Henry VIII: October 1521, 1-10

Pages 676-692

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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October 1521

1 Oct.
Le Glay,
II. 551.
States the demands of Charles's chancellor at the meeting on Sunday. He said they might demand the kingdom of France, which Boniface VIII. took from Philippe le Bel, and gave to Albert of Austria. Wolsey said the Chancellor reminded him of an English gentleman who asked the King for a forest, to which no immediate answer was given. When his relations said they were surprised he should dare to make such a request, he said he knew well enough a whole forest would not be granted to him, but that seven or eight trees would be sufficient for him. Give at length their reply to the demands. Calais, 1 Oct.
1 Oct.
R. O.
We have received your letters by the bearer, and are sorry we cannot bring these two great Princes nearer to a good conclusion of truce, "for we suppose the French king will in no wise condescend to such conditions as ye have advertised us of, for he thinketh himself of the better hand because that no man doth look upon him, and considering the Emperor's affairs in Spain, which hang by no thread, small ne great, but rather go backwards." We are hourly expecting a final resolution from my lord Cardinal; but meantime will do all we can to bring the French king to some point. We write no news for lack of time. Sandemoone, 1 Oct., between 9 and 10 a.m. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
1 Oct.
Mon. Habs.
Met the French ambassadors yesterday, before the bishop of Ely and the master of the Rolls, when the formation of a new treaty was discussed; Gattinara proposing the abrogation of the preceding ones. When the French left, told the bishop of Ely and the master of the Rolls that, as peace seemed so difficult, the legate might of himself propose a truce, and the Pope's consent might be obtained as soon as possible, and if he would not consent, a truce might be taken on this side the mountains only. Having no answer, sent De la Roche to the Cardinal today on pretext of telling him of their diligence in the matter of the horseman who was taken prisoner. Found the Legate much displeased at this, and at the articles which were not ratified, saying that as they failed to observe small matters, they would not observe others; that they were as cold with him as if they took him for a Frenchman; that they do not tell him the state of their affairs; that Charles would not believe him about Masieres, and has now been compelled to raise the siege shamefully. If he had believed him, truce would have been made before raising the siege, and he thinks Charles will do as little at Tournay as at Masieres.
He evidently wishes them to say that Charles has need of a truce, and to ask him to make one. On the other side, he says that the French keep aloof, saying it would not be honorable to make a truce without the previous restitution of Mouzon and other places. Does not know why he talks thus, unless he wishes either to make the truce seem more difficult and his services greater, or to go to the king of France, to induce him to consent, as he did to Charles. Heard this latter point from Wolsey's household. Heard today that the ambassador in France had written; but the Cardinal has not communicated the news as usual. Brian Tuke, however, told one of the ambassadors that they had certain news that if the siege of Masieres had lasted four days longer, it must have surrendered, and the garrison wrote to tell the king of France this, and that the plague was so bad at Reins that the King had been forced to remove; so that if Masieres had surrendered, Reins would have been taken without resistance. Charles must consider if the truce is necessary, when he wants it, and for how long. Advises him to write to Wolsey, reminding him of the resolution taken at Bruges, and saying that he wishes to disband his army for the winter, and to prepare for his voyage, and therefore desires a truce, either general or on this side of the mountains, for so long as seems best to all; that if the Pope will not consent, and the king of France is unmanageable, he intends to strengthen his frontier, reinforce the army in Italy, and then prepare for his voyage. He must show all confidence in the Cardinal; monstrant que le tenez comme pere. The letter should be one of credence for those only who are sworn (du seremant), or to Gattinara alone, with one to the Cardinal in his own handwriting. Advises him to send an answer to the ambassador of Hungary. Calais, 1 Oct., midnight, 1521.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
* * * "news as have been occurrent [here] from time to time, thanking [you for your good acqui]tayle in that behalf; and albeit I have not made answer to your said let[ters, which] ye were and be desirous to have had, yet ye shall not marvel, considering as well mine [infirm]ytie, which, our Lord be thanked, is now well suaged and eased, as also the great search, as I [under]stand, is made in every quarter for intercepting of letters." As the French chancellor writes daily to his master, I thought it unnecessary to inform him of anything by you. I see by your last that he has made good report of the measures taken by me to stop hostilities. I desire you to thank the King for his letters to me written with his own hand, by which I see he is pleased with my demeanor; and tell him that if I had found as great towardness in the Emperor's chancellor as in his, matters would have been accommodated before now. The difficulties raised have been one of the chief causes of my illness; but I trust to remove them. Though the demands on both sides are so serious, that it is not possible at present to conclude a perfect peace, they may be discussed during a truce. And you may show the French king that if he will remit his demands to the King's arbitration, he may trust to the King's regard for his honor. "And at this [point you shall desire] the said French king to instruct his Chancellor here resident * * * signifying unto you that ye shall receive by your servant this bearer ... as well for your diets as for the expenses of posts, the sum of 100 [pounds]."
Pp. 2. Draft, in Ruthal's hand, mutilated.
2 Oct.
R. T. 137.
1626. CHARLES V.
Articles agreed to by Charles V., at the intervention of the cardinal of York and the Papal nuncio, for security of fishery and commerce. To be proclaimed with sound of trumpet at the usual places. Mons, in Hainault, 2 Oct. 1521. (fn. 1) Signed by Charles. Sealed.
2 Oct.
Vit. B. IV. 170.
B. M.
1627. FREDERIC MARQUIS OF MANTUA, Captain General of the Papal Forces, to DOM ... BAGAROTTUS, ambassador at _.
Passed the Po yesterday, at the bridge at Brescia, without any impediment, and arrived at Casalmajor. Order of the troops in the passage. A rumor was spread that the French intended to dispute the passage. De Medici has made a union with Guastalla, who came from Florence. Will lodge tomorrow at S. Joanne in Croce, and advance daily. Hopes to meet with the French when they cross the Po. Casalmajor, 2 Oct. 1521.
Ital., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.: "Oratori ... carissimo domino Bagarotto."
3 Oct.
R. O.
St. P. II. 49.
During all the last "hoostyng" upon Irishmen in August, was attended by the earl of Ormond, who has shown himself zealous in the King's service. Begs that the act of parliament concerning the Earl may be returned, and so pass the next session of parliament, which begins on 17 Oct. Fears the parliament cannot continue long, on account of the wars. The Earl is much troubled with the gout, and cannot stir in the winter, and his men will not move without him or his son James, whom Surrey desires to be sent home, being now with the King. Dublin, 3 Oct. Signed.
Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. Endd.
4 Oct.
R. O.
1629. PACE to WOLSEY.
I have not written to you lately, having been very ill, and almost out of my mind from want of sleep and appetite, but I will not fail now to advertise you of all occurrences. "It was lately the King's pleasure to dispute with your grace, and now it is his pleasure to hold his peace, whereof I am for my part right glad." Windsor, 4 Oct.
Hol. p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
4 Oct.
Galba, B. VII.
B. M.
St. P. I. 68.
1630. PACE to WOLSEY.
The King has received his letters dated 25th, 28th, and 29th Sept., with three letters of Sir Richard Wingfield and Spinelly, a placard under the French king's seal, and articles for the surety of the ships. The King is glad to hear of Wolsey's recovery. He will no longer dispute with Wolsey about the Bordeaux voyage, as twenty ships are already gone there. He thanks you for the news in your third letters touching the siege at Mezieres, the progress of the Pope's army in Italy, and the uncertainty of the resolution of the Swiss. He is well satisfied with the letters and articles, though his subjects complain that the French have taken another ship of Danske, laden with their goods, and carried it into Leith. The King has written into Scotland on the subject. He sends the letters lately received from his lieutenant in Ireland, desiring you to devise for some other person to be sent there, as he intends to have the lieutenant home "this next year, knowing that he shall have need of him, besides that he would not lose him by sickness, wherewith he is now sore troubled." Windsor, 4 Oct.
Hol. Add.
4 Oct.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
This is the third letter I have sent you lately by the French post. The French king, having been informed that the Burgundians intended keeping Moyson, purposed to have sent Burbon thither with 10,000 foot and 800 spears, but learns that they had abandoned it an hearing of the approach of his gens d'armes, leaving their artillery and powder behind them. As Nassau is marching towards Tournay, Francis will go thither himself, and, if he meet them, give them battle before he arrives there; otherwise, will seek them where they are, either at Tournay or in their own country. He says he will have 34,000 (fn. 2) foot and 2,000 spears. This day all the Swiss came before him in battle array, and he himself marched on foot with them in their order, armed with a pike in his hand. The order of the Swiss and the order of the Almains is all one. The Swiss were 105 men in breadth by 64 in length. I reckon their number at 8,000 men, including captains, sergeants, "weyflayers," and others who were not in battle for lack of pikes. Never saw a goodlier band, and in effect all young men. "I am sure there be not 40 amongst them that be above 40 (fn. 3) years old." Today Bourbon was here, whose battle is now ordered to St. Quentin, "where shall meet the French king the band of Mons. de Vandome, and there he will assemble all his camp." Was told this day by Robertel that the Emperor's ambassadors had made demands which were quite unreasonable; at which you were not pleased, but had taken another day of communication. Francis says he will give the Imperialists battle in 12 days. Cannot trust him, as he has broken so many days already; but he was never better able to give battle, for in six or eight days his enemy will meet him at St. Quentin's. Have had no answer to my inquiries how I shall order myself in the camp. The French king offers me horse and harness, and says he will have me with him in the battle. I know not what answer to make, but say when it shall come thereto I shall be glad to do what he commands.
Am in want of money, having served fourscore days beyond what I have been paid for. Must have more for post money, having essayed my friends as far as I can. Albany has left the court, but whither I cannot tell, nor whether he will return. On the last pay day of the Swiss, the commissioners lacked several of their number, whom the French king had paid wages for. They said several of them died by the way, and others were sick; they would keep the wages of the dead men for their wives, and not have a penny abated. They can ask what they like here, for they are treated like lords. Hears no news of the army in Italy, nor of the admiral of France, except that they suppose he is before Pampeluna, and that the Spaniards are so divided, they will not give him battle. Atenye, 4 Oct.
Pp. 2, cipher, mutilated.
Ib. f. 100. 2. Decipher of the above.
Mutilated, pp. 3. Marked and corrected by Ruthal.
4 Oct.
Galba, B. VII.
B. M.
Wrote yesterday. Received your letter of the 1st this morning about 10 o'clock, by which we are glad to find you approve of our former writings. When the Emperor had dined, we showed him the contents. To the first point, touching the surety of the fishers, he was willing to agree, notwithstanding the difficulties made by the Chancellor upon the alteration used by the French ambassadors therein, but he thinks it will be more beneficial to France than to his subjects, whose season of fishing is now past. As to the second, he had authorized his Chancellor to enter into communication about a truce, although he thought you might protract the negotiations till news might arrive of the successes of Italy, which should be within fifteen days at the utmost, and that he was waiting for the Pope's consent, on which everything depends. Nevertheless, he will not vary from any promise made to you at Bruges, but is determined to follow your advice in everything, and is glad to hear that you are somewhat recovered. As to his going towards his army, he will be ordered therein according to the news he receives from Nassau. There is small appearance that the French king intends to come near with his army.
