Henry VIII: October 1521, 11-20

Pages 692-709

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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October 1521

11 Oct.
Vit. B. IV. 226.
B. M.
Rym. XIII.
Bull of Leo. X. conferring upon the King, in full consistory, the title of "Fidei Defensor." Rome, 5 id. Oct., 9 pont., 1521. Signed by the Pope and Cardinals.
Vellum, mutilated.
Vit. B. V. 6.
B. M.
2. Wolsey's speech on presenting the bull for the title of Defender of the Faith.
When John Cl[erk], the King's ambassador at Rome, presented the King's book against Luther to the late pope, Leo X., in presence of the college of Cardinals, it was beautiful to hear with what exultation the Pope and Cardinals broke out into the praises of Henry, declaring that no one could have devised a better antidote to the poison of heresy, and that Henry had with great eloquence completely refuted Luther by reason, Scripture and the authority of the Fathers. He had thus devoted his learning to the support of religion, and shown an example to Christian princes. As an imperfect acknowledgment of this service, the Pope, with the unanimous assent of the Cardinals, a little before his death, ordained, by letters under the hands of himself and them, that Henry should henceforth be called "Defender of the Faith," and ordered a bull to be sent, which Wolsey now presents. Congratulates Henry on the honor, and himself on having induced him to undertake the work.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated.
11 Oct.
R. O.
Rym. XIII.
Transumpt under the great seal of a convention made by Cardinal Wolsey at Calais between Francis I. and Charles V., guaranteeing the immunities of fishermen in maritime places under the jurisdiction of the king of England, and free intercourse of ambassadors so long as they shall be with the cardinal at Calais, and for fifteen days after the conference. An article is introduced securing to the subjects of the king of England free traffic in the seas. Calais, 11 Oct. 1521. Sealed.
Lat. Vellum.
R. O. 2. Imperial transumpt of the same, attested by Gattinara. Calais, 7 Oct. 1521. Signed and sealed.
Lat. Vellum.
11 Oct.
R. O.
Ric. Wingfield has told me your news, and has shown me your good will towards me, for which I thank you, and desire credence for him. Mons, 11 Oct. 1521. Signed. Countersigned: Lalemand.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: Mons. le legat, primat et lieutenant general d'Angleterre. Endd.
11 Oct.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
Today the French king showed me that the Emperor's army had withdrawn into their own country, but were within a league of France. This night, he says, his vanguard and the Swiss lodge within two leagues of them, and Bourbon's band will join his vanguard tomorrow. If the Emperor's army abide, he will give them battle; and, if they retire, pursue them so as to compel them to fight. He says the Almains are daily deserting from the Emperor's army, so that now they have not more than 16,000 foot. The men of Tournay have made a sally, and killed 500 Almains. The Admiral has won three holds in Navarre, and a passage in Biscay at St. Marie de Eweren. Degio de Verro, with 6,000 or 7,000 Spaniards, kept a mountain with certain ordnance, but, when they saw the Admiral's folks, fled to Fontarabia, and left the ordnance behind. The Admiral has besieged him in Fontarabia, and has written to him in these words: "Je vous rendraye bone compte de Founterabey." The King seemed to think he had some intelligence within the town. He may gain it thus, or by famine; otherwise not, if he besiege it twelve months, for I know the town very well, and Degio de Verro is one of the best men of war in Spain, and was master of the ordnance to king Ferdinand.
"I beseech your grace to send me my servant again as soon as you can, or some messenger, for I can spare none of them I have here to send to your grace; for I have here with me more gear than mine own a good deal, and these adventurers of France be so ungracious that I am more afraid of them than of the Burgundians, wherefore I am fain to send part of my goods, and five of my servants with it, to St. Quentin's. The town where the King assembles and lodges tomorrow is called Guyse, which is not two leagues from the Burgundians; and if they remove not as this night or tomorrow, they shall surely have battle." There are now in Pampeluna of Spaniards 4,000 foot and 1,500 spears, so that the Admiral will not meddle with it. The Pope's army and the Emperor's are now within ten English miles of each other, as I learn from the gentleman I have for my money. The duke of Barri and the cardinal of Seo are coming to Italy with 8,000 lanceknights, and the Florentines have 10,000 men; if this be true, you will hear soon of a battle in Italy; "and the Pope's army shall be 14,000 lanceknights and 6,000 Spaniards, which will make a shrewd fray, and if they be willing." I sent you a letter by the French post, dated the 9th of this month, on matters of importance; "and because my servants be so troubled by the way, and Robertet showed me he dispatched a post as that night, therefore I sent my said letter by the said French post," to prevent your learning the news earlier by another channel. Notre Dame de Lyons, 11 Oct.
P.S.—Could [not] send this letter till th[is day], the 13th. The Burgundians have withdrawn further into their country. If they had remained this day where they were, they must have fought tomorrow. The French king marches with ... along their frontiers, and says he will enter their country, and so to Tournay.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated, cipher.
f. 106. 2. Decipher, mutilated, pp. 3.
Mon. Habs.
Has received his letters of the 7th. Will do as he asks about the ushership of the council. Has sent Dr. Pome (?) to Don Diego, with orders to act on Gattinara's suggestion. Writes a separate letter to be shown to the Legate, to keep him from thinking that he is in any necessity, and to make him take in good part what he is doing about the siege of Tournay. Hopes Wolsey will employ himself in obtaining the best possible conditions. The French will not dare to refuse him. Informs Gattinara secretly that the truce is necessary, and he must do all he can towards it without concluding anything. Has sent to Madame and the Council the ratification of the articles made by the king of France, to be published in the usual manner.
Fr., draft, imperfect.
Mon. Habs.
Writes also letters of credence to the Legate, to whom Gattinara must say that, as it seems that his army is not likely to do much in France after the siege of Masieres, and to comply with the request of his subjects in Flanders and Haynau, he has made preparations for the siege of Tournay. Has ordered Nassau to march straight for that town with the chief army. Hears he will be there in a few days. Starts for Valenciennes on Saturday on his way to the army, and will do all he can to take Tournay. Will put 5,000 or 6,000 horse in garrison upon the frontier. Will send soon the demands and articles his ambassadors shall propose, with the answers to those of the French.
Fr., draft.
Mon. Habs.
Since writing, has received letters from Madame about the truce. Encloses certain additions to the articles, signed by himself. Wingfield has brought to him today a paper of news which the Legate has received from his ambassador in France.
