Henry VIII: November 1522

Pages 1123-1135

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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November 1522

Calig. B. VI.
19. B. M. St. P. I. 114.
Sends two letters received this day from lord Dacre, describing the duke of Albany's departure from Scotland. Thinks he has done it to avoid the displeasure of the French king, who cannot be comprised in any league with England whilst Albany remains there. Dacre is inclined to stop Albany's secretary with such letters and instructions as the writer delivered him. Thinks, as these letters are honorable to the King and piquant to the Duke, the Scotch lords will be induced to desire a further truce. Has written to Dacre not to consent to abstinence of arms without reasonable overtures from them. If they hesitate to make truce from month to month, meanwhile to make all provision requisite for the invasion. The absence of the Duke, the division among the Scotch lords, and their inability to assemble an army, will give the King's forces great advantage. With garrisons on the Borders and security from Scotland, he may, at no great cost, compel them to the observance of such terms as he may demand. Has this day, in conjunction with the council and the judges, proceeded to nominate the sheriffs in every shire. Sends the names in a parchment bill. Desires the King to "tot and mark" such as he pleases. Encloses letters sent to Dacre from the queen of Scotland and the duke of Albany, the former confirming the Duke's departure.
Draft in Ruthal's hand, pp. 2. Endorsed in a later hand.
2 Nov.
Vesp. C. II. 33. B. M.
Reached Doignes, Oct. 27. Lodgings are scarce. The Portuguese ambassador is at Medina dell Campo. The Emperor was hunting at the time. Reached Valladolid 31st Oct. The Emperor has provided them with lodgings. Cesar, master of the horse, amused them with running the swift "genets." Were attended to their lodgings by the archbishop of Compostolane, the duke of Alva, and others. Next day the duke of Nagiers, the bishop of Burgos, and others, attended them to the Emperor, who accepted their letters with great joy. Sampson pronounced the oration. The Emperor made them ride with him to the market-place; and there, upon a great stage, he pronounced pardon on those who had been concerned in the late rebellion. Valladolid, 2 Nov.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
2 Nov.
Vesp. C. II. 35. B. M.
To the same effect, with the exception of a passage at the conclusion of the letter, stating that the Almayns had distressed the victuals coming to Fonterabia, and slain 400 men. Valladolid, 2 Oct. (sic). Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.
3 Nov.
R. O.
Has commenced a treatise, De Immunitate Ecclesiæ, (fn. 1) proving that it is derived from the Law of God. As Wolsey is the great defender of the Church, sends the book to him for his approval: ut palam intelligat dominatio tua Christi ecclesiam ad immunitatis suæ propugnationem in divina lege copiosis probationibus non carere. Will send the rest when completed. Sarum, 3 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Lat.
Col. Dno' suo Ebor. archepræsuli et Cardinali dignissimo.
3 Nov. R. O. 2653. SIR HEW VAUGHAN to WOLSEY.
Has received a subpœna, commanding him to appear by attorney with his patent as captain of Jersey for the controversy between himself and Helyer the Carteret for the office of bailiff and the lordship of Saint Germain. Has appointed Master Nudigatte his attorney, and sent him a copy of the patent under the King's seal of this isle. Hopes it will be accepted, as the patent is in such custody that it cannot be had unless he is present himself. Has lately received two tuns of wine of Angeow. Sends them, one for the King, and the other for Wolsey, and has asked Master Betts, customer of Hampton, to cause them to be conveyed safely. Is promised more, and will send Angeow or Gascoigne as he pleases. At the King's castle of Jersey, 3 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's good grace, legate de latere.
5 Nov.
S. B.
To be Blowmantel pursuivant-at-arms, with 10l. a year. Del. Westm., 5 Nov. 14 Hen VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 27.
7 Nov.
P. S. b.
Significavit of Thomas Lovell, LL.D., vicar general of the cardinal of York, perpetual commendatory of the bishopric of Bath and Wells, that he has confirmed the election of John Shyrbourne, monk, as abbot of the said monastery. Wells, 7 Nov. 1522.
In the margin: Somers., Dors., et mandatum, &c. T. apud Westm., 12 die Novembris, anno 14o.
7 Nov.
R. O.
Receipt, dated 7 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII., by Laurence Holyngworth, for certain plate from Ric. Lister, solicitor to the King, which my lord (Darcy) had pledged to Robt. Amadas for 40 mks. Signed.
8 Nov.
R. O.
Receipt, dated 8 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII., by Laurence Holyngworth, for two "garnes" of pewter vessels, price 3l. 6s. 8d., from Ric. Crostweyt, of London, pewterer, to the use of lord Darcy, to be paid for by Lyster, the King's solicitor, in accordance with Darcy's letter. Signed.
8 Nov.
R. O. Rym. XIII. 775.
Bull, sub plumbo, granting licence to hold the abbey of St. Alban's in commendam. Rome, 6 id. Nov. 1522, 1 pont.
Lat., on vellum.
