Henry VIII: March 1528, 11-20

Pages 1798-1807

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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March 1528

11 March.
Cal. D. X. 174.
B. M.
* * *
Asks him to administer justice to one Spinolle. The King also writes. St. Germain-en-Laye, 11 March. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: A Mons. le Cardinal d'Yort, legat d'Angleterre.
12 March.
Cal. E. II. 169.
B. M.
* * * "presentement devers le Roy son bon ... adverty de toutes choses dedens au long et par le menu qu'il ... besoing vous en riens replicquer par lettre, remectant le tout en la ... qui est en luy." Professes his readiness to serve the Cardinal. St. Germain, 12 March. Signed.
French, mutilated, p. 1. Add.: A Mons., &c. le card. d'Yorth, legat et chancellier d'Angleterre. Endd.: Letters of credence concerning the charge of Mons. Moret.
12 March.
R. O.
Hopes that Henry, who has shown himself from the first such a stout defender of the Christian commonwealth, will pour water upon the conflagra- tion now raging in Italy. What they require concerns the weal, not only of the Pope, but of all Christendom. Writes more fully to Wolsey, and to John Maria Stratigopolita, his servant, for whom he desires credence. Poissy, 12 March 1528. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
12 March.
R. O.
"Fellow Cromwell," I have my Lord's letters ordering me to further, as much as I can, Osborne Ichyngham's marriage with Maistres Olyve Wychyngham. I enclose a letter to my Lord, informing him that Mrs. Olyve was previously contracted to Roger Rukwood. When she was with other gentlemen and gentlewomen at my house making merry, Osborne sent her a "letter of defyance," of which I enclose a copy. Will not meddle in the affair till he has further orders. Estharlyng, 12 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To hys ryght wurschipfull and welbelovyd fellowe maister Cromwell.
13 March.
R. O.
Received on Saturday last, by Dr. Benet, Wolsey's letter dated 4 March. Hearing from Benet what Wolsey also intimated to my friend Thos. Lark, that either Dan Francis or Dan Boston was to be my successor, I have resigned. Has no doubt the convent would have chosen brother Francis, but for the persuasion of Dr. Benet who has induced them to compromit to Wolsey. Trusts firmly that Wolsey, in accordance with his former promise, will choose brother Francis, who is a good religious man, and of gentle conditions. Has showed his mind to Dr. Benet about his pension, and delivered him a book thereof. Peterborough, 13 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: A letter of the late abbot of Peterborough, the 13th of March 1527.
13 March.
R. O.
His last letters were dated the 4th, and sent by John Fuller, a sworn secret messenger, with a verbal credence. Had given the same message to this bearer, Windsor herald, with a memorial of other articles as to the "business" in these parts, and the chances of peace or war. He will also report what has come within his own knowledge. Sends a note of articles on which he may be interrogated. Mechlin, 13 March 1527.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
13 March.
R. O.
Received on Thursday, 12 March, the King's letters and Wolsey's, commanding him not to permit any clothworkers to discharge any artificers employed in the making of cloth so as to cause unlawful assemblies. Nothing of that kind shall occur in Hampshire. Hopes that Berkshire and Wiltshire will be equally well managed. Has kept 60 horsemen at his own costs, but cannot find ten able foot out of 100 persons fit "for this voyage." The Vyne, Friday, 13 March. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal. Endd.
Calig. D. XI. 3.
B. M.
4059. FRANCIS I. to [WOLSEY].
Credence for [Morette?], sent to promote the indissoluble amity of the two kingdoms. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1.
[Cal. E. III. 13.]
B. M.
"Mons. le Cardynal, mon bon filz, ... de Morettes le port[eur] ... a este dyfferre affin de vous ... [p]ar luy plus amplement ... s choses vous entendre (?) ... [v]oulonte du Roy monsr. et [filz] ... y car il a charge de" * * *
Fr., hol., p. 1, mutilated and defaced. Add.: Mons. le Cardynal, mon [bon] fylz et pere.
[Cal. E. I. II.?]
I. 34.
B. M.
Francis has deferred for some little time the despatching of Morette.
Hol., Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
[Cal. E. III.
B. M.
Desires credence on her own part for Morette, whom the King is sending. Trusts Wolsey more than any one else, for the preservation of the friendship between the Princes.
Hol., Fr., mutilated. Add.: Mons. le Cardynal.
