Henry VIII: September 1529, 18-30

Pages 2653-2664

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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September 1529

18 Sept.
Le Grand, III. 354.
I write to prevent your being anxious, because I mentioned in my last that the Legate had desired me to come and see him. I did so next day, and found him and Campeggio determined to go to the King, for the despatch of the latter, who expects to leave within 10 or 12 days. I think they would like to treat him at his departure rather more graciously than they had intended to do, hoping that there may be some change at Rome, if the Emperor treat the Pope as badly as they expect he will; so that Campeggio might still be of use to them, or at least not do them injury, as he would if ill treated at his departure. Wolsey's object in sending for me was to have another conversation with me about the divorce, urging me most strongly, both on his own part and his master's, to help them to consult with the French divines. He begged I would find an opportunity to cross the sea on some other pretext, and consult with those who can help them, with the permission of Francis and Madame, using the same terms about it to me as he did to my brother. I said that, knowing their wishes, I had already asked leave to go and see my father, who was very ill, and wished my presence to make a division of his goods. He approved of this pretext, and begged I would petition for my congé, and arrange for some one to take my place, in whom I should have confidence. Incidentally, during two days that I was with him, he spoke of the practices of this court, not showing himself so much vexed with them as I am sure he is. I have less hope than before of his influence, from the conversation I have had with him, for I see he trusts in some of his own protégés (aulcuns faits de sa main), who, I am sure, have betrayed him (luy ont tourné la robe). I should never have believed that they would have been so wicked; and the worst is that he does not understand it.
Even if I had not the above occasion to ask for my recall, I should be obliged to press for it for another cause. Since my brother's departure the plague has broken out among my household; and, in spite of repeated changes of lodging, my principal servants being dead, I have been unable to refuse leave to the others to go home, so that I am now quite alone. Considering the intercourse I have already had with people, I am in no great fear, but you may consider yourselves as having no ambassador here at all. Besides, I was told yesterday by the Grand Esquire (Boleyn), who is to leave in 15 days, with the dean of the chapel (Stokesley), to go to the Emperor, that he does not think the King his master will let me speak to him for two months. It would be well, therefore, to send over at once him whom I suppose you have already chosen, with an answer to the despatch of my brother, and that he may come in post, and find me here, letting his train come after him, so that I may put him in the way with the King, and perhaps introduce him to some of the Council, if there are matters to discuss; which, however, I do not imagine, considering the assurance Wolsey has again renewed to me. The new ambassador need be in no fear of the plague, for the danger has much diminished, except in this neighbourhood, and I expect in 15 days it will have altogether abated. I have been this morning with the Emperor's ambassador, who has given me as good a reception as I could have asked for. I had previously asked Wolsey's advice about it. If his master conducts himself towards Francis in as honorable a manner as the ambassador promises, it will be well. London, 18 Sept.
P.S.—Enclosed is a memorandum of the sums furnished by this King, which he wishes to have declared in the despatch which he asks for, through my brother; in addition to which there is the part touching the fleur de lis, which they would like put with the others.
Fr. Add.
20 Sept.
R. O.
Writes at the request of his friend John Bekynsaw, a young man of good learning, to bespeak Cromwell's interest in behalf of his brother. By advancing his affairs Cromwell will gratify both the writer and his master the Dean.—The Turk has conquered the whole of Hungary, and the Waywode of Transylvania is said to have joined him. He has given the chief bishopric, that of Fünfkirchen (Quinquecclesiensis), to the son of the doge of Venice. Some say the Turk has not come in person, but his deputy Imbri Bassai, with 150,000 men, and that Vienna too has been taken. The Emperor is in Italy on his way to Rome. The Swiss are going to send troops against him, and will be joined by the Venetians, Florentines, and the duke of Ferrara. Francis is at Paris hunting. Hears some painful rumors about his patrons. Begs remembrances to Anthony Bonvisi and Geo. Lauson, his wife and daughter. Paris, 20 Sept.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Venerando domino et amico meo præcipuo, Thomæ Crumuello, Londini.
