Henry VIII: September 1527, 16-30

Pages 1557-1571

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 4, 1524-1530. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1875.

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September 1527

16 Sept.
R. O. Le Grand, III. 4.
Are much concerned at the Pope's imprisonment, and the peril of the Church, for which they have ordered prayers and fasts to be instituted in England and France, and have addressed remonstrances to the Emperor, and implored the assistance of Henry and Francis. Are to confer together further at Compiegne how to procure the Pope's liberation; otherwise it is to be feared that the Emperor will rob the Church, and keep the cardinals in prison at his pleasure. Protest that if he do, the free cardinals will not recognise acts done under compulsion, or any cardinals created by the Pope during his imprisonment. Signed: T. Carlis Ebor., legatus—L. Carlis de Borbonia—Jo. Carlis de Salviatis, legatus—Jo. Carlis de Lothoringia—A. Carlis Senensis, Franciæ Cancellarius. [Compiegne, 16 Sept. 1527.]
On parchment. Endd.
R. O. 2. Notarial copy of the above, dated Compiegne, 16 Sept. 1527.
On parchment.
17 Sept.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 230.
3435. FRANCIS I.
Acquittance of 60,000l. sterling, in which John and Anthony Cavallari stand bound at the instance of Cardinal Wolsey. Compiegne, 17 Sept. 1527. Signed.
Copy of letters from the clergy of England to the Emperor, urging him to punish the outrage at Rome, and relieve the Pope from his imprisonment.
Lat., pp. 6.
R. O. 2. Copy of letters from the clergy of England to the clergy of Spain on the same subject. They have written to the clergy of France to promote the alliance between England and France in the Pope's defence.
Lat., pp. 6. Endd.: "Copiæ pro domino Gregorio."
18 Sept.
R. O. St. P. VII. 6.
Wolsey left Compiegne on the 17th. He has handled your affairs here with such ability that I wonder how he has escaped sickness. Francis will be glad to know how you like the cross-bows he sent, and whether you will have any wild swine sent to England. Mountydeir, 18 Sept. Signed.
Add. Endd.
18 Sept.
Er. Ep. p. 1839.
Is grieved to hear from the archbishop of Canterbury that Erasmus thinks he is in danger. In my tender years, when I first knew you, I entertained for you no slight regard; and this has been daily augmented by the honorable mention you have made of me in your writings. Now, seeing the unwearied labours which you have suffered in the cause of Christianity, I am desirous of succoring your pious efforts, for I have myself felt for some years the same desire of restoring the faith and religion of Christ to its pristine dignity, and repelling the impious attacks of the heretics, that the Word of God may run on purely and freely. But such is the infelicity of the times, and the prostration of good manners, that all things degenerate. I am anxious for your safety, lest, if you were removed, heresy should advance with greater danger and greater cruelty. I remember you used to say that England should be your refuge in your old age. I shall consider your conversation and advice as a great advantage; and we will, with united efforts, advance the Gospel of Christ. Otford, 18 Sept.
18 Sept.
Leonard, II. 286.
Confirmation of the treaty of the More (1525); also of agreement of Francis to pay 50,000 g. c. yearly to the king of England. London, 18 Sept. 1527.
20 Sept.
Vit. B. IX. 158. B. M.
Write on behalf of a fellow citizen, Orsatto, who is imprisoned in consequence of the false assertions of Thomas Mort and Christopher Campion that he was leaving England to prepare a fleet for inflicting damage on the English. Ragusa, 20 Sept. 1527.
Lat., p. 1.
21 Sept.
R. O. St. P. I. 279.
According to my last, I left Compiegne on Tuesday, being brought a mile on my way by the kings of France and of Navarre, the Legate, and others. On taking my leave, Francis embraced me with tears in his eyes, desiring his most cordial recommendations to your Highness. I arrived at Boulogne this day, between 10 and 11, where I received letters from Francis and my Lady, which I send, announcing the capture of Alexandria, and other exploits to the detriment of the Imperialists, through whose discomfiture the Pope will be restored. The Emperor is pressed in Naples by Renzo de Ceri, and will be compelled to accept the terms offered by France, especially if it be true that the Wayvoda has killed Don Ferdinand; by which means, the Emperor being left destitute, the princes of the Empire may elect a new king of the Romans, or else a new Emperor, for repressing Luther, and bringing Germany into better order and obedience. Monday I shall be at Guisnes for viewing your house, and on Tuesday at Calais. Boulogne, 21 Sept. Signed.
21 Sept.
Vit. B. IX. 160. B. M.
3442. [_ to FRANCIS I.]
"Je passay h ... m'en vins coucher à Plebe de Cayre" (Pieve del Cairo), and today at Ochobiano. Yesterday had a dispute with the ambassadors of the Signory, "et d[uc de Milan]," who had promised artillery and pioneers as soon as he was on the Ticino, but he can get nothing from them. Told them of the great expence he had incurred in bringing the King's artillery and 600 pioneers hither, besides the additional number that was necessary for the taking of Bosco and Alexandria. Demanded from them at least 3,000 pioneers and a good number of guns, but sees plainly that he will not get sufficient. Novara and Vigefve (Vigevano) and all Lomelina have surrendered to him. Has put them into the hands of the Duke. This is no small present to him from the King. Assures him it would be better if the conquest was made for himself, and the country would be more content. Asks to know his pleasure. Wishes him to tell the Venetian ambassador in France, that of the 15,000 men they are bound to supply in Romagna and here, there are not half in the field; and also to tell the ambassador of the duke of Milan that, in return for all the places which the King gives him, he must provide a larger force than before. Ochobiano, 21 Sept.
