Henry VIII: October 1529, 1-15

Pages 2664-2675

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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October 1529

1 Oct.
R. O.
Indenture, dated 1 Oct. 20 Hen. VIII., between Brian Tuke, treasurer of the Chamber, and Edmund Pekham, cofferer of the Household, witnessing that Tuke has delivered to Pekham, by virtue of a warrant dormant for the expences of the Household from 1 Oct. 20 Hen. VIII. to 30 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII., viz. by the hands of Thos. Wriothesley, Pekham's servant, at various times, sums of 3,000l., 2,000l., 1,500l., 5,500l., 4,700l., 2,674l. 16s. 3½d., and 20l. Total, 19,394l. 16s. 3½d. Each item is signed by Brian Tuke.
A roll of parchment.
ii. Schedule attached to the above.
Indenture, dated 1st Feb. 21 Hen. VIII., between Sir Brian Tuke and Edmund Pekham, witnessing the delivery to the former of 4,826l. 2s. 6d., in full payment of the King's warrant dated Greenwich, 4 Jan., for the surplus expences of the Household for the 20th year of Hen. VIII. ending at Michaelmas.
Signed by Tuke.
2 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 176. B. M.
There came hither with Campeggio a doctor of law, a native of Barcelona, who has been 30 years in the Rota of Rome, and lost everything he had when Bourbon entered the city, so that even now he is in great poverty. Requests Charles to give him some preferment in Naples. Windsor, 2 Oct.
Sp., Modern copy, pp. 2.
4 Oct.
Vit. B. XI. 220. B. M.
Desires credence for Paul Casale, whom he sends to request aid against the Turks. Rome, 4 Oct. 1529, 6 Pont.
Vellum. Lat. Add.
4 Oct.
MS. 4599, p. 143. Bibl. Nat.
On receipt of Francis' letters of the 24th ult., sent to Windsor to know the King's intention about the communication I had to make to him thereon. He desired me to wait till his Council came to London, and relate my charge to them, excusing himself, on the ground of the pestilence which has been in my house, from giving me immediate audience. Yesterday they met at Wolsey's lodging, and I declared to them the contents of your letters, and of the memoirs sent to me, especially touching the Emperor's fleur de lis, and the delay of the payment of the last quarter of this year. I was answered in the same way as my brother and I had been before, but after long discussion they pressed me to make a report of it, and everything should be done according to reason. Among the expedients they proposed to satisfy the Emperor about the fleur de lis, the least unreasonable is that of which my brother had already spoken, viz. that the Emperor should send a letter to Henry, promising to hold him quit if he delivered it into your hands. But I was by no means satisfied, telling them that the demand you would make to the said Emperor of the said letter would give them knowledge that there was no such love and confidence between you two as both had pretended to him. Thinks if the matter had been remitted to them you would have obtained this demand; and as to the delay of the payment of this quarter, they excuse themselves by the conference which is about to commence; at which they mean to make it plainly evident that neither your friendship nor theirs has been less fruitful than that of the Emperor has been injurious. The utmost I can hope in this matter is to gain a term of six months if possible, which perhaps might be expected if it did not require so many people to agree together, "ou que je puisse parler au maistre mesmes dont je suis prelaz, par tant qu'il luy plaira, et me doubte, considere sa nature, que c'est pour longtemps." (fn. 1) For this reason, as well as others which I have already urged on the Grand Master, you had better send another.
Mentions the explanations he gave to the English relative to the penalty for the marriage and the passage of Albany.
Fr., pp. 4, from a transcript. Dated in the margin at the head: Londres, 4 Oct. 1529 (?)
4 Oct.
Le Grand, III. 359.
