Henry VIII: June 1522, 16-30

Pages 983-1000

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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June 1522

16 June.
R. O.
2322. CHARLES V.
Confirmation of the treaty made at Windsor, between himself and Henry VIII. The first and second articles refer to the security of their own and their confederates' persons and dominions; the third to an expedition against the Turks, which cannot proceed until the ambition of the king of France is repressed, and peace established in Christendom. (4.) None of the contrahents to withdraw from the war until the possessions unjustly occupied by the French be recovered; or (5.) make any arrangement, directly or indirectly, with the king of France. (6.) Free passage for the war to be allowed through each other's dominions; each party to hold for a time, for the use of the rightful owner, whatever is acquired by conquest, and restore it within a month, if demanded. (7.) Of harboring rebels. (8.) Influence to be used with Adrian VI., and an authentic copy of this agreement to be sent him; that he who has been lately elected by the College of Cardinals, and was respected by both parties when in a lower position, be invited to join as the common father of Christendom, "ut fiat unum ovile, et unus pastor, ut omnis Israel convertatur." (9.) Three months to be allowed for the signory of Venice to join, as it seems well disposed to the enterprise. (10.) Notice to be sent for its acceptance to the Swiss, and endeavors made to withdraw them from the French. (11.) Names of confederates. Windsor, 16 June 1522. Signed: Charles. The imperial seal affixed.
Lat., on vellum; 8 pages, folio.
2323. WAR with FRANCE.
Proclamation, dated 16 June. See 14 Aug.
17 June.
Otho. C. IX. 38. B. M.
The Turkish fleet is in sight. Sends a French translation of a letter received from the Sultan. As he expects the siege will be long, has commissioned some of their fraternity at Naples and Marseilles to procure aid. Has written more at length to Thomas Docray. Hopes the King will permit him and Newport to come to their assistance, and export the coin they have collected. Rhodes, 17 June 1522. Signature burnt off.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
17 June.
Otho. C. IX. 37 b. B. M.
2325. SAME to WOLSEY.
The Turk's fleet is at Port Fisco, eighteen miles distant. He has commanded the Rhodians to surrender, or take the event of a siege. The town is well fortified. They will manfully defend it against the Mahometans. In consideration of the difficulties in which they are placed, begs he will allow Thos. Docray and Thos. Newport to collect the rents due to them in England, and send them to Rhodes. Rhodes, 17 June 1522. Signed: P. de Villers Lyle Adam.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
17 June.
Calig. E. II. (122). B. M.
On the .. of this month received ... "of Arde, other to be recovered to the use of ... might be fortified with the sum of 1,000 marks, or ... be kept or elles otherwise the same to be racide," which Wolsey [thinks cannot] be done without difficulty. The enemy have come down upon the frontier in great strength, so that the town cannot be so easily taken now as when he last wrote. Thinks the Emperor should communicate his pleasure to Ilselstene and other governors of Flanders, "for as I perceive by mons. Grand Master that mons. de Bewerayn hath the same unto himself." Has often proposed to Ilselstene a joint exploit, but they have not been able to arrange it. Received a caution from him today to look well to the frontiers. Urgently requests a supply of victuals and money. Has delivered to Vaux, for the castle of G[uisnes], 100 bows, 200 sheaf of arrows, 200 pikes ... lead for shot, two last of powder, one firkin of salt, ... firkin of brimstone, and a barrel of coal; nevertheless "he hath written [to your] grace for other necessaries" by his deputy Gadge, a man who has done the King good service. Begs favor to be shown the bearer, Sir Thos. Cheynye, who is otherwise undone. Trusts he will do good service in future. Newnam [Bridge], 17 June.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 2.
Calig. D. VIII.
233. B. M.
A complaint to the admiral [of France] by the bailly, sovereign and ... of the king [of France], in the county of Guisnes, stating that whereas there has been a road of old time on the King's land from Ardre to Calais, and the other places occupied by the English, and a bridge over a river on which tribute is paid to the King, yet within these fifteen days the inhabitants of Marcq and other places in the English pale, countenanced by the officers of the king of England at Calais, have come and trenched the road in five or six places to the breadth of thirty feet, so that it is impossible to pass on foot or on horseback, and the farmer of the bridge has thrown up his farm, which was let to him at six livres of Paris.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Endd.: La complainte de ceux d'Ardre envoyee a mons. l'Admiral.
17 June.
Calig. B. I. 36. B. M.
On the 17th June lord Roos, Sir William Paston, Sir Raffe Ellercar, Sir Ric. Tempest, Sir Will. Evers and Arthur Darcy left Newcastle for Alnwick to meet lord Dacre. Sir Will. Paston has accounted with him for payment of the musters. Hears that Albany set forward for England on the 16th, but he cannot transport his ordnance. Rain has fallen thirty days. The charges for the garrison amount to 1,000l. every twenty-eight days, with many other expenses. More money must be sent. Has written to the abbot of St. Mary's. Cannot obtain more than 200l. from him. He falsely pretends that he has to pay fifty gunners at Berwick for the King. Three French ships lie on the coast, and have taken three stragglers. The merchants of Newcastle wished to attack them. "There is more theft, more extortion (here), by English thieves, than there is by all the Scots of Scotland. There is no man which is not in a hold strong that hath or may have any cattle or moveable in surety, thorough the bishopric; and from the bishopric till we come within eight mile of Carlisle, all Northumberland likewise. Exhamshire, which longeth to your grace, worst of all; for in Exham self every market day there is fourscore or 100 strong thieves; and the poor men and gentlemen seeth them which did rob them and their goods, and dare nother complain of them by name, nor say one word to them. They take all their cattle and horse, their corn as they carry hit to sow or to the mill to gryne, and at their houses bid them deliver what they will have, or they shall be fired and burnt. By this ungracious mean, not looked to, all the country goeth, and shall more, to waste." Had written lately desiring that 1,000 bows might be sent to the Borders about Carlisle. Since his coming they have, with little or no assistance, put large numbers of the Scots to great rebuke; twice having a captain, and once without one, the poor commons did that deed, as he had already written, "whereof scant the like hath be heard." Thinks that Albany, who has none of the lords with him, intends to attack the Humes, or do some feat on the Border to raise money, and so depart; for there is not in Scotland man, woman, or child which crieth not a vengance on him, and would fain have him gone. Newcastle, 17 June. [Signature cut off.]
