Henry VIII: December 1529, 1-15

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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December 1529

R. O.
St. P. VII. 219.
Instructions to George Boleyn, gentleman of the Privy Chamber, and John Stokesley, D.D., sent to the French king.
On their arrival at the French court they shall confer with Sir Francis Brian on the repair of Albany into Scotland, to interrupt the alliance between Scotland and the Emperor; on which subject, though Brian has been continually solicitous, the King has received from him no direct answer. They shall tell Francis that Brian is recalled to look after his own causes, and they are sent in his place; and they shall say that, considering the inconvenience like to ensue to France by the proposed alliance, the King has been anxious to learn what chance there might be of good effect by Albany's passing into Scotland, and they shall desire a consultation to be held with the Duke on the subject, guarding themselves from the supposition that the King wishes for it upon any other grounds than the benefit of France. If it be resolved on, it must be kept as secret as possible, taking care it does not come to the knowledge of the French king.
They shall also advise upon the question of a General Council, which is to be by them mutually prevented, considering the influence the Emperor has over the Pope. Upon the King's great matter they shall say, the King has sent Stokesly, who shall declare his opinion and that of other learned men, and shall say that, as De Langy at his late being here had said that divers in those parts were of similar opinion, he had special charge to consult them, and he shall do his best to obtain opinions favorable to the King. They shall also desire the French king to allow them to see the originals of the treaties and conventions made at Cambray, as copies only have reached England, sent to the French ambassadors here, containing many contradictions; and the same secresy has been observed in the court of the lady Margaret. Signed by the King at beginning and end.
Mutilated. In Derby's hand.
R. O.
St. P. VII. 217.
6074. [BENET] to HENRY VIII.
Concerning the advocation of the cause, for the which you greatly charge the Pope, "insomuch that cardinals Ancona and S. Quatuor and the whole 'signature' was in the opinion that it should be suspended and not avoked," and yet that the Pope had avoked it to satisfy the Emperor, I am sorry to find you were thus misinformed. This is not only untrue, as may appear by my letters which I wrote to the cardinal of York on 9 July, stating that the whole 'signature' were of opinion that the Pope ought to avoke the cause, but that if ever the Pope wished to please your Grace, he did so in this case, for he expressly commanded Ancona and S. Quatuor to persuade the Emperor's ambassador and the king of Hungary's to be contented that the cause should be only suspended. Without their consent this could not have been attained. For that purpose he sent Jacopo Salviati to induce the said ambassadors to comply, but they refused. On this the Pope called Sir Gregory and me to witness before the Bishop, and as the thing was so notorious we cannot deny it. Nothing has more grieved me than that you should be misinformed, and charge the Pope with that which he can so easily disprove. I beseech you to pardon me for writing so plainly. I assure you I do it not to excuse the Pope, but to explain the truth, and feel myself bound to this course by the fidelity I owe you.
At Paul's arrival here, he delivered me, in the presence of Mr. Carew, this letter enclosed, which I sent by him to my lord Cardinal, supposing at that time he had been in credit and authority with your Grace, as he was at my departing; signifying unto him the summary of what was done in your cause since my coming hither, and what was to be hoped of the Pope in time to come. I am sorry that I did so. I send it now to your Grace.
The following paragraph is added at the end of the letter:—
For avoiding of many inconvenients, which we were persuaded were likely to follow, he (the Pope) did avoke the cause at our suit, as an experiment, to content the Emperor and the king of Hungary's ambassadors; but only for a time. "For the Pope['s] council said that, following this device, the Pope could not do it without their consents, but that he should have grieved expressly the party adverse."
Draft, Hol., pp. 4.
R. O. 2. Fair copy of the same.
Add. in a different hand: "To the moost Cristyn kyng oure soveraigne Lorde." Endd.: "Doctor Knyght." Hol.
1 Dec.
Herbert's Henry VIII., in Kennett, II. 125.