You will see by the letters of Francis all that I have yet been able to do in the negociation committed to me by the last letter: in which I am astonished not to have a single word in answer to the request of this King carried to you in writing by my brother. I do not know what to answer. If I had known the intention of Francis, and had a letter to Master Boulan from Madame, or even something addressed to myself that I could have shown, I should have held my despatch for certain. And as he desired that letter, as I knew very well, and has not received it, he alone opposes me in this despatch; at least it is he who leads the dance expressly against the Dukes and Wolsey, whom I had so well persuaded that I thought I had gained my cause. I will see what is to be the issue (que ce sera) as soon as possible; but my hands are tied by this accursed pestilence, which has quite left the town, so that all the world is gathered here about the matter of the loan (en sorte que tout y est assemblé de la matiere d'emprunt); nor can I speak except through a medium talking to a few apart, which I have not yet been able to do.
As to my recall, I remit that and everything to your good will, but I beg you to consider the urgencies of my reasons. I am more and more pressed to it, especially now, when Dr. Stocles (Stokesley) is already despatched for the reasons mentioned in my other letters. And seeing things in this state I told them long ago that I would shortly set out. Consider, too, that after losing 12 of my household in four days, apart from those who have fled to the country, of whom I suspect some are lost, I have been compelled to allow the others to go back to France, as they did not know whither to go here. Not understanding the language well, I have been more than a month alone in another man's house, and I cannot honorably remain longer, especially now that all England has met together here, without having new attendants and furnishing a house once more, which is to me impossible. Besides I do not see that I can for a long time speak with the King, who at present takes the management of everything. My brother will have explained to you particularly other causes for the diminution of credit (mutation du credit), which occurs to me daily more and more. One thing good is, that, affairs being in such a state, and the goodwill here so great, you cannot send a man who will not be sufficient.
A paragraph touching a private matter,—the marriage of St. Mor at Paris. (fn. 2) London, 4 Oct.
P.S.—Boleyn leaves this in three days, along with Dr. Stokesley. His going is well arranged. Those who send him wish him to be received with more than ordinary honor. Penisson, whom you know, is sent to keep him company, and to "servyr d'addresse;" but I warn you that the reception given to him will be well weighed.
I forgot to tell you that I see clearly Wolsey is to lose his influence entirely in this Parliament (que par ce Parlement le Cardinal s'en va totalement). I see no chance to the contrary. I have stated my reasons in writing to Francis.
Fr. Add.
4 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 178. B. M.
5984. DE PRAET and MAY to CHARLES V.
Have requested the Pope to write to the kings of France and England to send powers to their ambassadors, that they may all act together for the good of Christendom, at the interview between the Pope and the Emperor. His Holiness has promised not only to write, but to send nuncios to each. The bishop of Como goes to France, and says he desires much to serve your Majesty. Rome, 4 Oct. 1529.
Spanish, Modern copy, pp. 2.
4 Oct.
R. O.
Grant by William Capon, dean of the said College, to Thomas duke of Norfolk, Sir The. Wentworth, Sir Philip Tylney, Sir John Cornewales, Edmund Wyndham, and Edw. Knevet, of the priory of Felixstow, with its appurtenances, at a rent of 20l. 4 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII.
Seals and signatures of the lessees, with the exception of Wyndham's signature.
Lat., vellum.
4 Oct. 5986. ST. MARTIN'S, BATTLE, Chichester dioc.
Restitution of temporalties upon the election of John Hamond as abbot, Windsor Castle, 29 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Oct.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
ii. Petition for the above by Robt. bishop of Chichester. Aldyngborne, 26 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.
4 Oct.
Add. MS. 15,387, f. 219. B. M. Theiner, p. 565.
Begs credence for the bishop of Worcester, sent to act at Rome with Gregory Casale on his late return (after three years' residence) from Spain. Windsor, 5 Oct. 1529.
Copy, Lat.
5 Oct.
R. O. St. P. VII. 205.
The bishop of Worcester, who has lately returned from Spain, is joined with them in their commission. Windsor, 5 Oct. 1529. Signed at top. Sealed.
Lat. Add. Endd.
5 Oct.
Rym. XIV. 346.
Notarial attestation, by Tho. Argall and John Cock, of a transumpt of a papal bull, dated Rome, 29 Aug., declaring that all censures and penalties against the King are invalid, and contrary to the Pope's intentions. Dated 5 Oct. 1529.
6 Oct.
Theiner, p. 566.