Is just now informed that of the 7,000 men whom the Signory are bound to have here, instead of 5,500, the number which their ambassador said was present, there are but 3,000 or 4,000, and there is no provision being made of artillery.
Fr., pp. 2.
21 Sept.
R. O.
3443. CHARLES V.
Communication from the Emperor's council to the ambassadors of France and England, at Palencia, 20 Sept. 1527.
The Emperor's ambassadors shall say, that, considering the Emperor has given up much to which he has a right by the treaty of Madrid, as appears by the answers given to the French and English ambassadors on Saturday last, he does not doubt that the King their master will conclude peace according to these answers without further delays. As to the doubt which the other ambassadors put forward concerning the defence of Milan, the aid of ships for the voyage to Italy, and the withdrawal of the French army in Italy before the delivery of the Princes, they must know that their master has renounced Milan, as he now renounces Genoa and Asti; that he promised the ships without being asked; and it would not be reasonable to keep an army in Italy after the conclusion of the peace, as it would only occasion distrust and a new war. The reciprocal reparation of damages can be arranged while treating. The request of the French that the Emperor should give up the 100,000 cr. in lieu of 6,000 pays for the Italian expedition is unreasonable, but he will accept the sum in augmentation of his sister's dowry. Concerning Masconois, Auxerrois, Bar-sur-Seine, and the aid to be given to the Emperor at the death of Charles of Gueldres, Francis has already promised. Think that the Emperor, for the sake of peace, will be content to please the French king touching the heirs of the late duke of Bourbon, the prisoners, the sovereignty of Charolois, the 25,000 francs to Madame, and the payment to the duke of Ferrara.
If the renunciation of Milan, and the other points to which Francis is pledged, are performed, the Emperor will make such reply concerning the remainder of the two millions that it will be seen not to be his fault if the peace is not concluded.
The French and English ambassadors desired the Imperial Council of State to repeat the above in the name of his Majesty; and on Saturday, Sept. 21, made the same request to him. Having heard the report of his Council, and seen the writing, he approved of it.
The ambassadors then asked the Emperor to declare the terms and sureties which he desired for the remainder of the two millions. He proposed the delivery, as hostages, on the liberation of the Princes, of Messrs. de Vendome, St. Pôl, Longueville, Guise, Cantrech (sic, q. Lautrec ?), Laval, de Bretaigne, the count of Dunois, the prince of Tallemont, Mons. de Rieulx, the Grand Master, Montmorency, the Admiral, sieur de Boyon, and the heir of the late bastard of Savoy. Palencia, 21 Sept. 1527.
Fr., pp. 6. Endd.: Responsum secundum reformationem. For my lord Legate's grace, 20 Sept. 1527.
R. O. 2. The Emperor desires the following alterations in the articles of the treaty:—
In place of the 3rd, the French king shall be bound to pay for his ransom 1,500,000 cr. of the sun, by certain instalments, the Queen and the Dauphin to be given as hostages.
In the 5th, the county of Ast is to be excepted, as being the ancient patrimony of the house of Orleans.
The 6th article shall be limited to those lands which form the Emperor's patrimony.
A portion of the 21st article shall be omitted, as Mons. de Gheldres is related to and has served the French crown.
The 22nd article about the Emperor's voyage into Italy shall be reformed in accordance with the league between the Pope, French king, Venice, and others.
By the 26th article, Bourbon shall not be allowed to return to France, but his rents shall be paid to him.
By the 28th article, Milanese exiles shall be reinstated. The 22nd (32nd ?) article, touching the sovereignty of Charolois, shall be struck out. In the 44th, a passage is to be inserted concerning the treaty between the kings of England and France.
Articles concerning the delivery of the King, and other matters, which are now useless, are to be struck out.
Fr., pp. 3. Endd.: "Reformatio articulorum ligæ Madrilliæ." (fn. 1)
Cal. D. X. 271. B. M. 3444. PROPOSITIONS made by the EMPEROR'S COUNCIL.
... "que l'Empereur pour le desir qu'il a l ... fust condescendre aux conditions plus que raisonna[bles] ... t octroyées en la cité de Palence, et que pour non avoir ... deu et estre si prejudiciables aux droictz a luy apperten[ans] ... ses anciens tiltres que en vertu du traicte de Madril Il ... retirer toutesfoys tant pour satisfaire de tout son pouvo[ir] ... mediateur et promoteur de si bonne œuvre que pour donner ... a tout le monde que l'intention de sa Majestie a tousjours es[té] ... perseverante a desirer ladite paix et tranquillité universelle [mettant] a part tous interestz particulliers, se a bien voullu de nouve[au faire les] responces ensuyvans.
