Pages 2376-2385
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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April 1529
1 April. R. O. |
5407. WM. POULET to WOLSEY. |
"Master Treasurer of Wulsey and I proceed in your progress of Winchester," surveying the castles, manors, &c., for you to determine the dilapidations. The rate is over 200l., besides the mills and weirs, little less than 200l. more. The deer in the park are few; where you should have 1,000 you have not 500. Certain hunters and fishers must be punished for an example to others. We have taken care for the goshawks, and I have warned all the townships to favor the same. The expence to your predecessor was 5l. yearly. We have respited the arrangement for an allowance to be made by you to Wm. Love, yeoman of your wardrobe in your palace of Wulsey. We and Master Stokeley cannot induce him to take less for his services than 10 marks. Your wardrobe and stuff are well kept, except two pieces of arras, injured by the rats. Th. Polstede, your baily of Wargrave, is dead. Your tenants are all well. On this day I begin my progress again. On Monday I shall be at Taunton. 1 April. | |
Hol., pp. 3. Sealed. Add.: My lord Cardinal, &c. Endd. | |
1 April. R. O. Wood's Letters, II. 43. |
Thanks him for the pains he always takes in her husband's causes. Is sending six fat oxen as a present for my Lord (fn. 1) at Easter. Is surprised that her son and daughter should complain of Hennege taking her part against them, as he has always been so impartial. My son sent me word by old Blesbie that I am the cause of his going to court, and I must pay for his costs. He denies that he asked my cousin the dean of Lincoln and your father to persuade me to be content with 400 mks. and Goltaght, if he would discharge my payment to my brother Dymoke, and release his annuity of 40l. He says now that he wished to have half his father's lands, and then, "by intreat of friends," to pay the half duty of the obligations due to Dymoke. This motion was never made to me, and I expect my cousin the Dean and your father will advance the former motion. My daughter told Blesbie that neither she nor my son made any request to the King or the Cardinal for more of his father's lands, but that the Cardinal sent for him, and said that he should go home and see order kept, and he should have the custody of his father and his lands. This causes me great disquiet, and makes my friends here and in the North wonder. If their unfitting words do not cease, will complain to Wolsey. It is folly of my son or daughter to take any order concerning their father's lands without my Lord's commandment, for they shall never order me without it. Desires credence for the bearer. Goltaght, 1 April. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.: A letter of the lady Tailboys the elder to Thos. Henege. | |
1 April. R. O. |
5409. W. CAPON to CROMWELL. |
Has received his letter, and 24l. of the revenues of Bromehill, by Hugh Whalley., Encloses a quittance. One of "our conducts," named Robt. Pratte, is dead. Has no news from London, but that my lord's Grace is in good health. Sends the writings he wished, the King's licences for the "properacion" of St. Mathews and other benefices to St. Peter's and Felixstowe. Gipswiche, 1 April. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add.: To, &c., Maister Thos. Crumwell. Endd. | |
1 April. R. O. |
5410. JO. PENNANDE, Priest, to CROMWELL. |
Thanks him for remembering the writer when he was likely to lose his promotion and recompense for his labors at Rome, for the house of St. Bartholomew's in Smithfield. Hears that Cromwell pretended an interest in it, and told Wolsey he had obtained "the advowson of Sepulchre's" for a friend. To affirm his saying, the advowson shall always be at his commandment. Advises him to speak to Dr. Marshall that nothing be done in Cromwell's absence contrary to Wolsey's grant. If he obtains it, will ascribe it wholly to Cromwell's patronage. Wells, 1 April. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c., Master Cromwell, of my lord Cardinal's learned council. | |
1 April. R. O. |
Resignation by Thos. Clerk, S.T.B., of the priory of St. Lawrence Montis Gaudii alias Mountjoy, Norwich dioc., into the hands of cardinal Wolsey. The form of resignation was read and subscribed by the Prior on 1 April 1529, in the choir of the church of the priory, in presence of Rowland Lee, D.D., Wolsey's commissary, who thereupon suppressed the priory. Present: Thomas Crumwell, Ralph Sadeler, Thos. Benett, canon of Buckenham, Will. Bradshau. | |
