Henry VIII: December 1529, 16-29

Pages 2720-2737

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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December 1529

16 Dec. 6097. IRELAND.
Commission to John archbp. of Armagh, primate of Ireland, and John prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in Ireland, treasurer there, to receive bulls of Clement VII., promoting, at the King's recommendation, John Aleyn to the see of Dublin, and to take his fealty. Westm., 16 Dec.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
Cott. App. XLVIII. 24. B. M. St. P. I. 352. 6098. [WOLSEY to CROMWELL.]
"Myn onely ayder in thys myn intollerable anxiete and hevynes," I thank you for your kind letters. Now that the Parliament is prorogued, and that the King intends, before he leaves York Place, to make an arrangement for Wolsey's entertainment, asks him to make arrangements most to Wolsey's comfort with Mr. Secretary (Gardiner), Norfolk and Suffolk, reminding them what was promised to him, relying upon which he made his submission, and put himself in the King's hands, who by the rigor of his laws could not have had so much as he now has. Trusts that their determination will be honorable as well as charitable. Wishes to know how he has sped today. If he does not come tomorrow, hopes he will bring on Monday the resolution of everything. Trusts that Mr. Nores will show his old love towards him. Mr. Secretary has promised to do his best. Forbears to send any one to solicit his causes, leaving them entirely in Cromwell's hands. Asher, this afternoon.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2.
Desires him to ride with Cowplande, the bearer, into the North, and assist him in carrying out his instructions. London, 19 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Not addressed.
21 Dec.
R. O.
6100. JOHN CLERKE, Canon of Cardinal's College, to CROMWELL.
In acknowledgment of his kindness to him and his brother Richard, sends him as a token a pair of Oxford gloves by Mr. Auditor. Oxford, St. Thomas' Day.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the Right Worshipful Mr. Cromwell. Endd.
23 Dec.
Vit. B. XI. 227. B. M.
Articles of the treaty concluded between the Pope, the Emperor, king Fernando and the Venetians, after the Emperor's descent into Italy, and his agreement with the duke of Milan.
1. The Venetians shall restore to the Pope Cervia and Ravenna, and the Pope will pardon their adherents. 2. They shall deliver to the Emperor Trani, Monopolis, and the other cities they hold in the realm of Naples. 3. The Emperor will restore the privileges granted to the Venetians by former kings of Naples, and their palace in the city. 4. The Venetians shall pay the 200,000 ducats due by the last treaty, if the towns mentioned therein are restored in a year. 5. The Pope promises in the name of the Venetians to pay 50,000 ducats, which the Emperor also claims. 6. The Venetians shall pay 5,000 ducats yearly to the banished men. 7. The Venetians shall pay the Emperor 100,000 ducats in addition to the above sums. 8. K. Fernando shall allow the patriarch [of Aquileia] (fn. 1) to enjoy his rights as determined by arbitrators. 9. The duke of Urbino shall be comprehended. 10. The Venetians shall forgive count Bronoro de Gambara and his brother, and permit them to remain in the Emperor's service. 11. Free mercantile intercourse. Neither party shall allow ships to leave their ports without taking security that they will not injure the subjects of either party. Neither shall receive the other's rebels. 12. The Emperor and King Fernando shall give a general pardon from the commencement of the war between Maximilian and the Venetians, for which the Venetians will pay 50,000 ducats.
ii. They have concluded a perpetual defensive league, on behalf of Italy, against all kings, princes, and potentates, viz.:—
1. The Emperor concedes that the duke of Milan shall keep 500 spears for the defence of the duchy, and promises that he will assist the Duke and the Venetians if necessary. The Venetians will also keep 500 spears and assist the Duke. 2. The Duke and the Venetians are bound to supply 15 galleys to defend the kingdom of Naples. 3. Friends and confederates to be comprehended, except those who are open enemies to one of the principal contrahents. On behalf of the Pope, the Emperor, and don Fernando, there have been named and included Genoa, Sienna, Lucca, the duke of Savoy, the marquises of Montferrat and Mantua. 4. The duke of Ferrara shall be taken as a confederate if he agrees with the Pope and the Emperor. 5. The treaty to be ratified in a fortnight by the Pope, the Emperor, the duke of Milan and the Venetians; and in a month by Fernando and others.
Bologna, in the house of Card. Gattinara, the Emperor's chancellor. 23 Dec. 1529.
Commissioners: "Hier. ep. Wasion. nuncius et procurator." Card. Gattinara. Louis de Prat. H. Perrenot. The Commendator Major. John Andreas Burgus, ambassador of K. Fernando. Gasper Contarinus, Venetian ambassador. George Andreacius, ambassador of the duke of Milan.
Pp. 3.
Egerton MS. 543, f. 63. B. M. 2. Copy of the same.
Lat., pp. 11.
R. O. 3. Articles of agreement between Charles V. and Francis Sforza, duke of Milan. Bologna, at the house of cardinal Gattinara, 23 Dec. 1529.
In English, pp. 3. In the same hand as § 1. Endd.
Egerton MS. 543, f. 31. 4. Acceptance by Sforza of the Emperor's offers. Bologna, 23 Dec. 1529.
Lat., pp. 5.
24 Dec.
R. O.
6102. AWARD.
Award made by Nicholas Lambert, alderman of London, Robt. Palmer, mercer, of London, and Thos. Cromwell, in a suit between Nicholas Gibson and Edward Dawes, grocers, of London, who gave bonds to abide their arbitration on the 24 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 2. Imperfect. Draft, corrected by Cromwell.
26 Dec.
R. O.
Was with the Pope on Christmas Day, who showed him that the Emperor had informed him of all the things that Casale had told the Emperor, and, as it appeared by the Pope's words, had magnified and even added to what he had said of the Pope and Cardinals. Casale, however, stood to what he had said. Noted that the Emperor had complained of the long delay in the Queen's cause; to which the Pope had answered, that it was necessary to proceed with caution wherever the case was not clear. He would therefore learn all that was said about this matter, and many things which make for the King; for all the divines are against the power of the Pope, while of the doctors of canon law, some are against it; and those who are not, consider that the dispensing power can only be used for a very urgent cause, as, for example, to prevent the ruin of a kingdom. The Pope's function is to judge whether such a cause has arisen; but no such enquiry was made or judgment given when the dispensation of Julius was granted. Here the Emperor asked if there had not been very serious wars between Spain and England, and whether great calamities would not have ensued if this affinity had not been contracted. The Pope replied, it was all the more serious mistake if these causes had not been submitted to the Pope's judgment, and the Emperor must not be surprised if he could do no more for the Queen. On this, the Pope said, the Emperor looked quite confounded; but he was afraid he would think that he had said this with reference to a former conversation that he might satisfy Henry. Writes exactly what he was told by the Pope, whether the facts be so or no. Knows only that his Holiness took that day the Eucharist, and that he wishes the Emperor could be induced to let him satisfy your Majesty. Urged him, when the Emperor returned to the subject, to set forth more fully the justice of the King's cause, lest he should give the King occasion to suspect him. 26 Dec.
Hol., Lat., pp. 3. Endd. by the King: "Litteræ in Pontificis dicta declaratoriæ quæ maxime causam nostram probant."
27 Dec.
Vit. B. XIII. 9. B. M.
Mentions his want of money and the scarcity in Italy, of which Sampson has probably written.
