Henry VIII: December 1528, 26-31

Pages 2208-2254

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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December 1528

26 Dec.
Béthune MS. 8539, f. 28. Paris.
Writes again in behalf of Anthoine du Val. Montmorency gave a favorable answer to her former request, and charged Catillon to keep him in mind of it; but this he has been unable to do, having had business which took him to Italy. London, 26 Dec. 1528. Countersigned: De Saint Martin.
26 Dec.
R. O.
Received a letter on the 25th from my Lord by Thadeus, who left Knight and Benet at Calais. Was ordered in the letter to procure from the French king a safe-conduct for a servant of the Queen that should go into Spain, or for any other that the Emperor should send to England. Though I had neither the names nor the number, I went to the King on Christmas Day, who happened to be at Paris, and obtained a blank safe-conduct. Sends letters from Spain. Paris, 26 Dec. 1528. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
26 Dec.
R. O.
Thadeus arrived here on the 23rd, from whom we received a commission, with other papers. Beg their humble commendations to Wolsey. Tarried here so long because of their dangerous passage. Our horses continued at sea four days and four nights, in storms and tempest. Calais, St. Stephen's Day.
Hol., in Knight's hand; signed by Benet; p. 1. Add. and sealed. Endd.
27 Dec.
Vesp. C. IV. 286. B. M.
Wrote last on 23 Nov. Wonders that the Emperor delays so long to give them their answer. The French say that he promised to do so immediately after Bayard's arrival. Delivered the proposals to him a fortnight ago. The Emperor's ministers say that the answer will show his desire for peace, and that he is not the obstacle. Has heard no fresh news about military preparations. The Emperor will raise a loan from churches and from ecclesiastical persons. He has received from this bishopric 500 English marks, and requires a mark of silver from all patrons of churches. Burgos, 27 Dec. 1528.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
27 Dec.
R. O.
Cannot abstain from writing to thank him for his many benefits. Hampton, the bearer, has procured hangings, linen, towels, and other household furniture. At parting, Hampton asked him to request of Wolsey a dispensation for his son to take orders. Paris, 6 cal. Jan.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Rmo, &c., Card. Eborum Angliæ primati, Apostolicæ Sedis a Latere legato. Endd.: Decanus Wellen., vj. cal. Jan.
27 Dec.
R. O.
5069. THOS. CANNAR, Priest, to CROMWELL.
Did not send back John Hunt, Cromwell's scholar, as Cromwell wished, as Mr. Dean pretended that he should have the room of a petty canon in my lord's Grace's college. Smith, the auditor, and Cannar, therefore, detained him; but now, as the election for petty canons is over, and Benjamin Digby has written to Mr. Dean about it, sends him up with the bill of his expences at Oxford. Thanks him for having procured for him the benefice of Eesthenrethe by his influence with my lord's Grace. Oxenforde, 27 Dec.
The total of Hunt's expences are 39s. 0½d., including the reward to Master Weston, his overseer and tutor.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell, dwelling against the Friar Austins in London.
27 Dec.
R. O.
Had been here 10 weeks to conclude the peace, which has not been brought to pass but with much business, all because "we lene (lean?) so directly as we do, in mine opinion, for want of knowledge and intelligence, with the earl of Angus' causes," the Scots believing that we favor him more than their King. Was on his way homewards, when at Newcastle he received letters from the King and Wolsey, and one from Tuke, dated London, 10 Dec., which induced him to go back. Expects a safe-conduct from the king of Scots next Wednesday, and will forthwith go to visit him, though it will not gain him the most favorable hearing that the causes are touching Angus. Will make what expedition he can, though he is full 65 years old, "wanting power of body, feblished, and made weak with many winter journeys, and otherwise in manner little better of substance but as I had 26 years ago. My heart, will and mind is and shall be good, so long as I may continue; but I assure you this is the sorest winter that I have suffered in my life."
Sends copy of an article contained in his last letters, which Tuke has doubtless seen, touching the merchants of Edinburgh troubled by the poor merchants of Berwick, about the sale of salt salmon; also a letter of the queen of Scots on the subject. Berwick, St. John's Day in Christmas week. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
28 Dec.
R. O. St. P. VII. 140.
Compliments him on his services to the Holy See, to which all of them are so much indebted, especially for their liberty. Recommends to him Latino, who is going to England with letters from the Cardinals at Parma. Paris, 28 Dec. Signed.
Lat. Add. Endd.
p. 27 b.
The Pope has been highly satisfied with your negotiations hitherto, and thinks you have acted very prudently. Considering the offices you have performed with the Queen, the King ought to comprehend that the Pope has every wish to gratify him, but is hindered by powerful reasons from precipitating the result which the King desires; and therefore they ought not to make so much importunity. You write that you cannot long sustain this burden alone; but as an ample reply is about to be sent you as soon as the cavalier (Casale) arrives here, hold out for the love of God, and do not allow yourself to be drawn a step further. The Pope is aware of the good will of the cardinal of York towards the See Apostolic, and knows for certain that he induced the King to request a legate for this cause, although the prelates of the kingdom assured him that he could do without one. But would to God the Cardinal had allowed the matter to take its course, because, if the King had come to a decision without the Pope's authority, whether wrongly or rightly, it would have been without blame or prejudice to his Holiness. It would greatly please the Pope if the Queen could be induced to enter some religion, because, although this course would be portentous and unusual, he could more readily entertain the idea, as it would involve the injury of only one person. The King must see that the Pope is giving him all possible facilities for this purpose.
With regard to the dispensation for marrying the son to the daughter of the King, if, on the succession being thus established, the King will reject his first thought of the divorce, the Pope will be much more inclined to grant it. I will write more diffusely on the return hither of the cavalier Casale.
The cardinal of York is in error if he believes that the Emperor will no more take this matter to heart than anything else which might happen to him; for the Pope has not a mere conjecture, but most certain knowledge, that the case is quite otherwise, and that it would be impossible for the Pope to give him any offence which would affect him more than this; though the Pope would not be influenced by this consideration if the result might be effected without scandal, or if the reasonableness of the King's desire were evident. Nor must the Cardinal imagine that the Pope has become cold in gratifying the King, owing to the successes of the Imperialists, as you write is there suspected; for if the Pope made a thousand agreements with the Emperor, he would never lose the memory of the benefits conferred by the King on himself personally, and on the Holy See. Neither for the Emperor, nor for all the world together, would he do the slightest injury to the King, with whom he is as much satisfied as he is offended with others. So the Pope has not changed his sentiments on account of the Emperor's victory; not has he, by returning to Rome, declared himself an Imperialist. Rome, _.
28 Dec.
Vit. B. X. 186. B. M.
Franciscus Campanus and Vincent Casale arrived here tonight. Casale says that the Pope cannot be induced by reasons or threats to allow Wolsey [to have] the bull which Campeggio has concerning the King's cause, and he would never have granted it if it had not been already granted. To this Gregory answered that the Pope did not consider the King's merits or the importance of the cause, but would rather compel him to provide for himself in another way. The Pope said he did not think he would do that, but if the King did so he must not depart from his duty. He seems to care nothing for threats, and sends this person to excuse his refusal. Gregory also sends Vincent to show the King the real reason which influences the Pope.; his fear of the Emperor, who, he thinks, will be soon master of Italy, which certain prophecies also foretell. The archbishop of Capua is at Rome, and does all he can to hinder this matter. He told the cardinal of Mantua that he had advised the Pope not to meddle, lest he should destroy himself and the whole Church. The cardinal of Mayence warned him, that if this divorce took place all Germany and the Lutheran sect would attack him. Jacopo Salviati told Sir Gregory that the Pope feared a general council, lest he should offend the Emperor. He has heard of the answer to Silvester; suspects the Emperor's coming to Italy; thinks that he wishes to disunite the two Kings, and is endeavoring to settle Italian matters according to his own desires. He knows that the General is at Genoa bringing great offers. Many people think the Emperor only wants to squeeze more money out of him. Fear that the mission of the General will strengthen the Imperialists. Write this only from Vincent Casale's report. Have not yet spoken on public matters to Campanus.
The common people of France seem quite exhausted. The nobles are returning from Italy complaining of the King's neglect to send money, and of the Venetians' delay and cruelty to the French. Tell Wolsey this, that he may see that they rather require to be kept to their word than are ready to help the French. Gregory Casale told the Pope that Vincent was sent on his private affairs, and his Holiness suggested his accompanying Campanus. Gregory assented, but told Vincent to be careful in what he said, and to get as much information from Campanus as possible. He has discovered from his conversation that the principal instructions to Campeggio are to pr[olong] the divorce as long as possible, and advise the Queen to enter a state of religion.
The prothonotary Gambara said to Andrea Casale at Bologna, that the General will demand the creation of four Cardinals and money for the restitution of the cities; that the Emperor will come to Italy, and be friendly to the Pope. Supposes he has heard of the sudden attack on Doria. Bryan writes to the King. Chambrii (Chambery), 28 Dec. Dec. 1528.
Lat., pp. 5. Add. Endd.
28 Dec.
R. O.
Wishes him a happy new year. Wrote last on the 21st, and on the 20th to Wolsey. Since the commissioners arrived the weather has been marvellously foul, yet they have spared no pains in surveying and bringing things to perfection. Calais, the Innocents' Day.
P.S.—On Saturday last the Secretary and Dr. Benet departed. Sends a packet of letters from the Master of the Rolls. Robert Fowler and Sir Wm. Skevyngton have arrived.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
30 Dec.
R. O.
Grant to Wolsey of the site, &c. of Felixstow, Rumburgh, and Bromehill, Norf., with their appurtenances. Westm., 30 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.
Lat., vellum; Great Seal attached.
P. S. 2. The P.S. for the above grant. Del. Westm.., 30 Dec.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 34.
Drafts, indentures, &c., relating to the endowment of Wolsey's College, at Ipswich:—the following monasteries, rectories, manors, lands, &c., mentioned; viz.,
Felixstowe, Rumburgh, Bromehill, Walton, Tremeley, Sternefeld, Westerfeld, Kyrton, Boclesham, Newborn, Helmeley, Faltenham, Alderton, Baudesey, Wyset, South Elmeham, Speksall, Heslingfeld, Cove, Chedstan, Pentney, Holton, Ketilbargh, Syxton, Elkeshall, Bungey, Banham, Cossay, St. Giles and St. Trinity, Norwich, Baroburgh, Willoby, Swaffham, St. Peter's Westminster, Abyngton, Chestane, Ilkesall, Metfeld, Reddysham, Huntingfeld, Denton, Bekylls, Lymburn, Croxston, Routonholme, Estmore, Oteringhithe, Methold, Esthall, Feltwell, Weting, Brandon, Melewade, Hoghold, Downham, Fordham, Bokenham, Codyngton, Ingeworth, Grymeston, Wanford, Fouldon, Dudlington, Colneston, Berton Bendyssh, South Rougeton, Thetford, Ikworth, Myldenale, Sayescourt at Deptford alias Westgrenwych, Chesthunt, Little Horkesley, Hyntelsham, Cleydon, Chettisham, Cardon, Milfeld alias Nether Charlez, Wykes, Wormyngford, Tolshunt, Boxsted, Bedingfeld, Horswade, Haringby, Stokesby, Thirkeby, Rusham, Tunstall, Staleham, Ingham, Brunsted, Hikling, Horsey, Berton, Smalburgh, Beeston, Edingthorp, Wilton, Barton, Paston, Swafeld, Knapton, Wursted, Kessinglond, Rothenhale, Pakefeld, Carleton, Gesilham, Russhemere, Mutford, Hensted, Sutton, Happing, Bursawes alias Burstonhaugh, Typtre, Snape, Maldon, Bracksted, Wyckham, Wyttam, Fayrested, Goldanger, Mesrige, Inworth, Stanway, Colchester, Totham Magna, Keldon, Ryvenhale, Falborn, Terling, Swyllond, Tanswellhall, Laneham, Preston, Westbergholt, Wrabnasse, Tendryng, Frating, Mysteley, Bradfeld, Norton, Fordeham, Bylston, Washbroke, Oteley, Wenham, Westowe, Falkenham, Dodnesh, Bentley, Taddeston, Stuston, Capell, Holbroke, Braham, Stratford, Reydon, Ramesden, Scotts, Tastards, Alderburgh, Freston, Hasilwood, Orford, Leigham, Stradbroke, Hachelston, Glenham, Blaksall, Rendham, Saxmundham; Benhall; St. Clement Danes and Strond, Loudon; Stanesgate, Blakamore, Tylingham, Totham, Steple Ramesey, Wodham Mortimer, Mesinge, Gingemargaret, Hormede, Maryborn alias Tyborn, Midd., Wyllinghall, Bowells, Shelow, Wrytell, Southweld, Kelvedon, Stondon, Stoke, Erwardeston, Belstede, Purley; St. Matthew and St. Mary Kaye of Ipswich; Thurleston, Akenham, Westerfeld, Burstall, Hemyngston, Gosbeck, Codenham, Brokes, Erwaston, Freston, Washbroke, Chelmundeston, Sutton Parva, Belsted Capell, Leyham, Elmysset, Blakenham, Somersham, Nettilsted, Badley, Stonham, Jernegan alias Jerningham, Mendelysham, Wyllesham, Henley, Thurlston, Rysshmere, Kessegreme, Gretingham alias Cretiugham, Clopton, Grundesbourgh, Haston, Kenbroke, Muston, Lenington, Berham, Branford, Sprowton, Whytton, Nacton, Chatesham, Henyngston, Stoke.
292 broad sheets.
31 Dec.
R. O.
5077. W. CAPON, Priest, to CROMWELL.
Thanks him for the trouble he has taken about making his ring, for which he will recompense him at their next meeting. According to my Lord's commandment they have entered into the barn of corn at Felixstowe, to which the keeper made no resistance. Asks when the auditor will come to Gipswiche, for he wishes the account of the college to be done before he comes to London next term. Rushe and his other friends are in good health. Mr. Sub-dean, and Lee and Barbour, the master masons, will shortly take my Lord the whole platte of the college, to know his pleasure therein. Gipswiche, 31 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Thos. Cromwell. Endd.
31 Dec.
Galba, B. IX. 138. B. M.
"My ghostly father, Friar West." Has received his letter from Greenwich, 21 Nov., and perceives thereby that Wolsey had no leisure to write in answer to his letters, or to West's declaration touching Ric. Harman. Wishes his Grace had asked Tuke, or some other, to write a few words. Wonders that he has not shown Wolsey the importance of this business; for if Harman escapes, the example will comfort others more to ill than to good. The Council declare that as Harman has been for many years a free burgess of Antwerp, and sworn to the Emperor, the particulars of the treason of which he is accused must be declared by a limited time, which, for lack of instructions from the King, Hacket has caused to be prolonged three times, and the last term expired on the 4th, at which time Harman and his friends thought to have got clear off. It were too long to write the great solicitations and labors made by the lords of Antwerp and Harman's friends for his liberty. Considers this matter of more importance than they seem to think at home, seeing that he has had no answer to his letters for four months. Not without great difficulty has obtained from my Lady and her Council a new term, which expires on the last Friday of Feb. next, by which time he hopes for instructions. Thinks that for the heresy Harman's purse will suffer, but not his body.
Sir Richard Akerston, the apostate priest, who is not a freeman of these parts, lies still in prison at Antwerp. The Governor writes that whenever we will pay his costs, he will deliver him to be sent to England. Wishes him to ask Wolsey what he is to do, for he has no letters, and Legh's attorney, who has charge to receive his money, can get none. Hears that Harman says that his imprisonment has cost him more than 2,000 gyldens, and that he trusts to recover damages, for nothing can be laid to his charge but superstitous and naked... Hopes he will miss his meaning in this, if my Lord sends instructions. Has written to Mr. Governor for Mr. Craen, as West desired, but a good word of my Lord's will do more good. Fears that otherwise the company will make some difficulty.
To speak again of Harman, without good information from England it will be hard to bring him to penalty, for he denies his acts of heresy, and there is not sufficient proof here. Besides the most part of Antwerp are as good Christians as they are in Almain, so he has not the less favor. This is the substance of a letter he sent by Mr. Governor on the 24th inst. Encloses a memorandum for Wolsey or Tuke of the money due to him. Maghelyn, 31 Dec. 1528. Signed.
Pp. 4.
31 Dec.
R. O.
Account of moneys due to John Hacket.
P. 1. Add.: "To the religious father, friar John West, Observant, [at th]e cowent of Greenwich." Endd.: "Letters from Mr. Hacket, of the last day of December."
31 Dec.
R. O.
Received his kind and loving letter at 7 a.m. on the 30th. Thanks him for delivering his present to Wolsey. As to the cranes and other wild fowl that Wolsey wishes to have provided for him by Saturday night, they are scarce, as so many great men have been in the country. Sends, however, 8 cranes, 6 curlews, 6 mewed knots, 3 gray birds, and one heronsewe. Is sorry his last present was no better carried. Sent it living, thinking it would be more acceptable. Sends this by one of the servants of the Guild. Boston, 31 Dec., 10 p.m.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To, &c., Master Crumwell, besides the Augustine Friars. Endd.
31 Dec.
Le Glay, Négociations, II. 676.
After the late return of Des Barres from England, whither he had been sent by Madame to negotiate the truce, she dispatched him to the king of France, under pretence of conveying to the King her ratification of the said truce, in order to learn the King's disposition, which was said to be very bad. Account of Des Barres' negotiations for peace with Francis and Madame d'Angoulême. On his return Bayart arrived at Malines with fresh overtures to Margaret from the said Madame d'Angosmois. He proposed a conference between those two ladies, as no other persons could arrange matters satisfactorily, and experience of the past proved it would be fruitless to place the affair in the hands of the king of England and the Cardinal, who would prolong the negotiations in order to beguile and injure both Charles and Francis, and would endeavor to impose conditions advantageous and profitable to themselves. Bayart was requested to draw up the proposed treaty in the form of a minute, which was greatly altered by the Emperor's council, who consider it will be beneficial, because (among other reasons) it will cause the English to pay court to the Emperor, without costing him anything, even for the intercourse; and it relieves him from the large offers which he has made to the King and Cardinal, both respecting the marriage of his niece, the princess of Denmark, for whom some better alliance may be made, and other matters; and consequently the Emperor will be better able to remedy the affair of the Queen his aunt. Charles will also obtain a large sum from Francis, which will drain that kingdom of money, so that Francis for a considerable time will be unable to recommence the war; and, should he do so, it would serve to discharge the debts to England, which would then cease to reproach the Emperor.
The report of the commissioners who were sent to England respecting Charles's aunt, the queen of England, is annexed.
Account of the embassy of Rosimboz and Des Barres to France. The English ambassador in France had told Francis that the King his master had been informed that Rosymboz and Des Barres were about to pass through France to Spain on some errand of importance concerning peace, and prayed Francis to declare what he knew of the matter. Francis replied they had not spoken to him, but when he had given them audience he would tell the ambassador all. Madame d'Angosmois therefore proposed they should have audience of Francis in some public hall, in order to remove the suspicions both of the English and of others. To this they consented; but afterwards they had a private interview with Madame. Malines, 31 Dec.
31 Dec.
Royal MS. 14 B. XXIX. B. M.
5082. WINE.
Account of Roger Basyng of money received from the King by way of prest for the provision of 152 tuns of Gascon wine provided by him at Bordeaux in Sept., Oct., Nov., and Dec. 20 [Hen. VIII.], and of the rigging of the Menyon and Mary Gilford, men's wages, &c. Total received, 1,045l. 7s. Bought, 152 tuns. Claret, at 36ƒ. to 66ƒ. 10s. a tun; red wine, 42ƒ. 10s. to 45ƒ. 5s. ; and white wine, at 42ƒ. = 8,135ƒ. 8s. 9d.
Customs at Bordeaux, 12s. a tun; "average," 6s.; barring, 1s. Lost in the payment, wages, &c., 100s.—293f. 2s. 6d.=618l. 19s. 6d.
Lighterage from Blackwall to the Crane in the Vintry, 4d. a tun; cranage, 2d. a tun; winding and rolling, 4d. a tun. To the cooper, for filling, hoops, chains, &c., 4l. 8s. 2d. To the gauger, for gauging 146 tuns, which remained full out of the said 152, 4d. a tun. Allowances of Alyn King, for 107 days, and Roger Basyng, from 1 Sept. to 31 Dec., 4s. a day each. Total, 58l. 19s. 11d.
Victuals, wages, and other necessaries of the Menyon, by the account of Wm. Dyson, master, and Wm. Holond, purser, 110l. 2s. 5d.; of the Mary Gilford, by the account of John Rutte, master, and John Artor, purser, 92l. 14s. 4d. Lodemanage and premage to the masters and mariners, at 6d. a tun a month, 3l. 16s. 3d. =206l. 13s.
Total spent, 884l. 12s. 5d.; leaving 160l. 14s. 7d. in Basyng's hands.
A paper roll. Endd.
Dec./GRANTS. 5083. GRANTS in DECEMBER 1528.
1. John Uppyngton of Carampton, Somers., laborer. Pardon for the death of Geoff. Wattes, for which he was detained in Ilchester gaol, Somers., as appears by record of Sir John Fitzjames and his associates. Westm., 1 Dec.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6.
2. Commissions of the Peace.
Kent: Tho. card. of York, W. abp. of Canterbury, John abbot of St. Austin's without Canterbury, Tho. prior of Christchurch, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Hen. marq. of Exeter, Tho. visct. Rocheford, Wm. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, Geo. Nevell lord Burgevenny, Tho. Broke lord Cobham, Sir John More, Tho. Inglefeld, Sir Hen. Guldeforde, Sir Hen. Wiat, Sir Tho. Nevell, Sir Tho. Cheyney, Sir Edw. Guldeford, Sir Edw. Nevell, Sir Wm. Crowmer, Sir John Fogg, Sir Ric. Walden, Sir Wm. Hawte, Sir John Norton, Sir Alex. Culpeper, Sir Edw. Ryngeley, Sir Edw. Wotton, Sir Wm. Fynche, John Hales, Tho. Willoughby, Christ. Hales, Rob. Sandys, Geo. Guldeford, Jas. Walsyngham, Tho. Woode, John Colman, John Baker, Anth. Seyntleger, Hen. Fane, Wm. Rooper, Jas. Pelham, Edw. Boveton, Wm. Darper, John Crispes, John Crowmer, Edw. Monyn, John Potter, Wm. Waller, Wm. Goldwell, Wm. Martyn and Edw. Thawaytes (sic). Westm., 2 Dec.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d.
Lincoln, Kesteven: Tho. card. of York, Tho. duke of Norfolk. Tho. earl of Rutland, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Rob. Norwiche, Sir John Husey, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, sen., Sir Gilb. Tailboys, Sir John Thymolby, Edm. Busshe, Fras. Hall, Rob. Browne, Wm. Dysney, Fras. Browne, Christ. Wymbisshe, Rob. Husey, John Busshey, Rob. Brudenell, jun., and Tho. Gildon. As above.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4d.