8 Nov.
S. B.
2659. For HEN. NORRES, squire for the Body.
Grant, in tail male, of the manors of Southo, Hunts, and Tylbroke, Beds, late of Edward duke of Buckingham, attainted. Del. Westm., 8 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII
10 Nov.
R. O.
Receipt, dated 10 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. by Thos. Arundell, esq., for 10l. from Ric. Lyster, by the Cardinal's order, as his fee granted by lord Darcy from the lordship of Talworth, for the year ending Michaelmas last. Signed.
10 Nov.
R. O.
Expresses his deep gratitude to Wolsey for his kindness in educating and bringing him up. His memory can scarcely revert to the time when he first experienced Wolsey's benevolence;—it was at such an early period of his life. He, above all other men, is bound to the Cardinal, and will do his utmost to be grateful. Himself and his colleague have finished their journey after much peril and hardship. The country is not naturally very fertile, but is now much more barren from the civil wars of last year. Everything is three times as dear as formerly. Firewood for a day costs a ducat, and other things in proportion. If he remain much longer, must be supplied with money. Has sufficient for the present, from his daily allowance and from the kindness of friends; but his expenses, although he lives moderately, will soon bring him to want. The Emperor was pleased with Wolsey's letters, but sorry to hear of his ill health. Valladolid, 10 Nov.
Hol., Lat., pp. 3. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
11 Nov.
Vesp. C. II. 39*. B. M. Rym. XIII. 776.
Has received the letters from England. Would not allow his secretary [Touchett ?] to return to England without his remembrances. Valladolid, 11 Nov. 1522. Signed.
P. 1. Add.
11 Nov.
Vesp. C. II. 36. B. M.
Delivered their instructions to the Emperor on the 5th, and those that were sent to Sir Thomas Spinelly, which Tychette, by the Emperor's command, had translated into French before their coming. As they have already written to the King the Emperor's answers, there is no need to repeat them. Think there is no man more faithful to the King than the Emperor. By the bishop of Barry and Prospero de Colonna the Emperor understands that Francis will continue his overtures for peace. The Emperor is popular, for his general pardon has put many in surety that were in danger of their lives and goods. Some in this town were in sanctuary. Two or three towns in Valencia still hold out. Think the Emperor will be stable about the great expedition against France. The ambassador of Portugal has arrived, with a large train, to negotiate about the spiceries, and the return of the Queen of Portugal. Desire to know what ciphers they shall use. Send a few for Wolsey to choose from. Have heard from different quarters of neglected intelligence from England. Fontsakke, who is appointed for matters touching the war, said that in this busy world he thought the King required two or three "spinaces," and the Emperor as many, to keep up mutual intelligence. It is rumored that 7,000 or 8,000 of the King's troops have been defeated, and that Hedyn was abandoned to the French. Wish information on the subject, that they may contradict it. Desire that Touchett, the bearer of these letters, may be reimbursed his expenses. The Emperor refuses to treat of a marriage with Portugal, till he has communicated with Henry. Delaroche informs them that the French are endeavoring to revictual Fonterabia.—Beg Wolsey to be good lord to Windsor Herald, who, as they wrote from Plymouth, lost two good horses. Valladolid, 11 Nov. Signed.
In Sampson's hand. Pp. 6. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace. En Engleterre.
11 Nov.
R. O.
Thanks him for his counsel. Would be glad to have the friar observant Raynscrofte, if he knew for certain he was a virtuous man. Desires the counsel of Dr. Machell and Thomas Grice about his will. As to the matter between him and Sir Richard Tempest, is content to "abide upon" Darcy and Sir John Hussy. "For a great novelty I have sent unto you two firkins of beer, because ye love beer well." His son Thomas recommends himself to Darcy, and sends him a courser, which he valued highly; "therefore I believe that the young cock will crow after the old as nigh as he can." Hornby, 11 Nov. Signed and sealed.
In Ric. Bank's hand, p. 1. Add.
12 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 263. B. M.
I. [Wolsey] to Dacre.
Has received his letter dated Harbottle, the 20th of this month, wherein, after rehersal of Wolsey's other letters, he states that it appeared, by the abstinence made between himself and Albany, that queen Margaret had demanded another month for the passage of the ambassadors. Wolsey can find no mention of this in the original counterpane. Some notice of it is in other articles sent to Dacre, as he will see by Wolsey's letter to the Queen, of which he sends a copy, and of one to Albany. Commends his policy. Has received a copy of a letter sent by Albany to his secretary now in England, "wherein, after his accustomable manner, he useth much haughtiness and presumptuous manner; whereunto I have made plain answer." Sends a copy. The King will assent to a truce for three months without the comprehension of France. Dacre is politiely to urge the truce without much pressing. Thomas Hart shall be sent to him shortly.
II. [Henry VIII.] to the Council of Scotland.
Credence for Clarencieux. "Yeven under our signet at our castle of Hertforde," 10 Nov.
