Henry VIII: March 1520, 2-10

Pages 217-223

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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March 1520

2 March.
S. B.
645. WOLSEY.
Appointment as procurator for a conference between Henry VIII. and Francis I., according to the treaty of 8 Oct. 1518. The Cardinal was appointed proctor of the French king by his latters patent dated Cognac, 23 Feb. 1519, in the 6th year of his reign. London, 2 Mar. 11 Hen. VIII.
3 March.
Vit. B. IV. 42*.
B. M.
Is in great trouble for means to repair the house given him by Henry VIII., which is in very ruinous condition. Wishes to borrow 1,000l. for three years, for which he will give a bond to Jo. Cavalcanti or some responsible merchant. Thinks it will not put the King to inconvenience, as it will be as safe as if it were locked up. Hopes, as the King has given him the bishopric of Salisbury, and promises to do more for him, he will not deny him this.
Apologises, in his own hand, for his importunity. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Dated in a modern hand.
Vit. B. IV. 39.
B. M.
The Pope gave unmistakeable evidence of his desire for the promotion of the bishop of Worcester. Has not been urgent with regard to the creation of cardinals. (fn. 1) Has given the Pope Wolsey's message respecting the tithes. Has written before concerning the prorogation of the legateship. Will not fail to urge it. Has written also with respect to the licence of eating flesh. It shall be sent, if possible, with the royal confessional. Sent the hats (galeros et bireta) with his previous letter. Has sent his remembrance to various nobles in England.
Lat., pp. 2, mutilated.
3 March.
Vit. B. IV. 42.
B. M.
648. CAMPEGGIO to WOLSEY. (fn. 2)
Has no news, except that the Pope, after Easter, intends to spend the summer at Florence, whither cardinal de' Medici has already proceeded. News is come by the bishop of Sens that the meeting of Francis and Henry will take place between Calais and Boulogne, in the beginning of May. Rome, 3 March 1520. Signature burnt.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
3 March.
Vit. B. IV. 44.
B. M.
Has received his letter of the 23d Jan. The negotiations between the Pope and the Emperor are not yet concluded. The Pope will be glad to hear frequently from Wolsey. Rome, 3 March 1[520]. Signature burnt.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
3 March.
Vit. B. IV. 44*.
B. M.
Safeconduct for Johannes Evangelista, of Ragusa. Rome, 3 March 1520. Signature burnt.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1.
3 March.
Vit. B. IV. 45.
B. M.
Has received his letter of the 23d Jan. The Pope is much pleased with the affection for his person shown by Wolsey and the King, as also with the letters which the King has addressed to the Pope for Worcester's promotion to the cardinalate. Expects the application to be successful at the next creation, and is only delayed till the negotiations are settled between the Pope and the Emperor. Campeggio has received a similar recommendation, which he has requested him not to press at present. They have urged the matter of the legateship. Wolsey's last letters give strong reasons why the Pope should comply. Begs him to write to card. de' Medici in favor of his promotion, as he has great influence with the Pope. The Pope is going to Florence, and will stay there all September, and has commanded Worcester, among others, to follow him. Begs he may have 500 ducats now, and the same after his journey. Rome, 3 March 1520. Signature burnt off.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 4. Add. and endd.
4 March.
R. O.
652. WOLSEY.
Indenture, 4 March 11 Hen. VIII., witnessing that Will. Lytton, of London, gent., sells to Sir Will. Fitzwilliam, treasurer of Wolsey's household, and Sir Ric. Rokeby, controller of the same, to the use of the Cardinal, his interest in a lease granted him by the abbot of Westminster of five tenements in King Strete, Westminster.
4 March.
R. O.
He is to pay 100l., out of the rents in his charge, to Mr. Amadas, goldsmith of Lombard Street, and to receive from him certain plate of Darcy's, "a bill of parcels of the same indented" betwixt him and Darcy's servants (who received 70l. for it), and an obligation of 30l. by Darcy. Stepney, 28 Oct. 7 Hen. VIII.
