Henry VIII: March 1528, 21-31

Pages 1807-1824

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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March 1528

21 March.
R. O.
4086. ITALY.
"Exemplum litterarum Nuntii Apostolici apud Lautrek de data diei xvj. Martii."
Gives an account of Lautrec's progress and movements at Troia.
ii. "Exemplum litterarum Nuncii Apostolici apud Lautrechum 21 Martii, ex felicissimis castris confœderatorum prope Trojam."
Describes the evacuation of Troia by the Imperialists, who retired towards Naples. Some think they will return. Peter of Navarre told me that the Imperialists will find no safety except at Capua or Benevento. The towns of Melphi and Venusia, and those of Apulia by the Mediterranean towards Barletta, have submitted to Lautrec, and many more may be expected to do the same. D. Marius Ursinus is sent to garrison them, with the 300 Germans with wh omhe entered Ascoli.
Many expect that Lautrec will remove the camp towards Manfredonia and Barletta, and after receiving the submission of all Apulia will go on to Naples; but nothing is determined. The Florentine troops will be here today, or at all events tomorrow. D. Petrus Alvisius de Tarneto and Petrus Maria de Rubeis are in Manfredonia with 2,000 foot and 200 horse.
Lat., pp. 2.
21 March.
Cal, D. X. 397.
B. M.
4087. [DU BELLAY] to WOLSEY.
"... Domine, ego nihil min[us cogitavi quam, te] inconsulto, adire ad Serenissimum [Dominum Regem; et] enim cum tota Chr. Regis mei volun[tas esset ni]hil ut velit te insciente, nihil sine con[sensu vestro] ... eo sum dimissus, mihi ut imprimis mandav[it] ... perlegenda tibi exhiberem, ad te omnia refer ... [et ea] quæ non probasses ut negligerem. Itaque ego ... non reperio. Nam apud hunc regem nisi ... quas curari a me Rex meus volebat, abs te v ... nihil ago. Ipsum ut statim non adeam quom ... committere non possum, nec debeo. Parendum enim [est et] utendum consilio tuo, non quia ab eo abhorream ... nihil abs te in regem meum proficisci posse quod [non] gratissimum, deinde quod te intelligam apud Regem ... mei causa tantum velle, ut si quicquam ego gerend ... peccavero, id tu possis, quæ tua est dexteritas ... tuo negotio resarcire. Adibo igitur, quando ... adibo ut cum rege salutato, consilia mei adu ... de iis integram rejiciam in adventum ... tuæ, quam Opt. Max. diu nobis e ..." London, 21 March.
Mutilated. Add.
22 March.
R. O.
Batch of five receipts to Sir Hen. Wyotte, farmer of the manor of Barnes, each for 16l. 6s. 8d., ranging from 8 Nov. 8 Hen. VIII. to 22 March 19 Hen. VIII., collected severally by Wm. Lichefeld, John Dowman, and John Smythe, receivers of the dean and chapter of St. Paul's cathedral, London.
Vit. B. X. 46.
B. M.
Desires the Signory to restore Ravenna and Cervia, and a quantity of salt and other goods of the Church, which they seized during the Pope's captivity. The ambassador in England told him that the towns were occupied to prevent their falling into the hands of the Imperialists, and the ambassador in France said the same to Wolsey.
It is now nearly three months since the Pope was liberated, but the King has not heard that the towns have been restored to him. Credence for the prothonotary Casale.
Lat., draft, pp. 2.
23 March.
R. O.
4090. GARDINER and FOXE to TUKE.
Arrived at Orvieto, on Saturday last, with no garments but the coats they rode in, which were much worn and defaced by the foul weather. Informed the Pope of their coming by Mr. Gregory, but had to stay at home that day and the next while their garments were "at the making." Had much difficulty from the dearness of everything. Commodities are conveyed into the town by asses and mules; and cloth, worth 20s. in England, is here 6l., and yet not procurable in any quantity. Had they not made provision for gowns at Luke, they would have had to borrow Spanish cloaks from the Pope's servants; and few men here have more garments than one. Master Gregory had to borrow as much as might furnish them with three beds. The day of their arrival was a very foul day; and within a mile of the town they had to pass a river on horseback, riding so deep that the water reached almost to their girdles. One of their servants is now in great danger from the wetting,—a young man, learned in physic, Greek and Latin, whose death would be a great loss. "We suppose ye know him well. His name is Richard Herde. He was wont to resort much to me, Steven Gardiner, there, and sometime dwelled with Master Chancellor of the Duchy" (More). Master Gregory says that in summer the south wind brings pestilence here from a river within a mile of the city. The place may well be called Urbs Vetus. No one would give it any other name.
Cannot tell how the Pope should be described as at liberty here, where hunger, scarcity, bad lodgings, and ill air keep him as much confined as he was in Castel Angel. His Holiness could not deny to Master Gregory that captivity at Rome was better than liberty here. The Pope occupies a decayed palace of the bishop of Orvieto. Before reaching his privy chamber we passed three chambers, "all naked and unhanged, the roofs fallen down, and, as we can guess, 30 persons, riff raff and other, standing in the chamber for a garnishment." The furniture of the Pope's bed chamber was not worth 20 nobles, bed and all. "It is a fall from the top of the hill to the lowest part of the mountain, where was primus ascensus, which every man in manner useth for his commodity." The Venetians, Florentines, and duke of Ferrara have profited by it. Those of Viterbo rebel, expecting the Spaniards will have the victory; and Sigismund de Mala Testa has entered again into Ariminum, which Lautrec restored to the Pope. The Pope is determined to send 2,000 or 3,000 footmen against those of Viterbo, that he may have access to Rome. The victory in Naples is still doubtful. Orvieto, 23 March. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
Harl. 419,
f. 72.
B. M.
2. Copy of the preceding.
23 March.
Teulet, I. 65.
Thanks him cordially for his great diligence in promoting her business at Rome, which she hopes will be despatched shortly, from the information contained in a letter of the abbot of Culros, dated Rome, 21 Jan. Begs him earnestly to obtain the expedition of her sentence, and send it to Scotland as soon as possible, supplying whatever money is necessary, and to write again to the abbot of Culros, thanking him for his services. Is informed today, by Albany's secretary, Nicholas Canyvet, of a captain named William Stewart, and another gentleman, sent by Albany with a present of horses to the King her son, which will be very acceptable to him. He would have written to you for such things, but for the impediment mentioned in my last letters, to which I expect a full reply by the said captain, both from Francis and from you. Begs that letters intended for her may be given to Dunbar, Albany's secretary. Stirling, 23 March.
P.S.—Excuses herself for not writing all in her own hand.
Assent to the election of John Borowe, as abbot of the Benedictine Monastery of Peterborough. Hampton Court, 23 March.
Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 20.
24 March.
Calig. B. II.
B. M.
Has received his letters dated at Hampton Court on the 17th. Is gratified by the gentleness of Wolsey's admonition, but regrets he should have entertained such a suspicion. Had never so much as thought in this matter of Wm. Lyll and his fellows, of applying to any but Wolsey, and would not for the world. Had only sent to my lord of London and to Tuke to move his Grace to save some of their lives, considering that Wm. Lyll has many allies and friends on the Borders to whom he must trust his life to do the King service. His servant had not spoken with my lord of London, who was absent from court, but delivered his letter to Tuke, who promised to speak to Wolsey on the subject. Has no knowledge of anything else done in the matter. Though he has little wit and experience, knows how much Wolsey has done for him, "and in a much greater matter than this is." Beseeches Wolsey "upon his knees" not to impute this to him, or it will shorten his days, which in truth he does not expect to be of long continuance. The bearer can tell how he has been since the receipt of Wolsey's letter, and that since his coming on the first Monday of Lent he has remained here with two hundred persons, and with the prisoners, whom he was ready to have put to execution on the coming of a judge. Newcastle, 24 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To my lord Legate's good grace." Endd.
24 March.
R. O.
Has received his loving letters by Sir Bartholomew Dillon, for which he is most greatly bound to him. Will hold firmly to the King's friendship. What he is accused of doing against the King's subjects he was compelled to do in self-defence against the baron of Delvin and others, from whom he could get no redress for the wrongs they did him, and in order to collect a tribute due to him and his ancestors from time immemorial. Is willing to submit the dispute to arbitration. Whenever the King's deputy and other subjects take my part against my Irish rebels, I also will help them against any Irish invaders. Regrets to hear that his kinsman Kildare has fallen under the King's displeasure. Hopes Wolsey will procure his pardon. Requests that he and his adherents may be free to go and return throughout the whole English part of Ireland. From my house at Dungennynde, 24 March 1527.
Hol., Lat., p. 1, broad sheet. Sealed. Add. Endd.
25 March.
R. O.
St. P. VII. 61.
I wrote in my last that we were encamped within sight of the enemy. On Saturday the 15th, we came nearer to them, and encamped within half a mile of each other,—the Spaniards within the town of Troy, their lanceknights on one side, and our camp before it. Awaited battle that day, and skirmished together. Their camp was strongly environed, but it is thought we might have vanquished them if we had done our best, for it is said they were not more than 11,000 or 12,000 men, and without artillery. On Friday they fled, and Lautrec came on the following night to Melfe, which they battered next day with their ordnance. This day our men have entered and sacked the place, and slain above 3,000. The prince of the town has fallen into Lautrec's hands. Lautrec intends tomorrow to follow the enemy towards Naples, who have increased their force, and recovered 10 or 12 pieces of artillery. Expects to give them battle in 15 days. Before Melfe, 25 March. Signed.
25 March.
R. O.
Have discharged, as commanded, the Princess's household here in the Marches. Will fulfil his other commands. Several of the discharged servants were in good service before, and are now without a living. To stop complaints, have devised letters for the King to send to certain abbots within the limits of the Council's commission, according to a bill enclosed. Hope Wolsey will grant them wages meanwhile. Beaudley, 25 March. Signed: John Exon.—Ja. Denton—G. Bromley—John Russell.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
ii. Circular to be addressed to the abbots, stating that for her own better education, and for the consolation of the King and Queen, it has been ordered that the Princess should reside near the King's person. As the Council of the Marches would be encumbered by having to move a great household from place to place in her absence, her officers and servants have been allowed to go home. But as several of them are destitute of houses or friends to resort to, the Abbot is requested to take _ of them in the meantime "unto your convenient finding."
iii. List of the abbots to whom the above circular is to be sent, viz.:—In Gloucestershire: St. Augustine's, Bristol, Gloucester, Tewkesbury, Flaxley, Tintern, Kingswood, Siscestre, the prior of Lanthony beside Gloucester. In Worcestershire: Wynchecombe, Hayles, Evesham, Pershore, Bordesley, Worcester, Mouch Malverne. In Shropshire: Shrewsbury, Buyldoes, Lylleshill, Haghmond, Wenlok, Womebridge, Halesowen. In Herefordshire: Wigmor, Doore, Herford, Leompstre, Monmouth, Wormesley. In Cheshire: Chester, Combermer, Vale Roiall, Norton. In Wenlloge: Llanternam.
If Wolsey would bestow 69 of the poorest of the Princess's servants among the above houses, it would be "a full gracious deed."
Pp. 2.
25 March.
P. S.
4097. The PRIOR and CONVENT of PETERBOROUGH, Linc. dioc.
Petition for assent (fn. 1) to the election by Wolsey, to whom the convent delegated its rights, of John Borowe as abbot, in the place of Robt. Kyrkton, resigned. 25 March 1528.
25 March.
R. O.
Specialties of his demands from Mr. Roger Wygeston. The latest date mentioned is the Annunciation, 1528.
Pp. 4.
R. O.
St. P. I. 287.
Since sending Master Peter (Vannes) to the King, has received other letters from Mr. Fox and Mr. Stephens, addressed to the King, Brian Tuke, and himself; which he sends, as they relate to the progress of their journey, although not of later date. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the King's most noble grace, Defensor of the Faith.
26 March.
R. O.
Arrived last night at London, having been instructed by Madame to repair to the King and Wolsey. Request that he will appoint a day to receive them. London, 26 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mons. le cardinal Legat en Engleterre. Endd.: Mons. Johan de la Sauch, xxvjta Marcii 1527.
27 March.
R. O.
Has received his letters, dated Greenwich, 13 Feb., acknowledging the receipt of letters of two different dates touching the apprehension of Sir Will. Lisle and his accomplices, the good order of the Borders, and the prevention of Albany's comnig. Is glad to have done him a service about Lisle; for though he surrendered to Henry's officers, it was owing to the sharp persecution made on him by James's. Has great confidence in Henry, and will give him no occasion of complaint. Reminds him that he has several times written, the last by Marchmont herald, for restitution to Rob. Bertoun, of Uvirbertoune, of ships and goods taken from him by Englishmen. Edinburgh, 27 March. Signed.
P. 1, broadsheet. Add. Endd.
27 March.
R. O.
4102. JAMES V. to WOLSEY.
Thanks Wolsey for his wise letters, dated Westminster, 13 Feb., showing his determinate mind that the two kingdoms may stand in concord. James on his side will wholly apply himself to the same end, as his chancellor Angus has written to the King and Wolsey. Edinburgh, 27 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: "From the king of Scots, 28 Marcii 1528."
