Henry VIII: December 1522

Pages 1135-1155

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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December 1522

2 Dec.
R. O.
The King, hearing from lord Dacre of the attemptats made on his subjects, to the prejudice of his right "of the Debateable Ground with bit of mouth on the daylight for his subjects claiming no property therein," requested the Scotch king and council to reform the wrong, or else order his commissioners to meet those of England. They met accordingly at Rolland Marse, on the 27th Oct., when lord Dacre, as warden, gave in a bill of complaint on behalf of John Pantre, and his neighbours, against John Chartors, laird of Amysfeld, who carried away 600 cattle from Hedderskale bog, on the Debateable Ground, by daylight. Chartors "granted the said goods," but afterwards refused to restore them, on pretext that the owners lived on the Debateable Ground, which Dacre contradicted, and said further, that those who did live there ought to have restitution for goods taken by daylight, and it was folly of the Scotch to allow any English to live there, for they could burn them either by day or night, "and upon the night all such men and goods as they might get to be escheat, and the men and goods within the houses, on the daylight, to be escheat on the same wise." The Scotch commissioners then requested a second meeting, on the 22nd "of this month" (Nov.), that they might consult with the lords Regents, who would be in Edinburgh, saying that the laird of Amysfeld would not obey them, for he was maintained by lord Maxwell, who had part of the goods. On the 23rd, Sir Alex. Jardane and the laird of Holmeends came to Burghe, with a bill signed by the commissioners, which contained no material answer, but only offered to appoint an assize of whom they would choose, to meet in the West Marches of Scotland. An assize is only effective where the deed is denied; not, as in this case, where it is confessed. Wish to know if they intend to lay any claim to the Debateable Ground, on behalf of their King, and so retain the goods. It would not be lawful to retain them, even if taken on Scotch ground, for the custom has always been to restore goods taken in such a case, on payment of parkage by the owners. Wish for a plain answer, that they may send it to the King, who will provide for his subjects by letters of marque or otherwise. Think that the meeting, which they propose for the 10th Dec., at Loughmaben Stane, should be postponed for nine or ten days, that the Chancellor and other lords Regents may be informed of this letter. If they have their answer ready, the said 10th day will suit. Morpeth, 2 Dec.
Copy, pp. 4.
R. O. 2. "Item." It is agreed that the Debateable Ground which adjoins the West Marches shall be equally divided between the two kingdoms by a fixed boundary, and the wardens of the West Marches shall be bound to reform and punish all attemptats committed by those dwelling in their respective portions. If any English subject dwelling on the Debateable Ground * * * (A sheet or more lost here) ... The wardens of each kingdom to be responsible for the inhabitants of the portion of the Debateable Ground assigned to them. It shall no longer be allowed for the inhabitants of either kingdom to cross the Border and cut down trees for repairing their houses, without the permission of the owner. Such depredations shall be reformed in the same manner as others before mentioned, the oath of the owner of the trees being taken as to their value.
Corrected draft. Lat., pp. 4.
2 Dec.
Galba, B. VII. 350. B. M.
Wrote last on the 29th. Flanders has agreed to supply 1,000 horse and 800 foot for the frontier under Fiennes. They have appointed four paymasters from Ghent, Bruges, Ypres, and the Franke, so that the soldiers may not continue to live on the poor husbandmen. De Bwre will still be nominally captain general, but I cannot say whether Fiennes' authority will derogate from that of Bewyrs, as it seems they are "in pique." One of Beevyr's council dined with me lately, and said his master was determined to do everything the Emperor and the King commanded him, and not obey the governors. He marvelled that Fiennes should try to undermine his master, as he never sought the governance of Flanders or Tournay, or any other office which Fiennes now has. Think Bure is also discontented. His "berde is far the bigger," except that Fiennes is in favor here, and with Howstrate. I have seen a letter from Fiennes to my Lady about the necessity of Terouenne, the abundance of victuals provided for it at Monstreul and Hesdyn, and the horse and foot he had ready at the sound of a bell upon the frontier. He desired my Lady to write to the treasurer of Calais to ask for 500 (?) English foot to aid in preventing the revictualling of Terouenne; and I think my Lady has written to Sands. He hopes to have Terouenne before Christmas. Of John de la Sawte, whose non-arrival I mentioned in my last, news came that same day that he remained at Dover for lack of wind. This morning came a letter from him to Howstrate, stating that he had been robbed by Englishmen on leaving Calais, and obliged to return thither for redress.
The Pope's nuncio (Bartholetto) that was in England is now here. He intends to pass through France, although he is sending a post to Rome. It is said the Burgundian horse were before Terouenne on Saturday last, and found some of the footmen without the town, breaking down houses to carry into the town for fuel; slew several, and took 8 or 9. If not relieved within few days it must surrender. Fiennes finding certain villages about Terouenne that had been spared as neutral have been supplying the besieged with butter and milk, has sent the Spaniards to live upon them instead of burning; though, in the end, "I think they shall scape no better cheap as they have well deserved." Ghent, 2 Dec. 1522.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
23 Dec.
Vesp. C. II. 54. B. M.
Yesterday were with the Emperor, present the Chancellor, mons. de Nassau, the Great Master, mons. de la Schaute, mons. de la Roche, and John Allemayne, secretary. The Emperor has received letters from the archbishop of Barrie of the diligence of the Pope in promoting peace, and the overtures, not so honorable as before, of the French king. A full account has been sent to the imperial ambassadors. The Emperor expressed his great displeasure at the marriage proposed for him with the daughter of Francis, and said "he had seen such one as liked him." Francis demands the immediate restitution of Milan, and, with the exception of that and the marriage, refers all to the Pope. Rumors of the war in France were contradictory; some said the armies had done little damage to the French, and returned with less honor; others, that they had done very much, and that, for fear of their return next year, Francis had ordered all grain to be removed to strongholds or destroyed. The duke of Albany has fled from Scotland, as he was not supported by France. Even after his departure there arrived in Scotland only 800 men, instead of the 2,000 promised. Francis leaves all business to his mother; Robertet is away; the duke of Bourbon in displeasure; Montmorency sent to the Swiss. Francis is preparing to cross the mountains, saying he is sure of 18,000 men, besides 6,000 foot and 500 men-of-arms from the Venetians, though Hieronymo Adorno is there for the Emperor. Cremona has been surrendered to Charles, who has sent a great force to Fontarabia to prevent its being revictualled by the French. The prince of Orange has left. The said letters report that a Papal nuncio has been sent to England for the peace. The Emperor desires news from England; says that at his arrival he had ordered three pinnaces to be ready to carry letters, and is very urgent that England should do the same. The Emperor gives precedence to the English ambassadors over that of Portugal. He has sent three persons to the duke of Milan and the Swiss. The Portuguese ambassador has not succeeded in the affair of the spiceries. Valladolid, 3 Dec.
In Sampson's hand, pp. 7. Add.
3 Dec.
R. O.
Has written twice about the King's artillery and provisions. It is still on board the ships, waiting the King's orders, but it cannot be sent at present because the waters are frozen. Supposes he has heard the good news from the Emperor by way of Italy. There is no news of the French moving anywhere. Therouenne is in great need of victuals and other things, and if the horse and foot on the frontier are careful to prevent its being revictualled, some good will come of it. Anvers, 3 Dec. 1522.
P. S.—Is very anxious to hear of his good health. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
4 Dec.
Galba, B. VII. 380. B. M.
Wrote last on the 2nd. "These shall be to advise the King's highness and your grace" (fn. 1); that my Lady has this day shown me a letter from Fiennes, stating that the French king's mother is dead, and that the King had been dangerously ill, and, though somewhat recovered, still kept his bed. 300 carts had come to Hesdin, laden with victual for Terouenne, which he hoped to intercept. He has sent the Spaniards, whom he has retained to the end of January for three florins a month, which is a noble sterling, to a village within half a league of Terouenne to cut off supplies on that side. My Lady intends remaining here till Christmas. Ghent, 4 Dec. 1522.
Hol., p. 1.
