Henry VIII: February 1520

Pages 206-217

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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February 1520

1 Feb.
Er. Ep. XII. 28.
Is rightly punished for his folly; for when he might have lived in England among friends, is now compelled to pass his days with ingrates and sycophants. The world is distracted by bitter theological controversy. Defends himself against the imputation of introducing novel phrases into the New Testament. Wishes Wolsey would interfere, and restore tranquillity; might easily do so by his influence with the Pope. Louvain, kal. Feb. 1519.
1 Feb.
Vit. B. IV. 40. B. M.
[First leaf wanting.] They learn by the return of the Legate from France, that Francis will join the expedition against the Turks in person. He offers to place the duchy of Milan in the hands of the Pope, with all the strong places, as a proof of his sincerity. Wishes to know if the report is true of the meeting of the two Kings in the spring. Bad news has come from Hungary by the bishop of V[esprin], the viceroy or ban of Sclavonia and Croatia, that the inhabitants of those parts have resolved to make a composition with the Turk, and allow him free passage to Austria, Styria and Carinthia, and so to Italy. The Pope is resolved to send a messenger with a sum of money to the Bishop. His ambassador has been created bishop of Sardos (Scardona), and is sent to the Emperor. The Pope has also sent money for the defence of Belgrade and Jazar.—heavy burdens on the papal treasury. If Wolsey can expedite the dismes, the briefs will be sent in the form he wishes. The Turk is preparing to attack Rhodes. (fn. 1) The Emperor has sent don John Manuel to the Pope. Nothing has yet been concluded between his Holiness and the Emperor. To promote the King's interests, thinks it desirable that one of the Papal secretaries should experience England's bounties. Recommends Peter de Ardinghellis. If the King would give his son a benefice in England, the father would be greatly obliged. Has sent the sapphire ring which Wolsey gave him on their voyage to Greenwich, to a Moor confined in Hadrian's Mole, who reads the inscription, "In nomine Dei regnavit rex Solomon super Syon." The Moor has since turned Christian, and been baptized by the Pope in St. Peter's. Sends six byreta made according to the measure given him, and two enclosed in a case (in techa). Rome, 1 Feb. 1520. Signature burnt.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 4.
2 Feb.
Adv. MS. 66.
Has received his letters, dated Paris, 8 Jan., by his secretary Thos. Haye, to whom Albany directed the writer to give credence touching the priory of Whithorn. Would willingly resign it, but for the expenses of his cardinalate, which accumulate daily, so that he cannot possibly do what Albany demands. Is willing, however, to renounce, in favor of Albany's brother Alexander, all profits over 1,000 florins yearly, on condition of receiving a pension of 500 ducats, and the fruits already due to him; and that Albany shall procure from the French king a reversion of the first benefice vacant in Milan, to the sum of 1,000 ducats. When in possession of these he will resign the said pension of 500 ducats. Rome, 2 Feb. 1520.
Lat., copy, pp. 2.
R. MS. 13. B. II. 285. B. M. Adv. MS. 61. Ep. Reg. Sc. I. 286.
Received yesterday his letters dated Rome, 2nd inst., stating that he would have complied with Albany's demands respecting the priory of Whithorn, but expects a pension of 500 ducats, half of the fruits, from Alex. [Stewart], and that Albany shall procure him from the French king the first benefice of 1,000 ducats vacant in Milan. Has already written both to the Pope and the Cardinal that the fruits are scarcely sufficient to maintain hospitality, and his brother has petitioned for aid in bearing the burden. Whoever shall be prior, for Alexander declines the dignity, would rather be bound to pay half the fruits than a pension of 200 ducats, especially on condition that the pensioner should bear half the burdens of the place. Alexander is not bound to any compensation either for obtaining the priory or resigning it; for benefices exceeding 200 florins are in the King's gift. His brother's title is good; but, to please the Pope, he has offered, through his secretary, more than the value of the priory. Will do what he can to further the Cardinal's wishes; and, trusting he will be satisfied with the offers made, awaits the mandates of the new prior for the pension. Requests that his brother's bulls of Scone may be dispatched. Desires credence for his secretary, Thomas [Haye]. Paris.
4 Feb.
Galig. D. VII. 170. B. M.
Yesterday [crossed from] Dover, and arrived at 10 o'clock. Having left behind him the warrant for his passage, desires that it may be given to Thomas Vaughan, bayly of Dover, this bearer. Took two ships of five marks apiece for his passage. Will leave for the French court on Tuesday next. Calais, 4 Feb.
Signature burnt off; but the words "Your humble and most bound[en]," in Wingfield's hand, are visible.
Mutilated, p. 1.