Articles against cardinal Wolsey by the Lords. (fn. 1)
1. For obtaining legatine authority in England, to the injury of the King's prerogative and the immunity possessed by the Crown for 200 years. 2. For making a treaty with the French king for the Pope without the King's knowledge, the King not being named therein, and binding the said French king to abide his award if any controversy arose upon it. 3. For having, when in France, commissioned Sir Gregory de Casalis, in the King's name, to conclude a treaty with the duke of Ferrara without any warrant from the King. 4. For having in divers letters and instructions to foreign parts used the expression, "the King and I," and "I would ye should do thus," "the King and I give unto you our hearty thanks," using himself more like a fellow to your Highness than a subject. 5. For having caused his servants to be sworn only to himself, when it has been the custom for noblemen to swear their households first to be true to the King. 6. For having endangered the King's person in that he, when he knew himself to have "the foul and contagious disease of the great pox broken out upon him in divers places of his body, came daily to your Grace rowning in your ear and blowing upon your most noble Grace with his perilous and infective breath;" and when he was healed, he made the King believe that it was only an imposthume in his head. 7. For giving away as legate by prevention divers benefices, both spiritual and temporal. 8. For making ambassadors come first to him alone, so that it may be suspected he instructed them after his own pleasure contrary to the King's command. 9. For causing all manner of letters to the King from beyond sea to be sent to him first, so that the King knew nothing except what the Cardinal chose to show him, and was compelled to follow his devices. Also when the Council have suggested doubts which have been afterwards verified, he, to abuse them, used these words: "I will lay my head that no such thing will happen." 10. For compelling spies to give information to him in the first place. 11. For granting licence under the Great Seal to export grain after the prohibition for his own profit. 12. For writing to ambassadors abroad, in his own name, and without the King's knowledge, and causing them to write again to him, so as to conceal their information. 13. For discouraging the hospitality kept in religious houses, by taking impositions of the heads of those houses for his favor in making abbots and priors and for visitation fees, "which is a great cause that there be so many vagabonds, beggars, and thieves." 14. For surveying and reletting at increased rents the lands of the houses he had suppressed, putting out copyholders, or compelling them to pay new fines. 15. For arrogant demeanour in the council chamber, letting no man speak but one or two great personages. 16. For delaying suitors, whom he took pleasure in making attend on him at his own house; so that it has been affirmed ten of the wisest men in England would not be sufficient to order in reasonable time the matters he would retain to himself. 17. For appropriating by his legatine authority the goods of spiritual men when they had any riches, and, when executors remonstrated, putting them in fear by refusing to meddle. 18. For compelling all the ordinaries in England to compound with him that he might not usurp half or the whole of their jurisdiction by prevention, and to extort treasure, "for there is never a poor archdeacon in England but that he paid yearly to him a portion of his living." 19. For shamefully slandering many good religious houses, by which means he suppressed 30, exceeding even the powers given him in his bull, which enabled him only to suppress houses that had not more than 6 or 7 in them. He then caused offices to be found by untrue verdicts that the religious persons had voluntarily abandoned their houses. 20. For examining matters in Chancery after judgment had been given on them by the common law, and compelling parties to restore to the opposite party what they had recovered by execution in the common law. 21. For granting injunctions by writ when the parties were never called, nor bills put in against them. 22. For suspending pardons granted by the Pope until he had a yearly pension out of them. 23. For putting out many farmers of his lands, and grantees of the archbishopric of York, &c. 24. For inducing houses of religion to compromit their elections to him, and obtaining from them so much goods as almost to ruin the houses. 25. For taking from religious houses one twenty-fifth of their livelihood at visitations. 26. For threatening the judges, to prevent a decision. 