Have just received a letter sent by the Emperor from the lord Nassau, dated at a village called Buzille, 2nd inst., stating that his army had advanced that day but one league and a half, and would advance no more the next day, but go on by small journeys; both on account of the badness of the ways, and to give the French an opportunity to come to battle. Fiennes continues with a good number of horse and foot about Tournay, and keeps it very strait. Hear from Spain that the prior of St. John's, brother of the duke of Bedgier, has vanquished those of Toledo, and made them sue for pardon of the Constable, who would not grant it, except under conditions, and was going thither; but in consequence of the assembly made by the admiral of France at Bayonne, remained at Burgos, near Navarre and Biscay. The Spaniards believed themselves fully prepared for their enemies. The marquis de Losvelys, with many knights of Murcia, have so punished the commons that they desired to be received to mercy. The ambassador of Hungary will have told you that the Turk has withdrawn from Belgrade with great loss. Mons, in Hennego, 4 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2, mutilated.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
(1.) That Navarre be restored to the king of Navarre. The late king Lewis promised that King assistance in the recovery of his kingdom, and Francis has confirmed the promise. It was agreed in the treaty of Noyon, that that kingdom should be restored, or compensation made for it; and as six years have since elapsed, and no compensation been made, the King Catholic is bound to restore it. (2.) It was agreed by the treaty of Noyon that the King Catholic should marry Francis' daughter. Francis demands that he give the securities required by the treaties, and eight hostages, who shall be at ... (apud No ...) until the consummation of the marriage. (3.) The King Catholic was bound to pay 100,000 [cr.] for Naples. Francis demands that the arrears be paid immediately, and the county of Rousillon, Burgundy or Artois be given up as security, so long as the obligation to that payment shall last. (4.) The King Catholic is undoubtedly a vassal of Francis, by reason of the counties of Flanders and Artois. We require that he shall do homage for them in person, as his father did to Lewis XII., and give such letters as his father gave regarding his homage; that he shall make reparation for all rights that he has usurped; [make no use] of the indulgence which he has from Rome against the concordat, and compensate Francis for having impeded the execution of bulls for tenths and crusade money. (5.) The King Catholic has invaded France, razed the castle of Messancourt, and invaded Milan, which has compelled Francis to raise an army both in France and beyond the mountains. We demand that he be reimbursed his expenses to the sum of 15,000 fr. (6.) We demand 20,000 livres for injuries done to the French king's subjects by invasion; viz., to the inhabitants of Houdaye by the inhabitants of Fontarabia, and to the inhabitants of Porru, Ballam, Vaselles and Francheval, by the inhabitants of Yvoir. (7.) To prevent letters of reprisal, judges were to have been appointed on either side to meet at the extremities of France and Spain, and two councillors of the parliament of Bordeaux were sent by Francis, and waited two months, but none came on the part of the King Catholic. We therefore claim 10,000 livres for the French king's expenses. (8.) That the goods of the Neapolitans who took part with Lewis XII. be restored, according to the treaty of Tripaulde (tractatus Tripaldæ). (9.) That Francis have the investiture of the duchy of Milan, as given him by Maximilian. (10.) That the King Catholic do not harbor rebels or banished persons of the dominions of Francis. That the castle of Messancourt be rebuilt at the expense of the King Catholic, and the ordnance, &c. within it restored to Robert de la Mark.
Lat., pp. 10, mutilated.
4 Oct.
Mon. Habs.
1634. GATTINARA and others to CHARLES V.
Assembled on Monday last, when the overtures contained in Gattinara's dispatch were made. Received yesterday his letters dated Bins, 30 Sept., and went to the Cardinal accordingly. Finding he was displeased with the hesitation about the fishery, told him Charles would send the ratification and safeconduct in three days, at which he was very glad. He said the French ambassadors had just left, and they were content to listen to the truce, and even approved of the proem which he showed them. As he was ready to go for an airing outside the town, for the first time since his illness, offered to accompany him. While on the way, he said the French asked for a truce of 10 years, with the payment of the pension of Naples according to the treaty of Noyon, and the free resort and sovereignty of Flanders. Said Charles would not be bound again by treaties which were broken by the fault of the French, and the truce should be for one year, after which it could be prorogued. Wolsey agreed with him about the pension of Naples and the resort of Flanders, but thought the time of the truce could not be reduced to less than two years. Shall meet him today at three to deliberate. Mentioned the powder, but he said he had had no other answer. Perceives he is not very desirous that Charles should have any more, for he says it would be too late to besiege Tournay, which is so well repaired that it would be waste of time to attack it; in confirmation of which he called the Lord Chamberlain. He thinks a few men to cut off provisions would be quite sufficient. He said also he had heard from Rome that the Pope had sent his power to his nuncio to be used at Wolsey's discretion, and that he had withdrawn his army to guard Modena and Regio against the Duke of Ferrara. Calais, 4 Oct. 1521.
5 Oct.
Mon. Habs.
1635. GATTINARA and others to CHARLES V.
Went today to the Cardinal, who, having despatched the French ambassadors, had a long conversation with them about Tournay and the truce, repeating what he had before said. He thought Charles should not undertake any new enterprise which might not be to his honor, nor join the army, which was infected with disease. He found the French inclined to peace, or even to a truce, consistent with their master's honor. In addition to their previous demands they now require a statement that the marriage shall be held in suspense, and the arrears be paid to the sum of 200,000 cr.; that he shall keep his rights in Navarre; that the Emperor shall not be allowed to go into Italy with arms, for he fears that the army of the Empire will be used to wrest Milan from him; that neither the Florentines nor the marquis of Mantua shall be comprised; and that Charles shall give either towns or persons as hostages.
Said this was buying a truce too dear, and they should advise Charles not to listen to it, but to continue the war, without delaying his voyage to Spain. Wolsey said he told the French six months or a year, or at most eighteen months, was long enough, and that the truce would be merely for mercantile and other intercourse, but he thinks the French will not be content with a simple truce, without stipulating for the arrears of Naples, the accustomed sovereignty, and that Charles shall not go into Italy during the truce. Told him neither the pension nor the sovereignty would be tolerated. As to Italy, although Charles would not go during the truce, it would not be honorable to insert an article to that effect; but Wolsey said his master would become surety for Charles in that. Said they must consult their master; and he told them the French would do the same. He assured them that his efforts for a truce were only to serve Charles, and because he knew his affairs would not admit of a continuance of the war; but if they would, there was nothing he would desire more, for it would benefit England and ruin France. He fears also that without the truce Charles's journey to Spain may be hindered, and the Low Countries be in danger. Wish for particular instructions for their replies to the proposals of the French and of the Cardinal, and to know whether they shall propose any conditions or ask any surety for the keeping of the truce. He must consider what will follow from a truce for merchandise and intercourse; Tournay, not being in his hands, will be revictualled and fortified.
Wolsey has again complained of the Genevese servant and the other persons taken by the Emperor's men. Have written to the bailly of Nieuport for his release. Calais, 5 Oct. 1521.
Postscript by Gattinara, asking that the vacant governorship of Arragon may be given to the sieur de Ayerbe, the Emperor's secretary.
5 Oct.
Mon. Habs.
Did not answer his letter of the 30th, because he saw that he was not content with his having proposed a truce only for this side of the mountains. Agrees with him in thinking that if the Pope consent, the truce should be general. The suggestion was made in case his consent could not be obtained. The post from Mons, of the 2nd, has just arrived, with the ratification and safeconduct for the fishery. Will communicate to the Cardinal the news from Italy and the Swiss. Calais, 5 Oct. 1521.
