Henry VIII: July 1522

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Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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July 1522

1 July.
Vesp. C. II. 4* B. M.
2358. ALVARUS OSORIO, Bishop, to WOLSEY.
Landed at Southampton on Saturday. Could not announce his arrival. Has sent an acquaintance to Wolsey. Yesterday arrived at Windon (Winchester?), where he will wait for further instructions. "Ex Windonio, k'lis Julii 1522."
Hol., p. 1. Add.
1 July.
R. O.
2359. THE ARMY.
Portsmouth, for three months from 1 July.—2 knights, at 2s. a day, 16l. 16s. 8 men-at-arms, at 18d., 50l. 8s. 12 demi-lances, at 12d., 50l. 8s. 2 trumpets, at 12d., 8l. 8s. 349 archers, at 6d., 732l. 18s. "Regard" of the captains and men-at-arms, 173l. 6s. 8d. Jackets for the archers, 22l. 12s. 8d. Conduct money, 40l. 14s. Total, 1,095l. 1s. 4d.
Fragment of an army estimate. P. 1.
2 July.
Calig. D. VIII. 249. B. M.
2360. WAR with FRANCE.
Agreement between the Emperor and the King, when they were together, for an enterprise by land against the king of France.
It was arranged in the treaty lately made that the Emperor and the King should continue the war against Francis by land and sea, until each had recovered all that belonged to him, and what number of men-of-war each should furnish, both for the security of the sea and for invasion; but, wishing to provide by land for an effectual invasion, they have agreed that, besides the army of the Emperor in Lombardy and that on the Spanish frontier, when he arrives in his kingdom, another shall be prepared on the side of Picardy, as follows:—(1.) The king of England shall land at Calais, before the 1st August next, with a number of foot soldiers, archers and others, under a good captain; and six days after landing shall encamp near Tournaham. At the same time, he shall have ready a strong band of artillery, sufficient for two good batteries, all which are to be kept up at the King's expense for three months, viz., from 1 Aug. to 31 Oct., except only the ... and chariots for the conduct of the artillery and munitions. (2.) The Emperor, by the sixth day after the [arrival] of the English, shall also place in the field at Tournaham 250 men-at-arms of his ordnance and 1,000 good [men] of war, and 3,000 Almain foot under the command of Issilstein, count de Buren. These to be furnished by the Emperor at his own expense, and if the army by sea, which he has commanded to come from Spain, shall arrive in time for them, he shall cause 1,000 or 2,000 Spanish foot to disembark and join them; such number to be deducted from the 3,000 he is bound to keep upon the sea by virtue of the treaty. (3.) The Emperor will then join with the English artillery, 12 field pieces called falconets, and shall give order in Flanders, Artois and the neighbouring countries, for the victualling of the army at reasonable prices. (4.) The Emperor shall supply cart horses (chevaulx de lim[ons]) and chariots for the artillery, to be paid for equally by the King and Emperor. (5.) The two armies, under the command of De Buren and Surrey, shall first endeavor, if it be at all feasible, to besiege Boulogne, on which the generals and other captains shall deliberate. (6.) The generals shall appoint a certain number of their men of war to conduct victuals. (7.) The Emperor shall get ready 12,000 or 15,000 men of the Low Countries, to join his army as soon as possible. Waltham Castle, 2 July 1522.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 5.
3 July.
R. O. Rym. XIII. 770.
2361. CHARLES V.
Letters patent, promising to obtain for Wolsey from the Pope a pension of 2,500 ducats from the revenues of the vacant churches in Spain, in place of his pension on the bishopric of Badajos, from which he has released the Bishop, at Charles's request. Walthon (Waltham) Castle, 3 July 1522, 3 Charles V. Signed and sealed.
Lat. Vellum. Endd.
R. O. 2. Draft of the same.
3 July.
R. O.
I have informed the King of the taking of Morles, and other occurrences here. I trust you have sent more victuals after us, for we need them. Many of Fitzwilliam's ships are without flesh and fish, and I have to lend him some of mine. I have only beer for twelve days. It would be a pity to leave undone what we intend to assay for want of victuals, and it is dangerous to go further without. As soon as we have a wind, we shall depart hence, and "draw beyond the Trade," and we will not return as long as we have any beer, "though in return we should drink water." I wish letters of thanks to be sent to the lords and gentlemen here, who have deserved it highly. "Scribbled in the Mary Rose, within the haven of Morles." Thursday, 3 July.
Today we were weighing our anchors to go about other enterprises, when the wind changed, and we were forced to remain.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
3 July.
R. O.
2363. DACRE to WOLSEY.
Has received his letter, dated Windsor, 17 June, bidding him come to the King's presence. Will do so as soon as possible. Remained here, attending on the lord Warden, because Albany had come forward with his ordnance, "who yet remaineth unskaled," as the lord Warden has written to the King. Cannot leave him if the Duke come forward. If he retires, will return home, stay there two days to set things in order, and then come up to the King with all diligence. If Wolsey do not require him, requests to be informed by a post that may meet him on the way. The lord Warden lacks nothing but experience of the country. Norham, 3 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
3 July.
R. O.
Received his letter, dated Bishop's Waltham, 27 June, on Wednesday the 2nd inst. Understands that Piers Young, of Dover, is appointed to conduct such victuallers as resort to Calais, to whom Sandys is to deliver ammunition. As the French have been for a long time busy to do us displeasure, "methought it very expedient to prepare somewhat for our remedy;" and therefore caused Young to get his ship ready, and had furnished him before Wolsey's letter arrived. Retains 40l. in prest on a reckoning sent by Jenyns. Tuesday last, a priest, chaplain to two captains of Almains at St. Omer, delivered him a letter that the said captains and their companies had been dismissed by lady Margaret. They desire to be retained in the King's service, though they have been much solicited by the French. Sandys gave no direct reply. Has advertised Wolsey that Sir Rice's hundred horsemen have been sent to Guisnes, to defend the castle there. Two of the same Welshmen have come from their captain, complaining they cannot get victual and lodging there, and demanding remedy. Thinks they might better be kept at Calais. Newnam Bridge, 3 July. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my [lord the Ca]rdinal's grace, leg[ate d]e latere and cha[ncell]or of England.
4 July.
Vesp. C. XIII. 263. B. M.
Proclamation made on the Emperor's arrival that all horses and stuff be on board by tomorrow. In a skirmish at St. Quintin's, between Daryscot and the French, the Burgundians lost their standard-bearer. By letters from the marquis of Mantua, of the 20th, 500 men-of-arms and 12,000 French foot had arrived at Susa, a town of Savoy. They have since returned. Cremona will be relieved. As all the French troops will be concentrated on this side the mountains, the King and the Emperor must induce the duke of Milan to contribute to their enterprise. Ampton, 4 July.
P.S.—By a letter of Bandysius finds the Swiss are not yet in motion. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: T[o my lor]d Legate's grace.
4 July.
Calig. E. II. (123). B. M.
Yesterday received two letters, which he encloses, from mons. [Isselstein], to the same effect as before, "concerning the profy ... what power they have to defend themselves, and the[ir ... a]nd to aid us and the King's consynes (confines?)." The French king is increasing his army to attack one or other of the two frontiers. Newnambridge, 4 July.
Hol., mutilated, p. 1.
5 July.
P.S. Rym. XIII. 771.
Restitution of temporalities of the bishopric of London, to which he has been preferred by the Pope on the King's recommendation. Bishop's Waltham, 3 July 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 July.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
ii. Bull of pope Adrian VI. appointing Cuthbert Tunstall to the see of London, according to the King's request, made through Thomas Hanibal, his ambassador. Saragoza (Cæsaraugustæ), 16 May 1522.
"Dilecto filio Gutbe[rto] Tunstallo, electo Londoniensi."
Lat., vellum.
6 July.
Galba, B. VI. 63. B. M.