P. 3. Add.: "To my lord Legate's grace." Endd. in a modern hand: The bishop of Carlisle to the lord Cardinal.
17 June.
R. O.
This morning the patrons and pilots of the galleys told me that it will be impossible to have the galleys ready in twelve days, as they promised yesterday, unless you send them money for wages and necessaries; but if you will allow them to recharge their merchandize into their galleys, they will have them ready to attend the Emperor to Spain at their own costs. They wish to know your pleasure as soon as possible. Southampton, 17 June.
P.S. in Surrey's hand.—You see by their changes how disinclined they are to serve the King. We shall embark tomorrow, though we shall not have "so much victual as was promised for two months." Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam lacks fifteen or sixteen victuallers laden with his victual, and we hope to see them tomorrow. If they do not come, we shall go without, and leave an escort for them. Within eight days, if wind and weather serve, you shall know that we are not idle, and I trust the Emperor will perceive the same before his departure hence. I hear that the ships which were prepared at Brest have gone to Normandy. I hope they will do no hurt on the coast, and especially in Sussex, where I am gone. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace. Endd.: Fro Hampton, this Tewsday, at one at afternone.
17 June.
R. O.
2330. CALAIS.
Assignment by John Baker, burgess and master mason of Calais, to James Wading, of the Cawsce, of his interest in certain tenements in Calais rebuilt by him, described as ruinous in the lease granted to him by Thos. Marshal, merchant of the staple of Calais. The lease is for forty years, renewable for a like term for ever, subject to a payment of a fat capon and a gallon of wine at each renewal. The seal of the mayoralty of Calais is appended by Raymond Cutturus, mayor, at Baker's request. 17 June 14 Hen. VIII.
Vellum, two seals appended.
18 June.
P. S. b.
Petition of the convent for assent to the election of Eleanor Sterkey, nun, as prioress, vice Helen Hillard, deceased. 31 May 1522. Del. Windsor, 18 June 14 Hen. VIII.
18 June.
R. O.
Had sent his servant, Harry Brome, with the books of accounts for two years, before Darcy's letter came to him at Hampton. Excuses himself for not having sent them sooner, and hopes they will be found correct. His servant has 40l. to give Darcy, and 100s. have been paid to Darcy's servant, to make purchases in London. There is little good wine there. Some is coming to Hampton, but he will be unable to send any now; and when he can, he will send a couple of tuns, sorted, to Hull. Has received 60l. 9s. 10d. of the fee of the duchy, but could not, for many reasons, send more than 40l. As to news, cannot send any of the truth of which he is certain. Darcy's servant will give him all that he hears. As to Devonshire, has made a lease, by word, to the lord of Devonshire's servant, Haydon, from year to year, at 173l. a year, with 3l. for Liston bailiwick. He cannot get more, and no congers or puffins, but Haydon will assist in procuring them. In his opinion it is a very good "ferm," 30l. to be paid at Christmas, 40l. at Easter, 30l. at Midsummer, and 73l. at Michaelmas. The woods are all reserved for Darcy. Has not heard of Lawrence Holyng- worth since he sent him westward to make the sale. Has been for some time intending to go to Darcy, but has been prevented by business; but hopes to go this summer. Hampton, 18 June.
Hol. Add.
19 June.
Galba, B. VII. 270. B. M.
"Modi concepti pro firmiore unione inter ser. Regem et Imperatorem."
First mode:—That the marriage be made, and the war deferred till its consummation, unless the Princes shall agree to it previously, in which case they shall not desist, except by common consent.
Second:—That the marriage be made, and a declaration for giving aid to the Emperor, to the number of 6,000, 8,000, or 10,000, in defence of his dominions, and for obtaining the imperial crown and the duchy of Milan, with a provision that if the French king do not pay the pension to England the Emperor shall pay it.
Third:—That the marriage be made, and a dissembled peace be made by the Emperor with the French, until its consummation, restoring the Emperor's affairs to the condition they were in before the war, provided the Emperor do not bind himself by closer bonds, and a provision be made that the Pope absolve the Emperor from his oath to the treaty with France.
Fourth:—That the marriage be made, and there be a two years' truce, &c., until the king of England can prepare for war. Meanwhile the Emperor can go to Spain.
Fifth:—That there be a universal peace with a restoration of the status ante bellum, and the marriage shall be made sure; and if the French invade either prince before its consummation, aid shall be given, with a provision that the Emperor pay the king of England's pensions, even if the war should cease, if the French do not.
Sixth:—If in any case France refuse payment, and the king of England do not recover his own, the Emperor shall be bound to make it good.
If the Emperor will not consent to any of these modes, a stricter alliance must be made with France for the defence of the duchy of Milan, and to induce the Emperor to stand by his agreements made before the war with France, with a provision that the French king shall increase the pension to 40,000 mks. or 20,000l., with aid to be given for the reduction of Scotland, and for the continuance of mercantile intercourse, in which case a provision must be made for the union of the Pope with the two Kings. Signed by Henry VIII. at head and foot.
Lat., pp. 5.
Galba, B. VII.
268. B. M.
2. "Articuli qui videntur nunc concipiendi pro trino fœdere inter S. D. N., nunc electum, D. Carolum Cæsarem, et seren. regem Angliæ."
(1.) That there be a new league between the Pope, the Emperor and the king of England, for mutual defence and assistance, (2.) defensive and offensive; (3.) and in defence of Hungary against the Turks. These provisions will be enough until the coronation, when a more full treaty may be made; but, if though advisable, confederates may be named.
Lat., pp. 2. In the hand of Wolsey's clerk. Endd.
R. O. 3. Articles of the treaty of Windsor.
1–5. refer to the marriage of Charles V. and the princess Mary; 6. and 7. the dowry to consist of 400,000 crowns, deducting the sums due to England from Charles and Maximilian. 8. Her settlement, sc. the lordships formerly possessed by Margaret (second daughter of Richard third duke of York, wife of Charles, last duke of Burgundy), excepting the town of Mechlin, which has been granted for life to Margaret archduchess of Austria. 9—12. Contingencies and obligations. 13—25. Articles against France, in which (17.) it is provided that, before the end of May 1524, the Emperor shall in person, at the head of 10,000 horse and 30,000 foot, invade France from Spain, and Henry from the sea in person, with 10,000 horse and 30,000 foot. By the 20th, Henry is to keep in his pay 2,000 foot at Calais, and Charles the same number in Flanders, Picardy and Artois. All means to be taken to prevent the German soldiers from serving France. [Anthony] duke of Lorraine to be advised not to afford a passage through his dominions to any German soldiers proceeding towards France. To avoid all altercation, Charles and Henry shall, before the end of May 1524, declare and settle all the territories and dominions recovered. If Henry should wish to subdue Scotland or Ireland, or the Emperor to recover Gueldres or Friezland, they shall afford each other mutual assistance. By article 28, this treaty, as far as regards the marriage and the intended expedition, is not to be published. Windsor Castle, 19 June 1522, 14 Hen. VIII.