3. Sir John Alen, Sir Edm. Walsyngham, Sir Wm. Baylye, John Rastell and Ric. Gibson, serjeant-at-arms. Commission to make return in writing of the number of "strangers artificers" and craftsmen, and their servants, being householders within London and two miles, who were born without the realm of England. Also to elect ten of the said strangers of the craft of cordwainers to keep houses if they will, appointing to each two servants strangers. Westm., 3 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12d.
4. Commissions of the Peace.
Herts: Tho. card of York, C. bp. of London, J. bp. of Lincoln, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Hen. earl of Essex, Tho. earl of Rutland, Wm. Blount lord Mountjoy, Sir John More, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Tho. Inglefeld, Sir Wm. Say, Sir Wm. Gascoign, Sir Griffin Donne, Tho. Cade, clk., Hen. Barley, Tho. Perient, sen., Wm. Purdewe, John Brokett, Ric. Riche, Rob. Turbevile, John Perient, sen., Humph. Fitzherbert, John Conyngesby, Tho. Knighton, John Gill, Ric. Baron, Rob. Dacres, Phil. Butler and John Bolles. Westm., 4 Dec.
Herefordshire: Tho. card of York, J. bp. of Exeter, G. bp of Coventry and Lichfield, C. bp. of Hereford, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Walt. Devereux lord Ferrers, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, Sir John Porte, Wm. Rudhall, Edmund Frocetter, dean of Hereford, Jas. Denton, clk., Sir Wm. Morgan, Tho. Cornewall, Sir Roger Mynours, Sir Ric. Vaughan, Jas. Baskervilde, Thos. Baskervilde, John Russell, John Salter, Geo. Bromeley, John Skydmore, Tho. Monyngton, Tho. Bodenham, John Rudhale, Wm. Clynton, John Beryton, Ric. Palmer, Nic. Chippenham and Ric. Warmecombe. As above.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d.
4. Tho. marq. of Dorset and Sir Francis Bryan. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of constable of Warwike castle, and constable of the manor, town or borough of Warwike, with a messuage called "le Stewardes place," and fees of 10l. a year as constable and 10 marks a year as steward. Also the office of keeper of the manor or lordship of Goodrest, with the gardens and waters in Weggenoke park, with fees of 4d. a day; the office of keeper or parker of Weggenoke park, with fees of 6d. a day and the appointment of inferior officers; the said fees to be payable out of the issues of the said manors of Warwike, Snytterfeld, Kyngton, Barkeswell, Moreton, Lyghterne, Claredon and Henley Ardern, as Sir Edw. Belknappe or any other enjoyed the same; also the office of master of the hunt of deer, &c. in Weggenok park, with the usual fees in that office, and the herbage and pannage of the said park at the annual rent of 10 marks. This grant is on surrender of pat. 12 Dec. 15 Hen. VIII., granting the same things to Sir Franc. Bryan and Sir Wm. Compton. Del. Westm.., 4 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (which is imperfect).—Pat. p. 2, m. 13.
5. John Lochard of Grete, Salop. Pardon for the death of Tho. Cornewall. Del. Westm.., 5 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 8.
5. John Smyth, haberdasher, of London. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wyngfeld. Del. Westm., 5 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
6. Commissions of the Peace.
Gloucestershire: Tho. card. of York, J. bp. of Exeter, C. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, C. bp. of Hereford, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Walt. Devereux lord Ferrars, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, Tho. lord Barkeley, the abbot of Gloucester, J. abbot of Cirencester, Sir John Porte, Wm. Rudhale, Jas. Denton, clk., Sir Wm. Kyngeston, Sir Edm. Tame, Sir Tho. Cornewall, Sir Edw. Croft, Sir Wm. Morgan, Sir Wm. Denys, Sir John Brigges, Sir Christ. Baynham, Anth. Hungerford, John Russell, John Salter, Geo. Bromeley, Tho. Cade, clk., Rob. Chauntrell, Rob. Witney, Wm. Tracy, Leonard Poole, Wm. Throkmarton, John Arnold, Rob. Wye, Tho. Matson, John Palmer, John Pakyngton, Jas. Clifford and Tho. Whityngdon. Westm., 6 Dec.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d.
Hunts: Tho. card. of York, N. bp. of Ely, J. bp. of Lincoln, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir John Husey, Sir John Mordaunt, Sir Wm. Gascoign of Cardyngton, Sir John Sayntjohn, Tho. Cade, clk., Nic. Harvy, Wm. Tanfeld, Anth. Malory, Walt. Luke, Edw. Montagewe, Ric. Sapcote, John Castell, John Hynd, Tho. Hall, Tho. Lowth, Laur. Taillard, Tho. Megge, Tho. Wavton, John Taillard, Pet. Feldyng and Tho. Downold. As above.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d.
10. Commission of the Peace.
York, West Riding: Tho. card. of York, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Hen. earl of Northumberland, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Tho. duke of Rutland, Ric. Nevell lord Latymer, Christ. lord Conyers, Tho. lord Darcy, Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Ric. Lyster, attorney general, Tho. Magnus, clk., Brian Higden, clk., dean of York, Sir Wm. Parre, Sir Wm. Bulmer, Sir Godf. Fuljambe, Sir Tho. Tempest, Wm. Eures, Wm. Frankeleyn, clk., Wm. Holgill, clk., Wm. Tate, clk., Sir Wm. Gascoign of Cardyngton, Sir Wm. Gascoign of Calthorp, sen., Tho. Fairfax, serjeant-at-law, Hen. Sayvell, John Norton, Stephen Hamerton, Walter, Luke, Rob. Bowes, Wm. Babthorp, John Wentworth, Roger Tempest, Wm. Eleson, Wm. Nevell, Rob. Chaloner, John Poleyn, Tho. Grice, Walt. Bradford, Ralph Batty, Tho. Strey and Wm. Langton. Westm., 10 Dec.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
11. Commissions of the Peace.
York, North Riding: Tho. card. of York, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Hen. earl of North umberland, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Tho. earl of Rutland, Tho. lord Darcy, Hen. lord Scrope of Bolton, Ric. Nevell lord Latymer, Christ. lord Conyers, Sir Anth. Fitzherbert, Ric. Lyster, the attorney general, Brian Higden, clk., Tho. Magnus, clk., Sir Wm. Parre, Sir Wm. Bulmer, Sir Godf. Fuljambe, Sir Tho. Tempest, Wm. Frankeleyn, clk., Wm. Holgill, clk., Wm. Tate, clk., Sir Wm. Constable, Sir John Nevell of Snape, Sir Tho. Strangwayes, Sir Ralph Eure, Sir Wm. Gascoign of Cardyngton, Sir John Bulmer, Tho. Fairfax, serjeant-at-law, Roger Lassels, Wm. Danby, John Pulleyn, Walt. Luk, Rob. Bowes, Wm. Fairfax, Edw. Gower, Wm. Nevell, Ralph Baty, Rob. Menell, Rob. Wyvell and Wm. Rokeby. Westm., 11 Dec.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
Surrey: Tho. card. of York, W. abp. of Canterbury, J. bp. of Rochester, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Chas. duke of Suffolk, Hen. marq. of Exeter, Tho. earl of Rutland, Wm. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem in England, Geo. Nevell lord Bergevenny, John Bourchier lord Bernes, Ric. abbot of Bermondesey, Sir Edm. Haward, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, jun., Sir Ric. Broke, Sir John More, Tho. Inglefeld, Wm. Shelley, Sir Tho. Nevell, Sir Hen. Wiat, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir Nich. Carewe, Sir John Gage, Sir John Aleyn, Edm. Bray, Sir Wm. Gascoign, Sir Matt. Brown, Sir John Gaynsford, Sir Rob. Johns, Brian Tuke, John Scott, Ric. Page, Tho. Hennege, Ralph Pexsall, Rob. Wyntershull, Christ. More, Tho. Lisle, Tho. Stidale, Wm. Westbroke, John Skynnar, Ralph Vyne, John Morys, John Davestre and Wm. Muschampe. Westm., 11 Dec.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4d.
Northamptonshire: Tho. card. of York, J. bp. of Lincoln, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Tho. marq. of Dorset, Wm. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, Sir John's Grey, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Rob. Norwyche, Sir Wm. Gascoign, Sir Wm. Parre, Sir Walt. Mauntell, Ric. Knyghtley, Edm. Knyghtley, Anth. Ralegh, Ric. Bur- ton, Wm. Spenser, Tho. Brudenell, Edw. Mountagewe, Edw. Warner, Ric. Humfrey, Tho. Lovet, Wm. Sanders and Rob. Chauntrell. As above.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4d.
12. Commissions of the Peace.
Dorset: Tho. card. of York, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Hen. lord Mountague, John Tuchet lord Audley, John Bourchier lord Fitzwaren, Edw. lord Strourton, Hen. lord Dawbeney, John. Fitzjames, Wm. Shelley, Sir Giles Strangwayes, Sir Wm. Strourton, Sir Tho. Trenchard, Sir John Rogrers, Sir Tho. Lynde, Ric. Lyster, John Horsey, sen., John Britt, Wm. Uvedale, Ric. Phelipps, John Moreton, Wm. Hody, Nic. Willoughby, John Horsey, jun., Hen. Strangwayes, John Rogers, jun., Th. Thornell and Hen. Trenchard. Westm., 12 Dec.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
Essex: Tho. card. of York, C. bp. of London, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Tho. marq. of Dorset, John earl of Oxford, Hen. earl of Essex, Tho. earl of Rutland, Rob. viscount Fitzwater, Tho. viscount Rocheford, Wm. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, John abbot of Colchester, Sir John More, Tho. Inglefeld, Sir Tho. Tirell of Heron, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, sen., Sir Roger Wentworth, Sir John Grene, Sir Tho. Tey, Sir John Raynsford, Brian Tuke, Rob. Norwiche, Humph. Browne, Humph. Wyngfeld, Wm. Pyrton, John Seyntclere, Hen. Barley, Walter Frost, John Smyth, Tho. Audeley, Roger Cholmeley, jun., Wm. Bradbury, Ric. Riche, Barth. Prowes and Pet. Baron. As above.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
12. Ric. Woleman, LL.D., Wm. Benet, LL.D., and John Vawdy. Next presentation to the parish church of Highhungar, London dioc. Del. Westm.., 12 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 27.
12. The provost of St. Nicholas' college, in the university of Cambridge. Letters patent prohibiting all persons to withdraw from the said college certain "conductys singing men" and children (10 priests, 6 clerks and 16 children), established by Henry VI. The provost of the college is appointed to furnish the sufficient number, but not from the chapel of the Household, Windsor College, Eton, St. Stephen's Westminster, or the chapel of Tho. card. of York. Del. Westm.., 12 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
14. Tho. Palmer, sewer for the Mouth. To be lieutenant of the tower and bridge called Newenhambrigge, in the marches of Calais, with a retinue of 16 soldiers from the castle of Hammes, in the marches of Calais, of which lord Mountjoy is captain, in the same manner as lord Sands or Sir Rob. Jernegan held the office. Del. Westm.., 14 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
15. John Byrcom alias Birkoon, of Lyse Sturney alias of Alton, Hants, butcher. Pardon for having received from John Yong of Lysturmy, Hants, husbandman, certain cattle stolen by the said John, who is indicted of having on the 10 Sept. 15 Hen. VIII. broken into a place called Rowlands castell, at Warbelyngton, Hants, and carried off the said cattle, which belonged to Tho. prior of Idesworth, Hants. Also pardon of all abjurations of the kingdom and of his return without licence. Bridewell, 10 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm.., 15 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 24.
16. Commissions of the Peace.
Lincoln (Holand): Tho. card. of York, J. bp. of Lincoln, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Tho. earl of Rutland, John Constable, clk., dean of Lincoln, (fn. 1) Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Rob. Norwiche, Sir John Husee, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, sen., Sir Gilb. Tailboys, Tho. Roberdson, John Hennege, sen., Fras. Broun, Tho. Hennege, jun., John Litelbury, Tho. Tempest, Anth. Eyrby, Tho. Holand and Tho. Halgh. Westm., 16 Dec.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
Lincoln (Lyndsey): Tho. card. of York, Tho. duke of Norfolk, J. bp. of Lincoln, Tho. earl of Rutland, Geo. Hennege, clk., dean of Lincoln, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Rob. Norwiche, Rob. Dymmoke, Sir Christ. Willoughby, Sir Gilbert Tailboyes, Sir Rob. Tyrwhit, Sir Wm. Askewe, Sir Tho. Burgh, jun., Sir And. Billesby, John Hennege, sen., Sir Christ. Askugh, Tho. Hennege, Wm. Skipwith, Wm. Tirwhit, John Mounson, John Seyntpoll, Wm. Sandon, John Goderik, John Topclyff, John Copledyke, Edw. Forman, Tho. Dymmok, John Litelbury, Tho. Missenden, Ric. Clerk, John Hennege, jun., Wm. Dalyson, John Hall and Edw. Forsett. Westm., 16 Dec.
Middlesex: Tho. card. of York, W. abp. of Canterbury, C. bp. of London, Tho. duke of Norfolk, Chas. duke of Suffolk, Tho. earl of Rutland, John abbot of St. Peter's, Westminster, Wm. prior of St. John's of Jerusalem, Sir John More, Sir Ric. Broke, Tho. Inglefeld, Wm. Shelley, Sir Tho. More, Sir John Daunce, Sir Tho. Nevell, Sir And. Wyndesore, Sir Hen. Wiat, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, sen., Sir Wm. Gascoign, Sir John Brigges, Sir John Halys, Wm. Elys, Brian Tuke, John Spilman, Tho. Hennege, John Skewes, Ralph Pexsall, John Pakyngton, Hen. White, Hen. Frowik, John Kyrton, Roger Cholmeley, jun., Rob. Wrothe, Rob. Cheseman, Rob. Elryngton, Ric. Hawkes, Wm. Assheby and John Palmer. As above.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 4d.
16. Sutton Coldefylde, Warw. Grant of incorporation to the town, with a warden and fellowship. Wm. Gybons to be the first warden. The fellowship to consist of 25 men, including warden, who are to be elected yearly by the inhabitants above 22 years of age. Also grants of mortmain licence, market and fair, &c. Del. Westm.., 16 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (fn. 2) Pat. p. 2, m. 21 to 23.
18. John Wagott, clk. Presentation to the parish church of St. George, Exeter, void by death. Westm., 18 Dec.—Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12.
20. Christ. Kemp, one of the King's sewers. Licence to import 300 tuns of Tholouse woad and Gascon wine. Del. Westm.., 20 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
22. John Chamber, clk., Wm. Thynne, chief clk. of the Kitchen, and John Thynne. Next presentation to the parish church of Stoke Clymslond, Exeter dioc. Del. Westm.., 22 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
22. Wm. Pecke, "carnifex" or butcher, of Northampton. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Greenwich 22 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm.., 22 Dec.—P.S. (with duplicate.)
Tit. B. XI. 395.
B. M.
The King has given him inexpressible satisfaction in commanding his humble services. He is to assist lord James Butler against James Gerald, pretended earl of Desmond, who, following the bad example of some of his forefathers, has rebelled against the King. But I have learned from some threatening language of the earl of Kildare's servants, that my brother the earl of Ormond, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose, suffers serious disturbances from some of your subjects, and without him I fear I cannot be of much use. I beg, therefore, that you will allow him to visit his own country (ad propria meare).
Lat., p. 1. Add.
Cal. B. III. 65.
B. M.
"The Counsell in Householde with the Warden."
The chancellor of Durham, 40l. Mr. Tempeste, 40 mks. Mr. Bowes, 20l. = 86l. 13s. 4d.
The Lieutenants and Deputies of the East March:—Thos. Percy, lieutenant, 20l. Deputies: Sir Wm. Hearone, 20 mks.; Sir Roger Gray and Roger Laissells, 10l. each. Two land serjeants, 40s. each. = 57l. 6s. 8d.
The Middle March:—Lieutenant Sir Wm. Evers, with the rule of Rieddesdaill, 66l. 13s. 4d. Deputies: Robt. Colyngwode, John Horseley and John Hierone, 10l. each; and Sir Rauff Fenwick, with the rule of Tyndaill, 45l. Edw. Charleton of Hesilside, under-bailiff in Tyndaill, 3l. 6s. 8d. Wm. Charleton of Lee Hall, under-bailiff, 40s. =147l.
Gentlemen of Northumberland in fee with the Warden:—Knights: Lord Ogille, 13s. 6s. 8d. Sir Edw. Gray, 100s. Sir John Delavale, 6l. 13s. 4d. Sir Wm. Ogile, 100s. Sir Wm. Ellercar, 100s. Sir John Herone of Chipches, 100s.=40l.
Esquires: John Wydryngton, 6l. 13s. 4d. Lenarde Mousegrave, 6l. 13s. 4d. Cuthbert Raidcliffe, 100s. John Fenewike of Wallington, 5l. Nicles Thorneton, 4l. Wm. Swinborne of Caipthetone, 66s. 8d. Rogier Swinborne, 52s. 4d. John Claveryng, 53s. 4d. Wm. Carnaby, 53s. 4d. Gylbert Eryngtone, 53s. 4d. Thos. Eryngtone, 53s. 3d. Hugh Rudley, 66s. 8d. Christ. Mytforthe, 66s. 8d.=50l. 13s. 4d.
Gentlemen: Roger Hearon of Meldon, George Urde, Robt. Rames, Matthew Whitfeld, Coutbert Ogle of Chepyngton, John Ogle of Ogle Castle, George Fenwik of Fenewik, 53s. 4d. each. George Tompyn, Ric. Ruderforde, Robt. Thyrlewall, Oswold Mytforde, Gawyne Mytforde, Thos. and Robt. Lawson, Roger Horseley, Percyvall Selbey, Wm. Alder of Prendwik, John Rowdeman, John Clennell, Wm. Hearing, John Harbottell of Preston, Thos. Hebborne, Raiffe IIdertone, George Muschaunce, Rogier Muschaunce, Ric. Strudder, Thos. Holburne, Thos. Cramlynton, Wm. Hearon of Crawley, Edw. Gallen, John Halle of Otterborn, 40s. each. = 66l. 13s. 4d.
Norhamshire:—John Care of Hetton, 40s. Coutbert Muschaunce, 53s. 4d. Wm. Selbey, of Brangyston, Robt. and John Selbey, Robt. Maners, Hen. Swynowe, John Hagerstone, Gilbert Swinborne of Cornell, John Burrell of Heltell, Edw. Muschaunce, John Blenkensoppe, Robt. Thirwalle, John Ridley of Corseley, Coutbert Shaftowe, Meles Crawe, Wm. Wallys, Thos. Erryngton, 40s. each. Thos. Scott, 20s. =37l. (sic.)
Total, 486l.
Pp. 6. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.: "The namys of the Counsaile in Householde with therle of Northumberland and other, which should receive fees."
Cal. B. III.
B. VII. f. 79. B. M. Pinkerton's Scotland, II. 483.
5086. The EARL OF ANGUS.
Declaration of Andro Cayrniss, minister provincial of the Friars Minor in Scotland, that, at the request of the earl of Angus, he presented to the king of Scotland a letter from the Earl, dated Coldingham Abbey, this Wednesday, at night, offering his services, and saying that Temptallon and all he has is at his command, if he may be restored to his honor and heritage, and assured of his life. The King, with the advice of his Council, accepted these offers, and promised to fulfil the Earl's requests if he would observe his promises. Cayrniss sent to the Earl on Friday, and received a reply, dated Coldingham, Friday, on the Saturday, by which the Earl promised to perform the contents of his previous letter, but would only speak for himself. The King, however, promised to receive his kin and friends, if they would make similar offers. Cayrniss made this copy at the request of Gavyne, archbishop of Glasgow, chancellor, the Lords of the council, and the archdeacon of the East Riding, the English ambassador. Signed.
Pp. 2. Endd.
Add. MS.
28,577, f. 317. B. M.
Proposal of the duke of Albany to the Pope for a crusade against the Turk.
Ital., pp. 7, modern copy.
Will be glad to make acquaintance with Mr. Control'er with my lord's Grace. Wishes to know if he will be Cromwell's guest, or "take a pyke with me in my pore house." "Sir, I am the more importune upon you at this time, for I do fear that my lord's Grace doth not tarry long here at his place. Wherefore, Sir, I beseech you to ascertain me what your pleasure is how I shall order myself in this behalf."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Maister Cromwell. Endd.: Egleston.
Requests him "to take some pain in preferring of my patent unto my lord's Grace; wherein ye shall have my hearty thanks, and part of such as God hath lent me." If it can be obtained, he may deliver it to John Baydon in Dystaff Lane, to be sent to Winchester in the audit time, which will begin 19 Nov. Assures him "that all petitions extraordinary shall have none effect at my hands at this audit," unless he have a special warrant signed by my lord's Grace.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the worshipful Mr. Thomas Crumwell.
Lease by Wolsey as guardian of Peter Compton, son and heir of Sir William Compton, to Edward Philipps, clerk, and Edward Pekke, of the manor of Harrold, Beds, during the nonage of the said Peter.
Draft, pp. 3, large paper.
R. O. 5091. _ to [WOLSEY].
Requests him to write to Sir John Bulmer to allow the abbot of St. Mary's officers of his lordship of Spawnton to occupy their offices and farms there, and serve the processes belonging to the liberties of the monastery, without let or disturbance, and that Sir John's servants must not kill the King's deer in the woods of the said lordship. If my lord of Rutland ask for a letter to the abbot for a farm called Wilhows, it may please you to stay therein, and write "to the said Lord as ye think best." Lord Scroope desires the stewardship of Richmondshire, but the Abbot says lord Conyers and his ancestors have had it by convent seal, and fears giving it to Scrope would cause variance between them. He refers the matter "to your good wisdom, counsel and advice." I write accordingly by the Abbot's request, who wishes you to write your mind to him in reply.
P. 1.
R. O. 5092. THOS., Parson of Wediall, to CROMWELL.
Was again arrested on Thursday last for the matter about which he spoke to Cromwell. Expects daily more trouble, unless Cromwell speak to my Lord in his favor. Has neither money nor raiment. Desires Cromwell to inform his sister when he should wait on him to go to my lord's Grace. as he has nobody to keep his cure. Is too poor to give him anything but his daily prayers.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Master Cromwell.
As their Order is the bulwark of the Christian faith, and they are its chief champions against the Infidels, confirms all their privileges granted by Popes, so far as they are not opposed to the laws of England, with the patronage of all their hospitals, which might go to Wolsey by virtue of his legatine authority. Westminster, _1528.
Lat., pp. 5.