Spinelly wrote yesterday the news received on their arrival. Enclose an extract of other tidings which came today by post. The Emperor's chancellor says the Venetians persevere in their obstinacy. It is feared that the French having abandoned Italy, 5,000 Swiss adventurers will be employed against the Emperor's Low Countries. As the war of Italy is, by the King's declaration, transferred to this side [the mountains], the Emperor should either invade Dauphinéhe aid of the duke of Milan and card. De Medici, or bear the charges of the enterprise on this side. The Emperor is very busy shipping his horses, and expects to leave in two or three days. Ampton, 6 July.
P.S. in Dorset's hand.—conjunction with Spinelly, who understands the King's business best. "I trwste youre grase vyle be conten vythe the same, and if note, your plesyr knohyne, I chale fole (follow) the same. The Emperur has byne style in consele, so that I sa hym nott by twys sens I kame to tone." Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. at ƒ. 66*b: "T[o my l]ord Legate's grace."
6 July.
Calig. E. II. (14). B. M.
Commissioners for the musters are at Arras. Intends to go there to assist them. Their power there is too small to resist the enemy, who are fortifying themselves from day to day. The troops the King meant to send beyond the mountains cannot pass, and will come [to] this frontier. The flat country will be lost if not reinforced. Begs him to communicate his answer from the King. Sends him a horse. Has given orders to the captain of Gravelinges to look for a suitable one for him. [St. Omer's], 6 July.
P.S.—Leaves De Beures there. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
6 July.
Calig. E. II. (15). B. M.
2370. SAME to SAME.
Has received his letter. Had allowed Brun V ... Goter and Pels Vander Bosch, captains, after the German foot had left, to go with the Emperor. Retained Brun and Pels, but has since been ordered by Madame to dismiss them. Will advertise mons. de Fiennes of the conduct of his troops. Had written to the Treasurer this morning from St. Omer, but forgot to thank him for his horses. Aire, 6 July. Signed.
Fr. mutilated, p. 1. Add.
6 July.
Vit. B. V. 73. B. M.
2371. NEWS.
[News received by the Emperor] "at Amptona, the 6th day of July, by letters from the marquis de Pescara and other captains, dated at Kasal, chief town of the marquis de Monferrato, the 19th day of June."
1. That 8,000 Gascons came to Susa and Turin with a great band of artillery, but had withdrawn to Avyllyana, in the direction of Dauphiné, and Prospero Colonna had since ascertained that they had returned to France. 2. The Imperialists in Monferrat had made two bridges over the Po to go against the French, which was now needless. 3. The duke of Milan had recalled the commissioners he had sent to Germany for 6,000 lanzknechts, and countermanded the succors prepared for him by card. De Medici. 4. The surrender of Cremona on the day appointed was expected with certainty. 5. They expected also to have the castle of Milan, and that the French intrigues in Switzerland would cease, as they had not received a favorable answer. 6. By letters from Lyons of the 5th June card. De Medici was informed that the French king and court that day removed to Paris. 7. The Cardinal had sent 30,000 ducats to the Emperor's army. 8. The viceroy of Naples arrived at Modona on the 19th, and was everywhere honorably received. 9. Since the reduction of Genoa, licence had been granted to the city to receive corn out of Naples and Sicily. 10. The Emperor has confiscated the goods of Fred. of Bossolo, who is more obstinate than ever for the French king, and given them to his cousin the marquis of Mantua, on condition that he should not repute him his cousin. 11. The Venetians every day "made [musters of] footmen and horsemen," for what cause was not known.
Pp. 3, mutilated. In Spinelly's hand.
6 July.
S. B.
2372. For EDWARD HIGGONS, Clerk of the Chancery.
Grant of the canonry and prebend of the collegiate chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster, vice Thomas Linacres, who exchanges with the said Edward. Del. Westm., 6 July 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 25.
6 July.
S. B.
2373. To JOHN CHAMBER, M.D., Dean of St. Stephen's, Westminster.
Mandate to allow the exchange of canonries in the said chapel by Thomas Lynacre and Edward Higgons, canons there. Del. Westm., 6 July 14 Hen. VIII.
7 July.
R. O.
This morning, about two o'clock after midnight, received his letters, with others enclosed from my lord Marquis and Spinelly, containing Italian news. Gave them to the King, at his uprising, by one of the gentlemen of the Privy Chamber, and went to ask his further pleasure at the latter mass, when he gave charge to Sir Wm. Kingston to levy 300 pioneers in the forest of Dean, and letters will be made with all diligence that they may be at Dover on the 31st inst. Sir Christopher Beynham will command 200, and Kingston the rest. Sir Henry Marney is also ordered to provide 200 miners. The King is well pleased with Wolsey's "diligent advertisement." He thinks posts should be arranged between Dover and London, and Southampton and London, while the fleet remains in these parts. Christopher Coo "liketh his grace nothing, for he is more in boasting than in any good feat," as his letters, which the King is sending, will show. He sees great discrepancy between his letters and the report of the master who is bringing them, and thinks either some other man should be appointed, or some wise and substantial man joined with him to give the adventure on good occasion. By the master's tale, he thinks Coo might have boarded the galiotte of Dyepe at the rescuing of the three ships taken with corn, if he had as much regarded the King's honor and his own honesty as he does his own profit. The King does not approve of Spinelly's proposition for the invading of the Dollphanie by the Milanese, or for aid to be had of them for this year, for it will be enough for them to settle and defend their own. Asks Wolsey to be his gracious lord for this journey into Spain. Windsor, 7 July.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
8 July.
Egerton, 763. no. 47. B. M.
The pleasure with which he heard of the meeting of Charles V. with Henry is increased by the letters received from him at Windsor of the 21 June. Will do what he can to raise the money required, and put a stop to the depredations and burnings. The conjunction with England will make it easy to gain over the Swiss. The generals have kept the army quiet, not thinking it advisable to attempt anything whilst the affairs of the Swiss and the Venetians remain unsettled. The French have left Cremona, and are on their way to the mountains. Will lay siege to the castles of Milan, Cremona and Novara, as they cannot be stormed except at great expense. Octavian Fregoso and count Peter Navara remain prisoners for the present. Modoetia, 8 July 1522. Signed.
Lat., pp. 3. Add. Endd.: Al Rey. Del Duque de Milan.
9 July.
Calig. E. II. 157. B. M.
On Thursday last the duke [of Vendôme] came to Boulogne. It is reported that preparations are making to have a siege ... [New]nham bridge. [They have] now of late brought to Tyrwyn, Bulleyn and elsewhere, instruments to cut down the corn. There are not men enough in the garrison to save the corn. Will make the best resistance they can. Proposes to advertise Wolsey of all tidings from time to time. The said news "cam to me wylles that master Tresore[r was at the] castell and town ther" (i.e. Newnham Bridge). Begs that the matter of the arrears may be determined. 9 July.
P.S.—Has just heard that on Monday the duke of Vendosme and others were ... treynys." All the country has been warned. "At Calais, th[e day aforesa]id."
Hol., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal's grace.
9 July.
R. O.
2377. CHARLES V.
Artillery which the Emperor has taken with him into Spain for two complete batteries.
One "bombardelle à feu." The Great Dragon. 2 mortars. 4 "scerpmessen," called double courtaulx. 2 great serpentines, carrying the same shot as double courtaulx. 2 "courtaulx Zingherins." 14 other courtaulx. 6 demi-courtaulx. 10 great serpentines. 22 middle-sized serpentines. 16 falcons. Total, 80 pieces.
Ammunition is provided for them as follows:–For the bombardelle, 100 bullets. For the 4 Almain scerpmessen, 800. For the 2 "nachtegales," 400. For the dragon and 2 singles, 600. For the 2 long serpentines, 800. For the 4 Almain dragons, 1,600. For the 4 Almain falcons, 1,600. For the two mortars, 200. For the 8 falconets, 4,800. For the 14 courtaulx, Tournay, 2,800. For the 4 demi-courtaulx of Tournay, 800. For the 10 serpentines tortinées of Tournay, 3,000. For the 18 serpentines quarrées of Tournay, 7,200. The 4 small serpentines of Tournay. Total, 24,090 bullets (sic). All the guns are mounted with carriages and wheels.
