Henry VIII: September 1522, 11-20

Pages 1075-1084

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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September 1522

11 Sept.
R. O.
Has received his most obliging letters, dated London, 16 July. If there is anything in which he can serve Wolsey, begs he may know it, as there is no one he is more anxious to oblige. Naples, 11 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Lat. Add.: "Eboracen. cardinali," &c. Endd.: "Litteræ viceregis Neapolitani," &c.
11 Sept.
Galba, B. VII. 319. B. M.
Wrote on the 9th from Antwerp. Was sent for last night by my Lady, when, in presence of the bishop of Utrecht, Berghes, Howstrate, the archbishop of Palermo, the provost of Utrecht, mons. Tresnyers and the president of Malines, the Audiencer read letters received the day before from the Emperor to my Lady and to the ambassadors in England, the latter of which included everything material in the former. My Lady then read a letter written to her by the Emperor's confessor, saying that the Emperor was in good health, and the estimation he is now in with the nobles of his kingdom is as different from what it was, at his departure from Spain, as that of Solomon and Jeroboam. My Lady afterwards called me and Berghes to a cupboard apart, and told me what difficulty they had found in providing money for the army, and that she was fain to lay out 2,000 fl. of her own, intended for the payment of her servants, declaring, by the faith of her body, she could not tell where to find the money; for though she had no doubt a sufficient sum might be procured, the process of raising it would be so long that it could not be had in time; that she would pledge all her jewels, if she only knew to whom, rather than there should be any difficulty. She said she had sent me a note two days ago of charges past and present, including debts and monthly payments, of which she informed you some time ago. The Emperor has always written to her to see that nothing lacked. I told Berghes apart, I was surprised that there should be such difficulty in raising money, seeing that the charges were known long ago. He said it was owing to my Lady's long stay in Holland; though really, if she had not gone there, the country would have been exposed to the duke of Gueldres, and the fishing would not have been "larkbath" this year, which is now protected by seventeen ships of war. Told Berghes of the discourse of Howstrate the day before, which he declared to be true. I think Howstrate was too much in awe of Chievres, and supposed to be deeper in his counsels than he was; and the ill reports have been further spread by those who envied his advancement, because he is a younger brother. Though he is a man that can flatter, yet he seems wise and well-spoken. Berghes is Burgundian to the backbone, and a faithful friend to the King, but so old that he withdraws himself from business. He and Howstrate and the Treasurers are so deeply bound for the Emperor's debts that they dare go no further.
Although my Lady delivered me such a note as above mentioned, and has written to you, as she says, I send a copy of the said note. I long to hear from the King and you, "for an ambassador without letters is like a piper without his overlip." Antwerp, 11 Sept. 1522.
Hol., pp. 4, mutilated.
11 Sept.
R. O.
2535. The LOAN.
Indenture dated 11 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII. of the receipt by Edm. abbot of York of 50l. for the loan, from Wm. Abbot of Ryvaux. Signed by the abbot of Ryvaux.
R. O. 2. Indenture, dated 11 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII., of the receipt by Edm. abbot of York of 50l. for the loan, from John Farlington, abbot of Bylands, York dioc., paid by Dompne John Ledys, cellarer. Signed by John Ledys, monk.
12 Sept.
Calig. B. II. 310. B. M.
2536. DACRE to WOLSEY.
Begs pardon for not having written before of his negotiations with Margaret and Albany, the matter was so "difficile." Sends a packet. By his letter from Norham, Wolsey might learn that Albany mustered the power of Scotland on the 2nd, a little from Edinburgh. The van advanced under Arran near to Home Castle, four miles from Wark, then removed towards these Borders. Dacre was at Berwick strengthening the garrison. Rode post to the Borders on Saturday last. Found nothing in readiness at Norham; no guns. "Was enforced to despoil all mine own houses of such ordnance as was in them, and brought it thither;" appointing his own son captain, "to his great danger, and to me little comfort, remembering I had but one." He and his brother Sir Christopher could not be spared from Carlisle. On Sunday the 7th Albany came to the castle of Milk. Wolsey may perceive what passed between them by the letters. On Wednesday the Duke advanced within five miles; on Thursday received his hostages, viz. the lord M[axwell] and the Treasurer of Scotland. Was conducted by two earls into the Duke's presence, with all his lords about him, where, after his duty done, "I removed something backward, saying with ane high voice, My Lord, what displeasure has my sovereign done unto you, that ye with this great army comen hither to invade his realm? marvelling that all ye my lords will be aiding to the same. I come hither for no treaty, but at the instance and desire of my Lord here present." On their retiring, after the sharp words that Dacre gave them, "the earls of Huntley, Argyle, Arran and others, fearing as well the King's army, as also the continuance of mortal war which would have followed," professed their willingness to desist if they might have peace with England. Sends a copy of the indentures, drawn and Signed by the Duke.
