Henry VIII: December 1528, 21-25

Pages 2206-2208

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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December 1528

21 Dec.
Vit. B. X. 185. B. M.
Asks for the release of alum arrested by D. John Derhans. London, 21 Dec. 1528. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
21 Dec.
R. O.
Indenture dated 21 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII. between Wolsey and Sir Will. Weston, prior of St. John's, by which the latter engages, at the next chapter of the Order, to make at Wolsey's expence a grant in fee-farm to the dean and canons of Cardinal's college, Oxford, of their manors of Sampford, Horsepath, Lytlemore, and Temple Cowley, Oxon. and Berks, a great messuage with a garden in Chauncellor Lane, in the suburbs of London, late in the tenure of Dr. Taylor, now Master of the Rolls, and now in that of the said dean and canons; at a rent of 26l. 13s. 4d.
Memorandum indorsed that this indenture was acknowledged in Chancery, 22 Dec. 20 Hen. VIII.
22 Dec.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 283.
5058. FRANCIS I.
Confirmation of the arrangement made by John du Bellay, bishop of Bayonne, with England, for transfer of the war from Flanders into Italy, and the sums promised therefor. S. Germain-en-Laye, 22 Dec. 1528.
Lat., vellum. Sealed.
R. O.
Rym. XIV. 284.
2. Commission to John du Bellay, bishop of Bayonne, to give acquittance to England for certain sums of money. S. Germain-en Laye, 22 Dec. 1528.
Lat., vellum. Seal broken.
23 Dec.
R. O.
Requesting him to discharge the arrest made in the Exchequer, at the suit of the town of Berwick, upon certain salmon belonging to Francis Bothwel and Adam Hoppar, merchants of Edinburgh, and Alexander Kaye, their factor. Edinburgh, 23 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
23 Dec.
R. O.
Thanks him for his protection against those who intended "repressing" him for executing Wolsey's commands. Master Norreis, one Wellis, and others, do all they can to bring him into Wolsey's displeasure. Begs him not to believe their untrue surmises. After Norris had been before Wolsey, he said, as it can be proved, that he would not kneel so long before him for an office of 2d. a day. Wellis was my old Lord's servant, and is gentleman sumner by patent, an office worth 8l. a year. He is, notwithstanding, the marquis of Exeter's servant, and has refused Wolsey's service himself, and persuaded others of my late Lord's servants to do the same. Sends "a poor present of no estimation." Twyford, 23 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To, &c., my lord Card. and Legate of England. Endd.
Cal. D. X. 190.
B. M.
5061. [BRIAN and VANNES] to WOLSEY.
"[Reverendissime] pater et domine, domine ... d ad vestram Reverendissimam D. scrib ... rrat, ut tamen de nostri itineris ... faciamus, has nunc literas dedi[mus] ... itaque die 24 hujus mensis ... dum de nostro itinere amicos quos a[pud] ... comperimus iter per Genuam tutissim[um] ... ipsis Gallis patere, aliud vero per Alexa[ndriam non tam] securum ob quorundam Hispanorum insid[ias, qui] Casellium in medio itinere occupant ... licere illac transire. Si aliquod equi[tatus] ... nobis adjunxerimus, decrevimus ideo ... diam potius iter facere, quam Andreæ Dori[æ] ... Præterea non absque ingenti animi moles[tia, ab] Genuensi intelleximus fratrem Generalem ... mensis Genuam appulisse, una duntax[at navi] et circiter octuaginta viris de ... Romam esse profectum, ut Hostiam, C ... et reliqua Pontifici restituat, d ... Cæsaris copias animandas sec ... inta millia ducatorum, ut cun[que] ... tentabimus, ne * * * ... unum petimus, ut nostram mo[ram] ... quam Regiæ Majestati molestam boni co[nsulas] ... ur et ne videamur de ejus ben[evolentia] ... ere rationes omittam, quæ nostram ta ... ent excusare. Ego Petrus valeo ... illis novem triremibus de quibus ... jusdam tabellarii sermone scripsimus in ... affirmatur.
"[Int]elligimus deinde filium D. Renzii in pa[tris ... c]astra a Venetiis navigantem cum pecun[iis ad]versa maris tempestate adactum in ma[rchionis de Gu]asti manum et potestatem incidisse.
"[Dici]tur quoque Pontificem in cardinalem creasse ... [Andr]iæ Doriæ. Lyons, ... ñ icæ."
In Vannes' hand; mutilated. Add.: Tho. card. Ebor. ac Apostolicæ Sedis legato, &c.
25 Dec.
Vesp. C. IV. 285*. B. M.
Wrote on the 17th inst. concerning a servant of the earl of Desmond who came hither, and of the committing of John Almayne to prison on suspicion of disclosing the Emperor's secrets to the French king. Has heard no more of these things, except that a subject of the King's, a merchant who has a suit in the Emperor's court, asked the Irishman whom he met at Almayne's house, what he did theré He answered that he came for matter of justice. But, as he went to none but Almayne, and was despatched in three weeks, it is impossible that he came for that purpose. Has written to Badcock to make enquiries at Biscay, and write to Tuke. Valladolid, Christmas Day 1528. Signed.
In Lee's hand; cipher, deciphered by Tuke; p. 1.Add. Endd.
25 Dec.
Le Grand, III. 259.
I was obliged to promise Wolsey to write to you immediately, that you might give orders about the posts of Picardy; for all those he has despatched for some time, both gentlemen and couriers, have excused their delays by want of horses; and the posts say they know not what to do, not having received a single sou of their wages, and will soon be compelled to give up entirely, which would lead to great inconvenience at this juncture, Wolsey being on the terms that I wrote to you by Thade. Nothing new has occurred since then. The whole court has retired to Greenwich, where open house is kept both by the King and Queen, as it used to be in former years. Mademoiselle de Boulan is there also, having her establishment (son cas) apart, as, I imagine, she does not like to meet with the Queen. I expect things will remain in this state till the return of Bryant. This is also Campeggio's opinion, who, I think, has good will to expedite the affair if he find the Pope agreeable. I think they will give him the bishopric of Durham in exchange for that he held in this country, which will be an improvement of 10,000 livres of rent. It is said he has lost as much by coming here, the Emperor having deprived him of a bishopric, which the Pope had given him in Spain, giving him another in its place, with which he is not satisfied. Our doctors from Flanders, of whom one is sealer to Mons. du Liege, the other a Spaniard, who has lived long in Flanders, have been with the King. They began their speech with the same language used by those who were there this summer, saying they wondered that the King would abandon his old friends for his mortal enemies, who only seek to overreach him. He did not fail to answer them, reproaching the Emperor with his great ingratitude, and setting forth the faith he had found in the King his brother. As to the marriage he plainly told them his intention. Till now they have had no dispatch, and I think after they have shown all they know to Campeggio (for they say they are not commissioned to speak to any one else) they will return to their friends. Still, if the opinion of your people is sent it will be welcome, and the explanation, if you have any, of the conspiracies you know about.
I hear that the bishop of Transylvania crossed the sea yesterday. He has not yet arrived here. I have made enquiry without showing myself much concerned about his voyage to the Ostrelins. I find it will not be possible to cross the sea until March, for until that time it will be frozen up, although they say that he may embark at the end of February, because it will take some time before he can reach the frozen sea. The new ambassador of Venice also came some time ago; he has been with Wolsey, and is appointed to be with the King on Sunday. Wolsey has already greeted him with the matter of Ravenna and Cervia. He speaks highly of the reception given him in France. The other will return shortly, and I think you should give him a good reception; for, so far as I can see, no two persons could be better inclined to France. London, 25 Dec.
Fr. Add.