Regrets he could not comply with the King's wish, as Paul Casale will explain. Rome, 6 Oct. 1529.
Ib., p. 566. Similar letter to Wolsey. Same date.
5 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 179. B. M.
5991. DE PRAET and MAY to CHARLES V.
The Pope will leave on the 7th, and go by Romagna. * * * The Pope sends as nuncios the bishop of Como to France, and to England a brother of the knight Casale. The former has been chosen (se ha ido) for his French lineage. Advise the Emperor to receive him well, and try and draw him over to his service. Recommend also the same policy as to Casal. Have word from the marquis of [Mantua] (fn. 3) that he has received (a buen recabdo) our despatches about the citation and inhibition of England. This is fortunate; for of the six copies we sent by various routes, there have only come to hand this, and one taken by a gentleman of the Queen, who brought hither the procuration and process. Hears that the Pope intends to make at Bologna some cardinals at the Emperor's request, and others at that of the king of France. * * Rome, 5 Oct. 1529.
Spanish, pp. 13, modern copy.
6 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 188. B. M.
5992. DE PRAET and MAY to CHARLES V.
The Pope leaves tomorrow. * * The nuncios of France and England have left today, and will pass that way ("y pasaran por alla").
These ambassadors have letters from England to say that they wish to have a parliament [hacer parlamento], and see what should be done in the matrimonial cause; and that it appears both to them and to the Pope that your Majesty should write to the king of England, and send a messenger to persuade him to desist from the divorce, the Pope writing at the same time, as he will write, in a friendly and judicial way on the subject, especially as they have heard that the king of England has been told that your Majesty had said that he should stick to the Queen his wife in spite of his beard. The Pope told us he was quite satisfied that this was not true, because it is not your Majesty's habit to talk in that way. "(Escriviendole el Papa como le escrivira calda y juridicamente sobrello; en especial que tienen aviso que al Rey de Ynglaterra han referido que V. M. avia dicho que ternia a la Serma Reyna su muger, a pesar de sus barbas, el Papa nos dixo que avia bien satisfecho en esto que no se devia creer de V. M. porque no es de su costumbre hablar de sa manera.") * * * Rome 6 Oct. 1529.
Spanish, Modern copy, pp. 8.
The King wishes you to send hither the writs of Parliament for the shires of Nottingham and Derby, which he intends shall be sent by the hands and advice of Norfolk. Has no leisure to write of the receipt of Wolsey's letters by Croke the bearer. Windsor, Wednesday.
You may also send the writs for the shires of Bedford and Bucks, Hampshire and the town of Southampton.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add. Endd.: My lord Legate's good grace.
7 Oct.
Theiner, p. 566.
Has suspended his cause. Assures him that the dispensation was a positive and not a divine law; and if the Queen, as she affirms, was not known by prince Arthur, there is no doubt that the dispensation was perfectly sound in foro conscientiæ. Begs him to consider the danger in which Christendom stands from the Turks, and how much it is enhanced by this dispute. Rome, 7 Oct. 1529.
7 Oct.
Theiner, p. 587.
You will have been many days without letters from me, because, having written many times and received no answer, I suspect that my letters have been intercepted; though, indeed, owing to the absence of the King and the cardinal of York, I have had nothing worthy of communication. I had notice of the revocation, citation, and inhibition, "etiam per edictum constito (fn. 4) de non tuto accessu." I therefore expected that the letters and authentic breves would arrive, and would enable some act to be performed by which the hands of us legates would be tied, as nothing else remained for me to do; and then I could take leave.
While in this expectation, I was requested by the cardinal of York to repair to a town of his, called the More, where he has a very fine palace. I went there accordingly. On the day following my arrival, which was on the 5th ult., two breves were sent from the King's court to the Cardinal, both of the same date, I think the 19th of July; the one concerning the confederation made with the Emperor, the other concerning the citation. Seeing that both contained credentials for me, and that no other letters appeared, I was somewhat annoyed. All diligence was used to discover them, but there was no order, and they excused themselves, saying that they had not reached their hands. The breves, however, came in time, because they supplied the means of intimating the citation in such a manner as to tie the hands of us legates. There was much to be debated, both on the King's part and on the Queen's. At length the form of intimation was agreed upon, and it was made to us by a proctor of the Queen's, who announced that we had no powers, and that neither of us could proceed any further.