Fr., draft.
Mon. Habs.
Received last night his aunt's advice. Before entering on any deliberations for a truce, or declaring the contents of his common letter, Gattinara must exhibit to the Nuncio the articles of the league proposed between the Pope, the king of England and Charles; for the Nuncio has a power for this as well as for the truce. He can agree to the articles which the Nuncio will propose in addition, as they are not very important, and are sufficiently reasonable. He can tell the Legate he has instructions to do so before discussing the truce, and ask him of himself to propose a scheme, as Charles has entire confidence in him. He must hasten it as much as he can without being seen to do so. They may make use of Madame's advice. The Legate must be treated lovingly and courteously, for I hear from the English ambassadors that he is not pleased with you.
Fr., draft.
11 Oct.
Mon. Habs.
1667. CHARLES V.
Remarks of Charles V. on the articles proposed for the truce.
1st. Thinks it reasonable, but adds that the duration should be eight months, the king of England or the Legate, as conservators, having power to prorogue it for ten months longer. 2nd. This would be fair if the French had taken anything in Navarre. Does not wish to have to surrender Mortaigne. 3rd. Cannot agree to it. His ambassadors must refuse it, saying it would be to acknowledge all that Robt. de la Marche has done. 4th. Disapproves of it unless the places of De la Marche are to be returned. 5th. About Tournay. Agrees to it. 6th. About the pension of Naples and the marriage. They must do all they can to abolish these conditions, but may consent to them rather than lose the truce. 7th. Intends the sovereignty and resort to be in abeyance during the truce. 8th. The same, but the end of the article is good. 9th. Approves of this and of the 10th, adding to the latter that the French must return anything taken by them. 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 17th are good. 16th. Answers this by his letters missives to his ambassadors. 18th is good. Wishes it also to be stipulated that all his Spanish subjects taken prisoners during the war shall be released with their goods; and that his posts can be stationed, and all his subjects have free passage and right of merchandise in France, as before the war. Mons, 11 Oct. 1521.
Fr., draft.
12 Oct.
R. O.
I have written to the King, asking him to allow Diego de Rebouca, a Spaniard, to export 2,300 qrs. of wheat to Spain, and I desire you also to show him favor. Mons, en Haynnau, 12 Oct. 1521. Signed. Counter-signed: Lemoyne.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le card. d'York.
12 Oct.
R. O.
On coming to London received his two letters, one written July last, and the other the _ (fn. 1) day of _* Is glad to hear of his good health. Prays God so to continue him, "for this world was never more dangerous concerning the life of man." Can do nothing yet in the bishop of Durham's matter and "your" hospital, as the Bishop and my lord of St. John's are at Calais with the Cardinal, and so no chapter is kept at St. John's. Will be sure to send the plate, with such accounts as will content him. Believes Darcy's assignments are so great, that all the receipts will not pay both the assignment and the King, and "lawis (redeem) your plate." He knows that half of the year's receipts are paid, as he has already written, to Mr. Sands, Sir Rob. Constable, Mr. Arthur and others, "and now must be paid both Amadas and a berewyf, Mr. Arthur's half year's annuity, Butry, Capell (yet my lady Capell is dead), but her son Pallet ceaseth not, but that shall spare, except 10l. paid before in part of the agreement." He shall know the certainty of all these reckonings after Allhallowtide, as it will be that time before any money come. No wine can be had for any money, "therefore your lordship may take patience, as other lords do, to new come." Trusts the Cardinal will bring a peace home with him. The time of his coming is quite uncertain. Hopes to know more in ten or twelve days. The King, Queen and Princess continue at Windsor.
Is glad that the earl of Westmoreland is with him. Recommends him to make a sure conclusion with him by advice of Mr. Eleson, and that the Earl make his confirmation, and also a feoffment and grant both in one deed, because there are questions now made of the livery of seisin of the first feoffment. The lands are tailed, and the reversion in the King and many annuities, as rent and feefarms, are tailed, "and therefore a new grant thereof by himself is good for his life." He had better remember Mr. Arthur, "to get him some good marriage whereby he may have inheritance." There are many in those parts, and some in these, as Sir Edw. Willoughby's daughters, heirs apparent to lord Broke, "and Sir Edw. Gryvell hath them, and will sell one or two of them." Master Arthur will prove a sad and discreet gentleman, and will not lack help of the King's preferment. London, 12 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2.
12 Oct.
Le Glay,
II. 556.
(1.) He will be content to have a truce with the Pope and King Catholic, for five years, or four at least, on both sides of the mountains, not including the Florentines, the marquis of Mantua, the rebels of Milan, Ast and Genoa. If they insist on the comprehension of the Florentines, he will agree to it for the sake of the Cardinal; but the Marquis must not be comprehended, on account of his oath to Francis as sovereign of the Order. (2.) Charles must bind himself not to go to Italy during the truce. (3.) He must pay the money due for Naples, and give surety for its continuance. (4.) Navarre must be restored to the king of Navarre. If not, Charles must promise to do so in the first year of the truce, or indemnify him according to the treaty of Noyon. He must also give surety for his performance of the marriage, and must repair all he has done against the sovereignty of Francis in Flanders and Artois. (5.) The Cantons of the Leagues of High Almain must be expressly comprised.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
Should be omitting a duty not to tell you of the [good service] done by Ger[ningham], with which the King your brother is very well pleased. It would be impossible to describe the sense, virtue and good management I have always found in him. Signature burnt off.
Hol., Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add. Endd.
[Calig. E. I. II.]
B. M.
To the same effect.
Hol., Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: "[A] mons. le Cardinal mon bon filz."
13 Oct.
R. O.
St. P. I. 71.
1673. PACE to WOLSEY.
The King commanded him this morning to write, that he feared Wolsey was not well at ease, as he had heard nothing from him since the coming of Sir Richard Jerningham. He wishes Sir Philip Calthorpe and his wife to attend upon my lady Princess, and receive 40l. a year wages. He returns the letters received from my lord Admiral addressed to Wolsey, which the King opened and read; and wishes to have Wolsey's opinion about the Admiral. Windsor, 13 Oct.