The army of Scotland was of such puissance, consisting of 80,000 men well provided with victuals and artillery, about 45 pieces of brass, 1,000 hagbushes carted upon tristles, besides handguns innumerable, that, God being indifferent, they could not have been resisted, as Thomas Musgrave can inform him. They had but 16,000 unwilling soldiers. Some great men would not come forward. On William Ellerker deserting Wark castle at the approach of the Duke, was obliged to allow the Greys of Northumberland to enter and keep it. Had the Scots persisted, Carlisle and Cumberland must have been destroyed. Hopes the King will not be displeased at his taking this abstinence without any commission. It is desirable that it should be prolonged for a month, that the Queen may send an embassy into England for peace, and create a division between Albany and the Lords. If the King dislikes it, he may send wages for the garrison, as appears at the foot of the declaration in the keeping of Sir John Darcy, or of ... Hasilwood. My lord ... Percy next month takes the charges for the East and Middle Marches, and Dacre for the West. Thinks that Hart, who is now with my lord of Shrewsbury, should make a survey of the state of Berwick, Wark and Carlisle. The captain of Berwick will not allow Dacre to take the ordnance out of the town, notwithstanding the King's instructions. Carlisle, 12 Sept., "at 4 of the clock in the morning." Signed.
Mutilated. Pp. 4. Add.: "To my lord Legate's grace." Endd. (by Ruthal): "The lord Dacre's letters, with the King's and my lord Cardinal's writings responsives to the same."
Calig. B. VI. 242. B. M. St. P. I. 107. 2537. [WOLSEY to HENRY VIII.]
Has at this hour received letters from Dacre and from my lord Steward, "wherein appeareth operatio dextræ Excelsi." The duke of Albany has retired, although he had with him an army of 80,000 men, and was within five miles of Carlisle, which could not have resisted him. Dacre, with his great policy, has taken an abstinence of war for a month on his own authority, that ambassadors might be sent to England. Albany's army cannot reassemble, and my lord Steward has discharged his troops, and "for his disease and sickness is returned home to his house." No more politic plan could have been devised; for the abstinence concluded by lord Dacre, who has no authority for the same, does not bind the King, but he is at liberty to make war on the Scots whenever he thinks proper, though Wolsey does not advise this at present, for reasons stated.
Thinks that, as the Scotch desire peace, they will not meddle with England to please the French; and the King of Scots being in the custody of the Lords, Albany's residence in Scotland can do no harm, and so Henry will be at liberty to invade France in person. Hopes the King will consider Dacre's presumption as felix culpa. "Howbeit, to be plain, there hath been too much boldness on your folks' party, as well in taking truce and discharging your army without your knowledge, as in the duke of Albany great folly in dissolving so great an army so sumptuously set forth, and advanced without doing any manner act or exploit, upon a bare abstinence of war concluded without any commission or authority." The lords Dacre and Percy taking charge of the Marches, and the ambassadors of Scotland coming to England, superfluous garrisons may be discharged. Sends Dacre's letter, the abstinence of war, and other writings between the Queen, Albany and his lordship, and also from the lord Steward. Sends letters received from the Admiral (Surrey) of the burning of French towns and castles. Hopes to send the Admiral 1,500l. in ten days.
Draft, in Ruthal's hand.
Calig. B. VII. 282. B. M. 2538. WOLSEY to [SPINELLY], ambassador with the Emperor.
Preparations made by England to repel the invasion of Albany, and the Scots' desire for peace made to lord Dacre.