4 Feb.
R. O.
Inquisition held at Romney, Friday, 3 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII., before Sir Edw. Ponynges, constable of Dover Castle, and warden of the Cinque Ports, by Wm. Bedell and other jurors, when it was found that Ric. à Fourde, about Martinmas 11 Hen. VIII., found a porpoise worth 3s. 4d. at sea; that Robt. Davye and Ric. Wilmot found at sea, near the "Drak" at Lydde, a grindstone worth 16d.; that Adam—, chaplain of Romney marsh, found at sea a porpoise worth 7s.; with other cases of a similar kind.
R. O. 2. Inquisition taken at Lyde, Saturday, 4 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII., by Wm. Grenewey and others, when it was found that—Barfoote, of Wynchelsea, stole a "tucknett," worth 26s. 8d.; that Thos. Garrard found a shirt of Irish frieze at sea, worth 2s.; that Ric. Hurrok, of Rye, cut the lines of Rob. Richard while fishing at sea, &c.
7 Feb.
S. B.
Pardon for the escape of John More, who was committed to his custody as a convicted clerk. Del. Westm., 7 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 15.
12 Feb.
S. B.
Licence to rebuild their tenement in the wool staple between the King's stone wall near the Thames, on the east, and "le Weyhouse" of the staple on the west, and the wall of the King's palace in length, on the south, and the way between the Weyhouse and "le Wolbrige" of the Staple, on the north. Del. Westm., 12 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII.
16 Feb.
R. O.
Thanks him for his endeavors to promote peace between their respective countries, and to bring about a meeting between Henry and himself. The Bp. of Elna and John de Salice, his secretary, have written in his praise. Sends further instructions to them. Natzara, 16 Feb. 1520. 1 Imp. "aliorum vero omnium quarto." Signed: Yo el Rey.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
18 Feb.
Titus, B. I. 332. B. M.
On his way from London, heard many complaints against the King passing the sea to visit Francis. Wishes him to be upon his guard against misrepresentations. Dover, 18 Feb. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. mons. le Cardinal.
20 Feb.
R. O.
I have received your letter by the bailly of Caen, and he has told me your proposals for the interview, which I desire no less than you do. On account of the haste with which Monpesat, the bearer, must return, we cannot reply fully to the overtures made us by the Legate, but will send a man express in two or three days, and meanwhile desire credence for Monpesat, thanking you for your kind treatment of him and the hostages. Coignac, 20 Feb. Signed. Countersigned: Robertet.
Fr., p. 1. Add. Endd.
20 Feb.
Calig. E. I. 7. B. M.
Has received the letters which the king of England and Wolsey had sent him by the bailly of Caen. As Mons. Montpesat, the bearer, must return at once to make good his promise, cannot now send an answer to the overture. Has charged him to inform the King that he has resolved to send a messenger in two or three days with his determination. Hopes he will keep the King in his resolution. Begs credence for Montpesat. Thanks him for his kindness to the gentlemen of his chamber, now hostages in England. Cognac, xx ... Feb. Signed.
Fr., p. 1, mutilated. Add.: A mons. le Legat, &c.
20 Feb.
R. O.
Montpesat is returning to England. He has not concealed from his master the good treatment he and his companions experienced there, and is as much obliged to you for procuring him leave to come hither, as if you had given him 2,000 or 3,000 livres a year. We are waiting for the arrival of the bailly of Caen, when we shall see what you intend about the interview. There is no dissimulation or difficulty here, and the matter depends upon you. My master is well contented with you. Cognac, 20 Feb. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
20 Feb.
Calig. E. I. 100. B. M.
626. _ to MONSEIGNEUR _.
His correspondent's lawsuit goes on well, but * * * The King and court are feasting. The King has been at Rochelle. About Easter they retire to Paris, and the Queen to St. Germain en Laye to lay in. The King and the king of England are to meet ... The pageant to be greater than ever was. La Bastie and the bailly of Caen have returned from England. There is nothing but passing and repassing of ambassadors. Thinks they should get rid of the affair of the king of Spain before sending ambassadors hither. The two kings will let their beards grow until the meeting. There are large garrisons in Brittany. The ship which was to be sent to Brittany is destined for Scotland. Bourbon [is] beyond the mountains, whither within these few days are gone General Boyer, general of finances, and the great seneschal of Normandy. A count has gone to the Germans to raise a force of lance-knights, and hopes to obtain la bande Grise from the Swiss. Great gifts are offered to the duke of Gueldres besides his pension, which is regularly paid.