Draft, corrected by Tunstal. Lat., pp. 71. Endd. With a memorandum by lord Burleigh.
R. O. 4. Additional articles to the treaty of Windsor, extending the time when both princes are to invade France in person from May 1524 to May 1526. The Emperor to take the field with 10,000 horse and 30,000 foot; Henry with the same number, except it should be otherwise determined on with the consent of the two parties. As the king of England cannot raise such a force from his own subjects, he may levy the number required in the dominions of the Emperor.
Draft, Lat., pp. 8.
R. O. 5. Imperial counterpart of the treaty. Signed by Charles, and sealed. Vellum.
R. O. 6. Notarial attestation by Robert Toneys and William Burbanke, that on 19 June 1522, in the chapel at Windsor, Charles V. and Henry VIII., about 12 o'clock noon, ratified the treaty offensive and defensive against France. At the close of the ceremony Te Deum was sung. Present: Henry count of Nassau and Vyanna, Mercurinus count of Gattinara, Peter de Mota, Lawrence de Gorrevod, John marquis of Brandenburgh, Don Ferdinand de Toledo duke of Alva, Philibert prince of Aurayce, Philip de Croy, marquis Darschot, John Aleman lord of Crissey, the duke of Suffolk, marquis of Dorset, bishops of Durham, Exeter and Lincoln, earls of Shrewsbury, Devon, Northumberland, Worcester, Wiltshire, Essex and Kent, lord Hastings, Cuthbert Tunstal, elect of London, and many others.
Lat., on vellum.
Galba, B. VII.
273. B. M.
7. Oath of Charles V. to the treaty of Windsor. Signed.
Lat., vellum. Endd.
R. O. 8. Copy of the preceding.
R. O. 9. Confirmation by Charles V. and Henry VIII. of the treaty of Windsor including the names of the proposed confederates (sc., Adrian VI., the Venetians and the Swiss), and the common friends of both parties.
Copy of the 17th century, Lat., pp. 3.
S. B. 10. Ratification by Henry VIII. of the treaty at Windsor between himself and the Emperor, for a marriage between the Emperor and the princess Mary.
Imperfect, and partly defaced.
R. O. 11. Confirmation by Charles V. of the article mentioned in the treaty of 14 Sept. 1521, touching the dowry of the princess Mary, and the arrangement that nothing should be claimed beyond the 400,000 crowns. Windsor, 20 June 1522. Signed: Charles.
Lat., vellum.
R. O. 12. Notarial attestation by Rob. Toneys, canon of York, and William Burbank, archdeacon of Carlisle, that on the 19th June 1522, at 12 o'clock noon, Henry VIII. and Charles V. attended mass in the chapel on the left side of the high altar: whereupon the Emperor delivered letters patent to Henry VIII. relative to a certain article touching the dower of the princess Mary, which provided that, if the king of England had an heir male, the dowry of the princess, fixed at 400,000 crowns, shall be 1,000,000, but no more than 400,000 shall be demanded. Present: Thos. abp. of York, legate, Mercurin de Gattinara, Peter de Mota bp. of Palencia, the count Perme, John Allemand, Thos. bp. of Durham, and Cuthbert Tunstal, elect of London.
Lat., vellum.
R. O. 13. Bond of Charles V., by which, in consideration of the treaties lately entered into between himself and Henry VIII., he undertakes to pay Henry yearly 133,305 crowns of gold, in compensation for the money in which Francis I. was indebted to Henry; to be delivered in Calais, one half on 1 Nov. next, the other on 1 May ensuing. Windsor, 19 June 1522.
Draft, corrected by Tunstal, Lat., pp. 7.
R. O. 14. Patent of Charles V., confirming his grant to the King, by patent 19 June 1522, of 133,305 crowns annually, as indemnity for the pensions hitherto received from France, which have ceased on his declaring himself Francis' enemy, and for his expenses incurred for Charles's passage to Spain. This grant shall not be affected by the truce which pope Adrian has been endeavoring to bring about for the defence of Christendom since the victory of the Turk at Rhodes, and which truce Charles has charged his ambassadors at Rome to do what they can to further.
Copy, Lat., pp. 5. Endd.: Obligatio Cæsaris pro indemnitate regis Angliæ.
R. O. 15. Oath of Charles V. to observe the treaty of indemnity made 19 June 1522, with all the obligations expressed in it, for payment by the Emperor of all sums, pensions, &c. "per Franciscum Francorum regem subtractis et subtrahendis, debitisque et debendis.
Lat., on vellum.
R. O. 16. Notarial attestation of the preceding.
Lat., on vellum.
R. O. 17. Promise by Charles V. that no truce or abstinence of war which shall be concluded, by the Pope's mediation, between himself, Henry VIII., Francis I. and others, shall invalidate his obligation of 19 June 1522 to pay yearly 133,305 g. cr. to the king of England.
Copy, Lat., p. 1. Endd.
Vit. B. XX.
270. B. M.
18. A series of interrogatories put to the two Sovereigns by Wolsey, with their replies.
(1.) Do they consent to his being judge in the following matters; and do they submit to the jurisdiction of the Apostolic Chamber and of him? Ans. They consent.—(2.) Do they acknowledge having promised and sworn to the observation of a treaty offensive against France? Ans. They do.—(3.) "* * ... ensius ... cessis se[u] qualitercumque competentibus et præsertim quod pro ... vestra interdici non possint? Ipsis tamen privilegiis indultis e[t] ... suis robore et firmitate duraturis." Ans. They do require and they renounce the privileges ...—(4.) Do they consent to suffer excommunication and interdict in case the treaty is broken? Ans. They do. (5.) Wolsey receives their submissions, and commands execution of the treaty.
P.1, mutilated.
R. O. 19. Submission of Henry VIII. and Charles V. to ecclesiastical censures in case of the infraction by either of them of the treaty of Windsor, made before Wolsey at Windsor Castle.
Draft, Lat., pp. 5.
R. O. 20. Promulgation of the same by cardinal Wolsey.
Draft, Lat., pp. 2.
R. O. 21. Notarial attestation of the submission of Charles and Henry to ecclesiastical censures on their failing to observe the treaty of Windsor, 19 June. Wolsey's seal in a tin case.
Lat., vellum.
R. O. 22. Notarial attestation of the submission of Charles V. to ecclesiastical censures, made 20 June before Wolsey, at the castle of Windsor, in the event of his failing to observe the treaty of indemnity. Wolsey's seal, in a tin case.
