The King's Book of Payments, 1516

Pages 1469-1473

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 2, 1515-1518. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1864.

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The King's Book of Payments, 1516

1516. January.—King at Greenwich. Rewards on New Year's Day. Dr. Fairfax, for a book, 13l. 6s. 8d. A woman, for a pomaunder, 13s. 4d. "To one for a cake of wax," 10s. A woman, for "quene apples," 6s. 8d. "One that brought pomgarnetts," 13s. 4d. Earl of Wiltshire's players, 13s. 4d. Duke of Norfolk, for a man who came over sea, 20l. A man for bringing tidings of a ship that was arrested and laden with Scots' goods, 40s. Dr. Rawson, 49 priests, at Our Lady of Pewe, 8d. each; King's offering, 3s. 4d. Mr. Comptroller, for a messenger from the Prince of Castile, 40s. Lionel Stanley, wages, 12d. a day. Offering on Twelfth Day, 33s. 4d. A priest of London, for making the King "an anthem of defuse museke," 40s. Richmond herald, for Tunstal, 50l.; for his own costs, 14l. 16s. Hen. Smyth, making a gallery with a draught in the Queen's lodging at Oking, garnishing lodgings at Ditton, cleansing draughts at Greenwich, "and also preparing of the Queen's chamber against her lying down," 200l. Forest, groom of the Chamber, going from Newell to London for Walter Forster, 2s. More, diets in Flanders, 60l. Leonard Friscobald, for Wingfield and Pace, 300l. Cavelcant, reward for the Master of the Posts in Flanders, 40l. Carlisle herald, going to Scotland, 32 days, 6l. 8s. Dr. Knight, 117l.—Total, 3,350l. 10s. 5d.
February.—King at Greenwich. Offering on Candlemas Day, 46s. 8d. Ric. Grey, riding with a letter to the Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, "for the fount of silver to be conveyed to Greenwich," 6s. 8d. For the disguising on Twelfth Day, 139l. 2s. 4d. Edith, widow of Fountain, millman, for milling and carriage of harness, 15l. Buildings at Newhall, 200l. Stubbes, preaching, 20s.; Mr. Capon, same. Ponynges, in Flanders, diets for 100 days, 333l. 6s. 8d. Tunstal, arrears, 37l.; diets, 100l. Earl of Worcester, at Tournay, rest of his diets, 372l. Ponynges, reward, 100l. Richmond herald, 14l. To Amadas, Mortemer and others, 1,056l. 10s. 9d. Duke of Suffolk, 6,000l. Sir And. Wyndesore, stuff for the French Queen on her departure to France, 659l. 11s. Sir Th. Boleyn, for the manor of Newhall, 1,000l. Earl of Surrey, loan, 666l. 13s. 4d. Leonard Friscobald and Anth. Cavelary, for Wingfield and Pace, 24,000l. Daunce, to be employed by the King's command, 5,000l. Jacob Wat, armorer, 24l. Servants of the Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, carrying and recarrying the font between Canterbury and Greenwich for the christening of Princess Mary, 4l. Ambr. of Arragon, 200l. A man of Picardy, who was a secret spy for the King in France, 100s. Th. Cotton, servant to Mr. Pace, 10l.—Total, 40,209l. 4s. 9d.