One must beware of the English, lest the same thing happen as at the meeting of Philip Auguste and Henry of England, from which no good peace ensued. The House of F[landers] has long tried to break the alliance of England and F[rance]; both the English and Flemings will repent it. The king of Spain's great horses have passed this way from Spain for F[landers]. The rest or greater part of those that were in [Spain] have returned very ill treated. Intends going to Brittany. Here the ... of the King has for a long time been poisoned; this is a gross and damnable vice. If the King requires to humble the king of England he [must humble] Spain; but he has a great affection for England. The count Palatine has passed by Lyons "et est de prest." The king of Spain is ready to set out. (fn. 2) If England does not first dispose of the king of Spain, "the said" Scotch will serve the English as the duke of Gueldres served the Flemings.
[If] the English were well advised, "ilz feroyent bi[en leur]s besongnes avec lesdits Françoys, car quelque choze quil doit [cou]ster au Roy il gaignera lesdits Engloys, affin qu'il abatte l[esdits Espai]gnolz et Flamans." Francis will have much to do to support so many princes, besides the Milanese, the Genevese, and the Venetians, (the worst Frenchmen in the world, as for the most part are the Bretons and Normans,) with the money wrung from the whole people, on which every one cries [shame]. Coignac, 20 Feb.
Fr., mutilated, pp. 3. Address burnt off.
20 Feb.
R. O.
Receipts of the first fifteenth and tenth of the two granted by the laity, 3 Hen. VIII.
Easter 4 Hen. VIII.—Canterbury, 43l. Hunts, by Edm. Parell and Edw. Mote, 104l.; by Hen. Sampson, 39l. 10s. Northt., by Wm. Spenser and Edw. Pedeling, 158l. Bucks, by Leonard Broke and Wm. Preste, 103l. Northt., by John Makernes, 77l. Norfolk, by Edm. Wythe, 260l. Linc., Holland, by Ric. Welby and Adlard Clamond (?), 54l. 0s. 4d. Norf., by Ralph Symons, 240l. Oxon., by Humph. Holmes, 95l. Linc., Kesteven, by Rob. Leche, Ric. White and Wm. Letters, 162l. 16s. 6d. Suff., by Rob. Knight, 138l. 6s. 9½d. Linc., Kesteven, by Wm. Williamson, Ric. Paynell and Wm. Godehall, 529l. 7s. 2d. Suff., by John Mimes, 126l. 7s. 4½d.; by Wm. Cokk, 110l.; by John Tebald, 192l. 14s. 10d.; by Wm. Gardiner, 130l.; by Wm. Warde, 78l.; by John Raynold, 82l.; by Rob. Hervy, 143l. 6s. 8d. Essex, by John Smythe, 52l. 6s. 8d.; by Edm. Noke, 80l.; by Rob. Loveday, 64l. Bucks, by Edw. Olyver and Jas. Tourney, 80l. Staff., by John Hyll and Wm. Staresmore, 57l.; by Thos. Aby and Wm. Tailour, 103l. Beds, by Wm. Clerk, 37l. 13s. 4d. Hunts, 3l. 14s. 3d. Hants, by John Goberd and Wm. Reding, 126l. Canterbury, by John Alcok, 100s. Essex, 80l. Staff., by Edm. Warde and Thos. Russell, 71l. 6s. 11½d.; by Edm. Warde, 72l. 12s. 2½d. Bucks, 24l. 11s. 3½d. Linc., Lindesey, by Brian Curteys, Thos. Goodhand, Edw. Spikwithe, Geo. Nevill and John Emery, 683l. 19s. 3½d. City of York, by Rob. Fons, 160l. 10s. 0½d. Staff., by John Burn and Ric. Coley, 140l. Linc., Lindesey, by John Ferreby, 194l. London, by Thos. Picas, 116l. 2s.—Total receipts at Easter 4 Hen. VIII. "per me Rob. Fowler," 5,018l. 5s. 8½d.