Hol. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
13 Oct.
R. O.
1674. PACE to TUKE.
The mayor of London has sent me a letter of yours to him, by which I see that he and other merchants who are suing to the King for letters to the Emperor "for the observance of their privileges in Spain, hath not wisely handled their own matter." The King's letters should have been sent to the Emperor immediately; "and as touching the transumpt sent to you by the Mayor, the King's mind was that another transumpt should be made, and that sent by me to my lord Cardinal." As it could not be made by any one here, Pace sent it to the Mayor, asking him to have it made by a Spaniard, and return the original, "and he hath sent the same to my lord Cardinal, and knoweth not why." The effect of the matter is, that the King wishes Wolsey to procure from the Emperor's chancellor, that the privileges granted to his subjects, and comprised in the transumpt, may be truly observed. Tuke is to tell him so in convenient time. Windsor, 13 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To Mr. Brian Tuke, master of the King's posts, being with my lord Cardinal's grace. Endorsed by Agarde: "Richard Pace's letters to the Cardinal out of Italy, certifying his negotiations there, at Rome, France, Germany. Notatu dignum. 15 Sept. 1612."
St. B. XI. 424.
B. M.
St. P. I. 72.
Has received his letter, desiring to know Wolsey's opinion and the council's touching a successor to the earl of Surrey. They much commend his recal, "considering that in the great enterprises that be like to be set forward by your grace within few years he may and shall do unto you notable service." Objects to lord Ferrers as wanting experience in such weighty matters; and, considering the great charge the King is like to sustain by his conventions with the Emperor, it would be good policy to save money, and give the place to the earl of Ormond in the same manner as Kildare occupied the same. Has devised and sent to the King a minute of a letter to the earl of Surrey. Has omitted to communicate to the Emperor the King's wish "touching a gift and grant" to be made unto the King, with the consent of France, of Arde lately taken by the imperialists, for reasons he assigns, and declared by mouth to Sir Thos. More, under treasurer, and Sir William Fitzwilliam, for whom Wolsey begs credence, and recommends the King to advise with touching keeping the terms, and sending the master of the Rolls with the great seal, "if the plague of mortality, which daily increaseth more and more, were ceased."
In Ruthal's hand.
Ib. f. 351. 2. Corrected draft of the first part of the preceding.
14 Oct.
R. O.
Wrote on the 11th from Mowns, and came here with the Emperor next day. Received Wolsey's letters dated the 10th, yesterday morning, and declared to the Emperor your advice for the entering on any new enterprise, for which he thanked you, and which he intends to use. Lord Nassawde and other captains were coming in the evening, and, after discussing the matter with them, the Emperor will take his resolution. He assures you that he will not begin, on light grounds, any new thing which cannot be brought to an honorable end, "saying it sufficeth to have failed the enterprise of Masieres." We translated your letter into French, and showed it to the lord Nassawde and other captains, that they might see your reasons for dissuading the Emperor from his first purpose. Returned to the Emperor this morning, but he said he had not quite determined in the matter, but would do so this afternoon, and send expressly to tell you his entire mind, desiring us to assure you "that he hath no more diffidence in you than he should have of his own father, if he were alive, in whose place he reputeth your grace."
The army under lord Nassawde is lodged on the French frontier, and "those of the renforce" approach daily. The French are at Guyse and the villages near. The King is said to be at St. Quentin's. Are credibly informed that the Emperor's army is diminished one half by death, sickness, and departures. The enemy must know this, and will advance, and perhaps give out that they have driven away the Emperor's army; of which they would have had neither color nor occasion if Wolsey's counsel had been taken in time.
Jeronimo Adorno has arrived from the Pope, and precedes the Nuncio. Do not yet know his mission. Valenciennes, 14 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
15 Oct.
R. O.
Postscript.—The Emperor has told us that, according to his promise to you, he has charged his Chancellor and ambassadors to remit to you entirely the treating and concluding of a truce with the French, and he thought it would be reasonable that, if any party should refuse to accept the conditions you think convenient, you should show them that the King will declare himself on the other side. He finds his army lacks a greater number than he thought, and has ordered Fonsecha and Don Hugo to take a general muster, and has commanded the "renforce" to join the army. The safety of Cambray has also been provided for. Have spoken with the duke of Alba, who says that the Emperor sent for him last night, and asked his opinion on the state of his affairs. He answered that, by default and negligence, the Emperor had allowed his affairs to be conducted by inexpert persons, who had undertaken the government, "some to be promoted to the Cardinaltie, which he minded the bishop of Palence, the Chancellor and others of their sect," in such wise that he was likely to receive great shame; and he told him, that it was by their obstinacy that he had not taken Wolsey's advice in time, to which Alba and the chief Spaniards were agreeable. He advises that the army should be reviewed by Fonsecha, in whose report he could trust; and if it were found sufficient, with the renforce, battle should be offered to the enemy, the frontier towns garrisoned, and the French king suffered "to break his head about the besieging one or two of them; as he had done in France." We suppose that it was Alba who persuaded the Emperor to hasten sending his resolution to you.
The Nuncio, with Jeronimo Adorno and the Mantuan ambassador, showed us letters from Casale Major, on this side the Po, in the duchy of Milan, saying that their army was there, and that the cardinal de Medicis and Friar Nicolas, archbp. of Capua, had arrived. The enemy were on the other side of the river, "shooting the one into the field of the other." By this time they have been compelled to fight or have retreated, allowing the said army to join the Swiss, as you will see more at large by the original letters. Although the Emperor, being abused by sinister counsel, has delayed to commit his matters into your hands, by showing yourself fervent and friendly you will bind him to you, and acquire the love of the Spaniards. Valenciennes, 15 Oct. 6 p.m. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
Vit. B. IV.
B. M.
Had seen his letters stating his conversation with Wolsey "de defectu Manti ligæ," and of the truce. The Pope had written at the commencement, to the Prothonotary, the conditions of the truce; and stating that the writer should send word if he dissented. Had not done so, "quia ut scit D. V., fuit conclusum ... quod per totum præsentem mensem videretur quid posset fieri, et hic et in Italia." Sends an extract of the Pope's demands: 1. As the Pope cannot trust the French, hopes arrangements will be made that, during the truce, neither they nor the rebels, F. Maria, the Bentivogli and Baglioni, shall molest the Holy See. Wishes Florence, Sienna, Mantua, and other confederates to be included;—restoration to be made to De Medici and other prelates;—the French to abandon the protection of the duke of Ferrara;—arrangements to be made for salt between the Holy See and Milan;—the French to pay expenses;—Provence to be compelled to keep its promise to the Holy See, and not prevent the execution of the letters Apostolic;—the legate of Avignon to be allowed to exercise his authority in Dauphiné;—reparation to be made to the merchants of Florence and Vienna. 2. He is to communicate the above to Wolsey, and say that if the French be not agreeable to these articles, and Wolsey will interpose his authority, he will succeed. If any difficulties arise, "D. V." (your lordship) is to communicate them. He is to pay particular attention to the losses incurred by the Pope. Those in the duchy of Milan have written to his Holiness that on report of the truce their friends and relatives have been thrown into prison.