R. O. 5094. DR. PHILIP FABER (SMITH) (fn. 3) to WOLSEY.
Thanks the Cardinal for absolving him from his errors at the intercession of cardinal Campeggio. He had confessed to Campeggio the holding heretical communications with one Dynamus, who had come to Calais two or three years ago. Dynamus having asked him to what studies he was most devoted, he replied, "To the Scriptures;" and being again asked what interpreter he chiefly followed, he said, "Johannes Lyranus, because he is esteemed (habetur) in the booksellers' shops above all the books of the Old and New Testament." To which Dynamus facetiously replied, "Dimitte delirum illum Lyram, and take this new preacher of the Gospel," giving him Luther's treatises De Abroganda Missa, Expositio super Visionem Danielis, In octavum Danielis;—which the writer had never seen before. He also received from him three books which Dynamus had bought at the market of Antwerp, viz., Melancthon on the Epistle to the Romans and on the Gospel of Matthew, and Luther De Servo Arbitrio. Melancthon on the Gospel of John, and on the two Epistles to the Corinthians, with Francis Lambert on the Rule of the Minorites, he had resold to James Yates; and some other volumes in English and German, which he had copied out with his own hand.
Pp. 2. Add.: R., &c. D. Thomæ Wolse Cardinali et a latere Legato. Endd.: Ex Philippo Fabro.
"The answer of John Cooke to the complaint of Sir Christopher Nelson, priest," stating that he and his brother Edward had interfered to protect a young wife, daughter of a widow at Winchester, against indecent advances made to her by Sir Christopher, which he had reported to the late Bishop, who, on examination of the matter, committed him to the keeper of his convict prison for a season, and afterwards expelled him his diocese. After this Sir Christopher came to his kinsman Dr. Burbanke, about six years ago, to bring "this" charge against Cooke, and sued him "in your Gracis odiens;" but Burbank caused the suit to surcease at that time, in consequence of a letter written to him by the late bishop of Winchester, explaining the circumstances.
Pp. 2. Endd.
Was a monk of St. Benett's, in Norfolk. In 19 Hen. VIII. one Dennys of Hoston brought him two books called Thesaurus Spirituum and Secreta Secretorum, a ring, a plate, a circle, and a sword for the art of digging, which he said he had from the vicar of Watton, and for which Stapleton and John Kerver gave him two nobles in pledge. Having been often punished for [not] rising to matins, and doing his duty in the church, asked "my Lord" for licence to sue out a dispensation; which he granted, with six months' time to purchase it. Went that night to Dennys to ask help for purchasing the dispensation, and he introduced Stapleton to two cunning persons who had a placard for treasure trove, who gave him books and other things concerning the art of digging. Went to search a place called Systerne, but were ordered off the ground by lady Tyrry. Went to Norwich, and thence to Fellmyngham, with one Godfrey and his boy, "which Godfrey had a shewer called Anthony Fular; and his said boye did scrye unto hym (which said spirytt I had after myselff)." Could find nothing, and returned to Norwich, where they met a person who took them to a house in which he thought there was treasure. Called the spirit of the treasure to appear; "but he did not, for I suppose of a treweth there was noone there." Asked one Ric. Theny for help to get his dispensation, and he and his friends gave him 46s. 8d. Came to London, and purchased in Wolsey's court a dispensation to be a hermit. After his return to Norfolk was again persuaded to continue the science, but he said he would not unless his books were better. Procured from one Leech certain instruments and a book to which the parson of Lesingham had bound a spirit called Androw Malchus. Leech told him that the said parson, Sir John of Leiston and another had lately called up Andrew Malchus, Oberion and Inchubus, and that when Oberion would not speak they asked Andrew Malchus the cause, who answered that it was because he was bound to the lord Cardinal, and they entreated to be allowed to depart, promising to do any service at any future time. The plate which was made for the calling of Oberion has remained with Sir Thos. Moore since Stapelton was before him. Was taken to Walsingham by one Ric. Tynney, to see "the lord Leonard Marques," who spoke to him about the art of digging, and promised that if he would take pains about it he would sue out a dispensation for him to be a secular priest, and make him his chaplain. To try him, money was hid in the garden; but he could not find it. Went after that with Sir John Shepe and Sir Robt. Porter to a place near Creke Abbey, where they thought treasure was. Shepe called the spirit, and Stapleton "showed" to him, but all to no purpose. Went to London, and stayed there ten weeks till Christmas time, and then went into Leicestershire with lord Leonard, who had sued out his dispensation. Returned to Norfolk about the beginning of Lent. Was asked by one Cooke of Calkett Hall to try his art, as there was much money about his place. Wrote to Sir John of Leiston to come and assist, but he would not; so Stapleton and the parish priest of Gorleston tried, but to no effect. Came to London with his brother, and was arrested for leaving lord Leonard without licence. Left his instruments at Sewell's house at Westminster, whence they were taken to Sir Thos. Moore, who still has them. Lord Leonard sent for him to Kew, and finally pardoned him, and caused him to be discharged. Was engaged by Sir John Ratclyff, parson of Wanstrowe, in the West country, to help him in his benefice; but he left Westminster suddenly, without Stapleton.
As to the matters concerning the duke of Norfolk, was told by one Wright, servant to the said Duke, that his master was sore vexed with a spirit by Wolsey's enchantment. Answered that it was too high a matter to meddle with. Was sent for by the Duke, who told Wright to inform him of his pleasure. Wright said that the Duke was troubled with a spirit, and he had told him Stapleton could do him good; and he advised Stapleton to feign something, and thereby exalt himself, his brother and Wright. Refused at first; but at last, "soore blynded with covetize," consented, and the next time he saw the Duke told him he had made and sanctified an image of wax to his similitude, but he did not know whether it had done him good. The Duke then asked him if he knew whether the Cardinal had any spirit? Said he only knew what has been already stated about Oberion. The Duke then sent for Dr. Wilson, who examined him. He then ordered him to write down all the premises, and to go to Wolsey.
Pp. 5. Endd.
Lamb. MS.
613, f. 29.
5097. The BUTLERS.
"A note of such lands as Peers Butler erle of Ossorie, and James lord Butler his sonne, tooke by lease for terms of years from Dame Anne St. Ledger, widow, and Dame Margaret Bullen, widow, (daughters and coheirs unto Thomas Butler late erle of Ormond,) Thomas lord Rochford, sonne and heyre to dame Margaret Bulleyne, and Sir George St. Ledger, knight, sonne and heir to Dame Anne St. Ledger, which sayd lands were then in the possession of the sayd ladies and their sonnes aforesayd, in anno 20 regni regis Henrici Octavi."
P. 1, in a modern hand.
R. O. 5098. WALES.
Orders made in Council, on the petition of the tenants of Breknok, S. Wales, stating that justice was not kept, and that the King's tenants were impoverished and his revenues decayed. These orders were made principally at the prayers of John ap Ll's Havarde, Thos. Walter, bailly of Breknok, Meredith ap Watkyn, Thos. ap D'd ap Morgan, and Walter ap Howell, with the consent of all the other burgesses, as shown by their writings under two great authentic seals, dated Breknok, 16 Oct. 20 Hen. VIII.
Corrected draft, pp. 20, large paper.
Arch. XII. 89. 5099. WALES.
Extract from a proclamation made, 20 Hen. VIII., for dividing certain lordships and towns to be annexed and knit into divers shires near the Marches of Wales.
"Expencys in rydyng the west circute and to the Mownte, by the stward, solicitor and auditor, in the xxth yere of the regne of kyng Henri the viijth."
Shoeing and horse-meat, and mending the auditor's saddle at London, 6s. 8d. Expences at Colbroke and Medonhedd, 8s. 7d.; Henley, 13s. 7d.; Oxford, 11s. 3½d.; Wodestok, 18s. 7d.; Wynchcomb, 8s. 11½d.; Mynchin Hampton, 8s. 8d.; Tyttbery, 8s. 6½d.; Cossham, 7s. 6d.; the Vyse, 12s. 6d.; Hyndon, 11s. 7d.; Shaftesbery, 9s. 4d.; Schurborne, 16s. 1½d.; Glasonbery, 6s. 2d.; Yevyll, 11s. 2d.; Schare (Chard), 17s. 0½d.; Exitor, 22s. 7½d.; Okehampton, 12s. 6d.; Pyperys, 10s.; Lyscard, 11s. 8d.; Lestethiell (Lostwithiel), 8s. 6d.; Trerew, 9s. 0½d.; the Mownte, 11s. 8d.; Markyshew (Marazion), 16s. 5d.; Redruth, 7s. 8½d.; Trerew, 21s. 8d.; Lestethyell, 6s. 8½d.; Lyscarde, 6s.; Pyperz, 8s. 7½d.; Okehampton, 16s. 2d.; Crokernwell, 7s.; Exitor, 31s. 8d.; Otterton, 6s. 11d.; Charmouth, 11s. 1½d.; Wyscomb, 7s. 2d.; Lyme, 6s. 8d.; Marchwode, 9s.; Loderys, 11s.; Dorchester, 18s. 8d.; Blanford, 6s. 11d.; Salysbery, 39s. 9d.; Andover, 9s. 6d.; Basyngstoke, 13s. 11½d.; Hertford brege, 8s. 1½d.; Wynsore, 13s. 0½d. =Total, 27l. 17s.
R. O. 5101. SHIPPING.
"Anno R. Henrici Octavi XXmo for Yslonde."
From London, 8 ships; Harwich, Ipswich, Maventre (Manningtree), with the aid o Dedam, Sudberre and Colchester, 14 ships; Woodbridge, 3 ships; Alborowe, Sysewell and Thorpe, 6 ships; Dunwiche, Walderswicke, Sewold (Southwold), Easton and Coughyve (Covehithe), 32 ships; Lastoffe, 6 ships; Yarmouth, 30 ships; Claye, Blakeney, and Cromer, 30 ships; Wells, 6 ships; Lynne, 10 ships; Boston, 4 ships = 149 ships.
For the North Seas:—Hastings, 30 crayers; Rye and Winchelsea, 50; Hyde, Holstone and Romney, 20; Colchester, Wyvenowe and Brikelse, 20; Dover and Sandwich, 10; Harwich, Ipswich and Maventrye, 20; Alborowe, 4; Dunwich, Sowolde, Walderswyke, Easton and Coughyve, 8; Laystoffe, 6; Yarmouth, 20; Cromer, Blakeney and Clay, 10; Lynne, 4; Scarborowe and Whitby, 20 = 222 crares.
For Scotland:—London, 6 crares; Harwich, Ipswich and Maventrye, 12; Woodbridge, 3; Alborowe, Sysewell and Thorpe, 6; Dunwich, Walderswicke, Sowolde, Easton and Coughyve, 8; Laystoffe, 3; Yarmouth, 8; Cromer, Clay and Blakeney, 3; Lynne, 6; Scarborowe, 6; Whytby and Berlington, 8; Sheles at Tynmowth Haven, 8 = 78 crares.
Pp. 3. Endd. by Cecil.
5102. CALAIS.
"The rate of victaile as shalbe necessary to be provided for the victailling of suche the noumbre of persones as is brought in by a booke of reaport of a generall serche made throughout the xij. wardes within the town of Callis, as particularly shalbe declared, every warde by itselff."
1. "The ward of Ric. Chauffor, alderman, and in persons within the same ward," 497. Item, in wheat, at the rate of a peck the week for one man's portion, 769½ qrs. 1 bushel; in malt, at the same rate, 807 quarters 5 bushels, whereof is provided 50 qrs. =757 qrs. 5bss.; in beef, at a half ox for one man's portion, 248½ lbs., whereof provided 2¾ beefs, and so to be provided 245¾; in lings, at 7 ling fisshe for 1 man's portion by the year, 3,479, whereof none provided = 3,479; in herring, at a kilderkin to one man's portion, accounted at 240 herrings in a kilderkin, and so for the said whole number of persons, 124 barrels 1 kilderkin; in bacon flitches, at a flitch to one man's portion by the year, 497 flitches, whereof provided 2, and so to be provided 497 (sic); in beans and peasin, at 1½ bushel for one man's portion by the year, 90 quarters 1 bushel (whereof none provided); in wood, at 1,000 for a man by the year - 497[000], whereof provided in billet and logs 209,000, and so to be provided 288,[000]; in cheese, at 20 lbs. to one man's portion, 9,940 lbs. (none provided); in salt, at a bushel to a man, 62 qrs. 1 bushel, whereof provided 129 qrs., and so to be provided, nil; in butter, at 10 lb. a man, (none provided,) 4,970 lb.; in hops, at 4 lb. a man, for his drink, (none provided,) 2,000l.
2. "The ward of Hen. Keles, alderman, and in persons within the same ward, 340." In wheat at 13 bushels a man, 552½ qrs. (27 qrs. provided) = 525 qrs.; malt, at the same rate, (none provided,) 552½ qrs.; "beeffes," at ½ beef to a man, (none provided,) 170; ling fish, 7 to a man, (none provided,) 2,380; herring, a kilderkin a man, 85 barrels; bacon flitches, a flitch a man, 340 (4 provided) = 336; beenys and peasin, 1½ bushel a man, (none provided,) 63½ qrs.; "whoode," at 1,000 a man, 340,000 (145,000 provided) = 195,000; cheese, at 20 lbs. a man, 7,600 lb., (provided, 30 waye, at 252 lb. the waye, = 7,560 lb.) = 40 lb.; salt, at a bushel a man, (none provided,) 340 bushels; butter, at 10 lb. a man, 3,800 lb. (400 lb. provided) = 3,400 lb.; candles, at 6 lb. a man, (provided in tallow, 3,400 lb.,) = 2,040 lb.; hops, at 4 lb. a man, 1,360 lb.
3. "The ward of Ric. Brown, alderman, within his warde 369 persons." In wheat, at 13 bushels to one person for his store by the year, 599 qrs. 5 bushels (prd. 14 qrs.) = 585 qrs. 5 bushels; malt, at the same rate, 599 qrs. 5 bushels (none prd.); beefs, at ½ beef a man, 184½; ling fish, at 7 to a man, (none prd.,) 2,583; herring, a kilderkin a man, 92 barrels 1 firkin; bacon, a flitch a man, 369 flitches; "beenys and peasin," 69 qrs. ½ bushel; whoode, 369,000, (prd. 43½ mle;) = 325½ m1e;; cheese, 20 lb. a man, (none prd.,) 7,380 lb.; salt, a bushel a man, 369 bushels (116 bushels prd.) = 253 bss.; butter, 10 lb. a man, 3,690 lb. (280 lb. prd.) = 3,410 lb.; candles, 6 lb. the man, (none prd.,) = 2,223 lb.; hops, at the same rate, (none prd.,) 1,476 lb.
4. "Hen. Planckney, alderman, and within his warde, 202 persons." In wheat, at the rate of 13 bss. a man by the year, 328 qrs. 2 bss. (prd. 22 qrs.) = 306 qrs. 2 bss.; malt, at that rate, (none prd.,) 328 qrs. 2 bss.; beeffes, at a halfe beeff a man, (none prd.,) 101; ling fisshe, at 7 to a man, (none prd.,) 3,414; herring, a kilderkin a man (none prd.); bacon flitches (none prd.); beenys and peasin (none prd.), 37 qrs. 7 bss.; in "whoode," 202,000 (whereof prd. 50,000,) = 152,000; cheese, at 20 lb. a man, (none prd.) = 4,040 lb.; salt, 202 bss., (prd. 128 bss.) = 74 bss.; butter, at 10 lb. a man, (none prd.,) 2,020 lb.; candles, 6 lb. a man, (prd. in tallow 1,000 lb.) = 1,212 lb.; hops, at the same rate, 808 lb.
5. "Tho. Prowde, alderman, and within his ward, 207 persons." In wheat, at 13 bss. a man by the year, 336 qrs. 3 bss. (22 qrs. prd.) = 334 qrs. 3 bss. (sic); malt, same rate, (none prd.) = 336 qrs. 3 bss.; beeffs, at ½ beef to a man, (none prd.,) 103½; ling fisshe, 7 to a man, (none prd.); herring, a kilderkin a man, (none prd.,) 51 barrels 3 firkins; bacon flitches, (none prd.,) 207; beenes and peasin, (none prd.,) 38 qrs. 6½ bss.; wood, 1,000 a man, 207,000 (36,000 prd.) = 171,000; cheese, at 20 lb. a man (none prd.); salt, a bushel a man, 207 bushels, (104 bss. prd.) = 103 bss.; butter, 10 lb. the man, 2,070 lb. (48 prd.) = 2,022 lb.; candles, 6 lb. the man, (prd. in tallow 5,000 lb.) = 1,242 lb.; hops, at the rate aforesaid, 900 lb.
6. "Jo. Massingberd, alderman, and within his ward 293 persons." In wheat, at 13 bss. to every man's portion for a year, 476 qrs. 1 bs. (prd. 37 qrs.) = 439 qrs. 1 bs.; malt, at same rate, (none prd.) = 476 qrs. 1 bs.; beefs, 146½ (2½ prd.) = 144; ling fisshe, 7 to a man, (none prd.,) 2051; herring, a kilderkin a man, (none prd.,) 73 barrels 1 firkin; bacon, 293 flitches (14 prd.) = 279; beennes and peasin, (none prd.,) 54 qrs. 7½ bss.; wood, 293,000 (prd. 145,000) = 148,000; cheese, at 20 lb. the man, 5,860 lb., (prd. 152) = 5,708 lb.; salt, a bushel a man, 293 bss., (prd. 936 bss.) = nil; butter, at 10 lb. a man, 2,916 lb. (prd. 884 lb.) = 2,032 lb.; candles, at 6 lb. a man, (none prd.) = 1,758 lb.; hops, after the rate, 1,172 lb.
7. "The ward of Will. Pryseley, alderman, and within his ward 402 persons." In wheat, at 13 bss. to every man's portion, 653 qrs. 2 bss., (prd. 16 qrs.) = 601 qrs. 2 bss.; malt (none prd.), 653 qrs. 2 bss.; beeffs, 201, (6 qrs. prd.) = 199½ beffs; ling fisshe, 2,814 (100 prd.) = 2,714; herring, a kilderkin a man = 100½ barrels; bacon, 402 flitches, (16 prd.) = 386 sides; beennes and peasin, (none prd.) = 75 qrs. 3 bss.; wood, 402,000, (prd. 64,000) = 338,000; cheese, 20 lb. a man, (none prd.,) 8,040 lb.; salt, 402 bss. (prd. 80 bss.) = 322 bss.; butter, 10 lb. the man, 4,020 lb. (prd. 618 lb.) = 4,402 lb.; candles, 6 lb. the man, (none prd.,) 2,412 lb.; hops, after the rate, 1,608 lb.
8. "The ward of Chr. Conwaye, alderman, within his ward 230 persons." Wheat, at 13 bss. the man, 373 qrs. 6 bss. (prd. 56 qrs.) = 317 qrs. 6 bss.; malt, at the same rate, 373 qrs. 6 bss. (prd. 50 qrs.) = 323 qrs. 6 bss.; beeffs, 115 (prd. 2¼ beeffs) = 112 ¾ beeffs; ling fish, 7 to a man, (none prd.,) 1,610 lings; herring, a kilderkin a man, 57½ barrels; bacon flitches, 230 (prd. 14) = 216; beenes and peasin (none prd.) 43 qrs. 1 bs.; wood, 230,000 (prd. 82,000) = 138,000; cheese, 20 lb. a man, (none prd.,) 4,600 lb.; salt, 230 bss. (prd. 1350 bss.) = nil; butter, 2,300 lb. (prd. 420 lb.) = 1,880; candles, 6 lb. the man, (prd. in tallow, 8,000 lb.,) = 1,380 lb.; hops, after the rate, 920 lb.
9. "The ward of Will. Snowdon, alderman, and within his ward 281 persons." In wheat, at 13 bss. to a man, 456 qrs. 5 bss. (prd. 20½ qrs.) = 436 qrs. 1 bs.; malt, after the rate of wheat, 456 qrs. 5 bss.; beeffs, at half a beef to a man, 140½, (prd. ¾,) 139¾; ling fish, at 7 fish to a man, 1,967 (prd. in salt fish, 125) = 1,842; herring, a kilderkin a man, 70 barrels, 1 firkin; bacon flitches, 281 (prd. 17) = 264; beenes and peasin, 1½ bss. to a man, 52 qrs. 5½ bss.; wood, 281,000 (prd. 113,000) = 168,000; cheese, 20 lb. a man, 5,620 lb. (prd. 756 lb.) = 4,864 lb.; salt, a bushel the man, 281 bss. (prd. 404 bss.) = nil; butter, at 10 lb. a man, 2,810 lb. (prd. 434 lb.) = 2,376 lb.; candles, 6 lb. the man, (none prd.,) 1,686 lb.; hops, after the rate, 1,124 lb.
10. "The ward of Henry Lacye, alderman, and within his ward 268 persons." In wheat, 13 bss. a man, 435½ qrs. (prd. 28 qrs.) = 405½ qrs.; malt, after the same rate, (whereof in barley, 20 qrs.,) 435½ qrs.; in beeffes, 134 (prd. 2½ beeffs) = 131½; salt fish, 7 to a man, (none prd.,) 1,876; herring, a kilderkin a man, 67 barrels; bacon flitches, 268 (1 side prd.) = 267; beenes and peasin (none prd.), 50 qrs. 2 bss.; wood, 268,000 (76,000 prd.) = 192,000; cheese, 20 lb. the man, (none prd.,) 5,360 lb.; salt, 268 bss. (prd. 244 bss.) = 24 bss.; butter, 10 lb. a man, 2,680 lb. (prd. 252 lb.) = 2,428 lb.; candles, at 6 lb. a man, (none prd.,) 1,608 lb.; hops, at the rate aforesaid, 1,072 lb. (none prd.)
11. "The ward of Will. Briswoode, alderman, and within his warde 599 persons." In wheat, 13 bss. a man, 973 qrs. 3 bss. (prd. 81½ qrs.) = 891 qrs. 7 bss.; malt, at the same rate, 973 qrs. 3 bss. (prd. 145 qrs.) = 828 qrs. 3 bss.; beeffs, a half ox the man, (none prd.,) 300 beeffs; ling fisshe, at 7 the man, (none prd.,) 150 barrels; bacon flitches, a flitch the man, (none prd.,) 599; beenes and peasin, 1½ bss. the man, (none prd.,) 112 qrs. 2½ bss.; wood, 599,000 (prd. 227,000) = 372,000; cheese, 20 lb. the man, (none prd.,) 11,980 lbs.; salt, 599 bss. (prd. 428 bss.) = 171 bss.; butter, 10 lb. the man, (none prd.,) 5,990 lb.; candles, 6 lb. the man, (none prd.,) 3,594 lb.; hops, at the same rate, (none prd.,) 2,396 lb.
12. "Ric. Pontisbury, alderman, and within his ward 398 persons." In wheat, 13 bss. to every man, 546 qrs. 5 bss. (prd. 45½ qrs.) = 501 qrs. 1 bs.; malt, at the same rate (none prd.) = 546 qrs. 5 bss.; beeffs, 199 (prd. 8 beefs) = 191; ling fisshe, 7 fish to a man, (none prd.) = 2,786; herring, a kilderkin a man, 99½ barrels; bacon, 398 flitches (prd. 6 flitches) = 392; beennes and peasin (none prd.), 74 qrs. 5 bss.; wood, 398,000 (prd. 133,000) = 265,000; cheese, 7,960 lb. (prd. 252 lb.) = 7,708 lbs.; salt, 510 qrs. 6 bss. (prd. 1,006½ qrs.) = nil; butter, 41,310 lb. (prd. 6,004 lb.) = 35,306 lb.; candles, 24,525 lb. (prd. 19,800 lb. of tallow) = 4,725 lb.; hops, to be provided, 16,344 lb.
