnel, Statute of, 53, 213

Adrien, John, 195

Ailesbury, Aillesberi, Aylesbury, Reginald de, 60, 127
-, - William de, 77, 95

Aka, Nicholas de, called "Othe Roke," 10
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 10
-, - - Nicholas, son of, 10
-, - - Richard, son of, 10

"Aketones," "Aketons," 170, 171, 191

Albon, John, 221
-, - - son of Godwyn le Pheliper (Feliper), 137, 145, 176
-, - - sworn a keeper of the Conduit, 204; removed, 205

Albyn, Laurence, 27, 28, 115, 277
-, - - Juliana, wife of, 27, 28
-, - - - Robert, son of, 27, 28

Aldeborgh, Sir John de, 181

Aldeham, Stephen de, 95

Aldenham, Robert de, 15
-, - William de, 43, 83, 97

Alderbrandyn, Blase, "de Sene," 178

-, Abyndone, Simon de, 7, 8, 11, 100, 108, 113, 115, 116, 121, 124, 130, 132, 133, 137, 148, 165, 169
-, - Stephen de, 10, 12, 16, 17, 20, 24, 25, 27, 33, 84, 116, 121, 125, 138, 139
-, Atte Shire, Gregory, 7
-, Aubrey, Aubry, Andrew, 7, 69, 200, 250, 263, 292, 298
-, Berkinge, Berkynge, Richard de, 7, 250, 298, 304
-, Betoyne, Betoigne, B'eton', Bettune, Richard de, 31, 185, 186, 187, 223, 231, 234, 239, 242, 253, 254, 258, 284
-, Bolet, Simon, 9, 12, 16
-, Boreford, John de, 148
-, Bret, Robert le, 284
-, Briklesworth, William de, 216
-, Callere, Robert le, 32, 146, 148
-, Caustone, John de, 5, 7, 69, 77, 182, 186, 200, 221, 223, 225, 228, 231, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259, 260, 264, 268, 272, 281, 284, 288, 292, 298, 302
-, - William de, 5, 7, 69, 126, 138, 139, 200, 250, 280, 284, 288, 298

-, Chambre, Chaumbre, Camera, John de la, 9, 20, 39, 41, 46, 49, 58, 59, 62, 67, 68, 71, 78, 80, 97, 100, 106, 107, 109, 110
-, Chigewell, Chiggewelle, &c., Hamo de, 7, 62, 67, 68, 70, 80, 83, 103, 106, 124, 182, 217, 221, 223
-, Combemartyn, Coumbemartyn, Henry de, 200, 231, 235, 237, 254, 280, 281, 288
-, - William de, 9, 12, 16, 20, 68, 70
-, Conduit, Reginald de, 31, 91, 112, 139, 142, 143, 145, 148, 149, 182, 183, 191, 192, 204, 205, 208, 213, 217, 231, 234, 235, 242, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 259, 265, 269, 270, 272, 274, 288
-, Corp, Simon (de), 7, 9, 12, 24, 26, 27, 33, 37, 41, 42, 46, 62, 67, 77, 80, 100, 112, 115, 121, 124, 133, 138
-, Costantyn, Richard, 32, 91, 112, 113, 115, 121, 124, 142, 146, 148, 169, 178, 187, 234, 276, 277, 288, 298
-, Cosyn, William, 27
-, Cotun, Cotoun, John (de), 31, 91, 112, 113, 115, 116, 125, 142, 146, 148, 178, 180, 186, 187, 216, 231, 234, 237, 241, 242
-, Crane, Nicholas, 288
-, Crepyn, Walter, 181
-, Darcy, Darci, Henry, 7, 77, 193, 200, 250, 263, 284, 288, 298
-, Depham, Roger, 188
-, Druery, Druri, Nigel, 9, 16, 18, 27
-, Durham, Durem, Henry de, 10, 20, 23, 26, 39, 41, 49
-, Ely, Robert de, 254, 256, 259, 260, 267
-, Farndone, Farendone, Nicholas de, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 31, 46, 55, 59, 62, 67, 68, 69, 77, 80, 81, 84, 100, 106, 112, 115, 116, 121, 125, 126, 134, 143, 145, 146, 149, 162, 165, 166, 169, 170, 183, 185, 186, 187, 198, 205, 221, 231, 234, 235, 236, 239, 241, 242, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259, 268, 269, 270, 272, 274, 275, 279, 284
-, Fraunceys, Fraunceis, Simon, 288, 298

-, Frowik, Frowyk, Frouwyk, Roger de, 7, 12, 16, 31, 33, 37, 59, 70, 80, 112, 113, 115, 122, 124, 126, 135, 137, 142, 148, 165, 169, 186, 187
-, Fulsham, Folsham, Benedict de, 69, 92, 223, 234, 241, 254, 272, 274, 284
-, Gartone, Hugh de, 32, 91, 109, 124, 126, 133, 137, 142, 146, 148, 169, 182, 185, 221, 276, 277
-, Gisors, Gysors, &c., Anketin (de), 5, 7, 9, 20, 24, 33, 41, 42, 46, 67, 70, 80, 84, 91, 92, 97, 100, 110, 112, 115, 116, 121, 125, 133, 134, 142, 143, 146, 148, 179, 182, 185, 221, 223, 231, 236, 237, 246, 268, 277, 279, 284, 290
-, - Henry de, 256, 259, 281
-, - John de, 7, 8, 18, 23, 24, 27, 33, 55, 57, 59, 62, 67, 68, 70, 71, 80, 81, 84, 97, 98, 100, 106, 115, 116, 121, 124, 133, 138, 139
-, Gloucestre, Henry de, 12, 16, 18, 23, 26, 41, 59, 68, 70, 77, 80, 84, 98
-, - Richard de, 8, 9, 18, 20, 27, 31, 37, 41, 59, 62, 67, 77, 80, 81, 91, 100, 112, 121, 124, 126, 137, 146, 148, 162, 169, 170, 177, 181
-, Godchep, Hamo, 7, 9, 18, 31, 59, 68, 70, 77, 82, 83, 106, 121, 125, 142, 148, 169, 170, 221
-, Grantham, John de, 5, 7, 69, 149, 187, 200, 201, 212, 223, 228, 242, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 281, 284, 292, 298
-, Hakeneye, Hakeneie, Hakenay, Richard de, 5, 7, 69, 149, 172, 181, 183, 185, 187, 200, 201, 209, 211, 212, 217, 221, 225, 228, 231, 234, 236, 238, 241, 242, 249, 250, 252, 254, 256, 259, 268, 272, 279, 281, 288, 298
-, Hamond, John, 7, 200, 212, 250, 281, 288, 298
-, Hauteyn, John, 112, 172, 177, 178, 186, 284, 298
-, Hedersete, William de, 32, 114, 121-2, 124, 126, 133, 148, 172
-, Hertpol, Geoffrey de, 11, 113, 115, 121, 125, 126
-, Holy Trinity, Prior of, 124
-, Hynxtone, John de, 268

-, Keleseie, Keleseye, &c., Robert de, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 20, 55, 57, 59, 62, 67, 68, 70, 71, 81, 97, 98, 100, 106, 110
-, Lacer, Richard (le), 7, 188, 200, 228, 250, 263, 281, 292, 298
-, Lambyn, Edmund, 31, 112, 115, 121, 125, 126, 135, 169, 173, 187
-, - John, 9, 12, 37, 41, 49, 59, 70
-, Leire, Leyre, Thomas de, 192, 221, 225, 231, 234, 235, 238, 241, 242, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 256, 279
-, - William de, 7, 8, 9, 12, 17, 18, 20, 23, 25, 27, 31, 33, 39, 42, 46, 55, 59, 62, 67, 68, 77, 80, 81, 98, 100, 106, 110
-, Lincoln, John de, 7, 8, 12, 33, 41, 55, 68, 77, 80, 84, 97, 100
-, Mordone, Walter de, 7, 288, 298
-, Nazard, Nasard, Henry, 7, 8, 112, 115, 139, 142, 172
-, Norton, Nortone, Gregory de, 69, 77, 92, 192, 200, 212, 213, 216, 223, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 241, 246, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259, 264, 268, 272, 274, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 290, 292, 298, 302
-, Oxford, Oxon', &c., John de, 5, 7, 149, 193, 201, 225, 242, 250, 263, 281, 288, 298
-, Palmer, Paumer, Roger le, 11, 32, 84, 91, 112, 113, 115, 122, 125, 133, 135, 142, 145, 146, 148, 149, 162, 165, 169, 170, 182, 185, 186, 187, 199, 201, 208, 211
-, Pappeworth, Pappewrth, Walter de, 149, 205
-, Paris, Parys, Roger de, 7, 9, 12, 16, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 33, 42, 46, 59, 62, 70, 77, 80, 100, 112n.
-, - Simon de, 7, 8, 11, 12, 24, 27, 31, 33, 41, 77, 81, 115, 125, 137
-, Pikot, Nicholas, 81
-, Pole, Richard de la, 243
-, Poyntel, John, 20, 32, 112, 113, 115, 121, 125, 126, 132, 142, 146, 148, 169, 178, 185, 186-7, 204, 221, 236, 242, 243, 277
-, Prestone, John de, 5, 7, 31-2, 69, 112, 146, 148, 165, 169, 170, 185-6, 200, 217, 228, 241, 242, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 263, 277, 281, 298

-, Prior, Priour, John, 32, 77, 112, 170, 182, 186, 191, 221, 223, 231, 234, 236, 241, 242, 249, 252, 254, 256, 259, 268, 269, 274
-, Pulteneye, Polteneye, John de, 5, 223, 231, 237, 250, 281, 284, 292
-, Rokesle, Adam de, 71
-, Rothinge, Rothynge, Richard de, 7, 250, 281, 288
-, Salesbery, Sarum, Adam de, 201, 236
-, Seccheford, Secheford, Henry de, 7, 32, 69, 77, 92, 109, 110, 112, 113, 115, 122, 125, 126, 133, 142, 146, 148, 149, 165, 169, 170, 178, 180, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 193, 198, 201, 204, 209, 211, 212, 217, 221, 223-4, 225, 228, 230, 231, 236, 239, 241, 242, 246, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256, 259, 260, 263, 267, 268, 269, 272, 274, 275, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 290-1, 292, 298
-, Sely, Robert, 32, 91, 109, 113, 115, 121, 124, 126, 145, 146, 148, 149, 169, 170, 173, 199
-, Servat, Servad, William, 17, 20, 24, 68, 70, 80
-, Suffolk, Elias (Elyas) de, 7, 18, 31, 41, 42, 46, 49, 62, 80, 84, 91, 97, 100, 106, 110, 115, 121, 122, 125, 126, 137, 146, 148, 169, 170, 182
-, Swalclive, Swalclife, &c., Robert de, 9, 31, 91, 112, 142, 145, 146, 148, 149, 162, 165, 170, 171, 177, 178, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 198, 199, 201, 204, 208, 211, 276, 277
-, Swanlond, Simon de, 223, 231, 241, 254
-, Trente, William (de), 25, 27, 33, 37, 49, 59
-, Uptone, Ralph de, 7, 250, 292, 298, 302
-, Vyvyen, John, 139, 142
-, Wengrave, Wangrave, John de, 9, 12, 16, 18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41, 42, 46, 49, 55, 57, 62, 67, 68, 70, 71, 110, 112
-, Willehale, Wirhale, Richard de, 16, 26, 84
-, Wyndesore, Wyndlesore, John de, 9, 20, 24

Aldermen, election of, 11, 172, 181, 182, 243; removal of, and others substituted in their place, 138-9; instructions to, for safeguarding the City gates, 143

Aldersgate, the manner of guarding, 142; William le Chaundeler, Warden of, 197

Aldersgate Ward, 81, 267; Henry de Seccheford, Alderman of, 125, 231; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Aldewyncle, Isabella de, 244

Aldgate, Alegate, a tenant of a certain house bound to clean the gate, 8; the manner of guarding, 143; Simon le Hodere, Warden of, 197; a house near, granted to John Waryn, 225; the ditch at, 274

Aldgate, Alegate, John de, 110
-, - - son of William le Clerk, 130
-, - Robert de, 60, 83
-, - - Johanna, wife of, 83
-, - William de, 83, 157, 158

Aldgate Ward, 143
-, - the Prior of Christchurch, Alderman of, 8; Anketin de Gisorz, Alderman of, 125; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Ale, its price regulated, 71, 72, 73; not to be sold by retail on London Bridge, 131. See also Beer.

Aledone, Thomas de, 160

"Alemayne," a coat and tunic of, 18

Alemayne, Gilbert de, 3
-, - Thomas de, 177
-, - Walter de, 3

Aleyn, John, 3
-, - Roger, 133
-, - Stephen, 4

Alfox, Denedict, 32
-, - - John, son of, 32
-, - - Juliana, daughter of, 32
-, - - Margery, widow of, 32
-, - - Thomas, son of, 32

Alisaundre, Richard, 95
-, - William, 197

All Hallows de Berkyngcherche, parish of, 25

All Hallows, Bread Street, parish of, 101, 114, 193, 259, 263
-, - church of, 193

All Hallows upon the Cellars, parish of, 116

All Hallows the Great, parish of, 85, 191

All Hallows at the Hay, parish of, 108

All Hallows in the Ropery, parish of, 85, 145

All Hallows near the Wall, parish of, 23

Almaine, Hanse of, merchants of, to guard Bishopsgate, 84, 143; merchants of, attached, 119; John le Longe, Alderman of, 119, 120; charters to, 220

Alnager, the King's, appointment of John Pecok objected to, 53-4, 55, 58-9; John de Engayne, 73

Alretone, Robert de, 4

Altone, John de, 3

Amias, Amyas (Amiens), merchants of, privileges enjoyed by, 214; Galeraus (Galerans?) de Vaus, bailiff of, 275; "Driex" or "Drieux" (Andrew) Audeluie, elected "grant compter" of, 275; rent due from merchants of, in arrear, 274

Amis, Amys, Amiz, John, 3, 82, 117, 122, 126, 135, 164, 175, 177, 178, 184, 186, 216, 226, 246, 255, 269, 285
-, - William, 271

Amundesham, John de, 233

Amyas, Robert de, 131

Andreu, Richard, 116, 117
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 116, 117
-, - Walter, 258

Anesty, Robert de, 3
-, - Thomas de, 3

Angarville, Richard de, Bishop of Durham. See Bury.

Angot, Sir Ralph, Knt., 265

Anketil, Richard, 34

Annore, Alan, 127

Antwerp, English merchants invited to, 286-7

Ap Griffyn, Juan, 245
-, - "Resus," 245

Apothecaries, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 232

Appeal of felony, 289n.

Apprentice, an, bound to a non-freeman, contrary to ordinance, 7
-, - committed to Neugate for refusing to swear obedience to his master, 265

Apprentices, the Chamberlain's accounts touching, 216

Apspelond, John, 2

Aquitaine, the King of France tries to recover the Duchy of, 191, 192

Archer, John le, 96

Arches, Deans of, Richard de Stanho, 82; John de Offord, 304

Arcubus, Osbert de (atte), 25, 129, 171
-, - Roger de, 37, 45, 129
-, - Thomas de, 25

Arderne, John de, 4
-, - Richard de, 232, 235
-, - Robert de, 82, 235
-, - - Johanna, wife of, 235

Are, Richard de, 157

"Argoile," murage payable on, 64

Armourer, Armurer, Larmourer, Hugh (le), 97, 125, 184
-, - Simon (le), 4, 177, 239, 290

Armourers of London, regulations made by, 162
-, - sworn to inquire as to the price of certain armour, 170

Arms, proclamation against carrying, 70, 82, 111, 130, 131

Aroundel, William de, 81, 128

Arraz, Peter de, 169, 265
-, - - "Perounele," wife of, 169

Artois, staple of wool, &c., in, 18

Arwe. See Harwe.

Ascelyn, Asselyn, Richard, 93, 128

Ashwy, Aiswy, Stephen, chantry of, 98

Aspal, Aspale, Alan, 128
-, - John de, 245

Asschingburne, Hugh de, 97. See also Asshebourne.

Assessment, a fifteenth of movables granted by cities and boroughs, 24: arrears of, compounded for, 71; rolls of, to be searched touching Hamo Godchep, 72; complaints to the King touching excessive, 111; of a twelfth, 115; not to be enhanced, except by common consent, 124; amount of, in each Ward, 187; for discharging City gifts to Edward III., 231; for a gift to the King and Queen, 231; form prescribed for levying an, 290

Asshe, Robert de, 128

Asshebourne, Assheburne, Hugh de, 81, 129. See also Asschingburne.
-, - John de, 175
-, - - Margery, daughter of, wife of Robert "Intheleves,' 175

Assheby, John de, son of Hugh mulgar, 101

Assherugge, Assheruge, John de, 118, 241

Asshford, Assheford, John de, 233, 250, 256
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 250
-, - - Johanna, dau. of, wife of John Levynge de Caustone, 250, 256
-, - - - Johanna de Stodleye, mother of, 250

Asshindone, William de, 135
-, - - Johanna, late wife of, daughter of William de Harwe, 135

Assize of bread, ale, and wine to be duly observed, 219

Astone, Richard de, 227

Astone, Robert de, 28, 29
-, - - Alice, widow of, 28
-, - - Emma, daughter of, 29
-, - - Hugh, son of, 28
-, - - Margaret, daughter of, 28
-, - - Margery, dau. of, 28, 29

Astwod, Roger de, 289

Athewyk, Walter de, 270

Attaint not allowed against City juries on matters arising in the City, 218, 237

Atte Arcubus, Osebert. See Arcubus.

Atte Barnet, John, 289. See also Barnet.

