Pages 386-404
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 6, 1533. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1882.
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July 1533, 26-31
26 July. R. O. |
894. [Cromwell] to Sir Thos. Audeley, Lord Chancellor. The King has lately granted to his servant Stephen Vaughan an annuity of 20l. to be paid from the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist last past. As there is owing to him 20l. for one year's service ending Midsummer last, which he cannot demand of Mr. Tuke by patent, he has desired me, who undoubtedly know that it is his Highness' pleasure he should be paid the 20l., to ask you, when his annuity comes to the great seal, to let it bear date from Midsummer was a year that he may receive what is owing. He would have received the same by warrant had he not now been sent into Germany. London, 26 July. In Vaughan's hand, p. 1. Add. |
26 July. Calig. B. VII. 176. B. M. |
895. [Northumberland] to Henry VIII. Has received his letter dated Windsor 21st, touching Cawmills. Has consulted with the Commissioners. No "fale-roof" can be set thereon without much mason's work and strong forces to defend the carriage of materials from the Scots. The town is too weak to protect the workmen, who must lodge at Carlisle. The Homes and the Carrs are within one day's march of it, with 4,000 or 5,000 men. Geo. Douglas declines to keep it. Wishes it had been razed to the foundation. It is so ruinous none can keep it. The king of Scots is at Edinburgh, and has set (shut) up in the castle the archbishop of St. Andrew's and the earl of Bothwell. James ap Howel is the name of the Welshman that has fled into Scotland. Newcastle, 26 July. In the hand of Northumberland's clerk, pp. 2. Add. |
26 July. Calig. B. III. 161. B. M. St. P. IV. 654. |
896. Magnus, &c. to Henry VIII. Your warden Northumberland, who has been privy to our proceedings with the Scotch commissioners, is content to remain and confer with us. And we understand by your letters to him that Sir George Lawson has informed you that the Scots intend to steal Cawe Mylnes. The same information was given by Geo. Douglas, and that proclamations were made in Scotland for men to be in readiness ; on which my Lord Warden, thinking he would have to issue proclamations, also examined Douglas, and made him inquire the certainty. It appears no such proclamations were issued. Since they last wrote, have received divers letters from the Scotch commissioners, which they send with their own answers. The King will see that the Scotch offered to send their writing sealed and subscribed for surety of the 20 days' truce, on condition that the English commissioners would do the same ; which they refused, owing to this suspicion about Cawe Mylnes, unless a special promise was given that no such thing should be attempted. Expect an answer on Sunday. If they refuse, we shall be in doubt what to do, as we have had no answer from you to our last. The Scotch wrote on the 15th that they were waiting for our answer that we might meet for a final conclusion. This is the 11th of the 20 days, and the truce will expire on the 4th Aug. Urge the importance of the matter, and repeat their reasons for thinking it impossible to keep Cawe Mylnes to the King's honor if the Scots intend to have it. Newcastle, 26 July. Signed. Add. |
26 July. R. O. |
897. Lawson to Cromwell. Is writing to the King his mind about the Cawe Mills. It is not meet for any man but for Geo. Douglas ; and, if repaired, to the King's no little charge, it were convenient for the captain of Berwick to have the rule thereof, and under him a constable with 10 or 12 soldiers of Berwick in time of peace. No Englishman will abide there, either in peace or war, unless it be repaired. Meanwhile Geo. Douglas had better keep it. Begs for the annuity of 10 mks. that Gilbert Green had. Newcastle, 26 July. Hol., p. 1. Add. |
26 July. R. O. |
898. Sir Thomas More (fn. 1) to Cromwell. I have, as you commanded, sent John Hodder, for which I am greatly threatened. Since I left you I am rudely handled. Since the coming home of Thos. Phillyps he has been with lord Daubeney, and my Lord has been with Phillyps at Mountague, and at his house at Soke. They have sent for divers gentlemen that were at the inquest at the late gaol delivery at Yvylchester ; and because the said Thomas was there indicted, they were threatened to be brought before you and the Council. I will explain all when I see you. Send me word by Hodder. Melplasshe, Feast of St. Anne. Signed. P. 1. Add. : Of the King's Council. |
26 July. R. O. |
899. Will. Lok, mercer of London, to Cromwell. Has inquired of John Coke the demeanour of Peto and his companion. (fn. 2) He says they remain here at the place of the Friars Observants at Antwerp, and are making a book which will touch the King. When it is finished, and can be any way got at, I will send it you. About 10 days ago a Friar Observant, an Englishman, went over to England, and took with him a certain writing, of which you can inquire. I came hither through Seland, where I saw a great fleet of 400 sail, among which were 12 ranging from 250 to 500 tons. They are by this day all rigged and furnished with ordnance. The old captain of Sluse castle is their general, and they are to go to Lybewyk with 20 more ships from Holland. There is much speaking here of the shameful murder of the two strangers (fn. 3) in England, but it is said the chief doer of it is a Kolener born. Thinks it would be well extreme justice were done on them, for here the two strangers are taken "for great head men of young men," and they had many men's reckonings in their hands. All quiet in Almaine, from which letters come every seven days. One Day before my coming hither inquired at the English house how he could get letters conveyed to the king of England and my lord of Canterbury. He was told he might bring them thither, and they should be surely conveyed. On which he said he would fetch them ; but he has not since been heard of. Thinks this was a device to obtain information, which the lords here call "aforethynkkyng." Antwerp, 26 July 1533. Hol., pp. 2. Add. |
26 July. R. O. |
900. John Coke, Secretary of the Merchants Adventurers, to
Cromwell. Since writing last, I have endeavoured to obtain the book made by Friar Peto, in answer to the book compiled upon the lawful separation of the King and lady Katharine. I am promised a sight of it, and when it comes to my hands will send it with all diligence. Certain Spaniards support him, and he is entertained at the Grey Friars here, having the fairest lodging in the house, and lacking no books. At the beginning of this mart, he made great labour to have preached before the Company, but I disappointed him. Notwithstanding the amity between the King and the Emperor, and the great profit the commons here receive from the King's subjects, they daily permit the vile Scots to buy munitions of war and artillery in Antwerp, and suffer them quietly to pass. When the English were in most favor with this country, they would not allow them to export such goods without great unquietness and trouble. Antwerp, 26 July. Hol., p. 1. Add. : Councillor. |
July. |
901. [Friar Peto's] Answer to "The Glass of Truth." Introduction to an intended work in answer to "the Glasse of Truth," entitled, "Philalethæ Hyperborei in Anticatoptrum suum, quod propediem in lucem dabit, ut patet proxima pagella, Parasceue ; sive adversus improborum quorundam temeritatem Illustrissi. Angliæ Reginam ab Arthuro Walliæ principe priore marito suo cognitam fuisse impudenter et inconsulte adstruentium, Susannis extemporaria." Printed at Lunenburg, by Sebastian Golsen, July 1533. See Pocock, II. 422-5. |
Galba, B. X. 37* b. B. M. |
902. [News from Flanders.] The woman's saying is that Andro Dore has prepared 300 galleys, intending to [have la]nded in C[alai]s, and that the Welsh and Scots would assist him to make war against the king of England, and that the brother of the king of Portugal cometh among them to have [the Lady] Princess for his wife. Also that Don Fernando saith he will have his aunt, whatever it costs him. The Emperor is informed that proclamation has been made in England, forbidding people, on pain of death, to call queen Katharine queen of England, but only my Lady Dowager. The Emperor loveth her very well, and would not take the matter so grievously, "except she had no issue of her body, the which is reputed for a bastard in England." The Emperor has given Calais to Andrea Dorea, if he can get it. I hear that friar Peytow and three Observants have made a book touching the King, but cannot get licence to have it out cum privilegio. P. 1. Partly in Hacket's hand. |
