Henry VIII: September 1522, 6-10

Pages 1063-1075

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 3, 1519-1523. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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September 1522

6 Sept.
R. O.
Cannot express his obligations to the cardinal Pisano. Although the Pope writes for his father and the rest of his family, to the King of England, that they may be held harmless in the detention of the Venetian triremes, has thought fit to add his own intercession on their behalf. Rome, 6 Sept. 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1. Add.
6 Sept.
Vit. B. v. 92. B. M.
He is to visit Wolsey, and urge him to show his regard for the Christian faith, which is now in greater danger than ever it was, and to make his excuses to the King for not yet having sent a nuncio. Ever since the Pope's arrival at Rome, it has been visited by a most severe epidemic, so that he had no prelate here whom he could send. When the plague ceased, news came of the taking of Rhodes, which boded total ruin to all Christians, unless harmony could be established among the princes of Christendom. As the Pope had already made the attempt without success, he had resolved to send certain cardinals to different courts to urge this step; but as Wolsey is already legate, and it would not be agreeable to the King to have another legate sent, and the omission of sending a cardinal might seem as if England was less regarded than other countries, had resolved to take Wolsey's opinion on the matter, and abide by his determination. Refers him to his sub-collector Silvester Darius. Signed:
"A. pa p. vj."
Lat., p. 1. Headed, in the Pope's hand (?): Instructio pro te Bernardino Bartholotto. Dated in margin, 6 Sept. Endd. by card. De Medici.
Vit. B. v. 116. B. M. 2509. [ADRIAN VI.'s Instructions to his NUNCIOS SENT INTO ENGLAND.]
They are first to explain to the King and Wolsey that the Rhodian ambassadors have, with tears and great urgency, solicited the Pope to send an instantaneous aid, otherwise it is impossible that Rhodes can hold out. The Pope is almost in despair, and is at a loss what to do, as he has no powers sufficient for such an enterprise, and throws himself on such a Catholic King and on the Cardinal as a principal member of the Holy See.
The ambassadors of Hungary never cease reiterating the same request in his ears, exclaiming aloud, and publishing it to all, that their kingdom must surrender to the Turks; and his Holiness is in such consternation at the news that he trembles, "omniaque nostra viscera commisceri sentimus."
The town of Segni in Croatia calls aloud for his compassion, requiring ammunition and provision, showing that they are in danger of destruction. The Pope has aided them the little that he can, but that little is insufficient.
Has heard in the last few days that the Turk has carried into captivity 7,000 Christians from Dalmatia.
Has sent a carrack to Rhodes. Is doing what he can for Hungary, and has despatched a nuncio for that purpose to the Imperial diet.
They shall further say that the Pope, moved by the tears and lamentations of the said ambassadors, and persuaded that all would fall into the hands of the Turk, unless he were resisted by the princes of Christendom, has sent Bernardine with all despatch to urge instantly the King and Wolsey, by the bowels of God's mercy, to come to the relief of Christendom; and they shall impress upon Wolsey that, as God has given him so much wisdom that the wishes of the Emperor and the King are governed at his beck, he should use his influence for obtaining peace, or at least a temporary truce, that the Christian princes may join and relieve Christendom from the terrors of its great enemy.
In conjunction with Bernardine he shall supply whatever other arguments are required.
Lat., mutilated, pp. 4.
Vit. B. v. 74*. B. M. 2510. The POPE (ADRIAN VI.?) to HENRY VIII.
Urging him to promote a universal peace in consequence of the danger of Christendom from the Turk, and not to make any cause, however just, a pretext for war among Christians at this time. Henry will never have an opportunity of doing greater service to God than by now conquering himself in His quarrel. Sends the venerable ... of ... diocese, "familiaris noster commensalis," to Henry on this subject. Ro[me,] ...
Lat., vellum, very mutilated. Add.: Henrico Angliæ [Regi, Fidei] Defensori.
6 Sept.
Calig. D. VIII. 259. B. M.