27. For making his son Winter spend 2,700l. a year, which he takes to his own use, and gives him only 200l. to live on. 28. For violating his promise to the King, when he asked his assent to be legate de latere, not to do anything in prejudice of the King or Bishops. 29. For slandering the clergy of England by writing to Rome that they had given themselves in reprobum sensum. 30. For appropriating most of the goods of Dr. Smith, late bishop of London, bishop Savage of York, Mr. Dalby, archdeacon of Richmond, Dr. Tornyers (Toneys ?), Ruthal bishop of Durham, and Dr. Fox, bishop of Winchester. 31. For removing into Chancery the indictments against his officers for taking 12d. in 1l. for probation of wills, and rebuking Mr. Justice Fitzherbert. 32. For promoting dissension amongst the nobles. 33. For compelling the King's subjects to serve him with carts for carriage, corn and other victuals, at the King's prices and under. 34. For keeping great estate at court in the King's absence. 35. His servants have taken cattle and other victuals at as low price as the King's purveyors. 36. For preventing the King's officers from taking wheat, as was the custom, out of the liberty of St. Albans. 37. For forbidding persons who had been before him in the Star Chamber to sue to the King for pardon. 38. For committing to the Fleet one Sir John Stanley till he released a farm which he held of the abbot of Chester, to one Leghe of Adlington, who married one Lark's daughter, "which woman the said lord Cardinal kept, and had with her two children; whereupon the said Sir John Stanley, upon displeasure taken in his heart, made himself monk in Westminster, and there died." 39. For interfering with the King's clerk of the market, who, when the King came to St. Albans, presented to the household as usual the prices of all manner of victuals within the verge. He was commanded to set the said prices up, according to custom, on the gates of the household, and in the marketplace of St. Albans; but Wolsey ordered them to be taken down, though they were sealed with the King's seal, and his own prices set up sealed with his seal. He also would have set the clerk of the market in the stocks. 40. For stamping the Cardinal's hat under the King's arms on the coin of groats made at York. 41. For committing to the Fleet Wm. Johnson, who had a lease of the parsonage of Crowley from Sir Edw. Jones, clerk, and disputed a claim to that parsonage raised by the dean of Cardinal's College, Oxford, on the ground that it belonged to the parsonage of Chichley, appropriated to the suppressed priory of Tykeford. 42. For issuing an injunction out of Chancery to one Martin Docowra, to avoid possession of the manor of Balsal, in Warwickshire, in favor of Sir George Throgmorton, until the matter depending between the prior of St. John's and the said Docowra were discussed. The latter has never been called to make answer in Chancery. 43. For prohibiting two bishops from visiting the university of Cambridge to prevent the spread of Lutheran heresies. 44. They beg the King to make the Cardinal an example. 1 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII.
Signed: T. More—T. Norfolk—Char. Suffolk—Tho. Dorset—H. Exeter—G. Shrewsbury—R. Fitzwater—Jo. Oxenford—H. Northumberland—T. Darcy—T. Rochford—W. Mountjoy—Will. Sandys—William Fitzwilliam—Henry Guldeford—Anthony FitzHerbert—John FitzJames.
1 Dec.
Vesp. F. IX. 190. B. M.
2. Copy of part of the above.
In a modern hand, pp. 6.
MS. Jesus Coll., Oxon. (Fol. 170.) 6076. CARDINAL WOLSEY.
"Cardinal Wolsey, in his disgrace, employed Cromwell in soliciting his affairs at Court, to get his pardon, &c., and thanks him for his care therein in many letters with his own hand.
"When he was commanded to York, he desired the King's letters of recommendation to the nobility in the North, which he would have favorably indited, and Mr. Secretary (fn. 2) to be moved therein, of whom he expects some help for his old deserts, &c.
"[These letters I find were so favorably penned that the Cardinal, in a letter of the King to the lord Dacres, is called, Our right trusty and right well beloved the L. Card1, &c.]
"1529." "When he was at Asher he writes thus to Cromwell:—My fever is somewhat assuaged, and the black humour also. Howbeit, I am entering into the kalends of a more dangerous sickness, which is the dropsy, so that if I be not removed to a drier air, and that shortly, there is little hope, &c.
"Lady Anne." "He entreats Cromwell to solicit the King to be gracious to him, and to practise that the lady Anne may mediate for him.
"He styles Cromwell—My only comfort; and—My only help; and—Mine own good Thomas; and—My only refuge and aid.
