Lincoln Wills: 1512

Pages 46-52

Lincoln Wills: Volume 1, 1271-1526. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1914.

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[Alice Baylie of Fosdyke, a.d. 1512.]

[1545–6, ii, 403.]


7 April, 1512. I Alison Baylie of the parishe of Fosdicke, etc., makes my testament, etc. To be buried in the churche yarde of Fosdicke with my mortuarie of Custome. To the hie alter for forgotten tiethes vjd. To our ladies alter ijd. To the alter of St. nicolas ijd. To our ladie of Lincoln iiijd. To the faderles children ijd. To the sepulcre light ijd. To the perkes light ijd. To Sir Robert my ghostlie father viijd. for to praie for my soule and all christien soules. To the churche warke of Fosdicke ijs. I will have iij daies kepte solemplie in the churche of Fosdicke, the price ixs. Also I give to my daughters all my howshold stuffe, thei evenlie to devide betwixte them. To Agnes my daughter one potte of brase, one pane, one leade and ij burlinges. To Agnes graue one yowe and one lambe. The residue of my shepe I give them to Richard my sonne for to bringe me forthe with. To Richard my sonne xviij stone of leade, and other xviij stone I will that he dispose the value thereof for my soule. To Elizabeth my daughter one cowe, one brase potte, one pane and one Coverlyde. To my daughters eche of them one chiste. I give to Mr. Boolles ijs.; he to be supervisor of my Testament. The residue of my goods I give to Richard my sonne, whom I make myne executor, that he dispose them for the healthe of my soule as he thinkes best yt shall please God, and as he will give answer before almightie God at the dredfull daie of dome. Thes beringe witnes, Sir Robert Hayward, Thomas Mychell and Richard Sley, and other mo.

[No probate act.]

[William Foster of Gosberton, a.d. 1512.]

[1506 &c., 41d.]

ix May, m ccccc xij. I William Foster of gosb'kerke makes my testament and last will, etc. To be beried wher hit shall plese God that I dy, with my mortuar' after the custum of the town. To the hye awter of sent peter of the church aforsaid for tythes forgotten vjd. To the reparacion of the same awter vjd. To every awter in the said church iiijd. To the cathedral church of Lincoln ijd. To the orphanys at saynt Katerines ijd. To Edward, Nicolas and Thomas my sonys to every on of them iiij bestes of ij yere of age and upward; and the said bestes to be fond at the charg of my wyff as long as they are with her; and to every on of them iiij shepe. To Thomas my son ij mares, j fole and j stage; also I will that Margaret my wyff to hyr power helpe to fynd Thomas my sonn att scole. To Edward my sonn a hors with a white face. To Jenett my doughter a mare, sych on as my wyff will, and iiij shepe. To Margaret my wyff my messuage in Rysgate, and my cotage with all landes and tenementes belongyng to them for terme of hyr lyff; and after hyr decesse, I will that Thomas my sonn yf he be no prest have my messuage with ij acre land to hym and to hys herys of hys body; remainder to Edward my sonn and to the herys of hys body; remainder to Nicolas my son in the same forme; remainder to Jenytt my daughter in forme aforesaid, and yff she dy with owtyn yssue, I will the said messe be sold and disposyd for the soulys of my father and my mother and the [sic] off my wyffys fader and moder and for my sole and my wyffes sole and all owr gud frendes solles by the myndes of the frendes of the said Jenytt my doughter. I will that yff Thom' my son be a prest that Edward my sonn have the messuage with the appurtenanc' in forme a foresaid. I will that yff Thomas my son be a prest that Edward my sonn have the cotag that John Anderton dwelles in after the forme a foresaid, with the garth under hyt; and yf he dy withowt issue, then I will the said cotage with the garth remayn to Nicolas my sonn in forme a forsaid; and yf he dy withowt issue, it to remayn to Jenyt my doghter; and yff she dy withowt issue, it to be sold and disposyd in forme aforesaid; and yf Thomas my sonn be a prest, then the said cotage to remayn to Nicolas and not to Edward. Also I will that Nicolas my sonn have iij acre pasture callyd stiberd willowe to hym and his heres; and yf he dy without issue, it to remayn after forme aforsaid. The residew of my goodes I gyff to Margaret my wyff, whome I make executrix. Thes beyng wytnes, William Nicolson, Ric' Baron, and Christopher Foster, and oder moo. At Gosberkerk the day and yere aforsaid.