III. The Same to Queen Margaret.
IV. "Remembrances for Clarencieux."
1. He shall submit to lord Dacre the advisableness of proroguing the abstinence to the end of January rather than February. Clarencieux shall follow his advice. Wolsey thinks the Scotch ambassadors may be in England by that time, "having part of this month of November, with December and January wholly," to get ready. 2. He is to aggravate to the uttermost Albany's demand for the comprehension of France, and show what commodities will ensue by the mercantile intercourse of the two countries; that it is the object of France always to sow dissension, and divert the power of England from themselves to Scotland. He is to urge them to send ambassadors to treat for peace.
Drafts, in Ruthal's hand, pp. 4. Endd.: xij. Novembris, anno xiiij.
12 Nov.
Calig. B. VI. 254. B. M.
Instructions to Clarencieux, containing the order for his voyage to Scotland.
1. On his way thither he shall repair to Dacre, submit to him all his instructions, as he knows better the intents of the Scotch lords since Albany's departure. 2. On his arrival he shall visit queen Margaret, and shall "much laud and praise her," on the King's behalf, for the labor she has taken in the peace; adding that she knows better than he why "the pleasant words at that time spoken be clearly subverted and alterate;" and he sent Clarencieux to learn whether she and the lords will follow Albany's example, or apply themselves to peace. 3. He shall then state to the lords of Scotland that he has letters of credence and overtures for them, demand an audience, and make a speech, of which the substance is given, to the effect that, out of the King's desire for the general good, he had forborne to take revenge for Albany's attempt to invade England, and had listened to his sister's mediation for peace. Whatever he had done was in the interest of his nephew, against the designs of that person who had aspired to the crown at the suggestion of the King of France. Hopes they will not suffer themselves to be abused in such a way for the future. Desires to know their intention, and if they are agreeable to a peace, he will condescend to a truce till the end of February; if not, the blame of the war must fall upon themselves. If they desire the French king to be comprehended, Clarencieux shall answer according to the letters addressed by Wolsey to Albany, a copy of which he shall take with him, and also of Albany's instructions.
Draft, corrected by Ruthal, pp. 17.
12 Nov.
S. B.
Cumb.—Wm. Bewleugh, *John Penyngton, John Lamplewgh.
Northumb.—Wm. Hilton, Wm. Heron, *Ph. Dacre.
York.—Sir John Nevill, Ninian Merkenfeld, *Sir Hen. Clifford.
Notts and Derby.—*John Vernon, Sir John Byron, Sir Ric. Basset.
Linc.—*Sir Andrew Billesby, John Seyntpaule, Wm. Skipwith.
Warw. and Leic.—Sir John Villers, Edw. Ferrers, *Wm. Broun of Cestre Over.
Salop.—*Peter Newton, Th. Vernon, Th. New[po]rt.
Staff.—Edw. Littelton, *Sir Wm. Smyth, Sir Walter Griffith.
Heref.—Jas. Baskervile, *Rowland Morton, John Blount.
Worc.—Sir Wm. Compton.
Glouc.—*Sir Tho. Berkeley, Sir John Brigges, Rob. Wye.
Oxf. and Berks.—*Sir Simon Harecourt, John Horne, Sir. Wm. Essex.
Northt.—*Sir John Clerk, Th. Lovet, Sir Ric. Knyghtley.
Camb. and Hunts.—Rob. Peynton, John Huddelston, *Ph. Parys.
Beds and Bucks.—*Rob. Dormer, Th. Langston, Sir Ric. Hampden.
Norf. and Suff.—Sir Anth. Wyngfeld, Sir John Shelton, *Sir Wm. Walgrave.
Essex and Herts.—Sir John Marney, *Sir Rog. Wentworth, Sir Fr. Brian.
Kent.—*Sir John Fogge, Sir Wm. Hawte, Wm. Draper.
Surr. and Suss.—Sir Tho. West, *Ric. Covert, Wm. Fynche.
Hants.—Sir Arth. Plantagenet, Wm. Pounde, *Wm. Paulet.
Wilts.—*Sir Edw. Baynton, Sir John Seymour, Sir Hen. Longe.
Somers. and Dors.—Sir Tho. Trenchard, Andr. Loterell, *Wm. Caraunt.
Devon.—Ph. Champernon, Sir Wm. Carewe, *Sir Tho. Denys.
Cornw.—Wm. Loure, *Roger Greynfeld, John Chamond.
Westml.—Hen. Lord Clifford.
Rutland.—John Calcote, *Geo. Makworth, Maurice Berkeley.
Del. Westm., 12 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.
Signed by the King, top and bottom.
Those persons were chosen sheriffs whose names were pricked by the King, and are marked above with an asterisk.
12 Nov. 2668. For the MONASTERY OF MOCHELNEY.
Writ to the escheator of Somerset and Dorset for restitution of the temporalities, on the election of John Sherborne as abbot. Westm., 12 Nov.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 2.
13 Nov.
R. O.
Has written to the King, and now writes to the Cardinal, for the release of the Venetian galleys. Rome, 13 Nov. 1522. Signed: Evangelista.
Lat. Vellum.
15 Nov.
Vit. B. v. 101. B. M.