Michaelmas 4 Hen. VIII.—Nottingham (town), by Thos. Williamson, Wm. Kirkby, Wm. Coste, and James Braseby, 37l. 1s. Sussex, by Ric. Underdowne, 56l. 13s. 4d. Notts., 3s. 5d. Suff., by Wm. Cokk, 163l. 17s. 5d. Glouc., by Ric. Pendok, 100l. Linc., Lindesey, by John Fereby, 38l. 10s. 10d. Suff., by Wm. Warde, 10l. 14s. 3d.; by Wm. Gardyner, 9l. 10s. 7½d.; by Robt. Harvy, 4l. 5s. 3d. and 35s. 10d. Kent, by John Horsmonden, 160l. Essex, by John Smythe, 39l. Devon, 12l. 4s. Essex, by J. Smith, 6l. 0s. 1½d. Norf., by John Hervy, 54l. 18s. 2d. Essex, by Wm. Shawe, 101s. 9½d. Norf., by Wm. Bagecrofte, 54l. 15s. 3d. Kent, by John Agate, 200l. Norf., by Wm. Debeney, 45l. 4s. 2d.; by Rob. Segrave, 82l. 14s. Yorksh., North Riding, by Rob. Wighall, 70l.; by John Baseworth, 83l. Cornwall, by John Arundell, 140l. 9s. Middx., by Hen. Knight, 18l. 6s. 8d. Salop, by Ric. Lister, 16l. Middx., 10l. Hants, 9l. Kent, 23l. 6s. Sussex, by John Colbroke and Roger Edwardes, 7l. 11s. 10½d. Kent, 14l. 6s. 2d. Sussex, 13l. Cornwall, by John Arundell de Talveron, 10s. 10½d. Salop, by Fulk Lee, 5l. 11s. 9ds.; by Wm. Wollascott, 8l. 17s. 2d. Sussex, by Thos. Fenner, 6l. 3s. 8½d. London, 8l.—Total receipts, Mich. 4 Hen. VIII., 1,516l. 12s. 8d.
Easter 4 & 5 Hen. VIII.—Yorksh., West Riding, by Thos. Meryng, 55l. 4s.; North Riding, by Jas. Danby, 9l.; by Rob. Wighall, 9l. 3s. 4d.; by Roger Cholmeley, 20l.
Michaelmas 11 Hen. VIII.—Yorksh., West Riding, 19l. 8s. 10d.
Payments to the King, out of the fifteenth and tenth granted, 3 Hen. VIII., for the private expenses of his chamber, received by John Heron, Easter term, 4 Hen. VIII., 5,018l. 5s. 8½d. At Michaelmas 4 Hen. VIII., 1,429l. 5s. 0½d. Easter 4 & 5 Hen. VIII., 125l. 10s. 11½d. 27 Feb. 6 Hen. VIII., 55l. 4s. 20 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII., 19l. 8s. 10d. (fn. 3)
Receipts of the second fifteenth and tenth granted by the laity, 3 Hen. VIII. Sussex, by Rob. Mylle, 23l. Bucks, by Rob. Lattymer and John Rokes, 110l. 17s. 6½d. Hunts, by Rob. Bek and Wm. Wrightson, 60l. Middx., by Thos. Cacher, 14l. Norwich, 80l. 6s. 11½d. Bucks, by Rob. Lattymer and John Rokes, 25l. 14s. 4d.; by Roger Waters and Hugh Gurgenny, 75l. 14s. 5d. Somerset, by Thos. Evererd, 31l. Herts, by Thos. Wasshe, 100l. Bucks, 36s. 5d. Hants, by John Arnwode, 98l. 15s. Herts, by John Shepard, 41l. Northt., by Thos. Rudd, Wm. Aleyn, Reginald Hull and Thos. Stuttesbury, 276l. 3s. 3d. Middx., by Matthew Danby, 9l. 6s. 2d. Northt., by Wm. Pope and John Parker, 245l. 4s. 9½d. Rutland, 6d. Bucks, 20s. Wilts, by Ric. Dyk, Thos. Dawnte and Rob. Bowre, 341l. 1s. 8d. Canterbury, by Wm. Algoode, 75l. Herts, by Ric. Isate and Rob. Rolf, 68l. Linc., Kesteven, by Wm. Wyndlove and Ric. Bradbent, 430l. Beds, by Thos. Lovell, 61l. 16s. 4d.; by Thos. Scott, 49l. 11s. 1½d.; by Henry Pegard, 51l. 16s. 8d.; by Thos. Cowper, 34l. 2s. 5d. Herts, by Rob. Curteys, 40l. Middx., by Thos. Ive, 43l. Total, Mich. 4 Hen. VIII., 2,388l. 7s. 7d.
Easter term, 4 & 5 Hen. VIII.—Notts, by Hugh Serleby, Alex. Lake, John Dicons and Ric. Kippes, 548l. 3s. 11d. Surrey, 184l. 14s. 9½d.; by Hen. Rydon, 53l. Suff., by John Brege, 99l. Herts, by John Halflete, 67s. 2d. Canterbury, by Thos. Thorneton, 108s. 11½d. Oxon., by Ric. Warde, 50l. Heref., by Jas. Brigges, 41l. Derby, by John Gell, 47l. Heref., by Wm. Wikes, John Acombe and David Williams, 168l. 8s. 7d. Glouc., by Thos. Bager, 150l.; by Wm. Hardyng and John Aleyn, 265l.; by Nich. Willington, 160l. Herts, by Rob. Rolf, 6l.; by Thos. White, 58l. Staff., by Roger Rydge and Wm. Lee, 40l.; by John Stapulton and Thos. Malkyn, 75l. Somers., by John Wittecombe, 10l. Total, 1,964l. 3s. 5d.