Lat., pp. 2. Draft of notarial instrument. | |
1 April. Er. Ep. p. 1182. |
As to your doubt whether Henry VIII. wrote the book and two epistles against Luther which bear his name, many entertain the same suspicion; and not without reason, since it is looked upon as a prodigy, especially among the Germans, that any prince should possess learning. Although I would not assert that he received no assistance in their composition, as others, even the most learned, do on similar occasions, I am sure that he is both parent and author of those things which go under his name. His father was a man of the nicest judgment; his mother possessed the soundest intellect, and was remarkable for her prudence as well as for her piety. When the King was no more than a child, he was set to study. He had a vivid and active mind, above measure able to execute whatever tasks he undertook. He never attempted anything in which he did not succeed. He had such natural dexterity, that in the ordinary accomplishments of riding and throwing the dart he outstripped every one. You would say that he was a universal genius. In music he is no mean proficient. For mathematics he has shown remarkable docility. He has never neglected his studies; and whenever he has leisure from his political occupations, he reads, or disputes,—of which he is very fond,—with remarkable courtesy and unruffled temper. You would say he is more of a companion than a King. For these little trials of wit he prepares himself by reading the schoolmen, Thomas, Scotus, or Gabriel. I send you, as a specimen of his composition, a letter written entirely with his own hand, when he was very young. When I had some doubts about its being his own composition, and Mountjoy failed to remove my doubts, he afterwards produced many letters of the King, with corrections three or four times repeated, all in the same hand. Basle, 1 April 1529. | |
Lat. | |
2 April. R. O. |
Asking his favor in behalf of the sieur De Rincon, whom he is sending to the king of Hungary. Bury, 2 April 1529. Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
R. O. | 5414. RINCON to WOLSEY. |
Desires instructions in the matter of which Wolsey spoke to him yesterday, in order that he may be speedily delivered from hence, and speak to the master of the ship. The safety of his voyage depends, as Wolsey knows, upon its speed. Monday morning. Signed. | |
Fr., p. 1. Add.: "Monseigneur le cardinal Dyorc, legat et chancellier d'Angleterre." | |
2 April. R. O. |
5415. NORFOLK to WOLSEY. |
Yesterday met Suffolk and the other commissioners for Marchlonde, at Thetford, and appointed another day of meeting. Asks him to send the certificates and verdicts taken by other commissioners, and delivered into the Star Chamber last Easter; and to write to the abbot of St. Benett's to make no grants or leases of lands or farms, nor to allow any of the goods of the monastery to be "besyled." They expect it will be suppressed, and are the less careful what they do. Kenynghale, 2 April. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd. | |
3 April. Laemmer, Mon. Vat. p. 31. |
During these holy days (Easter week) certain Lutheran books, in English, of an evil sort, have been circulated in the King's court. As yet I have been unable to obtain one, but I will endeavor to do so. I understand that by this book the Lutherans promise to abrogate all the heresies affecting the articles of the Faith, and to believe according to the Divine law, provided that this King, with the Most Christian King, will undertake to reduce the ecclesiastical state to the condition of the primitive Church, taking from it all its temporalties. I told the King that this was the Devil dressed in angels' clothing, in order that he might the more easily deceive, and that their object was to seize the property of the Church; nor could any one promise the abrogation of so much heresy as now largely pervades the people. I represented that by councils and theologians it had been determined that the Church justly held her temporal goods. His Majesty remarked that these [Lutherans] say that those decisions were arrived at by ecclesiastics, insinuating that now it is necessary for the laity to interpose. In reply I adduced various reasons, partly theological and partly temporal, telling him that this would be directly against his interests, for, as matters now stood, he obtained large sums of money; but if the laity had the goods of the Church this would no longer be the case, and they would probably grow rich and rebellious. (fn. 2) The King also remarked that these men allege that the ecclesiastics, and especially the court of Rome, live very wickedly, and that we have erred in many things from the Divine law. I replied that I would allow there were sins in Rome and in the court, because we are but men, but the Holy See had not deviated a jot from the true faith. Finally, his Majesty assured me of his good will, and that he had been and always would remain a good Christian, but that he had desired to communicate to me what had been told him by others; and if I wished to write to Rome, he was content, provided I did not state that I had heard it from his own mouth. | |