1,000 barrels of coarse powder. 30 barrels of fine powder for culverins. 2 barrels of grenades (?) (boullets à feu). 12 arbalests. 2 barrels of fire arrows (traictz a feu). 7,000 pikes, between long and halfpikes. 400 halberds. 91 barrels, packed with "corchetz" (corslets?) and steel caps for 6,000 foot. 24 barrels filled with 3,000 "culevrynes." 40 panniers, packed with 1,000 "hacquebutes à crochetz" (with rests). 30,724 lbs. of lead. 6,000 lbs. of new iron. 87 barrels of grease.
"Le fait des gorliers."—51 barrels, containing 842 "gorreaulx," bridles, cruppers, &c. 2 little barrels with rings for the cruppers of the draughthorses.
The rope-makers.—14 barrels of cordage. 25 small barrels of small rope. 32 bundles of "cordes de tylle." 2 bundles of "fillet de kenneur," weight 900 lbs. Among this cordage are 2,700 traces; 300 lbs. of large cordage; 400 lbs. of small; 100 pieces called "heymseelen" for attaching to the wheels when descending mountains; 50 pieces called "voorzeelen," to raise the guns (batons) when they are overturned; 77 dozen other traces.
"Le fait des carliers" (carters?).—26 pair great wheels. 4 pair small fore-wheels. 21 pair fore-wheels for the Almain artillery. 36 pair forewheels, with the thills. 52 gun carriages, with thills and poles. 10 carriages for the great guns. 175 new "assilz" for the courtaulx and great serpentines. 50 for the small serpentines. 6 pairs of "blanchaerts" to put on the carriages. 100 "ghaughes" for the wheels. 53 pieces of wood fit for thills. 25 pair of shafts.
The farriers.—32 "esquinons" to put along the "assilz." Forges, anvils, hammers, and 20 barrels of coal.
The harness-makers.—2 coffers. A barrel of "brassieres (fn. 1) " to cover the carriages. 3 "engiens" with 3 feet. 2 barrels of cables for them. 3 coffers filled with their "ostieulx" (query, outils, tools). 8 great planks to make gun carriages. 300 wooden levers. 2 dozen iron levers. 4 pieces of wood called "ghaughez."
The pioneers.—2,000 spades. 600 "couquyes." 600 pikes. 600 mattocks. 600 "fermens." 2 coffers of candles. 1 coffer of torches. 100 lanterns. 50 wooden cases to hold the powder to load the guns (bastons). 50 wooden rests (chevalets) for the hacquebuts.
The master founder.—2 capstan heads (testes de guyndas), with 12 "arrondes." A great cable. 10 bundles of copper wire (filz d'arca) 3 "afforons, à reforrer les gros engiens," and 2 others called "kerruysers."
Officers of this artillery.—2 schausmeesters, at 12s. a day. 120 cannoniers; those who fire the great guns, 12s. a day; the others, 10 fl. a month. One gun founder at 3 fl., and 6 workmen, at 8s. 12 carpenters; the master at 12s., the others at 8s. 6 "soyeurs" (reapers?), at 8s. 4 "cimeliers," at 8s. 12 harness-makers, at 8s. 8 farriers, at 12s. and 8s. 10 carters (carliers), at 12s. and 8s. 12 guides for the artillery, at 12s. 12 tent-keepers, at 12s. and 8s. 25 pioneers, at 12s. and 6s. All the above are arranged for two batteries.
Artillery left by the Emperor in his Low Countries, at Malines, not including that in the frontier towns.—A "bombarde," called the Katharine, for shooting stones; another, called Austrice, for iron shot. 2 double courtaulx, called Scerpmessen. The courtau "arraige." 12 great courtaulx, called "dijcxsacqz;" four only mounted. These all carry 1 bullet. Another courtau, called Aernhem. 6 little iron serpentines from Almain.
Artillery which has been at Lille for 6 weeks.—2 double courtaulx, Le Lyon and La Pucelle. 2 courtaulx, called Aernhem. 2 others for carrying stones. 6 serpentines. 5 falcons.
This inventory made by Jehan de Hesdin, who has charge of all the artillery left in the Low Countries, at Malines, 9 July 1522, and will be immediately sent to the Legate of England. Signed by Hesdin.
Fr. Pp. 11.
10 July.
R. O.
Has received his letters this day. Sends a schedule of artillery for battery in the town. Would be glad if, in conformity with his letter, further provision might be had from England. Has received news from Vaux this morning, that the French have assembled 2,000 horse, with Swiss, lanzknechts and others, amounting to 10,000. Picardy is warned to raise as many as it can. They intend to encamp between Guisnes and Arde, in the place of the last triumph, and bring with them thirty pieces of ordnance; also a number of "flaks" and hurdles. The Swiss have not yet come to Montreuil; so it will be Saturday or Sunday before they reach Guisnes. The news is confirmed in a letter from the captain of Dorneham, and the rumor is that the French king is at Paris with a great puissance of foot, and Pont Remy is returned from the mountains. Begs Wolsey will remember his request for Adrian Dyar to be clerk of the council, because Nanfan is impotent, and his deputy is no man convenient. Speaks highly in favor of Adrian. Without Wolsey's interference Nanfan will not give up the office, as he has indented with his deputy for 8l. yearly. Newnham Bridge, 10 July. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace, legate, &c.
10 July.
R. O.
Obligation by which Michael Lumbier and other Spanish merchants, and Wm. Roche and Hugh Fenne, of London, bind themselves in the sum of 600l. to prove before the Emperor's council that a cargo of velvet, satin, taffeta, black and red French caps, short points with aglets and small counterfeit buttons, taken by Sir Wm. Sandys as lawful prize, belongs to Lumbier and others as Spanish subjects. 10 July 14 Hen. VIII.
Copy, pp. 2.
10 July. 2380. For the MONASTERY OF ST. GERMAIN, SELBY, York dioc.
Assent to the election of John Berwyk as abbot, vice Th. Rawlinson, deceased. Westm., 10 July.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
10 July. 2381. For the MONASTERY OF ST. GILES, BARNEWELL, Ely dioc.
Writ to escheator of Camb. and Hunts. for restitution of the temporalities on the election of Thos. Rawlyns as prior. Westm., 10 July.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
ii. Similar writs for Norfolk and London.
12 July.
2382. For THOMAS DUKE OF NORFOLK and THOMAS EARL OF SURREY, his son and heir apparent.
Grant, in tail male, of the manors of Welles, Shyryngham, Stafford, Barnyngham, Warham and Weveton, Norf., forfeited by Buckingham. Del. Westm., 12 July 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 21.
13 July.
R. O.
Has sent forty marks for Hennaige, Wolsey's servant, to buy wine, as part of his promise. Has not been able to provide any before, as for the last year and a quarter no ships have come with wine, salt, linen or other goods. Asks him to send a commandment that Helier de Carteret meddle no farther with the fee of Saint Germain till Vaughan has tried his patent with him. Carteret's procurers receive the rents daily, by reason of a commandment which he has obtained from the King. Asks credence for Sir Ric. Maben, dean of the isle, who is going over to Wolsey on behalf of the commonalty. At the King's castle in Jersey, 13 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace, legate de latere. (fn. 2)
14 July.
R. O.
Sends an account of the artillery taken by the Emperor to Spain, with the officers and gunners, two bands and batteries. There was but one battery before Masières, which was sent from here. That which was laid in the trenches at Tournay was of great length, consisting of 16 double courtaulx, 14 small courtaulx, the smallest of which could carry 10 or 12 lb. further than the Apostles you had before that town, which beat down the high tower. At the end of the account is a declaration of the artillery left in He?din's charge, except those in the frontier towns. The two falcons required by Wolsey shall be sent, with their munitions. The German gunners cannot be had so soon. The Emperor has taken so many, there are few left; but if Wolsey will send some one to treat with them, they shall be raised in six weeks or two months. Desires an account of the gun carriages and horses required, which will take time, and some one to negociate the matter. Had no time to try the forty gunners whom he lately brought to the King, being so hurried by the Emperor. The Great Chamberlain spoke of having John de Lusy. Will send him if Wolsey require it. Brussels, 14 July 1522.