Urges him to obtain money for him. Rome is full of robbers. Four or five murders are committed every night. Many people now are anxious to obtain the Pope's blessing. Croke wants to keep as far from his hands as possible. Has not received the money which Foxe told him would be ready for him at Lyons or Bologna. Foxe was mistaken in his opinion of Sampson. Does not know what to do unless the King writes to tell Sampson to supply him, or unless the bishop of Worcester lends him more money. Begs him not to forget him. Has invented a cipher, which he incloses. Gregory's letters will show him what Croke has done in his affair. "Sed heus tu ne nimis falso gaudio crepes; egit adhuc ille nihil. Id ab eo hesterna nocte arte intellexi, et ex Wigorniensi responsum ejus ejusmodi ad me esse quale tu mihi posses dare, (nunquam interpellato rege), quoniam ego pecun[iam] postarum postulo, egi cum rege qui jussit ut cum Turca pro te agerem." Has not mentioned Foxe's other dispensation to the bishop of Worcester, and is sorry that he has mentioned it to Gregory. "Immo puto nos tuto potuisse neque o ... communicasse Wigorniensi. Est enim homo synceræ fidei et ... reliqua dispensatione se suas partes interpositurum jam ... sibi, gravitas cujus tanta est ut neminem inani sp ..." Advises Foxe to thank him both for himself and Hawkins. He will not go to Rome before March. 6 kal. Jan.
Lat., draft, pp. 2.
27 Dec.
Vit. B. XIII. 12. B. M.
The bishop of Worcester says that he has treated through friends with a theologian of great learning, and is expecting his writings every day. Neither dares nor thinks it advisable to do anything in the King's cause during the presence of the Pope and the Emperor. On their departure, will treat with the Jews as Stokesley advised, and with the theologians, of whose favorable opinion he does not despair, as they are all Thomists. The bishop of Worcester is very diligent. To prevent suspicion of their connection, they will not live together, either here or at Rome, but he wishes Croke to live at his house there during the Pope's absence. He has hired Croke a house here near his own. He advises him to go to Padua and Venice before going to Rome, and promises to assist him in obtaining the office of penitentiary, if it is vacant, for he will then have access to the libraries as the Pope's servant. Sends Stokesley's instructions to him about the authors to be consulted, that the King may see his diligence, and may see what a labor is imposed on Croke's poverty, as he will have to copy out two or three times the passages which will help the King's cause, leaving copies with the Bishop. Complains of his poverty and the expence of living. The Bishop advises him to live alone at Rome, and have intercourse with no one but him "... oratoribus tuis committenda putavi."
P.S.—Having sent off letters to the King's ambassadors, has been obliged to wait at Bologna for letters to introduce him to the libraries at Padua and Venice, and for letters which the bishop of Worcester expects from Rome, and also for money to meet his expences at Rome, where Dr. Benet tells him that he could never buy a chicken or enough bread for one servant for half a ducat. His firing has cost him a ducat a day here, and he can scarcely buy sufficient provisions for three ducats; while the Bishop says that everything at Rome is thrice as dear. Has asked the ambassadors to lend him money, but they reply that they fear that their money will not suffice for the heavy expences at Bologna, and complain that they are destitute in consequence of the dearness of provisions and the dishonesty of the bankers. Is therefore trying the Bishop, who immediately promised to lend him 100 pieces, but, being deceived by the bankers, could not lend them so soon as he wished. He is, however, eager to assist him, and assures him that he would lose his life rather than allow the King's cause or his servants to be neglected, and would divide his last loaf with them. Hears that he has always treated the English well. At Bologna, in readiness to start for Padua. 6 kal. Jan.
Lat., draft, pp. 2.
Vit. B. XIII. 6 b. B. M. 6106. [RICHARD CROKE] to _
[Arrived at] Bologna, Dec. 19, after many difficulties, caused by a slight fever from which he suffered, and by the dangers of the road. Crossed the Alps four days after leaving Lyons, though they were detained at Mont Cenis one day by a high wind. The mountains between Savona and Tarensium were most difficult and dangerous. The road had been infested by Spaniards, who had killed and plundered the couriers of the duke of Savoy; but the recent agreement of the duke of Milan with the Emperor has removed this danger. The expence of lodging and posts is much increased. The courier told him that between Cestria and Parma horses could not be hired for less than a gold piece, but from Loana to Cestria they were only half a crown, equal to a franc. But even there, although the horses were very bad, a gold piece was asked for them, and no reason given for the extortion. The horses were no less dangerous than the roads. Simon broke his arm by a fall. [Croke] was much shaken, which caused fever and diarrhœa. Has lost about 15l. by the ducats of Mirandola, which are so adulterated that he could never get more than a crown and a half for them. "Narraverat mihi D. Vigorniensis obtrusisse [i]lli maxima jactura illos Turcam (sic). Tu scis non posse ferre [ta]ntam jacturam et nollem libenter conqueri de Turca." Some means must, therefore, be found that Croke may not lose by them. "Egi ... [de re]bus tuis cum Gregorio de Casalis qui de dispen[satione] horarum canonicarum dubitat, et putat rem esse ... d de alia dispensatione nihil hæret de qua ... dubitabamus. Egi de dispensatione horarum canonicarum cum D. Wigorniensi tam pro me quam te. Ille difficulter concessurum p[utat Pontificem] quod nihil tale hactenus concesserit, et narravit aliquid impetrasse Wilso[num de] orationibus canonicis, sed ignorare quidnam id sit; si Pontifex alicu[i concesserit] nihil dubitat impetraturum tam mihi quam tibi. Si non concessit, fallendum ho ... Paschate quam alias oremus ut liceat secundum brevissimum ipsorum modum ... totum annum dicere, simulque liberos a matutinis Virginis esse non comm ... aliam dispensationem tuam episcopo admonuique Gregorium non esse communicandam, quoniam tu ita jusseras, quamquam ea res hic nullius habetur momenti." Gregory promised to speak about your dispensations to the Pope today. Will try and obtain Hawkins' request. The Bishop treats him very well, but does not think it advisable for him to live in his house. He has, however, found him a house near, and wishes him only to come to him at night. Are going to Venice and thence to Rome. Trusts to his correspondent and Stephen. The bishop of Worcester tells him that everything is three times as dear as usual. "Pontifex Maximus et Cæsar in unis cubant, vivuntque, ed[untque] Cardinales episcopique hic omnes, sed et ipse summus Pontifex et Cæsar barbati incedunt. Cardinalium magna pars violacea est, non rubea." Has not yet seen the Emperor or the Pope; nor even the English ambassadors, lest he should be recognised. Men are daily raised to attack the Florentines, and artillery is being collected from all Italy. All the princes and states except Venice are sending forces to the Emperor. An inhabitant of Bologna, who was lately sent to Castel Franco and Modena to procure artillery, and received money from the peasants to excuse them from providing carts, was hung by the Spaniards, immediately on his return to Bologna, from the capitol, before the eyes of the Pope.
Lat., draft, pp. 2.
Vit. B. XIII. 6.