27 March.
R. O.
Richard Herde died on Lady Day, to our great discomfort, as we had great confidence in his learning and experience in physic. The air of this city is very contagious, and the weather so moist that, except there be some change of the inhabitants soon, it will be of little consequence who are lords of this country, unless for penance you would wish it to the Spaniards as being unworthy to die in battle. The Pope receives letters from both sides with contrary news. He has a nuncio with Lautrec and Colonna, pretending that he is with the Spaniards, only to save the goods of the Church. Have written to my Lord such news as the Pope desired Sanga to tell us. By all accounts the armies are within half a mile of each other, the Spaniards being about equal, or not more than 4,000 different.
Have just heard that the Imperialists mean to divide themselves, and keep the strongholds of Naples, viz., the city of Naples, Capua, Gaeta and Castel Nove, where the Pope's hostages are, in which case it is believed the war will continue till Michaelmas. Request Tuke to take some trouble in deciphering their ciphers, as they know his skill. He will find that the letter M is made sometimes thus, [symbol], and sometimes thus, [symbol], "which neither of them is verily like your cipher, but only in another place, where ye put a greater cipher of that fashion for a great personage." We write daily what conference we have had, and defer sending the post till we can send some certain resolution. Pray to be delivered from this pestilential air, which has already done us such displeasure. Do not like to detain this post, who was specially sent by the King and Wolsey. Orvieto, 27 March. Signed by Gardiner, for himself and Foxe.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.
28 March.
R. O.
In favor of his cousin Evers, who goes up at this time to Wolsey on his own affairs. Has always found him diligent, and ready to do the King service. Newcastle, 28 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
28 March.
R. O.
Has received the King's letters, dated Greenwich, 13 Feb., complaining that nothing had been done on this side for the taking of the Lisles, and promising that if he find reciprocity of love on the part of Scotland, there need be no fear of Albany's going thither. Assures him he did his utmost to deprive the Lisles of all support in Scotland, otherwise they might have avoided subjection to Henry's officers. If Henry knew the truth he would give James thanks for his efforts to make redress and establish peace. Has written more amply to Wolsey. Edinburgh, 28 March 1528. Signed: Ard. Chancellar.
P. 1, broad sheet. Add. Endd.
28 March.
R. O.
Lease to Thomas lord Rochford of the site or mansion place of the manor of Tunbridge, with demesne lands and appurtenances, at a rent of 26l. 8s. per annum. 28 March 19 Hen. VIII. Signed and sealed by lord Rochford.
28 March.
R. O.
Has received his letter by a servant of Master Curteis. Will stay the receipt of 60l. from Thos. Somer, and the delivery of his obligation, till further instructed. Hugh cannot find the acquittance for the abbot of Bruern in Cromwell's house. Gave Mondye Cromwell's demands about Fuller's matter, who said he would abide my lord Cardinal's orders, but would not concede that Fuller should enter on his lands last Lady Day. Found him at evensong in his parish church, when he told Vaughan he was disposed to serve God, and could not attend to such matters there: "whom I was bold to answer that sith it was his mind in such place to serve God, that better he could not serve Him than with restoring the right unto his brother whom he had wrongfully defrauded." On Thursday last, between 6 and 7 p.m., five thieves knocked at the door of Roderego, the Spaniard "which dwelleth next the goldsmith against your door." Being asked who was there, they answered, "One from the Court to speak with Roderego." When the door was opened, three of them rushed in, "and found the said Roderego sitting by the fire, accompanied with a poor woman dwelling next to Mrs. Wynsor. The other two tarried, and kept the door, and strangled the woman that she should not cry." They then took Roderego's purse, and killed him by stabbing him in the belly, but had not fled far before two of them were taken and brought to Newgate. Have made a chain to Cromwell's wicket that no man not well known may enter.
Antony Bonvixi has heard that the French have invaded Naples, taken Pulia and other towns, and are now lying near the city of Naples, likely to subdue all the realm, unless they be resisted by an army which the Emperor has sent out of Rome. Others say the armies have met, and the French been beaten. Two ambassadors have come from the Lady Margaret, who were here before, and lodged at Marcellys' house. The one is a man of 60, a good deal like Dr. Colet, late dean of Powlys, both in person and gesture. Yesterday they left for the Court, but were ordered to return, perhaps "because the court was not furnished with gentlemen to the King's pleasure." Tomorrow they go thither again. Cromwell probably knows the news they bring better than Vaughan. Two hulks have lately arrived with grain, and more are looked for. London, Passion Even.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To his right worshipful master, Mr. Cromwell, be this yoven at Oxford.
28 March.
R. O.
Letter of defiance. Paris, 28 March 1527, before Easter.
P. 1. Spanish translation.
Vesp. C. VII. 39.
B. M.
2. The Emperor's reply.
Spanish, p. 1.
28 March.
Cal. D. X.
and 124–128.
B. M.
Papiers de
Card. Granvelle, I. 350.
On the 28th March 1527, avant Pasques, the King being at Paris, accompanied by the Princes of the Blood, Cardinals, &c., summoned to his presence the Emperor's ambassador, Nicolas Perrenot, sieur de Granvelle, who represented to him that he had letters from his master, of 7 Feb., showing that the French ambassadors had taken leave of him on the 21st Jan., and that a French herald had declared war against him and defied him on the following day. For this reason he had been ordered to take his leave of Francis, and return immediately, and he much regretted his master's desire for peace was thus thwarted. The ambassador protested that he himself had done all he could to preserve friendly relations; and if he had given offence to Francis, he asked his pardon.