P.S.—Madame is going to send some one to England with a message about the common affairs. Signed. (fn. 3)
Fr., pp. 3. Add.
5 July.
R. O.
This night the King has commanded him to say he is much surprised that news had been brought from Flanders and Calais, and known of all persons at court, his grace nothing advertised of the same. He thinks that diligent posts ought to be ordered; and that they are "not so diligently laid betwixt his highness and your grace towards Dover, Hampton, Dartmouth and the Scotch party as your grace believeth." There is news of the taking of Lekys by the French; that the King's company of his marches at Calais has been surprised, and some slain; that a large number of French ships is in the narrow seas.
One of the King's chamber, a freeman of London of the company of Woolpackers, has obtained a grant of incorporation for the said company, on which the King desires Wolsey's opinion, and what fine should be paid. This afternoon the King has been again in the forest, and slain a great hart and another stag. Easthamstead, 15 July.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endd.
15 July.
R. O.
According to his commission from Henry and the Emperor, has notified to Madame the resolution taken between them. She is ready to fulfil everything that has been concluded. Writes at greater length to the Cardinal. Brussels, 15 July. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Au Roy.
Galba, B. V. 284. B. M.
Has visited Madame, according to his commission, who is willing to comply with the resolutions formed between the Emperor, the King and Wolsey. As the French are assembling a large body in Artois, and the numbers mentioned by Wolsey are not sufficient, he has proposed to Madame and her council to levy 250 horse in addition, which is not easy, on account of the expense. She is, however, content to do so, provided that she be indemnified for the expenses of the horse which are required for the artillery. She will also provide eleven or twelve barks to guard the fishermen. Thinks the offer should not be refused. Brussels,— (fn. 4) day of July. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: Monsr le Legat.
16 July.
R. O. St. P. VI. 96.
Has written twice from Southampton to the King. The Emperor would have landed at La Redo, but was compelled to put in at Saint Ander. The twenty ships, with 4,000 men, will go to England this night. Sends a memorial of the voyage. Does not know what course the Emperor will take. Thinks it will be unwise to lose time about Fontarabia. They have met no enemies since leaving England. Saint Ander, 16 July. Signed.
ii. (fn. 5) The Emperor's progress from Hampton to Saint Ander.—He embarked Sunday, 6 July, at 2 in the afternoon. On Wednesday, at 6 in the morning, set sail, and reached Saint Helen's the same evening. On the 8th anchored at the Needles; left thence on the 9th. On the 10th arrived before Dartmouth, and in the evening at Plymouth. On the 11th the whole navy was in sight of Huxente (Ushant). On Tuesday the 15th, at 11 o'clock, sighted the mountains of Spain, named the Vryalles, on the coast of Asturias. On Wednesday reached La Redo, at which place "a certain boat of the town issued, and showed unto his majesty how there was twenty ships in the haven all ready, with 4,000 men; wherefore he was constrained, notwithstanding the wind being turned into the south- west, to withdraw himself to Saint Ander, six leagues thence, towards the Asturies, where he took port the same night." (fn. 6)
Pp. 2. Add.: My lord Legate.
16 July.
R. O.
2389. BERWICK.
George Lawson's account of money spent for the King at Berwick. Wages of laborers for unlading Davy Myller's ship, which brought timber and ordnance to Berwick, from Wednesday 16th to Friday 18th April.—14 men, 11s. 4d. To divers coalmen who helped to bring in the ship, which was in great danger at the harbor mouth, 4s. To John Ras, for carrying a letter to Carlisle to the Bishop to inform him of the arrival of Ric. Candishe and Geo. Lawson with the ordnance, 6s. 8d.
Costs at Newcastle for the conveyance of artillery from the Westgate, Pylgra[me] Street Gate, and elsewhere, to the "wyndas" at the haven side, to be put in the ship.—To porters, for carrying 500 marespikes, 44 chests with bows, arrows and "dyse" of iron for falcons, serpentines and hagbushes. 3 barrels of bowstrings and 20 half-barrels of gunpowder. Reward to them on Good Friday night for working till 11 o'clock, 2s. To Wm. Thomlynson, of Gateshede, for 22 chalder coals, 33s. 4d. 1,200 "woodeshides" for casting pellets, 12s. 1 ton 7lb. of iron, 5l. 4s. 4d. 36 lanterns, at 6½d. 8 sconces, at 3d. 40 plates for charging ladles, at 2½d. Half a ream writing paper, 16d. 1½ "quare" of paper royal, 7d. A pottle of ink, and a pot to put it in, 17d. 20 double spars, 5s. 40 single spars, 6s. 8d. 14 wisps of steel, 11s. 8d. 1,400 arrow feathers, 21d. 2 lb. glue, 8d. A demipike shaft of ash, 8d. 8 double bundles of laths for repairing the King's houses, 5s. 4d. 4,000 lath nails, 10s. Bought at Newcastle, "a kylne hayre to dry malt with," 10s. 2d. Total, 25l. 0s. 6d. Half a ton of iron, 50s. Carriage and freight from Newcastle to Berwick, 4s. 4d. Signed by Lawson.
Receipt by Ric. Candyshe for most of the above articles from Geo. Lawson at Berwick, on the King's behalf, 22 May 14 Hen. VIII. Signed by Candyshe.
Stuff bought at Newcastle by Candish, master of the ordnance at Berwick, 16 July 14 Hen. VIII., and conveyed to Berwick by water. 17 gang felloys at 12d. the gang. 43 axlet ees, at 4d. and 3d. 8 pieces "esse" (ash?) wood for "pikchusts," &c., 18d. 6 "naffes," at 12d. 3 trees for "speikes," 8 yards each, 15s. For cutting the "speikes," 14d. A new hawser, 8 stone, at 18d. To Thos. Lotes, carpenter, for working two days in "taisting carts," 12d. Wages of porters, 6d. a day. Hire of seven horses for a cart between Newcastle and Morpeth, 3s. To John Brandlyn, merchant of Newcastle, for freight of his ship to Berwick, 8l. To the customer of Newcastle, 3 tons of iron, at 5l. 600 "wodshides of melting of palets," 6s. 6d. 7 axle-trees, at 4d. Half a ton of iron, 50s. Hire of 7 horses to convey a cart with cart harness from Morpeth to Felton, 2s. 4d. 50 double spars, 15s. 4d. Total, 32l. 16s. 5d. Signed by Candyshe.
Pp. 8.
16 July.
R. O.
Our common friend, Master Wakfelde, has delivered to me your letter written at Rochester, by which I see the continuation of your affection. I do not understand why our Master is angry with me, except I had been a little too earnest in demanding my own. I am afraid of writing to him a second time lest I should offend him. Begs Golde will deliver to the bearer his bed and bedding. Is glad to find that the bishop of Rochester is so agreeable to relaxing the statutes. Desires remembrance to Dr. Meytcalfe, their common master, Dr. Watson, Messrs. Burgen, Truslove, Hale, Arthur, Langforth, Brygyndyn, Cowper, Bayn, Rudde and Dudley. It is reported that the English army has come, scen and conquered Brittany. Louvain, postrid. id. Julias. Golde's secretary is the bearer.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: H. Golde, Joannis Collegii Cantabrigiensis Collegæ, &c.
16 July.
R. O. Ellis, I Ser. II. 30.
Privy signet directed to the Lord Steward of the Household, ordering these allowances to be made for "our right dere and welbilovede the Lady Lucy"; sc. every morning, at breakfast, oon chine of beef, oon chete loff and oon maunchet, and a galon of ale; at dyner, a pese of beyf, a stroke of roste and a rewarde, a cast of chete bred, and a galone of ale; after none, a manchet and half a galon of ale; at supper, a messe of porage, a pese of mutton and a rewarde, a cast of chete bred, and a galone of ale; at after supper, a chete loff and a maunchet, a galon of ale and a half a galon of wyne at our seller barr." Every morning "at our woodeyarde" foure tall "shyds" and two faggots; "at our chaundrye barr," in winter, every night "oon pryket and foure syses of waxe," with eight candles, white lights and one torch; "at our pitcherhouse," weekly, six white cups; and "at every time of our removing, one whole cart for the carriage of her stuff." Esthampstede, 16 July 14 Hen. VIII.