Lat., badly mutilated, pp. 3.
14 Oct.
Mon. Habs.
Has received his letters, with the additions and corrections to the articles she sent him about the truce. As to the first point, thinks it would be better to fix the time at eighteen months. 2. Does not know that he holds anything belonging to the French, except Mortaigne. When the articles were drawn up, it was on the understanding that Mortaigne should be demolished. Thinks it should be done immediately, as the French will insist on having it restored, and this may delay the truce. 3. Thinks nothing should be restored to De la Marche or his sons; but it would be better to do so, under the limitations mentioned in the articles, than break off; for unless the truce is concluded before the Imperial forces enter on another month, Charles will be ruined. His ambassadors should insist on his being absolved from the marriage; but if this, and the surceance of the resort of Flanders and Artois, cannot be obtained, they must act according to her advice on the articles. 10th, they will not return anything taken in Navarre, unless he restores Mortaigne. He has passed the other articles of her draft, without alteration. The two articles he adds are reasonable. All possible means have been tried to get money, but no more can be obtained. Advises him to order his ambassadors to hurry on the truce, as he cannot obtain better terms by delay. Has arranged for the payment of the troops with the count de Gaure, for fifteen days, and has provided corn and other necessaries for those at Ypre. Bruxelles, 14 Oct. 1521.
15 Oct.
Galba, B. VII.
B. M.
St. P. I. 74.
1680. PACE to [WOLSEY].
Yesternight the King received his letters dated the 11th, touching the Emperor's purpose to lay siege to Tournay, and other news of war in Italy, Spain and Hungary. The King differs from Wolsey, and thinks that the Emperor will be compelled by this siege to divide his army by reason of the river, and that the French can attack him at their pleasure. He, therefore, advises the Emperor, if he will needs go to Tournay, not to besiege it, but to take his own ground, and fight, if the French king offer battle, which he must in no case refuse, or he will lose his reputation. The Emperor will incur no loss by striking battle: for if he be defeated he can easily repair his power; whereas to the French king "the loss of one field shall be a total perdition of his realm," and the gaining of it small advantage. If Sion have joined the Pope with 9,000 Swiss, the King expects great tidings. He is sorry to hear of the taking of Belgrade by the Turks. He wishes Wolsey home, and his business concluded. The judges have devised writs for adjourning the term in case the Great Plague continue in the city of London. The King wishes to have them sealed and returned to him. Windsor, 15 Oct.
15 Oct.
Harl. 6989.
f. 25.
B. M.
1681. PACE to WOLSEY. (fn. 3)
In fear of the Great Plague. Young lord Grey died of it this night. An Almain servant of the King died before him. Today arrived a Spanish friar, named by his company a saint, alleging that he worked miracles in the late tempest at sea, which ceased at his bidding, "ipso cœlo id protestante, dimissis in navem magnis luminaribus." He had an hour's interview with the King, with what result Pace knows not, except that the King esteems him more a friar than a saint. He has professed the order of St. Jerome many years; has no learning, but more than Spanish impudence. The King spends the time in hawking. Windsor, 15 Oct.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
15 Oct.
Is pleased to hear from the sieur de Noircarmes of his return and his convalescence. Desires credence for his ambassadors. Vallanciennes, 15 Oct. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le cardinal d'York, legat, primat et lieutenant general d'Angleterre.
16 Oct.
Le Glay,
II. 557.
Were with the Cardinal this afternoon, and told him they must see the powers of the Pope and of the King Catholic, before declaring what Francis had written, for a cessation of arms might injure him, if the Pope did not agree to their arrangements. He said he would hold himself security for the Pope's ratification, (fn. 4) till which time war should not cease, and they ought not to hesitate to tell him Francis' mind, which they did. When they said that Francis wished the truce to be for five years or four at the least, during which Charles must not enter Italy, and the Florentines, the marquis of Mantua and the Milanese must not be comprehended, he interrupted them, saying that the outlaws of Milan must be recalled like the others, for Francis would not desert the kings of Navarre, the dukes of Ferrara and Gueldres, and Messire Robert, and it would not be honorable for the Pope to abandon them, as they took up arms for him. He pressed them to declare what Francis had written, for he knew they had double letters, and that Francis was content to comprehend the Florentines and the Marquis. Told him they might perhaps use dissimulation with their adversaries, but not with him; and neither the Marquis nor the exiles could be comprehended, for reasons contained in Francis' letters, which they offered to show him. Wolsey, seeing he could not obtain what he wanted, spoke of the great trouble he had hitherto taken for a peace, and the annoyance it would cause Henry and himself, if he left without effecting anything, and said he had persuaded the Emperor not to invade France again, which he could easily have done, and had caused the siege of Maisieres to be raised; adding that the Emperor's forces were strong, and his subjects willing, while he had not heard that Francis' troops had shown their faces to the enemy; that he had procured the fishery for the profit of Francis; that peace would be obtained more easily by means of an abstinence than by arms; that Charles dare not treat of the marriage till he has been to Spain; that, touching Navarre, Francis should not disturb all Christendom for a young prince, for he could be honorably recompensed hereafter; that his rights of sovereignty could be promptly arranged to the honor of both princes; that Charles would not promise not to go to Italy, for it would not be reasonable for a vassal to give the law to his superior; but the king of England would be his surety for not doing so, and Wolsey would himself answer for it, for he was endeavoring to remove him from the Germans, who wanted war, to Spain, where he would have wise counsel; that he intended the abstinence to be for eighteen months, and that a longer period would not be to Francis' profit; that he had heard that a number of Swiss had made a descent on the duchy of Milan in favor of the Pope; that if Francis would not listen to him, all Christendom would be set against him; that if he was judge of the infraction of the treaty, he would judge well the party who was in the wrong; as to the war in Navarre, he would not grant Francis' right; and finally, that as Henry had prolonged the truce with Scotland at the request of Francis, he should not refuse this truce.