4 Dec.
S. B. Rym. XIII. 777.
2700. For THOMAS EARL OF SURREY, s. and h. apparent of THOMAS DUKE OF NORFOLK.
To be treasurer of the Exchequer, during pleasure, in same manner as the said Duke, Ralph lord Cromwell, Ralph lord Sudley, John Typtoft earl of Worcester, Henry earl of Essex, and John lord Dynham; on surrender of patent 2 March 5 Hen. VIII. by the said Duke. Del. Westm., 4 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 19.
5 Dec.
Vesp. C. XIII. 331. B. M.
Thanks him for the pains he has taken about his pensions. Sends a proxy for those on Pacence and Palantine. Appoints an annuity of 200 ducats to be received by John Lallemand for his trouble in this matter. Westminster, 5 Dec.
Copy, pp. 2.
5 Dec.
R. O.
Received his letter on the 3rd Dec., stating that Sir John Dudley [Sutton, son of Edw. lord Dudley], and lady Cecily his wife, had complained to the King of the writer's failing to pay her dowry given her by the late lord marquis Dorset. Accuses the present Marquis of not fulfilling certain covenants made between him and the writer before the Council. Begs Wolsey will compel him. Thanks him for obtaining a longer respite of the King's payments, and that his counsel John Skuys and Lucas Langlonde may resort to Wolsey from time to time. "Written at my lodge of Wychecombe, the 5th day of December." Signed.
P. 1. Add: "My lord Cardinal."
Articles of agreement between lady Cecile, marquis Dorset, and Thomas lord marquis Dorset, her son and heir apparent, by mediation of the cardinal of York, Legate and Chancellor, touching certain manors in fee, for a marriage portion of 1,000l. for her daughters; sc., lady Mountjoy, lady Cecile, married to the baron of Dudley's son and heir, the lady Elizabeth, countess of Kildare, and the lady Margaret.
Draft, pp. 5. Endd.
6 Dec.
R. O.
Having heard of the want of provisions at Therouenne, the count of Gaure has set off to prevent its being revictualled, and to try to reduce it. Asks him to delay the departure of the 6,000 English at St. Omer's for the present month, by which time they will either have succeeded or failed, seeing that the English are so much dreaded by the French. Made the same request to the treasurer of Calais, but writes to Henry because he said he had no orders. Has shown his ambassador; by letters, what good train the enterprise is in. Gand, 6 Dec. 1522. Signed.
Fr., pp. 2. Add.
B. xx. 242**. B. M.
2705. _ to the TREASURER OF CALAIS.
Sends him certain letters "que Ma[dame a ecrit] pour la treve et affaire des feuz dentre vous, nous et les [Francais]." (fn. 2) Begs to-know the King's pleasure thereon. "Je tiens que estes bien averti de l'assemblee que le roy Franco[is, a cause] des foulles, pilleries et desgatz que faisoient au pays les six m[ille] ... qu'ilz appellent les Diables en France, avoit fait faire par le Connestable; [lequel] Connestable, avec sept mil pietons, et quelque mil ou douze cens chev[aux] ... a intencion de les dechasser et ruer suz lcs a suys, tellement qu'ilz se sont ... batuz et rencontrez l'un l'autre," so that there was great loss of men. The Constable was shot through the body, as my informant reports, who saw the extreme unction carried to him. Waits for more certain news, but is inclined to believe it, because "la trompette [de monsieur] D'Aiguilly, seneschal de Rouarque, qui lors vint a ceste ville, con[naissait bien] qu'il estait vray," and that a great number of noblemen were killed "... de la Trinite."
Hears that the French king has mustered a number of men at Guyenne to send over to Scotland. Since writing, has received his news, for which he thanks him. Begs him to continue it, and he will do the same. Wishes to know what aid he will give to stop the revictualling of Therouenne.
Fr., p. 1, badly mutilated. Annotated in the margin by a modern hand. Add.
R. O.
2706. [A FRENCH SPY] to _
Came from Abbeville. Went thence to Amyens to get information, because Mons. de Vendosme was going thither. The men, who have been collected for some time, have been sent by Vendome to Haulte Champagne to the King's assistance. The "legionaires" of Normandy and Bretagne remain in their respective countries, but are ready if needed. A bourgeois of Amyens told him they had deliberated together, and, if you went thither, would not fight, but would deliver you the keys. For this object, they would have no soldiers, that they might do as they wish. An Italian captain has left Hesdin for Abbeville "pour aller à ... lo ... par ..." He has only 200 men. [Lord de R]ie[u] had also gone to the camp, not for the carters, but to see where they could make some enterprise. He says, however, that he has seen such good order there that it would be scarcely possible. There are only the garrisons for the gens d'armerie here. Vendosme has not gone to Amiens, but only his train. There are few men at Abbeville. A great many Boulenois have returned. At Hesdin there are but 1,000 foot and 300 horse; at Therouenne, 200 lances and 2,000 foot. A man who came from Montreuil told us they were eating their horses, but a quantity of victuals has been got in through the castle gate. They are reduced now to half a pottle (demy lot) of wine, and two loaves each, a day. All their artillery is placed on the ramparts, and prepared for the breach. They are making a blockhouse at the gate of the great market beside the breach, so that the flanks are commanded by guns. If they do not surrender soon, the Italians will withdraw (sortiront) by night. There are twelve standards in the town, four being Italian.
Fr., pp. 2, mutilated.
Calig. D. VI.
351. B. M.
2707. _ to _.
Hopes his correspondent is successful, for there is now no resistance. He ought to push on, "et vous ... terez depens et principal, et n'y a nulle resistence constre [v]ous pour fournir aux despens, car toult est mengé." The King is at the Tour de la Roche Guyon, hunting. The ladies remain at St. Germain en Laye, with all their little train, which is diminished one half. The King has no great train with him. Everybody in France thinks him a fool, and that he will lose his kingdom. He has with him Mons. de Lautrec, the cardinal of Lorraine, Mons. l'Amiral and his council, with some others. "Ledit Sieur et bien courouce de son Myllanc, qu'il a perdu; mais il a juré foy de gentilhomne, s'il luy deubu[oit] couter son royaume, qu'il le recouvera devant qui soit [un] an." The Venetians (qui feront rage p[our]luy), promise mountains, yet care nothing for him. They still keep ... and Myllanc. "En Quyenne (Guienne) Mons. de Lautrec il deubuoit ... a eu ung peu le vent au visage touch[ant les] escuz que le Roy luy avoit envoyés p[our les g]ens d'armez ... [n']a point eu la connoyssance, mais ... grasse il n'est point ..." The marshal de Ch[abannes (fn. 3) ] is gone in his place with [10,000 Swiss and six*] thousand Gascons. Their artillery is good (be[lle ?]), but the horses that brought it [have been got from ?] France. Mons. de la Trimouille is in Burgundy with a few men, "qui n'est pas grant choze."
The French army is at Montereul. It is not large, but much spread out; and you know there is great expense from this conté de Boullenoys, which is so much burnt and wasted. In fact, all the gendarmerie of France are afraid to go far into it; and you know they will not fight you; "et entrez en pais h ... car vous ne eustent jamez sy belle que avez et ne trouverez nulle resistence, car ... homme qui en veille menger." The number of the French army is not 800 men; and the Albanoys, though they pretend to be 500 horse, are not more than 300, and badly mounted; the infantry, both adventurers and frans [archiers] ... "mon autre choze." They have spread a report that a Swiss force is coming to their aid; but there are five [hundred?] lanzknechts near Montereul, the same that were in the garrison at Arras. And you know that not more than one half of the 18,000 are armed; they are badly paid, and would have deserted like the frans archiers, but were compelled to return by fear of the halter. The King is so badly off for money for his troops that he has plundered the relics in the churches of France to coin ecus and gros of 10 sous. His people are eaten up to the bones, and, with the Church, cry for vengeance on him. 60,000 men are sent into England to burn the country, and other 10,000 frans archiers, which Blanche Roze [will conduct], into Scotland. He had his despatch at Paris; 12 days ago he was at Tournelles, and I think [he has departed], for the ship was all ready at Harfleu. Every vessel of France ... the great ship which is ...