Atte Belhous, Walter, 81, 129, 135, 175.
-, See also Belhous.

Atte Belle, John, 290

Atte Bowe, Adam, 37, 129
-, - William, 96

Atte Broke, Conred, de Grippeswold, 119, 120. See also Broke.

Atte Brokenselde, Frank, 261

Atte Brome, Thomas, 98, 129

Atte Castell, Richard, 96
-, - Thomas, 96. See also Castell.

Atte Chaumbre, John, 93, 272
-, See also Chambre.

Atte Churche, Atte Chirche, Adam, 92
-, - Geoffrey, 296
-, - Richard, 3

Atte Cok, Atte Cokke, Hugh, 131, 169
-, - - "Cristiene," wife of, 169
-, - Richard, 131
-, - Robert, 278
-, See also Cok.

Atte Conduyt, Atte Condut, Adam, 81
-, - Robert, 110
-, - Stephen, 261
-, - Walter, 110
-, - William, 185
-, - - Idonea, widow of, wife of John Priour, senior, 185n.
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 185
-, See also Conduit.

Atte Crouche, John, 80, 94, 125, 128, 130

Atte Diche, Richard, 205

Atte Folde, Elias, 184, 200
-, - Robert, 100, 184, 200, 285

Atte Forde, Nicholas, 4
-, - William, 280
-, See also Forde.

Atte Frethe, Henry, 127

Atte Gate, Geoffrey, 129
-, - John, 258, 279
-, - Laurence, 158
-, - Richard, 118, 261, 296, 304
-, - - admitted broker of leather and bazen, 302
-, - Simon, 233
-, - Stephen, 86
-, - William, 137, 233

Atte Grene, William, 133

Atte Grove, John, 81

Atte Halle, John, Renter of London Bridge, 52

Atte Hill, John, 294

Atte Holmes, Richard, 56, 81, 94, 128, 247

Atte Holte, Stephen, 177
-, - Walter, 89, 159, 177
-, - William, 161

Atte Hull, Adam, 227
-, - John, 295
-, - William, de Briggenorth, 262
-, See also Hulle.

Atte Hurst, Gilbert, 19
-, - John, 95

Atte Huthe, Henry, 86
-, See also Huthe.

Atte Hyde, Atte Hide, Alexander, 247
-, - - William, son of, 247
-, - Thomas, 131
-, - William, 233

Atte Lamme, William, 129

Attelburgh, Helewysa de, 10
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 10
-, - - Nicholas, son of, 10

Atte Loke, John, 233

Atte Marche, Atte Mersshe, John, 142, 167
-, - Nicholas, 213, 295
-, See also Marche.

Atte More, Benedict, 72
-, - Cecilia, 19
-, - Gilbert, 136, 290
-, - Henry, 81, 232
-, - John, 215, 216
-, - - "Alesia," relict of, wife of Peter Staci, 215
-, - - John, son of, 215, 216
-, - - Stephen, son of, 215, 216
-, - Reginald, 2

Atte Nasshe, John, 233

Atte Neucastell, William, 95

Atte Noke, Robert, 258
-, - William, 233, 258

Atte Nore, John, 10
-, - - Roger de Stoke, son of, 10

Atte Northawe, John, 83

Atte Penne, Ralph, de Aldenham, 83

Atte Pele, John, 232
-, - Roger, de Edelmeton, 80
-, - - John, son of, 80
-, See also Pole.

Atte Ponde, John, 61
-, - - Isabella, wife of, widow of William atte Vigne, 61

Atte Ramme, Atte Raume, William, 94, 109, 110

Atte Ree, Hanekyn; 178

Atte Roche, Atte Rothe, Richard, 128
-, - Simon, 4
-, - William, 80, 83, 94, 101, 114, 128, 129-30, 193

Atte Rye, Godfrey, 262

Atte Ryole, Henry, 145

Atte Shire, Atte Shyre, Gregory, 7, 196

Atte Slogh, Walter, 290

Atte Sole, Roger, 271
-, - - Cristiana, wife of, 271
-, - - called "de Haverynge," 183

Atte Spence, William, 282

Atte Sterre, Richard, 189
-, See also Sterre.

Atte Stone, John, 297

Atte Stoples, Stephen, 96, 200
-, - - charged with embezzlement of money collected for the army in Scotland, 133-4

Atte Vigne, Atte Viegne, Atte Vygne, Atte Vyne, John, 131, 176, 216
-, - Richard, 81, 128
-, - Roger, 56, 93
-, - - a Warden of London Bridge, 149, 180, 184, 189, 205, 208
-, - Walter, de Hatfeld, 279
-, - William, 19, 61
-, - - Isabella, widow of, wife of John atte Ponde, 61
-, - - John, senior, son of, 19
-, - - John, junior, son of, 19
-, - - Margery, daughter of, 61
-, - - Thomas, son of, 61
-, - - William, son of, 61

Atte Warf, Alan, 137

Atte Watergate, Alan, 228
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 228

Atte Watre, Atte Watere, Alan, 258
-, - John, 69
-, - - Isabella, wife of, relict of Geoffrey de Beckles, 69
-, - Reginald, 137
-, - Roger, 26, 80, 93, 193
-, - - the King's Serjeant, 152, 153
-, See also Watre.

Atte Way, Tideman, de Grippeswold, 119, 120

Atte Welde, Thomas, 173

Atte Welle, Geoffrey, 15

"Atte White Chapele," William, 157, 158. 161, 162

Atte Wode, John, 253

Aubrey, Aubry, Andrew, 7, 69, 188, 200, 250, 263, 265, 286, 291, 292, 296, 298, 303

Audele, Audeleye, Hugh de, 159n.
-, - Sir James de, Knt., 114
-, - Roger de, 245

Audeluie, "Driex" or "Drieux" (Andrew), 275

Aukeland, letter of Edward II., dated at, 6

Aula Regis, proceedings in the, 49, 206

Aungre (Ongar, co. Essex), writ dated at, 152, 153

"Aunseremakere," Thomas le, 20

Austin, Austyn, Robert, 94, 127, 199

Avelyne, Henry, de Kyngestone, 156, 157

"Averia ponderis," 119

Averne, Stephen de, 97

Aylesbury. See Ailesbury.

"Aylesgatestret" (Eyles Gate Street), Gloucester, 227

Aylesham, Ailesham, Eylesham, John (de), 94, 129, 198, 212, 213, 261
-, - - senior, 232
-, - - junior, 232

Aynesham, Eynesham, John de, 233, 235, 254, 286

Aynsty, Richard de, 94

Ayremynne, Ermine, Richard de, the King's Secretary, 206


Bachel, Walter, 192
-, - - Matilda, widow of, wife of William de Beauchamp, 192

Bacheler, Henry, 95

Bachin, Francis, 36

Bachous, Bakhous, Thomas, 3
-, - Walter de, 15

"Bacinettes," "Bacinets," 170, 171, 191

Bacquelle, Baukewelle, Sir John de, 34
-, - - Dame Cecilia, late wife of, 34
-, - - his chamber near the Guildhall, 304
-, - Thomas de, 31

Badlesmere, Bartholomew de, 98; his Castle of "Ledes" taken, 147n.; writ for his arrest, 156; writ for seizure of his property, 160

Bailiff, Ballif, John le, 4
-, - Seman le, 110

Baker, Bakere, John (called) le, 79, 110
-, - Ralph the, 79
-, - Simon, 184
-, - William le, 4

Bakers, ordinance against fraudulent, 7; to be punished for committing assaults in the City by night, 116; ordinance for punishment of offending, 261

Bakon, John, convicted of forestalling poultry, 113-4

Balance, the Great, Andrew Godard appointed weigher at, 37
-, - the Small, Nicholas de Grenewych, keeper of, 236; the sum of 50s. yearly out of his ferm of, to be paid to Hugh de Waltham, 236

Balauncer, Ralph le, 83, 94, 108

Balbani, Bonacursi, 272

Baldesis, Seigneue, 287

Baldewyne, John, 233
-, - Richard, 235, 236
-, - - Agnes, wife of, daughter of Thomas le Palmere, 235, 236
-, - - - Alice, sister of, wife of Roger de Redebourne, 235, 236
-, - - - Katherine, sister of, 235, 236

Baldok, Baldoke, Richard de, 96
-, - Robert de, 62, 225
-, - - Margery, wife of, relict of John le Lorymer, 62
-, - - letter from the City to, for permission to punish "contrariants," 179
-, - Thomas de, 280

Ballard, John, 96, 114, 181, 183
-, - - Alice, widow of, wife of Adam de Bokelond, 181, 183
-, - - Cecilia, daughter of, 181, 183
-, - - John, son of, 181, 183
-, - - Richard, son of, 181, 183
-, See also Bellard.

Balom, Philip, 167, 196

Balsham, Clement de, 95
-, - Thomas de, 72

Bamptone, Elias de, 239

Banham, Thomas de, 290
-, - Friar William de, procurator general of the Order of Bethlehem, 251

Banneberi, Richard de, 56

Banneby, William de, 280

Baptone, Walter de, 95

Barber, Barbour, Barbier, Barbir, Adam le, 144, 162
-, - Alexander le, 3
-, - Geoffrey le, 3
-, - Gerard le, de Holeburne, 63
-, - Hamo le, 91, 93, 103, 233
-, - John le, 117; Warden of Ludgate, 197
-, - Juliana le, 205
-, - Laurence le, 113, 157
-, - Nicholas le, de Cornehill, 9
-, - - John Marcy, son of, 9
-, - Philip le, 289
-, - Richard le, 89, 128

Barber, Barbour, Barbier, Barbir, Robert le, 110
-, - Roger le, 80, 100, 302
-, - - Margaret, wife of, 100
-, - Simon le, 2, 94
-, - Thomas le, 101, 114, 128, 193, 242, 263, 272
-, - - Matthew, son of, 272

Bardeneye, Walter de, 129, 164

Bardi of Florence, the company of, 168

Baret, John, de Bydene, co. Berks, 290

Barkeworth, Walter de, 234

Barling. See Berlynge.

Barneby, Richard de, 95

Barnet, John atte, 289
-, - John del, 289

Baron, John, 129

Barow, Gilbert de, 95

Barre, John de la, 167

Barry, Barri, William, 110, 145, 151

Barsham, Richard de, 38
-, - Robert de, 38, 117, 130, 191, 271

Bartholomeu, Berthelmeu, Peter, 287
-, - Walter, 3

Bartoly, Jacob, of Florence, 288

Bartone, Ralph de, 94
-, - Thomas de, 4

Barwe, Richard de, 157
-, - Roger de, 161

Bassieshawe, Juliana de, 158

Bassishaw Ward, 142
-, - Richard Costantyn, Alderman of, 124
-, - to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Bataille, Eustace de la, 233
-, - Richard, 3

"Baterie," murage payable on, 65

Baudry, Baudri, Adam, 260. 264
-, - - John, son of, 260, 264
-, - Alexander, 118
-, - Robert, 46, 215
-, - Simon, 279
-, - Walter, 118

Baukewelle. See Bacquelle.

Bayford, Bartholomew de, 28

"Bazen," "Bazeyne," 97n.
-, - a broker of, admitted, 302

Beaders, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233

Beadle, Ralph the, 98

Beam. See Balance.

Beauchamp, "Beuchaump," &c., James de, 95
-, - Sir John de, City gift to, 273
-, - William de, 192, 251
-, - - Matilda, wife of, widow of Walter Bachel', 192

Beaufiz, William, 133

Beauflour, Beauflur, Geoffrey, 93, 110, 137
-, - James, 38, 74, 82, 101, 102, 192
-, - John, 95

Beaulieu, writ dated at, 196

Beaumond, Henry, 280

Beche, John de la, 160
-, - Philip de la, 160

Bechesworth, John de, 57

Beckles, Geoffrey de, 69
-, - - Avice, daughter of, 69
-, - - Isabella, relict of, wife of John atte Watre, 69

Bedefonte, Walter de, 128

Bedeford, Alan de, 90
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 90
-, - John de, 4, 157, 158, 161
-, - Simon de, 67

Bedewell, Thomas de, 173, 185

Bedyngtone, co. Surrey, 302

Beer, assize of, 219. See also Ale.

Beinio, Benyngho, John de, 120, 244

Belamy, John, 93

Beleng', Roger, 162
-, - - "Maisanda," wife of, 162

Beler, Roger, 201, 202, 203

Beleverge, Ralph, 111, 112
-, - - "Bonajoia," wife of, daughter of Robert de Multone, 111, 112
-, - William, 118

Belhous, Walter atte (de), 81, 129, 135, 171, 175

Bellard, "Colluchius," 16
-, - John, 16
-, See also Ballard.

Belle, John atte, 290

Beltone, John de, 243, 299

Belyngham, John de 278

Bench, the, retained at Westminster at the request of the City, 222

Benedict [XI], Pope, a Bull of, 6

Beneyt, John, 297

Benstede, Richard de, 204
-, - - Maigery, wife of, 204

Bentele, Adam de, 135, 175
-, - - John, son of, 135

Bentone, Richard de, 113

Benyngho, John de. See Beinio.

"Berchernereslane" (Birchin Lane), 136

Bercote, Berkot, Stephen de, 93, 190, 211, 233

Berde, Ralph, 95

Berdefeld, John de, 118
-, - Richard de, 81, 128, 138, 280

Bere, Beere, Roger de la, 125, 164

Bereford, John de, 129
-, - Sir Ralph de, 195
-, - - Ralph, clerk to, 195
-, - William de, 17, 26

Berewik, Adam de, 188

Berham, Robert de, 4

Berkhampstede, Berkhamstede, Richard de, 233
-, - William de, 286

Berkinge, Berkynge, Richard de, 5, 7, 232, 250, 260, 284, 298, 304
-, - Stephen de, 162, 226, 249, 255
-, - - Margery, wife of, 255
-, - Thomas de, 81, 129, 232, 268, 269
-, - - Roger, son of, 268, 269
-, - William de, 201

Berkinge, Abbess of, withernam to be executed on, 178

Berklee, Maurice de, senior, 159
-, - - Maurice, son of, 160
-, - - Thomas, son of, 160

Berkweye, Berquei, Berquey, Ralph de, 56, 81, 103, 128, 242, 277

Berlingham, John de, 86

Berlynge (Barling, co. Essex), 298

Bernard, Peter, 245

Berners, Roger de, 172

Bernes, Biernes, Roger de, 46, 81, 94, 102, 128, 232, 283, 284, 299

Bernet, Geoffrey del, 112
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 112

Bernham, Richard de, 4

Berquei, Ralph de. See Berkweye.

Berthelmeu. See Bartholomeu.

Bery. See Bury.

Beseville, John, 234

Bethlehem, the Order of, 251; tenement called "de," 251

Betoyne, Betoigne, Beton', Bettone, Bethune, &c., John de, 254
-, - Richard de, 31, 93, 112, 128, 164, 185, 186, 187, 204, 214n., 215, 217, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 231, 234, 239, 242, 252, 253, 254, 258, 274, 276, 284, 295
-, - - a fur coverlet assigned by the Mayor and Aldermen to, 225
-, - Thomas de, 164, 259

Bevere, Arnold de, 220

Beverley, cloth of, 54

Beverley, Beverle, Beverlee, John de, 145
-, - - John, son of, 145
-, - William de, 101, 114, 157, 158

"Bevre," "Bevers," a fur, 194, 196, 288

Beyville, Edmund de, 61
-, - - "Elys," son of, 61

Bidik, William, 12, 26, 37, 93-4, 129, 178

"Biens," "Biouns," John, 287
-, - Simon, 287

Bikleswade, John de, 118

Bileghe, Stephen de, 4

Billingsgate, election of corn meter at, 167
-, - John Vincent, bailiff of, 196

Billingsgate Ward, 143; Simon de Abyndone elected Alderman of, 11; William de Hedersete, Alderman of, 114, 124, 126; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 146; Richard de Hakeneie elected Alderman of, loco William de Hedersete, 172; assessment of, 187

Billyng', Ralph de, 127

Birchin Lane. See Berchernereslane.

Biry. See Bury.