Lat., on vellum.
ii. Duplicate of the above. With a similar seal.
R. O. 23. Another copy, on vellum, without a seal, and wanting Burbanke's attestation.
R. O. 24. Witnesses present at the submission of the Emperor, at Windsor Castle, 20 June 1522.
The count of Nassau, the count of Gattinara, Peter de Mota bishop of Palencia, Lawrence de Gorrevod, John Aleman lord de Cryssey, Thomas bishop of Durham, Henry earl of Salop, Charles earl of Worcester, Tunstall elect of London, Sir Hen. Marney and Sir Thomas Boleyn.
ii. Copy of the Emperor's oath on 19th June.
Lat., pp. 2.
R. O. 25. Obligation of Charles V. for repayment, within one year from this date, of 150,000 g. c., advanced by Henry VIII., and received from Robert Fowler and Sir Richard Wingfield. Windsor Castle, 20 June 1522.
Draft, headed by Tunstal, Lat., p. 1.
20 June.
Calig. E. I. 28. B. M. Chron. of Calais, p. 162.
There is great scarcity of wood and fuel at Calais, divers hoys having been plundered by the French both before and since the commencement of the war. By a search recently made, there is not fuel in the town for fifteen days. Have written frequently to England. The masters and mariners will not cross the sea without English ships of war. Beg that six ships of war may be sent for their relief; three to be about the Camber, and three in the haven. Calais, 20 June. Signed: John Berners, William Sandys, Robert Wotton, Raymond Cutturus, m[ayor], Edward Guldeff[ord], [Morys B]erkeley, Christopher Garney[s], George Medley, lieutenant of the staple, [Bar]tylmew Tate.
P. 1, broadsheet. Addressed.
20 June.
R. O.
Whereas the King has granted the clerkship of the council of this town to William Nanfan, who is an impotent man, and exercises the same by deputy: recommend in his place the bearer, who is able and of good substance. Ask Wolsey to make some reasonable arrangement betwixt him and Nanfan. Calais, 20 June. Signed: John Berners, William Sandys, Edward Guldefford, Morys Berkeley, Robert Wotton, Christopher Garneys and Bartylmew Tate.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
21 June.
R. O.
Within this hour two Spanish ships have arrived, which left St. Sebastian in Biscay on the 9th, and are bound, one to London with iron, the other to Flanders with wool. They say that when they left there were two ships equipped for war, which were going to take on board some of the Emperor's army at Aloredo. They expect they have by this time arrived in England. The Pope has not yet left Spain, and it is said that he will not until the coming of the Emperor. We remain here waiting for a good wind. Hasilworth Roode, within the Wight, 21 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
21 June.
R. O.
Embarked here with the army on Thursday, at noon, and waits only for lack of wind. It still blows S.W. and W., the direction in which we ought to go. The King has been deceived about the victual. The whole complement for 5,000 men, the beer from Portsmouth, and the rest from Hampton, was promised by the last of May; and now, the 20th of June, we have with much difficulty been provided with flesh, fish and biscuit for two months, from Hampton, and we can get no more than one month's beer from Portsmouth. The Vice-admiral was promised his whole complement before today, but few of his ships are victualled for more than three weeks, some for only eight days, and most of them for a fortnight. Thirteen or fourteen crays have come to the Vice-admiral, with victual from London, and the victuallers have caused the masters to indent with them for the proportions they have received, not advertising either myself or the Vice-admiral of what is sent, nor when the rest shall come. They say they have been hindered about the beer for want of casks, but are as far behindhand with flesh, fish and biscuit as with beer; which I think comes from negligence. We cannot do what we intend unless we are better furnished, both from London and Portsmouth, and it would be a pity to spend so much without doing some great displeasure to the enemy, which we see good likelihood of doing if wind and victual serve, "doubting much more of the victual than wind." Begs the King to send some substantial man to London to hasten it, and have it shipped in the Christopher Davy and other ships, and sent within the Wight in charge of Thos. Vaughan. A wise man should be sent to see about the beer at Portsmouth.
Has left Wm. Symonds, with 100 men, to come in the ships from London, with the victuals from Hampton, London and Portsmouth. He and Wingfield went to Portsmouth to see to the ordnance and bulwarks, and consult about the fortification. None of the ordnance can be fired, the stocks being rotten, "the welling clearly consumed," and much of the iron work "failed." As Palshid had no money to pay the brewers, without which they refused to work, and there was no money for making bulwarks and repairing ordnance, Surrey gave him 200 mks. of his own. Thinks Pawne, or some other expert man, should be sent down to see to all matters here. James Worsley should return to the Wight, to see that watch is made for any hostile ships, that beacons are made there and at Portisdowne, and the country warned to repair to Portsmouth when they are fired. Jenyns will tell the King tomorrow of the whole state of the army. In the Mary Rose, within the Isle of Wight, 21 June. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
22 June.
R. O.
Hears that mons. de Washnare has received orders from the Emperor to go to England to attend him into Spain. Advises the King to persuade the Emperor to give him licence to return and continue in Flanders; for the country is "very feeble of heads and substantial governors." The Grand Master is too old and feeble for the wars, and Bever and Fyenes are not "clearly to be determined upon for that purpose;" so that if Washnare goes, there will be no one but Issilstein to depend upon. Expects he will be well contented to remain. They say a great force is coming to them from Flanders. Thinks it is true, but has seen no appearance of them. Since Sandys was at Margison the French have kept at home, and not meddled with the Pale. Calais, 22 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To the [King's] highness.
23 June.
Calig. B. VI. 131. B. M.
Writes to him, by command of Albany, that the lord archbishop of Glasgow, chancellor, has spoken to the duke of Dacre's desire to communicate with him. May give credence to the bearer, Carrick. Dunbar, 23 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: My lord Dacres, wardane generall, &c.
Ib. f. 130. ii. The credence of Carrik, officer of arms to the king of Scots.
The lord Chancellor has desired of Albany that no forays be made on the Borders until David Betou be returned.
P. 1.
23 June.
R. T. 137. f. 21. Teulet, I. 36.
2340. FRANCIS I.
Instructions of Francis I. to Thiederic Van Rend, to be declared to the duke of Holstein.