Hol., p. 1, commencing "Mr. Lister."
ii. Order from Darcy to Lister, his receiver "in the south parts," to pay 30l. 4s. 9d., out of the rents in Devonshire, to John Twissilton, of London, goldsmith, for plate. Westm., 10 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII. Signed.
iii. Indenture, 4 March 11 Hen. VIII., whereby Thomas lord Darcy sells to Thomas Mirfyn, alderman of London, certain plate which he possesses in London for 100l.; but if Darcy repay that sum at Midsummer next, the plate is to be restored. Signed and sealed by Darcy. In margin: "This plate I loosed, and have paid him 100l. for the same; and the plate is sent to my lord into Yorkshire.—R. Lyster." Endorsement states that the plate was restored.
4 March.
R. O.
Has resigned to his brother, Sir Robert Constable, the offices which he held of Henry VII. in Shirrifhutton castle and lordship, and which the King had granted to Sir Robert. Directs him to deliver by indentures the castle to his brother, with all the rolls and records in it, and the park and deer. "And, Herry, do this favorable and lovingly, for the King pleased, if he had not had it, another should of my friends, a party ye know the cause, and more my cousins Sir Rawf, Sir William and ye shall do at my coming home." Will recompense him for his "old service." Greenwich, 4 March.
P. 1. Endd.: The copy of my Lord's letter to Henry Eure in March ao 11o.
4 March.
S. B.
To be steward of the lordship of Shirifhoton and constable of the castle, with usual fees, and with the herbage and pannage of the park there, at the same annual rent as paid by Thomas lord Darcy; on surrender of patent 26 Feb. 15 Hen. VII., granting the same to the said Darcy, at the same rent as paid by the earl of Surrey or John Dawney. Del. ..., 4 Mar. 11 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 27; Westm., 5 March.
5 March.
R. O.
Inquisition at Sandwich, Monday, 5 March 11 Hen. VIII., before Sir Edw. Ponynges and others, when it was found that John Master, of Sandwich, merchant, hired, contrary to the statute, a Breton ship from Bordeaux to Sandwich, when he could have had an English ship.
Lat. Sealed.
5 March. 657. The PRIORY OF LAUNDE.
Inspeximus and confirmation for John the prior, and convent, of the following documents; viz.,
i. A charter dated 23 Jan. 4 Edw. [III.], confirming numerous grants to the church and priory.
ii. and iii. Patents, 6 Mar. 17 Edw. IV. and 24 Feb. 22 Hen. VII., being mortmain licences in favor of the priory.
Westm., 5 March.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 16.
6 March.
R. MS. 13.
B. II. 305.
B. M.
Ep. Reg. Sc.
I. 322.
When the merchants of St. Andrew's were preparing to go to Stralsund and Tanklin, they received warning from some Scotch subjects who had lately been there, and produced letters ostensibly granted by the Duke to the consuls of Stralsund, commanding them to arrest any Scotch merchants who should repair to the accustomed market, on the ground that Hans Knaken and Hans Streffen, of Tanklin, had been plundered in Scotland. The Scotch merchants are therefore afraid to repair thither until they have been assured of safety. Sends documents which will show how justly the Duke's subjects suffered the privation of their goods. Begs, therefore, that if the arrest has been authorized, it may be revoked. Edinburgh, 6 March 1519. Signed: Tallefer.
Note in MS.—Subsequent letters are thus signed, Paniter at this time dying in France.
6 March.
Calig. E. I. 5.
B. M.
In behalf of Jean de Moustier, merchant of Paris, to demand reparation for injuries received from Will. Robin. [Cognac, 6 March.] Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
6 March.
Calig. E. I. 9.
B. M.
To the same effect. Cognac, 6 March.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: Mons. le Cardinal, &c.
7 March.
R. O.
I have received your letter by Wingfield, and am glad that he has been sent here, because we are old friends, and he is an honorable man. Mons. de Boulen is returning, having fulfilled his charge. You will hear from him of the King's good disposition toward an interview between him and Henry. Nothing can be better than this for the peace and union of Christendom and the honor of the two kings. Boulen will tell you what remains. Cognac, 7 March. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons., mons. le card. d'Yort, legat et chancellier d'Angleterre. Endd.: Thadmyrall of Fraunce's letters to my Lord's grace.
8 March.
Calig. E. II.