Bishopsgate, lease of the moor outside, 7; bequest for repair of the pavement outside, 26; guaided by merchants of the Hanse of Almaine, 84, 143; its custody entrusted to John le Long, the Easterling, 84; lease of the hermitage near, 165; Hugh le Chaundeler, Warden of, 197

Bishopsgate Ward, John Poyntel, Alderman of, 125; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 146; assessment of, 187; Richard de la Pole elected Alderman of, loco John Poyntel, discharged on account of old age, 243

Bisshop, Bisshope, John, 234
-, - Thomas, 110

"Bithe Walle," Bithewalle, John, 156, 158, 162

Bixle, John de, 261, 284
-, - Peter de, 3
-, - William de, 284

Black Friars, the, a turiet near, to be completed out of the issues of murage, 63; the same to be postponed, 66; a further grant of murage in aid of, 66, 67; an election of a Mayor of the Staple, to take place at, 211

Blak, Reginald, 110

Blake, Nicholas le, 26
-, - Simon (le), 158, 161, 162

Blakecolvesle, Blacolvesle (Blakecolnesle?), Roger de, Comptroller of the Stannary, 203

Blakeneye, town of, 86

Blakeneye, Peter de, 71
-, - Thomas de, 220, 232, 244
-, - - Elizabeth Drake, late wife of, 244

Blecchingeleghe, Blecchyngeleye, Walter de, 163, 234

Bled, Hugh, 280

Bleynes, Bleyves, William de, 261, 277

Blithe, Blida, Geoffrey de, 95, 82, 177

Blithe, Blida, Ralph de, 1, 81, 93, 129, 137, 188, 196, 232, 255, 277
-, - Robert de, 3
-, - William de, 5, 232

Blod, John, 233, 279

Bloxsham, John de, 3

Blund, Blound, Blount, Blunt, Albreda la, 184
-, - (Sir) John le (Knt.), 26, 178, 209, 238
-, - - Edward, son of, 209, 238
-, - - Idonia, widow of, wife of Robert de Hagham, Knt., 178
-, - Thomas (le), 201, 202
-, - - Steward and Marshal of the King's House, 206

Bluntesham, Blountesham, John de, 110
-, - Richard de, 74
-, - - Idonia, daughter of, 74
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 74
-, - - Margery, wife of, 74

Bocher, "Drw" le, 109

Bodele, Bodelee, Bodeleghe, William de, 19, 60, 94, 130, 137, 170

Bohun, Humphrey de, Earl of Hereford and Essex, 98, 159

"Bokebyndere," William le, 76
-, - - John, son of, 76
-, - - - Juliana la Hokestere, mother of, 76
-, - - Petronilla, late wife of, 76

Bokeler, Bokelere, Henry, 95
-, - John le, 241
-, - Stephen le, 113

Bokelond, Boklond, Adam de, 181, 183
-, - - Alice, wife of, widow of John Ballard, 181, 183

Bokeskyn, Richard, 232

Bokkynge, William de, 204
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 204

Bole, John, 234

Bolet, Simon, 9, 12, 16, 53

Bolingtone, Bolyntone, Richard de, 81, 95, 128

Bolyngbroke, William de, 304

Bomstede, John de, 162

Bonanti, Francis, 287

Bonggeye, Hugh de, 78

Bonmarch, Bonmarchee, Henry, 97, 101, 125, 296

"Bon Valet," Roger, 96

Bordeaux, Peter de, 52

Bordesle, Bartholomew de, 137, 145

Boreford, Bureford, Burford, John de, 19, 20, 37, 80, 93, 148, 164
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 58
-, - Roysia de, 259

Borel. See Burel.

Borewell, Burewell, Richard de, 114
-, - Robert de, 101

Borghard, Bourghard, Ralph, Serjeant of the Chamber, 161, 185, 237
-, See also Borward.

Borghersh, Burghersh, Bartholomew de, 160
-, - Henry (de), Treasurer of England, 5
-, - - Bishop of Lincoln, 268

Borham, John de, 241
-, - Robert de, 38, 94, 127, 184, 223
-, - William de, 139

Boriere, Robert le, 95

Borward, Borgward, Ralph, 1
-, See also Borghard.

Bosco, Roger de, 34

Bosenham, Bosenho, Peter de, 78, 102
-, - - Peter, son of, 78, 102
-, - Roger de, 35

Boseworth, John de, 234
-, - - senior, 3, 294
-, - - junior, 3

Bosham, Agnes de, 72
-, - William de, 72

Boston, co. Linc. See St. Botolph's.

Boteley, Robert de, 96

Botiller, Boteler, Botel', Geoffrey le, 190, 232
-, - Paul le, 108, 117, 302
-, - - Paul, brother of, 117
-, - William le, 199, 242
-, - - Agnes, wife of, daughter of Henry Box, 199, 242

Botoner, John le, 227
-, - - John, son of, 227
-, - Laurence le, 250, 256, 261

Bottele, Richard de, 286

Bourne, John, 115
-, - Friar Thomas de, 245

Bournere, Walter, 95

Bousser, John de, appointed to survey measures in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, 76

Bowe, Adam atte, 37, 129
-, - William atte, 96

"Bowelane," la, 78

Bowyere, Simon le, 96
-, - William le, 302

Box, Henry, 242
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, wife of William le Botiller, 242
-, - William, 6, 242, 293

Boxelee, Boxele, John de, 201
-, - - John, the man of, 201

Boyfeld, John de, 227

Boys, John du, bailiff of Queenhithe, 167
-, - Ralph de, 279
-, - Thomas de, 29

Brabant, staple of wool, &c, in, 18; complaints against merchants of, for attempting to subvert the staple, 210

Brabant, the Duke of, 273; invites English merchants to trade with Antwerp, 286

Brabazon, Brabazoun, Brabanzon, Adam, 201, 298
-, - Roger le, 35, 58, 67

Brachyngge, Ralph, 226

Braclesham, Henry de, 50

Bradefelde, John de, 86

Braels, false, to be burnt, 223

Braghing, Braghingge, Braghynge, Agnes de, 61, 74
-, - John de, 74, 127
-, - Ralph de, 81, 98, 122, 128, 208, 232
-, - William de, 74, 83, 171, 275, 278, 282, 286, 291, 295, 299, 303

Braham, Benedict de, 245

Brakene, Robert de, 81

Bramptone, Henry de, 159, 161
-, - Peter de, 23, 24
-, - - Dyonisia, widow of, wife of Walter de Burle, 23, 24
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 23
-, - - Richard, son of, 23
-, - - William, son of, 23

Brandone, Geoffrey de, 81, 93, 150, 168, 169, 207
-, - - Alice, widow of, wife of John de Orleton, 150, 168, 207
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, wife of Robert de Brandone, 150
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, wife of Robert Gumme de Keleseie, 168
-, - - Mary, daughter of, wife of Nicholas de Debeneye, 207
-, - Robert de, 150, 226
-, - - Johanna, wife of, daughter of Geoffrey de Brandone, 150

Brauncestre, Alan de, 52, 105, 198
-, - - Agnes de Stanes, wife of, 198
-, - - Gilbert, son of, 105, 198
-, - - Juliana, relict of, 52
-, - Gilbert de, 205

Braundestone, Henry de, 34, 35, 36n.

Braybroke, Braibroke, William de, 42-3, 46, 102

Braye, Braie, Bartholomew de, 4
-, - John de, the elder, 216
-, - Osbert de, 5, 103, 275
-, - Robert de, 127
-, - Thomas de, 278
-, - William de, 24, 27, 28, 29, 69, 93, 120, 127, 137, 197, 233, 301, 302
-, - - the elder, 216
-, - - William, son of, 301, 302

Brayere, Thomas de, 3

Brayneford, Richard de, 270
-, - - John, son of, 270

Bread, assize of, 219

Bread Street Ward, 81, 142, 272, 282; Hamo Godchep, Alderman of, 125; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 177; assessment of, 187

Bredstrete, Bredestret, Bredstrate, John de, 125, 193, 199, 212, 259, 263
-, - Ralph de, 83, 101, 114
-, - Thomas de, 188
-, - Walter de, 103

Bremynge, Oliver, 129

Brendewode, John de, 272

Bret, Brett, Brette, Adam, 96
-, - John le, 95
-, - Laurence le, 223
-, - Philip le, 190
-, - - Laurence, son of, 190
-, - - - Johanna, wife of, 190
-, - Robert (le), 81, 129, 130, 137, 144, 171, 175, 201, 232, 284
-, - - fined for withdrawing from a deputation sent to the King, 234
-, - Walter, 285
-, - - Juliana, wife of, widow of Michael Tholosan, 285
-, - William le, 96

Bretoun, John, 246
-, - - Alice, wife of, daughter of Laurence Hardel, 246

Brewere, Edmund le, 94
-, - Geoffrey le, 127
-, - Godfrey le, 280
-, - John le, 110, 127, 241
-, - Ralph le, 110
-, - Simon le, 96
-, - Stephen le, 97
-, - - Agnes called "le longe," wife of, relict of John le Longe, 97
-, - Thomas le, 280
-, - William le, 15, 267, 277

Brewers, to sell ale at a price fixed, 71; not to ferment corn, 77

Bribour, John le, de Houndesdiche, 157, 158
-, - - de Suthwerk, 156, 158

Bricheford, John de, 223, 290, 291
-, - - Alice, widow of, 290
-, - - Henry, son of, 291
-, - - Thomas, son of, 291

Brid, Bryd, John, 251, 280, 285
-, - Richard, 110

Bridge Ward, 39, 90, 143, 162, 278; Edmund Lambyn, Alderman of, 125; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187; Robert de Swalclive, Alderman of, 199

Briggedene, John, 95

Briggewauter, Walter, 95

Bright, Gunnolda, 228

Brighwelle, William de, 130

Brikendone, Brekendone, Brikyndone, William de, 28, 127, 205

Brikhulle, Brekhull, Richard de, 133
-, - Robert de, 94

Briklesworth, Brykelesworth, &c., William de, 216, 288
-, - William de, a wool merchant, elected to consult with a Parliament at Nottingham, 300

Bristol, burgesses of, to be quit of murage, &c., 303

Bristolle, Bristowe, John de, 96, 136, 175
-, - Nicholas de, 74, 262
-, - Robert de, 1, 4, 117, 188, 232, 233, 255
-, - William de, 93

Brisyngham, Richard de, 247

Brittany, Sir John de, Earl of Richmond, 16, 76, 230

Brittany, Duke of, a City gift to the, 292

Brittesmere, William de, 96

Broad Street Ward, 39, 125, 143, 161, 269; Henry Nazard, Alderman of, 112, 138, 139; John, son of Walter Hauteyn, Alderman of, 172; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 146; assessment of, 187

Brochere, Geoffrey le, 32

"Brodhomme," William, 94. See also Prodhome.

Broke, Brok, Conrad de (atte), 84, 119, 120
-, - Thomas, 163

Brokenselde, Frank atte, 261

Brokers, of wool, 77; of peltry, 97, 302; of wines, 173; of raw silk, 177; of leather, &c., 302

Brokesheved, John, 234

Brome, Robert, de Lappeworthe, 34
-, - - Petronilla, widow of, 34, 35, 36n.
-, - Thomas atte, 98, 129

Bromfeld, Richard de, 110, 114, 120

Bromstede, John de, 161

Bronde, Brond, John, 93, 127

Bronham, Robert de, 3

Brother, Wymond, 61, 93, 120, 127, 137, 197

Broune, Brun, Brunne, &c., Adam, 4,95
-, - Andrew de, 7, 81, 122, 128
-, - David, 3
-, - Thomas, 110
-, - William (de), 3, 104, 208, 232, 265-6, 294, 295
-, - - "de la Hyde," 15, 16

Brouneswold, William de, 4

Brouninge, Oliver, 81

Bruges, Robert de, 5

Brughton, Walter de, 83

Brutyn, Edmund, 3
-, - Richard, 3

Budde, Alice, 49

"Budge," fur of, 288

Bukerel, Isabella, 101

Bukke, John, 3

Bullok, Walter, 85, 110
-, - William, convicted of forestalling hay, 120

Bulmere, John de. 95

Buntingford, Buntyngford, Thomas de, 158, 161

Buntingge, Buntyng, &c., Gilbert, 95
-, - William, de Pynchebek, 244, 245

Burdeyn, Robert, 26, 97; inquiry into his conduct when Sheriff, 40, 41

"Bure," used in making cloth, 210

Bureford. See Boreford.

Burel, Borel, Henry, 199, 212
-, - - John, son of, 199, 212
-, - Peter, 157, 158, 161

Burellers of Candlewick Street, 172n., 291, 296-8; their right to work independently of the Weavers' Guild, 291, 296-8

Bures, Adam de, 3

Burgh, Richard de, 167
-, - Simon de, 47, 48
-, - - Matilda, wife of, widow of John Laurence, 47, 48
-, - - Thomas, son of, 47
-, - William de, 34, 39, 40, 46, 58, 67, 91, 173, 188, 238, 274
-, - - Margery, wife of, 46, 58, 67

Burghersh. See Borghersh.

Burgoyne, Burgoigne, Adam de, 251
-, - Alexander de, 261
-, - John de, 128, 190

Burgoys, Godfrey, 46

Burle, Walter de, 23, 24
-, - - Dyonisia, wife of, widow of Peter de Bramptone, 23, 24

Burnel, Edward, 60

Burrelman, John, 95

Bursv, Nicholas, de Lungenere, 227

Burtone, Henry de, 3, 4
-, - John de, 94
-, - - clerk, 177
-, - - elected Clerk of the Chamber, 20
-, - Richard de, 96

Bury, Buri, Beri, Bery, Biry, Adam de, 94, 133, 233
-, - Henry de, 94, 128
-, - Hervey de, 17, 19, 51, 161

Bury, Buri, Beri, Bery, Biry, Johanna, wife of Hervey de, widow of William de Hanyngtone, 17, 19
-, - John de, 89, 96, 110, 120, 137, 145, 157, 177
-, - Ralph de, 21, 22
-, - - Amicia, widow of, wife of Richard Pikeman, 21, 22
-, - - Edmund, son of, 21, 22
-, - - John, son of, 21, 22
-, - - Ralph, son of, 21, 22
-, - - Roesia, daughter of, wife of Peter le Chaundeler, 21, 22
-, - Richard de, Bishop of Durham, 5
-, - Sir Richard de, City gift to, 273
-, - Robert de, 95, 98
-, - Thomas de, 183, 233, 279
-, - William de, 157, 161

Busdray, Pagan, 272

Busshe, Peter, 95
-, - William, 4

Busson, Reymond de, 14

But, Butt, Richard, 21, 50, 82, 86, 190

Butchers, foreign, charged with exposing meat for sale contrary to the custom, 137
-, - Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233
-, - ordinances for regulating trade of, 258

Bydene, co. Berks, 290

"Bytoria," Domyngoun de, 97
-, - - Ferand, son of, admitted broker of cordwain, "bazeyne," and peltry, 97


Caam, Chaam, Richard de, 176, 177
-, - - Margery Lucas, late wife of, 176, 177
-, - - Walter, son of, 177

Cady, Walter, 280

Cake, Richard, 270

Calais, proposed wool-staple at, 58

"Caldestrem," charter of Edward I. dated from, 249

Calewar, Richard, 282

Callere, Elias le, 42, 82, 94, 129, 137, 172
-, - John le, 242
-, - - John, servant of, 242
-, - Robert le, 32, 80, 82, 93, 116, 128, 137, 148, 170, 216
-, - - elected Alderman of Cordwainer Street Ward, 146
-, - William le, 82n.
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, wife of Robert Osekyn, 82n.

Cambridge, burgesses of, charters granted to, 254; to be quit of murage, &c., 255

Cambyn, John, of Florence, 288

Cameltone, John de, Prior of Chikesand (co. Beds), 164

Camerewelle, William de, 18, 19, 78, 102

Candelwikstrete, 78, 102; cloth of, 172; burellers of, claim to be independent of the Weavers' Guild, 291

Candlewick Street Ward, 2, 143; Geoffrey de Hertpol elected and sworn Alderman of, 11; John de Wengrave, Alderman of, 112n.; Geoffrey de Hertpol, Alderman of, 125; Walter de Pappewrth, Alderman of, 205; to provide men for cleansing the City's ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Canefeld, Canefelde, Adam de, 233, 279
-, - John de, 233
-, - Reginald de, 110
-, - Thomas de, 279
-, - Walter de, 175, 186
-, - William de, 95, 110

Cantebrege. See Cambridge.

Cantebrege, Cauntebregge, Grauntebregge, &c., Henry de, 245
-, - John de, 102, 157, 158, 283
-, - - Alice, wife of, 102
-, - - John, son of, 102
-, - Nicholas de, 50
-, - Ralph de, 256, 261
-, - - Margery, wife of, 256
-, - Simon de, 95
-, - Thomas de, 150, 168, 169, 189, 207, 212, 232, 239, 252, 260, 267, 284, 303
-, - - Alice, wife of, 189, 303
-, - Thomas de, junior, 213
-, - William de, 114, 157

Canterbury, Archbishops of:
-, Reynolds, Walter, 98, 202
-, Stratford, John, 5, 267-8

Canterbury, Caunterbire, Caunterburi, &c., Agnes de, 158, 161, 162
-, - Gilbert de, 3
-, - Henry de, his chantry, 224
-, - John de, 3, 5, 158
-, - - Leticia, wife of, 158
-, - Simon de, 4, 21, 61, 197, 205
-, - Thomas de, 264, 273
-, - - Margery, wife of, widow of Thomas de Kent, 264
-, - William de, 95

Canun, Thomas, 247

Cappers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233

Caps, proclamation against making false, 87

Carlele, Carduyl, Adam de, 233
-, - Thomas de, 72

Carletone, Gilbert de, 2
-, - Richard de, 233

Carpenter, Bernard le, 165
-, - Henry le, 95
-, - John le, de Erhethe, 115
-, - William le, 120, 127

Cartere, Richard le, 110, 156, 158

Casse, Cas, Richard, 233, 279, 294

Cassebaunk, James de, 17

Castelacre, Castellakre, John de, 81, 93, 111, 129, 171, 175, 201, 232, 234

Castell, Castel, Richard atte, 96
-, - Thomas atte, 96
-, - William of the, 296

Castle Baynard Ward, 143, 277; Roger le Palmere elected and sworn Alderman of, 11; William de Leire, Alderman of, 32; Roger le Palmere, Alderman of, 125; to provide men for cleansing the City's ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Cat-skins, murage payable on, 64

Cattle, &c., ordinance regulating price of, 43, 44

Caturcum (Quercy?), 244

Caumpes, Campes, Geoffrey de, 100, 128
-, - Roger de, 232
-, - Thomas de, 128

Caupeland, John de, 245

Causton, cloth of, 54

Caustone, Geoffrey de, 233
-, - John de, 5, 7, 69, 77, 94, 182, 186, 197, 199, 200, 201, 205, 209, 212, 221, 223, 225, 228, 231, 236, 237, 241, 242, 246, 248, 251, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259, 260, 264, 267, 268, 272, 274, 281, 284, 288, 292, 298, 302
-, - - Eva, wife of, widow of Simon de Abyndone, 209, 212
-, - - summoned to answer a charge of contempt within the verge, 206-7; elected M.P. for the City, 243, 299
-, - Michael de, 265, 286, 291, 303
-, - Nicholas de, 198, 213
-, - Theobald de, 213
-, - William de, 5, 7, 45, 69, 86, 94, 108, 126, 134, 182, 200, 232, 250, 280, 284, 288, 295, 296, 298
-, - - removed from Aldermanship of Broad Street Ward, 138, 139

Cave, William (de), 233, 286, 291, 302, 303

Cavendisshe, Walter de, 86, 98

Caxtone, John de, 258
-, - Matilda de, 2
-, - Thomas de, 233, 258

"Cendal." See Sandale.