[An embassy (fn. 4) ] has arrived [from the Pope*] to treat for peace with the King, who has sent to the Pope a Parisian, an able man, "leq[uel] ... Bude." The legate of Avygnon has gone thither also. An embassy has come from the duke of [Lorraine*], another from Gueldres; but the King makes no account of them, as he well knows they are come on Mons. de Bourbon's business, who is in disgrace with the King and Madame, at which the whole of France is much annoyed.
Is desired to tell him that he should march straight into France, and he may make his way even to Paris as sure as death;—for 10,000 men will desert, all that are thereabouts. In the chateau of H[esdin] are not more than 1,500 men, and Dourlen is badly victualled.
Pp. 4, very badly mutilated.
9 Dec.
Galba, B. VII. 352. B. M.
Wrote last on the 4th. Heard yestereven that a trumpet had come from France to Valentien in Henawde with letters for Howstrate, and that the said trumpet is retained by the governor of Valentien, who wrote to my Lady and Howstrate. This morning I went to court, and asked Howstrate the news. He said Fiennes continues about the enterprise of Terouenne, and has good hope to intercept the supplies and compel its surrender; that the captain of Guisnes had sent him 100 horse, but that the treasurer of Calais had made no answer to the request for foot soldiers. Howstrate said he had heard from a friend on the frontier that there was little appearance of the French having any military strength to make resistance. Their only hope is to trouble the King by means of Scotland and Denmark, so as to prevent his invasion of France next summer. Francis is determined to send Ric. De la Pole into Scotland, and is intriguing with the earl of Holstein, by assent of the king of Denmark, who dares not openly assist the French against the Emperor. He has sent the Earl the order of France, and a sum of money to give assistance to Scotland; all which negotiations pass through Metz in Lorraine. I asked about the trumpet who brought letters from Valentien. He said the Governor had written to my Lady and to him, that, though the said trumpet had letters directed to Howstrate, he did not allow him to proceed till my Lady's pleasure was known. Howstrate told me that the letter addressed to himself was from the captain of Peronne, Mons. de Humyeres, requesting a safeconduct for some lasts of herring, which he considers only a pretext to act as spy; and my Lady had commanded the Governor to tell him that she would grant no safeconduct to any Frenchman, and that he must not come within the Emperor's countries again on his peril. No news, except from Venice, by way of Antwerp, that the Turk is departed from Rhodes with the loss of 70,000 men, and has put to death two of his principal bashaws who counselled that enterprise. Ghent, 9 Dec. 1522.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add. and endd.
9 Dec.
R. O.
Owing to the community of their interests, is anxious to hear of his prosperity. Desires credence for Boleyn and Sampson, whom he has informed of the news, and also for his own ambassadors, to whom he writes. Valladoly, 9 Dec. 1522. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
10 Dec.
R. O.
Two receipts from [John] Lawnsell, his farmer of Hamerton, 10 Dec. [14] Hen. VIII., and from Harry Webster, his farmer at Wynwyk.
ii. Indenture, dated 10 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII., by which he licenses Launcell to use the old timber in two houses in Hamerton, late in the tenure of John Hadson and Robt. Carter, for rebuilding other tenements there.
Copies, p. 1.
12 Dec.
R. O.
Inventory of the goods of Thos. Fuller, appraised at Sheppey, Kent, 12 [De]cember 14 Hen. VIII., by a jury of 17 persons, whose names are given.
91 rams, 6l. 656 ewes, at 18d. each. 555 lambs, at 14d. 33 "pursheppe," at 18d. 46 country wethers, at 2s. 6d. 2 boars, 2 sows, 12 pigs and 11 small hogs, 35s. 10 kine, a great bull, 6 young heifers, and a young bull, 9l. 24 calves, 5l. 2 geese and a gander, 12d. 12 capons, 12 hens and a cock, 7s. A bay mare with her colt, 33s. 4d. 3 couple swans, 20s. A little nag with one ear, 6s. 24 acres of wheat, 8l. Timber, squared, and unhewn on the ground, 53s. 4d.
Household Implements.—In the C[hape]ll chamber, a feather bed, a mattress, 2 pillows, ... [bl]ankets, a pr. of sheets, one feather bed, 3 "fotepaces," the [ha]nging of the chamber, a cupboard, a pair of andirons, a chair, a chest, a stool, [the] ol[d] hanging of the chapel, an old altar cloth, 2 ... e cushions, 2 hassocks, 2 irons to hang over c[urt]ayns, 36s. 8d.
In the Great Chamber.—The hanging, a mattress, a coverlet, a "turkill" bedstead with 3 "fote paces," 3 old chests, 2 chairs, one pair of andirons, 1 cupboard, I "jak" and a laver of plate, 23s. 4d.
In the Drawght Chamber.—2 mattresses, 2 old bedsteads with 1 old tester, 1 broken bedstead and an old chest, 10s.
In the Kitchen Chamber.—A feather bed, a mattress, a "sellowre," a tester, a bedstead, an old cupboard, an old chest, 7 pair of "maynes sheets," 3 old pillows, and the hanging, 21s.
In the Kitchen.—6 platters, 1 basin, 6 dishes and 6 saucers of pewter, 12s. 3 brass pots, a kettle and a chafer, 12s. 5 candlesticks, a latten basin and a pan, 4s. 3½ pair of andirons, 4 spits, 2 trivets, 1 gridiron, 1 pair of pothooks, 2 iron racks, 3 dripping pans and a fire fork, 15s.
In the Hall.—A table, a form, a long settle, an old cupboard, a painted cloth for the high dais, 3 old servants' table cloths, and a forest bill, 6s. 8d.
In the Servant's Chamber in the entry.—A feather bed, a mattress, a blanket, a coverlet, a chair, a "[cup]berde," 2 bedsteads and an old hanging, 6s. 8d.
In the Parl[o]r.—A table, a pair of trestles, 2 forms, 1 old banker, 1 old cupboard, 1 old carpet, 2 chairs, an old stool, and a "jak," 6s.
In the three Storehouses.—All manner of things belonging to ploughs and carting; collars "harrowe tenes," and half a case of glass, 46s. 8d. A pair of shod wheels, 2 "tyghtis" of iron for them, 2 dung carts, 2 ploughs, 2 harrows, 1 coulter, 1 share, 1 Essex plough, 40s.
Corn in the Barn.—Wheat, 9l. Barley and oats in sheaf, 4l. Tares and pease in Russhyngdon barn, 16s.
In the Hay barn.—25 loads of hay with the stack in the field, 3l. 6s. 8d. A horse litter, with the apparel, 13s. 4d.
In Rolf's Chamber.—A feather mattress and bolster, 3s. 4d.
In the Chamber over the Coalhouse.—A bedstead with other lumber, 2s. 2 barrels of pitch and half a barrel of tar, 13s. 4d.
In the Maidens' Chamber.—A feather bed, a mattress, a pair of old blankets, an old coverlet, a bolster, 2 old chests and a tester, 16s. 8d. A lead cistern [in] the kitchen, and a lead laver in the en[tr]ie by the hall, 12s. 500 good and bad fells, 4l. Lumber, as bowls, tubs, presses, chesfatts, &c., 3s. 4d. The lease of St. Katharine's is valued at 40l. The lease of Southmarshe, held of the prior of Crichurch, 4l. A tenement held of the prioress of Minster, 26s. 8d. Total of all the moveable goods, 207l. 3s.
Yearly value of his lands.—Tenement called Foxdendon, and Bullayn's croft, 52s. 4d. A close in Leysdon, 3s. Coper's tenement, 10s. Dribrowse lands, 3s. 4d. Stoner's croft, 2s. 6d. Ground called Hokkyngman's, 7s. Sowthclif, 10s. A tenement at Minster with a parcel of ground called Borowes Dane, 30s. The lands held by Ward's widow, 15s. Bocher's tenement, 20s. Elliot's tenement, 7s. Symond's lands, held by Peter Eliot, with the barn and 9 acres which John Osborne had in farm, 13s. A close, farmed by Wm. Colshole, 2s. 6d. Compon's land, beside Longstreet in Ossendon, and 1 acre held by Peter Eliot, 3s. Compon's land at Myll Hill, 18s. A tenement at Milton, 20s. Lands called Crekendownne with the appurtenances, fresh and salt, 5l. The mansion place called Nettes, with the appurtenances, 14l. 7s. 1¾d.—Mem. 9s. worth of corn is yearly paid to the King's ferry from lands "that renteth to the King."—Total clear yearly value, 29l. 14s. 9¾d.