"Et premierement quant a la somme des deux millions de[scuz] ... aux responces de Palance, entendant que ce soient de bon or ... la loy et vray valleur des escutz au soleil et commun cours ... present, et que les 1,200,000 qui se doivent payer comptans ... masse ou en or monnoye du mesme valleur et pris a les ... experimentez. Et quant à ce que se pretend estre deu ... d'argent presté que pour evicter confusion et pour estre certa[in] ... que avant la conclusion dudit traicte de paix, ou en la ... soient beaulment exhibez les obligacions et lectraiges d ... pour calculer a la verité la somme deue et la rebatre de ... Et que apres en la reddicion et delivrance des seigneurs ... d'Orleans tant et quant ledit roy d'Angleterre ou ses ... pouvoir suffisant en acceptant ledit roy de France pour ... prestée et aussi bien du pretendu de l'indempuité b ... les dits obligations et lettres casseés et cancellées, et ... joyaulx qu'il a pour ce en gaige, se tenant pour satisfaict ... et quictant sa Majeste de sorte que la reste de ... claire et certaine, et que l'on saiche clereme[nt] ... pour laquelle l'on se devra obliger ou bailler ... tez que l'on offre pour la dite * * * ... ant la delivrance desdits sieurs Dauphin et ... [co]nclute sa Majeste entend pourveoir de sorte que toute ... [s]atisfaicte et en paix repoz et tranquillité comme sadite ... t qui ne demeure occasion pour susciter nouvelles guerres e ... Majeste que ce que ledit roy de France doit restituer par cest ... les choses estoient ou temps du traicte de Madril et a ... guerre.
"[Quan]t a la conté de Charrolois, la responce de Palance est si honneste ... replicque combien que par ce ne demeurera la paix a sa concl[usion] ... croit en ce adviser moyens honnestes et raisonnables.
" ... tend que touche la comprehencion des confederez, sa Majeste a tousjo[urs desire et d]esire que le Pape y soit comprins de commun accort, comme pere et p ... Et quant aux Venissiens ayans icy envoyé pouvoir pour traicter sa M[ajeste] ... en ce praticques pour dresser les affaires a appoinctement, et icelluy faict ... faisans les Florentins la raison a sa Majesté n'y aura diffic[ulté] ... a comprehencion.
"[To]uchant l'offre des galleres et autres vaisseaulx de mer, sa Majes[te ... per]siste en la responce de Pallence.
"[Au] dernier point, qu'est du faict de Millan, pour lequel a este supplye a sa Ma[jeste que] son bon plaisir soit en contemplation et a la requeste desdits sieurs Roys voull[oir lais]ser ladite duché de Millan au duc Francisque Sforce en demandant par[don de] sa Majeste, on peult assez clerement congnoistre de quelle maniere proced[e cette re]queste et que en ce temps tel pardon sembleroit plustost chose forcée qu ... Parquoy sa Majestie pour le present ne doit bonnement ne vouldroit [accord]er ledit pardon, mais apres ladite paix conclute avec le roy de [France touchan]t la delivrance de ses enfans, sa Majesté disposera de sorte [de ladite duche de Mi]llan qu'il monstrera par effect que nulle cupidité ny ... [mais qu'il de]sire le repoz et quietude dit * * * ... qu'est l'administration de la justice. S ... ours la offert et que lesdits ambassadeurs de France ... [e]script sans y riens changer. Bien entend sa Majeste que p ... et obstacles pour lesquelz ladite paix universelle se pourroit e ... Que ou traicte de ladite paix soient de commun accord cousch ... ensuyvans:—
"Le premier que la renonciation que le dit Roy tres Chrestien af ... tous les droictz que luy et ses successeurs pourroient pretend[re] ... soit par ce nouveau traicté de paix renouvellée. En renon[cant pour] luy et ses successeurs à tous lesdits droictz et prouffitz de celle ... ledit estat pourra toucher ou appartenir soit par sentence ou autre[ment].
"Le second que toutes allienacions, dismembracions, d ... concessions faictes par ledit Sforce au prejudice du fief ens[uivant des] obligations, assignacions et yppotheques sur ce imposées p[ar quelque] occasion que ce soit sans expres consentement de sa Majesté [soient] casses et nulles et de nulle force et vigueur comme faictes [sans] droict et contre la nature du fief, de sorte que si ledit du[c] ... ou par justice ou autrement obtient ledit estat qu'il en de ... descharge exempt et libre, encores que telles allienaci[ons] ... eussent esté faictes par quelconque traicte de paix ou ligue ... descharge dudit Roy treschrestien ou d'autres quelzconques coll ...
"Le tiers est, que en cas que ledit estat demeure oudit [duc] comme dit est, que sa personne soit et demeure libre de to[utes les] confederacions faictes avec ledit Roy tres Chrestien ou autres au ... et du Sainct Empire, et que le droit de flef et souve[rainete de l']empire soit inviolablement conservé sans aucune ... prejudiquer.
"Ceste responce a esté faicte et baill[ee] ... par Messire du Conseil de lem[pereur] ... le pr[emi]e[r] ..." * *
R. O. 2. It appears by the report of the ambassadors of both Princes that the whole affair depends upon four points:—1. On the security to be given for the 400,000 crowns necessary to complete the 2,000,000 for the redemption [of Francis]; for which the Emperor demands, as hostages, the dukes of Vendome and Longueville, the counts of St. Pôl and Guise. It is agreed that, without renewal of previous offers, there be offered for the redemption of Francis 2,000,000, of which 1,200,000 crowns shall be paid in ready money, provided that the Dauphin and the duke of Orleans be delivered at the same time. This to be within two months after the agreement has come to the knowledge of Francis. The debts of the king of England to be paid out of the remainder, and the bonds restored. For the remainder, security shall be offered, first in bonds of merchants and bankers, or, if that is not satisfactory, in possession of the lands of the duke of Vendome, and his mother, in Flanders and the Emperor's dominions. If that offer too be rejected, the Emperor shall be offered the sale of the said lands with power of redemption; thirdly, the same security which was given to the king of England for Tournay; and, finally, if nothing else will satisfy him, the bond of the king of England, who is willing to make himself principal debtor for Francis if the latter do not pay.