"Cetewale," murage payable on, 64

Ceynturer, Robert le, 131. See also Girdeler.

Chacombe, Thomas de, 266, 267

Chalgrave, Thomas de, 56

Chalke, William de, 106

Chalveye, Nicholas de, 108

"Chamber," a widow's, 83

Chamber of the Guildhall, seal of, 199; bequest to the, 210
-, - - Clerks of:
-, Burtone, John de, 20
-, Ilford, John de, 270
-, Waltham, Richard de, 6
-, - - Serjeants of:
-, Abyndone, Nicholas de, 291
-, Borghard or Bourghard, Ralph, 161, 185, 237
-, Hungrie, Peter de, 182, 189, 209, 293
-, Joice, 113, 118, 138, 161
-, Merdele, Philip de, 27

Chamberlain, the King's, 165n. See also King's Chamberlains.

Chamberlain of the Guildhall, appointed guardian of a vagrant orphan, 135
-, - six marks allowed to, for loss of a horse whilst with the King, 246
-, - Thomas de Maryns elected, 291

Chamberlain's Accounts, 100, 292
-, - auditors of, 12, 26, 182, 196, 216, 217, 247, 270

Chamberlains of the Guildhall:
-, Dode, John, 10, 19, 24, 27, 28, 39, 42, 48, 52, 68, 70, 85, 89, 92, 100, 169, 283
-, Haveryng, Luke de, 12, 92
-, Horn, Andrew, 25, 78, 90, 91, 113, 118, 129n., 131, 132, 135, 144, 173, 176, 180, 182, 183, 191, 193, 196, 198, 199, 204, 208, 211, 216, 217, 225, 226, 236
-, Maryns, Thomas (de), 6, 216, 291,. 300, 304
-, Mazelyner, Maselyner, John le, 9, 42
-, Picot, Pikot, Nicholas, 12, 25, 26, 48
-, Prentiz, Thomas, 8, 96, 100, 107, 113
-, Seccheford, Secheford, Henry de, 192, 200, 217, 231, 235, 236, 238, 242, 244, 247, 250, 258, 264, 266, 267, 268, 270, 272, 274, 284, 290-1, 292

Chamberlayn, Richard, 4

Chambre, Chaumbre, Camera, John de la (atte), 7, 9, 20, 31, 39, 41, 46, 49, 58, 59, 62, 67, 68, 71, 78, 80, 93, 97, 100, 106, 107, 109, 110, 144, 145, 151, 272
-, - - John, senior, son of, 144
-, - - John, junior, son of, 144
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 54
-, - Richard de la, 245

Champernoun, Henry, 203

Champioun, Champyoun, John, 171
-, - Thomas, 157

Chancery, the, Sir William de Herlastone, Clerk of, 195
-, - - Elias, Clerk of, 195

Chaplains, parish, community of, 101

Chapman, Margery le, 158
-, - Thomas le, 156, 157

Charles, William, 250
-, - - William, son of, 250

Charletone. See Cherletone.

Charter of Service, 153n.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, the poet, 218n.
-, - - John, father of, 218n.
-, - - Robert, grandfather of, 218n.
-, - - - Mary, wife of, 218n.
-, - Richard le, 110
-, - - Mary, wife of, 218, 219, 222, 237, 239
-, - - proceedings touching a trespass committed against, 218, 219, 226, 237, 239

Chaumpayne, John de, 232

Chaumpeneys, Walter, 82

Chaundeler, Chaundeller, Adam le, 68
-, - Alexander le, 271
-, - Arnold le, 138, 146
-, - Hamo le, 51, 158
-, - Hugh le, Warden of Bishopsgate, 197
-, - John le, 8, 110, 226
-, - John Lefhog le, 43
-, - Matthew le, de Candelwykstrete, 210
-, - - Elias, son of, 210
-, - - - Juliana, dau. of, 210
-, - - - Margery, dau. of, 210
-, - - - - Matilda Abraham, grandmother of, 210
-, - Peter le, 22
-, - - Roesia, wife of, daughter of Ralph de Bery, 21, 22
-, - Ralph le, 161, 269
-, - Richard le, 277
-, - Robert le, 67, 68, 146, 268
-, - - Amicia (or Avicia), widow of, 67, 68

Chaundeler, Chaundeller, Ralph, son of Robert le, 67, 68
-, - William le, 83, 138
-, - - Warden of Aldersgate, 197

Chauntecler, Chaunteler, Robert, 93
-, - Roger, 97, 125, 129, 221, 254, 257, 264, 273, 276

Chauntone, Adam, 95

Cheap, a tournament in, 273

Cheap Ward, 136, 142, 161, 162, 288
-, - Aldermen of:
-, Conduit, Reginald de, 265
-, Paris, Simon de, 11, 112n., 125
-, Wengrave, John de, 112
-, - to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Cheddeworth, John de, 227

Cheesemongers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 234

Chelchethe, Geoffrey de, 43
-, - - Ismanya, relict of, 43
-, - - John, son of, 43
-, - - Richard, son of, 43
-, - - William, son of, 43

Chelesee, John de, 129

Chelmersford, Chelmeresford, (Sir) John de, 102, 160

Chelmesword, Adam de, 96

Chelre, William de, 277

Chepe. See Cheap.

Cherletone, Charletone, John de, 99, 106, 198, 211, 251

Cherman. See Sherman.

Chertseye, Cherteseye, John de, 95
-, - Walter de, 95
-, - William de, 3

Chesewyk, Cheswyk, Walter de, 19- 20, 95, 128

Chester, [Edward,] Earl of, the Black Prince, 2
-, - Sir Edward, Earl of, afterwards King Edward III, 191
-, See also Edward, Prince.

Chestrefeld, Robert de, 95

Chetingdone, Chetyndone, Thomas de, 247, 261, 274, 295
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 175, 282

Cheyham, Cheiham, William de, 5, 56, 125, 138, 263
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 193
-, - - Katherine, wife of, 125

Cheyner, Henry, 4

Cheyni (?), Henry, 189

Chibenherst, John de, 10, 29
-, - - Alice, wife of, widow of John de Honylane, 29

Chidecroft, Richard de, 160
-, - Thomas de, 160

Chigewelle, Chigwelle, Chikwelle, &c., Alan de, 94, 128
-, - Hamo de, 7, 9, 25, 31, 39, 40, 41, 46, 62, 67, 68, 70, 80, 82, 83, 84, 91, 94, 103, 106, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 121, 125, 126, 129n., 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 139, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 169, 170, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 216, 217, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 54; Alderman of Queenhithe Ward, 124; elected Mayor for the second time, 144; elected a collector of the murage, 146; again elected Mayor, 161; allowed to continue in the Mayoralty until the quinzaine of Easter, 166; deposed from the Mayoralty and re-elected, 182-3
-, - Thomas de, 106, 223, 232, 273

Chikesand (co. Beds), John de Cameltone, Prior of, 164

Child, John, 56
-, - Roger, 276

Chiltren', Edmund de, 70

Chingelford, Laurence de, 4

Chipested, Roger de, 129

Chiviot, Richard, 2

Choche, Chocha, Guido de la, 272, 285

Christchurch. See Holy Trinity.

Christchurch, Canterbury, a rentcharge of 9d. to, 199

Churche, Chirche, Adam atte, 92
-, - Geoffrey atte, 296
-, - Richard atte, 3

Cinggestone, Thomas de, 96

Cippenham, William de, 50

Cirgier, William le, de Ivylane, 10

Cirugien, Peter le, 78

City, the, ordinances made in 1312 for the better government of, 12-14; its laws, customs, &c., to be publicly read for the instruction of citizens, 13; its liberties confirmed by Edward II., 59; articles of 1319 granted, 59, 60; taken into the King's hand, 138n.; to be safeguarded for the King, 141, 150, 151, 152, 153; refuses to give the King security under the Common Seal, 151, 152, 153; sends a force to assist the King in the North, 153, 154, 155; not to molest Hugh le Despenser the younger, 155; to provide men or money for the war with Scotland, 168; provides 2,000 marks for the war with Scotland, and furnishes the King with a bodyguard, 169; fined £20 for the escape of a prisoner, 195; hostels not to be taken by force in, 206, 207; foreigners who enjoyed the freedom of, to be deprived of it. 214; makes a present to Queen Philippa, 217; its liberties and customs to be observed, 218, 219

City, the, Wardens of:
-, Kendale, Sir Robert de, 138, 139, 144
-, Sandwich, Ralph de, 253

City Attorney, William de Burgh the, 34, 39, 40, 91, 188

City Carpenters:
-, Rothinge, Adam de, 201
-, Totenham, John de, 201

City Charters, receivers of money paid for, 172

City Churches, sanctuary taken by criminals in, 149

City Coroner, office of, appertains to the King's Butler, 165

City Coroners:
-, Abyndone, Stephen de, 165
-, - Deputy:
-, Ileford, John de, 166
-, Wengrave, John de, 55

City debts, money to be raised to discharge, 148

City ditches, measures taken for cleansing the, 146, 147

City ferm, the, 116; assigned to the Mayor, &c., in satisfaction of advances made to the King, 48; assignment of, for repayment of loan, 79, 80

City franchises, claimed and allowed, 16, 17, 22-3, 34-5, 40, 41, 90, 91, 188, 189; citizens not to plead or be impleaded outside the City, 39, 40, 49, 99, 188; juries of citizens not to sit in Courts outside the City, 22-3, 244; the King's justices not to sit within the liberties of the City, 41; petition to Edward II. that he respect the, 166; writ of Edward II. bidding justices respect the, 202; no attaint lies against City juries, 218, 237; citizens allowed to hold pleas touching fellow-citizens at fairs, 247

City freedom, unlawfully acquired, 14; foreigners deprived of, 214

City gates, the, instructions for safeguarding, 142, 143

City wall, the, repair of, 273

Clactone, Robert de, 267

Clare, Richard de, the King's Escheator, 87

Clarel, John, 244

Claryndon, writ dated from, 73

Claveringe, Richard de, 3

Clement, clerk of the King's Marshalsea, 80

Clergy, benefit of, 278

Clerk, Adam le, de Lenne, 86
-, - Bartholomew (the), 119, 194
-, - Hugh le, 94
-, - James le, 177
-, - John le (the), 83, 90, 133, 158, 159, 170, 270
-, - - Cristina, wife of, 158
-, - - Margery "la Joeven," widow of, wife of John de Den, 90
-, - - Thomas, son of, 90
-, - John le, otherwise "de Northhalle," Sheriff, 303
-, - Nicholas le, 189, 268
-, - Peter le, 83
-, - Ralph the, 45, 117, 163
-, - Reginald le, 177, 235
-, - Robert le (the), 114, 167
-, - Roger the, 98, 134, 190
-, - William le, 46, 126, 130, 175, 233
-, - - Alice, wife of, 46
-, - - John de Alegate, son of, 130

Cliff, Clif, Henry de, 270
-, - William de, 245

Cliftone, John de, 261

Clipston (co. Notts), writs dated from, 55, 59, 75, 79, 230

Clipstone, Walter de, 4

Cloth, not to be sold until measured by the King's Alnager, 53, 58, 59; murage payable on various kinds of, 65; dispute as to, bought for the King, 171, 172; materials for making, not to be exported, 210, 211

Clothworkers, protection granted to foreign, 303

Cobbe, Alexander, 233, 258
-, - Roger, 3
-, - Thomas, 258
-, - Walter, 258

Cobham, Thomas de, 247
-, - - Alice, late wife of, 247

Cobhambire, Adam de, 142

"Cocket," "Coket," 253n.
-, - the King's seal known as the, to be safeguarded, 298

Codigntone, Codyngtone, Codyntone, John de, 19, 128
-, - William de, 128

Coffrer, Peter le, 159, 161-2, 269
-, - Richard le, 118, 122, 164, 207
-, - - Mary, wife of, 122
-, - Salomon le, 100, 129, 170, 220, 233, 276

Coffrers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233

Cok, Coke, Cokke, Hugh ate, 131, 169
-, - - "Cristiene," wife of, 169
-, - John, 95
-, - Richard ate, 131
-, - Robert atte, 278
-, - Thomas, 94, 116, 117, 128
-, - Walter, 269

Coker, Estmar, 237

Cokjohan," ship called, 298

Colcestre, Colecestre, Adam de, 95
-, - John de, 94, 129

Colchester, burgesses of, charters to, 140, 140n.

"Coldherberghe," tenement called, 108

Coleman Street, tenement in, 92

Coleman Street Ward, Hugh de Gartone, Alderman of, 124; to provide men for cleansing the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Colewelle, John de, 127, 207, 213

Colkirke, John de, 43, 51

Colne, Sir Henry de, Rector of St. Botolph without Bishopsgate, 251

Cologne, Coloyne, Colonia, Cristian de, 220
-, - John de, 5
-, - Lodewyk de, 220
-, - Reginald de, 282
-, - Renykin de, 220

Colpeper, Thomas, 160
-, - Walter, 160

Colwyk, Hugh de, Clerk of the Exchequer, presents sent to, by the City, 195

Combe, Coumbe, Cumbe, John de, 127, 270
-, - Peter de, 126
-, - Stephen de, 228
-, - Thomas de, 22, 128, 278
-, - William de, 57, 128

Combemartyn, Coumbemartyn, Henry de, 140, 200, 218, 231, 233, 235, 237, 254, 273, 280, 281, 288
-, - William de, 9, 12, 16, 20, 68, 70
-, - - elected M. P. for the City, 58

Common Clerks:
-, Depham, Roger de, 5
-, Shirbourne, John de, 290
-, Waltham, Hugh de, 5, 96, 105, 196, 236, 270

Common Serjeant, William de Iford, the, 270

Common Serjeant and Pleader, Gregory de Nortone elected, 20

Comptone, Christina de, 24
-, - - Thomas, son of, 24
-, - John de, 208, 293, 294, 295
-, - - to be imprisoned in Newgate until he had satisfied the children of Paulin Turk, 208

Conduit, the, 182; keepers of, 204, 205, 220, 221; bequest to the work of, 228

Conduit, Conduyt, Adam de (atte), 79, 81, 128, 138
-, - Sir Charles de, Rector of "Cullesdone" (Coulsdon, co. Surrey), 76, 77
-, - Geoffrey de, 73, 133
-, - - Charles, brother of, 73
-, - - Lecia, wife of, 73
-, - Reginald de ("du"), 5, 6, 31, 77, 91, 94, 112, 119, 128, 129, 134, 139, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148, 149, 182, 183, 190, 191, 192, 193, 200, 204, 205, 208, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 222, 228, 231, 232, 234, 235, 242, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256, 259, 262, 268, 269, 270, 272, 274, 281, 282, 288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 298, 300, 302, 303
-, - - elected Alderman of Cordwainer Street Ward, loco Simon Corp, removed, 138, 139; elected a collector of the murage, 146; elected M.P. for the City, 167; Alderman of Cheap Ward, 265
-, - Robert ate, 110
-, - Stephen atte, 261
-, - Walter de (ate), 110, 138, 173
-, - - Isabella, wife of, 138
-, - William de (ate), 76, 77, 185
-, - - Geoffrey, son of, 77
-, - - Idonea, widow of, wife of John Priour, senior, 76, 77, 185n.
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 76, 77, 185

Coney-skins, murage payable on, 64

Contract for building interrupted by death, judgment thereon, 21

"Contrariants," search to be made in the City for, 151, 152; their property to be seized into the King's hand, 159, 160; writ for arrest of all, 163; the City seeks a commission from Robert de Baldok, to punish, 179

Conyngtone, John de, 3

Cook, Nicholas, 80
-, - Richard the, 135, 217
-, - - Walter, son of, 135, 217

Cook, Robert, de Bisshopesgate, 23, 24
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, wife of Robert Soygne de Writle, 23
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 23, 24
-, - - Katherine, widow of, 23, 24
-, - Walter le, 5

Copperas, murage payable on, 64

Corbie, merchants of, privileges enjoyed by, 214; rent due from, in arrear, 274

Corder, Reginald le, 93
-, - Thomas le, 93

Corders, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233

Cordewaner, Gregory le, 268
-, - Richard le, 109, 118, 162
-, - Silvester le, 88
-, - Thomas le, 127
-, - William le, de Holeburne, 63

"Cordewaners," Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233

Cordwainer Street Ward, 88, 142; Simon Corp, Alderman of, 112, 124; Reginald de Conduit elected Alderman of, loco Simon Corp, removed, 138, 139; Robert le Callere elected Alderman of, 146; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Cordwanerstrete, tenements, &c., in, 106, 163

Corn, ordinances regulating the sale of, 56, 57, 197; measures for, according to the King's standard in London, to be sent to the country, 74, 75, 76; not to be fermented by brewers, 77; meters of, elected, 167; the price of, not to be enhanced at the King's coming, 196; not to be carried out of the City, 197; not to be sold before Prime, 197

Cornhill, pillory on, 96; fripperers forbidden to pursue their business on, after Vespers, 157

Cornhill Ward, 133, 143, 161, 269; Richard de Gloucestre, Alderman of, 124, 177, 181; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 146; Walter Crepyn elected Alderman of, 181; John de Graham elected Alderman of, 182; assessment of, 187

Cornmongere, Richard le, 142
-, - Wynfred le, 93

Cornwall, cloth of, 54; Stannary of, 203

Cornwall, Edmund, Earl of, gifts out of the ferm of Queenhithe made by, 50, 51, 75

Cornwall, Sir Richard, Earl of, 103, 203
-, - - his grant of Queenhithe to the City, 50
-, See also Eltham, John de.