The King replied that he was sorry not to be able to treat Granvelle as courteously as he deserved, but that as the Emperor had arrested his ambassadors, he was forced to do the like to him. In reply to what the Emperor had said to Guyenne and Clarencieux, he said that he had never pledged his faith to the Emperor; and gave Granvelle a writing, which he desired him to read and deliver to his master. The ambassador took the paper from Robertet, but, as his commission was expired, desired to be excused receiving any further charge. The King then ordered Robertet to read the paper, which was a cartel of defiance, dated Paris, 28 March 1527, avant Pasques. He reminded the ambassador that the Dom Prevost of Utrech, the imperial ambassador, defied him at Dijon, contrary to a treaty; and as to the Emperor's protest that he did not consider himself to have done wrong before God, God himself should be judge of both their consciences. The excuse which the Emperor makes for the capture and detention of the Pope has so little appearance of truth, that he wonders at its being put forward. Considering the length of the Pope's confinement, how can Charles pretend that he is not answerable for it? Francis knows well that his children are in the Emperor's hands; but as to the pretence of the latter that he has raised no obstacle to their liberation, it is notorious that Francis has made such great and excessive offers that not one of his predecessors who have been taken prisoners by the Infidels have been demanded one quarter of the sums. To mention only one instance: he offered to give Charles 2,000,000 cr., both in ready money and rents. If, then, the retention of his children, the refusal to negotiate, the demand that he should abandon his allies before restitution of his children, the taking a Pope prisoner, the violation of everything holy, and the refusal to join in opposing the Turk or putting down heresy, were not enough to move him to war, what other injuries should have sufficed to that end? As to the king of England, Francis has entire confidence that he will reply so virtuously on his own account that it would be doing him wrong to answer for him. Nevertheless, his friendship with England is such that if by indisposition the King should, unhappily, not be able to make answer, Francis would do as much for him as for himself, placing not only his kingdom and subjects but also his own person at Henry's disposal. Francis is informed by his herald Guyenne that Charles bade him communicate some conversations he had with the French ambassador, the president, in Granada, which the Emperor considers, if Francis had heard, he would have replied to. Francis says his ambassador had informed him of many conversations, but of none which touched his honor. Otherwise he would not have waited so long; for as soon as he heard the things which he has mentioned to Granvelle, he made a reply, which he has delivered to Granvelle to read, signed with his own hand, and which he believes to be sufficient. The Emperor said in this conversation that he had observed the promises made at Madrid better than Francis. Francis is not aware that he made him any promise. The treaty, which was in writing, is not binding, because he was not then at liberty; and he made no engagement to him otherwise, except as to an enterprise against the Turk, of which he is quite ready to fulfil the conditions when Charles will do the like. The Emperor may be assured that he will no sooner have placed foot in the stirrup in such a sacred cause than Francis will be in his saddle, although the Turks are not such near neighbours to him as to Charles.
The ambassador replied, that he could make no further answer at present than what the Emperor had declared, and delivered in writing to the ambassadors and heralds of France; but as a faithful subject of his master, he would say, that if Francis intimated to the Emperor the things aforesaid, either by herald or otherwise, the Emperor would certainly acquit himself, as he had always done, in good conscience. He thanked Francis that he had expressed satisfaction with his own personal conduct, and insisted on his demand for a safe-conduct to return. Francis replied that Charles by his conduct had compelled him to make the answer which he had done, and trusted that on receiving what the ambassador had heard, signed with his hand, he would reply to him like a gentleman, and not like a lawyer by writing; for if he did the latter he would make answer to his Chancellor by an advocate who should be a better man than he. As to Granvelle, he should be conducted to the frontier, and allowed to cross, in exchange for the French ambassadors, on his obtaining a safe-conduct for the French herald.
Fr., pp. 15, mutilated.
28 March.
Cal. D. X. 153.
B. M.
"... [de Fran]ce et d'Angleterre ... Messrs. du Prat et de Bouclans envoyez de p[art de l'Empereur.]
"Que l'on dira que quant a la seurete du rest[at] ... les 1,200,000 escus payez et ledit Roy d ... de ce que luy est deu ainsi qu'il a este offert oult[re] ... presentees, ledit sieur Roy et le roy d'Angleterre baillero[nt] ... et promectre payer ledit restat es termes qui seront [convenues]."
Genoa and the county and territory of Ast shall be restored to the Emperor after the deliverance of the Dauphin and duke of Orleans "avec ... seurete qui a este offerte pour la revocation de l'exercite ... apres declaree sur la dite revocation.
"Et quant a la susdite revocation, si la seurete off[erte ne soit] trouvee suffisante ledit sieur Roy tres Chrestien consentira [encourir] ipso facto la peine des 300,000 es[cus] ... apres la demission de mesdits Sieurs ses e[nfans] ... dedans le temps qui sera limite * * * ... exercite et de ladite peyne encourue" ... As to Milan, he asks the Emperor to have the Duke's conduct investigated, and, if he is found innocent, to restore him, according to the treaty of Toledo. If he is found guilty and resists, Francis will assist the Emperor against him * * *
Fr., pp 2, mutilated.
Cal. D. X. 180.
B. M.
* * * "... Seigneur m'a command[e] de dire ... rle de sa delivrance en ceste court en autre ... me, disant qu'il sen estoit alle sur sa foy et promesse ... savoir a ung chacun, que encores que tout homme g ... avoir obligation de foy, et que cela luy est excuse trop h ... ce nonobstant pour satisfaire a luy et a ung chacun de son h[onneur que] il a voullu garder jusques a ceste heure, et gardera s'il pl[aist a Dieu] jusques a la mort, m'a donne charge de dire que s'il y a [homme de] son estat au monde qui le vueille chargier, non pas de sadite ... tant seullement, mais qu'il ait jamais fait chose que ung [gentilhomme] aymant son honneur ne doibve faire, il dit qu'il a menty par la g[orge,] et autant de foiz qu'il le dira, mentyra, delibere d'en deffendre s[on] honneur, jusques au derrenier jour de sa vye, et pour autant celluy ... ainsi contre verite le vouldroit charger. Doresenavant ne luy es ... riens, mais luy asseure le camp, et ledit Seigneur luy portera l ... armes, protestant que si apres ceste declaration y a homme d[e monde] qui le charge par parolles ou escriptures, la honte [luy restera] veu que ledit Seigneur accepte le combat qui es" ... * * *
28 March.
Vesp. C. II. 380.
B. M.
4112. CHARLES V. to MARGARET. (fn. 2)
Since the defiance by the kings of France and England, on Jan. 22, has sent to her and the King his brother, by sea, the lords of Reulx and Montfort, the provost of Waltrielue (?) and Henry Cheingher, factor of the Welzers. Montfort's instruction is dated Jan. 31. He is to ask for news, aid and advice for the protection of the country. Desires her to assemble the Estates, if she has not already done so, and explain to them the unreasonableness of the defiance. Reulx will arrive about the end of March with 2,000 Spaniards, paid for six months, having started from Carthagena on the 5th. The fortifications of Gravellinges, Bourbourg, Dunquerque and the dikes must be attended to, to prevent surprises.
