Pages 2368-2376
Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.
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March 1529
16 March. R. O. |
5385. KNIGHT to WOLSEY. |
According to your commandment brought to me and Benet by Dr. Stephens at his arrival at Lyons, being advertised of his being at Rome, we proceeded to fulfil the same, although I shall be much incommoded, and should be glad if Dr. Tayler, who is well known at this court and better furnished, might continue some space longer, in which time I might make better provision. The Pope is not fully recovered. The Imperialists prosper in Naples. The Emperor has assembled two great fleets. The French king left on the 10th, and will keep his Easter at Blois. Paris, 16 March. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd. | |
16 March. R. O. |
Wrote last on the 4th. Vincent my cousin has written to me from France that he was ready to have come into Italy if the Pope had died. In that event you would have found us not unprofitable servants. Dom. Eserne has come here from Francis to urge the storming of Milan, asserting that the French king would make the necessary preparations. He says he has no occasion for the nine galleys. Joachim came here yesterday, but left immediately. It is reported that our troops have beaten the Imperialists in Apulia. The Pope is better, but cannot attend to business. The merchants have not kept faith with Vivaldi, who had ordered them to pay here 8,000 ducats. Venice, 16 March 1529. Signed and sealed. | |
Lat., pp. 2. Add. | |
16 March. Add. MS. 28,578, f.112. B. M. |
5387. MAI to CHARLES V. |
The Pope has proposed of late to go to your Majesty and to France, and moreover to send for the cardinal of England to help in a general peace, saying that the one will have the office of St. Peter, and the other that of St. Paul. He has replied that he shall not object, provided there be no deceit, and that he will do his best to come to him. Since the Pope's recovery the matter has been talked of very warmly. For my part I never trust these things, and believe it to be a malicious invention to prevent the coming of the Emperor. It was so that pope Leo acted with the king of France, when it was said that he was going to Rome; he was on the road to Bologna, and agreed with him, and excused his going; and it appears that pope Julius did the same. Rome, 16 March 1529. | |
Spanish, pp. 16, modern copy from the archives of Simancas. | |
18 March. R. O. |
Notifies his convalescence, and thanks Wolsey for his kind compliments of the recovery of his health. Rome, 18 March 1529. | |
Vellum. Add. | |
18 March. R. O. |
5389. TAYLER to WOLSEY. |
The Grand Master sent for him before he should go to court, and as he was going thither a packet was sent him by Robert Tete (Robertet) from Mr. Stephens, with a smaller packet out of Spain from Lee. Except they look better to their affairs here, all things will go backward. The Imperialists begin to triumph, and our men go "a solas." Mewys (Meaux), 18 March 1528. Signed. | |
P. 1. Add. Endd. | |
18 March. Harl. MS. 442, f. 103. B. M. |
5390. TRUCE. |
Proclamation to be published by the sheriff of Yorkshire, declaring that the truce between the kings of England and France and the Emperor will endure until two months after one of the Princes gives notice of his intention to keep it no longer. Richmond, 18 March 20 Hen. VIII. | |
Modern copy, pp. 4. | |
19 March. Porcacchi, p. 28 b. |
The English ambassadors have been with the Pope, but not for long, owing to his debility. I need say nothing about the Pope's inclination to satisfy the King with regard to his petitions, as the King and the Cardinal must be aware of it. But the King's demands are such that the Pope can come to no determination without taking counsel both from some of the Cardinals and from learned persons, as he did on a former occasion, when Dr. Stephen (Gardiner) came to Orvieto. The Pope cannot do this again, because the matters to be discussed are of such great importance that it would be necessary for him to take part in the whole of the discussion, which would compel him to remain five or six hours daily for several days with his counsellors, as he did on the previous occasion; and the Pope's strength could not suffer so much fatigue without great danger to his health. The