Returns certain despatches for Arragon, Sicily, Catalonia and Naples, unsigned. Advises him to commission the bp. of Palence to sign them.
5 Oct.
R. O.
I hear from my councillor and master of requests, now with you, the trouble you take for the neutrality of my county of Burgundy. It seems that the French chancellor delays the affair, which looks as if they had some design upon the country, but I trust that you will finish the matter, as I have told my subjects you will. Brussels, 5 Oct. 1521. Signed and countersigned.
Fr, p. 1. Add.: A mons. le legat et lieutenant general d'Angleterre. Endd.
6 Oct.
Le Glay,
II. 555.
Yesterday the Cardinal told them that, according to the letters he had had from Rome, the Pope and the King Catholic would treat with France; that he had spoken to Charles's ambassadors for honorable conditions; that they would not restore Navarre, but would content the claimant; that for the present they would not pay the 100,000 cr. for Naples, and would give no sureties; that they wished the truce to be for 18 or 20 months, during which time the King Catholic would promise not to go in arms to Italy, and that they would pay no damages. The Pope wished the Florentines, the marquis of Mantua and the Milanese traitors to be comprehended, and Francis could comprehend whom he chose. He has no right to complain of the marriage till he sees Charles married elsewhere. They can discuss the rest of his demands, and Wolsey thinks they will agree to them. He hopes that during the truce Francis will conduct his affairs so as to obtain an honorable peace. Their variances will be submitted to Henry, who will assist Francis with force if Charles refuse reasonable demands. He says he has prevented the siege of Tournay and the burning of Francis' country, and that his master has two or three times made peace with Scotland at Francis' desire, although it was a good time to revenge himself on them, owing to their poverty and intestine wars, and Francis should regard the great expense he has incurred by mediating between him and Charles. He has been very ill, and cannot stay here much longer, and begs them to speak to him openly, for he does not see how to restrain the nobles and people of England from declaring for the King Catholic. If Francis were to ask his advice, he should counsel him to take a truce. Calais, 6 Oct. 1525 (1521).
7 Oct.
R. O.
By my ambassadors with you, and by Wingfield, I have heard with pleasure of your convalescence, and wish now to have good news from you often, though I have not troubled you during your illness. I desire credence for my "grand Chancellier." Mons, 7 Oct. Signed. Countersigned: L'Alemande.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le card. d'York, legat, primat et lieutenant general d'Angleterre.
7 Oct.
Vit. B. IV. 177.
B. M.
1640. CHARLES V. to _.
"Ex literis Cæsareæ Majestatis de vii. Octobris ... D. legato quæ sequuntur in vim literarum credentialium ..."
1. Is to congratulate the Cardinal on his recovery, and communicate what the bp. of Palentia wrote of the information derived from the Nuncio, as also of Spanish affairs. 2. He will consent to the Legate's desire for a truce, in conformity with the resolution which he made with him at Bruges, and in consideration of the danger of the king of Hungary, provided the Pope agrees. His ambassador has not yet received the Pope's mandate for the league, although the Emperor, on leaving Bruges, used all diligence for that purpose; nor had it been obtained from the Nuncio with the Emperor. As the French are not likely to agree with the Pope, Wolsey must do one of two things; either urge the Pope to send the mandate, or become security for the Pope (se fortem facere pro sua Sanctitate); and the Emperor will consent "sub illius beneplacito." The truce is not to be made except before the end of March, with power of prorogation, because the case might happen in which the king of England would have to declare himself on the Emperor's coming to England. Therefore it would be better to leave a door open for his declaration. The truce to be a mere cessation of arms. If Gueldres, Wirtemberg, Lunenberg, Furstemberg, Navarre, Robert, the Venetians, Ferrara, Fra. Maria or the Ballioni attempt anything, it is to be considered a violation of the truce. The securities for the peace on both sides to be placed in the hands of the king of England.
II. "Ex literis Ep. Palentini de vj. Octobris."
Understands that on the same day there came a messenger from Spain by way of France, with letters from the governor of Spain of the 22nd, re- questing an exchange of dom. de Sparroz with Peter de la Cueva, and that the French admiral was at St. John Pie del Porte with a large army, the count of Miranda at Pampeluna, which has been well victualled.
III. "Ex literis prædicti D. Palentini de vij. supradicti."
The papal Nuncio has told the Emperor that he is every day expecting a mandate. Thinks the Pope is not favorable, and is in daily communication with de Medici. The Emperor has required him to discover from the Nuncio the Pope's intentions, who is too cautious to disclose anything, yet thinks it advisable that the bishop ("D. v.") should examine them with the card. of York. The Nuncio does not consider it advisable to have them beyond the month of March, and gives his reasons. Florence, the marquis of Mantua, Sienna, Adorno, the Pallavicini and others, to be included in it. Their benefices to be returned to the cardinals, especially to de Medici; Parma and Placentia to be restored to the Church; the contract for salt between France and the Pope to be observed, so far as pertains to the duchy of Milan; expenses incurred to be replaced; the Florentine and Siennese merchants arrested by the French to be set free; the duke of Ferrara and other subjects of the Holy See not to be protected; Fra. Maria, the Bentivogli, the Balioni, and other exiles not to molest the Pope; if so, it will be considered an infraction of the league. Could not discover from the Nuncio that the Pope made any difficulties about it. He is only dissatisfied with the clause touching spirituals. The Nuncio, however, made some remarks as of himself, which the writer did not consider of much consequence.
Lat., pp. 8.
Mon. Habs.
He is to remind the Legate of the resolution taken with him at Bruges, and of the requests he made for a truce, and that Charles will not be able to continue the war after this month; and he shall say that, in order not to fail in any article, he has in every possible way solicited the Pope to send his power to consent to the truce, which his Holiness thinks strange, considering the state of affairs in Italy, but still will be bound by Charles's decision. Is therefore content to make a truce, but during this October his armies shall do all they can. The king of England to be conservator of the truce. The duke of Gueldres and Wirtemberg, the count of Furstenberg, Robt. de la March and his sons, and don Henry Alebreth to be comprehended; and the truce to be mercantile. Wishes, however, to follow his advice. He must say also that Charles has heard, from spies in the French court, that Wolsey intends to visit the French king about the truce; but he does not believe it, as it would cause much inconvenience. The time of the truce should be five or six months, the conservators having power to prolong it.
Fr., draft.
7 Oct.
Vit. B. IV. 181.
