Henry VIII: October 1527, 1-15

Pages 1571-1580

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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October 1527

1 Oct.
R. O. St. P. VII. 8.
Gives a description of the ceremonies of a meeting of the Order of St. Michael. Sees nothing in it to be praised. They follow the fashion of your order, but fail in everything. The duke of Longevile and the countie Carp, an Italian, "who is so impotent that he cannot go," were made knights of the Order. Compiegne, 1 Oct. Signed.
Add. Endd.
2 Oct.
R. O.
3473. ITALY.
"Ex Roma a D. Laurentio Rodulpho ad Cardinalem Rodulphum, die secunda Octobris."
The Germans have re-entered Rome, and will not leave it unless they are paid 150,000 ducats. They have so terrified the people that their demands are in part listened to, and when they could not get ready money they have demanded hostages for security. The Pope is very indignant, and has resolved with his cardinals neither to give hostages nor money except in their own persons. Whilst they were deliberating Alarcon made his appearance, saying that the Germans had sworn to commit some great enormity unless hostages were given them immediately. The Pope, much moved, said he would not allow it, and shed so many tears that even his enemies were compelled to pity him. Alarcon, with all his efforts and by shutting the door, could scarcely prevent the Pope from joining us as a hostage. At last he suffered us to go. We were conducted honorably by the Spaniards, undergoing only the ceremonial punishment of being exhibited in the Campo de' Fiori, where the Germans had assembled in great tumult. Alarcon delivered us to the German band, and after we had been shown to the infantry we were taken to the house of the Picard Massatosti, who treated us with great respect. Fears this gentle treatment will not last. They directed us to urge the Pope to pay the money, that we might the sooner be liberated. We replied that we were not hostages for money but for observance of the terms made between the Pope and the Emperor, which provided that taxes should be imposed by commissioners on the states of the Church to the sum of 250,000 ducats, and that the Imperialists were bound, if necessary, to see them levied, which it was impossible to do while the Pope was a prisoner. We are reconciled to perpetual imprisonment, as only death is worse than what we have suffered already.
A general of St. Francis, who had come from Spain to the Viceroy at Gaeta, died on the 28th ult. He had written to the bishop of Verona (ad dominum Veronen.) to put the Pope in comfort, as he brought news that would dispel the darkness of the Church. Card. Colonna, who came in two days from Naples, sent word to the bishop of Verona that he came solely to kiss the Pope's foot and ask pardon for injuries.
Lat., pp. 2.
5 Oct.
R. O.
A decree was made by Wolsey before his departure, that the writer's sister, my lady Willoughby, should bring into Chancery all such evidences as she and the other executors of my Lord my brother had in keeping in London in Trinity term last, in order that it might be seen by the counsel on both sides what lands were entailed to heirs male, and what others to heirs general, previous to "offices" being found in every shire by the writs of diem clausit extremum. Lady Willoughby, however, brought in only a little coffer sealed, declaring that it contained all the evidences except those touching the lands of her jointure, and those mentioned in her husband's will, which she declared openly in Chancery that she would not show in court. For his own part, has obeyed Wolsey's command not to meddle in the matter until an order should be taken between himself and her, but his sister-in-law does the contrary. Mr. White and Thomas Russhe, whom Wolsey commissioned to view the goods of the late Lord in Norfolk and Suffolk, saw those that he left at the Barbican in London, and then went to Parham in Suffolk, where they found that lady Willoughby had conveyed away all the goods of her husband, including those that he had bequeathed to the writer, and heirlooms that had been there for 60 years. Encloses a list of the articles. Sotherary, 5 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: "My lord Cardinal's good grace." Endd.
6 Oct.
R. O.
Deed of sale by Sir Thos. Denys and Thos. Crumwell to Sir Thos. Cornewaylle, for 200l., of the castle and manors of Codnor, Lascowe, Langley, Hennor, and Mylnehowe, Derbyshire;—the castle and manors of South Wytham, Swayfeld, Metryngham, and Saxby, Lincolnshire;—the manors of Stony Staunton, and Sapcotts, Leicestershire;—Towton, Barton, and Ratcliff, Notts;—Hoo, Halstowe, and St. Mary Hoo, with the hundred of Aylesford, Kent;—and Thurrok Grey, Essex;—which they bought from Sir T. Cornewaylle and Thos. Newport on the 6 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.