Pp. 5
12 Dec.
S. B.
Cancel of his recognizance, dated 21 Feb. 13 Hen. VIII., binding him in the sum of 10,000 mks. to allegiance, and not [to enter into the] counties of Kent or Sussex, or come into the King's presence, without licence, and to find sureties for the payment of 10,000 mks. before the Ascension next, or yield his body to the Tower. (fn. 5) On 16, 19 and 20 May 14 Hen. VIII., he found the following sureties:—Sir Th. Fynes, of Claverham and Ric. Devenysshe, of Helyngham, Suss., in 100l. Sir Edw. Ne[v]ell, of the Household, 200l. Geo. Herbert, of Burgevenny, 200l. Th. Roydon, of Estpekham, Kent, 200l. Sir John Haydon, of Bakyngst ... Norf., 100l. Sir Matthew Browne, of Westbecheworth, Surrey, 100l. Alex. Culpeper, of Godehurst, Kent, 100l. Ric. C[or]bet, of Slagham, Suss., 100l. Walt. Moyle, of Chalok, Kent, 100l. Wm. Blower, of Raynham, Kent, 100l. John C[ulp]eper, of Gray's Inn, Holbourn, 100l. Sir Hen. Wyat, of Alyngton, Kent, 100l. Th. Docwra, prior of St. John of Jerusalem, 100l. Th. Broke lord Cobham, 200l. Th. lord Roos, 200l. John. Byrte, Southpederton, Somers., 100l. Geo. s. and h. of John lord Cobham, 100l. Wm. Moleyns, Makney, Berks, 100l. Sir Geof. Gates, of _, Essex, 100l. Roger Lassels, of Soureby, York, 100l. Wm. Hawles, of Wynchester, 100l. Ric. Shyrley, Wyston, Suss., 100l. Ric. Feret, Wynchelse, Suss., 100l. Stephen Rotys, of ..., Sussex, 100l. Wm. Paston, of Paston, Norf., 100l. Sir Wm. Pole, of Worall, Chesh, 100l. Ranulph Pole, of Pole, ..., clk., 100l. Edw. Boughton, of Wolwich, Kent, 100l. Th. Moyle, of Gray's Inn, Holbourne, 100l. Wm. Blount lord Mountjoy, 200l. Edw. Ryngeley, of ... ton, Kent, 100l. The following were bound in 100l. each:—Wm. Clovell, of West-hanyngfeld, Essex. Hen. Fynch, of Milton, Kent. Wm. Coffyn, of Haddon, Derby. Sir Geo. Seyntleger, of Amere, Devon. Th. Marowe, of Badeshey, Warw. Sir John Wallop, of Farley, Hants. Sir Anth. Wyngefelde, of Letheryngham, Suff. Edw. Culpeper, of Aylesforde, Kent. Roger Cholmeley, of Roxby, York. Sir Roger Townesende, of Raynham, Norf. Sir Gyles Capell, of London. Wm. Whetnall, of Estpek[ham], Kent. Edm. Watton, of Adyngton, Kent. Geo. Whetnall, of Gray's Inn, Holbourne. Geo. Whatton, of Esterford (?), Essex. Rob. Nayler, of Alysforde, Kent. Th. Elmeston, of Raynham, Kent. Walter Devereux lord Ferrers. Wm. Waller, of Grombrygge, Kent. Sir John Geynesforde, of Crowherst, Surr. Ric. Culpepper, of Watchurst (?), Sussex. Th. Judde, of Wykforde, Essex. Tho. Hardres, of High Hardres, Kent. Nich. Clyfforde, of Suttoxalance, Kent. Wm. More, of Cranebroke, Kent. Edw. Monynges, of Bednam, Kent. Wm. Evererde of Albourne, Sussex. Th. Chaundeler, of Lynfelde, Sussex. John Mascall of Wynfelde, Sussex. Monastery of St. Alban's, 12 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.
13 Dec.
R. O.
Sends his bulls. The delay was owing to the absence from Rome of most of the Cardinals and those connected with the court, but now they are expedited, and he will be glad if Wolsey is satisfied with these endeavors of his servant Worcester. One of the two great caracks from Genoa, sent to assist Rhodes, has been sunk at Monaco, but letters have arrived stating that fresh aid has come from Provence and Sicily. Rome, 13 Dec. 1522. Signed: Hie. Audit. Cam.
Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.
13 Dec.
Vit. B. V. 105. B. M.
He will receive the bull for St. [Alban's]. The auditor of the chamber, now bishop of Worcester, hath [showed] himself a true friend to Wolsey. He is in great favor with the Pope, and, it is expected, will be one of the first cardinals. Campeggio and De Medici will attend to the addition to Wolsey's faculties, which are somewhat unusual. The Pope "is loving and magnanimous, and considereth his honor as much as any man that ever was in this dignity;" but he is surprised, that whereas he receives many letters, none come to him from England, except for the expediting of certain bishoprics. If he might have had "that comfort of the King's grace" of which Hannibal has frequently written, he would have done more. "His Holiness has sent for Erasmus under a fair colour by his brief, and if he come not I think the Pope will not be content." He has sent to the Swiss touching Luther, who has written a book lately against the King, full of railing, which he sends. Hannibal searched all over Rome to find more, but could not. "If any mo come the Pope hath commanded that none shall come in light. I shall take them all, and pay for them and brent them."
Cardinal Aux, legate of Avignon, had a brief audience with the Pope on the 8th, and left Rome that day. His stuff was taken by don Emanuel going to the Emperor, with some of his household. It was valued at 40,000 ducats. Emanuel has been ordered home by the Emperor, who has given him an office of about 10,000 ducats. The duke of Scissa has been appointed in his stead, but dares not come for fear of the pestilence; 28,000 have died since the Pope's arrival. It is now amended. The cardinals are still much divided, "but they have now a master that can teach them their lection, and ordereth them as a good abbot doth his convent; for, except Medicis and Campegius, I saw nother such sort. The Pope know what they be, and governeth them thereafter; and where were nine or ten in the Pope's palace, tempore Leonis, he hath put them all out; and not only them, but all such officers that papa Leo put in. I pray God save our Cardinal of England, f[or] if he were here these Cardinals were more like chaplains than masters." Hopes Wolsey will remember his money, as his expenses are great, and he cannot have a house in Rome "that is anything honest" under 150 ducats a year. Rome, 13 Dec.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
14 Dec.
R. O.
It is said here that he intends to invade France in the spring. Wishes to serve him in the war, as Russell tells him the King considers him as his servant. Advises him to send two men over to decide on the best place for entering the country. Is always on the frontier, and will tell them what he advises. Will show them a mill to be drawn on a cart with the artillery, of which each band should have one, to grind for them when in the enemy's country. Hopes next season to see him consecrated at Rheims. If he wants cavalry from these parts, he must give good warning. Daymeryes, 14 Dec. 1522. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
15 Dec.
Vit. B. V. 107. B. M.
2716. PACE to [WOLSEY].
Jerome Adorno arrived on the 2d, had his audience with the Doge, made a wise and eloquent proposition to forsake the French and come to some final conclusion of peace with the Emperor, declaring that the Pope and king of England should be conservators of the same. They demanded four days for deliberation, and then four days more. Their answer comprised only fair words, asking much of the Emperor and offering nothing, e.g., restitution of all the towns taken by his predecessor, &c., promising a sum of money in return, but they would not express how much. Before they declare against the French king, they demand the particularities of such surety as they shall have. Adorno has demanded two days' respite to make his reply by the advice of his colleague and Pace, and today they are going to draw up a protocol, which will force the senate to give a resolute answer. Venice, 15 Dec.