Yesterday morning De Bevers and others of the council sent Hesdin to me, to say that they had not victuals enough for this day, and wished me to remain here that victuals might come from St. Omer. I agreed to this, as 100 tuns of beer were coming to me from Calais, and could not have been conveyed after us without giving our horses too much work. This afternoon your council and theirs met. They considered that if they came with us as far as Dorlans and Corbie, leaving the garrisons of Terouenne, Boulogne and Monstrell at their backs, their countries would be in great danger without a large company of horse, which could not be left behind. They have devised a way for even more effectually provoking the French king to battle; viz., that tomorrow we remove toward the heart of the Boulennois, and do as much harm there as we can in two or three days, and then draw toward St. Omer's, and lay siege to Terouenne; saying they have discussed the matter with 20 persons who know the town well, and have little doubt it can be taken. They offer us 4,000 men to go first to the assault. I said I thought, even if the breach were made substantially, it would be difficult to enter the town, having such a marvellous dyke about it. They said they would find means "to have m ... which should cast a rolling trench, and with the same fill th[e dyke]; and this battery they would have made where the green bulw[ark was] when your grace was there, which is now all destroyed." They will lay the Spaniards and Almains at the gate of St. Omer's in trenches to shoot continually into the town; and offer, if the French king come to give us battle, 200 men of [arms] and 500 light horse more than if we go to any other place. The principal devisers of giving siege are Bevers, Fiennes, Reux and Beaurain. I see that Westnere and Hesdin have [no] idea any good will come of it. On their promise, however, to help us in destroying the Boulonnois, we have not refused afterwards to go to St. Omer's and Terouenne, hoping to know your pleasure before we arrive there, which will be in five or six days, whether we should lay siege to it or not. Purposes change here, much against our minds. The absence of Issilstein is a great hindrance; for though the rest are of very good mind, they who bear the rule are chiefly young men. Issilstein is yet so little amended that he is not likely to come among us for this journey.
Today our men have burnt two small castles in Boulonnois and divers villages, and taken about 20 prisoners. We intended not to leave many villages unburnt as we go on; but between this and Guisnes all the holds and villages are under the safeconduct of the Emperor, as Arde, Fiennes, Foxhole, and Courtborne. The Spaniards here have twice mutinied for pay; and Sir Robt. Wingfield informs me that my lady of Savoy cannot tell how to find money for them. I fear mischief will come of this. Beg immediately to know your pleasure as to laying siege to Terouenne, which the council here think is proposed only to prevent us burning Dorlance and the neighbourhood, for fear their country be burnt in revenge. In the c[amp at] Odernford, 6 Sept.
Pp. 4, mutilated. Add.
6 Sept.
Le Glay, Négoc. entre la France et l'Autriche, II. 587.
Has been received in Valladolid with great joy, and finds the people very well disposed. The Pope writes that on his journey from Villefranche to Nice, a secretary of Francis met him, offering to refer the points in dispute between himself and Charles to the Pope. He answered that he cannot do anything without the King of England, and without having much better conditions, which would satisfy the Pope, Henry and himself. Hears Francis has reinforced his armies on the frontiers of Navarre, Biscay and Saulce. Valladolid, 6 Sept. '22.
P.S.—Hears the Pope left Genoa for Rome on 19 Aug.
6 Sept.
R. O.
The Genoese merchants residing at Antwerp have asked me to write in their favor, as goods of theirs have been arrested in England the last four months. They have had, for many years, permission from the Emperor to reside in his towns. They will pay all dues. Antwerp, 6 Sept. 1522. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
6 Sept.
R. O.
2514. The SAME to WOLSEY.
On the same subject. Antwerp, 6 Sept. 1522. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
6 Sept.
Galba, B. VII. 314. B. M.
Wrote last on the 3rd. Last night was sent for by my Lady, who caused a letter to be read to me, which she had received from the Emperor's ambassadors in England, written in Spanish, and relating the business they had to provide victual for the Spaniards at sea, and mentioning the great lack of powder in the Spanish ships, and the dearth of provisions in these countries, and that you had told them the King would recall his army if a remedy were not found shortly. My Lady said the Spaniards were of the Emperor's own sending, and she trusted the fault would not be imputed to her; that the Emperor, in writing to her, had made no mention of them, except the number of soldiers, and to what time they were paid, without stating how they were to be supported afterwards. But as to the 2,000 Spaniards added to the army, she has provided for them, as I mentioned in my former letter. She did not suppose the Emperor meant to charge these countries with more than was appointed by the treaty of Walth[am], which of itself was hard enough. As to the victualling of the common army, she had done all she could; and if the placards, of which I enclose a copy, were not sent in time, the fault was in not asking for them sooner. As to the victualling of the King's army at Calais, she knew of no such agreement, but that each army should provide for itself for eight days after setting forth from Calais and St. Omer. As to carriage, she knew of nothing left undone; and, to say the truth, I have had no letter from the Admiral to solicit anything but victuals.