Draft, pp. 3. Endd.
7 Oct.
Vit. B. IX. 162. B. M.
3476. ITALY.
News from Rome brought by a person who was sent by card. Triulzi from the castle of St. Angelo to Lautrec on Oct. 7.
The general of the Franciscan order came from Spain to Rome, and told the Pope, in the Emperor's name, that he should be liberated on condition of holding a general council for the reformation of the Church. The Emperor demands, for security, during the war in Italy, Civita Castellana, Orvieto, Forli, Bologna, and Ancona; a promise from the Pope that he will never oppose him; 12 hostages to be named by the Emperor; 200,000 crowns in two months, for the wages of the army, in addition to the 400,000 crowns granted at the first capitulation.
The Pope answered that he would agree to a council, but Christian princes must first agree with each other about the place where it shall be held. He would not promise about giving up the cities named, as he did not know whether they would be contented, and was sure they did not wish to be under Spanish rule. As to the hostages, he desired the general to name those whom the Emperor wished to have, and he would then answer. His Holiness said that he was not bound to pay the money demanded, and if he was bound to pay it, he had agreed with the Viceroy to pay it in two years, within which it was impossible.
The general, seeing the difficulties in the way of setting him free, said that he must send for the Emperor's decision on many points, and requested the Pope to ask Lautrec for a safe-conduct through France.
He thought he asked this more for the purpose of informing the Emperor of the state of his affairs here, and told Lautrec so, that he might do what he thought best. All the Imperial lanzknechts are at Rome, and it is agreed that they shall be paid 2½ pays at once, and the three others within two months, at the rate of 30,000 crowns each pay. All the money available for the first payment is 30,000 crowns, brought by the general, and 10,000 crowns in the hands of Alarcon.
The Spaniards also refuse to leave Rome until they are paid. The lanzknechts do not exceed 4,500, and the Spaniards 2,500. The Italians number 1,500 and are outside Rome. These forces have no general, except Alarcon, who has not left the castle of St. Angelo. Don Ugo, the marquis of Guasto, and John of Urbino were in Naples. Don Ugo, who is the Viceroy's lieutenant, was ill. Alarcon and the other Imperialists are certain that on the approach of the fleet and of Lautrec's army the affairs of the Emperor will be ruined, as they can get no money. The Pope, seeing the exorbitant demands made to him, urges the army of the league to proceed, and will agree to nothing if he knows that it is doing so.
The marquis of Saluzzo has fortified Brazano for the abbot of Farfa, and the troops of Renzo and Tardes have gone thither.
Lat., pp. 3.
7 Oct.
Cal. B. III. 173. B. M.
Held on the 14th Sept. last a warden court by the King's commandment. Three persons were executed. Has commanded divers watches to be kept. Has commanded his brother, Sir Thos. Clifford, to burn the houses of the Nixons in Bowcastelldale, who are now ready to submit. Wishes to know what is to be done. His brother also held at Tollerkirk, 24th Sept., another warden court with lord Maxwell. Three Englishmen, notorious offenders, have been arrested; one slain in a rescue, two executed at Carlisle. Begs that his brother may be appointed sheriff of Cumberland on All Saints' day next. Carlton Lodge, 7 Oct. Signed.
Add.: To Master Magnus, Sir Wm. Parre, Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Sir Thos. Tempest, and other of my lord of Rychmonde graces counsell.
Pp. 2.
8 Oct.
R. O.
Hear he intends to remove the prior of Tynemouth and make him abbot of Peterborough. Ask him to give the priory to Dan Peter Lee, D.D., of the monastery of Durham, a man of learning and good conversation. 8 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.. To my lord Legate's grace.
8 Oct.
Vesp. F. XIII. 114. B. M.