"FromAsher." "He writes to Cromwell that he hopes that for his maintenance, and to do good to his servants and bestow alms (which York will not do), the King (if he take from him Winchester) will allow him a pension out of it. For God be my judge, I never thought, and so I was assured at the making of my submission, to depart from any of my promotions; for the rigour of the law, for any offence that can be arrected unto me, deserveth no such punishment; and so, trusting in the King's goodness, I am come to this point. I hope his Grace will consider the same accordingly. I have had fair words, but little comfortable deeds, &c. Those noblemen did otherwise promise on their honours to me, upon trust whereof I made the frank gift of mine whole estate.
"If it might be possible to retain Winchester, though the King had the most part of the profits, &c., or else there might be some good sum made for the retention of the same.
"In another letter:—
"As touching the Articles laid unto me, whereof a great part be untrue, and those which be true are of such sort that by the doing of them no malice nor untruth can be justly arrected unto me, neither to the Prince's person, nor to the realm, &c. This may be urged to the King.
"Mint at York." "Powlet." "As touching the coin at York with the letters and badges in the same, ye may commune with Pawlet, &c. officer of the Mint, how the usage hath been of the Mint.
"He complains of the wrong information of the earl of Northumberland.
"He thanks Cromwell for getting his pardon and restitution to York sealed.
"He hopes that the King (to whom he hath given all his goods and revenues) will pay his debts, which may be done with the arrearages of my pension out of France for the year bypast.
"He intreats Crumwell to sue that his Colleges be preserved, for (saith he) they are, in a manner, opera manuum tuarum.
"July 12." "Cromwell to the Cardinal.
"As touching the process against your Grace out of the Exchequer and all other matters and suits brought against you, I have pleaded your pardon, which is allowed in all the King's courts, and by the same your Grace discharged of all manner causes at the King's suit.
"Cromwell looks for reward." "Cromwell tells the Cardinal this soliciting his cause hath been very chargeable to him, and he cannot sustain it any longer without other respect than he hath had heretofore. I am 1,000l. worse than I was when your troubles began.
"Card1's Colleges." "As touching your Colleges the King is determined to dissolve them, and that new offices shall be found of all the lands belonging to them newly to intitle his Highness, which be already drawn for this purpose. But whether his Highness, after the dissolution of them, mean to revive them again, and found them in his own name, I know not. Wherefore I entreat your Grace to be content, and let your Prince execute his pleasure.
"July 12."
"Crom. reward."
"Rafe Sadler to the Cardinal.
"That his Master [i.e. Crumwell] hath accepted his token, which yet was not so great a reward as he expected (the Cardinal alleged his necessity, &c.) He saith that there is none.
"May 17."
"Cromwell to the Cardinal.
"That the King hath received his letters, and is very sorry that he is in such necessity, yet that, for relief, his Majesty hath deferred it till he speak with his Council. The duke of Norfolk promiseth you his best aid, but he willeth you for the present to be content, and not much to molest the King (concerning payment of your debts, &c.,) for, as he supposeth, the time is not meet for it. His Grace [i.e. the King] showed me how it is come to his knowledge that your Grace should have certain words of him and other noblemen unto my lord of Norfolk since the time of your adversities, which words should sound to make sedition betwixt him and my lord of Norfolk.
"Lady Anne." "Mr. Page received your letter directed unto my lady Anne, and delivered the same. There is yet no answer. She gave kind words, but will not promise to speak to the King for you.
"Certain doctors of both the universities are here for the suppression of the Lutheran opinions. The King's highness hath caused the said doctors at divers times assemble, and hath communed with them. The fame is that Luther is departed this life. I would he had never been born.
"August." "Cromwell writes to Cardinal Wolsey:—
" .. had a new restitution granted." "Entreating him to have patience, &c. that there shall be some offices sent into York and Nottinghamshire to be found of your lands belonging to your archbishopric. This will be very displeasant to you, but it is best to suffer it, for, if they should not be found, you could not hold your bishopric quiet, notwithstanding your pardon; for your restitution made by your pardon is clearly void, for that the King did restitute your Grace before he was entitled by matter of record. When these offices shall be found, your pardon shall be good and stand in perfect effect.