This done, I sent to request an audience of the King, which was deferred a week, owing to the arrival at that time of an ambassador from the Emperor. Meanwhile the duplicates arrived of your letters of 19 and 23 July, con- tinued to 1 Aug. The originals, which you announce having dispatched with the "capitulation," had never reached me. I repaired therefore to the King at the appointed time. The day before, by good fortune, I received your two last letters of 12 Aug. and 2 Sept., with the breve for his Majesty touching the revocation of the censures and pecuniary penalties, and the suspension of the cause till Christmas. On these subjects I held a long discussion with his Majesty, and communicated to him so much of the letters as seemed to me suitable to the purpose. The King said very little about the confederation, neither praising nor objecting to it. With regard to the citation of the cause, "per le cose precesse," he exhibited much displeasure, and complained of the Pope and myself for giving him words only. When I explained to him the causes of the citation, he replied in these exact words (in Latin), (fn. 5) "your people (vestri) know very well how to accommodate their words to the times, but you also know it was intimated to me from Rome that I ought to procure sentence, after which the matter would assume a different complexion." I replied to him, first, that as for myself no information touching this matter, either directly or indirectly, had ever reached me; that I believed it was the same with the Pope, as I should certainly have heard something about it; and that if it had been written to him by others, I was not responsible for it. I have since been in doubt about the matter of great importance which Dr. Stephen (Gardiner), as he wrote from Rome, said he had to communicate to his Majesty,—"questa sua cura non fosse una tal cosa;" but I have been unable to arrive at the truth. Whatever it may be, as his Majesty is of this opinion, and is persuaded by others that the marriage is null by divine law, his mind cannot but be somewhat enraged and disappointed because the affair has not succeeded to his liking. In other things, the King's mind is good. He has told me, with apparent sincerity, that he would never fail to be a most Christian King, and a good defender of the Faith; and that, though all the world should prove false, he himself would never fail in doing service as a good Christian King. In this conversation I alluded to the Lutheran affairs, and to this Parliament which is about to be holden, and I earnestly pressed upon him the liberty of the Church. He certainly seemed to me very well disposed to exert his power to the utmost.
After this I presented the breve. It proved very acceptable to him, and he read it through with great attention. I know that, when reading it to his councillors, he declared that he felt highly satisfied with it. Among other things he was pleased with the clause in which our Lord (the Pope) exhorts him to treat the Queen well. His Majesty remarked (in Latin), "See, although his Holiness is able to command, he merely exhorts." In fact the breve greatly soothed his mind; and in order to improve the occasion, I again assured him of our Lord's good mind towards his Majesty, and that he might confidently promise himself all that the Pope could possibly do for his benefit. It seemed to me expedient, to avoid a greater evil, to entertain him with some hope, and I think it would not be amiss if the same were done from Rome. Lastly, he gave me a kind dismissal. On returning home I was attacked with a pain in the side, together with the gout, which have tortured me ceaselessly for ten days; in which, however, I have collected my baggage, and departed on the 5th from London. Today I reached Canterbury, through which the auditor of the chamber (Ghinucci) is passing, to whom I deliver this letter; and as he is in a hurry, and you will learn more fully from him the state of affairs here, I will write no more. With all my heart I thank the Pope for his good mind towards me.
The Grand Ecuyer and Dr. Sampson, ambassadors to the Emperor, are now passing. I learn from a good source that the King has charged them to ratify the league, even though the French king refuse to do so. It is my opinion that, on the recovery of the French king's children, this peace will not endure very long. Canterbury, 7 Oct. 1529.
Læmmer Mon. Vat. p. 34. 2. Extract from a similar letter to Sanga.
8 Oct.
Le Grand, III. 376.
In behalf of Sir George Boulayn, gentleman of the Chamber, son of lord Rocheford, and Dr. Stokesley, whom he is sending as ambassadors to Francis in place of Sir Francis Bryan, to whom he has given leave to return. Windsor, 8 Oct. 1529.