27 July. R. O. St. P. VII. 487. |
903. Haukins to Henry VIII. On the 18th July I sent word that your servant Thos. Beeston had arrived ; but the letter remained until the 27th, as there was no post. I set myself to translate your letters into Italian, not only because I trust myself most in that tongue, but because I would speak to the Emperor, and it is difficult to understand his Majesty's French because of his pronunciation. After five days had an audience, and was admitted out of hand. When I had done, he tried to answer me ; but, finding it very hard, said that there were many more things than he could suddenly retain and answer, and asked to have it in writing. Though I had no such commandment, thinking it easier to persuade one than many, promised his Majesty to give it him in writing. So far as I understood him, for he spoke obscurely, he said he would be glad of your Highness's amity ; and as to the matter being none of his, she was his aunt and "orphana," and he must see for her and her daughter. Had audience again on 27th July ; found the King at mass in his closet, and delivered him the writings in justification of the process, mingling it in the sweet of your letters, by which he might understand that what you desired was not out of regard to his power, but his amity and the good of Christendom. He answered that he desired it for no other intent but for the same reason, and to provide for his aunt and his cousin. Has seen at Barcelona an ancient book by a Spanish bishop with an exposition of Leviticus xviii., which all Spain cannot answer. Almonia, 27 July 1533. Hol. Add. |
27 July. R. O. |
904. John Hogeson, Mayor of York, (fn. 4) to Cromwell. Thanks him for his goodness to the city, and especially for his advertisements to Master Maunsell. Three or four private persons have obtained injunctions upon forged bills, and intend to disquiet him and his brethren. Begs Cromwell to stay all pursuits made by them to the King's Council until the mayor and his brethren can attend. York, under the seal of the mayoralty, 27 July. Hol., p. 1. Add. : To the right hon. Master Cromwell, one of the King's most honorable Council. |
27 July. R. O. |
905. William Maunsell to Cromwell. Has informed my Lord Mayor of Cromwell's examination of him "in the better increase for the wealth of the city of York." The Lord Mayor and his commons are grateful for Cromwell's goodness. Urges him to preserve the esteem he has already gained in these parts. Three or four private persons in opposition to the Mayor and the whole Corporation, intending the continuance of a gild of St. Christopher, contrary to their own foundation and the city charter, have obtained an injunction to one Mr. Miles Newton, who is chosen master of the gild, with the whole assent of the city. This injunction is obeyed to the best intent, for no people are so devoted to the King as the citizens of York. Begs Cromwell to take continuance of any complaint against them till counsel shall appear for the Mayor, and not allow their rights to be prejudiced. York, 27 July. Hol., p. 1. Add. : Mr. Cromwell, one of the King's most hon. Council. |
27 July. Nero, B. XI. 272. B. M. |
906. The Turks. "Ex literis xxvij. Julii a quodam milite Hispano qui Coroni captivus erat, datis." The whole Turkish fleet had arrived at Avellona, about 14 or 15 July, and left two days after, Barbaroza going first, and Ludovicus Bassa (fn. 5) following, accompanied by the French ambassador. Account of the numbers and equipment of the soldiers. The expedition is directed against Brundusium ; and when that town is taken, the Turk will come with an army of 50,000 men. The fleet had taken a small town named Castro, in the dominion of Otranto. Many Neapolitan exiles and rebels are with them. Barbaroza went to Coreyra to meet with Andrew Doria, who lately did considerable damage to the Turkish fleet. He, however, had gone to Messina, and Barbaroza attacked the Venetian fleet, killing all he could. The Imperial ambassador and the Pope hope that this will dissolve the agreement between Venice and the Turk, and his Holiness has sent to exhort the Venetians to undertake the defence of Christendom, but it is to be feared that they will try to patch up their friendship with the Turk. Lat., Vannes' hand, pp. 3. |
27 July. R. O. |
907. [Wharton] to Cromwell. As mentioned in letters by Butler, it is discovered what he is that came forth from Wales. Encloses a letter from a Scotchman to a Scotch priest living in these parts as a banished man, who says that the same Apowell is partly suspected to be in Scotland as a spy for the King our master. The one side of the letter was written with ink, and the other with "aylle," and when it came to the priest "by constraynt of the fyer yt dyde appeyr to be rede, as ye may persave." Would have sent it by last post, but it had not come to his hands. Is informed by his spy that the Scotch king and nobles are well-minded to peace, but that the Borderers wish the contrary. The Douglases spread news in Scotland that we are preparing a great army to invade them. The abbot of Erbrothe, their ambassador to the French King, is in Deype, and is coming through England homewards. Hears that an execution is awarded to the sheriff of Yorkshire at the suit of a goldsmith against Mr. Curwen, a near friend of the writer, and that Cromwell has written to the sheriff on the subject. Begs that the matter may be continued till the writer can give attendance on Cromwell, when he hopes to give the goldsmith satisfaction. Newcastle, 27 July. Not signed. In the hand of Wharton's clerk, pp. 2. Add. : Master Crumwell, one of the King's most honorable Council. |
27 July. R. O. |
908. Magnus to Cromwell. The matters between the Commissioners of the two kingdoms do not proceed so effectually as they could wish. Are hindered by not having any advertisement from the King for some time. But have done their best, as will be seen by the writings sent up, containing their correspondence with the Scotch Commissioners. Newcastle, 27 July. Hol., p. 1. Add. |
28 July. R. O. St. P. IV. 657. |
909. Lawson to Cromwell. Answer has come from the Scotch Commissioners, as Cromwell will perceive by the letters of my Lord Warden and the Council here to the King. They will remain at Newcastle till the King's pleasure be known about further meetings with the Scotch. No word yet of any damage towards Cawmills. Has prepared everything to put up the false roof, but carriage is difficult to get without a great number of men. The King wrote that he would be at "some part of charge" to defend it ; but the expence will be considerable. Angus has news of a great embassy from Scotland to France, for the marriage of James with the king of Navarre's sister, or the duke of Vendôme's daughter. The ambassadors are the earl of Montrose, the bishop of Dunkeld, Sir John Camell, and the secretary of Scotland. Does not know if he signed his name to the last letter to the King, he was so busy. Newcastle, 28 July. Signed. P.S. in his own hand.—Cannot be merry till he hear from Cromwell again. Add. |
28 July. R. O. |
910. John Gyraldi and Anthony Carsydony to Cromwell. The coroner's inquest have given their verdict for the murder. (fn. 6) Desire that justice may take place. Hear that unless Cromwell interfere, the misdoers shall not come to their punishment until Michaelmas, and so manage to escape. If the diabolic woman escape, we shall be in great jeopardy. As Cromwell's sheriff is gone, have retained Mr. Hall, (fn. 7) of Gray's Inn, for their counsel, and he showed us that the indictment already passed here in London cannot cause the felons to be arraigned, for the murder was committed in Middlesex. London, 28 July 1533. Hol., p. 1. Add. |
28 July. Acts of Parl. of Scotl. ii. 336. |
911. Parliament Of Scotland. Edinburgh, 28 July 1533. Sittings, Aug. 11 and Dec. 15, 1533 ; May 4, June 1, 15, and 30, July 3, Aug. 17, 21, and 28, Sept. 23, Dec. 2 and 9, 1534. |
29 July. R. O. |
912. Rowland Lee to Cromwell. This day I received a letter from Dr. Dawkyns, official to the archdeacon of Richmond, and am urged by him and Mr. Treasurer to move you to write to the dean of York and Mr. Treasurer jointly, in favor of Mr. Maxwell of the same church, M.A., Cambridge, for preferment to the sub-treasurer's office now vacant. I was under no small obligations, when at York, to Mr. Dawkyns in the King's great matter. London, 29 July. Signed. P. 1. Add. : To my most entire friend Mr. Thomas Crumwell. |
R. O. |