Cornwall, Cornwalle, Cornwaille, John de, 96
-, - Richard de, 102
-, - Thomas de, 234
-, - William de, 120

Coroner. See City Coroner.

Corp, Corpe, Simon (de), 7, 9, 12, 24, 26, 27, 33, 37, 41, 42, 46, 62, 67, 77, 80, 94, 100, 115, 121, 133, 144, 178, 224, 295
-, - - Alderman of Cordwainer Street Ward, 112, 124; removed, 138-9

Corvedale, William de, 208, 224

Cosford, Henry de, 261

Costantyn, Costantine, Richard, 32, 81, 91, 94, 112, 113, 115, 121, 142, 146, 148, 157, 164, 166, 169, 170, 173, 178, 187, 202n., 234, 276, 277, 288, 298
-, - - Alderman of Bassishaw Ward, 124

Cosyn, Cusyn, Edmund, 19, 111, 128, 133, 139, 205, 232, 237, 261, 273
-, - - elected a collector of the murage, 146
-, - Geoffrey, 280
-, - John, 56, 86, 233
-, - Thomas, 4
-, - William, 27

"Cosyngeslane," 144

Cotekyn, John, 271

Coterel, John, 118
-, - Richard, 118, 258

Cotes, William de, 134

Cotesbrok, David de, 14

Cotiller, Coteler, Cotiler, Bartholomew le, 132, 221, 233, 294
-, - Geoffrey le, 129, 132, 208
-, - Ralph le, 97, 177
-, - Simon le, 127, 261, 304
-, - Stephen le, 289
-, - Thomas le, 96, 114
-, - William le, 38, 128, 268

Cotom, John de, 18

Cotun, Coton, Cotoun, John (de), 19, 31, 60, 91, 93, 112, 113, 115, 116, 142, 146, 148, 178, 180, 186, 187, 216, 224, 231, 234, 237, 241, 242, 303
-, - - Alderman of Walbrook Ward, 125
-, - - charged with conspiracy and proceedings thereon, 188

Coule, William de, 36

Coupere, Henry le, 151
-, - Ivo le, 175
-, - Peter le, 110
-, - Richard le, 118

Coureors, Alice la, 126

Coureour, Ralph le, 4

Courtenaye, Sir Hugh de, City gift to, 273

"Courtesy" of England, the, 294

Coventre, merchants of, to be quit of toll, 267-8

Coventre, Covintre, Edmund de, 213
-, - Henry de, 57
-, - - Isabella, relict of, wife of John de Whight, 57
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, 57
-, - - John, son of, 57
-, - - William, son of, 57
-, - John de, 95
-, - Laurence de, 3
-, - Ralph de, 292
-, - Richard de, 96
-, - Robert de, 96
-, - Roisia de, 85, 199n.
-, - Stephen de, 78
-, - - Edmund, son of, 78
-, - - Isabella, wife of, 78
-, - - Roysia, mother of, 78
-, - - Thomas, son of, 78
-, - Thomas de, 118, 186

Coventry and Lichfield, Bishop of, Roger de Northburgh, 268

Cowyk, co. York, writ dated at, 6

Crane, Krane, Nicholas, 94, 109, 135, 171, 175, 233, 254, 288

Craunk, Thomas, 245

Crawethorpe, Matthew de, Clerk of the Crown, present made to, by the City, 195

Cray, Stephen de, 93

Credel, William, 3

Crepelgate, Creplegate, Cripelgate, Richard de, 90
-, - Thomas de, 157, 158

Crepyn, Walter, 106, 168, 177, 269
-, - - Edmund, son of, 269
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 175; elected Alderman of Cornhill Ward, loco Richard de Gloucestre, 181

Crikelee, John de, 233

Criour, Andrew le, 244, 245

Cripplegate, the, granted to William de Waltham for a dwelling-house, 70, 121; brewhouse within, 79; the manner of guarding, 142; John de Mymmes, Warden of, 197; certain pieces of timber stored in the Guildhall garden used for repair of, 304

Cripplegate Ward, 81, 135; Elias de Suffolk, Alderman of, 97, 125; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Crisp, William, 227

Cristemasse, John, 113, 159

Croiser, Simon, 201, 202

Crok, Wadyn, 245

Crokedelane, 253

Crokedelane, Simon del, 158, 159

Crokesle, Thomas de, 56, 80, 128, 138

Cros, Crosh, Gilbert, 252, 294
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 252
-, - John, 62, 126, 128, 192
-, - Thomas, 233
-, - - called "de Hakeneye," 118
-, - William, 108, 200, 224, 250, 269
-, - - Alice, wife of, 108, 269

Cross, the, in Chepe, false braels, &c., burnt at, 223

Crouche, Crouch, John atte, 80, 94, 125, 128, 130

"Croupers," girdles called, 118

Crown, Clerk of the, Matthew de Crawethorpe, 195

Croydon, Croidon, &c., Andrew de, 4
-, - Hugh de, 132
-, - John de, 217, 232, 293
-, - Reginald de, 136
-, - William de, 107, 132, 261
-, - - Christina, wife of, 107

"Cullesdone" (Coulsdon, co. Surrey), Charles de Conduit, Rector of, 76, 77

Cullul, Warin, de Goseberdkirk, called "Dabyndone," 190

Curfew rung at St. Martin le Grand, 136, 142

Curteys, Curteis, Cortoys, Andrew, 81
-, - Hugh, 197
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 197
-, - William, 303

Cury, William, 94

Cutlers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233

Cuver, Henry le, 83

Cyvade, Stephen, de Montpellier, 120


Dachet, John, 171
-, - - Alditha, wife of, 171

Dagenhale, Richard de, 4

Dagenham, Alexander de, 237

Dallingge, John de, 94, 239, 261, 284
-, - - Sheriff, 88, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107

Dallingge, John de, senior, 81, 172
-, - - junior, 100, 128, 134, 195, 199, 205, 212, 232, 260, 270
-, - Laurence de, 304

Damori, Roger, 159n.

Dannas, Kellum, 272

Danyel, Hugh, 4
-, - John, 4

Darci, Darcy, Henry, 7, 77, 128, 190, 193, 198, 200, 211, 224, 232, 250, 263, 284, 286, 288, 298

Darel, Edmund, 91

Darraz. See Arraz.

Dasch, Richard, 117

Dask, Daske, Richard, 94, 105

Daumarle, William, 245

Dauncy, Nicholas de, 245

Daventre, writ dated from, 73

Davy, Davi, Robert, 176, 235

Debeneye, Nicholas de, 207
-, - - Mary, wife of, daughter of Geoffrey de Brandone, 207

Debenham, Thomas de, 288

Deer, William, 269

Del Abbey, William, 67, 302

De Lisle, Del Ile, &c. (De Insula),
-, Dame Alice, 290
-, - John, 72, 245

Delle, William, 288
-, - - Helewysia, widow of, 288

Den, Dene, John de, 37, 90
-, - - Margery, wife of, widow of Henry le Jonge (Yonge?), 37
-, - - Margery "la Joeven," wife of, widow of John the Clerk, 90

Denecoumbe, Henry de, 234

Denham, John de, 69, 232, 246, 261, 284

Denis, Denys, Richard, 5, 232, 242, 268, 303
-, - William, 129

Deny, Richard, 277

Depedene, Adam de, 10, 79, 80, 138
-, - Hugh de, 4, 193-4, 199, 212, 259, 263

Depenhale, Walter de, 56

Depham, Roger de, 188, 210, 226, 286, 300
-, - - elected Common Clerk of the City, loco Hugh de Waltham, 5
-, - William de, 5

Depingge, Adam de, 95

Derby, Derbi, Henry de, 96
-, - Robert de, 127, 294
-, - Thomas de, 144
-, - - Sabine, daughter of, wife of Walter de Wynchester, 144
-, - William, 3

Dereman, Derman, Nicholas, 109, 110, 137, 231, 233, 258

Derham, William de, 120, 128

Derlingtone, John de, 95

Derteford, Dortford, Robert de, 94
-, - Stephen de, 95

Despenser, Hugh le, 16
-, - - the elder, 98
-, - - the younger, letter from the Mayor, &c., to, on behalf of certain citizens forced to attend on the King, 179
-, - John le, 16, 17

Despensers, the City opposed to the, 143; their exile and return, 155, 156

Deu, Thomas, 267

Deubeneye, Deubeni, Dieubeneye, Laurence de, 234
-, - Nicholas, 226

Deumars, Dewmars, Bartholomew, 5, 233, 286, 291, 303
-, - Nicholas, 108

Deveneys, Richard, 157, 176
-, - William, 234, 290

Devery, Deveri, Sir John, 82
-, - - the King's Clerk, 89

Devom, John de, 195
-, - William de, 195

Devon, cloth of, 54

Diche, Richard ate, 205

Dikeman, Philip, 264, 265, 296
-, - - Johanna, wife of, widow of John de Stoppeslegh, 264

Dillinge, Thomas, 4

Diry, Dirry, Diri, Dyri, William, 128
-, - - elected and sworn Weigher at the Tron, 20, 44, 170
-, - - junior, 77

Disshere, John le, 129

Distress on a tenement held by husband and wife as joint feoffees, after the decease of the husband, 14-15

Distringas, the greater, 294n.

Dode, Edmund, de Reynham, 237
-, - John, 10, 19, 24, 27, 28, 39, 42, 46, 48, 52, 68, 70, 85, 89, 92, 98, 100, 169, 174, 283
-, - - John, son of, 169, 174
-, - - - Agnes, wife of, daughter of John Laurence, 174

Dodeford, Robert de, 17, 19, 60, 117, 127, 210, 233
-, - - "Eleyne," wife of, widow of Adam Trugge, 210

"Dodeleye," castle of, writ dated from, 226

Dohen, Robert de, 277

Dokesworth, "Dokeswoit," Richard de, 81, 129

Dolfyn, Philip, appointed a broker of raw silk, 177

Domeran, Friar Henry, 245

Don, Roger, 267

Doncaster, a proposed meeting of the adherents of the Earl of Lancaster at, forbidden, 154

Donecastre, Juliana de, convicted of forestalling hay, 120
-, - Richard de, 95

Donewich, Walter de, 86

Donewych (Dunwich, co. Suff.), Mayor and Bailiffs of, 32

"Donhesd," Stephen, 245

Donlee, Thomas de, 120

Donmowe, Robert de, 234
-, - William de, 232, 266

Donstaple, Dunstaple, John de, 3
-, - Nicholas de, 4, 94, 158, 159, 268
-, - Philip de, 134, 158
-, - - Margery, wife of, 158
-, - William de, 158
-, - - "Amflusa," wife of, 158

Donstow, John de, 95

Dorgoil, Gerard, 45
-, - - accused of various offences, loses his freedom, 14

Dorkynge, Dorkyngge, Richard de, 80, 91, 93
-, - Robert de, 246
-, - - Idonia, widow of, wife of Walter Turk, 246
-, - William de, 91, 137, 181
-, - - Agnes, wife of, widow of Henry de Merlawe, 91

Dorturer, Adam le, 270
-, - - Thomas, son of, 270
-, - Peter le, 234
-, - William le, 27, 29

Dossers of fishmongers, to be of the measure of a bushel of oats, 42, 46

Douay, charter of Edward II. to burgesses of, 98

Double, Richard, 299

Doune, Thomas de, 3

Dounham, John de, 158, 159
-, - - Clarice, wife of, 158

"Dounhefd," Dounesheved, William de, 41

Douvedale, John de, Knt., 77

Dovere, John de, 3
-, - William de, 96

Dowgate Ward, Stephen de Abyndone, Alderman of, 116, 125; John Vyvyen elected Alderman of, loco Stephen de Abyndone removed, 138, 139; John de Prestone elected Alderman of, 146; to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; assessment of, 187

Drake, Elizabeth, late wife of Thomas de Blakeneye, 244

Drapers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 232

"Drayshottnettes," 237n.

Draytone, John de, 263, 272, 280
-, - Julia de, 247
-, - - Richard, son of, 247

Drinkewatre, Drynkewater, Margery, late wife of Philip le Taverner de Garscherche, 192
-, - Thomas, 38

Drokenesford, Sir John de, 48

Drury, Druri, John, 37
-, - Nigel, 9, 16, 18, 27

Dubber, John le, 260
-, - - Benedict, son of, 260

Dullyngham, Gilbert de, 110, 258
-, - William de, 109

Duraunt, Sir John, de Wychyngham, 112

Dureford (co. Sussex), Osbert, Abbot of, 31

Durham, Bishop of, Richard de Angarville or Bury, 5

Durham, Durem, Andrew de, 14
-, - Henry de, 10, 20, 23, 26, 39, 41, 49
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 40
-, - Richard de, 96
-, - William de, 86

Dyer, Dyegher, Adam le, 277
-, - Richard, 87

Dyne, Nicholas, 287

Dyngesand, John, 115

Dytton, John de, Canon of St. Paul's, 176

Dyvelyn (Dublin), 42


Ecclesiastics, prisage and purveyance not to be demanded of, 63

Edelintone, Roger de, 129

Edelmetone (Edmonton, co. Midd.), 80

Edelmetone, Roger de, 81

Ederset. See Hedersete.

Edmond, Edmund, Nicholas, 43, 81
-, - Thomas, 69
-, - William, 8, 69, 93, 129

Edrop, Richard, 3

Edward, John, 279
-, - Richard, 134

Edward, Prince (afterwards King Edward III.), holds a Parliament in Jan., 1327, during his father's lifetime, 215
-, See also Chester, Edward, Earl of.

Edward I., loans and gifts to, 48; permits establishment of the Stocks Market, 200; his charter to Ipswich, 85; to St. Omer, 150; to the Hanse of Almaine, 220; to Exeter, 248; to Oxford, 249; to the Hospitallers, 255; to merchants of Louvaine, 256; to the Weavers, 260; grants privileges to merchant strangers in return for the "new custom," 287-8

Edward II., loans and gifts to, 9, 32, 37, 103, 105, 116, 169, 173, 174, 187, 194, 198; writ to tallagers of Oxford, not to levy tallage on the goods of citizens of London, in the vill of Henleye, 10; writ to the Sheriffs of London, to bring up certain felons before the Justices in Eyre, 10; return thereto, 11; his Charter of exemption from City charges to several foreigners, 16; writ for the adjournment of Parliament, 17; writ for seizure of goods of Flemings, 17; letters patent and writ for the Staple of wool and woolfels to be fixed by the Mayor, &c., 18; letters patent notifying appointment of assessors of a tax, 24; writ enforcing the Statute of Winchester, 25; to Barons of the Exchequer that they admit persons nominated as Sheriffs, whether they be present or absent, 25; to enforce the repair of tenements occupied by several tenants, 26; to bring up a certain prisoner before the King's Justices at Westminster, 26; writs for elections to Parliament, 30, 39, 79, 104, 130, 134, 145, 167, 174-5, 183, 205-6; John Waldeshef deprived of the freedom for opposing an aid to, 32; writ notifying loss of the King's Privy Seal, 36; to arrest vagrant Preaching Friars, 38; for inquiry into conduct of certain Sheriffs, &c., 40, 41; ordinance regulating price of cattle, poultry, &c., 43, 44; against forestalling, 44; regulating price of wine, 44; writ to the Steward and Marshal of the King's Household not to implead citizens before them, 45; to restore to Gascon merchants wine unlawfully taken from them, 45, 46; to admit a certain will to probate in the Husting, 46, 47; for Flemings to void the realm, 52; for payment of fine for destroying a wall near the Tower, 52; appointing John de Wengrave to act as Coroner, 55; his confirmation of the City's liberties and grant of "certain articles" (1319), with account of money paid for obtaining the same, 59, 60, 172; writ to give Small Beam to "Elys," son of Edmund de Beyville, 61; request refused, 61, 62; writ granting extension of murage for the purpose of completing the City wall, 63; forbidding exaction of prisage and purveyance from ecclesiastics, 63; for the repair of Newgate Gaol, 63, 66; for proclamation to be made against vagrants and carrying of arms, 70; arrears of taxation for gifts and expenses at the coronation of, 71; writ for ale to be sold at a fixed price, 71-2, 73; for dispatch of standard measures of corn to various counties, 74-5, 76; proclamation against fermenting corn, 77; writ forbidding prisage, 79; letters patent assigning the City's ferm for repayment of loan, 79, 80; his charter to Ipswich, 85, 280-1; proclamation against making false caps, 87; writ for a City force against Scotland, 96; his charter to the burgesses of Douay, 98; writ to inquire into claim of citizens as to exemption from pleading without the City, 99; thanks the City for aid in the war with Scotland, 99; pardons the City for pulling down a wall near the Tower, 102; writ for delivery of custody of Queenhithe to Robert de Hemenhale, and return thereto, 103; abolishing murage in the City, as being bad for trade, 104; confirms the "new articles," 104, 105; writ to elect certain persons to consider the advisability of fixing the staple of wool at certain places, 105; writ to the City to furnish armour, &c., 106; a twelfth granted to, 106; writ for the assessment of a twelfth, 109; writ against the carrying of arms, 111; for punishment of those committing assaults in the City by night, 116; for repairing and cleaning streets, 116; proclamation against carrying arms, 130, 131; his charter to the City, dated at York, 8 June, 1319, 134, 188, 207; orders Statute of Winchester to be enforced, 135, 136; writ of Privy Seal touching arrears of a certain pension, 136; writ to make preparations for an Iter at the Tower, 138; a deputation sent to, touching writs at the Iter, 139; objections raised to his charter to Colchester, 140; desires to know if the City be secure for him, 141; the City's reply, 142; pardons the citizens for neglecting to safeguard those taking sanctuary in City churches, 149; writ for juries at the Iter to receive compensation, 149, 150.; his charter to St. Omer, 150; informs the City of the surrender of the Mortimers, 150, 161; the City refuses to give security under the Common Seal to, 151, 152, 153; writ for the arrest of those circulating false reports, 152; for punishing those neglecting to safeguard the City, 152; the City sends a force to assist, in the North, 153, 154, 155; writ forbidding a meeting of the adherents of the Earl of Lancaster at Doncaster, 154; is desired to restore the Mayoralty, 155; forbids molesting the Despensers, 155, 156; writ for the arrest of Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 156; cases of outlawry at the Iter reported to, 156; writs for seizing "contrariants" and their property, 159, 160, 163; for levy of a City force, 163, 164, 168; to admit a Deputy-Coroner to office, 165, 166; dispute as to cloth bought for, 171, 172; a grant of a sixth by burgesses to, 176; the City's petition for an abatement of the same, 176; the Mayoralty taken into his hand, 178, 179; letters from the Mayor, &c., to, on behalf of certain citizens forced to attend his Court, 179; writ to arrest certain persons on a charge of conspiracy, &c., 188; writ that the price of corn be not enhanced at the King's coming into the City, 196; assessment made in the City at his coronation, 198; writ bidding Justices respect the City liberties, 202; takes up his residence at the Tower, 206; his Steward and Marshal not to molest the citizens, 207; writ for observing ordinances of the Staple, 210; forbidding exportation of materials for cloth, 210, 211; desired not to remove the Tron for wool to the New Temple, 211; writ for election of a Mayor of the Staple, 211; his ordinance touching the Staple to be observed, 212; writ to the Mayor and Sheriffs for aid against Mortimer, 213; for the observance of the Statute of Acton Burnel, 213; restores the Mayoralty to the City, 214; confined at Kenilworth, 215n., 222; his charter to the Hanse of Almaine, 220; Sir William Trussel renounces allegiance to, 222; confirms a grant of the New Temple by Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke, to Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, 229; his charter to the City of Exeter, 248; to Cambridge, 254; to the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, 255