Fr. Add.
MS. 2,915, f. 43. Bibl. Nat. 5997. HENRY VIII. to FRANCIS I.
To the same effect. [No date.]
Fr., from a transcript.
8 Oct.
Harl. MS. 442, f. 107. B. M.
Proclamation to be published by the sheriff of Suffolk, forbidding the forestalling and regrating of corn, and combinations to increase the price; and ordering all persons who have more corn than needful for their households and for seed to bring it into the markets for sale. Westm., 8 Oct. 21 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 3.
R. O. St. P. I. 347. 5999. WOLSEY to HENRY VIII.
Though I daily cry to you for mercy, I beseech that you will not think it proceeds from any mistrust I have in your goodness, nor that I would molest you by my importunate suit. The same comes of my ardent desire, that, next unto God, I covet nothing so much in this world as your favor and forgiveness. The remembrance of my folly, with the sharp sword of your displeasure, have so penetrated my heart that I cannot but say, Sufficit; nunc contine, piissime Rex, manum tuam, &c. Beati misericordes, quoniam ipsi misericordiam consequentur; which, that I may obtain, I shall not cease to pray as your most prostrate poor chaplain, "T. Carlis Ebor., miserimus."
Hol. Add.
9 Oct.
Rym. XIV. 348.
Licence to appoint one or two born subjects of the King, learned in law, his attornies, notwithstanding the statute of provisors and præmunire. Westm., 9 Oct.
Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
9 Oct.
R. O.
Received, 7 Oct., his letters of the 4 Aug., showing that Wolsey had sent him a commission for the reformation of Newham monastery, which he never saw. Begs, therefore, that no slackness be imputed to him. Forde, 9 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Master Thomas Arundell.
R. O. 2. Same to Cromwell.
To the same effect. Forde, 9 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To his loving friend, Master Thomas Crumwell.
12 Oct.
MS. 5,499, p. 145. Bibl. Nat.
Has been able to obtain no other answer from Henry's Council but that which he sends; on which the King had already intimated to me his final resolution, before it was communicated. Thinks nothing could have moved him, but that he has been confirmed in it by the reason which Du Bellay lately mentioned to the Grand Master, as well as by others which he is writing to him in cipher. The cause of the delay has been that the King hardly made any stay here, but returned to Windsor, leaving his Privy Council, with whom Du Bellay has conferred twice upon this business. The Imperial ambassador has also been with them, to be interrogated (pour estre interrogé) if he had heard from his master that the jewel should be delivered to you to be kept for him. But as at his departure from Spain there was yet no mention of peace, he made no other answer, as he has told me, except that I must give him a copy (qu'il m'en fallait faire double), according to the treaty of Cambray; and he thinks this demand pretty considerable to come of a good understanding. Thinks, however, the Emperor will make the answer Francis requires, and without much loss of time, considering the assurance given me by those here, that on the arrival of the said answer, and of the commission from Francis to whoever is to receive the jewel, they will at once deliver it. As to the postponement of the payment of this last quarter, on speaking to some of the principal councillors, I was in some hope of obtaining it, but at last no order has been taken by which anything can be done. You will see by the comment sent you in writing on the subject of Albany's voyage, how little desire they have for it; at which I have been much disappointed, after the show they made of wishing for it. Has been obliged to go back to his old opinion, which he had laid aside, owing to the urgent request made to Francis by Bryan, and the goodwill he sees in some of them. Thinks, however, they do not wish to give up faith in their prophecies. One of them casually remarked, touching their reply, that they thought it strange that on Bryan pressing you for information about Albany's commission, and what he proposed to do in Scotland, you would vouchsafe no answer, which they considered rather suspicious, and that this was what had made them change their purpose.