Pp. 24. Endd.: "For vitayling of the town of Calays."
R. O. 2. An account of the salaries of the different officers at Calais, with an estimate of the charge for one year:
i. The Council: Sir Rob. Wyngfeld, deputy, for himself, 2l. a day, and 20 marks by year in reward; one spear under him at 18d. a day, 2 archers on horseback, each at 8d. per diem, 19 soldiers, each at 8d. a day, and 19 others at 6d. Thos. Wyott, Esq., high marshal, at 2s. a day, and 20 marks in reward by year; 5 men under him, each at 8d. a day, and 11 at 6d. a day. Sir W. Husey, controller, at 18d. a day; 3 men at 8d. and 4 at 6d. Sir Chr. Garnyshe, knight, porter, at 12d. a day, and 20 marks in reward per annum; 6 men at 8d. a day, and 7 at 6d. a day. Jo. Rokwode, Esq., under marshal, at 18d. a day; and 3 men at 6d. a day.
ii. Spears: Fr. Haull, at 18d. a day; and 1 man at 6d. Hen. Palmer, at 18d.; and 2 men at 6d. Jo. Coukson, at 18d.; 1 man at 8d., and 1 at 6d. Jo. Middilton, at 18d.; and 1 man at 6d. Geo. Browne, at 18d.; 3 men at 8d., and 1 at 6d. Ric. Wodhouse, at 18d.; and 2 men at 6d. Jo. Browne, at 18d.; and 1 man at 6d. Edw. Browne, at 18d.; and 1 man at 6d. Jo. Anlaby, at 18d.; and 1 man at 6d. Jas. Bourchiere, at 18d.; and 1 man at 6d. Tho. Prowde, at 18d.; and 1 man at 6d. Geo. Ganysford, at 18d.; and 1 man at 6d. Anthony Pelham, at 18d.; 1 man at 8d., and 1 at 6d. Will. Sympson, at 18d.; and 2 men at 6d. Rauffe Broke, at 12d., and 20 marks in regard, per annum; 1 man at 8d., and 1 at 6d. Will. Gardener, at 12d., and 20 marks in regard, per annum; 1 man at 8d., and 2 at 6d. Jo. Highfeld, at 12d, and 20 marks in regard, per annum; 1 man at 8d., and 1 at 6d. Tho. Tate, at 12d. and 20 marks in regard, per ann.; 1 man at 8d., and 1 at 6d. Nich. Sampson, at 12d., and 20 marks in regard, per ann.; 1 man at 8d., and 1 at 6d. Jo. Rawlyns, at 12d., and 20 marks in regard, per ann.; and 1 man at 6d. Ric. Long, at 12d., and 20 marks in regard, per ann.; and 1 man at 8d.
iii. Archers, 16, at 11l. 6s. 6d. each.
iv. Scuiers [esquires], 4, at 11l. 6s. 6d. each.
v. Sergeants, 6, at 11l. 6s. 6d. each.
vi. Banner watches, 3, 1 at 8d. a day, with a man at 6d. = 19l. 15s. 6d.; (fn. 4) 1 at 8d., and 2 men at 6d. = 28l. 5s.;* and another, 11l. 6s. 6d.
vii. Day watches, 4, at 7l. 0s. 7d. each.
viii. Porters, 12, at 8l. 9s. 3d. each.
ix. Le constablery, 87, of whom 78 are at 11l. 6s. 6d. each, 5 having 1 man at 6d. = 19l. 15s. 9d. each, 1 having 2 men at 6d. = 28l. 5s., and 2 at 8l. 9s. 3d.
x. "Le vynteyn." Jo. Burne, vyntener, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 12 at 8l. 9s. 3d. each. Jo. Gavyll, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 8s. 6d., and 11 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Ric. Agyngworth, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 13 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Will. Gelders, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 13 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Peter Rowse, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 11 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Ric. Sexton, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 11 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Francis Itchyngham, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 11 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Will. Shakeshaft, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 9 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Th. Morrys, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 8 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Jo. Saxby, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 13 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Sampson Norton, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., and 13 at 8l. 9s. 3d. Will. Marche, vintner, and 1 man at 6d. = 16l. 18s. 6d., 1 at 5d. a day = 7l. 0s. 7d., and 10 at 8l. 9s. 3d.
xi. "Jesu in both churches, 15l. 6s. 8d. St. George in both churches, 46l. Mr. Treasourer's fee for the paiyng of souldiors, 56l. Summa partis, 210l. 8s. 5d."
xii. Retinue of the treasurer: 4 spears, viz., W. Lambard, Ric. Wyndebank, Hen. Turnay, and Hum. Bourchiere, at 20l. each; Peter Brake, archer, at 11l. 6s. 6d.; 1 constable at 10l., and 43 others (office not stated), at wages varying from 64s. 2d. to 17l. 0s. 6d.
Masons: Jo. Baker, master mason, at 16l. 16s. 4d.; Will. Baker, at 11l. 3s. 10d.; 11 at 9l. 4s. 9d., and 3 at 7l. 10s. 5d.
Carpenters: Tho. Jay, master carpenter, at 16l. 16s. 4d.; and 21 at 9l. 4s. 9d. each.
Jo. Dosyn, master smith, at 16l. 16s. 4d.; Edw. Dixson, plumber, at 7l. 10s. 5d.; Anthony More, tyler, at 7l. 10s. 5d.
Pension of the Freires, 13l. 6s. 8d. Seynt John Baptist, 20l. Jesu and St. George, 6l. 13s. 4d. Vacant watchis and wardys, 7l. 15s. 2d.
Pp. 23.
R. O. 3. The annual wages of Sir John Wylshir, kt., controller at Calais, (25l. 13s., with other emoluments,) and of Sir Rob. Wotton (29l. 12s. 9½d.)
P. 1. Endd.: "A boke of wages of the comptroller and porter of Calais by the yere."
R. O. 4. "A booke of dyverse necessaries to be providede for the towne of Calise, and the marches of the same."
The following items are set out with a blank column for the numbers and quantities:
i. "For provision and safe guard of the town of Calais, if need should require. 1. To be provided in maundes of 8 foot high, and in brede 5 foot. 2. In hurdels for repair. 3. In bering maundes for bering of erth for repaires. 4. In shovils and mattoks. 5. In axes. 6. In wheel-barrows and hand-barrows. 7. In long fagot for repair. 8. In timber and planks for mounts and platt of formes, and in ropes for to haile upp and downe both ordenaunce and timber. 9. It is necessary to be had in this town of gunners more than there be by 70 or 4 score. 10. To be furnished of gunpowder and shot, both iron and lead. 11. To be had both lede and dice of iron, whatsome ever shall nede."
ii. "For defence of assault, if need should be. 1. First, in rosin for fire work, and other things. 2. In saltpeter gruff. 3. In brimstone hole. 4. In merling. 5. In canvas for divers things, both for carte towche and baggs of wildefire, launsis of fire for ballis of fire, and for paper riall for the same. 6. To have packe threde. 7. In peter oile and lyne oile for fyre worke. 7. In sermeniake and camfere for fire worke. 8. In arseneke. 9. In mercurie. 10. In assafiteta. 11. In cackebrede. 12. In oile oliff. 13. In casting oile. 14. In grett kettils. 15. In grett ladils of iron, with long steles. 16. In grett trevetts for heting of oile, piche and tarre. 17. In piche and tarre. 18. To have kettels for pich and tarre. 19. Skuppis and ladils for the same. 20. Lyme potts and fire potts. 21. Unslakede lyme for the same. 22. Course ockame and rope yerne. 23. Crose howpes to be providede. 24. Small thorne faggote for firework for to defend the assault. 25. In rede for luminaries for the discovering of the dichis. 26. In old junkys of cabils for cringils (?) for cressetts. 27. To have cressetts for the same. 28. In casting prangs for to cast fyre and faggott. 29. In tallow. 30. In tallow candell. 31. It is necessary to be had in this town a turner for divers things to be made for the defending of the assault. 32. Your gunners to be provided for cases for haile shott of all manner of sortts. 33. Ladders. 34. Mylstonys. 35. Bocketts of lether and woode. 36. Lanternys. 37. Plattes for chardyng ladyls."
iii. "For reparacions and fortificacions. 1. First 200,000 bricks to be made. 2. 1,000 chalders of colis to be hade for burnyng of lyme. 3. 500 tons timber for sluices and jutts."
iv. "Reparacions and fortificacions to be done this next yere. 1. Furst to perfourme upp the new worke at Newnam Bridge. 2. The great stone sluice to be made. 3. The bulwark at Bollen gate to be made. 4. The brayes about the town to be mended and heythed and under shadd with stone or brike. 5. For the ordinary reparations of the town sluices, see works, juttis, the castell of Calise, Risebanke, and the castels of Guysnes and Hampnes."
Pp. 7.
R. O. 5. Calais.
i. A commission of sewers for the marches of Calais, to Sir Rob. Wingfeld, deputy of Calais, Sir Chr. Garnysshe, porter of the same town, William H[ussey?], controller of the town, Sir Ric. Whetell, Rob. F. ..., sub-treasurer, the Mayor of the town, [Lieutenant] of the staple, Hen. Planckney, Massingberd, ... and Th. Prowde. Dated Hampton Court, 14 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII.
ii. Another to William lord Sandys, Lord Chamberlain, ... K.G., [Sir Rob. Wingfeld,] deputy of Calais, Sir Ric. Weston, ... Sir [John W]allop, Sir Chr. Garneys, Sir Will. Husey, Sir Ric. [W]hetehill, N. ... Husey, kt. of the Order of St. John, Jo. Hales, one of the Barons of the Exchequer, and Chr. Hales, solicitor [general]. Dated Westm., 12 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.
iii. "T[he na]mes of [the jury impann]eld of the quest. For the countrey ..."
Of the lordships of Marke and Oye: Jo. Fourde, Boyte Bell, Marraunt Haynes, Jo. Kemell, Hen. Brasser, Jo. Wynes, Jo. Franck, Hen. Paskyns.—Of the county of Guisnes: Hen. Kinge, Long Tome, Hen. Frowike, Jo. Wynter, Garrett Hubert, Rob. Smythe.—Of the skunage of Calais: Th. Goynes, Mich. Byne, Hugh de Maister, Loy Valentyne.—Of the lordship of Collom: Adrian Skell, Abell Skell, Arnolde the maister, Bowen Scoeman.—Of the lordship of Hamps: Cornelius Gibill, Th. Collyns.
iv. Minute of the proceedings of the commissioners (fn. 5) of sewers above-named (see § i.) 21 Sept. 20 Hen. VIII.
1. They had caused to come before them 24 sufficient and honorable men, viz., out of the lordships of Marke and Oye 8, out of the county of Guisnes 6, skunage of Calais 4, lordship of Collom 4, and lordship of Hampnes [2], who were sworn to make due inquisition, with orders "to begin their view at the great timber sluice at Newnham bridge, and so from thence eastward from Mighell Byne's house, to visit the river that cometh from Marke, called 'th'Old Ryver,' as far as Collom bridge, where the skunage and the lordship of Marke departeth; and from thence to return to the little stone sluice betwixt Newnham bridge and the castle; and there to visit the river called the Howlett, unto the place where the said river and the mowre dyke doth meet together; and that done, to visit the great sluice of timber, and that part of the said river, called the Howlett, which hath issue at the said sluice unto the lazar house at Middleway," and to return a true verdict according to written instructions on the 23rd day following.
2. On the said 23rd day, the before-mentioned quest came before them in the council chamber, and delivered their verdict, showing that the said sluice is in great decay, and must be new made in short time, for if it should be broken by stormy weather or violence of the sea, the country would "lie drowned both with salt water and fresh water."
3. There is a creek coming out of the Plasshe, otherwise called the Goyle, to the said sluice, 120 tailors' yards long, which is dammed up, "whereby the country above is sore noyed with water; howbeit it is to think the same was done because of the weakness of the sluice.
4. In the river at Mighell Byne's house is a great strait of small depth, at the east end whereof is a weir to take fish, and a bridge which is too short by 6 feet. This strait or "sheldner" (?) is in length about 300 feet, "in which there groweth great quantity of reeds" obstructing the river, and they say that the river should be "new dolvyn" at the King's cost, and cleansed, the northern half by the King's tenants in the scunage, and the other by the King's tenants of Millman's brooke. 5. An arrowshot eastward on the said river is a bridge, under which is a great dam of gravel fallen through the said bridge. (In margin, "The said dam of gravel is taken away.") Also, from thence eastward to a river which cometh from Guysnes on the west side of Collom hill must be cleansed, the north side by them of the skunage, and the south by them of Mylman's brooke, in the county of Guysnes. From thence to Collom bridge, which is a mile long and 20 feet in breadth, there be many bridges and dams which been unlawful, and greatly cumbered with wyeds and other filth; and they say that all the river from the sluice at Newnham bridge ought to be delved by the King, both because he has toll and fishing on it, and principally that part of the county of Guysnes, part of the skunage, and part of the lordship of Marke is drained by the river. 6. A sewer comes down from the castles of Guisnes and Hamps underneath Collom into the before-mentioned [river], which in time of war or danger may serve for the conveyance of all manner things from Calais to those castles; "by which there cometh down so great abundance of water that ... may not have the due course westward to the sea by the sluice at Newnham bridge, it reboundeth eastward, and drowneth 6,000 or 7,000 acres in the lordship of Collom and Mark." It should be cleansed at all times by the King's tenants. 7. There is a decayed bridge upon the Old River, between St. Peter's and Collom, to be new made at the King's cost. (Marg. note. The bridge is not yet made, but must be made at the King's cost.) 8. They have viewed the stone sluice betwixt Newnham bridge and the castell, with the part of the [river] Howlett which joineth the sewer called the Moredyke, which is 4 miles long, scilt. from the lordship of Marke; but have viewed no further than the grene bank which departeth the lordship of Marke from the skunage. (Marg. note. The said part of the Howlett betwixt the stone sluice and the More dyke is now cast at the King's cost, and the tenants have begun to cast the More dyke, which will cost 50l. sterling the dolving.) And they say that the same had great need to be cast this year, from a dyke in the middle way by which the water of a sewer made by Master Deputy doth descend into the said Moore dyke; which dyke should be made 12 feet broad, and covered with a vault of stone, at the King's cost, where it crosses the highway called the Mydleway. (Marg. note. The vault is not yet done, though it were right necessary, and must be made at the King's cost.) From there down to More dyke it is to be cast till it joins the Howlett, at the tenant's cost, and thence to the said stone sluice, at the King's. (Marg. note. Which is now done at the King's cost.) Also, that on the More dyke is a bridge on the way from Bullon gate to the playne of St. Peter's, which had need to be vaulted. (Marg. note. The said bridge is not yet vaulted.) Also, at the said bridge there would be a "spoye" to be shut with the flood and open, with the ebb, to prevent inundation between Newnham bridge and Calais castle. (Marg. note, mutilated.) There is also another bridge upon the More dyke, leading from the Milgate by the windmill to St. Peter's church, which should also be vaulted with stone, for that way is greatly occupied with all manner of carriages; which bridges and spoye is to be made at the King's cost.
9. Also they have viewed the sluice of timber behind the castle and the river Howlett, that descends from the Lazar house to the same; which river between those places is half a mile long and 24 feet broad; and say that the sluice must have cost in calking, because it defends not the water sufficiently. From the said sluice the river must be cast to a little dyke on the south side, going into the More dyke, which little dyke is not more than 300 feet long, and must be now [made?] 16 feet broad, to the intent that when the stone sluice is overcharged with water it may take course to the timber sluice by the said dyke; and by that means the great river shall not be dolven the length of 3 furlongs, but shall lie whole to a certain cross dyke which shall not pass 300 feet in length, whereby the river betwixt the Lazar house and that dyke, 3 furlongs in length, being new cast at the King's cost, shall descend into the More dyke. (Marg. note. The river cannot be cast of such breadth this year; but there is a dyke 5 foot broad, cast from the lazar house at Mydleway to the sluice behind the castle, so that the water may void by the same through the More dyke, which is now in casting; howbeit, it must needs be cast next summer at the King's cost.)
10. At the said Lazar house is a bridge of timber over the river, which is too narrow by one half, and would be made with a vawte of stone; and over the dyke which cometh from the Conduyt House there is a bridge of timber, which, for like consideration, would be made of stone. Out of the great river Howlett, which cometh to the Conduytt House, there would be made a spoye to keep the river at a certain height, otherwise in winter the water will drown the country on the south side of the same. (Marg. note. The said bridges remain as they did. As yet there is no spoye made.)
The commissioners having viewed the verdict, gave the jury a new injunction to inquire and visit all parts of the lordship of Marke and Oye and the lordship of Collom; on which they returned their verdict, 1 Oct. 20 Hen. VIII., as follows:
1. The river which d[escends] from Collom bridge to Newnham bridge, mentioned in former verdict, is part of the Olde Ryver which descends from Marke castell to Newnham bridge, and is 3 miles long. (Marg. note. The river is now sufficiently cleansed by the tenants, and must be cast next year at the King's cost.)
2. On the south side of the river 3 sewers descend into it; the first called Elfdyke, 3 miles long and 16 feet broad; the second Marlede, and the third Piers Watergang, each 3 miles long and 16 feet broad; wherefore the river is to be digged from Marke Castell to Newnham bridge, at the King's cost, and cleansed by the tenants twice a year, specially from the sewer mentioned in the first verdict, which cometh from the castles of Guysnes and Hamps to Newnham bridge. (Marg. note. The river is cast this year from Marke southward, 4 miles in length and 30 feet broad; by means of which the banks be made so sufficient that no water shall come over to drown the countries, for in default of such banks of late the lordship of Marke hath been destroyed. Also, all fords and dreves betwixt Marke and Calles be dolven up.)
3. There is a river called the Howlett, which beginneth at Boyet's and cometh down to Marke, and thence straight to the Conduyte Howse of Calais; which river is 7 miles long and 24 feet broad, and is alway to be cast at the King's cost, by reason that the King receiveth toll upon the same. (Marg. note. The said river is cast this year.) And the said river is to be kept within the banks by cost of the King's tenants, otherwise there cometh so great abundance of water that wheresoever it breaks over, or upon which side, the country is drowned. Also, by the said river the town of Calais is not only principally furnished with victual, but also with fresh water. There are two bridges on the river, of which the foundations be of stone, and four others, all of timber. All which bridges are to be made at the King's cost; for an those bridges were not, there should be as many fords for the passing of carts and [oth]er carriages, which would create banks of gravel and sand, and stop the course of the water, and make it run over. (Marg. note. All the said [bridges] of stone [are] vaulted over [this] year, and all the bridges of timber new made at the King's cost.) Also, over the said river are two foot-bridges of timber, which arne to be made at the country's cost. (Marg. note. New made this year at the tenants' cost.)
4. There is another river, called the Est Ryver, which beginneth at Marke Castell and descendeth to Graveling ward, which is in length 6 miles; which, as the King takes toll and fishery, should always be cast at the King's cost, and cleansed at the tenants'. And upon the same river there lieth twain bridges of timber, and at the west end of the river a dam, called an overlope, to wind over such boats as come from Graveling to Calais, and from Calais thither. (Marg. note. The river hath [been dol]ven this year [at the K]ing's cost. ... in length, in places where most need was, and the rest must be cast next summer at the said cost. The said bridges of timber and overlope hath been made new this year at the King's cost.)
5. On the east end of the river there is the sluice called the Scluse of Oye, and another bridge vawted with stone, in which the flood gates of the said sluice open and shut with the tide; and betwixt the said sluice and the west end of the river there lieth eight gotes or spoyes of stone in the bank, viz., one against Marke pasture, one against the Chauntryn, one against Hofkirke bridge, one against the nonnery, one against the Southe Watergang, one against the Northe Watergange, one by Twytchitt's house, and the last by Jo. Vaidvel's house. (Marg. note. The said gates been all new made this year at the King's cost.) On the south side of the river are other eight spoyes, whereof a little spoye of stone called Browring's watergang, and another of timber near it for boats to pass through; another spoye of timber at John Pownes' Watergang; another, of stone, at Hofkirck bridge, called Peter Jesse Watergang; another, of stone, at the nonnery; "and another of timber lyeth at Harwaye for botes to passe ... stone at the est syde of John ... spoye of stone, called the Spr ... lyeng at bothe sides of the said ... of stone, and iiij. of tymber, all w ... that when the see water with ... that by the same the londe water ... ryver, so that by the same ryver ... scluse, and so to the see. Wherfor ... ryvers and spoyes must be made ... by theym, all the est part of Marke ..."
6. On the north side of the [river] "is another watergang, called the Southe ... beginning at the highway from Hofkirche to ... and stretchid within half a mile of Oye scluse, so that the same is in length 2 miles, and in breadth 16 feet, which is to be cast and cleansed at all times at the tenants' cost." Also over the sewer is a bridge of stone vaulted, which is a principal highway, and is to be made at the King's cost. (Marg. note. Made this year at the King's cost.) The watergang doth issue into the great river by one of the before-mentioned spoyes within half a mile of Oye scluse. Also, there is another watergang more northward, "which beginneth there as a green bank departeth the lordship of Mark and the scunage on the north side of the Howlett, and is called Crowkid Watergang, and descendeth from the said green bank to one of the spoyes before-mentioned within a flight shott of the said sluice;" and is 7 miles in length and 16 feet broad; which must be cast and cleansed at all times at the tenants' cost. Also upon the said watergang lieth twain vawtes of stone, which serve for two principal highways, the one from Marke to Wale, and the other from Oye to the highway to Graveling, which twain vawtes arne to be made at the King's cost. (Marg. note. "All the said twain vawtes of stone ben sufficiently made and repaired this yere.") Also "there is a little sewer which beginneth at the north side of Oye castell, and is conveyed by a little spoye under Calles dampe, and from thence cometh out by another spoye which leadeth on the north side of the sluice, which sewer is an English mile of length, and is to be digged and cleansed at the cost of the tenants ... that the said three sewers doth lie in the parish ... they say that on the south side of the grete ... the Est Ryver there lieth a little sewer ... brings watergang, which is a mile and a half [in length, and] in brede 12 feet, and descendeth into the ... [G]rete ryver by one of the spoyes before-mentioned ... same is alway to be cast and cleansed at the tenants' [cost. Al]so they say that there is another watergang, called ... utryn, containing 3 myle of length and 18 feet, which watergang descendeth by one of the spoyes ... before-mentioned into the said great river. [Also] they saye that there is a crosse watergang, called the ... dyke, which is a mile in length and 16 feet broad;" another called the Gote fleete, of like length and brede; another called Gempe streite dyke, of like length, and but 12 feet broad. Which three thwart sewers descend into the sewer called the Chauntreyn, and by the same descendeth by a spoye of timber before-mentioned into the said great river. All which sewers they say to be in the parish of Gempe. On the south side of the said great river they say there is a watergang, called Pownes watergang, 4 miles long and 16 feet broad, which descends by a timber spoye before-mentioned into the great river, which must always be cast and cleansed at the tenants' cost. And there is another watergang, called Haile Fayers watergang, 4 miles long and 16 feet broad, which descendeth by a spoye of stone at Hofkirk bridge into the said great river, which must always be cast at the tenants' cost. The said twain watergangs lie in the parish of Hofkirche.