2. Francis is willing to procure the required renunciation of the dukedom of Milan to the Emperor; from whom, however, it is important to obtain, if possible, that indifferent judges shall be appointed for the trial of Francis Sforza, and that if he be acquitted he shall be restored. If the Emperor insists on restitution of cities taken since the treaty of Madrid, he shall be told that this is unreasonable; but that if Sforza be declared guilty, Francis will assist the Emperor to keep him out of the duchy in any manner that they may agree upon, and will give up possession of Genoa and Patria and Asti to the Emperor immediately after the liberation of his sons with the same security as is provided for the revocation of the army from Italy.
3. The offers about the galleys shall be renewed that the Emperor may keep them for three months, and Francis will restore to the Emperor eight galleys just taken at Portefin.
4. If Francis were to recall his own army from Italy it would be most injurious both to him and the confederates, but it may be recalled on the liberation of his children, and he will promise to do so as soon as possible, within a time to be limited after that event; the king of England promising that if the security of Princes is not sufficient, Francis shall place in the hands of Henry certain young noblemen as security, and shall pay a fine of 300,000 crowns, for which the hostages shall remain. It is agreed that the Venetians and Florentines be comprehended without prejudice of debts due by the Emperor and the king of Hungary, else a form of comprehension shall be accepted such as the Emperor lately desired.
If the Emperor refuse to accept any of these offers, war shall be declared by both Kings without delay. Signed by Montmorency.
Lat., pp. 7. Endd.: "Summa negotii eorum quæ Hispania ab oratoribus allata fuerunt in quatuor pendet articulis. 1527."
24 Sept.
R. O.
Has received his letters by Michael Marcator, his goldsmith. Is glad he takes pleasure in any goldsmith's work, and quite willing that Henry should take him into his service. Is very glad of Henry's desire for the preservation of the amity. The Emperor's is not less strong, let people say what they will. Grave, 24 Sept. '27.
P.S. in his own hand in commendation of the bearer. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.: 23rd of December 1527.
Reminds Wolsey that three days before his departure to the French king the writer gave him two letters, the one from the count De Buren, the other from master Heddyng, making mention of two musical instruments. As Wolsey was too busy to make him any reply he went to the King, who ordered the instruments to be taken to Wolsey's house at More, where he had them tried, and ordered the writer to await Wolsey's return. As Wolsey is now about to come into that neighbourhood, the King has ordered him to show the instruments to the Cardinal, and discharge his mission from the duke of Guelders.
Hol., Lat., p. 1.
24 Sept.
R. O.
"The answer of the duchess of Buckingham to the complaint of Richard Mors and others;" viz., that the plaintiffs being her villains regardant and [bondsmen] on the manor of Rompney, she ought not to answer them. As the matter concerns the King's interest after her death, and the records necessary to prove her case are in the King's possession, she prays aid of counsel.
ii. Interrogatories to examine witnesses on behalf of the Duchess.
iii. Depositions taken at Bewdeley, 22 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII., proving that the plaintiffs were three times proved to be bondsmen in the lifetime of Edward duke of Buckingham.
iv. Recognizances entered into by John Roger and others, 24 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII., for John William Mors and others of the blood of the plaintiffs, to pay certain charges to the Duchess, and do her such service as their ancestors did to the late Duke.
Pp. 4.
25 Sept.
R. O.
3448. "JOHN SMYTH, Auditor," to CROMWELL.
Had no oats ready threshed to send by Will. Pawne, but hopes to send them soon. "My cousin Wentworth, the King's farmer of the parsonage of Mountenesyng, would have had me to take his half year's farm, due at Michaelmas next coming, and I had no such authority." Has got him to send his servant, the bearer, to Cromwell about it. Blakemor, Wednesday, 25 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell. Endd.
25 Sept
Le Grand, III. 13.
3449. FRANCIS I.
Commission to Anne de Montmorency, Marshal and Great Master of France, John bishop of Bayonne, John Brinon, sieur de Vilaines et de Antolio, president of Rouen and chancellor of Alençon, and the sieur d'Humieres our chamberlain, as ambassadors to England, to deliver to and receive from Henry VIII. ratifications of the treaties made by Wolsey, and to recover from Wolsey certain letters patent under the great seal of Francis which were delivered to him at Ardes, for the restitution of which they have the Cardinal's writings; also to arrange the terms for carrying on war against the Emperor by sea, if he should refuse the final conditions offered to him, and to ascertain what privileges the English merchants enjoyed in Flanders, before the war breaks out, and grant them equal advantages in France. Compiegne, 25 Sept. 1527, 13 Francis I.
Cal. D. X. 110. B. M. 3450. WOLSEY'S LETTERS PATENT.
* * * "xivo per quas Rex ... Ill. dominum Delphinum aut alium quemcunque ... et clarissimam principem dominam Mariam Angliæ pr[incipissam] ... annuæ pensionis coronarum (?) quinquaginta milium Regi Christianiss[imo] ... Nos dicta promissione ... prædicto Christianissimo Regi ... et promittimus per præsentes ... dictas patentes litteras de data ... nullas et nullius momenti ... ssime placeant. Data Ambianis ... 152[7]." Signed.
Mutilated and defaced.
25 Sept.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 231.
Commission to receive Henry's oath to the treaty of Amiens. Compiègne, 25 Sept. 1527.
Lat. Seal broken.
R. O. Rym. XIV. 232. 2. Commission to the same to settle the question of commercial immunities and privileges between France and England. Compiègne, 25 Sept. 1527.
