21 July.
Harl. MS.
6,148, f. 29.
B. M.
C.'s Letters,
880. Cranmer to the Dean [of Arches].
James Bulstrode informs me he has witnesses in the case of variance
of matrimony between him and one Edwardes, whose said witnesses you will
not examine till you hear from me. Take all depositions on both sides,
that the truth may more openly appear. Otford, 21 July.
Copy from Cranmer's Letter Book
22 July.
Harl. MS.
6,148, f. 29 b.
B. M.
C.'s Letters,
881. Cranmer to the Dean [of Arches].
The cases of Thomas Perry v. one Benbowe, and of James Bulstrode
v. one Edwardes, are still undecided, the parties continually making suit
to me, and the term nearly ended. Appoint a day for the parties to
come before me, with their learned counsel. Come yourself, and warn
Dr. Townsende to be here to stay with me during the vacation. Where
you would know whether to make Mr. Chancellor and Pottkyns privy to the
matter you wrote of, do not do so till you have seen me. Otford, 22 July.
Copy from Cranmer's Letter Book.
22 July.
Harl. MS.
6,148, f. 33.
B. M.
C.'s Letters,
882. Cranmer to Dr. Bell.
Touching the taking to farm of your benefice of Normanton beside
Southwell for a kinsman of mine, send me, by this bearer, the final answer
you promised. Where you formerly made a stop herein as having promised
it to Master Bassett, the said Bassett has remitted to me all his interest in
the same. Otford, 22 July.
Copy from Cranmer's Letter Book. Add.
Harl. MS.
6,148, f. 33.
B. M.
C.'s Letters,
883. Cranmer to Dr. Bell.
Thanks him for his kindness in granting a lease of his benefice to the
bearer, Cranmer's kinsman. Desires him to allow the same to enter upon
it as soon as convenient.
Copy from Cranmer's Letter Book. Add.
Harl. MS.
6,148, f. 33.
B. M.
C.'s Letters,
884. Cranmer to Dr. Claybroke and Dr. Bassett.
I thank you for this bearer, my kinsman, to whom I understand you
be "especial friend" in such matters as he hath to do with you. Thank the
vicars choral of Southwell, in my name, for the same.
Add. : To Dr. Claybroke and Dr. Bassett.
23 July.
Harl. MS.
6,148, f. 30.
B. M.
C.'s Letters,
885. Cranmer to the Duchess of Norfolk.
Has received her Ladyship's letter, desiring, since Mr. Baschirche has
changed his mind, and resigned the benefice of Cheving to another, the next
presentation of the same for her chaplain, Mr. Molinex, and promising in
exchange the resignation of Curremalet, Somers., in the King's patronage,
to any one Cranmer names. Will do so, though Cheving is well worth
40 marks, which is much more than 18l. Where she wrote that she had
so often desired to know Cranmer's mind in this, and got no answer, he
told his servant Creke to inform her of the conditions of the resignation.
Otford, 23 July.
Copy from Cranmer's Letter Book. Add.
Harl. MS.
6,148, f. 30.
B. M.
C.'s Letters,
886. Cranmer to the Earl of Arundel.
Has ascertained that, by a certain agreement between their predecessors,
13 stags in summer, and as many does or hinds in winter, are
yearly due from the Forest of Arundell to the abp. of Canterbury's larder
within his manor of Slyndon. Desires to have the same, as he is this year
destitute of venison. When his game is more increased he will be glad to
accomplish Arundel's "requests in such like matters."
Copy from Cranmer's Letter Book. Add.