Edward III., his charter to the burgesses of Gloucester, 140; writ for observing the ordinances of the Staple, 212; for observing the City's liberties, &c., 218; for not enhancing the price of victuals, 219; assigns the bailiwick of Southwark to his mother, Queen Isabella, 219; his charter to the Hanse of Almaine, 220; to the Skinners, 226; proclamation against attending Parliament with an armed retinue, 227; writs for elections to Parliament, 227, 229, 230, 243, 271, 295, 299; his charter to burgesses of New Sarum, 228; to the citizens of London, 230; gift of fish, flesh, fowl, &c., to King and Queen, 231-4; goes to France to pay homage, 238; writ for the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem to be quit of murage, 239; for the burgesses of Malynes in Brabant to be quit of murage, &c., 240, 241; to the Sheriffs to summon a jury before the Justices at Northampton contrary to the City's franchise, 244; to bring up William Buntinge de Pynchebek, and return thereto, 244, 245; for arrest of rebels, and return thereto, 245, 246; goes to France to do homage for Gascony, 247; his charter to the city of Exeter, 248; to burgesses of Shrewsbury, 249; to the city of Oxford, 249; to the Templars, 255; to the Hospitallers, 255; to the city of Hereford, 263; writ for the Peruchi of Florence to be quit of murage, 265; for merchants of Coventre to be quit of murage, &c., 267-8; for merchants of Spain to pass free of murage, &c., 269; for merchants of Luca to be quit of murage, &c., 272; his charter of the City granting Infangthef, &c., 275-6; writ for gaol delivery of Newgate, 283; writ in favour of the citizens of Rochester, 283; writ against exacting the "new custom" on goods of John Wylot and others, 285; for certain foreign merchants to be quit of murage, &c., 287; writs touching the claim of the Burellers of Candlewick Street to work independently of the Weavers Guild, 291, 296-8; letters patent notifying appointment of collectors of a fifteenth and tenth, 296; writ that Queen's gold is not to be demanded, 296, 300; writ touching the custody of the "Coket," 298; for election of four wool merchants to consult with Parliament, and return thereto, 299, 300; to raise a force of 7,200 men to defend the kingdom against foreigners, 300, 301; proclamation forbidding exportation of wool, and granting protection to foreign cloth-workers, 303; writ for burgesses of Bristol to be quit of murage, &c., 303; for Parliament to meet at Westminster instead of York, 303

"Eldefishstrete" (Old Fish Street), 102

Elections, no one to take part in, unless specially summoned, 53

Ellesfeld, Stephen de, 95

Ellesmere, Benedict de, 3

Elmedone, Walter de, 137

"Elmes," le, near Tyburn, 276

Elsing, Elsyng, Elsyngge, &c., Richard de, 169, 224
-, - William de, 6, 137, 150, 168, 207, 216, 224, 226, 232, 239, 295
-, - William de, junior, 213

Eltham, John de, Earl of Cornwall, Custos of the realm, 257, 268
-, - John de, 270
-, - William de, 45

Ely, Bishop of, City gift to the, 273

Ely, Eli, Adam de, 43, 46, 81, 101, 106, 114
-, - - Walter, valet of, 43
-, - Robert de, 32, 46, 68, 69, 94, 103, 129, 130, 228, 232, 254, 256, 259, 260, 267, 283-4
-, - - Alice, wife of, relict of Henry Gubbe, 68, 69
-, - Roger de, 94, 112, 127, 130, 175 194, 232, 283, 284, 298
-, - Walter de, 201

Elyngham, Sir John de, 39
-, - Thomas de, 3

Elys, John, 93, 290

Eme, Thomas, 270

Empingham, Ralph de, 161

Enefeld, Eneffeld, Sir Bartholomew de, 190
-, - - Elena, widow of, wife of Sir John de Wautone, Knt., 190
-, - John de, 220
-, - Richard de, 234, 260
-, - Thomas de, 116, 128, 130, 232
-, - William de, 234

Engaygne, John de, the King's Alnager, 73

Engleis, Walter le, 195

Escheator, the King's, Richard de Clare, 87; not to exercise his office within the City, 88; the Mayor of London as, 224

Espicer, Stephen le, called "le Hornere," 125
-, - - Alice, late wife of, 125
-, See also Lespicer, Spicer.

Essex, cloth of, 54

Essex, Dessex, Adam de, 157, 158
-, - James de, 157, 158
-, - John de, 146, 232
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 146
-, - Matthew de, 21, 26, 74, 81, 83, 107, 181, 190; elected M. P. for the City, 33, 54
-, - Michael de, 96
-, - Richard de, 261

Estchep, 279
-, - surveyors of meat at, 109
-, - butchers of, 183

Estmar, John, 137
-, - Peter, 260

Eu, Thomas de, 191

Evenesfeld, Evenefeld, Thomas de, 178, 201, 209

Everdone, Everesdone, John de, 109, 111, 124
-, - - appointed assessor of a twelfth, 106
-, - William de, City gifts to, 194

Everwyk, John de, 245, 246

Evesham, William de, 96

Evre, Evere, Roger de, 68
-, - William de, 95, 113

Ewelle, John de, senior, 69
-, - - junior, 69

Excelsham, Henry de, 95

Exchequer, the, Barons of, to admit persons nominated as Sheriffs whether present or absent, 25
-, - accounts in, 21, 48, 194-5
-, - City gifts to various officials of, 194-5
-, - desire of the citizens that it may remain at Westminster, 222

Exeter, Bishop of, Walter Stapleton, 173, 203

Exeter, citizens of, to be quit of murage, &c., 248; charters to, 248

Exeter, Adam de, charged with conspiracy, and proceedings thereon, 188

Exigent in the Husting, 166, 240

Export, John de, his chantry in the church of St. Mary Aldermary, 87

Eye, co. Middlesex, 15

Eylesham, John de. See Aylesham.

Eynesham, John de. See Aynesham.

Eynho, John de, 4

Eystone, Adam de, 90


Fader, Boydin, 233, 279

Fairs, the citizens of London to have their own Wardens at, 230
-, - appointment of the City's attorneys at divers, 239, 284, 286, 291, 303
-, - the citizens allowed to hold pleas touching fellow-citizens at, 247

Faisceby, Andrew de, 209
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 209
-, - - Mary, wife of, 209

Fancherche, 131

Fannere, John le, 184
-, - Walter le, 165

Fantini, Cambin, called "Spayne," 285, 286
-, - - Boniface, son of, 285
-, - - Cristiana, daughter of, 285
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 285
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, wife of Robert Freshfish, called "de Stoktone," 285, 286
-, - - John, son of, 285
-, - - Margery, daughter of, 285
-, - - Sabine, daughter of, 285

Farndone, Farendone, Nicholas de, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 37, 45, 46, 55, 59, 62, 67, 68, 69, 77, 80, 81, 84, 90, 94, 100, 106, 107, 112, 115, 116, 121, 126, 135, 136, 137, 143, 145, 146, 149, 162, 165, 166, 169, 170, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 198, 205, 221, 231, 234, 235, 236, 239, 241, 242, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259, 268, 269, 270, 272, 274, 275, 279, 284
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 17, 134, 145; Alderman of Farringdon Ward, 125, 166; appointed Mayor by the King, 179

Farneberg, Farneberwe, Richard de, 46, 129, 233

Farnham, Elias de, 166
-, - Robert de, 138
-, - Thomas de, 233, 284, 302

Farnhurst, William de, 247

Farringdon Ward, 142
-, - to provide men to clean out the City ditches, 147; Nicholas de Farndone, Alderman of, 125, 166; assessment of, 187

Farringdon Ward Without, 60, 279

Fastolf, Nicholas, 195

Faveresham, John de, 3

Faypew, John, 4

Feliper. See Pheliper.

Felmersham, Richard de, 56

Felons, writs to bring up divers, before the Justices Itinerant in co. Kent, 10; return thereto, 11

Felons' goods, granted to the City, 275-6

Felony, a freeman charged with, allowed to find surety for appearance at the next Iter, 34, 35, 36n.

Felstede, John de, de Lenne, 278
-, - - Laurence, son of, 278

Fenes, Sir Robert de, Knt., 277

Fenn, Simon, 294

Feverel, Simon, 3

Filers, William, 128

Fincheham, Fyncham, John de, 101, 114, 135
-, - - John, son of, 135

Finsbury, manor of, leased to the City, 165

Fish, murage payable on various kinds of, 66; the right of taking custom on certain kinds of, 131, 132; not to be sold outside the Stocks Market, 179-80, 184, 185, 189, 190, 191, 200

Fishermen, charged with using unlawful kidels, 237

Fishmongers, dossers of, confiscated for not being of proper measure, 42, 43, 46; the Mistery of, 143; names of those sworn to govern the, 232

Fisshmongere, John le, 115

Fitz Henry, Henry, 35

Fitz Pain, Robert, Steward of the King's Household, 16

Fitz Robert, Simon, 42, 46

Fitz Roger, Roger, 101

Fitz Walter, Robert, 229
-, - - Johanna, late wife of, 229
-, - - John, son of, 229

Fitz Waryn, Fulk, 245

Flambard, Edmund, 4
-, - - leader of the City's forces in the war with Scotland, 2
-, - Robert, 5, 274

Flanders, Staple of wool, &c., in, 18; corn imported into the City from, 196

Flechere, Stephen le, 95

Fleet Street, the Bishop of Salisbury's house in, 290

Flemings, writ for the seizure of goods of, 17; to void the realm, 52; their attempt to subvert the Staple, 210

Flemynge, John, 192
-, - William le, 49

Flete, Gerard de, 127
-, - Henry de, 131
-, - Ralph de, 233
-, - Robert de, 97, 223
-, - William de, 119, 184
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 58, 104

Flete bridge, 97

Florence, the Peruchi of, be quit of murage, &c., 265

Flori, William, 81, 94

Flynt, John de, 211

Flynthard, Henry, 115
-, - Richard, 46

Folberd. See Fulbert.

Folde, Elias atte, 184, 200
-, - Robert (atte), 100, 184, 200, 285

"Forbour," 259

Forcetti, Dino, 168

Forde, Nicholas atte, 4
-, - Richard, de Tauntone, 288
-, - William atte, 280

Fordham, co. Camb., Robert de, 135

Foreigners, proceedings against a hosteler for unlawfully selling the wines of, 14; charters of exemption granted by the King to certain, 16; not to deal with each other within the City, 42; not to deal with each other for retail, 45; victuals brought to the City by, not to be seized, 166; not to stand with freemen to sell corn, 197; enjoying the freedom of the City to be deprived thereof, 214; to be admitted to the freedom only in the Husting with consent of Commonalty and on security given, 214; complaint against, for bringing hay to the City contrary to custom, 221; not to buy merchandise in the City for resale, 262; in lot, scot, and geld not to pay the "new custom," 285; to be quit of murage, &c., under the statute of the "new custom," 287-8

Forest, John de, 232

Forestalling, ordinances against, 43, 44; convictions for, 113-14, 120

Forester, Forestier, Richard le, 113
-, - Robert le, de Aldenham, 173
-, - - "Galiana," wife of, 173
-, - William le, 277

Forsham, Roger de, M.P. for the City, 282

Fosshard, William, 247

"Foubdesfeld," a field called, 80

Fouke, Nicholas, de Etone, 198
-, - - Avice, wife of, 198
-, See also Fulk.

Foundour, Fondour, Simon le, 90, 129, 159, 161, 164
-, - Walter le, 120, 129, 197, 198, 224

Four, Walter le, 97

Fourbour, Forbour, Hugh le, 129, 132
-, - John le, 82
-, - William le, 1, 68, 117, 128, 159, 162

Fourneis, Fourneys, Furneys, William de, 27, 77, 83, 85, 92, 98, 285, 301, 302

Fox, Richard, 264

Fox-skins, murage payable on, 64

Foxtone, John de, 171, 175
-, - Robert de, 136, 137, 162

France, the war with, 191, 192
-, - King of, tries to recover the Duchy of Aquitaine, 192
-, - Edward III. goes to, to pay homage, 238, 247

Frank, Fraunk, Simon, 81, 92

Fraunceys, Fraunceis, John (le), 3, 19, 196
-, - Simon, 2, 4, 140, 218, 224, 231-2, 241, 273, 288, 298

Fraunkeleyn, Thomas, 279

Frebarne, Maurice, 96

Free, John, 3

Free-bench, a woman's right to, 33

Freedom of the City, ordinance regulating the admission of strangers to, 13; forfeited by a stranger who had unlawfully obtained it, 14; John Vanne, a foreigner admitted to, in the presence of good men of each mistery, 16; John (de) Waldeshef admitted to, for his pains in Parliament, 20; the same deprived of, for opposing an aid to the King, 31, 32; a felon fraudulently admitted to the, in order to be allowed replevin to the next Iter, 36n.; Benedict de Shorne deprived of, 185; recovers it, 185; again deprived and again recovers it, 191; loss of, for enhancing the price of lime, 241-2

Freemen, not to be impleaded out of the City, 16, 17; not to pay custom on lampreys, 132n.; not to stand with strangers to sell corn, 197

Fresfissh, Freshfishe, John, 126, 127, 230, 253
-, - Robert, called "de Stoktone," 285, 286, 299
-, - - Johanna, wife of, dau. of Cambin Fantini, called "Spayne," 285, 286

"Fresingfeld," John de, 26
-, - - appointed to survey cornmeasures in Norfolk and Suffolk, 74, 75

Frethe, Henry ate, 127

Freynsshe, Frensshe, Freynsh, &c., Henry le, 278
-, - Stephen le, 291, 303
-, - - Margaret, wife of, 303
-, - Walter le, 91
-, - - John, son of, 91
-, - William le, 133

Friars Minors, the house of the, corn market at, 197

Fripperers, proceedings against, for carrying on trade after Vespers, 156-9, 161

Frithebek, Alan de, 232

Froille, John, 95

Froshe, John, 127

Frowik, Frowyk, Frouwyk, Roger de, 7, 12, 16, 24, 31, 33, 37, 45, 59, 70, 80, 112, 113, 115, 122, 126, 135, 137, 142, 148, 165, 169, 187
-, - - Alderman of Langbourne Ward, 124, 186
-, - Walter de, 83
-, - - Margery de Somery, widow of, 83

"Fuister," 260
-, See also Fusters.

Fulbert, Folberd, Cambin, 128, 262, 285

Fulbourne, Sir William de, Baron of the Exchequer, City gifts to, 194

Fulham, Foleham, Fuleham, Adam de, 259, 263
-, - Gilbert de, 280
-, - Gregory de, 191, 228, 271
-, - - Matilda, late wife of, 228
-, - - Nicholaa, daughter of, 228
-, - - Thomas, son of, 228
-, - William de, 127, 283, 284

Fulk, Ralph, 74. See also Fouke.