2670. PACE to [WOLSEY].
Had written of the coming of Jeronimo Adorno, for accelerating the league between the Venetians and the Emperor. He has not yet arrived, because don John Manuel, who sailed from Genoa to Spain, met a French ship conveying to Rome the family and household stuff of card. Ausetanus, which he has taken. It is supposed that the French king is making secret efforts for peace, and has sent Ausetanus to Rome for that purpose. The signory tells him that the Emperor has sent no commission to his ambassador resident to treat of the controversies dependent between them, and they offered in Pace's presence to treat with the Imperial ambassador, if he could show a sufficient commission. They will never declare against France until peace is concluded between them and the Emperor. They accumulate large sums of money, fortify their towns, and their preparations are incredible. It will not be easy to have them as enemies, and they would be no small hindrance to such other enterprises as the King and the Emperor might take in hand. Thinks it would be wiser if the Emperor spent his money "in the enterprise to be made in those parties against France," and not in Italy. The Pope hesitates to declare himself against France, in consequence of the siege of Rhodes, which, as Pace hears, is dissolved. Hopes it may prove so. They have heard nothing for some days. Venice, 15 Nov.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 4.
15 Nov.
R. O.
Has now learned by experience his great kindness, of which he had before heard. Wishes he could repay it, even in the smallest degree. Desires credence for the bearer. Wishes to have a copy of the letter which Henry has written in his favor to the French king and the lady Margaret. Places in his hands his request to the King, which Henry had remitted to the bishop of Winchester. Would wait to urge his suit, but has received letters from his own country, which compel him to return. The monastery of Our Lady of Graces, near the Tower, 15 Nov. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
Commission to Wm. Herbert, of Grughall, Llewellyn ap Morgan and Nich. Williams, to make inquisition in co. Heref. and the marches of S. Wales, concerning the possessions of Edw. duke of Buckingham, attainted. Westm., 15 Nov.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 15d.
17 Nov.
R. O.
Thanks him for his letters, and the messages of the ambassadors lately arrived. Spoke to them about the necessity of losing no opportunity to exterminate the enemy. Desires credence for his ambassadors in England, to whom also he writes. Valladolyd, 17 Nov. 1522. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
17 Nov.
R. O.
Sends copies for the King and him of the names excepted from the late general pardon. Sends also the ciphers which he has devised. Will use them, or others, as Wolsey pleases. Vale Dolede, 17 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
17 Nov.
R. O.
2675. The LOAN.
Indenture, dated 17 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.. of the receipt by Edm abbot of York, of 50l. for the loan, from Gervase Cawodd for Wm. Frankleyn, chancellor of Durham.
Signed by Cawodd.
18 Nov.
R. O.
The justices, dean, curates and a great number of the commonalty of Jersey have complained of Helier Carteret, the baily of the Isle, saying that he does not administer justice, and has broken commands sent to him at divers times by the King and Wolsey. Asks power to elect another in his room. Mountorgill Castle, Jersey, 18 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace, legate de latere.
Doray, a Norman, complains that Vaughan hindered the vicecount of Jersey from putting him in possession of a mill, about which he had a suit with Thomas Molett, in accordance with the commandment of the justice. Vaughan answers that the judgment was given by Helyer de Carttred, bailiff of Jersey, and was void because the mill is the King's inheritance. If he had allowed the jurates to determine the King's inheritance, the King would have lost the mill and other lands to the value of 300l. a year.
P. 1. Endd.: Richard Doray, an old bill.
20 Nov.
Galba, B. VII. 348. B. M.
Wrote last on the 14th. My Lady has been very ill these six or seven days past, but is so much better that I was with her yesterday. I spoke with her about the 2,000 Spaniards who were to return to Spain. I mentioned in my last that provision had been made for the victualling of their ships. I told Hesdin it seemed strange that my Lady should send them home again, when the Emperor had specially appointed them, as more necessary than the Almains for the defence of the frontier. Hesdin agreed that the order should be countermanded, and promised to speak about the matter, as I am sure he did. When the Spaniards heard they were to be sent home, they sent one of their company to my Lady to protest against it, saying they would not return without express command from the Emperor; on which the council determined that those on the frontier should remain, and the rest return with the ships. My Lady, however, says she is in great perplexity what to do with the 2,000 in Zealand, who protest they will not return without the Emperor's express orders, unless the whole company return together. I said I thought it quite right that they should not depart till the Emperor's pleasure were known, which it must soon be, as it was so long since letters had been received from him. She also told me the French had returned again into Dorlaunce, and were beginning to fortify it. Lord Fiernes leaves today for the frontier, and will assay to break that nest, and get his spurs there; for it is said he would be glad to have Issilstein's room, as also would Howstrate, though there is not much to choose between them for that feat.