B. M.
At Turin found that the couriers of the duke of Savoy had been robbed, and some of them killed. Could get no one to go ... with him, and was obliged with others to turn aside to Mount Callirrhous, and to entrust his life not only to the mountains, but also to the dangerous rivers, which are continual between Saona and Tarensium. The journey to Bologna was therefore much slower and more expensive than he expected. Would not have arrived safe but for the faithfulness of his courier. Has sent an account of his expences to Fox, which are 40l. more than his allowance. Advises the King not to allow the ducats of Mirandola, other wise called St. Paul's, to enter England, as they are so adulterated that they are hardly received in Italy. Commends the bishop of Worcester's prudence. Dares not write much, as he has no ciphers, for the Spanish soldiers open and read everything. Is going tomorrow to Padua, then to Venice and Rome. Asks for a supply of money, as he has scarcely ten days' diets left. The bishop of Worcester has lent him 100 ducats in the King's name.
Lat., draft, mutilated, p. 1.
[27 Dec.]
R. O.
I send my servant for a horse I should have of my lord Cardinal, and desire, if you are now at Assher with him, that you will have it delivered to my servant, who will wait upon you wherever it is. James of the Stable made his excuse to me, and said he had none so good in his keeping as my horse was, and that Mr. Lyle had horses in his hands, of which I should have one for mine. These horses were delivered to my lord Cardinal's officers before I came from Lambeth. I should be content to have in exchange the horse that bare my Lord's vallance, or that Fox rode into the North. Knolle, St. John's Day. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
29 Dec.
Le Grand, III. 421.
Will add nothing to what he has written to the King, except to state again that he never saw this King, or those who have influence with him, in such a favorable mood. This has been much promoted by what the French theologians have done, as reported by the ambassadors; but there is one Beda of this number, who is a very dangerous merchant, and it would be needful not to have many such in good company, as I will tell you further. I think the ambassadors will be shortly recalled; meanwhile any good cheer that may be shown to them will not exceed that which is done to me here; and I imagine they will show no less to De Vaux, who has such good will to them. But I trust he will come at the time when ceremonies are converted into good cheer, and when good will rather increases than diminishes.
For three days, this interview at Turin has been the universal talk, which would be a flea in the ear to the chief councillors, if it were not for this demonstration made by your theologians, which is enough to abolish everything. To say the truth, I think it was not a thing that should have gone so far without being intimated here, especially considering that, as I wrote long ago, the inkling they had got of it had given them a headache, which might easily have been taken away by informing them before it came to them otherwise. I pacified them, as I told you, by telling them that it was sought rather on the Emperor's side than ours, in which I was supported by La Pommeraye; but now that I should have liked still to defend myself from this stick, I have lost all my credit; for this King is informed for certain that your ambassadors made the overtures to the Pope, in order that he might propose them to the Emperor, and did so with such urgency that the Pope was compelled to tell De Tarbe that he should not make him convey a message which he would disavow afterwards (qu'il ne luy feist point porter parolle, dont après il fust desavoué.) De Tarbe replied, that he was ready to stand by it (la continuer) in presence of both of them, and thereupon the Pope had requested both of them to undertake a journey to the court to conclude this affair. You may judge what suspicions people might take from this. The Imperial ambassador has asked me if this King would not also be at the meeting, which would be only reasonable, as Francis has requested the attendance of the others, so that an enterprise against the Turk might be made by common consent. I am endeavoring to find out from the ambassador what is the intention on the Emperor's part, about the performance of the things promised. His answers are as favorable as possible, but the words of the Emperor, which I have reported to Francis, are rather strange. London, 29 Dec.
Fr. Add.: "Monseigneur le Grant Maistre et Mareschal de France."
29 Dec.
R. O.
At my departure from London at the Horse Head, without Aldgate, I found Mr. Audeley ready to ride homeward, and accompanied him to Colchester. On the way he told me he and Mr. Bonham were commissioned to enter into Wykes because it was holden of the duchy, and no licence had been obtained under the duchy seal. He thought the King would take all the monasteries suppressed, as my lord Cardinal's forfeiture dated from the first time of his offence, and that all leases would be void. If so, let me know to come and sue remedy, lest any grant pass the King. You would be astonished at the lies told of you and me in these parts. Commend me to Bonevise. Ipswich, 29 Dec.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Master Thomas Crumwell, gif this at London.
Instructions to the earl of Wiltshire, keeper of the privy seal, &c., (fn. 2) sent ambassadors to the Emperor.
1. They are to go to the Emperor wherever he is, with all possible speed. 2. On their coming to his presence Wiltshire is to deliver his letters of credence, and, after the usual compliments, the letters written in the King's own hand, showing the chief cause of his mission, and declare as follows:—
The King has understood from his ambassadors the Emperor's desire for a renewal of amity, which was confirmed by letters under the Emperor's own hand. He now holds the Emperor his sure and firm friend, and wishes to declare to him the secret of his heart, which he could not effectually do by letters or instructions, and which the Earl will declare. Two causes have hitherto prevented him declaring to the Emperor the secrets of this his great matter:—first, the declaration of war, which would have made it dishonorable to show his intention to his enemy; and, second, he could not show it, even to a friend, without ripe deliberation. But, as the Emperor has himself broached the subject with the King's ambassadors, the King, trusting in his old friendship, wishes to open to him the depth of his conscience in this weighty cause. He hopes the Emperor will not believe that any earthly consideration would have affected his judgment in such a matter; for he would not have gone against the Emperor's wishes without the advice of the most learned and virtuous men that could be found in England, Italy and France. The Earl shall then say that he has no doubt he shall be able to give the Emperor satisfaction when he is pleased to hear the whole matter disclosed. This will be enough for the first audience.
On the day appointed for his second interview, Wiltshire shall relate to him in French the whole matter of the cause; viz., that, as the Emperor knows, the Queen, whom Henry has hitherto regarded as his wife, was wife of his brother Arthur, and by him was carnally known, whatever may be said to the contrary, for it has been proved by the depositions of a great part of the nobility;—that the King, being informed by many great clerks, both of England and elsewhere, that the hindrance to his marriage was such that no dispensation was valid by the laws of God, and being confirmed in this by his own study and learning, he could not quiet his conscience remaining longer with the Queen, whom, for her nobleness of blood and other virtues, he had loved entirely as his wife, until he saw that their union was forbidden in Scripture. Unless, therefore, he would wilfully destroy his soul, there are so many reasons to persuade the dissolution of his marriage, that he cannot abide in it, viz.:—
1. The Levitical law is plain against the marriage, which says, "nullus accipiet uxorem fratris et turpitudinem fratris tui non revelabis," while another passage of Scripture declares that no one shall add nor take away one jot or one tittle from the Word of God; for which reason the King wonders at the hardihood of those who venture to add interpretations and glosses, especially such a one as this, mortui sine liberis, which was a case only allowed in Deuteronomy for the purpose of raising up seed in Israel, and applied only to those who lived together. This argument is further illustrated from other passages of Scripture. The King hopes the Emperor will do justice to his conscientious scruples, for it would have been much more easy for him to have satisfied the world by keeping the Queen as his wife, by which he would have been all the more firmly joined with the Emperor.
2. Moreover, if it had been a case in which the Pope could dispense, the bull on which the Queen chiefly relies was acknowledged to be insufficient both here and at Rome when the King's agents were there (although the King does not trust the Romans to adhere to their opinion), for it suggests falsely that the King desired the marriage for the sake of peace,—a matter of which he was then incapable of judging, being then under 12 years old. Further, he had no part in asking for the said bull, as appears by the deposition of the late bishop of Winchester, who then governed. Moreover, there was no war nor danger of war when the Pope gave this dispensation for the sake of peace, for peace had already been established between the two kingdoms some time before. Further, if the Queen's agents at Rome had believed the bull to be sufficient, they would have insisted more upon this point, and not have alleged a new brief, which had neither been heard of nor seen before the faults of the said bull were perceived. Thus the Emperor will see that the insufficiency of this bull is suspected by all parties.