Michaelmas term 7 Hen. VIII.—Middx., 33s. 5½d.
Easter term 7 & 8 Hen. VIII.—Glouc., fifteenth and tenth granted 4 Hen. VIII., 10l. 18s. 6d., paid to the King through John Heron, 20 June 8 Hen. VIII., for private expenses of the Chamber.
Proceeds of the second fifteenth and tenth granted by the laity, 3 Hen. VIII., received by Heron. Easter term 4 & 5 Hen. VIII., 4,352l. 11s. Mich. 7 Hen. VIII., 33s. 5½d.
Pp. 26.
21 Feb.
Er. Ep. XII.
Does not know Erasmus, if he thinks that Erasmus would take offence at the bishop's not sending him Lee's book. Disliked the jocular tone of his first work against Faber; praises the second as more moderate. Needs not fear for the New Testament; the world is not yet so mad as to go into confusion at Lee's criticism. Even if the Bishop dissents from the writings of Erasmus, this will not diminish their friendship. Louvain, 9 kal. Martias 1519.
R. O. 629. INSTRUCTIONS to SIR RICHARD WINGFIELD to be declared to the French King.
First, "after affectuous recommendations" and presentation of the letters of credence, he shall say that Henry, remembering the peace and amity between them, is desirous to hear continually of the prosperity of Francis; and although he is informed of his affairs by the French ambassador in England, and by Sir Thomas Bolain, his own ambassador in France, he could not be satisfied without sending one of his "trusty and near familiars" to him for this purpose, and to declare his love and affection for him, "to the intent that by renovelling of ambassadors new testimonies may be found as well of the perseverance of fraternal love on both parts, as also by such means to further the augmentation thereof from time to time." He has accordingly licensed Bolain to return, and sends Wingfield in his place. This, "with other pleasant devices of the King's grace, the Queen, my lady Princess, my lord Legate, and semblable amiable communications upon deliverance of their letters, shall suffice for the first audience." At some other time he shall say that, although their friendship is established with as many collateral securities as possible, the affection they bear to each other in their hearts is the chief means "to knit the assured knot of perseverant amity betwixt them, above any other. For, remembering the noble and excellent gifts, as well of nature, touching their goodly statures and activeness, and of grace, concerning their wondrous wisdoms and other princely virtues, as also of fortune, depending upon their substances and puissaunce given unto them by Almighty God, and wherein more conformity is betwixt them than in or amongst all other Christian princes, it is not to be marvelled though this agreeable consonance of semblable properties and affections do vehemently excite and stir them both, not only to love and tenderly favor each other, but also personally to visit, see and speak together, whereby that thing, which as yet standing upon reports is covered with a shadow, shall be brought to the very light, face to face, if it proceed; and finally make such impression of entire love in their hearts that the same shall be always permanent, and never be dissolved, to the pleasure of God, their both comforts, and the weal of all Christendom."
Concerning the meeting appointed by treaty for this last year, Henry did not then press it, because he was afraid of hindering Francis in the business he had in hand concerning the empire, and thought it better to postpone it, for that and sundry other respects to him well known. The surmises that Henry put it off at the instance of the "now Emperor elect," by means of Button, are quite untrue; "for the King's grace, remembering such means and enterprises as he had set forth for the empire," on which account most of his nobles were absent, thought it would be more convenient to the French king to abstain from pressing the meeting. Wingfield is to thank him for the wish he has shown for an interview by his instructions to La Batye, and his offer to authorize Wolsey to appoint for his part the place, time and manner of the meeting; and shall assure him that Henry is no less desirous of it than he, and no impediment shall be found on his part, so that indifferent and circumspect order be taken for the honors and sureties of both princes. Wolsey thanks Francis for choosing him as a mediator in so important a matter, and, remembering his inability, would rather decline it, but if Francis is very desirous of it, will, with leave of the King, accept the charge, if Francis will send him a commission with ample instructions, that he may clearly understand his mind. He will take no conclusion therein till he has seen the King's commission, and until he has informed him of the deliberations of the English council, and learnt his mind thereon, so that everything may proceed by mutual consent.
He would be loth to attempt anything in the matter "without express knowledge in the specialties of his mind;" for the matter is weighty, and many opinions will be expressed; and he wishes to know the King's mind about the time, place, number and company, with their apparel, that he may content the King his master, and answer those who cast dangers and find difficulties in the same.