13 March.
R. O.
St. P. VII. 58.
Finding that Morette's coming to England was delayed from day to day, as Gregory de Casalis wrote to me that his letters required haste I sent a post to Calais with a large packet containing letters from him and Jerningham. Received today one from Gregory to Wolsey, delivered by card. Salviati, who said he and the bishop Pistoriensis would send in haste to England to know the King and Wolsey's pleasure about his going to Spain. Asked the French king and the Grand Master if they had written to Wolsey about it. Thinks Francis does not wish the Bishop to go to Spain, as he would only hinder matters now in good train. The news from Lautrec is so encouraging he would like to know the issue of the Neapolitan expedition first. De Salviati and the Bishop, however, request him to write to Wolsey in favor of the Pope's desire. It is said the Bishop, in going by Florence, tried to persuade the Florentines to side with the Emperor; which is no good token. All the Spaniards and lanceknights have left Rome for Naples. Those that remained were slain by the Ursinis. The Spaniards had freighted a ship with artillery for Naples, but the Romans bowged it, and sank the ordnance. Colonna is gone to the Viceroy Don Hugo at Naples. News has come from Spain that the ambassadors will not be suffered to depart till the Emperor's ambassadors have come to Bayonne. Poissy, 13 March. Signed.
Add. Endd.
13 March.
R. O.
Arrived on March 1. Found the Dean and all his servants well, and glad to hear of Wolsey's prosperity. Next day went to the Court, and delivered Wolsey's letter to the Grand Master, who answered that nothing pleased him more than being employed by Wolsey, and he went immediately to the King. The next day he sent word that the King would grant all Wolsey wished, and whenever he should send to Kane it should be ready. Speaks on behalf of master Syppryan, one of the Dean's readers. They have read three or four books, and begun another, but "he never toke yt crosse nor pyle," and will receive no money. He will not read to any bishop in France, but only the Dean, and that for Wolsey's sake. Asks Wolsey to send him a gown cloth and a piece of worsted for a coat, which would please him more than 500 crowns. Lupset says the Dean has profited more by him than by any other since he came into France. Paris, 13 March.
Pp. 2, hol. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace. Endd.
13 March.
Cal. E. III. 35.
B. M.
4065. [CHR. COO to WOLSEY.]
"* * [Pi]cardy Mons. de Vand[ome] ... [mai]stre gave in answer in that concyde[ring] ... of victuals to [be] hade for the garrisons and also ... [that it] is pretended in the said parts it was not x[vj?] ... there for 200 mewys in Normandy it is orde[ined] ... shall have it and the Governor have special ... to give his atache intyl for 500 mewys in Guienne ... commanded from the King to Mownsir Amrall (?) ... patent and atache for the same, with the which 1 ... servants is gone to Dogyon in Burgoyn to the said [King, wishing to have the] said patent, it wull like your Grace for these 700 ... doubt not but they shall be ready at your Grace's [commands] to be levied by such as shall be appointed by your [Grace] to have them, considering your Grace's pleasure in ... not certain, but if I had had the 300 in Picardy ... I dare meddle with them, but ready to attain them [whenever] they shall be delivered at your Grace's pleasure, such lyty[l] ... as I have made with the mayor of London I am ful ... apoint so immediately as I can lade the same of ... nown and for money (?) had not little to my pain I sha[ll] ... myself homeward to the intent to put myself and ... as shall be mete for me to do my best in the King's s[ervice] and your Grace's; for the more your Grace's goodness towards [me] in that upon the first motion here I was so bold ... large, to shove master Arundell by my letter, to move y[our] Grace amongst other to have me in like your benevolent remembrance, in that or in other I shall be ready with heart and such as God have sent me, always to do that shall be [to] your Grace's pleasure.
"It shall please your Grace to know as I understand Mr. Gostewick have taken of late of mine a 100 ... wheat over and besides the 100 quarters given to your Grace for 1200 quarters lading of your Grace's licence. I trust it shall * * * again or mony ... upon the delivery of the said your Gra[ce's] ... to be allowed such ready money as ordinary ... dispatches and licences that it will like y[our Grace of] your charity to command my end with Fermour for s[uch] ... [as] he have of mine in his hand, either to deliver it (?) ... or the other half of the manor as shall be more the ... [u]nto the which he is not to be brought without your Grace's ... for the which I shall remain, as I am bound dail[y to pray] for your prosperous state long in health to continue ... Scribbled in haste the 13th day of March.