7. There is another watergang on the south side of the great river, 3 miles long and 16 feet broad, descending out of a spoye of stone into the great river, which must always be digged and cleansed by the tenants; and another called Harwaye watergang, 5 miles long and 18 feet broad, to which there cometh a cross watergang, called the Stakmarte, 2 miles long and 16 feet broad; and over the said watergang be twain vawtes of stone, by one of which the way leadeth to Haile Faires, and the other leads from Gempe churche to Harway. And the said watergang descendeth into the great river by a spoye of timber before-mentioned. And the said watergang and cross watergang must be always cast and cleansed at the tenants' cost. And the said twain watergangs and cross watergang lie in the parish of Herwaye.
8. Also on the south side of the great river is another watergang, called John de Fowler's watergang, 4 miles long and 18 feet broad; also there cometh a cross watergang from Harwaye church, in which there lieth twain gotes of stone, one between the way from Harwaye churche to Jo. Fowler's house, a [mile] and half in length, and 16 feet broad, which descendeth by a spoye of timber at the smith's house into the said great river. "Also there is another watergang on the es[t side of] John Fowler's house, called the Kitting, which is in length ... mile and in brede 16 foote," which descends by a stone spoye into the great river. There is another watergang in the Sproyere, called the Banys, 5 miles long and 18 feet broad, over which is a vawte of stone for the highway which cometh from Owderkirc to John Van Sotherring's bridge; which watergang descendeth by a spoye of stone at the Sprewery into the great river. All these watergangs "arne alway to be digged and cleansed at the tenants' cost," and are in the parishes of Harway and Owderkirc.
9. Besides the above watergangs, there are in the quarters where the said watergangs lie dykes without number; "for every ground, though it pass not 2 or 3 acres large, is dykyd rownde abowte; by which dykes the waters be conveyed into the before-mentioned watergangs. And out of the watergangs be divers spoyes before rehearsed, into the said great river, by which all descendeth to Oye scluse, and from thense to the see."
10. Also the jury have viewed "the warffs, gittes, and saltwater bancks, beginning at Calais and continuing to Graveling," and find that the last day of August, by force of a spring tide, before the Lantron gate a hole was broken in the wharf which was new repaired last year, and that in searching the bottom of the said hole "it was found to be hollow from the west side of the Lantron gate bridge to the next tower corner westward, containing 150 feet. Wherefore the same is necessary to be ransacked from the bottom and every seam filletted, also rammed with clay and filled up again." (Marg. note. "The said wharf is now sufficiently repaired, as it was devised by the said quest, at all points.")
11. Also by the said spring tide the sea came so high over the wharf at Beauchamp tower that it brake out the ground in many places into the highway; wherefore the wharf of timber must be new repaired, filletted, and rammed with clay from the bottom, and a sea bank of clay turfs set upon the same. The extent of repairs to be made is 6 feet in length. (Marg. note. "The said warffe ... the mooste ... aired and made [in all po]incts as was ... the rest shalbe [made sho]rtely. Also at ... of the said jette ... s now digged up [a g]rete nombre of stones whiche was coverd under ... sands.")
12. Also they "have viewed both the east and west jetty, and find the ends of both to be broken by force of the said spring tide, and divers other parts of the same greatly frusshid and ruffild, so that part must be made new and part amended." (Marg. note. "There is now doing upon them as much as can be done before winter, that timber may be [con]veyed for the same."
13. "Betwixt Beauchamp tower and Gravelling, which is 9 miles in length, there be many great breaches; howbeit, on the south side of the sea, within the land, there is a seabank to defend the sea out of the lordship of Marke and Oye, the west end of which seabank beginneth against Oye castle, and so goeth eastward 2 mile of length, and there turneth a mile of length southward and joyned to Oye scluse."
14. Within the said bank is another, called Calles Dampe, beginning at the west end of the before-mentioned seabank, and going straight eastward to the seabank of Graveling. The seabank next to the sea is to be kept up at the King's cost; and the inner seabank, called Dampe, at the charge of the freemen of Marke and Oye, who have great privileges granted to them for maintaining the same, for though the King's bank should break the said freemen's bank must hold.
15. Also they have viewed the fresh-water banks appertaining to the lordship of Marke, of which the first is a fresh-water bank, whereby the King's ground is departed from the Emperor's, called the Hooke, beginning on the further side of the great river, and proceeding southwards 5 miles. Another "goeth east and west from the said waterb[ank], by which is departed the King's land and the Emperor's, [and is called] Braynard; the east end of which bank beginneth [in] the said Hooke and ends at Boyetts, being 5 miles in length; which banks arne to be maintained at the King's [cost], for they not only do depart the princes' ground before-named, but also defend the water out of the King's ground; for the water of the Emperor's side lieth higher than the King's ground within the said banks by 3 foot winter and summer."
16. "There is another fresh-water bank, called e ... banck, which stretcheth from Pryks bridge to Collom ..., which is 3 miles in length, and must also be maintained at the King's cost, for when that bank faileth, all that quarter of Marke goeth under the water, for the water there lieth also higher by 3 feet winter and summer than the land within the said bank doth. Also, they say that there is an ordenance that if any beasts be found upon any of the said banks there is certain sums of money forfeited, which is to be employed upon the said banks, so that before Michaelmas they may be sufficiently repaired to defend the winter's water." (Marg. note. "This bank must be newly cast or repaired where need is.")
17. Also they have viewed the seabank, beginning at the castle of Callis, and so proceeding to a plesshe called the Glewpott, which is right east and west, and so forth southwards to Newnham bridge, also beyond the said bridge westwards a broad arrow shot, where then the said seabank turneth towards the Downs northward; which bank is in length from the castle to the Downs against Dykeland, 2 miles. (Marg. note. The said seabank is now more than half made of the height devised, and work folks continuing upon the same.) In the said seabank betwixt the timber sluice and the little stone sluice behind the castle, there is a great fawte 465 feet long, which must be amended and made with a seabank rey ... 15 feet, which must needs be made in haste. Betwixt Newnham bridge and the rounde bulwerke of erthe there is a place in the seabank 1,000 feet in length, which, of necessity, must be made new forthwith of 5 feet deep and 3 feet broad, besides the bank, which is now new made already betwixt the said bridge and bulwark of 315 feet in length, in depth 5 feet, and in brede 3¼ feet. (Marg. note. "The said see[bank as] well beyond [Newnham] bridge as in [other pla]ces betwixt [the said] bridge and ... stone sluice [is] now new made ... that bank which containeth ... feet in length.") There is a seabank next without Newnham bridge, 195 feet long, which is now new made of sea turf, 4 feet deep and 3 feet broad, and there is another seabank beyond the fore-mentioned bank without Newnham bridge, which is now new made, in length 325 feet, in depth 5 feet, and in breadth 3½ feet. On the south side of the turf bulwark within Newnham bridge, the wharf must be new planked and filletted, "also new lantoeyes, ankres, and bynders," which wharf is 105 feet in length, in depth 4½ feet, which must be filled on the inside with sea clay, 3½ feet thick, for defence of the said bulwark. (Marg. note. "The said warffe stondith yet still unrepaired.") And where there was a scluse in the said seabank betwixt the Downs and Newnham bridge, the same was taken up by the King's commandment, so that ever sith the sea hath flowed up to Sandgate, which was thought it should have been a great amendment to the haven. In consideration whereof they say that one of twain things must be done : (1.) To fortify a bank of gravel and stone which goeth straight from Newnham bridge toward Sandgate castle till it come to the end of the great creek, which the bishop of Winchester caused to be digged when the foresaid scluse was first made, and thereto stopped up the said creek with a spoye in the sa[me, which] shall open to the fresh water and shut to the [salt] water; and from the said stopping to fortify another bank of gravel and stone which goeth from thence to the Downs, which they say may be d[one] with the spence of 100l. And if it please the King to take that way, it shall not only amend the haven right largely, but also have much ground which now is lost. (Marg. note. The said bank of gravel is now fortifying.) (2.) The second way is to make the seabank from Martin's Hooke to the Cawsey, which shall be more costlier than the other, for an the sea should have his course so far abroad as it hath now, the bank which shall descend to the cawsey must be of a great thickness, for otherwise it shall not be possible for carriages to pass that way to Calais, for it is every day worse than other.
18. Also there is twain marres grounds, the one called Couswade, and the other the Maynbrooke, in which twain marres there is of "moeten grounde" 4,800 acres, which, with cost, might be sowed to the King's great advantage, whereby the country should not only be much "strengthtith," but also the haven of Calais largely amended; for an the superfluous waters now in the said marshes might be conveyed to the sea, they should not fail to purge the haven of sand.
19. Before the rivers were digged and sewers made with seabanks and fresh-water banks, the revenues of Marke and Oye, temp. Hen. VI., passed not 300l.; where sithens, by reason of cost done upon rivers, banks and sclusis by king Edward IV. and Hen. VII., the revenues be now betwixt 1,300l. and 1,400l. Also they say that when the rivers, banks and sluices were maintained by the King's officers, as they ought to be, the King was well paid, and the tenants did prosper both in corn and cattle, being a great surety for the victualling of the town and marches of Calais; where of late, by reason that they have not been repaired, the King's tenants be utterly undone, for they owe unto the King of old rents above 4,000l., besides the debts they owe to men of Calais and other towns, so that now they dare not show their heads. Where in old time it appeareth by inquisition that out of the lordships of Marke and Oye there hath been delivered 20,000 rases of wheat, 30,000 rases of oats, and 10,000 rases of barley, above their own store necessary for horse and man, and for seed; where now this three years past they have been unpurveyed so utterly of all manner of grain, that they have been fain to buy both corn for themselves and their beasts, and to sow their lands, in so much as in the said three years no corn was sown by them which com to prouff; for there could no husbandry help, the country was so overflowed with water, and they who used the greatest husbandry had greatest loss. Signed: John Berners—Edmund Howard—E. Ryngley.
[The margin of this report is worn away in many places.]
ii. A report touching the seabanks, &c. of Marke and Oye. The heading is much mutilated, but the following words are legible:—
" ... [d]ay of October ... [f]res-water banks and seebanks, and ... lordship of Marke and Oye, as hereafter s ... by eig[ht] substanciall persons of the lordships of Ma[rke and] Oye, appannellid in quest for the same, and solemp[ly sworn] upon the Evangilz, to bring in a trewe reapporte of the s[ame], here after followthe:"
1. "Aweved (?) the mayne river from Marke to Oye slews ... in length 6 miles, which must be cast at the King's cost ... to the last wardell; and there is to be done on the west side of ... to be cast 200 rods, which by estimation will cost 6s. gret ... for it is 50 foot brood the ryver."
2. The rest of the river is on the point of 3,000 rods, which ... rods of the lordship of Marke and Oye, which by estimation ... the rod, which river is 30 foot broad.
3. In the said river is a spoye broken by the last rage that was, and must be made again; by estimation will cost 40s.
4. Without the sluice eastward to Grayffling (Gravelines) water must be dolven on the point of 300 rods and 24 foot broad; will cost 2s. 8d. the rod.
5. There is a bridge broken on the said river, called Houffkyrk bryge, and must be made, and will cost 20s. grett.
6. Item, from Pyrkkyn bryge southward to Boutts, called the Holleed, contains in length 1,300 rods and 24 foot broad; will cost 3s. the rod, for it is a most hold ground.
7. Pyrkkyns brydge must be new made, and will cost 5l. grett.
8. From the Boyut westward to the corner called the Cnoll on the Engglys strett is 5 miles long; which must be cast a counter dyke of 14 foot broad, containing 2,600 rods; will cost 14d. grett the rod. "For there is great need by cause the mill stream breaks so often times into Flanders side, and so comes over our banks ... from the ... o the chappell by ... tayns in length ... rods w ... eghttend which ... by exsdemassion (fn. 6) will cost a sterly ... a rod."
9. A new seabank from Oye slews northward to the pit past Calleys dam, 200 roods long, will cost a golden crown of the sun a rood; for the old bank is ever so occupied with riding wh ... cost that ... it is lost, and every year new to make.
10. "From ... pyt northward and so westward again Michael Dyk's house, the sea banks is in many gaps, which, 2 miles in length," will cost 200l. grett.
11. "The downs from the east end westward to the gap of walle had need to be looked upon, for fear it should do much harm in time to come. If that should be amended it will cost much money, more than we can esteem."
12. "The west river that goes from Marke to Collome bryge, the King's charges was esteemed 40l."
13. "The fresh-water bank from Perekins bryge along the Cousway[dé] to the chapel to mend where as is need, will cost 20l."
14. "From Marke to the G ... yke, called the Holled, must be mended on the point of 400 steds, which will cost 8d. gret the rod."
15. All manner of bridges, spoys and sluices, and breaches of fresh-water and sea-water banks, must be viewed once a year, by the law.
16. They find the greatest "dyscropssion" (?) of the east marches [due to] two things; viz., (1.) the great west river from Marke to Newnham bryg; which river lies in three lordships, "that is for to ... under Gynsse, the Skyvinage, and under Marke; which rivers hath been cast at the King's great charge, and now if it be not cleansed and dams taken up upon such places as in the county of Gynsse and in the Skyvinage, what that we dig or cleanse in Marke it is our undoing, except that it be cleansed afore the water may come to the sluice of Newnambrygge." (fn. 7)
17. "T ... d faut is that the Skuniage clens ... Calle[s] ... leed from the grene dyke to the stone sl ... the castell."
18. "Also the Cunded Howsse hold up the water that the holl ... cannot come to the slews, by resson whereof the water ha ... Holleed can not be made so strong that it may hold sp ... wynter coms and grett gorsse of waterfalls for all th ... sethe thouroo the Coundded Hows, which is not abell to ... partt of the water when suche water falls; howe be it ... a conssyderassion taken that when the Cundded had as ... as shold suffys, then was there a lowe plasse made the ... ployssed of the water shold rone howere, where by the banks ... Holleed shold be at dangger."
19. "Where for as now for this winter for saffyng the banks of the Holleed from Perekyns bryge to Bovyts, as grett nede is, which must in ... be done shortly, or else the banks will run hower; for they of Breyn ... hath heghttend there banks, whereby it will put our banks to grett dangger, exsep they be shortly a mendded, and there to be sett ij. torpyks apone the said Holleed."
20. "That no horse nor cart should pass in the winter time."
21. "Which Holleed will cost, the mendding for this year, 10l. grett."
Signed: "John Berners—Edmund Howard—E. Ryngeley."
Pp. 22.
"Reparasyons doen ap[on my] Lordes logyng in anno 20 [H.8]."
Payments to laborers carrying clay and sand, and plastering the lodge, at 8d. a day. For the glazing of three windows, 19½d. For two keys of the kitchen door, 5d.
Reparations done upon the brew-house houses. Boards at 5s. 3d. per 100. Lath at 13d. the 100. For making a new furnace. Laborers serving masons, at 6d. a day.
Necessaries for fortifications and reparations. For cutting reeds in the forest. For "fortifying mandes and hardylls," at 10d. the 1,000. For cutting stakes, at 3d. the 100. For four sheepskins for spunges for the guns, 13d. each. Maunds to bear earth in, at 2½d. each. Carts carrying stakes, rods, &c., at 8d. the load. Repairs done upon the water mill, 6l. 2s. 0½d. Laborers serving masons, making of the new vall in the broken ward, at 6d. the day; others at 5d. the day. Tumbrils carrying sand, at 8d. a day. Long carts carrying bricks and clay, at 2d. a day. Tubs at 10d. and 4d. each. Buckets at 4d. each. Payments for mending wheelbarrows, &c.
Sum total of both these books, 407l. 18s. 5d. gr., whereof allowed by Mr. Treasurer by my Lord Cardinal's warrant, 400l. gr. Signed: T. Lourens (?)—Per me, Water James—Per me, John Corson.
Pp. 14.
ii. "The book of the bricks, with the necessaries, reparations, and fortifications done in anno 19 regis H. 8." Bricks moulded and burnt 941,500, of which 41,500 are to be rebated for waste; and so is allowed 900,000 bricks, at 2s. 2d. g. the 1,000. "Ruters," at 2s. 6d. g. and 2s. 4d. the 100. For cutting wood, at 8d. a load. For "gloy straw," at 6s. the 100. Wheelbarrows, at 20d. each. Shovels, 2d. each. Moulds, 6½d. each. Paid to John à Guisnes for four pieces of "bast" for logs about the kilns, 16d. Total of brick, &c., 200l. 9s. 11d. g.
Pp. 12.
iii. "The reparations and fortifications of the castle of Guisnes, and of the water mill, in anno 19 R. R. H. 8."
"First, my Lord's log and lodging against my lord Cardinal's coming to Guisnes." Payments to laborers. Two locks with the keys for the lodge gate, 2s. 6d. Two bolts for the same, 8d. Five locks for my Lord's lodging, 5s. Two pair of "jemos" for the ewry, 10d. For mending the lock of the cellar door, 3d. Total, 20l. 7s. 8½d. Signed: Rychard Wes[ton?].
Pp. 7.
i. "Costs done upon the Old Mint house in the farther Mint yard, against the coming of the coiners strangers from the parts of beyond the sea, from the 25th day of March, in anno 18 R. R. Henric. VIII."—Payments to carpenters and sawyers, 6d. a day; laborers, 4d. Carriage of three loads of timber from Newington to the Tower of London, 2s. To John Hollonde, of Strettam, Surrey, tileman, for 1,000 of tiles, 5s. To Ric. Oliver, of Knyghtes Hill, for a load of tiles, 5s. To laborers removing the King's ordnance out of the Old Mint house. Timber bought at 8s. a load; bricks at 4s. 8d. the 1,000; sand, 6d. a load; tile pins, 5d. a bushel; nails of various prices.
ii. Costs "done upon the new gold shearing house within the Mint," in the Tower of London, from 21 Nov. 18 Hen. VIII.
iii. "Arrearages of the new gold house, called the new Sheryng house, over and besides the 40l. granted for the building of the said house, the 25th day of January anno R. R. Henric. Octavi 18o." For lime, 5s. the cwt. To the King's glazier, for glazing the new sheryng house window, and mending others, 50s. 10d. To the prior of St. Mary Overy's for boards, at 2s. 4d. the 100. Lath, at 5d. the 100. Twenty-nine yards of evys borde, 1d. per yd.
iv. For taking down the Old Receipt House, and setting it up again, from 17 June 19 Hen. VIII. Plasterers and bricklayers at 8d. a day. Stone for the ovens at 4d. a foot. The dates in this No. extend throughout the year 20 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 52 (numbered), of which 5 are blank.
Petition of [Richard Bank, executor] of Edward Stanley, late lord Monteagle, to the Lord Chancellor.
The said late Lord was afflicted with the gout several years before his death, and kept his chamber; and Thomas lord Darcy and Sir John Husy, knowing him to possess money, jewels and plate of great value, wrote him many flattering letters "of many fair, beautiful words, and exhortations of holy and divine stories of Scripture," pretending great love for his soul; so that he made them his executors, with Sir Alex. Radclyff, Laur. Starky, and the petitioner. He willed that his son Thomas should have his money, jewels and plate, and that with his goods and chattels the executors should buy the wardship and marriage of his son. By an agreement made between the executors, Husy was appointed to obtain the wardship, and to pay "the King's debt" and other bequests; and for that purpose the petitioner paid to Husy 844l. He paid many other sums by command of Husy and Darcy, as they were men of great honor, and were commanded by the King to take into their hands the said goods and chattels, but he feared lest the whole should have been wasted by them, as the money was not spent in performing the will. They have taken possession of the plate and apparel, and receive the profits of the lands to their own use, having obtained a patent for the wardship; and they intend to take the profit of the marriage of the young Lord. Thus the debts and legacies cannot be paid, and the waste will be laid to the petitioner's charge. Prays, therefore, for writs of subpæna against Darcy and Husy, to appear in the court of Chancery, and to bring thither the said patent, so that they may have no more profit thereof, and that the young Lord may have the benefit of his marriage and his lands, except the rent paid to the King.
Paper roll. Endd.: "Banke['s] bill against Sir Hussye (sic) and lord Darcy."
R. O. 2. Sums of money, plate, jewels, goods and chattels of the late lord Monteagle, in the hands of Richard Banke. Total, 1,446l. 3s.
ii. "Parcels of my said late Lord's goods delivered to Thomas lord Darcy by Ric. Banke." (Same as§ 3.)
iii. Other parcels delivered to Sir John Husye.—A "pygen" of silver, with a cover, 22¾ oz.; 2 round cups of silver gilt, a gilt standing cup, a bason and ewer of silver gilt, 2 pieces of silver with covers chased; a pair of bedes of amber, with gawdies of gold, delivered to lady Anne Grey; a "harte" of gold, of Paris work; jackets; a gown of lady Monteagle's, and other gowns; 2 bonnets of ermines, powdered; a frontlet of green satin, with a caul of gold; a "pillion" of black velvet; a harness of black velvet fringed with gold; a sleeve of cloth of gold; a quarter of new cloth of gold; sleeves of velvet and green tinsel; a horse called Bayard Copeland, for a sumpter; a sumpter sack and a saddle.
iv. Monteagle's bequest to Husye.—A salt of gold set with stones; a grey gelding called Arrowsmyth.
In form of a roll. Endd.: "The inventory of the goods and other books to charge Bankes with."
R. O. 3. Goods and chattels of the late lord Monteagle delivered to lord Darcy; sc., a shaving bason, parcel gilt, 80 oz.; a girdle of gold, of Paris work, 23 oz.; a cross of gold with 4 rubies, 5 diamonds, and 5 pearls; a gold chain, "that my Lord ware daily," 12 oz.; a great pax of silver and gilt, 12 oz.; 2 great chalices with patens gilt; 11 spoons, silver gilt, 14 oz.; a gold collar of drops, 12 oz.; a gown of tawney tinsel of 6 threads, furred with martens; 3 old altar cloths of fine arras; 100 wethers. Anno 16.
"My Lord's bequest" to Darcy.—A horse litter and two litter horses; a gold collar of garters, with a George set with diamonds; 2 garters with pendants and buckles of gold; 64s. for two black gowns, and as much for Mr. Hussy.
Pp. 2. In Banks's hand.
ii. An inventory similar to the above, with a few more entries.—100 pearls delivered to lady Nevill, at 2s. each. Total value, 334l. 4s. 2d.
Pp. 2. Endd.