The cardinal (Wolsey) was present, and after our departure thanked and commended me for my good offices. London, 3 April 1529. | |
Ital. | |
3 April. Add. MS. 28,578, f. 155. B. M. |
5417. MAI to CHARLES V. |
Although the Pope has had a relapse during Holy Week, I spoke to him on Thursday before yesterday, on which day the English ambassadors also had spoken to him, and afterwards the French. | |
The English ambassadors have lately pressed to get the dissolution of the marriage adjudged in England by the cardinals of York and Campeggio; and as they are half disappointed of that, they threaten with Luther and his sect. I treated this as a jest, and said that in such a case we should return the book to its author, which the king of England had written on this very subject, and strip him of the title of Defender of the Faith. This week I will make a request to the Pope about it, according to your commandment, and his Holiness will not be sorry (y a su Santidad no le pesara). All my study is to keep a close watch upon these ambassadors, which I think I do pretty sufficiently. It is four or five days since they had a meeting with lawyers, and I believe they have alleged nothing which has not been already answered. Takes counsel continually with the Emperor's advocate on this matter. Rome, 3 April 1529. | |
Sp., pp. 4. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. | |
3 April. R. O. |
Have often made suit to him to pardon my lord of Richmond the sum of 500l., taken of the abbot of St. Mary's beside York, about three years past, for his expences. A good part of his revenues due at Michaelmas after his creation were then unpaid, yet he was rated and had allowance but of the moiety of his lands for the half year ending at that term, and at Easter following they could not obtain any. Beg that allowance be now made, as they could get no money otherwise. Sheriffhutton, 3 April. Signed: Brian Higdon—Godfrey Foljambe—Wiliam Taite—Thomas Tempest—Jo. Uvedale. | |
Pp. 2. Add. Endd. | |
Cal. D. x. 287. B. M. |
* * * "... de he delivered me ... that in the same there was ... [an]y word what should be done with al ... [r]eeceeyvid the said sum. Right so I de ... if ye shall fortune to hear I have avys ... truth. | |
"Also where before in this letter I have ... which is about this town and Neewn[ham Bridge, I tell] you that the castle of Guisnes is far in wn ... because my lord Legate and likewise oo ... specially my lord Chamberlain to whom t ... knoweth well in what plight the said ca[stle is, but] let that pass. | |
"Also, as I wrote to you in a former letter, I este ... that my masters or rather lords of France ... at length as ye know by my lord Legate's commandme[nt] ... covenant for this day, I am avised ought of F[rance by] a spy of mine there, that our Englishme[n] ... retained in all places, and that they of the ... will not be beguiled by letting go of our [merchants] and their goods, and have the war in ... this summer; also it is said that the la[dy Margaret] is at Gaunt this day to make peace ... the lord Fynys and the Gaunteys for and [they can get] him in to their hands, he is not ... Sir, now that I have committed ... ere you to use th ..." * * * | |
Hol., mutilated. Add.: To the right hon. Master Bryan Tuke, of the King's Privy Council, and his secretary. | |
4 April. Cal. D. XI. 68. B. M. |