In the reply by Scotland (par Escoce) which my brother brought you, it is said in the end that you ought to get the treaty of Cambray reformed by the Emperor, according to the form and manner therein set down. The Council here expressed themselves very glad that you would promise Henry to do so; and since my brother's departure Wolsey has expressly repeated this to me; but latterly I can see clearly that Henry's intention is that you should get the treaty speedily reformed by the Emperor, and that he does not mean to grant you what he did grant you when my brother was here, nor to deliver the jewel to you until the said reformation is made. Does not know what medicine to apply to the case, especially as they have asked him whether Francis had granted him the conditions, and have twice expressed astonishment at my being in the "said company," and not having spoken to them of it. Was only able to reply that they need not be anxious about conditions, or anything else that depended on Francis, whose friendship might be thoroughly trusted; but on his coming to the King, Henry insisted that it was not enough to grant the conditions, but the contract must be immediately reformed. This he said several times, but Du Bellay pretended not to understand, and addressed his discourse to others.
Fr., pp. 4. From a transcript, dated in the margin at the head: Londres, 12 Oct. 1529.
12 Oct.
Le Grand, III. 364.
I have not yet been able to obtain my despatch as I desired, nor has any order been taken about it, till now. You will see what has been done, by my letters to the King, and by the answer they have given me in writing. I write you in cipher what I think of it. The delay in the payment you asked for has not been advanced by what Francis said to Master Bryant, in speaking of the deliverance of the children, viz., that he would never disburse what he ought to pay for their deliverance, and that he had no such sum in ready money to meet unexpected cases; for upon Bryant pressing him further, saying it was a thing which it would be difficult for him to obtain, Francis answered him, that he had no anxiety about being unable to do it, as he could easily obtain the sum by taking a chalice from every church in his kingdom. Consequently Bryant judges that we have no occasion to press them so hard for money; and I understand, on good authority, he has made good use of this admission. Things being in their present state, as I have nothing more to do here, I hope soon to receive orders to remove, which I trust you have already despatched. It would be well that my successor should arrive before his train, as he will require less ceremony, and I will keep (fn. 6) him company till his train arrive. Nevertheless, I am provoked to go the whole length of this town every day to visit these Lords, with two varlets after me. I promise you my ears are filled with mockery as I pass, which is a great discredit to my master, especially when all England is beginning to meet for this Parliament.
Campeggio, of whose despatch I wrote to you long ago, is now well on his road. He was very well treated at his departure. This King will be very glad that he should be well received. But I think about the marriage they now speak soberly to him, although he is not over well pleased with the Emperor, for a couple of good turns he has done him anew, of which the least would catch the hare. (fn. 7) He will ask Francis for a power to resign a small abbey in Brye to his son; which I think he ought not to be denied, as it will be the best way to prevent its falling void in the court of Rome; but there will be no harm in showing him that it is an unusual favor. This King is now sending his relative Poul (Pole), one of the most learned men known, to visit the country (France), and continue his studies. He will pay his respects to you and Francis, according to his instructions. He and his relations, who are great lords, have asked me to recommend him to you. Since my brother's departure the said lord (Henry) has applied to me, by those of his council, for the delivery of certain camlets taken by those of Dieppe, which belonged to his domestics. I have written several times to the Viconte of Dieppe, who alleges that the vouchers shown to prove the property was theirs are forged. He is wrong, for Dominique Lomelin is one of the worst (des pires, q. pirates ?); and, besides what appears by the books and countermarks, the Dukes have sworn to me that they know it for certain. An Englishman, who had taken some of our men at sea under color of a letter of marque, has been made prisoner, and the goods restored, so that we ought to be satisfied. I hear that complaints have been made of it to you, but the English have begged me that a commission may be given to my successor about the depredations which have been made for some time, for they expect that great complaints will be made about them by the people at this Parliament. I forgot to tell you that I did not wish to speak about the matter of a loan upon jewels, as I was denied other things more reasonable. You will do them a pleasure by informing them more frequently of affairs in Italy. I assure you, both the King and Council have the smallest possible friendship for the Emperor. London, 12 Oct.
P.S.—Campeggio is still at Dovor, and I have just heard that, on pretence of want of ships, they will not let him pass, without consulting about it, for fear he carries off the treasure of the cardinal of York.
Fr. Add.
R. O. 6004. [POLE] and STARKEY.
i. Md. to Mr. Starkey for Thos. Lupset.