Answered that they were not the cause of his trouble, for they had come with power to make either peace or abstinence of war, but the King Catholic dissembled, and his ambassadors will not come to the point, hoping to ruin France; that the Flemings spread a report that they were asking for mercy; but now the Catholic sees himself pressed, the siege of Maisieres raised, and Mouzon recovered, he asks for an abstinence which no friend of Francis would advise him to consent to. As to Wolsey's reliance on the Pope, he could not answer for the damage that would happen to Francis; for he had said that Tournay would not be besieged, and that the Flemings would not burn his country; but, on the contrary, their in- humanities are worse than those of the Turks. It was all pretence that Charles had raised the siege of Maisieres at Wolsey's wish, for he was afraid of Francis' force, which has since pursued his army. His subjects were as determined to assist their King as were those of Charles; but he had everything necessary to maintain the war. He would let the marriage rest till he saw what the Catholic king would do; but could not comprehend either the marquis of Mantua or the rebels of Milan, for the former had sworn fealty to him as head of the Order, and the latter were his subjects. The others whom Wolsey mentions are not his subjects. At this Wolsey consented that the exiles should be as they were before the war between Francis and the Pope. Showed him that a short abstinence would not be profitable to Francis, as it would be difficult to re-assemble the troops if peace was not made, and it would cause great expense. Proposed the term of five years. Did not fear his menaces of having the chief part of Christendom against him. As to the descent of the Swiss in Italy, had surer news than what the Flemings tell him. There was no comparison in this case with the request of Francis to Henry to make peace with Scotland, which was done from pity. It is not to be supposed that Henry would have complied if the king of Scots had been of age, and Henry had had an army ready to attack him. Would not require Henry to do anything disadvantageous, and he should not press Francis to do so; for he has done what he could, and what he would have done for no other prince. Wolsey, finding he could get nothing more from them, said the King would send a gentleman with letters to Francis and Madame, and he would write to Francis himself. He will not leave the place till an end be made. Calais, 16 Oct. (fn. 5)
16 Oct.
R. O.
Yesterday, on his return from the King his master, found merchants of this country, who complained that, in coming from Flanders by Calais, they were arrested, and, after being released on the Deputy's warrant, were again arrested at the bridge of Nyeullay, where money was demanded from them, contrary to the peace; and from a Norman merchant. going to Flanders, and landing at Calais par fortune de mer, certain gold pieces of England were taken, although there are numbers of them in France. If these wrongs be continued will do the like by English merchants, with which the Kings their masters would be displeased. Boulogne, 16 (?) Oct. Signed: Fayette.
P. 1. Add.: Mons. le deputé de Callais, mon bon voisin et amy.
17 Oct.
R. O.
1685. SURREY to [WOLSEY].
"* * * ere is no great confidence ... [Span]yardes do much hurt to the Frenchmen, and ... And have taken of late that I knowe of ... fro the Newe Found Lond, and five laden w[ith] ... [Fr]ench ships dare now stir upon these c[oasts]... [Other n]ewes I have none to advertise your grace of at this [ti]me ... [praying] your grace to continue my good lord, and now to help me, [at the mercy of ou]r God, of this office; undoubtedly I am not able to continue the great charges I am at continually here, as God knoweth, who send your grace the accom- plishment of your most heartiest desires. Scribbled at Dublin, the 17th day of October." Signed: T. Surrey.
P.1. More than two thirds of this document have been torn away.
17 Oct.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
Received last night your letter by my servant the bearer. Declared today the effect of it to the French king. "And finally this was his answer therein. He desireth the King and your Grace to consider, that when the Emperor's army was afore Masieres the ambassadors of the said Emperor spake as high as though they had won half the realm of France, and would come to no reasonable end; and he, seeing the same, hath now made him as strong as he can, to no little charge; howbeit he saith that that is not the principal cause, for he sayeth they have besieged his town of Tournay in such wise, as he is surely advertised, that and if he give not succour to the same within these eight days, it is lost; which, he sayeth, touches as well his honor as his profit, and specially his honor. Wherefore, he sayeth, he will surcly go thither, or else he will be beaten by the way. And this day he marches three leagues thitherwards, at which lodging he shall be within five leagues of the Emperor; and there, he sayeth, he will take his advice, whether he will go straight to the said Emperor, or else go the next way to the said town of Tournay. Assuring your Grace he is determined to fight, for he hath here good 30,000 footmen, and at the least 7,000 horsemen. He sayeth they be 10,000 horsemen, but I esteem them not abune 7,000, whereof be almost 1,000 pages. And as yesterday came 7,000 Almain rivets for the Swiss, which I saw. And also he hath carried with him fourscore great boats to make bridges of.
"Also, please it your Grace, the French king showed me he had word from Mons. Lautrec, who advertised him that the Emperor's army is in the marquis of Mantua's country in a strong camp, and that the said Mons. de Lautrec marched and lodged within an English mile of them; and the same night following the Emperor's said army dislodged at midnight without sound of trumpet or tabret; and the morning after the said Mons. de Lautrec followed them. And he reckoneth surely that they cannot recule so fast but that they shall have battle, and the same he reckoneth all one, seeing they recule. And I asked him whether it was true that the cardinal of Sio and the duke de Barre were come to the Emperor's said army with any succours or not. And he answered and said, it is of a truth that they have 3,000 Swiss of the canton of Sur[ich and some] lanceknights with them; but how many he showed m[e not]; howbeit, he saith they be not as yet joined with the Emperor's army.
"Also he showed me that the Swiss have sent ambassadors to the ... army, willing them, seeing these men be on both pa[rts, for to] take a truce; and if neither part will consent to the s[aid] truce, that then the said Swiss to leave both the said parties ... the one party would be content to take truce, and ... other, then the said Swiss to be with him that would be con[tented] to take the said truce against the others, but he ... reckoneth surely that the battle shall be done afore the s[aid] ambassadors come to the camp.