20 Sept.
R. O.
5947. For SIR ROBT. WINGFIELD, Deputy of Calais.
Grant of a marsh called Measnebroke, in the lordship of Marke, in the marches of Calais, abutting on the Couswade Marsh on the east, and a stream leading from Guysnes Plashe to the Isle of Colne on the west, which stream divides the King's land from the French land between the Plashe of Audern and the bridge called the Cow Bridge on the south, and the foss called Symms Dyke, leading eastward and westward from the west corner of Colnhill by the Colnebank to the Couswade on the north. Dated in the treasury of Calais, 20 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII. Witnesses: Sir William Husey, comptroller of the town, and Robt. Fowler, vice-treasurer. Endorsed with a memorandum that this grant was enrolled among the charters of the Great Hall of Calais in the time of Ric. Patryk, mayor, 21 Hen. VIII. Seal attached.
Award made by Thomas Cromwell, Paul Wythypoll, merchant, William Gonson, and William Duckett, grocers of London, between Oliver Leder, fishmonger, of London, and Richard Reynold, mercer, in matters touching the execution of the will of Francis Bawdwyn, draper, of London.
Mercantile transactions in Spain are referred to, and certain letters of Andrew Wodcok, dated Sent Lucas, 20 June 1528.
Draft corrected by Cromwell, pp. 11.
R. O. 2. Declaration by Richard Davy, merchant taylor, and John Whalley, fishmonger, of London, of an examination of the accounts of Richard Reynold and Francis Bawdwyn, at the request of the arbitrators. Dated 20 Sept. 1529, 21 Hen. VIII.
21 Sept.
R. O.
5949. TUKE to WOLSEY.
Have heard that my poor wife is sore vexed with a passion in iliis. She has been once or twice in danger of her life, but being at London had speedier remedy than she can have in a village. I have obtained leave to see her, and return to the King at Windsor. The instructions for Mr. Boleyn and Carew are written. The other for Scotland I will bring to Windsor. The letter to lord Dacre has been signed and sent. I have also written to Ichingham, and I have left here letters in French ready made to the French king and my Lady, in recommendation of cardinal Campeggio. Grafton, St. Matthew's Day, 1529.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
21 Sept.
R. O.
Received his letter by the post, but there is not much answer to what he wrote by Mr. Hampto[n's] servant. Wonders what is the marvellous news of which he speaks. Has two of his blades at Paris and one here, which are only waiting for a messenger. Would have sent one by this bearer, but he would not carry it, as it is dangerous riding in post with them. Will send them to Calais, to Thos. Tucket, who will forward them. Orleans, 21 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my well beloved brother, Thos. Knot, clerk with Master Hawte.
22 Sept.
Add. MS. 5847, f. 159. B. M.
Licence by Cardinal Campeggio, bishop of Salisbury, to Wolsey, to take timber from the manor of Sonnynge, Berks, for his college at Oxford; and confirmation of his appointment of Wolsey as his proctor in the said diocese. London, 22 Sept. 1529.
Lat., Modern copy, pp. 2.
22 Sept.
R. O.
i. Commission to Christopher, prior of Carlisle, Sir William Pennyngton, Sir John Ratclyf, and Ric. Irton, to survey the castle of Carlisle, and to deliver the ordnance found in it to Sir Thomas Clifford, and the castle to William lord Dacre, making an inventory of the former. Tyttenhanger, 7 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII.