One skin of parchment, written on one side.
17 July.
Calig. E. II. 117. B. M.
Has received ... Fowler. Had already made proclamation "for crowns to be taken and paid, every c[rown] being gold, at 4s. 4d. English." With regard to Wolsey's order to deliver the remainder of the 3,000l. to Fowler, there was spent, at Wolsey's last being at Calais, 219l. 12s. 10½d.; for the Emperor's diets, 249l. [3s.] 8 7frac12;d.; for the transport of the Emperor, 90l.; to Brisewood, for repairs and fortifications, 1,333l. 6s. 8d.; a month's wages of the crew (besides the 500l. received of Sir. Nich. Vaux,) 753l. 9s. 4d.; to 15 gunners (seven at 8d. and eight at 6d. a day), 2 month's wages=24l. 5s. 4[d.]; total, 2,669l. [17s.] 11d., leaving a balance of only 330l. 2[s. 1d.], which it would be desirable he should retain. The money due from the King's tenants of Mark and Oye shall be levied with all possible expedition. Begs favor may be shown to Adrian Di[er], concerning the office of clerk of the council of Calais. His presence is much needed. Has received intelligence, which he transmits, from a spy, now at Lyons, who was employed in Sir Ric. Wingfield's days, and who had been retained in the King's service at the recommendation of the bishop of Durham, though Wolsey, when at Calais, thought he might be dispensed with. Kept him for two months. Heard no more of him until he sent his priest. Wishes to know Wolsey's pleasure about him. On Friday eight days the castle of Mon[treuil] was besieged by the bailly of Cane and others, who entered and set it on fire. Newnambridge, 17 July.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: My lo[rd Cardin]al's grace, legate, &c.
Endd.: [Letters] of Sir William Sandys.
17 July.
R. O.
It was past 9 before the King returned from hunting, and 11 before he had supped. Showed him, in his passage to his privy chamber, "the great business and travail which your grace hath sustained since ye came to London in setting forward his business." Explained to him the opinion of judge Pollarde, "and also what dexterity your grace used to defeat the said opinion, and what pain your grace hath also taken in ordering the new commission." Stated also Wolsey's purpose to execute the same on the spiritualty as upon the temporalty; and what pains Wolsey had taken in appointing the personages and number of the army for the rescue of Calais or Guisnes. After supper told the King he had more things to say, who forthwith called called Dr. Sampson, "when he heard me name the ambassador of Venice, so that, the said Doctor being present, I declared unto his grace the whole charge which your grace gave me concerning the said ambassador." The King is well content. As Dr. Sampson is writing to Wolsey, will say no more. Easthampstead, 17 July 1522.
P. S.—The King marvels greatly he hears not from my Lord Admiral. This morning he rode forth right early to hunt, and the Queen is ridden to Our Lady of Cawssam.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
17 July.
R. O.
"Carissimo quanto homo in questo mondo!" Has certified him by former letters of his safe arrival, but has received no answer; "wherefore the less for this present shall suffice of my part: the great amicitia that hath be between us cannot out of my memory, the affection was so perfect; and if ever I come above you shall know it. My love toward you resteth in no less vigour than it did at our last being together. My [hear]t mourneth for your company and Mr. Wodal's as ever it did for men. As I am true Christian [ma]n, I never had so faithful affection to men of so short acquaintance in my life; the which affection increaseth as fire daily. God knoweth what pain I receive in departing, when I remember our gosly walking in your garden; it make me desperate to contemplate. I would write larger; my heart will not let me." The Emperor landed on the 16th at Santander. "All this country is marvelous joyful" at his coming. It is said he will now go courageously forth with his wars. Will send him the news. Will be glad to hear from him at his leisure. "To good Mr. Wodall and to your good wife have [me] heartily commanded." Bylbow, 17 July 1522.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the worshipful Thomas Cromwell, London. Endd.
18 July.
S. B.
To be master of the Horse, with 40l. a year, as held by Sir Thomas Knyvet, Sir Tho. Brandon and Sir Tho. Cheyne, on surrender of pat. 5 Nov. 7 Hen. VIII., by Sir Hen. Guldeford. Del. Westm., 18 July 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6.
18 July.
S. B.
To be steward of the manor of Brasted, Kent, with 40s. a year, and keeper of Bradsted Park, with 3d. a day, and herbage and pannage; part of Buckingham's lands. Del. Westm., 18 July 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6.
18 July.
S. B.
Grant, in tail male, of the manor of Blechingle, Surrey, late of Buckingham, with remainder to the heirs male of Sir Nicholas; also grant of a yearly fair at Blechingle on All Souls' Day. Del. Westm., 18 July 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 6.
19 July.
Cott. App. XXIX. B. M.
Complaint of its inhabitants to Henry VIII. of the French, Normans and Bretons, who pillage the island, and endeavor to bring it into subjection to France. Beg for reinforcements. Jersey, 19 July 1522. Signed: R. Mabon, John l'Arbalestier, E. Decarteret, P. Decarteret, T. Gosselin, J. Dumaresq, Lempriere, R. le Lour...(?)
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
20 July.
R. O. St. P. VI. 97.
The post has not yet left with his former writings. Spoke this morning with the Great Master, who told him that L'Adelentado de Katzola, who was elected as captain of the men-at-arms of the twenty ships, has come to the Emperor, and said that it would be much to his dishonor were his charge given to any other. On Wednesday the Emperor moves towards Castile. It is thought he will go to Valladolid. The treasurer Berghes has arrived. Saintander, 20 July. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate.
Apparently a postcript to his letter of the 16th.
21 July.
Shrewsb. MSS. P. 17. Heralds' Coll.
Has spoken with the abbot of Croxden once or twice; who was too ill to make any answer, except that he would give my lady Margaret a cup which cost him 7l. Has since fallen sick himself, but has sent to him by letter, and received again "a bill of none effect." Seeing that his lordship is at great charge at this time, (fn. 7) sends twenty marks of his own, and 10l. rent of the land bought of lord Mountjoy, for which he desires a receipt. Bradley, 21 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my Lord.
22 July.
R. O.
According to his late letter, has caused the Spanish foot to embark, and given orders respecting their payment, victualling, departure, and what they are to do, as Henry will understand from Charles's ambassadors. Sainctandrey, in Biscay, 22 July. Signed and countersigned.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Le roy d'Angleterre, &c., Deffenseur de la Foy.
23 July.
Calig. B. VI. 421. B. M.
On Sunday the 20th my lord warden met at Howtell Swire himself his brother, William Heron, Rauff Fenwik, Edward Grey, Sir Roger Grey Sir Thomas Ildreton, and John Heron of Chipches, to the number of 4,000 horse and foot. Heron and himself were appointed in the room of Sir William Percy, lord Ogle and Sir William Lisle, who came not to the tryst. On setting forward Richard Candisshe informed them he could not bring up the ordnance for want of horses. Set forward without it; burnt Leynton tower to the bare walls. "Notwithstanding, all the men that was within it, which was in number 16, was saved by reason of a gable of the house that was of stone, and the wind that was their friend; for betwixt the said gable and the batialling they lay unto the house roof was fallen, where we left them all, except one Robyn Carr, which come down in a rope. Will. Hall, of Otterburn, was hurt. The Scots made an inroad into Harbotell, carried off a cart horse "of yours," two nags of the Peils, and half a score of nolt. John More told David Hume on Sunday last that the parliament of Scotland began on Friday last. Has spoken with Marion of Boukle .. at Coldstream. The Duke will leave if the lords will not be decided, and has therefore sent 5,000 biscuit to his galleys on the west coast. Arran has besieged John Somervell's place, slain three of his servants, "left his wife in peril of death, and laid her without the place, notwithstanding that she was delivered of child the day before." Somervell was in Weddall. Percy has gone to the South. "It was openly said at his table that your lordship should have betrayed him and the lord Ogle when Kelso was burnt." Morpeth, 23 July, "my boots being on, riding towards Hibot...(?) from the fair here." Signed.