913. Rowland Lee to Cromwell. I thank you for your goodness to Dr. Dawkyns' brother. As you intimated to me at your late coming from Windsor, I have caused Dr. Legh to repair to Salisbury to confirm the abbot of Malmesbury on Tuesday next. Whereas my lord of Rutland has been a suitor to you concerning the abbot of Rywax, and you have always shown your friendship in that behalf ; I have concluded with his Lordship, seeing that the matter has been so long delayed by the abbot of Fountains, or otherwise, that my cousin Doctor shall, at his cost, be at Rywax next session. For this purpose I have drawn a bill to the Commissioners, to be delivered by him as from you. I trust by this way to do my Lord such pleasure that he shall thank you during his life. Your son is in good health, and learns well. At your return to London I should be glad to ride home, for diyers causes. Mr. Gwent and Mr. Bedell can satisfy my Lady Orrelle's matter, London, this Saturday. Hol., pp. 2. Add. : To my most loving friend Mr. Thomas Crumwell. |
[29 July.] R. O. |
914. Breach Of Ilchester Gaol. Depositions touching the breach of Ilchester, gaol, Somers., on the night before Holy Rood Day in May 25 Hen. VIII. i. Of Thos. Collyngs, of Northover, who passed by the gaol window that night, and saw Wyndham the keeper, and Thomas his servant. Bade them good night ; passed on, and went to bed. Heard a great noise before 12 o'clock, and awoke his wife. Started out of bed, took a bill and went into the street, all naked except his shirt. Heard a cry, "The gaol is broken," and woke his neighbours. Went in pursuit of the prisoners with a number of neighbours, whose names are given. Asked the said Thomas and Barley, servants of the keeper, how it happened, as the lower door was hasped, and a great horse-lock usually fast in the staple. They said it was left unhasped ; that the said Barley, "the getherer," might go at break of day "to gether" for the said prisoners ; and even if it had been locked with the stock-lock a man could easily put back the shuttel of the said stock-lock with his finger, and have shaked open the hasp, unless it had been locked with the horse-lock. Gives further particulars. States reasons for disbelieving that it was done by the procurement of Thos. Phelippes, of Sooke, and that Ric. Wynsham, of Montague, who confessed he had opened the gaol door by the procurement of the said Thomas, was really three miles away. |
ii. Of John Shubrocke, of Northover, "wanttaker," (fn. 8) Thos. Cooke, smith, John Tayler, miller, and Ralph Martyn, smith, all of Northover, before Will. Hogges and Edw. Gannatt, of Ilchester, mercer, on the 5th July 25 Hen. VIII. They pursued the prisoners who broke the gaol, and overtook one of the gaoler's men, called Thomas, now the gaoler's shepherd, who said if his fellow Barley had done his part they would have kept the prisoners down. | |
iii. Of Arnolde, one of the prisoners, who is now in the sanctuary of Beowle, taken before divers men in sanctuary. There were 22 persons in the gaol, of whom seven were in one chain in the north end of the house, and five more in another chain "that was untied, but their collars about their necks ;" one Pyckarell was in shackles, and also one Smyth, of Martock ; and there were seven women, of whom one had shackles. One of the prisoners, Richard, lately servant to Mr. Will. Lyzgh, gave the keeper 12d. a week to let him go without irons ; but the latter, hearing that he had sold his coat for 5s., threatened to put him in shackles. If he had done so that night, there would have been no breach. That same day they took up the stocks to see if they could get them out when wanted. A French prisoner, who was a lockyer of Wells, made two files of a knife and a pair of shears, with which he released Thos. Davythson. Gives further particulars. Denies that Ric. Wynsham was of counsel "with us," as he alleges. | |
iv. Of John Wylstone, in the Bishop's prison at Wells, who was sent thither convicted from Ilchester gaol, at the gaol delivery at Ilchester on the 26th and 27th June last, taken 3 July 25 Hen. VIII. before Will. Wytcombe and others. The beginners of the breach of gaol were Will. Arnold, Richard servant of Will. Lythe, John Smythe of Martock, John Morgan, and Thos. Budd. Morgan showed all the rest, and threatened to stab any one who betrayed them. On 2 May, at 3 p.m., they laid their couches one upon another to reach the loft, and helped Richard up into it ; who broke a piece of board, and came down, saying, "We may go when we will." They kept a candle burning privily till 10 p.m., while they (the keepers) slept above ; then took out the nether part of the stocks. They then got up, and made the keeper's men safe, secured the key of the outer door, then struck off the rest of their irons, &c. The accusation of Thos. Phelippes was owing to Thos. Davys and Thos. Budd, who desired John Morgan, Will. Pyckeryng, John Upton, and Edw. Hatton to bear record unto them that the sheriff might be good master to us, as Phelippes could well pay 100 or 200 marks. | |
v. Of Thos. Helyer, of Montagu, freemason, in the hearing of John Cogan, of Montagu, mercer, and others. On Holy Rood even at 2 p.m. Ric. Wynsham asked him to fetch away the rubble and stones that lay in his backside, and he refused till he had leave from Thos. Phelipp, the lord of the house. | |
vi. Of Thos. Syngelton, of Montagu, tailor, and various others, to prove that Ric. Wynsham was at Montagu on the afternoon and evening referred to. | |
vii. Ric. Wyllyams alias Howchyns, servant to Will. Lythe, who was attainted for the said breach at the general gaol delivery at Ilchester, 29 July 25 Hen. VIII., confessed at his execution that Phelippes was no party to the breach, but that he by procuration of Arnolde broke the hole in the loft. And a similar confession was made by Rob. Dylle and John Parkynson before they were executed. | |
viii. The sayings of Thos. Swayne, of Lyme, Dorset, merchant, in the
hearing of Rob. Dyer, of Devonshire, grazier, and others. Spoke with
Gylham, the Frenchman, at the gaol window on the day of the Decollation
of St. John ; who told him he would never have accused Phelippes but for
the procurement of four men, whose names he would not reveal. He was
sorry he had not declared the truth when he was before Mr. Cromwell, and
wished he might come before him again to declare it. Large paper, pp. 7. |
R. O. |
915. Alex. Spragutt (?) to Mr. Phelyp. I advertise you of tidings of which I greatly repent. There is no remedy but with speed to sue a pardon. I trust there is no need to ask your help. It would be much to describe their partiality, as I have showed Mr. Arundel, who is not a little sorry. On the trial of the array, the sheriff returned divers of them that were the indicters, who were challenged, and one of the sheriff's tenants. On the evidence divers men of Montagu and of Northover were sworn, to whom the jury gave little credence. Mr. Thomas avouched the sayings of the thief before Mr. Cromwell, which Mr. More (fn. 9) utterly denied, and said that Mr. Cromwell gave the thief such rebukes, calling him "Wretch," that, for fear, he durst not speak the whole truth. The names of the jury were Thos. Arture, John Huntle, John Barnehowse, John Speke of Somerton, Guy Bonfyld, Wm. Hogges of Chilton, &c. ; but it were too long to show how they were handled. There were but few warned to speak with them, of Mr. More and Cuffe's part. Also Cuffe's wife gave divers of the jury meat in sight of Wm. Hogges, Thos. Phelips, and others. The poor men were famished. Also More spake with the jury, and then the jury stayed the verdict till the time the prisoner was put to execution. He said that Thos. Phelip was privy to the said breach, but 300 will say that he died more like a tyrant than a good Christian man. He was advertised to say the truth ; and he said, "Without I shall say Nay again, I have no more to say ;" and he said "Let Mr. More have home my wife, and see that she have her living." And also his ghostly father was a strange priest. Some said that he was a chaplain of Mr. More's. When the ladder was turned, the wretch said nothing but "Good night, masters all," and so died. The bearer will tell you more. After that I met with Cuffe, who said, "I will make a few more safe within these few days ;" and gave me many high checks. Show your wisdom, and thank God of tribulation. Scribbled in haste with the hand and heavy heart of your own man. Hol., pp. 2. Add. |
29 July. R. O. |
916. Robert Wodward, priest, Warden of All Souls College,