Wingfield shall also say, on Wolsey's behalf, that as this meeting will probably create a desire for future interviews, all arrangements should be made for the honor, surety, and pleasure of both princes, and the comfort of the nobles and subjects attending on them, that they may be encouraged to repair to such meetings hereafter. Any suspicion or jealousy, or excessive expense, might discourage princes and subjects from meeting again. He shall then desire the French king to declare his pleasure in the matter, before showing him the devices articled by the King and Council, "which devices hereafter ensue."
Pp. 14. Draft, corrected by Ruthal.
21 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
The (French) king has received his letters, and with them certain overtures, which he has carefully considered, but thinks one of them has the appearance "de trop ouverte declaration." He still retains his great anxiety for the interview, and has charged Montpesa[t] to communicate his resolution to the King and Wolsey. He will despatch, within two or three days, a messenger, who will satisfy them on one of the said overtures. Cognac, 21 Feb. Signed.
Mutilated, p. 1. Add.: Mons. le [card]inal dYort, legat et [c]hancellier en Angleterre.
Assent to the election of Rob. Watson, canon of the priory of Gisborne, York dioc., as abbot of St. Mary's, vice James Cockerell. Westm., 22 Feb.
Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 14.
P. S. b. 2. Petition for the above. 10 Feb. 1519.
23 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Heartily desiring the interview, which he trusts will lead to an indissoluble amity, he has, according to what Wolsey has written by Montpesat, sent by this bearer powers to arrange with Henry. Begs Wolsey to be as diligent as possible, as the time till May is short, and he must bring the Queen, who is with child. The day and place must be fixed, so that nothing may remain to be done. Cognac, 23 Feb. Signed.
Fr., mutilated, p. 1. Add.: A mons. le legat d'Angleterre, mon bon amy.
23 Feb.
R. O.
Rym. XIII.
Appointing him his proctor for arranging the interview with Henry VIII. Cognac, 23 Feb. 1519, 6 Francis I. Signed.
23 Feb.
Vit. B. IV. 38.
B. M.
Sends a verbal message by the bearer going to Lyons, signifying that the Pope had consented to the article for the eating of meat in this Lent, which Wolsey had requested. Rome, 23 [Feb.] 1520. Sig. burnt off.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add. and endd. at f. 37b.
25 Feb.
R. O.
Galba, B. VI.
138. Vesp. C. I. 294.
B. M.
Commission for John lord Berghes, Laurence de Gorrevod, baron Montanesy and Marinac, governor of Bresse, Gerard de Plaine, master of requests, Philip Haneton, audiencer, John de Salice, secretary, and Bernard bishop of Elna, to arrange for the Emperor's landing in England, "in recessu suo ex Hispania in Germaniam." Burgos, 25 Feb. 1520, Imp. 1.
Pp. 4.
Vesp. C. I. 296*. 636. 2. CHARLES V. to WOLSEY.
Credentials for the above. Burgos, 25 Feb. 1520. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
26 Feb.
Mon. Habs.
637. 3. CHARLES V. to his AMBASSADORS.
After presenting their letters of credence to the King, they shall say that Charles knows the great desire of the King and Queen that he should visit them on his way from Spain to England. Although his affairs do not allow of much delay, he wishes to comply with their request, and is desirous of meeting them and enjoying their society, hoping at the interview to make arrangements which will benefit their subjects and allies, and the whole of Christendom generally. Has therefore determined to pass through England, and to meet Henry in some port convenient, without making a long stay. The sealed writing he sent to his ambassador to arrange the meeting, and to assure the King that he would hold no other interview, in which he offered to hold the meeting either on his way to Flanders or on his arrival there, was not meant to cause any doubt that he would really meet the King one way or the other. Ever since he knew that Henry preferred a visit in passing, has been quite willing to comply, as the King has already been informed by the bishop of Elna. Has sent ample power to his ambassadors to go to Henry, and to conclude what is necessary, as he wishes all the preliminaries to be arranged in good time. They must first arrange the place, and insist, if possible, that it be the Isle of Wight, which is most convenient for him to land at, nearest the Low Countries. If they say that Hampton would be more convenient both for festivity, and because, if there was no wind, he could go by land to opposite Calais, and they would conduct him as far as his own territory, they must answer that as to festivity the presence of the King and Queen is the greatest enjoyment he could have; but as to the passage by land to Calais, although it would be a great consolation to have the King's company so long, his affairs will not allow of it; for to gain time he must disembark in another place, where his subjects can come to him more conveniently. They must in nowise consent to the voyage to Calais, but say that when Charles meets the King, he will deliberate about that and the meeting of the three princes. If the King insists on his landing at Hampton, they must consent. Has not been able to send instructions for the emendation and adjustment of previous treaties, as he has none here but the last treaty of London. But they have power to discuss all that concerns the old alliances; above all, they must try to obtain the express comprehension of all the dominions which have come into his possession by his election, and by the succession of the house of Austria, and make everything ready to conclude when the King and he meet.