P.S.—Is informed that they are likely to have a more favorable answer than is afore expressed.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 4.
18 Dec.
R. O.
2717. BETON to DACRE.
Has received his letters, one dated Wark Castle, 28 Nov., the other Harbottle, 11 Dec. Thanks him for the good mind he has for the continuance of peace. The prorogation of the peace lately sent by the ambassador and Clarencieux is gladly accepted in every point by the lords, and the seals shall be interchanged "als gudlie as tha ma." As to Clarencieux's credence touching the Queen, hopes she is satisfied, as Dacre will hear by his report. Will send a servant to give him fuller information. Striveling, 18 Dec. Signed: James Chancellor of Scotland.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
18 Dec.
Vit.B. V. 110. B. M.
Received his letter, dated Rome, 30 Sept., which had been delayed on the road. Had heard nothing from him since he left Genoa, since neither don John Emanuel, nor Roderic Nignus (qu. Nigrius ?), had yet arrived. The courier brought a budget, four signed by the Pope, directed to the Emperor, which were scarcely legible. As the post was ready to start for Barcelona, ordering the despatch of Raphael de Medici, and of a German doctor sent to the Swiss, he could not be delayed for a reply to the Pope's letters, but the writer will take care that another courier shall be despatched with a full response. Meanwhile he will take the liberty to speak freely to him on the subject of the reception of his letters, and the present state of affairs.
The Pope does quite right to urge universal peace, and that princes should turn their arms against the Infidels; and that is the reason why the perfidy of the French ought specially to be punished, for they are the greatest disturbers of Christendom, as the house of Burgundy has experienced to its cost, attacking it when it was unprepared, and refusing honorable conditions of peace offered at Calais. When, however, the French king found that he was manifestly inferior in power, because the Pope and the Emperor were but one soul in two bodies, and were supported by the king of England, then he sought for peace, and offered terms which Charles could not accept without consulting his ally; so, in his despair, Francis, by his mother, endeavored to persuade the Pope to undertake the peace of Christendom and remain neutral, pretending, that by so doing, he would have the sole disposal of all, but really only wishing to gain time; and Adrian, who is of too much goodness to suspect any one, and was enthusiastic in his holy task of pacifying Christendom, has suffered himself to be deceived by the mellifluous persuasion of the French. Papal neutrality implies coldness to Cæsar, refusal of his just demands, abandonment of the liberty of Italy;—all tending to diminish the reputation of the Emperor, and discouraging his friends. This course will only help to comfort the French king, and induce him to withdraw from those offers of peace, and that cession of Milan, to which, otherwise, he would have consented. As Francis bestirs himself to collect an army, he compels the Emperor to do the same, "ut Gallos ad Italiam proficiscentes per caudam retrahat." When the Turk sees these things, whether the Rhodian expedition be completed or abandoned, he will turn his arms against the Two Sicilies, will find them unprepared, conquer them, strike a blow at Rome, and subvert the Holy See, unless God, in His mercy, interfere to save it.
If the Pope desire, therefore, to secure peace, he cannot doubt that the king of England and the Emperor, being such religious princes, would accept any reasonable terms that the French might offer; but the French cannot be trusted, and therefore the Pope must remove from them the opportunities of mischief, by joining heart and hand with the Emperor and the king of England. Then, when France is humbled, it will respect the Holy See, and no more venture to raise its horns against the Lamb. Let the Pope, therefore, urge the French to-offer conditions of peace, satisfactory to the Emperor and the king of England. If no such means exist, let him declare a truce on the status quo, warning the French king, in the interim, against sending an army into Italy. If he refuse this, the Pope cannot doubt that it is his duty to join with the Emperor, and that the French king should know that the Pope, the Emperor and England are intimately united. Let him urge the Venetians to join, and the Swiss to remain quiet. Let him grant to Cæsar the apostolical graces demanded, that, supported by the treasures of the Church, he may prepare a powerful fleet against the Infidels. If the spirit of malice persuade the Pope otherwise, all his good intentions will fail.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 7. Endd. in an English hand: Exemplum literarum Cancellarii æsaris ad summum Pontificem, dat. 18 Decembris.
21 Dec.
R. O.
Encloses seven warrants and placards which the King signed this morning, and delivered to him this instant on coming to mass. Wolsey has the signet with which they must be sealed. No news. Greenwich, St. Thomas's day, at mass time.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the cardinal of York, legate a latere and chancellor. Endd.
22 Dec.
R. O.
Apologizes for not writing oftener. The court is empty. On the 27th Oct., at Rhodes, the Turk was driven back to his camp, with a loss of 22,000 Janissaries, two "gran bassas," and a hundred standards. He will hear more at large from Silvester Darius. Rome, 22 Dec. 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
23 Dec.
R. O.
Has already written, at the request of Ant. Grimani, the doge of Venice, on behalf of the vessels belonging to Aloysius Pisano, detained in England. Wishes them to be liberated, as they contain merchandize belonging to the cardinal Sta. Maria in Porticu. Rome, 23 Dec. 1522, 1 pont.
Vellum, Lat. Add.
23 Dec.
R. O.
2722. The SAME to WOLSEY.
To the same effect. Rome, 23 Dec. 1522, 1 pont.
Vellum, Lat. Add.
24 Dec.
Calig. B. I. 157. B. M.
2723. DACRE to WOLSEY.
The French ambassadors and Clarencieux met the chancellor of Scotland and my lord Hamilton, the lieutenant and the other lords at Stirling, where the prorogation of the peace was thankfully accepted in the terms proposed by Wolsey, and proclaimed; the lords at Edinburgh on the other side have given full powers to the Chancellor to consent; "The queen of Scots has been sore acreysed and in jeopardy of her life, and now the small-pox are broken furth o[n] her; and for her causes the lords has decreted that for this year the Controller shall answer her of her conjunct feoffment, except Striveling and Lithquo, which she is contented to take into her own hands, according to such instructions as I made unto her, which I sent unto your grace a[t] my last writing. And so the King's highness, by your soliciting, has provided well for her." Sends a packet of letters from the said French ambassadors to the French ambassador in London, with one to himself, a letter from Clarencieux, and another from the Chancellor, who has exerted himself to get the prorogation passed without alteration. Harbottell, 24 Dec. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "To my lord Cardinal's grace." Endd.: "Lord Dacre's letters to my Lord's grace."
25 Dec.
Galba, B. VII. 354. B. M.
I wrote on the 23rd that I perceived by Marnix, my Lady's treasurer that she intended that the Spaniards on the frontier should be entertained. That evening I was sent for by my Lady, but heard nothing to the contrary. This morning I have a letter from a friend, which I enclose. It happened that Howstrate came to hear high mass at the White Friars, where I was. I asked him for news, and said I was glad to hear the Spaniards were to be retained, considering the bruit of the French king's coming down to the frontier. He replied that my Lady and the council would be very glad to see them entertained; but as they have heard of the general pardon given by the Emperor in Spain, they will not remain; nevertheless, they will be entreated to stay another month. This and the letter enclosed, and the words of Marnix formerly mentioned, show the poverty of spirit of these folks, "clothed in apparent lack of constancy." Ghent, Christmas Day 1522.
Hol., p. 1.
26 Dec.
Calig. B. VI. 270. B. M.