March.—King at Greenwich. Dr. Standish, preaching, 20s. John Bashe and Ric. Sympson, keeping the King's greyhounds, 5 marks each. Sir Th. Kennaston, his annuity, 40l. Gybson, velvets, damasks, satins, sarcenets and workmanship for the King's running at the ring, on 29 Jan. and 5 Feb. last, 172l. 3s. 10½d. Vernando de Victoria, M.D., wages (100 marks a year), 33l. 6s. 8d. Dr. Shyrton, preaching, 20s. Melchior [Langus], Archdeacon of Naveron, coming from Cardinal Sion, 63l. 15s. Herald coming from the Prince of Castile, 100s. Peter, an Almain, "that came from the Almains that were retained by the King, if that his grace had gone over the sea," 40s. Jasper, a gentleman from the Emperor, 13l. 6s. 8d. A captain of the Almains, 4l. Dr. Briget, preaching on Palm Sunday, 20s. Compton, for money given by the King to the strangers that came from the Emperor, 500 crowns=106l. 5s. Carriage of money from Westminster to Greenwich, 16 March, 12d. Blewbery, broadcloth and kerseys for Almain armorers, 10l. 17s. 6d. Dr. Colet, preaching on Good Friday, 20s. 26 poor men for the King's Maundy, 56s. 4d. The King's dole on Good Friday, 90l. 10s. 3 doz. purses for the Maundy, 12d. Pawne, retaining workmen for Tournay, 500l.—Total, 2,223l. 2s. 1½d.
April.—King at Eltham. Wm. Kebet, late sumpterman, 4l. Heydon (Hédin), steward of the household of the Duchess of Savoy, 300 crowns, 4s. 3d. each. John Felleyer (Seillier), late provost of Tournay, 20l. Wages of Dutch minstrels, at 50 marks a year each, 10l. 5s. (fn. 1) A salt of silver with a gilt cover, weighing 16½ oz. at 5s. an oz.; delivered to Sir Wm. Sidney, for the christening of Christ. Rochester's child, 4l. 2s. 6d. Graving and gilding one "great gard," one "littlegarde," 3 "sapherons" and neck piece for horses, 40l. Forster, repairing the tilt at Greenwich, 40l. Duke of Norfolk, in recompence for the lordship of Acton Reigner, Salop, 12l. Anth. Cavelary, for 10,000 crowns delivered beyond sea, 2,166l. 13s. 4d. Mr. Lark, for buildings at Bridewell, 1,000l. Th. Tempest, late undermarshal of Tournay, for execution of 12 murderers and felons there, 100s. each; wages 10s. a day, 116l. Collectors of Surrey, in restitution of the 15th in 4 Hen. VIII., for as much as they paid to Haselwoode, 40l. Wm. Stafforde, for as much as he paid for the ward of Walter Smyth, now sold to Belknap for 200l., 80l. Wm. Cornisshe, gentleman of the Chapel, repairs at Greenwich, 100l. Ric. Busshop, servant to Sir Ric. Wingfield and spy in France, 22l. 13s. Plate, 193l. 4s. 5d. Fraternity of St. George's Guild, 13s. 4d. Wm. Blacknall, expences of the Queen of Scots, 100l. A Frenchman, brought by Meautis to the Cardinal, 100s. Offering on 24 April at mass of requiem for the Knights of the Garter, 6s. 8d. French ambrs., 100l. Sir Ric. Cholmeley, lieutenant of the Tower, charges of prisoners, 50l. Amadas, 4 saddles for 14 horse harnesses, wrought with spangles and tassels of silver, 481l. 5s. 1¼d.—Total, 5,676l. 1s. 8d.
May.—King at Greenwich. Peche, for the orchard and garden at Eltham, 100l. Geo. Kene, for persons scouring the "widdraughts" at Greenwich, 22l. 13s. 4d. John Herdy, fishmonger, 4 bundles of "Isebroke stuff," for making parts of harness, 8l. 6s. 8d. Richmond herald, making a book of the obsequies of the King of Arragon at Brussels, 40s. "Casting of the moat at Ditton," repairs at Oking and elsewhere, 200l. Divers things for the Stable, 626l. 0s. 9d. Sir Ric. Nevell, loan, 140l. To the Queen of Scots, through Magnus, 200l. Emperor's ambr., 40l. Servant of the Pope, 20l. Master of the Rolls, diets, 20s. a day, 118l.; Sir Ric. Wingfield, same, 100l. Richmond herald, 25l. 8s. Ponynges, for money he paid to Spinelly, 13l. 6s. Captain of the Almains, 13s. 4d. Hans Nakke (Nagel?), 7l. 15s. 6d. Messenger with letters from the Deputy of Calais, 20s. Lord Emery's servant, 4s. 6d. To "the clerk for writing of the treaty," 40s.; "his freight," 46s. 8d. Rob. Fouler, for the King's business beyond sea, 5,000l. Jane Poppyncourte, reward at her "departure into her country into France," 100l. Dr. Tunstal, 40l. Anchises [Visconti], an Almain, reward, 66l. 13s. 4d. Nich. Carewe, on certain business for the King, 40l.—Total, 7,275l. 7s. 2d.