My Lady seems much perplexed. New things are springing up every day. Francis Seken claims 50,000 fl. arrears for last year's war, and has now raised 7,000 or 8,000 men, saying that if he be not paid he will make war in Luxembourg. The cardinal of Mayence and the count Palatine have sent for their pensions; and my Lady says, although there appears to be plenty of money in these parts, which the owners would employ because money is so dear, no one will take her treasurers for sureties, they are bound in such large sums already. I said, people in these parts seemed well disposed to help the Emperor, and did not like to see his affairs behindhand for lack of money. She replied it was really strange this people would not be content "but alway find matters to the financiers," seeing that they had been plainly shown that the Emperor had only had from these countries, since he came from Spain, 8,000 or 9,000 florins, and his charges had mounted to 2,000,000; which, though a well framed excuse for the financiers, does not go down with the people, who speak much of their sumptuous buildings and large purchases. As the liberty of speaking here may damage the common enterprise, the King should write to Ghent, Bruges, Antwerp and Berghes, and learn how far they are disposed to help him, instead of relying upon the Emperor, who is so far off, or on my Lady, who is little esteemed and less beloved since she began to favor Chievres and Montayny, though I believe she means truly. A friend of mine here can provide the King with 100 quintals of saltpetre, for 7 nobles, or 50l. (livres ?), the quintal.
Inquired about the Gueldrois and the French provincial, whom she ordered to be taken at Berghes. She said the Provincial would only confess that he came to speak with her about his religion, and she sent him word that, if that were all his business, she had no leisure to attend to him herself, and desired him to speak with the Archbishop of Besançon (Palermo). As to the Gueldrois, as he had been warned several times out of the country as a spy, she had ordered him to be kept sure; but whether it is done or not, I am not certain. Antwerp, 6 Sept. 1522.
Hol., pp. 5, mutilated.
7 Sept.
Vit. B. v. 92*. B. M.
Cardinal Pisano has earnestly begged the writer to intercede for the release of three Venetian galleys, now detained in England. If that be not possible on account of the war, he asks that one may be released belonging to the magnifico Aloisio Pisano his father, or at least that the merchandize found in it belonging to the said Aloisio and his company may be sold. Rome, 7 Sept. 1522. Signed.
Lat., p. 1, mutilated.
7 Sept.
Calig. D. VIII. 262. B. M.
As I wrote yesterday, purposes here change often. The Emperor's council now do not advise the siege of Terouenne. Today they have determined to go tomorrow into the country of D ... and destroy as much as possible towards Boulogne; at night to lodge at Daverne; the next day to destroy Samer de Boise, lodge at Bords, and thence to St. Omer. I hope we shall find means to bring them to Dorlance, Corbaye, Braye, and towards the Som, as I wrote before. If we can destroy as much of the Boulonnois as we wish to do, certainly the French will receive marvellous damage; for in no war in the memory of any man living has this country, called the Fos of Boulonnois, ever been spoiled or burnt. It is very strong, and cannot be entered with ordnance in winter. The Emperor's council think it the richest portion of this quarter of France. Although the Emperor's council, except Westnere and Hesdin, were yesterday opposed to any burning, our men yesterday made so many smokes in Boulonnois that they think it too late to stop it, and are as ready for it as we could wish. No men were ever more desirous to do hurt to the enemy than their nobles. Letters of thanks should be sent to them, and very special ones to Westnere and Hesdin, and a comfortable letter to Monsieur de I[ssilstein], who is something amended, but not yet able to ride. In the camp at Lottyngham, 7 Sept.
P.S. in Surrey's hand.—Our camp is now within 12 miles ..., and tomorrow, I trust, will be within nine, and next night nearer; "so that if the [French] wink not, they shall see plenty of sm[oke]." The duke of Vendosme and the count ... with many men at arms, are in Monstreuil, and ... at Beaurayne and thereabouts.
Pp. 2, mutilated. Add.
7 Sept.
Calig. B. VII. 137. B. M.
I. "Copy of a letter to the duke of Albany" [from Dacre].
Sends for his inspection a safeconduct desired by the Queen for the passing of certain personages to England. "A glass window" has been left for the names, which shall be inserted when received from Albany. Has received from the Queen certain articles, Signed by Albany, expressing his desire for peace. His sincerity will now be tested. Carlisle, 7 Sept. 14.
Pp. 2.
II. "Copy of a letter to Master Candelyn; answer of his letter hereunto annexed."
Has received his letter dated this Monday. As the army of Scotland is so near, cannot comply with his desire to be at the water. Sends a safeconduct for Cantlie to come to Carlisle tomorrow. Carlisle, Our Lady's day, 8 Sept., anno 14.
P. 1.
7 Sept.
R. O.
2519. The LOAN.
Indenture, dated 7 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII. of the receipt by Edm. abbot of York of 300 marks as prest, for the King's use, from Thos. Donyngton, bachelor of laws, and official to Mr. Thos. Dalbie, archdeacon of Richmond.