Oxford, to Cromwell. Whereas you desire that this bearer, Ric. Biseley, your scholar, should be chosen one of our fellows, I am very glad of your command ; but what you desire is not in me alone but in the more part of the fellows. I shall endeavour to bring them over to your and my wish. If they will not consent, I will not agree to any person they shall choose, and then it will fall into the hands of my lord's grace of Canterbury, our founder, to elect any one he pleases. Please, therefore, write to him and beg him to write to me and my company at this time, and then you will be sure to have your scholar elected. 29 July. Signed. P. 1. Add. : Councillor. |
30 July. R. O. |
917. S. Vaughan to Cromwell. On the 30th July we arrived at Calais, and immediately on landing I heard from certain merchants that a Scot had given out that war was proclaimed between England and Scotland. When asked to prove it he said he had a copy of the proclamation ; upon which I went to the Lord Deputy, and had him apprehended. I also told him of two grey friars who had passed before me from England to Calais, and he told me that he knew of their coming ; wherewith I was answered. Friar Peto resides with another friar at Antwerp, and has put forth a book against the King's great matter, as I am informed. When I come to Antwerp I will send one to the King. The Flemings have also put forth in print an excommunication against the King, which I also send. We leave tomorrow. Let Hawte, Tuke's servant, pay my last year's stipend to my father, whom I cannot see lack. I have no doubt that the King, with your mediation, will provide for me. If he would give me a licence for 1,000 undressed cloths, it might be worth to me 50l. At Graveling, on St. James's Even, a loveday was made between the captain of the castle, who is a Spaniard, and the inhabitants, and on St. James's Day he was received out of his house with procession. The peasants there, who paid weekly 50l. for the building of the castle, refused to pay any longer. My Lord Deputy received me well. I recommend my wife to your care in my absence. She devised certain works for the Queen, which were neither seen, nor was she thanked for them. Please remember her with her Grace. In her faculty she can serve her better than any woman in the realm. Calais, 30 July. The Scot above mentioned is said to be an Augustine friar. Hol., pp. 3. Add. : Right worshipful. |
30 July. Vienna Archives. |
918. Chapuys to Charles V. On the answer made by the Queen to the King's Commissioners, reported in my last, the King sent to me by Cromwell to say it had not been owing to him that the said Queen, in consideration of her kindred, and at my intercession, had not been treated as she wished. But since she was inexorable, and would make no concessions, he was compelled to take order about it, and establish moderation in the said treatment, both to avoid maintaining her in possession of a train and estate royal, and to relieve himself of the excessive expence she caused, which amounted to about 40,000 ducats a year, which he could not afford, considering the insupportable charges he required otherwise to sustain. Of this he desired to inform me beforehand, that I might testify, were it necessary, that he did not proceed from hatred or malice, but in order that he might not tacitly contravene and injure things already done, and also, as already said, that he might relieve his great expences. Nevertheless the reformation he intended would be such that all the world might know that he had regard not only to the quality of the Queen, but also to your Majesty and the rest of her kindred. Having thanked the King for his courtesy, and praised his façon de faire in letting me know of matters, which was a strong evidence of good will to keep up ancient friendship, I used several arguments with Cromwell besides those I had brought forward at the last Council, of which I informed you by my penultimate letters, especially upon the points above referred to ; to which he could make me no answer, except to signify to me by covert language that the King of himself had taken my first remonstrances made to the Council in good part, and that he would have been glad to have avoided several changes in the Queen's treatment ; but [although (fn. 10) ] he had pity on the ladies, as I had very well foretold he would have, he was compelled to do so, otherwise he could not remain in peace. He said, moreover, that I might be assured, notwithstanding everything, that the King his master had inwardly as good will and affection to your Majesty as ever ; and, on the other hand, he believed your Majesty, being of such a noble and virtuous heart, would not forget the great and cordial pleasures that the King had done to you ; and Cromwell believed, as well as the King his master, that if this affair had touched you alone, and not so many of your kindred, you would not have been so urgent in it. I answered, as to the first, that you believed it also, seeing that you had given him no occasion to alter the said good will ; and on your part I ventured to affirm that it was reciprocal, and this notwithstanding what was taking place ; for till now your Majesty had been unable to believe that the King attempted this new marriage, either for hatred or ill-will, but only for some scruple of conscience which had been suggested to him by persons who were enemies to the peace of Christendom, and wished to interrupt their friendship ; and that your Majesty had always had good hope that the King, on its being declared that the scruple was unfounded, would return to the right way, as the emperor Lothair, king Philip of France, and other princes, had done. As to the second, he must understand your Majesty had no greater desire than to requite the favors to which he had alluded, and, if asked on the King's part anything that he could do without prejudice to honor and conscience, he would find that there was nothing for which you could be blamed less justly than ingratitude. As to the third, it was true that the consideration of the number of her kindred partly influenced your Majesty, but much more the service of God, the desire you had for the King's honor, the peace of the realm and of the Christian religion, already so much scandalized on many sides ; and that the solicitations you had made in this matter, both by the last gentleman sent to Rome, of whose charge he said the King was fully informed, and by others, could not have been more modest or more regular in law (civile et juridique). To this he made no reply ; but after thinking awhile, said the King had received news that I had hitherto and since these affairs done good service to the Queen, as appeared by the good treatment of the merchants, and other things, for which the King thanked me greatly. After some other conversation, Cromwell offered me, as he had done last time, a licence from the King to hunt in any of his parks, and that he would accompany me with his hounds as often as I pleased. He also besought me very much to accept a horse he had long ago offered me, which he said was one of the finest in England, and that he had already informed the King of it. But I would not agree to it on any account, for many reasons, but excused myself so that he took it in good part, saying I would be content, instead of the horse, to come and hunt with him one day where he pleased. I thanked him for the venison the King had sent me ; to which he said, if I had found it as good as the King had sent it me with good heart it ought to be exquisite. On his departure, in reward for the trouble he had taken to come to me, I begged him to consider that no friendship was more expedient for this kingdom than that of your Majesty, not only as regards his master but himself, who had the management of affairs ; and that he had seen himself that so long as the Cardinal took the side of your Majesty, he was successful, but after he turned away (eust tourné bride) all went wrong with him. He thanked me for the advice, confessing it all to be true, and said it should not be his fault if everything did not go right. I do not venture yet to handle him further ; but if I find he goes on right I will show him fully how much he will secure himself and increase his influence by bringing back the Queen into credit. He is a clever man (homme d'esprit), who understands affairs and is reasonable. At least I will speak to him in such wise that if my words do no good they can do no harm. The Ambassador sent long ago by the French king to Scotland about the peace returned eight days ago without having done anything, for all the pains he has taken, except that on his departure they concluded a truce for 20 days only. Pending the negociations, the Scots made great invasions, and did great injury in this kingdom. The Scots have no very great mind to treat, they have done so well in this war ; but to satisfy the king of France, they have given out that they are willing to listen