As to the brief, it may be clearly proved to be of no effect:—first, because, it bears the same date as the bull; and, secondly, because it supplies the defects of the bull, which have only been lately discovered. Moreover, it is more likely that princes of high wisdom and policy would have renewed their treaties and promises under lead, than have supplemented them with a piece of parchment sealed only with wax, which could be and perhaps is removed from one to another. Moreover, it has always been the custom of the court of Rome to register every brief of importance; and, on search being made, a register was found for the time of pope Julius, containing memoranda of several briefs granted in like cases the same year, but without a word about the brief in question; while, in England, which, after Rome, would be the most likely place to find it, there is neither the original nor a copy, although of the bull there is a copy and register both at Rome and here. There is, besides, another reason, which clearly proves the brief to be false, viz., its date, by which, according to the ancient style of the court of Rome, it appears to have been of the time of Julius, and even during the life of prince Arthur, which falsehood is inexcusable,—besides others too long to express in instructions. Henry, therefore, hopes the Emperor will maintain his old friendship with him, seeing that the King does not wish to trouble any others in the possession of their realms, and that he will not allow the Pope or any other to disturb their renewed friendship.
If the Emperor, after this declaration made by the Earl, &c. (fn. 3)
And if the Emperor refuse to hear the arguments in this matter, &c.*
And if by chance the Emperor, during the disclosure of the King's matter, &c.*
And if the Emperor, well noting such reasons and allegations, &c. *
The Earl must not forget to take an opportunity in conversation with the Emperor of showing him how he will bind himself to the King and the whole realm of England, if this matter is decided with his consent; while, on the other hand, his opposition to the King's purpose will diminish their friendship, and give Henry just cause to complain of ingratitude. All these things, however, before saying them to the Emperor, the Earl and the ambassadors are to temper and qualify in such fashion that he may not take them for threats, or infer that the King himself wishes a breach.
And if these matters thus passed in communication with the Emperor, &c. *
And if it happen that the Emperor, by manner of communication, &c. *
And if the Emperor discussing the matters, &c. *
And if the Emperor does not move to take some certain way, &c. *
And if it happen that at the arrival of the Earl, &c. *
And forasmuch as the said Earl conducting thither, &c. *
And if he (or it ?) be required, &c. *
If, after trying various ways and means with the Emperor to induce him to consent to the King's purpose, he cannot prevail, then the said Earl, along with the elect of London and the Almoner, shall take his leave without awaiting letters of recall, leaving behind them Dr. Benet as ambassador with the Emperor, and return with all diligence. In doing which, as the Emperor does not understand Latin, it will be needful that Wiltshire prepare beforehand certain formal words, so couched as not to give offence, or cause suspicion of a rupture. He may, however, signify to the Emperor that although the King has not been able to gain his consent, he cannot forbear to discharge his conscience, which he has done his utmost to do, with the consent of his friends. If the Emperor reply that he would be satisfied if the King would in this matter follow the common order of law, and leave it to the Pope's judgment, the Earl shall say that there are so many reasonable causes to refuse this, that the King thinks the Emperor will admit it could not be indifferently determined at Rome. For, first, the Pope and his ministers were so maltreated by the Spaniards and Germans at the sack of Rome that he dares not displease the Emperor. Moreover, the place is not indifferent, seeing that one party is Spanish, and fear of torments and loss of goods affects them more than zeal for truth. Further, a judge competent to decide such an affair should be well versed in Divine law, as well as that of the canons, in which the Pope has confessed himself ignorant, as appears both by divers letters addressed by himself to the King, and by the report of the King's ambassadors. How, then, could the King, without offence to God, having a clear conviction of his own right, submit to the determination of one who acknowledges himself to be ignorant of this science. It would be like plucking out his own eyes, and putting himself under a blind guide, of which the Scripture says, "that if the blind lead the blind they will both fall into the ditch." The King has, therefore, on mature deliberation, fixed his cause upon the express words of God, that the marriage is against the Divine commandments, and he does not see what judgment is needed to delay the case longer, considering that the Scripture says, "Ubi Spiritus Domini, ibi libertas," and the Pope's laws approve the acts of one who suffers the extremity of ecclesiastical censures, and conforms to the decision of his own conscience. It is clear, therefore, that he is not bound to wait any longer the decision of the Church,—as it is expressly written in the Decretals, in the chapter Licet de regularibus. The King is also encouraged by a wonderfully virtuous and wise man, (fn. 4) who says that he is not to be considered pious, but impious, who transgresses his Master's law for the sake of a servant, and fears more to offend man than God. He is resolved, therefore, to conform himself to the words of our Saviour, "Nolite timere eos qui occidunt corpus, animam autem occidere non possunt. Sed Eum potius timete qui potest corpus et animam perdere in Gehennam."
Fr., pp. 26.
Vit. B. XXI. 121. B. M. 2. A portion of the same instructions, beginning, "After which repair unto the Emperor's presence, the said Earl, after delivery of the letters written with his owne hand," &c.
3. The Emperor's answer, at f. 122 b.
Mod. copy.
Titus, B.I. 370. B. M. 6112. RALPH SADLEYR to CROMWELL.
Immediately after your departure, went to Mr. Vice-Chamberlain at the court, as you commanded. He said he knew nothing more of my Lord's affairs than when you were last with him; but he, and Mr. Treasurer, and Mr. Secretary had consulted together and determined their intent, but had had no time to execute it, as the King did not come abroad today, and probably will not tomorrow. The Vice-Chamberlain will write to you as soon as he knows anything. He says that my Lord's hinderers and enemies have had time with the King before his friends, but he trusts their purpose will be prevented. Went to Mr. Secretary, (fn. 5) who said he knew nothing at all about my lord's Grace. I think he will do little or nothing to my Lord's avail, or to that of any of his friends, more than he may not choose for very shame, considering the advancements and promotion that he hath had at my Lord's hand. I have small trust in him. London, Thursday, 8 p.m.
P.S.—Wyllyamson says that while I was at court Mr. Holgill sent to your house, desiring you to speak with him tomorrow at the Savoy.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his right worshipful maister, Mr. Thomas Crumwell, be this given at Asshire.
Lans. MS. 121. No. 12. B. M. Strype Eccl. Mem. I. pt. II. 31. 6113. WOLSEY to GARDINER.
Although he is in very great indisposition, and cannot write long letters, cannot forbear putting him in remembrance, on the return of Thomas Cromwell, that after consultation taken by the King in regard to Wolsey, "which ye supposed should be on Sunday was sevynight, ye would not fail to advertise me at length of the specialties thereof." Begs that Gardiner will at this holy time write as he promised, and put him out of his agony.
"Written this morning at Asher, with the rude hand and sorrowful heart of yours, with heart and prayer, T. Carlis Ebor. miserrimus."
Modern copy.
Cott. App. XLVIII. 10. B. M. St. P. I. 351. 6114. WOLSEY to [CROMWELL].