Pp. 2. Add. Endd.
26 July.
Vesp. C. II. 3 b. B. M.
Credentials for the sieur de Baleux, maistre d'hôtel to the lady Margaret. St. Ander, 26 July '22. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
26 July.
Galba, B. VII. 301. B. M.
I have received your letters, and those that the treasurer of Calais has written at your command, and heard the vice-marshal of Calais, whom he has sent. I suppose you have heard what I have shown you by Hesdin, as to the expenses of the artillery. I hope you have complied either with one way or the other, and without waiting for Hesdin's return. I have charged the officers of the Emperor's artillery to be diligent in getting horses and gun carriages. I am going to the frontiers of Holland to see to the security of that country and Friesland, whither I have sent mons. d'Utrecht and those of his country. Berghes and others will also be there. I shall hasten my return, for the sake of the army. The horse and foot are now ready, and their wages provided for the first month. Vierssele, 26 July 1522. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
26 July.
Vit. B. V. 75. B. M.
This very hour a messenger from Rhodes has brought letters from the Grand Master, announcing that war was declared against them by the Turk on the 14th June, and on the 17th they began to send over their fleet. It is believed that by this time the city is entirely besieged. Wrote lately that they feared this would be the case. Implore him to send succors immediately, without waiting for other princes. Although the Pope will doubtless make the same request to him, the news will not reach him so soon as they have received it, and the matter will not brook delay. Beseech him, by his title of Defender of the Faith and [king?] of Jerusalem (Hierosolimitanus), to show an example to other princes. Rome, 26 July 1522.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
28 July.
Egerton, 763, no. 49. R. O.
Received his letters, dated Southampton (apud Anthonam), the 6th, announcing the arrangement he had made with England in regard to Italy. Lays his fortunes and services at the Emperor's feet. Will proceed with more cheerfulness in providing for the army, as the Emperor wishes him to abstain from alienating the goods of the rebels; a policy which has become necessary, as all the ordinary revenues had been anticipated. "Ex Moguntio," 28 July 1522. Signed.
Lat., pp. 4. Add. Endd.: Al Rey, 1522. De Moguntio (Mogontia or Monza). Del Duque de Milan.
28 July. 2407. For the PRIORY OF STRATFORD-AT-BOWE, London.
Writ to the escheator of Essex and Herts, for restitution of temporalities on election of Eleanor Sterkey as prioress. Westm., 28 July.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
28 July.
R. O.
Is ordered by the King to advertise Wolsey that new victuals, and a good number of men, must be provided at Southampton. If the victual is not used there, it will be sent to Calais. This afternoon the King has sent Sir Francis Brian, with other young gentlemen, to my lord Admiral at Southampton. The More, 28 July.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
29 July.
Vesp. F. XIII. 137 b. B. M. Ellis, 2 Ser. I. 222.
Came on board The Peter on Tuesday. Never saw worse weather, "the wind S. W. so stragnably that we can bear no sail to lie by." Finds but nine sails. No ships have come by north, nor those that are in Zealand, nor from Portsmouth nor the Thames. Begs Weldon may hasten the victuals, as he has none beyond Friday; also a commission to repress disorders. Is willing to serve without wages, or such as the King may think fit to give. Pointz has 6s. 8d. the day; Wyndeham had 10s., and Sir Edw. Haward, 20s. The Downs, 29 July.
Hol. Add. and endd.
30 July.
R. O.
Has not written to him for some time. Sends the bearer, Jacopo Canta, his chamberlain, as a token of his respect. Needs write nothing of Italy and the Pope, as John Clerk is going to England. Rome, 30 July 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
30 July.
S. B.
Inspeximus of patent 24 Feb. 23 Hen. VI., being a licence to Margaret, widow of John Palmer, and others, to found a fraternity in honor of the Virgin in Boston. On the representation of John Robynson, the alderman, Th. Robertson, Wm. Sutton, Wm. Pakker, John Leeke, Wm. Etewell, Wm. Cony, Th. Parowe and others of the said fraternity, that their lands were laid waste by the sea, the aldermen and brethren are now licensed to elect two or four of their number yearly, as chamberlains, to receive members, male and female, and impose taxes, according to their bulls. Also licence to elect an alderman yearly, and to acquire lands to the annual value of 40l. Del. Westm., 30 July 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13.
Instructions to the earl of Shrewsbury, steward of the Household, appointed lieutenant general of the North.
1. As the Scots intend to invade England at the instigation of Albany, the King has sent garrisons to lie upon the Borders under valiant captains, and has made Shrewsbury lieutenant general, who is commissioned to repair to York, and summon the nobles to put the country in readiness, indenting with them for the number to be furnished by each. 2. He shall issue the King's letters delivered to him blank, addressing them to such nobles as he thinks "of power to make men" in all the counties named in his commission, that they may put themselves in readiness, and certify the numbers to him. 3. Besides the above counties, he should obtain certificates from the bishopric of Durham of the numbers that will attend him. 4. In order to intimidate the Scots, it will be expedient to publish the cause of his coming by proclamations. 5. He shall administer impartial justice in all causes, and repress and punish riots without loss of time, and certify the King of all occurrences from time to time. 6. During his abode in Yorkshire his diets to be at the rate of 1,000 marks a year; but when he goes against the Scots he shall have as large entertainment as the duke of Norfolk, then earl of Surrey, had as the King's lieutenant. 7. Is to endeavor, with Dacre's assistance, to learn the designs of the Scots. 8. The earl of Northumberland, lords Dacre, Darcy, Latimer, Percy, Conyers, and Sir Will. Bulmer to be of the secret council with him. 9. Such ordnance as he requires out of Berwick to be brought to Awnewike; about which Dacre is instructed. 10. During his abode in the North he shall have the choice of the King's manors of Pontefract, Sheriff Hutton and Barnard Castle for a residence. 11. The secret councillors not already sworn of his council shall make oath before him according to a form given.
Pp. 6.
Calig. E. II. 119. B. M.
Has heard from Barth. Tate, whom, by Wolsey's command, he sent to the lady Margaret. Her council think the business should be entered upon at once, as it depends on many men's doing. On their desiring Tate to place the King's money in their hands, he offered to go with them from place to place, which they objected to. Finally, he desired them, if they would have the money, "that they woll upon the Emperor's part pre ... that be far off unto such time as they sh[all] ... to Antwerp or hither at their appointment." Sent order to him "to [go] unto the commissioners for the Emperor, and they to indent w[ith him] for so much money by them received." Transmits Tate's letter, and one from lady Margaret to himself. Requests Wolsey's favor for Gadge, deputy of Guisnes, to have the reversion of the controllership of Calais, especially as Mr ... intends to prefer young Throgmorton in Gadge's place. Has received a letter this day from Whetill, stating that the chancellor of France wished the French king should keep himself in the heart of his country. He is bent on some adventure against the English. Great forces are assembling near Montreuil. Francis is at Abbeville; he was yesterday at Montreuil, but it is kept secret. Has word also that last night 2,000 that had been ordered to Davern are countermanded towards Montreuil, "and that proclamations should be ma[de] that none [on] pain of death should burn within our pale, [unless] they were commanded by their captains." Has ready traces, collars, &c. Newnambridge, ... July. Signed.
Pp. 4, mutilated. Endd.: rom Sir William Sandys.
"In ensuing your commandments yesternight, after the King's highness had supped, I made unto the same your grace's most humble and hearty recommendations, and also showed him how that I had perceived by your grace by the reason of your grace's early rising and long fasting of the day before, as well the indisposition of your body by reason of wind, as also the rheum which descended from your head; which considered, I showed his grace that I gave you my poor advice rather to rest your grace for a day or two, than to put yourself upon the water, which might rather be occasion of augmenting of the foresaid passions than otherwise. Wherefore I thought verily your grace might tarry and prolong your coming hither till Saturday; for which mine advice, I assure your grace, he could me little thank, in pleasant manner saying, 'Ye have given him no good counsel; for his coming hither should have been rather to his health than otherwise, and more to his consolation and pleasure.' My lord of Armekan stood by, which might hear the same." Wolsey can now do as he pleases.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: My lord Cardinal, &c. Endd.: Mr. Wyngefeldes letters to my Lordes grace.