23 July.
R. O.
887. Cromwell to Henry VIII.
On his arrival at London received the enclosed letters from the
North, directed to the King from lord Dacre, with others from the lord
deputy of Calais. The Friars Observants that were with the Princess
Dowager, and were subtilly conveyed thence, were first discovered at Ware
by Cromwell's spies, and thence dogged to London, where, notwithstanding
many wiles, they were taken. On his arrival Cromwell called them before
him, but could gather nothing of importance. Found, however, that one of
them was a very seditious person, and committed him to ward till the
King's pleasure should be known. Immediately afterwards the warden of
the Grey Friars of Greenwich repaired to Cromwell. He seems very
desirous to have the punishment of the two friars, whose names are Hugh
Payne and Cornelius, telling Cromwell that the minister and general commissary
of this province of England had made out certain commandments
to the said friars to repair to him at Richmond. Incloses minutes of those
commandments on paper. Thinks the minister a right honest and discreet
person. Wishes to know whether to bring them to court or send them
elsewhere. They would certainly confess some great matter if examined by
pains. Has sent to my lord of Canterbury, as the King commanded,
touching the demeanour of the hypocrite nun, and has declared the King's
pleasure to the Staple, who are agreeable to his commands, except that
they desire longer days for the payment of the 10,000l., and are very urgent
that the King will grant them their house at a reasonable rent. London,
23 July. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
24 July.
Vit. B. XIV.
B. M.
888. [Edm. Bonner to Cromwell.]
"Right honor[able] ...
humble and i ...
to advertise ...
I declared ...
by my wri[ting] ...
giffen for ...
quam etiam ...
imperialles ag ...
not of the leng ...
suche thinges wh ...
and Consistory, an ...
shall receive the very cop[y] ...
Consistory did give, which cop[y] ...
the same being kept after that sort that it was to the intent ...
that no construction might be made against it, and help ...
same as much as might be, by which your Mastersh[ip may see] how
naughtily and unkindly, yea and again that promise [which the] Pope self
did make, processe hath been here attempte[d] ... will say that
the thing contained in the Pope's decree ... his own promise
that afore the Congress nothing of [importance] or moment should be done, is
not of moment or impor[tance] ... which, I think, after such tenor as it is,
no man will say, an[d for] my part I think and say that other the Pope
doth not ca ... and largely he interpreteth his words for his own
com[modity] or pleasure, or else that a man cannot believe such [words as]
here shall be spoken. I have transcurrendo noted something ...
objected against the said decree, yet not doubting but [that your] Mastership
shall see the same, and consider the circumstan[ces] ... add much more,
and so percase shortly I shall myse[lf] ... I have made is in the
margent, a line being drawn ... of the sentence. I would have made
it more fully but by[cause it came] lately to my hands, and this bearer with
speed ... Sir, forasmuch as being bold of your goodness
I inte ... only to depend upon your Mastership, I beseech
you ... after that sort and purpose assu ...
ye shall dispose * * * * his country
... not tell
... e a marvellous
... [S]aynt Angell
... o Mycene and so
... e Dorea passed
... Corona as is reported
... the Pope, the Emperor
... shall be fifty galleys
... [d]efence of Corona, which otherwise was not
[able to] have defended itself above September next, as ...
of the cometa which hath here appeared all ... eth it
needeth not I suppose.
"[The] saying here is that the duke of Milan hath [behead]ed the French
king's ambassador, resident with him."
Desires him to show this and his other letters to the King, and to recommend
him to the Queen. ... 24 July 1533.
Hol., mutilated. Add. at f. 48 b : To the right honorable my very singular
good master, Mr. Thos. Cromwell, one of the King's Privy Council.
Endd. : [Edmon]d Boner.
24 July.
Harl. MS.
594, f. 116.
889. Richard Strete, archdeacon of Shropshire, David Pole,
D.D., and Rich. Gwent, D.D., to John Bishop of London.
Send the assessment of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield for the
second fifth granted in the last Convocation. Have appointed the following
collectors :—In the archdeaconry of Coventry, the abbot of Mereval ; Derby,
the abbot of Beauchief ; Shropshire, the abbot of Hagmond ; Stafford, the
prior of St. Thomas ; and Chester, the abbot of Valeroyal. Lichfield,
24 July 1533.
Lat., vellum.
B. M.
Ib., f. 117.
ii. Assessment of the diocese, by deaneries, giving the names of the benefices
and the incumbents.
Total, 1,324l. 1s. 4½d.