* * * "Finally, as touching the news ocurrant here, the King's said ambassador shall signify unto the Emperor" that albeit the duke of Albany had mustered 4,000 Scots, and marched with them to within four miles of Carlisle, having 45 pieces of artillery and 1,000 hagbushes, yet when they knew the earl of Shrewsbury was appointed lieutenant general of the North, and had set forward with 50,000 men to give them battle, remembering the fate of their King and nobles at their last invasion, they sent to Dacre to ask a month's truce, during which time they promised to send an embassy for peace, and give hostages for its observance. This Dacre granted at the intercession of Queen Margaret; and the Scots having dissolved their army, the King disbanded his.
Imperfeet. Draft, corrected by Wolsey, pp. 5.
12 Sept.
Vit. B. V. 95. B. M.
On the 29th Aug. the Pope arrived at Rome. At dinner "I sat of the other side of the cardinal Hostiensis and the Soderin." Hears nothing of the great solemnity to be done at St. John Lateran. They die so sore that the Pope intends shortly to leave for Viterbo, and stay there till October. Has received much kindness from Campeggio and De Medici. Hopes shortly to obtain Wolsey's bulls. Has written many times touching the money for the Pope. His predecessor left him in debt about a million of gold. Begs he may have the expediting of the bishoprics. Wrote lately by Bernardine of his necessities. The Pope is anxious for the defence of Rhodes, "et dum fit sermo de oppugnatione illius, erumpunt lachrymæ." By letters from Candia, two days since, "the Pope has word that the Turk hath given two cruel assaults, and they of the city doubt sore the third. They had never so little provision within the city as they have now. The Turk brought with him 300 sail, well armed. I pray God send victory to Christemen." Rome, 12 Sept.
Hol., mutilated, pp. 3. Add.
12 Sept.
Calig. D. VIII. 269. B. M.
2540. [SURREY] to WOLSEY.
I received yesterday your letters dated Hampton Court, 9th inst. I will order De Beaurayne's affair according to the King's pleasure and yours. As much has been and shall be done to provoke the French to battle as we can devise. The Boulonnais is so burnt and pillaged that they have good reason to be angry. Vendome, the French king's lieutenant, has seen his town and castle of Hewclere burnt, he being at Monstreuil, seven miles off. All the country we have passed through has been burnt; and all the strong places, whether castles or fortified churches, have been thrown down; yet I cannot see that they intend to revenge it by battle. Are agreed with the Emperor's council to go tomorrow toward Dorlance, where we hope to be in four or five days, doing meanwhile great displeasure to the French. When we have burnt Dorlance, Corby, Ancre, Braye and the neighboring country, which I think will be in about three weeks, I cannot see that we can do much more. Hopes money will be ready at Calais in fourteen days at furthest, so that Jerningham may be at leisure to fetch it. It will take [not less] than ten days to convey it in surety through Flanders. Begs to hear the news of the north parts and Scotland, and what our ships are doing at sea. The French brag that Albany has entered far into England, and that my lord Rose is overthrown by the s[ame]. God send us better tidings. In the camp beside Ramly, 12 [Sept.]
Pp. 2, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Legate's good grace.
12 Sept.
Calig. D. VIII. 267. B. M.
2541. [SANDYS] to WOLSEY.
Since my last being in England I have not written to you, &c. [to the same effect generally, and nearly in the same words, as his letter of the 10th to the King]. The Burgundians were at first unwilling that we should burn, fearing loss to themselves. On Tuesday the 9th camped at Burthes. Next morning set the town on fire, and proceeded towards Fauxe in Artois, where we shall consult about further proceedings. On our progress we burned Hughclere, a goodly [castle] of the duke of Vendôme, with the village it stood in. That day the French appeared again, but soon avoided. On Tuesday, two of my archers on horseback were taken and brought to Montrell. I wrote to the duke of Vendôme for their redemption, on which he wrote to my lord Lieutenant that if he would put in writing the ransoms of all prisoners according to their degrees, the Duke would do the like. No answer has yet been made to this. The Duke complained of our burning, saying it was very foul war, and that he had knowledge of the burning of his castle, and would revenge it upon Beaurayn, who lay in it the night before. Today again the French showed themselves, and departed in the same fashion as before. Has delayed writing till he could "encense" Wolsey of their determination here at Fauxe about further proceeding. Are to leave tomorrow for [Fr]igies, where we shall destroy the town and castle; thence to Dorlance. All this day we have lain still at Fauxe, waiting the arrival of victuals, which are very scanty. If we were not obliged so frequently to wait for victuals we might have done better service. The camp beside Fauxe, 12 Sept.