R. O. 4. Sum of the money, plate and stuff of the late lord Monteagle, delivered to lord Darcy, 139l. 20d.
ii. Estimate of the expences sustained by Darcy in the late Lord's business.—For messages, letters, writings, and rewards to counsel, 20l. Sending to court, and making friends there, 10l. Darcy's expences at Stepney, London and Westminster, and for indentures and obligations to Mr. Magnus and others of the Council, 53l. 6s. 8d. For sundry meetings, at the desire of Richard Bankes, between the executors, tenants, and servants of the late Lord, 20l. The boarding of the young lord Monteagle and his servants and horses, 33l. 6s. 8d. Costs and charges in the law in anno 19 and anno 20, and for attending at Westminster to answer to feigned bills of Bankes, 80l.
Paper roll.
R. O. 5. Accounts of all the "approvements, advantages and profits" belonging to the executors of the late lord Monteagle.
Pp. 6.
Inventory of deeds, charters, &c. delivered to Sir Brian Touke, treasurer of the King's chamber, of various dates, ranging principally between Edward III. and Hen. VII., and relating to lands in Cumberland, principally Cockermouth. The names of most frequent occurrence are of the families of Percy (earls of Northumberland), Lucy, Dacre and Umfravill. The latest date mentioned is 20 Hen. VIII.
A parchment roll.
R. O. 5107. BEVERLEY.
Indenture, dated _ 20 Hen. VIII., between Wolsey and the town of Beverley, in which the inhabitants of the latter renounce certain rights which they have long usurped against the jurisdiction of the archbishop of York, viz., the appointment of clerks of the market in the borough, the searching of untrue measures and weights, the fines and amerciaments of offenders, the correction of persons bringing corrupt victuals or fuel within the borough, of breakers of the assize of bread and ale, and of the insufficiency and unwholesomeness of the same, "the search of all the tanned leather, and the punishment of the offenders thereof." They have also pretended they were not compelled to present before the justices of the peace any riot, rout, or unlawful assemblies within the borough.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, with corrections by Cromwell; pp. 5.
"Here in schoyth all suche mony as hath bene recevyd by me, Rychard Paulet, of my Lord my master, and my brother Sir Wylliam Paulet, knyght, from the fyrst day off May anno xxti H. V[III.] unto the xxijth day of August anno xxti H. VIII., towardis my Lordis chargis in the corte, as well as for his provesions and reparacions to be made and done by my Lordis commandment in Horsley, against his Lordshippis commyng thether, and my Ladis, as here after more plainlear yt dothe appere, with the discharge and payment of the same."
Received, 1 May, of my Lord at Greenwich, for his provisions at Horsley, 20l. Of my brother, Sir William, 1 July, for my Lord's charges at court, 53l. Of John of Kent, 1 July, 10l. Of my Lord, by Sir David Hensley, priest, clerk of the kitchen, 20l.; by Grygson, my Lord's servant, 13l. 6s. 8d. 15 Aug., of my Lord, in the lodge at Endfelde park, towards his provisions at Horsley, 30l.
Payments.—20 May, at Dorking fair, to Edw. Clarke, of Billingshurst, for 3 kene (?kine), at 11s. a-piece, and 8d. over. Other payments for cows, from 9s. to 11s. To a man for 4 days' labor mending the pale in the new park of Cranmere, at 4½d. a day. To 2 men for 6 days, at 5d.—12 July, for sugar, at 7d. and 6d. per lb. Pepper, at 22d. per lb. 1 lb. of cloves, 8s. 6d. 2 lb. ginger, 4s. 8d. 4 lb. dates, 12d. 6 lb. small raisins, 2s. 12 lb. great raisins, 15d. 6 lb. prunes, 18d. For a hamper to carry the spices, 10d. For a lock and key to it, 6d.—12 July, for a "quartrin" of stock fish, 6s. For 2 panniers to pack salt fish in that came from St. Laurence Pountney, 9d. For cord and packing, 5d. For 6 bushels of bay salt, at 9d. the bushel. A hogshead to carry it in, 8d. For hooping and heading the hogshead, 2d. For carriage of the salt from Billingsgate to Queenhithe, 2d. For a peck of white salt, 3d. For 2½ doz. crewsys, 15d. For 4 gallecups, 2d. For 3 barrels of beer, bought of the King's brewer at London, 12 July, 11s. Carriage from the brewhouse to the barge, 2d.; from London to Weybridge, 4d.; and from Weybridge to Horsley, 12d. White vinegar, at 8d. per gall. Red vinegar, at 4d. Strainer cloth, at 2d. a yard. Wheat, 16s. the qr. Cord for packing kitchen stuff that came from St. Laurence Pountney to Horsley, 4d. 2 carts from St. Laurence Pountney to Queenhithe, 8d. Carriage of 2½ loads from London to Weybridge, 3s. 4d.; from Weybridge to Horsley, 4s. Coal, 3s. 4d. per load. To the collier, for his costs coming from Horsley to make a bargain, 4d. "For the gras, and the making of the same gras in the Custom mede," 5l. 1s. For 2 quire of paper, and ink, 6d. 1 doz. taps for the buttery, 2d. Half a beef, 7s. To Antony Goddard, for 11 muttons, 21s. 8d.; for a fresh salmon, 27 July, 3s. 4d.; for 25 chickens, 2s. 4d.; for 9 couple of coneys, 3s.; for a veal, 3s.; a pig, 3d.; 2 capons, 2s.; 3½ doz. horse bread, 3s. 6d. Antony Goddard's costs for 12 days riding about these purchases, 4s. 2d. To Vergis, for baking bread against my Lord's coming, and while he lay there, 20d. To the parson of West Horsley's servant, for bringing 2 capons and 12 chickens, 8d. To Goddard's costs for himself and his horse, guiding me for 2 days, when I rode for young Hensley, 20d. To my Lord, to play at tables with at Horsley with Sir Nich. Carewe, 30 July, 4s.—13 July, to Brekenall, the brewer of Guildford, "for 10 kilderkins of single beer for the carters that brought him hay, after the old custom," at 16d. the kilderkin. For 10 kilderkins of 1½d. beer, at 2s. 4d., against my Lord's coming. 2 doz. of bread for the carters that brought in the hay, 2s. To John Rydforde, for a calf for the said carters, 2s. 4d. For a mutton for them, 2s. 13 July, for driving cattle from the lese to Farnham fair to be sold, "and for their lese there," 2s.—19 July, to John Mothe, of Goddellmayne (Godalming), for 4 doz. tallow candles, at 1¼d. per lb., 5s.; for 4 wax torches, weighing 12 lb., at 8d. per lb.; for a doz. of supper lights, weighing 5 lb. 1½ qr., at 8d. per lb.; 2 lb. of sizes, at 8d. per lb.—21 July, to Thomas Duke, draper, of London, for 6 counterpoints of tapestry and varder, 33s. 8d. A yard of cotton for my Lord's jacket, at 6d. per yard. For 6 joined stools, 4s. 4d. For herbs to lay in my Lord's chamber windows, 2d. To 6 women for gathering rushes for 2 days, at 2½d. a day each. To a cooper setting 5 hoops upon the vessels in the bakehouse, 2d. To 5 women for cleaning the house, and scouring the vessels, for 3 days, at 2½d. a day. To Tho. Rogers, of Est Clandon, 21 July, for mowing Habraham's broke and Townisley walshe and Brode, at 8d. the acre. To Rich. Franke, for the making and mowing of 30½ acres and 3 furlongs of Woodham mede, at 17d. the acre. To John Stompe and John Otway, for the making of Habraham's broke and Townisley, at 8d. the acre. To John Rydforde, for making and mowing of Gore mede, at 16d. the acre. Payments for the carriage of hay. To 15 maidens and women treading hay, for 5 days, at 2½d. a day; to a man for pitching it, 5d. a day, finding himself. A load of straw for my Lord's horse, 2s. Wages of carpenters, plasterers, sawyers, &c., in July, 13l. 7s. 3½d. for repairs at Horsley.—8 Aug., coal, at 3s. 4d. a load. To my lord of Winchester's servant that day bringing your Lordship tables, tressles, cupboards and forms, 7s. 6d. To John Polsted, for the hay and grass of Habraham's broke, 46s. 8d. 100 load of wood, at 12d. the load.—15 Aug., to John Baker, of Wenyshe parish, for 2 oxen, 40s.; for 2 more at 16s. 8d. the ox. To a man of Chedyngfolde, for an ox, 19s.; toll of the ox, 2d. To Master Dawbeny, for charges of my Lord at court, from 1 June to 22 Aug., 36l. 2s. 11¼d.
Pp. 11.
R. O. 5109. Account of wines bought at Bordeaux by Edw. Burlace, Roger Tery, Thos. Getens, Thos. Huntt, Jo. Smythe, David Appowell, Thos. Gale, Will. Dykenson, Ric. Justice, Thos. Blowr, and Allen Kyng.
Total bought by these 11 persons, 563 tuns, 1 "terce" 1 "carte." Purchase money, 3,812l. 11s. 2¾d. Average cost at Bordeaux "at the first penny," 4l. 1s. 7d. per tun; at London, 6l. 15s. 5d. Wine of Orleans, 21 tuns, bought at Roane by Will. Forman, for 112l. 17s. 4d. Headed as follows:
" ... Alen and Sir Will. Bayly, knyght[s] ... ld Robert Pakyngton, Nicholas St. ... lard Gybson, Powll Withepow[ll] ... [a]s hathe bene bought at B[urdeaux] ... yere, beyng the 20th ... [t]he fyrst peny, but also ... losses sustayned by case ..."
A roll of paper, mutilated at the top.
To be principal surveyor and master of all mines in England and Ireland.
Pat. 20 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 37 d.
Tit. IV. 147.
B. M.
2. Proposals of Joachim Hochesteter to the King, for working the mines discovered in England.
Will go thither in person with six Germans who understand the work, and commence working with 1,000 men. States the best arrangements for paying the men, and deprecates unnecessary expence, to avoid which it would be advisable to adopt the agreement made between the Legate and himself. Advises the building of a foundry at Kumpmartin (Combe-Martin), under the superintendence of Maistre Pierre, and another German. Asks for power to levy men, if necessary, and for a prohibition of the men carrying weapons, on pain of losing a finger.
Fr., pp. 5.
Grant to Wolsey, as bishop of Durham, of the manor of Hart and town of Hartilpole, Durham dioc., between the Tyne and the Tese, on surrender by Henry lord Clifford of two patents granted to his ancestors by Edward I., by virtue of which they have collected the revenues of the said places, although the bishops of Durham have held royal rights there.
Draft, Lat.
R. O. 2. T. Strangways to [Cromwell].
* * * "And for and towards all these charges afore expressed, and in like manner for the charges hereafter to come, for finishing of the said works at Auckland, and also in recompense of my great pain and labor, and for my reward of all my service afore done to my said Lord, I can be content in form following," If his Lordship will agree to it:—1. "To take my Lord's interest of Bowys ward." 2. That my Lord make my kinsman, Dr. Strangways, his chaplain, and give him the benefice of Wearmouth, now in his gift. 3. In return, Strangways will be bound in 1,000l. to finish my Lord's buildings at Auckland, and will be always at his service without fee or costs, except if he be sent abroad or to war. Signed.
Pp. 2. Endd.
R. O. 3. "Instructions devised by my lord legate his Grace, for Dr. Strangwysshe, surveyor of Duresme, and Ric. Bellysis, Esq., and to be executed by them within his bishopric of Duresme."
(1.) To survey all lead, coal, and other mines, and make them as profitable as possible. (2.) To finish the new house and furnace which Wolsey has had built for melting and trying lead with sea coals. (3.) To urge the finers who have undertaken to melt the lead with sea coal to proceed as diligently as possible, without waste or loss of time, so that Wolsey may know what the profits and the yearly value will be. (4.) They shall lease the fishings at Berwick, and levy fines for them, including 20 barrels of salmon yearly during his life; (5.) and do the like with any other farms, fishings, or improvements that may lawfully be taken. (6.) Wolsey's ship of Tynmouth may be rigged and made ready. (7.) The finers must not lack any ore or other thing which they could allege as an excuse. (8.) My Lord's wards may be seized, and the profits of their lands taken to his use, and persons found to buy the marriages, word being sent to him who are the most profitable. (9.) No arrearages of farmers or tenants must be left unlevied. (10.) Mr. Bowes must be asked to be my Lord's escheator; (11.) and he must immediately proceed to find offices of all the wards, so that their lands and bodies may be ordered according to law, and my Lord may have all the profits of their lands and marriages. He wishes to be informed if there are any feoffments alleged to the use or performance of wills, or jointures, or if the mothers of any of the said wards are endowed after the customs and laws there. (12.) His attorney and other officers shall certify him, as soon as convenient, of all fines for alienations, amerciaments for nonsuits, fines on the sheriff for not returning or executing process, forfeitures, recognizances, waifs, strays, felons' goods and lands, deodands, &c., for the last six years, that he may know the yearly worth thereof. (13.) Directly his ship arrives, it is to be laden with coals, and sent to his college at Ipswich.
Pp. 4.
R. O. 4. Wm. Frankeleyn's instructions to Rauf Hungate.
(1.) To deliver his letter to Cromwell, showing the trouble he had to borrow money, as the chief part is usually paid at St. Eleinnas. (2.) By the copy of the auditor's letter Cromwell will see how Frankeleyn stands with my lord (Wolsey) on his account ending Michaelmas last. After Easter the auditor will bring up the books, which are not yet ready to send. (3.) The reason why the remainder of money sent is no larger, is that enough lead ore has been provided to make 40 fodder of lead, and a great portion is employed in defending the waters in Howdenshire, without which the country would be drowned. Howdenshire was given to the bishop of Durham for that purpose. (4.) The cost of fining-houses and finers at Gateshead, with other repairs of mills and manor places, and the coals sent to my Lord's college at Ipswich. (5.) Hungate is to ask Cromwell to declare the above to my Lord. If he find fault with the Book of Reparations, the surveyor has perused and signed it. (6.) To cause Mr. Stubbs to sign and seal the acquittance devised by Bentley. None of the money must be used for any arrearages, except for the year ending Michaelmas last. (7.) The country is so poor from failure of corn and death of cattle for the last three years, that the arrearages of the last year of my lord Ruthal cannot be levied without "utterdoing" the country. Will compound with my Lord for it, and pay it himself by selling some of his plate and cattle. If Cromwell advises, will come up shortly to arrange with my Lord. (8.) To show Dr. Marshall the letter from Frankeleyn's brother concerning the corn, and the delivery of the timber at Whitbarne and Darnetone. The dimission of Fytam (?) in Darneton shall be made to him immediately as Frankeleyn promised.
Hol., p. 1. Endd.: Mr. Franklen.
"Re-solutions" of all the lands, &c. belonging to the manor of St. Peter, Ipswich, now named Cardinal's college.
Paper roll.
R. O. 2. Copies of the evidences relating to Wolsey's colleges at Oxford and Ipswich.
Pp. 140, of which 24 are blank.
R. O. 5113. For the KING'S HIGHNESS.
4 graven copper pillars, 9 ft. long. 4 angels to kneel at the head and foot of the tomb, ready gilt and burnished. 4 angels with candlesticks to stand on the said pillars. 4 naked children to stand at the head and foot of the tomb, with the arms. 2 pieces of copper with epitaphs. A tomb of black touch stone, 7 ft. by 4 ft., and 2½ ft. high. 4 copper leaves for the corners of the tomb. 12 pieces of black touch, and 8 of white marble, for the base of the tomb. A step of black touch. 7 pieces of copper wrought like cloth of gold. 4 small pillars for the corners of an altar.
Things to be ordered at the King's pleasure. The image of the Cardinal, gilt and burnished. 2 griphons to be at his feet. The Cardinal's hat, with 12 buttons and strings. 2 scutcheons with his arms. 14 scutcheons with his arms and those of his churches. 12 images of saints. A cross. 2 pillars.
Pp.3. Endd. in a later hand: Cardinal Wolsey's monument.
R. O. 2. Another list of the same articles as above, and in addition: A white marble "chamynye." 6 clay figures, 7 ft. high, which should have served for Oxford. Jams and mantel for a white marble chimney.
For the above work I have received about 4,250 ducats, at 4s. 6d. a ducat.
"And moreover for to leave an inventory of all that doth appertain to the King's most noble grace, or ever I go to Florence, it rests in the house 4 pillars which was left of the altar of K. Henry VII., which were not sufficient to stand to the weight of the said altar, which Master Peter Torrygan had made of the said pillars, which appertaineth to the King's most noble grace."
R. O. 5114. JEWELS.
List of jewels in certain boxes and coffers.
A finger stall with 13 rings, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, spyneys, &c.; a blue heart of St. George, full of relics; a gold tablet of St. Margaret and St. Anne ("delivered to ... 26 day' ... "); an I.H.S. of diamonds, with 3 hanging pearls; a goodly St. George on horseback, set with diamonds, and the dragon in pearl; a ruby ring the King was sacred with; 3 gold tergats; 164 pair of aglets; 75 Paris rings; a gold siphus, garnished with 72 pearls; a ship of diamonds, with a fair hanging pearl; a hand with a rosebud hanging at a black lace; a balas set in coletts, enamelled with margarets, a ruby and 3 diamonds, in coletts, a cross with 3 rubies and 2 diamonds, an M of diamonds standing in a flower, rings, a little margaret of gold, and silver gilt harness for a girdlé (these were the Princess's tokens); a brooch with a gentlewoman luting, with a scripture above it; 18 bars of gold, and 4 collars of gold to wrestle in; a gold arrow; the gold garnishing of a horn; 11 hawks' hoods; [two rings] joined together, and an odd ring [sent from] the Bastard; ... in a little black coffer, given by the King to my lady Princess; 2 collars of stole work, with lyalmes of silk and gold; a leash of stole work, wrought with white roses, with silver and gilt buckles and pendant; a crimson satin bag, embroidered with H. and K., and a girdle; 2 white and green silk lyalmes, with collars, embroidered and stole work, gilt tyrretts, bracers, and a hawk's hood; a heart of gold, with a man and an antelope on one side, and a gentlewoman on the other; a garter, with letters of gold, castles, and pomegranates, a ruby on the buckle, and a turquoise with a hanging pearl on the pendant; 11 other garters wrought in the stole; 15 gold coifs; divers pieces of St. Awdray laces (struck out); a heart with St. George on one side, and St. Antony and St Sebastian on the other; a leash of red and white silk with a collar; a white horn hanging at a green ribbon, garnished with gold; another, at a green corse; a silver gilt pinner and inkhorn; a goodly bag, embroidered with an antelope; a goodly hawk's lure, and 10 hoods; a goodly prymer, with fair images well limned, and gold clasps with the arms of England; another covered with crimson velvet; a buckler dressed with silver and gilt, with the arms of England, castles, roses, and pomegranates; a dagger, the haft coral, the chape gold; a gold castle and a hawthorn; a bundle of silver cramp-rings.
Within the gardevyande. A tergat of the Passion, &c.; 2 Georges on foot, and dragons; a George on a red horse on a mount; a little round brooch, with a George on horseback; a little token garnished with small pearls; a carkeyn, with L and K; a collar of olyvants of gold, with 3 pointed diamonds hanging to it, and Our Lady; a little gold flagon for rosewater; a pair of gold snuffers; an Agnus of "stole" work; a premer covered with green satin; a pair of gloves, two pair of knives, and a maser, that were good king Henry's (delivered to the dean of Windsor); a silver gilt combcase, with H and K; a gentlewoman, holding a leyer in her hand, silver gilt, (delivered to Mr. Wyat); a lure, embroidered with a bear on one side, and a fountain, with 2 unicorns on the other; a horn of glass, flewed with silver and gilt; a proper shaving cloth; a green silk leash; a collar of garters that were the King's when prince; 22 gold coifs, and 3 black silk and gold; a coif with gold pipes, garnished with 27 small pearls and 1 great pearl; a piece of a gown of cloth of gold, lined with crimson sarcenet (for the sacrament); a piece of arras of the Passion (delivered to the clerk of the closet); a dragon tongue, with a black lace at it (to the cellar); 2 greyhound collars with latten tyrretts; a corporax case and a goodly bag; a gold whistle, with a black lace (delivered to the King); a brooch of St. Roche; 18 hawks' hoods; 6 garters of goldsmith's work; 5 coifs, one having 12 pearls; 9 pair of gold bells; gold doghooks; a register of gold; a dial of latten (struck out); a gold hawk's hood, garnished with 6 rubies and 7 pearls; divers brooches and aglets, which were the King's when his Grace was prince (struck out); divers pieces of broken stuff that were the French queen's (struck out); 2 embroidered doublets; a Spanish purse with gold tassels, delivered to the wardrobe to Jas. Worsley; a carkeyn of gold, with all the King's devices, and a shield with a pillar at it; a painted leather bracer, with gold buckle and pendant; 2 crosses of Henry's making, Our Lady in one, St. George in the other; 2 carkeyns with a blue heart and a syphus; another with a blue heart and H and K; a chain of cable fashion; a gentlewoman's hand of gold, with an enamelled bracelet, set with 8 pointed diamonds and 4 pearls; 3 rings, diamond, emerald, and ruby, on her fingers, holding a red and white rose, with a balas in the midst; a dove standing on a mount, with a crown, and a ruby about her neck; a white greyhound and a dragon standing upon mounts; 7 trefoils with pearls; a silver gilt box, with the ring that married Henry VI. and his Queen (to the King); the keys of king Henry's box of Windsor (to the dean of Windsor); the garnishing that belonged to the King's headpiece, set with 52 "course balas," and 36 pearls; a carkeyn with 2 hands holding a heart, with a hanging pearl, given by the Queen; 2 pearls set in gymmewes; a pomander with ostrich feathers and red roses; 35 long buttons with H and E; a dymysent for a woman, of stole work, with a little chain, the buckle garnished with 12 pearls and 2 rubies; an eagle with a ruby between his feet; a tergat of the Passion, with Our Lady; St. George on foot, with a shield of borall; 3 pieces of gold with white greyhounds upon them; a silver gilt box for green ginger; a lion with divers garnishing, for the King's headpiece; another device for a headpiece, set with 3 square balasses, standing in a white and red rose, with branches of pearls ...; 7 trueloves of pearls; 2 flagons for rose water, of stone, garnished with stone and pearl; a great fourfold chain, with letters across it, one link wreathed, another plain, with a great whistle, garnished with one ruby, one lozenge diamond, and 5 other diamonds; a collar of the Towzon; a silver standish with H and E upon it; 54 black rolls of gold with a scripture; 53 white and 50 red rolls of gold, and others russet and blue; 5 valentines of goldsmith work; a coffer of borall standing upon open work, garnished with silver and gilt (to my lord Cardinal); (this item is struck out); a tablet of St. John Baptist; St. John's head in a dish; a white velvet bonnet, with a brooch of St. George, and 23 buttons; another of crimson satin, with a brooch of a ship, and 3 pair of aglets; 8th day ... [ann]o Xmo, delivered to Amadas, a buckle and pendant, with enamelled letters and studs, white and red, &c.; 2 crimson velvet bonnets, one with 12 pair of aglets, the other with 36 pair; a Milan bonnet, with 5 pair of aglets, and 3 pair of small buttons; a black bonnet with a brooch of the Maundy; another of russet velvet, with a brooch of the Salutation; velvet and silk hats; a shield with an oak; and many other items. At the end, "Visa." There are marginal notes of the persons to whom many of the articles are delivered; some are marked as "broken stuff," and others are crossed out.