to terms. They did not wish to have a longer truce, unless previously certain fortresses were demolished on the borders of England, which are a great hindrance to them ; and that Angus, and his brother, and other exiles, should withdraw and abandon the frontiers. The English think if these points are conceded the Scots will demand others, as they are well prepared for war. As for the king of Scotland, the Ambassador could not speak more highly than he did. He said that there had been recently discovered some intelligence between the archbishop of St. Andrew's and the English ; but that the King, as a good Catholic, would not proceed against the Archbishop by his own authority, and had sent to Rome to have the case tried by the Scotch bishops, or send legates. It would be very à propos to send legates, provided they were of the right sort, in order to guide the Scots, and favor those proceedings which must take place in the Queen's case. It would seem that in this matter, as in others, God had taken away the sense, judgment, and heart of the men here ; for they cannot decide on peace or war ; neither can they perceive that the whole kingdom have no wish for peace with Scotland, and even desire that they should enter this kingdom to punish the King and his government, since they think no other means would be efficient, as they have often told me. And the people here make no scruple of concealing it ; for on hearing some success on the part of the Scots, they spread it for good news, even those who have lost their goods by them. You may learn by this what dependence the King has upon his people, if any enterprise were made against him. And, as I hear from every side, all the world here prays God that your Majesty would undertake at first convenience to find a remedy in these affairs. Two days ago the King, hearing that affairs in Germany were a little troubled, sent two of Cromwell's men, able gallants, one an Englishman and a Lutheran, (fn. 11) the other a German, (fn. 12) with eight horses. I know no particulars of their charge, but I suppose they will embroil all they can. Also I have not been able to discover the cause of Rochford's coming, who arrived two days ago from the place where he found Norfolk, in great diligence. The Queen has removed by command of the King to a house of the bishop of Lincoln, 20 miles distant from where she was. All the neighbourhood assembled to see her and pay her honor ; and it is incredible what affection has been shown to her along the whole route. Notwithstanding that it has been forbidden on pain of death to call her Queen, they shouted it out at the top of their voices, wishing her joy, repose, and prosperity, and confusion to her enemies. They begged her with hot tears to set them to work and employ them in her service, as they were ready to die for the love of her. Those here have taken this in great dudgeon, which is not surprising, for they take her "pour monde chose ;" especially the Lady, who, as I am told, was not at all pleased with the Easterlings and other Germans for bringing me to see their fleet, which is greater than any that has been seen here for a long time ; or that, at a solemn banquet which they made, the ships did marvels with their artillery. She is in a still worse humor because this was done near Greenwich park ; and this has renewed the regret she felt for the eagle which the Easterlings carried in triumph the day of her entry here. It is probable that the King, seeing this, through fear of ill consequences, "ne laissera pourveue par le royaulme ne la royne ne la Princesse." The last news the King has received from Rome are not very agreeable to him. I know not the particulars, for they are kept very secret that they may not injure the Lady and endanger a miscarriage. To disguise the case, the King, on pretence of going to hunt, left her at Windsor, and went to Guildford, where he has summoned some of his Council and many doctors, who are hard at work. I sent to ask for an audience for John de la Sauch and myself touching the Staple at Calais, and we were put off for three days. They are here in great perplexity, and if the Pope will do his duty and rein them in, they were never so cast down. He must not allow the duke of Norfolk or his company to intervene in this assembly. I have written to Cifuentes to bestir himself ; and I hear that if the Pope wish to gain the king of France in this affair, he might show him that this King by this marriage has broken all the treaties. The day I went to see the Easterling fleet, their governor showed me, among other things, touching the affairs of Turkey and Poland, &c. The Lady, not being satisfied with what she has received already, has solicited the King to ask the Queen for a very rich triumphal cloth which she brought from Spain to wrap up her children with at baptism (en temps de la tesme (?) qu. baptesme?), which she would be glad to make use of very soon. The Queen has replied that it has not pleased God she should be so ill advised as to grant any favor in a case so horrible and abominable. They wish much to know here the answer of your intention touching the communications which the duke of Norfolk had with me, and Cromwell has questioned me about them very closely. I am told that the King has sent some spy into Spain to learn if there is any talk of a movement. The Scotch ambassador has left. I am told that a marriage was almost concluded between his master and the daughter of Vendˆme, whose dowry the French king would increase. Hears that the duke of Milan has demanded assistance for the pretended outrage. If he take it up so hotly, there is a probability that the fire will rekindle in Christendom. London, 30 July 1533. Hol., Fr., pp. 9. From a modern copy. |
31 July. R. O. |
919. Lady Eliz. Lucy. 1. Lady Elizabeth Lucy to Cromwell. When I last waited upon you at Canbery it was to request your favor to my poor brother and me concerning Ric. Fermor. This day Brabason, your servant, spoke with me at Eston, who I trusted would have viewed the lands in bargain between my brother and Fermor, but he had received no such command from you. But as he returns in a fortnight, if you give him orders to that effect he may make a true certificate. Estneston, 31 July. |
R. O. |
2. Lady Elizabeth Lucy and Sir Thomas Emson to Cromwell. I have lately received news of the award made by you and the Chancellor touching our matter. The publication of it proceeds of Mr. Fermour's part, of which we have no knowledge, but only heareay. We desire a copy of your determination, and will attend you at any day fixed. Hol., p. 1. Add. : Of the King's Council. Endd. |
R. O. |
3. Petition of Thos. Emson, Ric. Verney, and dame Eliz. Lucy, wife to
the said Ric. Verney, to Sir Thos. Audeley, lord chancellor, and Thos. Cromwell,
Esq., one of the King's Council, for reformation of divers articles of
their award between the petitioners and Ric. and Will. Fermour, touching
the manors of Estneston, Hulcote, &c. Large paper, pp. 4. |
R. O. |
4. Lady Elizabeth Lucy to Cromwell. At my last waiting upon you I told you of a marriage between the son of Mr. Bettes, customer of Southampton, and my daughter Radegund, on which I beg your advice. The young folks are contented, and their friends agree. As the customer is now in town I will be glad to wait upon you that I may return. My daughter is anxious that you should be consulted. I send you the draft of the indenture. Hol., p. 1. Add. : Of the King's Council. |
July. R. O. |
920. John Lord Scrope to Cromwell. Has not yet obtained the benefit of Cromwell's promise of a "white rent" for years of the King's lands, "owing to the long drift." Lord Conyers has taken upon him to make new dimissions to the tenants. Would be sorry to be debarred thereof by his enemies, not for the value of the thing, but for saving of his honesty. Begs Cromwell to obtain it for him while my lord of Cumberland, and "my uncle" Sir Thomas Clifforth, are at London, who can inform him of the matter. Bolton Castle, — July. Signed. P. 1. Add. : Master Cromwell, councillor to our sovereign lord the King. Endd. |
Cal. D. X. 257. B. M. |
921. [Vannes to Cromwell.] " po...ita jusserat, tum qu...sermones habitos pe... ...tur D. T. quicquid est admissum... rogareque ut imprudentem hanc...boni consulere velit. Habeo tibi ingentem gratiam quod tuis... ris, simulque Regis Serenissimi in me a... Quod commendatas habeas res meas tui pectoris candore, et in omn...centia, ita me tum jam tibi adstrictum...ut nullam sim unquam occasionem pre[termissurus] si qua re possim, meam in te obse[rvantiam] declarandi. Audio Imperatricem gravissimo mor[bo dolere] nec pristinas vires adhuc recupera[re]. Cæsar et Pontifex conjunctim hab[ent], in Germania oratores, ut...illud initum in Italia fœdus attrahant...jam collecta est et in promptu illa p... ...summa quæ Germanicis capitaneis as...Intelligo Pontificem humanissimas [litteras] scripsisse de pace agentes. Secreto mihi dictum est a fide digno...expectari, oratorem ab Imperatore Turca[rum]...[Regi]s Christianissimi amicitiam, hæc" Hol. |