After delivering the King's letters, he shall say that Henry VIII. has attacked both Francis and the Scots, contrary to his promise. Francis has sent troops, ships and artillery to Scotland, and himself will make war on the English in the direction of Calais, which a force of English have already come to defend. He proposes to send the duke of Suffolk (Richard De la Pole) with troops to England, as he has much intelligence there, and thinks the ports of Holstein would be the best places for him to proceed from. Requests the Duke to supply him with necessaries, payment for which Francis will send, according to the treaty, of which Rend has a copy. Desires first, however, to know the Duke's pleasure, and if he would wish for a marriage between his daughter and Suffolk when the latter obtains his rights. If agreeable to the Duke, wishes to have some intelligence with the Hanse towns. Finally, Van Rend will do all necessary for the said matter. Lyons, 23 June 1522. .Signed.
Fr., p. 1, copy.
23 June.
R. O.
While writing I am under sail off St. Elyn's, with a good wind, but not much of it. I beseech you to command the victuallers at Hampton, Portsmouth and London to send the rest of the victual after me with all speed, and to write to Christopher Coo to follow Harper's advice, and "in no wise come within havens." The London victuallers will tell you for how long he is victualled. Thos. Clere has beer for one month, and other victuals for two months, at Hampton. I ask you also to write to Thos. Vaughan to convey the London victuallers into the Wight, and then to return. When in the narrow seas, he must keep more the coast of Calais than the Downs. At nights he must lie near Calais, for the French steal away that way in the night, both northward and from the north. "Scribbled in the Mary Rose," 23 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
While writing I am under sail, going forwards, with a light north wind. I wish the victuals to be sent after us from London, Hampton and Portsmouth. It would be a pity to be hindered in our attempts from lack of food. I send an account of cables necessary for the ships, and ask you to order some sure man to provide them. Written in the Mary Rose, near Saint Elyn's, under sail.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
23 June.
P. S. b.
Petition for assent to election of John Berwyk as abbot, vice Thomas, late abbot, deceased; presented by John Hertley and Rob. Mytley, 23 June 1522.
24 June. 2344. WAR with FRANCE.
Proclamation, dated 24 June. See 14 Aug. 1521.
25 June.
R. O.
Received by John Heryng, clk., and Peter Larke, servant to John bishop of Carlisle:—8 March, from John Mycloe, treasurer of the King's chamber, 4,000l.; 22 March, from Edmund, abbot of St. Mary's, York 200l.; from Sir Wm. Paston, surplusage of 100l. delivered to him for prest money at London, 5l. 8s. 8d. Total, 4,205l. 8s. 8d.
Paid. For carriage of the money: To a man who helped us to bring the money from Mycloe's to Bath Place, 4d. 2 leather bags for it, 8d. A pair of leather "bowgetts" to carry it in, 2s. 4d. A carrier with 2 horses from London to St. Alban's, 5s. A sumpter saddle, 8s. A leather collar, 5d. Mending the sumpter saddle by the way, 12d. Guides from Newcastle to Morpathe, 3s. 4d. John Hall, from Morpathe to Awnwyke, 6s. 8d. Sir Chr. Dacre's servants, from Lanarcost to Hautwesell, 6s. 8d. Rydley's servants, from Hawtwesell to Exham, 20d. The prior of Exham's servants, from Exham toward Newcastle, 20d. Total, 37s. 9d.—20 March, in prest to Sir Robt., Sir Wm. and Sir Marmaduke Constable, and Sir Wm. Boulmer, 333l. 6s. 8d. To lord Dacre, 31 March, 666l. 13s. 4d.; 30 March 13 Hen. VIII., 500l.; 26 May 14 Hen. VIII., 700l.; 18 June 14 Hen. VIII., 1,003l. 25 June, to John Brandlyng, merchant of Newcastle, for Dacre's use, 1,003l. 11s. Total, 4,205l. 8s. 9d. Examined by John Daunce and John Hales.
Pp. 2. On the outside leaf: The Kynges Booke.
25 June. 2346. For the CITIZENS OF WORCESTER.
Confirmation of several patents and charters granting them certain privileges. Westm., 25 June.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 7.
26 June.
Calig. B. VI. 132. B. M.
i. "The answer of the lord Dacre" [to "my lord Secretary"], "made unto this letter hereunto annexed." (fn. 1)
Has had no part, although he is gratified by the sending of David Beton to England. Can give no security against raids, as it will require a long time. The lord Warden must be advertised thereof, who would not take it in hand without the consent of the earl of Shrewsbury, as it would be equivalent to an abstinence of arms. The Governor's conduct does not correspond with Carrick's credence, as he has raised great numbers, and brought guns to Haddington. Norham, 26 June.
Copy by Dacre, pp. 1.
Ib. f. 133. ii. Hay to Dacre.
Received his letter, dated Norham, 26 June, stating that David Beton's message had not proceeded from him, &c. The lord Governor charges him to say he would have written divers times but for Dacre's sharp letters. He has directed Hay to consent to an abstinence of arms. Melrose, 30 June. Signed: Secretare.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Dacre, warden, &c. Endorsed by Ruthal.
Ib. f. 132 b iii. "The answer of the lord Dacre" [to "my lord Secretary"], "made unto this letter hereunto annexed."
Has received his letter, dated 30 June, wherein the Governor charges him to thank Dacre for his good intentions to the peace, and, but for his sharp letters, would have written oftener; that the Duke has empowered the secretary to take abstinence with Dacre or lord Ross, in proof of his peaceful intentions. No one has power to treat of this matter without authority from the King his master, who will consent to no abstinence whilst Albany remains in Scotland, unless the motion of the chancellor (Beton) take effect. His master will do nothing to hurt his nephew in his tender age, "remembering not only the nighness and proximity of blood betwixt them, but also, for lack of issue of my said sovereign, which he has, and trusts to have more, your sovereign is heir apparent to this realm." The departure of Albany for four years will help the peace of Christendom and the security of that kingdom, seeing that he can now seize all the strongholds of Scotland, and garrison them with French or Scots. Norham Castle, 3 July.
Begs him to show the letter to the Lords of the Council; "for I will keep the copy, and lay it to your charge hereafter, when the matter shall come to revelation."
Copy by lord Dacre, pp. 2. On same paper as i.
26 June.
R. O.
In answer to Wolsey's command, sent by Mr. Jenyns, has not received of the city of London in all 9,000l. Most of the money that he has had, since being with Wolsey at Hampton Court, has been "in pennys," and that very slow to come. Complained to the Recorder, and was told there was no remedy for this first 10,000l. but to take what was levied; for the remainder of the 20,000l. it should be fair money, which should be brought in as soon as possible, though he could not say when, as it was in plate, and had to be coined. Has now in his hands 4,000l., of which he owes the victuallers of London 900l. lent him for the beer brewers, so that there remain in his hands little more than 3,000l. Rob. Amadas has chains and plate to be coined to the value of 700l., which Pekham will have by Saturday night. London, Thursday, 26 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal most noble grace."