The force sent by the lord of Rosinboz will assist. She must provide arms and stores, revoke and refuse safe-conducts, assemble armourers and saddlers, collect powder, sulphur and saltpetre, for which he will send payment by Reulx. Has written about this to Teremonde. Desires her to spend 10,000 or 12,000 ducats in artillery, according to the accompanying bill; and to practise with the people of England by distributing writings in his justification, and blaming the Cardinal as the cause of this and of the intended divorce. Beures must send a wise man to Scotland to negociate an alliance by marriage or otherwise, so as to injure the English, and also to the chief persons in Osterlande, to get their aid against the English. Reminds her that the adhesion of the duke of Cleves should be obtained by Mons. de Liege, and that the duke of Gueldres must be treated with, at least for neutrality, whatever it may cost without giving up territory. The friendship of Cologne and other chief towns must be obtained, without putting too much trust in them. Has written "au re[nte-]maistre de Zellande" about a fleet. Montfort will leave Margaret his instructions, and go on to the Emperor's brother in Germany, to prevent the Germans serving on the other side, and to make an effort for Burgundy; to advise him and the electors to send a king-at-arms to the kings of France and England, to say that they consider themselves defied, as they have defied the Emperor; and to induce the Swiss to insist on payment from France before the Emperor releases the Princes, and to hold a diet before serving the French king. Intends to spread a report that he will invade France in several quarters with Almains, though he does not mean to have more than 10,000, who will be led hither by count Felix. Will send money for them by Reulx. Enrich, the factor of the Welzers, is charged to go to Colliment, the armourer of Augsburg, for armour for the Emperor and the army. Reulx's instruction of Feb. 8 is to raise 2,000 Spaniards for the defence of the Low Countries, for whose provision he has 30,000 ducats; to arrange for the passage of the 6,000 (fn. 3) Germans, and to raise 1,000 hackbut men, for which he has 20,000 ducats. He carries also letters for the States. Desires the lord of Vaulx to be recompensed for the captaincy of Bapalmes castle, unless he wishes to keep it, and the charge given to John Quilles or other fit person. Wishes the Spaniards to be well treated. Asks for speedy news. Has had none since Rosimboz's departure. Madrid, 28 March.
Desires her to bid Reulx buy 2,000 quintals of sulphur for the artillery here.
Fr., pp. 5. Endd.: "Deschiffrement des lettres de l'Empereur à Madame Marguerite." And a similar endorsement in Latin.
29 March.
Teulet, I. 67.
Has labored so effectually with reference to the queen of Scotland's divorce, at the instance of herself and Albany, that sentence was pronounced in the Queen's favor on 11 March by the cardinal of Ancona. As the matter is weighty the Cardinal and his officers expect large rewards. Thinks 100 ducats will be required to satisfy them, of which Octavian expects shortly to be able to furnish one half. The Queen relies entirely upon Albany to meet the necessary expences. What has hitherto been spent amounts to over 250 ducats, but now that sentence is obtained you will have the means of proceeding rigorously against Angus. Rome, 29 March 1527.
29 March.
R. O.
4114. RICHARD EVENWOD, Parson of Kyrkbithure, to DR. BELLASSES.
Thanks him for his kindness in amending his living. Is grateful also to Dr. Bellasses' brother for his much needed favor. Requests his further good offices in a matter, to be explained by the bearer, about which he fears to be put in trouble. Kirkbithure, 29 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
29 March.
Cal. B. VII. 27.
B. M.
Has referred his complaint of non-redress to the King and Council. They have written for Maxwell, but before he could come the King departed beyond Forth, "for his pastime" till near Easter. Maxwell will be here in the holidays. Begs the matter may be suspended till Tuesday after Low Sunday, when due redress shall be made. Edinburgh, 29 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Dacre, wardane of the West Marches of Eingland foranentis Scotland, &c.
30 March.
R. O.
4116. ANGUS to WOLSEY.
Has received his long letter, dated Westminster, 14 Feb., and a short one, dated Westminster, the 17th, which he has shown the King. Though the means taken for the capture of the Lisles were not the best that might have been, orders were given, owing to which they were compelled to surrender. Spared no labor or expence for his own part, and caused sharp execution to be made on them night and day. Wolsey speaks of the King's forbearance during James's minority. James is not ungrateful. Although the peace is so nearly expired, a convention of Lords is to be held soon after Easter, in which this will be the chief subject of consideration. Has always had true mind to the King, next his own sovereign, "and has ben reddy and lyn ewest the Bordouris ay sen the 23d day of Januar," expecting to have met the earl of Northumberland and others, according to Angus's request sent by Thos. Gowre, constable of Alnwick. Shall always be ready to meet and make redress. Meanwhile has charged his lieutenants to do so. Hopes Wolsey will not listen to the complaints of those who ask redress but will not give it. There are as many complaints on this side, as the taking of the bark of Sandwich, the spoiling of the "pyk" of Aberdeen, and various outrages on the Borders. On the 15th March, the household of Berwick, to the number of sixscore men, entered Scotland, and in open day "tane up ane toune in the Merse called Clarybald," and have made no redress. What James wrote to the King about Albany was not because he was in dread of his coming, but that he might have his uncle's counsel and support in all things. Edinburgh, 30 March 1528. Signed: Ard. Chancellar.
Pp. 3. Add. Endd.
30 March.
R. O.
Hears that he has come to Tunbridge for the dissolving of that house, and that he is going thence to Bilsington. Reminds him of their communication about the ferme of Bilsington, and asks him to come to Leeds Castle on his return to commune further of the matter. Otford, 30 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To Maister Cromwell.
31 March.
R. O.
St. P. VII. 63.
Arrived at Orvieto on the 20th. Kept ourselves secret for one day in order to communicate with Gregory. Visited the Pope on the 22nd, and were with him every day three or four hours till this day. We have written in cipher at some length to Wolsey. Foxe expects to return shortly after the despatch of this post. Sir Gregory is hearty in your service. None could do better. We are indebted to him for our lodgings, which no money could have furnished. It is hoped that Lautrec will shortly obtain Naples. Orvieto, 31 March.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
Harl. 419,
f. 73 b.
B. M.
2. Copy of the preceding, from Gardiner's letter book.
Harl. MS.
419, f. 71.
B. M.
Pocock, I. 90.
4119. [GARDINER and FOXE to WOLSEY.]
Arrived at Orvieto on the 20th inst., and were admitted to the Pope's presence as soon as they could get clothes. Were obliged to keep secret one day, which they spent with Gregory. The Pope sent Sanga, who was the Datary's servant, to welcome them, to apologise that he could not better receive them, and to offer free access to him without ceremony. Would have visited him accordingly, but it suited their purpose to have full communication with Mr. Gregory, and so they excused themselves by their want of clothes. As they travelled post, they were obliged to leave all their clothes at Calais, and there are none to be borrowed here.
Ask Wolsey to thank Mr. Gregory for his kindness. He gave up to them his own lodging furnished with beds. He keeps an honorable porte, and has great access of gentlemen,—much to his expence and the King's honor. The Pope has a high opinion of him, and he can do the King more service than any other man. Write in their common letters about their audience with the Pope.
Copy, pp. 2, from Gardiner's letter book.
31 March.
Harl. 419, f. 75.
B. M.
Strype's Mem.
I. ii. No. 23.
Pocock, I. 95.