Imprimis, to cause the 2 mattresses of white fustian to be trussed. Item, to see well carried the virginals. Item, to have in mind that there are two black coffers for Mr. Fox; one short, the other long. For me there are two hogsheads full of books; 5 trussing chests full of my stuff. Let not my little trussing bedstocks be forgot. To truss all Smith's packet. To let Archpol, the Scot, have warning of your departing, that he may come in company. To ask Mons. de Langy for two books for Mr. Fox,—Liber Conciliorum, and Liber Mercatoris (?); you must put them in Mr. Fox's great chest. Let the canvas mattress serve for Jack to lie in the boat with the stuff.
In Pole's hand.
ii. Account of money expended and received on a journey, evidently to Rouen, and thence to Paris.
Persons mentioned:—Mr. Patys, Mr. Lupset at London, Mr. Martyn, Edward, Owen, Jack, Archepole, Mr. Const, Davy, Rob. Coke, Barnardyn. Places:—London, Rouen, Paris, Dieppe.
Chief items:—Binding of the Counsels, 8s. Paper to write the Greek book, 9d. Gifts at Paris.
In Starkey's hand.
Pp. 3.
12 Oct.
R. O.
Reminds him that he promised to put a bill into Chancery concerning the action taken against him in London by John Goon, as executor to Francis Bawdwyn, of 4l. odd; of which action, and all others, Oliver Leder is bound to discharge him.
Asks him to tell Mr. Attorney thereof, as Leder wishes it. Asks for a copy of the recognizance by which Chr. Co and Jax Darley stand bound to pay him 100l. Co has owed him 10l. of it for 10 months. London, 12 Oct. 1529.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
13 Oct.
R. O.
1. Bill of sums owed by Wolsey to William Botrye of London, mercer, for holland cloth, black damask, sarcenet, velvet, camlet, diaper, buckram, and other fabrics, from 24 May 1512 to 6 Oct. 1515. Total, 40l. 11s. 10d. Paid by Wm. Bolle, 14 Aug. 1514, 2l. 6s. 8d. Due on 13 Oct. 1529, 38l. 5s. 2d.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
Another copy. Pp. 2. Endd.: Buttre.
R. O. 2. Debts of the legate [Wolsey] to Ric. and John Gresham and Ric. Fermor, for silks, &c.
Ric. Gresham.—A piece of cloth of counterfeit baudekyn, silver and red silk, 16½ yds., at 20s. a yard; another piece, gold and blue silk, 9 yds. 2½ q., at 20s. A rich cross with the langet for a vestment, with 4 pieces for deacon, subdeacon, and priest, 11l. Total, 37l. 2s. 6d.
John Gresham.—22¾ yds. pluncket tynsen satin, at 8s. a yd. 58 yds. white satin, at 5s. 19¼ yds. cloth of gold and red velvet upon velvet churchwork, pyrled, at 26s. 8d.; another piece, 22 yds., at 23s. 4d. Total, 74l. 18s. 8d.
Ric. Farmor.—23 yds. blue baudkyn rich, at 17s. 23 yds. white baudkyn floresshed with blue, green, and gold, at 14s. 24¼ yds. white baudkyn rich, at 17s. 24 yds. baudkyn floresshed with red, gold, blue, and green silk, at 14s. 36½ yds. white baudkyn, coarse, at 8s. A remnant of velvet, vygorye red and orange color, 7¾ yds., at 12s. 28 yds. 2½ q. of cloth of gold church-work with red velvet upon velvet, at 23s. 4d. Total, 124l. 18s. 9½d.
Pp. 2.
ii. Copies of the account of the Greshams.