June.—King at Greenwich. John Basshe, child of the leash, towards his marriage, 6l. 13s. 4d. Carriage of money, Westminster to the Tower, and thence to Greenwich, 2s. 4d. Ric. Smith, at London, at 12d. a day, 26s. The Scotch Bishop, ambr., 66l. 13s. 4d. The French ambr. who came out of Scotland (De Planis), 66l. 13s. 4d. Sir Wm. Scott, Scotch ambr., 40l.; "Sir Douglas," the same. Lyon herald, 6l. 13s. 4d. Lord Darcy, loan, 400l. Compton, for the King's use, 2,000l. Offering at Lord Willoughby's marriage, 5 June, 6s. 8d. Clarencieux, going to Scotland, 6s. 8d. a day. Duke of Norfolk, for Woodesha, 40s. Hugh Payn, constable of St. Martin's, the finding of John Gamlyn and Th. Porter, prisoners there, 100s. Velvets, &c. for the jousts at Greenwich in May, 972l. 2s. 2d. Mr. Cornisshe, paving gutters of lead for urinals and other necessaries at Greenwich, 36l. 10s. John Crotchet, King's armorer, and Wm. Haywarde, spears, spearheads, burres and nails, workmanship, carriage by water, &c., 35l. 18s. 6d. Berwick pursuivant, attending the ambrs. to Scotland, 40s. Nich. Carewe, 500l. Queen's physician, reward, 66l. 13s. 4d. The Grey Friars, charges of keeping their general chapter, 10l. John Jenyns, 10,000l., to be delivered to Jerningham at Calais for building the castle of Tournay. Four minstrels, one month, 51s. 3d. each. Pawne, for 50 gunners "in a crew" at Berwick, for six months, 228l. 2s. 6d.; portage of the money, 66s. 8d. Sir And. Wyndesore, for the obsequies of the King of Arragon kept in Paul's, 130l. 17s. 10d. Apparel for the jousts and the play done at Greenwich at Whitsunside, 28l. 15s. 11d. Vincent Volpe, painter, quarter's wages, 100s. Stephen, vinekeeper, quarter's wages, 33s. 4d. John Tracellon, clockmaker, quarter's wages, 30s. 5d. Dr. Lunacre, quarter's wages, 12l. 10s. Melchior Langwose (Langus), clk., an Italian, 40l. A gentleman from the French King, 6l. 13s. 4d. Herald at arms of the King of Denmark, 20l. Amadas, silver bells, buckles, bosses, and silver and gilt nails for the King's use, 31l. 8s. 3d.—Total, 15,645l. 4s. 10d.
July.—6th and 13th, at Greenwich; 20th, at Oking. Dr. Farnando [de Victoria], the Queen's physician, half year's wages, 33l. 6s. 8d. For the manor of Newhall, 200l. Two drumslades, month's wages, 4l. 4s. For making two towers and a house "on the green before the tilt, behind the manor of Greenwich," 200l. Benet de Opiciis, player at organs, appointed to wait on the King in his chamber, 4 months, 6l. 13s. 4d. Ric. Smith at London, 18s. Wm. Cotton, loan, 400l. Godfrey Horne, 400 pair of Almain rivets, 143l. 6s. 8d. Sir Th. Apparr, expences of the Queen of Scots, 100l. The White Friars, for keeping their general chapter, 10l. Leonard Friscobald and Anth. Cavellary, for money paid beyond sea, 2,000l. Reward to a Frenchman, 6l. 13s. 4d. John Champnes of Greenwich, a room for the great standards and jackets of the guard, for seventeen weeks, at 4d. a week, and removing them into his house, 8d. To the ministers and gentlemen of the chapel, through Master Dean, "for wine to drink, with certain bucks which the King's grace hath given them to make merry with," 40s.—Total, 3,712l. 13s. 7d.