Pp. 26, mutilated and defaced.
Since coming to Liesnes, we have surveyed the marsh lands, wood lands, &c., about the late monastery, the parsonages of Raynham and Alvetheley, a marsh called Colherberd in Essex, the manors of Bawdwyns and Fulhams, and the ground beside Dertford, called Gamlyngams Brokes. None of the tenants of Lesnes can inform them about quit-rents, unless it be Pemsey, who has often refused them information. He and Sir Ric. Walden intend to defraud Cromwell of some lands which Pemsey alone knows about; for it appears by a book of sesse that there should belong to Liesnes 600 acres of marsh, and they cannot account for nearly so many. People here are so obstinate, they were four days before they could get a man to show them the lands in Plumsted belonging to the manor of Fulhams. Would have come to Cromwell today, had he not sent for them. Will now depart immediately for Newyngton and Merdin. Ric. Swyft desires to know where Cromwell will stay, that he may prepare for his coming.
Pemsey has made Mr. Draper obstinate by telling him Cromwell loved him not.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his right worshipful Master Cromwell. Endd.
"The names of the ministers of the chapel of Cardinal College, in the University of Oxford, departed from the said College without licence obtained;" sc., Sir Henry Medow, Chris. Leylond, Ric. Prince, Th. Loovell.
P.1. Endd.
"Received of the revenues of the late monastery of Wallingford, ao H. Octavi 20mà.—Of John Purdon, 48l., 16 June, for half-year's farm of Chobingdon parsonage, 53s. 4d. Of John Burgon, auditor, for a portion of tithe in Hertfordshire, paid by the prioress of Hallywell, 46s. 8d.
Liesnes: Of Sir John Norton, half-year's rent of the parsonage of Newington and Flashe Marshe, 12l. 13s. 4d. Of John Abell, part of fine, 10l.
Praye: 8 Oct., of Hen. Jakman, a quarter's rent of the manor and parsonage of Wynge, 8l.
Sandwell: Of Will. Gardyner, half-year's farm of Elsburge parsonage, 40s.
Thobye: Of Anth. Cavelarye, part of revenues of the monastery, 30l.
Tombrige: Of Mrs. Berney, wid., rent in Stokesby, 8l.
Wikes: Of revenues, 4l. 13s. 4d.
ii. Payments by Thos. Crumwell about the business of my Lord's college, from Mich. 19 to 20 Hen. VIII.—Rewards to clerks of Exchequer, and for signed bills, privy seals and patents for Cromwell, Mr. Croke, Mr. Byrton, and others. "For vellum and making great letters for my Lord his patents," 13s. For Cromwell's and Croke's costs at Hampton Court, 4 days, with 8 horses, 19s. 4d.
Expences about the finding of "offices" (inquisitions).—Costs of Cromwell and Croke riding to Oxford, and being there with 10 horses for 11 days, 13l. 12s. Cromwell's costs, riding with 6 horses for 20 days in Bucks, Beds, Essex, Suffolk, and Herts, 13l. 0s. 5d.
Rewards to escheators, sheriffs, &c. at the finding of the "offices."—To the escheator of Surrey, for finding the office of Rowholt and Godstone, 40s. To his clerk, 3s. 4d. To the undersheriff, 3s. 4d. To 4 bailiffs, 4s. To the escheator of Oxf. and Berks, for offices for Wallingford, Fredyswide's, and Litlemore, 4l. To the undersheriff, 20s. To the escheator's clerks, 6s. 8d. To the town clerk of Oxford, 6s. 8d. To 10 bailiffs "waring th'enquest," 16s. 8d. To certain criers, 2s. To the wife of Graundpounde, 2s. To the escheator of Bucks, at finding the office of Wallingford, 40s. To the undersheriff, 6s 8d., &c. To the same escheator at finding the office of Pray, 40s., with payments to his clerk, under-sheriff, &c. To the escheator of Suffolk at finding the offices of "certain omissions,"* 40s., with minor fees to under-sheriff, town clerk of Ipswich, &c. To the escheator of Essex, at finding "offices of the omissions of Blakamore, Typtre, Wykes, and Liesnes," 40s., &c. To the esch. of Herts, at finding an office for Pray, 40s., &c.
Costs of juries at the finding of the offices:—Dinner of one jury and their horse-meat in Surrey, 31s. Same for escheator, sheriffs, under-sheriffs, and 2 juries in Oxfordshire, 4l. In Berkshire, 45s. 6d. In Bucks, 48s. 9d., for Wallingford. In Bucks and Beds, 53s. 11d. In Gypswiche, for 2 juries, 4l. 9s. 10d. At Royligh, in Essex, 47s. 6d. In Herts, for Pray, 48s. 11½d.
Hire of horses and men to ride and give notice to the escheator and sheriffs. Horse and man from London to Oxfordshire, with the man's costs. 6s. 8d. Same from London to Bucks, 8s. 4d. To Suffolk, 6s. 8d.
For carriage of evidences from Wallingford to Oxford. Canvas, and maling cord, 14d. Man and horse from W. to O., 14d. Paper, 6d. 1 1b. wax, 8d.
Rewards to Mr. Croke's clerks for correcting my Lord's books, and writing offices.
Fees to clerks of privy signet, privy seal, &c. To Steph. Vaughan, for writing all the evidence and charters of my Lord's college in two great long rolls, 6l. 17s. 9d.
Expences riding down to Oxford, taking possession of the lands of Wyng and Walingforde. For himself, 7 horses and 6 men, for 11 days, 5l. 3s. 2d. To children and others present at taking possession, 17s. 2d. Cheer made to the tenants, 31s. 4d.
Cromwell's expences.—To Hert, for vellum, parchment, and drawing of great letters, 39s. 2d. Payments to Gerarde, Lymsey, Croke, Oxeley, and to Steph. Vaughan, for writing. To Mr. Jude, for silk and gold lace. For 4 1b. wax, 16d. For 18 boxes to put the charters in, 16s. 8d. For 3 baskets left at Ipswich to carry silk to Hampton Court, 5s. To my lord Chief Justice and Mr. Shelley's clerks, for making sure the benefice of Rudby, 20s. Boat hire to Hampton Court, and servant's costs to the More. For Paige's costs divers times to Hampton Court, 3s. 1d. For a car, 8d. For my costs at Hampton Court, 2 Aug., 3s. 4d.
To the prioress of Wykes, 30 Oct.—H. VIII., for her half-year's pension, 5l. To Rob. Joyner, for fines, 38s. For my half-year's fee at Mich., 10l.
iii. Money spent at finding offices for Sir Will. Compton's heir. For half a ream of paper, 2s. 6d. 2 doz. parchment, 7s. 4d. For 22 writs, 56s. To the escheator of London, 40s. To the secondary, 6s. 8d. To 2 serjeants, 5s. 4d. To one of the clerks of the counter, 2s. 4d. To the jury, for their cheer, 26s. 8d. Similar fees to the eschs. and other officers of Essex, Middlesex, Kent, and Bucks.
Pp. 13. With corrections in Cromwell's hand.
R. O. 2. Duplicate of the first two pages of the preceding.
ii. Enclosure in § 2.
To Mr. Cromwell.
24 yds. blue bawdkyn, at 17s. 23 yds. white bawdkyn, "florisshed" blue, green, and gold, at 14s. 24 yds. 1½ q. rich white bawdkyn, at 17s. 24 yds. white bawdkyn, flourished with red, green and blue, silk and gold, at 17s. 36 yds. coarse white bawdkyn, at 14s. 7¾ yds. "satten fugury," at 12s. 28 5/8 yds. cloth of gold, with red velvet church work, at 23s. 4d. = 140l. 7s. 3½d.
P. 1.
R. O. 3. Draft indenture, dated _ 20 Hen. VIII., between cardinal Wolsey and Sir William Weston, prior of St. John's, by which the latter grants to the former the manors of Sampford, Littlemore, Horsepath, &c.
Paper roll; corrected.
R. O. 4. Indenture, dated _ 20 Hen. VIII., between Lady Anne Seyntleger, widow of James Seyntleger, and daughter and co-heir of Thos. late earl of Ormond, Sir George Seyntleger, s. and h. apparent of the said James and Lady Anne, on the one part, and John Hygdon, dean of Wolsey's college in Oxford, on the other; witnessing that by the mediation of Sir John Fitz-James, chief justice of England, it was agreed that the said Lady Anne and George should acknowledge, by fine, all their rights in the lands of the monastery of Thykford, Bucks, in Thykford, Chechylley, Thykthorn, Newport-Pagnell, and other places named, to be the right of the Dean and Canons.
Draft, pp. 7, large paper.
5. Bargain and sale by Thomas Crumwell, of London, in the name of Wolsey, to Sir Peter Vavasour, of the manor of Baddisworth, Yorksh., made over to Crumwell for Wolsey, by Will. Bank, by indenture, dated 21 June 20 Hen. VIII. Dated _ 20 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 7, large paper.
R. O. 6. Bargain and sale by William Banke, of Baddisworth, Yorksh., to Thomas Crumwell, of London, to the use of Wolsey, of the manor of Baddysworth, for [350 marks ready money]. (fn. 8) Dated _ 20 Hen. VIII.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, with corrections by Cromwell; pp. 7.
Cott. App.
XLVIII. 71. B. M.
7. The Canons of Wolsey's college to Wolsey. Letter of thanks for his great munificence. Mention of the bishop of Lincoln and Dr. Stubbs.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 2.
Ib. 75. 8. Wolsey's college, Oxford, to Wolsey. Celebrating his praises in a high strain. Will use all their efforts that his labors in their behalf be not in vain. "Oxoniæ ex collægio (sic) tuo ... [d]ivi Hugonis."
Lat., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: "Rmo, &c. Thomàe card. Ebor. a latere legato.
Ib. 72. 9. The Canons of Wolsey's college to Wolsey. The only return they can make for his great liberality is by the gratitude and respect they show to him.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 2.
Ib. 73. 10. The Canons of Wolsey's college to Wolsey. Everybody concurs in singing his praises. Wolsey's virtues have added glory to England.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 2.
Ib. 74. 11. The Minor Canons of Wolsey's college to Wolsey. If Desiderius Erasmus was afraid, through Wolsey's magnificence, to write to him, or dedicate to him any of his productions, much more should they be. They will veil his praises rather than deteriorate them by their poor abilities.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 2.
Ib. 69 a. 12. _ College to Wolsey. Beg that he will not cease to exhort the King to perfect and ornament their college. Thank Wolsey for his singular munificence. As his house is frequented by the nobility and ambassadors of all countries, beg that he will suggest to the King that nothing redounds so much to his honor as the promotion of letters.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 2.
Cott. App.
49 b. B. M.
"* * * munere sceleratus ille occubuit, cujus necis contra omne fas peracti sunt modo rei procurator noster ejusque commilitones, insatiabili oppidanorum invidia in nos scholasticos tuos." Beg him to protect their innocence. Are sure he will approve when he hears the whole circumstances. Who will be safe if men are allowed to do injury in spite of the magistrates? Who will repel their force, if it is not safe for the magistrates to put to death robbers, "repugnantes a casu," and whom they are unable to arrest alivé Shall those who plot death against the magistrates be allowed to live unpunished? Cambridge, postridie Natalis ... Subscribed: "[Add]ictiss. scolastici."
Lat., mutilated, p.1; first leaf wanting.
Cott. App. 48.
B. M.
2. Thank him for his benefits. He is the only person to whom they ever have recourse in their troubles. "Contigit non adeo m ... R. D'ne, jussu vicecancellarii, excubiis nocturnis dedisse ... nostrum. A quo suo munere deturbatus est pro Davida ... hominem latrocinio, furto et homicidio (ut ... nia non o ... hunc fovebant cum hospitii ipsius nequam a[liq]uot tum ... vocant) oppidi, qui in academiàe contur ... sunt veriti procuratorem illum passim ... judicare potest Celsitudo tua ... qui ... ad pocula invitasset" ... * * *
Lat., mutilated, p.1. Add.: R., &c., Thomàe card. leg. et cancellario, &c.
Cott. App. 50.
B. M.
In praise of his virtues, which have gained him the love of the King and the country, and the fame of which caused pope Leo to confer on him the cardinal's hat. Request his patronage in support of their privileges.
P.1, mutilated. Headed: Sanctissimo, &c., Thomæ card. Eboracensi archiep. necnon cancellario, &c., vice-cancellarius Cantabrigià, &c.
Thanks him for his letter, and for the kindness he has shown her in her absence. Begs his continuance, for she had never so much need. Tonight a servant of my lord's Grace, and a servant of the King, came to sequester such poor goods as her husband left. Knebworth, Thursday night.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my very trusty friend, Mr. Cromwell. Endd.
Dr. Marshall is trying to move him to resign, which he cannot lawfully do, as he is a bishop, and his abbey is in perpetual commendam. Is bound by his bull of consecration not to alienate his living without papal licence. Has offered all that is lawful, as the bearer will show. Asks his help in this matter, and also in that about which the bishop of Hereford has written to Wolsey. Sends a copy of his letter. Westminster, Monday morning.
Hol., p.1. Add.: To Master Cromwell.
R. O. 5122. W. CLAYTON, priest, to CROMWELL.
Being absent on his Lord's business, requests Cromwell to remember his matter. Wishes Sir Thos. Breworth were named; he was lately in a contempt before my lord's Grace. Sends him a token, and my lord of St. Mary's charter, which he wishes written by Friday night.
Hol., p.1. Add.: To Master Cromwell, besides the Friar Augustines.
Diploma of D.D. to Will. Ynold, of the University of Cambridge, granted by Will. episc. Auriensis (bp. of Oran?), (fn. 9) vicegerent and commissary of Thos. card of York, legate.
Lat., pp. 3.
R. O. 5124. SUBSIDY.
A volume of receipts of clerical and lay subsidy.
The following is an analysis of its contents.
Lay Fifteenth and Tenth, granted 3 Hen. VIII.—(p. 108) Mich. ao 13. Lancash. 4l. 13s. 4½d._(p. 180) Mich ao 18. Devon, 20l. Total, 24l. 13s. 4½d.
Receipts signed by More and Wiat.
Lay Fifteenth and Tenth, 4 Hen. VIII.
Mich. ao 10, (p. 21) Beds 13s. 1½d.
Easter ao 13, (p. 106) Yorks. 35l. 11s. 1d.
Mich. ao 13, (p. 109) Lancash. 6l. 13s. 10d.
Mich. ao 17, (p. 188) Yorks. 10l.
Mich. ao 18, (p. 179) Lancash. 2l.
Total, 54l. 18s. 0½d.
Receipts by Heron, More and Wiat.
First Clerical Tenth, granted 4 Hen. VIII._(p. 3) Easter 9 Hen. VIII., Suff. 9l. 11s. 0½d._(p. 118) Easter 14 Hen. VIII., Kent 5l. 4s. 2d. Total, 14l. 15s. 2½d.
Second Clerical Tenth, 4 Hen. VIII._(p. 5) Easter ao 9, Suff. 5l. 12s. 2½d.
Third Clerical Tenth, 4 Hen. VIII._(p. 7) Easter ao 9, Suff. 44l. 16s. 92/1d._ (p.27) Easter ao 10, Suff. 17l. 14s. _(p.129) 15, Herefordsh. 2l. Total, 64l. 10s. 9½d.
Fourth Clerical Tenth, 4 Hen. VIII.—(p. 30) Easter ao 9, Lincolnsh. 20l. Warwicksh. 8d. Herefordsh. 18l. Suff. 213l. 5s. Norf. 140l. Shropsh. 40l. Worcestersh. 40l. = 411l. 5s. 8d. _ Mich. ao 9, Worcestersh. 203l. 6s. 8d. Herefordsh. 9l. Hunts 78l. Bucks 30l. (p. 39) Middlx. (from the abbot of Westm.) 139l. 3s. 8d. = 460l. 0s. 4d._(p. 41) Easter ao 10, Bucks 31l._(p. 34) Mich. ao10, Worcestersh. 120l. Lincolnsh. 58l. Suff. 130l. =308l._(p. 35) Easter ao 11, Suff. 176l. 6s. 8d._(p. 36) Easter ao 12, Staffordsh. 10l._Mich. ao 12, Staffordsh. 10l._(p. 119) Easter ao 14, Staffordsh. 13l. 10s. 9d._(p. 129) Mich. ao 15, Kent 7l. Total, 1,420l. 3s. 5d.
Receipts by Heron, Wiat, and More.
The Subsidy granted by the Laity, ao5, Easter 9 Hen. VIII._(p. 1) Shropsh. 21l. 10s. (p. 10) Warwicksh. 15l. 2s. 6d. Total, 36l. 12s. 6d._(p. 1) Easter 10 Hen. VIII. Shropsh. 2l. 0s. 4d._(p. 11) Mich. 10 Hen. VIII. Lancash. 17l. 3s. 4d. Suff. 12d._Easter 11 Hen. VIII. Suff. 18d._Mich. 11 Hen. VIII. Surrey 12d._(p.178) Mich. 18 Hen. VIII. Lancash, 2l. 15s. 4d._Mich. 19 Hen. Suff. 27l. 15s. 4d. Total, 86l. 9s. 4d.
The receipts by Heron and Sir Henry Wiat.
Lay Fifteenth and Tenth, granted 5 Hen. VIII.
Mich. ao 17. (p. 188) Bedfordsh. 4l.
The receipt signed by Sir Henry Wiat.
Lay Subsidy 6 Hen. VIII._(p. 16) Easter ao 9, Warwicksh. 55l. 0s. 4d. Gloucestersh. 60l. 2s. West Riding of York, 83l. 0s. 8d. Sussex 25l. =223l. 3s._Mich. ao 9. East Riding, 15l. 14s. 2d._(p. 116) Easter ao 13. Suff. 10l. 0s. 4d._(p. 128) Mich. ao 15. Warwicksh. 9l. 12s. 6d. Total, 258l. 10s.
Receipts by Sir John Heron and Thos. More.
First Clerical Tenth, granted 7 Hen. VIII._(p. 43) Mich. ao 9. Berks 100l. Hunts 40l. Herefordsh. 13l. 6s. 8d. Worcestersh. 100l. Wilts 31l. =284l. 6s. 8d.
(p. 45) Easter ao 10. Worcestersh. 40l. Suff. 103l. Bucks 28l. Warwicksh. 20l. Herefordsh. 9l. =200l.
(p. 46) Mich. ao 10. Dorset 24l. 6s. 6d. Berks 33l. 6s. 8d. (p. 51) Dorset 24s. Suff. 110l. =168l. 17s, 2d.
(p. 47) Easter ao 11. Middx. 69l. 11s. 10d. Staffordsh. 40l. (p. 52) Shropsh. 15l. 0s. 3d. Northamptonsh. 20l. Suff. 84l. Worcestersh. 20l. Kent 140l. (p. 54) Middx. 69l. 11s. 10d. l. Worcestersh459l. 3s. 11d.
(p. 56) Mich. ao 11. Wilts 4s. 10d. Worcestersh. 40l. Hunts 50l. Derbysh. 50l. Bucks 40l. Berks 40l. (p. 62) Worcestersh. 120l. Suff. 90l. Wilts 20l.= 450l. 4s. 10d.
Easter ao 12, (p. 49) Hunts 10l. (p. 64) Wilts 10l.
Mich. ao 12, (p. 23) Worcestersh. 86l. 13s. 4d. Hunts 73l. 13s. 4d. Kent 20l. Southwell 10l. =190l. 6s. 8d.
Easter ao 13, (p. 110) Suff. 30l.
Easter ao 14, (p. 123) Suff. 44l.
Easter ao 19, (p. 181) North Wales 13l. 6s. 8d.
Total, 1,860l. 6s.
Second Clerical Tenth, 7 Hen. VIII._Mich. ao 11. (p. 57) Suff. 140l. Devon 170l. 5s. (p. 65) Hants 20l. =330l. 5s.
Easter ao 12, (p. 58) Wilts 40l. Essex 5l. 1s. 3d. Sussex 16l. Suff. 80l. Kent 90l. Lincolnsh. 40l. Warwicksh. 24l. 4s. 1d. Hunts 40l. =355l. 5s. 4d.
Mich. ao 12, (p. 60) Herefordsh. 12l. Northamptonsh. 20l. Lincolnsh. 40l. Hunts 40l. (p. 66) Hants 40l. Kent 60l. Beds 72l. 6s. 11d. Cornw. 51l. 15s. 6½d. Lincolnsh. 20l. Berks 100l. Worcestersh. 100l. =556l. 2s. 5½d.
Easter ao 13, (p. 112) Northamptonsh. 20l. Berks 25l. =45l.
Mich. ao 13, (p. 113) Hunts 10l. Suff. 20l. Norf. 30l. London, 66l. 13s. 4d. (p. 114) London 40l. =166l. 13s. 4d.
Easter ao 14, (p. 122) Chesh. 5l. 5s. 4d. (p. 124) Northamptonsh. 60l. Hunts 20l. Norf. 39l. 0s. 11d. Derbysh. 20l. Oxon. 11l. 5s. 10d. London 66l. 13s. 4d. =242l. 5s. 5d.
Mich. ao 14, (p. 126) Hunts 40l. Derbysh. 4l. Herefordsh. 14l. =58l.
Mich. ao 15, (p. 130) Herefordsh. 5l.
Easter ao 16, (p. 132) Devon 3l. 13s. 9½d.
Easter ao 18, (p. 186) Sussex 24l.
Easter ao 20, (p. 260) Worcestersh. 46l. 19s.
Total, 1,833l. 4s. 4d.
Receipts by Heron, More, Wiat, John Myklowe, and Sir John Cutte.
Lay Subsidy of 6d. in 1l., 7 Hen. VIII.
(p. 68) Easter ao 9, Worcestersh. 77l. 3s. 4d. Hertfordsh. 40l. Lincolnsh. 306l. 3s. 8d. Somerset 280l. 8s. 2d. Derbysh. 20l. Staffordsh. 85l. 18s. 10d. Notts 92l. 13s. 6d. Bucks 230l. 6s. 6d. Wilts 15l. 7s. 7d. Norwich 130l. Southwark 232l. 19s. 8d. Town of Northampton 80l. Kent 532l. 13s. 8d. Berks 217l. 13s. 6d. Cambridgesh. 39l. Leicestersh. 24l. Suff. 220l. 10s. London 151l. Bedfordsh, 26l, 3s. Sussex 54l. 5s. Essex 40l.=2,721l. 19s. 1½d.
(p. 73) Mich. ao 9. Hertfordsh. 182l. 7s. Suff. 46l. 16s. 8d. Beds 16l. 7s. Cambridgesh. 62l. 9s. 8d. Gloucestersh. 46l. 12s. Essex 55l. 17s. 5d. Sussex 53l. 16s. 10d. Shropsh. 12l. 0s. 6d. Herefordsh. 18l. Wilts 40l. 13s. 4d. Worcestersh. 18l. 16s. 5d. Leicestersh. 11l. 16s. 6d. Somerset 26l. 13s. 4d. =591l. 6s. 8d.