"Please it your grace, I know well your grace seeth farther a thousand times than [my] wit can extend to; howbeit, I assure your Grace mine opinion [is, that] and the Cardinal of Sio join with the Emperor's army afore [the] battle be given, ye shall see that the Frenchmen shall have ... clap there; for the man I have for my money showed me [that] Mons. Lautrec is not abone 16,000 [foot], for he was fain to send a great part of his footmen ... to saie, some to Milan, and some to other good towns within [the] duchy of Milan, for fear of revolting; wherefore, seei[ng] the Swiss be on both parties, and take upon them to be treaters, there is much to be thought therein, which I remit [to the] King's discretion and yours; and I hear say that this count[y] of Camiray is neuter, and content to furnish the ... with victuals. And this night we lodge within two leagues [of] the town of Cameray.
"Also the French king sayeth, concerning the truce, he hath advertised his Chancellor of the last word thereof." At the camp at Halencourt, in Camberesye, Fry[day], 17th (fn. 6) Oct. Signed.
Mutilated, cipher, undeciphered.
18 Oct.
Nero, B. VI.
B. M.
(1.) Of the marquis of Mantua to his ambassador with the Emperor, dated from the camp at Sabloneta, 18 Oct.
The Swiss were three miles from Pontolium, in the district of Bergamo, and had sent to the Venetians to demand passage, which they hoped might be refused, that they might have an opportunity of fighting. As soon as they shall have joined the allies, they will be at the disposal of the Pope and Emperor. Tomorrow or next day we shall cross the Oglio to Ostia.
(2.) From the Swiss camp, 17 Oct.
The Swiss had waited for the man who followed with the money. He arrived this day. He confirms the marquis of Mantua's statement as to the crossing of the Venetian territory. Six ambassadors of the French party in Switzerland sent to demand a conference with those of our side, who replied that they had nothing to say to them, and if they dared to send again they would hang the messenger, or bring him to the cardinal of Sion. News has come of the duke of Ferrara's defeat by d. Vitellius, who is going to Parma, with 200 cuirasses and 2,500 foot, and trusts to accomplish much by the Pallavicini and other enemies of the French.
Lat., pp. 2.
19 Oct.
R. O.
St. P. II. 85.
1688. STILE to WOLSEY.
No news since he wrote, except that my lord Lieutenant has made a peace with O'Karell, O'Connor, Conell and others, from some of whom he has obtained pledges upon oath, which will stand as long as they see any advantage in it. "They be naturally covetous and deceitfully subtle people." "There is never a great Irish lord or captain, except Conell, but that they have had wages" of my lord Lieutenant; and much is wasted, for they have not deserved it. The King's money and my lord Lieutenant's goes fast, and the revenues come slackly in, in consequence of the continual wars, death, and dearth of victuals last year. Some of the officers of the courts are not diligent for the King's profits; but as they are appointed by my lord Lieutenant, Stile's complaints are silenced. Begs that my lord Lieutenant be written to on the subject. The recovery of the King's revenue is a great business, and Stile is but one man without help. Wishes a learned man sent over, for there are few good and impartial lawyers here. Except the chief justice of the King's Bench and the chief baron of the Exchequer, all were appointed in Kildare's time, and spare the county of Kildare in recovering the revenues. That county has given more trouble than all the rest; and when my lord Lieutenant has made peace between it and the Irish, the Kildare people cause the Irish to break it. The gentlemen of the county will not defend it. My lord Lieutenant soon after he came made Kildare's brother, James Fitzgarrard, captain of the county of Kildare, who, instead of defending, oppressed it with coyne and livery, and is now taken with the Cavanaks, Irish rebels.
Stated in his last that 1,000l. or 1,100l. would meet the King's charges till the month of February, except my lord Lieutenant's fee. Money can not be obtained here, now that the archbishop of Dublin is departed. Some are determined to make the keeping of the castle taken from O'Connor chargeable to the King. Is advised by men of experience that, if the King intend to reform the land, that castle will be very important, and can be kept with few men. Advises that my lord Lieutenant be written to, that the musters of the army be taken according to the indenture devised by Wolsey, "and that your grace may please for to write unto me somewhat sharply, derecting in me default that I do not call for to have the said musters viewed." My lord Lieutenant says he cannot fulfil the indenture in some points. Several of the guard are old and sick, and unable for war. Dublin, 19 Oct. 13 Hen. VIII.
Hol., pp. 4. Add.
19 Oct.
Galba, B. VII.
B. M.
Wrote on the 15th. Yesterday received yours of the 16th, which, with the extracts of news translated into French, we laid before the Emperor. He thanks you, and says that, sooner than accept the French king's conditions for the truce, he will put all in danger. He trusts Wolsey will bring them to reason. Think a simple truce is the best expedient, considering the great dissensions amongst the parties; and an article might be inserted, to delude the French with a hope of peace, binding each of the parties to send ambassadors to the King with power to treat, each party to be bound for the confederates whom he wishes to comprise, and to submit to the King's judgment touching the violation of the truce. The French are burning villages within three or four leagues of this town, and meet with little or no resistance. The Emperor's army is much diminished by sickness, far below the numbers mentioned in Fitzwilliam's letters, so that if a truce be not made shortly the Emperor is likely to be much disgraced by abandoning this frontier. "We have great compassion to see the perplexity wherein the gentle prince is." Since his coming hither he has called Alva, Fonseca and Don Hugh to his council, though not till affairs had come to an extremity. They all trust in your prudence. You will see by the letters of Moye to the Lord Nassau that the French king would be glad to settle differences with the Emperor, without the intervention of England. Probably it is for this that he makes these sudden and great invasions. Notwithstanding the neutrality of Cambray, and the French king's promises to the chapter and city, his army has robbed and spoiled the country round about. He himself was last night at Castell Cambresys within seven leagues. They are divided into divers parts. Yesterday they took Landersye towards Chymey, which is not tenable. Nassau, Issilstein, the Great Esquire, and a great company of horse and foot have gone to encounter them. Valenciennes, 19 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Cardinal.
20 Oct. Fiddes, p. 124. 1690. WOLSEY [to the BP. OF SARUM].
Empowers him, "by our power of legation, which in the execution of these presents we be contented that ye act as our deputy," to visit the nunneries of his diocese, and proceed against such as are guilty of "misgovernance and slanderous living." The nuns are to be removed unto other places of that religion where ye can best and most conveniently bestow them.
At Calais, 20 Oct.