July./GRANTS. 2415. GRANTS in JULY 1522.
1. John King, of Bristol. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. 1 July 14 Hen. VIII.—P. S. b.
5. Ric. Nevile lord Latimer. Licence to marry Margaret, widow of Sir James Strangwishe. Del. Alton5 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 11.
5. John Sturgeis, junr., and Joan his wife, one of the three ds. and hs. of Geoff. Ratcliff. Livery of lands. Del. Westm., 5 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 2, m. 12.
6. Commissions of the Peace.
Berks.—Th. cardinal of York, _ abbot of Redyng, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Lewis Pollard, Th. Inglefeld, Sir John Daunce, Sir Ric. Weston, Sir Wm. Essex, Sir Th. Fetiplace, Sir Geo. Forster, Wm. Yong, Wm. Fetiplace, Walt. Chalcote and John Latton. Westm., 6 July.
Cornwall1.—Th. cardinal of York, J. bp. of Exeter, John Fitzjames, chief baron of the Exchequer, Rob. Norwiche, Sir Hen. Marney, Sir John Arundell of La Hern, Sir Peter Eggecombe, Sir John Bassett, Roger Grenefyld, John Arundell of Talfern, John Carmynewe, John Chamond, Rob. Vyvyan, Hugh Trevanyan, Ric. Penrose, Hen. Trecarell, Wm. Lowre, Wm. Goodolghan, Nich. Carmynowe, Christ. Tredeneke, Wm. Carnesewe, Nich. Opy, and Rob. Langdon. Westm., 6 July.
Devon.—Th. cardinal of York, J. bp. of Exeter, Hen. earl of Devon, Hen. earl of Wiltshire, John Bourchier lord Fitzwaren, John Fitzjames chief baron of the Exchequer, Rob. Norwich, Sir Lewis Pollerd, Sir Th. Denys, Sir Peter Eggecombe, Sir John Bassett, Sir Wm. Courteney, Sir John Kirkeham, Sir Wm. Carewe, Sir Th, Stewkeley, John Rowe, Ralph Pexsall, John Gilbert, John Kaylewey, Andrew Hillarsden, Ric. Ilales, Rob. Yeo, Philip Fulford, Baldwin Malett and Ric. Yerd. Westm., 6 July.
Dorset.—Th. cardinal of York, Hen. earl of Wiltshire, John Bourchier lord Fitzwaren, Wm. lord Stourton, Hen. lord Daubeney, John Fitzjames chief baron of the Exchequer, Rob. Norwiche, Sir Th. Lynde, Sir Th. Trenchard, Sir Wm. Fyloll, Sir Giles Strangvis, Sir John Rogers, John Horsey, sen., Geo. Rogers, John Britt, Geo. Twyndo (sic), James Frampton, John Moreton, Wm. Hody, Nich. Willoughby, Wm. Uvedale and Ric. Philipps. Westm., 6 July.
Gloucestershire.—Th. cardinal of York, G. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, C. bp. of Hereford, _ abbot of Gloucester, Walter Devereux lord Ferres, Sir Lewis Pollard, Th. Inglefeld, Sir Maurice Barkeley, Sir Wm. Uvedale, Sir John Hungreford, Sir Wm. Kyngston, Sir Th. Cornewall, Sir Alex. Baynham, Sir Edm. Tame, Sir Wm. Denys, Sir Th. Barkeley, Sir Edw. Wadham, Sir Christ. Beynham, John Broke, John Whayngdon, Peter Newton, Geo. Bromley and Th. Chaunterell. Westm., 6 July.
Herefordshire.—Th. card. of York, G. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, C. bp. of Hereford, Walter Devereux lord Ferrers, _ Burghill, clk., Edm. Forster, clk., Sir Lewis Pollard, Thos. Inglefeld, Sir Wm. Uvedale, Sir Ralph Carnewall, Sir Edw. Crofte, Sir John Lyngeyn, Jas. Baskervyle, Peter Neuton, Geo. Bromeley, Th. Lynom, Wm. Rudhale, Ralph Hakelett, Thos. Monynton, John Braynton, Th. Bodenham, Wm. Clynton, Ric. Palmer and Rowland Morton. Westm., 6 July.
Oxfordshire.—Th. card. of York, J. bp. of Lincoln, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Lewis Pollard, Th. Inglefeld, Sir John Daunce, Sir Ric. Rokeby, Sir Wm. Rede, Sir Edw. Chamberlen, Sir Walt. Stonere, Sir Simon Harcourte, Sir Wm. Baryngton, Th. Stanley, Wm. Fermoure, Th. Elyott, Walt. Bulstrode, John Horne, Th. Denton, John Bustard, John B?rome and Geof. Dormere. Westm., 6 July.
Somerset.—Th. card. of York, R. bp. of Winchester, Hen. earl of Devon, Hen. earl of Wilts,—abbot of Glastonbury, John Bourchier lord Fitzwaren, Wm. lord Stourton, Hen. lord Daubeney, John Fitzjames chief baron of the Exchequer, Rob. Norwiche, Sir Wm. Hody, Sir Wm. Compton, Sir John Trevilion, Sir Nich. Wadham, John Moyne, clk., Geo. Speke, Wm. Carraunte, John Ilorsey, John Brent, Geo. Rogers, John Brit, Baldwin Malett, Philip Fulford, John Wytdecombe, Ric. Bluett, John Fitzjames, junr., Th. Jubbes, Wm. Vowell and Geo. Bowcher. Westm., 6 July.
Surrey.—Th. card. of York, w. abp. of Cauterbury, R. bp. of Winchester, Th. duke of Norfolk, Chas. duke of Suffolk, Th. earl of Arundel, Chas. earl of Worcester, Geo. Nevyll lord Burgavenny,—abbot of Barmondsey, Sir Edm. Howard, Sir John Fyneux, Sir John More, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Ric. Broke, Sir Th. Nevell, Sir Hen. Wyatt, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, jun., Sir Ric. Jernyngan, Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, sen., Sir Nich. Carewe, Sir Matthew Broune, Sir Ric. Rokeby, Sir Wm. Denys, Sir Th. Exmewe, Sir John Gaynsford, Sir John Leigh, Sir Rob. Johns, Sir John Iwarby, Wm. Shelley, Ric. Page, Rob. Wintershull, Christ. More, Hen. Tingilden, Ralph Vyne and Rob. Castelton, Westm., 6 July.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1 and 2d.
6. Recognizances cancelled. John Stede, of Warham, Norf., Christ. Coo, of Lynne, Norf., Th. Goldesburgh, and John Fowler, of Warham, made 26 Oct. 13 Hen. VIII., for the appearance of the said Stede and Fowler in the Sterre Chamber, at Westminster. [Windsor,] 6 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B.
7. Wm. and Nich. Forde, of London, stockfishmongers, and John Forde, of London, brewer alias draper. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Del. ..., 7 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B.
8. Geo. Fraunces, gent. usher of the Queen's Chamber. To be feodary, bailiff and coroner of the honor of Richmond, in cos. Camb., Herts, Suff. and Essex, for thirty years, at an annual rent of 20l. 11s., and 12d. of increase; on surrender of patents 17 Jan. 4 Hen. VIII. and 6 May 14 Hen. VIII., both invalid. Del. Westm., 8 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 2, m. 1.
10. Th. Bonham. Wardship of Alice, d. and h. of John, s. and h. of Wm. Dale; or, if she die during her minority, of William, brother of the said John. Del. Westm., 10 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 17.
11. Justices of Assize. Western Circuit.—Th. Elyot with John Fitzjames and John Broke. Westm., 11 July.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15d.
11. Rob. Jonez ap Evan ap Tuder ap Evans ap Res ap Tuder. Lease of escheated lands in the town of Skyveon, in the commote of Keymergh, in the lordship of Denbigh, for 21 years; rent 27s., and 3s. of increase. Del. Westm., 11 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
11. Rob. Norwych. To be one of the King's serjeants-at-law. Westm., 11 July.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15.