Received his letters dated "at zour house besyde Westmynster," 12 Nov. Thanks him for his kindness. Clarencieux and part of the lords have met at Stirling "this 17th day of December," and proclaimed the truce till St. Andrew's next. They have commanded her son's controller to "uptak all her conjunct feoffament" to her son's profit, except Stirling and Lithgow, which she holds as the principal fortresses in the country. That is all that is done for her. Could not "intreit this Frenche ambassadors," nor the lords, because she was and yet is "at maill ais, and troblit with seiknes;" so she is the worse off. Had written to Dacre, as Wolsey desired, for the state of her affairs, but to no good. Expected that Dacre would have forwarded her letter to Wolsey, that he might have informed her brother, but Dacre refused and returned her letters, to her great astonishment. It is no wonder that Scotchmen are unkind to her, when Englishmen are so unthankful. Has shown her mind plainly to Clarencieux, betwixt herself and Angus. Begs Wolsey to take her part, and not believe her enemies. "I insuir zow that I and he sall never forgaddir nor agre for certane cause which ze sall understand heir efter. I am plaine to zow, thar for I besek zow to help me out of sorrow, and help ws tittar to part nor to forgadder. And doing this ze do me ane singular plesur." Begs him to thank the King for his diamond, and that she may be excused for not writing with her own hand, "for because my handis and all my body are sa full of the smalle pockis that I micht noder writ, nor syt, nor skantlie speik." Stirling, 26 Dec.
Sends the King a ring by Clarencieux as a token. Signed.
Pp. 2. Endd. by Tuke: "The queen of Scots' letters to my lord."
26 Dec.
R. O.
His achievements and good fortune make him worthy of a double crown and double glory. It is foreseen that by his authority peace will be restored to Christendom before the spring, or that those who prefer war will perceive what it is to slight the avenging gods. Rome, 26 Dec. 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
27 Dec.
R. O.
2727. WM. COKE, of Calais.
i. Copy of the King's warrant to Sir William Sandes, treasurer of Calais, "for the payments of the King's money concerning the wages" and costs of Wm. Coke, sub pœna; being a privy seal ordering him to pay Sir Wm. Skeffington, for the wages of two men whom he has employed, from the 17th July 8 Hen. VIII., to keep ordnance left by the King at Calais on his return from his victorious journey in France, the sum of 8d. a day from that date. Richmond, 4 April 10 Hen. VIII.
ii. Sums due to Coke for attending on the King's ordnance. Wages for a year, 24 weeks and 4 days, from 26 Jan. 6 Hen. VIII. to 16 July 8 Hen. VIII., by command of Sir Wm. Skeffington, master of the ordnance, 12d. a day. For 4 years, 37 weeks, 2 days, from 14 July 8 Hen. VIII. to 6 April 12 Hen. VIII., by virtue of the above warrant, 8d. a day. His costs attending on the dean of the Chapel, my lord of Dublyn, Dr. Sampson and others, by the King's commands, for 2 years, from 28 March 11 Hen. VIII. to 27 May 13 Hen. VIII.; for going from Calais to Leicestershire and other places, 27l. 10s. Total, 111l. 14s. 8d.; of which received from Skeffington, 4l. 10s. Due for expenses from 29 March 13 Hen. VIII. to 27 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII., 11l. 3s. 8d.
iii. Copy of the oath given to Wm. Coke in the Chekyr at Calais, 15 April 10 Hen. VIII., before Sandes, Chr. Conway, Wm. Briswode, J. Ferrers and others, not to embezzle, sell or deliver without warrant any of the ordnance in his charge, or leave the English pale, or go to England, without the Treasurer's licence.—Kept this faithfully, and did his duty, but is now prevented by his adversaries, with no fault of his own, from executing the oath, and deprived of his wages. Has sold and mortgaged his land, and spent his money. Begs that his services may be considered.
iv. Coke's petition to the King.
Was attendant upon the ordnance, under the late Sir Sampson Norton, at the Tower and at Calais, with wages of 12d. a day. Was taken into service by Skeffington, with a promise of like wages, and has served for seven years, and only received 4l. 10s., in spite of the warrant addressed to Skeffington for the payment of his two assistants. Has petitioned since 28 March 11 Hen. VIII. Skeffington has deprived him of the keys of the house of ordnance, and his wages of 8d. a day. Begs to be restored, and paid.
v. Abstract of the evidence and proofs, on the part of Wm. Coke, against Sir Wm. Skeffington, in the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 12th years.
vi. "The copy of Master Stokisley's letter to Sir William Skeffington."
Is daily called upon to determine between him and Coke; and perceives by the depositions, and by books signed with his hand, that he ought to satisfy great part of Coke's demands. Trusts he will do so, before further suit is made to the King. Westm., 13 Dec. 13 Hen. VIII.
Copy. At the foot is a petition to the King on the subject.
vii. Interrogatories made on the part of Wm. Coke against Skeffington. Pp. 7.
29 Dec.
Galba, B. VII. 355. B. M.
Wrote last on the 25th. Was told today, by Howstrate, that the French king had not yet come to Amyas, but was at Le Chateau Tyry, in Champagne, where there was a muster of soldiers. My Lady had word from Fiennes that 200 or 300 of the Spaniards had almost reached Montreuil, and met with a company of French horse and foot, under St. Martyn, whom they have taken, and slain a good number of the band. If the Spaniards had only had a few horse, hardly one would have escaped; nevertheless, they have taken good booty. The French garrison at Beawrevoyre, a place belonging to Vendosme on the frontier of Hainault, and part of the garrison of St. Quintin's, were about to make an attack upon Hainault, when they were met by 30 spears, of Howstrate's company, who slew 3 men-at-arms, and took xvi ... prisoners, 30 other horses, and 40 or 50 foot, losing neither man nor horse themselves. Howstrate also says that 8 of his archers made an inroad on the French frontier, took some horses and other beasts, and a good number of peasants. I found nobody with Howstrate, except John de la Sawte, the secretary, who was writing. At my departure, he said he was busy about La Sawte's despatch. I asked whither, and he said to England. There has been no news from Italy, for some time, and there is no certainty about the surrender of Milan Castle. I hear from Antwerp that a Scotch ship or two have come to Zealand, so that they are profiting by the truce; especially as a report is spread that peace is made between the two kingdoms, and their young king was to be delivered to the King's highness, which I would were true; but they and the French are so accustomed to feign, I cannot believe a word they say. Ghent, 29 Dec. 1522.
Hol., pp. 2.
30 Dec.
S. B. Rym. XIII. 778.
Licence to Vincent Laurens, Yvon Le Poytevyn, Wm. Domyne and others, merchants of Croswyk, in Brittany, taken prisoners at sea by Sir Thos. Boleyn, treasurer of the Household, to import 300 waie of salt for their ransom. Del. Westm., 30 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.
Fr. 14 Hen. VIII. m. 3.
31 Dec.
R. O.
About eight years ago made an exchange of certain lands with the duke of Buckingham. Now, after the Duke's death, Magnus and other officers have entered on the lands which Berners received, and have taken part of the last half year's rent. Begs that they may be ordered to return these sums, and that he may either retain these lands, or have his own again, which he would prefer. Calais, 31 Dec.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
Jortin, III.
Thanks for his letters. Is much troubled by a cough and the stone; still more by the incessant attacks made upon him by dunces. Stunica has been encouraged to assail him. The present Pope is a mere schoolman, and not favorable to polite literature. Is invited to Rome, and promised 500 ducats by cardinal Sion, but is afraid of the journey. Commends Vives, the bearer. Reuchlin is dead, and Erasmus has made his assumption the subject of one of his dialogues. Basle, kal._1522.
Begs him to enclose three daggers in his male, and deliver as directed. From Esshelingham.
P.S.—His lord says Lancaster need not ride post with the letters. Desires him to deliver a letter enclosed to my lord of Durham, "and the other to my lord of Surrey if he be at London; if not, to keep it until my Lord's coming thither, and so to redeliver it again to his gracè."
R. O. 2733. T. LORD DARCY to MATTHEW HALL at London.
Instructions "to deliver Fraunces Spynolle there as soon as he can," by the advice of Darcy's counsel. Is to desire Mr. Lister to speed all the matters about which Darcy wrote to him; to buy, with the best husbandry he can, 24 "gaifflyngs" of a good and proper fashion, with good stiff staves, and bob them all with red and yellow. Is to send them down by a carrier, and take money for them of Jas. Medilton from the farms at Stow, which he received from Thos. Williams, or else of Mr. Lister or Conyers. Is to desire Mr. Lister to provide for the King's new year gift and deliver it; price, about 6l. 13s. 4d.
In Darcy's hand, signed with his initials, p.1.