"The forberyng and puttyng ovyr of your comyng hyther hath so increasyd my sorwe, and put me in suche anxyete of mynd, that thys nygth my brethe and wynde, by sythyng, was so short that I was by the space of thre owers as one that shulde have dyde. Wherfor, yf ye love my lyf, breke awey thys evenyng and come hyther, to the yntent I may open my mynde unto yow, and instruct you of the same, wych I can not commyt to wryttyng, but yt ys necessary that the same be done by mutual conferens with yow by mowthe, and that I may have your cownsell opon the same. Yf thys tyme be put ovyr, yt shall not lye in your poore to provyde the remedye. Yf I mygth I wolde not fayle, rather then thys my spekyng with yow shulbe put ovyr and delayd, to come on my fete to yow. At the reverence of God, take sume payne now for me, and forsake me not in thys myn extreme nede; and wher as I can not, God shall rewarde yow. Now ys the tyme to [sh]owe whether ye love me or not. Wherfor in any wyse take [pains] in thys purpose some lytyl tyme: ye shal not tary here long. [A]t the wych your comyng I shal showe you [my] mynd in all [s]uche thyngs as ye have wrytten to me afore. I am now in no good poynt to wryt at the leynth any thyng, nor shalbe abyll ... de any, yf I contynue in this cas, nam dies mei finientur. [I pray you] speke with Mr. Nores affore your comyng, of whom ye may [gather] some specialties. Yf the desspleasure of my lady Anne be [some]what asswagyd, as I pray God the same may be, then yt shuld [be devised t]hat by sume convenyent meane she be further laboryd, [for th]ys ys the only helpe and remedy. All possyble means [must be used for] atteynyng of hyr favor. I have, God knowys, [great need of friends] nowe to showe cheryte, pety ... [I commit me] to your wyse handling."
Draft in Wolsey's own hand; mutilated, p. 1. Headed in pencil: Asher.
Grant by Wolsey to George Boleyn, knt., viscount Rochford, son and heir apparent of Thomas earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, of an annuity of 200l. out of the lands of the bishopric of Winchester, with power to distrain for nonpayment.
ii. Similar grant of an annuity of 200 marks out of the abbey lands of St. Albans.
Drafts, corrected by Cromwell, pp. 3, large paper.
R. O.
Hoped to have seen him in these parts before Christmas. Will make him welcome if he will come to his house. Asks his favor in his suit for the ferme of the parsonage of Churchyll. Heard today that John Hacker has a new grant of it for 42 years from the dean of my lord Cardinal's College. Hears that the indenture is engrossed, but hopes Cromwell will stop its being sealed. It is very commodious for Barantyne, as it is within his own manor. Hasley,—Dec. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.: To his heartily beloved friend, Master Cromwell.
Asks his favor for his niece, Anne Banastre. Wishes him to ask Wolsey to call the parties before him, and order her husband to give her an honest living out of her own. Cannot make him sufficient recompence, but will be always glad to do him pleasure. Though his substance be drowned, will give Crumwell some wood for his chamber or other pleasure. Would have been with him tomorrow, but his wife is not well, and he himself is pained with the stone. Asks him to be good lord to the victuallers who shall come to him. Woolwich, Thursday night.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell. Endd.
Asks him to help him to obtain the 5l. due to him from the late abbot of Lesnes, for which he has received six loads of clm timber. Is content that Cromwell should take a noble to buy a pickerel for himself and his wife. Desires to be recommended to her, though unacquainted. Will be glad to see them at his lodging here. Woolwich, Sunday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the worshipful Master Cromwell.
Informs him that a ship, called the Mary and John, now in he Downs, the Camber, or Dover Road, which was laden with beans by Anthony Cavalare, deceased, belongs to the King, to whom Cavalare owed large sums of money. The mayor is therefore to arrest her ... Sunday evening.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated. Begins: Master Mayor of Sandwich.
R. O. 2. Brian Tuke to the officers of the ports of Sandwich, Dover, Winchester, Rye, or Hampton. Revoking the order for the arrest of the above ship. London, ... [15]29.
Hol., p. 1, mutilated.
Desires restitution to Matho Cristesoun, of Disart, and Walter Grot, of certain pieces of cloth and "pewder" detained from them by the mayor of Hull, by means, as he says, of the inhabitants of Berwick. Edinburgh,_1529. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Sealed.
Cott. App. B. M. 6121. KATHARINE OF ARRAGON.
Accounts of Griffin Richardes, receiver general of Katharine of Arragon.
A parchment volume of 166 pages, much mutilated and defaced, and the leaves out of order. The chief portion consists of the accounts of Ric. Ratclyff, Thos. Thornehull, Edw. Tame, Ric. Decons, Edw. Busshy, and John and Wm. Poyntz, for lands in various counties.
There are abstracts of the expences of the Queen's household for the following years:—
f. 11 b. Household expences, from 16 March 15 Hen. VIII. to 16 March 16 Hen. VIII.
[Rewards], 325l. 13s. Costs and expences for the Queen's use, including 166l. 13s. 4d. for repairs at Haveringatboure, 600l. 1s. 5¾d. Fees and wages of knights, ladies, maids, and lawyers, 789l. 4s. 10d. Wardrobe of robes, 866l. 0s. 1½d. Wardrobe of beds, 55l. 8s. 0½d. Stables, 778s. 14s. 8d. Preparing the household in divers places, 30l. 9s. 6d. "Batillagium," 32l. 13s. 4d. Rewards to persons bringing presents, 97l. 4s. Presents, 366l. 16s. 10½d. For the Queen's purse, 266l. 17s. 2d. Offerings to the Dean of the Chapel Royal, 27l. 6s. 8d. Other offerings, 5l. 9s. 8d. Alms, 195l. 7s. 7d. Laundress, 3l. 5s. 10d.—Total, 4,440l. 12s. 8d.
f.10. Expences of the household._March 16 Hen. VIII. to_March 17 Hen. VIII.
Rewards, 550l. 10s. 4d. Costs and expences for the Queen's use, including 230l. 13s. 0½d. for the repairs of Fodrynghey Castle, 618l. 14s. 9d.½q. Fees and wages of knights, ladies, maids, and lawyers, 826l. 13s. 10½d. Wardrobe of robes, 877l. 10s. 3½d. Wardrobe of beds, 11l. 15s. 7d. Stables, 807l. 9s. 10d. Preparing the household in divers places, 32l. 5s. 10d. "Batillagium," 20l. 0s. 9½d. Rewards to persons bringing presents, 97l. 6s. 8d. Presents, 424l. 15s. 3d. For the Queen's purse, 185l. 11s. 4d. Offerings to the Dean of the Chapel Royal, 27l. 16s. 8d. Other offerings, 8l. 7s. Alms, 184l. 4s. 3d. Laundress, 4l. 6s. 6d.—Total, 4,677l. 8s. 11d. 2½q.
f. 7 b. Expences of the household, from _ March 17 to _ March 18 Hen. VIII.
[Rewards], 317l. 13s. 10d. [Costs and expences] for the Queen's use, 727l. 12s. 1¼d. Fees and wages of knights, ladies, maids, and lawyers, 904l. 8s. 9½d. Wardrobe of robes, 1,152l. 12s. 1½d. Wardrobe of beds, 56l. 17s. 11d. Stable, 778l. 19s. 11¾d. Preparing the household in divers places, 23l. 15s. 2d. "Batillagium," 21l. 10s. Rewards to persons bringing presents, 101l. 13s. 2d. Presents, 413l. 14s. 6¼d. Money for the Queen's purse, 162l. 13s. 11d. Offerings to the Dean of the Chapel Royal, 27l. 1s. 8d. Other offerings, 5l. 5s. 1d. Alms, 132l. 16s. 6½d. Laundress, 3l. 11s. 4d.—Total, 4,830l. 6s. 1½d.
f. 5 b. Household expences, from March 18 Hen. VIII. to the same date 19 Hen. VIII.