ii. Indenture made 22 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII. between the prior of Carlisle, &c., and Wm. lord Dacre, containing the report of the commissioners, who find that the gates of the utter ward, being of wood, are wasted away, and "the thank of the said gate-house is theked with lead," which is in great part cut and gone, so that the rain comes through, and "hath rotten the baulkes, wall plaites, dormonts, and floor under the same, and down through the vault into the prison, being the King's gaol of the shire of Cumberland," which is thus in great danger of falling down. The ordnance house, which is theked with stone, is almost fallen, the timber and baulks rotten. The gates of the inner ward are of iron, and the gate [house] is theked with lead, which, with the gutters, is much decayed, so that the rain comes through. The baulks, dormonts, wall plates, and floor are rotten, and in danger of falling. The kitchen, theked with stone, is clean gone down; its timber rotten. The steward's chamber, and others, theked with stone, are also gone down. The hall is like to fall. The pantry, theked with stone, is almost gone down; the rain passes through the floor into the buttery, and rots the timber. The bakehouse, theked with stone, is almost down. The gallery between the hall and the great chamber is clean gone down. The stone with which the great chamber is theked has fallen, and the rain hath rotten a part of the sellering of the roof. The chapel and closet are theked with stone, part of which has fallen. The closet chimney has fallen, and the parlour under it is ready to fall. The gallery between the great chamber and the warden's tower clean gone down. The warden's tower is theked with lead, which is full of holes, which hath rotten the great baulks and dormonts under the roof. The little wardrobe above the site of the tower, with a closet under, is in danger of falling. The "norcey" clean gone down. The great tower, called the Dungeon, is theked with lead, which is broken and decayed, so that it rains through, and rots the baulks and dormonts of three houses under. The artillery is of small effect and little value, and should be renewed at once. Signed and sealed by the commissioners.
iii. Indenture made 22 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII. between the above parties, witnessing the delivery to lord Dacre of the castle of Carlisle, with the artillery, consisting of 23 iron serpentines, six of them with axletree pins of iron. A small serpentine of brass, of a foot long, ill stocked. Nine other serpentines. 45 chambers. One slayng of iron. Four hagbushes. One pot-gun. 560 pellets of lead for serpentines and hagbushes. Two bombards. Some gunstocks, stone shot, gunpowder, bows, arrows, cart-bodies, wheels, &c., including some kitchen and other utensils; also a large watchbell in the tower.
23 Sept.
Vit. B. XII. 173. B. M. Ellis, 1 Ser. I. 307.
I have delivered [your letters] to my Lord's grace (Wolsey), who immediately read them, and took them into his own possession. I say this because I never saw him do the like before. He heartily thanks you for your advertisement from time to time of such things as you have written to him. Touching the reports which are circulated against him, as far as may appear to him and his servants, they are marvellously false. In this vacation divers letters were written, by the King's commandment, from [Mr. Ste]vyns unto my Lord, and his opinions at sundry times desired; and he replied to them, and sent his servants with oral instructions to the King. At his going and return from court he was treated by the nobility and gentry as usual.
On Sunday last he and Campeggio were received at Greenwich by the King with his usual favor, and the King talked a great while with my Lord, and immediately after dinner he went into the King's privy chamber, for the space at least of two hours. Afterwards my Lord and the Legate returned to their lodgings at Empson's Place. Monday morning he went again to the King, and with him sat at the Council all the forenoon, and in the afternoon they both took their leave, the King going a-hunting. My Lord sat with the Council till it was dark night. Suffolk, Rochford, Tuke, and Stevyns showed as much observance to him as before. "What they bear in their hearts, I know not." If you could mark the chief movers of these reports you would do his Grace a pleasure. My Lord, who will be at London on Monday next, will be glad of your return. Campeggio leaves shortly St. Alban's, 23 Sept. Signed.
Mutilated. Addressed.
23 Sept.
R. O.
Had a supplication presented to him when sitting upon justice in Northumberland this last assize, along with Master Fithherbart and Master Spylman, touching wrongs done to John Eryngton about lands in Wolsey's liberty of Hexham. Was asked to pluck it out of the Liberty into the King's Court of Oyer Determiner, as they feared Dacre, who is Wolsey's officer there, and Hogill, his surveyor, to be partial. Will never consent to anything against Wolsey's honor, and forwards the supplication. Fitzherbert and Spilman say the law is plain in Eryngton's favor. Lekyngfelde, 23 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal. Endd.: Letter[s] from my Lord Steward, my lord of Northumberland, and my lord of Comberland.
23 Sept.
MS. 5,499, p. 171. Bibl. Nat.