R. O. |
922. Norfolk to Henry VIII. Sends a schedule containing the French king's answer to Sir John Wallop, signed by the latter. Has marked one point, being doubtful what the French king meant by it. The Admiral in Wallop's presence said he could not conjecture, unless it were the communication which Norfolk had with the King between Ryon and Cleremount, which concerned the secret overture which the King commanded him to make to Francis as of himself. At Wallop's return will cause him to enquire further what Francis meant. Signed. P. 1. Add. |
Cleop. E. IV. 84 (fn. 13) (fn. 13). B. M. |
923. Mrs. Amadas. "Hereafter followeth some part of such ungracious rehearsals as Mistress Amadas at sundry times hath spoken before divers persons." 1. She said that she had looked this 20 year upon prophecies, and this is the year that the matter shall come to pass. 2. That the King's grace is called in her book of prophecies the Mouldwarp, and is cursed with God's own mouth. 3. That he shall be banished as Calwalider was ; before Midsummer the realm shall be conquered by the Scots and her countrymen ; afterwards the clubs of Essex shall drive them forth again, and a bush in Essex shall be worth a castle in Kent. 4. That a religious man living in an island, called "the dead man," shall keep a parliament in the Tower, called the parliament of peace. 5. That one Silvestre, "and she giveth him another name," came ambassador to the King. She knew what was his answer, and that he was counselled to go and stir the Scots to war ; that he took his answer of the holy maiden of Courthope Stright, for he showed her his message to the King. 6. When old Master Whitenall and Geo. Whitenall his son were in her company, George said to her, "Madame, my mistress and you shall now come well to London, for the King's grace is there :" to which she answered "Teyshe, the devylles strawe. I care not for the Kynge a reshe under my fotte. Yt is the kynge of hevyn that rewlles all." Old Master Whitenall thought she had been mad or distract. 7. That Master Nevyle and all his servants, and those that be of the King's part, shall be destroyed, for the dragon shall be killed by Midsummer. 8. She rejoiced when the Tower was made white, for she said shortly after my lady Anne should be burned, for she is a harlot ; that Master Nores was bawd between the King and her ; that the King had kept both the mother and the daughter, and that my lord of Wiltshire was bawd both to his wife and his two daughters. 9. That the blazing star (fn. 13) was toward the island whence the dead man should come. "Now this gear begins to work." "I can tell mo wonders, but then Mr. Nevyle will say I am a witch." 10. That the King had often sent her offerings and gifts, and that Mr. Daunsy had come as bawd between the King and her to have had her to Mr. Compton's house in Thames Street. 11. That, to set up a candle before the Devil, she gave four New Year's gifts to the King, lady Anne, the duke of Norfolk, and Cromwell. 12. That there was never a good married woman in England except prince Arthur's dowager, the duchess of Norfolk, and herself. 13. That there shall be a battle of priests, and the King shall be destroyed. There shall be no more kings in England ; which shall be called the land of conquest, and divided into four parts. 14. She daily defames the King and his nobles, spiritual and temporal. 15. She has a roll containing all her prophecies, painted and written. 16. Because the King has forsaken his wife, he suffers her husband to do the same, but the good Emperor will deliver all good wives when he comes, which shall be shortly. That the false chancellor of England, false Norwyge, the chief justice of the Common Pleas, and Baker, the false recorder of London, shall surely be beheaded. 17. That if the Queen be not burnt within this half year, she will be burnt herself. Pp. 3. |
R. O. |
924. Robt. Amadas. Sir Wm. Kyngeston and Sir John Dauntesey, with other commissioners appointed to view the King's plate and jewels, wherewith Robt. Amadas, late master of the jewel-house, was charged, find that he owes the King for plate lacking 1,771l. 19s. 10d. The largest debts due to Amadas are as follows : from the duke of Suffolk, 700l. The earl of Wiltshire, 276l. 5s. The earl of Huntingdon, 6l. The earl of Sussex, 57l. Lord Mountjoye, 187l. 9s. 4d. Lord Husee, 93l. 12s. Sir Wm. Husee, his son, 92l. Sir Henry Guldeford, 356l. 8s. John Copynger, Esq., 133l. 6s. 8d. Mr. Draper, Mr. Boughton, and Ric. Gybson, 200l. Sir Ant. Outrede, 27l. 1s. 2d. Mr. Newton, with the late lord Cardinal, 50l. Webster, priest, 23l. Jas. Clarrell, 27l. P. 1. Endd. : Information of certain words spoken by Mistress Amadas as within appeareth. |
R. O. |
925. [News From Flanders.] "The woman's saying." One day last week, Mons. of Lyskes, with his wife, went to Boulogne in pilgrimage, and was told by those of the town that the Pope's ambassador who was last in England, after landing at Boulogne, stated that he had enjoined the King in the Pope's name to take back his first wife, or he would declare the King and all his Council excommunicate, and his fatherhood and the Emperor would make war upon him. The Emperor and the French king are about to conclude a marriage between the Dauphin and the Emperor's daughter ; and, notwithstanding the great alliance of Francis with England, Lyskes was informed by a gentleman named Boukcout that it was thought he would turn his back upon him. The woman heard this of De Lyskes' chaplain, her kinsman. Andro Dore is going to a town called Wyke, and to another near it, belonging to the Easterlings, to make great war, of which the Hollanders will bear the cost. P. 1. |
R. O. |
926. [Cromwell's] "Remembrances." John Baily, for a ward, made by Sir John Babingdun and Sir W. Kingstun and him, for land, and not fulfilled. W. Orrell, for an answer for a bill delivered to your mastership by his wife. John Wright, who took a tenement at Pidington of Dr. Higdon, and builded upon it, now he is not suffered to enjoy the said promise made to him by Dr. Higdon, dean of Friswith College, of Oxon. Robt. Studley, for his master. John Lasy, of Nottingham, for the King's harness. The bishop of Worcester's nephew, for his master. A poor woman that sueth for a prisoner in the dungeon at the Tower. Symes, of Dauntry, with my lady of Catisby's fee. A poor woman, concerning a supplication against the bishop of Chichester. Ric. List, of Cambridge, student of Clare Hall. P. 1. Endd. : Remembrances. |
R. O. |
927. Sir Thomas Audeley to Cromwell. I send you a bill for myself if the King will grant it. Never had Chancellor so little to live by. Has not even 40l. land a year of his own, else he would spend it willingly in the King's service. Has sold 10l. since he held office, and owes 1,200l., for part payment of which he has sold his house and land at Oxon (fn. 14) for 1,000 marks. By the King's desire he became serjeant, which cost him 400 marks ; and he got little after it ; for the prorogation of Parliament happened almost (?) in the term. Has lost by his office all his fees, which were about 100 marks a year ; and though his fee be nearly 800l., it will scarce suffice for his housekeeping, victuals are so dear. Has no parks, and lives mostly in London. This grant from the King would also increase his credit. The houses will cost more than 1,000 marks to repair, so he has put in land to it, that one might help the other. Is informed the old houses and all pass not 120l. ; and he could have made more in the law, but the King and Cromwell induced him to take office. Unless the houses of office in the monastery be repaired no man can lie there this winter. This granted he will beg no more of the King. "And if a chancellor of England, when he dieth, have not 200 marks land, it is to be noted, when a merchant and one of the law will not so be satisfied." Has no pleasure to give Cromwell in return, but offers him 20l. for a couple of geldings. As it is an ancient church, will provide daily service and prayers for the King and Queen in it. Has been very ill at ease these two days, and taken a glister this morning, or he would have spoken with Cromwell himself. Means to go down tomorrow to Brytonz beside Barkyng, for here he is much encumbered with suitors. "Scribbled this morning in my bed." Hol., p. 1. Add. : Mr. Cromwell, Esq. Sealed. Endd. |