B. M.
Has received his letters by the gentleman of his privy chamber. The ambassador resident with him is grateful for the leave now given him of returning to England. Will give credence to Messire Richard [Wingfield], or any one else whom the King may employ, and considers it an indication of the firmness of their alliance. Pays a compliment to Boleyn on his return. Cognac, [8 March.] Signature half burnt.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1.
Calig. D. VI.
B. M.
Has received his letters by Sir Richard Wyngfilde, his councillor and ambassador, declaring the great affection he bears to the King her lord and her, and his desire to hear from them and the Dauphin. Assures him she entertains a like disposition towards him, as Henry's ambassador, le sieur Boulan (Sir Thomas Boleyn) will show; to whom she refers Henry for news. Signed: Vostre bonne seur, cousyne, conmere et aliée, Claude. Countersigned: Decomacre.
Add.: A treshault et tresexcellent prince, &c. le roy d'Angleterre.
Endorsed in pencil: C. Hoye, things to be perused, 20 July 1613.
Pp. 2, slightly burnt.
8 March.
R. O.
Has received his letter by Sir Richard Wingfield, who is newly sent as ambassador to her son. Thanks him for his friendship and his wish for a continuance of the alliance. Sir Thos. Boullain has executed his charge very virtuously. Coignac, 8 March. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Notifies his arrival in the French court. Says the King is delighted because "it hath pleased your grace to renew one other your ambassador to be resident in and about his court." The King only stays at Cognac until he receives an answer to the charge sent by Mountpesake. Has sent a letter to my lord Cardinal, giving a large account of his interview. Informed the King that if there were any articles of the charge that he wished to be added or diminished, his master would give him a reasonable answer. La Battye and Mountpesacke make honorable reports of their treatment in England; and "though gentle Morrett hath not been he[re for to] report the same he hath committed the semblable [thing] to ink and paper." [Will deliver him] the sword on the next occasion. Cognac, .. March. Signature burnt off.
8 March.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
On ... [day] last arrived at this town. Was met within half a league by La Battye, Saintmesmes and Poytou. Was asked to dinner by the Admiral, and there met Lottreke and Dorravall. Delivered to the Admiral the King and Wolsey's letters, which were "greatly to his comfort." He carried Boleyn and the writer to the King's dining chamber, where Wingfield delivered his letters to Francis, who expressed his great and sincere pleasure at their amicable terms. Boleyn, on his return, will explain more. On his withdrawing the King took Wingfield apart, when he delivered Wolsey's letter. The King expressed his joy at the Cardinal's good convalescence,—said he had put his life and safety into his hands, and had made such arrangements for the interview as he understood by the bailly of Caane would be most acceptable to England. He stated that he should always be anxious to recompense Wolsey for the cares he had taken; and if there were anything in his realm elsewhere which might do the Cardinal pleasure, he might be assured thereof. He trusted that no malice of any prince in Christendom might "impeach" the intended interview.
Leaves Boleyn to report what he stated of the jousts and tourneys. Francis spoke incidentally of his voyage against the ... and told Wingfield to resort to his chamber at all times, as he used to do to his m[aster]. Then came the duke of Bourbon, and would have conversed longer with him; but the Admiral took him away to the Queen, and then to the King's mother, to whom he delivered his letters. La Batye has not omitted to speak of his noble entertainment in England. All the ambassadors resident in this court are ordered to Angoulesme this night or tomorrow, to be at the funeral service of the King's father. Thinks he shall not see Francis till Tuesday or Wednesday. Withholds for the present the article concerning Buttun, as also that "for obtaining of the King's letters here of promise to condescend to none other meeting." Will use his judgment as to the fitting time to press them. Cognac, 8 March. Signature half burnt.
Mutilated, pp. 6.
8 March,
Titus, B. I.
B. M.
Begs credence for his ambassadors. Valladolid, 8 March.
Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
8 March.
R. O.
It is now nearly a year since he wrote, though, such are the favors he has received, he ought to write to Wolsey daily; but refrained as he knew he was much occupied with the affairs of the church and the kingdom. Now he can resist no longer, hearing of Wolsey's good health and his happy success. Will never forget Wolsey's tender consideration for all his interests. Sends eight lampreys in four pies; would have sent more, but that those nearest the Severn will not permit others from a distance to help themselves. Winchecombe, postridie nonas Martias.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Thomæ, &c., Cardinali ac ap. sedis legato.