Will say nothing more of the satisfaction expressed by Francis and Madame, or of the report made to them by Langeais. A little memorial is sent to him to be used as an instruction, if needful, though Du Bellay hardly requires it, to express the thanks of Francis to the king of England. You are to send an answer as soon as possible, after doing what you can to obtain what is expressed therein. The bishop of Paris is very ill, and cannot live long. Has asked for his bishopric for Du Bellay, which the King has willingly granted, along with the abbey of St. Mor.
Albany is about to go to England, which Francis is willing that he should do whenever Henry sends for him. Sends an extract from a letter sent from Mons. de Tarbe at Rome in cipher, showing what he has done in the matter of the king of England. Is to communicate to the King also an advertisement Francis has received from his ambassadors in the country of the Leagues, of the 16th inst., touching the news of the Turk. Paris, 23 Sept.
Has delivered 200 cr. to a man of the duke of Suffolk, to take to ...
Fr., from a transcript, pp. 3.
23 Sept.
MS. 5,499, p. 185. Bibl. Nat.
Has learned on the return of De Langeais the manner in which Du Bellay has executed his charge. Is quite satisfied with all he has done. The answers made by Henry to all the points in Langeais' instruction show more than ever his indissoluble amity, and his desire to gratify Francis in everything. Du Bellay is to assure the King how strongly Francis feels his obligation to him, and that he will never feel at ease till he has an opportunity of showing it. Is to make answer on the point of which Langeais has spoken, according to a memorandum sent herewith. Paris, 23 Sept. 1529.
Fr., from a transcript, pp. 2.
24 Sept.
MS. 5,499, p. 184. Bibl. Nat.
5957. FRANCIS I.
"Mémoire envoyé par le Roi."
After expressing the great satisfaction of Francis at the report made by Langeais of Henry's cordiality, Du Bellay is to say that when Langeais was last despatched to England, Francis was pressed to give a promise that he would get the Emperor acquitted of the penalty he had incurred by the non-fulfilment of the marriage between himself and the princess of England; and that Henry, out of his affection for Francis, has been willing to comply, remitting it to Francis; but being informed by Des Barres of the Emperor's answer on this point, releasing him from his said promise, Francis feels the greatest possible satisfaction, as he will not require to take of his good brother such excessive sums. Du Bellay shall therefore thank him very cordially for the honorable offer he has made, for which Francis is as grateful as if he had accepted it, and shall say that he does not desist on that account from pressing the Emperor for the said penalty.
He is also to thank Henry for his liberality to Francis, for the gift of 50,000 cr., to do which he has pledged to him the fleur de lys of the Emperor, which sum he has given for the deliverance of his children, as he has notified to him by Langeais. As to the fear entertained by Henry that if the Emperor's affairs prosper in Italy he might delay the deliverance of the children, Du Bellay shall request the King to fulfil his promise, and send over the said jewel under such security as he may think proper, or to give it to the bishop of Bayonne. He is to request Henry, in consideration of Francis' great expences, to acquit him of the pension for the approaching term of All Saints. This he is to urge as strongly as possible. He is to inform Henry that all diligence is made to obtain money for the recovery of the said children, and that a good sum has already been collected, but that, if any difficulty be found in raising the rest, he hopes England will assist him in his need to the extent of 100,000 or 200,000 cr., if required, on good security. He is also to thank Henry for his handsome present. Paris, 23 Sept.
Fr., from a transcript, pp. 4.
24 Sept.
R. O. St. P. VII. 199.
Credence in favor of his ambassador, Eustache Chappuis. Piacenza, 24 Sept. Signed.
Fr. Add. Endd.
24 Sept.
Add. MS. 28,579, f. 175. B. M.
5959. DE PRAET and MAY to CHARLES V.
Your letter was given to the Pope, and he answered as he had already told us, that he would come to Bologna, and that they should leave on the 4th or 6th Oct., to be there four or five days before All Saints; and now he says that if Florence is reduced (se reduce) it may be earlier. As to providing that the kings of France and England should send powers by the time that your Majesty and his Holiness should agree, he answered, like a man prepared, that this had been already arranged, both with the French and with the English ambassador. On our pressing him to send a servant of his own to solicit it, he said he would, and suggested the bishop of Coma, or Gregory Casal, who is now here as ambassador for England. We must see that he make up his mind soon. Rome, 24 Sept. 1529.