R. O. |
928. John Abbot Of Hyde to Cromwell. I am informed by Master Wriothesley of your late goodness in removing the King's horses, which were appointed to have lain this summer at my monastery. I am too ill to go and thank you personally. From my house in Southwerke, this Tuesday. Signed. P. 1. Add. : Of the Council. |
July./Grants. | 929. Grants in July 1533. |
1. John Tregonwell, LL.D., John Olyver, LL.D., and Wm. Bryttayne, LL.D. Commission to proceed upon an appeal brought before the King in Chancery on the part of Thos. Sheldon, against a sentence passed against him in the metropolitan court of Canterbury in Hilary term last. Westm., 1 July.—Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 43d. | |
2. Cornwall : Commission to Sir Peter Egecombe, Sir John Chamond, Will. Godolphyn, Will. Lower, and John Tregeaunt, to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of Peter Lovell. Westm., 1 July. | |
3. Sussex : Similar commission to Sir Roger Copley, Sir John Dawtre, Sir Will. Goryng, Ric. Covert, and John Mitchell, on the lands and heir of Hen. Stafford late earl of Wiltshire and Cecilia his wife. Westm., 1 July. | |
4. Dorset : Similar commission to Sir Thos. Trenchard, John Horsey, Thos. Baskett, and John Rogers, jun., on the lands and heir of the same parties. Westm., 1 July. | |
5. Somerset : Similar commission to Sir Nic. Wadham, John Wadham, s. and h. of the said Sir Nicholas, and John Wadham, s. and h. of Will. Wadham, on the lands, &c. as above. Westm., 1 July. | |
6. Devon : Similar commission to John Roo, serjeant-at-law, John Gilbert, and Ric. Yerd, on the lands, &c. as above. Westm., 1 July. | |
7. Cornwall : Similar commission to John Densell, serjeant-at-law, Reginald Tretherf, John Killygrewe, jun., and Thos. Treffrye, on the lands and heir as above. Westm., 1 July.—Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26d. | |
8. Thos. Woode, yeoman of the Stable (provisionum Stabuli). Custody of "le Mewes" near "Sharingcrosse," in same manner as enjoyed by Thos. Wilson. Greenwich, 29 June 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 July.—P.S. | |
9. Sir Edw. Guldeforde. Grant of the manor of Occham, Sussex, and all messuages, lands, &c. in Stephano, Kythenham alias Kichenham, Lamport, Bourne, Bulloke stowne, Coueherst, Coueling, Wychelenden, Cotforde, Detling, and Orgate, Sussex, in the parishes or vills of Pepingbery Magna, Pepingbery Parva, Cranebroke, and Tonbrige, Kent, and in Haylesham, Sussex ; which are in the King's hands by the forfeiture of Thomas card, of York. Westm., 1 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 July. (fn. 15) — P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 43. | |
10. James Tayler or Taylor of Westminster. Pardon for the mnrder of Nic. Goversdon, on the 11th May 25 Hen. VIII., at Westminster, as appears by an inquisition taken at St. John Street, on the 21st June 25 Hen. VIII., before Rob : Wrothe, John Hales, and other justices of the peace. Greenwich, 30 June 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 July.—P.S. | |
11. Geo. Fownset, the King's bow-string maker. To provide bow-strings for the King's service, and material and workmen for making the same. Greenwich, 29 April 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 July.—S.B. | |
12. John Page, of the parish of St. Mary, Strand, yeoman, law-student. Pardon for an assault committed on the 21st Oct. 21 Hen. VIII. upon Rob. Typpyng, whereof the said Robert died on the last day of November following. Del. Westm., 3 July 25 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
13. Barnard Assazat, of London, merchant, alias Toulouse merchant. Reversal of outlawry, sued for a debt and de eo quod reddat in the Common Pleas by Wm. Lane ; the said Barnard having surrendered to the Flete prison, as certified by Sir Rob. Norwich, C. J. of C. P. Westm., 3 July.— Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. | |
14. John Cheswright, B.D. Presentation to the deanery of the parish church of Wysbyche, with the chapel of St. Mary annexed, Ely dioc., vice Rob. Clyf, resigned ; in the King's gift by reason of the vacancy of the see of Ely. Westm., 3 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 July.—P.S. | |
15. Commission to Thos. Willoughby, serjeant-at-law, Chr. Hales, attorney general, Anth. Sentleger, and Edw. Twayttes, to inquire touching the murder of Will. Garard, of Cranebroke, Kent. Del. Westm., 3 July 25 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
16. Sir Philip Champernon. Annuity of 4l. 13s. out of the issues of certain lands and tenements which John Sowdon, John Skeyms, and Ric. Cocke now hold, with 4s. 8d. annual rent from a corn-mill, parcel of the manor of Ingesdon, in Ingesdon, Devon, late of John Pomery, deceased, during the minority of Hugh Pomery, son and heir of the said John ; with the wardship and marriage of the said heir. Westm, 3 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 4 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22. | |
17. Geo. Node, serjeant of the buckhounds. To be keeper of Okeley park, Glouc., with fees of 40s. a year, and to have the profits arising out of the lordship and manor of Berkeley Hernes, Glouc. ; also the herbage and pannage of the said park, with the windfall and browsewood happening there ; same as enjoyed by Sir Anth. Poyntz, deceased. Greenwich, 29 June 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 July.—P.S. | |
18. James Bonggay, Thos. Brews, Rob. Hunt, and John Tayller. Licence to found a fraternity or guild of brethren and sisters to be incorporated as the guild of the Name of Jesus, in the parish church of St. Olave in the borough of Southwark, Surrey ; with power to elect four wardens annually. Also mortmain licence to the wardens, brethren, and sisters of the said guild, when founded, to acquire land, &c. to the value of 40l. Westm., 5 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. same date.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 8. | |
19. Tho. Havard. Wardship and marriage of Tho., son and heir of John Bromewiche, deceased, during the minority of the said heir. Westm., 2 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 5 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 4. | |
20. Matthew Wyllym of Urrishaye, Heref., yeoman. Pardon for having, on the 23 Feb. 9 Hen. VIII., broken and entered the house of John Sheparde at Brugge Solars, Heref., and stolen money and other property of the said John. Westm., 8 April 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 5 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 5. | |
21. John Anthony Pulleo (?), baron de Burgi, nuncio of the Pope. Licence to depart out of the realm with 22 horses and 2 mules, and his servants, baggage, &c. Westm., 3 July 25 Hen. VIII. T. Westm., 7 July. —S.B. | |
22. Reginald Giles of London, cordwainer or shoemaker, a native of the Emperor's dominions, alias a native of the bpric. of Liege. Denization. Westm., 5 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 7 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 8. | |
23. John Franke of London, beer-brewer, a native of the parish of Upitta, in the bpric. of Liege. Denization. Westm., 7 July.— Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5. | |
24. James Milton. Custody of the possessions of Geo. Wynnyngton, deceased, in cos. Chester and Lanc., during the minority of Ralph Wynnyngton, son and heir of the said George ; with the wardship and marriage of the said heir. Greenwich, 30 June 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 26. | |
25. Cumberland : Commission to Sir Chr. Dacre, Edw. Aglanby, Tho. Blenerhasset, and Ric. Barowes, to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of Edw. Blenerhasset of Carlisle. Westm., 8 July.—Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26 d. | |
26. John Alen, late clerk of the Council of Ireland. To be clerk or master of the Rolls in Ireland, with fees of 20l. a year (Irish money) out of the customs of Dublin and Drogheda ; and clerk of the Council of Ireland, with the usual fees, as enjoyed by John Alen, Rob. Cowley, or any other former occupant of the office, notwithstanding the statute passed in 10 Hen. VII. before Sir Edw. Ponynges, deputy of the King in Ireland. Del. [Westm.], 9 July 25 Hen. VIII. —S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 18. | |
27. Wm. Gwin, clk. Presentation to the prebend of Stotfolde in Lichfield cathedral, on the election of Ric. Sampson, last incumbent, to the deanery of the said cathedral, in the King's gift by the voidance of the see of Coventry and Lichfield. Greenwich, 12 June 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 July. —P.S. | |