Lat. Sealed.
26 Sept.
Add. 28,212, f. 40. B. M.
Receipt given by Robert Amadas to Ric. Scrope, of Wiltshire, his son-in-law, for 20l. received on an obligation, 26 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII.
27 Sept.
Vesp. C. IV. 205. B. M.
3453. LEE and POYNTZ to [HENRY VIII.]
Report briefly the point in which affairs now stand, referring further to their letters to Wolsey. The Emperor holds out for these points chiefly: 1. The renunciation of Milan imperpetuum. He will give Sforza indifferent judges, and renounces the duchy for himself, but not for his brother the king of Hungary. 2. He insists on the recall of Lautrec's army from Italy before the pledges are delivered. 3. He demands the galleys and ships for his passage to Italy according to the treaty of Madrid. 4. Although he declares himself willing to take 1,200,000 in ready money, and sureties for the rest of the 2,000,000, he declines to take any merchants' or bankers', saying, if he took his own subjects' they might be swindled; if the French king's, he would be in danger of never having his money. He requires hostages that may remain till the money is paid, whose names are in "the second answer of reformation," which we send. You will see he demands no beggars. Could not get him to be more reasonable. He is willing to let the Venetians and Florentines be comprised if they do to him what is right. They have spoken with him, and a book of his demands has been delivered to the Venetian ambassador, which we hope now to send you. He asks, for one thing or another, 520,000 ducats, and restitution of two or three cities which they have taken, the Ambassador says, to the use of Francis Sforza, though the Emperor says to their own, as Sforza is in their hands not able to maintain an army. Of the Florentines he asks 300,000 ducats for expences of the war. On the 25 Sept. he told the Venetian and Florentine ambassadors to write for sufficient powers, and they should find him reasonable.
When De Tarbes told the Emperor that Francis would give what hostages seemed reasonable to Henry, he said when he had heard the French king's answer he would hear your Highness. Palencia, 27 Sept. 1527. Signed.
The Venetian ambassador, being lodged three leagues from us, has not sent the demands. State the particulars.
In Lee's hand; pp. 5.
R. O. 3454. [GHINUCCI to WOLSEY.]
Supposes that my lord Almoner writes to Wolsey of the harsh response ("asperam imbassiatam") given to his servant by Alemann, viz., that the Emperor would not condescend to any other proposals, &c. Thinks this must be owing to news from Hungary giving them hope of speedy succor in Italy; if not, it is a device caused by their fears for Italy. This was not so apparent at the first conference, because, as I am informed, they supposed I carried some special proposal (peculiare). Being told that the Papal ambassador had said to one of this city that the Pope had much need of his prayers, went to see if I could discover anything. I gather from his words that the Pope will be liberated upon conditions, or the delay will be imputed to the Viceroy, who had advised the Pope to come to Naples for the Emperor's security. To this his Holiness replied that he would not unless he were dragged thither.
Wrote as commanded to Johannes Jacobus (Triulzi) about not giving up the sons of Francis before the fulfilment, &c. If any succor come from the Archduke, people are disposed to hope that Lautrec has few men, and they are not inclined during the negociations to recede from the terms offered.
In Vannes' hand. Lat., pp. 2. Probably a decipher.
Cal. D. X. 132. B. M. 3455. INSTRUCTIONS of FRANCIS I. to BRETON.
* * * "... de ce quil aura a dire ... de la part dudit Seigneur.
1. "Luy dira comme le Roy, apres avoir bien veu et en[tendu] ... et envoye dernierement d'Espaigne par sesdits amba[ssadeurs] ... points principaulx, sur quoy l'Empereur et ceulx de s ... qui sont le fait des ostages quilz demandent au lieu de m ... bancquiers pour seurete de l'argent qui restera encores a pay[er] ... le deppost des armes et retraicte de l'armee, estant de present en ... la delivrance et liberte de Messrs. le Daulphin et duc d['Orleans et la]restitution de Gennes et de Milan, et la comprehension des Veni[ciens et des] Fleurentins, et que le tout a este bien meurement et longuement de[libere en] presence dudit Seigneur par les gens de son conseil, finablement ledit ... arreste et arreste sur les dits poincts a ce qu'il sensuit:
"C'est assavoir, que quant au fait desdits ostages que iceluy Em[pereur] demande estre envoye en Espaigne pour seurete du reste dudit [argent, le] Roy trouve ceste demande si tres desraisonnable et si tres eslo[igne du] chemin de la paix, que cela luy fait penser si ledit Empereur ... demande, ce que ledit Sieur ne pourroit croyre quil vou ... ung seul vouloir de venir au bien de ladite paix, ma[is] ... alymenter une guerre perpetuelle en la Chrestienté ... Empereur pense une chose que si ledit Sieur ... ferer et bailler * * ou moings pour autant que fut ... et au lieu de Bourgoigne, se payera en delivrant ... de 1,600,000 escuz, cest assavoir douze cens ... cens mil ou plus que l'Empereur doit au roy d'Ang[leterre] ... a sa charge d'acquicter, ainsi quil a ete convenu et acc[orde entre le Roy et le] legat d'Angleterre." The King has therefore finally determined to leave his children where they are until he sees some means of recovering them by force, with the help of the king of England, or by some other way, rather than give hostages; but, still maintaining his desire for universal peace, he has ordered his ambassadors in Spain to repeat his offer as to the bankers and merchants for the surety of the money. If the Emperor will not be content with this, Francis will give him the same surety as he has given to the king of England. If he makes a difficulty about accepting this, "que iceulx ambassade[urs] ... [pou]r gaige les terres et seigneuries que Mons. de Vendosme et au[tres servi]teurs dudit Sieur ont, situees et assises au pays de Flandres [dans l'ob]eissance dudit Empereur, lesquelles terres et seigneuries ... que la somme qui sera deue de reste ne ... nt et engaige ... * * * ... au second poi[nt] ... les armes et revocque son armee ... delivrance de Messeigneurs les enfans, cest cho[se] ... car il ny a propos ne apparance de ce faire, et ... que desraissonnable, pour autant que si cela avoit ... non seulement la reputation et tous ses amys ... est l'une des choses en ce monde que ledit sieur Legat ... de conserver et garder, mais ouvriroit le moy[en] ... povoir retirer a sa devotion, pareillement de recouvrer ce qu ... et oultre tous ces dangiers, iceluy Empereur demoureroit tous [jours] ... mesdits Sieurs les enfans a sa discretion de les rendre ou non qu[and il luy] sembleroit, et le Roy demoureroit, apres avoir fait une si grosse ... despense que celle qu'il a faicte pour l'entretenement de sa dite armee [laquelle il] na principallement mise sus que pour recouvrer sesdits enfans, t[outafait] desarme de ses forces au dangier et discretion plus que jamais d[udit Empereur,] lequel peut bien penser que ledit sieur Roy ne se vouldroit de tant out ... luy fournir comptant ladite somme de 1,200,000 escus, prendre as ... d'acquieter ladite partie d'Angleterre, et bailler la seurete dont cy de[vant est] faicte mention pour le reste dudit payement. Affin de recouvrer ... pour apres le tromper et luy recommencer une guerre nouvelle ... mesmement que ledit Empereur auroit argent non seulement ... dudit Sieur, mais l'offendre sil vouloit. Parquoy quant ... raisons dessus touchees, ledit sieur Roy n'est aucunement d ... armes, mays est content d'accorder et promectre ... advise conclud et arreste apres la delivr[ance de Messrs. le Daulphin] et duc d'Orleans ses enfans d ... * * * ... il luy veuille faire ... [l]adite depposition d'armes pour luy; de la[quelle] ... sieur d'Angleterre n'en scroit respondant, iceluy sieur Roy ... sondit bon frere sera advise par le bon conseil et adv[is] ... de mondit sieur le Legat, il se veult totallement conduire ... endroit que autres ses affaires, et semble a iceluy sieur ... aura trop plus que juste et raisonnable occasion d'accepter ... et la ou il la reffusera, il ne fault esperer aultre cho[se] ... que perpetuelle guerre."
Breton shall also say to the Great Master that the surrender of Milan, demanded by the Emperor, is not in the King's power, as it has been newly conquered and placed in the hands "de ceulx ..." to take it from whom by force would be contrary to the treaty, would make his friends his enemies, consume his army, and waste the present season. The King will, however, surrender to the Emperor, immediately on the liberation of his children, the town of Genoa and the county of Ast, and all his claims to the duchy of Milan. "[Et] semble bien audit Sieur que ledit Empereur se doit contenter de ce que dessus ... erer, que le dit sieur Roy luy tiendra la promesse, veu que toutes les ... nest seulement que pour recouvrer sesdits enfans et dem ... vouldroit fier en cest endroit diceluy sieur Roy ... vouloir a la dite * * * ... faicte pure et simple ... payer audit Empereur ce que par raison ... toutefois quil ny ait riens quil puisse retarder la [delivrance desdits] enfans.
"En oultre dira iceluy Breton audit Grant Mais[tre] ... fait le dit Empereur touchant la restitution des a ... de Madril, enquoy il entend estre comprinses to ... [par] mer et par terre, tant par les gens de guerre dudit Sieur que ... c'est chose qui ne pourroit avoir lieu; et semble audit sieur Roy que [l'Empereur] se doit depporter de ceste demande comme tres desraisonnable; e[t il y a bien plus] d'apparance que ceulx de la dite ligue deussent demander audit Empereur ... des choses prinses et ravyes au sac et ruyne de Rome derniere[ment par] ses gens de guerre, que ledit Empereur ne doit demander la restitution ... car l'un ne se pourroit honestement faire sans l'autre. Mays q[ue] iceluy sieur Empereur congnoisse par effect le singulier desir et affect[ion que ledit] sieur Roy a a ladite paix et de vivre en bon amitie avec luy, il sera t[enu] de faire rendre et restituer les galleres qui furent dernierement p[rinses a] Portefin, et oultre cela de luy ayder de douze des siennes, et de ... autres vaisseaux estans en la mer de Levant pour son passage ... pourveu toutesfois que le terme quil les retiendra soit lymite ... le nombre des gens qui seront dessus.