ambassadors themselves are witnesses to the Pope's condition, and that he can do no more. I hope, however, that his Holiness will be able to attend to this matter in a few days. In the meanwhile no time shall be lost in obtaining the opinions of able and learned men as to the course which his Holiness may take to satisfy his Majesty's desires. All that you write on this subject has been well considered. If he should be able to do nothing else, he will possibly cite the cause before himself. In short, the Pope wishes to satisfy the King; but in a matter which might create so much scandal it is requisite that he should proceed cautiously, and find means to justify his proceedings. I know that your Lordship, being anxious for the Pope to take some resolution in this affair, and having expected a reply for so many days, would like to see the Pope act differently; but I can say no more than I learn from his Holiness. The King and the Cardinal have written to the Pope, congratulating him on his recovery; to which letters a reply is made by the accompanying breves. Dr. Stephen has presented other letters in the King's own hand and in that of the Cardinal, touching their desire, &c. It will be necessary for the Pope to reply in his own hand, but he cannot do so at present. Rome, 19 March 1529. | |
Ital. | |
19 March. R. O. |
5392. IRELAND. |
"The examination of one other witness in the earl of Kildare's matters object." | |
Sir Gerald Mackshayne sworn upon the holy mass book and the great relick of Ireland, called Baculum Christi, in presence of the King's deputy, chancellor, treasurer and justice, at Dublin Castle, 19 March 1528:— | |
1. After Easter last the earl of Kildare sent hither from England Ric. Fitzgarralde, son of this deponent, to advise him to do good service to the King's deputy; but if the latter, being earl of Ossory, should lay claim to any of his lands he should keep possession till Kildare's return. 2. Sir Walter Delahide and his wife, with my lady Ellys, were commonly reputed the instigators of O'Connor's wars. 3. Was informed by Melour Faa that the earl of Kildare had given him a privy token touching his expedition in England, viz.,—that if his daughter Elys returned to Ireland before him he would understand the Earl was not at liberty to come home, and on her coming to Ireland Melour remarked to this deponent it was an evil sign for Kildare. 4. On the return of William and Walter Walsh's sons about Hallowtide, they told the Earl's friends to keep peace till St. Nicholas tide in expectation of the Earl's return. Signed by the earl of Ossory, John archbishop elect of Dublin, J. Rauson, prior of Kilmainham, and Patrick Bermyngham. | |
Pp. 2. Endd. | |
20 March. R. O. St. P. I. 329. |
5393. TUKE to WOLSEY. |
Received your letters this morning, and went straight to Greenwich. As the King had wrenched his foot, could not see him till eleven, when I delivered him the letters which have tarried so long. The King asked how you were, and whether your leg was mended. Told him it was only a little cold and friction. He then broke open Mr. Steven's letter, which is more full of desperation than that to your Grace. Mr. Bryan's is of the same tone, affirming that the Pope would do nothing for the King, and adding "it might well be in his paternoster, but it was nothing in his creed." He spoke also of their coming to the Pope's presence, &c. The King said there was little comfort in the letters, but I satisfied him as well as I could. He liked the clause deciphered that the registry of the brief could not be found, and so reserved his letters with one enclosed in Bryan's, directed to I know not whom, but I suppose to Mistress Anne. Told him of the arrival of the French ambassador Langeais, who wished to know when he could see the King. Sir Antony Browne is commanded to accompany him. He keeps me here until I have instructed him in a letter directed to him from the French king. It is only a general letter for justice. The proclamation is made in London this day, and another is sent to Calais. I send you letters from the deputy of Calais, stating that the men of war in the Emperor's Low Countries have gone to Hungary. The Staplers will break up their household on 6 April next. Greenwich, Palm Sunday evening. | |
Hol. Add. | |
20 March. Cal. E. I. 149. B. M. |