"By your most bounden in servi ..."
13 March.
Otho, E. IX.
B. M.
" ... gladly have showed your Grace as ... your Grace was so greatly occupied that I my[ght] ... to fulfyll your commaundement in the dispatche of ... [wh]erof it may please your Grace to pardon me.
"First, that I and my companye shulde indevor ourselfs [that all merchant]men and shipps sayllyng yn to this realme ow[t of the Emperor's] dominion yestwarde, as well Flemyngs as other, or s[ailing out of] this lande in to there owne countres may be surely wafte[d out] of the Frenchmen's danger." Also, that if French and Imperial ships of war should meet in their company, they should exhort them to keep the peace; but if they will not, they should take the Frenchmen's part with their whole power. That if they see any ships of Sp[ain] or men-of-war sailed by Spaniards from any manner of ... they shall do their best to take them, "and to see their goods sur[ely kept] till his pleasure may be farther known." Asks him to consider the premises, and send further instructions if need be. Has been today with the French ambassador, and has devised with him the writing to such French men-of-war as they shall meet with, according to Wolsey's order. London, 13 March. Signed.
P. 1, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace. Endd.: Wm. Gonson, 13 March 1527.
13 March.
Cal. D. X. 1.
B. M.
4067. _ to WOLSEY.
Sends the bearer because he hears that [the king of] England is making "quelque nombre de ch ... "
Asks that 500 may be given him. "Et j'espere que n ... avec mon ayde en fera unne sy belle," that his Grace shall know he is ready to serve the King. Abbeville, 13 March.
Fr., mutilated. Add.: A, &c. le Legat d'Angleterre.
14 March.
Vit. B. IX. 74.
B. M.
Enlarges on the great merits of Henry towards the Church. It is owing to him that St. Peter's ship has been snatched from destruction, and will shortly be put to-rights. All the rowers look upon the King as their deliverer, especially the writer, who, besides his public duties, is under personal obligations to the King for the kindnesses shown by Henry to his brother, "[al]terum fere me." He and his brothers will always be at Henry's service. Poissi, prid. idus Martii 1527.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 2.
14 March.
Galba, B. IX.
R. O.
4069. The Low COUNTRIES.
"Memory of such articles as may please your Grace to ask Windsor Herald, by manner of interrogation, if that he should forget any."
What Hacket has said to the lady Margaret and the Council about the relaxation of English subjects, their ships and goods, as has been done in England to the Emperor's subjects; and what answer he has had.
The cause of arrest of Englishmen's goods, and how they may be released. The cause of my Lady's ambassadors coming to England. The disposition of my Lady and the Council to peace or war. Of Mons. de Reux, who is in Spain, and his "consors" in this country. Mons. de Issynghen's saying in the Council Chamber, touching the "howlks" of Holland. The difference of peace and war. The communication of the cardinal of Liege. The Audiencer's sayings. The preparation of war in these countries. The ships that they think here may come out of Spain. The land of Seland. The "howlks" of Holland. Hacket's treatment. His going to Seland to fetch his wife ... to the Court, and their coming to England if war happens. The exploit of 1,400 men of Gueldres on the largest village in Holland. My Lady's recommendation and letters to the King and Wolsey. The general sayings of the commonalties here. Machlyng, 14 March 1527.
In Hacket's hand, pp. 2.
14 March.
R. O.
Cannot tell with what delight he received his letter of the 6 Feb. from London. It at once banished all his grief. Replied in two letters, the one in Latin, the other in English; but repeats briefly their substance, lest they should not reach him soon enough. The town agrees to the condition last offered of taking the benefice. Is more at ease than he was. Need write nothing more, except that Edwards would fix the day for his departure. Nothing ever occurred to him more desirable than this hope of revisiting his country. If fortune favour him equally in other things, he will deserve to be called the son of a white hen, but if disappointed in this he will languish. Would like to hear about the prospects of Robert (de ratione collocandi mei Roberti) either from himself or from Carter.—Added, in a different ink: Is ashamed not to mention their munificent friend, Brian. Has no words to praise or thank him. Louvain, 14 March.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Ad egregium virum magistrum Gulielmum Eduards, unum e secretis Rmi D. Car[dina]lis Eboracensi[s].
15 March.
Galba. B. IX.