Had an audience with the Pope in his privy bedchamber. Found there card. Ridolfo. Delivered our letters; on which the Pope made us a long speech, enlarging on the King's services in his behalf. He desired us to enter familiarly into communication, and he would give such resolution without delay as in law and equity we could require. On this I, Stephen Gardiner, said that the King and you were persuaded of his zeal and affection by the letters of Casale, Knight and Gambara, who exhibited a commission and dispensation, with a promise that if they were insufficient his Holiness would supply the defects. Though the said commission and dispensation were altered in some material points from the form required by the King, and were not fully suitable, yet, in consideration of the Pope's promise, the King thanked his Holiness as if they had been. I then touched upon the cause of our coming, our answer in the French court, the King's resolution to adhere to the Pope, omitting to write the precise form to your Grace, as the same must be sent in cipher in præsenti rerum statu, and by spending half the day with the Pope and half with St. Quatuor we should delay our letters too long. The Pope replied, that he reposed all his trust in the King, and, notwithstanding his promise, he must dissemble until Italy be pacified. He had ever studied the interests of Christendom more than his own. "And whereas, according to the instruction, it was declared how your Grace, being advertised that his Holiness somewhat stayed in expedition of the King's desire, for that it was showed him that matter was set forth without your consent or knowledge," and therefore you begged us to protest of your sincerity and your mind concerning the merits and the qualities of the gentlewoman; he said no such protestation was necessary, and he could not believe that the King would be led by any undue affection in a matter of such importance, saying he would lean to the King's opinions more than to any other learned man, that they must be great and efficient to have induced him to take this step, and he desired to see the King's labor and study in the matter. He added that he did not believe the report that your Grace was not privy to it, or that anything of such high consequence would be set forth without your advice, by which the King is so much guided, that he will continue to use the same, and, in consideration of your good qualities, esteem you no less than the having of an heir to succeed him in his realm. He confessed that the report had made him waver until he had ascertained the truth; that in altering the commission he only regarded the honor of the King and of the See Apostolic, which two were indissolubly connected; that he would make no delay, but would the next day read with us the King's book, and determine the commission. On urging him to make an overture as of himself to the French king for abstinence of war on that side of the mountains, conformably to your letters, he expressed apprehension lest the Spaniards should attempt to delude Lautrec, weary their enemies by delay, and so Italy would not be delivered. To further arguments on this head, he said it was a matter to be dreamed and slept on. So we parted for the night.
Next day we exhibited to the Pope the King's book. The Pope began to read; and standing a while, and after sitting upon a form covered with an old coverlet not worth 20d., read the preliminary epistle, and the latter part of the book touching the law, without suffering any of us to help him. After commenting upon it, he greatly commended it, and said he would keep it and read it at leisure. And as the epistle is directed to you and other prelates, his Holiness asked for the answer. We said there was none, but he might infer the answer from your letters. He asked whether the King had ever broken the matter to the Queen. We said, yes, and that she was content to abide by the judgment of the Church. He then proceeded to question whether your Grace would be objected to "as suspect;" for that, by answering the King's epistle and declaring your mind, you had given sentence beforehand, and could not be considered indifferent. We answered that you had only asserted your opinion thus far,—that, if the facts were as alleged, judgment ought to follow; and he might send you a commission to define the law, in the event of the facts being ascertained. With this he seemed satisfied. We urged that a clause should be added remota recusatione et appellatione.
He wished to read the commission by himself, admitting, as we urged, the necessity of speed, and the danger to the realm by delay, reckoning what titles might be pretended by the king of Scots and others. That night we went to St. Quatuor, and delivered him the King's and your letters, thanking him for his services, and a promise of the King's liberality. He declined the 2,000 cr. offered him; so, rewarding his secretary with 30, I keep the rest in my hands to be offered him again. He promised not to be sparing in his troubles. He had done no more than his duty. The King had been a good servant to the Church, and to various Popes. He then proceeded to particulars. We showed him the King's book, with which he was well pleased, and admitted in the end that the commission desired by the King was conformable to the decretals. It is clear that they are hampered only by fear of the Spaniards. This was confirmed by our interview with the Pope on Wednesday, who declined to discuss the commission on that day, as St. Quatuor was unwell. We then talked with him about a cardinal to be sent, "who might have a good pretence for componing peace between princes." He did not relish the proposition; and when we told him, on Gambara's authority, of letters received by him from the Emperor for that purpose, he faintly admitted that he had received them. We urged that Campeggio should be sent, as favoring the Emperor.
We then tried to fathom his opinion touching the abstinence, but after some discussion could obtain no direct answer. Next day, repairing to the Pope, we found St. Quatuor, and in another angle of the chamber cardinals Ursinus, Cæsarinus and De Cæsis. When we entered his bedchamber, the Pope withdrew to a little study which he uses for his sleeping chamber, had some stools brought, and, setting himself with his back to the wall, willed us to sit round him. He then called for Simonett, dean of the Rota, a man of substantial learning. St. Quatuor explained the cause of the meeting; on which the Dean said that he had not much studied the matter, but he thought St. Quatuor spoke very well. Then Gardiner, at the Pope's bidding, spoke in defence of the commission, apparently to their satisfaction. Finally he came to this point, that, though the commission was not without precedent, the Emperor might object that it was unusual. We brought him off from this opinion. Then he doubted whether the causes assigned for the divorce were sufficient, and desired Simonett to consult his books. The conference lasted four hours; and the Pope said that, as for himself, he had so much confidence in the King's conscience that he thought his cause was just; but as it must come before the world, and he had no sufficient learning to discuss the matter, he must take the advice of counsel to justify his doings, for the Emperor would get the universities to write upon it. Whereupon he showed a letter to Casale, sent from the Emperor's court, containing the Emperor's answer to the intimations made to him of the King's divorce. We think he will not refuse, for he is fully convinced of the King's merit. Tomorrow we have a conference with Simonett.
This day, the 27th, Gambara arrived. Staphylæus, they say, will be here in three or four days. From seven in the morning till night we discussed the commission with Simonett, until he descended to persuade us to be satisfied with a general commission, and not in the form we desired, being new and out of course. If so, it could be sped tomorrow, and within three months sentence be given in England, and remitted here to be confirmed. He assured us he was sensible of the King's merits, and so are all men here.
Next day we presented our letters to Card. de Monte, who promised to further the King's cause, so far as he might. On Passion Sunday after dinner the Pope took counsel with De Monte, St. Quatuor and Simonetta. At our audience, about three o'clock, he commanded us all to be seated, himself sitting in medio semicirculi. On urging the commission, the Pope protested his good mind to the King, and showed what he had done, as his own learning was insufficient. Gardiner replied that there were two articles: first, would his Holiness pass the commission? 2. Might he, if he would? Of the first I said we had evident argument; for the second, that he might, appeared by the King's book, and the offers of St. Quatuor and Simonetta, who had said that if the sentence was once given the Pope would confirm it; and if this were so, the cause must be good, or ought not to be confirmed, and all we asked was confirmation beforehand. I added, that if they objected merely on a point of form, and the King could get no more favor from their hands than a common person, his Majesty would use domestico remedio apud suos, and not have his cause tried among those whose hearts were already prejudiced, and all things coloured, nullis nixa radicibus justitiæ et veritatis. After I had thus spoken, every man looked on another, and so staid until Simonett began to excuse himself by a show of distinctions, and so entered again into a discussion of the cause.