5394. ITALY. |
"[So]mmarii di nove havute per lettere de li mei de xx. Marzo 1529." | |
The Signory has chosen as general of the men-at-arms Janes de Campo Fregroso, and 300 light horse, alla Borgognona, are enlisted. | |
"[Co]me alli do lo illmo capitaneo generale, et Sr duca d'Urbino, era partito de campo...paxato," in consequence of reports that the enemy are coming to that State. The Signory has confirmed the said captain Janni, with a provision of 50,000 ducats a year, on condition of maintaining 300 [men]-at-arms and 250 light-armed. The Signory has given conduct "al Sr suo fiol de Cavalli 100 alla...ovei 50 homini d'arme," with provision of 1,000 ducats a year. By letters of 17 Jan. from Constantinople, the Turk was making great preparations for Hungary. By letters of the 12th ult., the captain general would in five days [take] the field. The Signory had determined to raise 8,000 infantry. St. Pôl had taken a caravel (caravalle) by force, "et ha havuto le cast...epatti." | |
By advices from Rome of the 12th, the Pope "esser totalmente [recupe]rato." The following day, by compositions made with the castellans "di...xvjm et mille di beneficii de intra, doveano ditti castellani far la consign...di le terre." | |
There is a practice for sending the archbishop of Capua in place of the deceased nuncio, who was returning to Spain. In the kingdom of Naples, towards the Bruzo, all the Spaniards are returning. The prince of Orange had gone to Naples to provide money. All the papal party are much discontented. The Archduke has obtained from the county of Tyrol, "...nes 100m per le cose di Turchi et non altramente." | |
All this month the Signory "hara suo... | |
"Come M. Andrea Doria era ingente cascat...di l'andata sua a Roma, et era alqua..." | |
Ital., pp. 2, mutilated. | |
21 March. R. O. |
5395. TUKE to WOLSEY. |
At 8 this morning letters arrived from Rome, Spain, France and Calais. The letters from Dr. Stephens report little change in affairs. Mention is made of a great packet sent to the King, but I have only one little letter from Mr. Stephens, one from Sir Francis Bryan, and one from Mr. Peter (Vannes), which I keep, to be delivered to the King as soon as he is ready. The others I have sent to you, and ordered Derby, who is at London, to repair to you, for deciphering those out of Spain. I will wait here all day, lest you should have anything to send me. Strange news is come from Calais, that the Emperor is on board a fleet, attended by twelve ships, although the whole fleet amounts to more than six-score, near Newport; but he would be compelled to disembark at Flushing. The deputy of Calais wrote to me, the day before, of a great fleet of Spaniards, which passed by Calais. He thought they were a trade fleet. He has also heard the same news. The last letters from Spain mention that the Emperor was going to Barcelona. As I get more news I will let you know. Greenwich, Palm Sunday. | |
Hol., pp. 2. Add. | |
22 March. R. O. |
5396. SPAIN. |
Summary of the news written by Messer G.B. Malatesta, ambassador of the marquis of Mantua, from Saragossa, 22 March 1529. | |
Of the Emperor's intention to go into Italy. His desire to make peace with the potentates there. The prince of Orange is endeavouring to make an accommodation with the Venetians. He will be assisted by the Chancellor. The Emperor had arrived at Saragossa the Tuesday before, and was in a monastery of the friars there; and on 6 April he will go to Barcelona. The fleet has assembled at Cartagine. The Emperor will take with him 10,000 infantry and 500 men-at-arms, all gentlemen of the first families; and he has despatched Boniforte into Germany, to conduct the aid which the Empire is bound to give him. | |
P.S.—It is thought that the Emperor will not at present pass into Italy, but will go first to Barcelona, where he has summoned a court. | |
Ital., pp. 2. Endd. | |
23 March Add. MS. 28,578, f. 148. B. M. |
5397. MAI to CHARLES V. |
As to the matter of England, believes the advocation will be obtained. Has used every effort to procure a copy of that brief from the register, but has not succeeded. Has obtained two briefs, which make mention of the matter. If the cause be revoked hither, we will defend it. Has occasionally discussed it with the lawyer whom Musetula engaged. He is a consistorial advocate, son of a physician, named Master Ferrando de Aragon. Rome, 23 March 1529. | |