Before they leave Flanders, they must consult with the lady Margaret and the council on all the points necessary to be concluded before the meeting, and what means they can find to confirm the friendship with England. She and the council can draw out all necessary instructions; for which, however, they must not wait, as haste is necessary. The ambassadors must find out whether Henry will make any new alliance against the Infidels; in which case Charles will send what he considers the best form of treaty. Bourghes, 26 Feb. 1520. Signed.
26 Feb.
R. O.
Warrant of Sir Edw. Ponynges, warden of the Cinque Ports, to the mayor of Sandwich, to assemble jurors, &c. for inquiring into cases concerning the Admiralty. At the Castle, 26 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
ii. Names of 17 persons impannelled.
P. 1.
27 Feb.
Jortin's Eras.
III. 354.
639. MORE to LEE.
On his dispute with Erasmus. Begs Lee to return to England. Greenwich, 27 Feb.
Jortin, III. 355. 640. MORE to LEE.
Has received a copy of his Annotations. Replies to Lee's objections. Thinks that if, as some pickthanks affirm, the Pope should withdraw his approbation from the New Testament of Erasmus, Luther's attacks upon the Holy See would be piety itself, compared with such an act. Greenwich, last day of Feb. 1502 (sic).
27 Feb.
R. O.
Yesterday, about 9 p.m., Montpesat arrived, and intends to sail at this hour, and not to tarry till he comes to your grace. He asked us to advertise you thereof. Calais, 27 Feb. 10 a.m. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace.
27 Feb.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
Has already written to him by Montpesac. Desires him to urge on the King and Wolsey to make final arrangements for the interview as soon as possible. Approves of the articles "du pas et combat," with some slight additions, which the admiral (Bonnivet) will intimate to him. On account of the inconvenience of lodging at Ardre, where, since it was burnt, there have been [few] houses rebuilt, has been advised to take thither a [large] number of tents and ... Desires him to confer with the Cardinal about it, that no inconvenience may arise, and to write touching the form of the field, lists, &c. Cognac, 27 Feb. Signed.
Calig. D. VII.
B. M.
643. [BONNIVET ?] to [WOLSEY.]
Francis cannot meet his wishes in the articles transmitted by the bailly of Caen, that within two or three days some determination should be come to about the interview; but, having full confidence in Wolsey, has resolved to follow his advice on one point, against that of his own councillors, viz., to come and receive Henry in the territory of the latter. Is glad Wolsey is aware of the King's friendship for him. Desires to be informed immediately of Wolsey's resolutions, on receiving which "we" (the King and court) will remove next day towards "you." Cognac, "le x .. jour de Fevurier." Signature burnt off.
Mutilated, pp. 2.
Feb./GRANTS. 644. GRANTS in FEBRUARY 1520.
1. Recognizance cancelled: made by Sir Gilbert Talbot, sen., and Sir Gilbert Talbot, jun., both of Grafton, Worc., 25 Feb. 8 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 1 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
1. Th. Carewe. Pardon for having killed, in self-defence, Robert Bawdewyn, of London, who, with Christopher Banam, of London, had assaulted Carewe in the house of Margaret Pecok, widow, in the parish of St. Katherine, Cristcherche, London, as appears by an inquisition taken before Thomas Barnwell, coroner, and John Aleyn and James Spencer, sheriffs. Westm., 1 Feb.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 18.
4. Walter Kent, of Oxenford alias Oxford, mercer, sued for debt by Ralph Creisse alias Cressay, mercer, of London. Reversal of outlawry. Westm., 4 Feb.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9.
8. Wm. Bell, of Boughton, Kent, "clovyer." Pardon for having killed Wm. Beryn, of Boughton, in self-defence. Westm., 8 Feb.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9.
8. John Reynesford and Wenefrid his wife. Livery of lands, Wenefrid being a sister and heir of Hen. son of Hen. Pympe. Lambeth, 24 Nov. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 9.
8. Silvester Awbray. Grant of the free chapel of Holy Trinity, with appurtenances, in Rastormall park, near Lastitheall, Cornw., on surrender of pat. 5 July 2 Hen. VIII., by John Porth, keeper of certain of the King's books. Greenwich, 8 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 27 (undated).