"He tells him that his modest behaviour and humility hath gained him the love and good report of the country where he now lives, and also in the Court, yet his enemies deprave all. Sir, some there be that do allege that your Grace doth keep too great a house and family, and that ye are continually abuilding. For the love of God, therefore, have a respect, and refrain, &c.
"Octob." "Cromwell writes to the Cardinal:—
"I am informed your Grace hath me in some diffidence, as if I did dissemble with you, or procure anything contrary to your profit and honour. I much muse that your Grace should so think, or report it secretly, considering the pains I have taken, &c. Wherefore I beseech you to speak without feigning, if you have such conceit, that I may clear myself. I reckoned that your Grace would have written plainly unto me of such thing, rather than secretly to have misreported me, &c. But I shall bear your Grace no less good will, &c. Let God judge between us. Truly your Grace in some things overshooteth yourself; there is reg[ard] to be given what things ye utter, and to whom, &c.
"I find by these letters that Cromwell kept certain scholars in Cambridge, for he entreats the Cardinal to prefer them to benefices which should fall in his archbishopric.
"Octob." "The Cardinal strives to clear himself to Cromwell, protesting that he suspects him not, and that may appear by his deeds, for that he useth no man's help nor counsel but his, &c. Indeed, report hath been made to him that Cromwell hath not done him so good offices as he might concerning his colleges and his archbishopric; but he hath not believed them, yet he hath asked of their common friends how Cromwell hath behaved himself towards him, and, to his great comfort, hath found him faithful, &c. Wherefore he beseecheth him with weeping tears to continue stedfast, and give no credit to the false suggestions of such as would sow variance between us, and so leave me destitute of all help, &c.
"Madame Anne." "None dares speak to the King on his part for fear of Madame Anne's displeasure.
"The Cardinal takes the suppressing and dismembering of his colleges very heavily.
"This is said before." "He heartily and earnestly solicits Cromwell and others to aid the said colleges, that what the Pope and the King have done and confirmed may not be made void, which thing should be against all laws of God and man.
"Minute." "He writes to the King humbly and on my knees with weeping eyes to recommend unto your excellent charity and goodness the poor college of Oxford. [This letter was to be presented by the Dean and Canons thereof.]"
2 Dec.
Cal. B. VII. 155. B. M. St. P. IV. 571.
Understands by his writings, received from Sir Thos. Clifford, Henry's entire good will to him. Redress upon the Borders is the thing he most ardently desires. With regard to his intercession for Angus, begs him to remember the many writings and instructions he has sent him, containing the just process of forfeiture passed upon Angus, his brother, and uncle, for their crimes against James; especially those sent by Magnus, who left no persuasion untried with him. Thinks Henry should not urge him so far. Edinburgh, 2 Dec. 17 Jac. V. Signed.
2 Dec.
Cal. B. VII. 154. B. M.
Have received his letter from Sir Thos. Clifford, captain of Berwick. Are not inclined to any reconciliation between Angus and the King. Edinburgh, 2 Dec. 1529. Signed: Gawan archebischop of Glasgw.
P. 1. Add.: "To the kingis grace of Ingland."
2 Dec.
S. B.
To the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, the general surveyor of lands, the auditors of the accounts of the Hanaper of Chancery, of the chief butler, and others.
Warrant to allow to Sir Thos. More, as lord chancellor, the yearly sum of 542l. 15s. from 25 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII.; and for his attendance in the Star Chamber, 200l. a year. Also the chief butler is to allow him 64l. a year for the price of 12 tuns of wine; and the keeper of the Great Wardrobe, 16l. a year for wax. Del. Westm., 2 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII.
Vesp. F. XIII. 76. B. M. St. P. I. 349. 6080. WOLSEY to CROMWELL.