The Pope heard all with very good will. De Monte and St. Quatuor, pretending they were not well informed in the matter, desired us to be content with a general commission, with promise of confirmation, which would serve the King's purpose. We said we had received our instructions according to the advice of learned men, and could not transgress them. The Pope replied he would do all that in honor he could do. We said it was not honorable for the King to desire what was not honorable in his Holiness to grant, and it was not likely that the King, who had so much respect to his honor, would blemish it in this matter.
The Pope, perceiving how we spoke, plainly said that to satisfy the King he would set apart all style and common course of the court which could not bind him in such a cause as this was, speaking apparently against St. Quatuor, who is a great supporter of established usage;—adding that if the Emperor complained he would show him and the world that in administering justice he was bound to show favor to one so meritorious as the king of England, and he would hear what De Monte and Anconitanus had to say, and then satisfy our request. We begged it might be shortly, that we might dispatch our post, who had now waited six days, and would not be despatched till we had a certain resolution. After this the Pope enquired of the bishops of England and their ages; on which I told him a "merry tale of the bishop of Norwich his good heart, and how, being about fourscore year old, he would have a chamber devised near the ground, without any stairs, to lie in 20 years hence, when he knew he should be somewhat feeble." And I took occasion to make him an overture for taking away the first fruits, telling him it was a suggestion made by the said bishop,—without letting him know that we had any instructions. His Holiness began to inquire about them, and how they might be redeemed. The project pleased him and the cardinals, and he said he would gladly concur in it. He then fell to speaking of yourself and your college, how the buildings proceeded, what they would cost, the number of scholars, readers, &c.; and it pleased him much to understand that you had taken such order in letting the farms, as no man should have them except he would dwell upon them and maintain hospitality. And this was the best justification for the alteration of those religious places, whereof only did arise scandalum religionis. He professed his desire to do all that he could to assist you. We touched also upon the degradation of priests. We have carefully inquired how much time would be spent if the King's cause were relegated here. They do not desire it, for fear of the Imperialists. This is the only obstacle to the King's request. When we speak of celerity, they discuss how it may be secured. Their proposal that the King should first marry was only a device to get rid of responsibility. Therefore we are more earnest to obtain the commission after the first form; but if that cannot be, the commission after the second degree will serve for the purpose of beginning the process, and can be openly shown, they promising to confirm the sentence and supply all defects. But we shall only accept this according to our instructions, in the event of not being able to obtain the first. As fear is the great obstacle, we do not see how to remove it, as you may judge for yourself, according to the communication we had with you in your chamber at York Place, on Friday night, before our departure. We are not without hope, if we cannot obtain the commission absolutely in the first form, to prevail upon the Pope to pass it secretly, to remain in the King's hands in eventum, and to give us a general commission for a legate.
Matters being at this point, we thought it best to despatch at once Lord Rochford's priest. (fn. 4) We had hopes to have sent some resolution of our attaining the commission in the first form. Gambara is active in the King's matter. Staphylæus is not yet come. The only objection to sending Campeggio is the dread of the gout, to which he is extremely subject, and which leaves him very weak after its attacks. We can get no answer about the abstinence. The Pope is Cunctator maximus, but with contrary success to Fabius maximus. He has taken great pains in the King's matter, and can never plead that he did not understand it. Wish to have instructions how they shall act on their return through France, and what answer they shall give if the French king question them. Send abstracts of letters of Lautrec, and the news in Italy. No Spaniard's life is safe in Rome. Orvieto, 31 March.
P.S.—The Pope told Casale that if the Venetians had not been secretly supported by Francis they would have restored Cervia and Ravenna,—that he is deluded on all sides, and if he cannot be supported by his friends he must give himself up to his enemies rather than suffer the ruin of Italy. He is troubled that Rimini, once delivered to him by Lautrec, has been taken out of his hands. If these things cannot be remedied by you, the Pope will evidently "precipitate himself into his enemies' dedition."
Copy, from Gardiner's letter book.
R. O. 2. Copy of the first part of the preceding despatch.
Pp. 6. Endd. in Geo. Throgmorton's hand: Copies of letters from Doctor Stevins and Foxe to my lord Cardinal.
R. O.
4121. SIR WM. FITZWILLIAM the elder to MR. HENNEGE.
The abbot of Borow's letter, asking Fitzwilliam to pay 200l. to his servant Dawson, did not arrive till he had left Essex, and he could not then pay it without much hindrance to the projected marriage of one of his daughters.
Asks Hennege to spare it till next term. If the letter had arrived when he was in London, it should have been paid in an hour.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipfull Mr. Henegge, one of the Kyng's pryve chambre. Endd.
Cal. D. x. 250.
B. M.
4122. _ to WOLSEY.
"[P]leasith your Gra[ce, on the] ... [of this] present month we b ... unto us the constable of ... being assistants of the sa[me] ... declared unto us to have rece[ived] ... of the Staple, the same being ... with the most principal stapi[llers] ... London, by which letter he sa ... * * * ... a bowght, considering the scantness of mon[ey and every other] thing, which reigneth here that some ... e tall men and of good fame have for pwre ... [th]eym silvis in such danger of their lives th[at it will] please the King to be gracious unto them. Three of [them now i]n prison arn like to suffer, wherefore if it s[hould happen by any fort]une that April payment should be delayed it [becometh] us to judge what peril is like to fall by m ... [ex]treeme poverty, which is universal amongst s[uch as are u]ndir our charge, which, well considered, is not ... [c]awse; for by mean that the King's coins which [were] wont to be current by these parties been now ... and that all manner of victual with all other ne[cessary] things been raised in their prices after the raa[te of] ... [or] rather far above, it is not possible for the soldiers, [who] ben now in 8d. by the day, to live so well on [their pay] as those of 6d. by the day did before the reeysi[ng of] the King's coins, as is before said, also the same ... universal plague which toucheth unto all the council a[nd the in]habitants here, rate and rate like, or more ... doth to the soldiers, for the dearer that all [things are] here the more is their charge; for where ne ... s in time of dearth men do either break their ... [dim]inische their servants and expenses at their [pleasure, it is] all contrary here * * * in most humble wise we beseech [the King's highness] and your Grace not only to co ... manner such matter as is comprised ... letter, and to take the same in good p[art] ... most gracious manner, to provide such a ... be found for the imminent perils ... most meet by the King's graciousness ... circumspect wisdom. Our Lord [keep your Grace] in prosperous health with long and ... to his pleasure. Written at Guisnes, ... March 1528."