B. M.
1642. CLERK to [WOLSEY].
Has received Wolsey's letters of the 13th [Sept.], recommending Melrose to be archbishop of [St.] Andrew's. Has pressed the matter in the consistory, because the queen of Scots should have a pension out of it. Has shown the Pope that the "said Archbishop" had behaved well at the last parliament, in establishing peace between the two kingdoms, and that Wolsey had withdrawn all opposition to his advancement. His suit was opposed by the card. of Ancona, who charged the king of Scotland and Wolsey with inconstancy for writing in favor of both parties. Had he not stuck to the business little credence would have been paid to the king of Scots' letters, as the signature was very different from his usual writings. The Pope said it was not likely the archbishop had forged them, and as the king of Scots had changed his mind, he must follow the King's will; that the archbishop's nephew ought to have had it, and should, but for Clerk's suit. He has now confirmed the appointment. The point was carried with difficulty, as the opposite party had informed the Pope that the archbishop was very independent, and cared nothing for bulls and briefs coming from Rome. Clerk has impressed on the archbishop's solicitor the importance of inducing his master to follow Wolsey's wishes in these and in other matters concerning Scotland, as such a cause is most for his King's and his own interest; that in so doing he might possibly attain what he had never thought of, "meaning thereby that if the said archbp. would be cardinal, I said, it should be no mastery to the King's highness and your grace easily to help thereunto. His said solicitor was a glad man when he heard me speak the word." Will move the Pope to write a letter to the Archbishop, stating that he owes his promotion not a little to Wolsey's interest. It is no use reviving the matter of Coldingham, as it has been decided long since in favor of the opposite party. Wolsey's bull of pardon for Our Lady of Ipswich is despatched in good form. Rome, [7 (fn. 4) ] Oct. Sig. burnt.
Pp. 5, mutilated.
7 Oct.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
"Please it your grace that yesterday, 5th day of this present month, I rece[ived] your letter, dated at Calais, the 2d day of the same month, And th[is day] I declared the effect thereof to the French king, and how that if your grace had found as moc[h] towardness in the Emperor's chancellor as ye have found in his, the matters [had] been brought to some honorable end before this, and that the untow[ardness] your grace found in some parties was the occasion of your sickness; wh[ich] I assure your grace contented him marvellously well to hear; and he answered and said [he] was right sorry of your said sickness, and more sorry would have been a great d[eal], and if the occasion thereof should have proceeded of him, or of any of his, for the [cause] of the sending of his said Chancellor thither was only for the content[ing] of the King and your grace, and for no nother cause. And as to the pains and labours you [have] had, and have to bring them to an honorable and reasonable truce or abstinence of war, he saith he knoweth the same well; howbeit he bade me to advertise your grace plainly that, considering the great dishonor and wrongs the Emperor hath done him, and that he hath now besieged his town of Tournay, he will not forbear, but go raise the said siege, or else give him battle by the way, and for to make some fires in his countries as well as he hath done in his; and in the meanti[me] he saith, that if the Emperor list to take such truce as he hath given his Chancellor authority to take, which he saith your grace knoweth well ynou[gh], he is contented to the same; but for to say that he will take truce for hal[f a] year, or for a year, whilst the Emperor might make him ready, and get more ay[d of] Almains and of his subjects, he will not, nor none otherwise but for ... years, the Emperor's going into Italy, the realm of Navarre and all other points, according as he hath given his said Chancellor charge, as your grace knoweth well to be contained in the same; and as to the committing of all his matters to the King [my] master, and if they conclude upon this truce, he saith there is n[o] prince living that he had so lefe should have the hearing of his matters, [as] a friend, as his grace, but as for judge he saith he will have none but God. And, finally, he said he had advertised his Chancellor already at what point he will rest, and other instructions than those he will g[ive] him none.
(fn. 5) "Please it your grace, the Emperor's army is now besides Guise, which is in France, and b[ut] 12 leagues at the most from hence, where the French king is; and as I am perfectly informed, and if they remove not from thence as this day or tomorrow, it shall not be possible for them to go so fast with their ordnance, but that they shall have battle before they come at Tournay, and that within these seven or eight days at furthest, for Mons. de Vendôme and Mons. de la Palice, as now be very nigh them with 6,000 footmen and 300 spears; [and] this day Mons. d'Alençon and the maréchal Chatillon, who l[ead] the vaward, be marched, and the Swiss with them; and tomorrow the French king and Mons. de Saint Pol's band, which is 6,000 footmen, march after t[hem]; and Mons. de Bourbon's band is none as yet come; howbeit they say [it] shall be here time enough.
"Furthermore I assure your grace the Burgonyons have done great hurt in France, for afore they departed from Mesières they spoiled all the country thereabouts, for the space of 14 leagues of length and 7 leagues of [breadth, and left] scarcely man nor beast but that they took, or else they fled away. [And before] they departed from Mesières the French king showed me himself that they never [went] ... besides his ground; and if it be as he saith, they make terrible [war, for they] burn and kill all they find. And I assure your grace that as much country as [the said] Burgonyons have destroyed, I reckon the men of war of this country [have] destroyed almost as much, save for burning, taking of prisoners [and] cattle; for as well horsemen as footmen for horsemeat nor [man's meat] pay nothing, and yet besides that they take what the poor people [have. And] if your grace hear not of some marvellous reckoning in France thi[s year] amongst themselves mine opinion faileth me, and specially if [they take] truce, for then the men of war have nothing to do but to eat up all [the] goods of the commons.
"Also I have written to your grace three letters, which I have sent by the French [posts], sithence I sent your grace any by any of mine own servants, and by the [last] letter advertised your grace of the Swiss and of the number of them. And th[is day the] French king showed me they be good 11,000; yet I assure your grace [I think] surely they be no mo than as I wrote to your grace by the said last letter; [for the] master of the ordnance showed me that the French king shall have with him no [more than] 16 great cannons, 12 culverins, and 12 demi-culverins; but I see as yet but 20 pieces, whereo[f are] 4 cannons, 6 culverins and 10 small pieces.