20 Oct.
R. O.
1691. PACE to WOLSEY.
The King sends a supplication and a writing made by a notary in Ireland concerning the taking of a ship belonging to the bearer by Spaniards. They plundered the goods, worth 400 mks., and put the mariners on shore after spoiling them "usque ad nuditatem." The names of the master and captain of the ships are mentioned in the writings; wherefore the King thinks his subjects may have more speedy help. He wishes you to declare this matter to the Chancellor and the other ambassadors there, that they may move the Emperor to command restitution to be made. "Crudelitas hujus facti movit regem vehementer ad pietatem." Windsor, 20 Oct.
I told you in my last letters that we were sore afraid of the sickness because of the death of two persons whom I named. Since then, all have been clean here. In London, however, the sickness increases, so that if you are returning soon I should advise you not to go to Westminster, but rather to Hampton Court. We are expecting either a great conflict, a peace, or a truce.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
20 Oct.
Wilkins' Con-
cilia, III. 698.
Royal mandate, addressed to all mayors and others, to assist the bishop of Lincoln in executing justice upon heretics, of whom there are now no small number in his diocese. Windsor, 20 Oct. 13 Hen. VIII.
20 Oct.
Mon. Habs.
Considering how near Francis and his troops are to the army of Charles, the probable effusion of blood and the danger which would ensue from a battle, has sent honorable personages to both Princes, on the part of his master, to persuade them to consent to an abstinence of war. Desires credence for the Lord of St. John and Sir Thos. Boleyn. Intends to adhere to the promises he made at Bruges. Calais, 20 Oct.
Vit. B.xx.248.
B. M.
"Memorial given by the lord Cardinal [of York] to the lord of Saint John's and Sir Th[omas Boleyn, of] certain things to be declared to the Emperor."
(1.) After delivering the Cardinal's letters, they are to declare the faithful mi[nd] and will he bears to the Emperor, and the desire he has for the safety and advancement of his affairs, to which end he stays on this side the sea, leaving all h[is own] business, and that of the realm. (2.) The Cardinal having learned from the Emperor's ambassador resident here, and otherwise, the diminution of the Emperor's army by sickness and absence since the raising of the siege of [Mesieres,] and by the discharge of his reinforcements, and considering the advance towards his territory of the king of France with a large army, and the consequent danger of a conflict, thought it advisable, in pursuance of the counsel of the Emperor's chancellor and his other ambassadors, to send influential persons to the French King, viz. the earl of Wo[rcester] and bishop of Ely, to move him "at the contemplation of the King's highn[ess and] desire of the said Cardinal," to keep within his own territory, and abstain from hostilities for a season. [And that] the French king might not think the said persons were sent at the request of the Emperor, the said [Cardinal] thought convenient to send like personages to him for the said purpose.
(3.) Should they perceive that the Emperor, leaning to the advice [of] young folks, desires to give battle, they must by all means in their power dissuade him from it, dwelling on the disproportion between his probable losses and gains in case of actual war, the impossibility at this unseasonable time of year of following up a victory by a pursuit, and the great loss with which such victory must be purchased. The sickness and long continuance of his people in the field, with their desire to return to their homes, might further be contrasted with the magnitude and freshness of the French forces, and their determination to give battle. They must on these grounds move him to keep within his own territory, and to abstain from hostilities for a season; the conditions of such abstinence will have to be more "sober" than might have been had before the raising of the siege of Mosirs, and the "reculing" of his army from France; but the Cardinal will endeavor to make them as honorable to the Emperor as circumstances will permit. (4.) They are to tell him that the carl of Worcester and bishop of Ely are commanded to ascertain them from time to time of such answers and success as they [have] with the French king, and that they have similar commands to advertise [the said ambassadors] with respect to the Emperor, and, as need shall require, the one to resort to [the other for] the advancement of the truce.
(5.) "They shall show how the Pope's commission for [a league] between him, the Emperor and the King, against France ... necessary that the Pope's consent be had for the s[ame with] diligence."
(6.) The urgent causes for the truce ... the Emperor are to be remembered, i.e., "for the leaving of [his subjects] in these low parts in suertie for this winter and this next so[mmer, for the] Emperor's transportyng in towards Spayn; and what danger mought ensue in passing the sea towards Spain during this hostility and he ... the politique truce that must be taken for the pacification of the div[ision which] is amonges the communs of the countries, which will require long t[ract of] tyme." The furnishing of the Emperor with treasure for making the great expedition "capitulate" between the King and [him] against France by land and sea, of which as yet the Emperor is unprovided, will require a long time; and the expense of fortifying his co[untry] will consume his resources, and render him unable to accomplish the said enterprise.
(7.) They shall move the Emperor "to show good face" during the communication, encamping in stron[g] places, and for[bearing] to give battle to the Swiss, however they provoke it; for it is believed the French king desires no[thing] more than a collision between the Swiss and the Emperor's people, even though the former should be defeated, so that perpetual enmity might be engendered between the Emperor and them. (8.) They are to remind the Emperor not to r[egard] matters of Italy and the Pope so greatly as to damage the rest of his dominions for their advancement. (9.) They are to say that the Cardinal "hath assured the French [king] ... containing himself within the limits of France, and forbea[ring]... g the treaty and communication for the..." * * (10.) They are to give special thanks to the Emperor for advertising [the said] Cardinal of the overtures made by Moye on the [French kin]g's behalf to the lord Nassaut. Though, as Wolsey supposes, the overture was made merely to feel the Emperor's mind, yet his declaration of it shows how sincerely he is dealing with the King and Wolsey. He assures the Emperor he will experience the same treatment on their part.
(11.) They are to tell my Lady, or those of her council there, that Wolsey has charged the earl of Worcester and the bishop of Ely to solicit the French king for the neutrality of her county of Burgoyne. He will never forget her in future treaties of which he has the handling. (12.) If advertised by the earl of Worcester and the bishop of Ely, that the French king will not consent to the truce, either for the resort of Flanders, or for the comprehension of the rebels of Milan, or for the time of the absti- nence for three or four years, they are to advise the Emperor, on Wolsey's behalf, rather than leave the abstinence, "not to stick for the same," assuring him that provision shall be made, with the King's consent and his, for observance of the treaties concluded by Wolsey with the Emperor at Bruges. (13.) They are to take Sir Ric. Wingfield with them in the declaration of the premises, and make him privy to all. (14.) In all communications they are to advise the Emperor, [on] Wolsey's behalf, to [prepare] for his passage to Spain, to pacify it, and for the expedition against France, conside[ring]... * * * (15.) For the advancement of their charg[e] they shall [communicate with] those of the Emperor's privy council by the advice [of Wingfield,] as also ...;"[to] which Duke (Alba) and Fonsega they shall declare what co ... grounds and considerations I do not only advise the Emperor [to] forbear giving battle, but also to be ag[reeable to the forma]tion of a truce for a convenient time, [that by mean] thereof the Emperor may the rather transport himself to where he may put himself in areadiness for continuance of the wars on better grounds than he hitherto hath done," leaving, by means of the truce, his Low Countries in go[od order], sparing also the charges which would have to be borne during hostility for the ga[rrisons] in the same countries during his absence. (16.) They are to show the Emperor humbly [how], if Wolsey's advice had been asked and followed, his affairs would have had better success. They are therefore to move him to do nothing of great moment before communicating with Wolsey, and receiving his advice on it; "in the overture whereof he shall find me fast, true, loving, and plain."