Has received lord Darcy's letter mentioning the great scarcity of provisions. Fears that no arrears from Kent will be yet received, as the last pardon has reduced the sheriff's profits, but has received 30l. for rent from Devonshire, and paid to "Mr. Sir Arthur "24l. according to Darcy's warrant, and 6l. 1 mark for the King's new year's gift, and 35s. for Darcy's rents to Fen. Had no money to pay Sir Arthur's annuity since Michaelmas, and wishes to know the amount due. Advises Darcy to give up Fenn's house, as it is of no use, and has sent Laurence, Darcy's servant, to sell the rest of his woods in Devonshire. Cannot collect the rent at Ormesby, as the people there say it has been already paid. Provisions are plenty at London, but Gascon wine not to be had good under 10l. a tun. Would not advise provisions to be sent by water till God send peace. Wishes to wait on his lordship at Templehurst.
Has helped Mr. Husy to the best of his power for lord Mountegle's matters, "and is at a point for the same, and shall have all the lands in ferm, as he will write to you."
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
Below the address: Total by him received, 1,273l. 3s. 4d. Total paid by him, 303l. Os. 2d.
R. O. 2735. PORTUGAL.
1522.—Petition from the Portuguese to Charles V. not to suffer his subjects to go to the Indies.
By the labor and industry of the Portuguese, and partly by their knowledge of cosmography and astronomy, they have crossed to the Indies, which were first explored and conquered by their kings, and from which many commodities are now imported into Christian lands. Many of the Emperor's subjects now go thither, but should desist, and make compensation.
The Emperor answers, that Lusitania has always been so poor that its people cannot live in it, and have been compelled to seek subsistence elsewhere. As they had no trade, owing to their poverty, they were obliged to go to sea, and found, by their great wisdom as they say, undiscovered lands. In reality they have been driven from those countries by various mischances and their own mismanagement. He therefore refuses to prohibit his subjects from trading to the Indies.
On the ambassadors replying that the Portuguese would prevent his subjects from going thither, the Emperor dismisses them by saying he is able to thwart their attempts, and when they are in a wiser frame of mind they may return to him.
Copy, Lat., p. 1. Endd. by lord Burleigh
Presentation by the wardmote quest of Farringdon warde against Rob. Susan, horner, a Frenchman, occupying as a freeman, who maintains foreigners in his house, and will not be sworn to Henry VIII.
The confession of Aleyn Dawse, of Estderham, before Sir John Shelton, sheriff of Norfolk.
Was one of the watch on Monday in Easter week, and between 9 and 10 o'clock at night Nic. Fyske and John Asome came to him at Richard Pek's gate, and said they had often spoken to him to go into gentlemen's harness. Said he was assigned to be in the harness of Robt. Laws, Ric. Bawdeswell, and John Wellys. They answered that was no matter, for they would find means for him to accompany them if he would be sworn on a book to secresy; which he did; and they said he should be with a nobleman dwelling near London, and have 10d. a day, instead of 6d., the King's wages. Said he wished to know his captain. After swearing him again, they told him he was Ric. De la Pole, who had been kept from his rights for many years, and bid him not to be afraid, as there were 100 more retained in the same manner. On leaving, they told him to be ready at an hour's warning, and offered him 6s. 8d. as prest, which he refused. Signed by Shelton.
Pp. 2.
Commends to them a young man who was secretary to Mr. Mallet, canon of Windsor, and asks them to find some place for him, as he is devoted to literature. He has money to live on until he is received into some college.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: To Master Darell and Mr. Golde, yn Saynt Joans yn Cambryge, thys be dd. On the dorse: Auditum audivi de me pessimum.
Harl. MS.
6989. f. 47. B.M.
Thanks him for the interest he takes in his health. Is much pleased to hear Golde's praises of Michael's modesty and studiousness. Will do what is necessary for Michael's support, in order that his patroness (susceptrix) may fulfil her promises, and never fail him if he is not wanting to himself. Bugden. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.: Magistro Henrico Goldo, Cantabrigiæ.
R. O. 2740. The LOAN.
Certificate by Sir Ralph Shyrley, John Beamond and Wm. Loll, commissioners in co. Leic., to lord Mountjoy, chamberlain to the Queen, Sir Rob. Poyntz and Sir Th. Bryan, commissioners for assessing the Queen's servants for the aid, that Rob. Hasilryg, of Castill Donyngton, Leic., the Queen's servant, is assessed on 50l. in lands, and fees at 25s., which he has paid to John Davers and others, collectors of the hundred of Goskote. Signed.
R. O. 2741. [The LOAN.]
Beds, Bucks, Berks, Camb., Dorset, Essex, Hunts, Herts, Kent, Linc. (Kesteven, Lindsey and Holland), Midd., Northt., Norf., Oxf., Surrey, Hants, Suff., Somers., Sussex, Wilts, Warw., city of Coventry, Isle of Wight:—Commissioners to meet on the 2 March in each county, and make their return and show their monies in the quinzaine of Easter.
Cheshire, Cornw., Cumb., Devonsh., Derby, York (E., W. and N. Ridings), Glouc., Heref., Leic., Notts., Northumb., Rutl., Staff., Salop, Westmor., Worc.:—Commissioners to meet on the 9 March in each county, and make their return and show their monies in the quinzaine of Easter.
Lat., pp. 2.
R. O. 2742. MUSTERS.
"A certificat for the musters of the hundreds of Kyftsgate, Hol-for dand Grefton, in the county of Gloucester, brought frome Sir John à Brigges and other commissioners there."
Endorsement on a separate leaf.
R. O. 2743. [MUSTERS.]
"Surrey.—The hwndrethe off Wallyngton."
Endorsement on a fly leaf.
Royal MS.
7. C. XVI. f. 127. B. M.
2744. The NAVY.
Estimate for the victualling of 3,000 men at sea for eight weeks.
It is thought that one peck of wheat will suffice one man for a week. Amount required, 750 qrs. 140 pipes of beer, being one a day for every 120 men. I pipe of beef, containing 2½ oxen, will last 100 men for a week; amount required, 600 oxen. 112 qrs. 4 b. bay salt, being 1½ b. to an ox. 18,000 salt fish, at 40s. the 100, being one a day to every four men, and three days fish in the week.
For 25,000 men on the land for four weeks, 3,125 qurs. of wheat; 7,000 pipes of beer.
Pp. 2. Endd.
14. B. XLI. B.M.
Estimates for a land army to cross the sea with the King; for retinues of horse to be retained in Flanders to serve against the French king; for armies by land and sea to guard the Scotch frontier, and for garrisons on the Borders, and at Calais and Guisnes.
For the land army.—26,000 English foot, including 260 captains and 260 petty captains, coats 40d. each. Conduct money to Dover: for the captains, estimated at 10 day, 4s. a day; petty captains, 2s. a day; and for the men 6s. 8d. each. Wages: captains 4s. a day, petty captains 2s., men 6d. Diets of the lieutenants of the vanguard and rearguard, 66s. 8d. a day. 4,000 Almain foot at 6d. a day, and 10 captains at 4s.; 8,000 horsemen retained in Flanders at 8 fl. a month, "rating every florin at 28 stivers, that is, in sterling money 3s. 1d., and one English, that is to say, 3 stivers to one English groat and three Englishes to one penny;" 8 lieutenants, 8 captains and 8 standardbearers, 1,600 fl. a month in all; 8 grand captains at 600 fl. a month. For retaining wagons in Flanders, by estimate, 10,000l. Carriage of ordnance, wages of gunners, carpenters, smiths, &c., 50,000l. Transport of the army from Dover and Sandwich to Calais, and their return, 5,000l. Provision of artillery and ordnance, 10,000l. Conduct money home, nil, it being probable that the residue of their last month's wages may suffice. Total for 6 months, 292,689l. 6s. 4d.
Garrisons at Calais and Guisnes.—1,000 English foot, coats at 40d.; conduct money at 40d. Wages: 980 men, 6d. a day, 10 captains 4s., and 10 petty captains 2s.; total for 6 months, 4,953l. 6s. 8d.