Fullere, William le, 52
-, - - William, son of, 52

Fuller's earth, not to be exported, 210, 211

Fulsham, Folsham, Benedict (Beneyt) de, 69, 92, 149, 178, 197, 199, 205, 209, 222, 223, 234, 241, 254, 272, 274, 284, 286

Furmager, Walter le, 128

Furnival, William, 234, 276

Furns, James de, 232

Furs, murage payable on various, 64

Fusters, their agreement with the Saddlers, 219, 220
-, - Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 234

Fynchingfeld, Walter de, 78
-, - - William, son of, 78


Galopin, William, 96

Gander, William, 223

Gardiner, Gardyner, Thomas le, 165, 280

Garthorp, Hugh de, 121
-, - - Robert, son of, 121

Gartone, Gertone, Henry de, 94
-, - Hugh de, 32, 82, 86, 91, 93, 109, 112, 126, 130, 133, 134, 137, 142, 144, 146, 148, 162, 169, 172, 178, 182, 184, 185, 186, 189, 198, 221, 276, 277
-, - - inquiry into conduct of, when Sheriff, 40, 41
-, - - Alderman of Coleman Street Ward, 124
-, - Simon de, 213
-, - William de, 42, 120, 220, 231, 247, 295
-, - - Sabine, widow of, wife of Robert de Hecham, 295
-, - - William, son of, 295
-, - - elected M. P. for the City, 33

Gascon merchants, writ to restore wine unlawfully taken from, 45, 46

Gascony, homage paid by Edward III. for, 247

Gate, Geoffrey atte, 129
-, - John atte, 258, 279
-, - Laurence atte, 158
-, - Richard ate, 118, 261, 296, 304
-, - - admitted broker of leather, 302
-, - Simon atte, 233
-, - Stephen atte, 86
-, - William atte, 137, 233

Gates, Henry, 15

Gaugeour, Godfrey le, 117
-, - Henry le, 80, 110, 117, 127
-, - William le, 232-3, 302

Gaunt', Richard le, sworn a keeper of the Conduit, 204; removed, 205

Gaunter, Augustine le, 51, 173
-, - - John, son of, 51
-, - - Petronilla, wife of, 51
-, - - Robert, son of, 173, 174
-, - Henry le, 120, 174

Gayreot, William de, 52

Gayspore, Walter, 278

Gaytone, Richard de, 144

Gedelestone, Geoffrey de, 205, 233
-, - - appointed a keeper of the Conduit, 205

"Geffreyesman" Stace, Laurence, 218, 226, 237

Geldesburgh, Ralph de, 115

Gelynge, Nicholas, 3

Genette-skins, murage payable on, 64

Genge, John, 278

Gentil, Baudin, 272
-, - John, 81, 92
-, - Nicholas, 170
-, - Philip, 261, 286, 289

Gerald, John, 115

Gerlette, Richard, 95

Gernemuthe, Jernemue (Yarmouth), Nicholas de, 94, 127

Gertone. See Gartone.

Gervais, Gerveys, John, 133, 233

Geryn, John, 251

Giboun, John, 4

"Gildage," 140n.

Giles, John, 129

Gille, Alan, 93, 174, 233, 293, 299
-, - John, 95
-, - William, 110, 233

Gingerbread, murage payable on, 64

Girdeler, Girdelere, Cristian le, 92
-, - Martin le, 258
-, - Robert le, 167, 277
-, See also Ceynturer.

Girdlers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 232

Gisors, Gysors, &c., Anketin de, 5, 7, 9, 20, 24, 33, 41, 42, 46, 67, 70, 80, 84, 91, 92, 97, 100, 110, 112, 115, 116, 121, 133, 142, 143, 146, 148, 179, 182, 185, 221, 223, 231, 236, 237, 268, 277, 279, 284, 290
-, - - a Warden of London Bridge, 41, 52, 83, 296; Alderman of Aldgate Ward, 125; elected M.P. for the City, 134, 206; Alderman of Vintry Ward, 246
-, - Henry de, 223, 233, 245, 246, 256, 259, 279, 281
-, - John de, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 27, 33, 39, 41, 42, 46, 49, 55, 57, 59, 62, 67, 68, 70, 71, 80, 81, 83, 84, 93, 97, 98, 100, 106, 115, 116, 121, 133, 222

Gisors, Gysors, &c., John de, elected M.P. for the City, 30, 33; attached for fraudulently admitting a felon to the freedom of the City, 36n.; Alderman of Vintry Ward, 124; removed from the Aldermanry of Vintry Ward, 138, 139
-, - Richard de, 201
-, - Thomas de, 4, 42

Gladewyn, Richard, 57
-, - - Walter, son of, 57

Glastenburi, Richard de, 95

Gloucester, charter of Edward III. to the burgesses of, 140, 141; guild of merchants at, 141; bailiffs of the liberty of the town of, 227

Gloucestre, Andrew de, 10, 29
-, - Henry de, 12, 16, 18, 23, 26, 41, 45, 59, 68, 70, 77, 80, 84, 93, 98
-, - - Warden of London Bridge, 41, 52, 83
-, - Richard de, 8, 9, 18, 20, 27, 31, 37, 41, 59, 62, 67, 70, 77, 80, 81, 91, 100, 112, 121, 126, 137, 139, 142, 146, 148, 162, 169, 170, 181, 239, 242, 256
-, - - John, son of, 239
-, - - Nicholas, son of, 239
-, - - - Katherine de St. Alban, mother of, 239
-, - - Richard, son of, 181
-, - - Alderman of Cornhill Ward, 124, 177, 181
-, - Robert de, 10, 101, 114, 117
-, - Thomas de,

Glover, Thomas le, 94

Godard, Andrew, appointed weigher of the Great Beam, 37
-, - Simon, 107, 202n.
-, - - Alice, wife of, 202n.
-, - - Margery, daughter of, wife of John de Stebenhethe, 202n.

Godchep, Hamo, 7, 9, 18, 19, 31, 59, 60, 68, 70, 72, 77, 82, 83, 85, 86, 94, 106, 107, 111, 121, 126, 139, 142, 148, 169, 170, 221, 243, 282, 283, 301
-, - - Isabella, late wife of, 243, 301, 302
-, - - Richard, son of, 282
-, - - Alderman of Bread Street Ward, 125
-, - - elected M.P. for the City, 145
-, - - compelled to attend on the King, 179n.
-, - Jordan, 134
-, - - Margery, daughter of, wife of Richard, 134
-, - Richard, 108, 134

Godchep, Margery, wife of Richard, daughter of Jordan, 108, 134

Godefrei, Richard, called "le Joignour," 198

Godestone, John de, 138, 233

Godgrom, John, of Plomstede, 115

Godhew, Alan, 95

Godwyne, Thomas, 272
-, - - Stephen, son of, 272

"Go in the Wynd," John, 3

Goioun. See Guyoun.

Goldbetere, Goldbeter, Alexander le, 43
-, - Robert le, 189

Goldhull, Robert de, 227

Goldington, Nicholas de, 3

Goldsmith, Roger the, 242
-, - - John, son of, 242

Goldsmiths, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 232

Gonebi, Robert de, 201

Gore, Nicholas de, 10

Gorst, Walter, 21, 107, 117, 129, 172

Goseberkyrk, Gosberkyrk, &c., Peter de, 204, 209

Goseberdkirk (Gosberton, co. Linc.), 190

Graftone, Geoffrey de, 34
-, - - Robert, son of, 34

Graham, John de, elected Alderman of Cornhill Ward, loco Richard de Gloucestre, 182

Grambail, Arnald de, 52, 53

Granset, William, 34

Grantham, John de, 5, 7, 69, 94, 112, 130, 140, 149, 175, 178, 187, 192, 194, 196, 200, 201, 202, 212, 223, 228, 231, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254, 260, 274, 281, 284, 286, 291, 292, 298, 303
-, - Thomas de, de Dyvelyn, 42

Grantle, Richard de, 162
-, - Robert de, 157, 158, 161

Gras, William, 232

Grascherche, corn-market at, 197

Graschurch, Philip de, 200
-, - - Alice de Warlee, relict of, wife of John Ingelard, 200
-, - - Isabella, daughter of, 200

Graspays, Geoffrey, 43; sworn bailiff of Southwark, 231
-, - Henry, 231, 232, 299

Gratefige, Walter, 92
-, - William, 198
-, - - Johanna, late wife of, 198

Graunt, Roger le, 22

Grauntebregge, &c. See Cantebrege.

Great Beam or Balance. See Balance.

Greenhithe. See Grenehuthe.

Gregori, Robert, 278

Grendone, Walter de, 95

Grene, William ate, 133

Grenehuthe (Greenhithe), lime-burners of, enhance the price of lime, 241

Grenewich, Grenewiz, Nicholas de, 178, 207, 224, 295
-, - - keeper of the Small Balance, 236
-, - Peter de, 130, 184, 265

Grenstede, Grenestede, William de, 137, 145, 157, 256

Greyleye, John de, 96

Greylond, Greilond, Agnes, 180
-, - John (de), 231, 299

"Greynge," "Brynge," Henry, 201

Grey work, murage payable on, 64

Griffin, Griffyn, Juan ap, 245
-, - "Resus" ap, 245

Gringgeleys, William, 96

Grippeswold, town of, 86

Grocers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 232

Gros, John le, 302

Grove, John atte, 81

Grubbelane, William de, 233, 289

Grymant, John, 275

Gubbe, Henry, 24, 68, 69
-, - - Alice, relict of, wife of Robert de Ely, 68, 69
-, - - Henry, son of, 68, 69
-, - - John, son of, 69
-, - John, 294
-, - Ralph, 75, 90
-, - Richard, 69, 81, 129, 130, 232, 246, 281, 283
-, - Walter, 75, 90, 181
-, - - Richard, son of, 75, 90, 181

Gubion, Thomas, Knt., 171

Gudeford, John de, 56

Guideford, Bartholomew de, 95

Guildhall, the, chests of goods belonging to the King's Wardrobe removed from St. Paul's to, 225; the work of, 274, 292; pieces of timber stored in the little garden of, 304; stone deposited in the cellar of, 304

Guildhall, Benedict of the, appointed a keeper of the Conduit, 205

Guildhall Chapel, gift by Henry le Waleys to the Confraternity of the Pui for a chantry in the, 1-2
-, - repair of, 215, 273

Guild Merchant, at Oxford, 249

Guillim, Burnet, de Luca, 184, 265, 272
-, - Nicholas, de Luca, 184, 265, 285
-, - - Johanna, wife of, 265

Guldeford, Gildeforthe, Henry de, called "le Mareschal," 31
-, - John de, 4, 145

Gumme, Robert, de Keleseie, 168
-, - - Johanna, wife of, daughter of Geoffrey de Brandone, 168

Gunthorp, Robert de, 78

Gustede, John de, 128

Guyoun, Goioun, John, 171, 233

Gyffard, Ralph, 160

Gymyng, John, 245


"Haberdassheres," Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233

Hablont, John, 261

Hacchesham, Henry de, 127

Haccombe, Stephen de, 203

Hachet, John, 4

Haddenham, Alexander de, 4

Haderston, Robert de, 157

Hadestoke, Simon de, 144
-, - - Stephen, son of, 144

Hadham, John de, 3, 24, 60, 83
-, - Philip de, 120
-, - Robert de, 92
-, - Walter de, 72
-, - - Hawysia, daughter of, 72

Haftere, William le, senior, 280

Hagham, Robert de, Knt., 178, 209
-, - - Idonia, wife of, widow of John le Blound, Knt., 178
-, - William de, 3

Hakebourne, Hakbourne, Robert de, 82, 198

Hakeneye, Hakeneie, Hakenaye, &c., Hamo de, 46
-, - Richard de, 5, 7, 20, 32, 69, 93, 128, 137, 148, 149, 157, 164, 166, 169, 170, 173, 177, 181, 183, 185, 187, 200, 201, 209, 211, 212, 217, 221, 225, 228, 231, 233, 234, 236, 238, 241, 242, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 256, 259, 268, 272, 279, 281, 288, 298
-, - - elected Alderman of Billingsgate Ward, loco William de Hedersete, 172; elected M. P. for the City, 299; elected with other wool-merchants to consult with a Parliament at Nottingham, 300
-, - Robert (de), 93, 115, 233, 293
-, - Simon de, 94, 128
-, - Thomas de, 280
-, - Thomas Cros, called de, 118
-, - William de, 118, 120, 201

Hakford, Hacford, Hackeford, &c., William (de), 21, 31, 78, 103, 116, 134, 137, 139, 143, 162
-, - elected M. P. for the City, 104, 167

Hales, John de, 211
-, - Thomas, 129

Halfpound, John, 297

Halghford, Halgeford, John de, 8, 9
-, - - Matilda, daughter of, 9
-, - - Richard, son of, 9
-, - - Simon, son of, 8
-, - - Walter, son of, 8
-, - Nicholas de, 8, 9
-, - Walter de, 9
-, - - Matilda, wife of, daughter of John de, 9

Haliwell and Vynesbery, lease of moor of, 165

Halle, John atte, Renter of London Bridge, 52

Halleman, William, de Cokthorpe, 265
-, - - Robert, son of, 265

Hallyngberi, Hallyngbire, Hallyngburi, Walter de, 127
-, - William de, 117, 191
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 191

Halstede, John de, 235
-, - - John, son of, 235

Halweford. See Halghford.

Hameldene, Thomas de, 190

Hamme, John de, 20

Hamond, John, 4, 7, 200, 212, 250, 281, 286, 288, 291, 298, 303
-, - William, 167

Hamptone, William de, 4

Handicrafts. See Trades.

Hankedene. See Haukedene.

Hanse merchants. See Almaine.

Hansum, Miles, de Gloucestre, 53

Hanyngtone, Laurence de, 17, 18, 19, 51
-, - William de, 17, 18, 19
-, - - Johanna, widow of, wife of Hervey de Beri, 17, 19
-, - - John, son of, 18, 19
-, - - Richard, son of, 18
-, - - Roesia, daughter of, 17

Hardel, John, 235, 241
-, - Laurence, 246
-, - - Alice, daughter of, wife of John Bretoun, 246
-, - William, 78

Hardy, Hardi, Thomas, 232, 255

Hardyngham, Hardingham, Sir Gilbert de, 49
-, - John de, 286, 300

Harengeie, Herengeye, John de, 118
-, - William de, 3

Harle, Sir Richard de, Knt., 31

Harlee, William de, a master carpenter, 273

Harnays, Walter, 5

Harsik, John, 245

Harwe, John de, 33
-, - - Agnes, cousin and heir of, 34
-, - - Alice, widow of, 33
-, - - Johanna, cousin and heir of, 34
-, - William de, 135, 280
-, - - Johanna, daughter of, late wife of William de Asshindone, 135

Harwold, Thomas, 239, 254

Haselshawe, Robert de, Provost of Wells, 176; escapes from the custody of the Sheriffs, 222

Haselwelle, Geoffrey de, 260, 264

Hastynge, John de, 5

Hatfeld, Hattefeld, "Atfeld," Peter de, 68, 69, 83, 84, 94, 127
-, - Robert de, 210, 264

Hattere, Thomas le, 177

Haubergeour, the King's, 206

Hauberger, Haubergier, Heauberger, &c., Guilot (Gillot) le, 129, 132
-, - Reginald le, 132
-, - William le, 94, 122, 170, 189

"Hauberjouns," 191

Haubyn, John, 95

Haukedene, Hankedene, William de, 163, 234

Haunsard, William, 5, 94, 232, 241, 247, 254, 296, 298
-, - - the murage of the City granted to, 257

Hauteyn, Hautayn, John, 83, 112, 172, 177, 178, 186, 222, 245, 246, 258, 284, 298
-, - - Isabella, wife of, 83
-, - Richard, 82
-, - - John, son of, 82
-, - Thomas, 5, 261, 265, 289
-, - Walter, 172
-, - - John, son of, elected Alderman of Broad Street Ward, loco Henry Nasard, 172

Haveryng, Haveringe, Haveryngge, &c., Luke de, 12, 37, 78, 92, 101, 102
-, - Richard de, 98, 122, 173
-, - - Johanna, wife of, 98, 122, 173
-, - Roger ate Sole, called de, 183
-, - Simon de, 95
-, - Thomas de, 120, 271

Hawes, Simon, 189

Hay, complaint against foreigners bringing, to the City, 221; overseers appointed for the due observance of regulations touching, brought to the City, 222

Hay, Haye, Simon de la, 96
-, - Thomas de la, 139

Heaumer, Haumer, Manekyn (Mankin) le, 93, 99, 132, 145
-, - Matthew le, 151
-, - Simon le, 97
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 97

Hecham, Hugh de, deprived of his freedom for enhancing the price of lime, 241-2
-, - Robert de, 295
-, - - Sabine, wife of, widow of William de Gartone, 295

Hedersete, Hederset, "Ederset," Remigius de, 79
-, - William de, 32, 82, 83, 94, 121-2, 133, 148; elected Alderman of Billingsgate Ward, 114; Alderman of Billingsgate Ward, 124, 126, 172; a collector of customs, 172

Hegham, John de, 144
-, - Ralph de, 135

Hellebek, John de, 94

Helperby, Roger de, 95

Hemelhamstede, John de, 4

Hemenhale, Robert de, writ to deliver the custody of Queenhithe to, and return thereto, 103

Hende, Robert le, 235

Hengham, Sir Hugh de, 27
-, - Ralph de, 15

Henhamstede, William de, 284

Henleye, vill of, tallage not to be levied on the goods of citizens of London in, 10

Henneye, Richard de, 303

Henry, Rector of St. Andrew upon Cornhulle, 101

Henry II., his charter to the city of Oxford, 249; to the Weavers, 260

Henry III., his charter to Ipswich, 85; his charter granting the City the custody of Queenhithe, 103; to Colchester, 140n.; his charters to the citizens of London, 188, 206, 207; to the Hanse of Almaine, 220; to the city of Exeter, 248; to the city of Oxford, 249; to Shrewsbury, 249; to Cambridge, 254; to the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem, 255; to the Templars, 255; to Hereford, 263; to Rochester, 283

Herberer, Augustine le, 267

Herebred, Thomas, 3
-, - William, 3

Hereford, citizens of, to be quit of murage, 263; charters of Henry III. and Edward III. to, 263
-, - wool seized by the Mayor and Bailiffs of, 9

Hereford, Bishop of, 102

Hereford, Hugh de, 129, 171
-, - John de, 232
-, - Richard de, 128
-, - Roger de, 96
-, - Stephen de, 27, 110
-, - William de, 108
-, - - Robert, son of, 108, 109

Hereford and Essex, Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of, 98
-, - - writ for arrest of, 159

Herepol, Henry de, 170. See also Hertpol.