Spanish, pp. 7. Modern copy from the archives of Simancas. | |
23 March. R. O. |
Has sent him "the book indented" between Cromwell and one Fowler concerning the sale of the implements at Bromehill. Can find no other writings, in Cromwell's counting-house or elsewhere, of Felixstow, Rumbrughe or Bromehille. Spoke yesterday with Master Norton at my lord of Northumberland's place, who told him my Lord was disappointed of the money he expected at this time, but would see Cromwell paid shortly. Studley has paid; the money is in the keeping of Cromwell's mother. His family is well, praying for his safe return. London, 23 March. | |
Went yesterday with Williamson to Smythfield to buy Cromwell an ox, but met Henry Lodge, who said he could send him "mone agenst the tyme, so that he hath sent you a very good ox, and prayeth you now or never to help him." The bellfounder paid Williamson 40s. The Spanish fleet, so long detained by the weather, has arrived in Flanders and England. Counts upon Cromwell's return soon after Easter. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his right worshipful master, Mr. Crumwell, be this yeven at Gipswiche. Sealed. Endd. | |
26 March. R. O. |
Are at Carew preparing for the safe-conducting of the King's stuff. A chaplain of my lady Howard's came with the King's command for her jointure, and asked leave to lie in the castle that he might have the chambers, where no stuff was, cleaned. Suspected him, and searched the room where he lay. Found in an old bedstraw, four boxes of evidences belonging to Narberth, Carew and Kidwelly; in his coffer, two pair of fine sheets and a diaper tablecloth; in his bedstraw four bowls of silver, double gilt, a broken chalice, a silver parcel-gilt box, the gilt cover of a standing pot, a dozen silver spoons, and a silver raven, worth by estimate 40l. Do not think any one knew of it but he. Accused him of this craft against the King, but he little regarded it. Cannot come to London as soon as they intended. Carew, 26 March. Signed. | |
P.1. Add.: To their right worshipful master Mr. Crumwell. | |
27 March. R. O. |
5400. LAUNCELOT COLYNS, Treasurer of York Cathedral, to WOLSEY. |
At Christmas last, Wolsey commanded Thos. Crumwell to write to his chaplain, Mr. Donyngton, to see Colyns' servant recompensed for the parsonage of Bechope Burton; which he would have been long ago, if Donyngton had done his duty. Fears he has not done it in many other things. Will be as true to Wolsey as he was to his late master, deceased. Requests his seal to a grant sent to Wolsey's chaplain, Dr. Marshale. York, 27 March. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal's grace. | |
28 March. R. O. St. P. VII. 154. |
Will learn from their common letters what has taken place hitherto. By your Majesty's command I visited the Pope privately, and found him very weak. I begged of him not to be offended with what I should say. He replied briefly that he was well aware of my good intentions. I told him what confidence your Highness reposed in him; how long you had been expecting a favorable reply to your wishes; and the causes that moved you to desire a divorce. He expressed his anxiety to gratify the King. I told him what affection you had for him, how ready you were to make sacrifices in his behalf, and had always shown yourself ready so to do, when you expected nothing from him. He suddenly answered that he had submitted the examination of the brief (for on the disallowing of it Dr. Stephens was very urgent) to Cardinal S. Quatuor; and when he had heard his opinion, he would do his best to satisfy the King. I replied that your Majesty required his judgment on this matter as an indulgent father, and did not wish to be plunged into the technicalities of the law, which would be attended by so many delays and perilous consequences. I urged that every one felt that the authority and benignity of the Pope ought to be at hand as circumstances required, and that all men's feet were not to be fitted by the same slipper. I requested him not to deal in general replies, but by some definite response to gratify the expectations of your Majesty; and if he had any fear of the Emperor, to let me know it, and that he would determine at once upon the falsity of the brief. His Holiness replied that it would be best to produce the original as the best means of arriving at the truth. I answered that that would lead to long delays, and possibly to a repetition of the forgeries; that the presumptions of its spuriousness were manifold; and I offered to submit to the bp. of Verona the reasons collected by your Majesty to prove its forgery. Considers this was a prudent course, for reasons subjoined. | |