11. Sir Wm. Paston, Wm. Wotton, baron of the Exchequer, Wm. Goodynowe, clk., and John Webster, clk. Licence to alienate the manor of Pattesley, Norf., and lands in Pattesley, with the advowson of the free chapel of St. John the Baptist there, to John Paston, Martin Heydon, Anth. Heydon, Ric. Heydon, Jas. Calthorp, Edm. Limmour, John Asseley, Wm. Calthorp, John Curson, Hen. Harward, John Brigges, Anth. Brigges, Edm. Wynter, Edm. Cobbe, John Bulward, Wm. Gurney and Th. Kebyll, and their heirs. Westm., 11 July.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16.
11. Ralph Swillyngton. To be steward of the manor of Chelesmore, and of all Crown lands in the county of the city of Coventry; and master of the park of Chelesmore. Del. Westm., 11 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B.
12. Ric. Grene, of Lemster, Heref., mercer, alias chapman. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Windsor, 20 June 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 July.—P.S.
14. Hen. Pikman, the King's bowyer. Grant of two old tenements in Crooked Lane, London, of the annual value of 4 marks, vice John Williams, the King's servant, deceased. Windsor, 12 July 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 July.—P.S.
14. Sir John Stephenson, clk. Grant of the pension which the abbot elect of Selby is bound to give for the exhibition of a clerk nominated by the King, until the abbot promote him to a competent benefice. Windsor, 9 July 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 July.—P.S.
16. David ap Llewellin ap Rice ap Richerth. Lease of 28 acres, late of Margery, wife of Thomas Holande, in Llavassoke, in the commote of Keymerght, lordship of Denbigh, for 21 years; rent 10s., and 2s. of increase. Del. Westm., 16 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B.
16. Marg. Stevenson, widow of John Stevenson. Lease of a cottage lately burnt, other cottages, and certain lands in Pyercebryge, York, for 21 years, at various rents. "Teste," Westm., 16 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
17. Rob. Clerk, of Wynfarthing, Norf., "rafman" or "chaffringman." Pardon for murder of Th. Blasy. Windsor, 14 July 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 17 July.—P.S.
18. Ric. Anlaby. Presentation to the church of Blanckerd, in the lordship of Guyssnes, Terouenne dioc., vice John Witwood, resigned. Westm., 18 July.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.
18. Edm. Copyndale. Lease of a watermill and a windmill in the lordship of Cotyngham, parcel of the earldom of Somerset beyond Trent; for 21 years; rent 4l. 3s. 4d., and 16s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 18 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 15.
18. Rob. Fletcher. Lease of land in. Lleweny, in the commote of Issalett, late in the tenure of Wm. Tayllour, John Hull and Alexander Spenne; for 21 years; rent 11s. 4d., with 5s. 1d. of increase. Del. Westm., 18 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
18. Wm. Michell, of London, butcher-Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Signed: John Berners. Del. Westm., 18 July 14 Hen. VIII.—P. S. b.
19. Sir Henry Wyat. Grant, in tail male, of the manor of Forcet, York, formerly held by Sir Ric. Cholmeley, deceased, by grant of Henry VII. Del. Windsor, 19 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 9.
20. Commissions of the Peace.
Salop.—Th. card. of York, G. bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, C. bp. of Hereford, T. bp. of Bangor, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, Walt. Devereux lord Ferrers, Sir Lewis Pollard, Th. Inglefeld, Sir Wm. Uvedale, Sir Th. Cornewaile, Sir Ralph Egerton, Sir Wm. Thomas, Sir Th. Blounte, Geo. Bromeley, John Salter, John Leighton, Ric. Horde, Th. Scryven, Th. Lakyn, Ric. Foster, Ric. Selman, Th. Vernon and John Corbett of Lee. Westm., 20 July.
Staffordshire.—Th. card. of York, . bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, Th. marquis of Dorset, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, Wm. Blounte lord Mountjoye, Walt. Devereux lord Ferrers, Sir Th. Lovell, Sir Lewis Pollard, Th. Inglefeld, Anth. Fitzherbert, Sir Walt. Griffith, Sir John Aston, Sir Edw. Grey, Sir John Draycote, Wm. Bassett, Philip Draicott, Walt. Blounte, Ric. Asteley, Th. Partriche, John Wellys, Ric. Selman, John Blounte and John Vernon. Westm., 20 July.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 2d.
20. Jas. Myghell, yeoman of the "wete larder." To be woodward of Brokewoode, in the lordship of Wocking, Surrey. Winchester, 26 June 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 July.—P.S.
21. Sir Wm. Lownde, clk. Grant of the pension which the next elected abbot of Selby is bound to give for the exhibition of a clerk nominated by the King. Richmond; 12 May 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 21 July.—P.S.
21. Recognizance cancelled. Humph. Stafford, of Codered, Herts, Sir Maurice Berkeley, of Yate, Glouc., and Sir Wm. Sandes, of Vyne, Hants, made 7 March 5 Hen. VIII. 21 July 14 Hen. VIII. Signed: Henry Wiat.—S.B.
23. Wm. Osborne, of London, skinner. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. 23 July (year not given).—S. B.
24. Ric. Pounde of London, ironmonger, Protection; going in retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Easthampstead, 21 July 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 July.—P. S.
25. Rob. Litle, groom of the Wardrobe of Beds. To be keeper, on reversion, of the leads in Windsor Castle, with 2d. a day, now held by Hen. Smythe, clerk of the works in Windsor Castle to Hen. VII., by patent 3 July 7 Hen. VII. Greenwich, 23 May 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 25 July.—P.S.
26. Commission of the Peace. Worcestershire.—Th. card. of York, G. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, C. bishop of Hereford, Th. earl of Arundel, Geo. earl of Shrewsbury, Edw. Sutton lord Dudley, Walt. Devereux lord Ferrers, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, Sir Lewis Pollard, Th. Inglefeld, Sir Wm. Uvedale, Sir Gilb. Talbott, Sir Th. Cornewall, Th. Nevell, Peter Neuton, Geo. Bromley, Th. Lynon, Wm. Rudhale, Wm. Nevell, John Ketylby, Giles Grevell, John Atwoode, Rowland Morton, John Crofte, Th. Lyttelton, and Roger Wynter. Westm., 26 July.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 3d.
26. Edward Horseley, of Scranwood, Northumb., alias of Sokbourne, in bpric. of Durham, and Christ. Horseley of Horseley, Northumb., of Sokbourne, and of Berwick-upon-Tweed, soldier. Pardon for murder of John Carre of Hetton, and Christ. Claveryng of Calalye, Northumb. Del. Westm., 26 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 20.
27. Rob. Browne, sewer of the Chamber. To be steward of Maxhey, Torphill and Thorpwaterfeld, North., on reversion, the office being now held by Geo. Kirkham. Easthampstead, 17 July 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 July.—P.S.
27. Th. Harries, of Morton Hampstede, Devon, tin merchant. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. _ 25 July 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 July.—P.S.
30. Th. Vowell, gent. usher of the Chamber. Grant of the custody of lands in Plymouth and Exeter, Devon, of the annual value of 5l. 16s., late the property of Robert Warwik, of Plymouth, attainted 19 Hen. VII., and of Th. Elyott, deceased, customer of Exeter and Dartmouth, who died owing 171l. of the remainder of the account of his office. Del. Westm., 30 July 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 12.
31. Hugh Starkey. Grant of the demesne lands of the manor of Wrynehill, Staff. and Chesh., during the minority of John, s. and h. of Ranulph Eggerton, deceased. More, 30 July 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 31 July.—P.S.


  • 1. Wine lees (Cotgrave.)
  • 2. See also no. 207, which apparently belongs to the same period.
  • 3. See enclosure dated 9th July 1522.
  • 4. Blank in MS.
  • 5. This paragraph is not printed in the "State Papers."
  • 6. See Spinelly's letter of 20 July.
  • 7. His mission to the North?