28. John Dylle, a native of Ausbright in the duchy of Cleves, and John Ryan, a native of Cullen (Cologne) in the dominions of the Emperor. Denization. Westm., 6 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 10 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 4. | |
29. Geo. earl of Huntingdon. Livery of lands as son and heir of Mary lady Hungerford. Westm., 21 Feb. 24 Hen. VIII. Del. 10 July 25 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 16. | |
30. Kent : Commission to Sir Tho. Englefeld, John Hales, one of the barons of the Exchequer, and Chr. Hales, the attorney general, to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of Tho. Denny. Westm., 10 July.—Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26d. | |
31. Jasper Catterberch, armourer, a native of Barray in the duchy of Cleves. Denization. Westm., 7 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 10 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 29. | |
32. Gervase Middleton. Livery of lands, as brother and heir of Geoff. Middleton, deceased, of Thomas, father of the said Geoffrey, and of Joan, late tenant in dower. Westm., 4 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. 10 July. —P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 20. | |
33. Salop : Commission to Tho. Lee, Tho. Newport, and Edm. Colle, to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of Rowland Gravenour. Westm., 10 July.— Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 26d. | |
34. Agnes Clerke, widow of Tho. Clerke. Licence to enfeoff John Assheby, Tho. Skevyngton, Wm. Skevyntgton, Wm. Brabson, and Bartholomew Clerke, and their heirs, in two messuages and six bovates of land in Southmarfeld, Leic. Westm., 10 July.— Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 13. | |
35. David abbot of Arbroath, ambassador of the king of Scotland to the French king. Licence and safe-conduct to pass, within 30 days after his arrival, through any part of the realm on his return to Scotland, with 12 servants, their horses, mails, baggage, &c. Del. Westm., 12 July 25 Hen. VIII. —S.B. | |
36. Francis Dawtrey. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Sir John Dawtrey, including all reversions that should fall to the King on the death of dame Isabella, late wife of the said Sir John, and now wife of Sir Ric. Lyster, chief baron of the Exchequer, or on the death of Elizabeth late wife of Sir Wm. Barkeley ; and those lands of which Sir Ric. Shyrley, Sir John Dawtrey of Petworth, Sir Wm. Shelley, John Lee, Thos. Shyrley, Ric. Bellyngeham, Ric. Palshide, John Husee, John Bartelat, John Mill, Hen. Huttoft, Thos. Holmes, Wm. Seberysshe and Wm. Wayte (or Wyatt (fn. 16) ) were seized at the time of the death of the said Sir John Dawtrey to his use, or to fulfil his last will, or to the use of the said Francis. Greenwich, 30 June 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 26. | |
37. Sir Anthony Browne, knight of the Royal Body, and Alice his wife. Release and quit claim of the annual rent of 17l. reserved upon the manor of Cleton, York, granted to the said Anthony and Alice, and the heirs male of the body of the said Anthony, by patent 23 June 22 Hen. VIII. Monastery of Chersey, 13 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 July.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 23. | |
38. Monastery of Brnton, Bath and
Wells dioc. Writ to the escheator of
Somersetshire for restitution of the manor
of Stonyeston, on the election of John Elye
as abbot, whose fealty is ordered to be taken
by Sir John Fitzjames for the manors of
Horseley, Glouc., Stonyeston, Somers., and
Rougeton, Sussex, parcels of the said monastery.
Westm., 14 July.—Pat. 25 Hen. VIII.
p. 2, m. 28. ii. Similar writs to the escheator of Gloucestershire for the m. of Horseley, and of Sussex for the m. of Rougeton. |
39. Hugh Damporte, Wm. Salesbury, and Roger Hough. Next presentation to the sixth prebend of Holy Cross in the collegiate church of St. John the Baptist, Chester. Monastery of Chersey, 8 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 July.—P.S. | |
40. Chr. Metcalff. Grant in reversion of
the offices of master forester or master of the
hunt in the forests of Wensladale, Radale,
and Bishoppdale, with the close called Hestholme,
containing 10 acres in Wensladale
forest, and keeper or parker of Woodhall
park in the same forest, Yorks. ; with 10l. a
year in the former office, and 2d. a day in
the latter, out of the issues of the lordship of
Middleham, and the herbage of Wodhall
park, which does not exceed the annual
value of 40s. ; and the offices of keeper of
Wanles park, with the fees thereto belonging
out of the issues of the said lordship, and
the herbage and pannage of the park, and
overseer of the castle and lordship of Middleham,
and of the possessions in the liberties
of Richmond, Yorks. ; to hold from the death
of James Metcalff, who now holds these
offices, &c. by grant of Henry VII. Del.
[Westm.], 17 July 25 Hen. VIII.—S.P.
Pat. p. 1, m. 22. Vacated on surrender as to the office of master forester or master of the hunt in the forest of Wensladale, Radale, and Busshopdale, 4 April 33 Hen. VIII., before Henry earl of Cumberland and Sir Thos. Tempest, at Skypton, York, by virtue of a writ directed to the said Earl and Thomas. |
41. Boicius Mace, of Wynerdes Barryes, a native of Flanders. Denization. Del. Westm., 17 July 25 Hen. VIII. — S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 42. | |
42. Robert Estcote, of the parish of Okehampton, Devon, yeoman. Pardon. Del. Westm., 17 July 25 Hen. VIII. — S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 41. | |
43. Peter Vannes, the King's Latin secretary and collector for Pope Clement VII. in England. Charter, granting, during pleasure, licence to exercise the said office of Pope's collector, and to collect Peter's pence and other contributions. Del. Westm., 17 July 25 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 22. Rym. XIV. 479. | |
44. Wm. Orrell, of Kyngiston-upon-Hull. Pardon for the murder of John Lownde, merchant, of Hull, and of all abjurations and banishments on that account. Westm., 17 July.—Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 42. | |
45. Eustace Chappuys, the Emperor's ambassador in England. Licence to send by his servant six horses beyond the sea. T. Westm., 17 July 25 Hen. VIII.— S.B. | |
46. John Raspys. Presentation to the chantry under "le crofte" in Christchurch cathedral, Canterbury, called "le Prynces chauntrey," vice Walter Darknall, clk., LL.D., resigned. Westm., 22 July.—Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 22. | |
47. Rob. Boteller and Alice his wife, Ric. Legh and Anne his wife, and Dorothy and Winfred Husey. Licence to alienate a messuage called Husey's Hall, 30 acres of land and four acres of meadow in Penkerych, Staff., to Reginald Dygby, Ric. Grysold, Ric. Holbage, Maurice Walker, John à Blythe, Wm. Legh, and Wm. Boteller. Westm., 24 July.—Pat. 25 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21. | |
48. Thomas earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, and John Amadas, one of the King's serjeants-at-arms. Next presentation to the parish church of Calstock, Cornwall, Exeter dioc. Windsor Castle, 17 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Byterns (Brittens?), 25 July 25 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 17. | |
49. Edm. Knyvett and Joan his wife, daughter and heir of Sir John Bourghchier, lord Berners, deceased, and kinswoman and heir of Elizabeth, mother of the said John ; and Tho. Boleyn, now earl of Wiltshire, Sir Philip Calthorp, Sir Wm. Sandes, now lord Sandys, Gilbert Stoughton, Sir Wm. Essex, Tho. Haydok, and Francis Mountford, and all other persons seized to the use of the said Sir John Bourghchier Livery of the lands of the said Elizabeth and John Bourghchier in England, Wales, and Calais. Greenwich, 13 May 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 July.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 17. | |
50. Stephen Vaughan. Annuity of 20l. for life. Del. Westm., 25 July 25 Hen. VIII. — S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 22 (undated). | |
51. Monastery of St. Adelm, Malmesbury. Assent to the election of Rob. Frampton as abbot. Windsor Castle, 22 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Brettons, 25 July.—P.S. | |
52. John de Herdunna, alias de Ordunna, alias Hordunna, Spanish merchant, a native of Spain. Denization. Oking, 25 July 25 Hen. VIII. Del. Brittons, 29 July.— P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 17. |