Was with Howstrate this morning, who said my Lady would write to the treasurer of Calais, requesting that the English soldiers at St. Omer's, and any that could be spared at Guisnes and Calais, might be warned to be ready when Fiennes shall appoint. At his request I have written to Mr. Treasurer about it. He says Terouenne is in great want of victuals, and that of 1,000 foot that were within, they have sent 500 to Boulogne, and put other 500 "to gresse at aventure without wages," and have sent word to the French king that if not relieved with victuals by a certain day, they must abandon the whole. A number of carts with victuals coming to Tournay had been deserted by their conductors, who, on an alarm that the Imperials were afoot, drove them into Hesdin Park. Howstrate also, says that, after I left my Lady last night, it had been determined, as the Spaniards in Zealand would not return to Spain without the rest of their company, that victuals should be provided and all depart; and said that even if the Emperor were displeased, they could do no otherwise, as he had not signified his pleasure. Issilstein is fallen sick again. Fiennes has been intriguing with the crafts of Ghent, so that, although all those crafts except two voted an aid from this country, these two have refused their consent unless Fiennes be made captain general. I enclose news received from friends at Antwerp. Ghent, 20 Nov. 1522.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 4.
20 Nov.
Vit. B. XX. 267. B. M.
Credence for Henry de Emerichurt, sent to Spain to the Emperor, to ask for assistance against the Turks. Nuremberg, 20 Nov. 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated. Add.
20 Nov.
R. O.
Sends Augustine Scapinelli to reside in his court as his representative; being unable, through the turbulence of the times, to come himself. Viglevano, 20 Nov. 1522.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.
20 Nov.
R. O.
2681. SAME to WOLSEY.
Cannot let Scapinelli go without a letter to Wolsey. Desires credence for him in all he shall say in the Duke's name. Novara, 20 Nov. 1522.
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add.
20 Nov.
S. B.
Grant, in tail male, of the castle and manor of Kymbalton, Hunts, part of Buckingham's possessions; rent, 40l.; with a market on Fridays, and a yearly fair on St. Andrew's day. Del. Westm., 20 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 8.
22 Nov.
Vit. B. v. 103. B. M.
It will not do that Wolsey should remain in ignorance of the state of affairs in Italy until Augustino Scapinelli has arrived in England. Various rumors are daily in circulation that the French are making busy preparation this winter, when they think the Emperor and the king of England will not be able to attack them. Thinks that if a few troops were kept on foot, all danger from them would be removed, as they will not be able to stir without manifest peril. Begs Wolsey will urge this with the King. Thinks if Italy can be secured, that the French will desist from their enterprise next summer, when Henry and the Emperor will be in the field. Now they are urged onwards by the Italian exiles, and, hearing of the poverty of the Italians, are induced to renew the expedition. It would be so honorable to protect Italy from their rage, that all extremities should be suffered rather than Italy abandoned. All have their hopes in Henry, who will no doubt comply with their wishes, to which he will be inclined if Wolsey will employ his influence. Scapinelli is empowered to carry this message; but his journey may be delayed, in consequence of his age and the difficulties of the road. Vigevano, 22 Nov. 1522. Signed.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
23 Nov.
Nero, B. VII. 25. B. M.
Is sorry to hear of his illness. The Venetian galleys, which are detained day by day at Hampton, are being irreparably injured by worms. The crews have almost entirely deserted the ships; some perish of hunger, some beg their bread, while the remainder are returning in newly-laden ships and with Genoese merchants; so that the galleys will be unmanageable. The masters have spent all their money during these months of detention, and their goods are spoiled by worms and moths. Begs that they may be allowed to depart, as they bring much gain to the country, and their detention is no little loss to the taxes. On their return, the Venetians will be able to equip vessels against the Infidels, and to send others laden with merchandise to England. He will hear more of the matter from Pace's letters. "E Chiston" (Kingston ?), 23 Nov. 1522. Signed: Orator Venetus.
Lat., mutilated, p. 1. Add.
24 Nov.
S. B.
Appointment of _ (fn. 2) as marshal of the army [under command] of George earl of Shrewsbury, steward of the Household, K. G.
ii. Commission to John Bertelot "to [take into] the King's service The Anne of Notyngham, Wm. Notingham, of Ipswich, owner, and all other ships fit to serve in the war, and to provide for them tacklings and other necessaries. Westm., 12 July 14 Hen. VIII.
iii. Writ to Th. Assheherst, John Wynter and Rauf Leche, merchants of Bristowe, to retain, at their own cost, 200 soldiers, shipmasters, pilots and mariners, to man The Sa[int] Valentyne of Bristowe, portage 250 tons, and The Mathewe of Bristowe, 150 tons. "Westm., &c."
iv. Commission of array to Sir Th. Hanmer and Lewis Powes in the hundreds and lordships of Elsmer, Hamton, Colner, Medell Knokyn, and Malersasneke, Wales, against the French.
v. Writ to the sheriff of Kent to make proclamation that the following monies in gold and silver shall be current: gold ducats, at 4s. 6d.; crowns of the sun, 4s. 4d.; other gold crowns, 4s.; every piece of fine gold named a Carolus, keeping [weight], 6s. 10d.; [pieces] of ba ... gold named [florins.], 3s. 3d.; pieces of ba ... gold, also named florins, 2s. 1d.; groats, half groats and pence of the King's coin; other groats and half groats not of the King's coin, if "not clipped nor fully broken."