* * * "[Gu]ysnes but also Ha[mps] ... [th]eir books, signed with the ... specifying how they dischar[ge themselves] of the said receipts, so that we ... [that there] remaineth not in the under treas[urer's possession] here of the 2,000l. sterling which was [sent]" to him for the repairs [of the] fortifications here, and of the other fortresses in the marches, as much money as is due to masons and other workmen, for the month which began on the 1st inst. The gross emptions in the Emperor's country, and those brought from England, exclusive of what has been paid to Sir William Skevington, amount to 1,000l. The cost of brick, with the carriage thereof, and of clay, turf, and chalk, and the iron work for the guns which have been new stocked, amounts to a great sum, so that it is but a small part of the 2,000l. that is yet spent upon bricklayers and labourers, considering the forwardness of the works here and at Guysnes. That Wolsey may know the progress of the works at Guysnes, send inclosed in these a bill * * * "... e relation unto you ... [le]tter, which was written ... Maundy Thursday by me, Sir [Robert Wingfield]. Wherefore, now that we have [shown your Grace] in everything how the case ston[ds] ... also your Grace hath had perfect k[nowledge by] the book, which was made by us [and sent] unto your Grace by the King's solicitor," by which it appears what repairs have been ordained to be made. What is yet done will appear small, compared with the decay at Gu[ysnes], which must be repaired, or the place will not be tenable against a great force. | |
Ask Wolsey to consider the certificates which they have made unto ... and the said book, that provision may be made accordingly. This town suffers much from dearth of victual, especially beef and mutton, for the butchers of the town went before Easter to the places in Kent ordained for victualling Calais, and found both beef and mutton not only at an unreasonable price, by reason that the King's * * * "and oxen fr[om] ... great harm, not only ... also of the soldiers and m ... wne, which be in marvellous p ... without remedy of recovery, and ... his most principal goodness, and yo[ur Grace] ... your profound wisdom do not cause ... Staplers to make quick payment for the ... year," which will be due on the 6th inst., the peril is too great, for there has been no prest of money to any man for half a year. There is no remedy, except from the King's goodness and Wolsey's. Calais, 4 April 1529. Signed. | |
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add. Endd. | |
4 April. R. O. |
The Signory is very anxious for the siege of Milan. St. Pôl is not backward. News of the movements of the Imperial forces. It is said that Andrea Doria will go at once to Spain, which is taken for a proof that the Emperor is coming into Italy. The Pope is recovered, and was to have gone to Ostia. He would comply with your wishes in all things. But he thinks it will be useless to go into Spain now, as the Emperor is coming into Italy. John Joachim is urgent in the affair of Ravenna and Cervia. Those who detained these two places are specially mentioned in the bull in cœna Domini. It is said the duke of Ferrara has vowed to visit the body of St. Antony the Minorite at Padua, as he was his "nurus" in articulo mortis. Francis writes that he shall visit Italy when the Emperor does, and will bring with him 10,000 Germans under the duke of Guise. Venice, 4 April 1529. Signed. | |
Lat., pp. 2. Sealed. Add. and endd. | |
4 April. R. O. Burnet, v. 444. |
Thanks him for his letter, showing his willing and faithful mind. Trusts he will not repent it, and that the end of this journey will be more pleasant to her than his first, "for that was but a rejoysyng hope, whiche causyng [the like] of it dose put me to the more payn, and they that ar parta[kers] with me, as you do knowe; and therefore I do trust that this herd begynn[ing] shall make the better endyng." Sends cramp-rings for him, Master Gregory, and Master Peter, to whom she desires to be recommended. Greenwich, (fn. 3) 4 April. Signed. | |
P.1. Add. in her own hand: To Master Stephyns this be delyverd. | |
ii. Modern copy. | |
5 April. Vesp. C. IV. 299. B. M. |
5423. GHINUCCI and LEE to WOLSEY. |
On the 3rd of April the Emperor sent a bishop and don Diego de Mendosa to accompany us to the court. The Emperor told us he had consulted with his Council concerning what we proposed at Calatayud touching the brief, and desired Mons. Pernott, late ambassador in France, to declare his answer. | |
He told us in Latin that the Emperor was sorry that anything should happen to interfere with the ancient amities between England, Spain and Burgundy, and took heavily the intended divorce between the King and Queen. About this he said many things that would have been better for borne, adjuring the King by the sacrament of matrimony, and by the obedience he owes to the Apostolic See, whose authority he pretended that the King seemed little to esteem. He declared the Emperor's confidence in the Pope and the Apostolic See, to which he said the Emperor would appeal; but still he seemed to doubt the Pope, for he spoke of appealing, if necessary, to a future Council. He said also that the cause ought not to be determined in England, but