[No probate act.]

[Edon Kyme of Timberland, a.d. 1512.]

[1543–56, 66d. Translated from the Latin.]


15 August, 1512. I Edon Kyme of Tymberlaund make my testament, etc. My body to be buried within the churchyard of the church of St. Andrew the apostle of Timberland, with my mortuary as right requires. I bequeath to the fabric of the mother church of Lincoln iiijd. To the high altar of the parish church of Timberland for tithes forgotten iiijd. To the chapel of the blessed Mary of Merton of the parish of Timberland iiijd. The residue of my goods I bequeath to Peter Kyme my son whom I make my executor, to dispose them for the health of my soul, etc. These being witnesses, John Aunger, vicar of Tymberland, John Hall and William Hall, and many others.

[No probate act.]

[Richard Elston of Halton Holegate, a.d. 1512.]

[1506 &c., 20.]

This ys the last will of me Ric' Elston, made the xxiiijti day of August, millesimo ccccc xij. I will that Jenyt my wiffe have the terme of hir lyfe my hows that I bought of William Webster, and all my inward stuffe, and my hows and pastur' that I bought of John sparowe, and iiij key and grece to them in a pastur' callyd Halton myln croft, etc. I will after the decese of Jenyt my wife it be devyded betwene Ric', Thom' and Jenyt the childer of William Pynder. I will that the pastur callyd fayr close that was John Halles of Halton after the space of xx yere after the date her' remayn unto the heres of John Hall. I will that the land arabyll lyeng on blawmebeke after the space of xxxti yer remayn to the heres of John Hall under the same forme. I will that viij landes on carlandes, and v landes of mathum hill remayne after the space of the said yeres under the same forme; and that half an acre under Newcroft hill and a pastur' callyd wrangendys after the space of lx yeres remayn unto the heres of the said John Hall. I will that a pastur' callid Walkemyln croft after the space of lx yeres remayn after the same forme; iij landys in a pastur' in the north feld after the space of xl yere remayn unto the said heres; A lytill pastur' in the estfeld of halton next Robert Hall after the space of xxx yeres remayn unto the said her'; hallf an acr' in a pastur' in the said Estfeld after the space of xxiiij yer' remayn unto the said heres; j land arabull upon caldwell hill, and a land of an acr' at the northtownend after the space of xxx yere remayn unto the said heres; iij landys upon the hey feld, and an acr' land in the same feld after the space of xx yer' remayn unto the said yeres; ij landys in dirdall after the space of xx yer' remayn unto the said heres; j land arabill upon flatlandes after the space of xxxti yer' remayn [folio 20d.] unto the said heres. Iff hit hapen the said John Hall or Robert his sone cum and paye to the said Ric' Elston or to his executor the said some of money that he paid for the said lands then the said heres of John Hall to entur of the said lands and pastures as ther one. And yf hit happen the said John Hall to dye with out heres of his body lawfully begoten, after the end and terme of the said yeres, then I will that all the said lands and pasture be sold by my executors and feoffys, and to be disposed in part to Halton church and a nother some to a prest and to the gylds of Halton for the sowle of Robert Hall and for me and all my gud benefactur'. I will that after the decese of Jenyt my wyfe that Ric' sonne of William Pynder have my hows that was some tyme William Websters. I will that after the decese of the said Jenet my wife that Thomas sune of William pynder have a hows with a croft that was sume tyme John sparows. I will that Jenyt dawght' of William pynder have a hows, and the lande that longes to hyt, wich was sume tyme John Burnhowse; on of them to be the other heres of ther bodys lawfully begotten; and yf it happen the all dye with out heres then I will that the said iij tofts with apurtenans to be sold and to be disposed on to Halton church and won to the gyld of Halton. I will that Elizabeth my sister have a tofte beldyd, that was sume tyme Syr Thomas talyour, to her and hyr assignes. I will that John cotome have halfe an acre off land a gayne wich lyes one heyfeld yf he paye the money a gayne to my executor. I will that Jenyt my wyfe have iiij landys arabull with the Cares, that was sumtyme Robert campsey, the terme of hyr lyfe, and after hyr decese I will that thei remayn with the new howse to Ric' pynder after the maner aforsaid. I will that William Rokelaine have xls. To the heye ways of Halton wher most nede ys vjs. viijd. I will that a lytyll pastur upon caldwell hill after the space of xl yer remayn unto the heres of John hall. I will that my obyt be kepyde of a pastur called wrangendys, the wich sume tyme John Halls, by the space of lx yere in Halton church. I bequeth to mary Hopkynson a shepe hoge. To Jenyt bocher ijs. iiijd. To Alys sterling viijd. I will that when the parson hors ys sold my executor have for every weke viijd. from the thursday afor the fest of pentycost last past unto the fest of sent micaell the archangell next folyng for gressyng of the said hors. I will that William my broder have on maser. I will that Jenyt my wyfe have all my sylver sponys the terme of hyr lyfe, and after hyr decese I will that iij sylver sponys wiche I bowgh remayn unto Ric' pynder the sonne of William pynder. I will [folio 21] that William smaley have x shepe and a qwe. To Thomas Toly a yong qwe. To Isabell daughter of John walker a qwe, and iiij shepe. To Jenyt my syster iiij shepe. To Margaret smaley a qwe. To iiij dowghters of my sister evere on of them iiij shepe. To will' pynder all my copy hold lands in Halton to hym and hys assignes for ever. To every on of my executors for their labur vjs. viijd., provyded all way that yf ane persone or persones that es to take benefet be way of bequest troubull this my testament so that my executours or feoffys may not have the disposic'on of my said landes and gudes, or ells that my said testament and will may not take effect acordyng to this my will, then that all such beneffytts the wich that persone or persones or thos that be belongyng to them shuld have, to be voyd and of non effect, but to goo to the disposic'on of my forsed executor for to dispose for my sole and the solles of all my frends and for all criston sowles. In wytnes that this ys my last will, Thomas taylour, parish prest of Halton, Symon barow and thomas croke of the same towne, with other moo. Gyfyn at Halton, etc.