Signed by Donyngton.
8 Sept.
R. O.
On behalf of certain Genoese whose goods have been confiscated on the pretext that they are under French rule. Rome, 8 Sept. 1522, 1 pont.
Lat., vellum. Add.
8 Sept.
Vit. B. v. 93. B. M.
On the 5 Aug. the Pope left Taracon with twenty ships and twelve galleys well armed. He was received with great honor by the way, especially in Barcelona, Savona, Genoa and Leghorn. The 29th day after, he dined at Hostia, and that night he came to his church of St. Paul; in the morning after, to St. Peter's, where all the cardinals did homage. Sunday, 31 Aug., "he was crowned solemnly after the old ceremonies, and sat at dinner with all the cardinals; and his Holiness caused the Emperor's embassator and me to sit at his board next to him of the other side of the cardinal Hostiensis, and at after dinner his Holiness kept council with the cardinals." He will send an army to Rhodes. He has great trust in the King and Wolsey. Pope Leo has left him in debt 700,000 ducats, and his voyage has been costly. The sum of which Hannibal wrote was 40,000 or 50,000 ducats, for which the Pope will find sufficient security. "I think 25,000 will content him." Begs Wolsey will let him have an answer. Will look to the bulls and briefs for Wolsey, "also for the legacy cum suis additionibus ad vitam." The Pope is very good to Wolsey; and if the money can be lent him, "as his trust is, your grace may order everything in Rome."
It will be a great honor to the King, "quod ipse solus princeps subvenit et Ecclesiæ et pastori." The Pope might have had the sum in Italy, but did not like his necessities to be known there. Campeggio has lodged Hannibal and his servants. He is in great favor with the Pope. Has visited the hospital of St. Thomas, and found it well governed. Is informed by Campeggio that Wolsey is wronged, in his title of St. Cecilia, of his true profits. Wishes to know whether he shall take proceedings about it. Has borrowed money of Roger Basyn, and been at great cost, and if Wolsey will let him have the 1,000 ducats he "should be somewhat refreshed." Rome, 8 Sept.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
8 Sept.
Vesp. C. II. 7. B. M.
Encloses letters received from the Pope since the 15th Aug. The secretary of the king of France, who at Narbonne was refused a safeconduct to Tarragon to prevent the peace, has met with the Pope at Villafranca in Savoy, as will be seen by the Pope's letters. Sends a copy of his reply. Is to communicate it to the King and Cardinal. Sends letters received from the abp. of Barry, papal legate in France, who reports that Francis is well disposed for peace with England and Spain, and was willing to surrender the forts and castles of Milan into the Pope's hands, on condition that Rhodes be succored and the siege of the Turks raised. Is advertised by a sure hand that Francis is in a state of great weakness, cannot raise troops for want of money, and has melted down "la treille de S. Martin de Tours," and the golden images of the Apostles in an abbey there. People are much dissatisfied.
The army of Italy has been sent to the frontiers of Narbonne and Bayonne. The charge of the latter has been given to Chaubanes (La Palice) on the refusal of Bourbon, who has been much solicited to a reconciliation by Francis and the duchess d'Angoulême. Francis spends his time in the chace with the cardinal of Lorraine, leaving everything to his mother, the Admiral and the Chancellor. On the 18 Aug. he proposes "tirer contre Paris aux frontieres de pardela," leaving the ladies at Bloix. Has received news from the great master of Rhodes of the great danger they are in from the Turks. If Rhodes be taken, Christendom will be open to its enemies, especially Naples and the rest of Italy. Though his finances are low, and he is bound already by a diet to the conservation of Hungary, he will do his best. Has written to England and other potentates to give aid in this affair;—to Genoa, for 15 of the best carracks and 25 gallions; to the viceroy of Naples, for victuals and for a contribution of 10,000 ducats.
Entered Valadolid on the 27th; was attended by the Constable, the admiral of Castile, the dukes of Medina Celi, Scgovia, Alva, Najera, Vegers and Albrokerque, the count de Bonevante, the marquis d'Astorghe; was well received. Expects to be well provided by the time that he must enter on the enterprise. Gives an account of the death of Spinelly, and the order made for his funeral. (fn. 1) Begs they will expedite the coming of the English ambassadors. Has delivered Spinelly's ciphers to Wolsey's secretary here. Is suprised at not having received letters since his departure from Southampton. This is his third courier, besides that he had written by Lescano and Picharro. Valladolid, 8 Sept. 1522.
P.S.—Has received news of a victory over his enemies at St. Omer. The sieur De la Chaulx has arrived in Portugal, and reports the good disposition of the King there, who is about to send into Spain Lewis de Silvera with a great retinue to propose a double marriage between the two crowns.