3479. MARG. ZOUCHE to her cousin ARUNDEL.
Begs him to have pity upon his poor kinswoman, who has lived in the greatest thraldom ever since the death of her good lady and mother. Requests him to ask my lord Cardinal to speak to the King and Queen that she may be taken into their service, or that of my lady Princess. Arundel would marvel if he knew how she was dealt with, "for we see nothing that should be to our comfort." Her mother-in-law, who never loved any of them, now rules everything, and makes her father worse to them than he used to be. Sorrow was the cause of her mother's death, and so it will be of theirs. Notwell, 8 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful and my singular good cousin Arundel.
9 Oct.
R. O.
A bill for the making of billets, tallwood, horseshoes, &c. For making of 3,000 byllote, 2s.; for making 4 load of tallwood, 6d.; horseshoes, 8d. per doz.; horseshoe nails, 2s. 1d. per thousand; for my costs to Mr. Sheriff, 20d.; for costs to and from London, 12d.; to John Kebell, 5l.; to Wm. Maurysden for 20 qrs. of oats, 11l.; to the abbot of Norton, 13s. 4d. Total, 21l. 3s. 9½d., allowed in a bill to Wm. Thomas, dated 9 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.
P. 1. Endd.. Adrian Fortescue, K.
ii. A similar account, headed "Redyng feer, May day, anno 19 R. H. VIII." For nails, saddle-trees, &c.
Pp. 2. Endd.
9 Oct.
P. S. b.
Petition of Geoffrey, bishop of Cov. and Lich., for confirmation of the election of Thos. Weyford, vice John Webe, late prior, resigned. Lichfield, 9 Oct. 1527.
10 Oct.
R. O. Pocock, I. 17.
Sends by Angelo del Vantaggio a safeconduct, granted by the Imperialists on hearing of his arrival in Italy, that he may confer with the general of St. Francis and the lord de Vere, sent by the Emperor on matters touching universal peace. Castle of St. Angelo, Rome, 10 Oct. 1527. 4 Clement VII.
Lat. Vellum. Add.: Dilecto filio equiti Casalio, S. Regis Angliæ Oratori.
Calig. D. X. 113. B. M. 3483. [LAUTREC] to FRANCIS I.
* * * "...[Ve]ndome, Beljoyeuse, qui esto[it] ... dans le parlement, et en commenceant a parlam ... dedans, jay saulve Sire ledit Beljoyeuse e[t jai fait ce] que jay peu, et pour ceste heure ne ve ... peult avoir este faict dans ladite ville, p ... encores dedans au sac, mais javoye aupar[avant] ... touchast aux eglises, aux femmes, ne aux p[restres].
"Sire, les Suysses et lansquenetz nous ont fait ung ... car a ma requeste ils se sont tenuz en bataille l ... du jour avec la gendarmerie, comme il estoit beson[gne. Aussitot] que je suis ici, Anthoine de Ligne est parti par de[vers] Millan avec toutes les forces quil a, et venu ju[sques a] Binasco, et aulcuns de ses gens jusques a la Char trou ... nous cuyder venir trouver en desordre. Lesdits Suys[ses] ... demandent le double paye ainsi quest acoustume de p[rendre dans les] villes, et les lansquenets demandent que en ensu[ivant les] articles qui ont este accordez avec eulx leur moys ... telz jour, qui pourra estre environ vingt jours d ... davantage pour lesdits lansquenetz. A ceste [cause je vous] supplie, Sire, voulloir promptement faire pou[rvoir] ... et je feray ce que pourray pour ... que je aye en votre responce" * * *
10 Oct.
R. O. St. P. VII. 9.
I received from Wolsey a letter informing me of such letters as he had written to the French king; among others of the sharp words used by you to the Imperial ambassador touching the supposed offers made to the Emperor by the French ambassadors, and of his ambitious mind to Milan, at which Francis greatly rejoiced, and desired me to give you his hearty thanks. I have written to Wolsey. The French king desires to purchase certain horses in England, he is so delighted with those you sent him. Sanlys, 10 Oct. Signed.
Add. Endd.