"Also, I have received 100l. by my servant, this [bearer], whereof I have served already fourscore days, within five, how[beit] I trust it shall be enough till your grace send for me. And whereas [I] wrote to your grace in my former letter that I heard say the duke of Ferrara [had] taken two or three towns of the Pope's, that is not true; for this [day] the French king showed me that the Pope's army is reculed. I suppose he sai[d to] Rege, and that his army is upon the borders of the Pope's countries, b[ut they] have not entered into none of his dominions as yet, nor the duke [of] Ferrara neither; and he saith the Pope hath made all the shift he ca[n, and] yet now dieth of hunger for lack of money, but whether h[is] army shall march any further or not he would show me nothing thereof; and yet I felt him as much as I could convenient[ly] know. Also, he saith the Admiral is now surely afore Pampylyon, and [he] is sure the Spaniards will not give him battle; and as for the duke [of] Albany, I cannot learn whither he is gone; some show me [that he is] gone to my Lady, but whether it be true or not I know [not]." Artey, 6 Oct.
P.S.—"I thought it convenient to keep my servant here till this day, notwithstanding that I had made his dispatch as yesterday, to the [intent] I might know whether the Burgonyons abode still where they were, or [were] marched towards Tournay; and so this day word came that they be removed and marched towards the said Tournay, so as now [it is] reckoned surely that and they keep their way there shall be no battle till they come thither; and though the King say he will go thither [and] surely give them battle, as I can learn none other news of [any] man but that he is surely so minded, yet I assure your grace I perceive well that here be many gentlemen sorry therefore, and would not he should so do. And as for weather to make men weary withal, I never [saw] the like; for, for these four days and four nights, it hath rained continually, and if it continue three or four days longer I cannot see how it shall be possible for him to convey his ordnance. Also, this day the French king hath made captain Bayard knight of the order, and where he was but lieutenant to the duke of Lorraine of 100 spears, he hath now made him captain of 100 other spears, and made his lieutenant lieutenant to the said duke of Lorraine, and given him also 6,000 francs of pension more than he had afore, and an office yearly worth 4,000 francs." Chasteau Perse, 7 Oct.
Hol., mutilated, cipher undeciphered. Pp. 3.
7 Oct.
Mon. Habs.
The post arrived this morning with his letters of the 4th. Nothing has been done since they last wrote, as each party is waiting the advice of their master. Have not sent the letters about the French messenger to Beaureyn; for, as the French do not speak of him, they think he is released. Had ordered the liberation of the servant at Nieuport before receiving his letter. Urges his former request about the family of his usher, who was murdered. Writes in behalf of Count Cariati, as to the purchase of Castrovillar. Advises him not to send Diego de Mendoça to Catalonia. Calais, 7 Oct. 1521.
7 Oct.
Pet. Martyr,
Account of the conference at Calais. God only knows to which side the King of England will lend his aid. Wolsey has made a report of the allegations on both sides to the King his master. Considering all circumstances it is more probable that Henry will lean to the Emperor. [Valladolid,] nonis Oct. 1521.
8 Oct.
Lamb. 602,
f. 60.
St. P. I. 69.
1646. PACE to WOLSEY.
The King, fearing that the life of his lieutenant in Ireland is in danger, as reported by his servant Musgrave, thinks he should be recalled. Desires Wolsey and the council with him to devise some meet person for his successor, and whether it would be better to have an Englishman or an Irish lord in such form as Kildare was, and so save money. The King suggests two,—Lord Ferys (Ferrers), if he can be induced to take it, or the earl of Ormond. But he leaves the matter entirely to his council. Windsor, 8 Oct.
8 Oct.
R. O.
1647. PACE to WOLSEY.
Sends him the letters received yesterday from the lieutenant of Ireland. The King hears great complaints against the "galy halfepens," and thinks that Wolsey should look to the reformation of them according to the statute provided, as he and his subjects are injured by the same. Windsor, 8 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. To my lord Legate's grace.
8 Oct.
R. O.
1648. PACE to WOLSEY.
I enclose a letter from Sir Wm. Paston to Sir Thos. Lovell, which will inform you of what has happened here by tempests at sea. We have also tempests on the land, for the air is so infected that scarcely any can escape the new sickness, "which some calleth the new murre, and some the wild fever, which indeed is as wild a sickness as ever I suffered." Windsor, 8 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
8 Oct.
Galba, B. VII.
B. M.
Wrote on the 8th. Hearing that the Greffier de l'ordre had come from Nassau, we went this morning to the Emperor to know his intentions about the further proceeding of his army. He said he saw little prospect of their remaining much longer in the field, owing to the great rains, and had despatched the Greffier to bid Nassau, immediately after the general musters, draw his army towards Tournay. He had another great band of artillery at Oudenarde, newly come out of Almain, and intended to make two great and sudden batteries. Nassau has burnt Mossowne, finding it difficult to succour, and destroyed the artillery left there by the French, having no horses to convey it away. The Chancellor had written of the unreasonable demands of the French, for the observance of the marriage, and the continuance of the pension of Naples with arrears. The Emperor trusted that, in inducing the French to a truce, you would not omit anything due to his honor. Think the Emperor is a little jealous that the French have had too favorable audience. He was informed that the French king had returned towards Troyes, and said he had not such advertisements from you as heretofore. Mons, 8 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2.
9 Oct.
R. O.
St. P. I. 70.
1650. PACE to WOLSEY.
The King thinks that keeping the term now in this due time would be a great satisfaction to his subjects, and would bring in his revenues, which, he says, come in very slowly, insomuch that Mr. Myklowe has been compelled to borrow money for his servant's wages. This might be done conveniently if Wolsey would send home the Master of the Rolls with the great seal; otherwise the term is likely to be stayed by the great plague, which now daily increases in London. Windsor. 9 Oct.
Hol. Add.
9 Oct.
Calig. D. VIII.
B. M.
"Please it your grace that this day the French king showed me he had word from his Chancellor w[hich] had advertised him that your grace had eftsoons communed of this truce, and he showe[d] me also what the Emperor's ambassadors demanded. And this was the answer he ma[de] to every point thereof. First, he said, for the truce, he will not take it for eighteen months; he will have it for no less time than for four years. And as to the realm of Navarre, he saith that and the Emperor deliver the sai[d] realm to the King of Navarre within twelve months after the said truce taken, or else make him a reasonable recompence for the same, he is contented, or else he to be at his liberty to give aid to the said king of Navarre, according to the treaty of Noyon. And as to the marriage, he saith he will have him bound to perform the same; and as to the money he oweth him he saith he will be paid of as much of it as is due, and put in surety of the rest. And as touching Italy, he is contented that the Pope and the Florentines be contained in the said truce; but as for the marquis of Mantua and the rebels of his duchy of Milan, he saith he will never consent that they shall be in truce with him. And then he said to me under this manner: 'I will send instructions to my Chancellor of my whole mind, and I assure you this shall be the last time I will send for this matter; and I trust the King my brother, and my lord Cardinal's grace, will think that these points be reasonable; and I will send a gentleman of my chamber to the King my brother, who shall advertise him of my whole mind in this behalf.'