As you love me, repair here this day, at the breaking up of the Parliament. I have to communicate to you touching my comfort, and need your advice on certain things requiring expedition, to be solicited there. Asher, this Saturday morning.
I have certain things to communicate to you respecting yourself which you will be glad to hear. Mr. Agusteyn told me you had written to me a letter advertising me of the coming of the duke of Norfolk. No such letter reached me.
Hol. Add.
5 Dec.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 353.
Notarial attestation of the oath taken by Th. Pighinutius de Petra Sancta, of the mode of computing the Dominical year in Papal breves. Bologna, Sunday, 5 Dec. 1529.
7 [Dec. ?] (fn. 3) 6082. For THOMAS WYNTER, Dean of Wells Cathedral.
Constat and exemplication, at the request of William Clayburgh, one of the masters of Chancery, and Thos. Donyngton, clerk before the King in Chancery, of patent 16 July 20 Hen. VIII., granting to the said Thos. Wynter the custody of the hospital of St. Leonard, York.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 24._Vacated on surrender by the said William and Thomas in behalf of the said Thos. Wynter, 7 ... 21 Hen. VIII.
8 Dec.
R. O.
28 June, 27 (17) Hen. VIII.—Henry Fitzroy as earl of Nottingham, duke of Richmond and Somerset. The earl of Devonshire as marquis of Exeter. Lord H. Brandon as earl of Lincoln. Lord Rosse (Roos) as earl of Rutland. Sir Hen. Clifford as earl of Cumberland. Sir Rob. Ratcliff lord Fitzwalter as visc. Fitzwalter. Sir Th. Boleyn as visc. Rochford.
22 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. 1529 (1528 ?)—Sir Pierce Butler as earl of Ossory.
Conception of Our Lady, 20 (21 ?) Hen. VIII.—Visc. Rochford as earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, &c. Visc. Fitzwalter as earl of Sussex. Lord Hastings as earl of Huntingdon.
Modern note, p. 1.
8 Dec.
P. S.
Charter, granting, in tail male, the title of earl of Sussex; with an annuity of 20l. York Place, 8 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19.
8 Dec.
P. S.
Charter, granting, in tail male, the title of earl of Wiltshire in England, with an annuity of 20l. out of the issues of Wilts and Devon; and the title of earl of Ormond in Ireland, with an annuity of 10l. out of the farm of the city of Waterford. (fn. 4) Witnesses: W. archbishop of Canterbury, Thos. duke of Norfolk, treasurer of England, and Chas. duke of Suffolk, marshal of England; Thos. marquis of Dorset, and Hen. marquis of Exeter; John earl of Oxford, chamberlain of England, and Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, steward of the Household; Arthur viscount Lysle, William lord Sands, the King's chamberlain, George lord Bergavenny, Sir William Fitzwilliam, treasurer of the Household, and Sir Henry Guldeford, comptroller of the Household, and others. York Place, 8 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Dec.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19.
P. S.
Creation as earl of Huntingdon, with an annuity of 20l. York Place, 8 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., same day.
8 Dec.
R. O.
6087. CHARLES V.
Oath to observe the treaty of Cambray. Bologna, 8 Dec. 1529. Signed.
Fr., vellum.
R. O. 2. Notarial attestation of the above oath taken at the monastery of St. Francis, Bologna, 8 Dec. 1529.
Vellum. Seal attached.
9 Dec.
P. S.
6088. EDWARD FOX, clk.
Presentation to the hospital of Shurborne, void by the resignation of Thos. Wynter; at the King's disposal by the voidance of the bishopric of Durham. York Place, 4 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 9 Dec.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9.
10 Dec.
R. O. St. P. VII. 224.
I wrote to your Majesty ten days ago. It is rumored that the Venetians shall pay the Emperor 100,000 ducats, and the duke of Milan 300,000 by instalments. No news of the duke of Ferrara. Bologna, 10 Dec. 1529.
Hol., Lat. Add. Endd.