Pp. 73.
24 July.
R. O.
890. W. Lord Mountjoy to Cromwell.
I send you certain remembrances of things to be provided against
the Queen's taking her chamber, of which I had experience when I occupied
the room. Please send it to her chamberlain. At my last being with you
I told you how unjustly I was dealt with by Sir Thos. Wentworth. By
order of the Court of the Marshalsea I have condemned Rob. Acton on an
obligation that Sir John Dudley and he were bound in to me, in the sum of
500 marks, for payment of 50l., which should have been rendered 12 months
ago ; yet I cannot have Acton kept in ward, or get my money, as he is
allowed his liberty by favor of the Marshal, as Mr. Sylyarde, justice of that
court unto my Lord Steward, can inform you. The recovery of my dues has
cost me as much as it amounts to, and I should have been very sorry to have
sued Sir John Dudley or him if they had not broken their promises. I beg
you will call the Marshal before you. If I am deluded in this matter I shall
exact the utmost forfeiture of the bond. Stondon, 24 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add. : Of the King's Council. Endd.
24 July.
R. O.
891. Sir Antony Browne to Cromwell.
Today I received your letter dated London, 17 July, with news of
the good health of the King and Queen and my other friends. Today a
number of men were viewed, and 500 ordered to be ready to set forward in
five days in the galleys, with Albany, to Rome. From this it seems that
the meeting will rather take effect than otherwise. Here is painting of arms,
both of the Pope and the French king, of many sorts, for the said meeting.
The King makes great haste, and intends to be at Avignon by Aug. 11.
Lyons, 24 July.
We arrived here on July 21. Before our arrival the duke of Norfolk
dined at a village named Gryeuswe, three leagues off, with the bishop of
Paris, Mons. Morrent, and others ; and after dinner, because the weather was
hot, we sat under a great tree, and had a collation with fruits and drink, and
so departed. Within an hour after arose a great thunder, and burnt the same
tree. One of the King's archers was also burnt, standing within three men
of him. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. : Master of the King's jewels.
[24 July.]
R. O.
892. [Wharton] to Henry VIII.
Received his letters on Thursday, the 24th of this present July, and
showed them to his commissioners here at Newcastle, and to Sir Geo.
Lawson. Divers reports have come to their knowledge of devices in Scotland
for the "apprehension" of the Cawmills, but they knew they were untrue
from the spies and from Geo. Douglas. Was quite prepared, for his part, to
the best of his power, "and the rule that I have most unworthy underneath
your Highness," to withstand their malicious purpose. Hears by his spies
that James Apowell, the Welshman who arrived on the west marches of
Scotland, is at Edinburgh, and has not spoken to the King. On Monday last
he had licence from the Provost to leave the realm, but his ship has since
been arrested in consequence of a dispute with one Upp Risse, "the one
appealing the other concerning the accusation of Risse put to execution
according to his demerits, was both called afore the Council." Has
written several times of Upp Risse since his arrival in Scotland. The King is
still in Edinburgh with his Council and nobles, and will close the Parliament
on the 4th Aug. He and his nobles are minded to peace, and the Borderers
do all they can to break it. The Scotch have not a ship on the sea. Wishes
to know the King's pleasure whether peace or war should ensue, now the King
is at man's estate. His subjects stand in as much dread of him as ever any
subjects of their sovereign. Reminds him of the great strength that Norfolk
had here when he was the King's lieutenant.
Copy, in the hand of Wharton's clerk, pp. 3.
24 July.
R. O.
893. [Sir] Edward Boughton to Cromwell.
I beg you to remember the commission for the weal of this country
here. The poor laborers are unpaid for six weeks. Cannot get a penny of
250l. owing by divers owners, among others by the monastery of Westminster.
If not paid no work can be done. It is time to know what should
be done about the measurement of the lands at Lesenes, or else the ditches
cannot be made in convenient time to drain them, and without them the
marshes cannot be sown or pastured. Woolwich, 24 July.
Hol., p. I. Add. : Of the King's Council.