Rewards, 385l. 5s. 2d. Expences for the Queen's use, 384l. 3s. 10d. Fees and wages of knights, ladies, maids, and lawyers, 887l. 5s. 10½d. Wardrobe of robes, 768l. 8s. 10¾d. Wardrobe of beds, 14l. 4s. 3d. Stable, 754l. 1s. 2¾d. Preparing the household in divers places, 18l. 14s. 10d. "Batillagium," 47l. 11s. 11d. Rewards to persons bringing gifts, 100l. 5s. 8d. Gifts, 357l. 6s. 1¼d. Money for the Queen's purse, 194l. 8s. 5¼d. Offerings to the Dean of the Chapel Royal, 26l. 6s. 8d. Other offerings, 7l. 0s. 4d. Alms, 187l. 0s. 1d. Laundress, 2l. 19s. 10d.—Total, 4,135l. 3s. 1½d.
f. 2. Expences of the household * * *
Offerings, 32l. 17s. 10d. Alms, 164l. 4s. 9d. Laundress, 65s. 8d. Money for the Queen's purse, 200l. 17s. 6½d. "[Pro consilio] in lege spirituali et al' conc' dominam reginam," 514l. 0s. 4d.
f. 8. Household expences, 20 March 20 Hen. VIII. to 20 March 21 Hen. VIII.
Rewards, 179l. 16s. 9d. Costs and expences for the Queen's use, 157l. 11s. 9d. Fees and wages to knights, ladies, maids, and lawyers, 902l. 12s. 6½d. Wardrobe of robes, 759l. 2s. 10¼d. Wardrobe of beds, 5l. 13s. 11d. Stable, 665l. 5s. Preparing the household in divers places, 24l. 6s. 8d. "Batillagium," x ... Rewards to persons bringing presents, ciii ... Presents, 349l. ... Money for the Queen's purse, cxx. ... Offerings to the Dean of the Chapel Royal, 27l. 6s. 8d. Other offerings, 6l. 15s. 5d. Alms, 163l. 6s. 4d. Laundress, 3l. 7s. 5d. "Expensæ factæ pro consilio in l[ege] ... [domin]am Reginam concernent' in dicta lege," 704l. x .. s. 9d.
f. 44.
f. 65.
There are two accounts of alms, pensions, and tithes paid by the Queen's receivers, both alike, and neither dated.
Alms to the convent of Shene, granted by the King's progenitors out of the lordship of Wareham, 7l. 6s. 8d. Alms granted by the King's progenitors to the convent of St. Margaret, near Marleburgh, 2l. 10s. Alms granted by the Queen to John Benton, anchorite of Marleburgh, 12 April 9 Hen. VIII., 13s. 4d. Alms granted by the King's progenitors to the rector of Kynges Langley, as tithes for land in the park there, 2l. 13s. 4d. Alms granted by the King's progenitors to the nuns of Staunford, 40s., and to the Friars Minors of Grauntham, 40s. Alms granted by the Queen to the "Ancorissa" of Staunford, 13 July 7 Hen. VIII., 20s. Alms granted by the King's progenitors to the dean and college of Stoke, near Clare, 3l. 6s. 8d. Alms granted by John late duke of Suffolk to the guild of St. Nicholas in Dedham, from the rent of a tenement there, 10s. Tithes of Baynardescastell to Walter Major, rector of St. Benet's, near Pawlis Wherff, 40s.—Total, 22l.
f. 51. In addition to the payments of wages and allowances to the officers of the Queen's lands, there are the following payments to other persons:—
To John Grigby, clerk of the Queen's Council and registrar of her Chancery, 5l. Hugh Carre, keeper of the Tower near the King's Exchequer, 4l. 11s. 3d. Elys Hilton, keeper of Baynardescastell, 8l. 0s. 10d. Sir Thos. Nevell, retained of the Queen's Council, 3l. 6s. 8d. [Richard] Lytstere, the King's attorney, retained of the Queen's Council, 40s. William Rudhale, sergeant-at-law, retained of the Queen's Council, 40s. Chas. Bulkeley the Queen's solicitor, 2l. 13s. 4d. John Scott, Nic. Tichbourne, Edw. Knightley, John Baker and—Mountague, apprentices at law, retained on the Queen's Council, 7l. 6s. 8d. John Joynour, the Queen's attorney in the Common Bench, 1l. 6s. 8d. John Ernelye, King's attorney, retained of the Queen's Council, nil. Wm. Rudhale, Queen's attorney, nil.
R. O. 6122. "ABATEMENTS."
In coats, 500l. In coats for captains and petty captains, 10l. In conduct money, 1,000l. In conduct money for captains and petty captains, 40l. In wages of 3,000 men for half a year, at 6d. a man, 13,662l. 10s. 30 captains, at 4s. a man, 168l. 30 petty captains, at 2s., 84l. 4,000 Almains and their captains for the same time, 17,136l. 3,000 horsemen with captains and lieutenants, 24,640l. Ships for transporting them, by estimation, 3,000l. Conduct homeward of footmen, 1,000l. Total, 61,240l. 10s.
Item, of the Emperor, 30,000l. Of the King's debts and revenues, 50,000l. Of the subsidy, 200,000l. Total, 341,240l. 10s.
"So in surplusage, over 304,982l. 13s. mentioned in the rate, 36,257l.17s."
P. 1. In Tuke's hand.
Cart. Ant.
XIII. 19. B. M. Ellis, 2 Ser. II. 22.
Petition for restoration in blood as son of Edward Stafford, late duke of Buckingham, who was attained eight years ago. The King had granted him 500 marks of land from Michaelmas after his father's death, for himself to live on, and for his wife's jointure; and at the delivery of the said lands, finding them to be under the value by _ (fn. 6), the Cardinal, late Lord Chancellor, desired him to accept them, and he would continually sue to the King for a supplementary grant. Stafford accordingly continued to petition Wolsey on the subject till the next Parliament, when he told him he should either be content with the lands, or he should have none at all, but the King's high displeasure. At another time he was compelled by my lord Cardinal, after great cost done upon a house in Sussex in which he lived three years, to break up his household, and sell what he had there, when, having no fitting dwelling-place on the lands given him by the King, he was compelled to board at an abbey this four years' day with his wife and seven children. Protests that he does not covet the dignity of his father, nor to have any estate, arms, or lands other than the King shall give him.
R. O. 6124. LORD LISLE.
A file of 42 documents, consisting chiefly of receipts given by Sir Arthur Plantagenet lord Lisle, his receiver Anthony Wyndesore, and others, from 19 to 21 Hen. VIII., touching the following persons and places:—
Persons.—Rob. Dytton, Roger Davyson, bailiff, Wm. Wyatt, Humphrey Ferres, Th. Ardurne, John Osborne, John Southwell, bailiff, the abbot of Glastonbury, Walter Quyck, Ric. Day, Master Roynon, Wm. Orche, reeve, John Mottley, Th. Norreys, Wm. Shotford, John Pauly, Mr. Chasse, John Whiteblake, John Creche, Wm. Machyn, Master Nuton, Foscu, Th. Roo, of Chedder, lord Daubeney, Wm. Say, John Lane, Lisle's bailiff at Bristol, and others.