Official copy, Fr., pp. 12.
8 Sept.
Calig. B. III. 155. B. M.
Wednesday last arrived at York. There met the lords Northumberland, Percy, Latimer, Conyers, Darcy, Sir Ric. Sacheverell, Magnus, Sir Ric. Rokesby. Wrote the same day to the Cardinal; took measures for the resistance of Albany. All are in good spirits. Saturday, received a letter from Dacre, sent to the Cardinal, stating that Albany made a show of attacking the East Marches, but is now marching to the West, to Carlisle, which is defenceless. Has sent succors of 20,000 men to Dacre with all diligence. Cannot proceed thither at present, as he has no money. For want of it his ordnance is still at Nottingham. 10,000l. promised by the Cardinal will scant be enough. The ordnance cannot pass over Staynes More. Proposes to enter Scotland by the East border, and fall in with the Duke on his return to Edinburgh, whom they will endeavor to meet to the best of their power. Grieves to be compelled to stay where he is. Begs that he may not be condemned for negligence, as he is ready to advance when he has the means. Heard this day from Lord Roos, warden of the East and Middle Marches, that Albany is making for the west. On Sunday he was lodged at Dumfries. Has written to Dacre, expecting an engagement this day or tomorrow. York, 8 Sept. Signed.
Pp. 2.
8 Sept.
R. O.
Last night a box was brought to him with letters for Wolsey from the captain of Berwick. From them he will see, as Shrewsbury wrote, that Albany and the Scots are returning from the East borders, and marching to Carlisle, which Dacre has gone to defend. As the town and castle are weak in walls and ditches, and wanting in ordnance, has written to Lord Mountegle to send as many of his folks as he can thither; to Lord Clifforde, who is now feebled with sickness, to send his power by his son Sir Harry, and to lords Conyers and Scroope, to lead their men in person. Has promised them the customary wages, as they grudged to set forward without money. Neither ordnance nor money has yet come hither. The company as Signed for lord Dacre numbers 20,000 men. Expects it is thought he is lying here, not doing his duty; but it is not their fault. Wolsey knows what hinders them, and he begs him to show it to the King. If the money come, will set forward on Saturday next with the rest of the army, to the East or West borders, as Dacre advises. Unless more money be sent, the previous sum will be wasted. York, 8 Sept. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To my lord Legate's grace.
R. O. 2. List of the soldiers serving with William lord Conyers in the journey toward Carlisle, under George earl of Shrewsbury, against the duke of Albany; beginning 8 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII.
Chr. Conyers son to lord Conyers, capt., Jas. Danby, petty captain, and 200 men from Hornby and Brompton. Rauf Wyclyf, capt., Ant. Brakanbery, petty capt., and 100 soldiers from Wiclyf and Bowes. Wm. Conyers of Marske, and Thos. Cleseby, with 100 soldiers from Marske and Newforest. Rowland Place and Thos. Horseley, with 100 men from Halnaghby, Skelton and Alburghe. Rauf Bulmer and Ant. Saltmerse, with 100 men from Marryke and Arclegarthdale. Chr. Fulthrop and Bartilmewe Harwood, with 200 men from Barnard Castle. Robt. Wyclyf and Wm. Swale, with 100 men from Ellerton, Swaledale and Grenton. Rauf Menvyle and Henry Girdlington, with 100 men from Sledwisshe and Kirkby. Wm. and Ric. Vincent, with 100 men from Sneton, Appilton and Huddeswell. John Conyers and Robt. Conyers of Danby, with 100 men from Danby, Morton and Scriton. John Sqwer and Chr. Morley, with 100 men from Wirsall, Yarrom and Easton. Jas. Crathorn and Rauf Gower, with 100 men from Crathorn, Rudby and Redcarre. Chr. Conyers of Pinchincthorp, and Wm. Rookeby, with 100 men from Skelton and Marske. Henry Conyers and Wm. Conyers of Kyrkby, with 100 men from Westlathes, Aldwarke, Byrnyshton and Bedale. Jas. Rookeby and Geo. Warcopp, with 100 men from Richmond and Aldburgh. Thos. Gower and Thos. Covell, with 100 men from Pigton, Morton, Scruton, Egleston, Aynderby and Colburne. Marmaduke Franke and Henry Spence, with 100 men from Kneton, Fynghall and Dalegraunge. Thos. Mountforde and Lawrence Askwith, with 100 men from Hakford, Gervaux and Estwitton. Thos. Conyers and Wm. Mennell, with 100 men from Coverhame, Kettilwell and Pikhall. Thos. Fulthropp and Wm. Kattrike, with 200 men from Middleholme, Coverdale, Westwitton and Worton. Thos. and John Rookeby, with 100 men from Baynbrig and Wensleydale. Chr. and Giles Burghe, with 100 men from Burghe, Burton and Walden. Vincent Metcalf and Peter Burghe, with 101 men from Thoraldby and Bishopdale. Total, 23 captains at 4s. a day, 23 petty captains at 2s., and 2,601 soldiers at 8d., for five, six and seven days=561l. 18s.