(p. 76) Easter ao 10. Northamptonsh. 80l. 6s. 2d. Hertfordsh. 15l. 9s. 8d. =95l. 15s. 10d.
(p. 77) Mich. ao 10. Somers. 34l. 4s. 4d. Essex 53l. Yorks. 71l. 14s. 10d. =158l. 19s. 2d.
(p. 79) Easter ao 11. Yorks. 6d. Essex 7l. Shropsh. 14l. 4s. 4d. =21l. 4s. 10d.
(p. 18) Mich. ao 11. Suff. 14l.
(p. 19) Easter ao 12. Kent 8l. 6s. 8d. Sussex 20l. Essex 9l. 10s. Gloucestersh. 10l. Suff. 27l. =74l. 16s. 8d.
(p. 20) Mich. ao 12. Notts 41l. 5s. 8d. Suff. 19l. 10s. 6d. Sussex 37l. 7s. 6d. Essex 9l. =107l. 3s. 8d.
(p. 117) Mich. ao 13. Lancash. 9l. 4s. 6d._(p. 127) Mich. ao 14. Dorset 4l. 18s. 11d.
(p. 131) Easter ao 16. Yorks. 20l._.(p. 132) Mich. ao 16. Yorks. 20l.
(p. 131) Easter ao 17. Lancash. 2l. 5s. 6d._(p. 187) Easter ao 18. Suff. 11l. 17s. 6d._(p. 185) Mich. ao 18. Lancash. 4l. 19s. 6d. Cornw. 5l._(p. 184) Easter ao 19. Cornw. 5l.
Total, 3,868l. 11s. 10½d.
Receipts by Heron, More, and Wiat.
Lay Fifteenth and Tenth granted 7 Hen. VIII.
Mich. ao 9, (p. 81) Wilts 439l. Kent 80l. Hants 148l. 15s. 7½d. Norwich 20l. Cambridgesh. 409l. 17s. 3½d. Suff. 74l. Salisbury, 65l. 6s. 10d. Essex 50l. Oxon 60l. Cambridge town 20l. Middx. 49l. Norf. 40l. =1,454l. 19s. 9d.
Easter ao 10, (p. 85) Middx. 40l. 16s. 7½d. Cambridgesh. 46l. 1s. 2d. Devon 160l. Suff. 25l. 7s. 0½d. Oxon 100l. Staffordsh. 140l. Kent 140l. Lincolnsh. 7s. 0½d. Hertfordsh. 37l.=708l. 11s. 10½d.
Mich. ao 10, (p. 87) Oxon 57l. 13s. 8d. Essex 8l. 13s. 8d. Kent 18l. 2s. 8½d. Sussex 76l. Northamptonsh. 98l. Berks 40l. Norwich 60l. 7s. Dorset 33l. 6s. 8d. Staffordsh. 15l. 2s. 10d. Town of Cambridge 33l. 5s. 7½d. Wilts 68l. 16s. 8d. Lincolnsh. 80l. Southampton town 16l. Gloucestersh. 72l. 0s. 9d. =727l. 9s. 7d.
Easter ao 11, (p. 90) Berks 175l. 18s. 10d. Sussex 131l. 16s. 10½d. Hants 48l. Southampton town 30l. 10s. Staffordsh. 4l. 8s. 5d. Yorks. 79l. 10s. 10d. Hertfordsh. 23l. 19s. 8d. Essex 68l. Warwicksh. 100l. Lincolnsh. 98l. 8s. 2d. Somerset 60l. 16s. 6d. Wilts 45l. 3s. 8½d. Notts 48l. 6s. 10d. =636l. 9s.
Mich. ao 11, (p. 101) Warwicksh. 50l. 3s. 8d. Dorset 49l. Yorks. 8l. Lincolnsh. 40l. =147l. 3s. 8d.
Easter ao 12, (p. 102) Gloucestersh. 16l. Essex 1l. 6s. 8d. =17l. 6s. 8d.
Easter ao 13, (p. 104) Yorks. 6l.
Mich. ao 17, (p. 188) Gloucestersh. 6l.
Mich. ao 19, (p. 179) Yorks. 35l. 18s.
Total, 3,729l. 18s. 6½d.
Receipts by Heron, More, and Wiat.
The Lay Subsidy granted 14 Hen. VIII,
Mich. ao 15, (p. 133) Hants 1,081l. 6s. 11d. Oxon 63l. 6s. Kent 762l. 10s. 2d. Wilts 455l. 3s. 2d. Lincolnsh. 295l. 6s. 8d. Windsor 43l. 13s. 9d. Suff. 952l. 4s. 3d. Surrey 261l. 9s. 3d. Anglia (the King's chamber) 310l. 6s. 8d. Somerset 751l. 8s. 4d. Norfolk 1,231l. 4s. 7d. Dorset 249l. 7s. 4d. Hunts 158l. 9s. 10d. Sussex 546l. 0s. 2d. Yarmouth 108l. 10s. 10d. Cambridgesh. 149l. 13s. 2d. Berks 73l. Northamptonsh. 178l. 5s. 2d. Salisbury 375l. 4s. Derbysh. 74l. 1s. 7½d. Devon 1,642l. 14s. 4d. Essex 138l.=10,188l. 19s. 10d.
Easter ao 16, (p. 145) Norfolk 94l. 7s. 6d. Yorks. 260l. 10s. Staffordsh. 74l. 17s. 8d. City of Gloucester, 130l. 12s. 10d. Hants 83l. 19s. 5d. Kent 467l. Suff. 398l. 12s. 11d. Hereford town 102l. 12s. 10d. Lincolnsh. 387l. 10s. 3d. Worcestersh. 23l. Essex 77l. 19s. 9½d. Bucks 74l. 13s. 8d. Sussex 176l. 16s. 2d. Anglia (the King's chamber) 36l. 2s. 11d.; (the Queen's household) 7½d.; (the King's household) 2l. 16s. 3½d.; (the earl of Northumberland) 146l. Salisbury 19l. 17s. 6d. Berks 191l. 5s. 1d. Oxon 130l. Nottingham town 49l. Surrey 56l. 13s. 3d. Hunts 14l. 19s. Wilts 162l. 13s. 7d. Northamptonsh. 272l. 7s. 11d. Rutland 161l. 9s. 3d. Dorset 48l. 17s. 2d. Somerset 100l. Leicestersh. 26l. 2s. 4d. Stafford town 13l. 0s. 5d. Notts 1l. 18s. =3,685l. 7s. 2½d.
Mich. ao 16, (p. 156) Essex 272l. 4s. Kingston-on-Hull 127l. 4s. 4d. Yorks. 352l. 3s. 7d. York city, 187l. 4s. 2½d. Cornw. 22l. 6s. 2d. Staffordsh. 45l. 9s. Hants 34l. 1s. 8d. Oxon 72l. 10s. 5d. Surrey 18l. 11s. Kent 190l. 6s. 6½d. Lancash. 40l. 19s. 6d. Worcestersh. 206l. 11s. Nottingham town 5l. 15s. 4d. Devon 268l. 13s. 4d. Hunts. 13l. 18s. 9½d. Herefordsh. 59l. 13s. 8d. Hereford town 16l. 10s. 2d. Suff. 282l. 14s. 8d. Norf. 154l. 12s. 11½d. Notts 110l. 8s. 8d. Winchester 55l. 18s. 10d. Bucks 2l. 13s. 4d. Sussex 20l. 17s. 7d. Lincolnsh. 94l. 8s. 3d. Wilts 20l. 15s. 6d. Northampton town 19s. 8d. Beds 126l. 18s. 1d. Exeter 45l. 8s. 4d. Anglia (the French queen's household) 11l. 16s. 10d. Northamptonsh. 57l. 14s. 5d. Derbysh. 5l. (p. 190.) Middx. 48l. 16s. 5d. Wilts 446l. 2s. 2d. Anglia (the King's household) 200l. Cambridgesh. 282l. 13s. 1d. Suff. 447l. 9s. 3d. Kent 74l. 13s. 4d. Norf. 1,163l. 6s. 5d. Hants 321l. 12s. 6d. Northamptonsh. 74l. 11s. 3d. Anglia (countess of Devon) 53l. 12s. 6d. Bath 14l. Dorset 477l. 5s. 1d. Somerset 263l. 16s. 3d. Sussex 315l. Town of Northampton 76l. 16s. 6d. Lincolnsh. 242l. 14s. 8d. =7,377l. 1s. 4d.
Easter ao 17, (p. 172) Shropsh. 14l. 13s. 1d. Leicestersh. 6l. 10s. Northamptonsh. 36l. 0s. 4½d. Kent 51l. 15s. 4d. Lancash. 24l. 16s. 6d. Norf. 10l. 1s. 10d. Derbysh. 7l. 13s. 11d. Oxon 6l. 12s. Beds 21l. 15s. 6d. Exeter 17l. 8s. Suff. 8s. Gloucestersh. 7l. 13s. 5d. Staffordsh. 8l. (p. 197) Northamptonsh. 564l. 1s. 2d. Norwich 400l. Notts 228l. 13s. 2d. Dorset 448l. 4s. 9d. Sussex 790l. 16s. 9d. Hants 925l. 16s. 7d. Bristol 264l. 14s. 5d. Yorks. 550l. 14s. 11d. Norf. 857l. 8s. 11d. Leicestersh. 303l. 0s. 3d. Anglia (the King's household) 197l. 10s.; (Lord Willoughby) 33l. 3s.; (Sir Arthur Plantagenet) 39l. 0s. 6d.; (Lord Audeley) 9l. 15s. 2d.; (Lord Dudley) 21l. 3s. 6d.; (the Queen's chamber) 90l. 6s. 8d.; (Lords Thos. Cobham and Edw. Clynton) 12l. 4s.; (the French queen's household) 13l. 8s. 4d. Rutland 63l. 1s. 2d. Beds 119l. 4s. 6d. Berks 707l. 3s. 7d. Warwicksh. 50l. Wilts 420l. 5s. 10d. Gloucestersh. 544l. 17s. 6d. Gloucester city, 214l. 15s. 4d. Lincolnsh. 289l. 11s. 1d. Rochester 43l. 11s. Surrey 720l. 18s. London 821l. 13s. 4d. Worcestersh. 175l. 0s. 4d. Derbysh. 79l. 5s. 8d. Oxon 168l. 0s. 2d. Kent 568l. 0s. 5d. Suff. 1,233l. 19s. Somerset 457l. 3s. 4d. Staffordsh. 34l. Devon 268l. 6s. 10½d. Shrewsbury 94l. 1s. Hertfordsh. 150l. 1s. 10d. Essex 533l. 18s. 11d. Middx. 279l. 1s. 8d. Hunts 43l. 12s. 4d. Bucks 13l. 5s. Shropsh. 73l. 5s. 7d. =14,130l. 5s. 0½d.
Mich. ao 17, (p. 175) Yorks. 55l. 11s. 6d. (p. 218) Leicestersh. 195l. 1s. 4d. Worcester town 125l. 8s. 8d. Shropsh. 32l. Essex 52l. 3s. 7½d. Kent 226l. 4s. 11d. Yorks. 72l. Northamptonsh. 30l. 4s. 10d. Sussex 46l. 1s. 8d. Surrey 43l. 14s. 6d. Berks 19l. 10s. 5d. Gloucestersh. 135l. 10s. 6d. Stafford town 12l. 10s. 8d. Norf. 58l. 11s. 4d. Herefordsh. 65l. 14s. 3d. Hertfordsh. 60l. Suff. 235l. 19s. 1d. Wilts 115l. 7s. 4d. Middx. 5s. 1½d. Norwich 100l. Rutland 42l. 16s. 4d. (p. 233) Suff. 41l. 16s. Bristol 6l. 16s. 6d. Northamptonsh. 26l. 6s. 6d. =1,399l. 16s. 1d.
Easter ao 18, (p. 176) Yorks. 2l. 8s. 2d. Lincolnsh. 20l. Derbysh. 20l. (p. 223) Anglia (Wolsey's household) 48l. 15s. Hertfordsh. 59l. 4s. 4d. Lancash. 29l. 9s. Wilts 42l. 11s. 11d. Beds 75l. 12s. 8d. Suff. 21l. 4s. 2d. Norwich 56l. 3s. 7d. Somerset 137l. Shropsh. 77l. 0s. 2d. Essex 49l. 13s. 10d. Yorks. 24l. 16s. 10d. Northamptonsh. 3l. 4s. 5½d. Derbysh. 40l. Oxon 87l. 2s. 11d. (p. 234) Surrey 14l. 19s. 2d. Lincolnsh. 18l. Notts 9l. 15s. Bucks 28l. 5s. 6d. Suff. 71l. 6s. Hants 155l. 6s. 10d. Northamptonsh. 31l. 16s. 6d. Somerset 36l. 9s. 4d. Yorks. 43l. 9s. 6d. Essex 74l. 17s. 6d. Sussex 25l. 7s. York city 3l. 18s. Norf. 52l. 6s. 6d. Shropsh. 8l. 15s. 6d. Dorset 4l. 11s. Derbysh. 13l. 3s. 6d. Gloucestersh. 7l. 3s. 2d. =1,393l. 17s.
Mich. ao 18, (p. 177) Lancash. 81l. 12s. 4d. (p. 227) Gloucestersh. 86l. 14s. 4d. Somerset 235l. 17s. 4d. Leicestersh. 20l. 4s. 3d. Bucks 176l. 6s. 9d. Warwicksh. 185l. 2s. 6d. Norf. 34l. 19s. Yorks. 191l. 6s. 5d. Suff. 91l. 7s. 6d. Derbysh. 5l. (p. 238) Anglia (the King's household) 126l. 18s. 4d.; (the King's chamber) 18l. 13s. 10d.; (the Queen's chamber) 20l. Staffordsh. 5l. 7s. 6d. Yorks. 13l. 3s. 4d. Warwicksh. 52l. 10s. 2d. Essex 24l. 5s. 2d. Hertfordsh. 17l. 1s. 6d. Gloucestersh. 54l. 5s. 10d. Oxon 17l. 11s. Wilts 80l. Notts 22l. 8s. 6d. Herefordsh. 16l. 15s. 4d. Norf. 123l. 14s. 2d. Kent 84l. 10s. 7d. Suff. 71l. 3s. 2d. Rutlandsh. 21l. 16s. Middx. 14l. 7s. 8d. London 95l. 7s. 6d. Leicestersh. 40l. 3s. 2d. Worcestersh. 9l. 19s. Sussex 12l. 13s. 4d. (p. 246) Northamptonsh. 14l. 12s. 6d. Rochester 11l. 14s. Cornw. 9l. 15s. Wilts 30l. Suff. 34l. =1,250l. 17s.
Easter ao 19, (p. 196) Berks 8l. 15s. London 19l. 7s. 10d. (p. 230) Norf. 3s. 8d. Yorks. 18l. 5s. 8d. Shropsh. 17l. 8s. 8d. Derbysh. 3l. 1s. 2d. Suff. 86l. 13s. Somerset 193l. (p. 243) Hunts 12l. 16s. 10d. Norf. 4l. 19s. Gloucestersh. 39l. 19s. 6d. Shropsh. 6l. 10s. 4d. Wilts 4l. 10s. 4d. Kent 43l. 11s. 7d. Lincolnsh. 22l. 8s. Staffordsh. 18l. 4s. 4d. Somerset 30l. 6s. 8d. Sussex 15l. Derby 20l. Anglia (the Queen's chamber) 29l. (p. 247) Gloucestersh. 50l. 15s. 8d. Northamptonsh. 11l. 12s. 2d. Wilts 285l. 2s. Surrey 39l. 14s. 4d. Worcestersh. 14l. 12s. 6d. Suff. 193l. 7s. 8d. Hunts 20l. 12s. 10d. Somerset 15l. 18s. 8d. Cornw. 21l. 2s. 6d. Herefordsh. 35l. 2s. Norf. 27l. 15s. Warwicksh. 16l. 2s. Kent 14l. 12s. 6d. Leicestersh, 5l. Middx. 40l. York city 28l. 4s. 8d. Cambridgesh. 9l. 17s.=1,359l. 14s. 1d.
Mich. ao 19. (p. 177) Anglia (the countess of Kent) 4l. (p. 232) Yorks. 6l. 17s. Suff. 90l. 2s. 6d. Anglia (the King's chamber) 32l. 4s. 6d. Norf. 7l. 5s. 6d. (p. 245) Suff. 21l. 9s. Cornw. 82l. Canterbury 29l. 17s. Sussex 10l. 8s. 8d. (p. 251) Essex 99l. 16s. 6d. Suff. 119l. 13s. Surrey 32l. 19s. 2d. Kent 101l. 2s. 7d. Hertfordsh. 32l. 4s. 2d. Leicestersh. 8l. 13s. Anglia (the King's household) 70l. 1s. 2d.; (the King's chamber) 2l. 10s. Norf. 85l. 13s. 2d. Lincolnsh. 103l. 4s. 2d. Yorks. 2l. 9s. Wilts 31l. 3s. 4d. Northamptonsh. 1l. 1s. 10d. Exeter 17l. 6s. 8d. Sussex 64l. 0s. 10d. Cornw. 12l. 13s. 6d. Chichester 12l. 13s. 6d=1,081l. 9s. 8d.
Easter ao 20, (p. 255) Norf. 12l. 7s. Northampton town 9l. 15s. Gloucestersh. 16l. 18s. 2d. Kent 38l. 13s. 2d. Norwich 94l. 14s. 10d. Cornw. 11l. 17s. 4d. Wilts 83l. 7s. Kingston-on-Hull 17l. 13s. (p. 261) Essex 8l. 15s. 6d. Lincolnsh. 3s. 4d. Anglia (the Queen's chamber) 7l. 18s. 10d. (p. 262) Northamptonsh. 20l. Yorks. 15l. 14s. 6d.=342l. 17s. 8d.
Mich. ao 20, (p. 257) Colchester 28l. 18s. 10d. Wilts 29l. 2s. 6d. Kent 7l. 6s. 5d. Oxon 12l. 5s. Notts 3l. 5s. 2d. Derbysh. 8l. 19s. 4d. Gloucestersh. 121l. 17s. 6d. (p. 260) Suff. 20l. Beds 70l. =301l. 14s. 10d.
Total, 42,511l. 19s. 9d.
Receipts by Wiat and Tuke.
George Wyndam, rector of St. Olave's, 63l. 6s. 8d. Christopher Lynam, rector of St. George's, 34l. John Farewell, rector of St. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, 14l. 3s. 4d. John Farewell, rector of Camberwell, 20l. Thomas Martyn, rector of Streatham, 18l. Hugh Hudson, vicar of Tooting, 8l. John Griffith, vicar of Wandsworth, 19l. John Rosse, vicar of Battersea, 13l. Henry Robinson, rector of Clapham, 8l. 13s. 4d. Dr. Chalner, rector of Lambeth, (fn. 10) 40l. 6s. 8d. John Rabone, chanter, at Lambeth, 6l. 13s. 4d. Gregory Farewell, rector of Rotherhithe, 22l.
Lat., pp. 4. Endd.: Archidiaconatus Surrey.
Award of Thos. Crumwell, of London, between Ralph Dodmer, alderman of London, and John Creke, merchant tailor, who have bound themselves in two obligations, dated 28 April 20 Hen. VIII., to abide by his arbitrament in matters touching the will of Will. Moncaster and certain bonds given to the said William by merchants of Bilboa.
Draft in Wriothesley's hand, pp. 7, with corrections by Cromwell.
R. O. 5127. ACCOUNTS.
Fragment of a memorandum book containing legal extracts and portions of accounts for 13, 17, 18, 19 and 20 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 17.
R. O. 5128. MEDICAL.
A posset for heat, and for swelling of the legs.
P. 1.
Decree of Wolsey, as legate, granting to Ric. Vowell, prior, and the convent of St. Mary, Walsingham, (considering that the universal devotion by which it was first sustained is now cooled by the perverse reviling of some and the pestiferous preaching of others,) the Augustine priory of St. Mary ad Fontes, Flycham, Norwich dioc., which has fallen into decay through neglect, and the possessions of which are adjacent to those of the former. Four resident canons must be maintained for the celebration of divine service. The prior promises to have daily mass performed for Wolsey, and to pay 10s. yearly to Ric. bp. of Norwich and his successors.
Lat., copy, pp. 3. Corrected in one place by Wolsey (?)
R. O. 5130. YORK HERALD.
Warrant to lord Sands, chamberlain, or Sir John Gage, vicechamberlain, and to Sir Thos. Wriothesley, Garter king-at-arms, to give T. B., (fn. 11) late L[ancaster] pursuivant, his creation as York herald, vacant by the death of N. T.
Draft, p. 1.
R. O. 5131. JOHN WELLDON, Chaplain, to CROMWELL.
Requests him to get Wolsey to write to the bishop of Meath that, on the voidance of the archdeaconry of Kenlys, which Mr. Tigram is likely to resign for a pension, "his Grace will be ordinary ratione suæ legationis," and that it may be given to the writer.
Headed: To the right worshipful Master Crumwell, one of my lord Cardinal's council.
App. XLVIII. 99. B. M.
Hears that Wolsey is in communication with the duke of Norfolk to purchase the lordship of Wyllyngton, in Bedfordshire, where Gostwick's family have been resident for 400 years. Begs that, when the bargain is concluded, he may for his ready money (sentence not concluded). Has spoken to Wolsey's treasurer, Sir Will. Gascoigne.
Hol., p. 1.


  • 1. Dean Constable died on the 15th July 1528, and was succeeded by George Henneage.
  • 2. The bill is not signed by the King, but it is signed by Wolsey at the bottom, where there is also a certificate by Ric. Lyster that John Daunce and John Hales have examined the annual value of the lordship of Sutton Colfield.
  • 3. See Sir Robert Wingfield's letter of the 8th Oct. 1528.
  • 4. It appears they were paid for 339 days in the year, i.e., 313 week days, and half the Sundays.
  • 5. Their names are here repeated, and among them have been entered that of the mayor of Calais (whose Christian name, Griffith, however, is only visible from the paper being torn,) and Geo. Phewilliam, lieutenant of the staple.
  • 6. Estimation.
  • 7. The second cause is not specified; perhaps some leaves are missing.
  • 8. Such were the terms as the draft originally stood. They are, however, crossed out, and a clause is added at the end, in which a blank is left for the consideration money.
  • 9. Pegge gives, "Aurensis episcopatus in Africa sub arch. Carthaginensi;" also, "Will'us Howe episcopus Aurensis, 1526."
  • 10. Rector from 1527 to 1541.—Allen's Lambeth, 18.
  • 11. According to Noble, Thos. Bysley, the only T. B. who appears to have been York herald, succeeded Ralph Lagysse, who died in 1528, and died at Midsummer in 1530. Neither he nor any other T.B. occurs as Lancaster herald.
  • 12. Originally written "St. Peter's and other."