B. M.
Has received the King's letters in answer to his own, and was glad to hear that the prohibition, by the King, of English merchants to visit his town of Berghes, was not from his fault. Has always shown and intends to show them as much friendship as to his own subjects. It is reported here that the King has arrested all ships from Spain and Flanders, and that he intends to go to war to please the French. This has caused great astonishment, for it is thought that he ought to favor the Emperor and these countries against the French. It has been thought necessary to arrest English merchants here, but he will take care that they suffer no damage. Themselves and their goods shall be freed immediately on hearing that the like has been done in England. The King does him the honor to write as if he had most power in the preservation of the League. Assures his Majesty of the Emperor's good will, and the wrong the French have done to him. Hopes he will not give up an ancient friendship, so profitable to his country, for the pleasure of the French, his ancient enemies. Malines, 15 March 1527. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Au Roy.
15 March.
Ibid. f. 52*.
B. M.
To the same effect. Desires credence for the provost of Cassel, the bearer. Malines, 15 March 1527. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
15 March.
R. O.
Foxe, v. App.
According to your orders, sent by the master of Savoy, your receiver, with two gentlemen of Oxford, and by Mr. Henege, archdeacon of Oxford, on the 6th inst. I attached Dr. Ferman, parson of Hony Lane, John Goodale, his servant, and John Gogh, bookseller of Fleet Street. Has kept them separate, and examined them. Sends writings in the hands of Goodale and Goghe. The latter says he does not know Gararde, and never dealt in forbidden books with him, or any one in Oxford, since the monitions. He has only had a shop of his own for two years, and, before that, was servant to another. Unless there is any special matter, he might give surety to be forthcoming. Thinks he is mistaken for another man. The bringer of these books this year past was a Dutchman from Antwerp, named Theodoryke, who was for some time in London, and has brought many books. Some were brought to Tunstal, among them, Œconomia Christiana and Precationes Piæ, which he forbade to be sold, but still they have been sold secretly. He had also many New Testaments in English of the little volume, but he would not "be aknowen of them," except to those who, he thought, would buy them. Thinks, therefore, that Gough is innocent.
Has committed him to the Fleet, as all his other prisons are full of persons from the furthest parts of the diocese. Goodale says that Gerard sent before Christmas two heavy fardels to Oxford, but he does not know what was in them. He was Gerard's pupil, but will not confess to any sinister opinions of his own or Gerard's. Advises him to be sent to Oxford to be examined.
He has been Ferman's servant since Whitsuntide, and was at Oxford before that. The scholars of Oxford whom Tunstal saw, lay much to his charge. Ferman denies sending any books to Oxford, but confesses that he has got such, to see what opinions the Lutherans held, and be the more ready to defend the Church. Caused him to send for them, sending also some of his own folk to search the rooms where Gerard and his servant lay. Found none but what he himself produced.
He repeated his reasons for having them, adding that a licence to that effect had been given by Wolsey to the students at Cambridge. Wolsey can find out from Garard what he charges this man with. The scholars said that writings in Garard's own hand implicate him.
Cannot find out that he preached otherwise than well. Has sent some to hear him purposely. He is ready to answer any further charge. Sends him to Wolsey. Would have done so last week, but he knew his Grace was with the King. Asks his further pleasure. Has visited more than half the city, and hopes to finish next week. Ferman could find surety to be forthcoming. London, 25 March.
Hol., pp. 4. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
Asks him to tell Wolsey that, according to his letters, he has kept in ward Mr. Clerke, Mr. Sumnar, Mr. Betts and Sir Frithe, being canons primi ordinis, Sir Baylye, a canon secundi ordinis, and Sir Thos. Lawney, a priest of the Chapel, suspected of having heretical books.
Has examined them with the assistance of Mr. Subdean, two censors, and a notary, and sends their answers. Has not committed to prison Tanner or Radley, because the Registrar says that Wolsey told him they were not to be regarded, as being unlearned. The worst charges against Tanner are hiding Mr. Clerk's books, and being privy to the letter sent to him by Garret after his flight. Radley sold Garret's books, and all the suspected persons resorted to Mr. Garret to his house. Asks to know Wolsey's pleasure concerning those of his college; for Easter is near, and many of them are excommunicated. Wishes Wolsey to absolve them, that they may take their rights in Holy Church.
