Lincoln Wills: 1511

Pages 44-46

Lincoln Wills: Volume 1, 1271-1526. Originally published by British Record Society, London, 1914.

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[Joan Harby of Lincoln, vowess, widow, a.d. 1511.]

[1506 &c., 16.]


The vijth dey of the moneth of apriell, a thowsand fyve hundreth and xj, I Jane Harby of Lincoln, Wowes, mak my testament, etc. I will my body be bered in the church of sant peter ad Archus within the Cite of lincoln. I gyff to my mortuare after the custome of the cite. I gyff and bequeth to our lady warke of the Cathedrall church of lincoln a pair of gret beide of Corell wyth gawdes of gold wych wer my sisters Dame Anne Bugges and when the bedes be delyvered then I will that my executores by them and gyff for them of my money xls. I will that Mr. symon Stalworth, Subdean of lincoln, have the said beides [folio 16d.] duryng his lyfe, and efter his decesse I will that the said beides remane to our lady warke of the said Cathedrall Curch of lincoln agayne. I beqweth to the hie awter of the said Cathedrall Cruch of lincoln vjs. viijd. I beqweth toward the reparacions of the landes of the Cantrye fownded by Roberd Dalderbe in sent benet Curch of lincoln xls. to be exspended be the church masters of sent benetes by the over syght of myn executores. I will that Mr. symon Stalworth have a whyte pece with a coveryng wroght with grapes or vynes on it. I will that Thomas Holand have a standyng pece with a cover pownsid wyth feddres with a standyng maser and another maser more lesser. I will to the fyndyng of faderlesse childer of sent Cateryns vjs. viijd. I will to evere order of freers wyth in the cite of lincoln vjs. viijd. I will that Mr. Symon Stalworth delyver to Mr. William Harby all sych obligacions as is in his kepyng acordyng to the poytment maid afor mr. husse and Richard Clerk recorder of lincoln. I will that the said Mr. William Harby have the ij places that I purchessed in Eveden with all the landes belonggyng unto them. I will that evere prest beyng present the dey of my bereall vijth day and xxxti day have iiijd. I will that evere power man and woman beyng present the said deis have jd. I will that William Hospryng my servant have a mere and a saddill, a kowe, vj ewes, and xs. in money. I will that Sir Joh' Bell have vjs. viijd. I will Alys vrchenet have my best fedderbed with the bolster, a pair of fust'ons, iij peyr of shettes, wher of the on pair be of iij breedes, another payr of ij brede and halfe, the other payr of ij bredes, with on hed schet, ij pelois, and a cownterpoynt and xxli. I will that Anne Suddon have on federbed and a bolster, ij pair of flaxyn shettes, ij pottes, ij pannes, and half a garnesh of puter wessell, and a coveryng of a bed. To sant Anne gyld my furred mantell. To the gret gyld in the Cite of lincoln iijs. iiijd. I remitt and forgyve to Thomas Taverner all such money as he awght on to me. I will that Jane [folio 17] Hasheball have ij basons, ij ewers, iiij candilstikes, halfe a ganesh of puter wessell, and a peyr of flaxyn shettes. To George laueroke, Richard laueroke, Elizebeth lauerok, and Jane lauerok, childerne of Richard laueroke, evere on of them xls. To the Abbot and convent of Barlynges for my stone lynyg ther vjs. viijd. I bequeth to the said abbot and Convent to do dirige and a messe for me in maner of a soleme obytt xls. at the syght of my executores. I gyff to Mr. John Elercar a standyng masser with a cover of wood and a knopp of silver gilt on it. To Jane overton ij pottes, ij basons, ij Candilstikes, a tabill cloth, a towell, and half a garnesh of pewter wessell. I will that evere on of myn executores have for ther labors iiij markes. To mr. Thomas Holand wyfe a velvet gyrdill harnest. To the Ankeres iijs. iiijd. I will that my executores do yerly cause to be done on obit for my saull and all my frendes soulles in the parich church of sent peter where my body is bered and at the dispende at the said obit to prestes, clerkes, pore men and women with all other chargges xs. I bequeath to the altar of Jhesu in the said church my masboke, chales and vestment with the appurtennance. I will that Jane briggth my god dought' have stuffe to the valeu of xls. at the syght of my executors. I will that ij prestes shall syng in the church of sent peter ad Archus wher my body is bered so long as my guddes will extend after my dettes paid, this testament fulfilled and other chargges borne, at the syght and the discrecion of myn executors. Also I will that my executors sell all my landes and tenementes wythin the Cite and suburbes of lincoln and the money takyn for them be in lyk maner exspended in the fyndyng of my obit and the ij prestes. Also I will that ever as my goodes be sold that the money receyved for them and all my plate on sold with the money remayne in a chest in sum sure place within the parich of sant [folio 17d.] peter and that the said chest have ij lokes and ij keys, wherof Richard laueroke kepe the on key and will' vrchenet the other. Thye residew of my gudes not gyffyn or bequethed, after my dettes and legaces paid, I gyve to mr. Thomas Holand, William Irchenet and Richard lauerok, whom I orden and make myn executores to disposse for the helthe of sowle as it shall be seym to them acordyng to this my wyll and testament. Mr. Symon Stalworth and mr. Robart Newton supervisors of this my testament. Witnessynges, Sir Richard Lowth parson of sent peter, Sir Robert bothe, Sir John Hudson, and Sir Robert Drure, prestes, with other moo.

Proved before Ci., at Lincoln, 15 Sept., 1511. Adm. granted to the executors, except Richard Laverock to grant to whom power was reserved.

[William Robynson of Lincoln, a.d. 1511.]

[1506 &c., 14. Collated with another copy at folios 18 and 19, which is referred to as 'A' in the footnotes.]


m ccccc and xj, the xx day of Septembre, I William Robynson makes my testament, etc. I bequeth my sowle to allmighty god, to hys moder sent mary, and all the holy company of heven. To be berryd wythin the myddill space of saynt Johnes churche afore the roode, and to the parson for my mortuarye after the custome of the towne. To the hye awter for the parson iiijs. To our lady of Lincoln vjd. To a crose at saynt Johnes churche x markes. To the iiij orderis of freres in Stamford, evere house xxd. To our ladys guyld in Boston xs., and so of the payment my wyfe and I to be qwyt. To John my sone x marks, also my house in peter parych to have efter the deceses of my wyfe, and if he dye afore wyfe, than yf she be wyth chyld the same child to have the said house wyth the said x markes, and yf it happyn that both theys childer dye afore my wyfe, then I will the same house be solde and the money thereof to be disposed for my saule and the saule of my wyfe, whome I make executrice. Thomas Madwell to overse that this my will be performyd, and he to have for his labour xs. Wytnes, Maister Edward Markworth, (fn. 1) parson, John Cowper, William Hoserne, (fn. 2) Robert Steyd, Robert Sherpe, (fn. 3) wyth oder moy.

[No probate act.]


  • 1. 'Makeworth' in A.
  • 2. 'Hosborne' in A.
  • 3. 'Sharpe' in A.