Hol., pp. 4, mutilated. Add.: To my lord Cardinal's grace, legate, &c.
13 Sept.
Galba, B. VII. 321. B. M.
Wrote last on the 11th. Told Wolsey in a former letter that my Lady had promised, before her departure from Antwerp, to take measures against the Scots. Today she caused the archbp. of Palermo, whom in a former letter I inadvertently called archbp. of Besançon, to explain the delay in banishing them as owing to an old league made by duke Philip, granting them certain privileges for 100 years, and the special immunities of the great towns in these parts, under which privileges have been conceded to the Scotch, over which the Emperor has no power, unless the Scots become direct enemies to his majesty. The trade of these countries consists greatly in fishing on the coast of Scotland in the herring season. Nevertheless, the council have made out placards, in terms of the league, for prohibiting trade with the Scots; those now dwelling here to remain under surety of good behavior. "The folks of this country seem rather to be lords than subjects; and, moreover, where their prince is alway furnished of money by them from time to time, they think right strange, considering the privileges which they have, that both the prince should have money of them, and inhibit or sequester them from their lawful profits." Has had no letter from the army since the departing from Calais, but has put my Lady in mind of everything he thought necessary for them, and has always had good answers at least. Enclosed a bill of news in his last, containing an article about the king of Denmark and the "Steeddys." They have won from him the town of Bornholm and the castle of Arntz, in which they found a Swedish bishop and twelve nobles in prison. The King is driven to extremities, "whereto he is well worthy." The Pope arrived at the city of Veche (fn. 1) the 23rd ult. Some say he was crowned at Rome on Our Lady's Day. Antwerp, 13 Sept. 1522.
Hol., pp. 2.
13 Sept.
Vesp. C. II. 13*. B. M.
2543. BISHOP OF ELNA, &c. to WOLSEY.
In conformity with injunctions received from him, had sent the Spanish fleet to learn their resolution as to the division of the ships. Lazcano writes that on the 7th he despatched four to Wales and Ireland, and three towards Plymouth ("Plemud"). Have written to the lady Margaret. Good news may be expected from that quarter. London, 13 Sept. 1522. Signed: "Pacen' et Helnen' episcopus, et Loys de Praet."
Lat., p. 1. Add.
14 Sept.
Calig. B. I. 303. B. M. St. P. I. 104.
Received this day his letters of yesterday, and six others devised by Wolsey, addressed to noblemen of the Emperor's army, which he returns signed. Yesterday the King received a letter from my lord of Shrewsbury, enclosed, dated the 8th inst., but containing nothing new, except that, as the King's ordnance could not pass over Staynesmore towards Carlisle, the council there determined that my Lord and his company should invade Scotland by the East Marches till they met the Duke on his return from the West Borders to Edinburgh, unless they were compelled to relieve Dacre at Carlisle. This was not likely, as he had 20,000 men with him, whose coming the lord Steward considered timely. Wrote by the King's command to the lord Steward that his grace had great doubts, and thought the division of his army impolitic, as either of the two portions might have to face the whole enemy; but left it to his discretion. The King hoped my Lord's lack of money was relieved by the arrival of the 10,000l., and of the 6,500l. afterwards sent by Wolsey, which, with the proceeds of the loan, should be sufficient. The King hoped the army would not hesitate to advance a day's journey or two when they were assured the money was on the way, as they were free from the taxes imposed elsewhere; and assured him that he should have money whenever he wanted it. Has given the substance of his letter from memory, as the King caused it to be delivered immediately "to my said lord's servant tarrying and incessantly calling upon it." Newhall, 14 Sept.
Add.: "My lord Legate's good grace."
14 Sept.
R. O.
2545. PAYMENTS for the ARMY against the SCOTS.
Payments by John Jenyns for conduct money, coats, wages, &c., by warrants Signed by the lord Steward.