Has sent the names of Mr. Frierys books, which he left locked up with Mr. Williams, canon and overseer of the new buildings at Wolsey's college, that when he is examined Wolsey may know if he speaks the truth. After Mr. Clerk's examination, proved by the answer of other suspected persons that he used to preach at Poghley during the sickness at Oxford. When asked what licence he had to preach there, he said he had licence from Cambridge University to preach in every diocese in England. Told him these licences were only in force for one year, and showed him the penalties inflicted on those who preach without licence of the ordinary, in the first chapter of the Constitutions Provincial. He said a hundred others did so as well as he. Told him their offence did not excuse his; to which he made no answer. Signed.
Pp. 2. Endd.: Mr. Higdon, deane of Cardinal's College in Oxford.
R. O.
Foxe, v. App.
Implores Wolsey to release him, not from those iron bonds which he has so justly imposed upon him, but from the more terrible bonds of excommunication, and receive the wandering sheep back into the fold. Requests to have the use of a mass book.
Lat., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.: Thomas Gararde, of Cardinal's College in Oxford, detected of heresy.
16 March.
R. O.
Pocock, I. 86.
Left Lyons on the 4th, for Orvieto, by Genoa, as they wrote that they intended to do; and, journeying with the greatest possible diligence, have arrived this day at Luke. Began travelling always before daylight, and have not stayed two nights in one place; but were much hindered at Genoa by lack of horses, and difficulty of the way, besides being disappointed of passage by sea. The citizens of Luke have made us a marvellous goodly present in honor of the King. Those of Genoa showed us great attentions at the house of Jeronimus Dorea without detaining us. Our passage through these parts is no secret, as the master of the posts has orders to give no man horses till he has been presented to the captain. Have sent couriers to Florence for a passport. When they have spoken with the Pope, Fox will return with the commission, according to Wolsey's instructions. Luke, 16 March.
Hol. (fn. 1) pp. 2. Add. Endd. by Wriothesley: Stephen Gardyner and Edward Fox to the King's Majesty (fn. 2) from Luke.
16 March.
R. O.
St. P. VII. 59.
To the same effect. Luke, 16 March.
Hol. Add. Endd.
Harl. 419, f. 70.
B. M.
Pocock, I. 84.
2. Copy of the preceding.
16 March.
R. O.
4078. GARDINER and FOXE to TUKE.
Yesterday wrote letters to you and Master Peter [Vannes] only, having no leisure to write to my Lord. At our writing we had newly dined. Shortly after the citizens here sent us a goodly present, brought by fifty persons with trumpets and instruments. There were 20 great pikes with tench and other fish, brought on four men's heads in silver basins, trimmed with laurels and oranges; 4 basins full of comfits like those of Portugal, garnished with the King's arms, borne by four men; 4 basins of bread toasted, being a very dainty thing; 6 basins of marchpanes; 20 great boxes of confections; two dozen torches of white virgin wax and gold; 60 white candles of virgin wax, "which we wished in England." Besides these, 40 gallons of various wines. When the present was set down it filled the great chamber. Tomorrow we leave for Orvieto, longing to be there as the shortest way home, "where we would most gladly be, the same being agreeable to the King's and my lord's Grace's pleasure. Although next home, which is and shall be home for that verse's sake,—
"Nescio qua natale solum dulcedine cunctos
Attrahit," &c.
we could be contented to dwell here at Luke, a city of marvellous quietness," &c. Luke, 16 March.
Hol., pp. 3. Add. Endd.
16 March.
R. O.
Has despatched the bearer, in whom Wolsey will find a treasure, and the household here no little lack, as also in our clerk-comptroller now repairing to you. They can both show the state of this household, and how it is a greater charge to the King for lack of pastures. These parts under the Princess's authority are in great quietness. Ludlow, 16 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Legate. Endd.
16 March.
Galba, B. v.
B. M.
St. P. I. 284.
4080. SIR T. MORE to WOLSEY.
Yesterday, Michael the Gueldrois delivered the King a letter from Iselsteyne, written in such a way as it seemed to the King not without the suggestion of the lady Margaret. Iselsteyne deprecated strongly the war between the Emperor and the King, expressing a hope that Flanders would not be affected by it. The King replied that no one was more loth than he to have war, but as the Emperor had shown himself intractable, he was resolved to defend his cause, and had not been hasty to do injury to the Low Countries. As Iselsteyne had proposed to come over, if he came with sufficient authority from the Emperor, he should be welcome; but the King refused to enter into any specialties with Michael on so slight an intimation.