R. O. 669. IRELAND.
Circular to certain of the guard, ordering them to appear before the council on 24 March, in readiness to accompany the earl of Surrey to Ireland at Easter. Their pay will be increased from 4d. to 6d. a day. If they do not appear on the 24th, other able persons will be put in their place, and they will be discharged.
Draft, corrected by Ruthal, p. 1.
"The army for Ireland, besides the Deputy's own charge."
Of the King's guard 400, of the King's gunners 24, of Irish horsemen 100. The King to have, for the finding of these Irish horse, all the money to be levied of towns in Ireland by Act of Resumption at the next Parliament as customs and fee farms. Ordnance to be assigned by the King to send into Ireland. The Deputy may arrive in Ireland by Easter next. Councillors to be appointed of the Deputy's Privy Council, without whose advice he shall do nothing. Three of them to be Englishmen now in England. That all landowners be resident for defence of their lands. That a new Parliament be appointed to begin at Dublin on the 1st May. That loving letters be written by the King to Desmond, Sir Piers Butler, and others, to resort to the Deputy at his coming, to know the King's pleasure. That they be conveyed by the officers of arms. A promise should be made in Desmond's letter that if he do his duty like his ancestors, the King will give him a general pardon. That Wolsey, being legate a latere, send a commissary to Ireland to call before him all bishops, abbots, and heads of the Church, to notify to the Irish that the King had sent his Deputy thither to reduce the land to order, not intending to make war against any who will do their duty, nor to take anything from any man who is lawfully entitled to it, but to make a fair distribution of lands at reasonable rents, seeing that they now "live without order, not wealthy, ne being assured of any succession to their heirs." That Wolsey call before him the provincials of the four orders of friars and the ruler of the Observants, bidding them send to all their priors and wardens in Ireland to appear before the commissary, and be sworn to exhort the Irishmen in their sermons according to instructions given them by the Deputy. All the said clergy and friars to be sworn to reveal anything prejudicial to the King or his Deputy. The commissary before all the clergy to enact that all men making war against the King be accursed, and thereupon to fulminate the censures. As the Irish bishoprics, being too poor for Englishmen to accept, are filled by Irishmen ready to make war against the King, a bull should be obtained allowing Wolsey to unite them at discretion.
ii. "Considerations why coyne and livery may not be clearly and suddenly laid down."
The marchers of Englishmen adjoining the Irish are compelled to keep galloglas and kerne to defend their lands, who cannot be supported without coyne and livery. The charge rests upon the lords, not on the tenants, for where the lord should have 16d. an acre he has but 2d., so that the charge borne by the tenants is recompensed in their rents. The marchers will refuse to grant the new subsidy, enlarged from 13s. 4d. to 26s. 8d., considering their great charge of galloglas and kerne. If coyne and livery were abolished, the lords and gentlemen would not readily come "on hosting" with the Deputy, as they used to do. They would be loth to grant a new subsidy to put down coyne and livery, with which they are seldom oppressed. Without galloglas and kerne, the deputy cannot well defend the Englishry; for these reasons,—1st, "Irishmen be light and delyver, so that when the Englishmen should follow them, they should labor all in vain;" and if Englishmen followed them into the woods without knowledge of the country, they would be in great danger, but with galloglas and kerne the Deputy would be able to pursue them, and if any of them were slain it would be little damage, as others can be easily got in their place. Instead of putting down coyne and livery suddenly, the next Parliament should see what the King's subjects would give to put it down, and certify the King.
Pp. 4.
10 March.
Galba, B. VI.
B. M.
Has received his letters by Jean de la Sau and by her secretary Des Barres. Thanks him for his cordiality towards the King her nephew. Is content that the interview between Henry and her nephew should take place at Southampton, as he prefers that port to the Isle of Wight, which had been proposed by her secretary. Desires credence for the bearer, Jehan de la Sau, relative to this matter. Malines, 10 March.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.


  • 1. i.e., for the bishop of Worcester.
  • 2. Probably the last leaf of the preceding letter.