I begged of him to let me have an answer which I might send to England. He told me he could give no certain answer as yet, but would agree to certain particulars. I asked him to be a little more explicit. "Subjunxit id se innuere, ut modos omnes experiatur Regio vestro voto gratificandi, prompte id omnino facturus si...alia...tate id a se effici posse viderit." I told him a fairer opportunity would not be wanting, if he had only the mind. He said he would summon S. Quatuor and Simonetta, and tell them how, for many reasons, he had resolved upon this business of the divorce to satisfy the King, and therefore they must find some honest means for doing it. I could get nothing else from him. I urged that your Majesty was a much better, sincerer, and more impartial friend than the Emperor, if he had anything to hope or to fear. He said he feared nothing, but only wished a fair pretence to show to the Emperor, and he could give no reason till he had consulted S. Quatuor. I told him I had searched all the registers carefully, and could find nothing. The private registers we have not consulted, as they are often fraudulent. Rome, 28 March 1529. | |
Hol., Lat., pp. 7. Add. Endd. | |
Cott. App. XLVIII. 48. B. M. |
5402. JOHN WEST, Friar Observant, to WOLSEY. |
Asks him to make ready the letters and articles following, "for the tyme drawythe nere off exspyration and the tyme drawythe nere off Frankford Martte," which begins on the Annunciation. | |
Information and instructions of the treason touching Ric. Harman; letter to Mr. John Hakett of the same; to Hakett and Sir John Stylle, governor of the [Eng]lyshe merchants beyond sea, to send Wm. Claye, mercer of London, and Wm. Dawnsye, with a sure guard, as rebellious fugitives; Claye has taken 1,000l. belonging to John a Poole, mercer of London, keeps company with Harman, and rails on the Pope, Wolsey, and the whole Church, with Lutheran opinions and opprobrious words; to Harman Ryncke, of Colleyn, with a bill for the payment of the books, 63l. 4s.; to the bp. of Colleyn, for the delivery of heretics; to the bp. of Maguntia, for the delivery of W. Roye and W. Hutchyns, otherwise Tendalle, traitors and heretics; two to the card. bp. of Lucke, otherwise called Le...from Wolsey and the Legate Laur. Campecy[us, who] is here now in England, about the delivery of Ric. Harman; to the lady Margaret and the Emperor's council, with one from the King for the same, and others to the lord of Barowe, as Harman will be at Passe Marte at Barow now at Easter. | |
"I praye your Gracce to dyspencce with...that I schall see necessarye for to be done in this bessynes...Rincke serwant John Gelger and I may go togyther pryve[ly]...Gracce more opon Mondaye." | |
Hol., pp.2, mutilated. Add.: "To the lord Legate's grace of England." Endd. | |
Vit. B. XI. 80. B. M. St. P. I. 331. |
5403. TUKE to WOLSEY. |
Received your packet with letters from Rome, Spain and France. Read them to the King. In reading your Grace's letter, his Highness said "This is of my lord Cardinal's own hand;" and I said yea,—which seemed very much to please him. He then asked for the letters in which mention was made of the Cardinals and others favorable to the King's cause. I told him there was mention made of some in Mr. Stevyn's letters, but when I read him the letter he seemed to have expected more special advertisement of a great many his orators had made sure of, saying they were mentioned in letters written to him, which he went into his study and fetched, with one from the French king brought by De Langeais. I read him Mr. Peter's letter and those of Spain. He was not contented with the bp. of Worcester and Mr. Almoner (Lee) for their delay in repairing to the Emperor, as the Emperor will learn the matter by the Queen's servant, for whom and for Curzon he sent a safe-conduct, and not for the ambassadors. | |