To Sir Henry Clifford, by Chr. Aske and Ric. Grene, his servants, conduct money and wages of 100 soldiers from Shipton to Carlisle against the Scots, for 6 days, from Tuesday 9 Sept. to Sunday 15 Sept. (fn. 2) 20 men with 3 carts of ordnance for 8 days, and conduct of 9 men from Comberworthe to York, 3 days, at 8d. each a day. 26l. 4s. 8d.
To Sir Thos. Gerrarde, by Sir Thos. Bulkeley, his chaplain, conduct money for himself, going towards the Scots, 2 days at 4s.; and for 10 men with him, 18 persons with his carriage for 3 days, and 50 persons who came 20 miles, one day's journey, at 8d. a day each. 240 men who came less than a day's journey had nothing. Total, 4l. 10s. 8d.
To Jas. Danby, servant of lord Conyers, on a prest for the conduct of his retinue, 533l. 6s. 8d.; coats for John Skarlet, trumpeter, and his three fellows, at 10s.; for York, Carlisle and Mountorgill heralds, at 20s. To Sir Ric. Rokeby, by John Wright his servant, on a prest for the conduct of my lord Cardinal's soldiers, 66l. 13s. 4d. To John Armyn, for Sir Wm. Poynte, Sir John Markeham and Robt. Browne, on a prest for the soldiers of Nottinghamshire, 100l. To Thos. Butler, esq., by Robt. Radclyf his servant, conduct of himself and 38 persons, (260 came not 20 miles and had nothing,) 4l. 8s. To John Bolde, brother of Sir Ric. Bolde, conduct of 60 persons for 2 days, (180 had nothing,) 4l. To Ric. Charnoke, servant to Hen. Farryngton, esq., conduct of himself and 202 soldiers for one day, 6l. 18s. 8d. To Wm. Assheton, servant to Sir Wm. Leylande, his conduct with 172 men for one day, 5l. 18s. 8d. To my lord Steward, for the conduct of soldiers from Shropshire, Staffordshire and Derbyshire, 577l. To Roger More, his costs, preparing victuals, 4l. 4s. To Robt. Manell, servant to lord Scrope, a prest on the conduct of his soldiers, 80l. To Nic. Sterley, conduct of his folks to York and back, 15l. John Melton, conduct of his folks, 20s. To Thos. Tempest, conduct of 1,000 men to Ripon and back, 80l. Wages of Skarlet and his fellows, 51s. To Berwick pursuivant, his costs being with lord Dacre at Carlisle, 7 days at 2s. To John Constable, of Clifton, conduct of 15 soldiers from Clifton to Ripon, 28 miles, at 8d. each. To Wm. Blackenall, on a prest for conveying the King's ordnance from Nottingham to York, and thence to Pontefract, 106l. 13s. 4d. To Wm. Danby and Thos. Herwood, servants to the earl of Northumberland, as a reward for the conduct of 559 soldiers, 33l. 6s. 8d. To Sir John Bulmer, for the conduct of 266 men from Setteryngham to Carlisle, 5 days, and 20 men for 3 days, 47l. To Humfrey Dowenton, servant to Sir Ric. Sacheverell, for the conduct of 185 soldiers from Leicester to York, 6 days, 37l. To York and Carlisle heralds, diet for 19 days at 4s. Sir Wm. Myddelton, conduct of 12 men for 1 day, 8s. Sir Wm. Malyverey, 31 persons for 1 day, 20s. 8d. John Vavasor, 20 persons for 1 day, 13s.-4d. To Hugh Serleby, gentleman usher, 3 persons from Herthill to York, 40 miles, 4s. Total, 1,751l. 17s. 8d. To Edw. Madison, merchant of the staple of Calais, for one month's wages, and victuals of eight of the King's ships at Hull, 499l. 11s. 8d. To the abbot of St. Mary's, York, to be kept for the King's use, 3,000l. Total, 5,251l. 9s. 4d.; and so remains in Jenyn's hands, 4,748l. 10s. 8d.
Pp. 4.
15 Sept.
Calig. B. III. 301. B. M.