[No probate act.]

[Ott' Gisberton of Boston, cordwainer, a.d. 1512.]

[1506 &c., 19d.]


9 September, 1512. I ott' gisberton de Boston, cordynar, make my testament and will, etc. To be buryed in the churchvrth off sent botulf in Boston besyd agnes my wyffe. To the parson my best hors in the name off my mortuar'. To the hygh awter for my forgotten tythys and offerynges ijs. To owre lady off lincoln viijd. To the faderlys chylder off lincoln xijd. To the prior off the frerr' prechorus iijl. vjs. viijd., under thys condyc'on that the said prior for the time beyng and hys bretherne shall doo on dirige and a messe with nott solemply every [y]ere by the space off vij yerys; and yff the benott content thus for to doo, then I will that myne executours dispose the said some for the helth off my sowl and all xp'en sowles. To the grey frerrs iijl. vjs. viijd. under the same condic'on. To the lord abbott of Swynshed iijl. vjs. viijd., under this condic'on that I may be parte and parabell off the indulgens and pardon off the fraternyte off the trenyte chapell, allowyng them as mych off the said iijl. vjs. viijd. as ys custome or dewty for every brother to pay; and for the residew I will that the sing on dirige and a messe with nott for my sowl and all cresten sowles the space off so long continuans as the thyng a cordyng for the dischard off the covenans. I will that Agnes my wiffe have the brewhows with all the wessell that belonges therto; also a silver salt with a goblytt of sylver and a dosyn sylver sponys off hyr owne chosse, with all hyr one apparell, etc.; also all my howshold stuff. I will that Georg my son have a fedurbed with the best coveryng that I have and ij coverledes with the hangynges, etc.; also x spones off sylver, with a goblet off silver, and a masser; also xvl. when he comys to the age off xxiiij yere; yf he die, the j halff off this xvl. remayn to the dispocic'on off myn executors, and the other halff to Agnes my wyff; and yff Agnes my wiff dy, I will that the holl xvl. be orderyd off my mynd, that ys, that myne executors have the disposicion off hit so that I mai have an honest prest to syng for my soll, my wiffes and all criston sowlys as long as the said xvl. will endur. To Margaret gudbodie my servand. I will that what tyme it happon my executours to reccon with John glosmyth the yonger that thei alow hym xls. that I promyssyd hym with my servant Margarett. To my servant Isabell. The residew off my gooddes not bequest I gyve to my wyffe agnes and Harrie bitham, wich ij I make executors; and the said Henry shall have for his labur xs. and my best gowne and ij sylver sponys. Wytnes theroff, William Jakeson, John broke, John Robynson sherman, William Maltson, Thomas thomson prest, and other many moo.