He bade me read the devices of the bp. of Worcester, tending to throw suspicion on the brief to my lords of Norfolk, Suffolk and Rochford. I informed him that news had come that the Emperor had ships in readiness in two places, for Rome, and for Flanders, but of his going to Flanders I had heard no confirmation. He desired his ambassadors at Rome to secure for his cause as many Cardinals as possible, as that would induce the Pope to consent. I answered that they had been so instructed. Would have sent the letters sooner, but was obliged to tarry all day, as Wolsey's letter was not deciphered. | |
(fn. 1) They of Erith marshes, not finding here any of the King's council, have taken the advice of the recorder of London, who says that a bond by statute or recognisance will be sufficient. They have offered Mr. Walden's surety for 500 marks, which Tuke declines to accept, unless approved by the King's council. If he were to deliver money on it they would have 500 marks more, without giving any security for the 300l. and 200 marks they have of him already. Perceives that when Mr. Walden has the money he will make suit for [part] of it on the plea that the land he has is the Queen's, and therefore the King's in reversion; "and so he would drive the King to bear the reparation of the Queen's jointure." Perceives by Gibson, Wolsey will take order with them at his coming. London, this Monday at night. | |
Hol., pp. 3. Add. | |
Add. MS. 5,949. B. M. |
"Placita coram Rege termino Paschæ, xxi. Hen. VIII." | |
Proceedings against the prior of Norwich for appointing coroners in Martham and Catton, and the allowance of the patent of 8 Feb. 22 Hen. VI., and its confirmation 28 May 17 Hen. VIII., by which the prior claims the above right. | |
Lat., pp. 5. | |
(A copy of the patent precedes this.) | |
31 March. R. O. |
Will do his best to further the business in these parts. Mr. Dean sends the books by the bearer, Cromwell's servant. Hopes to make "a determinate end" of St. Peter's this week, and be in hand with Felstow. Thos. Cowper, Smyth's servant, came from London on Easter eve. He left all Cromwell's household well, but Mr. Carter was so dangerously ill that my Lord had seized his goods. Oranges, sugar, and other spices have come in such abundance that sugar is 8d. the 1b. or under. Mr. Brabson, Cromwell's servant, has been furnished with horses, but will not come hither yet. "The surgeon hath my horses to ride to him when he will." Will inform Cromwell further of matters here "at such time as it shall please you to return your business finished." Ipswich, 31 March. | |
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell." Endd. | |
March./GRANTS. | 5406. GRANTS in MARCH 1529. |
1. Rob. Hogan. Grant, in reversion, of an inn or tenement and 4 shops adjoining, in the suburbs of London, in the parish of St. Botolph in the ward of Aldersgate, which were granted by patent 7 Feb. 2 Hen. VIII. to Sir Henry Wyat. Greenwich, 1 Feb. 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 1 March.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 31. | |
1. Hen. Lodesman, serjeant of the chaundry. Wardship of John, s. and h. of Rob. Chamber. Del. Westm., 1 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 14. | |
1. Hen. Norreys, squire of the Body, appointed to collect the subsidies of tonnage and poundage in the port of London by patent 29 Jan. 19 Hen. VIII. Licence to appoint a clerk or deputy in the said office, notwithstanding the Acts 1 and 13 Hen. IV. Del. Westm., 1 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 19. | |
5. Sir Edw. Seymoure. To be steward of the manors of Hengstrige and Charleton, Somers., with power to appoint bailiffs and other officers, vice. Sir Wm. Compton. Del. Richemont, 5 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23. | |
5. Margery Parker, servant to Mary princess of Wales. Annuity of 10 marks for life, out of the issues of Denbigh, from Easter 19 Hen. VIII., vice. John Foulseft, deceased, Del. Richmond, 5 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 25. | |
6. Ric. Manchester, clk. Presentation to the hospital of St. Michael, without the suburbs of Warwick, Worc. dioc. Del. Richmond, 6 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7. | |