at Rome, and that the King must have patience if the Emperor defend the Queen in her right. Hope to send this more extended by their next. Mons. Pernott then, to declare the validity of the marriage and the injustice of the King's cause, produced the brief, declaring that the Emperor, in order that the truth might be known, would send to the King a transumpt under the authority of three bishops, but he would not send the original, for fear of miscarriage. To this they answered, that many things might have been forborne, especially the adjuration of the King by the sacrament of matrimony, concerning which it was notorious that the King held the Christian and Catholic opinion, and had no such sinister intentions as to need adjuration by the sacrament. His reverence and obedience to the Apostolic See has always been apparent, and he has done nothing but what he can justify to God and the world. He has as humbly submitted his cause to the Pope as any private man of the poorest sort would have done, and in this he had anticipated the Emperor, who need not labour to bring the cause to the knowledge of the Pope. It was useless to send the transumpt, for the brief itself was required as that on which both the King and Queen consider the validity of the matrimony to hang, and it was only reasonable that it should be in their custody. There were no competent judges before whom the transumpt could be made, especially as the Pope already has the thing in his hands, and has deputed two Cardinals to be judges thereof, so that nothing could be done judicially except by them. Pernot said that the transumpt might well enough be made before the bishops, because it was an act of voluntary jurisdiction; to which they replied that they would utterly dissent from all judicial acts before any judges, except those deputed by the Pope. Pernot said justice would require that it should be treated at Rome, and not in England. Answered that matrimonial cases often require the presence of the parties, which would not be possible for the King and Queen, if the case were heard at Rome. They then caused the brief to be read. Desired to have a notary to make an instrument of what was said, but could get no notary but theirs, whom they commanded to put all that was said in one instrument. Would not agree to this, but desired to have their sayings separate, which was done. | |
After this the Emperor spoke to them apart, saying that all this was done to get justice for the Queen; and he endeavored to justify himself. Answered, that as the King had done nothing but what he could well justify, it was not fitting that any such words sounding to his dishonor should be spoken, especially before his Majesty. He might consider, from the long intelligence which he has had with the King, that he is a prince who has always regarded his honor and conscience, and therefore the Emperor has the less cause to doubt his uprightness and sincerity. And forasmuch as hitherto the matter has been duly handled, the ground being matter of conscience moved to the King, and not sought by him, as also they testify who be for the Queen, for so Mr. Abel told Lee, and also because no fault can be found in the proceedings, said that they marvelled that the Emperor allowed such words touching the King's honor to be spoken in his presence. There was no need to incite tke King to go for judgment to the See Apostolic, seeing that he has already submitted thereto, but, as the case cannot be judged without the presence of the parties, the Pope has deputed judges to England. They thought that threats of war against the King were unfitting, as he intended to do nothing but justice. | |
Said, if the matter is determined for the validity of the marriage, the King will remain therein; and, on the other side, if the invalidity thereof is determined, the King being at liberty to forsake it, or to continue, they did not think that the Emperor would constrain him to act against his will. He might do something by using the means he spoke of at Calatayud, that is, fair words and entreaties, but by threats he would not further his purpose. This dealing would be more tolerable if the King had done more than was just; but as that cannot be alleged, it seemed strange that the matter should be handled on the Emperor's part dishonorably and reproachfully. The Queen had not alleged, and could not, that justice was not done. There was no reason for the pretended fear that if the brief was sent, violence might be done to the Queen, neither with the King's knowledge, nor against his mind, by his Council; for though he is always glad to hear his Council, he is not subject to them; none of them dare try anything against his pleasure. The Emperor was somewhat pricked at this, and answered that he did not intend to stand against justice, for he sought nothing else, and was not so foolish as to enterprise anything against the King for only doing what he might avow with justice; he rather desired peace, and could do no otherwise than agree to what was just,—adding, however, that he knew well the justice herein was clear. | |