vi. Similar writs for various counties and towns.
vii. Writ to _* to arrest the persons and goods of all the French king's subjects. "Westm., &c. anno 14."
viii. Similar writs for various counties and towns.
ix. Writ to the sheriff of Kent to make proclamation for watches to be kept by day and night, in all highways, and especially in suspected places, for security against robbers, &c. . Westm., 24 Oct. 14 Hen. VIII.
x. Similar writs for various counties and towns.
xi. Writ to the sheriff of Dorset to make proclamation that no one convey grain out of Dorset into any other county, [but send them to] Southampton and Portsmouth for such victuallings as the King shall appoint. Westm., 24 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.
xii. Similar writs for Berks, Wilts and Sussex.
xiii. Writ to the customers of London, forbidding the export of grain, bread, cheese, butter, &c. under penalty of 200l.
xiv. Similar writs to Southampton, the Cinque Ports, Bristol, Chichester, Portsmouth and Poole.
Lat. and Eng., much defaced.
25 Nov.
Harl. 4994. f. 206 b. B. M. Hadriani Anal. p. 467.
Ever since his exaltation to the Papacy his thoughts have been engaged day and night in promoting the welfare of the flock entrusted to his charge, and bringing back the wandering sheep to the fold. Had by messages and nuncios endeavored to reconcile the princes of Christendom, and persuade them to lay down their arms; and, with a view of setting them a good example, had, at no small personal disadvantage, sent aid to the Rhodians, besieged by the Turks. It is with great grief of heart he perceives that Martin Luther, whom he is no longer able to call his son, is the reviver of worn-out heresies; and that, notwithstanding the paternal admonition of the Holy See, the sentence pronounced against him, not without the advice of learned men and universities, and the imperial edict passed at the late diet at Worms, he still continues in his wicked designs. Oblivious of Christian charity and evangelical piety, he daily divulges new books full of heresy, error and sedition, corrupting the soul; and, what is worse, he finds adherents and abettors, not merely among the common people, but among the nobility; and, in consequence, the goods of the priesthood are invaded, and the obedience due to ecclesiastical and secular authority is set at nought.
Though heresy must be for the trial of the godly, no time is more urgent than the present for its extinction. The Devil, like a roaring lion, by means of the Turk, rages against the flock of Christ; nor can the Turk be resisted as long as we foster the same Devil, in the guise of a serpent, disseminating heresy and discord at home among the bravest of the Germans;—errors of which Adrian heard when only a cardinal in Spain, and grieved the more that they should come from a country with which he was so closely allied in the flesh.
Had hoped that these poisonous plants, not indigenous to their soil, would bear no fruit in a land which had always shown itself unfavorable to heresy; but now that they have so unexpectedly put forth their branches, the German princes and people should consider whether they can be without excuse, if they make no attempt to resist and put down the evil. Is it not monstrous that a whole nation should be seduced from the Catholic faith it has always professed, by one miserable friar? as if Luther, like another Montanus, were the only wise man, and as if he only had received the Holy Spirit, and the Church had continued in darkness until it was illuminated by the new light of Luther. Can they fail to perceive that this is but the commencement of a general spoliation? That, under the pretended name of liberty, obedience will be extinguished, and licence become universal? Will they who refuse submission to the clergy withhold their sacrilegious hands from the goods of the laity, or spare the lives of princes, who despise and murder the Lord's anointed?
Urges them, therefore, every consideration of charity, religion and devotion to the Holy See, to unanimously combine and repress this evil, and bring back Luther and his adherents into the right path; and, if they prove refractory, apply to them the rod of correction. For (as he shows by various instances), where milder measures are ineffectual, sharp and cauterising remedies must be used. Has commissioned Francesco Chieregati, elect for Abruzzo, who had been sent, in September last, as nuncio to Germany, to act in this behalf. Rome, 25 Nov. 1522, pont. 1.
25 Nov.
Egerton MS. 763. f. 52. B. M.
Nothing could be more agreeable to him than the gracious letters of the Emperor, with which he was lately honored. As Charles surpasses all other princes in greatness, so does he all mortals in benignity. Hannibal needs no spur to promote the Emperor's interests, and would readily shed his blood for them. It is the common welfare of his Majesty and the king of England. Begs the Emperor will intimate, by documents to his subjects in Rome and elsewhere, that Hannibal is his faithful servant. Rome, 7 kal. Dec.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add. Endd.: 1522. De Roma. Del embaxador de Inglaterra.
27 Nov.
R. O.
2688. The LOAN.
Indenture, dated 27 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII., of the receipt by Edmund abbot of York, of 55l. 11s. 4d., making up the sum of 302l. 19s. for the loan from the clergy of the archdeaconry of Nottingham, delivered by Ric. Taverner, official of Wm. Fell, D. D., archdeacon. Signed by Taverner.