8. Richard, s. and h. of Th. Hobson. Livery of lands; also to Richard bishop of Winchester, Sir Humph. Conyngesby, one of the Justices of the King's Bench, Sir Th. Fenys, Sir Edw. Ponynges, Sir Edw. Ferys, Edw. Hales, Geo. Dalyson, Rob. Isham, Th. Caundysshe. Alfred Rawson, Humph. Walcotte, and Th. Fox, seized of certain lands to the use of the said Th. Hobson and his heirs. Del. Westm., 8 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 10.
13. Justices of Assize.
Midland Circuit: John Jenour with Sir Humph. Conyngesby and John Carell.
Norfolk Circuit: Thomas Fitzhugh with Sir John Ernele and Ric. Broke.
Western Circuit: Th. Elyot with Sir Ric. Elyot and Th. Pygot.
Oxford Circuit: Rob. Brudenell, jun., and John Weste, with Sir Lewis Pollerd and John Fitzjames.
Westm., 13 Feb.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 13 and 31d.
13. Sir Ric. Wentworth, Sir Wm. Walgrave, Sir Rob. Drury, Sir Giles Alyngton, Sir Arthur Hopton, Sir Rob. Cotton, Fras. Hasilden, Geo. Walgrave, John Wentworth, John Parys, Rob. Trevyle, Philip Parys, John Hynde, John Copuldike, and Humph. Gay. Pardon for having entered without licence on the manor of Shryklyng, Kent, which they recovered against Thomas Burgoyn and Edward Redknap, who had acquired from John Langley, of Knolton, Kent, and Joan his wife. Westm., 13 Feb.—Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 11.
13. Ric. Goryng. Warrant to the customers of London to permit him to ship 126 tuns of beer, the remainder of 400 tuns, and 100 weighs of tallow, the remainder of 600 weighs, for which he has a licence dated 1st Sept. 10 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 27 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Westm., 13 Feb. Pat. p. 2, m. 28.
13. Wm. Studdon, yeoman of the guard and Wm. Symondes, sewer. Annuity of 10l., in survivorship, on surrender, by Studdon, of pat. 20 Aug. 7 Hen. VIII. Greenwich, 8 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 13 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 19.
16. John Amyas, serjeant-at-arms. Grant of 12d. a day from the issues of Wigmoresland, marches of Wales. Greenwich, 14 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 16 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 31.
16. Rob. Wythes. To have the fee of the crown, being 6d. a day, lately had by John Amyas. Del. Westm., 16 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 15.
17. Sir Edw. Belknap, John Hertford, and John Jonys, of London, goldsmith. To be commissioners, for 21 years, of certain mines of gold and silver ore in the hill of Towyn alias Coain, in the hundred of Pyder, also in St. Peryn's-in-the-Sand, and in Ugburgh, Devon, called Glascombe; and of the Comertyn mines, Devon; paying such rent to the King and the other lords of the soil as is mentioned in a pair of indentures dated 4 Dec. 11 Hen. VIII., between the King and the said commissioners;—with certain provisions relating to the gold and silver found, fuel for purifying the metal, artificers, and laborers. To appoint a steward to hold courts there, and determine pleas between the workmen; the King appointing (with the assent of the said commissioners) John Rowe, serjeant-at-law, as general steward. To have a common seal. Belknap to be general comptroller and surveyor on the King's part.—S.B. (undated.) Pat. 11 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 32 (dated Westm., 17 Feb.); and Pat. 12 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 9. (undated.)
20. Edw. Knyvet and Anne his wife, executrix of Rob. le Straunge. Wardship of Hugh, son of Sir Geo. Hastings. Greenwich, 14 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Feb.—P.S.
22. Thos. Clemens, of Norwich, carpenter. Pardon for robbing John Dobildaye; also for aiding and abetting John Andrewson, grocer. Greenwich, 18 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Feb.—P.S.
24. Lord William Mountjoy, chamberlain to the Queen. To be keeper, during pleasure, of the woods of Tetnowe and "Therls Wood," and of Senechier, Broktrey, and Holme Riding coppices, in the bailiwick of Clif in the forest of Rokingham, vice John Holland. Greenwich, 7 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Feb.—P.S.
24. John Wighell, page of the Chamber. To be walking forester of Galtresse forest, York, during pleasure, vice Ric. Buckeley, deceased, with 4d. a day out of the issues of the manor of Shirefhoton; also a pardon for holding the said offices by an invalid patent. Greenwich, 21 Feb. 11 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 24 Feb.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 28.


  • 1. Here begins a new leaf, and it is not quite certain that it belongs to the same letter.
  • 2. The MS. is much mutilated here; possibly a leaf may have been lost.
  • 3. In the margin, "Per me, Joh'em Heron," is added under each of these sums.