26 June.
R. O.
Ten days ago, before I came, Honnyng and Weldon had sent seven ships with victuals to the Vice-admiral, but I suppose they have hardly reached him yet. The remainder was embarked "this same day in five Spaniards, the Christofer Davy and the Mary Flowre, which, with God's grace, shall make sail tomorrow in the morning." Weldon lacks 120 tuns of beer, for which he has retained two other Spaniards. As to Thos. Vaughan and the King's ship Spanyard, she lies at Ratclyf with her mariners, ready to sail, but has neither captain, soldier nor victuals. No one knows when Vaughan will be here. They say he is gone to Flanders. Beg that some one may be commissioned to victual and man her, as neither Honnyng nor Weldon will meddle with her, and I cannot meet with Uxley as yet. He told those there that he had nothing to do but to rig her. Have written to the men-of-war on the narrow sea to conduct these victuals to Symonds. The five Spaniards are well furnished with men and ordnance, and, I trust, able to pass through without conduct. Write very hurriedly, as the post is making great haste with Edmund Peckam's letter. London, 10 a.m., Thursday, 26 June.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
26 June.
R. O.
2350. FRANCIS I.
Protection for Gerrard Van Werden, George Hasse, Henry Melman, Geo. Gyse, Geo. Strowse, Elard Smetyng, Hanse Colynbrowgh and Perpoynt Deovanter, merchants of the Hanse, during the war between him, the Emperor and England. They are forbidden to deal in wheat, salt, "ollrons," harness and weapons of war. Lyons, 26 June 1522.
English translation. Endd.: Mr. Perpoynt.
27 June.
R. O.
Tuesday last we left St. Elyn's with a contrary wind, "and with force of the ebbs stopping the floods be this present hour come before Portland." We intend to get round to Dartmouth, and there stay till we have a wind to take us on to our enemies' coasts. We have but little victual on board, and, contrary to the mind of the masters of the army, we have "plied the tides" that we might do something before spending it. We want the rest of the victuals in haste, "and with God's grace there shall be no time forslowthed by us." In the Mary Rose, 27 June. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
27 June.
Calig. E. III. 19. B. M.
* * * "[M]ountjoy is from Hampnes ... ce 100 soldiers, the which with 200 of ... and 100 of Sir Wm. Parre, and 100 o[f] ... the castle of Guysnes, amounteth to th[e number of] ... soldiers, and that with the assistance of the [neighbouring] country me seemeth to be sufficient for ..."
Has caused Sir Matthew Browne's retinue to remain here in Calais, as his counsel is requisite to [make] the necessary fortifications here. Wishes the King to order him to remain, and to send him thanks for his diligence. Has sent to Guisnes the ordnance mentioned in your grace's letter, and on Thursday last rode thither to see what fortifications are needed by the castle. Has agreed with Mr. Vauxe, Mr. Berkeley, Mr. Whetill, Gaige and Brisewood upon what is wanted, and has spoken to Vauxe to begin at once, "and according to the tenor of your grace's * * * parcels subscribed with his hand ... publish unto your grace every particular ..."
Has received 500l. more from him by your orders for the payment of his crew. Hopes he will remember their payment for the following month, and that the surplus of the 500l. may be used for repairing the town. Sending so many men to Guisnes has diminished the strength here, but he will do what he can with the men he has.
Received yesterday [a letter] from Issilstein, saying that the French king had come into these parts with a large force, and, he thought, intended to [attack] Calais, Guisnes or St. Omer's, and asking Sandys to be ready to defend himself or assist Issilstein. The bearer "showed me [that on the] feast of St. John Baptist, Mons. Saint ... of 800 men-of-arms came before [Torneham (?), at] five of the clock in the morning, aga[inst whom] issued out of the town 300 horsemen, a[nd] ... there were taken on the French part two men, [and on that] of the Burgundians twelve horsemen. And ... same time within St. Omerus by his [saying] which issued out, but the Frenchmen r ... prisoners, and so by reason that they abode, ... returned without any harm doing or taking ..." Received also a letter from the captain of ..., who hears that the French king has recalled the 2,000 [men-at]-arms and the 10,000 foot whom he sent towards the mountains, and he with them and others "intendeth [to attack] us or to St. Omerus." The bearer says that on St. John's Day at 5 a.m., the captain of Bullayn and the bailiff of Caa[n] came before Torneham with 400 horsemen, that 300 foot sallied out and drove them off without suffering any loss, having killed three horses and hurt twenty-two men.
By former writings you have authorized Weldon and Hun[ning] to provide 1,000 qrs. of wheat and as [much] malt for victualling Calais * * * "peace of the shire of Kent ... and to see that the same may be ... execution by open proclamation accor[ing ... as]surid conducting hither of the same, your gr[ace gave comman]dment that divers ships, whereof parcel be ... [Sa]ndwitch, should keep the seas and wafte the s ... and fuel at every time for every parcel of ... transported unto us; for lack of the wh[ich waf]tyng, and that your grace's commandment is [expir]ed in that behalf," three or four days passed a ship laden with 80 qrs. of wheat was taken by the [Fre]nch before Calais harbour, which has made the others afraid of crossing, as [G]eorge Guylford, the Marshal's brother, is informed. Heard today that Vaughan of Dover and the Bark of Sandwich have gone to waft the Zealand fleet. To keep this town secure, the seas must be made safe. Ne[wnham Bridge], 27 June. Signature mutilated.
Pp. 4, mutilated.
28 June.
P. S. b.
2353. The Benedictine PRIORY of St. Leonard's, STRATFORD at the BOWE.
Significavit by Wm. Haryngton, LL.D., canon and residentiary of St. Paul's, London, official of the spiritualty of the see of London for Wm. abp. of Canterbury, of his confirmation of the election of Eleanor Sterkey, nun, as prioress of the above priory, vice Helen Hillard; praying for restitution of the temporalities. London, 28 June 1522.
29 June.
S. B.
To be sacristan of St. Paul's, London, vice Thomas Benet, deceased, at the King's disposal by voidance of the see of London. Del. Bishop's Waltham, 29 June 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18.
30 June.
Calig. D. VIII. 247. B. M.