On Saturday received a letter from his sheriff, Sir William Eure, informing him of the dissolution of the Duke's army. Encloses copies of letters received this day from lords Shrewsbury and Dacre, who thankfully receive the service of his bishopric men. Sir W. Eure and Sir Thos. Tempest, the bishop's controller, used great diligence in this matter. Raised of their own friends 2,000 persons, and of the prior of Durham's 500. They were at Brogh, in Westmoreland; lord Lumley and baron Hilton refused to assist. Forward in the cause were Rob. Lambert, John Trolop, Thos. Scrutyvile, Nich. Tempest, Thos. White and your baily of Middilham, John Hall, and his brother, Thos. Hall. My lord of Westmoreland, though diseased in his knee, was carried in a horse litter to Browgh likewise, and was very active. The writer was to command St. Cuthbert's banner. Advises that those who refused to serve should be punished, or it will be a bad example to the county. They should be sent to answer before the King's council, or a commission be issued to hear and examine them. The parsons of churches, myself excepted, and the deans of Lancaster and Darnton, never bestirred themselves. From Kepyer, Monday, 15 Sept. Signed.
P.S.—Dacre has sent for 700l.
Pp. 3. Add.: My lord of Duresme. Noted by Ruthal in the margin.
16 Sept.
Galba, B. VII. 322. B. M.
Wrote last from Antwerp on the 13th. The diet is prorogued to this day week, till which time my Lady remains here. The lords of the Church have made "more sticking" than needful, for money will not fail to be granted in sufficiency; but the delay will do harm, if other provision be not made. The common people insist that the money granted for payment of men of war shall not pass through the financiers' hands, and my Lady has offered for them to name two or three persons, of whom she shall select one as paymaster. The offer seems reasonable, as the prince should not be "derogate in any part of his prerogative of authorising officers; but it is often seen that such as know least the foundation of businesses will be most ready to speak they wot ne'er what," out of mere love of sedition. The Pope arrived in Rome on the 31st Aug., and was crowned on the 1st Sept. It is still said the Turk has had great loss at Rhodes in men and ships, but it is not certain that he has abandoned the siege. Hopes that not only that heathen Turk will be overthrown in a few years, but that the Christian Turks of France, Scotland, Denmark, Gelderland, Venice and Switzerland will become peaceable. Antwerp, 16 Sept. 1522.
Hol., pp. 2.
Galba, B. VII. 322*. B. M. 2548. [SIR ROBT. WINGFIELD to WOLSEY.]
In my letter of the 6th I spoke of two persons, John Morres, of Fowey, mariner, and Thos. Standly, who came from Montreuil with the letter which I then sent you. John Morres, whom I sent to gaol the same day, is fallen sick, and likely to die. The other I keep with me till I hear from you.
Hol., p. 1. Apparently a P. S. to the above.
16 Sept.
Calig. D. VIII. 221. B. M.
2549. SURREY to [WOLSEY].
Since writing last we have thrown down and burned the goodly castle of Frewges, built by Mons. de Cordes, the great man of war, and other small holds. Bevres and I have in our hands the castle of Fresyn, which we shall thrown down and burn tomorrow. It belongs to Mons. de Crequi, brother to Pont-Remy, and is said to be a marvellous goodly house, and right strong. The towns and villages of Artois pay subsidy to the Emperor; so my lady of Savoy has written to me not to burn them. It was partly against the minds of the Lords here that we burnt some castles and piles, and also the towns and villages in Bollenoyse. Today we will lay siege to Hesdin. The French have abandoned the town, where the pestilence is raging. The Emperor's council are willing that it shall be burned, which shall be done within three hours. De Bies is the chief captain within the castle, with 1,000 gentlemen and 80 horses. The walls are of marvellous height, and mostly above twenty feet thick. "In one place they say there is a gallery ron[ning the] wall along fro one tower to another, where [we shall place] our battery, and also assay by mine to throw dow[n the] walls in another place." If there be such a gallery as Buren and others, who have lived ... years within the castle, say, I trust we shall have it. Thence we go to Dor[lens], that we may obtain victuals, of which we have had great scarcity these two days. Yesterday a trumpet of De Fiennes came to Monstreuil, and spoke with a gentleman born under the Emperor's obeisance, who has long served the French in Italy, and will now come to serve the Emperor. He says that the council of Paris are sore against the King, and are "minded to put [a governor] in authority to rule the realm, and the King to ... his estate, without meddling further." There is universal poverty, and great fear of this army. A spy of Sir Ric. J[erningham's] says much the same, but I do not quite believe it. I beg that the money be sent in time to Calais, "and if vite[lls]... not to mervelously. I trust the King's grace and you shall be [content with] our service here. 16 ... in the camp at Blangy, where the French camp was a[t the battle] of Bomy."