For the defence against Scotland.—1,500 horse for a garrison this next year, including 15 captains and 15 petty captains, and the same number for the year following; coats and conduct money, 6s. 8d. Wages: captains 4s., petty captains 2s., men 8d.; a land army for guarding the frontier, 20,000l. Total, 47,460l.
For the army by sea.—Coats and conduct money for 2,000 soldiers, mariners, &c. for this next year, at the rate mentioned in the estimate for 3,000 men to remain with the Cardinal, 897l. 4s. 4d. Renewing their coats for the voyage the year following, 230l. 11s. Conduct money for 1,000 of the above number, who will be discharged at the end of certain months in the first voyage, and appointed for certain months in the second voyage, 6s. 8d. each. Conduct of the remainder, nil, as they will remain at sea for two years. Wages, victuals, deedshares, rewards, &c. for 1,000 men at sea during next winter, for five months, 3,005l. 8s. 4d. 2,000 men during the summer, 7 months, 8,415l. 3s. 4d., and similar expenses for the year following. Tackle, cables, hawsers, anchors, &c., 3,000l. Conduct money home, nil. Total, 27,302l. 5s. 8d. Total cost of the war, 372,404l. 18s. 4d.
Mem.—To move the lady Margaret to bear the charge of 3,000 Almains and 3,000 horse.
A paper roll. Mutilated at the commencement.
Endd.: "An estimate of the charges of an army to pass the sea."
R. O. 2746. SHIPS.
The Mawdlyn of Dover, 140 [tons], 26 mariners, 16 dedshares. To Robt. Fowche, purser, for the mariners and dedshares, at 5s. a month each. "Tondage," 12d. a ton for the month, 7l. Four more dedshares were awarded to this ship, because Chr. Coo sailed in her as a ship of war while The Lezard was mending at Portsmouth.
The George of Newcastle, 40 [tons], 8 mariners, 2 dedshares. To Chr. Shadforth, master, for men and tondage as above, 4l. 10s.
* * *
The Trynyte of Erith, 50 [tons], 10 mariners, 4 dedshares. To Robt. Fowche, owner, as above, 6l.
A fragment.
R. O. 2747. ARMY.
3,000 infantry for a year, at 6d. a day, 27,375l. 30 captains at 4s. a day, 2,190l. 30 petty captains at 2s., 1,095l. Total for a year, 30,660l. For 30,000 infantry, 306,600l. 1,000l. horsemen at 18d. a day, for a year, 22,375l. For 10,000 horse, 223,750l.
In Tuke's hand, p. 1.
"The King's ship called the ... prested every of them at 2s. amou[nteth] ... conduct money for ... xx. from the ship ... or there abouts to London, every of them 6s. 8d. ... at 6s. 8d., 40l. The master's cost in fetching of the same, 26s. 8d. For coats of the said 200 mariners and gunners, every of them at 20d., amounting to 16l. Victuals for the said 200 persons, every one of them [x]viii[d.] for the week by the time of 8 weeks, amounteth to [c]xx.l." Total, 196l. 6s. 8d.
The Mary and John.—Presting of 150 mariners and gunners, 2s. each. Conduct money for 80 of them from Suffolk at 3s. 6d. each. The master's cost in fetching them, 20s. Coats for the 150 men, at 1s. 8d. each. Victuals for 8 weeks, at 18d. a week each man. Total, 132l. 10s.
The Christopher Gonson.—Presting of 110 men, at 2s. each. Conduct money of 50 from Sandwich to London, 2s. 6d. each. The master's cost in fetching them, 13s. 4d. Coats for the 110 men, at 20d. each. Victuals, 8 weeks, at 1s. 6d. a week each man. Total, 90l. 1s. 8d.
The Swalowe, otherwise called The Rowbarge.—Presting 60 men at 2s. each. Conduct money for 30 men from Kent to London, 2s. each. The master's cost in fetching them, 6s. 8d. Coats for the 60 men, 1s. 8d. each. Victuals, 18d. the week, for 8 weeks. Total, 50l. 6s. 8d.
The Alyce Hopton, otherwise called The Galleon.—60 men as above, 50l. 6s. 8d. Total, 420l. 11s. 8d.
Paper roll.
Dec./GRANTS. 2749. GRANTS in DECEMBER 1522.
2. Sir Wm. Compton and Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam. Grant of the manors of Warplesdon and Cleygate, Surrey, to hold by fealty; rent, 28l. 13s. 4d.; and to be keepers of Henley park, Surrey, with 6d. a day, and herbage and pannage:—on surrender of patents 30 April 5 Hen. VIII. and 26 Sept. 8 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 2 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7, 8.
3. Joan, wife of Ric. Spencer, of Sturmistre Marshall, Dorset. Pardon for all thefts from Ric. Norton, of Sturmystre Marshall, whose servant she was. Greenwich, 4 June 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 3 Dec.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 5.
12. Sir Ralph Egerton, knight for the Body. Annuity of 4l. out of the issues of the manor of El[li]smer, marches of Wales, in the King's gift by the minority of Edward, son and heir of Thomas earl of Derby. Hychen, 2 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 12 Dec.—P.S.
12. John Lorkyn of St. Clement's Danes, London, butcher, alias yeoman of the Crown, alias of Harnsay, Middx., yeoman of the Guard. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Bishop's Hatfield, 3 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 12 Dec.—P.S.
14. Sir Edw. Echyngham. Protection for Ric. Lee, of London, grocer. Signed: Edward Echyngham, knyth. Del. Westm., 14 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.
14. Sir Edw. Echyngham. Protection for Wm. Lee, of London, goldsmith and "finer." Signed; Edward Echyngham, knyth. Del. Westm., 14 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.
14. David de la Roche. Protection for Rob. Bailye, of London, founder, going to the war. Signed: Davyd de la Roche, squier. Del. Westm., 14 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.
18. Henry Salford, gent. waiter to the Queen, and Wm. Brooke. To be keepers of Westhay in Rokingham forest, with 3d. a day. Del. Westm., 18 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m.23. (undated).
18. Th. Dunely, native of Charburgh, Normandy. Denization. Del. Westm., 18 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII. In margin: "Pro 100s. solutis in Hanaperio."—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 18.
18. Th. Hay, yeoman of the Guard. To be bailiff and warrener of Sherston, Wilts; on surrender by John Tompson, yeoman of the Crown, of pat. 14 Sept. 2 Hen. VIII. Monastery of St. Alban's. 12 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Dec.—P.S.
18. Sir Thos. Tyrell, Sir Edw. Grevell, Sir Th. Fetyp[l]ace, Giles Grevell, John Horne, Rob. Fulwode, Wm. Nevell, merchant, Wm. Walbot, Wm. Holbache, and Alex. Colley. Pardon for having been seized, without licence, of the manor of Ichyngton Longa and other lands granted to them in reversion by Edw. Odyngsellys, deceased. Westm., 18 Dec.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 4.
20. Stephen Cope. Lease of the site of the manor of Bedhampton, Hants, &c., for 21 years; rent 17l. 13s. 4d., and 26s. of increase. Del. Westm., 20 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. (fn. 6)
20. Wm. Le Creant, native of France, cross-bow maker. Denization. Del. Westm., 20 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 20.
21. Roger More. Exemption from serving on juries, &c. Del. Westm., 21 Dec. [14] Hen. VIII.—S.B. Pat. p. 1, m. 19.
27. Wm. Huxley, clerk of the Ordnance. Protection for Ric. Trewlove, of Southwerk, Surrey, vintner. Signed by Huxley. Del. Westm., 27 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.
27. Wm. Skeffyngton, master of the Ordnance. Protection for Clement Wilshere, of London, mercer. Signed by Skeffyngton. Del. Westm., 27 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII.—P.S.b.


  • 1. This is the usual commencement of Wingfield's letters about this time.
  • 2. A marginal note says, "between the King, the French, and her" (my Lady).
  • 3. Supplied from a marginal note in a modern hand before the Fire.
  • 4. Supplied from modern marginal note.
  • 5. See no. 1290.
  • 6. See 20 Sept. 1522.