"Tous lesquels articles cy dessus escripts ledit Maistre [fera bien au] long et par le menu entendre audit Grant Maistre ... audit sieur Roy d'Angleterre, et pareillement au ... [les requerrant] tres instamment de la part dudit Sieur * * de ce que dess[us] ... estans en Espaigne, a ce que avec ceulx ... tant et offrait le tout audit Empereur, y adjoustant de l ... congnoistront que pourra servir et ayder en cest affaire ... pourront dire et alleguer sils veoient quil persiste a ses d[emandes] ... que quant il considerera bien que la ou ledit sieur Roy vouldra ... mil escus quil accorde de luy bailler presentement comptant ... enfans a luy faire la guerre par mer et par terre, tant en Italye [que] ... avec l'ayde dudit sieur roy d'Angleterre son bon frere, avant que la dite somme ... employee et despendue, iceluy Empereur et ses pays pourront estre red[uits] ... termes oultre l'extreme despence qu'il aura este contrainct de faire pour ... quil sera tout ayse de delivrer mesdits Sieurs les enfans, et apres cela ... a la discretion desdits deux Roys qui n'est que une mesme force et une ... unye et conjoincte inseparablement par l'estroict lyen de perpetuelle [amytie quilz ont] ensemble. Et ne fault pas que ledit Empereur pense que luy seul soit p ... a l'encontre des dits deux sieurs Roys. Et surtout dira ledit Maistre Jehan Bret[on audit] Grant Maistre quil prie et face telle instance et poursuicte envers le ... par le conseil et advis duquel ledit sieur Roy est totallement delibere et r[esolu de se] conduire et gouverner touchant le fait et delivrance de sesdits enfans q ... sorte envers ledit sieur Roy d'Angleterre son maistre, qu'il se accorde de ceste ... condescende a faire intymer incontinant la guerre ouverte audit Empereur ... ambassadeurs, ou cas qu'il reffuse ou mecte en longueur les offres ... dessus est faicte mention, ear sans ladite intimation iceluy sieur ... nul, veu les haultz poincts que demande ledit Empereur qu ... de paix. Enquoy faisant lesdits sieurs Roy d'A[ngleterre]" * * *
Fr., mutilated, pp. 6.
28 Sept.
R. O. St. P. VII. 7.
The Grand Master will probably be in England on the 4th or 5th of next month. He comes with a great company, but Broyes, Peyton, and Maryne will not go with him. The French king employs much of his time in hunting. I have ascertained the Cardinal of the news from Italy. Compiegne, 28 Sept. Signed.
Add. Endd.
28 Sept.
R. O.
Desires credence for Don Inigo de Mendoza, bishop elect of Burgos, to whom he is writing for the continuance of the alliance. Palencia, 28 Sept. 1527. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
28 Sept.
Mm. I. 45. U. L. Camb.
The book of Emptions, particular fare and expences of the household of Tho. duke of Norff. 1 Oct. 18 Hen. VIII.—28 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII.
29 Sept.
Dd. III. 61. Ibid.
Ministers' accounts for bp. of Norwich, Mich. 19 Hen. VIII. 20 rolls.
Begs Cromwell's forbearance a little while, and will repay him by Easter. Has been bolder with him than with any friend, and will study to deserve it. Thanks God he has fat oxen in the stall. Might have made more of his corn, had he sold it at the beginning of the year. Hears that Mr. Walwyn, auditor of the duchy, says Blakemor is holden of the duchy of Lancaster; but Cromwell knows it is held of the earl of Oxford. Begs him to speak with Mr. Audeley or the Chancellor of the duchy to prevent trouble. Blakemor, Sunday.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right worshipful Mr. Cromwell.
29 Sept.
R. O.
Thomas Cromwell's account as receiver-general of the said College, from Mich. 16 to Mich. 19 Hen. VIII.
Sum total, 4,096l. 17d. Expences, allowances, &c., 3,808l. 2s. 8¼d. Audited by John Smyth.
A long roll, of parchment.
ii. Acquittance to Cromwell for the same period. Signed by Wolsey, Higden, and Smyth.
R. O. 2. Another copy of the account.
Parchment roll.
29 Sept.
R. O.
Lease, by Wm. Hussie and Agnes his wife, of Flyntham, Notts, Tristram Revill, Thos. Hardweke and J. Revill, to Adam Langley, of Flyntham, of the White House late held by Marg. Baly, widow, deceased, with its appurtenances, for thirty-one years from Michaelmas 1527, for a rent of 46s. 8d. The lessor is to repair them with timber, laths and nails, and the lessee with thatch and mortar, after the fashion of the country.
P. 1.
Add. MS. 18,616, f. 1. B. M. 3463. BOULAND and GORGES.
Receipt by Humfrey Bouland of 9s. 4d., from Sir Edw. Gorges, for the homage, &c. of the manors of Estharptre and Estwode, Somerset. Mich. 19 Hen. VIII. (fn. 2) Signed.
30 Sept. 3464. CHARLES V. to DON INIGO DE MENDOZA. (fn. 3)
You must do everything in your power to bring the Cardinal to our service; for, his deeds in France being now accomplished, it seems to us that he cannot well refuse to act towards us as he has acted towards the French. You will therefore make him, in our name, the following offers:—1st, the payment of all arrears on his several pensions, amounting to 9,000 ducats yearly. 2ndly, 6,000 more ducats until such a time as a bishopric or other ecclesiastical endowment of the same revenue becomes vacant in our kingdoms. 3rdly, in addition to the above payments, amounting to a considerable sum of money, for we calculate that his pension has not been paid for five whole years, we shall order the Duke, who is to have Milan, to give him a marquisate in that duchy, with an annual rent of 12,000 ducats, or even 15,000, should you consider the above sum insufficient. The said marquisate to be possessed by the Cardinal during his life, and to pass after him to any of his heirs that he shall appoint.
The whole of which we promise to the said Cardinal, if he will only act as he has done on previous occasions, to the advantage and profit of the King his master and our own. 30 Sept. 1527.
30 Sept.
R. O.
Acknowledges the receipt of letters from the King [to the college of Cardinals ?]. All minds are deeply affected by the King's piety and condolence. Enlarges on the barbarity and the wickedness of the Imperial forces, and extols the King's devotion. [Rome], 30 Sept. 1527. Signed.