[No probate act.]

[Richard Hall of Bucknall, a.d. 1512.]

[1543–56, 67.]


16 January, 1512. I Richarde Hall makes my testamente and last will, etc. My bodie to be berid in the kerke[y]erde of Bucknall, and my best goode in the name of my mortuarie. To the hie altar iiijd. To oure Ladie iiijd. To the Curate a sheepe price xxd., that he maie dispose it for the helthe of my soule as I have shewed him in confession. The residue of my goodes I give my wief to the painge of my debtes and to dispose for the heyll of my soule as my exequutrix. Item shir Anthonie Beynglaie to be the supervisor of my will. Thes unto witne[s], Sir Anthonie Beyngley and Edward Keyndill.

This is a copy of the testament because the testament was proved at Stixwold.

[No probate act.]

[Richard Neff of Kirkby upon Bain, a.d. 1512.]

[1506 &c., 21d. Translated from the Latin.]


The penultimate day of January, m ccccc xij. I Richard Neff of Kerkby-upon-Bayn, make my testament, etc. My body to be buried in the church of St. Mary of Kerkby aforesaid, with that which shall be just in the name of my mortuary. To the fabric of the cathedral church of St. Mary of Lincoln xijd., and to the high altar of the same viijd. To the orphans of St. Katherine of Lincoln xxd. To the high altar of St. Mary of Kerkby viijd. To the sepulchre light of Kerkby xxd. To the bells of the same church vjd. To the light commonly called 'basyn light' iiijd. To every order of the friars of Boston ijs. vjd. that amongst them they may celebrate one trental for the health of my soul. To the abbot of the monastery of Revesby xijd. To the prior of the same viijd., and to every brother in the same monastery iiijd. The residue of all my goods I bequeath to Richard Wolby of Thorpe and William Thomson of Haltham whom I make my executors to dispose for the health of my soul. These being witnesses, Sir John Robynson, chaplain of the parish of Kerkby, Sir Andrew Wayd, John Brugh' and Henry Thomson, with many others. Dated at Kerkby the day and year above-written.

This is the last will of me Richard neff of Kerkby upon Bayn, co. Lincoln, made the penultimate day of January, 1512. First, I will that Alice, wife of Richard Wolby of Thorpe, my daughter, shall have all my lands, tenements, meadows, pastures and feedings, with their appurtenances, in the town and fields of Kirkby, to her and her heirs of her body. Also I will that Margaret my daughter, wife of William Thomson of Haltham, have all my lands and tenements, meadows, pastures and feedings, with their appurtenances, in the town and fields of Holtham, to her and the heirs of her body. And if it happen that the said Alice die without heirs of her body, then I will that her part assigned to her shall remain to the said Margaret and the heirs of her body. And if it happen that the said Margaret die without heirs of her body, then I will that the part assigned to her shall revert to Alice my daughter and the heirs of her body. And if it befall that both of them die without heirs of their bodies, I will that the lands, etc., in Kikby [sic] and Haltham shall be sold, and the sum arising therefrom shall be disposed for the health of my soul. Also I will that Margaret daughter [sic] shall demise and release from herself and her heirs for ever to Alice her sister and the heirs of her body all her right and claim in one tenement called old hall which descended to me by right of inheritance. And if the said Margaret or her heirs shall hereafter pretend a title or claim in the aforesaid old hall or in any parcel of the same, then I will that the said Alice shall possess and enter upon all my lands, etc., in the town and fields of Haltham to her and the heirs of her body for ever. Also I will that my executors shall have all my lands, tenements, meadows, pastures and feedings, with their appurtenances, in the town and fields of Ashby by Hornc' to them and their heirs and assigns, etc., in order that they may keep my obbit for the space of xx years, and yearly dispose in the same obbit vjs. in the parish church of Kirkby; and at the end of the xx years, I will that my executors or their assigns shall sell all my said lands and tenements in Ashby, etc., and dispose the sum arising therefrom for the health of my soul and the souls of my wife and ancestors and benefactors and all the faithful dead. These things were done in the place, day and year above-written.

Proved before C2., at Lincoln, 7 May, 1514. Adm. granted to the executors.