Hereward, John (de), 81, 129, 135

Herford, Stephen de, 81

Herkstede, Richard de, 294

Herlastone, Sir William de, Clerk of the Chancery, City gifts to, 195
-, - - Elias, clerk of, 195

Herlawe, Maurice de, 232
-, - Robert de, 268, 291, 303
-, - Simon de, 289
-, - William de, 241

Herle, Sir William, City gift to, 273

Herlizon, William, 192

"Hermitage," the, a garden near Aldgate called, 193

Hernes, Robert de, 34

Hert', Ralph de, 3

Hertpol, Geoffrey de, 113, 115, 121, 126; elected and sworn Alderman of Candlewick Street Ward, 11; elected and sworn Recorder, 11, 12; removed from office of Recorder, 12; appointed to survey measures in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, 76; Alderman of Candlewick Street Ward, 125

Hertynge, William de, 26

Herword, Walter de, 95

Heryng, John, 280
-, - Richard, 110

Hestone, Geoffrey de, 177, 267

Heved, Roger, 227

Hewe, William, 114

Heyberare, William le, 227

"Heydok," cloth called, 54

Heymongere, Reginald le, 184
-, - - Matilda, wife of, 184
-, - Richard le, 280, 285
-, - Walter le, 167, 277

Heyne, Heyn, Robert, 56, 81, 93

Heyron, Heyroun, Johanna, 163
-, - John, 50

Hibernia, Richard de, 289

Hicchen, Geoffrey de, 158

Hilkeneye, Luke de, de Dyvelyn, 42
-, - - Alexander, valet of, 42

Hill, John atte, 294

Hindringham, Hyndringham, Bartholomew de, 128
-, - Simonde, 213

Hingstone. See Hynxtone.

Histone, Richard de, 271
-, - - Isabella, widow of, wife of Nicholas de Newcastle, 271

Hobelers, furnished by the City for the war with Scotland, 5

Hockele, Hokeley, William de, 93, 128, 180
-, - - Mabel, late wife of, 180
-, - - William, son of, 180

Hod, Robert, 56

Hodere, Hoder, Richard le, 79, 162
-, - Simon le, 130
-, - - Warden of Aldgate, 197

Hodesdone, Hoddesdone, Richard de, 19, 100, 128, 136, 285
-, - Simon de, 158
-, - Stephen de, 184, 200, 272
-, - Thomas de, 157, 158, 159
-, - - Margery, wife of, 157
-, - William de, 232

Hogge, Nicholas, 167

Hokeday, John, 11

Hokestere, Juliana la, 76
-, - - John, son of, son of William le Bokebyndere, 76

Holand, Robert de, 131
-, - - John, son of, 131

Holdene, Holndene, Thomas de, 93, 175, 281
-, - - Alice, wife of, 175

Holebeche, Richard de, 163

Holiwell, Prioress of, 186

Hollebourne, Robert de, 96

Holmes, Richard atte, 56, 81, 94, 128
-, - Stephen atte, 247

Holte, Stephen ate, 177
-, - Walter (atte), 89, 159, 177
-, - William ate, 161

Holy Trinity, Christchurch, Prior and Convent of, 8, 98, 224
-, - Prior of, Alderman ex officio of Portsoken Ward, 124

Holy Trinity the Less, parish of, 145, 151

Honilane, Honylane, Alexander de, 277
-, - Bartholomew de, 128, 233
-, - John de, 27, 29, 100, 158, 188, 209
-, - - Alice, widow of, wife of John de Chibenherst, 29
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 27, 29
-, - - Amicia, wife of, widow of John Laurence, 100, 158
-, - - Hugh, son of, 27, 29
-, - - John, son of, 27, 29, 209

Honilane, Honylane, Marion, daughter of John de, 27, 29
-, - William, son of John de, 27, 29, 209
-, - Ralph de, 45
-, - Stephen de, 94
-, - William de, 27

Honteman. See Hunteman.

Hope, Adam de, 227

Hore, Henry le, 80, 128, 137
-, - John le, 79, 89, 159, 162
-, - - Alice, wife of, 79
-, - Robert (le), 100, 159, 184, 200, 280
-, - William le, 56

Horepol, Henry de, 234

Horewold, Thomas (de), 94, 232

Horn, Horne, Andrew, 46, 52, 78, 90, 91, 113, 118, 129n., 131, 132, 135, 144, 173, 176, 180, 182, 183, 191, 193, 196, 198, 199, 204, 208, 211, 225, 226, 236
-, - - elected and sworn Chamberlain, 25
-, - - the City Chamberlain, his account rendered, 196, 216-17
-, - Edmund, 46, 47, 55, 58
-, - Geoffrey, 228
-, - John, "Flemyng," 4
-, - Richard, 93, 127, 199-200
-, - Stephen, 46, 128
-, - Thomas, 95
-, - (Sir) William, Rector of "Retherhethe" (Rotherhithe), 216, 217n.

Hornere, Hornhere, Andrew (le), 184
-, - Stephen le Espicer, called le, 125
-, - - Alice, late wife of, 125
-, - Thomas de, 128

Horold, Roger, 89

"Horschobrigge," 117

Horsham, Richard de, elected Sheriff, but fails to appear before the Barons of the Exchequer, 25
-, - William de, 79, 97

Hortone, John de, 171
-, - William de, Prior of the New Hospital of St. Mary without Bishopsgate, 106

Hosebonde, Husebonde, John, 129, 172, 233, 280, 283, 286
-, - Sir Nicholas, Canon of St. Paul's, 257, 258
-, - Roger, 46, 56, 81, 94, 129, 135, 137, 142, 171, 175, 257
-, - - Agnes, daughter of, wife of Laurence Sely, 257
-, - - Alice, wife of, 46
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 258n.
-, - - M. P. for the City, 134

Hosier, Hosiere, John le, 278
-, - Roger le, 157, 158, 161
-, - William le, 156

Hosiers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 233

Hospitallers, Knights, of St. John of Jerusalem, the Prior and Brethren of, to be quit of murage, &c., 239; assignment of the property of the Templars to, 255; charters to, 255

Hosteler, John le, 120

Hostels not to be taken by force in the City, 206, 207

Hottere, John le, 258

Houdene (Howden, co. York), 245

Houndesdiche, Hundesdiche, Adam de, 279, 280
-, - Gervase de, 127

Houtone, John de, 232

Howe, William, 101

Huberd, John, 233
-, - Roger, 23, 142, 251
-, - Thomas, 5
-, - William, 229, 266
-, - - Robert, son of, 229, 266, 267
-, - - - Agnes, wife of, daughter of William de Rameseye, junior, 266

Huggelee, Richard de, 176

Hull, Hulle, Adam ate, 227
-, - John atte, 295
-, - Richard de, 245
-, - William atte, de Briggenorth, 262

Hungrie, Peter de, 177, 301
-, - - Serjeant of the Chamber, 182, 189, 209, 293

Hunteman, Honteman, Adam, 86, 127, 128

Hunter, William, 95

Huntyngdon, Robert de, 270

Hurel, Geoffrey, 62
-, - - Adam, son of, 62
-, - - Cristiana, daughter of, 62
-, - - Johanna, widow of, 62
-, - - John, son of, 62

Hurer, John le, 278
-, - Walter le, 86

Hurry, John, 139

Hurst, Gilbert atte, 19
-, - John atte, 95

Husee, Henry, 170

Hussher. See Ussher.

Husting of London, the, probate of wills in, 46, 47, 55; error in, removable to the Justices at St. Martin le Grand and none other, 55; foreigners to be admitted to the freedom in, 214; waivery in, 239, 240

Huthe, Henry atte (de), 86, 95

Huthereve, "Hutherne," Robert le, 56, 129, 167

Hyde, le, a field called, 80

Hyde, Hide, Alexander atte, 247
-, - - William, son of, 247
-, - Thomas ate, 131
-, - William atte, 233

Hynxtone, Hingstone, Hyngestone, &c., John de, 223, 262, 268, 269, 292
-, - Thomas de, 232


Iddeburi, Sir Henry de, 259

Iford, William de, Common Serjeant, 270

Ile, John del, 245

Ileford, Ilford, Illeford, John de, 4; Clerk of the Chamber of the Guildhall, 6, 270; deputy coroner, 165, 166

Ilger, Robert, 18, 128, 133

Imme(?), John, 3

Infangthef, the right of the City to, 275-6

Ingelard, John, called "de Warle," 192, 200
-, - - Alice, wife of, relict of Philip de Graschurch, 192, 193, 200

Inggeby, Hugh de, 96

Inquisition, touching a trespass committed against Richard le Chaucer and Mary his wife, 226
-, - touching citizens, to be held at St. Martin le Grand and not elsewhere, 244

"In the Hale," John de Reynham, 276

"In the lane," "Inthelane," Adam, 131, 159, 169, 197, 209

"Intheleves," "Inthelenes," Robert, 175
-, - - Margery, wife of, daughter of John de Assheburne, 175

Intrusion, pleas of, amended procedure in, 112

Ipswich, 275; charters to the burgesses of, 84, 85, 281; burgesses of, to be quit of murage, 280-1

Ipswich, John de, 94

Ireland, cloth of, 54

Ironmongers, Mistery of, names of those sworn to govern the, 232

Isabella, Queen, refused admittance to Leeds Castle, co. Kent, 147n.
-, - the bailiwick of Suthwerk assigned to, 219

Isamberd, William, 261

Islyngham, Eselyngham (Isleham, co. Camb.), (Sir) Robert the parson of, 150, 168, 207

Ismongerelane, Ismongerslane, 228, 276

Isplingrode, Wynand de, 220

Istelworth, Gilbert de, 129

Iter of 1321 at the Tower, preparations to be made for the, 138; the King's favour to be desired for matters before the Justices at the, 139; juries attending the, to be compensated, 148, 149, 150; Justices at, forbid fripperers trading by night on Cornhill, 156-7
-, - held at Northampton, 244


Jacob, John, de Erhuthe, 237

Jacobi, Guy, "Lombard," 130
-, - Lot, 287

Janyn, John, 3, 4
-, - John de Luco, called, 80

Jetour, William, 86

Jews, expulsion of, 92

Johannis, Gerardin, 168

John, King, his charter to Ipswich, 85; to Oxford, 249

John, parson of the church of St. Faith, 76
-, - the clerk, 83
-, - chaplain of Wolcherche, 266

Joice, Serjeant of the Chamber, 113, 118, 138
-, - - pension granted to, 161

Joignour, Joynour, Richard le, 82, 205
-, - - Juliana, relict of, 205
-, - Richard Godefrei, called le, 198
-, - Robert le, 165
-, - Roger le, 167, 196

"Jonesman," John, de Boxele, 201

Jonge (Yonge?), Henry le, 37
-, - - Margery, widow of, wife of John de Dene, 37

Jordone, Jordan, Jurdon, Richard, 81, 128, 166
-, - - Lucy, daughter of, 166
-, - William, 51, 253
-, - - Thomas, son of, 253, 254
-, - - - Dionisia, wife of, 253, 254

Joye, Joie, John, 197
-, - Walter, 197
-, - William, 81, 129, 157

Juries at the Iter of 1321 to receive compensation, 148, 149, 150

Jury, a, composed of twenty-four knights of the venue of London, 218, 226

Justices, the King's, not to sit within the liberties of the City, 41; not to be assigned by the King except in certain cases, 202


Kanefeld, Thomas de, 126

Kaneforthe, William de, 144
-, - - Agnes, wife of, 144

Karlel, Karlisle, Adam de, 277
-, - Thomas de, 27

Karletone, John de, 95

Kateloyne, Anketin de, 89

Kavendishe, Walter de, 122

"Kayage," 140n.

Keche, Henry de la, 201

Kele, John, 4
-, - Simon de, 2
-, - William de, 196

Kelebourne, Prioress of, 68

Kelseye, Keleseie, &c., John de, 270
-, - - William, son of, 270
-, - Robert de, 7, 8, 9, 14, 18, 19, 20, 31, 55, 57, 59, 62, 67, 68, 70, 71, 81, 94, 97, 98, 100, 106, 109, 110, 122, 169, 222, 226, 251, 259, 271, 275
-, - - elected M. P. for the City, 30, 33, 54

Kelyngworth, John de, 226, 233

Kemle, Thomas de, 86

Kempe, Simon, 95

Kendale, Sir Robert de, Warden of the City, 138, 139, 144
-, - Simon de, 96

Kenelworth, William de, 96

Kenewy, William, 270

Kenilworth, Edward II. at, 215n., 222; a Parliament held at, by Prince Edward (afterwards King Edward III.) during his father's lifetime, 215

Kent, cloth of, 54
-, - examiners of measures appointed for county of, 76
-, - Earl of. See Wodestoke, Edmund de.

Kent, Henry de, 173
-, - John de, 95, 107, 277
-, - - Oliver, son of, 107
-, - Richard de, 90
-, - Robert de, 3
-, - Thomas de, 79, 171, 234, 238, 260, 264, 278
-, - - Juliana, daughter of, 264

Kent, Margery, widow of Thomas de, wife of Thomas de Canterbury, 264
-, - - Richard, son of, 264
-, - - Thomas, son of, 264
-, - William de, 43, 51, 157, 277
-, - - Alice, daughter of, 43
-, - - John, son of, 51
-, - - Matilda, daughter of, wife of Hamo de Vernon, 43

Kersaultone (Carshalton), co. Surrey, 302

"Kersey," cloth called, 54

Keselyngberi, Kyselingbery, John de, 226, 233

Kesteven, Kestevene, John de, 94, 170
-, - Thomas de, 4

Keu, Kew, Henry le, 4
-, - John le, 95, 96
-, - Nicholas le, 127
-, - Walter le, 1, 188
-, - William le, 277

Kidels, to be destroyed, 115; to be of prescribed meshes, 237; burnt in Chepe, 238

Kilbourn, Prioress of. See Kelebourne.

King's Admiral, Geoffrey de Say the, 298

King's Alnager. See Alnager.

King's Bench, the. See Bench.

King's Butler, the, ex officio Coroner of the City, 55, 165; Walter Waldeshef, 52, 55, 165n.; Stephen de Abyndone, 165; Richard de la Pole, 243

King's Chamber, valet of the, 196

King's Chamberlains:
-, Abyndone, Stephen de, 165
-, Rokesle, Adam de, 165n.
-, Say, Henry de, 165n.
-, Trente, William, 165n.
-, Waldeshef, Walter de, 165n.

King's Chancellor, Sir John de Sandale, 41

King's Clerk, John Devery, 89; William de Kyngestone, 99

King's Escheator, John Walewayn, 60; Richard de Clare, 87

King's Garden, near London Wall, 49, 193

King's Household, citizens not to be impleaded before the Marshal and Steward of the, 45; hostels demanded for the, 80; hostels not to be appropriated by force for the, 206-7
-, - Marshals of:
-, Blunt, Thomas le, 206
-, Fitz Pain, Robert, 16
-, Montagu, William de, 98
-, Neville, Ralph de, 268
-, Westminster, John de, 207
-, See also Marshalsea.

King's Household, Serjeant-herbergeour of the, 206

King's Marshalsea, Clement, clerk of the, desires the company of City Serjeants for the purpose of securing hostels for the King's household, 80. See also Marshalsea.

King's Pantler, William de Kynebautone, 125

King's Peace, proclamation for preserving the, in the City, 2, 25, 238

King's Secretary, Richard de Ayremynne, 206

King's Serjeant, Roger atte Watre, 152, 153

King's Serjeants-at-Arms, City gift to, 196

King's Steward, City gift to, 196

King's Tent-maker, John de Yakesle, 269

King's Treasurer, Sir John de Sandale, 27-8, 106; Walter Stapleton, 173

King's Treasury, Walter de Norwiz, Warden of the, 168

King's Valet, William de Pasforde, 203

King's Wardrobe, Roger de Waltham, Keeper of the, 224

Kirklond, Thomas de, 3

Knaptone, Robert de, 34

Knapwed, Knopwed, John, 207, 232

Knapwelle, Robert (de), 18, 19, 127

Knaresburgh, writs dated from, 283

Knight, Knygth, William, 183, 233, 279

Knights, a jury composed of twentyfour, 218, 226

Knights Hospitallers. See Hospitallers.

Knights Templars. See Templars.

Krikkelad, Robert de, 96

Kydemenstre, Matilda de, wife of John Neel, 162
-, - Simon de, 271

Kynardesle, Simon de, Knt., 171

Kynebautone, William de, the King's Pantler, 125
-, - - Petronilla, wife of, 125
-, - - Roger, son of, 125

Kyng, Kynge, John (le), 3, 92, 227, 286
-, - Richard, 233
-, - Walter (le), 4, 129, 166, 197
-, - William le, 133, 196

Kyngestone, David de, 270
-, - John de, 196
-, - Roger de, 3
-, - Walter de, 100, 114
-, - - Katherine, daughter of, 114

Kyngestone, Matilda, daughter of Walter de, wife of Roger de Rameseye, 100, 114
-, - William de, the King's Clerk, 99

"Kynggesclipstone." See Clipston, co. Notts.

Kyrkham (co. York), writ dated from, 103