Sp., Modern copy, pp. 2.
24 Sept.
R. O.
5960. TUKE to WOLSEY.
Lawrence Bonvixi has been here, and showed me that you respited the sealing of the licence of wools made and sped by Sir Francis Bryan in the name of John Campuche, until Sir Francis wrote to you. As the said Lawrence is very good to my lord Audeley for my sake, I must be a suitor for him, and that he may perceive that "though Sir Francis Bryan may do much with your Grace, yet your own poor Brian may do somewhat." Portgore, 24 Sept. 1529.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
25 Sept.
R. O. St. P. VII. 199.
Is informed by the Imperial ambassadors that the Emperor is highly pleased with the peace, and intends to write very kind letters to Wolsey. The Pope and the Emperor will meet at Bologna to settle the affairs of Italy. Offers his brother the prothonotary, if the King proposes sending any ambassador there. The Emperor is very complaisant to the Pope, and requires the duke of Ferrara to restore Reggio, Modena, &c. No agreement has yet been made with the duke of Milan. The Turk has advanced far, has taken Buda, and turned his steps towards Vienna. It is supposed that the Venetians have invited him. They refuse to send any ambassador to the Emperor.
Sends news about Italy. If the duke of Ferrara is deserted by the Venetians they will probably comply with the Emperor's demands. Account of the Emperor's forces in Italy. The Florentines have been ordered to submit to the Pope. I hear that Vienna is badly fortified, and that Ferdinand is not strong. Let not Campeggio be acquainted with the contents of this letter.
Rome, 25 Sept. 1529.
Lat., part cipher deciphered. Add. Endd.
28 Sept.
R. O.
Thanks him for his kindness when in London on parliamentary business. Wishes him to take out his patent as he promised, and to have his proviso for the same lands recorded by Brian Tuke. Reminds him that the King must not receive money from the land since the date of the patent, for it is a hard trial with the King. Asks him to send a man to Ric. Monyngton at Haryngton, one mile from Burford of the Wold, to purchase out the writ for the knight's expence for the time of Parliament; for if the sheriff leaves his office before the writ is got, Cornwall will have to wait for his money till next year. St Michael's Eve.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To Mr. Cromwell in London. Endd.
28 Sept.
R. O. St. P. VII. 203.
The Pope will leave Rome this week to meet the Emperor at Bologna, on the pretence of arranging to resist the Turks. He will send the bishop of Como to France, and Casale to England. The latter will bring full instructions. The Emperor is still at Piacenza. The Pope has sent the archbishop of Capua to Florence. The prince of Orange is within 20 miles of it, from which place he will advance to Ravenna. Rome, 28 Sept. 1529. Signed.
Lat. In Casale's hand. Add. Endd.
R. O. 2. Enclosure in the above.
i. Copy of a letter of 20 Aug. 1529, from Genoa.
The gentleman has not yet arrived whom his Majesty (Charles) is expecting from Madame (Margaret) with the copy, but I suppose he has received a complete copy by way of Savoy. They cannot refuse it (the peace) without destroying their strongest argument for the Emperor's coming into Italy. His Majesty took the opinions of the prince of Orange and Antonio da Leva. Preparations are making for the march to Milan. His Majesty intends to offer peace to the Venetians. The prothonotary Caracciolo, who arrived in this country today, is charged with this negotiation. The duke of Milan has no recognised representative here. He has sent a secretary to the Pope, and will not break off his confederacy with the Venetians. Ambassadors from the duke of Ferrara and the Florentines (named). The Emperor communicates all his proceedings to the Nuncio, and professes that he will act according to the capitulation, which I presume you have seen. The Pope again invests the Emperor with the kingdom, absolves the [Emperor's] agents and councillors, ratifies all they have done against his Holiness and the See Apostolic, gives them the nomination to 24 churches, and promises to crown him, with all the usual privileges and favours. The interview between the Pope and the Emperor has not yet been determined on.
ii. Letter from Genoa, 23 Aug. 1529.