"Please it your grace, I think the Chancellor hath larger instructions than the French king showed me of, for I assure your grace I perceive every day more than other that they would have peace with all their hearts.
"Also I asked him if he would go forwards still, or else that he would rest awhile till he saw how this truce would frame; and he answered to me again and said, 'Ye see what charge I am at, and also how my men of war eat up my subjects; wherefore, I will march on straight, and live upon their countries as they have done on mine.'
"Also, Sir, if there be any point your grace stick at, my poor opinion is your grace write some letter to my Lady, for I have seen in divers things, sithence I came hither, that when the French king would stick at some points, and speak very great words, yet my Lady would qualify the matter; and sometimes when the King is contented he will say nay, and then my Lady must require him, and at her request he will be contented; for he is so obeissant to her that he will refuse nothing that she requireth him to do; and if it had not been for her, he would have done wonders; and if ye send any letter to me for her, I can be with her in a day in post.
"Furthermore the French king showed me that the Emperor's ambassadors ... that the Emperor's folks have not besieged Tournay, nor that they do n[ot] ... but he saith it is not true. And as I hear say, [the Emperor's army] is reculed into their own country. And tomorrow ... day, Mons. de Bourbon's band meets the French king and ... vaward and the Swiss be within five leagues of the Emperor's said a[rmy. Also,] when the French king hath all his army together, he will go str[aight into] Hainault, and so to Tournay as he saith. Mons. de L ... [and] the maréchal Chatillon, have the vaward, as I hear say, [and Mons.] de Bourbon the battle, and Mons. de Vendôme with Mons. [de] la Palice the rearward; and the King will be amongst [them] himself in every place where it shall please hi[m]. Some say that Mons. de Bourbon is not contented [that he hath] not the vaward, but I know not that of a surety.
"Sir, the cause I send not your grace this letter by my se[rvant] is for this: they be so troubled by the way that I reckon m[y] letter should not have been so soon with your grace as this w[ill be].
"Also, as touching the Emperor's going into Italy, he will not consent [that he] shall go thither during this truce." Mountagne, 9 Oct.
Hol., mutilated, cipher undeciphered.
9 Oct.
R. O.
We wrote last yesterday. This morning a post came from Italy to the Emperor, with news that his army and the Pope's had recovered the towns of St. Felix and Fynall, and driven the duke of Ferrara into Ferrara. The army had prepared a bridge to cross the Po, but you will see all particulars in the letters from the Pope's orator "unto his fellow there." We think the said army would not cross the river, and venture into their enemies' dominions, unless they were sure of the aid of the Swiss. If so, the French will be compelled, either to give battle before they join, which probably the Venetians will refuse, or else abandon the duchy, and so be in peril of the people of the country, "little or nothing affectioned to them." The Pope's orator says that the card. de Medicis is coming to the army till he meets Sion, who has been created legate, when Medici will give place. The Emperor, having fresh news from his ambassador, said that though he knew you favored his affairs, he thought you should more manifestly declare your preference for his causes, and that you must not expect to bring them to purpose by fair words alone, "supposing, if your grace would use upon these news of Italy some of your sober countenances and sayings, you should find them more humbles and reasonables in their demands." Mons, in Hennego, 9 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
10 Oct.
R. O.
I have already written to you about my affairs, but my Chancellor has matters to communicate to you, for whom I desire credence. Mons, in Haynnau, 10 Oct. 1521. Signed. Countersigned: Lalemand.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. le legat et lieutenant general d'Angleterre.
10 Oct.
Vit. B. IV.
Ellis, 3 Ser.
I. 262.
1654. CLERK to WOLSEY.
Had informed the Pope that his oration was ready, and asked for a public consistory for presenting the King's book. The Pope declined a public consistory, as men's minds are so much infected with Lutheranism, and the people "so frowardly disposed," he was afraid of stirring a controversy. He promised, however, to do all that was necessary to declare his approbation of the book, and asked Clerk for the substance of his oration, that his holiness might be ready with an answer. On Wednesday, Oct. 2nd, the Pope having summoned the consistory, the master of the ceremonies ordered that Clerk should kneel all the time of his oration. "Whereat I was somewhat abashed, for methought I should not have my heart ne my spirits so much at my liberty. I feared greatly lest they should not serve me so well kneeling as they would standing." "The Pope's holiness sat in his majesty upon a [throne] three steps from the ground underneath a cloth of [state]; afore him in a large quadrant upon stools sate the [bishops] in their consistorial habits, to the number of xx ..." After kissing the Pope's foot, when he would have returned to his place, his holiness took him by the shoulders, and caused him to kiss first one cheek, and then the other; then, having a stool before him, and kneeling, he delivered his oration, which he encloses. This done he presented the book, and received the Pope's thanks in Latin. On Saturday 5th, the Pope complimented him on his oration, when Clerk moved, in the name of Card. Wolsey, that the book should be approved by a formal decree of the consistory. The Pope said that the Gallican church, in condemning the errors of Luther, had sanctioned as many errors against the Roman church. In the next consistory, the King will have his titles given him and his bulls sped. The Turk has destroyed Belgrade;—much fear for Hungary, as the King is young, and his council divided. If there be war in Hungary, in Italy and in France, the earth will be well satiated with Christian blood. A servant of Albany's is there;—the archbishopric of St. Andrew's has been void eight months. The queen of Scots is sueing for a divorce; Albany is her factor. Rome, 10 Oct. 1521.
Hol., mutilated. Add.: My Id. Cardinal.
10 Oct.
Vit. B. IV. 189.