August.—3rd, at Fernam Castle; 10th, Southampton; 17th, Christchurch; 24th, Corffe Castle; 31st, Canforde. Delivered to Rob. Carre, Scotchman, "by the report" of Sir Thos. Apparr and Magnus, 20l. Offerings at the high altar and St. Swithin's shrine at Winchester, 13s. 4d. Offerings at Our Lady of Grace at Southampton, 10s. Duke of Ferrara's secretary, who came on a message; 20l. Knollis, gentleman usher, "going afore to Corffe Castle to see the same repaired against the King's coming," 12 days, 40s.—Total, 270l. 14s. 2d.
September.—7th, at Salisbury; 14th, Ramysbury; 21st, Easthampstead; 28th, Greenwich. Th. Forster, embroidering horse harness which was sent to the Emperor, 84l. 1s. 1d. Offerings at Salisbury church and St. Osmund's shrine, 13s. 4d. Geo. Lovekyn, clerk of the stables, expenses "in his voyage towards the Emperor of Rome" (sic), attending upon him and in his return, 35l. 14s. 8d. Magnus, towards defraying the Queen of Scots' debts and expences, 40l. John Rutter of London, "hurts and damages by him sustained in a tenement to him belonging, wherein the King's great gun called the Basiliscus was cast," and for rent, 33l. 6s. 8d. Sir Edw. Guylford, master of the armory, for the Almain armorers, 46l. 16s. 6d. Gertrude Brande, widow, mill for harness, horse shears, bekhorne, &c., 13l. 16s. 8d. Sir Edw. Nevell, master of the buckhounds, in prest, 30l. Messenger with privy seals to Sir Auth. Ughtred, Geo. Lawson, Philip Dacre and his wife, &c., 33s. 4d. Angell Uske, riding with a letter to Sir Rise Ap Thomas, 26s. 8d. John Groce, reward, 13l. 6s. 8d. Cavelcant, 2 diamonds and 21 pearls, 270l. Jas. Clarell, for provision to be made for the King beyond sea, 1,100l. Cutt, for ordnance, 11,559l. 11s. 5d. Duke of Albany's servant, 20l. Peter Allamyre, 20l. A Scotch pursuivant, 100s. Stile, arrears of his diet, 210l.; on a prest, 123l. 6s. 8d. Tuke, for the posts northward, 100l.; and for the Bp. of Worcester, for "posts and passages," 200l. Sir John Walloppe, reward, 100l. Nich. Carewe, 50l. Pace and Wingfield, 200l. Building at Bridewell, 1,000l. Friscobald and Cavellary, 3,000l., to be delivered at Tournay; and for Sir Rob. Wingfield, 1,000l.; and for Pace, 1,000l. Spinelly, 160l. Wm. Copland, for business done beyond sea, 718l. 14s. John Dyker, 20l. Rob. Fouler, 1,300l., to be conveyed to Jernyngham at Calais. Carriage of the jackets this summer, 36s. 6d. Magnus, expenses of the Queen of Scots, 16 July, 100l. Fouler, fee for one year for receiving "such money as the King's commissioners hath sessed," 20l.—Total, 24,350l. 7s. 8d.
October.—King at Greenwich. Wm. More, minstrel, 5 months' wages, 25s. Provost of Cassill, 66l. 13s. 4d. French herald, 13l. 6s. 8d. Tunstal, through his steward, diets for 100 days, 100l. Richmond herald, with him, 20l. Margery Parker, Anne Bright, Ellen Hutton and Margery Cousine, "rockers" to the Princess, 3 qrs. wages, 60s. each. Avys Woode, launderer with the Princess, half year, 33s. 4d. A servant of the French Queen, who "went over with her and tarried there still," 40s. Wm. Est, freemason, repairing Woodstock and Langeley, at 6l. a year, 9l. Compton, for the King's use, 3,000l. Thirkell, of Tournay, 53s. 4d. A friar that gave the King an instrument, 40l. Abbot of Bury, loan, 333l. 6s. 8d. Silks, 411l. 16s. 2d. Cavelcant, an iron gun weighing 18 c[wt.] 3 qrs. 22 lb., at 2d. a lb., 17l. 13s. 8d.—Total, 4,872l. 19s. 11d.