Today [the Emperor] has determined in council to depart hence this week by way of Piacenza. N. tells me that the peace has been broken off. News touching the Florentine and Ferrarese ambassadors.
iii. Letter from Genoa, 28 Aug. 1529.
It is feared the Emperor will make an agreement with the Florentines without giving satisfaction to the Pope. Andrea Doria announces his intention to remove with the Imperial navy from the sea, where he is now, to that of the Levant.
iv. Letter of 30 Aug., from Genoa.
Today the Emperor has departed from Piacenza. He sends Mons. di Lasciao (La Chau) to the French king, and is determined to ratify the peace. No one has been sent to the Venetians.
Ital., pp. 3.
29 Sept.
R. O.
I received your letter by Dr. Bonor (Bonner), stating that the canons of the priory of Worsopp have granted the election of their prior to you, and that, as I am founder, you wish to know my mind. I have little acquaintance among them, and leave it to you, desiring credence for Dr. Bonor. Sheffield Park, 29 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
Lansd. MS. I. f. 210. B. M.
"The Progresse of K. Henry the VIIIth made in the XXIth yeare of his reigne."
July 1st, at Bridewell; 6th, at Greenwich; 8th, at Bridewell; 15th, at Durham Place; 28th, at Greenwich.
August 2nd, at Waltham; 11th, at Barnett; 14th, at Tytynhanger; 16th, at Olborne; 17th, at Windsor; 21st, at Reading; 23rd, at Haseley; 25th, at Woodstocke.
September 1st, at Langley; 4th, at Woodstock; 9th, at Buckingham; 10th, at Grafton; 24th, at Buckingham; 25th, at Notley; 28th, at Byssham; 29th, at Windsor.
In a later hand, p. 1.
30 Sept.
Theiner, p. 564.
On the return to your Holiness of cardinal Campeggio, we could have wished, not less for your sake than our own, that all things had been so expedited as to have corresponded to our expectations, not rashly conceived, but owing to your promises. As it is, we are compelled to regard with grief and wonder the incredible confusion which has arisen. If the Pope can relax Divine laws at his pleasure, surely he has as much power over human laws. Complains that he has often been deceived by the Pope's promises, on which there is no dependence to be placed; and that his dignity has not been consulted in the treatment he has received. If the Pope, as his ambassadors write, will perform what he has promised, and keep the cause now advoked to Rome in his own hands, until it can be decided by impartial judges, and in an indifferent place, in a manner satisfactory to the King's scruples, he will forget what is past, and repay kindness by kindness, as Campeggio will explain. Windsor, 30 Sept. 1529. (fn. 1)
30 Sept.
R. O.
The tertii denarii arising from beef and mutton consumed in the household of cardinal Wolsey for one year. The amount of animals killed is as follows:—430 oxen, 181 muttons, in the month of October; 728 ditto within 1 November; 621 ditto between Easter and 1 August; 363 ditto between 1 Aug. and 30 Sept. Sum total of the third pence, 204l. 17s.
ii. Sale of victuals, &c. from the said stores.
Lat., pp. 3. Endd.: My lord Cardinal, pro pellibus multonum.
Egerton MS. 2,108, f. 80. B. M.
Receipts of two parts of 2s. in the pound of half passage for the Wyke of Dover, by John Fraunces, collector, by the oversight of Robt. Fluce, mayor, from Sunday after the Nativity of Our Lady, 20 Hen. VIII., for one year.
Receipts, 11l. 1s. 5d.
Payments, for timber, wattles, thorns, dragging, digging, &c., 8l. 1s. 6d.
Borrowed to perform the town payments, 26s. 6d.
So rests in the box, 33s. 4d.
Pp. 9.
Vit. B. XI. 216. B. M. 5969. THE DIVORCE.
Petition of John Antony Musettula, Imperial ambassador, to the Pope, in the name of Katharine of Arragon and the Emperor, to advoke and decide the King's cause, and impose on him perpetual silence, or at least to commit the judgment to Cardinals at the court of Rome, or papal auditors, as it is notorious that the Queen cannot be defended or obtain justice in England; and to forbid anything to be done prejudicial to the cause, or a fresh marriage to be contracted by the King, under the penalties of ecclesiastical censure, to be assisted by the secular arm, if need be.