10 Oct.
Cal. D. X. 116. B. M.
3485. [CLERK, &c. to WOLSEY.]
* * * "and in the morning for ... [Kin]g's presence, according to the purport of your Grace['s letters] concerning the disbursing of the money for the [month of] September past, and also for October, when it shall ... effect of the same. He heartily thanked your [Grace for your] remembrance and good soliciting thereof to the [King's highness].
"Further, I showed him that your Grace was of [opinion that as God had] hitherto sent unto him so good fortune in his aff[airs there should be no] time lost, but that he should cause Mons. de [Lautrec to] march towards the enemies, putting no thing in delay [by besieging] any town or hold. He answered me that Monsieur de [Lautrec would] not fail, but with all speed advance himself to them, and th[at the reason] he laid siege to Pavia was, for that he made a face a[s if he] would go to Milan to know what they would say. Antony de [Leyva being] in Pavia, thinking that Monsieur de Lautrec would lay siege there[unto, departed] from Pavia with his company, entering into Milan for the def[ence] thereof, leaving behind him not passing 500 men, the which [Mons. de] Lautrec understanding, cut between him and Pavia, whereunto h[e immediately] laid siege, which the French king thinketh cannot long hold [out unless] otherwise furnished, and hath sent Mons. de Lautrec word that [as soon] as it is gotten to set it on fire. I demanded why. He answered [because] it cannot be furnished with no little company, and that it were not [good] that the army should be minished, considering that he now approacheth [the] enemies.
"And as to the offers which your Grace doth advertise the said Fre[nch king] should be made by his ambassador to the Emperor or to [any of his] Council, other than your Grace knoweth, as by the report of ... ambassador to the King's highness should appear to be m ... [the French] king told me that Mons. de Tarbes, his ambassador ... surmises went to the Emperor, requiring him upon ... [whether] he ever made any such offers to him or to ... [to which he] answered nay, to whom Monsr. [de Tarbes] ... that he is much to * * * ... [con]clusions as were devised between ... touching the uttermost offers, whereupon ye ... le marvel by what means he came to the knowledge ...
["And] where, as well by your said letters as also by my report, the Fre[nch king knowe]th under what manner the King's highness hath answered [the Emperor']s ambassador, with the sore words had to him concerning [his unrea]sonable demands, and also his ambitious mind; h[e earnes]tly desired your Grace to give unto the King's highness his m[ost hearty and] cordial thanks, and putting off his bonnet, showed unto me [how much] bounden he was unto his Highness, that it pleased him to spe[ak such] words to the said ambassador, whereby the Emperor undoubtedly [would know] the great amity, zeal, and love that his Highness beareth towards [him], praying God to give him grace to do that thing that might b[e to the] contentation of his Highness; to the accomplishment whereof [during his] life he would never fail to endeavor himself, with such humbleness ... and after such sort that it seemed by his lowliness, his speech [was] rather from a mean gentleman to a prince than from one k[ing to an]other, saying that he would never do thing concerning the pre[mises except] it were by the advice of the King's highness and of your Grace, [and any]thing that his Highness willeth him to do, he will follow [to the] uttermost of his power.
"And as to the sixteen gallies offered to him by the Venetians, he is ... very well contented, thinking that they shall do him as goo[d service as] the twenty-four which were demanded, saying that he knoweth ... of them very well; and as to the 5,000 Almains in like [manner] demanded to be in the lieu of 5,000 of the League ... him accordingly as your Grace wrote, albeit he made me ans[wer] ... why they would none of them, was for that as he tho[ught ... Al]mayns were in their league, they would more quickly ... ards the enemies than the other do, which * * * ... King's highness ... [gel]dings, which his said ecuyer Sha[tillon] ... Highness shall rather think them horses of Tu[rkey] ... Sir, in mine opinion it were well done that th[e King should cause] some of both sorts to be provided and sent to him ... Furthermore concerning the rewards which should ... Council, and sent after them to Calais the C ... nor none of the King's Council that were pry ... these three days, notwithstanding at their comy[ng] ... put them in remembrance thereof according to y[our Grace's letters]. The cause why that the French king setteth not yet fo[rwards towards] Paris according as I wrote unto your Grace in my former letter ... wold is for so much as my Lady his mother is somewhat disea[sed with the] gout, and lieth at Shantily, a place of the Great Mast[ers, about] two leagues off this town."