Asked whether, if it were just for the marriage to be dissolved, he would be content. He said he could not avoid condescending thereto. Asked further if he would bear any grudge to the King; to which he answered that he would bear no enmity for anything done by justice. Told him that some of his council had said to Mr. Sylvester that there was no hope of peace if the divorce should proceed. He said he gave them no instructions to say so. Replied that he seemed to lean that way in his answer at Calatayud. He said he must needs agree to justice, but it would grieve him for justice to be declared against the Queen. Answered that justice must be grievous to the party against whom it passes, but still must be borne. Advised him, as of themselves, not to make any demonstration of intention to force the King, for he would not endure it. He said he neither would nor could force him. Said that threatening implied purpose of compulsion; to which he denied that he had intended to threaten. Said that this present answer, made openly, seemed to tend to compulsion, and that there were divers biting things therein, and they thought the way he purposed at Calatayud better, that he would entreat the King, although the divorce might be just, to be content to supply the default. He said he intended to send a person to the King, and asked them to write also. | |
Suggested that the person had better go with a medicine, and not with a sword, lest the King might be provoked by such things as were said to Parnott; and they therefore dissuaded him from sending these protestations. He said the messengers should have both prayers and protestations for conservation of the Queen's right. Said that nothing should be sent tending to compulsion, and that the Emperor had better declare that he would not resist justice; to which he answered as before. Said that if he intended to intreat the King, care should be taken to do nothing to displease him. He replied that he had no such intentions. Said that such things might be done without his knowledge, and advised him, as the last [truce] is expired, to send authority for its prorogation. He answered immediately that he would have peace or truce with the King, whichever he liked, but he would have none with the French king, and the lady Margaret had sufficient authority. Said that it would be convenient to comprise the French king, at least on the border of Flanders, for which the lady Margaret's old commission would not serve. He answered that there was no need for that, for Francis cared nothing about Flanders, and he himself wished for peace, if it were expedient. Asked him to send a commission to the ambassador in England; and he said he would instruct the lady Margaret's ambassador, who should go by land through France. | |
Taking occasion from what he said of his confidence in the Pope, asked him to consider with his Council whether the brief could be sent into England, assuring him that the judges, for lack of sight of the brief, would proceed as though there were none. Suggested that if he feared to send it to the King, he might send it to the Pope, who was the true judge of its validity. He said he was afraid of sending it to England, lest it should miscarry, and the judges proceed as though there were none, but he would think of sending it to the Pope. Showed him how necessary it was to the King that the brief should come safely; for the discharge of his conscience, the surety of his succession, and the quietness of his realm depend on it, and therefore he has no cause to fear sending it to the King. He answered, smiling, that if things were in better point than they are, he would not fear to send it. He said also that his mind was not quiet until he knew whether the brief was found in the registry at Rome. Mr. Abell was present at this, but said nothing. Thought it best to protract the request of the instrument, so that their messenger might arrive in England before the Emperor's. | |