Lat., copy, pp. 3. Endd.
R. O. 5970. MARGARET VERNON (fn. 2) to [CROMWELL].
Is told by Lewys, a goldsmith in this town, that Mr. More has promised parson Larke that the subprioress of St. Ellyns shall be prioress there before Christmas. Begs he will ascertain my Lord's (Wolsey's) pleasure about it, that she may settle herself in quietness. He may offer my Lord the sum "we were at a point for." I hear you are to ride after Christmas about my Lord's business; and if this matter do not take effect before, I will never trouble you or myself further.
Hol., p. 1.
Begs a loan of 40l. till Whitsuntide, when she is sure to repay it with malt and wheat, to enable her to buy a neighbouring farm. Her house shall be bound in surety for it by convent seal.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Master Cromwell.
Begs to know when he will be in these parts, or when she can see him at his own house, she coming on one day, and going home the next, as she requires his counsel on several matters.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful and my singular good master, Mr. Cromwell.
"The confession of Thomas Clement, carpenter," that on St. Thomas' Eve, at the bonfire at Ric. Martyn's gate, Mrs. Bawdwyn said, in presence of himself and others, that a wood within 10 miles of Oxford was to have been felled, "but it was let by the country; they did put them off; and so might these men be that should fell in the Berwood, if they would stick together." Clement had already spoken on the subject with Thos. Milam, saying he should know when it was to be, for Will. Barker had spoken to Mr. Townley that he might be one of the hewers, and they agreed to warn the country, as the people complained that their beasts would be all killed. He accordingly gave notice of it to Milam on Sunday before the insurrection, and also to Ric. Bullok, whom he met at Wokingham town's end. Would have confessed all this at Wokingham, but there were so many judges he thought he should have gone to execution, and preferred to trust to my lord Cardinal's mercy, for "there were no more prisoners there but he."
Pp. 3. Endd.
Writes to ask his assistance in their necessities, as his brother Leonard is too ill to travel. When Antonius Cavallari and the said Leonard owed 60,000l. to the King, a new arrangement was made, more convenient to them. Now, however, Wolsey has transferred the old obligations to certain persons, who intend to sue them, and demand what they cannot pay.
Hol., p. 1. Endd.
His favor has always protected their house and fortunes, especially their father and Leonard their brother, who is lately dead. Since his death certain Englishmen have commenced unjust actions against them, endeavoring to despoil them of their goods at Florence in their absence. Wolsey can assist them, but he dares not tell him the means in writing, and begs for an audience.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Endd.
R. O. 5976. JAMES BEK, Merchant, of London, to WOLSEY, Cardinal and Chancellor.
Has come to give attendance on him to report on certain wrongs done the King by Martin Degennay, a Spaniard, residing in London.
P. 1. Endd.: James Beck.
R. O. 5977. _ to [WOLSEY].
Disputes have arisen in London between the merchants of England, Italy, Flanders, and Spain, in consequence of the public edict about the value of gold; for many say that debts contracted before the proclamation must be paid at the rate of 22s. to a pound, 14s. 4d. to a mark, and 7s. 4d. to a noble, whether paid in silver or gold. Merchants also now abstain from exchanges, and thus prevent the importation of gold. Knows of the importation of 100,000 cr. and 10,000l. in gold, which will be exported again unless care is taken. In Flanders, directly after this proclamation, gold was publicly put at a higher price than before: a noble at 24 gr., a royal at 35 gr., and a crown at 14 gr. The searchers should, therefore, be warned to attend to their duty.
Has sent an account of the errors, and the accounts relating to merchandize, in Italian, as he cannot trust any one to translate them into English.
The merchants ask Wolsey to intimate his wish about the proclamation to the mayor of London, that he may publish it.
Asks Wolsey to remember his affairs, when he sees the King.