10. Hugh Griffithe. Licence to alienate a moiety of the third part of the manor of Kyngesholme, and of 3 messuages, 40 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 80 acres of pasture and 20s. rent in Longford, Twigworthe and Hatherley, in the county of the town of Gloucester, to John Arnolde, on the death of Rob. Griffithe, father of the said Hugh, who now holds the said moiety for the term of his life. Westm., 10 March.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 33. | |
12. John Trevor, yeoman of the Guard. Lease of the lordships and manors of Sandeford and Osleston, in the lordship of Oswestry, parcel of the lordships of Bromfeld and Yale; with reservations; for 10 years, at the annual rent of 66s. 8d., and 6s. 8d. of increase. Del. Richmond, 12 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. | |
12. Margery Eton, of East Greenwich. Pardon for having stolen certain goods belonging to George Lovekyn. Del. Richmond, 12 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
14. John Frythe, of Grenewich, Kent, butcher. Pardon for having, on 23 Oct. 20 Hen. VIII., broken into a close, and carried off certain cattle belonging to Rob. Lambe, of Lymsfeld, Surrey. Hampton Court, 14 March 20 Hen. VIII. (No date of delivery.)—P.S. Pat. (undated), p. 2, m. 24. | |
20. John Crowche, of Canterbury, mercer, native of Flanders. Denization. Del. Westm. 20 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 6. | |
22. Ralph Holynshed aud Margaret his wife. Licence to alienate the fourth part of the manor of Frankes, alias Warleffrankes, and the third part of the fourth part of the said manor, the fourth part, and the third part of the fourth, of 1 messuage, 4 cottages, 360 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 280 acres of pasture, 95 acres of wood, 30 acres of marsh, and 40s. rent in Abbes Warley (Essex), to Hen. Averell, Ralph Latham, John Frynde, and John Palterton, and their heirs, for ever. Westm., 22 March.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8. | |
22. Ralph Holynshed and Margaret his wife. Licence to alienate the fourth part of the manor of Frankes alias Warle-Frankes, in Abbes Warley; the third part of the fourth part of the same manor; the fourth part of one messuage, 40 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture, 5 acres of wood, and 30 acres of marsh, in Raynham; the fourth part, and third part of the fourth part, of 2 messuages, 4 cottages, 40 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, 300 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood, 60 acres of marsh, and 40s. rent in Abbes Warley and Raynham, Essex; to Hen. Averell, Ralph Latham, John Frynd, and John Palterton, to hold to them and their heirs for ever. Westm., 22 March.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29. | |
22. Jasper Tirrell, one of the marshals of the Hall. Licence to import 300 tuns of Toulouse woad and Gascon wine. Del. Westm., 22 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. | |
24. Geo. Loveken. To be comptroller of the King's works in England, with the usual fees for himself and a clerk under him. Del. Westm., 24 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 33. | |
25. Sir Nich. Carewe and Hen. Norreys. Grant of the advowson of the parish church of Northorsbe, Linc. dioc., on the first voidance. Del. 25 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p, 2, m. 20. | |
27. Geo. Sutton, servant of queen Katharine. Wardship of Mary, sister and h. of John Bekyngham, deceased, and custody of the manor of Claycourte, and 4 tenements in Burton, Berks, late of John, brother of the said Mary, deceased; during the minority of the said Mary. Westm., 27 March.—S.B. (undated). Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 17. | |
29. John Herbert alias John West Falyng, shoemaker, foreigner, viz., native of Westfalyng [Westphalia], in the dominions of the Emperor Charles. Licence to retain in his service 4 journeymen or "covenant servants," born in parts beyond sea, out of the King's dominion, over the number of 2 such servants allowed by the statute 14 & 15 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 March 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 20. | |
30. Wm. Calybutt. To be comptroller of the great and little customs in the port of Ipswich. Westm., 30 March.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 19. |