Draft, in Ruthal's hand, mutilated, pp. 5.
20 Oct.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
1695. [WOLSEY] to FRANCIS I.
Beseeches him to abstain from war, and make a truce with the Emperor with a view to a peace. Sends on this subject the earl of Worcester and the bishop of Ely, for whom he desires credence. Calais, 20 Oct.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
"Memorial given to the earl of Worcester, lord Chamberlain, and the bishop of Ely, by the lord Cardinal of York, the King's lieutenant."
(1.) They are to deliver Wolsey's letters to the French king. (2.) To show that if Wolsey could have gone to him without danger after his late sickness he would have done so. (3.) That his anxiety for peace has induced him to cross the sea, and make his abode thus long in these parts; and he will not be able to "stay all things in such good train" as at present, unless Francis follow his advice, and consent to abstinence of war for a time, during which the King will labor to bring about a peace. (4.) They shall use every effort to dissuade him from striking battle, urging him to consider the danger and loss that may ensue, the unseasonableness of the year, and the little profit which can come of it, besides the dangers of Christendom, the victory of the Turk, the peril of Hungary, and the provocation that it may give to other princes. (5.) They shall persuade him to contain himself within the limits of France during the truce, as the Emperor will do within his border; (6.) and assure him that the Emperor will forbear to lay siege to Tournay. (7.) They shall advise him to consent to the mere abstinence for 18 months, with authority tot he King for prolongation of the term. (8.) That Francis ought not to be obstinate in refusing the truce, when the King has shown his inclination to accept one with Scotland, at his request, notwithstanding the advantages of time and circumstance. (9.) If the resort of Flanders be demanded, the Earl and Bishop know what to say, as also touching the comprehension of the rebels of Milan. (10.) They shall show Francis that the Emperor will not go to Rome during the truce, and that he, being once delivered out of the hands of the Almains, and conveyed to Spain, will be compelled to consent to honorable conditions. (11.) The aid of Almain cannot be used against the French king, except to attain the imperial crown. (12.) That all the premises be declared by Fitzwilliam to my Lady "as the mother and nurische of peace." (13.) They shall acquaint the lord St. John's, Sir Thos. Boleyn and Sir Ric. Wingfield what towardness they find in the French king, as the others will give them like information of the Emperor; and, if the case require, may personally resort to the Emperor to remove ambiguities. (14.) At a convenient opportunity they shall show what overture for peace has been made by Moye to Nassau, which partly touches the King's honor, but the Cardinal cannot believe that Francis intended his differences with the Emperor to be adjusted by any man but the King. (15.) The neutrality of my lady of Savoy for her county of Burgundy must be remembered in consideration of the treaty of London, and that she is using her best efforts to induce the Emperor to peace. (16.) They are to inform the Cardinal from time to time how they succeed.
Pp. 3, mutilated.
f. 121. Draft of the above, in Ruthal's hand.
Pp.4, mutilated.
B. M.
Neither the French King, my Lady, nor the Admiral told Fitzwilliam of any army they were preparing for Navarre; but having once heard such a rumor, I asked the Admiral if it was true. He said no, for the king of Navarre only went to his country to speak with his grandfather, who was very ill, and determined to give his goods to his younger son, so that he meant to try if he could change his mind, as you will see by my letters dated Armorantin, 27 Feb. I told the French king, as I was commanded by my last instructions, that the King was told the young king of Navarre intended to invade Navarre, as it was supposed, by his aid. He replied that he had kept the king of Navarre this year from it, but seeing the Emperor treated him as if the peace was broken, he would no longer restrain his enemies, as appears by the answers to my instructions. "And as my Lady devised with us, she said the king of Navarre [ha]the been about this this three months, and said to me, [Will]iam Fytzwylliam, that I knew it; and I said truth it was that I heard such a bruit, but I knew it not, neither by the French king nor her; and as touching such men as the king of Navarre hath with him, they be in effect all the French king's subjects, and Master La Sparowe, who is brother to Mons. Lotrek, is with the King of Navarre in pension, and Capt. Saint Colonne, who is lieutenant of the company of Mons. Lotrek; also, and if the King intends to favor the Emperor, this point we think is to be noted. Furthermore, my Lady the King's mother thinketh there is no invasion made by the winning of Navarre, for she saith the Emperor is bound to perform all such promises as was comprehended in the treaty of Noyon, which, as they say, this was one of the most principal."
P.1; cipher, with decipher by Tuke; mutilated.
ff. 80 and 79.
2. Draft of the above in Jerningham's hand.
Pp.2, mutilated.


  • 1. Blank in MS.
  • 2. Sent by Francis, then being in the camp at Origny, in the county of Cambresis.
  • 3. This document was inserted under the year 1517, on the authority of a treasurer's warrant for the funeral expenses of a lord Grey, dated the same month and year. It is also stated by Hall, p. 592, that lord Grey, of Wilton, died of the sweating sickness at this time. However precise this evidence may appear, the date of 1517 is hardly reconcileable with the address to Wolsey as Legate, or with the fact that Pace was at Constance as late as the 6th October in that year.
  • 4. "qu'il tiendroit hostaige jusques a ce que le Pape auroit ratiffié."
  • 5. At this time Bonnivet, Francis' lieutenant in Guienne, was going to have invaded Navarre, but as the mountains began to be covered with snow he laid siege to Fontarabia instead. In the same period, Albany crossed secretly to Scotland, which the French ambassador excused to Wolsey.
  • 6. An error for 18th, as the 17th was a Thursday.