Three months ago sent a servant to England to inquire what truth there was in the rumor that the great Cardinal of England had been thrown into prison, and was even in danger of his life. Oh, the slippery turns of this world! Friburg, 10 Dec. 1529.
11 Dec.
P. S.
6091. For THOS. MAGNUS, clk.
Custody of the hospital of St. Leonard, York, vice Thomas Wynter, clk. York Place, 7 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 11 Dec.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, ms. 5 and 23.
ii. Mandate to the Mayor and Sheriffs of the city in pursuance of the above. 13 Dec.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 23.
12 Dec.
R. O. St. P. VII. 225.
Are at great expence. All things are very dear, in consequence of the destruction of the country. The admiral of France, the bishop of Tarbes, and Morette are here. Betwixt Vercelli and Pavia for the space of fifty miles the whole country has been wasted. We saw no man or woman laboring in the fields. All the way could be found only three women, gathering wild grapes. The people and children are dying of hunger. Were well received at Turin by the duke of Savoy, and have received a safe-conduct from the Emperor. At Reggio we were housed by a friend of Gregory Casale. Bologna, 12 Dec. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Gardiner.
12 Dec.
R. O.
6093. CALAIS.
Writ to the mayor and escheator of Calais, to inquire touching the decay of houses within the town and scabinage, and to inquire the number of watchmen and other services now lacking by reason of such decay. The houses so decayed to be taken into the King's hands. Westminster, 12 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.
ii. Inquisition made 12 Feb. 20 Hen. VIII.
Partly defaced and gall-stained.
13 Dec.
R. O.
Indenture, dated 13 Dec. 21 Hen. VIII., between Sir Antony Browne, knight for the Body, and Thos. Wynter, archdeacon of York, by which the latter makes over to Sir Antony his interest in a lease granted to him by Wolsey as bishop of Durham, on 10 Feb. 20 Hen. VIII., of a great house with a furnace for melting lead, near Gateshead, with all the Cardinal's mines within the bishopric, both within and without the country called Wardall, and all the ores of silver, iron, lead, copper, and other metals, subject to a rent of 5l. a year, for thirty years.
R. O. 2. Two drafts of Wolsey's lease of the twentieth year, above referred to, with corrections by Cromwell.
14 Dec.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 282. B. M.
Extracts from letters of Micer May, 14 Dec.
* * * The cause of England is prosecuted without loss of time. More substantial decrees (autos) are wanted, of the new inhibitions and of the separation, and the Pope has determined to give them; but the reporter (relator) spoke to the Consistory, and, on account of the absence of the cardinals of Ancona and Osma, the matter was not heard. (Apostyle:—The Pope should be told that this concerns [not ?] the Queen only, but his own authority, and might give occasion to the King to do something therewith.) * * *
The king of England has written anew for the giving of cardinals' hats to the auditor of the Chamber and Casal. It was talked about in Consistory, but is given up. He has taken very great trouble to set both Pope and Cardinals wrong; but has succeeded ill with the latter, as they fear the Auditor being made Cardinal. * * *
Sp., pp. 8. Modern copy.
15 Dec.
Colbert MS. 468, v. p. 559.
The bearer, whom you know, is returning to the Pope, and will give you news. I have not seen for a long time any one more affectionate to his master than he is to the King (Francis). Henry will not be pleased if he is detained at the French court. Complains of Montmorency's neglect in writing to him. I have excused it by speaking of returning when my brother comes, but even now I do not know when that will be. At last the king of England sees clearly that he must pass through the Pope's hands. That is the reason of the bearer's return. London, 15 Dec.
Fr., from a transcript, pp. 2.


  • 1. According to Herbert, these Articles were preferred against him in Parliament. It is remarkable, however, that no Act of attainder is found on the Rolls of Parliament. An Act was passed this session, that no one should be injured by the attainder of cardinal Wolsey; but it refers only to his conviction in the court of King's Bench, and not to any parliamentary process.
  • 2. "This was, I think, Steph. Gardyner." Certainly.
  • 3. See 11 Dec. post.
  • 4. Supplied from the Patent Roll.