Thanks Wolsey for his report of him to the King, and for his other kindnesses. Sanlys, 10 Oct.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
11 Oct.
R. O.
"Articles of agreement made between Thomas Doylee and Alice his wife, ordained, ended, and determined by the Right Worshipful Master Doctor Taylor, Master of the Rolls," 11 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.; viz., that Doylee shall receive her back into his house, treat her well, and make estate in fee simple to her use, to such persons as she shall name, of lands in complement of her dower, &c.
Draft, with corrections and additional articles in Cromwell's hand, pp. 2. Endd.
11 Oct. 3487. For ST. MARY'S, COVENTRY.
Restitution of temporalities on the election of Tho. Wyford, as prior, confirmed by Geoffrey bishop of Coventry and Lichfield. The fealty of the said prior is ordered to be taken by the abbot of Kenelworth. Westm., 11 Oct.
Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 8.
12 Oct.
Vesp. F. I. 11. B. M.
3488. HUNGARY.
"Ex literis magnifici domini Hyeronimi Lasco diei xii. Augusti."
The said Hieronymus had joined Radych, the captain of the King's light horse, at the castle of Lippa, with 4,000 horse and as many foot. The King had entered Moravia, a duchy of Ferdinand, with 15,000 horse and foot; and if he did not meet him, he would send Lasco and Radych to enter Austria in another direction, which country he intended to enter himself.
From letters from Hungary, 24 Sept.
The Palatine, Ferdinand's lieutenant, had sent Andrea Bathori with German foot and the cavalry of the Palatine, the archbishop of Gran, and the bishop of Vesprim to intercept Sigismond Literatus, late governor (provisor) of Varadin, whom the bishop of Varadin had sent with cavalry to the King. He met and attacked them, killing about 2,000. Bathori fled with a few survivors to the castle of Therebes, and was there besieged by Sigismond.
Letters of Oct. 3 state that the King's forces have gained a great victory near Cassovia, which they are besieging. Johannes Bansii, the King's lieutenant in Sclavonia, writes on the Sunday after St. Augustine's day that the King was marching towards Moravia, and that he and other nobles were in arms expecting orders.
Ferdinand has returned to Vienna from Bohemia, where he held a diet, but without obtaining what he wanted. From the Germans he asked 5,000 foot, but it is not known whither he would send them. He is pressed for money by the duke of Brunswick, whom he sent into Italy with a band of Germans, but never paid, and the Duke threatens to take up arms to recover his due.
Received letters from Croatia of Oct. 12, that Ferdinand had sent 8,000 Germans to the castle of Uduigna, which belongs to the Turks, on the frontier of Carinthia; but they missed their way, and were surrounded and cut to pieces by 16,000 Turks between Labacum and Methlica, and the survivors had fled to the latter place. The prefect of Bosna had made several inroads towards Labacum, and done great damage.
Lat., pp. 2. Endd.: Ex literis missis Rmo domino Joanni Statilio E[piscopo] Transilvaniæ Sermi Regis Hungariæ oratori.
12 Oct.
R. O.
Starts today for Oxford. Will send him news from thence shortly. Thanks him for kind letters which he received by master Tuke's servant, the contents whereof he hopes he has accomplished. Blakemor, 12 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful as his especial good friend master Cromwell.
12 Oct.
R. O.
Is desired by Lautrec to write urgently for more money. Lautrec has been informed by the ambassadors of Milan and Venice that certain lance-knights are ready to advance upon us, and he is advised to withdraw his army towards Milan and Como, leaving nothing behind within the duchy of Milan. He suspects, however, that the news is only a device to draw him towards those parts. 12 Oct.
Hol., p. 1.