Places.—Sweynesthorp, Sygyngworthe, Drayton, Drayton-Basset, Bangley Park, the "Tolleboth" at Farysley, Tamworth, Rybbysford, Lympesham, Bereham, Norton-Becheham, Sandeford, Paynyswike, Murton-Valans, Meddesle, Longdon, Asshereyney, Trenesquyte, Avell, Tornock, Bempston hundred, Edysley, Chaddesley-Corbett, Bristow.
Petition of John Lucas, Esq., to the King, setting forth that Will. Delahyde, a native of Ireland and student of the Inner Temple, London, had borrowed of the petitioner, "about Midsummer was twelve months," a book which contained Glanvylle's Works, with St. Edward's Laws, the Danes' Law, the West Saxon Law, the Marchen Law, Magna Charta, the Charter of Henry I., "the Observing of the Testament of William Conqueror by king William Rufus, divers other old statutes, the changing and transferring of the sees of bishoprics in old time, divers ancient stories of king Kanutus," &c., which was to be returned at Michaelmas; but Delahyde having died that summer of the sweating sickness, Jas. Dudall, who came into possession of his goods, refuses to restore it, having, as the petitioner thinks, conveyed it into Ireland. If it be not recovered it will be "a great loss to your Majesty and to your whole realm of England, by the loss of such necessary memorials as are contained in the said book, the like whereof your said subject, who hath seen very ancient things, did never see nor read, and he verily thinketh, without the said book they be not to be seen nor read; and for the most part of the contents in the said book, they were not unwritten since king Henry the Third his time." Prays that Dudall be summoned to appear before the Council on the subject.
On parchment.
Mutilated draft of an indenture between Christopher Jenye and Chr. Coo, in which the former covenants to give the latter his counsel when required, and that Coo shall peaceably occupy of him the farm of North Roughton. All ambiguities to be settled by Thos. Jermyn and Thos. Cromwell, Esq., by counsel of Sir Ric. Broke, chief baron of the Exchequer, and John Spylman, serjeant-at-law.
A roll of paper, imperfect at the beginning; with corrections in Cromwell's hand.
Henry Byrd, of Coventry, contracted marriage eight years ago, per verba de prœsenti, with Margery Pysford; but the latter afterwards unlawfully contracted marriage de facto with Will. Norton, who thereupon obtained letters inhibitorial against them both, from the audience of Will. archbishop of Canterbury, to prevent its solemnization. On this the said William and Margery withdrew from Coventry to Balsall, Cov. and Lich. dioc., and were married at the chapel of Temple Grafton, without any licence from Ric. Shirley, curate of their own parish church of St. Michael's, Coventry, or any dispensation, or publication of banns. Bird then obtained a citation against them before John Cocks, LL.D., and brought three witnesses to prove the marriage, the parties making default. At Bird's petition, Cocks sequestered the said Margery in the house of Julian Nethermyll, mayor of Coventry; but she and Norton violated the sequestration, as they also did a second sequestration at the house of Will. Wygeston at Leicester. A third sequestration was then ordered, under pain of excommunication, in the house of John Heryng, in Paternoster Rowe, London, till the cause should be determined. Cocks then declared a true marriage between Henry and Margery, and separated the said William and Margery. The latter applied to Miles Spenser, canon of York, to obtain a commission from Rome to Geoffrey Wharton, (fn. 7) LL.D., then canon of St. Paul's, London; but the commission confirmed Cocks' sentence. The said William and Margery then obtained from John Clerici, auditor of the Rota, letters of inhibition to Cocks and Bird to proceed no further, and caused the latter to be cited before Clerici four or five years ago, during all which time the case has remained undecided, allowing the said William and Margery to go on living in adultery. The process on the last appeal to the Rota is said to have been burned by reason of the wars between the Pope and the Emperor.
Lat., pp. 10.
R. O. 6128. SYON.
"Expences of the lady Abbess of Syon's counsel in riding to Fellsted in the xxjth year of king Henry the VIII."
At London, outward and homeward, 10s.; at Rumford, outwards, 4s. 4d.; Chemysford, outward, 7s. 8d.; Fellsted, (for shoeing,) 6s.; Chemysford, (homeward,) 5s. 10d.; Brondwod, 4s. 8d.; Romford, (homeward,) 5s. 10d.
P. 1.
R. O. 2. Another copy.
P. 1.
Form of a bill to be signed by the King, granting him the manors of Atwyke, Sutcotes, Drypole, Sutton and Stanfery, Yorksh., on Wolsey's attainder.
P. 1, large paper.
Cleop. F. VI. 351. B. M. 6130. SHROPSHIRE.
Extracts, in a modern hand, from the Book of the Benevolence of Shropshire, 21 Hen. VIII.
"Ex libro in recepto scaccarii in custodia D. Arturi Agard."
Sir Gilbert Talbot, Thos. Wildecote, commissioners.
Total, 503l. 7s.
Copy of pleadings in a case of taking cattle in the manor of Excet, which belonged to Cardinal's College, Oxford.
Lat., pp. 3.
Lease by Robert White, prior of Royston, to Edmond Bredilhaugh, of Fornset, in Norfolk, of the manor and parsonage of Codenham, Suffolk. Dated_21 Hen. VIII.
Draft, pp. 5, large paper.
Understands he is good master to a poor man, Oswald Dagges, whom one Fransses has defeated of his inheritance. Had a conference with him, along with Master Recorder, in Stephen's Chapel, "werre the onkoll of this mane hade dellyver me xxti li., for to common with the syde Fransses Alle." He was willing to take 80l., which they thought too much.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the rythe worssipefull Master Cromwell, with my lord Cardenalles goode grasse. Endd.
John Bartelett, of your Highness' retinue, has presented to me, your deputy, and the council of this town, your letters patent granting him the passage between this and Dover. The mayor and his brethren complain that this is contrary to a charter granted to them by Edward III., and confirmed by the King, which they showed to the duke of Norfolk, lord Rochford, and Master Pallett, your controller. They have written about it to the King.
Draft, with corrections in Wingfield's hand, p. 1. Endd.
Dec./GRANTS. 6135. GRANTS in DECEMBER 1529.
1. Ant. Harrison, draper, of Coventry. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. York Place, 8 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 Dec.—P.S.
3. Thos. Daldrowynd, alias Dalton, Daldron, or Dauton, brewer, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Thos. Clifforde, vice-captain of Berwick. Greenwich, 20 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Dec.—P.S.
3. Christopher Coo. Licence to export 200 wayes of beans or peas. Greenwich, 29 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Dec.—P.S.
5. Robt. Kyrk, yeoman of the Queen's Chamber. To be bailiff of the manor of Totenham, Middx.; in the King's gift by the minority of Peter, s. and h. of Sir Wm. Compton, deceased, vice Roger Tussarde. York Place, 27 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Dec.—P.S.
6. Devon: Baldwin Malet, Robt. Dillon, Tristram Henscott, and John Ford. Commission to make inquisition p. m. on the lands and heir of John Whytyng. Westm., 6 Dec.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19d.
6. Wm. Corboulde, tanner, of Monkcilly, Suff. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Greenwich, 30 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Dec.—P.S.