Pp. 7.
8 Sept.
Calig. B. VII. 138. B. M.
I. Albany to Dacre.
Has received his letter about the safeconduct. Complains of his bitter words. But for his desire for peace would make no reply. That all Christendom may know his good intentions, he will allow the safe return of Dacre's servant, though he entered the camp without any safeconduct, and might have been hanged by the laws of war; considering also that Dacre had compelled Carrick to pay ransom when he entered England with Clarencieux to treat for peace. Desires him to send by the bearer, clearly and without any dissimulation, his powers and his propositions. Master John Cantley will inform him of the Queen's labors on his behalf. 8 Sept. Signed.
P.S.—If he will at once despatch a messenger with such an answer as Albany can act upon, his servant shall return to him with the resolutions of the Scotch council.
Fr., pp 6. 2. Add.: A mons. Dacres.
II. Same to Same.
Master Cantley is going towards Dacre. He will ascertain the sincerity of England. Desires he may be speedily despatched, that Albany may send him back again, having pardoned him his fault. The man who was with him has escaped. Annan, 9 Sept. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A mons. Dacres.
III. "Copy of a letter sent to the duke of Albany for tracting of time." (fn. 2) Has received his letter by Julian. Seeing the superscription was in French, told him he could not read or understand it. Julian stated he trusted the writing was in a Scotch hand. Has no one with him to interpret it. Begs it may be sent to him again in Scotch, or else that some one who knows French be sent with it, as his servant that should have interpreted the same to him is now with Albany. Carlisle, Tuesday, 9 Sept.
P. 1.
IV. "Copy of a letter sent to the duke of Albany, answer of his letters."
Has received his letter by Julian, which he could not understand, as he had written, till it was translated to him by Cantley at 5 o'clock. Begs him not to send back the safeconduct with the names inserted, in order to be submitted to the king of England, but appoint a commission for the peace. As to his servant being hanged, considers his bringing the safeconduct which the Queen desired was security enough, especially as he came not as a spy, "as he has his cognisance of St. George's Cross, with my badge before and behind, on his jack, which are manifestly known to all the Borders of Scotland." Carrick was treated as he deserved for opening letters sent to Clarencieux, touching the fortifications of Berwick. At the desire of the Chancellor, Dacre released him without ransom. Nothing was taken from him except the frething of John Schotton of Berwick. As to his desire that Dacre should send articles as expressed in his first letter brought by Julian, and in the second by Cantley, dated Annan the 9th, and by credence of the same, desiring five weeks' abstinence, Dacre states he has no power. Is content, however, to stay the King's army, now approaching the Borders, and will consent to an abstinence for a month as warden of the Marches. Will send to him Sir Chr. Dacres, his brother. Carlisle, 9 Sept., 11 o'clock at night, anno 14.
Pp. 3.
Calig. B. VII. 151. B. M. 2. John Cantali to Dacre.
Has received his letter, and has met Albany before passing to the Queen, and shown him Dacre's letter. Albany bids him complain that it is strange and different. Dacre must send his answer this night without fail, and a sufficient safeconduct to meet nearest the water. The Queen is much vexed at these delays. She would have been glad if he had sent an abstinence. "Writine this Munnida, in the morning," 8 Sept.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: "To my lord Dacris."
[9] Sept.
Calig. D. VIII. 264. B. M.
2526. WOLSEY to [SURREY].
The King has sent me your letters in answer to those he wrote to you by Sir Francis Brian, and desired me to answer you. You wish to know the King's pleasure, whether to save next month's wages by returning in case you cannot find an opportunity of doing any notable act, and also what you shall do if the Emperor's army wish you to go to Terouenne. I wrote to you lately, advising you, for many reasons, to remain till the approach of winter, and informed the King of what I had advised you by sending him a copy of my letter, and by another letter written to Sir Thos. More, a copy of which, and of his answer made to me by the King's command, I enclose. It is his pleasure, therefore, now that the Emperor's army is so thoroughly united with you, and that Flanders is so well disposed to supply you with victuals, that you remain, not only during this month of September, but also during October, unless you receive orders to the contrary, march into the Boulonnois, and burn and destroy fortresses, taking care to do everything with the consent of the Emperor's army, so as to avoid all jealousies. As it is a common cause, either in the Boulonnois or about Terouenne, make no difficulties with them, but do all the damage to the enemy that the time of year will allow, and provoke them to battle. Do not lay siege to any strong place, unless you know it can be reduced within twelve or fifteen days. You ought to have received before this a quantity of beer and flour, if the wind had been favorable. Is is now embarked in the Thames. You shall have further supplies from time to time, if not impeded by contrary [winds], and you shall be furnished with money before the sum which I last sent you is spent. Hampton Court, ... Sept. Signature burnt.