12 Oct. 3491. JOHN ROPER.
His will. Proved, 12 Oct. 1527. Printed in Nicholas' Testamenta Vetusta, p. 629.
12 Oct.
Harl. MS. 442. f. 85. B. M.
Proclamation to be made by Sir Robert Wingfield, deputy, and by the mayor of Calais, ordering the repair of ruinous houses. Westm., 12 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.
Modern copy, pp. 2.
13 (fn. 1) Oct.
Vit. B. IX. 164. B. M.
3493. ITALY.
"Ex literis D. Gregorii, die ... Octobris, Placentiæ datis."
Count Galeazzo Tasson has returned to the camp from the Du[ke], saying that the Duke will serve the League, and desires the ambassadors to come to him. We shall go to Ferrara in two days, taking cardinal Cibo with us, and procuring for him the authority of other cardinals. Joachim has come hither, and will go to Venice to treat concerning the lances to be granted to the marquis of Mantua. A nobleman has been sent to urge the Pope not to accept any terms from the Imperialists, nor to give them money. Cardinal Far[nese] has gone to Parma to collect money for the army. News has come that two standards sallied out of Milan against 300 of our foot at Biagrassa. The Venetians could not assist them, and Lautrec sent a few Gascons, Germans, and Italians to their aid. Fears this may delay our journey for six days. Heard afterwards that what was reported by the Imperialists was merely to cause fear, and if so, we shall go the sooner to Rome.
Lat., pp. 2, Vannes' hand; mutilated.
14 Oct.
R. O. St. P. VII. 11.
Has arrived at Dover, and been graciously received by the Grand Chamberlain, the Treasurer, and Marshal of Calais. Is obliged to wait for the arrival of his train, and will leave tomorrow for Canterbury. Dover, 14 Oct. Signed.
Fr. Add.
The styles of the Great Master and Admiral of France.
"Nous, Anne seigneur de Montmorency, grant maistre et mareschal de France, chevalier de l'ordre, conte de Beaumont, gouverneur et lieutenant general du Roy es pais de Languedoc."
"Nous, Phelipes Chabot, chevalier de l'ordre, conte de Neublanc, seigneur de Bryon, baron d'Apremont, Buzaynce et Paigny, admiral de France, Bretaigne et Guyenne, gouverneur et lieutenant general pour le Roy en ses pais et duche de Bourgoigne, et aussi lieutenant general pour monsieur de Daulphyn au gouvernement de Normandye."
14 Oct.
R. O.
Inspeximus of grants touching various manors in Staffordshire and other counties. 14 Oct. 19 Hen. VIII.
Lat., vellum; several sheets, seal attached.
15 Oct.
Vit. B. IX. 165. B. M.
Heard from Lautrec of the passing of Dr. Chinit (Knight), who has gone 10 miles further. Lautrec thought he brought money, but Casale assured him that he came on spiritual affairs. Wrote to ask him to wait at Parma or Piacenza, and sent letters of introduction for him to some of his own relations, and to the Cardinal of Mantua. Will assist him as much as possible.
Since his last letter, has been practising with the Swiss, who say they agreed to serve in the duchy of Milan, and refuse to go elsewhere. Those who have returned from the fortresses in Tuscany have joined them and caused great famine and disease. Guido, count Rangoni, and Casale have made them great promises, and appeased them with difficulty. Besides this, they have embezzled 4,000 pays. The French king will now see the truth of the advice given him about the Swiss and Germans.