28 Nov.
R. O.
Receipt by Thos. Strey, dated 28 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII., for 100 mks. lent by him to lord Darcy before Michaelmas last, when he "should have gone" against the Scots; now repaid by Ric. Lyster. He promises to deliver the plate he has in pledge. Signed.
29 Nov.
P. S. Rym. XIII. 777.
2690. For EDW. FYNCHE, M.D.
Prebend in the collegiate church of chapel of St. Stephen, Westminster Palace, vice Dr. Lynacre, resigned. Bishop's Hatfield, 21 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Nov.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 5.
Fuller's Worthies, I.
374, Ed. 1840.
Excusing himself for not having dedicated to his grace, according to promise, the last volume of his translation of Galen. He had been commanded by the King, in the presence of Mr. John Chamber, to dedicate it to his highness. Acknowledges that he was indebted to the liberality of Warham for the opportunity of devoting himself to letters.
30 Nov.
R. O.
In commendation of _ (fn. 3); (name totally destroyed). Rome, 30 Nov. 1522, 1 pont.
Lat., vellum, mutilated. Add.
30 Nov.
S. B.
Cancel of three recognizances, the first dated 4 May 12 Hen. VIII. binding Gerald Fitzgerald Earl of Kildare in the sum of 10,000l. to keep the peace, and to remain in London or within 20 miles of it; the second, dated 29 July 12 Hen. VIII., in the sum of 1,000l., for the appearance of Oliver Fitzgerald, John Fitzgerald, Gerard Ailmer, Ric. Stanton, John Ewestas, priest, Ph. Tyrell, Jas. Husee, Th. Houth, Jas. Harroll and Patrick Barbour eight days after Thomas cardinal of York's return from Walsingham; and the third, in the sum of 10,000l., dated 16 March 12 Hen. VIII., for the Earl's appearance in the Star Chamber at Easter following, and binding him not to leave London, or send messages to Ireland, without licence of the Cardinal as Chancellor. Hatfield, 30 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.
Nov./GRANTS. 2694. GRANTS in NOVEMBER 1522.
2. Massi Villiarde, serjeant of the King's pleasure water, and Th. Brampton. Lease, for thirty years, of the lordships of Shene, alias Richmounte, Petresham and Hamme, Surrey, and the isle of Crowell, belonging to the manor of Hamme, with all appurtenances, except the capital mansion of the manor of Shene and the King's park there, at the yearly rent of 23l. 8s.; on surrender by the said Thomas, executor of Ric. Brampton, of patent 29 Oct. 10 Hen. VIII. Also grant, in survivorship, of the keeperships of the said mansion, of the manor of Shene, of the wardrobe of utensils and victuals therein, and of the King's garden and new park of Shene, which offices they have performed without wages since 8 August 12 Hen. VIII., with the same wages as Th. Fysshe had. Bishop's Hatfield, 25 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 2 Nov. (fn. 4) —P. S.
5. Gruff ap Jevan. Lease of various lands in Leweny, lately held to farm by Jevan ap Llewellyn Vaughan by patent of Henry VII. under seal of the earldom of March; and of lands in Serior, in "Foreyn Angl'" in Dehengron, in Libor' and Brynsfanyng, lately held by David ap Gign'; the whole being parcel of the lordship of Denbygh; for 21 years; rent, 4l. 15s. 10½d., and 4s. 1½d. of increase. Del. Hampton Court, 5 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7.
6. John Laylond. Pardon for stealing from the house of John Beke, of Charleton, Kent, three ells of marble colored cloth, value 8s.; a woman's violet colored dress, value 12s.; and 6 "flammæ;," value 6s. Del. Westm., 6 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. S. B.—Pat. p. 2, m. 17 (undated.)
8. Edm. Baker, of Norwich, innholder, alias "orchelmaker." Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Hertford Castle, 31 Oct. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 8 Nov.—P. S.
8. Recognizance cancelled; made 14 July 22 Hen. VII. by Jas. Harynton, of Baddesworth, York., clk., Geo. Hastynges, of Fenwyke, York, and Roger Wombewell, of Wombewell, York, for payment of 200 mks. Greenwich, 8 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Signed: Per Henry Wiat.—S. B.
10. Th. Lee. Livery of lands as s. and h. of Fulk Lee, and as h. of Ralph and Ric. Lee. Del. Westm., 10 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 17.
10. Rob. Morgan, of Little Comberton, Worc. Exemption from serving on juries, &c.; with privilege of sitting with his hat on in the King's presence. Hertford Castle, 6 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 10 Nov.—P. S.
12. Rob. Holme. To be gunner in the Tower of London, with 8d. a day, vice John Holme, deceased. Bishop's Hatfield, 29 Oct. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm. 12 Nov.—P. S.
14. Nich. Knight, clk. Presentation to the church of Adstok, Linc. dioc., vacant by death of John Staple, and at the King's disposal by minority of Roger, s. and h. of John Vernon. Del. Westm., 14 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B.
14. Wm. Toll, of Butside, Devon, alias of St. Ive's, Cornw., groom, aged 18 years. Pardon for the murder of Walter Stanley. Hertford Castle, 6 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Nov.—P. S.