14 Oct.
R. O.
My lord of Worcester arrived here on the 11th. Next day he and I went to the King, when he declared his commission. Francis said he would do all that you wished, and send to his friends the Cardinals. He had heard that the Pope was well amended, for he comes to Bollayn la Grace to meet the Emperor shortly. He has had notice from Flanders that the Turk has taken the castle of Danew by appointment, and after killed every mother's son. He has 300,000 men, 60,000 pioneers, and 30,000 camels to carry victuals; and every night he causes them to be milked, which is a great succour to his host. He has constructed 3,000 boats across the Danube. The Count Palatine was before Vienna with 30,000 Almains. He told us that if the Emperor would acquit him of half his ransom, he would go with 50,000 men against the Turk, and spend a million of his own; otherwise he was not able. Also he said, if the Emperor would meet him at Turin, they might consult what was best against the Turk. They asked me what you would do. I said I could not tell, but that, if all agreed, you would act like a Christian prince; and if others had done like you, the Church would not be so ruined as it is now. The prince of Orange is with his army at Ponte di Leva. The Florentines refuse to receive the archbishop, of Capua, because they will not have the Pope for their lord. De Leva has besieged Pavia. The count Gayas was taken prisoner. De Gretti, the Venetian ambassador with the Turk, has sent word that the Signory will let them have 20,000 horsemen whenever they please. The Pope sends the bishop of Como nuncio to France; and to England, Paul Casale, Gregory's brother, "one that Master Stephens and I know well enough." On the 8th the Pope left Rome for Bollayn la Grace (Bologna). The Florentines have lost Cortona and other places. "Mons. due Bayon" comes away, and another takes his place. Paris, 14 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd. by Gardiner.
14 Oct.
R. O. St. P. VII. 206.
I have told the French king what you ordered me, and have asked expedition of the Grand Master. They replied, that though the matter was very different now, as the Pope was at Bologna and apparently in good health, yet they would consult your Majesty about a successor. I shall leave the matter with Brian. I was told by him that it was the general opinion in Italy that the Emperor would soon start for Germany; which might be favorable to your cause. As it is possible the Pope might be induced to commit the cause to some quarter in which your Majesty could have confidence, it is advisable that I should have a copy of the process both before and after the coming of Campeggio. I am told a very famous Dominican is at Avignon; whom I shall consult, and see what I can extract from him favorable to your cause. You should consult Hezius, secretary to Pope Adrian VI., who is at Louvain or Liege, about the dating of breves. Paris, 14 Oct. 1529.
Brian will write the news at this Court.
Lat., Hol. Add. Endd.
15 Oct.
R. O. St. P. VII. 207.
Since my last of the 14th, I went with Worcester to court to take his leave. The King spake doubtfully of the taking of Pavia, but I think it is true. He desired Worcester to speak of your matter to the Pope, desiring, in his name, favor for your cause, as much as if it concerned himself; and further, he was to tell the Pope that if the Emperor would release the sum of money mentioned in my last letter, Francis will go in person against the Infidels; and that he was willing to discuss the matter with the Emperor at Turin. Worcester will take no steps in this matter till he hears from you. He also desired him to ask the Pope for a cardinalate for the archbishop of Bugeix. He told me that the Emperor was much distressed for money; but I never heard of a man who had done more with so little. He is rather like to lose than to win in Italy. Paris, 15 Oct. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Wriothesley.
15 Oct.
R. O.
Has written to him more at large, in a letter sent by land by a post, in a budget sent to one Richard Buttell in Watling Street. Since the post departed, news has come from Estlond that the Turk was besieging Wayne (Vienna), in Austria, which is too weak to hold out long, although there are in it 30,000 fighting men. Antwerp, 15 Oct. 1529.
If Rafe have received his money of Clarencieux, wishes him to pay it to his brother-in-law, Will. Pratt.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his worshipful Mr. Thomas Crumwell, in London.


  • 1. So in the copy.
  • 2. Meaning his appointment to the abbey of St. Maur. See 22 Oct.
  • 3. The name is scored out in the original document.
  • 4. Sic.
  • 5. This passage is in cipher in the original, according to Theiner.
  • 6. "luy ferez compagnie;" doubtless for "feray."
  • 7. "Mais de la matiere du mariage je suis bien d'advis qu'on luy en parle pour ceste heure sobrement, encores qu'il ne soyt trop content de l'Empereur pour une couple de bons tours qu'ils (sic) luy a faictz de fresche memoire, dont le moins prent le lievre."