In Tuke's hand. Pp. 2, mutilated.
9 Sept.
Galba, B. VII. 317. B. M.
Wrote last from Antwerp on the 6th. Dined today with Howstrate, who spoke to me of his demeaning from the time he first had authority under the Emperor, and said it could not be shown by chronicle or otherwise that any of his name were French; for himself, he had not a foot of land in France, nor ever had a penny of French money; that in Chievres' time, he never enquired the privity of such ciphers as Chievres used with France, and had always counselled the Emperor to stand fast with England. The contrary rumors had grieved him so sore that he had written to Wolsey to clear himself, with which he was glad to find Wolsey was satisfied. I told him what charge the King had put himself to, in going to war with the greatest prince in Christendom; and that if the King's army had not gone over, I knew the French would have been deep within Hainault, and the people of these countries have been fain to open their purses wider than they have done yet. This he acknowledged, but said they had been at great charges for many years, and that finances could not be administered in a surer way than in these countries, for nothing could be done without passing through eight divers offices, and that every year the receiver general had his accounts audited at Lisle, and that he could not see how these countries could sustain the burden of the men of war and the Emperor's debts, considering the army which he supports in Friesland, and the disturbances raised by the duke of Gueldres, who has taken a town of the bishop of Treicte (Utrecht), and laid siege to the castle.
Was afterwards sent for to my Lady, who showed me that the bailly of Brabant, who left the army on Saturday evening, reported everything in good order, and solicited the sending of money, especially for the Almains and Spaniards. She said there was no other way but to order them after the rate mentioned in my letters of the 3rd, adding that the enterprise should not fail, even if she laid everything to pledge. Fras. Sikkynge has defied the archbishop of Treves, taken a town called St. Wandel ..., and intends to lay siege to Treves. She has written, however, to desire his forbearance of the sums he demands for three weeks or a month; otherwise she is afraid he will make war in Luxembourg. Antwerp, 9 Sept.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
9 Sept.
R. O.
Receipts dated Kexby, 9 Sept. 13 Hen. VIII., of 6l. 6s. 8d. from Ric. Trew, being the half year's rent for the Park and Thakmyre, due next Michaelmas.
ii. Bill dated 9 Sept. 14 Hen. VIII., by which Robt. Ughtred, son and heir of the late Sir Herre Ughtred, acknowledges that he owes to Ric. Trew 22l. 8s. 4d.
P. 1, copies.
10 Sept.
R. O.
Asks him to permit the departure of three Venetian ships which, he hears, have been detained to escort the Emperor into Spain, or at least to allow the goods they contain to be transferred to other ships. Two of them belong to Aloysius Pisanus, procurator of St. Mark, father of Francis cardinal Sta. Maria in Porticu, and to Melchior de Alegretis. Rome, 10 Sept. 1522, 1 pont.
Lat., vellum. Add.
10 Sept.
Calig. D. VIII. 265. B. M.
Since my last being [in England], I have had nothing to write; the scarcity of victuals being a great hindrance to our setting out. On Saturday, 30th Aug., my lord lieutenant and the army set forward from Calais towards these parts, and encamped that night beside Cawsey, at Calkewell, where we lay all Sunday. On Monday, 1 Sept., we removed to Guisnes, and next day proceeded to Arde, where the Emperor's army was encamped within a mile of us. Remained there all Wednesday, and on the Thursday we and they marched together, and encamped beside Leeks, where, by the advice of the lord Lieutenant to the Emperor, we remained all Friday, on account of the scarcity of victual. During our abodo there, Robt. Seymar and other captains were despatched by my lord Lieutenant to take two holds six miles beyond us, of which one resisted for a short time. Both were burned, and divers prisoners in them taken, and on their way home Seymar destroyed some villages for about four miles round the castles.