14. Rob. Udale, alias Uvedale, alias Wodale, of London, goldsmith. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Hertford Castle, 11 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Nov.—P. S.
18. Wm. Skelley, of London, goldsmith. Protection; going in the retinue of Sir Anth. Ughtred,' captain of Berwick. Del. Westm., 18 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Signed: Antone Ughtredd, k. Sealed.—P. S.b.
19. John Prynce, porter to princess Mary. Grant, in fee, at the yearly rent of a red rose, of a tenement in Snowrehill, parish of St. Sepulchre's without Newgate, suburbs of London, lately part of the lands of Edith Power of London, widow, who died without an heir; of the yearly value of 13s. 8d. Hertford Castle, 8 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 19 Nov.—P. S.
20. Th. Barton, of London, merchant, alias merchant of the staple of Calais, alias of Cotmanton, Kent. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Hertford Castle, 5 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Nov.—P. S.
20. Rees ap David ap Gr' ap Tuder. Lease of the lands in the town of Wykwaire in the commote of Istulas, Denbigh, late of Jer' ap Madd', Grono ap Pellyn and others; for 21 years, at various annual rents. Del. Westm., 20 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7.
21. Th. Secote, clk., native of Normandy. Denization. Del. Westm., 21 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7.
21. Leonard Warcop. Lease of the manors of Busseby, Faceby and Carleton, parcel of the lordship of Shirefhoton, York, for 21 years; rent 23l. 19s. 1d., and 22s. 8d. of increase. Del. Westm., 21 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—S. B. Pat. p. 1, m. 7.
22. John Berne, of Norwich, merchant adventurer. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Bishophatfield, 19 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 22 Nov.—P. S.
24. Ric. Thirkild, captain of the ship Bon Espoire. Protection for Hen. Spencer, of London, goldsmith. Signed and sealed by Thyrkyll. Del. Westm., 24 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—P. S.b.
24. Sir Wm. Sandys. Protection for Th. Stanbanke, of London, baker, going in his retinue to the wars beyond sea. Signed: Wyll'm Sandys. Sealed. Del. Westm., 24 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—P. S.b.
27. Wm. Stonerd, clk. Presentation to the church of Clutton, Bath and Wells dioc., vice Hen. Kens .., resigned; at the King's disposal by minority of Elizabeth, Anne, and Blanche, ds. and hs. of Edw. Willoughbye, s. and h. of Rob. Willoughby lord Broke, deceased. Bishop's Hatfield, 24 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 27 Nov.—P. S.
28. Rob. Bate, master carpenter. Protection for John Thurston of St. Katharine's near the Tower of London, shipwright, to go in his retinue to attend on the business of the ordnance. Signed: Robard Bate. Del. Westm., 28 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—P. S.b.
28. Philip Conore, alias Conwey, of London, brewer. Protection; going in the retinue of lord Berners, deputy of Calais. Calais, 6 Dec. 14 Hen. VIII. Signed by Berners. Del. Westm., 28 Nov.—P. S.b.
28. Robert Longmed, master and captain of The Nycalas. Protection for John Thomson, of London, haberdasher, to serve in the war. Signed by Longmed. "Teste," 28 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII.—P. S.b.
29. Sir Ralph Egerton and Th. Grymesdiche. To be porters of the outer gate of Chester Castle, in survivorship, with 2d. a day; on surrender by Eggerton of patent 24 May 7 Hen. VIII. Newhall, 14 Aug. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 29 Nov.—P. S.
29. Garard Howghes, of Milton, Kent, barber, native of Ghelry, duchy of Cleves. Licence, notwithstanding the Act temp. Ric. III., to purchase wool, and to make and sell cloth, in England. Bishop's Hatfield, 25 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Hampton Court, 29 Nov.—P. S.
29. Sir Brian Stapleton, Sir John Nevile, Sir Wm. Perpoynt, Sir John Donham, Nich. Sandford and Thos. Meryng. Commission to make inquisition concerning all murders, rapes, marriages of the King's widows and alienations without licence, lands of idiots, &c., in co. Notts. Westm., 29 Nov.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 9d.
30. Commission of the Peace. H[unts.]—Th. card. of York, Nich. bp. of Ely, Sir Ric. Wyngfeld, Sir Rob. Brudenell, Sir Ric. Broke, Wm. Tanfeld, Anth. Malory, John Castell, Th. Hall, Th. Lowthe, Laurence Taillard, Wm. Grace and John Taillard. Westm., 30 Nov.—Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 1d.
30. Rob. Flemyng, M. A. Presentation to the church of Agmondesham, Linc. dioc., vice Rob. Gilbert, M. A., resigned. Bishop's Waltham, 25 Nov. 14 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 30 Nov.—P. S.


  • 1. Published his "Propugnaculum" in 1523.
  • 2. Blank in MS.
  • 3. "Dilecto filio ... clerico ... nostro ... "
  • 4. Mistake for December ?