Pp. 3, very mutilated. Add.: [To my lo]rd Legate's grace.
[Cal. E.I.II.?.]
I. 36.
B. M.
"Illme et Rme domine, si volet R.D.V. ea quæ heri [mihi] aperuit Balthasarum latere, et tamen per ipsum post rem huic regi Serenissimo communicatam literas et instructiones de ea tota in Galliam mittere, non video quomodo recte id fieri poterit. Nam quum nihil attulerit ex Gallia nisi apertum et quod illi communicatum ante discessum fuerit, (ut solet nobili[bus] qui data opera pro re certa mittuntur), inurbanum videretu[r] si contra signata et clausa omnia veluti cursori darent[ur]; deinde suspicio illi forte injiceretur nonnulla esse quæ vel[is] Pontificem latere. Quamobrem rectius meo judicio f[oret] si non gravaretur Illma et Rma D.V. ipsum hodie hora certa se accersere, et de his quæ a rege meo attulit expedition[em] aliquam facere, quod non erit factu difficile, nam nudius te[rtius] cum ego una adessem pœne satisfactum illi fuit de rebus ... adeo ut fere nihil jam supersit nisi benigne et blan[de] ... acceptum dimittere. Interrogavit me quid causæ esse[t quod] orator Cæsaris heri ad D.V.Rmam adiisset. Respondi il[lum] dicere Cæsarem et Margaretam ægre ferre quod esset bellu[m cum] hoc rege affini et necessario suscipiendum, et pleraque in [hanc] sententiam, tamen Illmam D.V., quæ falli non potest ... veluti ab ingenio Hispanico profecta accepisse. Poter[it Rma] D.V. si ita videbitur in hoc mecum convenire, nam si rem illum celaremus, scrupulum illi majorem et suspitionem inji[ceremus]. Ignoscet tamen mihi Illma et Rma D.V. si sus Minervam do[cere audeat]." Signed.
Mutilated. Add.: Illmo, &c. Card. Ebor. S. Sedis Apostolicæ de Latere Legato et Angliæ cancellario.
March./GRANTS. GRANTS in MARCH 1528.
1. Ralph Buketon. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Del. Westm., 1 March 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
2. Robert abbot of Selby. Inspeximus and confirmation of various charters and patents of Edward IV., &c. Westm., 2 March.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 17.
2. Wm. Bramley, messenger of the Chamber. To be a messenger of the Exchequer, with 4½d. a day, in the room of John Honne, who is incapacitated. Bramley will not receive wages until the death of Honne. Greenwich, 8 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. Westm., 2 March.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
3. John Fuller, of Neudegate, Surrey. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Windsor, 15 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 March.—P.S.
3. Jo. Heyron. Pardon for the murder of Alice, wife of Thos. Slykestone, of Brentkingesthorp. Leic., alias Thos. Taillor. Windsor, 27 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 March.—P.S.
3. Nic. Caldecott. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Rob. Wingfield. Del. Westm., 3 March 19 Hen. VIII.—P.S.
7. Edward Staple, clk. Presentation to a canonry and prebend in the collegiate church of Tomworth, called Wyginton, Staff., void by death of John Golde. Del. Westm., 7 March 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
10. Wm. Riggeley and Rouland Riggeley, yeomen of the wardrobe of Beds. Grant, in survivorship, of the offices of bailiff of the manor of Shenston, Staff., with 2d. a day, and keeper of the park there, with 2d. a day. Also herbage and pannage of the park, at an annual rent of 110s. 4d; on surrender of patent 20 Feb. 10 Hen. VIII., granting the same to William only. Windsor Castle, 20 Feb. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Windsor, 10 March.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 22.
14. Sir Rob. Legh. Lease of lands in Brokeburgh, Beds. Del. Westm., 14 March 19 Hen. VIII.—S. B. b.
15. Peter Mutton, yeoman usher of the Chamber. To be constable of Pembroke Castle, South Wales, with 100s. a year, as Maurice Butteler was constable. Del. Hampton Court, 1[5] March 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
16. Griffin Rede, usher of the Chamber. To be customer and bu ler and "silaginer" in the ports of Pembroke and Tynby, Pembroke and Haverford West, in the commote of Haverford, South Wales; with fees of 4l. out of the issues of the said offices and of the crown lands in said cos. Del. Westm., 16 March 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 23.
17. Sir John Wallop and Richard Page, gentlemen of the Chamber. To be surveyors and receivers, &c. of the subsidy of cloths called karseys, in the ports of London and Southampton, with an annuity of 100l. This appointment is made to check certain practices of foreign merchants, of which information was given to Henry VII., whereby the exchequer was defrauded of a portion of the customs on the said cloths. Del Hampton Court, 17 March 19 Hen. VIII.—Pat. p. 1, m. 27.
18. Urian Brereton, page of the Chamber. Annuity of 10 marks for life, out of the issues of the lordship of Denbrigh, marches of Wales. Westm., 18 March.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
22. Walter Walsh, groom of the Chamber. To be keeper of Wigmore park, marches of Wales, in same manner as Sir Ralph Egerton held the like office, and to have 24l. 13s. 4d. a year out of the fee farm of the town of Ludlow. Richmond, 20 Mar. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 22 Mar.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 20.
23. John Turnor. Lease of the site of the manor called Canon Courte als. Cowley Courte, in the lordship of Cowley, Glouc., parcel of the lands late of the marquis of Berkeley, and all the lands, &c. now held by John Adams at the annual rent of 8l. 10s.; with reservations; for the term of 21 years, at the annual rent of 8l. 10s., and 3s. 4d. of increase. Del. Westm., 23 Mar. 19 Hen. VIII. S.B.b.—Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
23. Rob. Oxenfelde. Licence to import wine and woad. Del. Hampton Court, 23 March 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
27. Henry Palmer. Grant, in reversion, of the manor, &c. of Policote, Bucks, lately belonging to Edward duke of Buckingham; granted to Thomas Palmer by patent 12 May 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 March 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 26.
29. Wm. Mortymer and Wm. Ebgrave. To be embroiderers to the King, with 12d. a day, on surrender by Mortymer, who held the office with Wm. More, now deceased. Del. Hampton Court, 29 March 19 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 25.
30. Willm. Calybutt. To be comptroller of the great and little customs in the port of Ipswich. Westm., 30 March.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 29.


  • 1. It appears that the assent was already passed on the 23rd March, before the date of this petition.
  • 2. Decipher of intercepted despatch.
  • 3. Sic.
  • 4. Cranmer?