The King sent for More, and expressed his unwillingness to have war with the Low Countries, although he would have no slackness in putting lord Sandys and his company in readiness. He thinks that the Low Countries will be more likely, by sending Sandys, to keep the goods of the English merchants; or else that Sandys would be induced by the French to undertake some exploit in Flanders, and so exasperate matters and endanger the English Pale. When I was about to tell him my mind, "he said this gear could not be done so suddenly," but that he and you must first speak together. When the Spaniards are discharged, whom the King condescends to set at liberty on your advice, he wishes you to tell them how loth he is to have any war with Spain.
There is a hospital in Southwark, of which the master is old, blind, and feeble. Though it is in the gift of the bishop of Winchester, yet the King is informed that, as Legate, you may appoint a coadjutor; and he would like to have the same for his chaplain, Mr. Stanley. He has two reasons for this: first, that Stanley is a gentleman born; and, secondly, if he got rid of him, he would like to have a more learned man in his place. Sends letters received yesterday by the King out of Ireland. Windsor, 16 March.
Hol. Add.
16 March.
R. O.
I thank your good Grace that it pleaseth you to write "to so poor a man as I am; and also Mistress Ann in like manner thanketh your Grace for your kind and favorable writing unto her." She humbly desires me to write to your Grace in favor of Sir Thos. Cheyney, and she is marvellously sorry that he should be in your Grace's displeasure. Hears that Borrow, one of the monks at Peterborough, has come to London, and says that the convent have compromitted to Wolsey to choose either him or another of the same house. Sends the bearer to know Wolsey's pleasure about it. Windsor, 16 March.
P.S.—Promises him 2,000 marks towards his great building at Oxford. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.: "Mr. Hennege, xvjta Marcii 1527."
[17 March.]
Cott. App. 6.
B. M.
"[My] Lorde," your Lordship writes that you could not proceed to the execution of the King's letters, as your Council could not inform you what order should be taken with those attainted and arraigned of treason, and asking that it might be delayed till the coming of some of the justices. If his delay proceed from that ground chiefly, it would be well. He must not use such cautelous and colorable dealing with [one] who has thus tenderly brought him up, and set [him] forward, and by whose means the King [has p]ut him in such authority. Knows the whole ... and discourse of his privy suits and dealing. [He] has not answered to Wolsey's expectations. [If] his suits had been just and reasonable, would not have failed to have set [them "forwar]d."
As for the sparing of Sir William L[isle's] elder son, would rather he lived than died,—"quia non cupio [m]ort[em] peccatoris sed ut convertatur et vivat,"—if it did not embolden others. The King therefore wishes him to be sent to the Tower, and the execution of his father and the others to proceed with all diligence. "Hampton Court, the, &c."
Draft, hol., mutilated, pp. 2.
20 March.
R. O.
Will of Thos. Tavynar, dated 20 March 1528. To be buried at Esyngden. Bequests to the altar there, and the church of Lincoln; to his wife Joan Tavernar; his son William; his eldest daughter Annas Haeward; and Alice and Ame, &c.
P. 1.
20 March.
R. O.
4084. JAMES V. to WOLSEY.
Thanks Wolsey for taking into his own hands the cause of two poor religious men sent to Rome by the minster and wardens of the order of St. Francis in Scotland, whom he caused to remain in England, and obtained for them, at his own expence, briefs against an apostate. Requests him to deliver them to the said religious men, or to the brethren of Greenwich or Richmond. Edinburgh, 20 March 15 Jac. V. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
20 March.
R. O.
4085. THOMAS LORD BERKELEY and others to WOLSEY.
Have received the King's letter this 20 March. Have accordingly met at Tettbury. Can get no information of any persons having come out of Gloucestershire into Wiltshire, such as the King was informed were the occasion of the assembly at the Devise. The King's subjects in this shire are peaceful and loyal, and the clothiers quite willing to set their men at work as they used to do. Begs Wolsey to be a mean to the King that there be a vent shortly for the utterance of their cloth. Signed: Thomas Berkeley—Willm. Kyngston—Antony Poyntz—Johan Hyggys—Edmund Tame.
P. 1. Add. Endd.


  • 1. Even Fox's signature is in Gardiner's hand in this and the following letters.
  • 2. An error of Wriothesley.