Lat., pp. 2. Copy, in Vannes' hand. Endd.: It. merchant. (fn. 3)
Sept./GRANTS. 5978. GRANTS in SEPTEMBER 1529.
1. Wm. Herberd of Cardif, Thos. Herberd, jun., of Moregraunge, Thos. Herberd of Troye, Wales, and John Herberd of Bristol. Pardon for the murder of Wm. Vaughan of Bristol. Apud Westm., 1 (fn. 4) Sept. ao 21.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
10. Geo. Warener. To be one of the King's serjeants-at-arms, with 12d. a-day, vice Nicholas Downes. Waltham monastery, 9 Aug. 21 Hen. VIII. Del. le More, 10 Sept.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
14. John Ruckwoode, under-steward of the town of Calais. To be bailiff of the lordships of Mark and Oye, marches of Wales, with 12d. a day. Del. the More, 14 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 12.
14. Frederick Richardis, of the Isle of Wight, beer brewer. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Del. le More, 14 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
14. John Robardson alias Baker, servingman, of Calais. Pardon for having robbed a foreigner, called a "Catchmar," of money, at Fynes myll, beyond the forest of Guysnes, in Picardy. Del. le Moore, 14 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 6.
15. Sir Thos. Nevell and Robt. Norwych, serjeant-at-law. Grant, in survivorship, of the office of surveyor of all liveries or prosecutions of inheritance in England, Wales, Calais, and the marches thereof; with 50l. a year. Le More, 15 Sept.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 3.
15. Sir Thos. Nevell and Robt. Norwych, serjeant-at-law. To be overseers of all liveries or suits, general and special, of possessions in England, Wales, Calais, and the marches thereof; with power to treat with suitors in such cases for their fines, &c. Del. the Moore, 15 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
15. John Santford and Robt. Gybson, yeomen of the Guard. To be water-bailiffs of the Isle of Man, vice John Macristyn. In the gift of the King, by the minority of the earl of Derby. Del. le Moore, 15 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
16. Ric. Keyll, vintner, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Robt. Wingfield. Del. Westm., 16 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
20. The Mayor and Corporation of Bristol. Charter, permitting a yearly fair to be held in the parish of St. Mary Redclyff, from the 2nd Feb. to 9th Feb. Witnesses: Thos. card. of York, Wm. archbp. of Canterbury, &c. Del. le More, 20 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 9._Vacated on surrender by John Willy, attorney of the said corporation, 10 June 36 Hen. VIII., by order of the King's council.
22. Geoffrey Lee. Mortmain licence to alienate certain land in Boxley, of the annual value of 5l. 2s. Also mortmain licence to John Fyssher, Peter Goldsmyth, and Ric. Austen, to alienate certain land in Boxley, of the annual value of 4l. 16s. 11¼d. Both to the abbot and convent of St. Mary, Boxley, to the yearly value of 9l. 19s., in part satisfaction of the 10 librates of land which the said monastery was licensed to acquire by patent 11 Oct. 2 Hen. VIII. Le More, 22 Sept.—Pat. 21 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12.
23. John Campucci, merchant, of Lucca. Licence to export 800 sacks of wool. Del. le More, 23 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
25. Margaret Heron, widow of Sir John Heron. Lease of the manor of Highall, in Walkehampstowe, parcel of Coopercioners lands, Essex, for 21 years; at the annual rent of 48l., and 3s. 4d. of increase; on surrender of a lease granted to her husband, Sir John, 14 May 12 Hen. VIII. Del. le More, 25 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
28. Ric. Elyat yeoman of Horlaston, Staff. Pardon for killing Ric. Peers, jun. Del. Westm., 28 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
26. Thos. Wyat, squire of the Body, and marshal of Calais. Licence to import 1,000 tuns of Gascoigne wine or Tolles (Toulouse) woad. Del. le More, 26 Sept. 21 Hen. VIII.—S.B.


  • 1. This letter is very obscure and involved.
  • 2. Afterwards prioress of Malling.
  • 3. The dates of these last eight documents are very uncertain.
  • 4. Supplied from the Patent Roll, as the date on the Signed Bill is illegible.