B. M.
1655. CLERK to [WOLSEY].
"I wrote unto your Grace by the last courier [that his Holi]nes had showed me how that he was fully determin[ed not] to meddle with the Swiss, partly because he thow[ght] them corrupted by the Frenchmen, partly because [they] would not serve his Holiness, but only ad defen- si[onem], et non ad invasionem; and, within two days after, [his] Holiness said unto me again that he had had good [ti]dyngis from the Swiss, and being loath to leave that [na]cyon unentertained, had appointed to have twelve [thou]sand of them, and how that part of them should co[me] ad invasionem, and the rest should be ready ad def[ensi]onem, percase anything went otherwise than [well]. And the last day his Holiness showed me again [that] as yet he heard no word of their setting for[wards], saving that, per literas interceptas, he had [heard] that the cardinal of Sion was setting forwards, howbeit, [with] a very small number; so that my thought h[is Holiness] at that time had very little comfort in [their coming] forwards. His Holiness showed me that, for lack of a head, his army had hitherto very evil employed their time, and now they were gone forwards, and passed the river called the Po to Milan wards, and how he hath now sent thither to his camp the cardinal de Medicis, trusting shortly to hear of some better success. The said Cardinal went thither by the posts from Florence, and, as the Pope's holiness showed me, he was in great danger of taking by the way, for the French camp was yet still in Parma, and with their light horses made many excursions. And whereas the Pope's camp should have tarried still the Cardinal's coming on this side the river, the Cardinal, fearing lest their long tarrying there should let some other their purpose, willed them to go forwards, and not to tarry for him; so that, at the said Cardinal's thither coming, hi[s] passage was not without danger, as the Pope's holiness did show me, of whom I could have none ot[her] particular knowledge whither his said camp [should immediate]ly resort; saving that his Holiness said that [he thought] verily that his camp and the French camp should [meet], and that there should be a day of arms betwixt the[m], saying that he had eight thousand lance-knight[s] that were as good as the French king's eight [thou]sand Swiss, and that he had Spaniards and Italians [foot]men better than the French men had.
"Many men s[upposeth] that the Pope's camp shall forwards as near as [they] may border upon the Swiss, to the intent that, [if] the Swiss come down either with the cardinal of Sion or with the duke of Barri, which be there both [in] their confines with all that they can make, [the Pope's] camp may receive them into their co[mpany] without danger. The duke of Ferrara makyt[h now no] great stearing. There is a monitory decreed [against] him this last consistory for his depriva[tion, upon] such motions and attemptats as lately he h[ath done], invading certain little castles adjoining unto him being of the Pope's dominion; and by cause the Pope's camp going forwards, the Pope's cities Modona, Reggio and Bonoby (sic) should now be left unfurnished, there is made in divers the Pope's cities to the number of five or six thousand new footmen, and two hundred men-of-arms, which be settled in garrisons in his said cities, part in one and part in another. I hear not that the French camp should be far removed from Parma. The Pope's camp goeth forwards in Lombardy, and is past Cremona. The French camp is also departed from Parma, and goeth after the Pope's. The Pope's camp hasteth forwards, and intendeth not to rest till they meet with the ten thousand Swiss, the which, as I am informed by some of the Pope's council, be in the confines with the cardinal of Sion and the duke of Barri, in the Pope's wages; albeit, the Pope did show me no more than is before rehearsed. How Parma, Cremona, Milan, join together, and how they confine upon the Swiss, your grace sha[ll more plainly perceive by the plat which I do now send unto you. (fn. 6) ]"
Hol. (not signed); cipher, partly deciphered; pp. 4, mutilated and imperfect. Headed: "10 Oct. 1521," in modern hand, before the fire.
Ib. f. 151. &
2. Decipher of the above.
Pp. 3.
Jo. Clerk pro
Hen. VIII.
oratio, ed.
His speech in the consistory on presenting the King's book.
The King has written this book to counteract the pernicious and widespread heresies of Martin Luther, and commissioned the speaker to offer it to his holiness. Enlarges on the virulence of Luther and his disrespect for the Pope, his making himself equal to St. Peter, and his contempt for the authority of the Fathers. Luther has broken the rule of continence, and reduced the sacraments to three, two, one,—would probably reduce them to nothing some day. Points to the misery of Bohemia caused by the Hussite heresy, as a warning. The new enemy equals all heresiarchs in learning,—exceeds all in wickedness of spirit. The Pope, however, has done his best to stifle the flames, aided by learned men in all countries, of which England, though most remote, is not the least devout. There, among other fast friends of the Holy See, the most conspicuous is Wolsey, a member of that college, who has caused the Pope's rescript against Luther to be published everywhere, and Luther's books to be burned, called an assembly of learned men to write against him, and supported them at his own cost for some months. In more simple times error was plucked up by the roots, and the quiet of the Church was undisturbed. Many wonder how a prince so much occupied was led to attempt a work that demanded all the energies of a veteran man of letters; but having already defended the Church with his sword, Henry felt it needful to do so with his pen, now that she is in much greater danger. Not that he thought it glorious to contend with one so despicable as Luther, but he wished to show the world what he thought of that horrible portent, and to induce the learned to follow his example, by which Luther might be compelled himself to retract his heresies. The King, however, has no hope of convincing him; he should be assailed with those weapons which, if the time permitted, the King would use against the Turks. Finally, the King desires the work not to be published otherwise than with the approval of the Pope, from whom we ought to receive the sense of the Gospel.
ii. The Pope's answer, saying that he thanked God the Holy See had found such a prince to defend it.
10 Oct.
R. O.
I thank you for so tenderly considering my request to return, "and for your great humanity and bounty to visit my poor bedfellow with your comfortable writings." I have told the Emperor that you have given me leave to return when you cross the sea. He hopes that you will send another resident, with whom he may familiarly devise upon the affairs lately concluded, and future occurrences. Mons, in Hennego, 10 Oct. Signed.
P.1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace.
10 Oct.
P. S.
Certificate that the election of Rowland Gosenell, monk of the exempt priory of Wenlocke, Heref. dioc., as prior of the same, vice Ric. Syngar, deceased, has been confirmed by Charles [Booth] bp. of Hereford, Wolsey's delegate. Westminster, 10 Oct. 1521.
Pat. 13 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 12.


  • 1. See Oct. 11.
  • 2. 24,000 in the decipher.
  • 3. Deciphered "30."
  • 4. Supplied from margin.
  • 5. A French translation of the latter part of this letter, with some passages omitted and altered, was sent by Wolsey to be shown to Charles V. It is printed in Mon. Habs. p. 388.
  • 6. Supplied from the decipher.