If his Majesty will not agree to send the brief to England, will try to persuade him to send it to the Pope. If he refuses, it can be proceeded with after the form of the rescripts, when they come. In talking of the truce, pretended to know nothing certain of the old truce, but by hearsay. When the notary read the brief, the bishops present were required by Pernott to interpose their authority for the transumpt, but they said nothing about the brief being not concealed, vitiate, rased, nor suspect, which words Pernott spake. The Emperor said by Pernott that he would protest at Rome. Think the Pope cannot well take the Emperor's appeal to the Council to come, and that he will rather stand for detection of fraud, if there be any in the brief. The brother of the cardinal Campeggio has been in the town as long as they have, and has been in the same church, but has not come to see them. Understand that he is going with the Emperor into Italy. He pretended first to go to Valladolid, but now it is said he will go to Pampeluna to buy horses. The ambassador of Savoy has departed, and the person who came from lady Margaret will go in two days through France. The French ambassador is going by land. A post has just been sent to him to Bilboa. Hear that Gonsalvo Ferdinand, the Emperor's chaplain, has gone to England to recover his debts. He is nephew to Mancus, otherwise called Dr. de Puebla, through whom the Queen's first marriage was negotiated, and probably some letters concerning the second passed through his hands. Lee recollects that Gonsalvo once told him he had papers of his uncle relating to such matters, and he intended to have treated with him for them, but he left Spain when they arrived. The bishop of London and the Dean knew him well, for he always has been serviceable to the English ambassadors. Antony Vivalde will know where he lodges. His brother has not come to the court, and they dare not write to him. The Mantuan ambassador is now leaving. | |
Hear now that the Emperor will not allow Parnott's proposition to go forth. Ask the King and Wolsey not to show that they have heard of it, for it would destroy the ambassadors' credit with the Emperor. Will send these letters in three ways,—by Lyons, by Bayonne, and by sea. Will go to the Emperor for a resolute answer concerning the brief and the truce, and will especially labor for the comprehension of the French king, of which they rather hope than despair. Will send Curzon immediately after obtaining an answer. Master Abell says he has yet no answer, saving in the demand of his commission where he demandeth the brief. Saragossa, 5 April 1529. Signed. | |
Pp. 11. In Lee's hand. Cipher, with interlined decipher by Tuke. Add. | |
5 April. R. O. |
5424. GHINUCCI and LEE to [WOLSEY]. |
"An extract of my lord of Worcester and Mr. Almoner's letters, in ciphers, of the 5th of April." (Taken from the above.) At Cæsar August, as above. | |
ii. "The extract of a clause of Mr. Lee's letters of the same date, to the King's highness." (As below.) | |
Pp. 20. In Tuke's hand. Endd. | |
5 April. Vesp. C. IV. 305. B. M. |
5425. LEE to [HENRY VIII.] |
Wrote on 21 March, from Calatayud, of the Emperor's answer. Gives an account of their audience with the Emperor, similar to that in their letter to Wolsey of 5 April. Noticed, when the brief was read, that it was impetrate at the instance of the King and Queen, but Abell tells him that the Queen never heard of it until the copy came from the Emperor. Marvels that neither the King nor Queen should have more remembrance of it; and, even if it were impetrate only at the request of king Ferdinand, it is wonderful that the Queen did not know of it, as it touched her so nearly. The brief affirms also quod Regina fuit cognita a principe Arthuro; but Abell says the Queen denies this on oath. May mistake the words, as he only heard it read, but the bishop of Worcester also noticed both points. Abel came to them the day of their arrival, and excused himself for not having come to Valladolid, as the Emperor sent for him. | |
The rumor of the Emperor's journey to Italy still continues, but there seems no preparation for it. Andalusia has refused to let him have wheat, and there is none here. At Barcelona there are two galleys belonging to the lord of Monaco, but no others ready. Hears that the Emperor wishes now that Pernott's proposition had been better tempered, and does not wish it to go forth. Saragossa, 5 April 1529. | |
Hol., pp. 4. Cipher, deciphered by Tuke. | |
5 April. R. O. Rym. XIV. 290. |
5426. THE DIVORCE. |
Sentence of the University of Orleans on the legality of a brother marrying the widow of his brother. Orleans, 5 April 1529. | |
Lat., vellum. Sealed. |