Last night I came to the Road. As divers of my company were in sight, and could not come on till this tide, and as we were all in want of water, I thought best to remain here today: so I, with Wingfield, Fitzwilliam and Jerningham, Hopton, Gonson, Sabyan, John Brown and others, took a boat and went into Dartmouth, to see what places we could find to lay in your great ships this winter. Never saw a goodlier haven after all our opinions. At the entry there is a blockhouse of stone, with an old castle on the same side, and another old castle on the other side, besides another blockhouse, and a chain ready to be laid. The town is not two arrows' shot thence, and the ships may lie two miles further within the haven, under John Gilbert's house, and have at least five fathom at low water. The chain that is at Portsmouth may be laid within the other chain, so that it will not be possible for any ships to enter. The only danger is, if the enemy were to land at Torbay, only two miles from the place where the ships will ride, they might cast fire into them, or some fellow in the night might steal near them, and throw wildfire into them. To avert this, you had better write to the bishop of Exeter, and the best gentlemen in Devonshire, saying you are informed they are making a blockhouse besides Briksame, within Torbay, and if they would make another at Churston, within the same bay, you would help them with ordnance and powder. I see by the gentlemen who have been aboard today, they would do it at their own cost, and, once done, no army could land there. If three or four acres of low wood, growing by the shore, were cut down, and a stone wall made, over 800 paces long, and, within the wall, great bandogs allowed to go loose at night, there would be no fear of wildfire cast by stealth. Thinks it would be well to get two or three experienced men to view the harbor and its fortifications more closely than he has been able to do. ... hundred pounds would make them perfectly secure. Within four miles of where the ships are to lie, you have a park called Dertington, containing 2,000 goodly oaks, which would furnish timber for repairs. They will spend less in tackling here than at Portsmouth, by as much as all the charges of making here will amount to. If the ships are to be kept here it would [not be right] to spend much for repairs at Portsmouth, "but whi[le the Emperor] should pass into Spain, to cause the Henry Grace à Dieu to [keep him] company thus far, and then to be brought in hither, f[or] I am informed there will be gathered together here, of your [army], within 24 hours, 9,000 or 10,000 men, for their defence ag[ainst the French]."
(What follows is in Surrey's hand.)—At the closing of this letter all the ships were under sail. If the wind hold, we shall land tomorrow on the enemy's ground. Sends with this letter Nicholas Semer, mayor of Dartmouth, a very wise man, who can tell you about this haven. I have asked divers of those who were at the viewing of this haven to put their hands to this. In the Mary Rose, in Dartmouth Road, 30 June. Signed by Surrey, Sir Ric. Wingfield, Hopton and Gonson.
Pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
June./GRANTS. 2356. GRANTS in JUNE 1522.
1. John Sylston and Christina his wife, d. and h. of John Witham and Margaret his wife. Livery of 250 acres of land in Cornburgh, York. Del. Westm., 1 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 11.
3. John Litleton. Livery of lands to him as son and heir of Sir Wm. Litilton, and to John Whitington and Sir Rob. Brudenell, who were seized of the manor of Areley, Staff., to the use of Mary, late wife of Sir William, and now to the use of the said John Litylton. Greenwich, 19 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 June 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p.2, m. 13.
5. Wm. Cates, of Northampton, innholder, alias hosier. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 21 May 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 June.—P.S. Fr., m. 12.
5. Wm. Johns, of London, mercer. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Greenwich, 24 May 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 June.—P.S. Fr. m. 12.
7. Fras. Brian, squire for the Body, Grant, in fee, of tenements in the parish of St. John the Baptist, Walbroke, London, forfeited by Sir Ric. Charlton, and lately occupied by Geo. Assheby, clerk of the Signet, deceased, by pat. 23 March 1 Hen. VIII.; on surrender of pat. 3 July last. Del._, 7 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
7. Hen. Page. Grant of two messuages, a cottage and land, in Yardeley, Worc., of which Th. Wood, the King's native pertaining to the manor of Yardeley, was seized, and which are in the King's hands, by inquisition taken at Droytewith, Worc., on 21 Sept. 4 Hen. VIII., before John Wasshburn, escheator. Greenwich, 6 Jan. 13 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 7 June 14 Hen. VIII.—P. S. Pat. p. 1, m. 4.
12. Roger Radclif, gent. usher of the Chamber. To be chief steward and bailiff of the lordship of Okeham, porter of Okeham Castle and keeper of the park called Fleterise, Rutland, forfeited by Buckingham. Del. Hampton Court, 12 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
16. Sir Ric. Jernegan, knight for the Body. To be keeper of Malewike park, lordship of Denbighe, marches of N. Wales, vice John Mycklowe, deceased. Bishop's Waltham, 28 June 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Windsor, 16 June (sic).—P.S.
16. Wm. Millowe, shoemaker, of St. Alban's, Herts. Pardon. Del. Windsor, 16 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
16. Christ. Pyrson, of Thorp St. Peter's Suff., tailor. Pardon for breaking, with John Paynter, into the house of Joan Corbolde, widow, at Occolte, Suff., and taking therefrom 15d. in money, a qr. of black velvet, value 3s. 4d.; u qr. of black damask, 1s. 8d.; and two sets of ivory beads (duo paria precularum de ivery), 2s. 8d. Del. Windsor, 16 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
16. Roger Radclyf. Grant of the manors of Clapthorne, Haculton and Pedyngton, Northt., forfeited by Buckingham. Del. Windsor, 16 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
18. Rob. Hillery, clk. Grant of the perpetual chantry within the castle of Bernacastell, in bishopric of Durham, void by resignation of John Wakerfeld. Del. Westm., 18 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
18. Wm. Legh. To be constable of Bridgenorth castle, Salop, with 6d. a day from the fee farm of the town of Bridgenorth, and from the farm of the mills of Penleston, as held by Ric. Houghton. Greenwich, 4 June 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 4.
18. Sir Gilbert Talboys and Elizabeth his wife. Grant, in tail, of the manor and town of Rokeby, Warw., forfeited by Buckingham. Del. Windsor, 18 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
18. Rob. Woodwarde, of Runburie, Chesh., cutler. Pardon for the murder of Rob. Drake, of Badeley, Chesh., laborer. Richmond, 10 June 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 June.—P.S.
20. Gawin Lancaster, alias àster, of London, alias of Sokbrede, alias of Sandewike, Westmor., alias of Perithe, Cumb. Pardon; and grant, on the supplication of Matilda, widow of Sir Th. Parre, of all his forfeited goods, chattels and lands. Windsor, 20 June 14 Hen. VIII. (No date of delivery.)—P.S.
20 John Eston. To be one of the King's serjeants-at-arms, with 12d. a day, vice John Yerdeley, deceased. Westm., 20 June.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
25. Sir Wm. Pounder, of Grantham, Linc., and of London. Pardon. Del. Winchester, 25 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 10.
26. Edm. Natures, clk., D.D. Presentation to the church of Middleton, Durham dioc., void by death. Del. Winchester, 26 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 13.