Lat., badly mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
30 Sept.
R. O.
"The copy of the Great Master's letter sent to me, to Lusertes (Lusarche), the last of September, having that day, and likewise the day before, sent unto him, being at Chantelye."
Has received his letter, and informed the King, who bids him write, that he is very glad of the coming of Sir Anthony Browne, and wishes you and him to come to Soyssons, where he will be in two or three days. I will there hear your credence, and you shall both be welcome. Chantilly, 30 Sept. Signature copied: Montmerance.
Fr., p. 1. (Qu., in the hand of Lisle's clerk?) Add.: A monsieur lambassadeur du roy dAngleterre. Endd.
R. T. 137. R. O. 2. Instructions to the Grand Master and president de Biron, sent by Francis I. to England.
1. They are to present letters of credence to the King and Wolsey; to declare the affection borne towards them by Francis; and to thank them for their good offices in the recovery of Francis's children, a service which he will never forget. The King may be sure that he will at all times find Francis ready to do him any service. They are also to thank the King for sending Wolsey to France, who has managed affairs so well, and to say that they had been sent to obtain the ratification of the peace and other treaties made between Francis and the Cardinal, and to witness the oath taken thereupon. On the capitulation of the privileges of the English merchants in Flanders it will be necessary to see the originals, and ascertain if the English enjoyed them before the war. The reason Francis wishes them to have similar privileges in France is, for fear the Flemings would deprive them of them by reason of the war, and he thinks the privileges in France should be conditional on their being withheld in Flanders.
As to the clause by which Francis is bound to supply 1,000 men for maritime war, and England 500, if they can make it anything better they may do so; at least they must not make it worse. They shall do their best to obtain two months more for the pay of the foot soldiers for Italy for November and December. They shall obtain the ratifications both of the treaties made with the Cardinal, and of that which was delivered to him at Ardes. The Grand Master, who is one of the knights of the Order, shall present to the king of England the decree by which he has been elected a brother of the Order of St. Michael, and shall deliver to him, on his acceptance of it, the collar and mantle, taking his oath, with the limitations necessary to him as chief of the Order of the Garter, which Order he shall request the King to send to Francis, so that these two Princes may henceforth wear one collar. Compiegne, 30 Sept. 1527.
Fr., copy, pp. 2.
[Cal. E. I. II?] I. 30. B. M. 3467. LOUISA OF SAVOY to WOLSEY.
The grand master of France is going to England, who will communicate all the news since Wolsey left.
Hol., Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: [A] Mons. le Legat d'Angleterre, mon bon filz et pere.
Credence for Monsieur de Bayonne, whom the King sends to England. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A Monsr le Cardinal, mon bon filz et pere.
R. O. 3469. The WARDROBE.
Account of Sir Andrew Wyndesore from Mich. 18 to Mich. 19 Hen. VIII. Receipts, 2,187l. 19s. 3¾d. Remanets from last account.
Purchases, for William Brereton and others:—For the King's chapel, as before (see No. 1673), but the name of the Princess omitted. John Brown the King's painter, for banner cloths. The chief tradesmen who supplied velvet and other materials for the Wardrobe are John Malte, William Hewetson and Ric. Gresham. William Croughton, bootmaker; the boots are described. Velvet, &c. for covering an old iron chair, purple and crimson; the arms embroidered with a rose and pomegranate. Issues to the duke of Norfolk, to John FitzJames, &c., as before. Sum total, 2,419l. 0s. 6d.
Parchment book, pp. 60.
R. O. 3470. The EXCHEQUER.
An extract from the Great Roll of the Exchequer, 19 Hen. VIII.
Pp. 104.
Sept./GRANTS. 3471. GRANTS in SEPTEMBER 1527.
4. John Olyver. Presentation to Pembreche church, Heref. dioc., void by death. Del. Calais, 4 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
12. Stephen Buntyng, of Romeneye alias New Romeneye, Kent, alias of London, laborer. Pardon for having killed Peter Johnson, of Romeneye. Beauley, 4 Aug. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Calais, 12 Sept.—Pat. p. 1, m. 1.
18. Sir Wm. Paulet. Wardship of Ric. s. and h. of Ric. s. and h. of John Waller. Del. Westm., 18 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
21. Wm. Moraunt, groom for the Mouth in the Cellar. Annuity of 5 marks, as Tho. Sownde, yeoman of the Guard, lately had. Richmond, 21 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 (sic) Sept.—P.S.
25. Cuthbert Blakden, the King's apothecary. Annuity of 10l., as held by Ric. Babham, deceased. Del. Westm., 25 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
27. Tho. David, clk. Presentation to the chantry in Lanmygan church, St. David's dioc., vice John Aphowell, resigned. Addressed to Richd. bishop of St. David's. Richmond, 20 Sep. 19 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Sept.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 18.
27. John Drewe. Annuity of 20l. Westm., 27 Sept.—Vacated because enrolled in the 18th year.—Pat. 19 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 12.
30. Mores Parry, gentleman of the Cellar. To be constable of Cardigan Castle, South Wales, vice Sir Wm. Tyler. Del. Westm., 30 Sept. 19 Hen. VIII.—S.B.


  • 1. This document is in the same hand as the preceding, to which it is appended, but it refers to an earlier discussion concerning the treaty of Madrid.
  • 2. This volume contains other documents relating to the same family.
  • 3. For this extract I am indebted to don Pascual de Gayangos.