As Lautrec says, they have been twice paid, and we do not know that they are anywhere else than at Brescia, and beyond Savoy. This delay will cause the Pope to agree with the Imperialists, unless the influence of the Cardinals prevents it. Has heard of the death of the Viceroy from many places, especially from the archbishop of Capua, who was present. Wolsey may consider it a judgment of God. Cardinal Colonna has kissed the Pope's feet, and shows himself most friendly to the college. The Colonnas have intimated to Lautrec that they will gladly come to an agreement with the French king, as the Emperor does not recognise their deserts. Lautrec has given a favorable answer in general terms. The Florentine ambassador has spoken privately with Casale on the subject. Asks Wolsey to advise the French king not to despise their request, for it will ensure our victory. The duke of Milan has come to try and persuade Lautrec to proceed against Milan. The Venetians write constantly of the irruption of the Germans, and of the success of the king of Bohemia in Hungary. Lautrec remains constant, and would have started for Rome tomorrow, if the Swiss had not prevented it. Every one blames Casale for advising Lautrec to go to Rome, saying that he does so because he wishes to return to his own country. Lautrec sends the bearer through France to urge the French king and Wolsey to hasten the contribution, and desired Casale to assure Wolsey of his intention to proceed to Rome. The fleet is ready, and Andrea Doria will now set out with 2,200 foot, as there is no means of getting money to provide more.
Langeais will return tomorrow to Genoa, and order the sailing of the fleet. Has sent persons to him to levy 1,000 foot for the Tuscan fleet. Rentzi will come shortly to levy 3,000 foot, but there will be no money at Genoa; and nothing will be done unless Wolsey persuades the French king to send some. Money could be got from the Genoese if the Fregosi were given up to them, and also from the people of Savoy, if they were promised freedom.
Lautrec will send him to Ferrara in two days. Has written to the Signory to despatch an ambassador thither. Has not much hope in the Duke. Pavia, 15 Oct. 1527. Signed.
Lat., pp. 6.
15 Oct.
R. O.
The duke of Ferrara has sent his ambassador, and says the matters proposed to him about Naples are too weighty for him; that he is very glad of the affinity to be contracted in France, but can do nothing in the matter until freed, as he hopes soon to be, from his obligations to the Emperor. The Ambassador urges me to go to the Duke, who will do much for the King. Yesterday the Venetian ambassador and I spoke freely to Lautrec, advising him to declare for the confederates, especially as he was going with his army into their territories, and that if the duke of Ferrara would not come over to us the College of Cardinals would order Lautrec, as captain general, to storm Modena and Reggio, which are cities of the Church. This was intimated today to the Duke's ambassador, who was sent to his master with an offer that, if he would declare himself for the confederates, France, Venice, and the Florentines would get the Pope to secure him in the possession of the state he now has, and that the investiture of the duchy should be given him.
We must get him to resolve at once that our army may know what to do, else we shall get nothing from him but words; but now he is in evil case we could, in two days, overrun all his territory by water. Lautrec awaits the Ambassador's return before determining whether I shall go to Ferrara. Have not yet left Pavia, as part of the Swiss are unpaid, and will not go forward.
Lat., pp. 2. In Vannes' hand. Headed: "Ex literis D. Gregorii, die xv. Octobris Papiæ datis." Endd.
15 Oct.
R. O.
Three or four days after the capture of Pavia the Swiss mustered, and, as usual on such occasions, demanded double wages. When urged to go to Rome they said they would either remain or go home. Lautrec assembled a council, and with difficulty persuaded 2,000 of them to go on. They did the same after the taking of Alexandria, when all but 2,000 went home. Others, who had two months' wages on their arrival here, mustered the very next day, and demanded a third month's wages before they had done an hour's service. Pay was given for 6,000 men, though there appeared to be only 5,000 at the musters. Often called upon Lautrec about the galleys to be sent to Naples, but he said it was not his business. Langeais, however, has been here (as he believes Wolsey knows), and gone to Genoa about it. Signor Gregory had paid 52,000 crowns of the King's money, before his arrival, without his consent. Has agreed to his paying the rest, considering Lautrec's determination to advance to Rome. _ 15 Oct.
The duke of Milan has arrived here, "a man very impotent, and, as me thinketh, not of most pregnant wit." Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
15 Oct.
R. O.
Accounts and receipts of Sir Adrian Fortescue, from 27 March 1526 to 15 Oct. 1527.
Persons mentioned.—Ric. Brokham, Ric. Ford, John Heron, Margaret Berde, Mr. Wynd.
Places.—Morton, Henley-upon-Thames, Sottewell-Stonor, Sottewell-St.-John.
Nine documents.


  • 1. Supplied from note in the margin.