28. Dean and Canons of the new collegiate church of the Annunciation, Leicester. Mortmain grant of the advowson of the parish church of Hanislape, Bucks, Linc. dioc., and licence to appropriate the said church; a certain competent sum to be appropriated by the ordinary of the place to the poor of the parish, according to the statute, out of the emoluments of the said church. Del. Westm., 28 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
28. John Burton, yeoman of the Guard. To be porter of Ludlowe castle, vice Th. Burton, deceased. Bishop's Waltham, 28 June 14 Hen. VIII. (No date of delivery.)—P.S.
28. Rob. Jones, Fulk Rutter and Ric. Rutter. Lease of land late of John ap Jevan, in Kernevett, within the commote of Keymergh, and in Lleweny, within the commote of Issalett, and land late of Wm. Wynnaway, Henry Houghton, Wm. Pigot, and Rob. Rutter, in Lleweny and Polefflatte, in the lordship of Denbigh; for 21 years; rent, 19s. 2d., and 7s. 6d. of increase. Del. Westm., 28 June 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
24 May.
IX. 30. B. M.
* * * "... ed for the transporting ... wa. ter sees of, I was warre o[f] ... buord, as farre of as I coulde well ... the same made towards them to know wha[t] ... as soon as they saw that I made towards [them] ... them close by a wind. And thereupon I gave ... was somewhat long; howbeit, at the last I me[t] ... were two hulks of 300 a piece or more, and a Sp[aniard] ... 200, and all the rest were Portingales and sma[ll craft. The] chase caused me to lose the tide, so as I could [not reach] Calais at that time. And this morning I would [have] ... in a small bark; howbeit the wind was so stra[ight that] no man durst jeoparde to go to the sea, notwithsta[nding] ... their bark be in Calais haven, for it is five da[ys or more] sithens she went thither, and sithens that time a ... heard no word of her." Last night Seymer, Draper [and Cooke] arrived here from the North. Encloses a letter about their doings and their Admiral's. Is sorry [one of] the King's servants should order himself so ill as his company say. "And to th[ink what] they have taken from the Frenchmen, as appeareth [by the] said letter herein closed, because it is all corn and c[oals, and] as I am informed they lack both those things at Calais ... Therefore, the next fair tide that is, I shall s[end the] same hither, and the money that shall come thereof I [shall] keep in mine own hands till I shall know the King's [pleasure] and yours upon the same," whether to deliver one half to the takers, according to the order of the sea, or keep all for the King. Wishes to know what to do with the ten Frenchmen mentioned in the said letter enclosed, whether to send them to prison or ransom them; "for as these men that" * * * Written in Dover Road, ..., 24 May. Signed.
Badly mutilated, pp. 2.
f. 31. ii. "... they say that at their coming out of Sco[tland] ... at Berwick, Sir John Tremayle and Harper to ... her, and appointed with them to tarry them in Ty ... the said Seymer and Cooke came well betided and sa[iled] [and] so rode without the haven. And by chance at the d[eparture of the same, there] came the galleon of Depe, a Spaniard ship of the ... and a hulk, the bigger whereof was not above 100 ... said galleon, came under the lee of the said Sabyan ... him and showed him a bauner of truce out of his p[oop, and] the said Sabyan let him pass; and after that the sa[id galleon] was passed, and in manner out of the danger of the [ir fire], the same Sabyan let slip his anchor, and gave the c[hase to the] said galleon. Howbeit the said galleon had so much ad[vantage] of the said Sabyan afore he made sail, that she w ... and he saw that and gave her over; and chased t ... Spaniard and hulk, and came so nigh the said Spa[niard that] his men laid hold upon her tackling; notwithstanding ... neither her nor none other of the said ships away[ted for] the said Seymer, Draper and Cooke, by reason of the dede ... water, could not get out of the foresaid haven; howb[eit] ... in case the said Sabyan had boarded the said Spaniard [they had] their men ready, in their boats and in boats of the tow[n, to have] given him succor. And the next morning they warped ... the same day met with the said Sabyan, and the morning following met with them the foresaid Sir John Tremay[le and] Harper, and so they sailed all togethers till they came to ... Orford nase." There they saw in the distance one Mylner, of Erith, shooting at three Frenchmen. Made aboard and chased the Frenchmen, one of whom fled out of sight. A second was taken by Cooke and Seymour, and proved to be an Englishman laden with wheat, which the French had captured, and manned with 10 men from the Bark of Bulleyn. "And after that the said * * * with malt and coals, and as soon [as the Frenchmen percei]ved that they made towards them ... [th]ey took out all the men that were in the ... [a]nd straight made into the wind, and left th ... behind them, and the night came on, so [we lost] the sight of them. Howbeit, the said hoy they [took and] brought away with them. And the said Sabyan [left] his boat behind him, and sowent back to Orw[ell] haven for the same."
In the hand of Fitzwilliam's clerk, pp. 2, badly mutilated.
7 June.
R. O.
2357*. SURREY to WOLSEY.
Yesterday James Betts, the customer here, brought the proclamation for money to Winchester, and today to Hampton. When Surrey first arrived, the recorder gave him a printed copy of the proclamation for London, (fn. 2) which he immediately caused to be proclaimed, both here and at Winchester; but, nevertheless, the soldiers and others who receive the crown for 4s. 4d. can neither get so much for them, nor find any willing to change them. This will cause more exclamation, unless Wolsey see a remedy. Advises him to send strait letters to the mayors of Winchester and Hampton, and to the sheriff of the county, to see that the proclamation is put in force, and that those who have silver change the said crowns for 4s. 4d., Thinks 600l. or 700l. in silver should be sent hither; for, as Mr. Jenyns has very little, it will be difficult for him to make even reckoning with the soldiers. The matter will be unpleasant to Wolsey, but it is much more so to him, for he is continually troubled with it. Wishes that 400l. or 500l. could be sent, in exchange for the same value in crowns, to Jerningham and Sir Wm. Sidney, who have to pay the next month's wages. Last night a bark came from Guernsey with news from the captain's deputy there, that Artiquo, the vice-admiral of France, would with the first wind come to demand tribute of them, or burn the island. Considering the news brought by the merchants of Chester whom he sent to Wolsey yesterday, of the readiness of the ships at Brest, sent the said ship to the Vice-admiral, asking him to send immediately the ships named in the enclosed list, or others of like burden to remain there. The wind continues W.N.W., so that the ships with the Vice-admiral cannot come to him. Hampton, 7 June. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate.


  • 1. See Thomas Hay's letter, 25 June.
  • 2. See no. 2283.