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated.
16 Sept.
R. O.
2550. The LOAN.
Receipt indented for 33l. 6s, 8d., dated 16 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII., by Edmund, abbot of Our Lady of York, from Christopher, abbot of Coverham, York dioc. Signed by the abbot of Coverham.
[17 Sept.]
Calig. E. II. (21). B. M.
2551. [WOLSEY to SURREY.]
Has notified the contents of his letters to the King, who highly commends them, and urges the performance of that enterprise on which he is resolved, for the destruction of Dorlans and the towns adjacent. The Emperor has been honorably received in all the towns of the kingdom. They have professed their willingness to assist him with all their power against his enemies. The Emperor thanks the King for the advice he had given him. He will observe the treaty, and make the King privy to all his proceedings. Is to be circumspect in entertaining the Emperor's captains. If it were thought the King too much esteemed the Emperor, he might endeavor to extort money under a threat of falling in with France. Money shall be sent within ten days for the army under him. Sends a cópy of the agreement between England and Scotland. The French will take small comfort in their expectation of Albany's exploits.
Draft in Ruthal's hand, mutilated, pp. 2.
18 Sept.
R. O.
2552. The LOAN.
Receipt indented for 50l., dated 18 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII., by the abbot of York, for loan money from Thos. Bolton, chaplain of Henry, abbot of Sally (Sawley), York dioc. Signed by Bolton.
19 Sept.
Galba, B. VII. 323. B. M.
Wrote last on the 16th. Today, Master Dean of the King's chapel [Clerk] arrived at noon, and went with Wingfield to my Lady in the evening. She desired him to make her recommendations to the King and Wolsey; and he left, leaving Wingfield with my Lady, who had sent for him to show him the contents of a letter from Francis de Seken. She had written to him to desire respite of payment of the sums owing to him by the Emperor, till the end of the month, which he accepted on condition there should be no further delay. By a billet enclosed to Howstrate, Fillinger and Hans Renner, he said he was before Treves, with a good number of horse and foot, and was willing to serve the Emperor against France, if engaged at once, while his company was together. My Lady asked my advice. Replied that he knew nothing of Seken, except by report, which was so diverse, he could not tell what to answer, and that his charge did not extend to such matters. My Lady desired him to hear the answer made by the council, to see how he liked it; viz. that they thanked him for his offer, though, for the present, the season was too far spent, and, even if it were otherwise, my Lady could make no arrangement without knowledge of the Emperor and the King, both of whom she would inform of his offer.
Wingfield approved the answer, as Seken had made no definite offer as to the number of men and the time he would continue to serve. On this, my Lady thought it right to "taste him for the first, in the form by me specified, by post," and desire an answer. Master Dean says Seken has 14,000 foot and 8,000 horse in his company before Treves; but it is thought here his horse are not above 4,000. Men speak differently of his demeanor in the Emperor's war last year, some excusing him altogether; and it is true that, after his company was withdrawn, he himself came to the Emperor, at Brussels, and proved that the Emperor owed him 50,000 fl., beside 20,000 fl. which he lent him before his coronation. He has a pension from the Emperor, and does not seem to deserve mistrust so much as is reported; and, from the place he is in now, he could be in Champaigne in three days, where he would meet with no fortress till he came to Paris. Antwerp, 19 Sept. 1522.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
20 Sept. 2554. For HEN. STAFFORD and URSULA, his wife.
Grant, in tail, of manors, boroughs, lands and tenements in cos. Staff., Chester and Salop, in the hands of the crown by the attainder of Edw. duke of Buckingham. Hampton Court, 20 Sept.
Pat. 14 Hen. VIII. p. 2, m. 25.


  • 1. Query, Civita Vecchia?
  • 2. It should be 14th.