November.—King at Greenwich. Alice Baker, gentlewoman to the Princess, 3 qrs., 7l. 10s. Sir Hen. Rowte, chaplain to the Princess and clerk of her closet, 243 days, at 6d. a day. Sir Ric. Guilford, for wages of Almain armorers in Southwark, 16l. 13s. 2d. James Gartsyde, yeoman of the guard, towards his marriage, 6l. 13s. 4d. Cardinal of Sion, reward, 666l. 13s. 4d.; his servants, 40l. Jewels, 566l. 13s. 4d. To the Queen of Scots, through Magnus, 100l. Leonard Friscobald, 40,000 crowns at 4s. 2d. each. Mons. Chievres' servant, 66s. 8d. A spy of Tournay, 66s. 3d. For Bridewell, 1,000l. Sir Rob. Wingfield, through Tuke, 100l. John Porth, riding on the King's business, and for stuff bought by him, 31s. 4d. Cornisshe, reward, 200l.—Total, 11,692l. 19s.
December.—King at Windsor. Cavelcant, pearls and diamonds, 596l. Lord Curson, reward, 50l. Ric. Hope, conveying 7 prisoners from Salisbury to London, 4l. 13s. 4d. Anchises [Visconti], 40l. The "maker of the engines," 20l. Queen of Naples' servant, 13l. 6s. 8d. "A priest sent by Master Deputy in espiciall," 6l. 13s. 4d. Scotch herald, 100s. Herald of Denmark, 13l. 6s. 8d. John Dyker, 40l. "St Nicholas Bishop," 6l. 13s. 4d. Ric. Pole, to be lord of misrule, 13l. 6s. 8d. Lord Edm. Howard, diets for taking thieves, 20s. a day, 175l. To a post going to Cardinal Sion, 10l. Hugh Parker, expences of the Queen of Scots, 100l. Jacob de Wat, 3 complete harness, 30l. The cofferer of the household, 1,000l.; "to be repaid upon 2 tailles of Southampton." John Trevanyon, 19 masts, 100l.; for his "making of the same bargain," 13l. 6s. 8d. For Newhall, 200l. (fn. 2) Daunce, laying up the King's ships in divers docks, 200l. Okeley, riding with letters of the general surveyor, 4l. Offering to St. Bridget at Sion, 6s. 8d. Boat hire from Westminster to Greenwich, 12d. Mr. Sydnour, dean of Totneis, going to Canterbury with the King's offering, 20s. Rob. Amadas and Ralph Rowlet, "for the waste of gold," 7l. 15s. 10d.; of silver, 4s. 4d. For "partyng" 70 oz. of silver, 23s. 4d. The "a ley" (alloy) of 142 oz. of silver, 26l. Coinage of gold at 2s. 6d. a pound, 43l. 8s. 9d. L. Friscobald and A. Cavelary, 3,000l., to be delivered at Tournay by 8 March next. Jerningham, for Tournay, in crowns and demi-royals, 4,600l. John Porth, Jasper and John Digby, being about the King's business in the standing wardrobe of robes in the Tower, 6 days at 8d. a day each. Jas. Worsley, yeoman of the wardrobe of robes, costs, 12d. a day. The Lord Chamberlain, going on embassy to the Emperor, 500 marks; Dr. Knight, 100l.; Norroy, 20l. "To a stranger, for a child that the King bought of him," 40l. Two Souches (Swiss), 40s. each. A gentleman from the Emperor, 20l.—Total, 11,505l. 14s. 7d.


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