On Saturday, the 6th, we removed to Lodingam, burning everything in our way for the space of five miles in length and eight in breadth. Remained there all that night and all Sunday. As the church was fortified, "more like a h[ouse of] war than the house of God," the council ordered it to be burnt. On Monday, the 8th, we moved to Daverne, where we threw down the town and a castle, and burned another town, called Samere de Boyse, which was fortified like a castle, with all the castles and country round, about eight miles in diameter. Thursday, the 9th, we removed to Burthes, destroying the country as before. By the way 400 Frenchmen made a show to us, but vanished without any meddling. [We shall] remove to Fauxe in a [day or two], which is in the Emperor's dominions, and there consult about our further course. As for the Boulonnais, from Harlow to within six miles of Guisnes we have swept them clean, both of corn, cattle and housing. Cannot hear of any assembling of the French as yet. Victual is becoming scarce, and always brings us to a standstill; yet the Lieutenant is marvellously well [disposed], and so are all here. Burthes, 10 Sept.
Hol., pp. 3, mutilated. Add.
10 Sept.
R. O.
On Saturday last, the 6th, Sir Wm. Eure, your sheriff, gave to Frankeleyn a letter from Dacre, which he encloses, and which requests him to set forward with St. Cuthbert's banner, as Albany has left the East Marches on his way to Carlisle. Wrote immediately to ask the Council to meet at Brancepeth, thinking it best to take the advice of the earl of Westmoreland. Proclamation was made the same day in Durham market, and on Sunday and Monday letters were sent to the curates, bailiffs and constables, to charge every one to be at Barnard Castle on Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, to march with the Earl, the sheriff and others. Wrote also to my lord Prior, lord Lomley and Mr. Hilton, to ask them to meet him four miles from Durham, at 3 o'clock. The Prior and Hilton were there, and promised that their men should be ready. Rode the same night to lord Lomley, showed him Shrewsbury's and Dacre's letters, and told him what order was desired, asking him to have the Wardale men and others ready; which he promised to do. No one, however, would consent to St. Cuthbert's banner being taken out of the diocese. Dacre ordered the Sheriff to come here, to set forward Ruthal's men, but he only brought two men from Norham, leaving the rest there with his uncle, John Eure, to assist Philip Dacre, whom lord Dacre has appointed captain of the castle. Frankeleyn's servant, whom he sent to Barnard's Castle, tells him that there were 2,000 men mustered on the moor, besides many whom we met coming. The earl of Westmoreland was in a horse litter, being prevented by a sore leg from riding or walking. The Sheriff, the Comptroller, Thomas Tempest and all the rest of the country were there, except Hilton, who had gone over Aldstane Moor to meet his tenants, before they come to Carlisle. The bishopric men are quite ready to serve the King, but they are not so strong as three years ago, owing to the great death here lately. More than 4,000 persons have died in the bishopric within these two years; 3,000 of them in Durham town and Darnton parish. They are very loath to meddle with the men about Bewcastle Dale and Carlisle, for they say they did as much annoyance to the English as the Scotch did at the last field. Most of those who should have been the chief captains are dead, as Sir Wm. Harnsard, Sir Thos. Conyars, Wm. Trolop, Rowland, George and Robt. Tempest, Ric. Barres and others. There is much harness in houses infected with sickness, with which no one will meddle.
Has written to the earl of Shrewsbury that the men are set forward, and that the remainder at home shall be ready at need. The Earl was at York on Sunday, but he cannot hear where he is now. While writing, a man has arrived from Berwick, with news that there are 4,000 Scots lying at Home Castle, nine miles from the town. No one knows their intentions. Kepyer, Wednesday, 10 Sept., at midnight.
Hol., pp. 2, mutilated. Add.: To my lord of Duresme.
10 Sept.
Calig. B. VII. 141. B. M.
2532. ALBANY to DACRE.
Safeconduct to him and 100 persons in his company to meet the Duke at Solame chapel, at 7 next morning, as desired in his letter received from Cantley and John de Barbonn. Maxwell shall be delivered as security. Solame chapel, Wednesday, 10 Sept. Signed and sealed.
P. 1. Add.: "My lord Dacres and Gillisland, warden," &c.
f. 150. 2. Indenture made between Dacre and Albany at Solane chapel, 11 Sept. 1522, for peace and concord between the two realms, and an abstinence of one month. Mutual securities: Sir Chr. Dacres and lord Maxwell. Signed by Albany.
P. 1.
f. 142. 3. Copy of the above, headed: "Copy of the indenture Signed by the lord Dacre, remaining with the duke of Al[bany]."
Pp. 2. Add.: To my lord Legate. Endorsed by Ruthal: Letters and writings from the lord Dacres answered.


  • 1. The word "Thanks" here occurs in the margin in Wolsey's hand.
  • 2. Written on the fly leaf of I.