6. Walt. Walsshe, page of the Privy Chamber, and Elizabeth his wife. Grant, in survivorship, of the manor of Cherleton, alias Cherleton Camvyle, alias Charleton Cammyll, alias Southeherleton, Somers. York Place, 1 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 6 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.—Vacated ... Oct. .. Hen. VIII. and a fresh patent granted 3 Nov. 23 Hen. VIII.
7. Thos. Twynne, barber, late of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Greenwich, 27 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm.—P.S.
8. Hen. Loveles, mercer, late of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfeld. Greenwich, 17 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Dec.—P.S.
9. Sir Geo. Throgmerton. To be bailiff of the lordship of Hatton, Warw., and keeper of Haseley park, Warw., on surrender of patent 2 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII., granting the said offices to Roger Radclyff, gentleman usher of the Chamber. York Place, 6 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
10. Elizabeth, widow of John Buttes, of Middleton, near Lynne, Norf. Reversal of waive. Greenwich, 12 Nov. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 21.
11. Wm. Ratcliff. Lease of a close called Thorpelande, adjoining the lordship of Moulton, parcel of Warwick's lands, Northt., on the expiration of the lease granted by Sir Edw. Belknapp to Edw. Hasilwood; for 21 years, at the annual rent of 10l. 6s. 8d., and 13s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 11 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
13. Sir Francis Bryan. To be keeper of the new park of Istelworth, Middx., alias the New Park of Richmond, with 3d. a day; vice Sir Wm. Tyler, deceased. York Place, 9 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 5.
13. John Pulter, scholar, of Cambridge. Pardon for having killed Edm. Wilson in Christ's College, Cambridge. Westm., 13 Dec.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 35.
13. John Poulter, of Browcton, Hunts, yeoman. Pardon for all offences committed before 1 June 19 Hen. VIII. York Place, 2 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Dec.—P.S.
14. Thos. Secote, clk. Constat and exemplification (in consequence of the loss of the original, as sworn by Walter Lambert,) of the enrolment of patent 21 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII., being a grant of denization to the said Thos. Westm., 14 Dec.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5.
15. John Schayff, chaplain, native of Cardona, in the bpric. of Treves, Germany. Denization. York Place, 6 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 15 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
16. Commission of the Peace.
Beds.:—Sir Thos. Moore, chancellor, Thos. duke of Norfolk, Charles duke of Suffolk, J. bp. of Lincoln, Wm. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in England, Edm. lord Braye, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Ric. Lyster, chief baron of the Exchequer, Sir Hen. Grey, Sir John Mordaunt, Sir Francis Bryan, Sir Wm. Gascoign, Sir Mich. Fyssher, Walter Luke, Wm. Marshall, Thos. Fitzhugh, Nich. Hardyng, Peter Baron, Simon Fitz, and Geo. Akeworth. Westm., 16 Dec.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
17. John Byfeelde, alias Fyfelde, of St. John's Street, Middx., butcher. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Thos. Clifford, vice-captain of Berwick. York Place, 12 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Dec.—P.S.
17. Sir Geo. Throkmerton. Wardship of Thos. s. and h. of Thos. Lovet, deceased. York Place, 7 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
20. Sir Wm. Musgrave, knight of the Body. To be marshal of the town of Berwick; granted to Thos. Strangwisshe, 18 Hen. VIII., who succeeded Sir Thos. Foster. York Place, 18 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
20. Sir Edw. Goldeford. Grant of the government and conduct of all men able for war dwelling in the seven hundreds of Kent, and the parishes of Tenterden, Gowderst, Stapelherst, and the island of Oxney, Kent. York Place, 12 Dec. 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
21. Francis Bygod. Livery of lands as kinsman and heir of Sir Ralph Bygod, viz., s. and h. of John Bygod, s. and h. of the said Sir Ralph; and kinsman and heir of Peter de Malo lacu and of Peter s. and h. of the said Peter, and of Margaret wife of the said Peter, the son; on all the possessions in England, Wales, and Calais, late of the said Sir Ralph; or of which Sir Wm. Eure, Edw. Gower, Rob. Conyers and Thos. Constable, of Stytnam, and Sir Marmaduke Constable, Hen. Bygod, Peter Bygod, Ranulph Pygot, Sir Wm. Ingelby, Jas. Strangweys and Thos. Strang. ways were, at the time of Sir Ralph's death, trustees to his use. York Place, 21 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 28—30.
21. Anth. Knevet, gentleman usher of the Privy Chamber. Licence to export 200 wayes of beans. York Place, 19 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 Dec.—P.S.
22. Thos. Haselrige, of Noseley, Leic. Pardon for all devastations of houses and enclosures of lands in the town of Noseley, and elsewhere. Also release of two recognizances, one for 200l. made 30 Nov. 12 Hen. VIII., and the other for 100l. made 2 Dec. 18 Hen. VIII. Dated 13 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
22. John Cary, page of the Privy Chamber. To be steward of the lordships of Lammershe and Colnewake, Essex, and Bassyngborne, Kent, in the gift of the King by the death of Sir Wm. Tyler; with 6l. 13s. 4d. a year. Westm., 22 Dec.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 10.
22. Rob. Holton, yeoman, late of Bukfast, Devon, alias of Milcombe, Dors., alias of Winsham, Somers., alias of Weymouth, Dors. Pardon for all robberies, &c. of chattels belonging to the abbot and convent of Bukfast. York Place, 19 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.
Letters patent for the above.
22. Wm. Hunt, merchant, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Thos. Clifford. Greenwich, 22 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Chelsea, 23 Dec.—P.S.
23. The customers, &c. of the port of London. Warrant to permit 50 tons of tallow out of the provision for the King's household to be exported annually. York Place, 20 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Chelsea, 23 Dec.—P.S.
23. Wm. Roper. Lease of the manor or burgage of Marlowe, with all lands belonging thereto, parcel of Warwick's lands, Bucks, now held by Tucher Bold, by virtue of patent 12 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII., for 21 years; with reservations, for the term of 21 years from 1536 on the expiration of the said Bold's lease, at the annual rent of 62l., and 20s. increase. Del. Westm., (fn. 8) 23 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
26. John Reding, baker, of Hounslow, Middx. Pardon. Greenwich, 23 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 26 Dec.—P.S.
26. Sir Thos. Fitzgeralde, s. and h. of Gerald earl of Kildare and of Elizabeth Saint-john, his wife. Licence to alienate the manors of Shenyngton, Glouc., Dunchurche, Tofte, Abindorset, Kingesford, Kyngton, Pakkars, Honely, and Blakwell, Warw. and Glouc., to the use of Margaret his wife, which manors were granted by patent 5 Nov. 2 Hen. VIII. to the said Gerald and Elizabeth, in tail male. Greenwich, 26 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. (No date of delivery.)—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 16. (Undated.)
29. Hen. Holden, yeoman of the Crown. Grant, in reversion, of the fee of the Crown, of 6d. a day, now held by Hugh Parker. York Place, 9 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Chelsea, 29 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.


  • 1. Omitted in MS.: supplied from the Egerton copy.
  • 2. So in orig.
  • 3. These headings of paragraphs stand thus in the original.
  • 4. Cranmer?
  • 5. Gardiner.
  • 6. Blank in orig.
  • 7. Ob. 1529.
  • 8. 24 on Patent Roll.